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Member New Jeraey pieu AwocUUon Single Copy Ten Cent* 93rd YEAR — 44th WEEK Nl Mortal editorial AuocUtton MATAWAN, N. J.t THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1962 Matawan First Aid And Rescue Squad Receives New Boat For Emergency; Mobile Homes Malayan Township GOP Hosts To Stsite, County Guests Park Variance Becker Application Strongly Opposed i Heanngs on the application of Mis I OP Betker for 'unction of Wilson Avi» and TCMS Rd whose laal namea begin Acting on the recommendation of past five years. He also has had with a further examination of Ilia M»ttw»n Regional Board of-.Ed- with O through Z will binarolled deteriorated since business had en- postponed until May 15 and that Hie month not to offer him a con- Commtttecman Daniel Downey, offices In EUzaberh and Newark. those complaining about the quality area. But a new problem, one of ucation'* policy of "total" immuoi- between the htun of IVed 2:U croached there. tract. The first vote was over- water iron content aivl acidity hasj utlon agalnat children's disease*, chairman of the sanitation depart- Mr. Sevrin had been acting as of the wafr would have a techni- p.MIi , : ment, the Matawan Township Com- come when Mr. Pine, who made arisen. datlni back to 1957. when Walter attorney for Perihlng Park, Inc.. Transients Throw Garbage cal report to support their views. Ihe J-4 majority against offering . Paroats sheuld bring proofs of mittee at a special meeting Thurs- New York, developers of Sayre P. Swanaoa wai health committee Vacclaalloos and Inoculation* per- Mr. Lindsay said he was tired The mayor's reference wan lo a Ihe contract, raplalned he had Concern ahum a proper drainage chairman of' the hoard, overcame day night awarded an eight-munth Woods South, and Jweph Brun- field were In ought uut at a special talaiag to amaUpox, diphtheria, contract for garbage collection. of having to pick up broke-n beer rdpoil submitted at the nicetlne bv only votml xvaintt offering It be- - a new case of resistance when a etll, Fair Lawn, who projected Grorge f-ioru, noara president, of meeting Apr. 25. On Tuesday a tttaaua, whooping cough and Ihe t3W-house Midlown develop- bottles from tho street in front of cause he did not consider the Clirfwood mother returned her The contract'went to Maplewood his houie and garbage cast out the findings of llu N. J. Dairy Lab- salary cited, $I1.SW. wus suffici- meeting was held with Charles poliomyelitis, aloag with birth Disposal Co., Maplewood, on the ment which brought a law; suit Uerger, State Department of Child to school Apr. 24 after the certification of tho child to be there by transients, without having oratories. New Brunswick, on the ent for Dr. Sample and was be- flrm't hid of $19,759. The bid wai with Madison Township last year water. This report wus requested Health, in wet weather when drain- ngster was out of school from oarolled over a consent Judgment. Mr. 100 drivers from a "trailer court" low the amount oflered in com- antil opposition to her having the only one received for the con- by the hoard of heullh. age conditions would bu inoro diC- , Children must be flve-yetrs-old Sevrin has been continuously In adding to the noise and nuisance of parable districts In Middlesex dealt. John A. Pugan, board sec- 'polio shots.' ' ~ •; - tract which will be in effect May 1 traffic and the discarding of litter. Counly. :*h or boforei Sept. J». to the end of the year. Previously, appearance before Ihe public Mr. Flore related that the rrpnrt retary, reported that after consid. ' The child. JenlceTCrtrrier, a sec- contracts were awarded on an an- bodies of the township In MY Mr Becker protested strongly showed lion content ranging from Then Mr. Pine Joined with Mr. era bio digging of holes for perco- ' Md-grader. IK the.CiiKwuod School,- nual basis, starting May 1. clients' Interest. the assumption that those coming; 1.8 to 2.2 parts per million, where- He-rvalh and Mr. Joyce,,, Mrs. lation, a 5000-square-foot sector w^a "»• tl« daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. as, by U.S. Public Health stan- Carol KoMbucal and Leonard When practicing in Newark and into the "mobila homes park" found whiM'e runoff and absoiplion ' Norman Kramer, 128 Laurelhurft Police Issue In llio firm will make two collec- would be less responsible than the dards, an Iron content over J.I Booth in voting a 5-4 ma|orily was sallsfaclory. There had been tions weekly and pledged to lake Elizabeth. Mr. Sevrin also had parts per million is un,uitablu. Mr. for offering a new contract. Dr.. Cliffwood Baach. - much practice before the public owners of fine homes In the area. rumors the drainage condition waa i Anthony J. Nuccio. Cliffwood all materials placed at Ihe curb. Ha noted a mobile homes park op- Fluie added that (III.' report showed so had (lie board might havu lo . Collections will be mado at homes, bodies and stale commissions no chlorine content, acidity from principal, explains that tha pro-Matawan Twp. functioning In that part nf the erator can tell a trailer dweller In giw up Its plans for the site. schools and commercial establish- tha park to go on his way If he 2-t to •)•) parts per million, and bac- cram of "total" immunization did state. teriological incidence ranging from Sot reach overall enforcement until Clash Over Sticker ments at no extra cost over the (continued on page four) Planning Board Mr. Dugan reported that many figure established in the contract. 1 to 5300 colonies pt*r cubic centi- post holes were dug to a* depth nf I«9, when Russell A. G. Stetler. meter al 35 degrees Centigrade (95 six to 10 feel before the Iccchinii then superintendent, gained board On Special's Auto Maplewood already has collection contracts in Matawan Borough, degrees Fahrenheit) and 2 to 84 col- Told To Resign area was found. Tho tests Tu«s-> authorization for a schedule by Sharp criticism of th* policies Launch Probe Of onies per million al 20 degrees Cen- day revealed runoffs at IS io 20 which Immunization should start Mlddletown Township and Union of the pollco committee of the Beach, in th» bayshore area. Area Students tigrade (liS decrees Fahrenheit). No Upgrading Since minutes in wet weather as against With the kindergarten and first This was commented to bu disturb- 12 minutes normally desired. Alter arade and movt progressively up a Matawan Townihip Committee was To Paint Staodplpe voiced Thurtdiy by Robert Red- Raritan Inn Fire ing in view of the approach of sum- Referendum For It repeated striking of clay strata In grade a year, so In 12 years all The committee awarded a con- Win Scholarships mer heal. the. original leeching area sought, 1 man, Cliffwood, a former member pupils in the Matawan school sys- tract for the painting of the Interior Underwriter Agent this sector ran 10 to 12 feet of of the township planning board. .Submission of maps to the plan- -tem will be "totally" Immunize-.!, and sxtorlcr of tho municipal stand- Listed Among 3300 Water Palatable ning board for 15G6 homesites on sand and gravel, A report is io bo. that is, against diphtheria, small Mr.. Redman slid he did not con- pipe>,, JeJersen y Ave., to Arthur V. Tours Charred Ruins Mr. Fiore observed the water half-acre lot sizes brought insistent submitted to the hoard of health pox, tetanus, pertussis, as well as aider township polite ware getting Lewis_.. is,, NNentunei . Mr. Lewis has Throughout State was palatable, apparently, but he demand st the Marlboro Township next week.' polio,. - a wage rate In keeping with the quoted a figure of $2485 for the re- Leonard Ritcio, regional agent believed further investigation be- Committee meeting Thursday that Robert A. Sena, principal, noted cbit of living they had to meet furnishing work. for the National Board of Fire Un- The names of H bayahore area fore the summer heat was desir- something be done to put Into ef- Includes Up To Third Grada students wlto will receive itate in his report that Mr. Berger had for their families. He alto deplored Another contract, for the servic- derwriters has launched a probe able. He said he intends to take fect the mandate of the November - This school term, the plan hid of the fire that devastated the Rari- scholarships were announced questioned the acidity of the water, " moved up to include the grade* the way special police were being ing of the police radio system and the report to the Division of Sani- 1959, referendum favoring the up- tan Inn, 33 Broad St., Keyport, and Thursday by 'the State Scholarship tation ui Rutgers University for grading to one acre. and its iron content at 3.74 part* kindergarten to third for all pupils. handled, claiming to know there township communications was Commission. This is the fourth per million. It Is acknowledged awarded Art Stahlbaun,, Inc., Mor- adjoining storerooms and apart verification and interpretation. The Mr. Nuccio pointed out thut It washad been instances of dismissal group'to be granted scholarships Mrs. Alyco Lathrop was the more tha• t the board probably is faced ganvllle. The contract calls for a ments early Apr. 25. mayor pledged all findings would this point of the annual progres- without a hearing before the po- under the state program whick severe critic of the state of things. with the expens_ e o..f obtuinlnobluini c a monthly service charge of $7.50 for Mr. Ricclo conferred with police go to the May 15 PUC hearing. She claimed to know the referen- sion that resulted in Janice being lice committee or explanation. and fire officials it. Ke^port Thurn- went Into effect July 27. 11159. A water softening unit, which could, In the second grade, which Is made each mobile unit and $21) for the total of 6554 students attending ov- Robert McMahon, plumbing In- dum had the forcu of a directive be a considerable capital Hem. He and Commltteeman Henry E. b?se station. day and reported an Investigation spector, announced nn examination and that the planning board "has up of pupils required to be "total- would be started immediately. The er 300 different colleges and uni- School Calendar Presented ly" immunized while another pupil clashed bitterly on the Commltleeman SiKmund Kowal- for master plumber's licenses will ignored the will of th» people" in blaze, of unknown origin, complete- versities throughout the United Wilh Ihe presentation of the I'Kli. from the Kramer household, above There was question raised skl warned that 60 persons who own States previously have received be held May 18. He found there are accepting for classification subdivi- ly destroyed the Raritan inn and sion maps at less than full-acre lot 63 school calendar of 187 days by the third grade, did not require to- if the Hatch Act had been violated dogs and who have not obtained an adjoining building although fire- awards. "loo many part-time plumbers in tal Immunization,. The children because a special police officer licenses for them will receive sum- town" and indicated that he would mo. In view of this, Mrs, Lathrop Mr. Sena, John Nurzowich brought men were able to confine the blaze Of the total of 3303 awards an- saw the only recourse for the plan- out that F.ari B. Garrison, county came to the Matawan Regional dis- had had a political sticker favor- monses to appear in court. Owners to the two buildings, consider this situation in renewing ing one candidate on his car dur- nounced this year, 2117 will atlrnd licenses. To back him up, a new ning board to resign in a body and superintendent of schnnl.i, had been trict from a district where "total" have had ample time to comply New Jersey colleges and universi- immunization was not in force ing the recent primary campaign with the law voluntarily, Mr. Ko- 1'ire broke out in the smoking plumbing code was adnptrii which the township committee to call for quoted as favoring a 200-duy sihixil while using the car in police duty. ruins o[ Ihe three-story structure ties. The remaining 1156 will go to requires a master plumber's li- such procedure. year. Township schools open Sept, when the Kramer children were at- walski noted. students attending colleges outside tending there, complicating the The township committee received on the afternoon of Apr, 25 and cense only can «o to nna tottilly G and close .lime 111 nexi school of the state. A recent change in Mayor Paul E. Chester assured yepr Mr. Sena explained a school problem. Inquiry about the status of Old again early last Thursday morning, occupied In the prai-llcn of plumb- her the township commltlue had no Amboy Avc., Cliffwood, as a pub- Malcolm Heads GOP police reported. Still alarms were the scholarship legislation enlarged in)!. year of 200 days was not needed The school principal stated Mrs. the quota which may be granted right to Interfere with the lic street. Committeeman John sounded in each Instance and the Another feature of the coili- ex- in Mnrll>oro Township as with IHf Kramer explained her objection to Marz jr. fountl It a street on a In Matawan Township to students attending colleges out- hoard's conduct of office. days the pupils got much morej the polio snots to him ti> be due small fires were esringuished. empts householders from the pro- filed map that wound up In a dead Subject Of Sheriff's Sr.le side of the state from 15 per cunt Had Been Responsive school time than In most di.sflcta. lo an Instance where a child had Edwin F Malcolm was olected to 35 per cent. visions of thu slate plumbim! code end and was not graded. It leads Both the Raritan Inn property nl In that it allows this use nl transite Fied VuiiRiHlutk, tthdthur specta- The superintendent poiulril out died In a period after getting a out to Cllffwaod Ave. Mrs. R.A.ohalrman lit the executive meeting The majority of awards provide tor, claimed to know tho planning that Marlboro Township has Til) shot and there was question If the of the Republican County Commit- Broad St. and another at 123 First plpn for house-to-lap connections Yuncy, an owner, reported that St., Kcyport were subject to a Sher- student* 1100 a yoar toward meet- board In office trie year after the mlnuleclasi periods for all major "uhot" were defective and * con- the owner of adjacent lands "does tee of the Township of Matawan instead of more cosily cast Iron. referendum, In 1960, hud been •»• iff's Sale May 7 in Freehold to sat-ing their college expenses. Howev- Endorse Police Program (continued oil page four) tributory factor to death. not want anyone on the road" and held at the homo of Samuel Munis- er, student; attendin colleges sponsivit to tlte mundulu but the Mr. Nuccio explained the differ- calco, 3 Riverdale Dr., Cliflwood. isfy a claim of $11,400 brought that this affected her property against Broai! Brook Really Inc., whose tuition charga less than Mr. Fioru reported that the firir then chairman of thu board, Olen tnecs of opinion ho hud with Mrs. right*. At the annual reorganization (continued on page four) (continued on page four) lluebsch, had taken an "all or Towmhip Demo Club Kramer on the matter when it meeting, Froriorick Dominlck was (continued on page four) nothlmj" attitude approach In tho Mr. Marz recalled it was laid elected vice chalrr.ian; Mr. Manls- Makes Suggestion* came to a head Apr. 9 and at Its (continued on page four) mutter and that the result wgi thu calco, treasurer, Mrs. Edwin Mal- board "got nothing." Ha warned Apr. IB meeting, the Matawan Re- Madison Township Lumber and Supply Co. Opens Malawun Township Democrulla gional Board voted expulsion for colm, secretary; Mrs. Andruw NI- thn governing body an "outcry" $100 Fin* For cora, Mrs. Eveline Uergbaus ond comparable to that which had risen Club olecled Ddward Savllle as tlm the child until tor parents made a chairman »t » regular meeting i»( move toward getting her the first Joseph Bucco, trustees. a-salnst lh» Webb & Knapp propos- Taking Of Auto The chnlrnian stated that an nil- al of three vnnrs ago was In the Districts 2 and 3 held Apr. 25, polio "shot." James Ilurle.w «r. Is township poll* Five-Day Notlcu out campaign will bo Instituted to making and tha township commit- Complaint alleging car theft Apr. ro-olect Township Committeraian ice and plunnlng board should act, tlcnl leader. Lulhur A. Poster, superintendent, 23 was signed by Mrs. Ella Mc- Siginund Kowalskl and all Repub- (continued on puf.i! four) It wan suggested thut the town, noted tlm parents became subject Devin, 315 Uetrs St., Keyporl, lican candidates. ghln b« «i;t up wllh a hotter system to thn five-day notice served on against Francis E. Wilson, of the of liouso numbers nnd it rent num« parents having a child of school same address, before Magistrate Seloct Chairmen Of ei, nnd thnt Iho Indii3trl.il Cominll* ago nut In school. 'Hie five days nf- Seymour K Holmdel Pupils V'-i'l hJ \"\rU fillhl-t In I'!*." flit ,»J- liM Am-. Id It'll within llu- I-. is Apr '/ri 'I'll" llcl"mU-M '•"•'• tin!-l Register Monduy . Boll fcinger Drive vcrtliiing the towniihlp to piospeo. vacuum period Ml i.lulattju JlOli nnd given (ill days suspi'miwi IIvu liiduutrlf.i by mnnni of lir»i Schools, but III'.' ppai.Mils becmnc simteneo in tin' counly |ail. I Annuiiiiiriiiitiii has lii'tin made by cliures ond other llti'rnturo, when Ktndergui'en leglslriil'im lor pu- liable for her attendance A disorderly complaint Mlgniwl bv pil., in th" H"!:,,.lei Mchiwils • li li" I Mrs. fvilwin l.iiili'inan, Kfd Hank, Jack Kulley, chairman, tnnound* schools reopennd. .lurry Uoyursky. W i r k a I u n I'., hold in tin.' llolinilel Klein'-ii;."1-; i lli'll Kin, .-r Chairman fur lilt HHi'2 in! pliinn are under way for a pio> Mr, Nuccio confirmed Tucsduy brought a $3(1 (inn for Anltoi Holt, Snhnnl, Molmdol !t.i , ,,u Monday. I M,iv MIMIHII llciillh llrlv.', of buy- nlc to bu held Aug. ID. :| ( the child had received a first polio Kcyporl. Those with names (rum A through i -tlniiv iiiva .in;! ilMiKi ch'tnmm. •f >•-' K" I >f Um club la tlm eloo< ihol nnd imw was restored in good I'utrolnuin Ocoritt! Nndlor, lior- M ur" to roglwci' IwlWDt'ii !l a.m. I Tln-v uru HH follows: Area I tlon of Gilbert Illckmnn to tlt« po>U tu.iul.tiK. M'- Kiiimer is quot'-' n'i ndj'li ptillt'i", rhnrfjcl i'hnnvii (V .mil U u\ ih Wicks, 1H I'nispert aylnu she did not wish Imr child of smnll|Kix Viicciiiiilliiii anil Im rlfk .1. lloiiiiii; fiardi'ii I'uikway St., Cliffwood, nnd thu fine WIIN o be mlsslnu proper education ami miini/.nilnii dlphllicr- and l-';iii',viioil, Mil Ili-iniird Klt-r. $111 and t.r> (OHM, On Grand Jury vas In no position to carry on long la. n.in; ::li'i'lwuod I'ark, Mrs. Nlclio- HlgHllon With flid Iward to (.'stab- Barry lliMffni-r, DM Woodland l.it Krn|«'i; nri'it 3 clmirniiin, Mrs. KIIIHTI Minkur, Holiudsl Dt,, Cllffwood HiNioh. IOM lil» li- ul (iiirl)iiKt< »nd I). l»h hor right of refusal to nllow Kiihi'il II,ITnun. -mil Ki'iiniburK, .i; otia ! ho shots. cense 10 linytt on n Carole* .«>••»•"*}« Itillo Cullucilun Tn \ln t .HliPTiiii: Iliih"!, Union 23 pani'lhli on tint May term Of ontercd by Palrwlmim Humid Snk- Mntawnn Twp. Hi'»ldon(« Mr, Nuccio lltiti'ri there uru twoIn, ond had lo pay »10 mid $5 ll.-.u Ii, Mn. Ciinillhn .1. Sevi'rlnl, (he MiHinmutli Ctnirtty Onind Jury, StartliiK May I, 11KB, colleelloni 1 (rounds of uxompilim lo the "Ui\n\ Mn D.ivl , iippi'iili in tfit! flll/cni Mr MlnkiM, mi nVtlitnnt romp" minimliiliiK, " fullgl<"i» rmtvlclion will 1.0 mud" bv Mnpli'i'-nml Oln. ,,! il,,, |; ' i|, .t M.i' i'.' m •» bi! Kuyiuoml Vuiii:.u.i|,iii ICoajviliuri;, linl!i-i, ;\ill T,I'I Vi» UHI.I .it'iiiiHitbiift if length of ;,l«iuliim In « r«ll|;imin .iiit Co,, wwho will submit to I'ucb 1>I'I||'IOU-| III llH'il Hlip|IOll llf llll- 1 1 w nt Kidy opposed Id Hit' priii-llcn and u pnld IIS owl W 0" » "I ?"* ;" iiouselioldi'r it schcduldl u off II MIMIIUI IIIMIIII Urlvi'. Mrs Sli'phcil flulorcd liy I'nlrolmnn John Vln- Niillrf thyslclnn's ruling Hint th" dilltl In Hon. I'lir mori' »|M*I* l lt! ilntalli. (il/.l ii HI'IVlllll >N ( II I'llllil llhlll III TM iirjic I I'litl/'-ll'' .ll C'inl t*>riiti|!li |H»H<-t*. 1 1 i m'der medical care Im otlii'i- Ills cull Ihe in " Culli'i'lor - I.Owcll IhiT ditvi' and riiplaln't (til' \hv I.IIII; -I .iffilulcd with thn • whose Incldunci) would bo wow if Notice (1-1071. iiii'i's in-11 nn.' Mi'i l.ilwiid Inn, l|i|;li-,vny 3'i mill > : polio or ollmr iiholit wine itlvt-n, Nuw rurh I'urnpike lixprets H\MI-Ill|l ('ll.lllllllll'l', (h-kr.i'y, Mis. Holii'rl Di'ini'r, Mri. Avc . ( lilf-.viiod I'nv,imhii> of Mnlitwnii Mnyiir liihn I'hlllliit, Mndlion Towiwiiln, etn llto Anthony 3. Mnrlornnn l« nfrtmlliiK «i Hi" 'Mil. and nimas, limiucnl dully ndrvlco from hi* griindniiillter, Mm, Mnrlu I corns li nl th« It'll' Niiioinil Wood, Mil, I'j'iit'nl fic'liiir, Alfd'il l'iiii?nn- ( """Iri ankti outi Dmili'l II, Duwiioy, rlbbim on Snturdtiy (o imm (iltltliillv llio new MitdHun Mm, Kulii'il Colllhii, MIN Sam Hollo's, Commutcri buy 10 trip Towti'ililii l.unibi'r mill Supplv (-nmiiliiiv. Inc., onAlso In (be picture l« MUi t.twlif Ann Cuiilnliinu, Mrs Mnrl»l Sink I ' C'hercont chicken, M-ii siu.mii Imok-i nnd unvo for Mhetlult) call Siinliiillnii (,'hulrtnun C.UIMIHI mill Mm 11:if i y Kt'rn. jf|i->««lv 3" \ ; of scsitoiu w, 171', tra jfp-iidv 3 Ituulu 91 mill i;d|'.ar Idl,, t'ln'i'Sfquakn, i'rcttdcnl \" " (tlllln Pilit liuU4* FtegeTw© THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, May 3, 19&2 Nuptials At St. Joseph's Obituary j Api 2'), "if-2 ,n Rucrview Ho5pi- e Harbor William C. Lyle ! la1 !o Mi .mo Mrs Fred Hall, !J «!ii K^sc El-,;-. ! lV,. «.v A\c, CWf'Vwi Mrs KCM h!s,s, 73 of i,t W nd n Couple Married Married In Ohio sor PI . U'ookUu, d,f(! Sm tl ly harrb i Apr. 2i), l!0' a' lh'_ ronu u\ hi. | Mr ind Mi» Giwpe Harris. 25 Ly \ Miss Patricia Ana Murphy, Me Wats >n, , daughter, Mir. Helm Mi,r]i«On f". s;dHU|ljtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Edward | I Mr and Mr;, Geoiye V, Wjtson I 91 Law LJKL A>e, Kens',uif; i Lynn Blvd.,' Hazlel, are the par- r to r "E -Jrtyrphy, 3» Sunset Ave, Lajr- j •Siuckbi flj.i.\ Cm , and W lham Con i Mrs Elsis «iis >>o n in Urook | ("it* o( a daughter, born Satur- l,J~ tJK* Harbor, became the bride of j I over L/lr, son of Mr and Mis lyn and liv«d there m&t of her' u.iy *pr 28, Hi2, m Riverview Jolm II Lvls, llou'-lon, ! e\ , form j !' ; Donald Kenneth MeAuhur, son of | lift She had Ked in Kivnsbn. ' Hosp •,! ' erly of Mi'tawon. wire inamcd on ' w itn hi i dai gh(i'r for the pa* fcui V'i '• Mr*. Joseph Mollis, 419 Jefferson (Mar 21 1%2, in the 1 ir»t Coin fti, Ave., Laurence Harbor, and Don- mor.t.is Shewiuake i mi.r.ity C'IUICII, Co'uin'*!": O'IO at '- • 'AMcArthur. 63 Meadowbrook Dr, a Jmible rmg ceremony at 4 30' Bi*s di_- Mis Mj-jclinil.j, sh, \ dauyhter was born in Mon- •iw&oAr Saturday, Apr, 38,1962, pi lib sunivcd bv t\%o rthn damn I iroutn Vienical ^cn'er to Mr, and ileis, Mi^ Mini, lanqton, Li)n^ Mrs Po -ei L S'lewmake, 3 Coa<-!» 'Iho or.ilp wore a gu.wi of while ._, . 9v;%'«Uer^i. Mattery, pa*- I Island, and M.J Koot-maiy Gatf Dr, Hailst, on Saturday, Apr. 28, r si'k oif,1UW.' preformed the double ring cer- and pearls, princtss-stjle, wit.1 a ' 1«62 in, St Laurence's Church, Geoige Tlsis, Biooklyn 13 feiand % fingertip vei! held m place by a | childien Kocute Harbor. Joseph Butts, small ppail curonct S'ie earned . w*a tb* soloist; Mrs. a bouquet of gUmeU'as and stcpha- Local arrangements were under Mi aua Mis. Harry KneuTe, Bi Dirasey, accompanied, notis iV'e direction of John 7 Ryan Home Third St, Keyport, are the par- i. ... Mid* w«* Riven in marriage for Funeials, Keati'burs Services ents of a son, born Monday, Apr. Mr (attar. She wore a ftoor- Miss Dolores Gonw was, the were held from the Joseph Duffy 30, 19G2, iq Riverview Hospital. 'eoWB Ot silk, organza de- maid of honar, and attendants Funeral Home, Brooklyn. wlth' acajlpped. neckline of weiu Mis Joseph Fu'se-Ui and .Miss Devine .„..-* laoe aiid short sleeve*. Uelores Clardon, all of Columbus A daughter was born in River- "; Fotftpneb ol matching lace were They woie gowns of pink s.lk linen I view Hospital on Tuesday, M»y i, . J;, taflfcd fa^the W» *»rt which ftow- with a ciaikfr shade of pink an Births 1%2, to Mr and Mrs. Harold Da- \\j-l'*i Wt.-« cHapeMenfith train. Hq; pllque at the waiit and 'houldci llanskftt vine, 441 Bayview Ave., XJnioa ''S^balfwt'roJM^dged veil fell (ram Ihi'y car: led flowered nose^uys ol Mr. and Mis John Hanskett, 12 Beach. ^'U^'MtbM-t^red crown ot seed darker shades of pink sr.d wore Sycamore Dr , Hazlet, are the par- '"" —-•*-a«d she carried, •wrhitemis- small matching headdresses. ents of a daughter, born FuJay, Sappah ' with « **«e orchid Brother Is Best Man Apr. 27, 1962, in Riverview Hospi- Mr and Mrs. George C. Sappah Robert V Lyle, Hdrtfttid Conn, ts! " jr, 215 Lonllard Ave., Union was his brother's best man Ushers Beach, are the parents of a son, »eit' William MrKinny and Russell Hall bom Monday, Apr. 30, 1962, in Mon- .,_. Stitefc Uureoce Har A daughter was born Sunday, mouih Medical Center. . bar.- «u the matron of feonor. She Smith, CirUcvillu, Uhio V »' fjoor-tenfth sown of or- The bride's -nother wore a gown «rOTHOMWIUI fined bodice of fern green silk shantung with a ij ^JIM-«» Am The skin:»*a a white daffodil corsage The bnde- Ml- vmtPm*l 9ioj •Mifas «yt in j groom's mother ielec-ted beige | ««l a large back bow. chiffon with matching accessoncs l feat oT pleated organ- and a yellow oiohid coisage. th crown and back Mr. and Mrs. Lyle flew to Nas- MRS. PAUL KOLODilEJ * rfta Kid hm sau, Bahama Islands, for a week's b«ll <* ^T honeymoon and now are residing at Miss Elizabeth Ann Folscher, Shcrbet pink picture hats comple- 56 Campus Dr. East, Apt 4. Buf-daughter ol Mr. and Mrs Raymond mented their ensembles and they falo 26, N Y, where Mr Lyle is Price, 63 Fulton St., Keyport, be- carried cascade bouquets of pink and Mis- _ „„„.„ employed by E I. DuPont de Ne- African daisies and ivy. moun> Co as a chemical engineer. came the bride of Paul Kolodziej, Joseph Kolodziej, Neptune, twin Attending fiom Matawin were Saturday, Apr. 28, 1962 in St Jo- brother of the bridegroom, was Harbor. Their orchid James A. I.yle, Miss Bessie A. seph's Church, Keyport The bride the best man Usbenng were headpieces were styled Lyle and Mr and Mrs Joseph is the daughter of the late Freder- Williamumm Knlodiiejrvu.uwcicj, Unioumuun Beacntouhi fcanor attendant's and they Steiiger jr Also attending were ick Folscher and the bridegroom biother of the bridegroom, and -wide gold cha.inswhich the Rev Robert D Berger and is the son of Mr. and Mrs Joseph j Frank Folscher and Wallace Fol- ba|U cf deep purple dailies. Mrs Bcrger, Bellaire, Ohio, form- Kolodziej, 108 Park Ave, Union scher, Kevport, brothers sf the IM VanWhy, Cranford, was 'he er Matawan leadents. Beath MRS, GARY ROSS bride. __ 'man. Ushering were James Ihe Rev. Alfred Smith performed For her daughter's wedding, Mis Murphy, brother of the bride: ftich- the double ring ceremony at 10Price selected a blue lace dress I Maiponsld, Laurence Harbor, - The wedding of Miss Rosalind Po- Cousla I* Maid Of Honor land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Louisa Matisoff, New York. Obituaries a.m. and celebrated the nuptial with d white hat, navy blue acces- 1 '.Laird Strstion, So'jth Amboy. mass which followed. Mrs. Michael Samuel Poland, 309 Beers St, Key- a cousin of the bride, was the maid sories and a corsage of white gar- ' her daughter's wedding. Mrs. John Hallarin Cox was the soloist and she. was denias. The bridegroom's mother ly selected n' beige silk or- port, to Gasy Ross, son of Mr- »nd of honor. She wore a draped bell- Mrs. Martin Rosenkrantz, 1579 Met- shaped cocktail dress of aqua satin John Haliarin, 77, of 19 Gerard accompanied on the organ by Miss chose a beige silk dress with a Idress with a aide front nil- Ave., North Plainfield, formerly of Loretla Durante. matching hat and accessories and ropolitan Ave., The Bronx, took nrganra and carried a colonial bou- sd peajla outlined th» si* or- quet of pink and aqua flowers with Matawan, died Sunday, Apr. 29, The bride was given in marriage a corsage of green cymbidiurns. I Isfroi* her hat and aheplace Sunday, Apr. 2ft, 1962, at 12 1862, at his home. He was born in Butlonwood Reception ocssge =of pink tymbld- o'clock noon in (he Belmont Plaza pink streamers. by her stepfather. She wore a The decor-for the wedding was Bradevelt. floor-length gown of silk organza A reception followed at Peter- wUrWegrown'a 'mother Hotel, New York. Rabbi David Put- trimmed with Alencon lace, and Chinon dress with a terman, of the Park Ave. Syna- pink and white and both mothers He served as a conductor tor the son's Bu|tonwood Manor, Mata- Central Railroad of New Jersey for designed with a sabrina neckline, wan. dice and dark «qu« gogue, officiated were attired in pink. Larry Poland, Keyport, brother 40 years. He was a member of the long pointed sleeves and a chapel- For their wedding trip to the Po- Tt-Herhat matched the Given In marriage by her father of the bride, was Ihe best man and B.P.O. Elks, Red Bank; the Old length train. Her butterfly veil of ccno Mountains, Pa., the bride aqua and she wore a corsage and mother, the br(de wore a wed-ushering were Lloyd Rosenkrantz, Guard of Plainfietd and the Broth- illusion fell ,'rom a crown of lily-of- wore a Wedgewood blue suit, rose nk cymbidiums, Barry Wang, Leonard Berg, Jules erhood of Railroad Trainmen. the-valley and she carried a cas- flowered hat/navy blue accessories ding gown of imported silk organza cade bouquet of phalacnopsis and a,nd French Alencon lace. The fitted Ginsberg and Michael Weinberger, Ho is survived by two sisters, aiid a corsage of pink roses. When basque bodice was designed with a New York, and Saul Goldstone, Mrs. George Frazer, Morganville, ivy. they return, they will reside on Ful- sabrina neckline of lace embroider- Lone Island, and Mrs. James Merrill, Hazlet; Attendants In Pink ton St., Keyport. ed With seed pearls and long lace After a reception at the' hotel, the two brothers, Michael, Matawan, Miss Linda Smith, Keyport, was The bride was graduated from "V iaMo«nMMm|, P*. the bride sleeves. The bouffant skirt revealed couple left for a wedding trip to and Holmes H., North Plalnficld, the maid of honor. Miss Diane Skiv- Keyport High School and Berkeley Secretarial School, East Orange. ;for«;»' green suit, White blouse, lace inserts and was caught up in Florida. They will be at home May with whom he made his home. enz and Miss Elizabeth Walling, ireen accessories and a white or. 15 at Forest Hills. L.I. Keyport, were the bridesmaids and She is employed in the Fort Mon- the back by • Polynesian drape Funeral services were held Wed- Miss Mary Lou Price, Keyport, sis- mouth Procurement Office. eJUUd wraaiewraaie, The bride was graduated from nesday ut 8:30 a.m. at the Day and fell into a cathedral train. Her ter of (he bride, was :h" junior The bridegroom was graduated T!» cowle were graduated frqra Keyport High School and attended Funeral Home, Keyport, with a bouffant butterfly veil of imported Rider College, Trenton, and Mon- bridesmaid. They wore sherbet from Red Bank Catholic High English tHk ilkiston was held in high mass of requiem at 9 a.m. at pink silk organza over taffeta floor- School and served in the U.S. Navy. moulh College, West Long Branch. St. Joseph's Church, Keyport. In- place by a ctoofce of an organza The bridegroom was graduated longtli gowns. The fitted bodices He is employed by Ihe Jersey Cen- crushed, rose, She carried a prayer terment was in St. Gabriel's Ceme- had round necklines, three-quar- tral Power & Light Company, from DcWitl Clinton High School tery, Bradevelt. .book on which was fastened a and attended New York City Com- ter-length sleeves and back bows. Sayreville. , vy and U employed by Chris An-'sheaf 'of siephanotis, miniature munity College. He is associated Mrs. Edward Causby H»rm»\, Roofing Co., Perth Amboy, white carnations and while orchids With Mettmpex Corp., New York, Mrs. Minnie L. Causby, 77, Cen- , Whan they return, they wit) reside with white slreameis,- •• • < Funeral Services of Columbia University, New York. * WOarfieW Ave...Belford. ter St., Cliffwood, died Sunday, He was the widower of Mrs. Ma- Apr. 29, 1962, at her home. She was tilda Vanderveer Richardson. born in Rlchland, Ga., and had re- Mrs. David Coakley Funeral services were held Sat- Surviving arc several nieces and sided in Cliffwood for 43 years. nephews. Deaths Reported During Week She was the daughter of the late urday afternoon at 2 p.m. from Tarby and Mary .lane (Smith) the Second Baptist Church, Key- Ronald Pumarico Rice. pnrt, for Mrs. Minnie (Hell) Coak- Services were held Saturday for ley, 52, wife of David Coakley, 78 Mrs. Ella llautmunn Com in Washington, Mrs. Harris She is survived by her husband, Ronald Pomarico, four-year-old son Hlghfield Ave., Matawan Town- of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Pomarico, Mrs Ella Hausmann, 71, of 132 lived in Pompton Lakes and Clif- Edward: three daughters, Mrs. An- ship, who died Tuesday, Apr. 24. na Cairs, Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Lila 8 East Jack St., Rarilan Township. Seeley Ave., Keansburg, died Sat- ton before moving to Florida eight 19(12, in Perth Amboy General years ago. She was a member of Home, Linden, and Mrs. Mary Van, A Mass of ihe Angels was cffeird urday, Apr. 28, 1962, after a long Hospital. Burial, under the direc- illness. the Jewish Center of Hollywood, Cliffwood; four sons, Louis, Hen- in St. Paul's Church, and burial the Hadassah of Clifton and the derson, and Tarby jr., all of Cliff- tion of the F. Lerrp. Harris Funeral was in Holy Cross Cemetery, North Mrs Hausmann was born in Jer- Home, Red Bank, was in Shore- Arlington. ' letftii tf •tttaiii MuUiu sey City and had lived In Keans- Chiton Jewish Center- wood, and Joseph, East Orange; 11 Besides her husband, she Isgrandchildren and two great-grand- land Memorial Gardens, Hazlut. The chj|d died Thursday, Apr. 26, burg nine yeprs. Mrs. Coakley was born at Walk- Lt r.A,'- VA MM survived by a son, Lloyd, Lodi; children. 19G2, in St. Michael's Hospital, Surviving arc a daughter, Mrs erton, Vn , the daughter of Ihe two daughters, Mrs. Mildred Glick, Funeral services were held Wed- Newark, following an open-heart Catherine Sullivan, Keansburg, two West Orange, and Mrs. Lorraine late John Thomas Jones and Fanny operation Wednesday. brothers, Bernard Hautmann, Jer- nesday at 2 p.m. at the Second Bap- Sh* asks sc little, she gives so much. Vandcrstad, Wyckoff; three broth- tist Church, Matawan. Interment Ellen Jones. She had been a Mon- Also surviving arc a brother, FORMAL sey City, and Henry Hausmann, ers, Charles Werner, Cliffwood was In Midway Green Cemetery, mouth County resident 15 years Michael, and a sisler, Nancy, both North Arlington; five grandchil- Beach; Alex Werner, Fair Lawn, Matawan, under the dire lion of and was a member of the Second at home; paternal grandparents, Remember her on May 13th Mother's dren, and IS great-grandchildren. and Theodore Werner. Newark; the Bedle Funeral Home, Mata- Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fiore, Jersey WEAR The Ryan Futerai Homo, Keans- two grandchildren and one great- City, and the maternal grandmoth- Day with a Puritan Forever Young Dress. burg, was in charge of arrange- Surviving, besides her husband, grandchild. are four brothers, John Jones, er, Mrs. William Browning, Jersey ments. City. TO HIRE Edward R. Crear Morganville; Thomas A. Jones. Charcoal, Green, Cocoa II - 21 - 12'/, • 11'A Funeral services were held Mon- Edward R. Crear, 74, of 80 Main Stephen J, Broaader day at 10:30 a.m. at the E. Bern- Walkerton; A.N. Jones, King Wil- W. S. WALLACE St., Keansburg, died Sunday, Apr. liams County, Va., and Harry Stephen J. Broander, 7C, of 3heim and Sons Funeral Home, 29, 19

