Coronation R Eview
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Published under the Authority o f the Portsmouth Navy Week Committee Co r o n a tio n R e v ie w oftC F l e e t :; spi-m a d - 2o ™m ayI937. SOUVENIR PROGRAMME - - - PRICE SIXPENCE. Programme c f i'ie CORONATION REVIEW OF THE FLEET •V HIS MAJESTY THE KING Spithead - 20ih May, 1937 WITH PLAN OF AfiCHUKAOE iSt: pngc; 3 ? an< rQs Published under the. Authority of the Portsmouth Navy Week Committee i.oriMI r : ";t:MCr/ ANC r;.-CU&hlO H i C A .f A PplfcLNl. L~D. M l SON "OUS.:. "OSTSMOU M Wh I K O "O N WOIL-.S Al IJI-SM-OI A ll:- AI LCN.MJN AIJIl C H A 'llA -1 >"C-VV1AMDER C.. A. I*. I ILL!-.. O.B.E . -..SI. (U-'iH; : o v n ; :v k o s i b i“ iv . 1 k i \ c i o. PweX W Hu* M*rA {Urfoi} HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE VI HOW TO DISTINGUISH THE OFFICERS OF THE FLEET D is t in c t iv e M arks cj/R ank on S houlder Straps wk/S leeves O ffic er s u t h e Royal Navy A u’iitu .y A M • to n s h»»»; m Ctf‘ M>'av.Mrn CUi, -.r . -, - • . I l l ® L I ® • ,CU«Vr^^<s Cw i»a ( V m o * ; l i i c M K m C <r(fywh(i M .rtprori U-t»l 1 fhi llbatratla-4 hn :hl« ind roxr 3 * iil l.tlr> v » j *> du'.lrecall fl< Miite •:* N*v*l Stfiir** and r*cl-£€ </ thr ror. 1 rxr'< </** W fM nit « • •*»5 y t*rn iy «U irri:«a shit Hb %*nin o ' »ta ilro v o c ' ly l l •» -.»Oo!l«r ftlfipl. * ’«J b W h « *•!•»« • I # it %r c*-> the «Vxh hec«*rc* tht iok Iasi. C«(iiliv< OB^er* « u r s-il»i 4-;IJ ll<«. *ut Oilt«- I •• ubr* -r* s ty coeh tm«v*4>- she i b W i f t t o n :— lipflNr C-Sitt .. .. .. Nepk. Oltrtft Silwr L« y . H M c j I O h V » r » ........................ ... iurti*. '^mwN OIT m i * ......................... K a e ijo r v Oift«M DfWn. €lm*ia! Ol&sin ..............................Cult O'*)!*. AawifU/it Cfn:t»» ... WtiKo. OrfwMi O^ton ... ... Dark Blue. Officer*. Scjmcminer* • • ii* l.l|ht fit*** GENERAL PROGRAMME {Flan c f Anchorage, see p4f.cs 32 and 33) W E D N E S D A Y , 12th M A Y Coronation. T H U R S D A Y . 13th M A Y Afternoon............... Mediterranean Fleet assembles at Spichcad. Home Fleet sails from live Thames. Reserve Fleet ships leave Home Pom to join Flag of Vice- Admiral Commanding, Reserve Fleet. F R ID A Y , 14th M A Y Morning ............... Reserve Fleet Squadrons and Flotillas assemble off the Isle nf Wight. Afternoon............... Home Fleet assembles at Spithead. Resrnvc Fleet arrives at Spithcad. S A T U R D A Y , 15th M A Y Morning ............... Reserve Fleet proceeds to Weymouth Ray. T U E S D A Y . 18th M AY Morning ............... Reserve Fleet proceeds to Solent. 4 p.m. ... ... Fishery Protection Cruisers and rst Mines weeping Flotilla assemble at Spithead. 