i DEALER tN WATCHES, OLSCKS AND JEJiELRY, Q wiisraToisr, ?>r o. X CITY DIRECTOKY J p S "GrAZETTEE'R Fors3'th and Guilford Counties


*fOSi*ffi*SfiiiiS2!:-^El?El*ES "wiaxTSToixr, isr. o.

J have eonslaiitly oa i; iv' i full sud- p'y best

Til i I'd JUKI ry.-.of^ixoKt, V ;nst'.

'.' P'inc 'j:U v1 's cor.

t*^5& t*=¥? -sli ^^ = «-9S FIRST PASTER. SMOAK & PRITGHETT, Third Street, [in New Gray Block, Sign Gold Boot,

SHOE and HAT STORE In the State. They have sole control in the towu of the oclebrated

Zeigler Bros'. Shoes, for men, ladies, misses and children ; Bennett A

Barnard's flue Shoes, for ladies and misses ; Blanchard & Little's, for ladies and misses; Frank & Fray's, for ladies and misses; Groves'

hand-made easy Shoes, for old ladies ; Hutloii A Bliss' fine Dress Shoes,

for men ; .Ino. Faust & Son's flue Shoes and Boots, for meu ; Winches- ter hand made Boots and Shoes, for men ; Means' $;i Shoes, for men and boys (the cheape.st shoes in the world); Parker, Holmes & Co's $2. -50 shoes, for men (the best made for the price), and a great many other goods too numerous to mention here, from the cheapest to the best, at prices to suit the people. They also keep the best stock of HJ^TS' j^'Z>'-J}^ In the State, andjjare agents for Stetson Hats, the best hat made. Call on them, if you want tlie worth of your money SERGEANT MANUPACTURINS CO Oresiislooro. 2T. O. Ji.\NUFACTUREi;a OF FABRAB TURBINE WATER WHEEI COOK A^SD HEATING STOVES, Saw Mills, Cane Mills, Horse Power Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, And Castings of E\ °.iy Description. ^&~Send for Price-List. H. H. CARTLAND. iT 4- AND DKALKH IN


OOta HARDWABf cq HARDWARWholesale and Retail Dealers in Greensboro, N. C.

soiiTB wm mum nm-mm AVarranted superior to any Plow made. "Any one failii.g to give satisfaction after two

Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY400Dg,*N0TI0Ng, Boots, Shoes and Hats,

&eady-Made4^CIotIiins,4Bsnts'4^FurnisIiins4l!oods, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, ETO.r GREENSBORO, N. 0.

All classes of buyei-s will find it to their interest to examine our stock before making purchases, as our goods have been bought under favorable circumstances and will be sold ac- cordingly.

When you come to Greensboro, do not fail to

visit the cheapest store in town. The prices of goods on my 5 and 10 Cent Counters can't he heat. Also, the cheapest Glass and Crockery ware that can be found. Tinware a specialty. Groceries as cheap as anybody. Fruits, Can- dies, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. Respectfully,

II. J. WILLIAMS, Under Benbow Hall, Greensboro, N. C. ,


OF Greensboro, Salem

and Winston,J AND




33 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga.,

Publishers of Directories of Tyler, Tex.; Gainesville, Marietta, Griffin Barnesville, Rome, Cartersville, Columbus, Macon, Ga.; Bir- mingham, Ala.; Greenville, S. C; Charlotte, Greensboro, Winston and Salem, N. C; Anniston, Ala.; Geor- gia Pacific Gazetteer, Richmond and Dan-

ville Gazetteer ; Montgomery, Ala., and otliers South and West.

FRICE, - - #2.50.

Note. — General Advertisers desiring to reach the trade of the South-Atlantic States permanently and cheaply through our Directory communication, or wishing books for mail- ing purposes, address as above for particulars terms ofpresent and intended publications.

A T L A X T .\ , Georgia: H. H. Dickson, Book and Job Printer, 32 S. Broad Street.

1 884.

Public Library of Winston-Safem and Forsyth County ixKkei Oflse





Under Benbow House, Greensboro, N. C.

M^MflWl^m:m. \%

GREENSBORO, N. C. OflBce in Lindsay Building, up sta^s, cor. East Market and North Elm Streets. Teeth Extracted without Pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide iTwr^URHAM^

Hanufacturer of aud-Dealer iu

MarUe I Cfranite Monumeiits,

mmm, mmi tasiets, iiles, etc, Contracts taken for every Description of Building Stone and Cemetery Work,

Fourth.St., near Public Square, - - WINSTON, N. C. INTRODUCTORY.

Herewith is presented the City Directory of Greensboro,

Salem and Winston, and Gazetteer of Forsyth and Guilford

Counties. Pains have been taken to make it complete in all its departments, and while an occasional error, unavoidable in works of this class, may appear, we have no hesitancy in claiming it superior to all former efforts in this line, and we think it will be so appreciated by the general public.

It is our intention to make the publication permanent, every two years, and to add to its usefulness with each volume. Respectfully, C. M. Gardner. H. H. Dickson. October, 1884.


Note.— 3 is used as a multiple by which to estiriaate the total.

Greensboro—White Names, - 1,111 - - - - 3,333 Colored Names, 735 - - - 2,205—5,538

Salem—White Names, - - - 714 - - - - 2,142 Colored Names, - - 255 - - - 765—2,907

Winston-White Names. - 1,424 - - - - 4,272 Colored Names, - 510 - - - 1,530—5,807

Total, Salem and Winston, - 8,714 AD VER TISING DEPAR TMENT.

Jacob Tise. J. H. Masten.

lii^m^m t fr*j I

<:^::^DEALERS iN-.^:::::>

IVOTIOPf®, Hats, Boots, Shoes, READY-MADE GIOTHING, Grooeries, eto. AViivsTOiv^ :v- o. THE OLDEST JEWELRY STORE IN WINSTON AND SALEM. WM. T. VOQLER, Next Door to Wachovia National Bank, Main Street, WINSTON, N. C, —H-KEEPS THE LARGEST STOCK OF-H—



Engagement Rings a specialty. Engraving neatly done on an Electro- Engraving Machine. REPAIRING of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry done promptly, and all work Warranted. ,


WINSTON AND SALEM AD- Appeddix VERTISERS. GREENSBORO. AUeo E J 1st cover Barrow J. S. & Sons ..4th fly Greensboro Institutions and Belo House 63 General Directory 45 Blum E 6 Blair F. S 64 Broadaway J. S 62 Blum Irving 3d fly SALEM AND WINSTON. Boozer Geo. A 6 Butner T. M.. 64 paster Winston Institu- Carter W. T. & Co back Salem and 62 tions and General Directory.. 45 Cheap John 65 Directory. 157 Cooper W. J Business 62 Gazetteer Department 193 Dalion Dr. D. N Davis Mrs. N. S 6 Durham I. W 2 Fries F. & H 10 GREENSBORO ADVERTISERS. Gray E. E 66 Gray & Martin lines Alford & Mlchaux 30 Gieish & Senseman 67 Armfleld G. Will 2d fly Hopkins J. N 3d fly Bennett Seminary 30 Jacobs J back cover Boyd R. F. Co lines Kernersvlile High School 7 Galium Bros. & Co lines Kerner <& Oldham 61 Galium Cf Harding 25 Kester J. H 63 Cartland H. H 1st paster King D. H 1st cover Central Protestant The 32 Macon Commercial College top Daily Workman The _ 32 reading pages Doub W. G 30 Meinung F. C 6a Farrar \V. B _ 2 Montague Dr 61 olascock G. T 32 Moore's Business University top Griffith Dr. J. W. next introductory reading pages Hampton J. S. & Co 28 Nissen G. F & Co 68 Houston Levi 31 People's Press 65 Hughes Milton T 28 and 29 Perkins R. B 6i Huntly Dr. J. P 25 Fledmont Warehouse 3d fly Jones of Binghamton 26 Rempson W. S 64 KlrkpatrickD. N 29 Ryttenburg Bros 12 Lindley J. C. & Bro 32 Salem Academy 4th fly Macon Commercial College top Shore N. T. & Co 9 reading pages Smith & Brown lines Magic City Copying Co 25 Smoak & Prltchett 1st paster Moore's Business University Stewart Geo 8 top reading pages Styron & Styron 63 Newcombe E G lines Tise C. H 7 Odell Hardware Co 1st fly Tise Jacob & Co 4 Park Dr. W. T 27 Thompson Dr. V. 61 Patriot The 31 Thompson V. O. & Go 67 Roilgers Robt L 20 Union Republican o7 Sergeant Manl'g Co Ist paster Vance J. A _. 8 Smith Frank F 29 Vogier Wm. T.., 4 ttmithdeal Bus. College 1st cover Watkins Dr. C. J 62 Southern Copying Co 27 Welfare C. R 9 Taylor Thomas M. 25 Western Sentinel next 68 Tnoruton J. J 27 White J. A. & Sons 9 Wharton & Wharton 30 Williamson & Corrie lines Williams H. J 2d fly Winston Leader 66 —


Salem, N. C.

_^MRS, N, I Di¥IS,^_



Fancy Goods ^J Toys,

West Side Main St., 1 Door South Central Hotel,


Tinware, Crockery, Tin Repairing GROCERIES,

Liberty St., N. E. Limits,Winstou, Forsyth Co., N. C. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT.

PATENT umm m-mn mi mmi Patented, Manufactured and for sale bj^ C. H. TISE, WINSTON, N. a

Mothers, your children can draw the water, and you need have no fears of their being hurt. Persuade the old man to get one, and after using you will like it so well that you will wonder how you have done without one so long. Write for circular con- taining testimonials, price, etc. Parties wishing to re- ^ alize large returns from a small amount invested in State and county rights

; will do well to correspond with me at once.

^ HIGH ^


§. C. LIIVDSAY, A.]»I., Principal

FALL TERU offigustj^ -^aPEIHSIEEB''^^-'^^^''^^in January.

All of the Departments are filled with

^Accomplisbed and Experienced Teacliers.-^

Superior advantages are offered in English, Modern and Ancient Languages, Higher Mathematics, Music and Art, as well as in a thorough Business Course. To parents desirous of educating their sons and daughters at a cJieap, sriff school, and of giving them a practical educa- tion, we confidently recommend this school.

Board and tuition per session, 'f45 to $65. For particulars, applj'^ for Catalogue. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT.



Repairing of all Kinds a Specialty.



Warranted to be the best yet made in point of dura- bility, quality, capacity and cheapness. Put up under a special guarantee. PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER.

Orders promptly attended to. GEOUGE STEWAET,



"wnsrsTON", - 3sr. o.

Estimates furnished for everj^thing in these lines. A D VERTISING DEPa RTMENT. C. R WELFARE,

Alwa.vs ill Front Selling BOOTS SHOES



Fine ^ liiiw, Mm, \m\\ liim, etc. REPAIRING

Done with Neat- ness & dispatcch. gj^" Personal

attention given to

all work, and we guarantee satis-


Orders Sc'icited.


N. T. SHORE & CO , X3e>^lex>s> izi

Fruits, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars,

Canned Goods, Comitry Produce, etc.



(EEiil (EL

(saBi (SI.

< Ki ^

STTIK iVaTLOOAV Interest Laws of all the States. States and Territokies. Penalty of Usury. Special.

AlitbMina IjOss of interest Arizona. No penalty No limit Ark

h'jorid ; No penally No limit Georgia Korieiture ot excpss 12 per cent SiiOO hne or Idaho imprisonment 6 m'ntiis, 21 per cent [ or both

Illinois , Forfeiture of all interest... 10 per cent inuiaua Foileiture of interest and costs lu per cent Iowa Forfeiture of excess 10 per cent Forleiture oi excess Kansas over 12 per 12 per cent cent Kentucky Forfeiluie Oi all interest 10 per cent .Louisiaua Forfeiture of interest 8 per cent Maine No ptualty No limit Marylaml Forleiture of excess 6 per cent No penalty— 6 per cent, on jud; Massachusetts .... No limit rueuts Michigan P^'oneiture of exces* 10 pel cent MiDueso'a Forfeiture of excess over 7 per cent 12 per cent Mississippi. No pejalty „ No limit Forleiture of all interest 6 10 per cent Mont

JJebraslta , Forfeiture of all interest and costs 12 per cent

Nevada , No penalt5^ No limit New Hampshire.. Forieit three times interest rec'd... per cent >ew Jersey Forfeit of all interest 7 per cent New Mexico No penalty 12 per cent New Yori£ Forfeiture of contract ti per cent North Carolina... Forfeit uie of interest.. 8 per cent Ohio Forfeiture of excess.. a per cent Forleiture principal, interest Oregon and 10 12 per cent j costs Pennsylvania Forleiture of excess 6 per cent Rhode Island Forfeiture, unless by contract No limit Mouth Uvroliua No penalty No limit Forfeiture of over a per cent and 10 per cent } $11 fine , Texas No penalty No limit Utah No penalty No limit Vermont Forfeiture exeess on R. R. bonds... 7 per cent Virgiuiit Forfeit of contract i2 per cent Washington No penally No limit West Virginia Forleiture oi excess tj per cent Wisconsin Forfeiture of all interest lO per cent Wyoming No penalty No limit 12 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. RYTTENBERG BROS, TRADE * PALACE,

Gray Block, Winston, N. C.

Headquarters for First Class Goods, and the Recognized Fashion Emporium of Western ISorth Carolina. ']m Mi Im Mi h\i Mi kWkXl NEWEST EFFEGTS f LATEST PATTERNS. Strictly first class Dressmaker and Designer to make them up. Our Milliner is a thorough artist, and our

Xot equalled bv any iu the State. Full line of GENTS' i FURNISHING i GOODS, Embraciuij all of the Xovelties iu this line. _ "Anything in ]¥OTIO]\fS that you are in want of. "We sell the best c^mfet; For the money of any retail house south of Baltimore, and make and put them down for a mere trifle. We are Sole Agents for S. D. Sollers & Go's Philadelphia

For ladies, misses and children. Actual use demonstrates the fact that thev are the best custom-made goods before the public. Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' WRAPS and MANTILLAS in endless variety. ^^^ All orders by mail tcill receive prompi attention. Call upon us when in Winston. RYTTENBERG BROS.-TRADE PALACE, GRAY BtOl'K. - - - - WINSTON, N. C. —


FEDERAL OFFICERS. President— Chester A. Arthur. Secretary of State— Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Secretary of Treasury Secretary of War—Rob't T. Lincoln. Secretary of the Navy—William E. Chandler. Postmaster-General —Walter Q. Gresham. Secretary of the Interior— Henry M. Teller. Attorne}^ General— Benjamin Harris Brewster. Commissioner of Agriculture— George B. Loring. President National Board of Health — James L. Ca- bell, LL.D. Public Printer— S. P. Rounds. Chief Examiner Civil Service Commission—Charles Lyman. Bureau of Labor Statistics—John Jarrett. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. The Smithsonian Institution. Presiding Officer, ex-Officio—Chester A. Arthur, President of the United States. Chancellor— Morrison R. Waite, Chief Justice of the United States. Secretary, or Director of the Institution—Spencer F. Baird. The National Museum. Director—Spencer F. Baird. Assistant Director— G. Brown Goode. United States Fish Commission. Commissioner—Spencer F. Baird. Assistant Commissioner— T. B. Ferguson, Bureau of Ethnology. Director— J. W. Powell. Chief Clerk- James C. Pilling. 10 DIRECTORY. COURTS. Supreme Court. Chief Justice—Morrison R. Waite. Associates— Samuel F. Miller, Stephen J. Field, Joseph P. Bradley, Ward Hunt, John M. Harlan, "Wm. B. Woods, Stanley Mathews, Horace Gray. Clerk —James H, McKenney. Deputy Clerk—Chas B. Beall. Marshal—John G. Nicolay. Eeporter— J. C. Bancroft Davis. Circuit Courts of the United States. First Judicial Circuit —Mr. Justice Gray, of Boston, Massachusetts. Districts of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Circuit Judge— John Lowell, Boston, Mass. Second Judicial Circuit— Mr. Justice Blatchford, of New York City. Districts of Vermont, Connecticut, Northern New York, Southern New York and Eastern New York. Circuit Judge—William J. Wallace, Syracuse, New York. Third Judicial Circuit— Mr. Justice Bradley, of Newark, New Jersey. Districts of New Jersey, East- ern Pennsylvania, Western Pennsylvania, and Dela- ware. Circuit Judge—William McKennan, Washington, Penn. Fourth Judicial Circuit—Mr. Chief-Justice Waite, Districts of Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Circuit Judge—Hugh L. Bond, Baltimord, Md. Fifth Judicial Circuit—Mr. Justice Woods, of At- lanta, Georgia. Districts of Georgia, of Florida, of Alabama, of Louisiana, of Texas, and the Southern District of Mississippi. Circuit Judge—Don A. Pardee, of New Orleans, La. Sixth Judicial Circuit—Mr. Justice Matthews, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Ditsricts of Northern Ohio, South- ern Ohio, Eastern Michigan, Western Michigan, Kentucky, Eastern Tennessee, and Western Ten- nessee. Circuit Judge—John Baxter, Knoxville, Tenn. Seventh Judicial Circuit—Mr. Justice Harlan, of —


Chicago, Illinois. Districts of Indiana, Northern Ill- inois, Southern Illinois, Eastern Wisconsin and Western Wisconsin. Circuit Judge—Thomas Drummond, Chicago, 111. Eighth Judicial Circuit—Mr. Justice Miller, of Ke- okuk, Iowa. District of Minnesota, Northern Dis- trict of Iowa, Southern District of Iowa, Eastern District of Missouri, Western District of Missouri, Eastern District of Arkansas, Western DiiHrict of Arkansa?, District of Nebraska, District of Colorado, and District of Kansas. Circuit Judge— George W, McCrary, Keokuk, Iowa. Ninth Judicial Circuit—Mr. Justice Field, of , . Districts of California, Oregon, and Nevada. Circuit Judge—Lorenzo Sawyer, San Francisco, Cal. United States ('Ourt of Claims. Chief Justice Charles D. Drake. Judge Charles C. Nott. Judge William A. Richardson. Judge Glenni W. Scofield. Judge Lawrence Weldon. Chief Clerk — Archibald Hopkins. Assistant Clerk—John Randolph. Bailiff- Stark B. Taylor. French and American Claims Commission. Commissioner on the part of the United States Asa 0. Aldis. Commissioner on the part of France— Mr. de Geo- froy. Third Commissioner, named by Brazil—Baron de Arinos, Agent and Counsel on the part of the United States —George S. Boutwell. Agent on the part of France—Mr. Grimaud de Caux. Associate Agent and Counsel on the part of the United States—W. H. Edwards. Counsel on the part of France— Mr. de Chambrun. Associate Counsel on the part of France—Alex Porter Morse. Secretary of the Commission—Washington F. Ped- drick. 12 DIRECTORY.

The Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims. Presiding Judge— Hezekiah G. Wells, of Michigan^ Judges— James Harlan, of Iowa. Asa French, of Massachusetts. Clerk — Daniel W. Fessenden. Deputy Clerk— William P. Huxford. Reporter— C. Conquest Clarke. Counsel for the United States— John A. J. Creswell. Assistant Counsel for the United States—Walker Blaine. Auditor—James G. Goodrich. Disbursing Agent and Deputy Clerk —Andrew H.- Allen. Marshal— Thomas Culbertson.

Salaries of United States Oificers, per annum. President, Vice President and Cabinet—President, $50,000; Vice-President, $8,000; Cabinet Officers, $8,- 000 each. United States Senators — Senators, $5,000 with mileage. Congress—Members of Congress, 35,000, with mile- age. Supreme Court—Chief Justice, $10,500; Associate Justices, $10,000. Circuit Courts —Justices of Circuit Courts, S6 000. Heads of Departments— Supt. of Bureau of Engrav- ing, and Printing, $4,500; Public Printer, $4,500; Supt. of Census, $5,000; Supt. of Naval Observatory, $5,000; Supt. of the Signal Service, $4,000; Director

of Geological Surveys, $G, 000 ; Director of the Mint, $4,500; Commissioner of General Land Office, $4,000; Commissioner of Pensions, $3,600; Commissioner of Agriculture, $3,000; Commissioner of Indian Affairs,

$3,000 ; Commissioner of Education, $3,000 ; Comman- der of Marine Corps, $3,500; Supt. of Coast and Geod- etic Survey, $6,000. United States Treasury—Treasurer, $6,000; Regis- ter of Treasury, $4,000; Commissioner of Customs, $4,OO0. Internal Revenue Agencies— Supervising Agents,. $12 per day; 34 other Agents, per day, $6 to $8. Post-Office Department, Washington—Three As- sistant Postmaster-Generals, $3,500; Chief Clerk, $2,- 200. DIRECTORY. 13 Postmasters—Postmasters are divided into four classes. First class, $3 000 to $4,000 (excepting New Tork City, which is $8,000); second class, $2,000 to $3,000; third class, $t,000 to $2,000; fourth class, less than $1,000. The first three classes are appointed by those of the President, and confirmed by the Senate ; fourth class are appointed by" the Postmaster Gen- eral. Diplomatic Appointments—Ministers to Germany, $17,-'iO0 Ministers Great Britain, France, and Russia, ; to Braxil, China, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Mexico,

• Japan and Spain, $12,000 ; Ministers to Chili, Peru,

and Central America, $10 000 ; Ministers to Argentine Confederation, Hawaiian Islands, Belgium, Hayti, Colombia, Netherlands, Sweden, Turkey, and Vene- zuela, $7,500; Ministers to Switzerland, Denmark, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Portugal, $5,000; Minister to Liberia, $4 000. Army OflScers—General $13,500; Lieut. General, $11,000; Major General, 7,500; Brigadier General, $5.- -500; Colonel, $3,500; Lieut. Colonel, $3,000; Major, $2,500; Captain, mounted, $2,000;- Captain, not mounted, $1,800; Regimental Adjutant, $1,800; Regi- mental Quartermaster, $1,800; 1st Lieutenant, mount- ed, $1,600; 1st Lieutenant, not mounted, $1,500; 2d Lieutenant, mounted, $1,500; 2d Lieutenant, not mounted, $1,400; Chaplain, $1,500 Navy Officers—Admiral, $13,000; Vice-Admiral, $9,000; Rear Admirals, $6,000; Commodores, $5,000; Lieut. Captains, $4,500; Commanders, $3 500 ; Com- manders, $2,800; Lieutenants, $2,400; Masters, $1 800; Ensigns $1,200.; Midshipmen, $1,000; Cadet Midship- men, $500; Mates, $900; Medical and Pay Directors and Medical and Pay Inspectors and Chief Engineers, $4,400; Fleet Surgeons, Fleet Paymasters, and Fleet Engineers, $4,400; Surgeons and Paymasters, $2,800; Chaplains, $2,500. Time for Holding State and Territorial Elections. Alabama— First Monday in August. Arizona Territory—Tuesday after first Monday in November. -Arkansas— First Tuesday in September. California— Tuesday after first Monday in November. •€olorado~First Tuesday in October. 14 DIRECTORY. Connecticut—Tuesday after first Monday in Novem- ber. Dakota Territory— Tuesday after first Monday in No- vember. Delaware—Tuesday after first Monday in November. Florida—Tuesday after first Monday in November. Georgia —First Wednesday in October. Idaho Territory—Tuesday after first Monday in No- vember Illinois—Tuesday after first Monday in November. Indiana —Tuesday after first Monday in November. Indian Territory—Tuesday after first Monday in No- vember. Iowa— Second Tuesday in October. Kansas—Tuesday after first Monday in November. Kentucky—First Monday in August. Louisiana— First Monday in November. Maine— iSecond Monday, even years, biennially, in September. Maryland—Tuesday after First Monday in November. Massachusetts—Tuesday after first Monday in No- vember. Michigan—Tuesday after first Monday in November. Minnesota—Tuesday after First Monday in Novem- ber. Mississippi—Tuesday after First Monday in Novem- ber. Missouri—Tuesday after first Monday in November. Montana Territory—Tuesday after First Monday in November. Nebraska—Tuesday after first Monday in November. Nevada—Tuesday after first Monday in November. Hew Hampshire—Tuesday after first Monday in No- vember. New Jersey—Tuesday after first Monday in Novem- ber. New Mexico Territory—Tuesday after first Mondays in November. New York — Tuesday after first Monday in November. North Carolina—Tuesday after first Monday in No- vember. Ohio— Second Tuesday in October. Oregon— First Monday in June. Pennsylvania — Tuesday after first Monday in No- vember. DIRECTORY. 15 Rhode Island—First Wednesday in April. South Carolina—Tuesday after first Monday in No-

vember. . Tennessee—Tuesday after first Monday in November. Texas—Tuesday after first Monday in November. Utah Territory— First Monday in August. Vermont— First Tuesday in September Virginia—Tuesday after first Monday in November. Washington Territory—Tuesday after first Monday in November. West Virginia— Second Tuesday in October. Wisconsin—Tuesday after first Monday in Novem- ber. ^ ,f 1 • Wyoming Territory—Tuesday after first Monday m November. Legal Holidays iu the United States. New Year's Day— Jan 1— In all States and Terri- tories, except Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Caro- lina, South Carolina, and Rhode Island. Anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans— January 8 —In Louisiana. Lincoln's Birthday— Feb. 12—In Louisiana. Washington's Birthday-Feb. 22d—In all States and Territories, except Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Oregon and Tennessee. Shrove Tuesday— March 1—In Louisiana, and cities of Mobile, Montgomery, and Selma, Ala. — Anniversary of Texan Independence—March 2 Texas. In . , Fireman's Anniversary—March 4—In Louisiana, Good Friday— April 15—In Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Memorial Day— April 26—In Georgia. Battle of San Jacinto—April 21—In Texas. Decoration Day—May 30—In Colorado, Maine, Ver- mont, Connecticut, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, and District of Columbia. Fourth of July—In all States and Territories. General Election Day—Generally on Tuesday after Maine, first Monday in November—In California, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, South Car- olina, and Wisconsin. 16 DIRECTORY. Thanksgiving Day—Usually last Thursday in No- vember—and Fast days whenever appointed by the President—are legal holidays in all btates and Terri- tories. Christmas Day—In all the States and Territories. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS FROM NORTH CAROLINA. Senate. Zebulon B. Vance, Democrat. M. W. Ransom, Democrat. House. State at large —R. T. Bennett, Democrat. 1st District—W. F. Pool (c), Republican, deceased. 2d District—J. E. O'Hara (c). Republican. 3d District —W. J. Green, Democrat. 4th District—W. R. Cox, Democrat. 5th District— A. M. Scales, Democrat. 6th District—C, Dowd, Democrat. 7th District —Tire York, Republican. Sth District—R. B. Vance, Democrat. Note. —The above refers to the old districts, no elec- tion having taken place since new apportionment. Congressional Districts. Coimtieti. first Population. Beaufort 17.471 Camden 6,274 Chowan 7,900 Carteret 9,785 Currituck 6,476 Dare 3,245 <^ates 8 897 Hertford 10,280 Hyde 11,843 Martin 13,149 Pamlico 6,324 Pasquotank 10,386 Perquimans 9,468 Pitt 21,790 Tyrrell 4 545 Washington 8,928 SECOND. Bertie 16,401 DIRECTORY. 17