Storm Why Ruin Your Hair Wilh A Homo Permanent Wave? Windows SPKCIAI At Ceil'i Beauty Shop Ail Popular C NO DOWN PAYMENT! Brands ^ 1'IHST PAYMliNT IN ()(TOIJliK 5 up Triple Insert * Woatherstrippod Ni:vi:it cr.o, Cut 1)9 ck'um'd I'lully from Inslda. Mmlo of till AI.COA 's come in a world of stylus and colors aluinliiuiii. I'n J Inttalliillon by our own akllk-d crufls- Itteu, (WK SKI.I. AT ADVI'ICIISI I) I'KICI'.S.) BUY That new I'M'-ii.i'in I'll""'.1 "ill ..ivc die f.imily IIKIMIIC * uiloi- plum* In your ilewjr.niii" DIIIIX.T — SMOWHOOM ONI.V! NOSAIJ'SMIsNI NO (III COMMISSIONS! TIIMO sire uuiillly wliulnwi ol lowem u lilt ol (li.Miiu' vtiiiiiiiil li'ii vv-'''« I" '"' •>" .>'• |>l tti» Ail. lui ""I lii-l|ilul icli'iiliii-ir L'l'lnr cluil, pilct'i vnywlivri' . . . Slioi>! Ciire! .Save! li,i. livi' *ie|i i.r.iT. lu'i, I"1' .I'm- ilii'n1 lull.* .m; hi ii-ii- H .1 ^niil" ulcn ytu |ii'' V'lin |Minl, wnll- .i „..;„., it,,.;, I,|I,M... I,, in i|,, ,, ii,, i .M I.-i ii, i> i|iir, HIKI f:ilirl'i, Cull tins 'l>lii|i*. -.»• IliHlnrm 1 32 IlitlMI) VI ., Hl'l» HANK ID iicAcnvirw Avi-:, AmJ iliey li.ivr a lui in rliim-.- Imni! ll.tii'ly tmn

Pcge Fovr THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, M. J. Thursday, May 3, 1962

1 something from Mr. Coll.ns to put I Proclamation Spring Cleanup into ti.'K minutes (hat ihe board v us ^S. The annual soiicita- covftied. lU>n for funds by the Matawan Critical Of Library Project I-irsl Aid and Rescue Squad, Inc, Mr Narzowirh ,iia> was critical :X«lt»(K«M of a library pioject by rhe P-TA has been officially recognized by (cr Morganvilie School'if it haii to ths residents and borough officials be accomi>iisjic-d by tlie placing of Bi^wn, Sdjtw — Cwldlnt V. Blown, AwcUU Editor oi the Borough of Matiiwan; and cabinets in an pxposefj area where WHEREAS: The proceeds fronv people might fall ov<"r them or iM»U«r»n Journal to • n#wip«j)«f "»( tb» people, by iht twpii. . THIS 'N THAT . . . Last meeting oi the Union Beai-h jh«, PM{4«. tU tun Is £a Mrvt tfu» but tntcrnte o' Miitiwan ana '.his ",'jrlhy fur.d-r^isiug campaign | Borough Council broke up at J 15 a.m. . , . They seem to be MS,UTSo imnimnl milil al thUw» new* o«tl ft*Iht wcrk wwithou1"— •t' bl-'-u- o ••V' prejudic—'••-"—e are used exclusively by the Mata- It cwitn, woe, wmaervttiv* manner. nvpectiDi the insltenable rlgfet* wah First Aid and Rescue Squad, Collinson and Walter Jubiniky were improving , . . shaved an hour and 15 mirunes off their W eltiaiis, W4 th«r*ty •niklni lUcli wortty of their ccaSd«nc«, Ina, to provide financial support leceived Mrs. Colhnson .s r;- usual stint . . . .Just think . . . there are actually p«ople figlit- P«*Uf« Paid •! K«Uwut, New to Uie volunteer undertaking; and tiring from teaching while Mr. Ju-ing for a job like that too ... Mayor Rodgers shooshed Andy WHEREAS: The basic purpose of biasky is joining the physical ed- United to ttw em» «l «M nuc* the annual solicitation (or funds is ucation staff at the new Kai'itan Schaap when the agent for the Taxpayer;,' Organization got Tevttehip High Scliool. Mrs. Mary on the water bit again . . , the mayor reminded Andy that to provide financial support for v continuous emergency ambulance 'anToore was hired as a teachei there had been two public hearings on the water business service and improved fjrst aid *s- for the coming year at $5400. and he was not going to listen to another . . . Andy sat down fistance «td techniques; therefore, The board named Mrs fter he e 1, John W. Applcgate, Mayor of Jackson to make awards to e » , *^c-ted • promis. he could have a coppy of the ttif Borough of Matawan, do hereby fair winners at an asmnbly tomoi-1 minutes oii the meetings Firemen nad an awful tim 1 tl Firemen nad an awful time proclaim the month of May 1962 "Now here's the plan. John, you remove the paint cans. row. Charles Bebher, William Kast- iluring the dry spell . . . Prayed for rain, especially in Key- THURSDAY,-MAV. 3, IM u First Aid and Rescue Squad Mary, you remove the magazin;* and Mabel, you remove the on and Will Gnibb were first place port, where they needed a litUe time to get the rigs ready Month and do further urge the citi- nrwtpapers. . . " > winners and Margaret itakalecz. zens of (his community to recog- James DsnUm, Apryl Armstrong for the inspection of men and equipment coming up Satur- Spring Cleanup - nize the, merits of this cause by and Craig SeLaeider gained honor- day . . . reminds us, doesn't, it usually come up with,.) ihund- contributing iu its uppart thooufc'i able mention. eiatorm ]ust about midway through the inspection and pa- Cleanup, which hi* Be«n observed in many com- generous response to the annual Tlie lx»ard voted to ask it* at-rade? ^ i ^UUI( for pearly 50 years, is hex* itjain. Citizens of cursolicitation for funds by (he First torney, CMton T. Bri goes LEON THE CHAMELEON . . . (that's what h» was billed i v tgwju «• being asked to Join in our local spring cleanup (Signed) IIU11I, IH/YV Id! MS WM-JK»1VII giltO ii.1a b lie 1 OI I V * • T'Hl 1 *< <^npaign ai\d brighten up their homes. in providing for traina'ble children » «t » »y an ordinary American Lizard) has taken John W. Applegate, Mayor Cafeteria report showed receipts over the household, much to Paddlefoot, the dog's chagrin' , .1 * It'a yary easy to do yowr bit. .Simply take an hour or Borough of Mattwan ^ ^ two to go^ver the Vith il43&M baUnC" up B food worm • ' • T!ley eve" for:Tled Plies' ir, the •?' accumulated. II you' have old. raagazines and newspapers neighborhood tD round up big juicy flies . . . then they all X Th^f yfitTSo: longer need,," throw them om, ii there is « biuk- gather around Leon's plastic house tp wdich the festival . . . 7 «n nck«n| philr or other piece of furniture which' you will Police Issue In almost like a Koman holiday , . . '1 lie tly lasts approximately wtr"iu»;Main,thr«wUov;triu , too. , (continued liom page one) one-fifth of a second after his first move after being,placed out' in 19)4 to give access to fivn in the cage . . . Children really enthusiastic about this, bit *' Th'ii'sainThe t goes for old, clothing, old mattresses, old pil- "And fourth, kind all, -vhen we're finished . . . YOU keep lc(s. He had the view it was a pub- but we li£id tD put our foot down when they began anivinij ''"'•"*" "k'ples'jivhich biivi been gathering dust for l " lic road. John Savitsky, a specta- with wa.sps and assorted insects . . . Npxt time you read a MofthLttypefeed.fitv. Hoe Still Useful tor, believed She owner, Joseph Kurica, could close -tiff '.he road newspaper or a magazine and see offers of free Chameleons i your< Hu^nent tti* same Hind ot inspection. Tiirow The homely hoe still is a useful . . . check yourself. Seems the people who are offering the. weapon in the hands of fie home one day of the year, as Mr. Kurica paint d^i'Old pa^t.brushei, and oily rags. The holds title to the land over which lizards free of charge are actually in the woim growing Board;o|?ir«.Under writers reminds that ty sogardener out to conquer wet! en- emies. And so are the rdki., mul- Looking Backward it passes, and bar it thereby Iroin business. Imagine, buyirg a half-year's supply of worms. you not only *wiH clear your home of trash, but eliroi- ches, clean soil for pottinfc and being considered u public road, ODDS 'N ENDS ... In Milwaukee yet, the city made " "lr« hazards.; ' - ' beds, and proper liming anc fer- Mi. Suvit.sky recalled the map was tilizing. HMH aa*al r«Bw Aai Iklan W« OUKW to 1h« Ux filed in 192-1. He said the town- famous by !>eor, they've created a new product . . . nou- V^f ;owe it4t>"0^rs?lve» to yeduce the possibility of fire ship would have to clarify the alt-oholic beer . . . lochs like beer, froth-; like beer, tastes And/we can bwutify^our community by cleaning up What brought this up is a card status of lhe road oy ordinance like beer (marginal) but it-just isn't like br-er . . , Being —-"•»- empty late; alleys, and our streets, pwks, shop- from a gardener seeking advice I'Illy Years Ago Slate Highway Route Nu. 4, burned on chemical control of chickveed (Issue Thursday, May 2, 1912) down late Tuesday afternoon. Al- produced for the market in countries in the near East where if vfin***, buMMtsa districta, and civic buildings. We willin • bed of pachysandra where liic though still retaining its church religious .sects ban alcoholic beverages of any type . . . Ex-- profit by haying made ow community spic and span and 1 A horse owned and driven bv interior the building had not been soil had to be disturbed. She w nts Harry Coley of Matawan ran >.way Area Students peel to sell 100,000 barrels thi.> year . . . out not in Milwau- for the the coming, summer. to know if there's a safe product Sunday afternoon near Seidler's used lor worship for a number of (continued from pane one) kee, you si/c '46 . . . According to a report, government •o destroy the chickweed without Beach and several small childicn years. $400 will receive me amount of tui- killing the pachysandra. who were in the road came near Charles C. Schock holds the IKM-tion charged. Awards die renew- pg IKIS growg n so v'a^l that in a 15-month pperiod it Unfortunately, no, says Dr. Don-being run down. Coley was driving or of being the first this season to able and may be received for four would be sufficient to buy up-everything that Soviet Russia , Fight Mental Health ald B. Schallock, extension weed from Keyport and turned to allow go swimming in Lake Lefferts. years of undergraduate college at- control specialist at Rutgers. It an automobile to pass. As he didThis swim was not really planned, tendance. could produce in one year, including financing the Red \ %u "h?fl § patient leaves the mental hospital, his battle might well be an easy one for aso, another machine came along as Mr. Schock tried canoeing to Results Of Examination armed forces and all their missile woik . . . Maybe.somebody 1^% ijh»kbf 'ftvfiy ™}t over. H>tiv«>/i conqueied the mental illness frightening the horse. see how inany fish were swimming yf researcher to solve, considering Qualification for a scholarship Is is already considering buyin' them out ... A recently com- ^ Whlch'afiUcted him, h> now may have to conquer many oth- the knowledge already gained in The Italians employed In repair- around since the recent heavy based upon demonstrated financial storms. He did see some fish even pleted science survey notes that male rats drink more than T^L»r~"n\aia"siiim] prejudice, ignorance, frlundlessness, lack othfe selective action of certain ing the roadbed on the New York need and the results of a qualifying female rats .. .and more often as well . . . but science also chemicals, he says. and Long Branch Railroad, between though it cost him a bath. examination. In addition, appli- By riaad Perth Amboy and Point Pleasant; A record trans-Atlantic flight is cants must meet certain basic con- discloses they hardly wind up with any problems . . . Seems • Wtunately, the returned mental patient is no longer have quit work. They have been likely to be a big news event al- ditions. The law provides that a if it's too far out of their way, the rals will skip that one But meanwhile, better start pull- receiving $1.60 for ten hours' work j «knt, theway he uaed to be. Today, he has Monmouth Coun- ing. Get rid of the chickweed be- most any day in the near future. successful applicant must have for the road. ty Men^l' Health Association by his side, to assure him a and now demand $2 for the lame The powerful monoplane which has been a resident of New Jersey for fore it has a chance, lo reseed, service. been at the Aeiomarine plant, Key- a period of not less than 12 months at the option of the grantor. He Weinstcin, Dr. Patricia E. Formica, warm'welcome; a group'of friends in a returncd-patients is the specialist's advice. Usually port, undergoing alterations for chickweed Is no problem in pachy- Several hundred people from Mat- immediately preceding (he dale of averred there was no "subterfuge" and Dr. George Brennan. • • • • 'n fyidjng.f congenial;home setting, if he should awan, Cliffwood, Keyport, Soulh several weeks, took off from the his application, that he musi be' sandra but disturbing the soil al- Aeromarlne flying field, Monday, in the matter as a right-for-life in lhe Ixiard received a letter from $in finding jjiqb, free, from the prejudice of an-lowed it to get • start. and Perth An-.boy and surrounding graduated !rpm high school within the will entailed the land. territory visited Seidler's Beach for an unannounced destination, il period nut greater than one year the Hast Brunswick Board of t employer or fellow employees; help in getting the And still on the subject of hand- Condemnation Possible Health asking its opinion on tiie hir- __,-_in',fys may need to keep him fref cf his symptoms. Sunday afternoon expecting to seepiloted by "Lou" Reichers. from lhe date of his Application and ivork on weeds, Dr. Schallock a flight of (he hydro aeroplane of must have demonstrated high mor- But the attorneys for the objec- ing of Jl joint full-time health offi- jnth'out this hetp, many a' patient might break down points out that a timely raking or That Ma! R. J. Collier. Walter Brookins and paring for a local government fight al character, good citizenship, and tors found condemnation always <- again iiid haye to return to the, hospital. hoeing of the garden can be ef-O. G. Simmons, aviators, who are dedication to American ideals. Al- was possible and they wanted to part-lime position. fective indeed. this fall is apparent from the fil- in charge ot the machine, after a ing o( petitions last night, when the so, he must enroll in an approved know how a septic tank system Mayor Phillips said that the East "' This is only one reason why it is important for us ail to Weed seeds generally germinate consultation decided that the flight Brunswick officer already had present committeemzn, William college as a full-lime student. was to be set up for 50-by- 100-foot 1 . help support the work of' pur Monmouth County Mental within a half-inch of the nurUce. would have to be postponed owing Hyer Sr., Democrat, will be op- Payment tvili be made to stu-lots in a "trailer court" in view of heen asked if he' were" willing.to Health Association, an affiliate of the National Association When there are many of them they lo tho wind. posed by Miss Elsie Gates, of Cliff- dents ,-ui -r registration in the fall the recent directive of lhe Slate De- work full-lime on this basis and for Mental Health. The County Mental Health Association can be dislodged quickly without The spirit of,improvement has wood, Republican. Tin's is the first when Ihey secure from the regis partment of Health against seplic had answered in lhe negative. disturbing the soil or plants lo any systems for lals on anything but also helps support a program of research to find newer and great extent. taken hold of a number of the prop- time a woman has run tor the of- Irars-of the colleges they are at- erly owners on Broad and connect- fice of Township Committee in iending official statements of their an acreage basis. Mr. LaMura 'better ways to treat mental illness; also to prevent it. Several rakings at the right time ing streets, as is evidenced by'the Matawan Township. enrollment as full-time students. noted the roads within (he "trailer Launch Probe " • " Ptien you are asked to contribute to the Bell Ringer in May and June may eliminate number of sidewalks being laid or court" would only be 20 feel wide, % The annual financial report is- Avards are distributed equally over - Campaign this month for Mental Health, remember you the weed problem in July and arranged to be laid. Now, for the t'.ie terms of (he academic year. which would be barred under the (continued from page one) 1 August. finishing of Main Street sidewalks sued by the First Presbyterian zoning of Matawan Township. And Eitaubclh. owners of the properties, are Itplping to save some fellow human being from the tor- Church of Matawan shows that the Bnyshore area students winning But once the weeds, establish before the summer arrives, and ruularsliips are Frank Barricelli, Mr. .loi'l did not see why the ap- by Ethel Reeves Thomas. tures of mental illness. You also are helping to build protec- themselves, they can put up a long members of the church have given then those who have occasion to arr Ave., Keansburg; Kdward plicant had not petitioned the Mat- At lhe scene of the fire, Kuyport tionjfor yourself and the ones you love. hard fight. When you pull them use (hem will have their just cause awan Township Committee to re- tiviiies this year. Broberg, Coral Dr., Hazlct; Ray- fiiemen «t;( assisted by units you may damage nearby planls. of "kicking" removed. There are mond W. Burgess, Union Beach; zone the 16 acri; site. The Deckers from Union Beach, Raritan Town- Mulches not many that need attention, and The Parent-Teacher Association \ _ r John A. Carrr.an. Front St., Union found this impossible as asking for ship, Matawan and Mulawan Town- Ornamentals and overwinlerint: (hey should be started and complet- of St. Joseph's School will ser» e "spol" zoning. n spaghetti supper wilh a curd par- Beach; Frank Felta. Snyder l^ane, ship. During lhe three-hour fight Help The Property Owners plants can be mulched heavily ed al once. • Keyport; John D. Gilbert, Gerald to save other properties in the busi- enough to prevent the growth of ly following, Thursday evening, The board reserved decision. It Boys set fire to some grass near Terr., Ha/Jet; William Grim jr., had sat through several sessions on ness district. '12 high-pressure 11(15- sc~: This is the lime of the year when all garden enthusiasts weeds through the mulch. Then Mrs. Waters house on Broad Street April 28, in St. Joseph's Hall. The es were plnyed on the blaie. rT find property owners take advantage of every free, clear just rake off the mulch at u time proceeds will be used to furnish Winlhrop PI., Hazlet. the application, including showing and tor a lime the house was Also James Houston, Atlantic St., movies and hearing statistics t, when The presentation of a certificate basis quoting the first case us a members of lhe Fire Department on the borough streets for papers and waste, and they should lo Miss Shirley VanBrakie, daugh- lers in the mobile home park times, especially by turf manage- it first started business and for would he business executives from precedent. The end result, Mr. La- al the department meeling Friday ;bo used as such. If a child is not interested enough in hisment specialists, who explain that some time has been (he only em- ter of Councilman and Mrs. James Mura warned, was contempt for at Eagle Hose Co. crabgrass seeds have a hard lime M. VanBrakie of Schenck Avenue, plants in Holmdel who go aboul (he jcftqol paper to take it home, then let him throw it away either ploye. What disposition Mr. Long- rountry in Iheir business duties und zoning restrictions and the effec- Chiefs Joseph Collins, Edmund ' a^' school,' at home, or in a waste can provided for such a germinating when the grans is long strest will make of the factory op- for saving the life of Donald I. Lew- tive end of ah zoning In the mu-Walker and Floyd Gardner, speak- enough to shade the soil. accordingly find il desirable to purpose.' posite (he railroad station has not Is of Jackson Street,'when he wasdwell in trailers. nicipality. ing for the firemen and themselves, been ascertained. drowning in Lake Lefferls lasl sum- Mr. Jo'-l wanted to know wliy had high praise fur the assistance Let's all co-operate to help these home owners with pride mer, featured (he meeting of thethe Pent Estate could nol grant and efficient co-operation by fire- make thoh properties shineduring this spring season. Fifty Years Ago Matawan Girl Scouts last night. an easement to the township for Iron Content men of neighboring municipalities Thursday. May 5, is (he lasl Jay entry into the 16 acres by which il wlio i founded to the call for out- (Issue Thursday, Apr. 25, 1912) side aid, commission to be composed of five for filing claims al (he .Matawan could be made » public road, then (continued from page one) The Mayor and Council met In board physicians had endorsed at a Spi-cial thanks was extended by Boy Hurt In Auto members, none of which shall be a regular session on Tuesday night, Dank, In liquidation. lhe interior Irncl could be mure suitably develupeil ns hnmesites in special meeting Sunday a munici- bornuiih firemen to the countless' Crash In Marlboro township commltleeman. Mayor all being present except Mr. Shaflo. Chief of Police Edwin C. Sloat pal polio inoculation program lo boroup.li residents, merchants and Chester explained the Authority Habits Don't Happen Counsel Lloyd and Senator has issued an order thai all roller keeping with the high-class residen- tial characteristic of the area. Mr, begin before summer. numbers of (ire company auxil- George L, Craix, II, of 44 Man- will h»ve the power to develop an H. S. Terhuae were also there. .skating will be confined lo Main nl iane.s who unhesitatingly provided B,. MM>>I « Mnn/lnht; V f>. Councilman Thompson for the Si reel between Washington and .loci said thiit if the P'' Hstate lie .said Ihf piiigram would be ... chester Avt,, Kiyport, ws: injured for the township or to grant fran- Examine your habits for ihcStreet Commutes reported Clinton wanted to terminate this use ns athe first sponsored by the township firemen wilh hoi coffee and loud Middlesex Streets, between I h e and undertaken on a ltmnship-wide I during their hours at lhe blime Wed- Sunday after the car in which he chises with a rccaplure clause if good of your souls. You also might Street had been graveled. Broad hums of 7 o'clock and 10 o'clock public road, lhe township rnulil 1 : do the samo thing for Iho good of and Orchard streets repaired, lhe vacate il. Hut Mr. Bicker was tun- bnsls '-. Previou"--' s clinic"- —s '•-•• nci'ii! n<-«liiy mnininf,. Vat riding wai hit In the rear on overall operation is to become a evenings, except Saturday and Sun- Chief Collins pointed out thai long policy it a later dale. your bodies, and for Ihc health and crossing near (he Graded School day nights, when il will be pro-that persons buying houses In theconducted by p.ivate groups in cer Joule Tt it Tennent Rd., Marlboro well-being of others. Moralists tell before dawn, women already hod The township committee intro- had been put In order, She brick hibiled. 16 acres would oppose miy Township. The boy was admitted us that a good habit is one that hnd been removed from lhe gutter vacating of the public road hy Inn- piepated anil made available cof- duced an ordinance to grant pay Mrs. Charles Neil, representing "ee foi iht lirelightcrs. "flic appre- to Rlvervlew Hoi;!t«l, »Uh s neck increase for committee members adds to, or at least does not en-in Jackson Street, (he curl) reset am! the Pen! F.stale would lose " danger, spiritual welfare. In theand glider cleaned on Fountain uic Freneau Welfare Associali'-n, j . . laiinn the fuumi'ii have for lhe Injury. and township employees. Public ciime ht-fnre the Mayor and Dor- jri'" , les.e*. extended them is dilli- Xeyport Slate Police said the boy hearing on the raises, retroactive physical order a similar standard Avenue and a walk had been laid applies: 'I hose arc good lutbiLs ns ordered. Grade lines were need- oii'ih Council at their regular meet- Mr. l.ii.Mura believed thai, iis :o pul into words," Chief Cnl- was Ir1 ::us back seat of • car driv- to Jan. 1, will be May 24 at 8 'in Tuesday night "lo see how p.m. which Increase and sustain physi- ed before oilier work could proceed. brother of lhe applicant hud inter- Dr. Severino.1, Ambiosio, Dr. Alnn en by his brother, Charles J. Craig thev Ml about the annexali.m of fjn „„. Opposed To Pay Retroactive cal health. Every phase of our nc- ,,,.,„ j-Malc the livllv Is involved, but special allon- The Fnsier collection nf St. Jo-l-nwau lo III.' bnnmgh." 1,? ttus ti.- -.l nf i eruvery I'ould wry jr., that was slopped on Routu 79. Knlseu seph's Church amounted to $831, m lion sliu.'M be givun to our huhits Mr. and Mrs. Paul ]-">:nn (if New | W(,|| ".:uhiei lu|:e" In ssil< li.ick The nuto wan struck by a car driv- increase over lasl year. Mr. VonRodcck voiced the lone of eating, drinking, and mnokmi;, York havhave rented thethe- hemshmee on j h rla.*,?, hoiiH'.i *»u en by Mrs, Concilia L. Koslcr, Tin.- Freeholders are having I lie ,|)(, 1,1,11,1,,,,, „[ dissent from tho sudlenco to thennd to Hie tendencies which wu fol- Franklin Street rerirnlly v.iculi'il bv !: |,.s , 00,„„0 , -.,,,•,.,«i«i->iir<--. I«H»."..1 . I'll.", M" |l'l|UH"ll pay raises, lie termed the boosts worn parts of Main Stieel covered East Orange, And the boy wus low In driving, exercising, working, Mr. ami .Mrs. Arthuh r I'l ii'dman. | )|V'' lh,. ,(lim,,, [m n iniuv pri'ltnbl" with small stone, ami this in turn ;h - r. Into tho front scat. Police unfair, unwise and never Justi- The house is one immd hy (he j „,,,,,,,„(„„ m !iii.|,v.|l)il („.,; InC, of H and relaxing. '111 lie covered wilh gravel. fied." He said he has "never be- Good hnbils benefit us; had hab- John l.loyd eslnle. trailer mini, Mr l.aMnra noleil said Mrs. Kostcr'i car skidded on Kobe r I •!. Collier's aeroplane lieved in retroacHvo salary In- its hurt us. Good liublts leuvu us |)iinnld Milter h.is been employe.! linn I|II< i hum nl lhe j|i|illi'iint tli.it wet pavement. passed through town last Friday, creases" and that he was "sorry 1 free; had hablls enslave us. In oth- bv I hi- I'iinniTS and Mr:< 'hauls N.i nn fit) fiml strip of hind ei-iild be was not here In squnwk at the drawn hy un nulomolille, en rout." lloiiiil M.ink as a elerk, Mr. Miller er words, a good habit Is one Hint 1 pun h;iseil Inr il iiiii'l Hit" Ihi proper tlmo." . to Soldier's Bench. bi'ltim his duties Monde; . 1 you have, and a bud hnbll is one l.ai,l Friday nll-.hl the poslnlfli-'.'.'i iieie.'., .is the II.IM ' for lhe haul The Incioase would boost the pay ship, u.i', Mil,num.'' a>- no le|mil Planning Board Ihiil has you. ,il Spomwood nnd Old llrlilge wen' of 'he inr yor and commltteemen by h;nl IH'I'II I'lven nn lhe pHip'-rllr:; 1 Look thru over, enllni;, drink- broken inlo. 'I he thieves got iiwuvj (rnntlnufd from paw one) $?5fl In $1250 per yt«ir. Inc. Rinoklni.', driving, I'xi'iTlsIni!. | l^n | n« - WII.IU UlUlU «Ji Mill HIM., IU ••>'.. Ju.itf/it LuiMuiM, Uilliunif; lir,|nt 1 1 t WOIKIIII;, riHiixni)', Wu you miiuui Mumped envelopes lit III'- S|xil;-- ll'ill inili I'll' - I" the l'i .I'""- lluin I ' ably upgrade. tor nncl ZOIIIHK officer, would (!el your hubils, or do they control you.' iml'-d hum |>.iKi- in , ) Tesn1- Kil. in Miii'lh'iio 'limii'.hlp Ilic bl(;«ehl increase — up $2500 to wood iiffin-. This In lhe Ihiid lime ! tin - Mr. Cheilor told hint that when On your miswrr depend your heulih the nllice tins been robbed wlljiin re.sullini; in Mime nvenill | Mr, l.nMur.i was vi lie ol 111' ! the plnnnlnu hnnril sees fll to rrr- jrilllin. Officials said ihU WUK thennd happiness, nnd perhnps II"' 1 Ill ||| •.I'hiKil liv Ilii' |ill|i'l I I.-.VIH'M. 'ii'-l Illlllll'i it IIV' I IH Hi.ll ll- • luri'.ost ralM! Iwcnnse the post Is ,i few yi-iiii,. Al Old Uii'lgi.- iiiithin;: lini' «P ommond uiiKrudmi:, iho towntiiip ht-nlth mid liiipiilni'Kit of nlliii'.i. was t'lilien, I'ni.lriii-'er ApiitiliV Ih.-oi hi most pi.lies iiniuml. liirni bv inr .iiiiii |iiiil,\M"l iiiiii "l> Almost n full -time job. Ml. Niir/ovirl'il i i|iusiioMi'd lip-[ er IHISIIH-I.S would sell, commlttw will he rpsloffhv, e.<- twci'M Iho two badlvs, ccpl fume. Mumped envelopes, llmiH of Mippei'i mill heni lit |ii'i'. jesliili- man, ex|>liiiiud thnl H«', IHI M follows: VUy& Wyckoff, 1 Miss Kdnn Nctlor, n towiwIUp IHI M follo y These, hud tin.- inline of lhe plan: loiiiiiiii'i": Hi Ihr iii'iir fiilun; when I piopi-ilii". In M.ti HHIIO III.VII- III|I | hl lk 1200 l $24110 Motor Vehicle rcullor, believed thut if complUinci; lownshlp clerk, up 1200 lo $; piinled nn (hem, which iiuwh: lluin ;ii!ni,'.vnii'i will In- i-hnii'ril. Mr ' ,nt> in IUll-fi«il IIIIIIII, mil "I .i •'"•• Mm. l'loyd Wyckoff, deputy clerk, (liii-'.li'iiieil I hill tin1 luiiinl's ii.iliili j lor siiliiliviihii)-, Im wilii ific"rJcicnJuni of 1055 '.v.^ V;i|'H'|i'i-« I" (lie tllli-vim (oo much to ex|H'ci, tha lowushlp up ;:iou lo $»l>0; Knlierl Nivmon, Qut'slioa Uox 'I lie lloiinl ul FiTeholileis met ,n Iv 'iii.ini'i.' f'Mt'iiiirii In MM !i |:.ilh V. ,l\ III ,lil ,11 li' Khllii iUiU 1 welfare dircclnr. up $300 to JI300; . Mr. Sena liellevrd lh.il iif- -.l/i /nniiiH nii-ii, coinmllu.'O could nut a Mnslcr Plan Widni'.'idiiy miiiiiini! I" Irvlnit Perry, treasurer, up $400 lo i liixd V'eiir w.i.'. KI nr.n lo II I'liilip lii'rki r i'iii|ih,r.i/iil in In effect and (hat ilcvclopmt'iii in'.pci t (he rouiity lo.id, b'ldj'.is »IM)U; liari Mtirrlni'liMi. mn/tlnlriili!, , llii- l^.flid I'liuld fo on its il i-losiii)'. lli,i! ii mobile in,mi's p.wk could be "lTM.cn" unlit it li.nl l/~l hnve been liiliirined, llhil M !Mdruiilks .mil iih.ii In I n over Ir,.' ((ikon form. If tiiwriulina lot nl/w up $200 to $2000, and Mm, Ivlim, apprehended by n imllic nffliei. n I III'- Hi,1, ihi- only kind nl liirnni">< lh.it e I \n small pii'i'i'.'- of linvnslnn In unnlUilnnbli'. Mlf NcHor suit- Ihfkvr, court clerk, up $100 lo1:1.111' pi'iiiul (if 21 IIOIIIB In wlurlil u.il on ilni I'll: l|n- '.iininn i \ ,ir;thnn • oiilil |:o Hi Ihr .'.it'1 null I he nnlv Hindu, (or lhe iinpiovini; of ulilih 1 grxlrd upKruilliiK luiutif tl/rp, JIIOU. to pioduue my dilver Ilieilse dinl j Ml. N'.II/II-AIIII did nol hi.i' III" lo |iii)ihr Mil In II) H pi'lilloii'i hud iilniiily IIIIII piisrnl : ••)•>'• Tim (inlary of Wlllliiin M«yi'r, 1 IIII-II nl wiiilini:. Hi' iwi', InM Knv il I'V a i ;i".-it lit |!ial t i'H To t'niitldt'r Matltr l'lnn l< jii'-liilliiin wniihl In I'r.inli'il Ii, | I'll 10 illl'lll. pl!innln)> Imatd it'cretiry, woulil bt- Ihin tmi'V j I i "llnr. I II i i,I'M lli>' li'i.iiil' tl'l lll'ltlll I Iiv 11 l'i II! I .1 .il Mnv<>r Cheater plc<*tl II Mn* 'IIH' Sli'iiilnril 'ins I'oiiipiUiv is r i.ii.,ul JCCO Ii. $1500, nml h.-.iar-i OMt IN AND cry VOIIP mrpY ler I'lllll "Will III! jjivi'll dm; rim. A--fii v. ,lri^.i> IHOIOI VI hti !• ">>. Hi i inni!in|', lo lity ifw M-iniinii 1 r inn' Ihal ih. piiliry An', luuail inn)'- a il' i iiiiliniii il ho if)'- - (Kldcnillon " llul III'; lir.viij.lilf) nun Siicl.'-wliir, hi'iillh offli'iM , WIIIIIU ri'c|iilriTi Mini lit" iipeinlnr ill a j Illllins lhe r-Illle Ii llj'lll o' I ilsl inlllrc WIMII uhend with IU (inlln |{ei ii i nun of Sf.Ofl In $1000, tl'iiinr vrhlrle In; III iioh.'.i .•isloii nl! I'll'lllft'l til TO, Cl VII' ll IH ' '!', Oil' . Illlll I'M III, III' piMlll ll dill. V.ll-'ll •!'• •ni'l> 10 ftt'l ll|l U HIUIlli'l|IHl UlllllilX 'Jim Jnnllor nf lown^lilp buHdliip.fi h n itiKIT IIICMM1 HUM n-iihlrulinti l)'ll Mr fJal''i..H li '^anli'il * iin< , !,l Wliilhl III- illl|«t.Mllll' 111 III I UP 35 and 36 1 gut^oriiy.in n^ulnli' IIH' :iMiijin: woulil lie liiKirdcd hy $50 In II rnilury l-illfli'iili' ill nil llmi'ii, Any peiMiii I hilly Veins Agii ihuij: "in v i iiliij " Me \\ii. \ ,ti iti il i |>imal i, Apr, r.', Hit ) Ihal lo ih'.li.n tin I' ! ,'V, nnv i pel lliait'!nl hoiii-'i iVilh I h'i ImlV cynli'lii \wt\ ri'i|iiiiid I'li'ilen •|l lliiptl'.l riiiiich ill I'hii'i' v.iiulll llilii.V Mull |'l I"'. Hli'i rml ' "•" '" • |!iii>!i(' hli'Jn'.av In in;; a KKYPORT Mrtt' (li'VrliipiiH'iil. An (IIIIIUIIIII i: IIU.IMI II| AiljtiMMii'iil vsinild |Hiv H.il'i would In' Milljri:! In U line mil |ii.ili on lhe M.il.u- nn Nouih Am IIIIMIIII, MI hi' i'lKi' IIS'.I'III lii Iiiiii bniil .itonn III'' 1,11/il' III Will IlllioOuiCll M'lllllK IID Ml'!l ,1}.t(M |(i'C J'i'iir. bIwy Ho.nl, iiiiw nlliiliilly luiuv.il i iisiii'.i' ol (i-utiiil ,';• limil on j.i IIIIII: ! i a.'.i'iiii n! Hi.it ran Im li'iiniiial'-d Paga Ffv* Thursday,,May 3, 1962 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. VFW, Auxiliary Sails For Germany Juniors; j Girl SeOUlS Art ' | j_ Named Crowner itawan I Exhibit'Saturday ;| 'install Officers Sell Geraniums Kuu Of Voa And Your Family H Appreciated At Aiiy Tira». ! The Fourth Distriw Cirl Sfuul' -^vLester Ash was Installed as Com- of cne Ma'iWtn h.i.iOi .i Art.,Exhibit wil! b« h'.'1'l Saturday I mlyider of the Veterans of Foreign Woman's Clun are taking oidtrs i.i x" J'nner guests of Mr. a:vjj Mrs. Msiikla Peterson ttni Mr. i from 10 am. to 3 p.m in fohn 1. i I lor geraniums for D'.-corition DiV, w'a\s, McElvair.c-Schanck Pos,: Inumdb siijdonn, Johnson St., and Airs'. Ernest R. Peterson ami jTassini's R^a! Estate Of;io.\ 117 L Mam st 2218, ' .Atawau, at joint ceremonies •t Wo.3 iinnowwd at thj vere Mis Siddons' parents,;. Mr..1 children, Louisa and Robert. hav« ! -> Malawan. \ A|>; 21 at th« jnd \/rs F -rl .S. Miillina'and -ihtf returned home after spending tv/o! "Home Frontiers" wil' he the held inf.the American Lejto* Hall, '.I I Of dab / I nt/ine of Mrs Kenneth Fljjber:, *S Mi .-.i. Kandi and Vicky Jo Neiner, weeks in Florida visiting Mr. and 1 theme oj the display. 'liu> 1'. w.i-, Main Sf-i Miitnwan. niny pictures wi'.t be exnibilsd .MJV I let \v,H benefit fif e !/JiU! ! Pt.th Ainlic Mrs. Georftu Lini.mayer. h him wlU be 11 aiKi -U ia ihe tivn. auiii'urlum j ServL,* w" Joseph Mi md Mrs. Ceorfio C. VHili j M R h A1| y , . -.;-pe n.g fund of the Woman's Club ot and c'liidien George Jr., Charles, in ihe MonKiuuth Shoppi.i;; Ci-.il; r. | Compoly, jpenlor vica corrmander; w - 1 Katawan, Int,. leunne Marie and, John, Raritan '"'"'! Eatontov/R. From there ti:oy wil .Ernest filler, junior vice com- ter-in-!aw, Mr. and Mrs. William j bf-ssntfc , to-.AV^m'oat tthoro iik> Nd- j Mrs. Andiew H-Jlsaii, welfare Township, were Sunday dinner Allen, Washington Ave .. r.i«nder; {toward Hooper, quarter- chairman, asked member, to contn- of Mr and Mrs. E. C. Wei- tional CV-rl Scoiit ..Round.-U? wi',1 be '• held this year. master; ^ Albert Fields, chaplain; hita combs, tJ-cum, and postage I ""' Beech*ood Terr. Mrs, Virginia Nile atid son. Cur- Dr. Ara«uA'Captanian, surgeon, and Mrs. John Kapp artd chit- tis and -Mrs, EstTner Fiutler, Maplo Mis? Jean Morris, Matawan Sen- | sumps foi the Mate St hool at Vm wood, wc;re"Sunday visitors o! Mr. ior Troop 312, sponsored by the .Oscar Bui, ifir . officer-of-the-day; dien, Jackson, wera Stindlai y guosts land and also requested used ny- ot Mi. and Mr$.-,RVjivett J. Mc- ami Mrs. Wiiiiam "Allen. ' Business and Professional Women's Larry G//brei«h, judge advocate; lons, Kvn. Teddy Osipowitz. son of Mr. andClub of Matawan, has been s».'ln;ted Frank Anson, three-year-trustee; Mrs. Ted Osipowitz, Freneuu Ave, to attend the round-up, and will ac-1 MomlK'rs were rommded of the Mrs Pudy Hedel entertained company the other sev«i girls from John Panko, two-V^r-trustee: Ray- fashion show and rum heon to be Monday nmht at'bridge. The- win-is recuperating from a tpnsilecto- my. the'Monmouth District who aie se- mond DunjJy)unphy, Qae-year-trustey e and i i held on bamiday, May 1"*, ai the ners w,r.w»!kr n,- weru.n,-e» MrM-. an»n,di Mrsu,<. nDaa_- hib|t wil( bg Brownie, Imermed-! is a senior at Red Bink Catholic y, y mon Tyrrell, Bill Tyrrell, Mr. and a past Commander of Post 9755, I lie™ nlannini; to attend are Mrs.Ward, Schenck Ave. They are iate and Senior Troops from Key-1 high School. She has been accepted Neptune, was the assistant mstal- classmates at Wood Secretarial Mrs. John '.Gfanger and Mr. and port, Cliffwood, Matawdn, Morgan-1 as a member of the freshman 'HuKart, Mrs James Inggs, Mis. MMrs . LoL u IlI'ugliesei . Caruillo Gentile and Mrs Robert School, Ne>v York. ville, Union Beach and Keaniburg, j class ut Sacred Heart Junior Col-" ;w,i ,j <>, ,_.««. n! Mr. and Mrs. 5S1 Tny- i rompr'sins ihp Riiyshorf NiiiL'hbur-1 lew Bi'lnmpl, N.C. Install Auxiliary mt/i ivii. Mrs. .?.,!.V,,:F. /. ?? j pj Riys Negbor i le The next regular meeting will Funk (.truso, Jersey City, were ;is Rd., enteriiined at d'iniifii' Siit-j hood Association'and th» Matawan | — "*"" Mri Andrew Gallagher, past De- Mrs- CJIUMI'S sister, Mrs. Cnmilio urdady eveningi . HeH r guests were NihbhNeighborhoodd AssociationAi . partment President, and past presi- bo heid Tuesday at the Raman 'Gc.nlile and children, Lori and Mrs. Gussie Bell, Mis. Mae Gillis, The Judges will be Mrs. Gene- Coastal iers March dent-nf Keansburg Auxiliary 1953, Hose Co. Fue House, Broad St., Rock jr, lexas Rd, Miss Evelyn 1 Keyporf, when there will be a Mrs. Robert Smith, Matawan; vievn Donnelt, Matawan, and Mrs. installing officer, was assisted by Vega, Wickatunk, and Mrs. Cam- ] Mrs. Charles E. Stultz, Keyport, In Two Parade? Mrv. Richard Nebus, Department •speaker on juverrie delinquency. Umery Horn, Hazlet. Mrs Mou "M and Mrs. Gentile will so's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James j and Mrs! Waiter Kelly, Freehold. ,4. Assistant Guard, aiuf a member of T'enano The Guadalcanal Coastalior.s Jun- /'""Auxlhaty 4247 Kcyport, us" in- ba the hostesses. Mrs. Fred Dietrich entertained Sunday quests of M;'. and Mrs. Michael D. Johnson ior Drum and Bugle Corps, spoil- stalling conductress. Mrs. Raymond Wcnzel, Mrs. Rus- William lidslach jr. vere Mr. and sell VanPelt and Mrs. Thomas sored by the Veterans of Foreign Mrs Zane Anson took the oath Mrs Edward Hartten, liempstead, Christened Sunday of president of Auxiliary 2218 Stames at cards on Tuesday eve- Wars Post 4745 of Matawan Town* Service Cards LI; Mr and Mrs. Arnold Lake ning. Prizt) for high score was Mrs Edward Rmkewich will seive and daughter, Karen, Mrs. Michael David Johnson, son of ship, participated in two American- BS senior vice president; Mrs. won by Mrs. VV'enzel. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. John-son, ism Day parades Sunday. The earl- Ida Lnko, Mrs. Betty Nichols and i James Thomas, junior vice presi- Miss Mildred Nichols, Glendale, Mrs. Walter-Trahim and daugh-•4I.S--A.SantJs Ave.. Matawan, was ier parade took place in Fords and Given At Meet ter, Karen, Malhia»cn PI., spent dent Mrs.'Frank Anson, treasurer; LI christened on Sunday, Apr. It, the later one in Jersey City. .Mrs. George Makuk, rhaplam, Seven-year soivice caids were Mr and Mrs. C. W. Jurman and Sunday In New York. They attend- 1962, at 2 p.m. at ,St. Joseph's Mrs Raymond Dunphy, conduc- presented to qualifying meir.heis of ed a performance at the Radio City Church, Keyport. Godparenti weie The Corps will parade twice thil Mrs. William Bunnesler, New Brunswick Ave., Matawan, Is shown children, Charles and Ruth, spent coming Sunday. Alter marching tress, Mrs. Oscar Butch w., the Matuwan Township First Aid the weekend at their summer Music Hall and had dinner at St. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Osipowilr, Mata- guard; Mrs. Douglas Taylor and Above aboard the North German Lloyd line's luxury flagship, "T. S.Squad Auxiliary at a meeting held Clnlr's. for liitt formai opening of the LlttlB home, Ci anbury Lake. League in Lincroft, they will MsMarv Jean An on tustees- Bremen," ju« beforf e shhe .aileld frof m NeN w YorYkk bounbdd fof r . flour- in the Hrst Aid Building, Cliff- Mrs. Grace Curran. Prospect MISS Mary jean Anson, trustees, . «.i.n™. in r.erminv. Wednesday guests of Mrs. Allan Miss Anson, patriotic instructor; Mrs. Edmund Ryan, retiring J Moiri&on were Mrs. F.rnest Ful- Point Gardens, has returned home AsUiry Park, and Mrs. John O'Reilly, secretary. president, presented t^e seven-year Uid, Pompton Plains, and Mrs.from a 10 day visit with her son-Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Osip- The Gold Star Mothers were rep- Announce Services Professional Artist cards to Mrs Ch.irlei Meeter, Mrs. Geor^u Bootlmey and children, in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.owitz and daughter, Joan, Mr. and resented by Mrs. Douglas, Taylor, Hugh Boyle, Mrs. John Bun|;pr, Janet, Nancy and Donna. Paterson. William Jantzen, Hlngham, Mass. Mrs. Gerald Artelll, Mr. and Mrs. Organ Concert • member of the local auxiliary. At First Baptist Lectures, Displays Mrs Peter ICucharek, Mi's Ben- Mr and Mrs. Camillo Gentile Tho occasion was to celebrate her Edward Hegcdus, Linda, Robert, weio Saluiday dinner guests of Mr. granddaughter's, Katherlne Marie, Lester and John Johnson, Mata- The Men's Club of ths Cliffwood Other distinguished guests were jamin Smith, and Mrs. Edward An- Community Methodist Church will Enward Duva, Commander of the Mri Benjamin Kurtz visited the •ind Mrs Kenneth McKeon, Brielle. fourth birthday, Apr. 20. wan; Mr, and Mrs. Seabrook Smith The schedule of activities for the derson Mrs Ryan also qualified und Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Trabulka, present Harold F. Weber, Kcyport, Department of New Jersey Vet- Matawan Regional High School Li- for thtf «arvic# award Mrs Joseph Mahoney and chil- Mr. and Mrs. Francis O'Neill and First Baptist Church, Matawan, dren, Michael, Jan and Jeff, Wood- Keyport. in an organ concert Saturday »t t erans of Foreign Wars; John J. brary in celebration of National son, Francis, Roselle, were Sunday has been announced as follows: Mrs. Hugh Boyle was installed as brook Dr , have returned home af- dinner guests of Mr. and'Mr*. Wil- A gift was sent by Mr. and Mrs. p.m. Refreshment! will be served Walsh, Matawan Borough Council- following the concert. man; Elwood McElvaine, futhei of Friday vacation church school Book and Library Wsek, which was president, Mrs. Michael Wagner, ter spending Easter vacation with liam Mallett. James Flynn. Wilbur McElvaine, the first service- workshop will be held at 7.30 p m. marked from Apr. II through 14. vies president; Mrs Samuel Dilks, Mi. and Mis. Nelbert Hooker and Ross Fountain has returned home secietary; Mrs. Robert Weide- family, Miami Shores, Fla. man killed in action from Mata- in the Red Bank Baptist Church Mm. Kurtz is a professional artist after spending the winter In Hol- wan, and Mrs. Isabella Johnston, and the wife of ona of th« high manmannn , treasurertreasurer, and MrsMrs . RaRayy M••r nnd• Mrs"""'. Willia—m Gade landale, Fla. Sixth District Senior vice presi- Saturday at ,9:45 a m., cheiub mond Siegelski, financial kecre- gave a party Thursday afternoon tha shortest distance between two-points choir practices. school language teachers. She tary. Mrs Robert Foster was wel- in honor of their son, Jim, who Mrs Fred Burlow and Mrs. E. H. dent, Dnminlck attended thu meeting of Sunday church school meets at brought her own personal collection comed at a new member. Mrs. wai seven years old. His guests Delegates also were present fiom of paintings and lectured, about Siegelski, chairman of the aud.ting wer» Mrs Kathy Wakely and sons, the Monmouth Chapter of the DAR Post and Auxiliary 4745, Guadal- 9:45 a m. for every age; 9.45 a m held at Ihe home of Mrs. George them. committee, reported the books were Kenny and Chris, Howard Manser, canal Post of Matawan Township; early worship service; II am. found to be in older at the recent Mjrk and Rick Carter, Robert Kondolf, Rumson, on Thursday. 1953, Keansburg; 4247, Keyport; morning worship. A nursery is pro- Mrs. Kurtz had samples of all audit Woetko, Alan Stnutko and Lorna Mrs. Thomas Welstead, Mrs. Al- 6902. Highlands vided during both services. Chil- mediums, water colors, oils, pens, Gade bert Abell, Miss Grace Carman, Following the ceremonies, a buf- The welfare department will send is the line thrvuyn our crayons and pastels, Tha majority gifts to Robert Poster and Benja- Mr >s taken and oth-i The special award was won by Matawan Methodists starts at 7 p m. Mrs Michael Wagner. A covered tives in Maine and New Hamp- sociation at tha Packer House in Monday at 7 p m the junior choir or personal recollections. By pro-dish supper and a social hour fol-.shne. They also visited the Green Perth Amboy Wednesday. Honor 400th Member practices, at 8 p m the men's club fession, she Is a portrait painter, lowed. Hostesses for th« May 28 Mountains In Vermont. Mrs. Joseph Baier entertained DRIVE-IN FACILITIES meets in Fellowship Hall, and had on display an academic meeting will be Mrs. Boyle, and Caiol Ann DeBaise, daughter of the Thursday Dessert Bridge Club. Sunday 1G members were receiv- Tuesday at 1 p m. the Ladies Aid portrait of her husband. Mrs Stanley Dcrechaiio Mr and Mrs. Thomas DeBaise, 2 Tha winners were Mrs. Richard ed into full membership of the First have their meeting. The annual Mrs. Kurtz Is a graduate of Pratt Dol.m V e, Morgan, mad« the Erdmann. Mrs. R. W. Horrlck and Mothodist' Church, Matawan,' by meeting of tha Baptist Home So- dean's list at Temple University, Mrs. Franklin Dominick. Other While you're out on other errands, the pastor, the Rev. Frank Sweet- Art Institute, George El:ier Brown ciety of N.J. will be held at 28".National Academy of Design find Reception Held At Philadelph.a, where she is In her guests were Mrs. Edward Currie, you can bank from your car at our en. This brought the membership Rosevllie Ave., Newark, at 1:30 Junim >eni as a pre-med student. Mrs. William R. Craig, Mrs. Ger- to over the 400 mark. attends Newark State College eve- Vashey Residence Drive-In window nnd be on your way p.m. Also, the annual meeting of nings to keep up with new trends Lynn Gentile spent ths weekend ard Devlin, Mrs. Paul Egan and Persons received on profession the Monmouth Baptist Association . . , ,, with her grandparents, Mr. and Mm. Charles Springhorn. again In -A matter of minutes ... an In art. She is a member of Hie g p of faith were- Steven Invln, Reg- will be held in the First Baptist A weddii.g reception n.is held IM D f, Gemii Easl Keans. Mrs. Frank Bliss entertained her inald Koval, Allan Nordstrom, Mrs Ocean County Art Guiid and the Apr 21 at tho home ot Mr and easy way to carry out your banking Church in Long Branch, beginning Monmouth County Arts Foundation pr 21 at tho home ot Mr and burg bridge club Friday night. The win- Solomon Quinn, Michael Quirt, Ro- at 10 a.m. Those who are attending Mrs. J. W. Vashey sr., 537 Cam- Mi and Mrs. John Carney, Mid- transactions. bert Schneider, Philip Smith and To show their appreciation iha ners were Miss Patricia McKcen, and are having lunch and/or din- bridge Ave , Union Beach, In hon- dlesex Kd , gave a birthday lunch- Mrs, William Rabel and Mrs. Mar- Elmer Williams; on reaffirmation library club presented Mrs. Kurtz or of their daughtei. Miss Gladys ner should notify the pastor for with a bouquet of floweis. eon S.ituiday in honor of their guerite Laird. Other guests were of faith, Mrs. Henry Luhrs Those reservations. Vashey, who married John received by transfer fiom other Tuck, foimeily of Baldwin Pdik, daughter, Jayne, who was four- Mrs. W. Oliver Diggin, Mrs. You, too, are Invited to ime this mod- Wednesday at B p.m. Circle 4 George Barbanell, Red Bank, Mrs. churches wore, Mrs. Kenneth Dan- meets in Fellowship Hall Baseball League ern convenience. iels, Mrs. F.stella Manduka, Mis. Gerard Devlin and Mrs. Frederick Frank Nebus, Solomon Quinn Mr. Thursday at 7\10 pm i? mid- Dederick. week Hour of Power. The theme Needs Assistance and Mrs. Herbert Schneider and ceremony and Mr. and Mrs. Vashey Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Coitrell, MM. Alfred Souza. will be "The Church Wakes Up." nnd Patrick MacCulcheon. Browntown, entertained at bridge THE MATAWAN BANK Thn senior choir meets for prac- An immediate need for adult as- were a'tenddtits foi their daughter sistance in the Matawan 8-13 Base- and her husband Mr and Mrs. Martin Lauterwald Saturday night. Their guests were Greeting the new members f long tice at 8:30 p.m. epterl.iined al a dinner party Sun- MATAWAN, NEW JERSEY with the pastor was the Lay Lead- ball League has been announced by Attending the reception were Mr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mandeville Robert O. Shafto, league presi- and Mrs Fletcher Graham, Sttut- day i.ight I'hclr guests were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Siddons, er, W. W, Wieland, and Mrs James •ind Mii John Prunier, South Am- Adams, Chairman of the Commis- Circus Theme At dent. ford, Conn., Mr. and Mrs E Matawan, and Mr. and Mrs. Don- Assistant managers are needed, Courtei and son, Mr and Mis Rob- boy, Mi. and Mrs. James Oliver ald VanNote, Brownlown. sion en Membership and Evangel- j.id Mri George Abbott, Mclucli- ism. Mrs. Adams gave each new P-TA Spring Bazaar Mr. Shafto said, for the Tigers and ert Morro and son, Mr and Mii. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Dotib- member a copy of the devotional Blue Jays teams in tun 8-12 uni-Joseph W Cole, Mi«s Robe a Mor- en. Mrs Vaughn Dalsey, Perth The Matawan Grammar School Amboy, Mr and Mrs. John Robert- lier have returned liome after booklet, The Upper Room. She al- formed division of tin; loop, and ro, Mr and Mil David J. Dough- spending a week in Columbus, Ohio, so announced that Herbert Schneid- Paront-'IVnchcr Association con- for the Hawks nine in the 13-15 erty, Miss Maiy Ann Falco Walter son, Cliffwood Beach; Mr. and oucted a successful spring ba/.iar Mis Fdw.ird Rice, East Bruns- visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hilton er was the 400th member to be re- division. With season play set to 1. Vl Elwnonwi. S.hool, It . A elm,L. ,«i ol ^ ^ as Spring Dance OPTOMETRIST Co-oidiiuitor for RadJiem, will lie was revealed thl, week Ihe coii ' H'poi'wl ''V Mrs. David Wutson, il»> KIIUHI spcnki'k i ,it thih " nici-llnl g of rcr^will .-gin each *,n.nR at P}^<$J™$^'$%$ tin1 Mata.van Gi.nnm.1. School Par- lie I'biarv which met In tho li HOURS: The Professional "Idg. cnl-'l I'.ICIIUI Association Wednesday Residents of llolmdi-l nnd m-i, bounu (iiinmtinllii". ir.< Invitei..l I,, hi al y Monday evening. Tin; total! Mon, and Tucn. 9 A.M. lo 5 PM, Sayrcwoods Shopping L'vunlni; al 8 p in in Ihu hinh sellout LUlal1011 auditorium .ittind tin1 iiiiufits HIM n'oiihiT (if '" , included 207 ndull nnd | TH Tliuri. and Fri. 10 A.M. lo I) P.M. Center .MO Jii\enili< Ixmks. I LlmiH ,n,iil,ib|i> will hi' linulid so Sat. 9 A.M, lo 1 P.M. Purlin, N. J. Mr Long, who n-sidi" on Middle- Mr-, l.iuirncR lloldi'ii rtpoi led I sex Kd , Miumaii, will HIM1 •' limo- ifslcli ills iiir .iski'd In In 111)4 lh"ir h h b id f Saturday Night, May 5 ly talk nn "How to 1'iiitwt Ynur till' OIK I 1 I ..Hit . ,f l, r m,.|.,L Family fiom NIUUMI I'.ill Out In thp special lequest of borrowersn r . the livi-nl of An I n.-niv Aliiuk ' IIni bind in umlrr 111 1 Mil Olcn Hork.'r niinoiiiii'i'd tilt I from 8 p.m. lo ?? .f . llu, i .": , i I "' '''' V ' .1 • I, I 'i 1 ' HI ' iv.I ' I || 1, <,\ I'il I....-U . III.I l.x in it 111.' I'M t 1 ' |i i . il I .... Ill i i. ,i '. i, I i • i INTRODUCES... tiini and h.l lefiMi'imt'. Mi'«. Kiihind | siiptMVlSMl Ihe (!round Utisrrvcr i, li«e I'lillst.'d In tlie U.S. Army N.'lsnn1 , nnd Ihu Si.ci.iHtos nf Mir j Corps nnd wni liistriliiicniiil in s.'l In lillli mid wan •11 PI I !() HDt'l" 11 I " ••I"! 11 ill i It ill'; iiin.iiinn.i "i • •" 1 1 1 linn up thi> Kuilchom work In Ilio ivici'H In Mimris 'ii'livlth.'s. lie j I; ' ' ' Wom.'i.'5 Cluli, a-.ist.'d Mrs. A DIFFERENT AUTO POLICY Moiimnuth Cininty IIIOII. nuiinr, llu; Bttidii'd imisio In (i.'iin.iny nnd ! IJI!t,k'-'1 '" "."ll I'1<%K' f Il s 1 1 l.illlCII.Sll'l' W .1 h iwst ihri'o yiMiml 1,1011 n>..i.l'nls of Icomplrtr. ''Mil''1*'1d* IIVIiulviiiii'cI uin ^ dM \cnii••<»>< i -y Thn Wnm I • UWHT • rURTHU ANNUM, ihci'j win im .. Him it i.i»ii...« G0 j star Mother* nil's Club ol I.iiiii'.'n.e Harbor, limy CUSSIBU COST 1 Main St., Matawan DISCOUNT* inuiMiiU! dining whh'h III') rli'.-lliin coiilui i Imr nt liur lioiu. , ^")2 Moil i und Instulliitinn of 111" ofMroru (or \Vlll AlJ VetOraM mi! Aviv, liuiifiico Iliirlxir. I • AUTOMATIC • TOP-QUM.ITY tha IDfi'MI,! ti-rm will In- IIH.I, i l Th." volunteer llbi'niliins in April | MOtlCTION Th«r.y,.il;irim i ili.|!(.lllnyshnn.. %| (. , , M fAVMCNTI Kcnefit Of ArJQ Vespor Motirale At Oliapl.'r, Am •|«'«.,f,..I.ISIarM.ith.|i,ilm|,s An,,slmn^ Mrs. i,,.,kl.,, .Tj, WII • li"l.l Apr. 17 ill til "•'")"1" ' Mis, I IMI'.'III'." Iliilmi*^, Mr« J.MIIIH" thlt fiOlfl KFV AUTO POIIOV l< w.illm hy GOLD Mothodist Church t.'i'i of Aini'i n'.i Hull, Iliilun II.MI II I.;!".IIIS, Mi"i. l.iviil.iiil Siiy.lm', THE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, turnout .1 . Matawan First Aid AND Rescue Squad, Inc. for file, fill itlllemanl ol clilmi slnci A Ve.H|H'i Illii-.ii'ill' |in>i'.Mn> will f.i,l in llnllvwuinl In lie li'i'l 'it '.'.'!' :.. Mis, Rilvin.Hld I'.llliH, Mis KEY Im pirsi'iil.'il lit tin' Ilii'l M.'lli.i- . Hiii'k Sniilli''. It'-.l.iili.h.i, K.r.i 1853. rtclllllai In oveiy Hats, in I'l'ilr.l, Mr. (lillli'll Ili'l .Illl! j To (it ill (hi money mini liclj — ind disl Clniri'li, M.iliiw.in. on Sinul.iv K.'.iMiliili;;. HM M.IS '). fin• llu ir. W.I I Mill. AUTO iilti'iillinii ill I |iin. ,''Ii'lilH no[l H.nw.iid d |i:i|i:.iii'h!-h , ill I \.III further Information on aiMd'ons! ((jiuici ; I'l'lllllll'd Will In* I'."'"'! i>t|'..IHlV l si I li.lli'',.' \'cl 'l .in ' l.MH || Including Sji'yflll tonllmijilkiii igiMmfiiit, Miirtir iiy Jack 01 sen Ami UIM Cavaliers Hail Mllh'i, tti-.Miip.iil; i'.Htv.l MI|.I I."I . in iv li" |iuii-l l hn To Plan Skating Party POLICY l1 V III hi III .11 lin phoni Of iomifliT "iolliVI * * " his, Mis. A WMS III'I •i» Al : vln ('Lulu', nir.iliiiuiii'il, Mii H.i ! tin' luttli.l.i*. • lllll 'I In' Sis ( ,il>. Hiil-.i'i-,. I lull' W" rtliAI. ..i'il K, Si.. -. --I"'.. '• '" I-I -.'.'•< ''lull. '.|»i'i-..|..'il l>v Hi- '•<•' i 'il i.iiln' . I lilli 01 I .nil "in" IlliUni WHITS ONLY KSTATi: I'ltOI'l ItTV tin" III.' rniii't'll |i|.lnlJ, I.Il I I ! .-•-li'lii.ili'.l IIONDS " ill HH'i'1 f I ill,IV I'Vciliiii', ill V MOT. V.llil'.'ll || f••im lln'ii VAN'S AGENCY |> Ml ,if ll|i' linlii" ill Ml', KilYIU'HnI A Inv iiff.'iiiiii t"' tal.'iil llu! ! H''fn"iliiK.'fti".liiM.-iil-i . « ..'iv.'.l II. John I', I'liirliin, MIIIH.M I'.lli- ., ','IH hi'l.-n-il ,\v.' . I am Admission $1.00 IIII.I will he 1'ivi'ii In lilt' W SI'S,Mr, Wlilt." .mil Miv I Ull.in I , IOIVIIIII i\ IH'W IIIII'IIIMI. 'I hi" IH'HI iii."i."llll|! will h'1 h.'ld ,267 Main St. LO 6-1881 Mcttawcin 1 'Hie piihllo 19 invited lu itttt'iul, I Muy It, p.Ill)' Will In' (llifllTli'd. THE MATAWAN JOURKAl, N. J. Thursday, M«y 3, 1962

