r Drafting Heavy Have Been Made WOOL SET FOR WINTER WEAR HEAVY vrt Ir>Flui1 >Fluid PACTINHAI|IIA I |l||||| Ulsters •‘Danderine” creates mass FEElli to Be Really Attractive. of thick, gleamy waves | For Irfants and Children. Weak, Nervous. Restless WonJ Sulky Garment Now Does Work It In Arkansas Hears of Cardiil Was Cut Out to Do; Good- Tries It and Is Greatly i Mothers Know That Locking. Bene-1 al . , . 111*#] A A filed. Now aus The big ulster has developed Recommends I r,:!. — n Castona It To \ rT~> Genuine _ Into one of woman's most fetching gar- Others. I § ments. Once It was a bulky arrange- U/I“l I JOWUOt-3PEHCEKM A 1 ... ment, designed mostly after the pat- Peach Orchard, Ark.—Mrs. //A, tern of the man's, to give warmth, and High, who lives near here, only. Now does the work iJ ll!’ tint*tftcSlcrri^diSand"Rpard that It that ago J♦ fTIA “Some time I 3lB Jf Vl W It was out out to do and is extreme- began to have -SEEBS4 ly good looking as well. ble with my back. I would ache gl fSignature/m 0/M The materials are of soft texture. I could hardly get up when dowij If .r There are velours de laine and silk was so weak I would Brf i Qicfalfsmdncrt.Cont4iffi /ftAJj Just drag aton / \\||# duvetyns which rival the handsomest and did not feel like doing anything! q£ of velvet. There are qualities beauti- all. I was so nervous I I Mineral. NotNabcotic tL\|V^ English felt co( ] lt * U 1 fully woven tweeds and Scotch scream, t can and . . . such i j!^Jakj/-h.iLeuvv AVT mixtures. Those who manufacture your plain, dull, flat hair. You a heti Jr* r**& glossy feeling I rest 85 j? /, J*r.-.rtp*jr> A If \ these cloths assure us that they will have It abundant, soft, and full could not at all. i drug or toilet E|S.: IA "wear like Iron,” and that, Indeed, Is of life. Just get at any looked like I was going to get dm &SU I bottle of "Danderine” true. counter a small In bed . . . #tw t . * In moisten a soft i As for -colors in these stuffs, for a few cents. Then I heard of Cnrdul iEtfy (\ coat draw and thought