
,8"'< ., \ COVERING THIS WEEK TOWNSHIPS OF HOLMDEL, MADISON 16PAGESL MARLBORO. MATAWAN AND One Section MATAWAN BOROUGH Member New Jeraey pieu AwocUUon Single Copy Ten Cent* 93rd YEAR — 44th WEEK Nl Mortal editorial AuocUtton MATAWAN, N. J.t THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1962 Matawan First Aid And Rescue Squad Receives New Boat For Emergency; Mobile Homes Malayan Township GOP Hosts To Stsite, County Guests Park Variance Becker Application Strongly Opposed i Heanngs on the application of Mis I OP Betker for <i vuuanre bv lUiiUi 18 acies located in a 100 bv-150 foot, nvnimum i evidential lot near thi> 'unction of Wilson Avi» and TCMS Rd <ould be diverted to use for a "mobile home park" were conclu<Wi by the Mdtavun Town- ship Zoning Board of Adjus.uit'nt Friday In suinmntion, Philip G Becker, Matawan attorney foi live appli- cant, contended a hardship existed by which the lb-<u.ic tiact could be put to lio other u o He noted it was an "inside" tract of land With- out access to a public road and that Ihe only means of reaching It would be through al 50-foot ease- ment across the Pent Estate land I Mr Beckei explained that the I right-of-way into the mobile home park as obtained would remove an auto junkyaid now legarded as a nuisance and eyesore by nearby fj residential home owners. I Rouen E. Udivlura, Ma'.awun at- Mrs. Katherlne Neubergcr, Republican National GOP Saturday evening. Benjamin Danskln, GOP tornoy. and .(er.mth h. Joel. Ktv- j , , Jersey, greets Sigmuud candidate for freeholder, is at Ihe left and State Sea. 11 Coinlnl teewomi n lrom New y g g , StulUffL'STSV'?, Wilson Ae.; John C . SfilKowalski , Republican candidate diford Matawa f Mn Richar dRih R. Stoud Rt .1S Ih t righth. ih StulU, Wilson Township Committee, al a dinner-dance held by Ihe I say, TTexa s RRd. and William Wash- burn and John Fencik, both Wilson Memtart't»*e«st«w«i Fin* Aid and fteecoe ftpad. Inc.. (left the month of May and will aollclt contributions ewh Monday through Thursday evening* In a house-to-house canvass. Ave.. on.the stand to testify they to rlthl) Cast. Jabi HedgNa, lint lieutenant Ted Phtlan ir, and Richard wanted the auto JunkyuiJ iaken Three Caff /Meeting Uirli, WeV •nunfaSTa Boston Whaler «hleh wUI be utllKed by the Final plans have been completed for the kick-off dance to be held Iron Content Drainage Field Saturday evening In the Legion Hall. Members will sell tickets Friday away but not at the price of having atuad for water nacat, operation! dtiriiut UM summer-months. Tt* a "trailer court" of 101) units on A special meeting of Ihe Madi- •wmkera of the aquad are eowlueUw a drive tar fuada throuihoul on Main St. from • to S p.m. land adjoining their homesites. Mr. M)n Township Board of Educutiur, Lindsay described Ihe settlement a Of Water High hs» been called for tonight on Found At School fn State Office "community within a communi- application of three member*, Spring Round-Up ty" and it was recalled that a mem- Laurence Harbor William Juyce, l.ouia Horvath and Water Softener Need Resistance To Garbage Pact ber of the N.Y. Philharmonic Or- Richard Pine, so the status of Henry Sevrin, Madison Town- Supply Analyzed Dr. Wllllnm J. Sample, the su- For Central Wing 'The 1NMW kindergarten ea- ship attorney, was this week ap- chestra and a person prominent in nUmeat for the-Matawan Grim- Broadway theatricals had been a perintendent, can be settled al pointed deputy attorney general Mayor John Phillips jr. reported this lime Insofar as Ihe IM2-U Marlboio Township Board of Ed* Polio Shot Ends mar School wllh take place Twee- To Maplewood assigned to the "Green Acres" part of it until an iiiucemini; en- ucation received word last night day. It la requtated that children croaching by business, especially, at the Madison Township Board of school year Is concerned. Collection Will project by Gov. Richard J. Health meeting Monday that the that alarms over getting a proper, Parents Yield But whose tat names begin with A Hughes. Mr. Sevrin la a resident the Junkyard, had spoiled the at- Last year It was late in May dialnage runoff at the site of tha throagh N be. eturolled between mosphere. Pictures were introduc- hearing of users protesting the when Ihe board voted to rrlain Be Twice Weakly of Springfield .and has had law new billing procedures of the Laur- 10-room addition planned (or Marl- I Decry School Rule the kauri of I and 11 a.m. Chil- offices at Sayre Woods for Ihe ed to show how the properties on Ihe superintendent by a split boro Central School imd quieted the Marlboro side of Texas Rd. had ence Harbor Water Co. had been vole