2003 September
Torrens Rowing Club BoatShed Bulletin September 2003 Volume 5, Issue 5 www.torrensrowingclub.com Inside this issue: TO BOLDLY GO… The Club is embarking function. There will be vate functions such as Captain’s Report 2 on a bold direction. new men’s and women’s birthdays, engagements, change rooms and toi- weddings, parties any- The renovations to our lets, a new kitchen as thing. clubrooms costing close Where does the 2 well as an extended bar. to $250,000 will begin in With this new source of $$$$$ go? August and finish in revenue we will be late November. able to provide Rowing Technique Tips 3 members with a When finished, we quality fleet of will have a function boats, up to date venue in a enviable Squad Reports 4 gym equipment central location and also great with magnificent Clubrooms for views over the members. S.A.R.A. & West Lakes 6 Torrens Lake, mod- A great place for any celebration now and in 1913 News ern facilities and a We can show our restored balcony. support of and pride in The purpose of this is our Club by being a part Event Dates 7 In addition, a bigger simple; we will be look- of the Club functions floor area will result in ing to rent out these and fund-raisers. being able to accommo- rooms to members, New Committee and 8 date larger numbers of their friends, families See you there! Office Bearers people at any particular and the public for pri- VICE-PRESIDENT’S CRUISE On Friday August 1st, Well done to Anne Lippis for a well organised event.
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