OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting PROVISIONAL LIST OF PARTICIPANTS The Provisional List of Participants is based on registration sent to ODIHR Please submit any corrections/comments to the ODIHR Secretariat, Sofitel Victoria hotel or by e-mail to:
[email protected] by Thursday, 3 October 2013, 2:00 p.m. Please note that any corrections provided later than Thursday, 3 October 2013, 2:00 p.m. will NOT be included in the Final List of Participants Warsaw, 23 September - 4 October 2013 OSCE Delegations / Partners for Co-operation Albania Amb. Spiro KOCI Permanent Mission of Albania to the International Organizations in Head of Delegation; Permanent Representative of the Republic of Albania to Vienna the OSCE Reisenerstrasse 27/6a; 1030 Vienna; Austria E-Mail:
[email protected] Tel:+43-1-328 87 10 Website: http://www.mfa.gov.al Amb. Florent CELIKU Albanian Embassy to Poland E-Mail:
[email protected] ul. Altowa 1; 02-386 Warsaw; Poland Tel:+48-22-824 14 27 Fax:+48-22-824 14 26 Ms. Selma XHOXHAJ Permanent Mission of Albania to the International Organizations in First Secretary Vienna E-Mail:
[email protected] Reisenerstrasse 27/6a; 1030 Vienna; Austria Tel:+43-660-350 38 12 Website: http://www.mfa.gov.al Germany Amb. Rudiger LUDEKING Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OSCE Head of Delegation Metternichgasse 3; 1030 Vienna; Austria E-Mail:
[email protected] Tel:+43-1-711 54 171 Fax:+43-1-711 54 268 Website: http://www.osze.diplo.de Mrs.