Rowing Australia Annual Report 2011–2012 Rowing Rowing Australia Office Address: 21 Alexandrina Drive, Yarralumla ACT 2600 Postal Address: PO Box 7147, Yarralumla ACT 2600 Phone: (02) 6214 7526 Rowing Australia Fax: (02) 6281 3910 Website: Annual Report 2011–2012 Winning PartnershiP The Australian Sports Commission proudly supports Rowing Australia The Australian Sports Commission Rowing Australia is one of many is the Australian Government national sporting organisations agency that develops, supports that has formed a winning and invests in sport at all levels in partnership with the Australian Australia. Rowing Australia has Sports Commission to develop its worked closely with the Australian sport in Australia. Sports Commission to develop rowing from community participation to high-level performance. AUSTRALIAN SPORTS COMMISSION Rowing Australia Annual Report 2011– 2012 In appreciation Rowing Australia would like to thank the following partners and sponsors for the continued support they provide to rowing: Partners Australian Sports Commission Australian Olympic Committee State Associations and affiliated clubs Australian Institute of Sport National Elite Sports Council comprising State Institutes/Academies of Sport Corporate Sponsors 2XU Singapore Airlines Croker Oars Sykes Racing Corporate Supporters & Suppliers Australian Ambulance Service The JRT Partnership contentgroup Designer Paintworks/The Regatta Shop Giant Bikes ICONPHOTO Media Monitors Stage & Screen Travel Services VJ Ryan
UMA Bulletin NEWS FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE ARCHIVES www. No. 24, December 2008 Searching for a Forgotten Life W.L. Baillieu in the Archives opular perception is a strange and At the same time he took over the fickle thing. I recently wrote a stricken stockbroking firm of W.J. Malpas Phistory of Australia’s Collins Class & Co. and built up a stockbroking busi- submarines. I began that project sharing ness with his brothers Edward (Prince), the almost universal belief that these Clive (Joe), Norman and Maurice (Jac), submarines are ‘noisy as a rock concert’ which as E.L. & C. Baillieu has been one — I was rather surprised to find out that of the leading stockbrokers in Melbourne they are, in fact, the second quietest for over 100 years. Throughout his busi- submarines in the world. ness life WL worked closely with five of Since I have begun working on a his brothers and, while he was always biography of W.L. Baillieu I have discov- acknowledged as the leader, their business ered that, while the Baillieu family is well success was very much a joint effort. W.L. Baillieu, 1911. known, for most people WL (as he was W.L. Baillieu played a large part in a universally known) is remembered solely dramatic resurgence of Victorian gold- alliance of companies, of which WL was as a landboomer who paid sixpence in the mining in the 1890s, promoting, man- the unofficial but unquestioned leader. pound on his debts when the land boom aging and raising capital for several of the The group was named for Collins House collapsed in the early 1890s.
STARCLUB Registered Organisations Level 1 - REGISTERED in STARCLUB – basic information supplied Level 2 - SUBMITTED responses to all questions/drop downs Level 3 - PROVISIONAL ONLINE STATUS - unverified Level 4 - Full STARCLUB RECOGNITION Organisation Sports Council SC Level 1st Hillcrest Scout Group Scout Group Port Adelaide Enfield 3 (City of) 1st Nuriootpsa Scout Group Youth development Barossa Council 3 1st Strathalbyn Scouts Scouts Alexandrina Council 1 1st Wallaroo Scout Group Outdoor recreation and Yorke Peninsula 3 camping Council 3ballsa Basketball Charles Sturt (City of) 1 Acacia Calisthenics Club Calisthenics Mount Barker (District 2 Council of) Acacia Gold Vaulting Club Inc Equestrian Barossa Council 3 Active Fitness & Lifestyle Group Group Fitness Adelaide Hills Council 1 Adelaide Adrenaline Ice Hockey Ice Hockey West Torrens (City of) 1 Adelaide and Suburban Cricket Association Cricket Marion (City of) 2 Adelaide Archery Club Inc Archery Adelaide City Council 2 Adelaide Bangladesh Tigers Sporting & Cricket Port Adelaide Enfield 3 Recreati (City of) Adelaide Baseball Club Inc. Baseball West Torrens (City of) 2 Adelaide Boomers Korfball Club Korfball Onkaparinga (City of) 2 Adelaide Bowling Club Bowls Adelaide City Council 2 Adelaide Bushwalkers Inc Bushwalker Activities Adelaide City Council 1 Adelaide Canoe Club Canoeing Charles Sturt (City of) 2 Adelaide Cavaliers Cricket Club Cricket Adelaide City Council 1 Adelaide City Council Club development Adelaide City Council 1 Adelaide City Football Club Football (Soccer) Port