Fourth In Contest Cited Fian Rummage Sale 10 I he ij.iyi.hore fdLiiiiy, since that Juniors Compete Mark Birthdays End Sonic Tolls aiea currently u, gioAin^ lapidly Matawan ne and theic K an exr-Lmg |K>PU- M«s« Jun« MOSPT, 149 Broad &., 'Jhii'fe bdjihorp JII'J employees | i\ r%* • /"''n '" Sisterhood of the Un:ird !le- b: lal.on <..( owr CO.OW within a !nc- 1 I'll ifisfrir*f I ill IS i """ Ccr-grc^alion v,i!l ha.c a iii.li1 isdiu.s of this inc." In Poppy Contest Loyally Uay Beauty CunleM a' I In Morganvilie seiuve annjveisafes \.uh the firm ' \Jll I/ISH rieil tI »i Bei'irw.r Juneau Ve4uran4 of Foreign | Fire Department 1 d Miss Jill Patricia Potts, dur:-]; -• April. They are Anthony The State Board of Public Utility ™ f'<*inestey at 25 East Front Recomrm'niia'ion.s for refuse col- The Junior Auxiliaries of the Wars Poet on A(>r 27. Among 16 J. Stanik, Garf/eld Aw., Old of Mr. and Mrs Edward Potts, Commissioners has approved s it., Kevport. lection and disposal in the study Amerioao l4$ioc also will partici- contestants, she placed fourth. She Bridge, 30 years; Gcitrudt E. Mur- pate In the poppy corsage, contest csjebraieti- her birthday on Tues- vat sponsored by Mchlva>ne- May 1—Fire Police phy, Lee Ave., Laurence Harbor, this year. The annual contest is day, The party was held at the Schanck {\w* Z'AS, MiUdwan. May 1—Midway Hose Co. 20 years, and Paul 1-. Kovacs, iwiged in the unite throughout the May 7—Miiiway"-Hose Co. Auxil- home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas : Greenwood Ave, Cliffwood, 15 Stole of Ne* Jersey, with the wfn- iary Maresca,' Morganville. years. ,i , neni stepping up for contest on the May 8—Washington Engine Co. The* decorations were in the some long range pioposals be «pu»ty anfV state tevHs. TOs will Ladies Auxiliary No. 1 themeof a circiis. Those attending 16,000,000 calls annually, and ej>- veloped to meet these needi." be the ftrk yeai that the juniors May S—Hock & Ladder Co. were Miss Debra Drago, Matawan; plies to 109 exchanges serving •in! "£^33. wiH oompntt-. AH en- 1,034,000 telephone customers. The study roaimmends 'aso pos- May 10—Haley Hose Co. Mis'; Joinne Potts Miss Shellv Pin Siphoned Gas sible locations, for future disposal tries of ifae winning corsages fro::i May lc—Wa mn^ton Ln^uii Co I to Miss Robin 1' nto Keypoi In the bayshore area, toll charg- flie unit* must be submitted, to Elects Officers Bayshore Needs j sites; namely, Ihe sei'tio.i of Union >u\iliaiy Miss KelK Let Po is Mi-.nr M eli es will be eliminated, on calls be- Beach, east of Hose Lane, ami, ihe Mrs- Joaeph E*tt»g|ia, Middlesex The Ladies AuxilUiy of the atlHjir p Hi/lit Mi*ib Jodi Sc n FromCai, Fined tween Keansburg anil Highlands, County poppy corsatte chairman, Cheesequake Independent Fue May 24—Hoard of I ire Olfurrs, marshland along .Matawan Creek, During HIP month of April two (co CWfwuxl William Dadu \1 if, sir il 11 in d "-Vrman, Mat- Holmdel and Red Bank exchanges, between the Garden Slate Parkway before May 23. Company met recently in the fire and Matawan and the Freehold ex- Eyed By Planners companies wue in nournin for 1W ickaiunk Mist Lisa Cjihjit •jii Township Imsday ; fined and the New Yoik & Long Brur.fii house. Mrs. Chailes Uoice presided. n Morgan\ Me change. " , Mi*. H»rry Gleckner, Middlesex Election of officers took place. departed,member* Georp Tast . „ . .aneis Grt^oi Kt port, and Ro- Need for additional schools, hos- Railroad in Matawcn Borough. County ch-*rp-*n of Jersey Girls The following officers were nomi- mau, 93, the 24th member on the Also Mis Joseph Dia^o Mir I but Nio tfxtsuood $25, lor si- The PUC approvsi of the com- j pitals and Esrntairy refuse collection 1 pany's plans followed recent actiuii; sites in the bayshore area was State, hM announced plans for the membeiship list of W(i hinfetor m I James Potts Mis. Icon Polls | phonm , {,as fioin tin auto of Ar- nated and elected for W2-W.1. which transferred, some New Jer-1 pointed out in a .H-page report is- annual Girl* State tea which will President, Mrs. John Peterson; yine Co. 1 and Harvey llcndurk on Mis Joseph Scicco Mis losip'i | thur Cdlaman Slioit Concourse, Marlboro Auxiliary K h<4J .May 13 art the Cartcret of Midway Hose Co. sey Bell plant and expense from in- sued by the Monmouth Counly vice president, Mrs. Boice; record- Pott, Mrs ( arl Carhiit Mrs I Chffnoorl Beaih ^pr JO on a com: Hastate operations to Ihe Bell Sys- Planning Board Monday, Meets; Installs Officers Mwui^i Home. 1171 Roosevelt ing secretary. Mrs., Gerald lleizop; The auoudl Spring Dana, of Rierurd Uadtr Miss tarol Marcs, pUint of Pjiroln ar Royce Wallis, tern's interstate operations New | Ave,, Carteret. at 2 p.m. The dele- corresponding secretary, Mr*.. i and Louij, lo\uslup po'ict On the subjt!Cl o{ secondarv Washington Pngine Co 1 will bt CJ M 5 ( leofi Jersey Bell and the PUC then | schoo|s. lhe study states that The regular business meetiug of gate* and aJwraates for 1962. dele- Chailes Bunew; financial secre- held Saturday \1a> 12 dt the *•> VIJI s' a Chiif J Ldi.ii Wilkinson, lown- a»rced thai the amount resulting j ••• [plmdel Township will exptfTeSci gate* «rf 1981. Unit presidents, unit American Legion Auxiliary, Post tary, Mrs. Frank Moscarello; trea- eiican Legion Hall Mam St Mala Gifts ure smt b\ Mis Thumis | " 1' 1" '-'= itum me ^iaiiuiui uO uu^ ',:. ,'...~.... • ,- .'; • .* ':'.''...,.." v.', ",,;•.:;- :,... «' iiashi'U at the Legion Hume, Jersey pirU. State chairmen, past v „ \t,. > »ii i, i- L lol 1 no si outside from the i nating long distance -' ..-I* >"" K'"--' "-•—fa "cwiiity presKKiRn, mmejs WIU from 'any of iht mcitibu-. Mu owneilk-refor Middlesex County Mrs. Edward Trabulka has an- 16 Warren jrd Mr irj Mrs Wil nounced that the auxiliary's annual sic will be furni hed by the Quttn s ham Conway ipprehension by to\'n hip police of j Girls State will b? feuests. Mrs. 1 Men Orchestra. Geoige Hudson is the \ouLhs b tore they could {lee I R. Graham Huntington, director of installation dinner will be held at the Poet's Inn, Frcneau, on Tues- chairman, assisted by R Lew •• and B ,bb> Owens so-, of Mr and Mis ^^» "VlffS, & Keflecls Call Patterns card party was given. Ths mem- GJrfe Ste'e." and Mrs. William William Hulsart refreshmen < ami enough (o support a high school of day, May 22. at 7 p.m. The gioup Robert Owms Morpaimlle tel , , , r hii fW llv n«nn •• The extension of the local calling bers will engage in the annual sale Baker, president of Jersey Girls E J. Nelson in i.harg< of tickets old n to its own. will leave the fire house at 6:3(1 brateii his fifth binndav on Sattii , . ,',. .|,. i rn.- areas, which reflects the sniffing I of poppies in co-operation with Le- State, will address the guests. ° p.m. Members who intend to bring f«r:l puHicitj A nh r lf nr r v centers of interest in many New "Until that time, Red Bank should gion Post 462. In order to present the'National py be able to accommodate not only a guest are to contact Mm. Tra- Robert Himmclwri^ht was eleu p bf, Jersey, communities, is one of the Two new membeis, Mrs. Carol president wKh a 100 per cent paid- frimdda Ve-ioo.s fhost. «|.attenduifh a p.rt, wny eh .Mis Ins „•*„£ "X,? ^ulMlL^ Holmdel—but its two other sending bulka as soon as possible. ed to probationary membership of posed of. John Mills, Cliffwood largest of its kind undertaken in; Storer and Mrs. Frances Storer, up county, membership at |he Shelly Wenzul. Miss Melenie La- ^jistricts. Little Silver and Shrews- Wellington Engine Co. at the last Volunteer h'ire'Co., charged Robert the 35-year history of the company. j were welcomed. 'hincheor. to be held in her honor Mura, Miss Linda Hourihan, Miss bury, without much difficulty, since' meeting and Ex-Chief C. B.. StulU Jqhniion, Third St.. Cliffwood, with | At the conclusion of the tat.iness Whited Brown Parent-Teacher Susie" Denisc, Miss- Kathte Konowa- The company said that the re- all three of these boroughs can be at the Military Park Hotel, New- has resumed active membership in assault. The fire officer sought to meeting 'the following ofiicers Association held.a movie on Apr. low, Miss MaryAnne Se^er, Miss alignment will provide its custom- expected to experience only mod- ark, Monday, it ^M be necessary the company. restrain Mr. Johnson from running were installed: • President, Mrs. lor, several units to meet their 25 in the Cheesequake Fire House. Rita. Seber, Miss Iris Smith, Thom- ers with service better suited to erate growth." 1 back into his blazing house to re- their daily telephone usage. This Lambertson; "reasurcr, Mrs. Fran- quotas before that date, according Guild of the Church of Our Sav- Ths Matawan Fire Department as Miller, Thomas Mauser, Michael Denise, Walle'r Joe- Seber, Joseph cover belongings when to do so pattern has been changing with the Kcansburg's Problem ces Smith; secretary. Mrs. Ke'.bcr- .- to Miss Maty Seeman, county iour, Cheesequake, will hold a card Fire Police are attending a traffic would have resulted in his being steady growth of the state. ine Sadowski: historian, Mrs. Fran- •••' >mmbenMp chairman. . party on May 11, in the church hall. lontrol program, which Capt. Oz^ie Shead, Vincent Gentile. There Keansburg, which presently is a were pony rides and a ciown en- burned to death and the defendant The transfer of plant and expense sending district of Middletown ces Stos-cr; chaplain, Mrs. Ruth • • ' • Early Bird Citations The public i* cordially invited, Sickles believes will help very tried to fight his way past the fire AH; sergeant - at - arms, Mrs. Gifts will be presented and refresh- much in the directing of traffic at tertained the children. to interstate operations was made Township and has almost 400 stu- , .MDMI Seeman announce* the fot- lines Saturday. possible under a recent agreement dents in high school grades; has Florence Vorhees. ments served. " ' .- a fire or any other traffic control A small gathering was held on . awing unit* have qualified 'or ear- Suspended Sentence between the Federal Communica- repeatedly had unsuccessful ef- Mrs. Anne Mams, past president problem. The fire police assisted ly bird efotions; North Brunswick Executive Board of the Whited Wednesday evening for Mr. and The magistrate let Mr. Johnson tions Commission, the National As- forts arriving at a solution to i!* Monmouth County Auxiliary, a OaH «, OM Bridge Unit 177. TheBrown Parent-Teacher Association at both the Raritan Inn fire, Key- Mrs. John Wilson who recently pur- off with a suspended sentence in sociation of Railroad and Utility high school problem! "'.''" member of Unit 23, Keyport, in- MkwiotMwm q-uWed for the will meet on May 14 ia the school. port, last week and at' the forest chased a home in Matawan. Those structed the new officers In then- view of what must have been his Commissioners and the Bell Sys- "The latest attempt," the study Mtlonal citations.' Woodbridge Unit All chairmen are asked-to attend. fires in Madison Township. attending were Mr. and Mrs. Mar- e.xciled slate of mind over the fire. tem. duties; then assisted by Mrs. Anne 17. Fords Untt 1U, Old Bridge Unit This will be the last executive Chief Ward stated that du'rinx the tin Smith sr., Mr. ami Mrs. Robert says "at a solution involves con- Rinear, treasuier of Monmouth James Nicholson, Bayview- Aye., struction of a junior-senior high - Itf. SayrtviNe Unit 211. Spots- meeting of the year. The regular latter part of April (he Department Owens and .•children, Vivien and Cliffwood, and Stephen Kostak, County Auxiliary and a member wood Unit 293. PiacaMway \1P» monthly meeting of the group will Bubby, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Legion Post To Meet schoc! for Keansburg itseir. While of Unit 23. Keyport. installed them was kept extremely busy answer- Shady Nook St., Cliffwood, were this Is not the best solution because HI and North Brunswick Unit 4». be held on May 21. This will be ing fire calls for run away grass Smith and children. Willie and Iris, assessed for assaults arising from as officers for this year. 'May 11 ha* been set at fte the last meeting until September. fires and refuse burning, He would Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller and Laurence Harbor American Le- of limited potential enrollment anj domestic arguments. Harold Dil- gion Post 332 will meet Monday difficulties'in obtaining-a suitable Mrs. Lambertson presented each iwtWm tor the' receipt of aH eo-Installation will be at this time and again request the residents of the sons, Donald and Thomas, Mrs. ot the installing officers with i gift lon, Keyport, paid $10 costs only evening, at 8 p.m. in the post home. site, it is included as a proposal in tries for Hi* county poppy poster a buffet supper served. Borough of Matawan to be very Walter Seber and children, Walter from the membership. Refresh- when Florence Slover, Cliffwood, Members who have not paid their this report, because- presently, it ' 'contest"by Mrs. Joseph Stephen. Mother's Auxiliary of Boy Scout cautious during the windy dry joe, MaryAnn, and Christine. refused to testify on her complaint. ments were served. All donations for the dental chair dues are reminded lo do so at seems to be the most likely possi- Troop 67, will meet in the fire months yet to come. Remember Miss Christine Anne Smith spent Wayne Hazlelon, Brooklyn, was this meeting so that the post can ble outcome to this dilemma." . tat. the Betty Bacharach. Home for house on May 14. "The Match You Strike May,Burn the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.fined for threatening talk to Alex- reach its quota before May 30. "' Children are to be submitted by Youi Home." Edward Vanllise, Manalapan. ander Vas, a Route 34, Matawan, As for future hospital needs In Square Dance Saturday May 11 This la the special pro- There will be a pet show at the Plans for the Memorial Day par- the county, the study says that Whited Brown School on May 28. on Mrs. Thomas Maresca is a pa- bar operator. A similar charge was ade will be discussed. The Holmdel Township Civic As- J«ct of the department president, tient at Riverview Hospital. pressed by Jack Nunziato, for Flo's "taking all factors into considera- Who vtll make a formal presenta- the school grounds. Further details tion, it was fell that additional sociation will hold a square dance Will be announced. The firemen from both fire com- Bar & Grill, Oak Shades, against ,Ho» to'tka home' from all the units Hoffman-Prince panies have been very busy with Lee Van Simmons, Jersey Ave'.," MHS-Hoffman Monday hospital facilities should be built at on Saturday at the East Keaiifhurg , M'thfistate. Mrs. Walter Jurman, Cottrell's Cliffvtood. Lcvi Royster, Hurley two new locations ... the bayshore Fire House, at 8:30 p.m. Steve Bcr- Rd., observed her birthday on Fri- forest and brush fires the past cou- _.^ „ „_ ...^ .. entes is chairman of the affair. The r' , Units .throughout the state also ple of weeks. St., Keyport. was fined on com- Coach George Deitz, Matawan. site would be near the conver- > are partWpatlnK in "Save the day. reports the Matawan-Hoffman fjence of Routes 34, 35 and 3G and I association will hold its regular Boy Scout Troop 67, Cub Pack 67, Installs Officers plaint of his wife, Dorothy. ';Children Federation,!' a project Lawrence Toborowsky, Perth game, postponed on account of rain the Keyport interchange of the Gar- monthly meeting on Tuesday at the where clothing ia sent to the.chjl- Cheesequake, sponsored by >hc Walter Vohdin was installed as Amboy. paid $15 and jS costs for yesterday, will be played at Mal- den State Parkway." The study | Holmdel Elementary School at ;••; dKiUM'Ttnncuce and Kentucky. Fire .Company, and Girl Scout commander of Hoffman-Prince Post Borst To Manage going 65-miles-per-hour in the 00- awan Monday. says that "priority should be given 8:30 p.m. ;,»,'Units.atso are accepting contrlbu- Troop and Brownies of Central 2C/2, Mddison Townshjp, jn cere- monies held at the Madison Park milc-zonc on Route 35 on complaint '• '; -". ttons 'of books and school items Park held a Scout-O-Rama on Sun- of Patrolman E. J. Ryan, township ' to: bar-ajnt, to the' children in day in the Fire House. It was a Volunteer Fire Company Building. GOP Campaign r ^ ^r ^r ^r ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^" ^^ ^ ^r ^ w ^r ^r • ^ w » >Vl huge success, with a big turnout He succeeded William Carroll, re- police. He also lost his license for ;;H«waBt'' and cssh donations are tiring commander. Donald Borst, recently re-elected 45 days. .aent to tht Indian children In Ari-of Interested persons, to see the as Madison Township's Republican Joseph D'Zio, Iselin, paid $20 and J,' KM, 'according to the announce- wonderful displays. Smokey the Other post officers installed were Municipal Chairman, has been an- $5 costs for going 40-milcs-pcr-hour :, mentof Miss Vivian TUus.Passaic Bear sent his regrets that he could John Klrkirt, senior vice comman- nounced as campaign manager for in a 25-mile zone on Lower Main \ ' County, Department of New Jer-not be present as he was busy in der; Joseph O'Brien, junior vice the forest and woods helping the the Republican candidates for St. on complaint of Patrolman Ry- Harris Hardware ,vsey Child Welfare Chairman. commander; William Trinker, quar- township committee, Gary Murtha ' • -iMrs.-Louis Blaith, president, firemen'HKIU the fires. termaster; Robert Knight, post ad- and Kenneth Banks. The announce- . has aafkilnled Mrs. Adolph Elster Mrs. George DiGregario, Route vocate; WUIIam Prince, chaplain; ment came after a meeting be- - . as < chairtnan of the nominating 34, observed her birthday on Sat- Charle« Hoffman, surgeon; William tween Mr. Borst and the two can- -., commlUt*,-Nominti;ons will be urday. Carroll, trustee for three years; didates, who had expressed their May 30 Parade In -' presenttt at the May 23 meeting Madison Township High School Thomas Curry, trustee for two desire that he handle their cam- GRAND Parent-Teacher Association will years; Joseph MoMahon, trustee In commenting, Mr, Banks said: - to ba held in New ^Brunswick, ^ meet on May 23 in the high school for one year; Arthur Griffith, adju- Laurence Harbor tant; Bertram Haines, officer-of-the "I can't think of anyone In Madi- at S p.m. Installation of new offi- Plans for Ihe MemorialDay par- KHS land, TwirUr., ' cers will take place at that time. day; Edward Flynn, patriotic In- son Township 1 would rather have structor; William Trinker, histor- handle our campaign this year. I ade were furthered at the first joint The P-TA Is holding a square dance know that Don will devote all his meeting of the three sponsoring or- OPENING Perform on May 26, proceeds to go to the ian; William Prince, service offi- cer; Richard Kirkirt, legislative of- time and energy to it. His know- ganizations in the American Le- Look - Hurry - These Are scholarship fund. Stanley Macin- gion Home, Summerfield Ave., ! Another big night of entertsin- tosh will be the caller. ficer; Dominic Cella, guard offi- ledge and experience In township 'ment was enjoyed by more than cer; Patrick Carroll, color bearer; affairs, his tremendous vitality and Lai'rence Harbor. | Just A Few of Hundreds 325 patients «t New Jersey State Theodore Kubik, bugler; Richard understanding of the people plus American Legion Post 332 Chair- • Hospital, Marlboro, on Thursday Pine, public relations officer and his background in township politics man Oskar Gohmert presided. 11 [I of Timely Sale Items! when (he Keyport High School Brown tow ncrs Al William Carroll, employment offi- stamps him as a man thoroughly was announced that Kenneth Kir-1 i Band, under the direction of Ho- cer. equipped to put on the kind of kirt will he Veterans of Foreign i mer Gerlufsen, and Ihe Twirlers Wars, Hoffman-Prince Post 2672 1 campaign we need in order lo win and Keyettes, directed ' by Miss Certificates of note- In November." chairman, and Commander Paul SPORTING GOODS PAINT June Laughlin, presented their Home Makers Day Eagle will be Sole>mon-Brody Jew- Middlesex Counly Home Milkers worthy achievements were award- spring concert, ed to various members of the post. Mr. Murtha added: "1 can't say ish War Post chairman. 2-IM.AYKR HPS Royalon While Day was held Thursday at St. Invitations to participate in Ihe : The rendition of band music far Paul's Cliurch, Mllltown. Attending Those receiving certificates were how pleased I am that Don Borst exceeded that expected/of a high William Carroll for meritorious has agreed to be the Republican parade have been sent lo all or- from the Browntown area were ganizations in the community. A,' BADMINTON SET 79c HOUSE PAINT school age group, One of the spec- Mrs. Nicholas Aracc, Mrs. Harry leadership as post commander in Party's Campaign Manager in 1962. ial features was a duel on electric 1961; William Trinker for attain- His help and guidance last year special meeting has also been ar-' 2 Racket, Net mill liird — Reg. ll.DH Patterson, Mrs. Albert Hopkins, ranged for Friday evening. May 11, guitart by Steven and Forrest Rud- ment in membership and post co- when 1 was campaign manager, OFFICIAL LITrLE LEAGUE nick, second and eighth grade stu- Miss Marie Gaub, Miss Joan Pat- in tlie Legion Home, which will be 3" Hi terson, Mrs. B.C. Maccia, Mrs. Ed- operation; Mr, Vohdin for securing his advice given freely and un- dents. Moderator for ihe band sel- land for new post home, Robert selfishly, his experience in politics, attended by the representatives of na Green, Mrs. Nathan Cressman, all participating organizations. De- ections wu Thomat Gevas. Knight for. youth activities in or- he is a man who restored harmony BASKBALL . . $1.57 Reg. f6.!15 Mrs. Edith Bui lew. Mrs. .Paul to the party, who has worked cease- tails of Ihe parade will be discuss- Reg. $2,25 The Color Guard and Twirlers Blahota and Mrs. Charles Burlew. ganizing athletic leagues; Arthur ed. Approximate r.llc'ndancc fig- were outstanding In their uniforms lessly and successfully toward FRESH WATER SPIH Griffith for post bulletin editor; ures will be given. Harris DcLuie lnlerlu and performance. The Keyettes, a Thomas Curry for paper drive col- building H Republican organization To Appear In Civil War Uniforms choral group, made an outstanding Middlesex County 4-H Cluh dem- lections and Patrick Carroll for that is now a strong, am* potent onstrations were held at Blake A special feature of the parade ROD and REEL $4.57 LateVx PainHti contribution to the program. A set equipment services. force. The support he has of Re- 5i/j' Glass Rod — Reg. JC.05 ected group depicted "A Busy Day Hall, Rutgers State College of Ag- publicans throughout I h c Inwn- will lie Ihe appearance of the 13lh Rc(i(•. I4.!I7 5 1 riculture, on Friday. Mrs. Nicluilas Silver lapel pins were awarded Regiment New Jersey Volunteers of In New York.' a short skit. to veterans of the post who were ship, I he backing of the county This It the fourth year these stu- Arace was one of the hostesses. committeemen and women, makes the Civil War who will appear in TARGET ARROWS .. 5 for $1.01 A contest was held Saturday by wounded In battle field service. Civil War uniforms and old-fash- Caulkinx Compound dents have given a program of They were Raymond Beck, An- me even more optimistic about an •i LB. SPOOLS SALT WATER music and stage performance upon- the Garden State Area Society for overwhelming victory for both Mr. ioned muskets. The firing squad Cartridges tha Preservation and Encourage- drew Buohklo, George Carroll, from Fort Monmouth will partici- fared by the American Legion Aux- George Colley, Bertram Haines, Banks and myself on Nov. 6." iliary, Department of New Jersey. ment of Barber Shop Quartet Sing- In accepting, Mr. Borst slated: pate and the Madison Township MONOFILIMENT LINE.,. $1.97 While nnd Gray ing in America, This contest l.i an Wallace Holden, Michael Jock, Reg. 51!I5 00 Arrangements lor the entertain- John Lucas, Raymond McMahon, We have the workers, the unity i H'Kh School Bano will he one of ment were made with the hospital annual affair, and competing for and desire and we have the op- lhl' lmlsicai groups, 4 FOR I by Mrs. Homer Matteson, Depart- honors were groups from Plain- Joseph O'Brien, William Prince and HOUSEWARES EdwH.d XbicKien, porlunily this year In win in 11162. American Legion Post 332 will ment Hospital Chairman for the field, Wcstficlil, Linden, Iselln, We have two excellent candidates be Ihe host post this year with 27'ea Auxiliary. Eut Brunswick, Raritan Bay-Mid- Among the guests honored dur- whose desire and determination lo parade headquarters sel up in the WEST IIEND AUTOMATIC KI.ECTHIC A letter from Dr, J. Berkeley dlelown, Anbury Park and Toms ing the evening's exercises were correct Ihe many faults throughout post home, it is anticipuled Ihiil CUSTOM COLORS Gordon, M.D., Medical Director at River Chapters. The winner will Victor (.'linslophersen, Middlesex the entire township, canimt hbe these sponsoring organizations will PERCOLATORS and SKILLETS New Jersey State Hospital, Murl- represent the area in the Mul-Ai-1 Cuuutj' V! \V C!i,i)i!aiii, Pttii! riit^Si., i equalled by the incumlienis. I in tie-1 "jr™. .-. ','"!'"•:•!•• Alliann- (•mun to boro, rends: "This performance Untie ilialrlct conlesl, to be- held j Cummuntler of the Madison Town- I ev.'ry voter In the township lo sup-1 plan future paradrs and ni'livi- 720 Colors to in Septembei in Washin|;ton, D (' ' ship VI'W Jewish War Veterans $5.95 to $7.95 :«^-- f/as a special treat and brought ixirtMr. Murlha and Mr. Banks | ties. Choose From lo Ihe people under treatment here Mr. and Mrs. Donald Patterson and members of the Solomon- so we enn have two-parly represen- The nther members nf Ihe I.eginn ; 20 GALLON • very enjoyable evening. We are and children, Luvlllown, Pa., spent Biody Jewish War Veterans of the talion on the Township Committee committee are Commander Kollin ' most'grateful for the lime, enei|-y the weekend with Mi'. Patterson's VFW. that will assure us all nf hnving Ratlihuii, William Foster, John Co-; GARBAGE CAINS $1.77 lista and liaymoml Korkowski; of ] and talents which were so gen- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Pat- Mrs. Gladys Trinker, president un equal voice in township mut- lie}',. yiM the VFW committee - Commander; erously slven." terson, 27 Margaret St. of the Hoffman-Prince Post Auxil- ters." ELECTRIC SUPPLIES John Guuh, Matawan, spent Sun- iary mill members acted as husli;. ! William Carroll, and Commandir-! KOIM'r.HS day with his brother and sisli'r- i elect Waller Vohdin. Legion Auxil- ; Little League Hai In-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Barlh Gaul) | Incorporation Of ! iary members are Mrs. Rollin j MOTHBALLS 24c.Ik ALL KINDS OF Route 516. Executive Meeting ! RnthHin, chiiinn.in, Mrs. John Co-' Reg. 45c enough Cheerleaders ' Miss Suzanne Pitney, New Ynrk, Bai, Home Sale*. Firm I lista and Mrs. Walter Schlicliting. ' ELECTRICAL SERVICE spent the weekend with her par- Of Cliffwood P-TA No more cheerleaders will be Two nreii InisinesseK were among. ,, I~c. - GARDEN SUPPLIES accepted for trio Laurence Harbor enti, Mr, aim Mrs. William Pitney snd her grandmother, Mis Wil- I he' executive board of ihc Cliff- Ihuse filing papers nf incorporation | Bridal bnOWer TOT Little Leaitue, according to on an- wood Pnrenl-Ti'acher Association with M. Joseph Duffy, Middlesex; l fnn»! (MKOr.N nouncement made by Mis, Nuncy liam Pitney sr., 'llcelown lid. Mi D n Miss Marie It. Gaul), koutu II, Wii.s held in the school r.ifclmium County clerk In Ihe past week. j ™tK K0$e inTan" Jlornster, chairman -" with Mrs, ('h.irles Silvers presid- The Laurence Harbor Llt'lc wan the' Sunday supper guest oi.,t „„ Apr, 2.i dny iivenlnc, al 8 p m, In ihu tniiiilh Counly Council lliui(|uet will will meet Monday night al llu> will maintain an office lit 5(>R Am-1 ,„ ,h|, ]mm nf M|ss |sll|,,,||(, n,,;,,. RlIRiF.HS Vi-lei-itT; nf l"nri'l:'r W-iri llnll, li • held Tiiesrhv I'M-IIIIH1 :it I\:'M\ Burglar Uiimilhmu i,i )«>till,iM..pt j Imv Ave , WiHiillilldne, wilh Munley i , Oriiiunl I'kwy., Mnrismville. Rrml*" US, Lauren*;!) Harhnr. It "i |» in. al Hie Hhad'n' \>rtr>' Inn ( |V important Hint all members allcml Mr. mid Mi.s. Humid f'iMKiiivo . ; .1. MIIIIP Hi I'l'enl I lie i'imi|»ii.i i;ni,,| u'-ie ili-.li,.i,i| d un, |II ,i ii Shrewsbury, IIIS were I-rank Kii|i|m, Miii'iiaii- Tomato Plants 49c doz. as this Is the last mcellnx before and sun, llduula:;, mid .Samuel Cos- pi-luli'il lletnlilli Intercom bu livnlluhle lit tlilfi mecliiu;. will lie the liH.illini: nffii'i'i', A ; Mill Tiiwiishlp, will he npn'iili'il liy [ sephVi Chiirch. Ki'Vpiut. riiviMeil dlhli Mi|)|«'r will lie -servi'il, Mm, SUB Wlsnewnlker and Mrs. An rxumlnutiiin fur Ihe SOTO-a- ! I'riniU ('. UiiiTlnppl. Wiiliin lli'.uli. , TIIIAI-iilleniliiiii weie Mlrt S.ilvn MELNOR SPRINKLERS Sehliclilliif' will bu luihieiis- i year P'IMIIIMI of imMnuisler HI AnllHiny Niin'lii. |ir!ni'ijvil. spnlie ; • fur,- Inf.mil, Mr- Mi'l'im Wtitliitjv Systems hriffly anil iiniinmircd 'lue>day. ...II r\ Mi1., -liihn lluli'i'i. Mis (ilailv , liuliiiilul will lie i.iUMi l.y Ihe 0 'I. ! Civil Seivli'i.' ConnnlHiiiim. Appll- .Illlll' 12 IIS III" ll.M.- Mi: li-ll lM ; Littlo Lociguo Opens ,;,:,„-,, M,-., uniu.,i,, • 1.1 ..-i... llin nnil'i, (iiiiiliiiitinti eM'ielsi'N lniifnnrn Hnrhnr Mis. Willi.im Mmiiecn, Miss Jinn1 Selected To Spend iiillnii Nirnm IIIIINI hi) iilcil wilh Hie h Laurcnco narnor N1||||i|] Kl.V|imli M,,,, ,,., , An,,, coininlsiilnn, Wushlni'lnn ?\ D.C., will lie ht-ltt June 15, lild.iy eve RENTAL EQUIPMENT Summer In Sweden hy May 2'1. They run ha riblalm'il ill ilinii. Ilio Holmdel I'IIHI Office. The writ I Keiin.'-liuii1; Ml«s Judy A. Norbor-t, iluughlcr Irn |i'»l will lie given nl Ked Hunk Siiniiny, m '.' p in .'i il"1 Liitl" • I I IIOH SANIII I(S • WAU.I'AI'MI 111 MOVI.KS Social-Litos Holp , Mol|!,llivill-- fit Mi', and Mrs. I'mnmul Nor- Office. ApplUvnlii niiiM li" llulinili'l l.eiil'iii' lield l»'h i»l li'!' M' )""ilnl • III I.I' SANDIKS • ri i:( run ill HI,i A i'l M' •- Vl! i'llh-i l)urg, 117 t.aurtilluirst Dr., Kcyp.'rl, ri'Slileill'i With Librtiry Work !',l'lllKll. Illi' In -I .' -I 'I ll«' !-f,l • I.AWN MOWI IHIMMIJIS linn been selected hy tha Experi- Mill Will III' III'1 I Ullll I'M Ml',, III! » KOI I I NN . I LOOK WAXIII ment in liik'rmitlmini l.lvli'H i<> In AppriTlnlInn 'I hi' Sir (in.'liil I Hen I Mil'' Wo ill1! III!' III.HI.1 >'< IIII'MI III Kli Il-H'l Iprml Ilio Kiimmrr In Sweden, Shu I UIK'I III Hunk nil my liu-iul. IIH'M'S rlllll, S|tllllMII I'll I)V Illr Wll I'ine. iiiMhi'-l II" \'< i''iiiii' "I I'm In College Play will llvu wilh n Swnll-h fnmlly lor their kliiilm«.M'» iluilni' my ill niun'1* I'IIIII nf I innIMII e II iIm . ril'll Kills, i-Iii!-• I Ihi' n.m.ir IIMIII for -cvi'inl week* ni pail of III" Mei,s, cspi'cliilly ilKct' who Rent Will IIH'rl ill tin' In JI il,- ii| iir ,[ Knlii'il NIIIIII ;'l.i',-. H.ll I, I Mili'Allbill UlU^liinl Illiil srilrlb Mildi'iilft nlniijiil I' ..illi, Ml !., (l||i,l ill'. 1,1 I. .'.I I I i III,- ii-lic, -l,,lli|.. will In1 MO | INi'nnili Nlnlr ( nlli')1!', IIIIIIIII, Mi Coflege, Mil* NnrberK l« t |it«d- t'oi-f I^Hinnl Wixwl, MJtwdil ln|t, ftilK will lie Ihc final mrHliii: i Id'iil I M«(ir I.IMIMI: '.' H r il ulliiii It II m-'iiil-rr of Ihi' t'ln** ul imt« of Mnlnwan 111 (ill ScliOM Jlrw>"«• •: 1 tee A special olfer is made to History Told Qrly si da of Sutphin Avenue (also (rordwi In Moiunmilh Counlv Ctck's 1 Spray Compartment and Baking Tli^ iprm1* oi psyinent cf the bal- rogrant The orisin aScf'hWtory of- the knov.'H a« Hond to »*jne;iu) distant, Office lu Book Kctanf-UejidsJUI paijes Unit with Sprav Gun BJK't; 'of the purc.ViLSc jirite i\xt- Pav« James Compton, Newark, chair-1 cjubs getting 10. subscriptions. Mrs. 131.40 reet sinaherly along the s»ame 104 IK on Alisuii. 9, liB'.i." I S\wt Welder (Eislerl No. 87003 menl iti fulJ OIJ ur.before June fj, !D62, man of the executive copimitle? of White also announced the rate of jy/agon Wheel Playhouse, Middle- from its Intersection with lhe south- Item No. 2 Pcrsijiial property con- .'( t.it'OlrU: Sfreudrivers ,-•'•• ••'K.v- Kucf:iie F. Turirhyn erly tide of Ne'V Brunswick Avenue \ L,»x Kir* ExUr-guishcr No, RAXfl (R;\euue Ofll'.er) ,. theJSew Jersey Council of Stnior the campaign conference for Demo- town, was discussed by Bart Tut- sisting of niar-hiner.v and eqiiipmelit, t bM! and Bill Bailey during a meet- (also known,-: !--.• New Jers«v Stait? tools, goods b1. process iover.tory a:\d Cardboard Shipping O»'"'^? — Gcixi '.VifJijm F. Cu]'t:K .\' V Citizens, was the guest speaker Sat- cratic women to bp held May 20, i Highway Itour.e 18) and running then'.-e eiectri',^ hot yl;itps. .in Process Inventory''— Electric Hot (OJstrici Dlrtc-tur of Iji!ern;d urday'at tb.6 regular monthly jneet- 21 and 12 at the Sheraton-Park Ho- ing ot'B'nal B'rith Ayelet Chapter I (1) Alont; the e;istv'riy sidt ul yulphin .De.scl iptiy.'t oi Pc-.-itinai Propcrty }"*ia!ea Revenue) -i.' iog of the Women's .Democratic tel, Washington,'u.C, includes a held In. the Uniied Hfibrew Con-! Avenue, siiulfi 21 degrees, 37. minute.} ,;1 ltem-2 - Haw Maieiials linentv/r.v for Manu- 1 enst. HQM feet; thence (2) North 12 facture nf Electric Hot Plates. tour ol the^iV.hUe. House. gregation, KeypwLy --' i 1 Typewiiter, Un0vrv.:.,',iJ, Office Club,of Monmquth Cqpnty, held at r degrfcey 2ii mjnutcs east, 32tJ.5(i feet Type — ll-«!K)5D4:i . Hem No. li The real estate coiwistinji Harry's Lobster Hoi^se, Sea Bright. Urges Registration ," Mr,, Tuthiii and" Mr. Bailey ex- i to line t'f ImUs now or formerly of 1 1 Stand. Tyiiewi-iter. Steel Pm-table of land and building and the ye.-s^nal !ir-was introduced by Mrs. John plained, what goes on behind; the' Knickerbocker: thence i$) North '75 I Desk. Vioncl Koll Tup property consisting of iniciiinssj-y and , Mrs. Gusta,ve J. Freret, pair Ha- desrees 17 rninutvs west alonR lint* I Check Machine, Paymaster — equipment, tools, grtods trv process In- DICK'S >Pi?tillo, Red Banjk, first vice presi- ven, we:t'etary of the Monmo«th, curtain, from stage hand to actor j vf. lands now or formerly Knicker- 30D8411 , ventory and electric hot plates. dent, who presided. to produce a successful play. Two i bocker, 86 leet: thence 14) South VI 1 Addinft Mactiine. Victor Cluimpiirn Only the right, title, and Interest of County Board of Elections, urged degrees 43-m'uuites west, 15 fe«-t to LAWfslMOWER complimentary tickets; >.'.) the next —101170 Monmc/ulh Slz-mplng Co., Enc, in and Mr. Compton spoke on the, King- merabers to start now to. get new the easterly aide ul Sutphin Avutme. 2 Cabinets. Steel, One Drawer to Uie property is of'ered for sale. Anderson Bill which endorses Pres, residents registered to .insure a production of "Boyfriend" were,j the point and place of. Beginning. 1 Cabinet. Steel, four Drawer Prospective bidders artiruquiistod to, SERVICE Democratici.vicioryi in 'November. awarded to "Mrs. Raymond. .Bless. I Being commonly known and desig- 2 Lights. Flurescent, 24 Inch (Two write or call in person 'at the olflce John F. Kennedy's program for ,'jf. the District Director nl 401 Munroe Kxpert repairs ori mowers health insurance through «npi«ijLt!9- A special'hat contest was: held in Mrs. David Milter,... membership j nated a.s No. 2a Sutphin Avenue, Mat- Tuba)" chairman, announced "final plans; uwan, New Jersey. i Cutter, Sheet Metal. Peck, Stow Avenue, Asbury Park. N. J. for the promptly and ecoripmicaily, on curity. He said, each family has iconnection j with Easter, and The approximate amount of the Ik Wlleox — Serial No. 110. Model 1E/J8 purpose o/ securing Internal Revenue al!. makes and models. tnree responsibilities, ; to- «parents ,. ts- *fWards were:made to, Mrs, \Valter have been, formulated for a paid- Judgmaiu to be • .vatis/ied bv said t Sheet Metal Be'id. Robert .f. Jones S'.-rvJce Form 2^2, Sealed Bid FIJI:, J up membership tea to be held on sale is the sum of $i:i.3U0.OO together .1 S',, Ton Mlagra Punch I'ress — Purchase of Seized Property, and tot jP themselves and to childrenchildren.. -- •| Smale, Hplnidel,. most original; with the costs oi this sate. *";.r- Serial No. 30O1M information concerning inspection of He added rising hospital costs, Mrs, Mpnrpe;Stumbaugh, Middle-,May 28 at thft Oaks, roriiletown. ;..._.-. IRA E. WOLCOTT, Sliprlff, 1 Advance Machine Works Punch the properly. Bids must be iluli- New & Used Mowers town, pr««iest, and Mrs. J,ohn Hen- Entertainment will be provided by Dated April 4. 1DU2 Press *- Model 40n mitted directly to Internal Revenue rising number of people over 65 and cpmedlenne Betty Best and., flower Goldberg Sr Cerralo, Attys. 1 Zeh & H.ihneni'inn Punch Press Service, c/o Eugene F. TurcJiyn, Rev- For Sale rising number of children under 21, coski, Keapsburij, funriWst.. ^ : J17 , ,, .34;4 $.'t5.!Jl 1 No. 4 Chas. Tcffler & Co. Punch enue Officer, 401 Munroe Avenue. A.5- 1 arrangements will be displ-iyed by • Press bury Park, N. I;- prieri-*« the time set Rt, 7? WICKATUJNK, N. J. tp°Jfe it necessary tha^ adequate Miss Catherine;:Triplett, Long Dean's. Florists of Red Bank. 11-35 1 Seneca Falls Metal Lathe- i for opening the bids. Bids musl.be planning for health insurance be Branch, was awarded the. speci»l SHERIFF'S'SALS .. Assorted Dios—Assorted Hand fools accompanied by the full amount ot It was aaaounccd the chapter SUPERIOR COURT (V * ; •••"•"'•• '""' -'• - JOHN R GAKEV accomplished now,' A question-atid- was hostess at the recent Onog OF NFAV JERSKY arisiyer period followed. At < the" next regular meeting ,,lhe Shabbat hclrl in -the United .He- : CHANCBHY DIVISION ' • ' Card Party Planned J: nountv clufi 'wlirb'e guests of the John R. Carey, Malawan, .was MONMOUTH COUNTY brew 'Congregation and serving elected deputy grand secretary of Docket No, F 417V60 *: _ .Mrs^JEohn ^.^eilt, Atlantic High- Atlantic Highland? peinocratic were.:Mrs.. Howard.Maimed, _M_rs.. Ihi.Grand..-.Masonic ..Lodge of New... ;MCMIA.\VI< ; SAVINGS AND LOAN" card'party to'bV hfljil' Tw^diy^ 1 3 i rty w w t 1 i May 10, at The Oaks, Middlijtown, -^HU(-Jjmim»i»s*r~» '»' " ' * " ^ » "'' i^r.q^y -'nitirsfH'.y ^r tne annuni '?^Thuy.*"FUluLl'fr vs'^FOLDGKIt' v: ; stein, Mrs. D.ivid Miller, Mrs. Eu- com;nunication of the lodge in At-PRUITT, et al '.Defendants ton, St., on Saturday, iylay-26, at 1 v announced Mrs. Paul Kiernan jr,, gen••"»e k'rnhnKroha- and.-MrsanH Mrs. LeonarLeonard lantiian[jc CitCityy . The new grand master By viilue pi a writ of t. ev'utitm in Long Branch, will ha In'charfio'of p.m. '• •"•••' ':.i:~ , • "-'"' '' , ••"-" ' Goldberg. • '•" Is Claude D. VanStpntJ. .Hawthorne* tlu; above stated actloti to ii'ie di- the fashion show. Styles will be At'tendinsitha .meetingfrom..this ret'tcd, I shall expose for sale a! pub- areanvere Sirs,' James McCoy, Miss 'The meeting marked the last who succeeds Hal Earle, Belleville. lic venduc, at the Cuurt House in shown by the Mildred Bennett general meeting of the chapter Mr. Garey is a former, member,of Hie Borough Mf Freehold, Couiuy ^ Shop, Long Branch. Mrs. Frances Barbara McCoy, Mrs.. William, Bar- the Matawan Borouyh Council. !i MonnioulU, 'Ne.'.v Jersey, on Mon«;i,v ber, Mrs. Joseph,A. SchoSer, Mrs. season. The next executive com- tho 7lh day o£ May. 1W2, *l 2 o'clock, GeU, Keansburg, will be in charge William Boss, ynlpn Beach; Mrs.mittee meeting will be held 'on I'.M. Prevailing Tluie. pi the music. Tuesday at the Airport plaza All thu following tract or parcel of Smale; Mrs. George -Resetcr and Spring Hats Win land and lhe pretnises hereinafter Mrs. Robert f. Kprton^ president Mrs. Peter fKauka, Raritaa Town- Lanes meeting room. particularly rip^crihed, situate, lytn;i ship; Mrs. Kathryn 0. Huber, Mrs. Prizes At Party and being In tliuTownshi|> of Middle- of the Wom?n'a Democratic' Club town fn tho O-ninty ol Munmouth and Of Sea Brlgnt, the host club, led Walter R. Wall,. Mrs. Hencpski, Leaders Honored At S'ate of New ,Ierse> ; * the patriotic exercises and MrsMrs.. ' Thomas. Baldwin,;;Mrs. An- Ten prizes \yere awarded tp unw BEING known and designated fi$ , Yis?-flt Jennies, Middlelown, wa^gelo BottonoWsn.d • MrsT Theodore Achievement Day quests with the prettiest, spring Lota SO"and 21 hi Bhu-k C as shown Halleran, Keapsbufg.,...;.; v.v • on a certain map cnluled "Lukelnnd introduced as a new member. Mrs. hats at the Easter Bonnet.card Park, East Keansburg, Mlddletown, Robert Benedict,, Wall Township, Seventy volunteer leaders in theparty sponsored by the Catholic Township, Monmouth County,• N. J. Welfare chairman, smnoimcert a, Now is the lime to advertiW Home Economics Extension Pro- April 12, liUti" which map was {lied those unused article? for sale. gram in Middlesex County were Daughters of America, Court. St. in the'Monmouth County Clerk's Of- par(,y is heing arranged for .pa- 1 Joseph's 884, Keyport, in the fice as Cusc No, 3 Section No. 27 (ients at the Briar Hill Welfare A small ad In the classified honored for their work this year nicer July o. 1951." TODAY THRU THIS WEEKEND Home, column will turn them into cash during the Home Economics Ex- church auditorium* BEING aho known as 11 Sunset for you. .''-••••.''•':•,'!•,.':•. '•.-i'vvv tension Achievement Day on Thurs- Place, Kast Keansburg, N. J. A Mrs.' Katharine Elkus White, The winners were Mrs. Thomas The approximate amount of the ONLY day, in St. Paul's United Church 'judgment to be satisfied by said sale of Christ, MilHown. Regan, and iMrs. Esther Delaney, a the .skim of $10,000.00 together with In recognition of the contribu- Kuyporl; Mrs. E, Charles Weigel, the costs of this sale. IRA K. WOLCOTT. Sheriff. tion of the volunteer leaders, the Mrs. Theodore Phejan jr., MrsDate. d March 2(J. 1961! ". • Achievement Day program is held Mary Lou Creed, Miss , Barbara Louis J. Cohen, Atty. for all homemaker-participants in Ann Kunz, Mrs. Warren Ryan anc| the Home Economics Extension U. S. THEASUHY DEPARTMENT - classes. Mrs. Harold Costello, Matawan; INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, Area women honored for their Mrs. Robert Morrell, port Mon- NOTICE OP SEALED BID SALE. Thank You... April 10, 1!W2. work as volunteer leaders were mouth and Mrs. B.A. Dubin, Haz- Pursuant in authority contained in Mrs. Nicholas Arace, Mrs. W. W.let. Section 0331 of the Internal Revenue LIQUID for the overwhelming reception to our Grand Code, the [allowing described prop* Carr, Mrs. Benjamin Herbert, Mrs. Two hundred and fifty guests at- erty has been seized for nonpayment W. Kramor, Mrs. H. J. Patterson, tended. Door and table prizes were of delinquent internal revenue taxes Opening Sale. We hope we can justify the Mrs. Roland. Skillman, all of Old due from Moumouth Stamping Co., awarded and refreshments served. Inc., 2'j Atlantic Avenue. Mutawan, Bridge. • •"' ; The Rev. Aided Sr ith and theN. J. The property will bo sold in ac- faith you have shown in us and we promise Rev. William Bausch announced cordbticc with the proviKioiu of Suolion 6335 of the Internal Revenue Code and Cliff wood Woman tha door prize winners. Mrs. John the regulations thereunder, al pubUu to do our best to bring you good substantial Thaler, Grand Regent, welcomed sale under sealed bids which wit! be the guests. Mrs. Charles Emery opened on the lmh day of May, it»ti2. Succumb* Wednesday at U A.M., ftl Internal Revenue Serv- merchandise at the lowest possible price. and Miss Marie Dougherty , were ice, 401 Munroe Avenue, Asbury Park, Mrs. Gandalfa Ann Vena. 78. ofco-chairmen. N. J. ' Matawan Rd., CHffwood, died Wed- Item or Group No, nesday morning, May 2, 1982, at LEGAL NOTICE Descriptioii of Properly This Description of Property in to be ONE-STOP SHOP her home following a long illness. MONMOUTH COUNTY , attached to Form 24H4A. Noticu of She was born in Italy and had lived SURROGATE'S COURT Sealed Bid Sale, dated April 10, m» in Cliffwood for the past 44'years. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PnE-11)62, for property seized" *or non* SENT CLAIMS AGAINST ESTATE payment of delinquent Internal Rev- Mrs. Vena was a communicant ESTATE OP EDWARD B. SAND- enue taxes due front Monmouth of St. Joseph's Church, Kcyport. FOriD, DECEASED Stamping Company, Incorporated, 26 She is survived by her husband, Pursuant to the order of EDWARD Atlantic Avenue, Matawan, N. J. We Are Extending Our Grand Opening C. BROEGE, .Surrogate ot the County The property is offered for sule iu OrfTOP QUALITY TRIM BRUSH Cataldo Charles Vena; five sons, of Monmouth. this day made, on the follows: Specials For This Week - Hurryl Thomas, Peter, Joseph and Salva- application of the undersigned. Wil- Item No. 1 The real estate consist- tore, all of Cliffwood, and lames, liam F. Sandfortl, Sole Executor of ing of land and building. the estate of the said Edward B. Description of Properly • Item 1 Matawan; 31 grandchildren and 24Saiulford, deceased, notice is hereby All those certain tracts or parcels great-grandchildren. given to the creditors of said decenscil nf land and premises, hereinafter par- Funeral services will be held Sat- to present to the saJd Sole Executor ticularly described, situate, lying and their claims under oath within nix being in tha Borough ui Matawan In LADIES urday at 9:30 a.m. at the Day Fu-months from this date. the County of Monmouth and State neral Homt, Keyport, foll?v,-ed at Dated: April ,10lh. 1062 of Now Jersey, 10 a.m. by a high mass of requiem William F. Sandford. FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a 87 Main Street, stake lu the Public Road known a* .-I .•IN- at St, Joseph's Church.-Interment 1 Matawan, New Jersey "African Road" at or near tlie cdpe will be in the church cemetery. Sole Executor of the sidewalk on the westerly .side on all M«f fa*Bran d Faint featuring Corning Wars * G.E. Appliances Messrs. Parsons, Canzona, of said Rond; thence from said be- Blair & Warren ginning according to a survey made 18 Wallace Street. December 19. 18H5, bv George Cooper, Cleaning and Laundry Items i Cooking 4-H'ers Red Bank, New Jersey Civil Engineer. North 45-:i/4 degrees Attorneys west passing through a point on the Buy one • get one.. Make J24 J17.04 west edge of said road distant 62.B feet northerly along the west edt"e of said Road from the uortiiimst coiner The thivd-and-l'ouith-yoar cook- 11-57 of a lot of land on the west side of ing class of the Browntown Pedal SHEHIFF'S SALE said Road owned by the New York SUPERMARKET OF VALUES SUPERIOU COUUT nnd Long Branch Railro.id Company Pushers 4-H Club met at the homo OF NEW JERSEY 100 feet to a stake: ihcnciR north 22 of Mrs. Ernest" Owen, Route 18, CHANCERY DIVISION degrees east SO feet to a stake; thence Browntown., The girls completed MONMOUTH COUNTY south 45-;t/4 degrees east 100 feet to Docket No. F 2074-61 a stake in s.ild road at or near the the meat loaf assignment. THE BROOKLYN SAVINGS DANK, edge of said sidewalk: thence south Taking part were Kay F.ifort, a banking corporation of the State of 'VI dcKrces west 50 feet to the point New York. Plaintiff vs; WM.TEH J. or place of Beginning. Judith Cook, Jeanne Cappelli, Jane EDWARDS, et als., Defendants Owens, Barbara Brown and Ruth By virtue of a writ of execution in SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at MADISON TOWNSHIP Raust, tlto olxivc slnted action to me di- a point at or near the edge of the rected, I shall expose lor sale at pub- sidewalsidewalk o<*2A nual College Day Awards Dinner. In Belford". Mlddletown Township. tract; thence I2j nurtli M riefirccs, ttll.nl hiding, durabililj. fol Momuouth County. New Jersey, dat- IS minutei east f>0 feet; thence (.'!) Wfted, maioniri mttal. Si.sr? "=-;«: Won. thru Sat. 8 to 6 — Fri. 'til 9 The students are Michael Ahearn, ed January 31, 1U55 and drawn by south 41 degrees, 15 minutes oast 72 Shetland Rd., and Mildred Dumas, Craig Finnegan, Engineer and Sur-feet to a point tit said side ot Allan* Hou$f $098 Englishtown Rd. veyor, filed on May 27. 1055 in the tic Street nt or near Die edge of the Monmoulh County Clerk's Office as said aidctvalk; I hence (-)) parallel 0 GAL. Case No. :ill, Section No. 21. with the westerlv line of -said Allan IVUT ini CAN mil r*MOU THE above description is In accord tic StU'et smith l!i degn^s. 45 mln KMMULA ance with a survey made by Craig utes west :*J feet more or loss, to a. Finnegan, Engineer and Surveyor, an file In said Street, unri Ihvnce ITi) ALYKO FLAT dated July HI, 11)31). stilt parallel with naid wostorly line Tlnloblt »llh Tlnt.O-Komot neiiiK commonly known and desig- of Atlantic Street smith 22 deK [.(•Mini hiding quollli.i. When In Town . . . nated as No, l?7 Allen 1'laic, Hclfiml. ,10 minutes west I.I feet more or DurobUi woihobla. New Jersey. to the point or plai'c of Bi'Kinnin, The approximate amount of the $C9 Judgment to ho satisfied by .said sale THIHI) TRACT; BKGINNINR iii the GAL. 9 Is the sum of $12,000.01) InRetuer with Ufhterly side or Atlantic .Street tit a the cost of this sale- point therein distmH 45(1 feet. 7 iiii'lics ivinr ui CAN mi( Don t Overlook Ill A E. WOI.OOTT. Sheriff. southerly, measured alnnx said ^ t'Nt- Dated April 12. IH62 urly •iide (if Atlanttc Street (mm the .Melville J. ii'irmn-, Ato. TIXTUHOM J24 35-1 1*1.24 riuiniiiK tllftuce south 20 denrcos 1.1 ••oulllul K.lu'.d tlf.et. AMI minnteN \v\s\. sitotiK .said vveslcrly sldd of Atl.iutH- Street M\ (<-<-i tn other charm to walli. Quick di)lng, ll-.-itl > o4or fr»«, These Services SHERIFF'S SALE Itind.s hi relofo"e coiivcvud l<> th« Siaii' SUPERIOR COURT dnrd Oil Companv iNen Jeisffy) by OK NKW JKHSISV W. A. Clone Trading niul Manufjiclur- CHANCRI1Y DIVISION Inii Cimpimy; (hence North 40 de- 0 GAL. • INSURED SAVINGS ACCOUNTS MONMOUTH COUNTY tenet, 43 inlnutcri VMHI alons Iniul.i so IL i-onvrvt'd to the Stundard Oil Cum. Docknl No. F 130201 IVIAV 1-4 CAN Mil CARTF.RET SAVINGS AND LOAN piiny IN'VA JL-r.-.i'> i W)M fet-t (it laudb • HOME MORTGAGE LOANS ASSOCIATION. • corporation .if tho of W. A. Clone; thenco jHiuth 7fi d« State of Now Jersey. Plalntllf vat RTCI-S 41 rninutc-i ua.it aluiiR lands of I w '"![', ' SINIIfH" INTIItlOU ROL-UTIX • CHRISTMAS CLUBS LOUIS W. HKST and OKHTHUDK K. said Cluse .1,'l.fl feet tn tha westerly IIKST, 111" wife, Drfi'itdauls rilfle of Atl.tntlr Street ufores,)id, Uie pplnt xJor; quick dtylnj, l»»| llv vlrluo of a writ of execution In and wflttl cUort-up, l a II PXTURO" • HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS Iho al>ovn Haled nrllon to me dl- '"VOUWH TnA»:*r : nr;ciiNNiN(i it rectud, I sllllll expo«e fur «,ilo lit pub- 3 point i\\-l nit :>:( tl fcrl from HIM lic viMidue. at Ihu Court Ilimni lij went sirld nf Atlantic StrtM-t on H 6 GAL. • ALL PURPOSE CLUBS lh> llorough "f l'n-i'H'iM, Couuly of ruutsd of it'-tlli V\ dorirut H 41 nilnut<>.s Mouinotlth, New Jcmev, on Monday ucsl froti', ;' ;i ;|i)t hi the wcti HU\V IVMY t»4 CAN P«ll the 7th day of Mny, lima, at ;• iff Atlantic Sirui't dl.sl.ml 45U tetl, 7 • ACCOUNT LOANS o'clock P.M. Prevailing Time nichei fcmllitTly, nn'nsitrf nf Atlanlfr StUTt h<>n • SAVINGS BY MAIL •Illluli, hlng noil licliw In IN..' Town, Ihr s.ililhc.uti'rlv shir nf Main SlinM. SPECIAL AVAILABLE •hip of Matninin, In the fouiilv ol h.-lnw Die nmst m-sterlv i>min >./ tin Monlnollth uiul Slate "f Nrw Jeim'vi ONLY AT STORES LISTED ISLOW • MONEY ORDERS (Personalized) llclliu kin,un /mil ilolgnatrd »< lupin n Hoiith s;i drui'1't.'ii 5!( tiilmUu l.nla Um, 21)7 mill SHII in III"' k 7. \M*M .mil ,t\m< M.imtfdi-tiiditf* riMii|iiinv flu fnrt tn Illiilllll (.'iilliily Ctrl <'« Ollli'B Apill t.'ii't-, ,f w, A, CI'MU, Uii-iiM- in.i Hi 'M COLOR MATCHING Paid 4 T/mfis Each Year :t i:i^t i-' \iini Ho i. CIMU fin drMrt'PH I ft jiiihutiti pit.il ulun^ Liniln nl ,».,o i.ui,,,i, ,,,, ..i,ri I r•-• - . I'll • pi'l'l Aviruun, .;,:,' I, ,'irw Ji'IM'l .ll'r'],: iillillt !>l AHld Clu.H' .•••llll Ml Thn a|ipro»lii,alo .im.niiit ol tin' (h^rcm 41 nilnulrs unit i.'i I fi'i't In Judgment In Im nitlUflfd by mllo tlm I»"lnI m pliii'i "f Ht'MitnilnK, • Dlvldondi Paid on thn First Dollar «f Deposit. »»k> la iliu Hum of r.,. Inn ml tugollivt MiWjn-1 |n tint /IK'I'I> "f Uii> iiiiblic Koute U :L with the cnulK of IhlK unlit. in JIIMI to MI miii'li of the /Ir^l ifiil ffund* D(ipoil(*(i tl.i- 'H nrn'i^ll.r.i' (Ir .< n!"<[| PnTfl ,\t;in'li 'n t'lif •M lilt UlMlin Hit* litvl of AH ' * Saving* Inoiired up to $10,000.00, Slant nml rim-. \ti ~ Malawan, JNcw Jersey ji ,-u. t »i» 2ii IT m iM'i'i NIIKI1 lit' till* ill I'll I'l MemlHT Pedural Home I.nun Hunk 'iiltV W /III lilt ilillil, Mill' anil Ii •Hi II.III ulilr 1 IMr n.i 1 V i.t lint first liii t 1 II ft Momber l'odur«l SnvlnRi & loan (nKiiranco Corporation •illl'ltll'l ''! MAI.K In '1 ,1 l,i (In. 1 -Kit Mil! MI'Mll' • 'K •W'il hi l| [IV I,og«t for Blulo, County, Municipal md School Mlnrlct I'und* KIII'I'.IIIDII COUIIT il,ni,1,u 1 l*lll I'm lit; ()!•' NKW JKHMIi'.Y [« N •W J.M ,1i. i '.,||,,,, III,.n) liy ifi't • I > for I run! I'IIIHII ttllANl'KIIY IIIVISinH ilnl In M. llliliillltl f'miill N MONMIIIII'll COUNTY j'r'l ii v nH f'il lli.rlli'l No V I,'Mill »l I! ...k 5! 1, P'lMn 1 .lr , •lit <-'! LIMITED AMOUNT Of TIIK KlllliT NA'I'KINAI. IIAMh <»' V|.l 1 III, Illllll II l H :>. PRANCHISI5 AVAILABLI l''MK|,||(ll,l), ••ii-rlmlil. A lliiolilo.'l | , (',,i|,,,i,il|,,n uliMm'ril .mil ' <,,llm: .,1 |1(,r,|, , 1.' . ,i ii'il II MATAWAN OFFICE lni'l, I lln> I.m >>l IMi' I'uili'il '' ill" |.Ti'l>lril , ,.I,II,I | ,',, Pll .• ol AliiiMli'.l. I'l.iiiHlll . I'llllNI-l.l. l)r • II,.Il i il.l i-.n;.'. Jr.. oi' TIIK I' i.i.i.i'iuM IIIIIIIIIIIV 1.1,1 i •":, i'i H'l JII, iiill 1 i •1 il :< [' ii" ! ii " . I'ill 1 Illll |l 1 1 •! •"1 Cokh DISCOUNT Paint Stores i !!,,, ,lh,ivi' '-lull',I ,1' II"" I" lllf i tl' H Ml, ,iH'l KEANSBURG SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION | In Inl. I MII,ill rr\,,,..!• f"l .,ili> ,il nu iM'll ",'•' ,'-I!,'..'I. > ,i i. l'\ a 1A3UI TH/»N 700 ^I0Rt5, COAST TO COAST i III- vi'ililiK'. II Ihi' I '"lit 1 IIMII.I. •It.lln inl III! '( .| (•I • I in, II.,,i,,mi, il I I".I,I, I •'!,"' • - • r !__•• mil,mi i 1 ''.I'l'i'i'.lni 'iiii'r,-! Miilllll.illlll. Nl'V Ji'Hi'--, no M I. Id, 134 Main St., Matawan LO 6-28OO III,. JIM il,n ill Mm. I ml J. nl :!:<••• 1 Ii.' ili'i II il'lll'i Si'l'l 1' 1 •I'lloi'li. P M' I'li'viilllilrt il I,I,1 in • ill 1 ] 1 MliMIIIIMlll, All lli.it Iril' 1 HI pmii'1 ol hin V ( 1 •Ik'n illll III Illlll, 1 III III Peg* THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, M. J. Thursday,, May S>, 1962

