Harness, Blankets, Robes and La Foster's Wiadow

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Harness, Blankets, Robes and La Foster's Wiadow Stevens-Durye- a Automo- biles. Gasoline Engine. If yoa arajoaklaf far a Gaaoliaa Eagiaa with, Partial dealrlag aa tip-to-- Autemebila that faw parts aad lata af pa war far a, little meaay, will make laj-m- trips will da wall to aall oa .Bee. writ or aall aa E. N. Sipperley, Westport, Ct. he Newtown E. N. Ct. i Sipperley, Westport, VOLUME XXVIII. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1905. TEN PAGES. NUMBER 6. a columa on each side of the main Cancers, Tumors pediment. These "Proposed Changes 'When Are You Coming In." in the National Capitol" will be fully and described by Christian Brinton in the Kip September Century, and there will te Chronic Diseases. published for the first time some of the plans of Messrs Carrere & Hast- Tap Sole ings, the consulting architects. Im- Dr Paul Norwood portant as are the proposed alterations, 'of Ansonla and New Haven, New School Suits to the average eye after their accom- Boot Dr A. D. French plishment the Capitol will offer little says Mr will of Shelton, change, Brinton; there Now. merely be a grateful gain in repose and Specialists. Ready proportion. The gain in much-neede- d Bargains. The best shoe that can room will, however, be considerable. made for the money. We are school There is also a drawing the first pub- closing out all of New styles are in al! Here they are all the nobby new lished view of new our ready mothers the Congressional Tap Sole Kip Boots. Can leathers. Headquarters suits for the LITTLE FELLOWS whose Building to be erected near the you wear these sizes 7, 10, 11, Our label : guarantees quality. At Our Store appreciate such style as is represented by these i4"M - 2? It you can and eet here "A fit for every foot." and all kinds ill xteSI For White Hemlock Sliinglus new Russian and similar suits. How the design- IN MEMORY OF MRS C. B. SHER-- in time "Zenith" shoes are con- of lumber. trolled Swift & Mapos fertiliser. ers have worked this season to outdo their pre- MAN. exclusively by Extra nice Seed Oa's. moment Grass Seed of all kinds. vious efforts. Don't think for a that it - BY HER NIECE, NELLIE G. BEERS, OIL for s Wheat and wheat Screenings poultry; is to out of to suit- s&rit? Mm CITY, PA. $1.69 of Feed of all kinds. necessary go Bridgeport buy j also full stock for all best . , - able for the a- HeaJ-to-Fo- clothing the youngsters " , 3 1. m Again the shadows gather will take them. price ot Clothiers. H. STONE, J tiM About that lonely home Regular R. novelties find their to the At the quiet hour of noontide. $2.7?. Remember Main North Ct. always way Library The angels had taken her home. the sizes, Street and Fairfield Southbury and Woodbury, (NORTHWEST COBJCU) Ave, Corner Store. One sister and two brothers. nly 7, 10, 11, 12. She h is left behind to mourn. Bridgeport. Conn. Her husband having gone before, to I x . - - 4W J To that eternal home. of Sizes 3 7. bright The Corner of See the Display the Over fifty years, they lived together. True to each other, and kind. Celebrated No harsh words ever spoken. Good Shoes. IE Happy were they, all the time. I. $3.50. ManufacturerLEWIS,of $1.98, $2.50, $2.98, Side by side, they lay together. Shoes In their long and narrow beds. Douglas $3 Where the birds sing so sweetly. Harness, Blankets, Robes and la Foster's Wiadow. On the branches overhead. Stable Goods. Patent Corona Blucher, extra good, for 3 WANTED, A COURIER. 177 John St.. Brtdicport. Vicl Kid and Val- - ur Calf. JOHN Also- ETubbell A assortment to select from, Let us ni Bros., large Shoes. MAIN JOHN ST J BRIDGEPORT. CONN OUft FEELINGS SUNDAV AND MONDAY. you out with Union Stamp Derby, Conn. A PERFECT PLOW. Wanted, a courier to go In haste FOSTER Rev Thomas To the regions far away. It was a "LeRoy Plow" that plowed that R. F. CO., George Linsley, Where wet has his seat. rough new land without breaking. It was Aquarius LeRoy Plow" that plowed the hard dry 946 Main St., Danbury, Conn. Rector of the Chuich of the Good Who As the olden poets say. u wnere omen rauea. It was a "LeRov Shepherd, Hartford, Something Is wrong in the water-real- low that D lowed that stlckT clav and made Delivered a Fine Tribute to the Memory of Some rascal has broken the jars, work easv for man and team. It waa m. F .STORXA.The Kind Yon Haw Roy" Reversible Plow, that plowed the steep Profeaslonal Cards. Mrs Samuel Colt. Or open'd the spiggots to overwhelm Bean th t Always Bought sldehlll. It