Cecil Mcvilly (TAS) 1 1912 M1x John Ryrie (NSW) 2 1912 M8 Simon
McVilly-Pearce Pin Recipients Full Name (including Maiden Name if applicable) Pin Number First Team Represented and Year Cecil McVilly (TAS) 1 1912 M1x John Ryrie (NSW) 2 1912 M8 Simon Fraser (VIC) 3 1912 M8 Hugh Kingsley Ward (NSW) 4 1912 M8 Thomas Parker (NSW) 5 1912 M8 Henry Hauenstein (NSW) 6 1912 M8 Sidney Middleton (NSW) 7 1912 M8 Harry Ross-Soden (VIC) 8 1912 M8 Roger Fitzhardinge (NSW) 9 1912 M8 Robert Waley (NSW) 10 1912 M8 Arthur G Bull (NSW) 11 1924 M1x Harry E Graetz (SA) (Herbert) 12 1924 M8 Edward D Thomas (SA) 13 1924 M8 Wally ("Bubs") E H Jarvis (SA) 14 1924 M8 Arthur V Scott (SA) 15 1924 M8 Alf C Tauber (SA) 16 1924 M8 Walter H Pfieffer (SA) 17 1924 M8 Frank M Cummings (SA) 18 1924 M8 William M Sladdin (SA) 19 1924 M8 Robert A Cummings (SA) 20 1924 M8 Henry (Bobby) Pearce (NSW) 21 1928 M1x Cecil A Pearce (NSW) 22 1936 M1x William Greyville Cross (NSW) 23 1936 M8 Don G Ferguson (NSW) 24 1936 M8 Len A Einsaar (NSW) 25 1936 M8 C L (George) Elias (NSW) 26 1936 M8 Mervyn T Wood (NSW) 27 1936 M8 Walter Jordan (NSW) 28 1936 M8 A B (Joe) Gould (NSW) 29 1936 M8 Walter Mackney (NSW) 30 1936 M8 Norman Ella (NSW) 31 1936 M8 William J Dixon (NSW) 32 1936 M2x Herbert J Turner (NSW) 33 1936 M2x Gordon Freeth (WA) 34 1938 M4+ Donald H Fraser (WA) 35 1938 M4+ Stewart J Elder (VIC) 36 1938 M4+ Jack T Fisher (NSW) 37 1938 M4+ William Kerr (NSW) 38 1938 M4+ William G Thomas (NSW) 39 1938 M8 Francis (Frank) A W LeSoeuf (VIC) 40 1938 M8 Gordon H Yewers (WA) 41 1938 M8 Richard L Paramor (WA) 42 1938 M8 Edward (Ted) R Bromley (NSW) 43 1938 M8
Rowing Australia Annual Report 2017 In appreciation Rowing Australia would like to thank the following partners and sponsors for the continued support they provide to rowing: Partners Australian Sports Commission Australian Institute of Sport Australian Olympic Committee Australian Paralympic Committee State Associations and affiliated clubs National Institute Network comprising State Institutes/Academies of Sport World Rowing (FISA) Strategic Event Partners Destination New South Wales Major Sponsors Hancock Prospecting Georgina Hope Foundation Sponsors Aon Risk Solutions 776BC Tempur Croker Oars Sykes Racing Filippi Corporate Supporters & Suppliers Ambulance Services Australia The JRT Partnership Corporate Travel Management VJ Ryan & Co iSENTIA Key Foundations National Bromley Trust Olympic Boat Fleet Trust Bobby Pearce Foundation Photo Acknowledgements Igor Meijjer Narelle Spangher Delly Carr Ron Batt Brett Frawley 2 Rowing Australia Annual Report 2017 Contents Rowing Australia Limited 2017 Office Bearers 4 Company Directors and Chief Executive Officer 6 President’s Report 9 Message from the Australian Sports Commission 11 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 12 Competition Report 17 Development Report 20 High Performance Report 23 Athletes’ Commission Report 28 Commercial and Communications Report 29 The Bobby Pearce Foundation 30 Obituaries 31 Awards 32 Around the States and Territories 35 Australian Capital Territory 35 New South Wales 37 Queensland 38 South Australia 40 Tasmania 42 Victoria 43 Western Australia 44 Australian Senior
Rowing Australia Annual Report 2004–2005 Rowing Australia Annual Report Rowing Australia Offi Ce Address: Unit 9, 7 Beissel St, Belconnen, ACT 2617 Postal Address: P.O