6 p.m.........................R.A. (S) in Tiiattta with 5th and 6th S.'M Flotillas assemble at Spithcad. W E D N E S D A Y , 19th M AY .9 a an......................... Reserve Fleet assembles at Spithead. Hoard o f Admiralty embark in Enchantress. Their .Majesties The King and Queen embark in Victoria and Albert, being received on the South Railway Jetty by the Commanderdr.-Chief, Portsmouth, and the Admiral Superintendent Royal Salute will be tired by die Hava! Saluting flattery ur. the Royal Standard being broken in Victoria and Albert. His -Majesty The King will hold a dinner petty on beard Victoria and Albert. Dinner party in ldncmntrcsr. THURSDAY, 20th MAY Review of the Fleet. ro.30 a.m.................. His Majesty The King receives the Board of Admiralty, the Commanders- iu-Chief of the Home and Mediterranean Fleets, the Vice-Admiral Commanding Reserve Fleet, Senior Officer H.M Canadian Ships, Commanding Officer H.M .I.S. Indio, Senior Officers o f foreign men-of- wai Spit head, and representatives of Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets. 3'5 P - m , ............... Preceded by Trinity House Vessel Patricia, and cstotted by Enchantress, Victoria Mid Albert leaves South Railway Jetty for Spithcad. On approach of, and Vict^aand'"' Ro>r£l Salute fired by the Fleet at Spithead. Albert [CcwmmcI .nurtcaf 5 GENERAL PROGRAMME—continued. THURSDAY, 20th MAY -continued. ♦ 3.30 p.Bl................ Victoria and Albert enters the lines. Review of the Fleet by His Majesty The King. 5.10 p.m. (approx.) Victoria caul Albert secures to moorings at the head of F. line. 5 .4c p.m................... Fly past by Fleet Air Arm aircraft. His Majesty The King will hold a dinner party on board Victoria and Alter:. 10 p.m..................... Illumination of the Fleet— begins. t2 midnight Illumination of the Fleet— ends. 'The following will be the order of procession round the lines: Patricia (Trinity House). H.M. Yacht Victoria and Alter'. Admiralty Yacht Enchantress. S-S. Strathmore s.s. Vandyk s„s. Rangitih; Government Guests. S.s. Laureniic s.s. Camcronia H.M.S. Airesford board of Admiralty Guests. H.M.S. Salt burn Commandcr-in-Chicf, Portsmouth Guests. H.M.S. K eiiett Lord Mayor of Portsmouth and Mayor of Gosport. sas. Queen of Thanct"! s.s. wkippir.gkam Admiralty Staff. S.S. Porhdoten J FRIDAY, 21st MAY jo a.m. (onwards) llis Majesty The King visits H.M . Ships Nelson, Oaten Elizabeth, Dunedin, Southampton. 2.05 p.m. (approx.) Preceded by Trinity House vessel Patricia, and escorted by Enchantress^ Victoria and Albert slips and returns to harbour. 240 p.m.................. Victoria and Alter! berths at Southern Railway Jetty. 2.50 p.m.................. Their Majesties disembark, being received by the Conunaodcr-in-Chief, Portsmouth, and the Admiral Superintendent and enter the royal train. Royal Salute will he fired by the Naval Saluting Battery on the Royal Standard being struck on board Victoria and Albert. Board of Admiralty disembark and return co London. Fleets start :o disperse. SOME PREVIOUS REVIEWS AT SPITHEAD 16th August, i 902 (King Edward VII. Coronation Review). 