Emmxnucl A5?>:mbly Of Ood ^t l&L Slv JW*^^nP^B^WaVv \^IBQv Wit.. PTtsbjtarla» Gfcaxcfe on Sunday at Rosary Siirine, S'im- mii, will be characteriied by a s\>ir- 622 talmtt Avt., Xeanshurg 147 M«!a St., M«t»w«* CBttweod Beach R*v. Kruncls Oatcrstock it of prayer, pcaaa^e arid repara- Kev. Timothy M.'Adams, Pastor R*v. Frank E. Sweeten. Paatef Rev. J. J, McLarcey,. O.P. Chsp- Pssto: Church Services Announced For Bayshore Area Sunday School Ii a. S:t5 j.ra.; Intcn-WsSate Fellowship ra^efs morning worship" il o'clock; CY- F;iday at 7 p.m. Senior hi choir rehearses Thurs- cration to the Immaculate Heart of, angdistic service, T p.tu. The first day at S p.m.; junior hi snd junior Senior Metl>odi«t Youth Fellow- Mary. Ctavdb Tk* Holnwfci tavrcb Cuff wj MetUdkt Chartk Sunday el each nhmth there is a choir, 6:45 p.m ; senior choir, 7:39 Communian service fit 11 t.m. ship will leave the church for * p.m. Solemn Benediction will close th« Mtddta Bill. Hailat Rev. Andrew A Burkhaidt, Pasinr TUrd St, Kcyport lucrosse game ai Rulgt-rs Univer- pilgrimage devotions. Sunday School meets at ».45 a.m W^sSnswlay evening wHJ be Bible Catherine Close Circle meets Rsv. Gilbert Watt. Pastor Rev. Harry R. Pine, Paslor tity s>n Saturday at I p.m. ti{' serrjLon topic will be "Disiowed Youth choir r flu arses Friday at Young people's service is Friday Divine worship nervices are at Church school classes meet Sun- Tte Mmfartry Stfeoo), which starts sage at the Communion Service *t 8:45 and II a:m. on Sunday. Tb«, 1 Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Ro- 11 a-ro. Sunday. Bible School owets Mirryr." ' Tfie Voonfl People's 7 p.m.; adult cMr. 8 p.m. i at 7:39 o'clock. day at 9:3C a.m.; morning worship, sary. at 7:25 p.m. Thursday will begin pastor will preach al the first »er- II am.; youth ((llowship, 8:30 p.m. at «:« a.m. with ctaaees lor all Society will serve totfee after the Service e? worship iod wrjivpfl MeriMviita M«:He( Csmsi Mi-e «JMI !h!iiiasAi ; Us.U"" Church tchoo! Cvoii-rrncc Hoard of Missions. Mu- Ecumenical Council. "This fl(c Believe." meets at 9:39 a.m. At the !?:4ft Cliursh itjvlctt are held oa Sun- day at 3 p.m.; Boy Scout Troop to* o/ twtructkm oq Hhe book of day at 5:30, «:M and 7:30 p m. »lc will be by Ihe.trusadsr and 'five Rev. John R. Corr, O.P. ol JDeuteroooroy. "K#aa KeqwrnibUtty" fe the on Wednesday at 8 p.m. The pastor Wilifam Ste\enion and Mrs George church is conducted find a super- York, will be die psest preacher. ti'rm»dia!c Ywitli Fellowthiii !;ifi«i* ',*• vised iuirt«?ry i» *vaiiab!e. Church A combined meeting of the AsMP» lot' the service meeting. will be in charge. Schanck, Filgrininge devotions will begin Wtlch follows at 8:M p.m. . Youth .Fellowship Nifiht Is Thurs- at 7 p.m. and M.gh Sihix>l Youth Rir*wiil*«ni Commuuliy si'ik*ol nit'tts at 9:45 a.m. A vesper session and trustees will be held Rifle Club meeting is Tuesday Fellowship at the ianR> hour. musiittl piostram will be held «t 'Wednesday at 7:30 p.rri. at 3:30 p.m. with the Rosary Pro- • CD, Sunday at 3 p.m. Dennis day at 7:38 p.m. This is (or all cession led by a Dominican Father at I p m.; Ladies Aid meets at The In monthly mstling ut Ihc 13, 0t»tt»t<>«rs 4 p.m. fcaturins y,u'.'6l organist, - i.wW lecture on the subject. those 12-yeart-of-age and up. from the Priory of St. Antoninus, .tor Belief In God." The 7:4$ p.m. al felknvship hall church Miroot board will Us held Htv. 1 imicij Ctntel, K*rl MiHer; »>K>lst«, Mrs, A. Wray V/edjieed/iy at 8 p.m. liiK'Wn. «nd Afvln Clarke, and n Pilgrimage Sunday Newark. When the procession re- BftJe shxry at 4: IS - tint taabf torlaa Chuck Junior choir rehearses Thursday S>it!*l«y S.'lw«>l ii heW twin 9;4S turns to the monastery, the Very M*a M aaa FraaUla SI, st 7 p.m.; senior choir. 7:43 p.m. ii'i Clutllh To Rosary Shrine ftualry Circle In These Last Mauwaa The Young People's Society !vie* i* IKHII U am. lifttil WU'aiilVltjr. i- Mapto VI., Ki-yport This week, why don't you Days," showing how ft true Chna- R«v. Chester A. Galloway. meets Friday at 7:45 p.in, at fel- ? Women's Society of Christian The 41st Annual May Coronation look through : Rev. Ccrntliuj J, Kl(n«, VaiUH ~!u alttmt, the windows of ttm fci/tHy is an Integrated •?**?. raster lowship hall. Setvrri' w!U. Meet Monday at 8 Pilgrimage Which will take yni.r ct-vrch . ..from the inside. working, worshiping, studying, Masscii will be held Sunday There wiK be one sornrc on Sun- Reformed Church of Kcyport j p,m. 'Ulcnt lioUars will be received - jrityiag,. aad doing filing i~e*iher. day at la a.m. Sunday School will morning at 7, I. I, 10. II ftuj U «. litte'l «l tbculioi'. ii Under a rearranged meetiag Viarrea St, K«yport meet at Bm same. hour. "Marmge- Rev. John H. Sharpe, Pastor j ('liiiprl choir rehearses Wednes- schedule for % nex; wfek featur- Triumph or Tragedy" is the pas- is Uwnhip Choir rehearses Thursday at 8: 15 Full tiwpti 1 risky lit 7 p.m.; crusader choir, S "i* S*"V«it of Circuit Minister, tut '» sermon tapir, for this Sunday ! p.m.; official buard . .meeting. 8 Kvptea Lowe, tie ttrtkt meeting p.m. 157 Main SI. which begins Christian Family p,m. ' ,, ••'•-••-•• Cliffwood Auto Repair .•KTMtoistry School wta be held ffwfc. Nursery care ia provided ev- Friday a card patty 'Mil be upon Rev. Robert I) Knll*. Pailor .J* wiii J1 a'.m The iinnual poncake and sausage Tuesday at 7:25 p.m. tat place at the ery Sunday morning lor children sored by the Good Fellowship Club Sunday S<:ho»l ~.c«l^ M ) |>.m. ChutUi nu'tU st 9i30 ««'.' TWUtar mid-week Bible studies. In the church house, proceeds to with an adult Bible class. Sunday atipper, sixuisorcd by the Laytonian " "three years of age. Senior ii « nt Hie fl iccvk't is ,i«id I'luii this year, will be held Satur- -jtfcUmi wtt otaervt the meeting youth meet at I.'4S p.m. benefit the piano fund. will cover the lives und rhuradcfi Oiffwood Avc, Cliffwood *' smsd^sfeflsUAaflft* lDiiDrot5*iiOtt presort* of many New Tcslnmrnt clutic- •l V; Iniri-'uedntfi meet day. May 12, starting ut 5 p.m. On Monday the Session meet* at Sunday School meets at S3!) (or th« titth, trvrnih and tlnMli , fd, and 4jM partkipai**; and wiH a.m.; Adult Bible Class 1* a.m ; t«rs. Kvanyeliiiic sttvica Ie al mr hiipianineati snd raconuMB- I p.m. 7:W p.m. grtdij) at J;4S p.m.; Senior MdiKtd- PeaMewial Church Boy Scout Troop meeta on Tues- worship service, 10:45 a.m. Ualpa aai SMnef AT*., 6-6325 ,fittor.s at ft* mdusiw 4 *e Prayer service to iueaday tl I lat V«iJV-K*.UvWihlp, ?:M p.m.; day at 7:3* p.m. A mooting nl tlm Matawan-Kry- foil High 'School M.V.F., 1:J» p.« Ualaa Beach ,. , port Area Council of Churches will p.m, Board of Deacons meet oa Wed- Mrs. Herbert G. Wood. Psrtot be held Monday at 12 o'clock noon. Bible Study It Thursday al I Cetastmaae lulhtraa Clwrcli aeaday at I p.n. p.m. Worship services are neld Sr.»tor Automatic Transmission Ikaodora CKuller. Pest* meets at ?:• p.m. Broad SL, Ktypwt tun fsOrltual Churell • Church services on Sunday are dsy School Is at f:45 am. Jutfcr High Pmbytetos meet on efc>ir itfMMMl Is nun- Rabbi H. 0. H. Levin* M Oi»la« Raa* held st *:.•* a.m., »:« « m. >IMI Bible study group meets Tuesday Al! Makes and Models Repaired, Rebuilt Friday at ffp. P-Bi . "A eamplire wiU Sabbath Eve service Friday Is at W Mala St., l*Hw4 11 a.m. Church school meets at at 7:45 p.in. be beli YOUM peofJe are reqgest- 1:30 p.m. at which time the topic Mt. J-hoeU Uaitey. Passit 9:4itt.m, Thursday prayer mcetlag la keld And Resealed Brottoffaood *!•;-« bring best oan«Are -akto, « 8 p.m. , will M "The Course To Choose." Services are held Sunday al I U 7:4i p.m. «-)tnts, and songs. Hiddush will be pronounced by Alen p.m. and Tuesday at I p «. UaiM aUaca FU C*tpti Cbarck choir rehearM) to Satur- Miller. Hosts at Oaec Shabbat will Ml Park Avi., UaUa leacli layia Woo*! Sapilit Church TrWtj be Mr. aad Mrs. Samuel Zoloa and OwcfeWOat Rev. Evaa Icth WilUams. Pastoi Route I, flrowalam S 95 Mate St, HaUwa* y School tor all age* meets Mr. and Mrs. Victor MMer. Suaday services are held at 10:4$ Rev. Ronald Robinson, Pastor and U a.m. Morning wor- Rev. CarroU B. Hatt, CMtraEM.. Sabbaih Service is held Saturday a.sa. aud 7: W p.m.; Sunday School Sunday School meets at 1:45 with Underrating 15 fcM are at 9:30 and II L Rector at 11 a.m. Rev. Clarence A. Lambefot. Vicar a class for each member of the pastor «fiM have as his Junior choir rehearses Saturday meets at •:» a.m. with claasea The annual conference ol the Sunday service* are at *:M a.m. for all aiea. family; morning worship, 11 a.m.; i "tea Mirror Dfan- at H em. The Sacrament ol Northern New Jitney region. Unit- young peoples meeting, I p.m.; fg y«u* Fhi The lint, Mrd and fifth Sundays frayer meeting la held oa Tues- PICK UP AND DEUVER Peaance wil! be adm^slsred be- ed Synagogue of America, will be there Is Holy Communion, and m evening gospel service,- 7 p.m. «t *3» p.m. Senior tween'4:30 «nd S p.m. held Sunday from 1:30 to 7:30 p.m. saccad and fourth Sundays, ntoro- day at 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer and Bible Study pH 'aaeaia at f:15 sun. Matiu Sunday are at 7:41 a.m.; st the Jewish Center of West Or- lo| prayer. Church school meets Mid-week service la Thursday al Is held every Wednesday at 1:00 iOW BANK RATES >o*rii of Chrtsttan Holy Communion, Corporate Com- ange. at 9:30 a.m. 7:3* p.m. p.m. •Men Wedneadiy at t p.m. munion of women of the church tod Vta tai-gatherinj, I a.m.; fam- Graea Methodist Clank ily service morning prayer and St. JMUM PL . MttMtf Ckoreh church ichool, 9:3* a.m.; Holy Uataa Reach START AT CLUND VRION -*e». Richard Lee Scott. Pallor Eucharist and sermon, II a.m.; R»v. Eldrich C. Campbell .** ilTTi* - Sua&ty morning worship ser- evening prayer, 7:30 p.m. Pastor -»••, vica Is at 9 a.m.; church school, 10 Trinity Ladies Guild will meet At 7 p.m. Junior MYF spring 'r* a.m. MYF. meet* at T.M p.m. in Monday at • p.m. planning meeting will be held in Calvary Church, South Amboy. Holy Communion will be cele- the educational building Thursday. " A rummage sale will be held brated on Tuesday at 8 a.m. and On Saturday at 2 pm. pre-teen ' Monday and Tuesday. Friday, May 11. at 6:30 a.m. Be- social will be held for youngsters Tha W.S.C.S. will have a Joint cause of the Diocesan Convention, from pre-school to sixth grades and meeting in ths Clifiwood Church there will tv no service on Wed- a small admission will be charged ta Monday. May 14, when there to defray expenses. Games, re- nesday morning. ..-* Will bt • fellowship supper at 6:31) The planning committee of the freshmenls and turprises will be iSUPEMUMCroj frith the Rev. Olin Ivey. who vestry will meel Thursday at 8:30 available for al! until 4 p.m. in thu been a missionary in Cuba, as educational building ol the church. p.m. in the parish house. Senior These socials will be held on the aunt speaker. Organizations choir rehearses at 7:30 p.m. l South Amboy, Union Beach first Saturday of each month ex- Eand Cllffwood will meet jointly. cept during July and August. Ktat Ol Kia* Lutheran Chwcfc Bayvlew School On Sunday at 9:30 a.m Sunday Leeaortvllle Rd., MMaiatem School will be held for children cf all ages. At 11 a.m. Holy Commun- Ahl Rev. C. Roger Burkint, Pastor. ion will be observed and a nursery Sunday School meeta at fcN is provided for the children. At 1:30 Springtim*! a.m, and morning worship I* at p.m. Junior MYF will be held for 10:49 a.m. sixth to eighth graders. At 7:30 p.m. evening worship service will •wlfe tataraada be held. This la an informal service Cllffwood of Bible study and hymn ling. guALrrv MERCHANDISE Elder Jasnes Moss, Pastor , Iccons RaftW Ckwth MM THE HOMEOWNER lunday Scbooi is at M a.sa.; AVAILABtE AT morning wonUn. U a.m. W Atlantic St. Ksyporl COMTETTTIVE PRICES Oa Wednesday evenings the tanj Rav. Nicholas J. Tat*. Pastor PORTERHOUSE STEAK 89 SIRLOIN STEAK service to at I p.m. Saturday afternoon beginning at 1) o'clock noon, th* benevolent * Scoff t SM4S St. Btasdlefs Chnrck club will sponsor a chicken and roast beef dinner at the Civic i CHUCK ROAST' 69 BEEF fOR STEW— if Toro Lawn Mowtrs HatMdal Rd., Hehsdal League. Sunday School begins at 9:30 * Picnic Grill* Rev. Edward P. Blast a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m.; 89 CALIFORNIA ROAST Masses are held Sudsy at T. I, (ROSS RIB ROAST •venlng service, 7:30 p.m. * Simplicity Tractors I, II aad II a.m. and at 13 o'clock Morning choir rehearses at 7:30 noon. .m. Monday and senior choir at FREE DELIVERY Confessioas are beard hi « f p.m. Wednesday. RUMP ROAST ••••••" 95 FLAHKEN RIBS parish home Saturdays between 7 Prayer service is on Friday from aad I p.m. 7:30 until 8:30 p.m. The public Is 'MHUSADYTOOOOK Invited to attend. 99 CHICKEN STEAK < KEY P-G R T Feurth Ml. Pllcalr* Communion service is held the TOP SIRIOIH STEAK Splrltaal Ckurch second Sunday - of each month. SPINACH 2M Shore Rd., Union Beach Special services will be held as an- •AADWJU.E CO. Rev. Katherine Miller, Pastor nounced. GoWenRipe SHIN BEEF 39 CLUB STEAK n • M W. Front St., Keypert Services are held on Sunday and St. Mary's Episcopal Church Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock Free ParUng la Rear East Front St., Keyport and on Friday afternoons at 2 p.m Rev. Henry A. Male, Rector BANANAS NEWPORT ROAST 95 SHORT RIBS _ Boy Scout Troop M meets Thurs- day at 7 p.m.; executive council, 8:30 p.m. Holy Communion will be Friday lbs. BONELESS BRISKETv; 75« FLANK STEAK at 6:30 a.m.; Junior E. Y. C, 7:30 ARMOUR SUK ,D>I ..ii p.i *" On Your Savings Account 9 a.m.; senior choir rehearsal, n» in tlio popular % r " "loul; GRAND UNION J^k JB A^ > 7:30 p.m.; A.A.'s, a p.m. >R° ~ giftl you con cbt; tko yo^ir plcx from miny At First Merchants Notional First Church Of Christ. Sckallsl cf tlicui... for every mcm> of yen M Broad St., Ktyporl family,.. >t your ncttby 1) Sunday i e r v icti and Sunday 1 ltcdrmjiUoa Ccultr. Deposits Mad* Before May fOfh. TOMATOALL rLAVORS (Pli'i D.porll) JUICniSWAK INSTANTE NOMf A T 249* School, 11 a.m. Wednesday, testi- mony meeting 8 p.m. Rending room •A. tarn /nferesf from May Isf. open Wednesday and Saturday from PE^GUIH SODA 2 25' DRY Mil K ? to 4 p.m. GRAND ONION How ohudluncp lo divine law fRUST COCKTAIL 2 39* HiSTAMTCOfFEE brinps hummi redemption will he KITCHEN OARDEN t'Xplulned Sumlny ut Christian Science church services. PEANUT BUntR : Al AMtxvrD DRESSINMutch G ? 45* KKTCHiNCAIIDINWHCHf Featured In the Scriptural pus- (7 ( $100 siiKc.i to bo IO.UI is tin1 story ol 4,M « 11').. 4% Junah. The lesson sennon Is en- PAPER NAPKINS of 2J0 WAX BEANS 2 Inttrtit On Riflular Interest On 12-Month titled "Everliistin|i I'linlshnunt." Tim* Carlllleotw 'tills nck'illoii will lie rend from GRAND BUACH Poubook Accounti "Science nnd Ilmiltli willi Key lo COKN OIL Availobl*. On Any Dale rV^< >^r %j) M *^/AJ- f*' *' ' ' * the SnripiiiriT' bv Mnry llnki-r FiM i\> u;n '••:.:',, i iff • (IIO'iVMIINMIIt I7(J SOYA SAUCE We Stiv<< Uvu\iU\rly ° Save Aultnnaticnlly l.avu lire me only Iq'.ilnmile nnd eternal demands on man, und they are apirltunl lawgivers, rnfnrclni; Ask About Our obedlenco through divine ulntulrs." ..MI liolde.n lent Ii doni I's.ilm SAVE O MATIC PLAN 130: "Let liriul hopa In IDA 1'inl: I'nr with the Lord there In mercy, nhd with him is pltnli'ou.i icdrnip tlon." -1- Luthur Mi'inorlnl The l.ullicrnn ('linrcli MlNNiiurl hyund Union I'IIII.H Public School M'-v Piinl"! U Hi'iihi'lmcr, I'nslni Sundiiy Sclmal and Iliblo Closmv uri held at 9: .10 a.m. Sumlny undi'i lh» illritctlnii ol Arthur Miller, mi |ii,'lliil',nikiii, Tli>: ill iiniiil miif.lii|i *tUh.ui* »« i/ioryt U mm Su|KiinaiH«u Ihiu r. May >ih. W« r«i"«i** 'HII HAVEN non by the paiuir A mirirry •ri'V. NOPtH ASBUBY PARK e HOlrJDrV • BRIEUC ' Ico '• nvnllebln. Conuiiiinlon acrv Icrs lira held llw first .Sunday ol HAZLET GRAND UNION - OPRN EVERY SUNDAY evt'ty inonlh. Vl*ll Vout titeWH H(dtuiulloii Liwn si 2KI«( Mnln Sln-i'l, KcumlitirK - OIMH IrliUv Til I I"J* All Hiilnimllun Ctnitrn An Mondnyi May 3, 19A2 THE MATAWAN J0URNA1, N. J. Pegs Nin*