2008 Olympic Rowing Regatta Beijing, China 9-17 August MEDIA GUIDE TABLE OF CONTEnts 1. Introduction 3 2. FISA 5 2.1. What is FISA? 5 2.2. FISA contacts 6 3. Rowing at the Olympics 7 3.1. History 7 3.2. Olympic boat classes 7 3.3. How to Row 9 3.4. A Short Glossary of Rowing Terms 10 3.5. Key Rowing References 11 4. Olympic Rowing Regatta 2008 13 4.1. Olympic Qualified Boats 13 4.2. Olympic Competition Description 14 5. Athletes 16 5.1. Top 10 16 5.2. Olympic Profiles 18 6. Historical Results: Olympic Games 27 6.1. Olympic Games 1900-2004 27 7. Historical Results: World Rowing Championships 38 7.1. World Rowing Championships 2001-2003, 2005-2007 (current Olympic boat classes) 38 8. Historical Results: Rowing World Cup Results 2005-2008 44 8.1. Current Olympic boat classes 44 9. Statistics 54 9.1. Olympic Games 54 9.1.1. All Time NOC Medal Table 54 9.1.2. All Time Olympic Multi Medallists 55 9.1.3. All Time NOC Medal Table per event (current Olympic boat classes only) 58 9.2. World Rowing Championships 63 9.2.1. All Time NF Medal Table 63 9.2.2. All Time NF Medal Table per event 64 9.3. Rowing World Cup 2005-2008 70 9.3.1. Rowing World Cup Medal Tables per year 2005-2008 70 9.3.2. All Time Rowing World Cup Medal Tables per event 2005-2008 (current Olympic boat classes) 72 9.4.
Newsletter 8, December 2014 Mark Dempster, Mathematics From the Principal... Peter Splitek, Coordinator Science It is hard to believe that the 2014 school year is over. Reflecting back, I am extremely pleased with the achievements of our students. Our Year 8-11 Awards Ceremony highlighted our students’ incredible commitment to achieve outstanding results. It also highlighted how community minded our students are with a huge number winning awards for school service. While the year was coming to an end for senior students, Year 8 and 9 students continued working hard to prepare for their important end of year presentations. The Year 8 Show Case held in the George Cresswell Hall on Tuesday 9 December 2014 was extremely successful Rob Handley, Mathematics with over 90% of parents attending their child's presentation. Many parents commented on Daphne White, Home Economics what a wonderful experience it was for them to listen to their child discussing their learning and the highlights of their year. Similarly, the Year 9 Presentations were outstanding and displayed the huge array of challenging activities students participate in during the year. Every year our teachers work extremely hard to support students by delivering high quality learning experiences. In Week 7 this term, staff from all Learning Areas shared the work of their Professional Learning Team (PLT) with their colleages; what they have achieved and what their next steps will be in 2015. The PLTs further highlight our teachers’ commitment Karin Wichmann, LOTE Teacher John McKenzie, HASS Teacher to continue to learn together and find new and exciting ways to engage and support our students to achieve their absolute best.
Safety Management Plan of Melbourne Argonauts Rowing Club
Safety Management Plan of Melbourne Argonauts Rowing Club (“MARC”) September 2009 Authorised by: Benjamin Ratcliffe, May 2009 Reviewed by: Andrew Mortiss, Captain, August 2012 Template: 28 May 2009 Rowing Victoria Inc. Suite 13, 20 Commercial Rd Melbourne, VIC, 3004 t: 03 980 8888 f: 03 9820 4888 This document has been developed by Rowing Victoria on behalf its affiliated Clubs, Schools, Associations, Colleges or Universities and any Regatta Organising Committee of a regatta approved by RV (CSAR) to assist in the creation of their own Safety Management Plans specific to their operations, location, waterways and general environment. Safety Management Plan Template 28 May 2009 Rowing Victoria – Safety Management Plan – 28 May 2009 Page 2 of 49 Table of Contents 1.0 Scope ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 Definitions.................................................................................................................... 5 3.0 Acknowledgements..................................................................................................... 5 4.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5 5.0 Governance.................................................................................................................. 6 6.0 Overview of Safety Management Plan.......................................................................