Counties. Population. Craven 19,729 Edgecombe 26,1/9 Greene 10^034 Halifax.. 30,300 Lenoir "^ n noo Northampton 20,032 Vance Warren .'..'... 22,619 Wilson 16,064 THIRD. Onslaw 9'828 Pender 12,468 Duplin 18 771 Sam pson 22,892 Bladen 16,158 Wayne 24,943 Cumberland 23,836 Harnett 10,862 Moore 16,821 FOURTH. Nash 17,731 Franklin 20,829 Wake 48,209 Durham 18,771 Orange 23,698 23,456 Chatham - • Alamance 14,613 Johnston 23,462 FIFTH. Granville 31,285 Person 13,719 Rockingham 21,744 Caswell 17,825 Stokes 15,353 Guilford 23,584 Surry 15 301 Forsyth 18,070 SIXTH. New Hanover 21.387 Brunswick 9,390 Columbus 14,439 Richmond 18,245 18 DIRECTORY. Counties. Population. Anson 18,000 Union 18 056 Stanley 10,506 Cabarrus 14,964 Robeson 23,882 Mecklenburg 34,180 SEVENTH. Montgomery 9,S75 Randolph 20,836 Davidson 20,333 Rowan 19,917 Davie 11,097 Iredell 22,672 Catawba 14,496 Yadkin 12,421 EIGHTH. Wilkes 19,181 Alexander 8,355

Watauga • 8,160 Ashe 14,486 Alleghany 5,486 Caldwell 10.288 Cleveland 16,571 Burke 12,811 Gaston ' 14,254 Lincoln 11,061 NINTH. Cherokee 8,182 Clay 3,816 Graham 2,335 Macon 8,064 Swain 3,785 Jackson 7,343 Haywood 10,271 Transylvania 5,340 Henderson 7,765 Polk 5,063 Rutherford 15,198 Buncombe 21,910 McDowell 9,836 Madison 12,810 Yancey 7,693 Mitchell 9,435- DIRECTORY. 19 UNITED STATES COURTS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Circuit Court for Eastern District convenes in Ral- in No- eigh first Monday in June and last Monday Brooks, Dis- vember. H. L. Bond. Judge ; George W. States trict Court Judge; Joshua B. Hill, United Circuit Court Clerk. Marshal ; N. J. Reddick, at District Court for Eastern District convenes Elizabeth City third Mondays in April and October. G. Griffin, Clerk. Wm. -, ^ . u At Newbern fourth Mondays in April and October. George E. Tinker, Clerk. At Wilmington first Mondav after the fourth Mon- day in April and October. Wm. Larkin, Clerk; W. S. O'B. Robinson, District Attorney. District Court for Western District convenes in Charlotte second Mondays in June and December. Robert P. Dick, Judge; Thomas B. Keogh, United E. K. P. Osborne, States Marshal ; H. C. Cowles, Clerk ; Deputy Clerk. , ^ , i, Greensboro, first Mondays in April and October. J. W. Payne, Clerk. Statesville, third Mondays in April and October.

H. C. Cowles, Clerk. . ^ ^ in Asheville, first Monday af^er the fourth Monday Clerk James E. April and October. James E. Reed, ; Boyd, Attorney. United States Assay Office, Charlotte. (Formerly Mint). asst. C. J. Cowles, Asssayer ; Geo. B. Hanna, Charlotte Recruiting Station U. S. A.; Capt. E. M. Hayes, 5th Cavalry. Postal Regulations. Direct your letters to a postoffice, and if to a city add the street and number or postoffice box. First Class Rates of Postage— Letters and all other written matter, whether sealed or unsealed, or fast- ened in any manner so that it cannot be examined,, 2 cents per half ounce, and each fraction thereof. Postal cards are unmailable with any printed or writ-, ten matter on the address side, except the superscrip- tion. Second Class— Only for publishers and news agents. Third Class— Printed matter, in unsealed wrappers 20 DIRECTORY. only (notched envelopes pay letter rates), one cent for four ounces or fraction thereof. This includes books, circulars, chromos, engravings, handbills, lithographs, magazines, music, newspapers, pamph- lets, proof sheets, and manuscript accompanying reproductions by the electric pen or any process ex- cept writing and copying press. Limit, four pounds,

except one book, which may weigh more ; must be fully prepaid. Matter of this class cannot be returned or forwarded without additional postage. Safest to have parcels weighed at postoffice. Permissible Wiiting—The name and address of sender, written on inside or outside of package, or marks calling attention to some special passage. Eates of Postal Money Orders—On orders not ex-

ceeding $15, 10 cents ; over $15 and not exceeding $30, 15 cents; over $30 and not exceeding $40, 20 cents; over $40 and not exceeding $50, 25 cents; over $50 and not exceeding $60, 30 cents; over $60 and not exceeding $70, 35 cents; over $70 and not exceeding $80,40 cents; over $80 and not exceeding 100, 45 cents. The order is only payable at the office on which it is drawn, and should be cancelled within one year from date of issuance. Once paying an order, by whomsover presented, the Department will be liable to no further claims. Registered Letters Fee—10 cents and regular post- age. Postal Notes from 1 cent to $4.99, 3 cents. STATE GOTERNMENT NORTH CAROLINA. Governor—Thomas J. Jarvis. Lieutenant-Governor—James L. Robinson. Secretary of State —Wm. L. Sanders. Treasurer—J. M. Worth. Teller of Treasury—H. M. Worth. Chief Clerk of Treasury~D. W. Bain. Auditor—Wm. P. Roberts. Superintendent Public Instruction— John C. Scar- brough. 'Adjutant-General—Johnston Jones. Attorney-General —Thomas S. Kenan. State Geologist—W. C. Kerr. Librarian —Sherwood Haywood. DIRECTORY. 21 Keeper of Capitol— C. M. Roberts. Governor's Council— Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor and Superintendent of Public Instruction. North Carolina Legislature. SENATE. 1st District, W. W. Speight, S. J. Halstead, Rep. 2d District, W. T. Caho, Theo. W. Poole, Deni. 3d District, George A. Mehane (c), Rep. 4th District, J. J. Goodwyn, Rep. 5th District, Robert R. Gray (c), Rep. 6th District, John King, Dem. 7th District, James S. Battle, W. W. Farmer, Dem. 8th District, W. E. Clarke, Rep. 9th District, John N. Whitford, Dem. 10th District, E. J. Hill, W. T. Dorch, Dem. 11th District, F. B. Loftin, Rep. 12th District, H. E. Scott, Rep. 13th District, R. H. Liyon, Lib. 14th District, E. T. Boykin, Dem. loth District, T. F. Toon, N. McLean, Dem. 16th District, Duncan Morrison, Dem. 17th District, Wm. Richardson, Dem. 18th District, Thomas R. Purnell, Rep. 19th District, H. W. Carter (c), Rep. 20th District, C. N. B. Evans, Dem,, L R. Strayhorn, Rep. 21st District, B. H. Cozart, Rep. 22d District, Thomas B. Womack, Dem. 23d District, H. R. Scott, Dem. 24th District, J. T. Morehead, Dem. 25th District, J. C. Black, Dem. 26th District, George A. Graham, Rep. 27th District, J. F. Payne, Dem. 28th District, Samuel J. Pemberton, Dem. 29th District, S. B. Alexander, Dem. 30th District, J. G. Ramsey, Rep. 31st District, M. H. Pinnix, Dem. 32d District, Cyrus B. Watson, Dem. 33d District, J. A. Hampton, Dem. 34th District, R. Z. Linney, W. F. Dotson, Dem. 35th District, E. F. Lovell, Dem. 36th District, Riley Neil, B. A. Berry, Dem. 37th District, A. Costner Dem. 38th District, James L. Webb. -22 DIRECTORY.

39th District, J. B. Eaves, Rep. 40th District, J. N. Ebbs, Dem. 41st District, W. W. Jones, Dem. 42d District, M. C. King, Dem. Democrats (Dem.), 34; Republicans (Rep.), 15; Liberals (Lib.), 1. HOUSE.

Alamance, Thomas H. Holt, Dem. Alexander, R. P. Matherson, Dem. Allegheny, J. W. Landretb, Rep. Anson, Wm. A. Liles, Dem. Ashe, J. 0. Wilcox, Rep. Beaufort, Enoch S. Simmons, Dem. Bertie, T. R. Speller, Rep. Beaden, John Newell, Rep. Brunswick, Wm. Grissett, Rep. Buncombe, C. M. McLoud, B. G. Gudger, Dem. Burke, S. McD. Tate, Dem. Cabarrus, H. C. McAllister, Dem. Caldwell, W. H. Bower, Dem. Camden, John K. Abbott. Cartaret, Rev. L. H. Hardy, Dem. Caswell, James W. Foe (c). Rep. Catawba, M. 0. Sherrill, Dem, Chatham, D. H. Marsh, W. A. Lawrance, Dem. Cherokee, Robert Bruce, Rep. Chowan, E. H. Sutton (c), Rep. Clay, J. S. Anderson, Dem. Cleveland, L. E. Powers, Dem. Columbus, H. D. Williamson, Dem. Craven, W. H. Johnson, Rep. Cumberland, Geo. M. Ross, Dem., E. P. Powers, Rep. Currituck, W. H. Cowell, Dem. Dare, E. H. Riggs, Dem. Davidson, H. J. Harris, Dr. J. F. Beall, Dem. Davie, P. H. Cain, Rep. Duplin, Jon D. Stanford, Dem. Durham, Robert C. Strudwick, Dem. Edgecombe, W. Belcher, H. R. Bridgers («), Rep. Forsyth, G. W. Wilson, Dem. Franklin, W. F. Green, Dem., B. F. Bullock, Rep. Gaston, James W. Reid, Dem. Oates, John J. Gatling, Dem. Graham, Geo. B. Walker, Dem. DIRECTORY. 23 Granville, A. H. A. Williams, Dem., J. W. Jenkins, Rep. Oreene, W. T. Dixon, Rep. Guilford, J. W. Fobis, J. L. King, Dem. Halifax, J. M. P. Pittman, H. J. Newlin, Rep. Harnett, Daniel Stewart, Dem, Haywood, W. W. Stringfield, Dem. Henderson, B. F. Passey, Dem. Hertford, George H. Mitchell, Rep. Hyde, Jas. B. Baum, Dem. Iredell, A. C. Tamlinson, A. Leazer, Dem. Jackson, J. M. Candler, Rep. Johnston, H. M. Johnston, Jesse Brown, Dem. Jones E. R. Page, Rep. Lenoir, Dempsey Wood, Dem. Lincoln, W. L. Grouse, Dem. ** Macon, J. F. Ray, Dem. Madison, D. S. Ball. Rep. Martin, D. Worthington. McDowell, J. C. McCurry. Mecklenburg, J. S. Myers, W. H. Baily, T. T. Sand- ford, Dem. Mitchell, H. Lineback, Rep. Montgomery, Alex R. Henderson, Rep. Moore Dr. H. Turner, Dem. Nash, B. H. Bunn, Dem. New Hanover, W. H. Waddell (c), E. P. Green (c), Rep. Northampton, R. B. Peebles, Dem.; W. Baker (c), Rep. Onslow, Cyrus Thompson, Dem. Orange, J. A. Cheek, Rep. Pamlico, R. D. McCotter, Dem. Pasquotank, N. R. Newby (c), Rep. Pender, R. B. Frazier, Rep. Perquimans, Frank Nixon. Person, Wash F. Reade, Rep. Pitt, L. J. Barnett, Dem.; Calvin Stokes, Rep. Polk. T. C. Bradley, Rep. Randolph, B. W. Steed, U. S. Robbins, Dem. Richmond, H. H. Carrington, Rep. Robeson, E. K. Proctor, 0. S. Hayes, Rep. Rockingham, Jas. D. Glenn, Pryor Reynolds, Dem. Rowan, Lee S. Overman, Dem. Rutherford, G. B. Pruitt, Rep. Sampson, W^ S. Mathis, Chas. H. Williams, Dem. 24 DIRECTORY. Stanly, David N. Bennett, Dem. Stokes, John Y. Phillips, Dem. Surry, W. Fulton, Dem. Swain, A. H. Hayes, Dem. Transylvania, Robert Hamilton, Rep. Tyrrell, F. C Patrick, Dem. Union, James Houston, Dem. Wake, James A. Temple, E. M. Bledsoe, James H. Harris (c), J. C. Harrison, Rep. Warren and Vance, J. H. Montgomery, H. B. Eaton, Rep. Washington, J. H, Leary, Rep. Watauga, W. W. Lenoir, Dem. Wayne, John R. Smith, Rep.; John B, Person, Dem. Wilkes, J. Q. A. Bpan, Rep. Wilson, John L. Baily, Dem. Yadkin, A. E. Holton, Rep. Yancey, James F. Byrd, Dem. Democrats (Dem.), 64; Republicans (Rep.), 50.

Counties Composing the State Senatorial Districts. 1st District— Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Hert- ford, Gates, Chowan and Perquimans; two Senators. 2d District—Tyrrell, Washington, Martin, Dare, Beau- fort, Hyde and Pamlico; two Senators. 8d District—Northampton and Bertie; one Senator.

4th District— Halifax ; one Senator.

5th District —Edgecombe ; one Senator. 6th District—Pitt; one Senator. 7th District— Wilson, Nash and Franklin; two Sen- ators. 8th District— Craven; one Senator. 9th District—Jones, Onslow and Carteret; one Sen- ator.

10th District —Duplin and Wayne ; two Senators. 11th District— Greene and Lenoir; one Senator. 12th District— New Hanover and Pender; one Senator.

13th District—Brunswick and Bladen ; one Senator.

14th District—Sampson ; one Senator. 15th District— Columbus and Robeson; two Senators. 16th District —Cumberland and Harnett; one Senator. 17th District—Johnston; one Senator. 18th District—Wake; one Senator.

19th District— Warren ; one Senator. .1 D VER TISING DEPA R TMENT.

N. HARDING CALLUM &. CO., \mw\m Vi\\]m\ Country Prodvice, etc. Goods Sold on Consignment, also on Commission. Drugs and Patent Medicines Sold on Commission. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. "Satisfactory References Given.

. sboro. X. C. Under Central Hotel^"" Green <'- Godsey, Geu. Agent. J. S. Cowden. Mnuager. F- MAGIC CITY COPYING CO., BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA.

SMALL rmm of all hisid: copied ni lumi TO ANY SIZE, AND Colors, Oils, etc Finished in India Ink. Water , in the Finest Style of the Art. Jp^Special attention given to" Faded and Defaced Pictures of Deceased Persons. «»-Agents Wanted. Send for Circulars and Terms.



Second-hand Scales bought and sold. as-Refer to any Wholesale Grocirs in Atlanta. Travels "to Repair Railroad, ^^'«gf'"u^""rnace a^ away your Old fecale».-»3« Heavy Scales of any class. eer-Don't throw J 26 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT.




IroQ I^evers, Solid Cast Steel Bearings and Wearinjis, Norway Iron Forgings, Double Brass Beam, with Patent Spring Tare and Beam Box. Warranted Five Years 0^'All Sizes ot Scales Equally Lo'w. Address, for Free Price List and Book on Scales, JONES OF BING- HAMPTON, Binghampton, N. Y.


ROOM 1, 373. S BR04D ST., ATLANTA. GA.


COLLgCTING Accounts, Bills, Notes, Drafts, Checks, Bonds, Leins, Judgments, Executions, Mortgages.

CONVEYANCING , Transferring Titles by Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Leases, ^Vills, Assignments, Partitions. S«^TTLING ESTATF«: for Heirs, Legatees, Creditors, Administrators, Executors, Guardians, Trustees.


Kent. Buy or Sell Real Estate, Examine Records of Deeds, Wills, Judg- ments, Inventories and Returns.

fC^r~^A Reasonable Fee lor Every Service. --'Z:::)

Practice in all the Courts of the Statk of Geokgia ; also, in the Federal Courts. A D T 'ER TISING DEPA R TMEXT. DR. W. T. PARK, Office and Dispensary, No. 3] Whitehall St., Up Stairs in Cen- tennial Building, near Whitehall St. Railroad Crossing,

THIRTY YEARS in successful treatment of all Chronic Diseases, in either sex, and various complicated old standing diseases upon which others have failed, guaranteeing a cure in curable cases. Cures Syphilis in all its stages, Blood, Skin and Lung Diseases. Catarrh in all its forms. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Ulcers, Drops.v, Stomach, Liver and Bowel Afi'ections, Piles and Fis- tula, Kidney, and all Atlections of the Urinary Organs, Womb Diseases, and all Diseases peculiar to Females. Also, Opium and Morphia Habit, Drunkenness, etc. All with safe and pleasant remedies, and without Mercury, Poisonous or Nauseous Doses. At the patients' homes, anywhere, (he furnishes Medical Advice, Medicine, Etc., through mail or express), if desired, or, if the case requires it, takes patients under his personal supervision in Atlanta. Mail to him a full history and statement of your affliction, symptoms, etc., and postage for his reply and his terms, etc., or come to Atlanta and consult him in person. SOUTHERN COPYING CO.,


Agents Wanted in everj'Town and County in the South. "r)0 you desire an agency ? Send for terms to agents. If you cannot -•-^ take an agencyrbut have pictures of your own you desire copied, and there are no agents of ours in your vicinity, write foi retail prices, and send pictures direct to us(eitli"er by mail or express), and tliey will receive our best attention. Address SOUTHERN COPYING CO., Xo. 9 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga.



Jf;i^ExECtTED Promptly, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 28 AD VER TISING DEPA RTMENT.


i rii^^aain „, -jujgc J«jj||jL«. Ji.jjjfa. jiijyji Ji^^m ij]|Br3llJ||tt. JUlyjIL Jii]ypiJ r C:]IHj|j|lL -lujijjfil. jujijn. J^ Jl^JJlt VAPORATOR



Premium at Boston, Wilmington, and a number of the small Fairs over all competition. Jpi^Prices and samples to the Trade on application. Will have an exhibit at the coming World's Exposition, at Kew Orleans. "^ -# THE + s'RT*PRESER?flTI¥E*o'F*flLL*aRT.


^»ofB 'g^-STai-c^c»"

Soutla Elm Street,

^1 la ^®^*^'

j0#"Make it a Rule of Business to get our Prices before placing your orders. itamanasiaM^mUiiimuamum

MILTON T. HUGHES, Proprietor, Greensboro, North Carolina. ntlESTCOlLECTIOilimsmE

Birds, Animals, Fisli and Many Natural Curiosities, INCLUDING A HEADLESS EIGHT-LEGGED CALF!

Manufacturer and Dealer in

Of All Descriptions aud Grades,

S. ELM STREET, GREENSBORO, N. G. The farmers of Guilford and surrounding counties are especially invited to see me before buying elsewhere, as my goods are for sale, and I propose to sell them. D. N. KIRKPATRiCK, MANUFACTURER OF BUILDING, PAVING AND WELL

On R. & D. R. R., West of Depot, GREENSBORO, and REIDSVILLE, N. C Orders receive prompt attention. Prices Rea.sonable. gj^Also, Contractor for all kinds of BRICK W0RK..^gf '


Bookseller, Matioi^er i Newsdealer, UNDER THE BEXBOW HOUSE, aHEEISrSBORO, N. c.

** She n*ed of your people now is edu»mtion»"

Address of President er»nt ,

" An ignorant man it a *lav« itm." Froy*rb.

BENNETT SEMINARY, Greensboro, N. C. Abl» Tetchert. Fine and hfalthy location, n«ar ••ntreof Stata. Excellent iJuUdinK«. Influencea Chriitian. Good Board. Large Rooms. Terms very low. Tuition Frte. Foar Courses. English, Normal, College Preparatory, Theological. Admits both Sexes. Instructs also in Houi»i keaping. Cooking, Needlework, Printing, Music, etc. Send for free catalogue to Sev. Wilbur F. Steele, B. ]>., ^^^ Greensboro, 1>7. C, /^LFORD & MICHAUX,

GREENSBORO, N. 0. Keep constantly on hand a complete line of pure and reliable Drugs and a good as- sortment of Patent Medicines, Imported and American Toilet and Fancy Articles, Trusses, Sponges, etc. Also, best Cigars and Tobacco. Physicians' and merchants' orders attended to promptly. B^-Night Bell at front door. WH^BTOH & WHilBTOIi, DEALERS IN

General Merchniiss, Agricultural bpliments, UacliQery, SEWING MACHINES, LIME, CEMENT, ETC. South Elm Street, GREENSBORO, N. C. iPir^Buyers for this year will find OUK STOCK COMPLETE in every line. ADVERT]SING DEPARTMENT. 31 THE PATRIOT.

Grreensboro, IVorth. Oarolina. THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Circulates in thirteen counties in the rich and growing Pied- mont section of North Carolina. It is the leading Dem- ocratic paper in Central North Carolina, having had a continuous existence of over half a century.

It is the only paper in the State that maintains a strictly cash subscription list, and schedules its advertising rates by a hana fide circulation SuhscriptioUf $1.30 Per Year^

JOHN B. HLS8EY, - - Editor and Proprietor. LEVI HOUSTON, Manufacturer and Dealer in


mmm sefi in a rmsi cuss estabiishue!(t,

Over Store of W. ^I. Houston, Wholesale Grocer, GREENSBORO, N. C. 8®"T^rrite for' Prices. A D T 'ER TISING DEPA R TMENT.

J. G. UNDIET & BEO. NURSERYMEN, GREENSBORO, IST. C, OflFer for 1885 a large stock of everything grown in a first class Nursery.


I will forfeit $50 to any mill owner who will beat my Wheel with any wheel made in the South in point of durability, power, economy in water and price. Send for Catalogue and Prices. G. T. GLASCOCK, Sold on trial. Greensboro, N. C. THE ^ GENTRAU PROTESTANT, A-tWEEKLY-RELI6I0US*iND-^FiMILY'i-NEWSPAP£R. Organ of the ^Methodist Protestant Conference of North Carolina. Founded in 1874. Four Pages, 26x40.

Subscription $2.00 a Year, in Advance.

/. L. MICHAVX, Editor and Publisher, Greensboro, N. C. TIE ^ DAIIY * WORKMAN, A NON-PARTISAN RARER, ESTABLISHED IN 1883- * Has a good Circulation. Subscription, $3.00 a Year.

J. L. MicHAi'x, Editor, J. S. Michaix, Local Editor, Greensboro, North Carolina. DIRECTORY. 33

20th District—Orange, Pearson and Caswell ; two Sen- ators.

21st District -Granville ; one Senator. 22d District— Chatham and Alamance; one Senator. 23d District—Rockingham; one Senator.

2J:th District— Guilford ; one Senator. 25th District—Randolph and Moore; one Senator. 26th District—Richmond and Montgomery; one Sen- ator. 27th District—Anson and Union; one Senator. 28th District—Cabarrus and Stanley; one Senator.

29th District— Mecklenburg ; one Senator.

30th District —Rowan and Davie ; one Senator. 31st District—Davidson; one Senator. 32d District—Stokes and Forsyth; one Senator. — 33d District ^Surry and Yadkin ; one Senator. 34th District—Iredell, Wilkes and Alexander—two Senators. 35th District — Allegheny, Ashe and Watauga; one Senator. 36th District—Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Mitchell

and Yancey ; two Senators. 37th District— Catawba and Lincoln; one Senator.

38th District— G'lston and Cleveland ; one Senator.

39th District—Rutherford and Polk ; one Senator.

40th District —Buncombe and Madison ; one Senator, 41st District— Haywood, Henderson and Transylva-

nia ; one Senator. 42d District—Jackson, Swain, Macon, Cherokee, Clay

and Graham ; one Senator. STATE AND COUNTY COURTS. Supreme Court Convenes in Raleigh on the Mrst Monday in Febru* arv and October. Chief Justice—W. H. N. Smith. Associates —A. S. Merryman, Thomas S. Ashe; W.

H. Bagley, Clerk ; R. H. Bradley, Marshal ; Thomas S. Kenan, Reporter. Superior Courts of North Carolina. Note.—Judges rotate through ^tate. FIEST DISTRICT. Judge—J. E. Sheppard. Solicitor—John F. Blount. 3 34 DIRECTORY.

Currituck, first Monday in March and September. Camden, second Monday in March and September. Pasquotank, third Monday in March and Septem- ber. Perquimans, fourth Monday in March and Septem- ber. Chowan, first Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Gates, second Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Hertford, third Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Washington, fourth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Tyrrell, fifth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Dare, sixth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Hyde, seventh Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Pamlico, eighth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Beaufort, ninth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Martin, eleventh Monday after fourth Monday in March and September.

