In Memoriam Åke W. Sjöberg (1924–2014)
ORIENTALIA SUECANA 2019. Vol. 62–68: 13–17. UPPSALA UNIVERSITY Obituary Jakob Andersson* In Memoriam Åke W. Sjöberg (1924–2014)!a"377933 In the early evening of August 8, 2014, orientalist and Near Eastern philologist Åke Waldemar !"#$erg, %lark &esearch (rofessor of Assyriology emeritus, and %urator of the )ablet %ollections of the *niversity +useu of Archaeology and Anthropology at the *niversity of (ennsylvania, (hila, delphia, *SA, passed away peacefully in *ppsala. Åke -as $orn in Sala, !-eden, on August 1, 1/24 to his parents postmaster 0ernhard Waldemar !"#$erg and +ary Ingeborg 1e2er$erg. After primary and secondary schooling in Sala, Åke spent some time as an office -orker at a local $usiness, $ut further studies $eckoned hi . In 1/45, $y means of recommendations from friends of the family, he enrolled at 6"ellstedtska Skolan, a reno-ned $oarding school in *ppsala. The 'urriculu at 6"ellstedtska had a strong emphasis on $i$, lical studies and on languages, including 8atin, Greek, and 0i$lical :ebre-. *p until 1/5/, for an ap, plication even to $e considered, the applicant had to e;plicitly state that he intended to $ecome a 'lergyman. In 1/4<, Åke passed his studentexamen =corresponding to a matriculation e;amination), granting hi access to higher studies. :is grade card sho-s that his strongest su$"ect $y far -as 0i$, lical :ebre-, for -hich he re'eived an A ? the highest possi$le grade $y the standards of the day. 8ater that same year, Åke enrolled at *ppsala *niversity.
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