


Present: Cllrs A Mason (Chairman), Mrs O Clarke, P Gott, K Richardson, P Winter, and the Clerk, Mrs L Winter. Also present: Mr P Hosking, County Council (CCC), District Cllr B Cooper, 8 representatives of & Holmescales & New Hutton Parish Councils’ Broadband Working Group, together with 3 members of the public. District & County Cllr R Bingham arrived during the meeting having attended part of the PC meeting.

15.16 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE An apology was noted from Cllr PJ Foster (away) and the reason accepted, and from the local Police representative.

15.17 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Resolved: that the Chairman be authorised to sign the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 18 May as a true record.

15.18 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATIONS None was received.

15.19 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST RESOLVED: that it be noted that Cllr Winter declared an interest in the payment to the Clerk as her spouse (Min 15.27b).

15.20 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION a) Police Report The Clerk read PCSO Park’s report. Local crimes since the last meeting included a theft from a farm where high value items were recovered near to the scene, an attempted break in to Lancaster Canal Trust’s building, two assaults during a rally at and a curtain-sider HGV had been cut and searched in a layby. b) Local District and County Councillor Reports There were no reports for this meeting. c) Planning Application SL/2015/0527 The applicant put his case for this proposal for a bungalow within the garden of his existing home, explaining the need to live in a single storey property due to health reasons and the wish to remain close to family members in the parish where they have lived for many years.

15.21 HIGHWAYS PRESENTATION – How to Get Highway Priorities Delivered Peter Hosking was representing Nick Raymond, CCC’s SL Area Highways Senior Manager – Network Management, who was at Preston Richard Parish Council similarly discussing Better Highways arrangements for closer working with parishes to help deliver their highway priorities and aspirations. He explained that the Area Steward’s team responds to reported defects relating to existing assets from Councils and members of the public direct or through the Highways Hotline (tel: 0845 6096609 or online. Regular inspections on foot or driven also pick up defects which are either fixed there and then, within a few days, or passed to the appropriate teams to deliver. Works such as carriageway and footway resurfacing, drainage etc, with the support of the local Member, are fed into the next year’s Programme of Works. After assessment, inclusion is subject to the budget, other priorities and the Local Committee’s approval each February. The Traffic Section deals with Traffic Regulation Orders, parking restrictions, yellow lining, maintenance of signs, etc. Mr Hosking referred to the benefit of parish representatives meeting with their Steward and Technician to visit and discuss parish issues. He was informed that such a meeting had taken place with Peter Tideswell and Joanne Parker in the spring, and the Council was pleased to confirm that defects reported and new work requested had either been fixed or were now listed for attention. The following works were reported:  C5077 resurfacing – end July (reinstatement of SLOW markings to follow)  Gully cleansing along the A65 from Crooklands to shortly 97

 Gatebeck drainage scheme – programmed later in year. Members referred to the Council’s main priority (also a Preston Richard PC priority) which was the previously planned but not implemented footbridge over Peasey Beck, Gatebeck Lane, of which Mr Raymond had been made aware, and County Cllr Bingham supported. Mention was made of verge parking, especially on the ‘clearway’ between Crooklands roundabout and the M6 junction, which it was understood should be enforced by the Police. Concern was again expressed about the danger caused by drivers parking vehicles half on the A65 road/half on Seven Milestone Bridge layby verge to visit the mobile catering van and, also lorries backing into the layby for overnight parking. Regarding speed monitoring, the County Council’s data collected at Gatebeck in July was being analysed, and, although some very high speeds were recorded at times, monitoring by the Police near Millness Depot, Crooklands, 30/5/15 to 16/6/15 showed the average speed of the fastest 85% of drivers was just over the posted limit of 40mph. The CRASH team could consider safety camera van attendance, but the site would have to be assessed for suitability first. Resolved: That the above be noted and progress awaited; and, if required, at the appropriate time assistance from Cllr Bingham from his Local Members’ Budget be sought. Thanks were extended to Mr Hosking, whereupon he left the meeting.