SECOND DISTRICT. Judge—Fred. Phillips. Solicitor—John H. Collins. Wake, first Monday in January, second Monday in February, fourth Monday in June, second Monday in August. Warren, first Monday in March and September. Northampton, fourth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Edgecombe, sixth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Bertie, eighth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Halifax, ninth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Craven, twelfth Monday after first Monday in March and September. DIRECTORY. THIRD DISTRICT. Judge— A. A. McKoy. Solicitor—Swift Gallaway. Nash, Monday before first in March and second Monday before first Monday in September. Wilson, first Monday in March and September. Pitt, third Monday in March and September. Green, fourth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Jones, fifth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Onslaw, sixth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Lenoir, seventh Monday after first Monday in March and September and second Monday in September. Carteret, eighth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Wayne, ninth Monday after first Monday in March and September and fifth Monday before the first Monday in March. Duplin, eleventh Monday after first Monday in March and September and second Monday before first Monday in March. Sampson, twelfth Monday after first Monday in March and September New Hanover, thirteenth Monday after first Mon- day m March and September. Pender, fifteenth Monday after first Monday in March and September. FOURTH DISTRICT. Judge—J. C. McRae. Solicitor— J. D. Mclver. Moore, first Monday in February and August. Harnett, third Monday in February and August. -Bladen, first Monday after third Monday in Febru- ary and August. Columbus, third Monday after third Monday in February and August. Brunswick, fifth Monday after third Monday in February and August. Johnston, sixth Monday aft* third Monday in February and August. Pvobeson, eighth Monday after third Monday in February and August and last Monday in January. 36 DIRECTORY. Anson, tenth Monday after third Monday in Feb- ruary and August. Richmond, twelfth Monday after third Monday in February and August. Cumberland, fourteenth Monday after third Mon- day of February and August and Monday before the last Monday in January. FIFTH DISTRICT. Judge—John A, Gilmer. Solicitor— F. N. S. Strudwick. Alamance, second Monday before first Monday of March and September. Randolph, Monday before first Monday in March and September. Guilford, first Monday in March and September. Chatham, second Monday after first Monday in March and September. Orange, fourth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Granville, sixth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Franklin, eighth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Person, tenth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Caswell, eleventh Monday after first Monday in March and September. Rockingham, twelfth Monday after first Monday in March and September. Vance, Monday after the Rockingham fall and spring terms. Durham, first Monday in February and August. SIXTH DISTRICT. Judge—Wm. M. Shipp. Solicitor— Frank I. Osborne. Mecklenburg, last Monday in February and August. Cabarrus, third Monday in March and September. Stanly, fourth Monday in March and September. Montgomery, first Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Union, second Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Lincoln, fourth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. DIRECTORY, 37 Gaston, fifth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Cleveland, seventh Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Rutherford, ninth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Polk, eleventh Monday after fourth Monday in March and September.

SEVENTH DISTRICT. Judge—J. F. Graves. Solicitor— Joseph Dobson. Davie, first Monday in March and September. Yadkin, second Monday in March and September. Davidson, third Monday in March and September. Wilkes, fir^t Monday alter fourth Monday in March and September. -Alleghany, third Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Surry, fourth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Stokes, sixth Monday after fourth Monday in March, and fifth Monday aftey fourth Monday in March and September. Forsyth, seventh Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Kowan, ninth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Judge— A. C. Avery. Solicitor—Joseph Adams. Catawba, last Monday in August and February. Burke, second Monday in March and September. McDowell, fourth Monday in March and September. Yancey, second Monday after* fourth Monday in March and September. Mitchell, fourth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Watauga, sixth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Ashe, seventh Monday aftei^ fourth Monday in March and September. Caldwell, ninth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. 38 DIRECTORY. Alexander, tenth Monday after fourth Monday in March and September. Iredell, second Monday before last Monday in Au- gust and February. NINTH DISTRICT.

Judge— J. C. L. Gudger. Solicitor— G. S. Ferguson. Madison, first Monday in March and August. Henderson, third Monday in March and August. Transylvania, fourth Monday after first Monday in March and August. Haywood, fifth Monday after first Monday in March and August. Jackson, sixth Monday after first Monday in March and August. Macon, seventh Monday after first Monday in- March and August. Clay, eighth Monday after first Monday in March, and August. Cherokee, ninth Monday after first Monday in March and August. Graham, eleventh Monday after first Monday in March and August. Swain, twelfth Monday after first Monday in March and August. Buncombe, thirteenth Monday after first Monday in March, and third Monday in November.

County Seats of North Carolina and Population. Note—First town, second county, third population of town. For total of town and county, see " Con- gressional Districts. Albemare, Stanley 300 Ashboro, Kandolph 400 Asheville. BuncomlDe 2,000 Bakersville, Mitchell 400 Beaufort, Carteret 2,500 Boone, Watauga 300 Brevard, Transylvania 300 Burnsville, Yancey 100 200 Camden, Camden . . t Carthage, Moore 650- Charlotte, Mecklenburg 8,000 Charleston, Swain ISO' DIRECTORY. 39 Clinton, Sampson 800 Columbia, Tyrrel 380 Columbus. Polk 280 Concord, Cabarrus 1,200 Currituck, Currituck 220 Dallas, Gaston 500 Danburg, Stokes 280 Dobson, Surrey 250 Eden ton, Chowan 1,500 Elizabeth City, Pasquotank 2,000 Elizabethtown, Bladen 600 Fayetteville, Cumberland 5,000 Franklin, Macon 750 Gap Civil, Alleghany 300 Gatesville, Gates 600 Goldsboro, Wayne 3,000 Graham, Alamance 550 Greenville, Pitt 1,200 Greensboro, Guilford 5,000 Halifax. Halifax 500 Hayesville, Clay 325 Hendersonville, Henderson 850 Hertford, Perquimans 800 Hillsboro, Orange 900 Jackson, Northampton 390 Jacksonville, Onslow 140 Jefferson, Ashe 280 Kenansville, Duplin 300 Kingston, Lenoir 1,300 Lenoir, Caldwell 550 Lexington, Davidson 1,000 Lillington, Harnett 200 Lincolnton, Lincoln 1,500 Louisburg. Franklin 950 Lumberton, Robeson 750 Mantoe, Dare • 100 Marion, McDowell 400 Marshall, Madison 300 Mocksville, Davie 40(> Monroe, Union 1,000 Morganton, Burke 750 Murphey, Cherokee 500 Nashville, Nash 250 Newberne, Craven 6 443 Newton, Catawba 850 40 DIRECTORY. Oxford, Granville 100 Pittsboro, Chatham 500 Plymouth, Washington 1,400 Raliegh, Wake 14,110 Robbinsville, Graham 180 Rockingham, Richmond 800 Roxboro, Person 450 Rutherfordton, Rutherford 500 Salisbury, Rowan 1,500 Shelby, Cleveland 850 Smithfield, Johnston 600 Smithville, Brunswick 400 Snow Hill, Greene 400 South Washington, Pender 100 Statesville, Iredell 1,500 Swan Quarter, Hyde 150 Tarboro, E:dgecombe 2,000 Taylorsville, Alexander 300 Trenton, Jones 250 Troy, Montgomery 140 Vandemere, Pamlico 100

Wadesboro, Anson 1 ,000 Warrenton, Warren 1,200 Washington, Beaufort 2,600 Wanesville, Haywood 350 Webster, Jackson 550 Wentworth, Rockingham 500 Whiteville, Columbus 300 Williamston, Martin 600 Wilkesboro, Wilkes 280 Wilmington, New Hanover 17.361 Wilson, Wilson 2,000 Windsor, Bertie 1,000 Winston, Forsyth 2,000 Yadkinsville, Yadkin 175 Yancey ville, CasweH. 500 STATE INSTITUTIONS, ETC. University of North Carolina, Chapell Hill, Orange county. Hon. Kemp P. Battle, prest.; C. D. Grandy, sec. North Carolina Asylum for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, Raleigh. Young, prin.; E. Hall, stew- ard; Dr. R. B. Haywood, physician; L. E. Heantt, treas. ;

DIRECTORY. 41 Western North Carolina Insane Asylum, Morgan-

ton. Dr. ].,. P. Murphy, supt.; Dr. W. D. Hilliard, asst.; W. J. Yates, Mecklenburg: John L. Henderson,

Rowan ; Dr. F. P. Fuller, Ptaleigh Finger, ; S. M. Ca-

tawba ; J. W. Wilson, I. I. Davis and E. A. Perkins,

Burke ; J. P. Sawyer, Asheville.

State Penitentiary. W. J. Hicks, architect ; W. H. Hunter, warden; D. C. Murray, steward; Dr. Wm. Little, physician. State Board of Education— Governor, Lieutenant- Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Su- perintendent of Public Instruction and Attorney- General. State Medical Association meets at places previ- ously fixed. Dr. A. B. Pierce, })rest., Halifax; D. L. Julian Picot, sec, Littleton. State Board of Examiners, (authorized by law) meets day before State Medical Society. Drs. E. P. Hines, prest., Raleigh; T. D. Haigh, Fayetteville G. E. Kirby, Goldsboro; Thomas F. Wood, Wilming-

ton ; Joseph Graham, Charlotte, and R. H. Lewis,

Raleigh ; H. T. Bahnson, sec. and treas., Salem. North Carolina State Dental Association meets annually at times and places previously appointed.

W . H. Hoffman, prest., Gastonia (also sec. Southern Dental Association); T. M. Hunter, sec, Fayetteville. North Carolina Board of Pharmacy (appointed by governor), William H. Green, prest., Wilmington ; W. Simpson, sec; E. M. Nadal, John Tull, E. H. Meadows. North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association meets at points and times previously fixed. W. H. Green,

prest.; James C. Munds, sec, Wilmington ; L. R. Wriston, local sec, Charlotte. Bar Association of North Carolina, located at Ashe-

ville ; Col. Davidson, prest. RAILROADS

<'entreiug at Greensboro, Stations, Distances, etc. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD.

A. S. Buford, prest,; A. L. Rives, gen. mgr.; M. Slaughter, gen. pass, agt.; Sol. Haas, traffic mgr.; W. H, Green, supt. R. & D. Division, Richmond, Va.; A. —


B. Andrews, supt. N. C. Division, Raleigh ; I. Y. Sage, supt, Air-Line Division, Atlanta. SOUTH.

' Greensboro to MILES. MILES. Salem Junction 3 Duncan's 182 Jamestown 10 Greer's 187 High Point 15 Taylor's 192 Thomasville 22 Greenville, connects Lexington 33 with Greenville & Linwood 39 Columbia R.R 200 Holtsbuig 42 Saluda 207 Salisbury, connects Easley 212 with Western North Liberty 219 Carolina R. R 49 Central 226 China Grove 59 Seneca 239 Concord 72 Westminster 249 Harrisburg 79 Harbins 254 Newells 84 Fort Madison 258

Air-Line Junction. . . 91 Tugalo ...262 Charlotte, connects Toecoa, connects with with Charlotte, Co- Elberton Air -Line lumbia & Augusta, R.R 267 Carolina Central, Ayresville 274 and Atlantic, Ten- Mount Airy 280 nessee & Ohio R. R's 93 Rabun Gap Junction, Steel Creek 98 connects with North Garibaldi 104 Eastern R.R. of Ga. 282 Lowell 109 Bellton ...... 294 Gastonia 114 Lula, connects with All Healing Springs.. 120 North Eastern R R. Kings Mountain 126 ofGa. This road uses Wbittaker 130 same track between Blacks 139 Lula and RabunGap Gaffney 148 Junction 295 Thicketty 154 White Sulphur Spr's. 300 Cowpens 158 Gainesville, connects Spartanburg, connects with Gainesville, with Spartanburg, Jeflerson & South- Union & Columbia, ern R. R 307 and Asheville & Co- Odell's 313 lumbia R. R's 168 Flowery Branch 316 Fair Forest 173 Buford 321: Wellford 178 •Suwannee, connects ——

DIRECTORY. 43 with Lawrenceville Roswell Junction, con- Branch 329 nects with Roswell Duluth 335 Branch 347 Norcross 341 Goodwin's .349 Doraville 345 Atlanta 360 NORTH. Greensboro to Morehead 8 Drake's Branch 108 Brown's Summit 12 Keysville 116 Benaja 15 Meherrin 124 Reidsville 24 Green Bay 128 Ruffin 33 Burkeville, connects Pelham 40 with Norfolk&West- D. & N. R. Junction.. 43 ern R. R 136

Danville 48 Jennings Ordinary. . .139 North Danville, con- Jetersville 146 nects with Virginia Amelia Court House. .153 Midland R.R 49 Chula 159 Ringgold 54 Mattoax 162 Sutherlin's, connects Powhattan 167 with Milton &Suth- Hallsboro 172 erlin R.R 59 Coalfield 176 Barksdale's 62 Bonair 181 New's Ferry 72 Granite 185 Boston 80 Rockfield 186 Wolf Trap 85 Belle Isle, connects Scottsburg 88 with Richmond & Clover 95 Potomac R.R 187 Staunton River 98 Manchester 188 Randolph 99 Richmond 189 Mossing Ford 103 GOLDSBOR BRANCH. (Same Management). Greensboro to McLean's 8 Morrisville 69 Company's Shops. ... 21 Carey, connects with Graham 28 Raleigh & Augusta Haw River 26 Air Line R. R 73 Hillsboro 41 Raleigh, conn'ctswith University, Chapel Raleigh & Gaston Hill Branch 46 R.R 81 Durham 55 Auburn 90 Brassfield 61 Clayton 96 —

44 DIRECTORY. Wilson's Mills 104 Goldsboro, c o n n e cts Selma 109 with Wilmington & Princeton 118 Weldon and Mid- Rose 121 land N. C. R. R's. SALEM BRANCH. (Richmond & Danville Railroad). Greensboro to Salem Junction 3 Kernersville 17

New Garden 7 Salem and Winston. . 28 Friendship 10 CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY RAILROAD.

Julius A. Gray, prest., Greensboro ; James S. Mor- rison, supt. General offices, Faj'^etteviUe, N. C. NORTH. MILES. MILES. Fayetteville 97.6 Gulf 51.1 Manchester 83.85 Rich mond 43 9 Spout Spring 775 Ore Hill 39.6 Rock Branch 70.1 Siler 35.0 S wann's QS.Q Staley 27.6 Jonesboro 63.5 Liberty 23.2 S a n 1" o r d, connects Julian 16 10 with Raliegh & Pl't Garden 8 Augusta Railroad 60.5 Greensboro Junction 0.2 Egypt 54.1 Greensboro SOUTH. Fayetteville 35.5 Red Springs 3.4 Rockfish 24 5 Shoe Heel, connects McNatt's 173 with Carolina Cen- Lumber Bridge .... 10.5 tral Shandon 8.0 GREENSBORO,

COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk Superior Court— J. N. Nelson. Sheriff-J. H. Gilmer. Register Deeds—Will U. Steiner. Surveyor—Jno W. Stewart. CITY GOTERNMENT. Mayor—R. R. King, salary $100 and fees. Treasurer—W. B. Bogart, salary $100. Commissionersi North Ward—H. H. Tate, W. B. Bogart, G. W. Al- ley- South Ward— L. M. Scott, W. E. Bevil, Will Ser- geant. H, H. Tate, clerk of board. Police. Chief—R. M. Rees, salary $200 and commissions. W. J. Weatherby, M. A. Short. Street Overseer. Richard Smith. Public Schools. White Graded School— Prof. W. C. Daub. prin. Colored Graded School—Prof R. M. McKinzie (c), prin. Fire Department. C. F. Thomas, Chief Greensboro Fire (chemical engine) Department. Elections— City officers first Monday in May, an- nually. STREET DIRECTORY. Central Point—Junction of North and South Elm and East and West Market sts, running as indicated, evenly dividing the city. Ash st, second w of N. and S. Elm, beginning at Gaston and running to s limits. 46 DIRECTORY. Bell Meade Avenue, second n \V. Market, from in- tersection of Clay and Greene sts to Edgeworth st Bragg st, second s corporate limits, crossing S. Elm running east and west. Cedar st, fourth w of S. and N. Elm, from Salisbury •oad to n limits. Church st, beginning at intersection of Clay and N. Elm, intersecting the ends of Davie and Church sts, thence north to Danville road. Clay st, second n W. Market, from N. Elm to inter- section Greene st and Bell Meade ave College st, fifth w N. Elm, from W. Market to Del- phina st. Cornell st, fourth s E. Market, from intersection of Fayetteville and Ashboro sts to e limits. Danville road, begins n end Church st. Davie st, first e of S. and N. Elm, from Fayetteville to Church sts. Edgeworth, third w of N. and S. Elm, from W. Washington to Martinsville road, n limits. Elm (North), from intersection of E. and AV. Mar- Tiet and South Elm north to limits. Elm (South), from intersection of E. and W. Market and N. Elm s to limits. Factory st, third s E. Market from R. & D. R. R. to e limits. Fayetteville st, fourth s E. Market from S. Elm to intersection Cornell and Ashboro sts. Forbes st, second e of N. and S. Elm, from Wash- ington to Lindsay sts. Gaston st, first n E. and W. Market from Forbes to Cedar st. Gilmer st, fourth e of N. and S. Elm, bet Washing- ton and Lindsay. Greene st, beginning at Sycamore, one square w of S. Elm, running to intersection Belle Meade ave and Clay st, thence nw to Martinsville road. Lee (east) sc, fifth s E. Market, from intersection of Lee and Ashboro to e limits. Lee st, first s corporate limsts from intersection Mebane road and Ash st to Ashboro st. Lindsay st, beginning at Church st, next Presby- terian church, intersecting end Forbes st e to limits. Market (east), from intersection of N. and S. Elm and W. Market e to limits. DIRECTORY. 47 Market (west), from intersection N. and S. Elm and E. Market w to limits. Martinsville road begins n end Greene st,_ Mebane road, first s of corporate limits, intersect- ing Ash, E. Elm and Fayetteville sts. Mebane st, second ne Market, bet Davie and Forbes of a Mendenhall st, sixth w of N. and S. Elm, running north and south. Moore alley, second s corporate limits, from Bragg st west. New st, second sw Market, from S. Elm to Ash st. Oak st, sixth s E. Market, from Ashboro to e limits. Paisley alley, bet Ashe and Edgeworth sts, from W. Market to Gasion st. Percy st, third e of N. Elm, bet E. Market and Lind- say sts. Salisbury road, continuation W. Washington st. Sycamore st, first s E. and W. Market, from Spring to Forbes. Walker ave, third s W. Market, from w limits to Ash St. Washington st, second s E. Market, from Davie to e limits. Washington st (west), second s W. Market, from Salisbury road to Ash st. WARDS. North Ward— All that portion north of E. and W. Market sts. South Ward— All that portion of the city south of E. and W. Market sts. Fire Wards. No. 1—N, Elm, W. Market, north and west limits. No. 2— N. Elm, E. Market, north and east limits. No. 3—E. Market, S. Elm, east and south limits. No. 4—W. Market, S. Elm, west and south limits. LICENSES AND TAXES. Ad valorum f of 1 per cent. Barber Shops—$3 for first chair and S1.50 for each additional chair. Hotels— On all hotels exceeding 30 rooms $40; on all hotels under 30 and exceeding 15 rooms $30; on 48 DIRECTORY, all hotels containing 15 rooms or less $20. This tax shall embrace only such houses as have porters at the depots or run omnibuses. Bailroad Eating Houses— $10. Boarding Houses, etc —Boarding houses with 5 or more rooms $10; boardin? houses with less than 5 rooms, Restaurants, Snack Houses, or Stands, each $5. Telegraph Office—Each $30. Daguerian Artists—Resident daguerian artists and persons taking likenesses of the human face $5. Itinerant Professions—On every itinerant Dentist, Optician, Phrenologist, Portrait Painter. Photograph or Daguerian Artist or Chiropodist, $5 for a week or less time; on every itinerant Medical Practitioner, for each week or less time, $10. Land Agent —On every Land Agent or Broker 85. Banks— Each Broker or Banking Office $25. Butchers—Butchers who have no market stall $5. Patent Rights — Dealers in Patent Rights 810. Lightning Rods and Stoves— Itinerant dealers in Lightning Rods or Stoves $10. Sewing Machines— Sewing Machine Companies or Agencies $40. Private dealers in Sewing Machines $5. Prize Goods— Itinerant Dealers in Prize Goods $30. Ice Dealers— $5. Auctioneers — $5. Insurance Companies —Each Fire or Life Insur- ance Compan}' or Agent $10. Commission Merchants — Every Commission Mer- chant, Commercial or Merchandise Broker $5. Fertilizers —Every dealer in Fertilizers on commis- sion $5. Printing Office —Each Printing Office $5. Resident Professions—Each resident practicing Physician, Dentist or Surgeon, Optician, Lawyer. Civil Engineer, Aurist, Oculist, Chiropodist, or any person engaged in the sale of any specific, or making prescription for disease, $5. General Dealers—Each Merchant, Grocer, Confec- tioner, Druggist or other trader $5. Also 10 cents on every $100 worth of goods, wares, merchandise, pur- chased for resale, payable annually. A failure to make returns promptly to the Collector shall subject the party to a fine of $20 for each and every offense, This tax embraces every person buying any produce f| For Wines, laquors, Tobacco and Cigars. iK®^'^'T'^'''^'iit'ntal Wines a Specialty. MfAdoo House, ----- Greensboro, N, G. DIRECTORY. 49 or mercantile commodity other than for his own family. Bowling Alleys and Gift Enterprises—All Gift En- terprises and Bowling Alleys $50. Distillery—Every Distillery of fruit or grain $75. Livery Stables —Each Livery Stable $10. Any per- son whose business it is to keep for hire horses or mules shall be deemed a livery stable keeper. Horse Dealers—Horse dealers shall pay one per- cent on gross sales. Lawyers —Each practicing Lawyer, or firm having an office or residing in the city, $5. Hucksters—Every non-resident huckster or trader or the agent of such, who buys marketable articles for sale in other markets, SoO. Billiards—Bagatelle—Each Bagatelle or Billiard Table $25. Junk Shops— Each Junk Shop or dealer in metals, cordage, etc., $10. Factory—Mill—Every Mill, Manufactory, Machine Shop, or Foundry, employing steam, $5. Railroads —Every Railroad Company having a de- pot or office in the city, $50. All Railroad Agencies, selling tickets, or soliciting travel, each $5. Penalty —Every person carrying on any business within the city, without having first paid the license tax, shall be fined $20. Per Cent—Auctioneers, Commercial Brokers, and Commission Merchants, in addition to their license tax, shall pay one-tenth of one per cent, on gross sale. Real Estate—On each $100 valuation of Real Es- tate seventy-five cents. Personal Property— On all personal property, taxed at tnis time by the State, within the corporate limits of the City, included under the name of personal property, money, credit, bonds, stocks,'etc., on each $100 value 75c. Poll Tax—On every poll $2.25. Dogs—On each dog $1. On each bitch running at large $10. Goats—On each goat running at large $2. 4

Public Library of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County 50 DIRECTORY. Circns—Menagerie— Shows —Each Circus Compa- ny, or Menagerie, for each day's exhibition in the corporation, $20. Side Shows, at each tent where an admission fee is ctarged, $5. Each person or Comnany, of Stage Players, Sleight of Hand Performers, Ethiopian Serenaders, Instru- mental or Vocal Concert Company, Rope Walker, or Exhibition of Artificial or Natural Curiosity, for one dav $5 ; <'\\c\\ additional day $3. Ring Tricks—Ring tricks and other gambling con- cerns, or games of chance, prohibited under penalty of a fine not to exceed 850, or imprisonment not ex- ceed! nu: thirty days. Peddlers—Upon all itenerant Merchants, or Ped- dlers, vending or offering to vend in the city, a tax of $25 a year; except such as sell Books, Charts, or Maps, whether sold by auctioneers or otherwise. Carriage—Buggy Agents—Every agent for the sale ©f carriages, buggies, wagons and other vehicles, shall pay a tax of $10 Architect— Builder— On every Architect, or Gon- tiacting Builder, $5. Bill Poster— On every Bill Poster ^3. And no per- son shall have the right to post bills, or collect pay therefor who has not paid the tax. Liquor Dealers— All per-ons selling spirituous or vinous liquors, in quantities less than a quart, shall pay a license tax of §100. All persons selling Malt Liquors, b}' wholesale or jetail, shall pay a license tax of $50. Every Wholesale Liquor Dealer S50. Tobacco Manufactories and Warehouses-On each Cigar Manufactory, Tobacco Factory, or Tobacco Warehouse, $5. Dancing Schools— On every Dancing School $5. Express Company—Each Express Company $40. Drays—Every Drayman shall pay on each Dray $5. Fresh Fish —Every person selling fresh fish, except at a market stall shall pay a tax of $5. Gas Company—On every Gas Company $50. Horse Drover—On every Horse Drover and every other person who buys and sells or offers to buy and sell Horses or Mules as a business, $10. Engine and Machinery Agents—On every agency EWCOMB'S Wines & Liquors Lead the State Pui-o Tent Wines for Sachah[kntal Purposes. E.(IJ McAdou House, - - - - Greensboro, N. C.

