The German Resistance: Its Motives and its Historical Significance— by Prof. Hans Rothfels 11 Neither Reactionaries nor Revolutionaries—by Former Federal Minister Jakob Kaiser 17 Order of the Day for July 20, 1959—by Inspector-General Adolf Heusinger 20


Introduction 21 1. Speech of the SPD Deputy Wels in the German Reichstag against the Enabling Law (March 23, 1933) 22 2. The Military Opposition 23 a) Ludwig Beck's Note (July 16, 1938) 23 b) From a paper by Ludwig Beck: " in a Coming War" (November 1938) 24 3. Church Opposition 25 a) 25 aa) From a Pastoral Epistle of German Bishops of August 20, 1935 25 bb) From the Encyclical of Pope Pius XI of March 4, 1937 26 b) Protestant Church 27 aa) From the Rally of the Provisional Leadership of February 24, 1935 27 bb) Message From the Pulpit of August 23, 1936 27 4. Catholic Workers in Resistance—by Association President Dr. Hermann Joseph Schmitt 28 5. The Goerdeler Circle 31 a) From Goerdeler's Writings: "Thoughts of a Person Sentenced to Death— September 1944 in Prison" 31 b) Paul Lejeune-Jung: Outline of a Basic Law for the Reid) Concerning Economic Franchise 35 6. The "Kreisau Circle"—by Dr. 37 Principles for the New Order in Germany (Draft of the Kreisau Circle of August 9,1943) 39 Memorandum with Moltke's Plans (December, 1943) 40e 7. The Contribution of Women—by Annedore Leber 40h 8. Resistance of the Students From a Leaflet of the White Rose 44

III. PLANS AND PREPARATORY ACTIONS 1. From the Memorandum of General Ludwig Beck of July 16, 1938, Against Hitler's War Policy 45 2. From Ulrich von Hassell's Diary, 1939—1943 49 3. Goerdeler's Peace Plan Intended for Transmission to the British Government, May 30,1941 55 4. Goerdeler's Statement on the Atlantic Charter 56 7 5. Memorandum of the Bishop of Chidiester of June 1942 About a Talk With Pastor Sdionfeld and Dietrich Bonhoeffer 60 6. Letter of Anthony Eden of July 17, 1942, to the Bishop of Chichester 64 7. The Unsuccessful Attempt at Liberation of March 13, 1943 65 8. Secret Memorandum of Goerdeler, March 26,1943, Intended for General Officers, On the Necessity of a Coup d'Etat 67 9. New Version of Draft for Operation "Valkyrie" of July 31, 1943, With Regulations of February 11, 1944 82 10. Goerdeler's Peace Plan From Late Summer to Autumn, 1943 89 11. Stauffenberg's Conditions for Negotiations with the Enemy, of May 1944 95 12. Rommel's Hour of Destiny—by General Hans Speidel 96 13. Rommel's Ultimatum to Hitler of July 15, 1944 104 14. The Military Situation on July 20, 1944—Analysis by Prof. P. E. Schramm 104 15. The Report of the Armed Forces of July 20, 1944 117


1. The Thunderclap in the "Wolfsschanze" and the Activities in Bendlerstrasse— From a Report by Fabian von SchlabrendorrF 118 2. The Conspiracy as Mirrored by the SS Report of July 26, 1944 127 3. The Teletype Messages at Bendlerstrasse, July 20, 1944 131 Domestic Unrest 131 Executive Power 132 "Valkyrie", Second Stage 134 Material Law Regulations 1—5 134 Measures Against the Nazi Party and its Organizations 138 Travel 139 Making of Arrests 139 4. Timetable of the Bendlerstrasse Group, With Orders Prepared in Advance 140 5. The Remer Report of July 22, 1944 144 6. The Schlee Report of July 23, 1944 149 7. The Hagen Report of October 16, 1944 151 8. The Report of General Olbricht's Secretary, Delia Ziegler 155 9. The Last Round—in Paris; by Walter Bargatzky 156 10. Official Communique of the Greater Germany Broadcast of July 20, 1944 160 11. Preparatory Decree of the Bendlerstrassse Group on the Provisional Top War Leadership 160 12. Summons to the German People 162 13. Draft of a Government Declaration 168 14. Rallying Call by Generals Beck and Witzleben to the Armed Forces 176 15. Speeches by Hitler, Goring and Donitz, July 21, 1944, at About 1:00 A. M 180