after having voted earlier in dren > whose laal namea begin Acting on the recommendation of past five years. He also has had with a further examination of Ilia M»ttw»n Regional Board of-.Ed- with O through Z will binarolled deteriorated since business had en- postponed until May 15 and that Hie month not to offer him a con- Commtttecman Daniel Downey, offices In EUzaberh and Newark. those complaining about the quality area. But a new problem, one of ucation'* policy of "total" immuoi- between the htun of IVed 2:U croached there. tract. The first vote was over- water iron content aivl acidity hasj utlon agalnat children's disease*, chairman of the sanitation depart- Mr. Sevrin had been acting as of the wafr would have a techni- p.MIi , : ment, the Matawan Township Com- come when Mr. Pine, who made arisen. datlni back to 1957. when Walter attorney for Perihlng Park, Inc.. Transients Throw Garbage cal report to support their views. Ihe J-4 majority against offering . Paroats sheuld bring proofs of mittee at a special meeting Thurs- New York, developers of Sayre P. Swanaoa wai health committee Vacclaalloos and Inoculation* per- Mr. Lindsay said he was tired The mayor's reference wan lo a Ihe contract, raplalned he had Concern ahum a proper drainage chairman of' the hoard, overcame day night awarded an eight-munth Woods South, and Jweph Brun- field were In ought uut at a special talaiag to amaUpox, diphtheria, contract for garbage collection. of having to pick up broke-n beer rdpoil submitted at the nicetlne bv only votml xvaintt offering It be- - a new case of resistance when a etll, Fair Lawn, who projected Grorge f-ioru, noara president, of meeting Apr. 25. On Tuesday a tttaaua, whooping cough and Ihe t3W-house Midlown develop- bottles from tho street in front of cause he did not consider the Clirfwood mother returned her The contract'went to Maplewood his houie and garbage cast out the findings of llu N. J. Dairy Lab- salary cited, $I1.SW. wus suffici- meeting was held with Charles poliomyelitis, aloag with birth Disposal Co., Maplewood, on the ment which brought a law; suit Uerger, State Department of Child to school Apr. 24 after the certification of tho child to be there by transients, without having oratories. New Brunswick, on the ent for Dr. Sample and was be- flrm't hid of $19,759. The bid wai with Madison Township last year water. This report wus requested Health, in wet weather when drain- ngster was out of school from oarolled over a consent Judgment. Mr. 100 drivers from a "trailer court" low the amount oflered in com- antil opposition to her having the only one received for the con- by the hoard of heullh. age conditions would bu inoro diC- , Children must be flve-yetrs-old Sevrin has been continuously In adding to the noise and nuisance of parable districts In Middlesex dealt. John A. Pugan, board sec- 'polio shots.' ' ~ •; - tract which will be in effect May 1 traffic and the discarding of litter. Counly. :*h or boforei Sept. J». to the end of the year. Previously, appearance before Ihe public Mr. Flore related that the rrpnrt retary, reported that after consid. ' The child. JenlceTCrtrrier, a sec- contracts were awarded on an an- bodies of the township In MY Mr Becker protested strongly showed lion content ranging from Then Mr. Pine Joined with Mr. era bio digging of holes for perco- ' Md-grader. IK the.CiiKwuod School,- nual basis, starting May 1. clients' Interest. the assumption that those coming; 1.8 to 2.2 parts per million, where- He-rvalh and Mr. Joyce,,, Mrs. lation, a 5000-square-foot sector w^a "»• tl« daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. as, by U.S. Public Health stan- Carol KoMbucal and Leonard When practicing in Newark and into the "mobila homes park" found whiM'e runoff and absoiplion ' Norman Kramer, 128 Laurelhurft Police Issue In llio firm will make two collec- would be less responsible than the dards, an Iron content over J.I Booth in voting a 5-4 ma|orily was sallsfaclory. There had been tions weekly and pledged to lake Elizabeth. Mr. Sevrin also had parts per million is un,uitablu. Mr. for offering a new contract. Dr.. Cliffwood Baach. - much practice before the public owners of fine homes In the area. rumors the drainage condition waa i Anthony J. Nuccio. Cliffwood all materials placed at Ihe curb. Ha noted a mobile homes park op- Fluie added that (III.' report showed so had (lie board might havu lo . Collections will be mado at homes, bodies and stale commissions no chlorine content, acidity from principal, explains that tha pro-Matawan Twp.
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