into the parking id. la addition! Unten Ber.ch Girl I tions to New Brunwick. The Rirl Momnouth Medical To Coasiriici Nev/ Wfiig fj tiie 60-bed area, which will be! I opened the door, pulled out ft l*t~ fire Chiefs Offer Hints To expandable to ICO, the wing will Faces Theft Couni iich carving knife, and to'd Mr. I include three new operating rooms A IS-vtar-oid Union Beach girl j v™*™ t0 *ft ™1' P°'£e faif". ^ You During Geanup Week I for specialized surgery, an id- a I (' tional intensive csie recoveiy wan apprehended by Slate Police! "* "" t=»K-» s -•-" *"••*•« g cjlwnup time is *t hand j where there to adequate ventila- ]MeT near the Eilrle NllV111 Amnm unit, & new central sterile supply of the Keyport Binaries after she J - bsysfore area. Your first Job tlon. A set naluraiiy generates a forced a man -jot of his car in nition ^^ by a Marine Snor. *•! area, an enlarged pharmacy, a participating in spring cleanup considerable amount of hist, and patrolman' and turned over to s>ta!»- _ to get rid of trash, according complet* department of rehabilita- MArlbo'o Townbhip with s carving to your local tire Chief. In so do- If not properly \entilated, it emild tion therapies, a sew lobby with knits and drove olf with ihe vehi- police. Police sai'l the girl is being ing, you not only wjll make your cle. in ihe juvenile shelter at '••5*£ i waiting rooms including a specal nciu III Liic juvminc aiicib^i u home spiC and span, but in addi- The garage wio'hci place | children's waiting room, two ad tion will remove potential fire ha*- Stale Police at Keyport said that Frechold to await action by the j*. o p where firt hazards frequency build ditional ek*vacors, an en}arxed cof- d Th bt S40 hhome •rds. There are about up Keep the floor of the garage fee and gift stop *°d » new ad- walked from Union Beach to Marl- ttire s a day in the Unitei d States, free from oil which may drip from Marlboro Sutc Hospital, vhen he •ad too rn?ny of these feed on ac your <"ar 1! you have a power mitting office. stopped to ask the gir! for direc- boro. (wnulation^ of rubbish In the at- lawnmower or outboard motor, tic or the basement. keep gasoline in a tan approved by Begin your cleanup Job by taking Underwriter!,' Laboratories, lnc * look aroand the attic Dp you And remember, keep gasoline only fitcd that stack of old magazines0 la the garage, never in the houhe H PAINT STORES J-Do you have to keep that pile of It you use turpentine for the mix- SERVICE AND EXPERIENCE ARE •'old newspapers' Wilt you ever fix ing of pamls, 1-tep it in a t'ght me- fi OUR MOST IMPORTANT the rocker on that old chair and tal container. If you have it in a PRODUCTS! 1 BERMAN use it again* Why are you keeping bottle and the bottle drops to the fiiiill that mattrcts 'or the bed you dis- floor and breaks, you have flooded jjosed of three years ago? And how the floor with a flammable fluid •tout that stack ol old clothes which has been gathering dust for Your cleanup job will not be It yjars?, complete until you have raked up Your Choice! Your Choice! your yard. Most communities do Give the basement the same go- not permit open fires, i_~" ----•• Jng over. M vours 1$ the average a ncu&eholdei dosi'ing to burn! . home, you probably will find partly leaves or rubbich, J-?"'?1"11*, burn I s „ lUted paint cans, old paint brushes, them in a wire mesh basket of the rags and - other combustibles. incineiator type, one with a mesh >5k- Throw them out if you have no caver which fits securely 111 place. Center, according to Monroe Eisner, president tf further use for them. See to it that Have the garden hose hooked up The above picture snows the proposed $2,SM.tM •ny paint you retain is kept in to an outside faucet for use If the new wing that Is to be built at Moomouth Medical tightly sealed ' metal containers, Gal. fire should get out of hand. And A special gifts campaign for tion of Voimoulh County >-ad in the pam 75 >eais, they at once and be sure paint and other llam- never, never burn on a windy day. laaMes are not stored too close to $2,M)0,000 for the construction of a creased since 1950 by 48 per cent, were adopted at Monmouth; .the heating plant. You should get double pleasure new wing to Monmouth Medical According to the prediction of the revolutionary equipment and mir- ' Check Your Kitchen out of your spring cleanup job Center has been announced - by Moninouth County Planning Board, acle drugs were discovered and Whisk White Latex MERCURY HOUSE PAINT . Wow check your kitchen (or fire when it is complete. You will not Monroe Eisner, hospital president. Lead zinc titanium, pure linseed oK lor body . only have a spic and span home fi at proved effective, they became an iMitards. II there arc loose connec- 500,000 by lJnp.ThPT e New Jersey Exterior Paint Kim. White and cohM*. tions on any electrical appliances, but you will have eliminated po- dent Medical Cen- integral part of the hospital. tential fire hazards. ' Department of Institutions and v or Mich as the toaster, mixer, refrig- ter's board of governors and presi- Agencies has warned that this area "But keeping pace with chang- or arator or electric . burner, iiaye dent ol the New Jersey Natural has today only 55.7 per cent of ing ne»ds and scientific and tech- them repaired .mmccliately by a Motorists Penalized Gas Company, will serve as cam- the1 general hospital beds it needs. nical 'advances presents a never- Paraflex Shake ami Shingle competent electrician. Take a look paign chairman. The study of these figures, accord- ending challenge to a hospital of Porch and Deck around the kitchen to see if there Nine bayshore area motoris's The decision to construct the new ing tn the survey, played only a the size, caliber and potential of For AH Surfaces •re obvious fire hazards. Most ev- lost their driving privilege* under ecst wing was made following a partial role in the decision to em- Monmouth Medical Center. For to- Enamel <««>) Alkyd flat far masoory, asbnlat, WMl ery kitchen has a towel rack. Be suspensions ordered by Ihe State two-year intensive study of Mon- bark on the building campaign at day our physicians know more shingles. sure yours is not In a position where Division of Motor Vehicles. Those mouth Medical Center; its staff, Monmouth. about the diagnosis and treatment towels hang over,the top of the penalized were Marcia A. Janna- facilities, potential and the popula- Report Presented of human ills thin they ever have Itove. rone. Hazlet; Harold Farmer, tion projection foi:. the area it The Vcport, presented to the hos- known before. And with that know- In the living room potential (ire Keansburg; Thomas G. Walling, serves. The study commission'Was pital's hoard of governors, said in ledge comes our obligation to pro- I Red Devil Paint Remover hazards tire faulty wising on Kcyport; Francis W. Baio, Old headed by Dr. IS. Ravelin, vice part: "The history of Monmouth vide the added equipment and lamps, the radio or the television Bridge; Thomas E. Hubert, Clifl- president for medical affairs H( the Medlca". Center, the largest and facilities they nebd.v.:.:.nowV The act. The next time you hive the wood; Robert S. Kyone, Old University of Pennsylvania and oldest hospital in the county, is tomorrow in medicine is here to- SPRAY CANS electrician in, have him check wir- Brite; Mariano Lamanno, Old immediate past president of the actually the history, of medicine day." 16 ft PUSH-UP LADDER 9.95 ing and electrical connections Bridge; Richard Lallier, Keans- American College of Surgeons. itself, for as new procedures' and The six-story wing will be »t- AH popular colors E| throughout the house. And be sure burg, and Gordon W. Scheurers, The 1960 population census ol techniques were announced as per- tsched to the south end of the and white. J1 •our tcim'-Eioa EM is in a place Miitawan. 394,000 disclosed that the popula- fected to the medical world over existing hospital and extend east M Deluxe SAVE K03E - DURING GRAND UNION'S HAPTY UUHLYjf «•• V. •=#. Canvas Your * Paint I 9x12 PLASM DROP CLOTH 27'I *• For awnings Choice Of and swimming pools. Hand Tools P« 99' Urge BERMAN'SPAINTS Selection ROUTE 35 AT CUFFWOOD AVE. Complete Art De- (AjP Cliffwood Shopping Center) partment, Glass, V » Window Shades, OPEN SUNDAYS "MSRSS Other Stores: New Brunswick, Somsrvllle, South River ff/eey shopping trip a Happy Saving"event! Wallpaper*. Rte. 18, E. Brunswick, Bourn! Brook and Highlstowa

Froeh tueoloue

CHUCK STEAK 49 GROUND BEEF 2 89 THIS SUMMER PUTIBIEF-».-•- 19s RIB STEAK : " live Better Electrically TOP SIRLOIH ROAST 95 SWISS STEAK ' SKIRT STEAKS r ;89« SHOULDER STEAKA".95< OUTDOORS New appliances and equipment an opening up many possibilities for btttcr living oiitdoora. Now with adequate wiring and lighting, your CALIFORNIA STEAK 69' SHIN BEEF™ ."" Kscnl Celery pttio, gardens and surrounding grounds e*a make a Dig contribution, both night and day, to your family's pleasure and the Today, with the host of portable electric sppllnnces »v»liable, awaia«s«**«BBi*ss«BaataBB*s^sa*SBavaia«HBmaBBiavawa^a«a^aa*saBaa« jou on enjoy all Uio pleasures and csnvcnienccs of indoor llTtnf outdoors. \ Brands of Top QuzlHy Foods There ia the electrle roaster and oven for complete meals, the rotiuerlo for atuU and chickuna and the brochette (or dhhV 10«/i-o*. kabob. There U the electric fry pnn, broiler, mucepan, griddle, can' BIDE SIMP toanter and mary others for family or party barbecues and cookouU. And, of course, the oolTecnuiker, blender and Juicer nth) REDEMPTION CENTER ccmplcU ju=t about any meal or snack th.it tin 'icstcas plant, GXAND you tan st'lM • cift itud taVu There ta no Tire to build, no fisraipa, no smoke, no tharred It jrlght homu with food and no ashes to empty. Yes, electricity is ready to tie your U NV'hi'n jou t.ivu outdoor bidding without, fanning, coaxing or waiting. id Slumps, thru1'* ef400 fur mail FACIAL TISSUE ,., iiuwait- Jn^ for l>n1(T» li» has With Electric Lawn Mowers ; n*«SAU ON FROZEN FOOD iitntt* Ins \wt MJUIIO mill) ,«AND UNION Wnf-CHKKW-TUWUY mmtktk. jn Uiii orru ttiiin imy OutstaMiliiiK among the electrical equipment which hw been m st.unp pl.ui. Sut (IcvcluiKil fur crJitr croumU ku('|ilng In the electric Inwn mowef. S 00 It doo« the Job quickly anil quietly. It It cany to uso with Its nimiilc switch to atari and stop, Thrre «re no fuel worries, no oil MEAT POT PIES 6 1 to changi', no carburetors to adjust and no raibon monoxide. In additicn to Hie lawn niowor, (IHTL' itre ulictilc hulge dipptrt IWHCH FRIES 8 ^'1- BROCCOLI V ami idtiMM, and fnr '.hose with it gain uiumb, tlnn:nre noil WlVMii-IC heat caljk't for hotbeds.

KITCHEN GARDEN A»k you.' lliuil.1 liilcviiu Pi-iin i inn, i.i..im ,i i I . M. . t'T UNCAIMN many linw protlurls for Iwller living outdoors.. Ask them about tlic lalrnl duel. WASH dluiifnUl In uut'tmir wiring and 111'111i11K• They can hel|i JCII |.!nn to nuiko an HEART'S DIUGKT ln USQ of clcctrutty liua HIIIIIIIKI uuil ih tin JU.I< tH '**:: c. YCRACKERS JUKI DRINK For Mtffllnn hltai on liar tlteinrily can help )fii l«i hrtltr WivimaMy evldonn, fill in Ihe rnuptin anil we will ttnd you a cwlo»/«/, UliDlialtd iuohltt.