is Reversible Plow that The planets and lower stars. , BignatsM win uo good work on flat land, doing away Selected. with aliifurrows, leaving your land level and of suitable for all crops. For sale by W. B Fall Dress Goods. FOWN TOPICS AUTUMNAL TOUR, mover. Newtown Conn Veterinary. MY BABY? 1 am a graduate of the New WHERE'S York State College, Cornell Unl- - A complete showing of the new "Shadow Check" dress TO THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. u uVeterinary... kiwi n, nalHnrikble nractice ana and 38 inches MAKE A GREAT HIT IN RlDGE- - MARTHA SHEPARD LIPPINCOTT IN GOOD HOUSE feel myself competent to treat all diseases of goods. Something very stylish very useful, domestic annuals. - 50c a FIELD. The Recreation Tourist Co., of New KEEPING. Condensed bla, 814 Main St., Danbury,unuri.Conn.i.jwu. wide, yard. Of the Condition Reportof the Haven, has one special, per- Why, my baby's gone and left me! M. Heavy mixed wool goods, designed especially for suits, LOCAL ENTERTAINERS RECEIVED WITH arranged Dr V. Knapp. sonally conducted tour to visit the I can't find him any more. 38 inches wide, 50c a yard. GREAT ENTHUSIASM. He was sweet and Telephone 42. White jMountains, leaving Saturday, very cunning, Fiftv-fo- ur all-wo- ol Playing round me on the floor. inch cloth, in all the new autumn 23, $17 from Citv only How National Bank September costing loved have him me The All the Policies of the 75c a Just the for coats and tailor- Herbert Flansburgh, Miss Denson I to hug of 105 Wall Conn., shades, yard. thing long and Miss Ar Kew Haven for the five days' trip, Round my neck with chubby arms! Street, Bridgeport, Co Agnes assisted by o'er-filli- Citizens Fire Insurance ed suits. Platt, with accommodations at the fine Sin- Tenderness my soul close 1905 : Ins. Co. thur Booth, a violinist, won a notable At the of business Aug. the 25th, Are guaranteed by the Hartford Fire clair or $13.50 at Park View Thinking over all his charms. Our Rock finished broadcloth, 52 inches wide, $1 a yard, triumph in the entertainment given house, the Resources Liabilities: r. CORBETT, hotel. As the fall is a very de- Where's my darling little baby? J. Conn. is selling fast. It is an unusual value. at the Town hall, Kidgetield, Friday early Loans and discounts. $1,165,756 46 Capital Stock. f 250.000 00 Insurance Agent, Newtown, sirable season for visiting the moun- Sunny curls and laughing eyes; United States Bonds. 150.000.00 Surplus and Net Profits, 275.039 91 evening, September 1. The audience Eyes were blue and full of sunshine. Other Stocks and Bonds, 342,273.09 Circulation, 150,000.00 some 400 tains, our readers should consider this Blue as fairest summer skies. Banking Mouse, 40 000 00 Deposits, 1.356,809.70 W.J. Baachcr, numbered people, including Due from Banks. 52 591 90 Attorkmt-at-La- w, I Is!" the New York social set summering trip. "Here Is that my baby? Oash and Reserve, 281,228.16 Booms So and 86, Sanford Bldg, Bridgeport. McLEAN BROS., Little pants and short-cropp- ed hair. there, their friends and the represen- ma- Little mister. t $3,031,849.61 $2,031,849.61 Office in Newtown open on Saturdays from t The The downpour of rain, Sunday, independence a. m. to S.au p. m. 221 Main St., Telephone 157 tative townspeople. playlet, Never any time to spare? Danbury. Mr terially reduced the attendance at the "Cinders," by Flansburgb and churches. He scarce takes time to kiss his mother. L. M. Miss was well received as was At the Congregational Frank fliller, President. Charles E. Hough, Cashier. Albkut Sohutlbb, D., Denson, church in the about 20 were Because he has so much to do. H. B. Cashier. AND SCBOEON. "A of Luna morning Yes. he's nice Terrill, Asst. PHYSICIAN the closing farce, Pair and 30 in but, oh, my baby! Office and house north end Newtown Street. The audience went en- present, the evening. To laugh and kick and cry and coo: Office 8 to a. 1 to 2 p. m.; 7 to 8 tics." wildly hours: m.; over Between my arms to lie so closely. p. m. thusiastic the singing specialty, To me and Telephone No. Mr and Mrs S. E. Roswell and son of let hug squeeze him tight; 10. "Just Kids," by Miss Agnes Platt While into his I'm '.Rifles, New Haven were over deep eyes looking, Shot Guns, and Herbert Flansburgh, and they guests Sunday Eyes filled ud with sweet love light. M. Mr Mrs R. Wilson. "If It's Made of Rubber We Have It." F. J. Gale, D., ! were obliged to respond to repeated of and George Office in the David Beers Residence, Revolvers encores.
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