DIRECTORY. 51. for the sale of Steam Engines or Machinery, nofc manufactured in the city, or person selling the same on his own account, $5. Itenerant dealers in Steam Engines and Machinery $10. Oil Agents — On every agency for the sale of oils $5. Skating Rink- On every Skating Kink, for one year or less time, $5. Shooting Gallery—On every Shooting Gallery, for one year or less, $5. Soda Fountains—On every Soda, or Mineral Water Fountain, $3. Stallions— Jacks — On every Stallion or Sack, stand- ing in the city, $10. Safe Agents—On every agency for the sale of Safes, or Company selling the same, $10. Lecturers— On each Lecture for reward and every teacher of any art or science, accompanied or fol- lowed by the delivery of any artice of value, map or chart, for compensation, unless such lecture be given for religious or charitable purposes, $5. Building and Loan Association—On every Building and Loan Association, or Association by whatever name or style known, having for its object or purpo.se the lending of money, $10. Dairies- On each Dairy Wagon or Vehicle $5. GREENSBORO POSTOFFICE. Postmaster— J. D. White. Assistant—B. F. Parker. Mailing Clerk— W. H. Rees. Service. Over R. & D. R. R., double daily. Over Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley, daily. Over Goldsboro Branch, daily. Over Salem (Winston) Branch, double daily. Star Service. To Randleman's Factory, Randolph county, su[>- plying Sumner, Level Cross and New Salem, leaves

Tuesday's and Saturday's at 6 a. m. ; returns Mon- day's and Friday's at 7 o'clock p. m. 52 DIRECTORY. To Snow Camp, Allamance county, supplying Hin- ton, Gilnaer's Store, Shaw's Mills, Brick Church and Hartshorn, arrives Wednesdays and Saturdays at

12 o'clock m. ; leaves same days at 1 p. m. To Lang's Mill, Randolph county, supplying

Thorn's Mill's, Tabernacle and Plain Crystal ; arrives

Saturdays at 12 o'clock m. ; leaves 1 o'clock same day, Postoliices in Guilford County. Allamance, Hinton, Brick Chuch, Jamestown, Brown's Summit, Liberty Store, Busick, McLeansville, Centre, New Garden, Colfax, Oak Ridge, Company Mills, Plain, Crystal, Pleasant Garden, Deep River, Pond, Freeman's Mills, Shaw's Mills, Friendship, Summerfield, Gibsonville, Sumner, Gilmer's Store, Tabernacle, Greensboro, Thom's Mills, High Point, Westminster. Hillsdale, LOCAL FEDERAL OFFICERS. District Attorney United States Courts. James E. Boyd for Western District of N. C. Clerk Federal Courts. J. W. Payne, office S. st. , Elm United States Marshall. Thomas B. Keogh for Western District of North

Carolina ; Lorenzo A. Bailey, Chief Deputy. Collector Internal Revenue. Peyton H. Bilbro, Deputy Collector Internal Reve- nue 5th District, office S. Elm st. United States Commissioner. J. W. Payne, office S. Elm st. SECRET SOCIETIES. Independent .Order of Odd Fellows. SOVERIGN GRAND LODGE.

Luther J. Glenn, M. W..G. S. ; Erie J.. Leach, K W.. ;

Hf| riTRK WINES, LKiUORS, TO- BACCO AND CIGARS, TRY mmmn'McAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. DIRECTORY, 53

D. G. S.; Joshua Vansant, R. W. G. T. ; Theodore A.

Ross, R. W. G. S. ; Rev. J. W. Venable, R. W. G. C. ;

Beldin Seymour, R. W. G. M. ; J. T. Thornbrook, R.

W. G. G. ; Cbas. H. Gatch, R. W. G. M. GRAND LODGE OF STATE.

J. F. Payne, M. W.'G. M., Monroe ; J. E. Woodward,

R. W. D. G. M., Wilson ; H, E. Bates, R. W. G. W.,

Newberne ; J. J. Litchford, R. W. G. S., Raleigh ; R.

J. Jones, R. W. G. T., Wilmington ; Rev. C. C. Dod- son, W. G. C, Wilson; C. B. Edwards, W. G. M., Raleigh; I. H. Nelson, W. G. C, Winston; T. B. J. Pugh, W. G. H., Basket, W. G. G., Hamilton ; H. Wilmington; J. F. Hosteller, Dist. Dep., Charlotte

Dr. T. A. Crowell, Dist. Dep., Monroe ; W. R. Edwards, Dist. Dep., Lincolton. Beuna Vista Lodge. No 21, meet Tuesday evenings in Odd Fellows Temple ; W. H. Turner, N. G., J. W. Albright, sec. Paisley Encampment, No. 10, meet Friday evenings monthly. Masons. Grand Lodge of North Carolina meets at Raleigh second Wednesday in January, 1885. Robert Bing- ham, G. M., Bingham's; D. W. Bain, G. S.. Raleigh. Grand Chapter R. A. M., meets at time and places previouslv appointed. Eugene Grissom, G. H. P. D. W. Bain, G. S., Raleigh. Grand Commandery K. T. meets October, 1884, at

Raleigh. Eugene Grissom, G. C, Raleigh ; J. C, Munds, G. R., Wilmington. Greensboro Lodge, No. 76—Meet Saturday next preceding full moon. W. D, Trotter, W. M.; J. F. Stephens, sec. Chapter in partially organized state. Kniglits of Honor. Guilford Lodge, No. 1777—Meet first and third Thursday evenings at Odd Fellows' Temple. J. H.

Harris, die ; H. H. Cartland, rep. Kuiglits and Ladies of Honor. Greensboro Lodge, No 389— Meet second and fourth DIRECTORY. Thursday evenings at Odd Fellows' Temple. F. S- Eldridge, pro.; H. H. Cartland, Sfc Kniglits of Pythias. Supreme Lodge of the World — .John P. Linton, P. S. C, Johnstown, Pennsylvania; John Van Valken- burg, S. Madison, C, Fort Iowa ; Howard Dougltiss, S.

V. C, Cincinnati. Ohio ; John S. King, S. P., Toronto,

Ontario; J. S. Willey, S. M. of E , Wilmington, Del.; R. E. Cowan, S. K. of R and S., Kansas City, Mo.; Halvor Nelson, S. sec. of E. R., Washington City, D. C; Geo. B. Shaw, S. M. at A., Eau Claire. Wis.; C. F.

Bragg, S. I. G., Bangor, JVIe ; Jno. 0. W. Thompson, S. 0. G., Washington City. D. C. Greensboro Lodge, No. 28—Meet Monday evenings at Odd Fellows' Temple. J. H. Harris, C. C; S. A. Kerr, K. of R. and S. Royal Arcanum Have an organization. MISCELLANEOUS. Band of Hope. (Juvenile Temperance)— Meet Mondays 4:30 p.m., at Bogart's Hall. Sons of Temperance. Meet Monday evenings. Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Meet Thursdays at 4:30 o'clock p m., at Odd Fellows' Temple. Mrs. F. M. Bumpass, prest. Young Men's Christian Association.

Meet Friday evenings at 8 o'clock ; Sunday after- noons at 4:30 o'clock. Michael Sherwood, sec; A. Weatherly, treas. COLORED SOCIETIES. Good Samaritans. Two branches. Grand United Order Odd Fellows. Masons. CHURCHES. Episcopal. Diocese of North Carolina Convention— Meets at places and times previously appointed. Bishop Rt. mNEWCOMB'S PURE WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIGAK8. cp'^gagi^ogg^'lf; c. DTRECTORY. 55

Rev. Thpodore B. Lyman, D. D. ex. off. chairman; Ed- ward R. Rich, secretary, Raleigh. Standing Committee—Rev. M. M. Marshall, D.D., Rev. Joseph B. Cheshire, Rev. Edward R. Rich, R. H.

Battle, W. E Anderson ; reported members at Con- vention in State 12,ir)0. Since the above convention a new Diocese has been erected called the Diocese of E. Carolina, consisting of the counties of Gates, Hert- ford, Bertie, Martin, Pitt, Greene, Wayne, Sampson,

Cumberlond. Robinson and all east ; those west com- prising the Diocese of North Carolina. St. Barnabas. Rev. Alfred H. Stubbs, rector, nw corner Gaston and Greene sts.

Baptist. North Carolina Baptist State Convention— Meets annually Wednesday before the third Sunday in No- vember at place previously appointed. Hon. J. C.

Scarborough, prest., Raliegh ; N. B. Broughton, Ral- eigh, and N. L. Shaw, Harrelsville, sees. North Carolina State Mission Board. John E. Ray, sec, Raliegh ; Sunday School Board same. Educational Board. Prof. C. E. Taylor, correspond- ing sec, Wakfi Forrest College, N. C. Western Baptist Convention (covering that portion of the State west of the mountains) —Meets annually in October at places previously appointed. Rev. D. B. Nelson, prest., Hendersonville; C. E. Lee, sec, Asheville. Sunday School Convention— Meets annually at call of prest. N. B. Broughton, prest., Raleigh; R. D. Graham, sec, Charlotte. College—Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C. Membership in State, 244,740—116,041 white, 101,-

699 colored ; 27,000 anti-missionary. Baptist Church— Rev. E. F. Baldwin, pastor; S. Elm, near Washington st.

Methodist. North Carolina M. E. Conference, South—Bishop John C. Keener, prest; Donald W. Bain, sec, Raleigh; R.r.BaYD&(!fl.l'5.»iL.. 56 DIRECTORY. meets at times and places appointed by body. Mem- bership about 110,000. Methodist Episcopal—North side W. Market, near

Edgeworth st ; Rev. L. W. Crawford, pastor ; Prof. W. .F. Alderman, Sunday school supt. Societies— Woman's Missionary Society, Parsonage Aid Society. Presbyterian. Synod of North Carolina—Meets in the fall of each year at times and places previously appointed. Num- ber of ministers, 120; membership about 20,000. Presbytery of Mecklenburg— Meets semi-annually at times and places previously appointed ; 33 minis- ters; Rev. R. Z. Johnston, clerk, Lincolnton. Presbyterian Church—Rev. J. Henry Smith, pas- tor; Judge R. P. Dick, supt. Sunday school. Ladies' Missionary Society. Earnest Workers' Society. Ladies' Independent Foreign Missionary Society. COLORED CHURCHES. Methoelist. A. M. E. Church—Rev. Morris, pastor; Sunday school.

M. E. Church—Rev. Collett, pastor ; Sunday school. Presbyterian. Presbyterian Church— Rev. E. H. Garland, pastor; Sunday school. Baptist.

. Providence Baptist Church— Rev. W. T. H. Wood- ward, pastor; N. C. R. R., opp Bennett College. CEMETERIES. Confederate Cemetery—Mebane road, near Bragg st. Greenwood Cemetery— Spring st and n limits. Methodist Cemetery—Mebane road, near Bragg st. Presbyterian Cemetery—Northeast cor Church and .Lindsay sts. »^ Foi- Wines, Liijuors, Tobacco an

Farmers Receiving Their Mail nt Oreeiisboro Abbott J C, Adams Alfred, Adaa)S Cr M, Adams J S, ^^_ Adams John, Adams Peter H, Albrip;ht Ammv, A I ^^ bright D C & E W, Albright D K, Albriizht (i'^o W, ^^^"^ Albright Joseplius, Albright .] W, Albright Mary C, Alston Matthew, An)right Peggy, Alderman A H, Alderman W F, Alexander I C, Allf'n Tiaston, Allen S Fj, Allen George W, Andrews J B, Andrews John, Andrews L W, Anderson ct Scales, Anthony G L, Aus- 0 tin Ed, Amsteth Adolph, Armfield G Will, Armfield ^^^ Jane, Armfield & Kirtman, Ashe George, Axlett L D. *n Bailey Thomas. Bill Rev I R, Ball W G, Ballinj,'er wM M N, Ballinger Yancey, Balsley Benjamin, Balsley J fllHi B, Balsley Kitty, Balsley W G. Barker John. Bar- ker & Short, Barnes I S, Barringer Henry, Baxter E M R, Bell 8 W, Bel mar & Davidson, Ben bow D g WC, Bennett D M, Bennett I Frank, Behnett Andy, tBEm Bergman U L, Bertie Daniel, Berill & Co, Beriil " Wm E, Belbro P H, Bird Warren, Blair Arris. Bogart W B, Boss Martha, Bowman Joseph, Bowman W M, Bracken Mrs S E, Briggs G K, Brown D .M, Brown Edward, Brown H L Brown James, Brown Nanni<- A, B'-own Spencer, Brown S S, Brown W A, Bruc-^ ^ M Martha, Bryan J H ^^ Co, Buchanan Franci.s, Bu'- hanan I li, Buchanan Thomas, Buchanan W K, ^ Buck Mrs. PJmma, Bumpass Mrs F M, Burton Wil- ^ liam, Byers .Louisa.

B usihessHniversity


H O vv, Dick R P. Dick Vina, Dick Wilson, Dillard J

^ xfl H, sr, Dillon Jane, Dixon M C, Doak Arthur, Doak 5 S J S, Dodson Daniel, Dodson W P, Donnell Aaron, fJhT Donnell Eaisley, Donnell G D, Donnell J, Donnell ij)> Mrs J, Donnell Joseph, Donnell J D, Doanell J H, Donnell Martin, Donnell x\Iilton, Donnell Nelson, H S l^oi^n<^li Reuben, Donnell Yancey, Dossey Henry, w 5 Dossey William, Douglas R M, Dungy J A. iir3 Eckel C E, Eckel George, Edwards G B. Edwards "^ Q^Jno E, Edwards Lettie, Edwards T A, Edwards W HT^ D, Egbert George C, Elfland M L. Ennis J H, Ev- Farrar B, Fields H, Fields Ju- iq g ans Hannah, W C ^ TJi lian. Fields J F, Fisher Peters, Fleming R A, Fo- H ^ trleman Ed, Fogleman Mike, Forbes D W, Forsyth ^(5 John, Forsyth William, Foster J T, Fowlkes T, H ^ Freeman Mrs L J, Fuller A W. ^ %^ Galloway Anthony, Galloway J, Gault J M, Gault r ^ James, Gault William, Gardner Jesse, Garris W A, ^^< Giles O A, Gillespie D D, Gilmer Jno A, Gilmer ^•S Mack, Gilmer Robert, Gilmer Tobias, Glass G W, ^:h Glass Melinda, Gladson W M, Glenn C M, Gorrell ^ O Mrs C C, Gorrell R G, Graves Nellie, Graves Silas, ^ Gray I A, Green J M, Greeson Rebecca, Gregory ^ Geo H, Griffin Denny, GuUett Emsley, Hackett J J, ^ Hagevvood Jno A, Haith Joseph, Hali M M, Hanner ^ Allen, Planner S, Hanner Rhoda, Hanner R K, itarris Hannah, Harvey Mrs D S, Harvey W M, Plerden Owen, Heath Mrs Ed, Hendrix Andy, Hen- drix E M, Hendrix I M, Hendrix J L, Highfield W F. Hill W S, Hilton W W, Hines Rufus, Hinshaw IMims, Hodgin I A, Hodgin Mrs M E, Holden Henry, Holden Jno D, Holley W E, Holmes Lepu, Holmes L W, Holmes Wilson. Holt Mitchell, Holt Nancy, Holt C, Holt W G, Hoskins Charles, Hoskins E N. EWOOMB'S Wines & Liquors Lead the State PiU'e Tent Wiuos for Sachajikntal Puui'oses. E.6J McAdoo House, - - - - Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 47 Hoskins T, Howard Robert, Houston C E, HoustoQ t^ J A, Houston Lepee. Houston W M, Hudson A L, tT^ Hudson J C & J M, Hyatt Mary, Hyatt Martin. Hy- ^T^ Harriet, r*" att Milo F, Hyatt Hvatt" Richard, Hyatt Robert G, Hvatt T C. g Iddings Nancy, Iddings William, Ingald Alfred, ^D Irvin Isabella, Iseley L C, Iseley L N. Q Jackson G W, Jackson J A, Jarrell J F, Jackson J ^ H, Jarrell W A, Jackson W G, Jenkins Martha. Jen- kins W R, Johnson C C, Johnson David, Jones Allen, ^ Jones A W, Jones Calvin, Jones Pinkney, Jones Se- ban, Jordan Arthur, Joyce James, Julian Jesse. ^ Keogh T B, Kerr Cyrus, Kersey Mrs D, King J L O & Co, Kirkraan Nancy, Kirkman S J, Kirkman R, ^ Kirkman W L, Kirkpatrick Branson, Kirkpatrick hj ^ D N, Kirkpatrick L, Kirkpatrick Sam. Ci^ Landreth C E, Landreth M D, Lane George, Lane ^H J W, Lane Levi, Lane T J, Lane W H, Lanier J F, ^l^"* Ludley J V, Lindsay Dr Edward, Lindsay Jesse H, *^"^ ^ Lindsay Pinkney, Leonard C W, Lettico Eliza, Lewis i^Jji C E, Lewis D, Lloyd B G, Lloyd Jacob, Long Wil- P liam A, Love William, Lovitt D, Lvttle Jesse. ^^ Mack Thomas, Marley Dr. H B, McAdoo C N, Mc- Hg^ Adoo Milton. McAdoo W D, McCulloch John, McCul- t^p loch Logan, McCormick W H, McKibbins A J, Mc- H"* Knight John E, McLean W P, McMurray J W, Mc- ^^ Narvy J W, Meade Lucy, Mebane D C, Mitchell Cal- 0» vin, Mitchell Cornelia. Mitchell J A, Mitchell J J, -^O Mitchell S S, Mitchell W P, Morehead Burwell, More- W head Eugene, Morehead J T, Morehead Sandy, More- ^ head Sydney, Morehead Wash, Morgan Calvin, Mpr-

' ^ ris E P, Mullen Isaac, Murray W R. vT^ O'Connor Thomas, Ogbane C W, Ozment E, Ozment m Parks Wm E, Parker George' R, Parker George, ^ .Paschal E, Pass Peter, Patterson W W, Peacock Rob- >^ ert, Penix W R, Permar P, Price Caroline, Pritchett j John, Pritchett Zeb, Phipps Frank, Phillips John, 2 Plunkett G W, Porter W C, Powell A A, Puryear Z John. AT GR*Y o Wl 11 DF DIES & mm\n WINSTON, N. C. a !B TOBACCOS g^aqIaItifs. J . 48 DIRECTORY.

W . Rainey D S, Rankin J A, Rankin John N, Rankin "fs; N E, Rankin Susan, Rankin W C, Reece J M, Rey- ^ ^^ nolds Mrs Ann, Reynolds J, Reynolds W D, Rich CggD W, Rich George, Rich G W, Richardson P P, ^ Eh Ridge W J, Robertson Allen, Robertson A T, Ro- § ^^y Charles, Robertson James, Ross H F, Ross J M, ^^ Ross L F, Koss Phoebe, Russell Letitia, Russum Eli- ^^ hu. Rust Henry. Q Sampson D E, Scaler Hon A M, Schuler E F, Scott 9^lj M, Scott R M, Sergeant William, Sharp J C, Sharp ^O J H, Sharp W A. Shaw J F, Shelton Svune, Shep- ^ ^ herd P M, Sherwood Maud, Short M A, Siddons Rob- U- ^ ert, Sikes Emsley, Sikes Willis, Sikes Newton, Sikss Ph W N, Simpson Calvin, Slack J W, Sloan Horace, Q§ Sloan Jerry, Sloan R M, Sloan W Y, Smith A M, ZW Smith E H, Smith George A, Smith J D, Smith Mrs f^ L, Smith VV C, Smith W R, Smith S A W, Smithers ^ >-i Robert, Snipes Archie, Stack Cornelius, Stanley A L, P^ Stanley M M, Starr John A, Stewart John, Stow'e J— ^ W A. Stratford E W, Summers J S, Suits John, |ij pq Swain Lyndon. Swain Paul, Swekson G W. *; p^ Tate Henry, Taylor J B, Terrell Geo T, Terry Ed. * O Thom Martha, Thomas D E, Thomas M, Thomas R G, Tidball W B, Trotter W D. Tucker W G. O Vanstory C P, Vernon A T, Vernon R L VaL ". Wakefield W H, Ward James M, Word J V/, Ward Naomi, Ward W W, Warnock William, Wattington D B, Wattington Henry, Weatherly Draper, VVeath- erly Jerry, Weatherly Mrs Lou, Weatherly W J, Weatherly William, Weaver C P, W^ebb James W, Wharton JBenjamin, Wharton Ben, jr, Wharton David, Wharton Joseph, Wharton J D, Wharton John C, Wharton Thomas, Wharton W D, White Ellis, White J D, Whitis Dabney, Whitis Henry, Whitset A T, Whittington Louis'd, Whittingdon M, Whittingdon M A, Wiley Robert, Wiley W ^Y, Williams Hugh, Willis T J, Wells Rev R H. Wilson George, Wimble J F, Winton A A, Winton Theo, Witherspoon Harry, Worth Daniel, Worth Garnett & Co, Wood Jacob, Worth J S, Wooters J T, Worth Phoebe, Wray A B, Wray A C, Wray W C, W^right J S, Wyatt H A. Yates C D, York F M, Yountz Joseph. EWCOMB'S Wines and Liquors Lead the State f| Pure Tent Wiiios for Siicramental Turposes. m E.6J McAdoo House, (tKKEXSKoko, N. C.


OFFICERS AND INSTITUTIONS. County Otticers Forsyth County. Clerk Superior Court—C. S. Hauser. Sheriff— Aug. Fogle. Register Deeds—D. P. Mast. Treasurer—C. J. Oaburn. Surveyor—M. H. Morris. Coroner— W. M Barron. Supt Public Schools—A. I. Butner. Standard Keeper—John H. White, sr. Inferior Court. ^ u Composed of three Justices of the Peace. Members, ^ Sullivan, ^ g J. W. Fries, chairman, J. W. Boyer, N. F. q associates; Roba B Kerner, Solicilor, ^ convenes second o ^ Clerks same as Superior Court, |g Monday in February and August. ^ ^ Superior Courts of N. C. Note For times holding g see page 33.

Justices of Winston Township. | J. W. Fries. >^ W T. T. Best. 2. N. S. Cook. I g C. Hamlen. \m\ M.,Grogan. ^ iS B. J. Shepperd. ^ W T. B. Douthit. !z!Ni C. A. Fogle. ^^ J.W.Martin. O^ Wm. Barron. ^ 1^ R. D. McCuiston. y^ ^ To CALLUM'S DRUG STORE, Greensboro, for p all kinds of Drugs and Medicines. GO Paints and Oils. CD ')<"> DIRECTORY.

- SeAff^. fpR CfHCUL AJRS.

City Officers Winston. Mayor— J. C Buxton. Sec. and Treas.—J. H. Hasten. Town Constable and Col. — J. C. Bessent. Chief of Police—W. G. Bahnson. Police Force— W. M. Harris, J. W. Bradford. Commissioners— S. Bj'erly, P. H. Hanes, S. H. {fi Smith, John H. Masten, G. L. Miller, James A. Gray, H Z^ R. J. Reynolds. Graded School Commission—Rev. C. H. Wilev, Brest., W. A. Whittaker, Secy, Rev. S. D. Franklin, aa P. H. Hanes, James A. Gray. Street Overseer— W. H. Watkins Cemeteries—H. K. Thomas. City Attorneys— Watkins and Glen. Committees.

Sanitary-S. H. Smith, G. L. Miller, R. J. Rey- nolds. Auditing—The Mayor, J. C. Buxton, P. H. Hanes,. J. A. Gray. Street~S. Byerly, S. H. Smith, P. H. Hanes. Fire—S. H. Smith, J. H. Masten, R. J. Reynolds. FIRE DEPARTEENT,

Chief- J. C. Buxton.

Winston Steam Eire i.'o.

No. 1 Engine House, Liberty, bet Second and Third sts, J. H. Masten, capt, H. D. Leak, sec. Hook and Ladder Co. being organized.

IBIRD SI, GRAY & ' n (WiistcDiN.C, MARTIN « U DIRECTORY. '^^ LICENSES AND TAXES. Real, 6.5cts. per $100. ^Tl Town poll, $3 95. Bod Auctioneer (itinerant) first day §10, and succeeding; M davs $3 00. <^|" Express Co $ 20 00 mBm Railroad Co 50 00 Dray, 1 horse 2 50 j^ Dray, 2 horse 5 00 Patent right dealers 5 00 pn Photographers 5 (U) j_<,«« Telegraph Co's 10 00 ^ ^ Distillers 10 00 rt Q Livery Stable T) 00 ^T; • Hucksters (non residents) 5 00 ry-. Rectifier 10 00 cf J^ Steam distillery 60 00 g« Gift enterprise 50 00 pr" Omnibus 2 00 ^ Q Hotels '"^ ^^ 5 20 Boarding house restaurants 2 50 P-i^ Fruit peddlers 50 j-^G, Poultry peddlers 5 00 o ^ Ice dealers, retail 5 OO 5^ *^ Barbershops 2 00 ^^* '^ ^^ ^^ Lightning rods 1^ Auction house 100 00 q' ^ or per month 1'^ 00 O g Merchandise broker 15 00 •"'' •*« Circus 25 00 ^^ Side show 10 00 ^. Theatrical troupe from 5 to 10 00 ^ S Bar room 500 00 ^r ^ Billiard room 500 00 2 « Ten pin ally 150 00 j^ W Street Directory. X ,^ Fourth (-ith) st running from east to west limit.^ ^— crossing Main at public square, Winston dividiii^r .-^ D A nm?ivrnr MEDICINES m —


"^Xi. -'-.'.^ PIRECTORY. ^^ lin*^. Main street running directly through Sclera L^ ;ia(i Winston, oros-ing Fourth at public square, Win- f^ i-t<>n principal street. First St (iividinor line between town-;, running east ^^ and west, Winston •"^ S-cond, 1st north First, east to west limits, Win- ^— ' stoii. ^ Third, 2d north, First from east to west limits, Q Winston. >- * ^ Fourth, 3d north First from east to west limits, Winston. Fifth, 4th north First from east to west limits, kj Winston.

Sixth, 5th north First, from east to west limits.

. Winston 4-i Ash, 3d west Main from West st, Salem * ^ Bank, 4th south First, from Church west to limits, ^ Salem. ^XXX, Belews Creek, 1st south First, from Main to west limits, Salem.

-+^ Belews Creek road intersects Belews Creek st, rCd Salem. Broad, 1st west Spring, Winston, from 5th Winston 'XXX^ ^° Mulberry st, Salem. ^~t\' Cemetary, 2d south First, from Main, east Salem. ^X^ Cherry, 3d west Main, from north limits, Winston j.^ to New Shallowford, Salem. (^^ Chestnut, 2d east Main, from north to south limits, /--N Winston. ^ Church, 1st east Main, from limits to limits, Salem and Winston. ^^^ Court House square, bounded by 3d 4th, Liberty f*^ and Main Streets.