8 V. PROSECUTION, TRIAL, EXECUTION Introduction • 183 1. The First "Speaking Guides" for the Party and Government Offices 184 a) Some Bormann Circulars 184 b) Address by General Jodl, July 25, 1944 186 c) A Ribbentrop Telegram of July 24, 1944 188 2. The 's Methods of Examination 190 a) From a Directive by the Gestapo Chief, Miiller, of June 12, 1942 190 b) From the Prison Report of Bishop Hanns Lilje 191 c) An Eye-Witness Report by Dr. Hans Fritzsche 192 d) Statement by Fabian von Schlabrendorff 192 3. Report From Tegel Prison—by Dietrich Bonhoeffer 193 4. Disinterment and Family Liability 195 From Heinrich Himmler's Talk, Aug. 3, 1944, in Posen 195 5. The "Court of Honor" of the Army 196 6. The Trials by the "People's Court" 198 a) Freisler's Method of Directing the Trial (From the Court Record) 198 b) Eye-Witness Report of the Stenographer Peter Vossen 200 c) Further Reports of Individual Experiences 201 d) Appraisal by the Reich Minister of Justice, Thierack 201 7. The "Murder Register" 202 8. Their Last Hours—by Peter Buchholz 209 9. The Spectacle of Horror (Reports of the Camera-men) 211 10. To the Gallows on a Stretcher—by Max Geissler 213 11. Murdered Amid Rubble—by Herbert Kosney 214 12. Memorial Table of the Dead of July 20, 1944 216 VI. THE SPIRIT OF THE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT (Biographical sketches, records, farewell letters) 1. Biographical Sketches 222 a) Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg 222 b) Ludwig Beck 224 c) Friedrich Olbridbt 225 d) Karl Friedrich Goerdeler—by Eberhard Zeller 228 e) Paul Lejeune-Jung 230 f) Wilhelm Canaris 231 g) Wilhelm Leuschner—by Walter Theimer 236 h) Julius Leber—by Gustav Dahrendorff 238 i) Carlo Mierendorff—Summons of June 14,1943 240a —from the Eulogy by Theodor Haubach 241 j) Theodor Haubach, Fritz Elsas—from a private letter to the Btmdeszentrale 243 2. Records and Good-bye Letters 245 a) Alfred Delp, S. J.: Diary Fragments, Account-Taking and Farewell 245 b) Helmuth Graf von Moltke's Last Letter 249 c) Nikolaus Gross: Good-bye Letter to his Family 252 d) Peter Graf Yorck von Wartenburg to his mother and his wife 254 e) Farewell Letter by Nikolaus von Halem 255 f) Alexis Freiherr von Roenne: Final Letter to his Mother 257 g) Balance: Ernst Wolf: On the Relationship between the Political and Moral Motives in the German Resistance Movement 258a VII. RIGHT OF RESISTANCE AND DUTY TO RESIST 1. The Military Opposition Against Hitler and the Right of Resistance—by Hermann WeinkaufF, Former President of the Federal Court of Justice 259 2. The Motives of the Resistance Fighters—by Dr. Hans-Gunther Seraphim 271 3. Moral and Theological Approach to the Right of Resistance, According to Catholic Doctrine—by Prof. Rupert Angermair- 276 4. Protestant Theological Approach—by Prof Hans-Joachim I wand 282 5. Duty of Resistance—Not Right of Resistance—by Prof. Ernst Wolf 286 6. The Attitude of the Officers' Corps Regarding July 20, 1944—

by General (ret.) Helmut Friebe 288




Pictures: Bundesbildstelle (p. 221) and Ullstein Bilderdienst (p. 97); Tippelskirdi "Der zweite Weltkrieg" (Athenaum-Verlag, Bonn) (p. 119); Bildarchiv Hammer, Hamburg.