•OtA ItAMM With iwihaH of .very IXTRA STAMPS wHh nunhrn* of ttl j >££ PillIAH»LI PIE ^ LIQUID CLEANER Jricv IVnlml I'owrr * l.l||lit <'<•<• l«ny tKTM ITAMM whh *i» «'»•• «f IXTIIA STAMPS with pu.d«.« Ntw .trr^'-y I'uwtr * l.lKht t.'dtni'iinv Ma'liMm Avmuatt 1'unth lltwl jtimd $$•& PRUNE JUICE ^BROIL-A-FOIL TRAYS Mfltrlitu'^n, Ntw itttti IXTRA STAMPS xhli on/ pwihax •>! IXTMA STAMPS wllh pmchm* of tt: I'l^niK K<.rwlme « cntty »=f yimt rolftf pKtHll let .i.U!M "rilii *tulnmk»l .ll^tl. J at tiiwnl Unluil i"itm

  • ». lUl. rtlHVt tt>* ttulit ffi t'ttift MUtnttUWf. cirr —- HAMLET GRAND UNION - OPEN EVERY SUNDAY VKII Vwi TilpkhH R«l«mptl»D 0«nlci «l 269-4 Mt>ln Slrtit, Keiimlmrs - Opi n Friday Til » I'M All Hnlfniplliitt t'rnlcrs Am CIMMI Montlnj* T«n THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, May 3, 1962 A Penn Relays Victory Award For The Trophy Case Of New Matawan High j J^ Welstead AAlj! plan Fi9ld DaY Matawan Takes Mile; 1 i i ^ ; :;i);;' >; Edward Norberg, 11T Laure!. hurst Dr., Keyport, is among Rut 118-Pound Champ geo College of Agriculture sm de:iis preparing for she Andes' Shine, AtPenn Ed welstead, Malawi? boxer In Field Day. Saturday. Events, all : lira iSijjuumi c!s;;, F.-idav gained Matawan, and Keyporf. High •ho naif mile,; fenyv Brodericlv I U[xrn iu ilic- put-'ic ^*iiho;;t chai'g?, -' Schools had a most au&plcious day lipped the pace with a SB-second' I the New Jersey A A U. title in his•A'iUbegin at 9 a.m. '"• 'T&ilurday at the University of, Perm- quarter; George Sheehan impelled ' divsioii bv outpointing Biiiy Golds- i »ylvtnia relays in Philadelphia. his team into second place with a worlir,, Dover, in a three-round , •• A Matawaa foursome of Billy 3:30 in the thrce-qur.r'er mile bout at the Newark Boys Club. •„, Wathlngton, Fred Raima, Rich A Colls combine of Hugh O'Neill, This was an "open" doS3 bout. Stocks Run At ,' .Flexes and-Ken Rissmiiler tore Keith Mast, George Jjckson and for boxers beyond thi' novice stage „' around the track at Franklin Field Frankie Ragan gained a firth in ,' - for a first place in the seventh the llth mile relay, won by Os- W"isiead was subjected to con- Sunday „ division of Che high school mile simng, N.Y, in 3-312 sideiablu punishment by the Dover The new car,of Dick Kirby, Key- ft , reUy»,»t 3;Hi. , Dual Meet Tomoriuw bo\er in the first round. But theport, is due for first showing Sun- iY r''iS»'*»r K^yport," they finished * The Keyport and Christian Brotli- Matawan fighter grew stronger as day afternoon at Old Srid^e Stfid-^ t': :. third in Section Three of ft* high ers track teams can have it out Ihe slugftbt went along and in the ium when stock car rarini; ;">!» ^ IjKhool ditiance medley, ahead of between them tomorrow at a dual third round Goldtnorthy was near under way at the track in Brown-, 'Mi'name" schools in.tnt«rscholas- meet at KHS field Matauan goes the point »f being unable to de- town. Kirby will 50 in the spurts-' to Long Branch for a meet S4tur fend hiniM If at the end. Frank men's division this..year. Other lo-" day. ' "" Boyle, Clilfwood, We!ste:-d's man- cal drivers expected back are Jim' ager, consented to a shortening of Tie Penn Relay'summaries: Hoffman, Morganville, in modified ',?•• *»V*o«nd.,Tbe Jteyport showing lllch Hihool Dl.lii.ce Mffllfy ' j the final lound that Golds*or*hy and his brother Russ, in novice. f%',' mju a ponwnsl triumph for Ed ijc.'tlui/, llirw — i. M,t Pleasant, would not have to take more pun- Th'! No. 990 car may be back with Del. IXmald Craven, Jonathan Warn- ishment &V-, fpulliori <-ho chased "the climaxing er, Joseph ltit:>lino/)d. Frcderuk Suar. a Union Beach driver at the wheel. pkrmk race'k 4:37 and overtook and ion. 2, Chrlatfjn Brulhvra Academy; luck McCoimack, another Mat- The auto racing season, at the MKd U other-runners la doing 4 Keyportlyport; 4. Chester, Fa.; 3, ScoU.h awan battler, fighting in tho 175- Plains-4-Fatit; t ood. 11 01 i stadjium got under way Sunday-, w'we Of (h» day's outstanding Final Standings — 1, White Tl,iliu pound novice division, lost his bout with Tony Bonadies, The Bronx, iMtfvidual achievements for both N, Y ; 2, Occatulde. N Y ; 3, Noitn- with Jimmy Diggs, Newark, by a winning the 25-!ap feature race,. gft^aml, high jcchool competi- cdi Valley; i. C»rduial Haje», It. Y ; 9, Lancaster, Pa. 10-46 3 technical knockout when Boyle re- A banner crowd saw piomotiT Ulth School Mil* fused to let McCormack go outTom Grabac's initial ARDC midget, Seventh — 1. Mat&wnn. WillL-im foi the third round. McCormack car racing program, which wjs trlnmph. But th» Maroon Wnihin»mn frevent st ri/i at the Piner track. Mata- tg$?'-W",ttot stretch.-By the time the balk They added a lun in the sec- Welstead, McCormack,'Paul To- -*•*[.. M&bnd stretch was reached, there wan easily swarmed over Rumson ond on a walk to Don Lewis, a sin- Enter Teams In CYC Ray Brown.-White Plains, N.Y.. -_ _-„_ longe,. possibility of a 68-49, Keys, Toms River Asbury Gets J.V., masello, Ed Cioss and Hilly Fried- was t'lircl and King Carpenter, no lny gle by Larry Ricketts, Indian pitch- Bowling Tournament rich now me IP training for a ^:/break-through, it was Matawan- er, and a sacrifice fly. Thompsonville, Conn., took the Jackson Sensation place on a card cf bouts to be fourth i «t. >•*/ ^--* Orange all;«long with Xalma Bruce Jackson was again the Klngeter Replaces J ones The Northern Monmoutli Coimty ±m< Split, 3-1,54 Keys Frosh Game put on in Cditere'. May 2!) at Over- Heat winners beside Carpenter [ing"- the leader at each step. sensation of the day, setting a new Tho Indians seemed to be ill the Catholic Youns Adult Club will holt Stadium This is a tourney to -, . Bullde Vp Lead KHS school mark of 6 ft. 2 in. In A hero one game, a "goat" the way to end the ball gnmr in tiie An even break m jayvee and participate in Ihe Diocesan CYAC were Jerry Russo and Dutch next Ever the way in baseball, be continued June 5 and June 12 Schaeffer, with Schaeffer emerging he p»53-,Ui Fieros was so good the high jump and 21 ft. 4>A ins. bottom o! the thud when their first freshmen baseball games was ob- Bowling lournament which will hi among ho\mj> clubs from Newark, ''the Huskies thira leg man ai Keyport's third baseman, Dave tained by Keypoit High against As- held Saturday, at the Brookside the top driver in a special five hip in the bread jump. John WilliamViUii s Qpatssky, found out In the Keys two batters got on base. Kingeter Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, Rahway, helmet dash event. fbreak into the, lead and he in the 100, Pote in the 880, Scullion came on to replace Jones as Key- bury Park at the Blue Bishops field Lanes, Edison, beginning at (i: 30 Mutdwan-Chffwood and Cartcrel. - up for 15 yards.. On the double headei at Toms River Sat- Saturday. The KHS jayvees took a am 1 he lselin CYAC group will New 10-Lap Record in the" mile won their events for urday. He saved the first game for port pitcher and kept the Red and It is an. AAU sanctioned event. g'hOOe^retch; Hlsarailler calibrated the Keys and Ned Crossley, Ui the While "alive" in the ball giime by 13-7 clobbering, but tha, Keyport e the host for this year's tourna- ARDC president, Dutch. Schacf- , • '• "•- *-,tht need of keeping the Red and White with an un- fer, established a new 10-l;ip record' pole vault, Woody Sullivan ' and assisted rh/uble play In the ninth fanning three batters to retire the frosh avenged this mishandling of ment. je-and itepped across Jimmy Houston, in the timber-lop- lnnirigr'st-cunng a 3-1 victory. And Indians without more scoring. their older schoolmates by knock- Each of the seven CYAC groups at the sladi.i'm, being clocked in ihe "Mine IS yards advantage. ping, Larry Poland, in the shot ing off the Asbury Park fimh 7-5 8-15 League To 3:37:95 for'the five miles. 1 ha mads a wild throw home in Ricketts got by two-hit innings in the Diocese of Trenton will enter the It Kiiyi>>-there wcrs 12 put; Bill Boenler. In the discus; It was a fourth win against only three live-member teams in tho Thr Saturday night drag race ac- «t better'than K?'*wan'», but the eighth inning of the second that put men in scoring position John Doerr, In.tl.e Javelin; Chuck game that iet In two runs that re- for the Keys in the first and third ono loss for tho Keyport yearlings competition. Full handicap will be tion for."d Clyde Harnish, Statcn t,;of these .wire accomplished Miller in the 220, Tom Gevas and The Keyport jayvees started off granted. Ed Conovcr, Atlantic Open Season Island running off with the top el- re, the^ inner lane of,the track sulted in a 4 3 victory for the Red But he yielded a run In the fourth Justin in the middle distances, and Raiders being converted to a 5-4 when Sam Robinson walked for aj though they would give the As- Highlands, sports chairman, an- The sound of "play ball" will iminator honors for the third con-. I become churned up because of finally Scullion, second in the broad nounced that tho following mem- secutive meet. Driving a Chevy 3 excessive amount of running defeat. KHS, stole second, and came bury seconds a blasting. The Blue ring out on Saturday as opening jump, were heavy point gainers around when Ricketts threw wildly Bishops scored a run in the first, bers have been chosen to" represent -lay activities will be held by thepowered dragster, Harnish won sJv > passing across it. The best time Opatosky was not the only one Northern Monmouth in the tourna- if, ' ©Ji'tbe rait* rWsys was Springarn in the KHS triumph. trying to double Robinson off sec- but Keyport crashed through for Raritan-Holmdel 8-to-15 Baseball with a 74.89 mph mark and a low Billy Wathington hit 10.1 in the to . tear a about the idiosyncrasies five in the top of the second. Joe ment: League. 4.8!) elapsed time, >";:-M.S.. Washington, DC, it 3:28.2 of baseball. Ken Phelun, Toms ond after capturing VanPelt's liner. > l»iv»h» nth race. 100 for Matawan; he also won the Kingeter was reached by Ander- Laroski walked; Hal Robedee hit Men's Team: Don Foggia, Jim Highlight of the day will be a Other Central Jersey drivers win- 220; Kalina and Rissmiller 'cok River pilrher in the first game, safely, Ken Thomas got a lire on ning eliminator trophies and1 points ." . 'Thif U the third.time Matawan had a orilli,-nt l-O victory p.tched son (or a triple with one out in the Keen, Bob McCaffrey, Joe McCafc parade of all players, managers hai won s-mile event at the famed the middle distances; Billy Farrell fifth but llourahari's throw to thean error to start the big frame. frey, and Joo Romeo. Women's and coaches from the Hazlet Sweet were Warren Williams, New Mar- the mile and Ken Morris the lowto the very last easy out to secure Ron" O'Neill's hit sent home the first Shop, Bethany Rd., to the Beers ket: John Adamlcc, Old Bridge, Relays. .When John Carac- it. But on that easy out, a Maroon plate on Rich Ycagcr's grounder Team: Jo Di Marco, Pat Flynn, -hlgh school principal now. hurdles in a near sweep of running cut off tho run. The Keys picked up Red and White runs, Brian Jackson Maureen Halleran, Mary Ann Nes- St. Field starting at 12 o'clock and Ray Locke, South Plalnficld. events for the Huskies. Dennis team that had played errorless ball was safe on an error, two more noon) The opening game will coaching, his 1954 team of another run in the top of the sixth bltt, and Kathy Selgfried. Mixed Richard Sodcnberg, South Bound Krcuger showed improvement in tc that point made a big bobble Red Raider runs scoring and Jack- match the Hazlet Flyers against Brook, wheeling a Triumph motor- i6;>,vJoe"SheeraD, Herb Carbone, C«r- and Keyport tied It up. And then on Robinson's double and VanPelt's Team: Tony Bucco, Ed Conover, the snot and Hank Vreeland in single. This sent the Keys into the son came in on a squeeze play. Chris Kutschman, Roger Salava, the West Keansburg Fire Com- cycle, bested all thr bike runners !';j'ii'lu«;Cooception-and Marv Hauser winning the distance, while Wath- in the last Inning, another easy pany, division champions last year. -' trhunphed and in 1959 It was Billy last inning behind one run a second But Keyport's big lead soon van- and Eva Seigfried. ; Substitutes: with a 61.57 mph bid. registering a ington had little trouble winning out got away from Toms River, Barbara Bcttger, Rosemarie De Township Committecman Francis 6.24 elapsed time. Mrlabbltt. Rich Bennett, Mel Jeff- so that instead of Keyport being time in the day and for a second ished. .Robedee was wild, walked the broad jump. time they tied it up and sent the Santo, Jack Dwyer, Marge For- X. Shield!,: in charge of recreation, coat and Brad Bradach winning. retired they got more chances at three Asbury batters in the bottom will throw out the first ball at The N'JTA drag races are listed •h;>--' - FlaW la 'Paasiag Keyport <1U game into extra innings. of tho second lo load the bases, man, Dave Gannon, and George for Saturday night starting willi Lakewoo* SO bat, enough to send the man put Johnson. 1 p.m. Following the game re- ;» ;The Keyport achievement would taaf BBunch 39>ii on base by the error In with the Ball Game Tied Up then an untimely error put the Blue freshments will be served to all the usual 3:30 p.m. inspections. 5;i'have been still better but for a 100.y«rd da«h - WoW n BBy Heiuon winning run. Again a Toms River pitcher ap- Bishop seconds on their way. A the boys. Sunday afternoon Grabac will stags V'';flaw In itht passing of the baton (LB), ». Jackaon (K). 3. Sullivan (K). peared to have things scved up as sacrifice fly and another two-base the first NASCAR stock car race 4 Chenoff (L). Time- 10 3. The Keys kept themselves in the ,v, atTthe lam Into the mile leg, ZM-yard duh — Won by WlUlanu Ricketts got tho first two Keyport error had the Blue team out in Harry Wolfersberger, league of the season on the one-half inila running for a Central Jersey, Freehold Plays oval beginning at 2:30 p.m. with >• Coach, Jay, Demarest's boys got (X), t. Miller (K), J. Chenotf IL), 4. Group III, playoff berth by gain- batters easily in the seventh. But front before the inning was over. chairman, announced that at the te-" away with Rocs Olcott clicking off Spencer (L). Time: 33 7. Hourahan connected for a triple Chased In Third last meeting of league officials it the qualifying heat race. 440-yard rurunn — Won bv GrMhw ing the even break. More than that, ' lilt-half-mile; Gene Justin (LB). 2. B«zley ». JuiUn (K), and Hyer delivered the pinch sin- Robedee was chased In the third, was unanimously voted to consoli- for a 57 seconds 440, then Coach Bob Zampelle uncovered a At KHS Saturday 4. And«non (K)'.ft*.. ? M.S. new pitcher In Dan Hourahan that gle to tie up the ball game. but the Asbury onslaught, coupled date the Raritan-Holmdel 8-to-12 Now is the time to advertna Dte picking up runner* in 880-yard run — Won by Pal* (K) Terns River threatened to pull it League with tho Raritan-Holmdel those unused articles for sale. 2. linnr (L), 3. Gevat iK), 4. Proc is just what thu team needs, a with more bad Keyport fielding A baseball attraction second only . the three-quarter mile leg. But the out in the bottom of tho seventh to the Matawan game is being of- Babe Ruth League. A small ad In the classified baton pass from Pote to Scullion tor (LB). Time: 2:11.4. rlghthanded fireball chucker. Deep lapses, made things still woiie (or 1 Milt — Won by SculUon (K). 1. in pitching talent now, the Keys when Lee singled and Tony Ruzzo his successor on the mound for Key- fered Keyport fans Saturday when The new league will be known column will turn them Into cash - • was made In the thick of a rush of Matlluwi (L). 3. Hlckl,(L). 4. Bellly walked with two out. But Kingeter for you. (LD). Time: 4:S1.T, ' ' - only have to overcome the nort, Ronnie Sachs. Freehold Regional comes to KHS as the Raritan-Holmdel 8-to-i5 runnerg.comlng in. so much so that got Yeager on a smash to the box ' K "dropbed Keyport from seventh 120-yard high hurdle* — Won,by "nerves" that ruins their fielding In the freshmen game, extra-base field to take on the Red Raiders League -and will consist of, four Millet (L), 3. Hoban (K), 3. Van-to be a topnight ball club. to send the game Into extra Inn- hitting paid off for the Keys." Denny at 2 p.m. The Colonials are upteams for boys in tho J3-to-l5-age to 15th in tho running. But Scullion nixoort (K), «. Bum (LB). Timt: ings. ; took-care of that", staying outside 1S.9. Strikes Out U Hallorau got a double to score a front in the "A" division of the group, 12 teams for the 8-to-12-agc of the torn up Ir.iide portion of the 180-yard low hurdlea — Ti« by Hourahan sent 14' batters down In the top of the eighth, the Keys run In the first Fred Sieben's dou- Shore Conference baseball race. group, and 12 farm teams. At f'track to leave one man after Mlllei (I,), Sullivan (K), 3. Hualon by the strikeout route In the nine appeared to have won it. Robinson ble and Ed Grant's tripte were As such, they ere second to none present the teams provide super- (K), 4, Hoban (K). Tln».>: 21.5. and VanPelt walked to start It. vised baseball for approximately another, behind him. Had'Scullion Olicua — Won by Tebor (L), 1 innings and was just as strong at good for two in the fourth, and Sie- of the teams Keyport has played been able to follow the inside Korzun (L), 3. Boehler ((K), 4. Roue the end as he was in the beginning. Mike Weeks sacrificed them into ben's homer in the fifth came wiih this year. 420 boys of the two townships. It CAT(S O»N 6:30 P.M. - MOVIEj AT DUSK (LB) Ditn 124MHi also is planned to form a fifth 'bend on a hard surface another (LB). Distance: 124-MHi. Toms River got hits off him inscoring position. Kingeter lofted a a man aboard. f Ml wJ &N -HIM WC» OUT Shot — Won by Mazra (LB), hit over the infield and Robinson The Colonials have Dave Glum, 13-to-lo-age group team. ' six seconds would have been chop- Tebobrr (L(Ll) , 3 . PlPolandd (K(K)) ,Sh ShosUt k only one inning, the fourth, with the righthander who outpitched was home with his third run o( the But Asbury Park bats had not (L), Dlitanc*: MS 3/4. (School rec- two outs, when he issued a walk been idle while this was going on Alex Pictrewlcz last year to de- Managers and coaches of all the ped oft his time. ord 43'). to Davey Lee and Butch Anderson game. But VanPelt was held at feat the Red Raiders, and JimI teams presently are making ar- Scullion's great effort drove Javelin — Won by Proctor (LB). 3 third. Ricketts got the next two and the score was tied at the end Korzun (L) 3. Doerr (K). 4. Klley and Mike Jacobus followed with of the fifth. The Keyport winning Rooney, who Is very effective in rangements for ihe annual dance . Christian Brothers Charley Dlppel (K). DUtance: MM-I 1/4. singles to send home the lone In- batters on a popup and a strike the relief role. The county sealers to be held on May 26 at tho West to a 4:42 mile to hold the Colts Broad junto — Won by Jackson (K), out lo halt further KHS scoring. margin came in the sixth on a walk llilH I. Scullion (K). 3. Drlnkard (LB). dian run. to Rocky Rlccardl, a hit batsman, will present a veteran lineup of Keansburg Firo House. This Is tho •econd place. For CBA, Joe Mc-lilcki (L). Distance: 21-4W. (School With Phelan working steadily as But the Indians were down one hard hitters. It is a big "prestige" only fund raising project of the Guiness flashed o(f to a 2: OS in record). run In their last turn at bat. Their an Asbury error and a sacrifice a clock and getting good support, fly. gnmo for the Keys. Big league league for the year and Robert High jump - v.'on by Jockioii (K), that run looked good for the ball first batter popped out. But Ander- scouts viewed It last year in pref- Wehrman, dance chairman, is ask- KBYPOslT *. MUlea (Li. 3 Hotuon (LB), 4. son hit safely. Spike McCormack Assistant Coaches Frank Zampel- MATE Burtt (13), Height: 6-2 (School rec- gams going into the last frame. erence to any other game on theing for the co-operation of all par- ord). batted for Graicn^n and walked. lo and John Miela were in charge KHS schedule and likely they will Keyport got a walk and hit with of the Keyport teams. ents and friends of the boys to Pole vault — Won by Hekll Rilvald two outs In the first, but a popup Ricketts also walked to fill the bas- do so again this year. make the affair a success. TRAND (LI, t. Crouley IK), 3: Polikartpua es. Jannarone replaced Kingeter on fteyport JV O) COlIai 44HI (L). tie (or 4. Nnpre* (K), and Ger- ended that threat, then Phelan ah r h The Keys are in the position of W ERffIN COLOR i bei (LB). Height: It. the mound for Keyport. Bob Lewis Brian Jackson, jusfmowed the Red Raiders down 0 1 having to improve their record by Matawau IS to until there were two outs in grounded to Opatosky for what Cusano, 2b Holmdel Boys Work Kunuon-Falr Haven Ret. 4S looked like a third-to-home-to-first Beutel, r( May 11 (o get SO per cent of their New thru Ntxt TUM. 100-yard daah — Won by Wathlug- the sixth. L,nngnn. sa games on the winning side. Tills MMELAHfMN • ANNMARGRET Ion (M), i. Anthony (M), J, Parker The Indian pitcher got into a fix double play to end the ball game Jablonfllri, M A meeting of the Holmdel Ath- (R). Time: lO.t. Lnroskl, cf will qualify them for the Central letic Club is slated for Monday at , Evenings — here through no fault of his own. with Keyport winning. But Opatos- Power*, of ION (Kill •«!(! lift 220-yard daah — Won by Wthing» - ky threw the ball over the head of Jersey, Group III, tourney. As 8 p.m. at Holmdel Rd. School to ton (M), 2. Anthony (M), I. MoMoncreli f Harold Hyer got his second hit of Robedee, p Matawan has the Shore Conference Feature 7:03 • 9:14 (It) Time: 23.0. the game and Gary Post walked. Robinson, catching for the RedSachs, p discuss archery, fishing and base- Cogliano. 3b "B" virtually sewed up, this will ball programs to he run this sum- SJWA MO-yard run — Won by Kalina (M). Phelf.n appeared to have closed Raiders. Mickey Kilpntrick, pinch Thomnfl, 3b be tho Red and White players' al- THEY GAVE YOU 2. Cain (R), 3. Fieroa (M). Time: out this Keyport threat by fanning runner for Anderson, and McCor- O'Neill, lb mer In connection with a boys 94.H. Malluou-skl, • ternative in late-season tourney MIND VSOUTH PACIFIC 880-yard run — Won by Rlsjmlller Bob Bratsafolls. But Interference mack scored for Toms River on the play. recreation plan for the township, IN COLOR (M), I. Gilbert 'R). S. Burgey (M), with the glove was ruled against overthrow by a brilliant bit of base- Ken Willey, public director, an- Time: >:14,s «BI MM m\ !&: J "OKLAHOMA" Jerry Bobroff, Indian catcher. It running, so the game went to the I-ark JV (II) The Keys play Atlantic Highlands nounces. Fathers and others Inter- Mile — Won by rarrcll (M), I. awny tomorrow, then they start ested in boys' work are asked to Shay (R), S. Yuhati (M). Time- filled the bases. But.Phelan was Indians 5-4. ab r h TAYlOII-DJUniN'McGKCANDY CANEA .£ "SOUND OP MUSIC" 3:03.4. equal to the situation. He got (Flr«t Oimi) Tageart. cr 5 a run of four straight games at attend. 120-yard hurtllei — Won bv Altreu- Opatosky on a grounder to the box Keyport (3) Grosberg, m 2 home by playing Freehold Satur- PLAYGROUND : ter (R), 2, MLG»» (M), I. Sleber ab r Siugcl, afl 1 FREE and appeared to have cleared the Adams, 3b 2 day. Hoffman High comes to the If you need printing of itny CHILDREN UNDtB 1Z (BEE (M). Time: 10 I. 9 1 l ' BDDGEHS& 180-yard low hurdlec — Won byway for his shutout victory. Kinneter. If IUm», 3t> 1 Red Raiders field Tuesday and St. kind, we are hero to serve you. Morrlj (M). 2. Prlcclantt (M), 3 Tie Houruhnn. p V 0 Lalwda, cf 2 Mary's, South Amboy, 11 week from 2 0 Llnkey, rf I 1 Our quick service and reasonable —Bojd, Altrcutar (R). Time, 213. But it was not to be, Skip Van- Hyer, c today. The last game that Keyporl prices will please YOU. Dlicui — Won by Kacen (R), I. Pelt and Bill Jannarone, first two n-Mi'dolli 0 0 SlekA, rf 0 0 f tard (K), S. Slcklea (M). DUtance: Hoblnson, e 2 0 Slraiio, • a o will bo able to submit in its record Keyport batters in the se\ »nth. hit rest, lb 3 0 Lnrken. c 1 l to the NJSIAA will he the home Shot — Won by Krueier (M), 3.safely. Ron Cacarillo went In to Weeks, lb Peyser, lb 1 l game with Wall Township May II. EATONTOWN Boyd (R), 3, Broldilck (R). Dlatance: run for Jannarone Bofc Turnor nratsnfolU. rl Aclier. Hi 0 0 Opntosky. fti 0 0 nradbury. 3b 2 0 The Keys came out of the Toms 44-0. filed out, Al Kingeter grounded to MO.HCI, 2li ATLANTIC JaveUn — Wnn by Vreeland (M), 2 VnnPell, cf 1 1 I) 0 River double hill Saturday with a THEATRE Carroll and Cacarillo was forced •1 anna rone, 3b Wnllarr. p .1 I) Gilbert (R), 3. McCe« (Ml. Dlitance: •M season record, requiring they Allanllo IIliQawl^-Trl.° Ml Of l4 liu-i. at second, VanPelt going to third. Cncarlllo, 2b win lour of their next six names Broad Jump — Wnn by Wnthlnglon There were now two outs. It look- M), 1, Prrker (R), 1. Vena (M). Dli- S5 1 8 Ke}'|iort fr'rcshmrll (T-) to qualify for Central Jersey, NOW THRU TUES. |KI. 35 at Circle — Liberty 2-42M tanca: 10-11. ed like the ball game was over Tumi Hlvnr (1) ab r Group III, play. High jump — Won by Vllardl (H), and Toms River had a shutout ab r K. « 1 Evenings 7 and 9 OPEN*7l«l~ START "DUSK " jit - Altreuter, Boyd (R). Height: I.ewla, ai 2 I) 0 llnlloran, 3h 4 1 Oddly enough, Keyport Ii defend- when Hourahan grounded an ensy 0 0 4 0 Sunday Continuous hopper to Dob Lewis, Indian short- Csrroll. 2b Morlarty, e ing champ In Ccntrnl Jersey, .Pol* vault — Won by Boyd (H), 2. Cuminlnga 1 0 0 SIOIMTI, lb 4 a k Now thru Tues. if McTague (M), 3. Tomasello (M). stop. But Carroll muffed the throw I-oe, cf 1 1 0 Oweiu, uf 4 1 Group II, but has moved out of Height: 11-0. for the force play on Kingeter ut AnderHon, « I 0 nici'Hrdl. ab that group. Mntawan already Is ROCK HUDSON Special Jacubuj, 3b 3 0 1 Grant, If qualified on the 7-1 record of lust second, VanPelt scoring the tying Gralcheu, lb 3 0 Wti.ch. p run on the orror. Sam Robinson luizii), rf 0 a Moore, rt 0 0 weekend for the Central Jersey, DoRis DAY Added Attraction 30 In Holy Nam* popped up to end the frame. Ycaner, it 0 0 Group II, play. The Huskies huve j Two Runs Score Hotiniff, e 2 0 0 31 7 games with Will! Township away ! TDNY RANDALL Saturday - Sunday Golf Tournament Ii-Mlime i " « Ailiury Park r/rfilirnrn (3) ^tcjjpnmn, 9 0 0 (I tomorrow, at home with Rumson ' Mat Only In the top of the ninth, with Plielan, p 3 0 0 l.liutnlion. M 1 2 Tuesday, and nway against Curler- Thirty players participated In the one out, Turner grounded easily Vncrhllli*. p 0 (I iM May 10 and Atlantic Highlands first Holy Namo SnHety Golf Tour- to Jacobus, at third, for the In- 27 I 2 KylvDjilor, of 1 2 "Alalcazam" Anton, Hi I 3 May 11. They need only to win nament sponsored by tho Holy dians. Ed Gralchen, Toms River u -• nan for Hy«r In iltlt: b — l'oji- Name Society of St. Joseph's iicd mil for Hobrolf In Hlh. fiiKiilw, If 0 (I ne of these four games to lie sure 2:13 - 5:48 first sucksr, let the throw get tiway Key|H>rt IKKI 000 102—,1 M.illn.ky. ab 0 (I of their tourney plnce. Church, Koyport, Saturday tt the rom him so that what should have Turin Hlvcr IkM) 11)0 IHKI-1 llitn.ipolt, Mi II I "State Fair" Peddle Golf Course, HlRhtstown iocn a second out was now a man ^ri -- H'Miraluin. Struck Out Ily — MUII.T, e II 0 Tho Rev. William Bausch directed lldiirnhan U; PhoLin ll, Walk« «(» —Sflld I) 0 n second base for Kcyport, Phelun 4:' 1'hel.in 5. Umplrea — II 0 Keys In Newark Meet 3:37-7:12-9:23 the sports event which was open to got another bad blow on a strike J, I'.iUln, 0. ill mpmhori of thf> «orli'tv. C'W|n« (Hfruiul (Imne) •II nnrl Wn-xti-r wnlkivl. Mourn- Ki'vi.in: (ll Joy IVmiirr.st, track co.ich nt A. 0 1 are wns Rcmnil elm rinan imn ,hon illlmm(,r(M| out whnu •wovpoit lllch, said Tuesday ho ox- PX? ABakazam M 11 11 lilKhl playuis with quullfyiiig ,TOuld hav« boun a harmless Organize League JvMMen iitliniMii'ii id ii,-.i iu,il V.'Jiit.. 1rtl 0 2 BOONE scores will compole In Iho second I ',,™,MiM»» , biibut t twtwo run" s sc'"""'"•.*In-• I.,., 1 2 nlhleliM ID Ihe Newuik SIIKHIU In The Great round which will be held May 30, itoad to take av.ny Phi'lnn's bull 0 2 A iiii-elliiK of tho Mlildli'lnwn vilation moot Saturday at tho Memorial Day, at S a.m. also al gamo, I'iwi, rf 0 II Tiio.iduy Nllo Summer Mixed Newark school* stadium on Itlixnn- tho Peddle Golf Courto llniUufnlU, rf 0 II League' wili bo held In the Middle- field Avo. fid Scullion, inilor; John DARIN . Martini Next Wed. for 1 Week Dul It look a K'ri"'l play l» .secure l(i>l>liiftmi, o :i 1 Now Thru Tuesdnyl Top scoror Saturday wa> Nicho- It for the Keys. In thu bottom of Vnnl'i'tt, at 0 1 town Iiiinoi meiMlng room 1111 MnyI'lito, lmlf-mll(c .IlilU'li, U 5 1 In tv)«'lln|i in I'IIIKM line uf Ihe 0 1 qualify llieiri for the Newurk nuvl I'll nnonc priinu Drouan, Waller Tuluy, Fred Chole- al«) wnlkeil, A passed ball put HII.II.MKJ-, JII lc;ii;urs shiiiild .illi'nil llir, fll'.l Klnti'Ur, |i 0 0 will compute, 'I1i<> KC.VH will mulch llnliliy Darin M?:UU • sat* o«^t • CIISIRT ««JW wlmkl, Mr. O'llnru and TrAnk ini|nirliin| t iiiorliiig in helpp nrgunlio S*mmt Bnmtm'i tndmiln riiiini'rii iin third ;iml second, the strides with the lop Ni'll Pamola Tiffin Letwsniko. tying runs In .iciirlint ixislllnii, wlili ththe tennis fof r tini - loiulml ; Tumi Illvi'f 111I1I0I0H of Ncirlli Jersey, Tom Rwoll It was reported dint tho wind ono mil. Anderson sin:isho:i the Ihlnl j II l,inU«, Hi 4 1 0 In CliU'innScnpu-Ciilor lotiH-uall players wm hanitlcMpncd Inmo Iliiu, lint Op.iiniliv N|ii'in\'il il I.M-IIIHM, 'Ml 4 I 1 i Il I , i'f 4 0 2 MHS-Neptune Today becauiio ut this hn/urd, Ibwuvcr, with IIIK C.IOVI' nnil !i scliuol 1 Vi'.*nor, if I II 11 - fill* — hi'i.iuuo uf the MIiunit mMi, iinil tin bull I'.iiiin' WIIH nvi'i', II lljl'i'il (,.1 KII>KIhy will In- nwnulul nfici ihii lunlnl. Fred Jniic.'i, il lljililliiiliili'i, >KII|),unrU il I II III f • >l|| .,11.111. ||,,|||tlM,ll .III ). l,n\ilv III "MAI.AIM" thlnl round In June, "iMrlwl for Kuypurl, Thi! Imliiiiiii I I II HOW Illllllll llll'iilli'M I ,Hill.' ; 'First Man In Spou," Imli'lien, Hi II II II lliillMMiin. II. Aniliilmin. (Illlili dill Anyone inirrcMcil In (uillifr In- riMi'hi'd him fin' two 111111 In iho I I) I) III 111. l."lt« .1, .Innc. 4: KIIIKI'IIM VV11 1,111 !iii|iply Ilium qu'ckly loriniillon mny conliu't Mr, O'llarn, IIrat on ii vv.ilk In l.rwii, A slnillu I; ,1.»111 HIt-..11 ,• 11, W.ilki nil . Mlcki'll 1 Cllll.l) • UNDi:it 12 • I HI'K 0 I II II, .liiiirn I; Klni!i'!rKlni!i'!rrr II:: .IAIIMUMHI. U 1, nnd nt Ihn iijilit pric", Oinio HBMiitnr ro Sjhcnck ,/>vo., MAIRWHU, 9 .tilitrllrtli 5 by Jncobui, a dunhle utoiil ami u bottom next column) Ui J 1'iiliiln1'll , (1(1, Vh and try tit, ul'i . Page Eleven THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. i. y. May 3, 1962 Scon IT buiiiiei; .' . ijThe conference is one of a serie* which Keyport wwt eirt to a two-j ; Knvnri %'»™li MO' Z 1^'beinK conducted by Mr. Gnidjiejko run lead on four wal'u and a hit M. ^Fliat Bwie:;Qii^ BaI!;|C&«IW:T<> K$S Batter in order to .familiarize service of- BAYSHORE JUNIOR by Griffin. Matty Florlo's J'sobsg- Mataoan ElrwtiiUry <2> L0V41V Vt all ficers of the Legion's 428 posts and ger In the boltom half of the inning 2 0 0 Grandl. !b 1 1 0 2! county committees with current filth Pat Pugliesa nnd Billy Kalk-, OKce/e. 11 8 V ; HIGH SCHOOL Testa, K 1 1 0 laws and benefits alfecUnji vcter-. hof aboard lied It up. Keansburi; K!tJ'; . 0 0 Armour, lb 2 0 i S » 0 Edwards, c a o 1 alls and their dependent: at elate moved to the fore In the bottom of W. Jactecm. rl a o and national levels. -.i* I), Nuciljo, 2fa 2 0 CONFERENCE the fourth on Butch Grar.cli's two- ac.,s ^ !le<£epilUil'U , 33ttj 10 1 Assisting Mr. Gnidziejko at the bagger with a man a?joard. Be'-<"- Keyport 100 0-4 J. Nucclo, ft 1 O 0 idge anrl Gra.idi delivered telling Keansburg ooo 1O0 O-l conference in Leonardo will be Wil- ReportJ on games played in the 4 14 blows in the bottom of the fifth io I KovMrt '"o" 000 6 • 2 liam F. Grund, Union, City, depart- Bayshoie Junicr High Sc 100I Con- («) : sew it up for Keansburg. | Kcalutjurg 002 »b r h ment rehabilitation" consultant; : ference coming to John Luczko- | Keyport .found the inexperienced I > all r h Mathys. se o a- o-. Henry S- Cowins, Wood-Ridge, as- vich are badly bel\ind, bui from Clifftvood MemoriEil nine a much \ 8u,.ke ts 21 4 2 0 Lumbutdi, U .1 I 4 11 Furiato, u 2 O|j J j sistam department service ofticer; what is available it appears that wfier touch, slamming out a ' 16-J | cvimii, c ' Bloxom, :*b " victory which featured two homers | sememtn. 3b. 4 11 i o j Esse Davis, Pompton Plains!-.also Murphy Sjeb'nol and Keyport Gram- r p 4 1 0 Bleibeden. 2to by Den Nuss and one by Milk'rsl- g^' ;.f 3b 4 4 3 Wallace, lb. p t 0 1 assistant service .officer, and Al- mar are tied for the league lead ties LoSapio. , . | i^si'pio,' el » 2 :< K. Smith, rl fred W. Beke, Leonardo, Monmouth 4 1 (I Snyder. il loo with Keanbburg close up Dwight School dumped Matawan i Merrill. 2b Wander, lb • * J 1 County service officer. : ;>v Cook, rf 0 0 0 5 o i Keyport and Keansburg split a 4-2 in a shortened yame in which 1 1 II Ming', p Panzera, If * 0 (! double header Saturday. The win Buddy Wallace came on In the Mumfurrt. II 110 Fallnn. lh t a l 14 ' 4 • Chemists To Meet (or Keyport was by the respectable relief role for Dwight to get the Dougerty. lb Legion Slate Meeting American Institute of Chemists, on a lead off hit by Tommy Fal- Burke. 2b 4 »b r b has announced that the annual bus- lon, a walk to Bun Cook, and (hen Griffin, c 4 . - j Harris, lb 1 fl 0 iness meeting wilt Uike piace on Sernen/.a, M 4 0 o! Hamilton, p 10 0 Service officers of the 24 Ameri- successive hits by Ruffy Panzera, 1 4 4 I 1 May 23, at the'U.S. Army Signal Geixt-' *. P i 0 Silvers, ib 3 0 1 can Legion Posts In Monrnoulh Petey Burke and Tom Griffin. Bil- Nlisa. 3h 4 0 0 Jones, p Countyv will meet at the Home of School, Fort Mnnmouth, A tour of ly Geigcr, on the mound for Key- Lo.S.ipki. ft a 1 1 I."vero, rf 3 0 0 too Leonardo Memorial Post 338, the school will commence at 3 p.m. port outpitched Keansburg's nee, Pnllon. 1U 3 1 1 Gurnic^. tw Cook, rf i I Caiisbv, IX 3 0. 0 from Myer Hall. Following this, 1 0 0 Route 36, Leonardo, at 7:30 p.m., ; : Dave Kite. Fan/cut, U • 1 0 0 -WalllilK. c* 2 there will be a .business meeting.,; • P€ BUI Bowk. Maiawu High••no*ij- ^icBef?i^to't\li«ve--aB«4her-pHcfc JeW-MB hta-iy*tem-«tter under- ——— Williams. 20 1 _ 0 on May 7 for a meeting with the 1 Tim Bevedilue was the winning 111 Legion's department service offi- and dinner. Dinner will lie served MaBavjuia, wet havln« a much hirder time ol it i ioin« the arduout relief role in the traditional game Keansburg pitcher in the second 9» A K saniE. c •ranifcurg (1) Slmutflc. 3>) ' 1 0 0 cer, Thaddeus J. Gnidzicjko, Kear- at 6:30 p.m. at the Sh.idowbrook l««Hii« (•« batter* at this late inning period of the I Fridayday. i,. game, tie had to survive a streak l h lh M rn ny.',;.- •••••:.;• :-.., -•"•• .. Inn, Shrewsbury. g«TO #hKey I"t look'"'"! no""w" a""s thoug" ~"h th*e Maroo» "»n »nandd SteeSteell of wildness in the third Inning in •died after II was •ver, when he had fanned the hurling star, will be curving them up for the Uni- ftaal KHS baUm« with the tving run anainst the versity of Vermont freshmen rioxt spring. Hwalea perchtJ on setoad Base, that h»jjM_w*