C^ rxiX~I po 4 A^Qof<^^^ilfo^'^'R^"•iolp^• ^ ^ —n VQTPT ^^ I I I ni^ J:.Ll I OiUl A.iNO Alamance, Chatham, L I I I li 1 and Moore counties can save monej- by buying I __ _—M M A their Drugs from Galium Bros. & Co., Greensboro. Wf^WfflUB'f ^^'''"'^ '-''"^ Liquors Lead the State! U_J En11 NhWL Mn .\ PURETENTWINESforSACRAMENIAL PURPOSES rTn . Ml aMt1\i\iaiM » McAduo House,H.nise, Greensboro, N. C. W DIRECTORY

Depot Street, 3d east Main, from north limits, to R & D R R depot, Winston. o Elm, 2d west Main, from 4th Winston, to Old Shal- ^ lowford. Salem. ^ Germantown Road, intersects Liberty Street, M, Winston. o2^° High, 1st south of First, from Elm west, to limits, ^ Salem. ^^ Laurel. 5fh west Main, from Old Shallowford, 7^^ south to limits. j^^^T Liberty, 1st west Main, from north limits, Winston, ^ \jj to Old Shallowford, Salem. ?? o ^ ]\[ain, north and south from limits of Winston ^ through and to limits, Salem. H ^ Marshall, 1st west Main, from Mill to Old Shal- ^ E^ lowford, Salem. p p Mill, 8th south First, from Main west to limits, —•— Salem. ^ Old Plank Road, intersects Waughtown Road, h ^ Old Shallowford, 5th south First, from Church west S O to limits, Salem. *7^ Old Town, 2d west Main, from north limits, Wins- ? ton to Fourth Street. h ^ Old Town Road, intersects Old Town Street, Win- q pj ston. ^

Paper Mill Road, intersects west end to New Shal- t^i lowferd, Salem. ^ TET A Q SPfCES, DYES AND FLAVORS S I ^r^^^ At Gray i Martin's, Winston, N. 0. - —

*;h° -5-1 niRECTORY. ~ ' ' r^ 2 Pine, 4th west Main, from Sixtii Winston to New ... i| Shallowford, Salem.

S S.^ Poplar. 2d west Main, from Mill to Old Shallowford, o^ Sajem.

,-M oc!^ Poplar, 6th west Main, from 4th to Sixth, Winston. *Sl? Public Square, Salem, bounded by Church, Old flt^ Shallowford and West Streets. ^m| Salisbury Road, south end Main Street, Salem. ^HiK Shallowford Road, intersects Broad Sireet, Win- •^ >-^ ston. ^^< Spring, western corporate limits, Winston, ;g:J Spruce, otb west Main, from Sixth, Winston, to F^ * north Shallowford, Salem. ^— Sycamore, 5th east Main, bet Fourth and Fifth sts, r^ fM Winston. 2 Vine, 4th east Main, bet Fourth and Fifth, Winston. ^1^ Walnut, 7th south First, from Main west to limits, fl^ Salem. 2m ^ Waughtown road, intersects Main and Mill sts, ^ C* Salem. ^ J? West, 6th south First, from Church west to limits, -M Salem. O ofl ^rj Winston Park, bounded by Spruce, 4th, First and Spring sts, Winston. rr) CITY OFFICERS SALEM. )f^ Mayor—C. H. Fogle. L^^ Secy and Treas—L. N. Clinard. ^^^ Commissioners—J. G. Sides, J. W. Fries, .\, A. H. Crist, T. Shore, C. S. Hauser, L. A. , 1 Spaugh, S. N. r~i Brietz. r^^j Street Commissioner— C. H Fogle. (^^ Police— A. C Shepherd. Salem Fire Engine Co. f ) Don't you buy Hamlin's AVizard Oil at Callum's, an(3 save 10 cents on the bottle? oqWHY Others charge you $1 for the same goods. NEWCOMB'S PURE WINES, LIQUORS, TRY TOBACCO Am CI(}AK8. cR'ii&sW6^S':%V c. DIRECTORY. ^____ MISCELLANEOUS. United States Commissioner. Charles Brietz, CQmmissioner. Internal Revenue Oifice. W. H. Wheeler, collector 5th district. Widows Home. Under the auspices of the Moravian church, sw cor sts, Salem. Main and Old Shallowford _^^^^ Winston and Salem Post Oliice. (^ ^ Note—For postal regulations see page 19, appen- ^^^ dix. L^J Salem Post Office. ^jQ Postmaster— J. Blickenderfer. Assistant — J. A. Seaber. |ii^ R. M* Service. K5 Over Salem branch (R. & D. R. R.) double daily. Star Service. Winston double daily.

Salem to Yokey, leaves Tuesdays and Fridays at 2^ j.] ^; P.M., arrives 1:40 p.m., same days. ^ Mt. Airy, daily at 7 a m. (except Sundays), returns q K^ same days at 3:30 p m., supplying Winston, Bethania, nj ^ Five Forks, Tobaccoville, DaUon, Culler, Pilot Moun- * -. tain, Bliss, Flat Shoal. 4^ Winston Post Office. Postmaster—W. A. Walker. Assistant— J. R. Walker. ?fe: Delivery and Stamp—F. T. White. ' ^ R. M. Service. Double daily over Salem branch (R. & D. R. R.) 3 6R4T & MRTIN n^mX^ -* ;

56 DIE EC TORY wm mmm colli f, Tj a Fir.st-clas^.s Prafiical Schd.il. Circulars free. IL Ph W. McKAY, Principal, Macon, Ga. 2^ Star Service. Q--;; Salem Chapel leaves Tuesdays and Fridays at G a.

"^ M , returns Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3 P.M. Sup- C9 Q plies Walkerstown, White Road, Belew Creek Mills. JJT^iH Mocks ville leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- 'Dlr^ days at 6 a.m., returns intervening days at 2 p.m. »-. © Supplies Clemmonsville, Hall's Ferry and Smith's CO'pl Grove. 2 H Rockville leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- M U days at 6 a.m., returns intervening days at 6 p.m. ^O Supplies Vienna, Mona, Shore, East Band, and Rich- fH "^ mond Hill. *jj ^ Salem leaves daily 3:30 p.m. 01 rj Danbury leaves daily (except Sunday), 6am, re- ^O turning at 3 p.m. Supplies Flat Branch, Sledges fff^ Garden, Germanton, Walnut Cove, and Meadows. '-,rj Yadkinsville, leaves daily (except Sunday), at 6 a. Q ^ m., returns 3 p.m. Supplies Lewisville, Panther ";i Creek and Conrad's. ^% SECRET SOCIETIES. HJO Note—For Grand and Supreme officers, see socie- L Q ties in Greensboro department. 2 § Golden Rule. liJ.3 (Supreme Lodge.)

5r—I Sessions Biennial at points and times agreed upon. 1,1^^ Supreme Offices— S. M. Bernard, Kentucky, Su-

preme Commander ; J. S. R. Thomson, Carolina, OoJT'""' South Vice-Supreme Commander ; T.J. Smith, Kentucky,

3:;p Supreme Secretary ; Dr. T. J. Harcourt, Ohio, Su- Q4J) preme Treasurer; Dr. C. C. Higgins, Illinois. Su-

preme Medical Examiner ; C. R. Curtis, Massa- *~y

Supreme Herald ; J. M. Renners Alabama, Supreme

Warden ; R. E. Wallace, Illinois, Supreme Sentinel G. W. Menz, Kentucky, Supreme Trustee; Dr. J. R.

You wish a good Hair Brush or Comb of anv kind, go to CALLUM'S DRUG STORE before you buy, MIF and see their large stock. Greensboro. ^

PrilK WINES, LT(iTK)RS', TO- Vy-)

, BACCO AND CIGARS, );f:^ 'McAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. 0> DIRECTORY, 57 O Clausen, Pennsylvania. Supreme Trustee ; 0. F. q Adams, Georgia, Supreme Trustee. I—l Winston Castle, No. 265, meets second and fourth

Thursday evenings at Johnson's Hall ; V. W. Dalton, K^jQ

C. ; J. P. Burch, secy. q^ Knights of Honor. O Wineton Lodge, No. 1673, meet second and fourth pN '^~0^ Tuesday evenings at Johnson's Hall; N. W. Norfleet, Die; Dr. H. T. Bahnson, Rep. . ^y, Knights and Ladies of Honor, meet second and ^^ .— fourth Tuesday evenings at Johnson's Hall ; J. H.

Nelson, Pro ; T. B. Douthit, secy. P-i

Knights of Pythias. ^T/X Wachovia Lodge, No. 29. meet Wednesday evenings CX at Johnson's Hall ; C. W. Vogler, C. C. ; L H. Nelson, J^-^ K. of R. & S. O Masons. O '""^ Winston Lodge, No. 167, A F. and A. M., meet second Monday evenings at Masonic Hall; P. W. yy-^ Dalton, Marler, secy. ^-^ W. M. ; W. H. Winston Chapter, No. 24, P. A.M.. meet at Masonic M Hall, first and third Monday evenings Dr. PT. T. *"^ Bahnson, H. P.; C. S. Houser, secy. t"^ Piedmont Commandery, No. 6, K. T.. meet Masonic I—' * Hall fourth evenings Dr. H. T. Bahnson, E. Monday ; ^ C. I. H. Nelson, Rec. ; ^IXl^ Odd Fellows. ^^ ^ Salem Lodge, No 36, meet Tuesday eveuings at Odd

Fellows Hall; W. F. Keith, N. G. : J. M. Seddon, so secy. ^^ ^ Winston Lodge, No. 106, meet Johnson's Hall, Fri- 5' B^ CO day evenings; S. E. Allen, N G. ; L H. Nelson, secy. ^ o Salem Encampment, No. 20, meet at Odd Fellows d ^ Hall second and fourth AEonday evenings; R. J. Hitt, "y-^ g

• C. P. ; W. A. Walker, scribe.

THE Country Merfliauts of Randolph county: We give you our ' O TOhand, and hope you a prosperous year. A better class of trade can- ""^ not be found than old Randolph .She has stuck to us and we will |~^. J* stick to her in giving her the best bargains in everything in thf (^' drug line. Callu.m Bjjos. & Co. — ^^ ^^^ ^^"^^ "^^ glass, tK i fT!!? SYRINO-ES, MWP pewter, rubber, male and W A I ULL LlJlllJ female,

^^ p .^^8 DIRECTORY. HP„ (JOLORED SOCIETIES. •w y^ .9 Good Samaritans, two branches. u ^ Masons. '\^ '^ Geo, D, Wise Lodge, No. 27, meet first and third Q "S Friday nights ; D. B. Richmond, W. M.; F. R. John- 1 2 son, sec}'. H p&i Odd Fellows. Q ^ Winston Star Lbdge, No. 2308, G. U. 0. 0. F., meet

... '2 first and third Monday evenings ; Wm. Taylor, N. G.; ^ c3 C. B. Cash, secv. O^ ' CHURCHES. K^ "~^ Note—For general church information see heading ^ oT of "Churches," Greensboro dejDartment. Q g Baptist. ^ H Winston Baptist Church, Rev. H. A. Brown, pas-

_ .2 Episcopal. ^ '5 Winston Episcopal Church, Rev. B. W. Dougherty, ^S rector. g ^ Methodist. -^ t^ Winston Methodist Church, hold services at Brown's 'TJ 2 Hall, Rev. Solomon Pool, pastor. ^ = Winston Methodist Church, Rev. T. J. Ogburn, i"^ --; pastor Moravian. Salem Moravian (oldest church in North Carolina), a^_. .^ established over 118 years ago, Rev. Edward Bond- ed _^ thaler, pastor. ;^ <^ Presbyterian. pj ^ Winston Presbyterian Church, Rev. F. H. Johnson, A^ Q pastor. COLORED CHURCHES. 3 Baptist, ^ Methodist, ,^ ^ Moravian, ^i^I^ Presbyterian, r ' Zion Methodist. r^ MISCELLANEUS. ^^^ Military. r^ Forsyth Riflemen, Co. A., 3d North Carolina Reg., 1 I

1ft fl For Wines, Liquors, Tol)acco and Cigars. jH d ^ST'Sacramental Wines a Specialty. *" Me Adoo House, Greensboro, N. (\

DIRECTORY. 59 I— organized February 15, 1812; reorganized January H IS, 1846, May 22, 1861, June 7, 1884. a Captain S H. Smith 1st Lieutenant E. F. Young 2d Lieutenant W. B. Williamson Ensign J. C. Bessent 1st Sergeant S. M. Pritchett 2d Sergeant T. M. Butner 8d Sergeant E. T. Ware 4th Sergeant T. R. Pepper o 1st Corporal D. E Kester

2d Corporal : A. J. Shelly ?d Corporal S. T. Neal 4th Corporal R. Haskins Surgeon Dr. E. F. Gray Chaplain Re v. H. A. Brown Literary and Social Club. Physicians Association. Twin City Rifle Clnb, G eo. Corrie, President. H Number of Pounds to the Bushel, Legal Weight, in the Difterent States.

So C2 oj 2;o o STATES. M 002

Arkansas 60 56 32 48 52!... 70 50 60 50 57 ... 60 33 80 California ... 60i54i32 50140 52 ...I- Connecticut 60|56'32 4848'56 50 60 ...50 160 Georgia G0,56|32 475256 48 60 .55 57 '60 Illinois. 60'56 32 48 52'56 48 6) 55 57 '60 Indiana 60 561... 48,50j56 50 60 ...l48 60

Iowa 56132 4s!52'56 ... 60 46 57 60 48i5('j56 Kansas 56132 5' I 60 50 67 65:60 33 54 Kentucky 56] 32 47|65'55 50 60 55.57 60 60 39 56 Maine 50 30 48'48'56 50 60 ...152150 64 148 Massachusetts .56 1 32 48 '.56 50 60 56 52 Micbigan 56:32 48:48 56 70 50,60 56 54 58 60 60 Minnesota 56 32 48 4256 ...60 Missouri 56'32 48 52 56 ...'00 14 N Hampshire 56j32 ...|...j66 50 60 T New Jersey.... 56 1 30 48.50'56 ...i60 54,57 M New York 56!.32 48 48 56 ...!60 "^ N'h Carolina.. 60156 30 48|50'54 46 Ohio 60'56'32 48 50'56 70 50,50 GC Penn.syivania 56:32 4748 ...56 Rhode Island .56 32 481... 5u'60 ...50 H S'h Carolina... 56 '33 48 56 .50 '60 50 57 60 33 44 Tennessee 56 32 48^50 50 60 50 56 60 56 O "Vermont .56; 32 4846 ...i60 ...1-52 60 Virginia 56 32 48 52 50 60 56 57 60 80 Wisconsin 50 32; 48 50156 ...60 ...150 ...128 . . .

()0 DTRECTORY. a mm mmm mi :\ V'\v<\-c\'M^'~ Practii'Ml Schiiol. Circulars free W. McKAY, Principa-1, Macon, Ga.

Interest Laws of all the States.

States a nd Teriiitokiks. Penalty of Usury. Special.

Loss of Alabama interest , « * Arizona No penalty No lim^it Arkansas No penalty No limit California No penalty No limit Colorado No penalty No limit Kg Connecticut Forfeiture of all interest... No limit DaKotH Forleiture of contract 18 per cent as Delaware Forleiture of cdntract (> per cent District Columbia.. Forfeiture of all interest.. li) per cent Kiorid.i No penalty No limit ^ © Georgia Forfeiture of excess.. 12 per cent jSoOO fine or imprisonment 6 m'ntbs, j^jy^jjQ ( 2i per cent t>r both ___.

Illinois .. Forfeiture of all interest 10 per cent Indiana Forfeiture of interest and costs 10 per cenc H Iowa Forfeiture of txcess 10 per cent. Forleiture of excess over 12 » Kansas per 12 per cent cent 10 per fa Kentucky Forl'eituie oi ail interest cent Louisiana Forfeiture of interest 5 per cent O Maine No penalty No limit Maryland Forleiture of excess 6 per cent u Massachusetts No penalty— 6 per cent, on judg- No limit

ments , H Michigan Forleiture of exces*-- 10 pei cent , Minnesota FortVitnre of excess o\ er 7 per cent 12 per cent Mississippi- No penalty No limit +* Missouri Forleiture of all interest 10 per cent •H Mootina No penalty H Nebraska Forleiture of all interest and costs 12 per cent 2 Nevada No penalty No hmit per cent > ($ New Hampshire.. Forieit three times interest rec'd... jj > ew Jersey Forfeit of all interest 7 per cent O L New Mexico No penalty 12 per cent n New York Forfeiture o< contract per cent Z. North iJarolina... Forfeiture of interest 8 per cent Ohio Foi feiture of excess 5 per cent Forleiture principal, Oregon interest and 12 per cent costs.... Pennsylvania... Forleiture of excess 6 per cent Rhode Island.... Forleiture, unless by contract No limit South Carolina., No penalty ;.. No limit Foi feiture 6 Tennessee of over per cent and 10 per cent $100 fine Texas No penalty No limit Utab No penalty No limit Vermont Forfeiture ex«ess on K. K. bonds... 7 per cent Virginiii, Forfeit of contract 12 per cent Washington No penalty No limit West VirgiDla., Forleiture of excess 6 per cent Wiscousiu Forfeiture of alt interest 10 per cent Wyoming No penalty No limit ^J pnWDERED BLACK PEPPER, ™|/S ' ' I U Vf per pound at CALLUM'S DKUG STORE. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. Gl DOCTOR MONTAGUE,

Ufi'-ick and Kksidexce

Chruch Street, near Orinoco Warehouse, Winston, N. C.

Will proiiii)tIy atteml cases in Town or Country, day or night.

R. r, KERNEH E. a. OLDHAM, Attorney at La^v. Ed. and Pnb. of Sentinel.


Town Property and Farms al l through Northwestern N. C.


AVn<)i,Es.\LE A.xn Ketmi, DRUGGIST AviisrsToisr, n. c.

Carries a full line of r>rugs^ I^atent IMedicines, Pi^irVTS and OILS, FANCY GOODS, ETC.

Orders of Pliysicians and Country 31erchants solicited.

Pliysiciaiis' Prescriptions Carefully Conipouiided. 62 A D VERTISING DEPARTMENT. CHEAPDon't Fail toJOHNVisit X'OEa THE BEST AND CHEAPEST GOODS In Winston, Next to Ir*ostoffi.ce,


*$-Office over Tlionipson's Drug Store.-^

Boards oim-osite First National Bank.


M.\,\,:.'.;,\\* ^Jn^^** 'ffivvX^ siJi \\\\\\%\\\^ .:\>,v:;vs« 'V\\\i,\\\"^\w> y^ ^\ inston, IV. C Makes Photosiiaphs any size. Copies and Enlarges Old Picture.s. Photographs of Buildings or other Scenery, or Wood Engravings. Having secured the late marvelous improvenicnts, all are invited

to come, even the l)abies ; its only fun to taketliem now. ~ C. J WATKINS,

JP^^Teeth Extracted Without Pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas.

Ortice at my Ke-sideuco, Postotllce addre.ss. Main Street, Salem, y. C. Winstop. X. V. ADVERTJSIXG DEPARTMENT. f>8 jr. II. xcESTErii PLUMBER i STEAM | SAS FITTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Watei' and Steam Pipes, Watei' Closets, M'ash Basins, Kubber Hose, Valves, Bath Tubs, Sinhs, Hot Water Boilers, and all kinds of .Sani- tary (xoods. Also all kinds of Steam Fit- tings, Pumps, Valves, etc Agent Standard Pumps,

Orders Solicited. Estimates Furnished. STYRON & STYRON, GIlOCERIES,CONrECTI01TS


R. W. BELO, - - Proprietor.

Rooms, Furniture and Table cannot be sur- passed in the State. Everything First-class. —


CONGECTIONERIES AND BAKER. ^^^Wt'dding and Picnic Parties' supplies furnislied at short notice.

f^fkdtidkl Wkidl^nikkef

Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelrj' of every descrip- tion a specialty. Satisfaction guarajiteed. J^I^^Will order any article in the Jewelry line known to the trade. TOBACCO FLUES. J'arniei'S desiring Tobacco Plues or .sheet Iron Work .>iliould not fall to call on me. »^PR1CES LOW. Have al.so skilled workmen, and am prei>ared to do ROOFING, GUTTERING, TIN AND ZINC WORK Of all descriptions at short notice. Full assortment of

Constantlv on hand. Call and sec me. ^Y, S. REI^IPSOIV.

Xext door to Hrown, Rogers & Co , Winston, N. C.


On the C. F. & Y. V. R. R., twelve miles north of Greensboro. Is not surpassed by anj- school in the .State for he ilthtulness of location, skillful teaching, and for good teachers and business men sent out. F. S. BLAIR, Principal, SCMJIERFIELD, N. C. .1 D 1 ^ERTISING DEPA R TMKX T.

Manufacturer and l)e:ilcr in


ENLARGED and IMPROVED. $150 A YE\R. THE PRESS entered its Thirty-Second Volume January 1st, 1884. Now is the time to substrihe. It will be our en- deavor to make THF] PRESS more interesting than ever. L. V. A- E^ T. BLUM, Salem, X. ('. SALEM PBIMtImG OFFICE.

Job Printing in all its branches at reasonable piiees. Pul)- lishers People's Press, Blum's Farmers' and Planters' Alma- nac, Guide r>ook of Northwestern North Carolina. Almanac Fun, etc. L. V. ct E. T. BLUM, Proprietors. 66 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. R C. MEINUNa Carriage and Buggy Maker AND GENERAL REPAIRER,

X. ir. Cor. Main rnul Netr Shallonfurd Six., SALEM, N. C.

JlP^^Work of every description in the above lines promptly executeil at reasonable rates.

Fire Insurance ComDanies 6)C); ..^l-^^. 6)7 ro also represented. WlWOKow^ JU ^. IMPORTANT TO BUSINESS MEN!

Read ThiP, it May Contain Some tiling' of Importance to You.


I invite yonr attention to The Leader as a good advertising medium to reach the trade and people of North Western North Carolina. It seeks to benefit both its subscribers and adver- tisers, and loses no opportunity to serve them. It circulates principally in the counties of Guilford, Rockingham, Forsyth, Davie, Davidson, Yadkin, Stokes, Surrv, AVith a general State circulation. We solicit a card from you. "We deal fairly with our patrons, and give you our best terms to save correspond- ence. Special contract for large advertisements. Weekly, Sfl.oO a vear. J. A. EOBIXSOX, Editor and Proprietor. ADVERTISJXG DEPARTMENT. 67 GIERSH & SENSEMAN,

Buyers of Country Produce. j^S^Call aiid Hee XTsbj, ami S!»'aA'e Mioney. MAIN ST.. SALEM. N. C.

XAVWWWSW ^fraK^ro*'K\»\OTSW 'JtJSS^ Wsvv'C-.^ WWvWW' "ttSS.W.vW "^^i^J^^ ^V^^'' '


J. W. GOSLEK, Editor and Proprietor, JOB PRINTING


Printed with neatness and dispatch, and at bottom prices.

/^^^Scnd nlong yimr orders.

V. O. THOMPSON & CO., Cigar Manufacturers,





We are the sole manufacturers of the im- proved round front hound and the straight hind hound, made of perfectly straight-grain timber. We use the square tennon on the end of spoke

that goes in felloe, and wedge spoke at hub.

We will not make the shouldered spoke.

We make all styles and sizes of WJLQOKS TO OBBll. WE WARRANT EVERY WAGON,

And deliver at depot free of charge.

W&^Do not be deceived ; see that you buy the

wagon bearing the name of J. I. Nissen on hind gate and axle, and get the best wagon made.

Send for price list. C. F. Nissen & Co. ! ! !

.1 D I 'ER TISING DEPA R TMEXT. 681 f WIUIAMSON*&*€ORRIE, Booksellers, Stationers. iiias itai I iti isiiiiii^ And. Dealers in PIANOS and ORGANS,

acr- Tobacco Manufacturers' Printing a Specialty. °^8 GRAY & MARTIN,

^V IN ST ON, N- C. Carrj' a full line of goods in the above line. Toilet and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. Holiday Goods at Lowest Prices. Esta.T5lisli.ed. leeS. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE

Over a Quarter of A Gentury in Existaijce m SI V7


A Red Hot Democratic Journal that Says what it Thinks A Family Newspaper that is Read in Thirty-three States and at everj^ Farm and Fireside in Western Carolina. A Paper to subscribe to if you want to learn more about a Pros- perous City and a Prosperous Section. A Paper to Ad- vertise in if you want to reach the People. Quadrupled its Circulation within One Year after Change of Management. Per Year $1.50, spot cash. Send -50 Cents and Try it 3 Months. Advertising Rates on Application. EDAV^ARD A. OLDHAM^ Editor and Proprietor, "WixsTOX, N. C. 681^ ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. HEADQUAETERS

^'ozis r=T3-sa:E OLD WINES, BRANDIES, Rye, Bourbon AND ^GORN^WHISKIES,^

BUDWEIS'^ BEER " ON ' ICE, Bass & Co'p Pale Ale,



Imported Wii^es and ^tempagues,

Seltzer aud Apollinaris Mineral If ateis, Ginger, Lemon and .^arsaparilla Soda, PURE OLD HENNES8Y BRANDY FOR MEDICINAL USE.

Never in its history has Greensboro ever offered a more coinpl-ete and varied stock than is to be found at E. G. NEWCOMBE'S, McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. (iS'. S ^DRUGGISTS^ AVINSTONT. IST. C.