15.22 SUPERFAST BROADBAND PRESENTATION Arthur Robinson, representing the New Hutton and Old Hutton & Holmescales Parish Councils’ Working Group, introduced the members and spoke to the briefing paper previously circulated, with other members contributing. Both parishes and parts of Preston Patrick are in the 5% of Cumbria which will have only 2Mb/sec broadband speed under the Connecting Cumbria/BT programme. This was considered inadequate and disadvantageous to residents and businesses. Other options for faster broadband had been looked into and were rejected for reasons outlined in the paper. The Group had been set up to investigate the feasibility of extending the B4RN hyperfast network, which is expected to reach the J36 Rural Auction Centre later in the year, to their parishes and potentially beyond, the obvious route being through Preston Patrick parish. Accordingly, Preston Patrick Parish Council was invited to join the Group and to appoint three volunteers to co-ordinate the work in the parish. The benefits of the B4RN network, with much of the work being done by volunteers, were outlined, it being noted that already it serves 18 parishes in Lancashire and was currently underway for the B4YS group for Yealand, Silverdale and Storth. Within each parish volunteers would need to do four tasks:  Establish who is interested – the connection fee is the same whatever the distance  Plan the route – across farmland to keep costs low  Raise the money to install the network – a rough guide to costs, benefits and possible grant sources was given  Install the network – trench digging, laying cable and connecting at junctions and to homes. Other parishes have found it takes about two years. The Group then answered questions from Councillors and the two parishioners interested in furthering the proposal, followed by a full discussion. Resolved: That the Council join the Working Group (Cllrs Gott and Winter, together with one of the two interested parishioners), with a view to an initial meeting to clarify points followed by a formal meeting with B4RN sometime in August, and reporting back to the next Council meeting for a decision on moving forward and involving the public. Contact details to be forwarded to Mr Robinson. The Chairman thanked everyone for their contributions, whereupon they left the meeting.

15.23 COUNCILLOR VACANCY It was agreed that as notices of the vacancy had yet to attract interest, Members approach any suitable prospective candidates in an effort to fill the vacancy.


15.24 CHANGE OF CLERK/RFO The Chairman reported that Mrs Lesley Winter was retiring on 31 July. He thanked her for supporting the work of the Council over the last 14 years and Members wished her well for the future, and she reciprocated with thanks and good wishes. He was pleased to report that the Working Party (ref: Min. 15.14) had appointed Mrs Anne-Marie Cade as Clerk/RFO from 1 August. The Chairman and Clerk were dealing with records held by the Clerk in accordance with Cumbria Association of Local Councils’ guidance on retention and disposal of documents. Resolved: That i) the appointment of Mrs Anne-Marie Cade as Clerk/RFO on salary scale SCP 19 for 13 hrs per month wef 1 August, and subject to a satisfactory probationary period of 3 months, be approved, ii) the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Cllr Richardson draft a Contract of Employment with the new Clerk based on NALC’s model for approval at the next meeting; and iii) documentation for change of contact details for Barclays Bank and NS&I be authorised.

15.25 PLANNING a) Delegated Responses to District Council (SLDC)’s Consultations between Meetings and Decisions: Resolved: that the following be noted: SL/2015/0499 Valley View for Mr S Redmayne: porch and single storey side extension - No objection. SLDC decision: Granted SL/2015/0511 Waters Edge Caravan Park Ltd, Crooklands for Mr Atkinson - repositioning of existing static Warden’s caravan and replacement with a static caravan for letting purposes- No objection. SLDC decision: Granted SL/2015/0515 Springfield Barn, Preston Patrick for Mr G Bywater - extension to form new garage, bedroom & bathroom – No objection (renewal of previously agreed extension SL/2011/0118). SLDC decision: Granted b) Consultation from SLDC Resolved: That the Council supports the following application: SL/2015/0527 Land at Otterburn, Crooklands for Mr B Nellist - erection of a detached dwelling and associated access c) Withdrawn Application Resolved: That it be noted that the following application had been withdrawn: SL/2015/0331 Land adj. Gatebeck Cottages - stable building to replace existing stable block and storage containers and formation of car parking area for 15 Gatebeck Cottages d) Appeal against SLDC’s refusal of proposed Crematorium at , 11 August Cllr Winter advised that the Planning Inspectorate had decided that the Appeal against SLDC’s refusal of a proposed crematorium at Beetham was to be by way of a Public Hearing. Resolved: that, as Junction 36 had been suggested as an alternative site for a crematorium in representations to SLDC when the Beetham application was being determined, Cllr Winter be authorised to put the Council’s case against the suitability of the J36 site to the Hearing.