    firain. VanPelt and Robinson: got hits with two out in the sixth. Gary Post". came on to pinch hit for BOWLING Jones. But Flynn gathered In a drifting outfield fly to end the KHS scoring threat/ " .' STANDINGS 'SvftpMatawa^^t^iother^Shore'Con- : Post blanked the Huskies In the top of the,seventh..Bowie go! the ;fg^rrai»,3Nprtha!8Vi:baseball title MAT-KKY MERCHANT MKN'I tly much In their back pocket first KHS batter in the bottom:of Apr. ?.* • iffeating KeyporeMartPKHS the seventh: on an easy, roller. But Tram W'."' «,v.M Friday. Bill Bowie, a n£hit the second one, Allies Kingeter, hit :«mpbelll Junction Tcuwo Gw S«!V «.rfplitheK.but three days -before,Had a single. Hourahan drilled a hit Upper Craft Bait Works 41V into right center and Matawan got 'Sffittofhahg'pnitotalW'thls one after 'rank Devln: o '•' ^v'JacfcSYatei. Mi »t«rt*d iand been the -bad -outfielding this time as Genera) Conctruvlion i 41V ; it went ;fdr, a home run, Opatosky fail Sporting Good* •3 fcS;=lmlted .ou 43'a Sft'leat-^feltcypprtiback^loi'.nird'ltf also acorlnj5..-.;v'ii>y.;:r.:,'! V;' ":'..."' Burlcwr Hntaurant 44 tivi;:\ .R«y jstittuflnji,• rttwo>and-one-half :on»aUd*tcd Futl* 4S 5:'.-;':.j;?ho-«i-:'nriBf-..; -, - "• Jld Milt Dairy 52 , svjpmei offthe pace and 'Calling tor' .: Bowie showed his tiring by Is- Angeloa Llquora 14 "itlantic Til* 96 •(Matawan to lapse Into an unbe- suing his first walk, Heyer going sg^eyably^l^ ilumpYforythe Keys :iat« Bev«ra»M v ; to first. Bratsafolis grounded to ,11-Brw, Woodworking Co. •r i,J»s^4Wyeieven;'Bn .out»ide'. 'chance. Collins, forcing Heyer at second Jot <<^^TWi record ','rb«rBb . SShoh p 47 U PITTSBURGH PAINT REDWOOD FENCING by SIMPSON port (anc to raving. But Bowie gmmom Market 4e',i 52'i 1 <* > ballointo; left* center for a single summoned a second wind to get .eonardo Sportolficn 44 53 . • • • 4'XK — Section ' " «Hat?gOt Jaway from John Medolla VanPelt swinging for the strikeout •«ul'» Tiling 8er\'ic«, at 71 Son Proof House Paint Hr*. $l.»5 — Sale Price H.M "S. -and Skip VanPelt for* tripi around to end the ball game 9-8 in Mata- t'RIDAY N1TEMEN REGULAR PRICE SALE . M" Single Scroll Metal Lawn Fehct —-^thSvbases;; A ^minute ' iateV: -JBill wah's favor. : i ...-.•;-•• Apr. ft- Gallon Quart Gallon Quart ' BOwie ^hackea; a ball over the Reg. J1S.M Roll - Sale Price $17.19 So. it, was the Keys who had to ,..„,» Spot Titanic Outside White ...... $7.58 ?2.19 $5.58 $1.78 head of VanPelt aiid that rolled Airport Plaza Lane* White Primer 7.58 2.19 5.85 1.7» V Metal U Posta - •-*% •waysfpra'.'hqmer. So, -.the 'Keys settle for'* "moral" victory, hav- Stcwiirl'i Holmriel ing"; made an exciting contest out :UM Bar White Sash and Trim 8.52 2.43 (.95 1.15 Reg. $1.29 each - Sale Prlc* «5« 'JfMvyerc in,the sack ;before they got M fc C TlHiwuocUtion N of what had been pre-gam'ed as a Ranch and Home House-Whit* .... 5.88 141 I' Metal U Posts * -»TreaHy underfwjy.,•.•:.. ;/;•;:;<;:• :YK ; ..•. Keyport Weekly : runaway (or Matawan. Both teams Manny's Bar Reg. $1.49 each - Sal* $1.21 * V TheV second•; Inning,::.«aw- the W. Keansburg rire Co. Finishing — Primelens Wallcoater :™>Matpon and Steel; puil, out; for a have had far better days this sea- Flat White - One Coat 4.68 1.50 l.U 1.25 M" - 2" Menh Chicken Wlr« fcur-run:leadto seerhingly sew up son, reflecting the pressure their MONMOUTII GO. CATHOLIC Reg. Sc L.F. _ Salt «c L.F. traditional meeting puts on both Kentucky Green 8.52 2.43 MJ l.H '5">;athB*ball Kame. Withjbne out, Gar Team W V 'den Sutherland was safe at first sides. And also reflecting that St. Jueph'a M 31 Floorhide Floor Enamel •". Ton :a Y:wlde'.thr#*'oh his grounder neither team is a setup in a Mala St. Agne: ND. 1 toy, as'i ran-Keyport game. •"•"'- Holy Fani.ly No. 1 m » Dixie Gray or Pewter Gray 7.40 Ml I.N I.7S =, by fDan Hourahan, KHS shortstop. St. Catherine'^ No. I to 41 "Bill Jannarone, Red•»Raider. piU Mium (I) •: •••• St. Mary'* No. 1 U 41 Scher;srhaaela;widr toss trying;to St. Jame* No. 1 M 42 Wallhide Semi-Gloss Enamel 'lynn, rf St. Agnei No. 2 Sl'/i «2'j Whit* ...,...,.. 7.51 2.22 i.«8 I.7t Sutherland off first and the ollins, u C, W. V. hi 43 ouie. p Holy Family No. I. M 45 r P it\m, P - St. Ann'a No. 1 to 4S JanniVone tightenea'-3own f«rr Ws lorrell. »• • • Bayshore Cath.lMen N«. 1 4« Wallhide Alkyd Flat Senubw Orangeburi Fiber Pipe Jaralano, a St. Mar)'a No. 2 4* second strikeout t)f the inning. It ithr, 2J» Prl.oer-Scaler or While ...... «18 1»8 *M IM •iayshorf K of C No. 1 47 Sal* Prlt* seemed the side w»s retired when iuUierland. rl jt Bencdlct'a No. 1 W Re|. Flynn lofted Van eaay fly to Me- I'Apolitu, Zb Bayahure Cath. Men No. t SO Latex Emulsion Flat-White dolls. But the ball bounced out of Holy Family No. 2 U J"xr with CMipUa* . $2.14 »t« MedoUa's gtove, Sutherland scor- Bayshor* K at C No 1 IS White... 4.15 1.34 1.41 l.M iWH Bayshnre Cath. Men No. I M 4"»l' wilh coupllnc. **1M . t.M l.« ing and Flynn winding up at tec- St. Ann's No. 3 4lj MI and.-Billy Collins then lined out a rurntr, lb St. Benedlcl'a No. I 311', M'., Wallhide Ruberized Satin OciUi.ky. Sb St. Janif* No. 1 3ifi W>, *"%»' wlln coupllnil. peri. 2.4« Ml single to score Flynn and put Key- i-Klnfctcr St. Catherine'! No. 1 3S Ml Celling White or While «.7t> 2.02 Ml 1.71 port down 4-0. [uunhan, m St. Benedlct'a No. t 37', tS'i Refused T* FoU Ij'er. lb St. Ann's No. 2 39 «1 WatersparEnamel Al FUlisw la Mock The Keys had their best moment UraUafolli. rl 2.20 Medolla, If While ... 2.80 of the season to date when they •Brian Jackwn Volunt««r Firem*n refused to fold under these dis- ranP«lt, ct heartening conditions. The Huskies _. noblnaon, • To Meet Sunday Genuine Vermont pitcher was lefthander Jack Yates, W. JaiauroM, p lomrn. p The regular quarterly meeting of COLORED SLATFS unscored" on in two games, one Pout. P 1 ANY WOODEN SCREEN of which was a victory over the the New Jersey State Volunteer Regular 33c Sq. Ft. : Mil. Firemen's Association will be held powerful Carteret club. But Yates. n-BalMd lor Opttocky In TUi. b IN STOCK walked the first man to face him, Ran lor Hy«r in Ilh, c-B«tl«1 lo on Sunday at Franklinville Fire Bob Bratsafolis, in the bottom of Medulla In 7th. Company headquarters. Route 47, Sale 29c sq.ft. 2B — Jackicr, Robltuan. SB — Franklinville. Acting President Hie second, MedoHa and VanPelt liy«. HR — Mourahan, Bowie, Genuine Pennsylvania made up for their outfielding mis- Struck out by Vats* 1, Bovvit 7 William Chain, Haddon Heights, •':%• PRICE cues by drilling out singles to bring Jdiiuronc 9, lonei 0, Port 1. Wallu will call the meeting to order u! BLUE SLATE off — Yktn 1, Bowl* 1, Jannaron* 0 2 p.m. Delegates representing ia a first Keyport run and the Tone* 0, Pmt 0. I2"il8" Regular 5Jc each first run this season oil Yales. Umplrei —7 Pavirh, Trumbatort, 240 volunteer fire companies Then Sam Robinson smashed out will be Wtliuiried by Edward Hoff- Genuine Opal Screen Wire a double to score Medolla and man, president of the host com- Sale Price 29c VanPelt. Race Tightens In Pin pany. They will hear reports on as- Robinson came into tie the score sociation activities, includ!"'; the League In Raritan Annual Firemen'? Family Day plan- Genuine McEvoy 9V2C sq. ft. on two infield outs. When finis is Face Brick written 16 the 19*2 baseball season, . Tiny Glenn's, Keansburg Saving ned for August in Butler Park. this rising up from demoralizing and Loan, and Don's Gulf continu The group is expected to endorse Full Range — 71 /„ Widths From 24" to 48" adversity to press the battle lo battle it out for top honors ii Senate Bill 15, introduced by Sena- I against a highly favored foe wil1 the Raritan Township, Women' tor Wayne Duinont (R), Warren Maii. - (V2 ca. be a turning point in the record Bowling League, County, that provides for coverage, Verts - Insofar .us Keyport. Is concerned Tiny Glenn's presently is at th for volunteer firemen, under the The Keys* actually went ahead lop of the loop with a 60-36 retort., Compensation Act, for any impair- of [Matawan for one inning and followed by Keansburg Savings ment of health caused by damage STEPLADDERS by Clark chased Yales. Hourahan beat our and Loan, 5g^-37U; Don's Gu1' to lungs as the result of active fire an' infield hit to start the third 58-38; Pioneer Food Stores, 55-4 duty. Volunteer firemen have long JUST Regular Price SALE Hnrold Heyer then rammed out a Cuil's Hair Stylist, 4S^-t7>^; Ma sought this protection as many hove triple scoring Hourahan, putting awan Ford, 46-50; Robert E. Le suffered respiratory ailments as n 4 Foot Wooden $4.95 $3.59 the. Keys ahead 5-4. MHS Coach Inn, 48-50; Fisher's Cities Sen direct result of smoke inhalation. ARRIVED! •" George Deiu saved the situntlon Ice, 45-51; Matawan-Keyport Re< Guest speaker for the meeting 5 Foot Wooden 5.95 4.49 by putting Yates back on first and reatlon, 44-52; Keyport Pharmacj will be Assemblyman Joseph Min- Genuine otty (R), Gloucester, who will dis- 6 Foot Wooden ©-95 5.49 calling In Bowie from centerfleld 4M/4-54V5: C&M Cleaners1 , 40-56 •,to pilch. On Braloafolls' grounds Keyporf Liquors, M^-eJ /,. cuss thu legislative program as It 4 Foot Steel 'n Wood 5.95 4.95 to Collins, Heyer was held on thin Gloria Williamson captured hig affects volunteer firemen. Presi- Weyerhaeuser , while Ihe batter was thrown out a game honors with 211 and hig dent Chain has issued nn invitation 5 Foot Steel 'n Wood 7.29 5.95 first, Than Bowie fanned both Men series honors went to Lnurel Sloe1 to non-mumbcr companies. dolla and VanPelt and the Keypor er, 5.W. Three-game winners we.. 6 Foot Steel 'n Wood 8.79 7.49 onrush was over. Tiny Glenn's over Cell's H»i' Sty. Tell MCOSS History Kiln-Dried Reynolds Alum. Rain Carrying Regain* Control ists, MatawaivK^ynorl Recreation 7 Foot Steel 'n Wood 9.95 8.95 Matawan regained control or th over Matawan Kord, Robert E. Lee At Anniversary Fete 8 Foot Steel 'n Wood 1149 10.49 Equipment — Ml UauRt! and TrHuw Marked ime in the top of the fourth Inn over Fisher's Cities Service, BIts by Sutherland, Flynn nn and Pioneer Food Stores over Key- The history of Moninoulh County 10 Foot Steel 'n Wood 13.95 11.95 $•• K.O.<1. OITITER Bowie tent in two rum for a 6< port Pharmacy. Two-game win- Organization for Social Service will Hemlock Reg. Sale Maroon and Steel lead, In the to ners were Keyport Liquors over he told decade by decade at the 1 of the sixth, the Huskies chase C&M Cleaners nnd Krnnslmrg Sav. 50th Anniversary Dinner Thursday At The ^ II lenRlhs ••« 2.S0 jannarone v/lth two out and Kutl Inga and Loan over Don't Gulf, (ivenlnR, Mnv 10, nt Shadowbronk 2T lennlhi 7.M &-T* •rland on second. Collins, Howl Inn, Shrewsbury, nt which Mrs. Ridiculous! Ranch House Extension Ladders J»3 Lender !•« '•»• Franklin D. Roosevelt will he the •nd Yatcs nil lilt solely In a row 3" H.C. ljf«dfr 2-7» 1.7' which coupled wilh two errors, lv Bennett Hita .371 liiie.it six-aker, The unnlvorsniy Price of I 18 Foot 19.95 1 tnticlders this time, put the llui colehi'iillon will be n tribute lo All Mtllnns In Slofli kit* on top 9-9, Fred Jones com Pet« Hfiinetl, former Maluwnn Mm. Lewis S. Thompson, Lincrnft 20 Foot 23.95 1 on to gel the side out. IIIKII »I«)I1»|I>)I, lead* all butters on ffiurulrr of MCOSS nnd lift prcfl 24 Foot 27.95 : >-.. IWIWIP hod bcon wliliraliiK alon the l.chlKh viiritlly this spriiiK, lly dent for 40 yetirf, Hns Ihe Ni'vr !,,1'".: ,i-."V'-nt!i"i.", h<> l« liHHnt' . "without • letup. ml,.n,t', ;n . 22 Tcut 31 95 : • more no-lilt Innings to h!» seven .371. IU': tiuiifteJ out two lioiiu* run:. mi Iliiiir." Hie historic prcii'iiliillim Apr. 25 against Mnnasquun, when lit the I.PMK'I victory over Mull- •Will '.lenl wilh the ninin events (if ha suddenly wearied under the leiilniri! Stittirdny, ' eucli i-rii. The flrr.1 frnm 1912 to V.n\ will l>e recalled by .ImUlcc Henry K. Ackerson jr., Kcyporl. wlio HIM vi.'tl M n vice pri'Hldcnt of iMCO.W in !t5 cnrl'e'-t yciirs nnd All Items Cash^Carry - HURRY... Sale Ends Saturday, May 5th 1.1 now litinnrury Vice president. John I.. Montgomery, lU'd Hank, Mnninoiilli I'liiiiilv ntlluhler, will re- Into ths evrnln of the Ill'ill*. when lie served ni the executive (llrecKii1 til MCOSS. .hi'Lt'ph C. Irwln, direelor How to be of |he MdiuiKHilh C'liinly Itiiiii'd of Matawan Builders Supply Inc. l-'i'frliuUtiM'h. will .".| d v t t»r«»f? an effictonw MCOSS In the ill's uml In. C, Hyion Ithilndell. Denl. who lins Mil veil ]»8 LOWKIt MAIN STRIWT, MATAWAN ' expert (Ml Oie MIDSS HIMnl uml its mi'ill- fill iiilvlitiry ftiminlltei' n« weH in, mi ilnii' iiml liiilKiiuil imlillc heiillh ciimnillleefl, will IIIM Uht Ilie luinlli Ample FreePorking decntle. 'Hie evnU of lilt llflh tire- Free Cor Carrier* - Q$Qi\ Friday Ti atle nlll be outlined by Mini Win- nima K, Dartah, l.llll* SllvtT, MCOSS f»fculiv«. ttlrticlor, tall. UfIII itwt miumuu Page Twofve THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J, Thursday, may 3, 1962

    suitnnt previous (o hor appointment Present Papers as dlrertor. A gradual of California Hospit- al, LOJ Angeles. Miss Darrah le- At Nurses Meet ceived a Bachelor oi' Ki-ipn<-« de- Two members of tha ituff of gree fro.-n 1'eactiers College, Co- Monmouth County Organization for lumbia ari-i a Master of Arts r. Guth, Miss Winons £, Darrah, Little Miss Darrah is Monmouth Coun-| LOWELL 6-4239 '1-1376. "w-jS liitrbor Road. Mbrganville. WJ3* WINDOWS - BOORS <~" Silver, has prepared a clinic ty sdvisory nurse an' • V\- T~'3"' cjirrtftinz, washer, dryftr, iijfi" ^nurse-patient relationship session MATAWAN housci kitchen, electric WOMAN,.pan: or !M time. Broad and make offer. Call LOwell 6- WINDOWS received a Bachelor of Science De- black top, white wall tires, low refrigerator* AH $22,850. •. " •' "" stove,'"nvuig-fbui,!,-, •;..'•;••,; ••^i— »»K •''••• • W.IS _ — •• " -. "••" "••:•- <•!•- mjpy The two papers weie selected .sne!"S«d porch, bath downstairs. 3 -K?yP°IL_ CaUj_O______U_T__v__ | ANTIQbC ihild* bed 8 ice . im n -nr\ n o»rt(^ f\f\ tu'jd ha* taken c;u, 'American Nurses Associaticm com- of Nursing. 1054 NASH — G CYL. housetwrk. Call 787-1316. w]3 Maple c'inette 5 pieces Un"c-er ?p'S,Wiltee letting' up the clinical ses- Excellent condition, original owner, tion, 3 bedrootrB and panelled rec- sale. Call LOwell 6-4(iIl. wJ3 with mirror, bunk bed. Brass lamp li\ir't,,.U4- i i\n.vji_ ol She served in the Army Nurse ULI TYPE * "'-"~i, a new featurt of the ANA 2 door hard top sedan, hydromatic, reation room, full basement, hot FEMALE nurses aides, all shifts. and buc a bruc Rug used, IOv)2 Corps aboard a hospital ship in ATTRACTIVE 7 room ranch, I'/2 WEATHJ K STRIPPED radio and heater, very economical water base board oil heat. G. E. baths, full basement, patio, Apply in person, Brookdale Nurs- 6x9, 'runners and soatteis. Shore addition t" private duty and hoi- to run. Will sacrifice $195. Call wall oven and counter' range, land- ing Home, Highway 35, Hatlet. wj3 Furniture, Route 35, Laurence Har- _.. , ExtprtvtJ Director of MCOSS pita! ii'jrsmg". She Joined'the staff fenced yard, landscaped. Can as- CRAWFORO CROMEY- -i'!\-f'l'MUs Darrah, executive director 566-5555. WJ3 scaped grounds. City, sewers/ Ex- sume 4&% G.I. mortgage $169.90. bor. Open 9 to 9. v.j3 t PHONE 7S7-34H of MCOSS in 1949 as a nurse in Iras included, $700 down to quali- CLEANING~H"ELP. steady .work. '1:1. «f MCOSS since 1946. has served Middletown Township. She also 1947 CHEVROLET utility truck, Call COIfax 4-1067. wj3 Apply in person, Brookdale Nurs- OLD WAGON FARM, last week for . wjtt ,f< on the/staff .since 1933. She was fied F.H.A. buyer. Will listen to savings on bare root flowering served in the Keonsburg and Union $250. Inquire 441 Middla Road, offers, listed $16,900. MATAWAN, income property, 10 ing-Home. Highway 35, .Haziet, RUGS, 9x12, $30, afl new broad- ' ; MCOSS, mental hygiene nurse con- Beach areas. Ha7let or call COIfax 4-5955, wj3* " a.m. to 5 p.m. wj3 shrubs, ornamentals, shade and ioom tweed and solid, some wool. rooms, 2 kitchens, $15,900; 2- fruit trees, barberry; also nuilrl- 1957 BLACK Oldsmobile, hjird top. WALKER & WALKER story, 6 rooms, full cellar, 2 baths, YOUNG MEN experienced in fac- flora rosa and hemlock hedge Private party. Call 812-0549. wjlf Super 88, radio and heater. Red $15,500. tory work. Apply in person, plants. Route 35, North of Middle- and white interior, $795. Call COI- REALTORS Ralph Friedland & Bros., Locust town. wj3 f JX 4-6538 wj3 NEAR Matawan — 3 -roim bunga- St., Keyport^ wJ3 ROAD MATERIAL low with garage, large lot, $8900; GERMAN Shepherd puppies. Peter Blue stone, cinders, gravel, sand, 1953 FORD, good running condi- Hwy 35, Hazlet, N. J. INDUSTRIAL maintenance man Conomog, LOwell 0-3702. wj3 tion, $100 or best offer. CaU'COl- 1 Open 7 Days — COIfax 4-5212 5-room ranch, attached garage, grits, road gravel, fill dirt, »tc. $12,900. with electrical hydraulic and fax 4-2552. wj3 Send for Free Illustrated Catalog pneumatic experience, must under- USED Wj.1 BEST TOP SOIL 1960 — 4 DOOR Pontiac Catalina, CLIFFWOOD — now 3-bedroom stand circuits, wage open. Apply SEWING MACHINE completely equipped, air condi- NEW custom built. Bi-Ievol ranch; ranch, $13,900. Hydrocarbon Chemical Plastic Di- •.•.-.'. AND tioned, like new. Private owner. modern 7 rooms. 1 car garage. vision, Locust St., Keyport. Call CLEARANCE Call LOwoir 6-1345. wj3 Nicely landscaped, f 17.500. RARITAN TOWNSHIP — fi-room COIfax 4-6000. wJ3 CHICKEN MANURE 19S1 CORVAIR truck. Call COlfax ranch, 3 bedrooms, $3500 cash, CAR WASHER. Apply Straub Mo- I Electric Portable $ 8.95 4-8445. BECKER REALTY bake over G.I. mortgage, $12,300, tors, Texaco, Highway 35, Key- 1952 FORD, good running condition, 323 MAIN ST., MATAWAN payments $95 per month. port. wj3 1 Electric Consols 19.95 BULLDOZING i LOWELL 8-IKHiO $65. Call COIfax 4-7574. wj3 PART TIME help, male. Apply AND Wj3 VAN'S AGENCY Loew's Concession Stand, High- 1 PhaH Console 89.50 WANTED BRICK RAHOH. V'ith 3 acres, 5 way 35, Hazlot, after 6 p.m. WJ3 BACKHOE SERVICE CR. HWY. 34 AND MAIN ST. 2 Singer Featherweight WANTED old U.S. coins. Indian years old, 3 large bedrooms, liv- MATAWAN MAN with car or station wagon, Grading, excavating for cellars, head pennies, anything from half- ing room with fireplace, dining Portables 75.00 pools, septlcs, laterals, tanks, foot- room, family kitchen, ceramic tile LOWELL 6-18SI steady part lime work on Satur- ings, pipe lines, etc. Free esti- cents to dollars, gold coins. Write OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK days. Call COIfax 4-3285: wj3 1 Singer Zig-Zag Poitabl* 69.50 Michael J. Druzbik, 41 Park Ave., bath. Ample closets, oil heat, huge mates. patio, brick faced, garage. $21,000. wJ3 TEACHERS"from Monmouth Coun- i Matawan or call LOwell 6-4066. Carlton H. Poling, Realtor, 38 High- HAZLET, owner transferred, must ty needed for special summer as- 1 Singer Back-Stltoh Consol* 39.50 ECKEL'S TRUCKING WANTED TO RENT way 36, Keyport. COIfax 4-1918. sell this spotless split level home, signments, qualifications: at least WOOLLEYTOWN RD. wJ3 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, l'/j baths, 1 year teacfiing experience, good 1 S!ng«r Eleotric Portable 2-4.30 MORGANVILLE COUPLE, 3 children, ages 4. 10. 13 work habits and excellent charac- LOWELL 6-5707 wishes to lease three bedroom carpeting on stairs and In living house, occupancy July 1st. yearly FOR RENT room. Garage attached, back yard ter. The teachers selected will find wjlf this work a welcome change from SINGER rental, reasonable rent. W'l! dec- PLEASANT, large furnished room, with stockade fence. Patio with WELL ROTTED manure; also hay, orate, vicinity of Keyport. Reply locatad in Keyport, near bus lint, roof, excellent location. $17,000. teaching, yet highly professional SEWING CENTER and profitable. For local inter- straw and mulch hay. Deliveries to W. O'Brien, 529 James Road, railroad station and schools. Writ* Carlton H. Poling, Realtor, 38 1«9 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY on all. Call COIfax 4-0024.. wjtt Brlcktown. N. J. _^ wj3 Box A la care of this newspapir, Highway 3«, Keyport. COIfax 4- view write Box L In oare of this ind kindly lnclud* business refer 1918. w]3 newspaper. wj3 HILLCREST 2-2838 NUTRI-BIO WANTED TO BUT enc«. wJU FEMALE cost olerk and~switch- w|3 Vitamin & Mineral Food WE BUY ANYTHING THE CAHILL CO. INC. board operator to handle job OPEN SEA SKIFF with accessor- Supplement KEYPORT, 123 First St., furnished Protein, Baby-BIO aj _• w* h* v v •• ^»- ^» '•— — —' — — — Tools, stoves, furniture, statue*, costs and stock records; experi- ies, length 17 foot 10 inohe*, beam rooms In Spanish home. Call PIRATE SHIP enced with figures. Permanent po- Distributed by suns, swords, brass and copper. 531-3727, wjtf 5 foot 8 inches; also 1956 - 30 h.p. Anything old. Walt's, 787-0846. wj3 sition. Contact Mr. Freiman, In- outboard Johnson motor wWi elec- Manny and Shirley Lamhut limited time only * CLIFFWOOD BEACH dustrial Washing Machine Corp., 32 Phone HOpkins 2-2095 or write PIANO. "Call COIfax 4-3393. wj3 APARTMENT, modern V/t rooms, tric starter. Inquire J. Coffee, FIEE SMIUMAN PROPANE 6AS SERVICE INSTALLATION furnished, residential, parking N. J. Main St.. Matawan. w)H) 115A Middlesex Road, Matawan or 10 Terrence Terrace, Freehold, N J. lot, laundromat. Steam heat and PART TIME GIRL, for doctor's Call LOwell 6-1722. w]3 BRAND NEW guitar, well known JUST LOOK AT MMUUM MNCS all utilities supplied. $95 per month LOWELL 6-0001 office one day a week for typinj make, excellent value. Inquire WHAT YOU MT... all year around. Inquire 17 Collins OPEN 7 DAY« and filing. Call COIfax 40999. wjl SERVICES Keyport Army & Navy Store, 14 • UMta* Tanks <-- St., Keansburg or call 787-1532. t OitlUtnUtM' 17.95 Stella Briskie W. Front St.. Keyport. wltf wjtf MIDDLETOWN Situation Wanted BAY ROOFING CO. • OuTtlMiii BOAT and yacht Insurance; new • ttot PHONR.WMTB REAL ESTATE ELDERLY woman desires baby GUTTERS. LEADERS ATLANTIC AVE., Cliffwood. beau- Iti BAYVIEW AVL, low rates; easy payment plan. TO AND INSURANCE tiful modern 4 room and bath Attractive Dutch colonial located in sitting work. Call COIfax 4-3453. ck^k IJIJ °" • " *" highly improved neighborhood. Liv- wj3» UNION REACH Bob Orr, Hometown Agency, COI- ,...j«IM ^"^ n TODAV LICENSED BROKER apartment for respeotable couple, fax 4-5022. wjt/ irwApptlaKM • NOTARY PUBLIC adults only. Hot water heat, run- ing room, dining room, science MATURE competent secretary COLFAX 4-3MT Suburban Propano Gas Corporation ning hot and cold water, gas and kitchen, spacious bedroom* up- would Ilka to work 3 or 4 days PARKER Boarding Home for aged BRING YOUR electricity. Inquire William Gumbs, stairs, full cellar, garag*. Full a week. Write Box K In oare of HIGHWAY IS - CLIFFWOOD " — men aad women; 24 hour super- ifl 4th St., Cliffwood or call LOwell price $10,000. Terms. this newspaper. w|3 vision; individual diets. Licensed ROLLERS 6-1314. w]3* HOUSEKEEPER companion, nurs- LO 6-6200 38 Fulton St., Ktyport STONE RD,, KEVPORT by State of New Jersey. Ktasea- NEW WINDOW SHADES MATAWAN apartment, 3 rooms, ing experience, desires position able rates. 1'^ miles south ol Put on while you wait. Any slz» taking care of elderly or Invalid COIfax 4-1499 couple preferred. Call LOwell Completely reconditioned split Matawan light, Highway 34; oppo- up to largest picture windows. Free 6-2013. wj3 level. Three bedrooms, sunken person. Call LOwell 6-1822 evenings. site White Gate Inn. Call LOwel) rustless eyelet, free orochet shads j3* KWII. |ll pull. Custom made shades, scal- TWO furnished rooms for house- living room, science kitchen, car- lop or fringe, any type. Prompt de- keeping. Woman with children port attuohed. Full price $13,000. For Sale Or Rent Terms. I JUNK CAR andlruck buyersTWe livery. Freo measuring service. or two women permissible. No HOUSE. 8 rooms, attractive terms, pay the most, free pickups. Call Convenient terms. It's Spring... ONLY 3 LEFT! gentlemen. Inquire 134 Woodcrest lots of shrubbery and fruit trees. anytime LOwell 8-0948. wjtf See us for GI No Down Pay- PROWN'S Drive, Cliffwood Beach, Call LOw- Call COIfax 4-7000 between 8 a.m. WILL PAINT any room, any size New Custom Buiit ell b-5609 after 6 p.m. wj3 ment and FHA Minimum Down and 8 p.m., after 8 p.m. COIfax SH 1-7500 Payment terms while buying 1 coat $16.95; also outside paint- Time To Hit The 3 Bedroom 4-3049. w)3 ing done. Safeway Painting Co., 32 Broad St. Red Bank APARTMENTS, furnished, 1 and 2 your home. wjtf rooms, on bus line, adults. In- wJ3 INSTRUCTION R.D. 1, Box 389, Jackson, N. J. Call FOxcroft 3-8631. . wj31 RANCHES quire 19 Atlantic St., Keyport. wJ3 MATAWAN split, 4 bedrooms, 2 PROFESSIONAL teacher for ea"cfi SLEEP LATER As Low As VERY NICE furnished room; all baths, attached garage, lot 100 Instrument, rental fee plus stu- DRESS MAKING, alterations on OPEN ROAD men, women's and children's WINDOW SHADES $1300 DOWN improvements, retired person x 100. $18,500. dent discount deducted If Instru- ment is purchased. No contracts clothing, reasonable rates; 24 hour Why get up with the birds? Get NO CLOSING COST preferred. Inquire 50 Shore Blvd., Koansburg. Call 787-6117. wj3 MATAWAN Cape Cod. 4 bedrooms, to sign. No insurance to pay. The service If desired. Call COIfax room darkening shades today. Im- Harris Ave., Union Beach full basement, attached garage. Music Spot, 42 Broad St., across 4-2234. '.vjU mediate service. I Blocks to Rt. W FRENEAU, Immediate occupancy, $14,400. from Village TeUvision. Call COI- 3'/j cozy room apartment, well fax 4-5998. w|tf LOST PROWN'S Call COIfax 4-3200 decorated, heat and hot water sup- BANKBOOK K-1089 Monmouth SH 1-7500 MATAWAN, 2 separate homes on 1 County National Bank, Keyport plied. Fresh country air, private lot, only $17,500. Butinesi Opportunist 32 Broad St. Red Bank entrance, $75 per month. Call after GOOD established Dry Cleaner and Branch. Finder return to bank. wjtf ROTO-CUTTER 5:30 p.m., 566-5735. wj3 STERLING McCANN Tailoring store equipped to take w3 IN THE SPRING WHEN THE REAL ESTATE a steam press. Dressing room and BANK BOOK K-2.184 Monmouth SALE Power Unit with , UNION BEACH, 907-6th St., cot- Cellar combi nation windows WEATHER IS THE BEST IS THE tage, 4 modern rooms, year 2JJ BROAD ST., KEYPORT bathroom facilities. Ready to op- County National Bank, Keyport 32" Mower Attachment » COLFAX 4-137(1 erate; no uusincss to buy. Rent Branch. Finder return to bank. (screen and glass complete). 32x14, TIME TO GET THAT around, adults preferred. Avail- $4.50; 32x18. $5.50: 32x22, $6.30. able June 1st. Call ESsex 5-4583. wJ3 $75. Call 787-5C28 or 787-1531. wj3 wlO" wj3 PROWN'S APARTMENT, S rooms and bath, SH 1-7500 tils and linoleum in all rooms; 32 Broad St. Red Bank heat and water supplied. Inquire 221 Dock St., Union Beach. wj3* BUSINESS SERVICES SUBURBAN Propane Gas Corp., 1i VALIANT VIM 4 Dr. Sdn., RfcH, W Walls, Highway 33, Cliffwood. LOweli SMALL apartment, all utilities sup- 6-6200. Gas as low as $7.95 per Green, Std. Trans. ^ Uu uKutt pliofl business couple preferred; 100JI__cylintler. _w]17 immediate occupancy. Call LUI- R&H, W. Walls, Pit.. P.B., Black SI1U.M with 32 inch cutter altichmenf Top Soil Slip Covn •peedi th« mowing ol fin* Ijwnj FURNISHED apartment, 2 rooms, RICIIARD'S~i51CORAflNQ CARPENTER and buildlii coilrac- Aluminum window screens, Vene- IS Belvedere Sport Coup*, • Cyl., or lh« toughest rurfi, wctdj, or kitchenette and bath; Holmdel TOP SOIL ESTABLISHED 1933 tor, J, O. Mets|«r, Florcnc* Avt., tian blinds, aluminum storm win- A/T, RAH, Green, W Walls I1M5.N orchards This powerful cutter will Road, Hazlet. Call COIfax 4-3693. Trenching and bulldozing, drive- Slip covers custom made, living Keyport New horn**, garigM, all dow glass Inserts. Fast service. I3 3 b« delivered to your lawn for lh« w]3 way gravel, Milestone, fill dirt, room and kitchen chairs re- alterations aad repairs. C*UI COI- Free delivery. I'rown's, 32 Brocut •nutingly low price of $225 50 Call LOwell 0-4230. wj3 cinders. upholstered, Ilk* new. Repairing, fai 4-4151. wjtf St., Red Bank. SH l-?500_____| SUPER SPECIAL!-™ wher« it will out perform unlft APARTMENT, 3 rooms und bath, cushions replaced, foam rubber, _r«P *•**•• costing up lo twlc« fin^ ami metal './ork. .HI KKAKNI'Y S-r ACII, bunga'tow. all im- Aluminum MVIHIJ, block ci'lllugs 'JS CHEVROLET Biscayn«, 4 Dr., « Cyl., A/T, provements, gas heat. Call CO1- FRIili ESTIMATE* Installation Optional RtH, W Walls, Gray and White UM5.M EXCAVATING and cai-pi'iiliy. Cull I.Owcll tl-1517. KHYPORT fax_4-3.147. wJ3* w|tf 'M FORD Country Squire, t-Pass., 9 Cyl., Auto. Trins., UNION RlfACi:." furiiish«r rtKinisV CO 4-7810 CO 4-372H PKOWN'S Rftll, Power Sloor and Brakes, While, near bus stop. Call COIfax 4-1)697, Dozer, loader s«r\icu, Imid ch-,ir- Mainttnanc* HI I I-7.10(1 This Is Your Ing, top soil, fill dirt, road grovel. Xi Broml St. Hod Bank White Walls SI1S5.M wjll MASONRY",""brick! c'onado, fmm- klvXNS'uUHG. modem il'/] rooms, MOVING, odd Jobs, large trues aid wjtf '17 FORD Custom 300, 2-Or. Sedan, I Torn WHO, shrubbnry removed, •(tic*, cel- tlalinii.s, p.nioi. firophices and rf- tils b.ilh, htvil nntl hot water sup- lUJMMAOK SAI.i:,' ipi>n.'ii'ir«r by 8 Cyl., Stand., R, II., W. Walls $ 750.M Pharmacy - ECKKL BROTHERS lars and yards clraneil. I.andicup- pull's. Ch.ii'li's r, David, II.IAIOI. |>lled._ CM 7K7-03IK1. w]3» - Hebrew Women's I.i'a^ui!, 25 IC. TENNKNT RD., MORGANVILI.il iiil! (lone. Cull I.O.vell 8-3322 wjtl Call COII.ix 4- Jii'Jli. wjll 'J7 CHEVROLET Belnlre S|>ort Sedan, 8 Cyl., Auto. Tlllllii'T fui'iilh'hod KX>m«, duplex Front Si,, May 7lh, Hlli nml fit It. Trans., l>. Steer, R.ll. W. Walls, Green .. $1095.90 Wu surv< only you, with the him.se, nil iililiilivs »u|>|)lle(I. %'1't LOWELL (i-18'15 rAINTINfi, nirpontry, g 1 n i I n g, IIAVI-: A I'KMIIl.l'i.M 'I-10 a • :" ,i V W|l lock rcp.ilrs, i-oofli'g. Sin.ill |iiii '17 CHEVROLET Bclnlr. Sport t'oupo, II Cvl., R.H., fliio«t of . . , Phiirmnceiitlcnli, - per week. Cull COIfnx 4-3-125 aflur "('" WH.UA.US i HIHO I'OWI-K h.-inillf und ui'jiwf ' .'•niu ~i,n, l,i| V, 'V l\i , »UJ,.i)» ') i it i t imci Di ti,'i"l tvpi". i:i»nl condl- Nh'.W iiiddvi'ii office Innldiiii;, ;|.| 'H CHEVROLET 2l», IDr. Sedan, I Cyl., Standard, Mcillclni'i • .Sk'ltroum Supplk'n - I.Dwcll 11-3107 PLUMIHNCi *, IIEATINO tiiin. Call Lowell li'22KN. WJ3« R. II., W. Walls, h. Blue I SW.M SurKlcul Appliances • (lfnr n-til Highway, Matawan. Plrnity park- l wjtl ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS lUiNAIIOIlt, 15 fiK.I fibcri'.liiM, 5 Ing, niter' to suit. Call I.O'wHI II- IJoOKi.l'',l-.l INli, qualified account- 'M CHEVROLET Jti, 4.r>r., • fyl, SUmtnrrf, RAH, Hlu* $ IWJ.M nnt will pntpnrti, mnlnl.iln fl- FKHK FSTIMVI'I'.S f'v)i b'v'iin, lit b p Hi];-Twlfi jr Sale) - CosiiK'Hts - llu«uty :i:ill, wj:l Miscellaneous Alili • ('im)plmo Dahy Ncodi • nnnclal rnenrds, ail typos of b\i»(- Kvlntude, cliM'lrii' starting, lljt- Tkm Above Cars Are Sold With A M-Dav Unconditional fiu«ran(»» PiAS'l' KIMIIHIMMI!, -I nli;o r(M>mH, :, rrasonabte 'no. M CIIIN(JAK()RA AVit. li'iy. n-molf! ciMilidli, l-'ully iv|inp. I'tr, I'.tc. liii.i raiiiio, romplnto bath: will KI-:YI'(ll(T pud. Must MH-iifiii-. Call COIfax I-'. X. O'HKIKN For all nindnl can. I.arry'i Uphol- '«i|>|ily mnti'i'lnl for rivliKyiiatin«, ( (I IIISI.I I-771H after 7 p in, w|J All this Plus l''r>« Delivery Kent $5.1; n\no lai'ici mom ..1lll« wftf '17 DODOS Custom Royal 2-Dr. lldlp., I Cyl., Automatic, I'Olfiix -I-77.1H after 7 p.m. wJJ* Service .itillnhln (or oihor type IMISIIH'-:'!, Upholttary ' 11. i. i •: i • i i oNi-r" A N s w i ••, n i N('; P.S., Rftll, While Walls, MOM Blue .... I 7H.M rent :li>a.w>n,il>li". Call 7.17 ;W.'.ii 111 1 SI-RVICK T.leviiion ALL m.'wly rHiuitt parti for MK51 '»• FORD Custom IN - 4-Dr, Sedan, 8 Cvl., Automatic 7H7-lri.1l, w|:i j l.i't IIH 1m ymir Siiiiri'l.iry, tut ni'i'il Mi'iiuiy. Cnll LOwell d (ISO. 1 CUSTOM Uplnihli-ry S h n p, .... Rftll, Btitck $ 7J5,oo Iliivi- W<< Mhi.icil Atiylhlni!' l-'|IKNI.SIII-;i) Rllli.M av.illalil.- tin Miililln Hn.i.1, ll.iVlci. Kilclu'ii ' ) inN^ cnlU; pait 'U full tinii' DON'S TV NKKVICN wjl •M CIIKVROI.KT M)r, « Cyl. Slnndard, Kftll, Dlnck ..,, ) 150.00 (ji'iilli-niiui (.'all I'HIMs I Vii.l'i ihni'i, livliif' iii'iin ih,mi ami IMI I'lvirc. r.tii run,iv i I'IIIII) win I'tir fail (•fflclrnl rudlfi and telo l.!ll MANN Accmdlii'ii, J I'iiiy livni h (ir lii(|iilic r. l All.iiiln St.. Ki-ypmt. '-Inrils Ir'll.llI'Ml .I'lll ! lUd vi«lim nrrvlcc rail l.()wii, ml'i ;t •.,'. n Call AN'11^1/K.N Mitlnwmi ' ,U\!tuld M, Uoriimini U.I'.* "? "'•riii Ul'lltll .'.I I-.KY .mil lin-iillui.' ic- < ;iII ( l Itlii^ MHVi'. v|.'l* We buy mid sell Aii!li|iic I 1.1intui• LOWKLL (5-1000 (dr. Mnln Si Id, ID 090 t'nliiu AM|,'.', Union UuA'oll lullliii'. All r.ilnli'i anil I'liiillc-i, Lanzaro's 1 I ii i.y-ii. wj.i l-iiol T\IH I :;. |iiii lull mm liim-i, III" TO M MONTIN Tfl llrlr o htkc, Clil.ia, (Hum, Onlli. li.M liYfh KOUIiON INC, "21 ll1 fllftrSftl\ | AI'Alt'lMl'X'T, I I.Hi.i i.'iii,. , n :.,' A. Mi id.);, Jill W.iilililiiliin Sti.vl, li'llitiiiiin .,nl.. '.'. u.'I'III «tlil WoM- OI'EN I!VI'.NINCS 'TIL Jnwniry, U, S. uml l'oirli;n »lum|>a MATAWAN LO 6-2224 I ly ili'iiiiiili'il, iidiilli only. Wnlc Ki'yiiin-t. Cull C'Hr.u -I .VIiiH IID- y iMi'Jiuns.' .iiiln'h.i!) ' VWHIIIIM' tir'\ to 4.3715; Unit ,1 In r.ih« tit Ihli iu%wii|Mipi!r. Uvi'un U niul 1:30 p.m. (» ;ilt"r Tlr Mnlthows, llfi llrnnrtway, |