Everything in the Drug and Medicine line. Fitting Trusses to Ruptures and filling Prescriptions

Drugs, Ghemicals, Medicines. We say, without fear of contradiction, that we have the largest stock of FRESH AND GENUINE DRUGS, MEDICINES, And everything in the Drug line, that is to be found in Greens- boro. Having bought larger than ever from the best houses, we are determined they shall be sold. Country Merchants, Farmers, and the public generally, remember this, and don't buy anything in our line before seeing us, as we can and

Will Undersell all Others. So long as we sell our goods low down, we hope you will continue to give us your trade. Very truly yours, CALLUM BROS. & CO., Greensboro, N. C

Can be found on South Elm St , lienbow Bloi-k, Greexsboro, X. C., with a complete line of Ladies' blisses', Children's, Gentictnen's & Boys' BOOTS, SHOES and TRUNKS, TTT'ia.olesa.le aaad. Eieta.il, Can Suit any and Everybody in Goods & Prices. K.xclusive Agents for ZEIGI.r,R BROS. SHOES. Call to see us and you will not regret it. Very Respectfully,

t^ For Wines, Licniors, Tobacco and Cifxars ilfj^^Sacramental Wines a Specialty. McAdoo House, (ireeiisborii. N. <'


Winston and Salem Directory. > WFLITE DEPARTMENT. ^^^ - ^^ To find a name know how it. is spelled. j Half numbers mean upstairs. ^3" ^ Erra'a, changes and removals will be found in last pag-

^ -^ Where residence or businpss is located in some namf-d build- i^ ing or block, eee n^me of same in regular classification ot white z::! ^ department. g p» Colored Department follows White. o hH ABBREVIATIONS. ^ Cl al alley nr nenr ^ avp. avenue ns north sidft bdp boHrd.s op opposite s bet between re;* lesid^i ry- ^_ • ^ bli.' •• building R. M S railway mail servic 'J^ ilk clerk R. R -ailroHi ZH, H cond conductor vecy ^ec^etarv £ ^ dept departmenr bS south sir't- ^ ^ eujf enginefr St S^rPft e-- ea^t side supf suo^riutt Tide' t ^.^ p^ frt freight servi servaKt O lab laborer waah'n wa-herwoman •- ^ mfjr.. manufacturing wid widow g ^ mfr manufacturer W8 west side —. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY AT THE END OF NAME DEPART- MENT. SEE INDEX IJ name or other information wanted is not found in its ^ I proper classification, see addenda and errata in last pages, s^ A "-^ A ACKERMAN MISS ELLIE, saleslady J. Blicken- J ^ derfer, res R. A. Ackerraan ^ lJ Ackerman E., boss spinner F. & H. Fries 5* [U Ackerman E T., boss spinner Arista Mills, res ws S- l^ Elm 4 h n Bank st, Salem § j-j RTTYOFfiR'V k MIRTIN. nRUIililSTJi t 2W JZJ 70 DIRECTOR! ;gop^^^ BUSINESSMNIVERSITY.

S^/VD FOR CIRCUL A RS. ^ O "VSTiite Department. O QC Ackerman Henry, res R. A- Ackerman Lula, res R. A. ^ J2 Ackerman Miss Ackerman ^^ Ackerman R. A., Eng F. & H. Fries woUen mill, res ^^ ws Elm cor Bank st, Salem Adams Elijah, res Old Town road, n limits R. bds Mrs. Q ^ Adams S , warehouseman, H. V. Yar- ^ Q brough ^^ AfikinsG. J., tinner W. S. Rempsan, bds Mrs. H. rv V. Yarbrough p-4 T' Agthe Prof Frederick, prof music Salem Accademy, ^ ^ bds Salem Hotel drummer, res Rev. J in Albea Eugene P , W. W. Albea M ^ Albea Miss Julia H., res Rev. W. W. Albea OC Albea Rev. W. W., pastor M E Church, res nw cor ^ ^ Fourth and Cherry sts ^ ;^ Albertson S. S., wks C F. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- J^ <^ town ^ ^ Albridge S., res w limits, Salem {^W Albright G. W., groceries, bds Turner King Qq^ Aldred Cyrus, wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- Qj O town ^ Aldred John, res Mrs. Nancy Warner " Aldred Shubert, wks F. k H. Fries ^ Aldred William, wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- ^ town Allen & Allen, hardware and house furnishers Allen D. E., of Allen & Allen, hardware etc., bds Central Hotel ALLEN E. J., watchmaker and jeweler, res nw cor Poplar and Fourth sts Allen S. E., of Allen & Allen, hardware, res ws Spruce lbs Fourth st Almond W. H.. carpenter, res nw cor First and Chest- nut sts

AT \m I tmm im stoke, TRUSSES WIJVSTON, 3V. C i EWCOMB'S Wines & Liquors Lead the State Pare Tent Wines for Sachamentai, Puuposes. E.e.N Mc\doo House, - - - - Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 71 White Department. Alspaugh J. W., cashier First National Bank, res ns Fifth 1 h w Liberty st Alsop Bros., saloon Alsop George W., bar and billiards, res ws Main 1 h 8 Sixth st

Alsop W. D , of Alsop Bros., saloon, res Greensboro Angle Miss Mary, domestic \V. P. Hill Angelo B., landscape gardener, res nw limits Angle Mrs. M. C, wid, res se cor Sixth and Liberty sts Apnerson Thomas P., elk G. T. Foust, bds Mrs. F. J. Hardio Apple James N., res es Vine 1 h s Fifth st Apple J. P., groceries, res cor Church and Third sts ARISTA COTTON MILLS, F. & H. Fries proprs, ^ry^ Salem \J^ Armfield Miss A. L., res W. M. Armfield Armfield & Haskins. groceries ^^ Armfield J. L., res W. M. Armfield ^ Armfield Miss Myra, res W. M. Armfield ^ Armfield W. E. res W. M. Armfield Armfield W, M., of Armfield & Haskins, groceries, Ql^ res R R tracks, bet First and Belevv Creek sts, Salem ^ t^ Axsora Miss Emma, res W, E. Axsom ^ [^ Axsom J. F., res W. E, Axsom u ^ Axsom Miss Lizzie E., res W. E. Axsom y ^ Axom W. E., wks Salem Iron Works, res ne cor h K^ Cherry and High sts, Salem »

ABINGTON E. J., res ws Main 2 h s Second st *3 ^ B^-^ Bahnson George W., in ofiice F. & H. Fries Q l^ Bahnson Dr. H. T., physician, res es Church st4 h n y ™ Salem Academy q ^ Bahnson Mrs. Louisa, wid, res Widows Home ' !^ Bahnson Town, ne limits, nr Seventh st W Bahnson W. H., chief police, bds Mrs. N. J. Terry '^ Bohannon F. M., elk Pfohl k Stockton Tj Bailey Bros., tobacco mfrs ^ ^T CRiY & wmw\ mmwM HIE DPVI CIGARSviwiiiiB "*^ W « WINSTON, N. C. i;- TOBACCOS ^HfiMgrrs. o^ IS- 'T*o 72 DIRECTORY. T Q^ White Department. z . Bailey Miss Jennie, res C. H. Berger •-• J§ Bailey M. D , of Bailey Bros., res ws Cherry st, 4 h n ;gcp Third st

d^ Bailey P. N , of Bailey Bros , tobacco mfrs, bds Cen- O^^ tral Hotel Bailey Robert, res Salisbury road, Salem ,S °5 *d-2 Bailey Miss Susan, domestic Mrs. E. E. Roan N t^ Baker W. J., res E. Salem r^m^ Baptist Church, see appendix ^lui Barbee George W. elk D. A. Haskins, res ws Oak st, W ^o 5 h s Belo st •>(- Barber Thomas D , leaf tob, res ws Cherry st, 1 h n ^^ First st •iH -• Barham Walter H., elk Brown & Carter, res J. Q. ^... "T* o Barham jj^^ Barham Miss Annie P, res J. Q. A. Barham ^*^ Barbara J. Q. A,, auctioneer Brown & Carter, res ns S Fifth st, 4 h w Spring st ^. 2 Barham Nicholas, res ns Fifth, She Spring st M^ Barham N. B., of T. A. Livengood & Co, saloon fl Barker John, res Mrs. S. Barker ^ ^ Barker Mrs. S., wid, res ws depot, 1 h n Seventh st rg ^ Barncastle Caroline, domestic James Gibson P^ Barrow H. W., elk F. Fries, res nw cor Main and © g First sts Q g BARROW H. M., of J. S. Barrow & Sons, dry goods, •^^^7^ res J. 8. Barrow BARROW J. J., of J. S. Barrow & Sons, res J. S. '9'^\ Barrow CAJ barrow J. 8., of J. S. Barrow & Sons, dry goods, r:_ri res Spruce st ^^m>\ BARROW J. S. & SONS, dry goods, se cor Third •^ and Liberty sts ^J Barrow William, magistrate and coroner, res C. E. ^^ Crist Barton Daniel, wks Wachoria Mill, res ws Elm, 1 h n Bank st, Salem Barton Miss E., res Daniel Barton H Barton Franklin E., res Daniel Barton Bassett H , wks Fogle Bros Battle Dr. S. W., bds Belo House WfEWCOMirs wines and Liquors Lead the State ^/k En Pure Tent Wines for Sacramental Purposes. l¥ 111 \Mw I U I AV MoAdoo House, Grekmshoko, N. C. DIRECTORY. White Departnieut. 3 Beard Miss Dora, res W. H. Beard Beard William H., tailor, res se cor Main and Sixth sts Beard John, elk Long & Sackerman, res R. R. tracks, bet First and Bellevv Creek st?, Salem

Beard W. H , tailor Robert D. Johnston Beckel Mrs. E., wid, res John Weisner Beck Mrs. F. J., wid, res ws Salt, 1 h s First st, Salem Beck Mrs. Martha, res Mrs. F. J. Beck Beck William, wks Salem Iron Works, res Mrs. F. J. 00QO Beck Becker James, carpenter, res se cor Vine and Fifth sts p a Beckel Mrs. S., wid, res Mrs. S. E. Garboden oq ^ Beeson Branson R., miller Salem mill, res ss Walnut, '^ ^ 2 h w Marshall st, Salem (72^ BELO HOUSE, R. W. Belo. propr, Salem gZ Belo J. Leven, bkkpr, res es Main st, 1 h s Ceme- o^* tery, Salem »^^ , UELO R. W., propr Belo House, res same' g W Bennett J. A., marble cutter J. W. Durham, bds Mrs. ;r! JJJ T. Bennett ^^ Bennett Miss Lillie, res Mrs T. Bennett t~'jr Bennett Miss Mamie, res Mrs. T. Bennett 2 O Bennett Mrs. T., wid, res sw cor West and Main sts, "^ (Q Salem hj Benton Miss Laura, res Mrs. M. Benton !^-^ Benton Mrs. Matilda, wid, res ne cor Cherry and ^ « Second sts c^ ^ Benton Mrs. M. A., wid, res T. F. Williamson "^Q Benton Thomas, fresh meats, res Mrs. M. Benton ^ Benton William, bkkpr Williamson & Smith, res t^'jg Mrs. M. Benton co ^ BERGER CHAS. H., bakery, res Liberty st, ne limits g^fH Bernard Miss Mary A., teacher Salem Academy, res Jii Q same "^ ^ Berry Emory, res ws Salt st, 2 h s Bank st, Salem ^C^ BESSENT J. C, town constable and collector, res ns * ^ Liberty, op Depot st -2 Bennis William, wks Salem Iron Works, res ns Bel- mm lew Creek, She Chesnut st, Salem J,^ Bevan Joseph, sr, jeweler, res ws Main, bet Second W and Third sts C3 74 DIRECTORY.

A First-clafs Praftical School. Circulars free. H~ W. McKAY, Principal, IVIacon, Ga. White Department. ^1 ^ Joseph, jr, jeweler Joseph Bevan, sr, bds Mrs. (^ Bevan 4 - Thornburg 0^ Bevel A. W., wagon shop, res ws Cherry, 4 h n Fifth

~ Bevel William,'wks A. W, Bevel, res same [^ |4Q Billeter Miss E., res C A. Fople o2 BILLINGS W. H., iDanager Belo House, res same fl H— Binkley Miss Bettie, domestic P. H. Hanes '^ Binkley Mary, domestic James A. Gray ^ H- Birkhead F. R. brickmason, res ws Reservoir st, 1 h f^^^ n Reservoir W ^ Bishop Miss J. A., res W. H. Clarke ^(/y Bitting George B., bkkpr First National Bank, res kJ:^ Joseph A. Bitting ^O Bitting Henry, elk Williamson & Corrie, res Joseph ^D A. Bitting CO Bitting Joseph A., prest First National Bank and of Bitting & Whitaker, tob mfrs, res ns Fifth, 5 h w ISiSi Poplar st iMiiii^ Bitting Miss Kate, res J. A. Bitting |3Q Bitting Miss Louisa, res J. A. Bitting #M|g Bitting Miss Susie, res J. A. Gitting ^^ Bitting & Whitaker, tob mfrs y^^ Black Joseph N., bus driver Belo House, res Nannie ^^ Tise .^ Black Thomas, groceries, res ne cor Fifth and Liberty Q9 sts Blackburn, Dalton & Co. tob mfrs Miss res J. ^^^ Blackburn D , G. Blackburn J^^ Blackburn Jasper, res w limits ^^^ Blackburn J. G , brickmason, res es Reservoir, 3 h n g]j2 Seventh st ^^\ Blackburn M., wks Fogle Bros m^Kf* Blackburn Samuel, of Blackburn, Dalton & Co, tob g^H^ mfrs. res es Chprry, 1 h n Fifth st ^al^ BLICKENDERFER J., notions and postmaster, bds ^^ Belo House, Salem GRAY '^^^^^ ^I' ^ & ' nD I I OC ^ MARTIN « UrIUWiO iWiisttDiN.C. "WHflftlfUfllflflT^fl 5'"'"' Wines, Licmors, TobacTO and Cigars. HEAUyUMllilla IJff'Sacrainental Wines a Specialty. II«H» •111 ••»• McAdoo House, Green.sboro, N. ('.

DIRECTORY. To White Department. st, s Blum Mrs. A. M , res es Main 2 h Cemetery, Salem |;H Blum Mr8. C, wid, res W. J. Cooper )^ BLUM E., groceries and tinware, Libert}'' st, ne limiis ^ BLUME. T.,of L. V. & E. T. Blum, bookseller-, ^ printers and publishers Peoples Press and Bluni's (^ Almanac, res ws Main st, nr Public JSquare, 8aleiu y-j Blum Genrcfp W., student, res E. Blum BLUM IRVING, coppersmitb, res Liberty st, ne ^ limits Fourth Blum J. A , dentist, res nw cor Spruce and O sts » O BLUML. y.,of L. V. & E. T. Blum, booksellers, Hjj printers and publishers. The Peoples Press and M^ Blum's Almanac, res ws Main st, nr Public Square, ^m Salem ^W BLUM L. V. & E. T., books, Peoples Press, Blum's g^ Almanac and job printing, Salem '^^'^ Blum Miss Lizzie, domestic C H. Fogle ^^ Blum Miss Mary, domestic A. Fogle P Blum T. 0. wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- ^GO town ^O Board of Trustees Salem Congregation, Dr. *J. W. ^ p Himber, chairman, James T. Lineback, secty and ^^ treas, Salem ^^^ Bodenhammer Alex, bds Henry Leonard 0» Bodenhammer M J., wks C. F. Nissen & Co, r^s ^O Waugh town ^Tj* Bodenhammer Mi?s T., domestic Mrs. E. E. Shelton ^ Bodenhammer W. wks J. W. Fries, bds Mrs. Hai- ^ leys. V* Bohannon Frank, elk Pfohl & Stockton, res Mrs .E. P. Webb Boner Mrs. M. J. wid, res ss Liberty 4 h w Chest- nut st Boner Mrs. Plioebe wid, res Widows Home Boner Mrs. Sophia wid, res Widows Home Booe George W., res ns Liberty 1 h e Main st ^ T> A rfiT^nvTrfTMEDlClNES C^ AND PERFUMES AT GRAY & MARTIN'S, Winston. X. (J. DIRECTORY. White Uepartinent.

. ^< Bool P H., bkkr First National B ink ^'^u BOOZER GEO. A H^^ Bowers Mrs Mary, wid, res n limits, nr Liberty st OOo ^"^^'^s D A. re? nw cor Depot and Fifth sts ^ry:^z. Bowles Miss E. fl., res D. A. Bowles ^2- J)(.wles Mips M. E., res D. A. Bowles ^<3:;^ Bowles Miss V. A., res D. A. Bowles »—(^ Uownrjan Rufus. wagoner, res ns Belew Creek road, 1 h e R R., Salem J-^l 1;:^ Bowman Mrs. W. F, wid, res ne cor Fourth and !>. Cherry sts tV'. ^ Boyd A , wks F. & H. Fries Boyer Miss Lydia, domestic J. A. fl ra Bitting t_S Boyle William, res e Salem Bradford J. W. policeman, res ws Chestnut 3 h a S-cond st I^radley Charles, res Mrs. J. Masten Brannon Miss Mollie domestic, H. D. Poindexter Breder Miss Kate, res Salem Hotel Brendle Charles, wks W. E. Spach & Son, res ^^'aughtown Brendl^ John, wks G. E. Nissen k Co., res Waugh- town Brendle Miss Phoebe, domestic C. T. Pfohl P.reudletown, 2 miles Greensboro road, Salem Brendle William, res Brendletown Brewer Aquilla, res Fries Old Plank road Brewer Charles, wks Fries, res Mrs. E. E. Snider Brewer D. VV. F., barber shop, res Winston Brewer E. wks Salem Iron Works Brewer Henry, driver Salem Iron Works, res Mrs. T. J. Beck Brewer James, brickmason, res es Cherry 2 h s Belo st Brewer John, wks Salem Iron Works, res w limits, Salem Brewer Josephine, servt R. W. B. Happer Brewer Samuel, barber Brewer Thomas, res E. Salem Brewer Miss V., res Mrs. E. E. Snider Bridges Miss E. V., res ws Old Town, 5 h n Fifth st J

Wines and Liquors Lead the State ! |— PURETENTWINESforSACRAMENrAL PURPOSES J^ ' n. McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C. /^^ DIRECTORY. White Department. ^ •Brietz Albert, farmer, res Old Shallowford st and sw

limits rTN _ Brietz Charles, U. S. Commissioner, res es Main, 1 h '^ s Bank st, Salem ^^^^ Brietz George F., elk F. & H. Fries, res Charles Brietz '^T^T Brietz John L., elk Fries, res Charles Brietz '' Brietz Miss Maggie, asst teacher Elm st Graded CA School HH Briggs Mrs. Mary, wid, domestic S. T. Mickey "^ Brietz Mrs. S. M., wid, res W. C. Grunert C/-1

BROADAWAY J. !§ , photographer, res ws J^iberty, 2 h n Sixth st ^y

Eroadaway Miss M F , res J. S Broadway c-h Brock Martha, servt Dr. S. Martin Brooks C, B., of Reid Brothers & Brooks, res ne cor V/) Depot and Bellew Creek sts, Salem h~^ Brooks George H., bkkpr Wachovia Bank J^ Brooks William, Reynolds tob factory, res C. B. i—^ • Brooks p^. Brown Mrs. Ann, wid, sewing Robert D. Johnson J—* Brown Miss A. G., domestic Dr. J. F. Shaffner Brown A. J., wks F. & H. Fries |^ S>1 Brown & Brother, tob mfrs Brown Carter, tob warehouse & i_£vT\ Brown Charles, wks Fogle Bros., res Nathan Brown \^^ Brown Miss Delia, res Mrs. Mary Brown h^ Brown Miss E., res Mrs. Mary Brown Q •Brown Frank elk T. Carter Co., E , W. & bds John ^ Brown -^ Brown George, res R D. Brown J^ Brown Eev. H. A., pastor Baptist church, res ns Sec- ^^ ond, next Church st 3^ Brown H. N., receiving elk T. E, Williamson & Son Brown Jack, wks F. & H. Fries, res w limits -^ Brown Mrs. Jane E., wid, res Dr. J. G. Ector '"^ Brown John, res Nathan Brown M • Brown John A., elk Brown, Rogers & Co., res ne cor .i^ First and Cherry sts ^W^ TiT A Q SPICES, DYES AND FLAVORS o 1 b#^ ViP -it Gray & Martin's, Winston, N. 0. -^ s PAINTS I OILS 'liHii'K!' 78 DIRECTORY. '^ White Department. O Brown Jesse, wks J. W. Fries, resss Mill, 1 h w Main CJ 6 st, Salem J Brown J. W., bkkpr Hinshaw & Bynum, res VV. T.

^ Brown R. D., of Brown Bros , tob mfrs, res ne cor ^^—'^-' Fifth and Spruce sts 8 H Brown R. W., wks Hall & Edmunds r^ F* Brown Thomas, res ws Marshall, 1 h s Old Shallow- ^^ CD ford st, Salem i^ H BROWN T. J*, of Brown, Rogers & Co , hardware and 4D t>i machi^ry, and VV. T. Carter & Co., gen mdse, res Q p sw cor Fifth and Cherry sts pq ^ BROWN W. C, of Smith & Brown, drugs, res Cher- ^.^ ry st

T'^^ Brown Dr. W. L , of Brown & Bro., tob mfrs res es ^^ Spruce. 1 h s Fifth st ^ Brown W. R., eng, res Parker Everhart ^ Brown W. T., elk Hinshaw & Bynum, res Dr. W. L. ^ Brown limits, bet Depot, Seventh Lib- P^ Browntown, ne and ^ erty sts ^^ Bryan E. C, elk Perkins, res J. L. Bryan Bryan James L., res ss Belew Creek road, 3 h e R. R. Salem O Bryan J. L., res Ws Reservoir, 6 h n Seventh st Bryan Mrs. M. E., wid, res James L. Bryan ^ Buford Chas., agt So Ex Co, bds Central Hotel '^ BURCH JNO. D., groceries and confections, res ws ^^1 Main, bet Second and Third sts r""! Burcham Shubal, wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- town NEWCOMB'S PURE WINES, LIQUORS, ^^ "--McAdoo Housei TRY TOBACCO AND CIUAKS. GREENSBORO, N. C.

DIRECTORY. IS) White Department. W^» Burgess R. G., harnessmkr, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough Burton Alex, of WatkinB, Burton & Watkins, gen mdse Burton D. R, leaf tob, res es Old Town, cor Seventh St

Burton J. A , wks Cox, Parker & Co, res nr Mill, Sa- lem Burton J. A., of Watkins, Burton & Watkins, dry goods, bds Mrs. N. J. Terry Butner A. I., supt pub schools Butner Miss Dora, res S. E. Butner • Butner D. S., wks J. A. Butner & Co, res J. A. But- ner Butner Miss Ella, res S. E. Butner Butner Eugene E., student, res J. B. Butner Butner Miss E. R., res L. N. Clinard Butner James A., of J. A. Butner & Co, tob mfrs, res ws Main. 3 h s Bank st, Salem Butner J. A. & Co, tob mfrs, Salem Butner John, wks D. A. Spaugh & Co, res S. E. But- ner m Butner Luther, wks Fogle Bros., res S. E. Butner Butner Mrs. Mary., wid, res ws Depot, bet Belew Creek and First sts, Salem Butner Miss Mary, res Mrs. Mary Butner Butner Miss Moliie, bkkpr Fogle Bros Butner Miss M. E., res J. A. Butner Butner Miss Sallie, res Salem Hotel Butner Miss Sallie, res Sisters House Butner Miss Sophia, res Salem Hotel

Butner S. E , elk F. & H. Fries, res ws Poplar, 2 h n West st, Salem BUTNER T. M., jeweler, res Mrs. Mary Butner Buxton J. C, mayor and lawyer, res ws Spruce, 1 h n Fifth st Byerly Miss Laura, res Sanford Byerly ONI! Byerly J. W., of S. Byerly & Son, gen mdse and tob mfrs, res S. Byerly Byerly S. & Son, gen mdse and tob mfrs, Liberty st, o ne limits Byerly Sanford. of S. Byerly k Son, gen mdse and tob mfrs, res Liberty st, ne limits > 80 DIRECTORY.

B usiness M niversity.