15.26 FINANCE MATTERS a) 1st Quarter Budget Monitoring The Clerk’s monitoring report, balances as at 30 June of £7,052 and the bank reconciliation were noted, Cllr Mrs Clarke having verified the 1st Quarter statements and reconciliations. b) Schedule of Payments June/July The following schedule was approved, and it was noted that a transfer of funds from NS&I to Barclays would be required before the next meeting. Payee Chq No Folio Amount Budget Head and detail £ Paid between meetings: LS Winter 100511 10 298.09 Staff Costs – 1st quarter salary HMRC 100512 11 74.40 Staff Costs – 1st quarter PAYE SLDC 100513 12 129.40 Street Lighting 2014-15 99

Information Commissioner 100514 13 35.00 Data Protection fee To be paid: Envirocare MS Ltd 100515 14 72.00 Gatebeck x-roads – grass cutting

LS Winter 100516 15 99.36 Staff Costs – 2nd quarter/final sal.

Total £708.25 c) Budget 2016-17 Resolved: That it be noted that at this stage the Council had no new projects to be factored into the preliminary draft budget paper to be considered at the next meeting.

15.27 SLDC CONSULTATIONS Consideration was given to the following consultation documents: a) Draft Housing Strategy 2015-2025 and related Action Plan b) Draft Empty Homes Strategy 2015-2020 and Action Plan c) Revised Statement of Licensing Policy 2016-2021 Resolved: that the Council supports the above.

d) Parish Council Charter for South Lakeland 2015-16 The approved Charter and Action Plan aimed at encouraging joint working and better communication between SLDC, CALC and parish/town councils was noted. Local councils are encouraged to submit ideas and aspirations for local services. As required by the Charter, Cllr Winter reported back on SLDC’s 6 July Planning Workshop. Others on Communications were planned. Training/surgeries would be held on Precepts and Financial Arrangements and other SLDC services, if requested, and Background to Local Government Finance was on 21 July.

15.28 MEETINGS/EVENTS ATTENDED a) Lancaster Canal Trust The Chairman and Cllr Mrs Clarke had represented the Council on the National Trail Boat Festival’s VIP Flotilla, 1 June, to see work undertaken along the Canal. b) CALC District Association 4 June Members had received Cllr Winter’s written report. c) South Westmorland Local Area Partnership (LAP) 9 June Members had received Cllr Winter’s written report, and Electricity North West’s Additional support for vulnerable customers Priority Service Register leaflets were passed on for Members to distribute. d) South Cumbria Rivers Trust (SCRT) – Himalayan Balsam Following Cllr Foster’s contact with SCRT, a SCRT/Environment Agency/volunteer work party including Cllr Foster, had pulled Himalayan Balsam from a section of Peasey Beck from Crooklands upstream. Another event was being organised further upstream in early August, before the seeds disperse.

15.29 GATEBECK NOTICEBOARD It was noted that Banks Community Fund had not required a ceremony, only a photograph, and the provision and fitting of a stabilising support by Ray Barnes Engineering Ltd of Gatebeck Business Park had been done as a goodwill community gesture, with no cost to the Council. Resolved: That a letter of thanks be sent to the company for its generosity, and the Council’s appreciation be conveyed to the individuals involved.

15.30 NEXT MEETING It was noted that the next scheduled meeting is on 28 September at 7.30 pm.

The meeting closed at 9.30 pm. Chairman …………………………………………

Date …………………………………………