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    CLASSIFIED ft. ...r tL -^

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    ^,,^'»v rl ^ ,^'.KEYPORT WEEKLY V :S { V


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    V^T- , f.__, EVERY

    WEEK U ',- a* CALL ^v COIlax 4-3030 JS^ sV> # CIK*

    .f ,',-i* THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. j. 3. ?96'2

    exercise and an aerial firepower Lavois Stockholders I Area Men Receive High school seniors, with the in- Recipients will be eligible Kir 5- Boosters Plan demonstration by the Enterprise tention of further study only are I nanciai assistance. ,r> and Forrestal, his party. observed j Have Annual Meeting I Sentences In Court eligible to spply and applications!: AM apnlicaiiw nv.'.H•'" <•>?•»•/** ' Old Names In Monmouth '.amphibious assault landings using j may be obtained at high schools by\\Ii£-V,v:-.''S.'"Warters""chairmttii both landing craft and helicopters Stephen D. Lavoie, president, pre- throughout Monmouth County. Musical Revue at Onsli'W Beach, N.C. The presl-! Judge Edward Ascher sentenced of the scholarship cornmiltetf, bo- sided at the annuai meeting of tha James Germano, 20, of Boulevard The foundation, as in MM, will fore Mav 10. 2-The Red Bank Catholic High A reader aenii) this ing," months later they come bring- dential party relumed to Washing- stockholders of Lavnie Laborator- ton late Saturday afternoon, South, Cliffwood Beach, Matawan i award scholarships to music and School Boosters Association, letter: ing me a notebook "do. you want ies, Iiic, Morganvllle, and made art students of exceptional ability this " Just the other diy 1 was Township, to concurrent indeter- through their preslde.it, Harr/ Ea I am very much intcr»ated in reference to his report to the stock- without regard to financial need. gsn, announced that thin year's >;ivcn a Bible to Find it contained Observed By President holders on the progress of '.lie com- minate terms in Uordentoivn Re- your column and have had high 0J.4CS torn from thiee other Bibles, Henry M. Rosato, gunnel's mate formatory for breaking into Mata- musical would be held at St. James hoped that it would turn up some pany during the 1901. fiscal, year Grammar School AuditorijRt, Red one of v.'hioh went back to a mar- second class, U.S. Navy, son of wan High School last June 7 and heretofore unpublished material, and the six months'ending Jan. 31, Bank, on Friday. Saturday and riafii* of 176ft lo.i# being looked for. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rosalo, 176 •1!M2. . stealing 12 typewriters valued at Sunday nights. May 11, May 12 such-as fanvly Bibles, that might From 1776 to 1870 is the import- Broadway, Keyport, is serving ana IS at 8 p.m. A matinee will ba copied where the family H-IS'I to ant era. First, after we became aboard the destroyer USS Remcy, Net sales for tiie year ending July I frank. {beLilca, Keyport, was giv- be presented Satuiday, May 12. keep ihem Do s'ress the need for a new nation, births. de.iN';s and observed by President John F. 1961 .totaled $4,509,677 • with a net en a suspended two-to-five year account boks, old letters And pa- mmriages *"ere not government re- Kennedy during a two-day visit on i income of $215,008. Tliis amounted state prison term, was put on pro- pers o( all sorts, be turned over Apr. 13 aiid 14 to the Atlantic to 'earnings of 52 cents per share. p quired as they ai« today, or as bation for two years, and fined $250 •"' Bili Buffin, one of Trenton's t Htl Gll Fleet in. Norfolk, Va. Pfc. Walter Sales for another seven months end- most popular entertainers, again , to som. e Historical or Gepologic.il Eiiy'urid had previously required. for stealing $562 in equipment from Some religions kept vpiy excellent E. Lodzin.ski, U.S. Marine Corps, ing Fob. 23, 1962 were 52,781,722 his former employer, Edwards In- will direct. Mr, BuHui. who for | SiSocietiesi ' llibraryb , ralheh r thah n b.b : son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. with a net income of $199,379. ir.any years was a popular rtance burned. records, some of which met de- dustrial Center, Inc., Matawan For example, recently 1 loarned struction, for tnose that did not, Lodzinski.' Route .1, .Matawan, who Mr. Lavoie detailed advances Township, Oct. 28 in company with band leader and 'oimer.Decca re- is serving wiiivthe Second Marine cordiag artist,''was'" professionally just two weeks too late, of a case, the family Bible is the only "jirtli made by the company dr.ring the another man who already has been the grandfather was an ardent recoid, and means of differentiating Corps, also was btecryed by the last, fiscal year. He pointed out the | known as Glenn Garr. He will be President during his visit. sentenced. assisted \j Jimmy Medulla, anoth- Keneologist. with many canons of those of the same surname or find- increase in sales of catalogue items, j Louis DiCapa, Maplewooo' Ave., er popular Trenton entertainer. Mr. "stuffy old papers" mapy yeirs ing parents' names to connect to as well us the substantial increase Keansburg, received a suspended Medulla, affectionately known as dormant in the attic The furtn was iMrly established records Takes Training Course For Cooks in the.\backiog of government.prime | IJord.enrown term, was fined, .$250, "Big Jim," has been a part of the sold, the attic contents' all burned, Second, the 1790 Census was - Airman Basic Aiigelo MitteranJo. 1contracts. In nddinon, he expressed ; aiKi pui un IIMJ years pruoaiitiii.iur entertainment scene for many because the family were nono of burned by the. War of 1812, as other jr., whose parents live at 3S Sun-1 favorable satisfaction with the re- entering a Route 35 gas station'in worthwhile charities over * peiiod them Interested or rather Igroran! State Capitolj and buildings have set Ave., Keansburg, is being ac- j ception of new catalogue items by Holmdel Township Oct. 15. Can't make the parly? Sat/ "happy birthdei/" ' ol years. of their value, or whom to call on met with dostiuetion signed to the technical training i the electronic industry, - to t'e!l (hem. Thc> knew to cat!! course for cooks at Ft, Lee, Vir-1 •»»»*¥ «"'* « phone er.ll now. siw msm uu (} "J. Albert Harris, known in music fhus, I agam uruss the vital im- an antique dealer for the furniture, portance of the family Dible.5 to the ginia. • .- , 1 Card of Thanks Will Award Music, circles 83 "3urt," will be musical and the lescue mission for the junk genoolonist endeavoring to connect Airman Milterando, who has 'director. He for many years has but it never,owrreil to them* In completed his basic military train- The family of the late Joseph V. Art Scholarships ' been featured with the Larry Lane to Revolutionary or Colonial.'serv- Makowka .• wish to thank all their call the library for the books and ices of veiy promineiit f.'isoiiages. ing at Lackland AFB, Texas, was .Quintet. He is a member of Local papers, thus the easiest and o.ily friends and neighbors for their The Monmouth Arts Foundation, A sister may have marnej some- selected for the advanced course many kindnesses during -their re- H, American Federation of Mm- solution was to bum. on the basis of his linteiests and Red Bank, announces that applica- ,'lcians. one'the family -didn't like, or moved cent bereavement, especially, the tions are now available for honor- There were scrap books of obit- to a di«t-int location, at any rale aptitudes. friesls of St. Joseph's and the Day Plans Musical Revue He is a 1961 graduate of Middle- ary scholarships in the fields of uary clippings, etc., which they her name was changed and she got Funeral Home. music and art. ' Mr. Buffin plans a "Musical Re- thought quote "a meis of old news- town Township High School. vue of )«82" featuring ail time: the Family Bible. People know paper 9luff." It never occurred I they have rlie records but the der Ellis Back In Fort favorite songs and dances. More .. ..— —,..,.. .—1. gcenjjjntj, „[ the sanv\ whose -than 90 persons attended the first to them anybody wants "such the sanv.\ whose Richard A. Ellis; seaman appren- tryout. A majority of the cast of stuff" outside the family. names and locations have many tice, U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and last year's hit "Modern Mmstiel" This is the season for attic clean- times nhanged, have !>cen hunting Mrs. -Harold J, Ellis, 140 Morning- have returned, including most of ing . and burning and I- think it for years for rhis family Bible, to side Ave., Union Beach, is serving Ross W. Maghan Agency the featured sgioists, the dancers might be helpful to stress the im- prove their eligibility to some pa- aboard the destroyer USS Lowry, portance tt salvage. The above triotic organisation, etc Please which returned to her homo port . knd tinging chorus. An added at- let's urge Che Family Bibles be traction thil year will be the ad- example is not unique", but rather at New London, Conn., Mar. 8, aft- far moie n^v.srous than is realised. copied and recorded and published. er weathering the recent savage, SAVE with SAFECO ...-' SAMiS"and SERVICE *'*' dition of the, many fine voices from The Moninoirth Democrat ran a the newly formed St. James Men's Others have bran given things, oft, winter storm that lashed the East by an old relative; but the present series in the 194-'s from where I Coast. .Choir. The choir, • direct out- found a Rodgers-Rogers Bible to COIfax 4^00^ growth of the previous show, was owner has safely kupt it many The Lowry was operating south years and,hasn't the foggiest no- 1717 that got me so excited like organized/by Henry O'Shea, one of of Nautucket lighthouse when the ;- • WI PESfO8M EVSBY^SEiVlCJ OFSfAIION\.• • . . tion why or what k is all about, finding a gold mine. It opened up fury of tha storm struck. For two Real Estate—Insurance the' featured soloists in "Modem a -ilarge field" of helpful material rOUR CAS M»V NIED ON OD* P8MISE! .Minstrel." calling them "a lot of names and days and nights tho destroyer bat- figures about dead people" I for my project. One never knows tled the high seas, suffering only MATAWAN 138 Maiit St. LOwell 6-0003 In addition, many talented new- how or where the important clues HIGHWAY 35 at BBpLE lf>. KEVPQRT comers appeared to compete for have found many people to say, "1 miltor damages. '•' solo spots, which promises another have nothing valuable or interest- are. entertaining, fast moving musical jJor the Boosters. Rehearsals will be held rach Monday in the school auditorium at 8 p.m. Harold Mullins again was cliosen as chairman and he appointed Wil- liam Kane, co-chairman. Ken Fitz- NOTES - gerald is publicity chairman, as- sisted by Joe Fitzpatrlck. who also Abut Area Mea aid Wasei will be in charge of the cast party. Public relations, involving bus- inessmen and social organisations, • At will be handled by George Holly- wood, and John Tilelli will serve in « similar capacity for fraternal and veterans organizations. Armed Services Behind the scenes, to help make this another hit, will be William • Sullivan, stage manager; John 1 Selected Honorman lantln Fleet ships to be climaxed Breickner and Al Westerfield, with an assault on, Vicquos. The lighting; Mary Flaherty, make-up, Gary Barker, Airman Appren- tice, U.S. Na\y, son of Mr. un'l President, accompanied by Vice with seating arrangements in the President Lyndon B. Johnson, 'good hands of Jack Harlng assist- Mrj. Alfred Barker, 386 Holmdel members of the Washington dip- ed by Bob Zapcic. lomatic Corps and U.S. Congress Charles Donath is ticket rhair men, arrived in Norfolk the after man, aided by all members of the noon of Apr. 13. Boosters. Mr. Donath can be con- After a brief cruise in the fleet tacted at 747-2030 for ticket infor- ballistic missile submarine USS mation. The funds raised will be Thomas A. Edison, tho Presiden- used by the Boosters In furthering tial party boarded the tactical com their program dealing with Red mand ship USS Northampton t -Bank Catholic High School sports observe night air operations b, activities. tha attack aircraft carrier USS Enterprise and USS Forrestal. . Your advertisement in this paper will reach prospective The next morning, the President purchasers in every community in received full honors In a review the bayshora area. of the Second Fleet, and, follow- ing an anti-submarino warfar NEW HANDY PACK SILVER

    GARY BARKER AMAZINGLY \ Rd., Hazlet, was selected honor- man of his company instructors turn PRICED) t and shipmate* for high initiative, outstanding military hearing, lead- ership ability, uniform appearance, pride in the Navy, adaptability to military training and because he ••V best displayed a high example to comrades in arms. " SEE YOU AT THE A&P He was presented an engraved plaque arid an Itonorman certificate at tho recruit graduation review held recently at the If. S. Naval Recruit Training Center, Great where young mothers save cash and save Lakes, III. After a short leave period he ia In report to tho Naval Aviation Technical Training Center, Mem- THERAGRANM phis, Tenn,, for a course of In- PLAID STAMPS for wonderful gifts! structions at tho Avlatinn Machin- IfulM VHrnilit-Mlnirili for Iharipy ists Mate Schools, after which he will be assigned to the fleet for duty with an aircraft squadron or My mom's saving Plaid Stamps to get a playpen biggest selection, all free for Plaid Stamps. OLD PRICE .... aircraft carrier. for me! That's why we shop at A&P-she saves' Start today to demonstrate how wisely-and B0NNIE r/iE PLAID LASSIE savs- NEW PRICE.... In Marina Division cash-and she saves Plaid Stamps for mo! After] oumv/c Inc rLMIU LA Paul M. ProsH, hospital corps- well-you shop. Join tha other young moderm ' *M> says. SAVE...... $2.00 man third class, USN, son of Mr. I get my gift, mom's saving for an automatic who save cash at A&P and save Plaid Stamps "These are fust a few of t/10 and Mrs. Paul A. Prcsti of 27 Low- toaster, 'n pop has his eye on a transistor) SQUIBB er Main St., Matawan, Is serving for wonderful gifts I 3,076 wonderful gifts you radio. Why don't you join the crowd-the young with the Second Marine Division, can get—free—for saving ISURGICAL observed by President John F. Ken- crowd that shops at A&P? nedy during a two-day visit on Apr. Your dreams come true with I APPLIANCE 13 and H to th« Atlantic Fleet In Junior's right... now young homemakers can Plaid Stamps I" DRUG CO. Norfolk. Vu, 50-PIECE choose from 3,076 luxurious gifts, tha world's' IT W. Front St., Keyporl Following the Presidential visit, fNftvt in Pftnnr** V»»'! SsnfeJ tha ship henriml for Vli>qiii>.«, PMIMIO Service for 8 MuraUion Bui*. Pan Rico, to take part In a three-wrok PLAID STAMPS Onr Door joint Nuvy-Marincj Corps maneuver Sp«el»lUln| la All *»»•• lurfloU Appliance! «twl oarnitili Involving moro than 40,00(1 sullori and Marlnoi aboard some 83 At Vcar after Year

    aolfrl Sav* now 04 lop n It's Hard to Beat nrltl

    It ruipoonl • ssup Spoi I Knlltl j PulUf Mi Speon l WITH ALUMINUM WIRIJ Mmii ol On.IJa M,

    SEE OUR STOCK OF r Qifet SpoctoJll Tobla or Plarcnd SHUTTERS AND SHUTTERETTES (•rvlna Spoon *.», I/.JO ."1

    i Dig lavlnyl $ | • I Chi


    The program' lor the afternoon jjesital Group To rim bi & presentation af Origan;', the ancienl art o( Japanese Faper- foldiiig. without cutting or gluei.<;, Install Officers with audience participation by Mrs. Florcicc- Temko, New The Monmouth County, Dental Shrewsbuiy. Mrs Temko gives the Auxiliary will hold its installation backet ound and hiitory of paper- ',.*:. and scholarship piescntation lunch- folding in different countries and eon on Thursday, May 17, at in the United States. She actually 12:30 p.m.-a! the Colonnade Res- teaches the audience to make taurant, Eatontown. several Origami decorations, toys The incoming- officers (or the and designs, ail work material fet- ing supplied. 196?,-83 season will be president, Mrs. Martin J. Cain Jr., New Mrs. Furman is in cliarpe of Shrewsbury; vice president, fund reservations. Dooi prltcs will be raising, Mrs. Samuel £. Furman. awarded. The luncheon is open to New Shrewsbury; vice president, all denta! wives and their friends. Tmembership, Kris. Anthony Angel- *;wo(>Deal; treasurer, Mrs. Anthony Draft Board To Move . Villane, Elheron; - .corresponding secretary, Mrs. Theodore L. West, Due fo a tfprk'i conference al Red Bank; recording secretary. State Headquarters, Newark, the _ Mrs. Robert Isacson, Long Branch. office of Local Board No. 40, Red Rank, v.111 be closed all day Fri- 1 ''. . """ """mum: 1.1 niv ,—T ~- - - • -- , • •"— »•-.. IS Colo,., wmmmmmmmm Hygienist bcnoiH»t....,i ». M . 7 --.Huaia of « Monmouth or Ocean I will be located at -The Eisner I County Hign »^i.uJ: :_ '.tz' "?-•-' 1 iiMiMim,. .FOTIM 1 and ?.. Sacond! t Price*! Comnore Quality! ... See What A&P Saves You Hygienist College of her choice. Floor, '54 Broad St., Ked Bank.. Run'*. Hav* you ever earned wages by SHORTCUT (First Cuts Priced Higher) „ Regular Style . gTULTZ S working in someone's home? Did Redeem ?laid Stprnp Coupon ^6 that you you get social security credit? You 1 should have, if the , homeowner received in the m?il several weeks m. 'IIE1.KJ . paid you $50 cash in a calendar quarter. Why don't you check up it's worth ICO Free Plaid Stamps this week! WISH C3CAOE OIL/ by asking your social security of USCMOOTMER/ fice for a postcard Form 7004? LAMB OR MXJ'LL WASTE BONELESS Wholo or Rther Hall YOURMONEV, CHUCK legs of lamb Sx; »73e l^-b& BROTHER/ H£AH NO FAT ADDED Lamb Chops *IB ">• 95C L0|N ">•! ,\ 9 b everything? Shoulder lamb Chops > 85« Heinz 1. Hear M'erand enjoy CORNED lb s *- llfeniqro '..;; Baby Foods Boneless Shoulder Roast 79 2; Enjoy Me more with a ' Stninid Choppid lb C , Zenith Hearing Aid Leg or Rump ©! Veal 19 1|i-99« Si«•»• - RIB lb C L01N lb Yon'B AMI our fuelcM it ' 3. Zenith; Hearing Aids as CALIFORHJA ROAST Veal Chops 95 l.W salt«rmly Ugh gntt aad oar low as $50 (that's all) TOrwUTTOM Frtlk iMllMt SIMIOJII Cu»a front Cull artce* •hrayi lair. 4. Try one at CorlMr't .. .u,. c Brisket Beef tr 69° lb e Round Roast n 85 b Boston Bytts w l « ISURCKAL Baby Foods Rb c s >c> e h I APPLIANCE Strtlntd Chopptd Newport Roast 99 Rib Steaks 75 Pork chops STULTlJr DRUG CO. >nlt n 1 17 W. Frontffir SL. Keyporl . Cross Rib Roast 85' Shoulder Steaks' '" 95° Fresh Hams H.lf •" (Nut to PcoplM Nil'i Bank) •^iiooii'^;.-: -' Marttkon Bum Pan F c e fresh Mw (Shoultiertj OOaar DMMTT latlilai toto AlAlll TT»p«i S«*le»i SwiH's Moats fop Sirloin Roast 89* Chuck Steaks ' 49 ApfUueet *ni GirmeaU 8ontliI POULTRY forBaUos Rump Roast '" 89* Flank Steak 95* Roasting Everyone's flocking in for those lovely >0 ,b59« Eye Round Roast 99: Top Round Steak " 9S* Sicken lo .. F hGond nrurke $ " »ib.39« «•" 45« Ground Beef 45£ Cube Steaks "- 99! v Ibl. •*» 1^ Green Giant SMOKED MEATS NORCROSS c f 1 5V|b Super Right—Fully Ceolte- , Shank Porlion Bull Portion OoldoiCori Ground Chuck S 59 Chuck Fillet " 6 lb b e Mother's Day Cards c 9cc Hams Tr'^'M -45« ' -55 Citam • 17 01. J70 Stewing Beef "•" 59 Top Sirloin Steak b Styk * MM •• ^r e Smelted Calas IW».-.I M5* c Bottom Round b c Ground Round Steak 95 Swiss Steak ™5lb Shoulder BuHs •- 75

    fireen Giant c I 10 London Broil 99' Sirloin Tip Steak 99! Sliced Bacon *»•%:', l " BreenBeaas C c e 99lb Frankfurters •?• ^ 5» -laat1 pkg. - *9 Beef Short Ribs 4S Minute Steak b e Kilckan « 14 OL *», c 99 « Italian Sausage 79 Slicad * caw •• Plate Beef "*£.?• 23,b Brasciole £2££L lb. 5u c c Bacon End Slices «" SoupBeef1 35r ^9C Chicken Steak 99 Scotkint Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Luncfi.on Napilm Whit. • ptfli. wColorad * if SO SS* : GOLDEN CORN BAYSHORE STATIONERS BABY 4 /4tz. CLAPP'S Strained Varietin "Remember It's Cards Galore At'Bayshore" Royaolds Wrap Fran FlirMa 4 "" W Corntr Front and Main St. Keyport Aluminum Foil VEGETABLE CO 4-5555 lUqulir H.av SOUP "« R.d. Ripa 0 C II" width CAMPBELL'S II" width M| Watermelon 11 It. roll** •range ail Yun Tnd laroa , e CraiefrvK Broccoli ' ' b-;,25 Click Para BLENDED JUICE AftP Brand Bananas 6oMi""iH 2lb> 29e CORNED BEEF Crystal or Nuggets VelCiry Firm.Cri.p .I.Ik/9 HASH ".i"57< BROADCAST ^35' Onions NL". 3 25C FORDS Mix or Match ^k Florida V lb |%JB« '•1 FAMLANE "5M" Fordor, FOM, P. Steering I«M. lena Brand Canned Vegetables 'N GALAXIE Tudor, Fordamatic, P. Steering IMS. C •» FAIRLANE 4-Dr. Fordomallc H3. Wisk Liquid Oranges ••,,,,, 5 ^ 39 '57 FORD Fairlane Tudor, F'omaliv «1B. Tomatoes ".:; Wax Beans "L" Sweet Corn Detergent c D J 16 01. 5 57 National "Baby Week" Suyt String Beans »' ^n" Beets ™ '.: Carrots - STATION WAGONS Lciacr qujnliriet sold at White Houti Innd—Handy'C Pick KEOUCED! •51 MERCURY Colony Park Sta. WnK MOM. PS 1JS5. our Low Regular Price. •57 FORD Country Squire, FOM, P. Steering 716. •It labil ««n '47 CHEVROLET ft Passenger, Power Glide 795. Jana Partar 22 ol. I.VMMWB MIWM •*••••» ,..,t....,,i '^-jji Star-Kist Tuna Fish c?, s lK Pabium Mixed Cereal PV;43« COMPACTS Botorgont NvcoaMargarine "-'A>b.^., ;-JI« KrisayCrackers ,.,(.id "1 Uni.ll." d pig. w* II COMET 4Dr.SU. Wagon, Full Equipment MM. Z.B.T.Baby Powder **<«,. «• ';;ng5« 6 •1 COMET i-Dr. Sedin, R.H 1»5. .liltic** pl.rt!cWI Mazola Margarine 'c'^o,? X^' Magnolia Siscuits '•I TEMPEST Wagon IMS. '•5-ViC Baby Magic ^;:;:B ^ '-1.00 Milk Choeolato Maltios •» »^IS« Cake Mix J:S^,, C II RENAULT Caravelle, Both Topi, 3,100 Miles 14K>. Curity White Cotton Balls ,',7,29 'N FALCON 4 Dr. Slition Wagon, Deluxe, FOM MM. Bai-o Cleanser Felt Soil Granules - ",!.'," 33* Dole's Pineapple Chunks MERCURYS C ChcctFul lei. e Wilh Dia|>han« •M MOVrEREY Sedans, Executive Cars, Full Power Dog Yumtnies ;;; J5 Instant Coffee O Null |ar 47 *," 99« •M PARK LANE 2-Dr. Hard Top, MOM •». Jane Parker Baked Ms! 'M CUSTOM A-Or. Hard Top, Mercomallc 415. olfUbil Froien Foods! • Dairy Values.' Buuni, ONwolili »r UIM Will Airi-Wlteirialn FRENCH APPLE OTHER MAKES J p c •» CONTINENTAL Mark II, Air Cond., VeryNice Morton Cream Piesl; 39* Cheddar Cheese " 69lb '37 PLYMOUTH Pinna 4-Dr. Power Fllte '»• Vim Detergent e •& t.,«c I'-,,: ;>iivT:' 15«. Dole's Juice !;:::$:£^L 1 !."; Danish Bine Cheese "•—•' - 87 Tdblitf 1 c 127 New and Used Cars In Stock For aulumilia <0 tiol.an. fireens CU^.J ' 2 '.I; , HBtMrn! SWIM Slices "'•,::' 't(;'38 d C a. ' * CreamCheese^;;:j;.l;;;;^2 ;;;,' 43 30 DAY WAKKANTV - HANK FINANCING Corn on the Cob ' ; ;,!r 2 ';;; Seabrook Creamed Spinach ',;; Imported Italian Provolone " 95* CRUMB SQUARE Fluffy All Libby's Red Raspberries ',\; PrJcos Redoced / V C ENGLISH CoMrollad Sudi Mixed Fruit »**»*>-* 'J; Borden's Heavy Cream .V,/' 36 COFFEE V CAKE •Hl-NN AGENCIES Breen Peppers H.H.../H.,,. Fre;hMilk Z SINCE IB04 Monmouth and Maple, Red Bank All Detorgent Orleans Fudge Gold Square ' ' 45C • Ann • I'AIKLANi: 0( Cuntfolt.d Suill Dog Food Pumpernickel Brew, 123' FORD is Will. 10. Wu'CilG Pricci rllctlivs itirough jjlurd.iy, May Mh t i Super Mattclj and S< If-Scryict itor«i only.

    MERCURY . _ All < if.ii.-ll.., •|..I.III.I.1 I liu.l Milt, nii.l MH.IM.IM llrtcincm ru-inpl liom l'lanl Sl<-it'|. I'PH Ml. M Al WILSON AVI... rolil MONtl'i()t/m HI. VI Al r(M)lV, AVI'., RAHMAN lOWNSIIIr HI, 15 Al MAIN SI.. KI'.ANMIUIUi Tu»l, • W«d, • Iliuri,, Unlll ti I'.M. fun. • U'MI, Ilium,, Hnlll I I'M, Mini, luti. • Wei). • fhun.. Uolll « I'.M LINCOLN CONTINENTAL i • Irlduy Unlll 10 I'.M. I rlduv l-nlll 10 I'.M, l-'rlday Uolll 10 CM ,m Hi. U Al CUITWIJOD AVI:., CUI'I VVOUI) Iu*<» Wed ITiLn... Until » f.M, - Hldny l'»lli K |>,M :

    Juki THE MATAWAN JOyR^jAt, N. _J,. Thursday, M=y 3,


    OP or BOTTOM YOUR BEST BUY ROUND IS FAMOUS LANCASTER r FREE 840 V BRAND BEEF S&H GREEN STAMPS With radtmptlon of coupon abov* and foupani bolaw. Plui 7th week coupon from S&H Booklet. TOP

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    PRIM IQOMHORIIN STAMPS (AV|.|0f lowardi Hn purchuif t| 010 HO Mill DINHUWAJII STIAK MHCAIW StA*. COMf IITIR UN|T LEAN GROUND CHUCK Na«» . .. GREEN CIANT BEANS . t: 3! 45 AdJrw. IHOiHMi STEAK UAN GROUND ROUND [loo 11.49 IIAN NOUNP lUf STIWINO NET MAXWELL HOUSEt&fCOffMf I0oJ...1.I« |., 9 With fhli Coupon .M CoKp»« l«plt»i Sat., May 5 IAC0N X 69« MWHNICALVU UVIR * *1.49 COFFEE HIHo !rif»ifil HH1100 MH0RIIN STAMPS IAVI Me fe»a,<)l Hw' purtliOM ol Short Shank |b. C CHOCK FULL 0' NUTSCOFFH-69. 010 HO Mill DINNHWAM SMOKED CALAS 25 CARNATION MILK - 7: .1.00 ^ PIACI SITTINO "YOU NKVn HAD IT SO fU ;4, Wllk !W. Ca.por .ft POST CEREALS *.*%• 4, .1.00 W|H> $|« fgt«S«. C»»«on l«j)lf«» tal., May I. STRAWBERRIES •-••• 35 Krinkjai, 10oi7 Alph. St.., 8'/«-oi., Sugar Cri*p, *oi.; 0*1 , IOOI. YELLOW CORN 10 PRM 10 MH 9KIIN STAMPS \* «ddllk.ii )• ynr rtgular fifmpi FANCY RIPE TOMATOES 19 wfm puroSpf* ol any vo|umf Ptmfc A Wafnall Ineyd.p.dlo -MULUI WASHfO IDEAL BEANS ^ ,«-,10. MAM 4«M4i 1TOIM HMtXXMRTIRJ fO« CAROfN NMPS SPINACH •«t IM I**V| S*H Or*** Stomp* wMi Coupon ond rurltioM of HAWAIIAN PUNCH 6-'59< Mittm Wo,, Deluxe 22" Powtr Mo war *49" I »f». I'lGB* * **""•• lapvb* »loi)»> lulh 3»Mon Htight Ad|uX».irt. flnftillp Conliol. Put HIM SIS •---J.« Firtlllztr 'VST 50£1.ll TETLEY'S TEA BAGS > 7-«*. W NR,2.N .rS-CIJi MIchlgM flit 100£1.61 PRM W StH ORIIN STAMPS (•4MS !••»• Coupon for JO MM Own Slo«.pi wllh Pv>*.« STAR-KIST TUNA - -'• can* 69. In addlttoji to yowr rvgwler ilonipi •( IAONOI IITATI •' SHOW lAWN OtASt IHO. wlrt purttiaM of • lib. bog rtODlOA EiUU <& 4 i 1.81 IhiwLiwn «"r^ 2J;1.«I ORANOIS SUNSWEET PRUNE JUICE Nam* .. . Addrra n luplxl lot.. May I. FITOZfM FOODS PULE DRIIIK Pin«applrGra°p t*ru(l 4 c.n''i«WW Link I Coupon !MAt For Shopping Pomlly. VIRGINIA m SP^CIAII SHERBET TOMATO ]0ff UAilllTC SUGAR, CINNAMON m PlAsN 0 fy' alOi #ltfcfll't • 19' COLLICE INN 2bo.i..d0t botll# i l WfcljRilIBj IIIH JUICI COCKTAIL Ub.l *» ' tT 20 !£li CKilN STAMP* v^L=f STRAWBERRIES ^ '*- In addition to your regular itompi $ wtfti pwrahgi* of beg e/ d 2-1.00 ORANGE JUfCE "*" 8t°:1.00 COCOA MARSH chowi.1. i^p »->.(« 49* ORAPirRUIT PAR CAKE VMMti COCOANW PARMHOUK —CHOCOiATI or COCOANUT Homo Add'M CREAM PIES 2 89« POPE TOMATOES,':;,:::, 4 . .1.00 hplrn M.. May I. WHJli IMA0 Limit I Coup.. MAMOOK — CUT w CRENCH GOLD SEAL FLOUR 5'29. For chopping family. DAM fooos GREEN BEANS 2-w« |DEAL SH0RTEN|NG 3. 59l ***** IIMAi .. 9010 MAI MROMYI ntHI 100 SfH ORIIN STAMPS •Wt* •HAOt A ~*# MAM In addition to yovr rtgular tlompi 47« BROCCW $PIAR$_ 2^43« SWANEE TOILET TISSUE 4 39. wlnS purchoH of MAi-WHrn ix cotosno AMMJCAN «. W. DAVII POWIR MOWIR ...s \&Aera fUCED CHEBI 4 100 REX DOG FOOD 61T49« AJdr.u THERMO-CUP l«pl'» tal. May 1. lMAi-Hl«IO *HAV •WIH KNIfHr —ILICIS Llmtt I Cfvpon ft fc)»H«r ta«l«! K»«p It HOTI K«*p H COLO. I lt>. carton f«r Snapping ' OWfl I^ CHEESI •"»•'Z 39« A different color «a«4i w«*k. IDEAL MARGARINE This WHII'I color - ORCINI All oke.O/C 8-%. p-j. 3V rt; il/ l.pli.i lul, Ma/ ) •Wfow limit I Coufun SURF WISK "HANWANDY LIFEBUOY i UX SOAP ~~ tit Snapping fumll) u— if. »«> n. VALUABI.I ACMI COUPON Z THERM-O CUP 3::?.. 35' 3 rake. 3 I * 1 VALUAUI ACMI COUPON ?B o/ bofh | OURAUTI OUTDOOR CHAIR 07* R«g $1,001 «JJ» 2 rul.n And Purdtus* only 279 VIM ", >> For Only XT* of $3 or rnor« xth 110 ,.u UquW C.ltrg.nt tJAMI! Boautiful Larg« Fofc f..ei: -:- ROUTE 35 AND 36