21 White Departmeut. C3^ Byhan Mrs. Angelina, wid, res Widows Home Bynum Miss Amelia, res Mrs. H. W. Bynum (0 Bymim & Gotten, tob mrfs, ss First, 1 h e Depot st, S d Salem ^^ Bynum Hampton, res Mrs. H. W. Bynum ^^ Bynum Miss Hannah, res Mrs. H. W. Bynum Qj ^r Bynum Mrs. H. W., wid, res ns Liberty, 3 h w Chest- fy ^ nut st ~^ P Bynum John, prescription elk V. Thompson ^'Si Bypum Miss Mary, of Stanton & Bynum, millinery, flQ-H 'res Mrs. H. W. Bynum _ CJO Bynum Taylor, of Bynum & Gotten, tob mfrs, res ws tD P Spruce, 2 h n Fifth st "T^E BYNUM WADE H., of Hinshaw & Bynum. gen mdse, sSI-g bds T. S. Black "r^ Bynum Wade, wks Gox, Parker & Co, res Oak st, 2 h yj^ w Salem Gemetery, Salem ^ P Bynum William, res Mrs. H. W. Bynum o pALDWELL JOHN, coffin mfr, bds Central Hotel ™'R Galium' Charles, res ss Four-and-a-half, 5 h w jg^H Poplar st lilr^^ Galium Charlotte, servt Robert Dal ton jir^ Candler R. L., of R. L. Candler & Co, tob mfrs, bds T. « 2 F. Williamson S^Z Candler R. L. & Co, tob mfrs tf^-o Cardwell Washington, res ns Fifth, 1 h w Spring et •g[<^ Garmichael Miss Alma, assistant in music Salem ^ Academy, res same Garmichael R. E., compositor Western Sentinel, res Liberty st Carter Miss Addie, res Elmsley Carter Carter Columbus, wks Arista Mill, res Elmsley Carter Carter Emsley, wks Brown Bros, res ws Elm, 2 h n Bank st, Salem PURE WINES, LIQUORS, TO- BACCO AND CIGARS, McAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. DIRECTORY. 81 White Department. Carter Frank, carpenter, res es Reservoir st, 3 h n Reservoir Carter J. E., elk' W. T. Carter & Co, res Mrs. M. M. Carter Carter Miss L. V.. res Mrs. M. M. Carter Carter Mrs M. M., wid, res cor Broad st and Friea Old Plank Road

Carter W. B , res sw cor Poplar and Fourth sts CARTER W. B,, jr, of Brown, Rogers & Co, hardware, machinery, res Shallowford st CARTER W* T., of W. T. Carter & Co, gen mdse, bds Mrs. M. M. Stockton i-| CARTER W. T. & (JO., gen mdse ^ Case Henry, eng Wachovia Mills, res High st and w ^ limits, Salem Sp" Casey Miss Alice, res Mrs. E. Henderson Casey Charles, W iHm carpenter, res es Cemetery,' 3 h n Lib- erty st ^ "1. Casey Edward, teamster, res Liberty, ne limrta fed Casey Thomas T., res Mrs. E. Henderson kI ^ Castle Miss Anna B., res ne cor Fourth and Church tj 9 sts "^S Castle Ephraim, res ne cor Fourth and Church sts oO Causey A. F., wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- &c) town* ^ "If, Causey Daniel, wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- ^ *^ town O n Central and Merchants Hotel, Pfahl & Stockton, ^Z proprs, also gen mdse ^ Chadwick John, sr, res ns Walnut, 2 h w Marshall st, ^ .^ Salem S Chadwick John, wks Salem Academy, res ss Mill, 2 oq ^ h w Main st, Salem "-3 ^ Chaffin George W., U. S. storekeeper, bds Mrs. H. V. § 30 Yarbrough - ^ Chamberlain Miss Bessie, res S. K. Chamberlain ^ - Chamberlain S. K., architect, res ws Broad, 2 h s _,ft Fourth st ^mL Champion Mrs. M. E , wid, res E. H. Wilson L. Charles R. W., bkkpr E. Nissen G. & Co, res Waugh- yj^ town W' I

O •1—1 6RAT & M&RTIN mSXS, CDO 82 DIRECTORY. White Department. ^^ j^ - Charles Miss Stella, res E. A. Meinung g o Chitty Miss Elizabeth, res Sisters House to g Chitty Miss Emma L., teacher English Salem Acad- 9 ^ emy, res same .^ -' Chitty Mrs. Frederick, wid, res Widows Home ?^ Chitty Mrs. Sallie, wid, res ws Salt, 2 h s First st, ^ Salem ^ Church Miss Amelia, res Mrs. V. Church "-(^ Church Hill, mail rider, res Mrs V. Church (D Church Mrs. V,, wid, res sw cor Main and West sts, * ^ Salem "q, city of FIRE INS. CO., Eugene E. Gray,

^T" City Officers and Prison, cor Main and Fifth sts ^ Clarke & Ford, gen mdse ^X/X^ Clarke W. H., of Clarke & Ford, gen mdse, res ws Cherry, bet Fifth and Sixth sts

r—i Clayton Cora, cook Dr. S. J. Montague ^ Clayton- Miss M. E., domestic, res W. A. Walton ^ Clewell Mrs. D. M., res R. A. Jenkins r^ CLEWELL RET. JOHN H., asst princ Salem Acad- "^ emy, res nw cor Church and Public Square, Salem ^XXX^ Clinard E. C, elk Pfohl & Stockton, res es Spruce, 1 h n First st r^ Clinard L. N., sec and treas city of Salem anfd elk H. rr Fries, res ws Elm, 1 h n Old Shallowford st, Salem Clinard William, wks C. F. Nissen & Co., res ^ Waughtown ^XCK Cline C. L. mger Singer Mfg Co., res Cherry st M Clotfelter C. A., wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- O town O Clotfelter Daniel, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- town

Clotfelter John L ., wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- T— town o Clotfelter J. A. wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- o town Clotfelter J. C, wks W. E., Spach & Son, res Waugh- ^ ^ town -^^^ Clotfelter William, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res ^^^-^ Waughtown and Cigais. For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco 7^^ r»-Sacraniental Wines a Specialty. ^^^

DIRECTORY. ^^ M White Department. ^^^ ^ 2 Spach & Son, res Waugh- Clotfelter W. C. wks W. E.

road, n limits Op CobT \brara, res Old Town Bros res es Depot 2 h rH Coble E. F. carpenter Fogle , Wood. Coly'fV.^ontractor and brickmason, res ^^ cXy%' X:,tmpositor Western Sentinel, res J. | Waughtown CoUie^Dr^ R- B., physician, res ^ H. Fries woolen mills. Collins Anderson', wks F. & ^ sts, balem . res nw cor Salt and Bank ss First 1 h w Depot Collins A. N. blacksmith, res ^ road PrfnUff Tnhn res Fries Old Plank ^^ COMERCIALCTION ASSURANCE CO., o( Lon- > cor First and Pine sts g CoZ'iT''~tT'\^f^. Eug- H CONNECTICCt'fIRE INS CO., of Hardford, Salem Corad^J.&ts Cherry Ih , First st, Cook James, carpenter C.L.Kignts 2 h s bixtn sl Cook N. S., res es Mam ^ Cnnk Thomas, res Brendletown ttt u tT^ Nissen & Co.. res Waugh- Cook W A., wks G. E. ^ Iron Works, res Amos CorWilliam B.. wks Salem ^ Nissen* Co.. res Waugh- Cook^V. L.. wks G. E. ^

town , ^ ^-u O bds James Gibson . , Bible agt, Cook Cooper Cooper Charles, student, res W J. res W. J- Cooper ^ Cooper Miss Emma, Marion Leunly ^^ Cooner M. Susan, wid, res _ -^ Salem Mill, res es Main 3 h COOPER W. J., propr, ^ Shallowford. Salem 8 New , Yarbrough,_v, ^ Coneland C M., bds Mrs. H. V. ^ Main, nr Mill st, Salem Co?e LA., plasterer, res es ^ Fries Old Plank road Cornish James, res Come, book q CORRIE GEORGE, of Williamson & n Second st ^ printers, etc, res es Cherry 1 h ^ J 84 DIRECTORY.

I mm mmm mi J gi; A l''jr-t-cl.a!^s Pniptical Srliool. Circiihirs; free, '>A/. •oc (I) McKAY, Principal, Macon, Ga. HSi ^ , © H White Department. ^" M Gotten Mrs. C. B., wid, res Roderick Gotten y tt K Gotten Roderick, of Bynum & Gotten, tob mfrs, res se ^S ^'^^ Third and Gherry sts gg Gotton Row, nr Wachovia Mills, Salem gH County Jail, Andrew C. Snipes, jailor and dep sheriff, 2® Liberty, bet Fourth and Fifth sts ^jj Cox Elwood, of Cox, Parker & Go, QS„ Cox Miss Fannie, res George Gorrie ?-» Cox J. E. of Cox, Parker & Co., bds Wade Bynum * © Cox J. J., of Cox. Parker & Go. g^S Cox, Parker & Co., shuttle block, spoke timber and ^2 tob mfrs, e Salem and R R tracks U Craven Allen, farmer, res Salisbury road, Salem S 'T.Crawford John K., carpenter, res Liberty st, ne limits

5a "S Crawford Robert M., res J. K. Crawford © g Crawford R. L. elk R. R. Crawford P Crawford R. R., res ws Spruce 2 h n Fifth st p Crawford 'Susan, res Gotton Row " Crawford Thomas, res R. R. Growford Crews C B., wagoner, res ns Bellew Cieek road, 3 h e ^ R R, Salem Crews wks C. F, Nissen Co., res jj W. C, & Waugh- town > {§ U Grimm Miss Isabella, domestic, Dr. J. W. Hunter ^ ^ Crist Miss Anna, res Mrs. J. R. Crist ^ ' ^ Crist Miss Carrie, res F. F. Grist Grist C. E., compositor, res es Church, cor Walnut st, Salem •r^^ Grist H. S., wks Fogle Bros., res ns Walnut 1 h e ^^^ Marshall st. Salem Crist Mrs. J. R., res es Church, op Walnut st, f^-^l^ wid, ^^ Salem Grist T. F., elk N. T. Shore & Co., res es Church 1 h a Walnut st, Salem ^^ Crist William C, res T. F. Crist ^^J Grosland B. F., gen mdse, res Old Shallowford, cor ^ Main st, Salem ^ Crosland Edward S., res B. F. Grosland M Grosland Miss Lillie, res B. F. Crosland ^

^ Vov Wines, Li(jnors, Tobacco and Cijj:ars. i^jj^T'Sacraniental Wiiies a Specialty. McAiloo House, Greensboro, N. ('. DIRECTORY. S5 , ,

White Department. I _^ ^ J Crouch Miss Anna, res Mrs. M. E. Crouch Crouch Miss Corn, res Mre. M. E. Crouch Q Crouch Joseph B . res Mrs. M. E. Crouch ^ Mrs. M. E., wid, res ws Main st, op Btlo Crouch j^ p"^ House. Salem , ^ Bros., res ss New Shallow- — Crouch S. J., wks Fogle ^ ford 13 h w Cherry st, Salem w ^ Crouell Thomas, well digger, res ns Second 1 h w Lib- '^ ^ st erty S" ffl Crouell William, wks Thomas Crouell, res same ^ Grouse D. T., pottery, res E Sa\em WH Crouse Miss Lizzie, sewing Robert D Johnson ;rr ^ Crouse W. F., wks D. T. Crouse, res same g' Crowder George, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- o m town ct r^ 1 h Liberty st '~ Crowell Thomas, res ns Second w wh Grumpier Miss F. L. res J. F. Grumpier ^ ^ J. painter, res se cor First and Chest- Grumpier F , ~j nut sts, Salem ^' ^ Grutchfield F G. of Crutchfield k McArthur, livery, )':: ^ res nw cor Sixth and Ohitown sts "^Y^ Crutchfield k McArthur, livery o Q Grutchfield Paul W., rev col. res es Main 1 h n Sixth ^ q st ^ M Crutchfield T. S. carpenter res n limits "r^ Crute Miss Bessie Lee, res H. J. Crute ?0 Crute Henry, res H. J. Crute p m Crute H. A., elk Ryttenberg Bros, bds Mrs. Hay 2. Crute H. J. auctioneer Peidmont warehouse, res w s S" Q Oak 3 h n Seventh st rj Crute Rives, res H. J. Crute g'P

Patterson DALLAS MRS E. 0., wid, res Thomas _^ Dallas Miss Ida K., res Thomas Patterson ^ H Black DALTON D. N., physician, bds T. S. J y^ Dalton Peter W., of Hamlin, Dalton & Hunt, gea g p^ mdse, res ws Old Town 3 h n Fifth st g" H res Dalton Robert, mgr dry house P. H. Hanes & Co , p \-^ * es Church, 2 h s Second st -< Dalton Robert, of Blackburn, Dalton & Co., tobacco A mfrs, res es Reservoir, 1 h n Seventh st H* 3W T


B US JKES $.MN I vers I Y

5-£VV2? FOR CffiOULAfRS. White Department. Dandridge Miss Hattie, res Peter Dalton Daixiridge Nathan, res J. M. Grogan Davis Jesse, res Happy Hill Davis John, res ws Spring, 2 h n Fifth st Davis J. W., tobacco, res es Old Town, 2 h n Fifth st Davis Mrs. N. S., wid, millinery, m-i. Second st Davis Robert W.,wks F. & H. Fries, bds Henry Case

Davis T. E , mgr dye House F. & H. Fries, res High st and w limits, Salem Dean Albert, carpenter, res J. H White, jr Dean Mrs Fannie, wid, res ws Chestnut, 5 h n Sec- ond st Dean M. N., carpenter, res es Reservoir, 2 h n Sev- Oh enth st Deitz P., res es Cemetery, nr Libert}'- st DeGraft Miss Mollie, domestic C. B. Watson Denny M. A., carpenter, res Li^^erty st, ne limits Denny Robert, res M. A. Denny Deshau John, res n limits DeSchweinitz Miss Anna, prof French and German Salem Academy, res same Dettman William, gun and locksmith, res ws Main, cor Cemetery st, Salem DICKSON H. H.. of Interstate Directory Co., 32 S. Broad st, Atlanta, Ga Dillard Miss Augusta, res Mrs. E. J. Dillard Dillard Mrs. E. J., wid, res nw cor Mill and Marshall sis, Salem Dillard Martin, wks J. W. Rees, res es Marshall, 1 h s Old Shallowford st, Salem Dixon W. E., errand boy George T. Foust Dobson Miss Annie, res Joseph Dobson Dobson Miss H., res Joseph Dobson

TRUSSES "WiJVSTON, N. C laTEWCOMB'S Wiiips & Liquors Lead the State L..^ Ih Iw i'lu-c Tent Wines for Sackamental ruitposKS. ' En [ lUlJLl Mc\doo House, - - - - Greensboro, N. C. ^ DIRECTORY. 87 ^^ White Department. ^^Br Dobson Joseph, lawyer, res ns Seventh, 1 h w Lib- erty st Dobson IStiss Mattie, res Joseph Dobson Dodd D. W. & Bro., tobacco mfrs Dodd J. Wilson, elk Central and Meichants' Hotels Dodd N. H., res J. M. Grog an ^ 'Dodson G. W., shoemkr. res E. Salem Dodson Miss Ida, res Mrs. Margaret Dodson Dodson Mrs. Margaret, wi.d, res ws Liberty, 2 h s Sixth st Dodson Miss Nora A., res Mrs. Margaret Dodson Dodson Miss Pattie A., res Mrs. Margaret Dodson V, ^ Doherty Rev. W. B., rector 8t, Paul's Episcopal Church, bds Mrs. F. J. Hardie Douthit T. B., res ws Main, 3 h n Old Shallowford st, Salem Douthit Mrs. T. B., millinery, res T. B. Douthit Doub P. C, elk G. W. Albright ^ , res First sts Dowdy nw cor Depot and |^, Dunnagen Mrs. Eilener, wid, res Second, 3 h w De- ^ pot st Dunnagen Miss Imogene, res Mrs Eilener Dunnagen ^ Dunnagen Miss Mollie. res Mrs. Eilener Dunnagen ^ ^ Dunnagen Miss Rachel, res Mrs. Eilener Dunnagen ^ ^ Dunnagen Thos., groceries, res Mrs. Eilener Dunna- ^ '^ gen y ^*^ DURHAM I. W., marble, etc., res cor Fifth and Lib- A >m erty sts nj ^ Dwire H. X., int rev, res es Cherry, 1 h n Fourth st _ ^^

EAST SALEM, e end of Bellew Creek st, Salem Q . Ebert A. E. B., res es Main, 2 h s First st, Salem y W Ebert John, teamster F, & H. Fries, res es Cherry, h ^ s First st, • 3 h Salem JJ. Ebert J. E., teamster F. & H. Fries W Eberhard Mrs. Katie, wid, res Widows' Home ^ Eberhard Levi, patternmkr Salem Iron Works ^ Eberhard Miss Sophia, res Widows' Home ^ AT m HIE DP m\ GRjiiiiF's, j^ Mgrnrs., ffil TOBACCOS GRAYS o 88 DIRECTORY. z Qj White Department.

? . Ector E. L. P., dentist, res ws Liberty, 2 h n Fifth st •-• ^o Ector J. G., physician, res ws Liberty, 2 h n Fifth st ;+^o^ Ector Miss Mary Lee, res Dr. J. G. Ector oE^ Edmunds Ed C, of Hall & Edmunds, leaf tobacco .Ow^ brokers, bds H. Lott ^2 o? Edwards Miss Minnie, res Mrs. M. E. Edwards *r*^9, Edwards Mrs, M. A., wid, res William Foster 2^^ Elesser George, cigarmkr, bds Mrs. H V. Yarbrough ^m:S Ellington B., of Blackburn, Dalton & Co., tobacco ^uj| mfrs, bds Mrs. Stockton '^ hS Ellis Wylie, miller Wachovia Mills, res ns High st, •^^- nr w limits, Salem ^^ Ellis W. J. & Son, tobacco mfrs -" •iH Elm Street Graded School, S. A. Hege, prin ; ne cor '^ o Elm and Old Shallowford sts, Salem F^ ^^ Elm Street Moravian Church, es Elm, 1 h n Old ^"^ Shallowford st, Salem FH Episcopal Church, see Appendix ^. 2 Eudie J. J., carpenter, res ss First, 2 h e Depot st,. h;3 Salem ^ Eudie Miss Laura, res J. J. Eudie 2 9 Everett S. H., teacher, res ss Fifth, 4 h w Poplar st ^ ^ Everett Miss Sarah, res Miss P. Robertson ^ Everhart Miss Bettie, res Mrs. E. Everhart es Marshall, 2 s ^ ;3 Everhart Mrs. E., wid, res h Old. Q S Shallowford st, Salem ^r^ Everhart Levi, wks Salem Iron Works, res w limits, •^^ Salem —-^-s Everhart Parker, res se cor Poplar and Old Shallow- er^ ford sts, Salem U^ T?AGG J.jC, blacksmith shop and livery, ws Main, 1 -^ -L h n Mill st, Salem ^J Farabee S. W., wagonmkr, res W. T. Pfohl ["• Farish W. W., elk Ryttenberger Bros, bds T. F. Wil- \^^^ liamson 1^ ' Farmers Warehouse, A. B. Gorrell, propr Farrow Thomas L, wks H, J. Reynolds, res ne cor Sycamore and Fourth sts T-^^ Faucht H., wks Fogle Bros v^-^ Faw Rufus, wks Fogle Bros, res Jonas Weisner WfEWrOMB'S wines and Liquors Lead the State ff^ En Pure Tent ^\'ines for Sacramental Purposes. !¥ Ill \mw I M I *1 McAdoo House, Greknsboho, N. C. ^^^ DIRECTORY. SO ^^ White Deoartment. ^^^_ Ferguson Miss Eliza, res VV. R. Ferguson Ferguson Miss Maggie, res W. R. Ferguson Ferguson Mrs. Marv, wid, res W. T. Nelson Ferguson Miss M. E., res W. R. Ferguson Ferguson W. R., carpenter, res es Elm, 1 h s New Shallowford st, Salem -. Fetter Charles, brickmason, res ws Spruce, 3 h n High f^ st, Salem Fetner James, tailor, res ss Fourth st, w limits m Fiddler Miss Lizzie, domestic James Martin ^Tl Fiddler William, wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh p ^ town q"^ O Field Miss Mary F., elk Ryttenberg Bros, res Jno. D- q ^ Burch (72^ FIRE INS. ASSOCIATION, of England, Eugene E. Gray, agt qJ2« First National Bank, J. A. Bitting, prest, J. W. Al- ^

spaugh, cash ; cap, surplus. 46,826.26 $100,000 ; p Q Fisher C, wks Fogle Bros, res E. Salem ^ -m Fisher Miss Edna E., student, res A. C. Vogler '~^f^ Fisher Mrs. F. L., res C. L. Hauser [—iC Fisher Miss Jane, res Salem Academy for boys O ^ Fisher Jefferson, wks Salem mill, res se cor Walnut


^^ M&m mmi i^S A rirst-dn>?. Practicnl School. Circulars free. H rv* W. McKAY, Principal, Macon, Ga. H * —_ . Ui« VV'hite Department. Cj ^ ^ Fogle Augustus, sheriff Forsjth county, res ns BtUew 0>- Creek, 4 h e Chestnut st Saletn w QC Fogle Bros, sash, doors, blinds, planing mill, lumber, H UJ saw mill, contractors and builders, ssBellew Creek, SEI st, Salem pj op Chesnut of Fogle Bros, sash, doors, lumber, 0^5 Fogle Charles A , %\'mm etc, res se cor Church and Bellew Creek sts, Salem ,«i^ Fogle C. H., mayor and of Fogle Bros, sash, doors,

^i H— Illinois, lumber, etc, res ss Bellew Creek, 1 h s Chest- PC^ nut st, Salem Fogle John, wks Fogies Bros, res A. Fogle \V., elk, res es Liberty. 2 h n Sixth st \^ (^ ~Fo\iz H. K^ Foltz Miss H. L., res William Schultz PO Fons K., wks Fogle Bros O Ford D. G., of Clarke & Ford, gen mdse, res Cherry, CQ bet Filth and Sixth sts Forshee "Sirs. Rachel, res Franklin Fry L., elk J. F. Prather, res es Oak, 3 h UIUJI Foster William §^4 n Seventh st g^3 Foust George T., harness and dry goods, res es Cherry, ^^f^ 1 h n First st ^*^ Fomler W. T., wks Hall & Edmunds tob mfr, res ns Liberty, op Chesnut st ^jq^ Foy J. W., ^"^ Franklin Miss Emma, res S. D. Franklin Franklin Miss Lillian, res S. D. Franklin CSQ Franklin Miss Mattie, res S. D. Franklin Franklin S. D., of Thompson & Frankliu, clothing, fc_^ res ws Elm, 1 h n Second st ^S; res S. D. Franklin W. E , elk J. C. Buxton, Rev. CS^5 Franldin C^ Freeman B. S., wks F. & H. Fries ^^ Freeman Mrs. R., wid, res T. S Crutchfield ^^g Friday J. D., foreman card room Arista Mills, res sw ^^2 cor West and Marshall sts, Salem, ^ _-i Fries F. H., of F. & H., Fries, res nw cor Salt and

i. ^^-| New Shallowford sts, Salem ^a^^ Fries F. & H., proprs Arista cotton mill, Fries woolen l^a*.. mill, Wachovia flour and grist mill, Salem gas and P^*^ water works, Salem For Wines, Liiiuors, Tobacco and Cigars.

DIRKCTORY. 91 White Departmeul. FRIES H. E,, of F. k M. Fri^s, res cor Main and BcIpw sts, Salpin FRIES H. W., of B\ & H. Fries, and gen mdse, res F. H. P'rit-s FRIES JOHN W., of F. & H. Fries, proprs Ari^ia cotton and woolen mill, also Wachoyia flour and erist mill, and gas works, res Dr. J. F. Shatfaer

Fries Miss Lula S , res F. H. Fries Fries Mrs. L. M., wid. r^s F. H. Fries FRIES' WAREHOUSE, e limits and R. R. tracks,

FRIES WOOLEN 3IILL, F. & H. Fries, propr,-, S:i- lem Folk H. T., carpenter, res ss Libert}^ 3 h w Cenje tery st Fry Franklin, res es Oak. 4 h s Bf^lo st Fulk Miss Luvenia, res Mrs. \V. F. Bowman p ALES A. J., contractor, res ns Fourth, 5 h w CiG ^ Poplar st r^ Gales Mrs W. R., bds H. D. Lott ^i£ Gamble C. G.. elk Reed Bros & Br()oks, res D. S. Reed H^ Ganaway L. 0., firemian, Ari'^ta mills >^ S Gannon J. W., bkkpr H. H. Reynolds H"* Garboden Mrs. S E., res ws Salt, 1 h s Bank st, Sa- S^ lem ^* Garboden William, wks L. M. Porter, res same ^Cl Garbole Mrs. Elizabeth, res ss Fourth st and w limits y Gardner Dr. Charles K., physician, ns Fifth, 1 h w ^ Olci Town st f^ GARDNER C. 31., of Interstate Directory Co, 32 S. - Broad st. Atlanta, Ga K^ Gavis W., wks Fosle Bros Gentry Joseph, elk, hds John H. Tise GeorpfA Miss Ella, elks Hinshaw tt Bynum '^ GERMAN-A3IERICAN INS. CO., of New York, Ea- J gene E Gray, agt ^ Gerner Fred, butcher, res Germantown road '^ GRAY & "ooTif* (^ mmi. rT) MARTIN tUrlUI Lid' Winston, K.C, H^ MI

AND PERFUMES t— ^n A D<^ P^^ Phz Q3 92 Din ECTOR y

(}^ tr White Depaitinenl. ^oQo CJihhany Robert, job prin'er Williamson & Corrie, h(_„3: rp8 es Broad, lbs Fourth st „^a: riil)son James. boHriiincr, res es Main 2 b n Fourth st {)Coi Cibson Miss M. F.. res Mrs M. M Gray / 's:J2r f"^'''^*"^ Mary, servt W. B. Glenn V^^oGi'son Mrs.'Mattie, res Mrs. l\f. M.Gray ^o) (J il)-!()n Wiley G, messenger Wachovia Nat Bank, I— i-^- r^s Mrs M. M. Gray '—'^ (xIERSH E. A*, of Giersh & Senseman, gen mdse, res 2 C. A Winkler ^ GIERSK H. A., of Giersh & Senseman, res C. A-

GIERSH & SENSEMAN, gen mdse, es Main, 6 h s New Shallowford st, Salem ZGillem Andrew, of Giilem & Petticord, wagon repairs, res country — Giilem & Petticord, wa^on repairs and horseshoeing, sw cor Depot and Liberty sts WHB Gilmer J. E., pen mdse, res es Main st, next Mer- chants' Hotel res Waugh- Glascow G. S , wks W. E. Spacb & Son, Z" town Glenn Mrs. A. S.. wid, res Salem Hotel GLEN W. B., of Watkins & Glen, lawyers, res inter- a section Spring, Broad and Fourth sts ^ Goble Ella, nurse C. F. Reed m^ Godfrey John, wks Fogle Bros., res ws Water, 5 h s Bnllew Creek st, Salem Goldstrom H., elk Ryttenberg Bros., bds Mrs. Black Goldsmith Jacob, tobacco dealer, bds Central Hotel Goldsmith Joseph, tobacco, bds Central Hotel Golden Rule. See Appendix O^^^ Goodman Adolphus, res Miss Jane Lawson ^^j Goodman Miss L. E., res Miss Jane Lawson Goodman Miss Sallie, res W. A. Moore ^UJ Gordon Robert, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- 02 town ifc Gorrell A. B., propr Farmers' Warehouse, res nw cor I I Poplar and Fifth sts Gorrell Miss Mary, res A. B. Gorrell ^H


White Department. ^"~H CrOSLEN J. TV., editor and propr Union Republican and dep col int rev, res es Main, 3 h n Ceme- h"Q

terv st t c-N^jA Gough J. 0., elk H. D. Poindexter ^^^ Orahana Barnett, res T. L. Graham I— Graham B. D., drummer, r^s ns Liberty, She iNIain st ("^ Graham Dudley, res Old Town road, n limits l^ Graham Jennie, bds Mad Maggie Mayes J^^ Graham Miss Mattie, res Thomas L. Graham ^XXX. Graham Miss 0. R., res R. Frank Graham Graham Thomas L., leaf tobacco, res ns Liberty, 3 ^v h e Main st cr^ Graham T. S , res Thos. L. Graham Graham R. Frank, boarding and fruits, res se cor v^ Depot and First sts C/-t, Graham Miss R R., res R. Frank Graham ^ Grant Thomas W., patternmkr Salem Iron Works '^ , Graves Mrs. C M., res es Cherry, 2 h n First st c^ Graves Miss Helen, stenographer Salem Iron Works, ^^J^ res C. A. iLege Gray Emory, bkkpr Wachovia Nat Bank, res Mrs. M. M. Gray ^ GRAY EUGENE E., lawyer and insurance, res Mrs. M. M. Gray [^ Gray James A., cashr Wachovia Nat Bank, res ws ^^ Main, bet Second and Third sts ^!^ GRAY R. F., physician, and of Gray & Martin, drugs, o nw cor Spruce and Fifth sts Gray Miss Willie, res Liberty st, nr Cemetery |^ GRAY & MARTIN, drugs —^^ Gray Mrs. M. M., wid, res sw cor Second and Cherry ^^3!!. "^ sts Green Major, wks A. W. Bevel, res ns Fourth st, nr w limits Gresham Mrs. S. A., wid, bds A. G. Hough

Griffin Albert , supt P. H. Hanes, res R. D. Griffin ^ Griffin Miss Cora A., res R. D. Griffin ^XXl MEDICINES O AT GRAY & MAR TIN'S. —M PATENT WINSTON, N. C. s Pimsiflits«Hii.'»'^~ ^ 114 DIREC TOR Y. ^^ White Department. O Griffin Earnest, of Griffin & Son, leaf tob, res R. D. {^ (i Griffin ^ Griffin Miss Ella, res R. D Griffin do ^ Griffin R. D., of Griffin & Son, leaf tob dealers, res

\^ High st and- w limits, Salem Zh Griffith Davis, wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- O m ^°"'" Griffith ' \\ (;/2 ^ George, wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res augh- "^ H town •^ ^ Grogan Miss Ida, res Martin Grogan *^ Grogan J. M., leaf tob, res s.- Liberty, 1 h w Depot st ^ (xROGAN J. S., lawyer and insurance, res Martin •"^ Grogan i—^ Grogan Miss Lydia, res Martin Grosan Grogan Martin, res ws Liberty, bet Second and Third ^ sts —'— Grogan Miss Minnie, res Martin Grogan ^ % Grogan Miss Nelia, res Martin Grogan ,hi^ r* Grogan Robert, res J. M. Grogan ^^ o Grogan Miss Sal lie, res Martin Grogan r^ H Groner Charles, wks Salem Iron Works, res Mrs. M. J.