3rd August. 1907 (King Edward Vli. Inspection of Home Fleet). 24ch June. 1911 (King George V. Coronation Review). 8th July. 1914 (King George V. Inspection of Fleets for test mobilisation). 26th July. 1924 (King George V. Firsc Review after the Great War, 1914-18). 16th July, 1935 (King George V. Jubilee Review). 6 <l) G ur.-4fS M ar* D lr« W f Layer *2) G*JflU/< (4>Cuealn*4* C::c» r **> *K« Cun, *st O n <$» Cunr-er. M P A r<j»m or. l i t CU j «. <>» ftjrunnkw, Glut Terprda Conner'* Mate, •?) Tori»*'1•idA Coxm i* HOj -**2i/v lcrp**$>mn tll> Se»*W !nrpi«J?t:xn. <l}.» L<*4lftf $*imsn <*.)| P*-,qrOf6 r*r (14J Dt-c-. <*Sj V io /I ►Vi.s f«i C*-u. 11&> V»w-> ilcnslrr^:, Ziv5 C 'os (C ^O . A rO -l- 17) V.*uvV^i.*; S'liMlfrin.S»<iu I»'Am. <-2 j:00 O h lOIO»r«r t^ r ru»n/r>.r»on£i>. OB> V iin l SlfniJrn*-. ; J C«H>. (I>J T J t lr ^ C»c-c*.v>f lV.p .Jt i> / )y r > lfw r (not S nrt O^vratur Y.fl 2!> MiSWf-*t*A n» (JJJ W lrrJm Iil* in 5. r . « ! •.-■ »-• U J i \ V. v : c «_; • . <"• • *•“ - '- ' ' ' I*jO;> fM>‘Ylftrslaaa r-njoahu. 2nd Clau < tf>) NVir«lm 1V.\ »*H Ctau O^araew •*•. 'TclfgrajitJti fnnr In if*;O p »»»tc-) V/. T. siPfrHf . C t f i ' " O ' Hiyi’nJ an#* ^r^A\Tlan«l Yrtinlm ’.it O [JOyf^<y»'R4nof'.'^ITol'.>C•rutrucM, f, Iz A C-.n. (il> S;Ci».i ; *v OjlttCir*nu<v ‘•iMMliiftOf. ‘ i ) 3J Jubr* hi ClMi. <>/, Sub«-*nnt Dc*<<*or. >r»f O m i U ) JU tm irr.t CJ^.Ktar O p m w tfS l f*; i> **• ».• < h u n g . lit Ou» <3Si 5wA*/ '**.ty I- » V. ill C»m 3*| <*-.;<» CU u I h i Churn c . • I. m rfjj *• Cunr«*r. tO j Mc<h*r.-r»• <4«| 0 * » * Ai#r*.»//»* IM) C*JK lh.*wr.ji : (*<•) C *V P/cnr 0 & tsr Artiur. Jh’*" '*M i an* A.J.’u m . I*J) >i<Jc J * n i *.«» r«9)VS/He- j'/^v^Bvinr i>jlCw». t5?> M e a n ' |W * BueJf *V4| i- c o t .- f (>$) C>'<' **<ctv O * ./r'> C*o «*.n r#».*?r W w ’i C/t» C*#U«. LIST OF SHIPS BY SQUADRONS AND FLOTILLAS HOME FLEET. Second Battle Squadron. Second Cruiser Squadron. Nelson (Ficcr Flagship) Southampton (Flag) Rodney Newcastle Royal Oak (Mag) Resolution Aircraft Carriers. Ramillics Courageous (Flag) Royal Sovereign Furious Revenge Attendant destroyer;— Crusader Sirunghold Cairo IComtnodurc (D)] Fourth Destroyer Flotilla. Fifth Destroyer Flotilla. Sixth Destroyer Flotilla. Kernpenfck Blanche Exmouth Echo Fuulknor Basilisk Brilliant lileccra Eclipse Fearless Boreas B;iu:cn Escort Escapade Foxhound Boadicca Beagle Express' Encounter Fame Bulldog Foresight Second Submarine Flotilla. Netlayer. 1 AtCtn (Depot Ship) Seahorse Guardian Narwhal Swordfish Escort Vessel. Porpoise Srarfish Fleetwood MEDITERRANEAN FLEET First Battle Squadron. First Cruiser Squadron. Queen Elizabeth (Fleet Flagship) I ondou (Flag) Barham (Mag) Shropshire Devonshire Battle Cruiser Squadron.