3020 Caniff, Hamtramck, MI 48212 • (313) 874-2100 Hiirram Wallkerr Annuall Holliidayy Diinnerr Show Volume 2 No. 50 Hosstteed att tthee December 10, 2010 Ameerriiccan--Polliissh One Medium Ceentturryy Cllub 50¢ 1-T1-Toppingopping Varriiouss Arrttiissttss $ Sat..,, Dec.. 11th Pizza 1sstt actt att 3::30,, diinnerr Valid Everyday ssttarrttiing att 4::45 33204 Maplle Lane 5 Stterrlliing Heiightts TTarriiffff $50 peerr peerrsson,, beevveerraggeess iincclludeed Forr iinffo callll HAMTRAMCK 586--264--7990 11401 Joseph Campau www.DannyDLive.com www.hamtramckreview.com • e-mail
[email protected] (313) 365-5000 — HAMTRAMCK'S NEWSPAPER OF RECORD — For now, the city looks ‘Winter Glow’ kicks off to loans By Charles Sercombe Bankruptcy or accept a state loan? the holiday season with Lay off a dozen cops and firefighters? Those were the choices the plenty of cheer City Council analyzed, de - bated and wrung their hands By Charles Sercombe deer on display. over. The winter and holiday sea - For inner-city kids, it was a And over. son got a warm reception last rare opportunity to get in For over six hours. Saturday – even if temps out - touch with a taste of the On a Saturday. side were unseasonably country. Kids could pet But honestly, by the second chilly. ducks, sheep and chickens in hour of the day-long ordeal, it The 16th annual “Winter a closed pen and get up close was clear that City Manager Glow” took over the Ham - to the huge horses used to Bill Cooper was leaning to - tramck High School Commu - pull three carriages. ward accepting a state loan.