AUSTRALIAN OLYMPIANS 2014 - THIS ISSUE - SOCHI 2014 / NANJING 2014 / ROAD TO RIO CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD / ATHLETE TRANSITION / REUNIONS NOW Australian Olympians — 2014 FINDING SOMETHING THAT MORE Australian Olympians — 2014 16 HALL OF FAME Australian Olympians were celebrated and recognised at the Annual Sport Australia Hall of Fame awards. 10 JOHN COATES AC CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD President, Australian Olympic Committee Australian Olympians triumph taking on the world’s best. Vice President, International Olympic Committee 32 The greatest honour in sport is to be called an Australian Olympian. This year we have seen a number of reunions take place celebrating significant milestones of ROAD TO RIO Olympic Games. Whether you are still competing or retired, I encourage you to keep sharing the Olympic spirit amongst your Team mates and in your communities. In 2016, Rio de Janeiro will host the XXXI Olympic Games and they I was most pleased to see the competitive drive and camaraderie amongst our 60 promise to be spectacular. Olympians in Sochi, where for the first time in Australia’s Olympic history we saw 43 more women (31) than men (29) competing. Congratulations to all Olympians for your collective effort and outstanding results. INSIDE Contributing to a At the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, China, the spirit exhibited by the 89 Youth better world Olympians in our Australian Team epitomised what the Olympic Movement strives for. 23 through sport In November 2014 the AOC Executive resolved to recognise our Australian Indigenous heritage in the AOC’s Constitution. I was delighted to announce this with Cathy SOCHI 2014 Freeman and I look forward to the AOC offering practical support to Indigenous Australians through sport in the years to come.
DECEMBER 2015 NEWS Above – Mercantile’s Open Women’s 8 on the way to a course record at the 2015 Head of the Yarra – photo Tristan Shipsides Mercantile members still dominate selection trial invitation list Published 20th December 2015 Rowing Australia has published the invitation list to the National Selection Regatta #2 and also the final Senior Selection Trials in February. Mercantile members comprise 17% of those participating, more than any other Club. Most of these members are from the women’s sweep and sculling group. Given the number of Mercs sweep rowers and that Australia has not qualified any women’s sweep crews, we hold our breath to see whether the women’s sweep group can show the selectors that they are Olympic finalist standard and worthy of attempting qualification. There were some great performances from our members in the first trials. Of particular note was Jen Cleary who took number two spot in women’s sculling. The Mercs members still in the squad are: Fiona Albert Sarah Banting Katrina Bateman Jennifer Cleary Madeline Cordner David Crawshay Addy Dunkley-Smith Josh Dunkley-Smith Josh Hooper Hannah Lewis John Linke Jess Morrison Sophie Sutherland Charlotte Sutherland Maddy Thomas Katrina Werry James Wilson Volunteers sought to tow boat trailer Published 6th December 2015 We seek volunteers to drive home the Club’s boat trailer from both the NSW Championships and National Championships. The Club will even fly you up and accommodate you. Please contact Jenny Fraumano on 0438 324370 or email her on Mercantile Under 21 and Under 23 rowers have fun at Carrum Regatta Published 6th December 2015 Our younger rowers endured the 35 degree heat at Nagambie to win many races and get good racing experience.
Chapter 4 of Well Rowed University: Melbourne University Boat Club
Well Rowed University melbourne university boat club the first 150 years The front page and accompanying note to the reconstructed records of the Club 1859–70, completed by John Lang in July 1912 Judith Buckrich MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY BOAT CLUB INC . The Club was soon enjoying the pleasures of peacetime rowing. In 1919 it celebrated its diamond jubilee year. A subcommittee was established to investigate extensions for the boatshed and funds were sought. Plans got underway to revive the intervarsity and intercollegiate races, the latter now including Newman College. To facilitate four crews racing in the intercollegiate race (Trinity, Ormond, Queen’s, Newman) it was necessary to chapter four have two heats with the winners racing off in a fi nal. For the 1919 college boat race, heats were rowed on 9 May with the fi nal taking place the next day. In addition to being the fi rst intercollegiate race in which Newman would participate, this race would be the fi rst where the newly instituted Mervyn Bournes Higgins Trophy was competed for. Ormond College beat Queen’s while Newman was too good for Trinity. In the fi nal, Ormond won Between the Wars the Mervyn Bournes Higgins trophy for the fi rst time by defeating Newman by two lengths in a spirited race.1 The fi rst postwar intervarsity race was held on the Parramatta River on Saturday, 31 August 1919. Adelaide and Queensland Universities found it impossible to send crews so soon after the War, so only Sydney and Melbourne competed: ‘The weather was spring like with a slight breeze from the S.