4^ t>j Hyre ^ ^ Grubbs Miss Alice, domestic M. W. Norfleet cp 01 Grubbs Miss Cornelia, res Andrew Pitts .__. Grubbs Miss Rebecca, domestic Mrs. M Landguist 7^jr\ Grubbs Samuel, res nr Pump House ^>J^ Grunert W. (J., jeweler W. T. Vogler, res ws Poplar, ^ 3 h n West st, Salem < Gunn Mrs. E. F., res Mrs. M. J. Hester ^ Gunter Miss Flora, res James Gunter 0^ Gunter James, res es Elm, 3 h n Bank st, Salem Q Gunter Miss S. F., res James Gunter Guy John N., wks F. & H. Fries, res Cotton row

TTAFNER A. C , cigarmkr, bds Mrs. H. V. Yar- -'-^ brouch Hairston James, driver S. A. Ogburn, res rear same Haley Gideon, res Liberty st, ne limits Haley Miss Jane, res Mrs, Sarah Haley Haley Miss Mary, res Mrs. Sarah Haley Haley Mrs. Sarah, wid, res ss New Shallowford, 9 h w Cherry st, Salem NEWGOMB'S PURE WINES, LIQUORS, /O^ McAcloo House, TRY TOBACCO AKDCIUA lis. GREENSBORO, N. C.

DIRECTOIIY. n.") White Dcpurtmeut. :^H^ Hall A. F., res es Oak, 4 h n Seventh st Hall Miss Delphina, res W. E. Hall Hall & Edmunds, leaf tob brokers Hall J. F., elk H. D. Poindexter Hall Robert, wks R. J. Reynolds, res^homas Hall Hall Miss Sallie, res Thomas Hall

Hall Thomas, wks G. F. Miller, res es Water, 1 h s ,

Bellew Creek st, Salem % Hall Willis E., of Hall & Edmunds, leaf tob brokers, J • ^ . res W. E. Hall st, Hall W. E , res e end Bank Salem ^ res es 4 s New Shal- Hall W. H , candy mfr, Main, h ' lowford st, Salem bds James Gibson Hall , lab,

Hamilton Rev. W. G, Protestant Methodist, res i Waughtown Hamlen C, of C Hamlen & Co, tob mfrs, res ne cor Cherry and Fifth sts Hamlen C. & Co, tob mfrs _ ( Hamm James, wagoner, Salem mill Hamlen Miss M. L., res C Hamlen Hamlen Melvin S., res C. Hamlen Hampton C S., wks F. & H. Fries Hampton William, wks C. F. Nissan & Co, res Waugh- ton Hanes Ausrustine, elk C. R Welfare, bds same of P. & Co, tob mfrs, bds Cen- Hanes B. F , H. Hanes tral hotel Hanes Frank, wks F. & H. Fries, res ns Bank, 1 h e Elm st, Salem Hanes J. vV., of P. H. Hanes & Co, tob mfrs, res se cor Cherr}' and Fifth sts Hanes Lee, wks F. & H. Fries Hanes P. H., of P. H. Hanes & Co, tob mfrs, res es Cherry, 1 h s Fifth st Hanes P. H. & Co, tob mfrs Hannah J. P., tob mfr, res es Main st, 1 h n Belo House, Salem TE7 A ^ SPiCES, DYES AND FLAVORS I Ei#% W At Gray & Martin's, Winston, N. 0. 96 DIRECTORY



^ White Department. Hannah Miss Kate, res J. P. Hannah Hausler Miss Lizzie, teacher Salem Academ.y, res CO same

Happer R. W. B , mgr D. D & E. Schouler, res sw cor Broad and Fourth sts Happy Hill, se limits, Salem CSgT Hardeman Miss P., wks Salem Academy Hardie Mrs. F. J., wid, res w s Liberty 2 h s Seventh St Hardie Miss Mary M., res Mrs. F. J. Hardie Hargrave Miss Sarah, domestic Mrs R. L. Patterson Harmon Miss Cassie, domestic H. W. Barrow Harmon Erastus, wksC. F. Nissen & Co., resWaugh- town Harris A., wks Fogle Bros Harris E. E., locomotive eng, Salem branch, res ws coo Chestnut 2 h n First st. Harris J. F. gen mdse, res ws Broad 1 h s Fourth st Harris Robert E. elk Dr. J. F. Shafiner, res Salem Har/is William, policeman, res ws Reservoir 3 h n MS Seventh st s? Harris Wm., wks T. F. Williamson & Son, up; Harris W. G., res William Harris Harrison M., baker B. B., Perkii)S Co Harrison Thomas, carpenter, res se cor Seventh and Chestnut sts HARDFORD FIRE INS CO., of Hardford, Eugene E. Gray, agt Hartman Albert, wks Salem Iron Works, res es Elm 2 h n High st, Salem Hartman Miss Mary, res ns Liberty 5 h w Cemetery st Hartman Miss Susan, res Miss Mary Hartman Haskins R., mgr B. J. Sheppard & Co Hauser Miss Agness, res C. S. Hauser PURE WINKS, LIQUORS, TO- BACCO AND CIGARS, ' McAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. DIRECTORY, 07 White Department. Hauser Calvin, wks Salem Academy, res ns West 2 h w Main st, Salem Hauser C. S., elk Superior Court, res pe cor First and Main sts Hauser Isaac, res Salisbury road, Salem Hauser Miss Lucinda, res Salisbury rMd, Salem Hauser Miss Lydia, res Isaac Hauser

Hauser J. R., wks G. E , Nissen &, Co, res Waughtown Hauser Miss Maggie, wks Salem Academy Hauser Rufus. res ns Liberty st, ne limits Hauser Robert, wks F. & H. Fries, res Calvin Hauser Hauser W. H., wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- «^ town ^ Hay Duke, res Dr. R. D. Hay ^ Hay Miss Mattie, res Dr. R. D. Hay S f" D., res Hay R. physician, Fourth st op Court house |f. Hay Miss Sallie. res Dr. R. D., Hay W MJ "1 Hay W. S., wks Bitting & Whitaker g Hay worth W. A., wks Fogle Bros., res-ws Water 2 b £3d s Bellew Creek st, Salem ^ ^ Head Eliza, domestic J. S. White tJ 39 Heath William, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- W town o^o Heckard F. E.. elk Jacob Tise & Co., res T. P. Styron g Hedrick Miss C. J., res J, L. Hedrick "-d T| Hedrick J. L., carpenter, res ss Fourth st, nr w limits ^ ^ Hege, A., wks Fogle Bros ^^"• Hege C. A , propr Salem Iron Works, res nw cor Salt ^ and Bellew Creek sts, Salem ^ Hege E. L., elk Pfohl & Stockton, res nw cor Elm and ^ ^ Bank sts, Salem S Hege E P., bds R. Frank Graham ^>2 w Hege Frank E., elk George A. Boozer, res E. L. Hege ^ ^ Hege Fred, wks F. & H. Fries g ^ Hege George, res s end Church st, Salem "" ^ Hege G. G., carpenter, res es Cherry, cor First st, Sa- ^ » lem ^ Hege John, wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waughtown • - Hege S. A., teacher Elm st Graded School, res sw cor |Tl> Poplar and Old Shallowford sts, Salem Heisler Frank, res Mrs, L. Heisler V*' I fiRAY & MARTIN ""JIE'sts, 06 08 DIRECTORY. White Depai'tment. ^o J^i ^ Heisler Mi^s Lizzie, res ^Irs. L. Pleisler g 3 Heisler Mrs. Lydia, wi(], res ws Salt, 5 h s Bank st, c/.-' ^ Salem ^ :r Henderson Mrs. E., wid. res es Cemetery, 2 h n Lib- .^ !^ erty st ^ Hendricks. Le#wks F. & H. Fries, res ws Main, 2 h n Cemetery st, Salem ^*^ ^ Henley Jobu, res Mrs. S. E. Henley Mrs. S. wid, res Old Town, 1 h n ^t^ Henley E , ws (1) Sixth st • rH Hester Byron M., wks T. L. Vaughn, res Mrs. M. J. ^, Hester g"| Hester B. F.. wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- ^^ town P Hester Elias, wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- ^X/X^ town M. Hester Eugene G , wks P. H. Hanes & Co, res Mrs. T—i 'J. Hester O Hester Lee, wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waughtown ^ Hester Mrs. M. J., res es Cherry, 3 h n First st r^ Hester R. T., wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- ^O town 'X/X Hester Walton M., elk Pfohl & Stockton, res Mrs. M. J. Hester T-^ Hicks Samuel, wagonmkr, res ss Third, 2 h w Lib- rr* erty st j-^ Hill Chrissie, domestic N. H. Medearis ^^ Hill Frank, bds R. T. Stedman ^XCK Hill George, carpenter, res Isaiah Lumley kH Hill Mrs M. J., wid, res ss Public Square, bet Main ' ^ and Church sts, Salem Q Hill W. P., of Ogburn & Hill, tob mfrs, res ws Spruce, 1 h n Fourth st .fY\ VTCT Hine Miss Christine A., res S. A. Hege Hine G. C, bds E. J. Babington "'^ Hine L R., saddles and harness, res country }Z^ Hine William, res S. A. Hege ^ HINSHAW & BYNUM, gen mdse r^ HINSKAW GEORGE W., of Hinshaw & Bynum, v/^ gen mdse, res es Cherry, 1 h n Fourth st X/J^ Hinshaw Hannah, domestic J. E. Gilmer For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. |fiff"Sacramental Wines a Specialty. CZ^ MrAUoo House, Greensboro, N. C.

DIRECTORY. * Hi) ^ White Deparlnieut. H5 Hinsdale Harrison, wks 0. F. Nissen & Co, res ^ Waughtosvn Hitt R. J., wks Fogle Bros, res es Main, 2 h s New Shallowford st, Salem 9?

Hitt W. H , compositor Union Kepublican, res R. J. Hitt •

Hobbs George D , of Faggs & Hobbs, fresh meats, res ^ J. C. Fogg ?5 Hodgin George D., bkkpr First Nat Bank, res S. H. O Hodgin ^ Hodgin James M , elk M. M. Stein, res S. H. Hodgin ^^ Hodgin k Sullivan, gen mdse ^ Hodgin S. H , of Hodgin & Sullivan, gen mdse, res ^ , cor Cherry and Fourth sts htH Holder Cornelius, res J. C. Wrenn J^ Holt C. T., elk Giersh & Senseman, bds H. A. Giersh ^ Holder Elijah, brickmason, res ss New Shallowford, 12 M h w Cherry st, Salem -^ Holder Mrs. Eliza, wid, res ws Salt, 1 h n Bank st, H Salem ^ Holder Henry, wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- town Holder Henry A., brickmason, res es Elm, bet Second o and Third sts ^ Holder Jackson, res Liberty st, ne limits yl Holder Jesse, painter, res nw cor Marshall and Old ^ Shallowford sts, Salem ^^J Holder J. H., wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- pHT town ^

Holder Miss V. E , cook A. E. Giersh Hopkins Miss Gussie, res P. N. Hopkins i^ HOPKINS P. N., groceries, res es Depot, 1 h n Fifth st "^ Hoskins D. A, groceries, res es Main, 3 h n Sixth st -^^^ Hoskins E. N., of Armfied & Hoskins, res Liberty, 2 ^^j h w Depot st ^1 Hough A. G., of Hough & Co, propr, Salem Hosiery tt Mill and bkkpr Salem Iron Works, res es Cherry, ^ 2 h s First st, Salem ^ Hough J. H., wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- ^ town § Hough Marion, wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- ^ town


^ For Wines, Liiiuors, Tobacco and Cijrars.

i\ ^®"Sacrainental Wines a Specialty. • McAiloo Hotiso, (ireeusboro, X. ('.

DIRECTOR Y. loT White Department. Jennings E. H., of R. L. Candler & Co., bds T. F. K Williamson Jenkins Frank, res R. A. Jenkins Jenkins Miss Gertrude, res R. A. Jenkins T., 0&3 Jenkins H. wks C. F. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- ^^ ^. town ~eO Jenkins Robert, fireman R & D R R, res ss Bellew p ^ Creek st, 2 h e E R, Salem ^ j Jenkins R. A., pass agt B & R R, res ws Main st 3 h S^ 2 s New Siaallowford, Salem ^ W Jenkins Samuel, wks C. F, Nissen & Co., res Waugh- td W town ^ h«^ Johnson A., stone cutter I. W. Durham, res es Depot 5'^ 1 h s Liberty st o y!L Johnson Aaron, res Mrs. Jane Johnson ^ ^ Johnson Hall, Fourth st, op Court house ^ ^ Johnson James, res Mrs. Jane Johnson ^ Si Johnson Mrs. Jane, wid, res Liberty st, ne limits ~^ Johnson J. R.. painter, res Mrs. Jane Johnson ^' Johnson Rev. F. H., res ws Cherry, op Third st rjq ^ Johnston Miss Lnla, student, res R. D. Johnston hh lJ Johnston Miss Mattie, res H. D. Johnston o § Johnston- M. P., shipping elk Baily Bros, res F. 11. g ^ Johnston P ^ Johnston R. D,, tailor, res se cor Fourth and Spring -—^ 1^ sts O ^ Johnston William, student, res Rev. F. H. Johnston pm Jones Miss Annie, res H. S. Crist 2. ^ Jones Miss Carrie, asst in music Salem Academy, res co same Q HjH ^ Jones Charles, bds R. Frank Graham g H Jones Mrs. D., wid, res Frank Heckard i=s A Jones Ed L , mgr Winston Tob Mfg Co., bds T. S. {Z \ Black ^ J Jones George, wks E. G. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- S M' town 5* lE, Jones Jesse, res Brendletown S- ^ Jones J. B., carpenter, res W. N., Armfield a h-j. TF A Q SPICES, mis and flavors a bain At Gray & Martin's, Winston, N. 0. H^ iW W in 102 DIRECTORY.


k- : SEND FOR C/RGULA fi?S, >

AVliite Departmc^.

Jones J. M., wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waughtown Jones J. P., mgr Bitting & Whitaker, res T. A. Wil- son Jones Louis, res ws Marshall 3 h s West st, Salem Jones Miss Mollie, res Louis Jones Jones Mrs. P., wid, res Louis Jones Jones Turner, wks Fogle Rros Jones William, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- tow n Joyce Miss Cora A., res J. T. Jovce Joyce Miss Ella E., res Mrs. M. E. Joyce Joyce George, foreman G. L. Miller, res ws Spring 2 CO h n Fifth st Joyce J. T., carpenter, res ns Fourth st, nr w limits Joyce Miss Lilla M., res Mrs. M. E. Joyce Joyce Miss Mollie, res Thos Black ^^ Joyce Mrs. M. E., wid, res es Sycamore 1 h n Fourth st Joyce Peter A., res Mrs. M. E. Joyce Joyce Robert, elk R. R. Crawford, res ws Cherry 2 h n His'h st, Salem KEARNEST. H., foreman finishing room F. & H Fries woolen mill Keehln Miss Agnes, res F. E. Keehln Keehln Mrs. A. E., wid, res ne cor Walnut and Main sts, Salem Keehln Charles, wks Brown Bros, res Mrs. A. E. Keehln Keehln Miss Emma, res F. E. Keehln Keehln Miss Eva, asst in office Salem Iron Works, res F. E. Keehln

AT M I umn im im, TVIJVSTOIN", ]V. C. TiTEWOOMB'S Wines i Liquors Lead the State L_nJ M iW Pure Teut Wines for Sackamental Purj'oses. ' En [ lUlAl McAdoo House, - - - - Greensboro, X. C. 1^ J).I RECTORY. 103 q\ White Department. ^BP^ Keehln Francis E., wks G. T. Miller, res es Main, op Mill St, Salem :SJ

Keehln George, compositor Peoples Press, res Mrs. A. \ E. Keehln Keehln Henry, res Mrs. A. E. Keehln

Keehln Miss Marv, l#kpr Singer Manfg Co , res Mrs. ^.. E. Keehln Keehln Mrs. S. E., wid, res Allen Spaugh Kehoe Miss Kate, milliner Ryttenberg Bro,", bds Dr. W. L. Brown Keisler Miss Eva, res Francis Keisler Keisler Francis, res ss New Shallowford 4 h w Cherry st, Salem Keisler Miss Mary, res Francis Keisler b5 Keith Mrs. E. R., res Rev. F. M. Keith Keith Rev. F. M pastor Wesleyan Methodist Church, , contractor and builder, res ws Liberty 1 h s 7th Keith L N,, compositor Union Republican, res ne cor K^

Fifth and Spring sts .,^ Keith W. F., res ns Fifth 1 h e Spring st ^ Kennedy James, brickmason, res Liberty st, ne limits wid, domestic Kennedy Mrs. S , Salem Hotel ^ KEENER ROBA B., lawyer, bds Central Hotel Kernodle John W., butcher, res es Sycamore 3 _ .. ^ . Fourth st ^ ,^ Kerridge William, wks Fogle Bros, res E. Salem y. ^ Kester D. E., foreman foundry Hege & Co., res ws q

Main 2 h s Fifth st jB KESTER J. H., plumber, res ws Main 2 h s Fifth st Kester Mrs. Lucinda, wid., res ws Main 2 h s Fifth st Kimball Miss Flora, res T. F. Leak, j. ^^ Kimball Francis, res ws Salt, 2 h s Bank st, Salem ^ cQ Kimball Louis, res Brendletown KING D. H., ice dealer, bds Central Hotel King Milton, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waughtown ^ .King Turner res ne cor Fourth and Spring sts Kinnaman Miss C, res L. N. Clinard Kinney Miss Laurie, C. R. Welfare

M' BEST LIE or DISS (iR|i&JM'll's, ^ S TOBACCOS GRAYorAl^'s. ?h2 104 DIRECTORY C^ "^ White Department. W. z . Kiser T. A., wks Fogle Bros., res G. White See A-ppendix rendletowD, Honor. See Appendix OiD^ Knight Miss Lizzie, res Brendletown S o^s Knights of Pythias. See Appf'i^ix 'Slg Knott Burton, wks F. & H. Fries, res ss New Shal- Stl^ ford st, 2 h w Cherry Cv^2 Knott Cicero, res Liberty st. ne linoits ^ uii Knouse Emory, wks Salem Mills, res ss Mill st, Salem, H^o op Marshall ^\- Kountz Mrs. P., wid, res Robert Jenkins ^"^ Kremer Mrs. Eliza, wid, res Widows Home S J Krouse Miss Elizabeth, domestic W. A. Whittaker r^o Krouse Miss Lizzie, bds Mrs. Sallie Chitty WW ACKMIT SANDY, brickmason, res es Reservoir ^ tZ T fl -"-^ st 2 h n Reservoir ^. ^ Lamb Miss B., res Irvin Lamb res Irvin '^^ Lamb Miss E. H , Lamb j^ Lamb Irvin, res Cotton Row 5^ »^ Lamb Miss P., res Irvin Lamb LANCASHIRE FIRE INS CO., of England, Eugene :;P3 S ^ E. Gray, agt ^ ^ Landix S., wks Fogle Bros Q 2 L.inier M., res R. D. Brown b^rj Landguist Mrs. M, wid, res se cor Bank and Main sts, Salem ^^-s Lash Florence, servt Taylor Bynum (Uf^ Lawrence Sidney, harnessmkr, res ne cor Fourth and r:_r^ Church sts LiL^ Lawson Miss Jane, res ss New Shallowford, 7 h w ^ Cherry st, Salem Lm^ Lawson Miss Mary, res Miss Jane Lawson ! ^ Leak David, drummer, res se cor Spruce and Second r^J sts J^ ' Leak H. D., supt Shaflfner & Hannah's tob fctry, res Hws Martin st Leak T. F., smoking tob mfr, res ns Fifth, 5 h e ry^ Spring st N#-^ Leary Walter I., drummer, res sw cor Second and Pine sts EWrOMB'S Wines and Liquors Lead the State Pure Tent Wines for Sacramental Purposes. E.6.N McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C DIRECrORY. 105 White Deoartnient. Leckie Mrs. E. C, wid, res Mrs. E. E. Shelton Led better k Co. tob mfrs ^Bj Ledbetter \V. G-, of Ledbetter & Co, tob, brokers, bds ^"1 Central Hotel AHB Ledford John S., res nw cor Elm and Old Shallowford mBKmjl sts, Salem Ledford Thomas, wk"! G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- q^ town ^ Lee A. J., teamster, res ss New Shallowford, 11 h w Cherry st, Salem ^ Lee Miss Fannie, res ws Chestnut, 5 h n Second st tT^jQ Lee John, res Old Town road, n limits 2 f% Lee Miss Mary, res A. J. Lee qo ^ Lee Marshall, wks T. F. Williamson & Son o < Lee Mrs. Nancy, wid, res ss New Shallowford, 5 h w (X' _^ Cherry st, Salem O^Z • Legue William, barber, res se cor Elm and Second c: sts f^ Lehman Miss Emma A., teacher history and English 2 ^ literature Salem Academy, res same :^ ^ Lehman John, compositor Winston Leader, res B. Y. '"'*« Rayle ^^ ^ Leinbach Prof. E. W., res ne cor Church and Ceme- 3 w tery sts, Salem ^ ^ Leinbach Miss M. V., res Prof. E. W. Leinbach h;j Lemly & Buxton Big, es Liberty, bet Fourth and ^.1^ Fifth sts 2 ^ Lemly H. A., res es Main, 2 h n Mill st, Salem x ^ Lemly Miss Laura, res H. A. Lemly. ^ Lemly W. A pres Wachovia Bank, res es , Church, <^ 2 h n Cemetery st, Salem >^'3t Lemons Glenn, res es Chestnut, 2 h n Seventh st ^

Lemons Eobert E , res es Chestnut, 2 h n Seventh st -^Pl Leonard Henry, res Mrs. Nancy Leonard ^ " n Leopold L, cigar mfr, sw cor Spring and Four-and-a- half sts !^0 Leonard Mrs. Nancy, res Old Town road, n limits Leslie T. H., elk Cicero Tise & Co Pg RTJY OFWiV & MiRTIK.DBUtfilSTS S O 100 DIRECTORY s rt 2^ A First-class Practicnl School. Circulars free. Ga. 4 J22 W. McKAY, Principal, Macon, *** ^ White Department. wks Fogle Bros

[!} Light E. M , wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugbtown ^ C^ Liipfert William J., bkkpr P. H. Hanes & Co, bds k^ Mrs. F. J. Bardie P g> Lindsey W. H., drummer R. L. Candler & Co, bds C> Mrs. -— Benton £3D Link S., wks Fogle Bros Lineback Miss Agnes, domestic Dr. N. S. Siewers Lineback Mrs. E., wid, res ss New Shallowford, 8 h w Cherry st, Salem Lineback Miss Flora, res Mrs. E. Lineback Lineback H. A., photographer, res ws Main, 2 h s Bank st. Salem Lineback Harry, res Julius Lineback Lineback Miss Henrietta, res Sisters House Lineback James, res w limits, Salem Lineback Julius A., elk Salem Congregation, res es- Church, 1 h n Cemetery st, Salem Lineback J. R., apprentice Salem Iron Works Lineback Miss Mattie, res Mrs. Amelia Shaflfner Lineback Reuben, res Mrs. E. Lineback Lineback Miss Sarah, res Mrs. Sallie Chitty Linville E. A., wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- town LION FIRE INS. CO., of England, Eugene E. Gray, _, agt ^C^- r^^ T^i?e N. A., wks Fogle Bros ^"""^ Literary and Social Club Litten Julius, wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waughr- town, ^^^^' "flilflfl!! AflWPflfl "^^'ines, Li(iuors, Tobacco and Cigars. I^IS^^acramental AVines a Specialty. flbfii^UUiiil i Ma

DIRECTORY. 107 White Department. H^ P. Litten L , wks G. E. Nisf»en & Co, res Waughtown ^ Livingood Daniel, wks D. T, Grouse, res E. Salein HH Livingood Francis, res Cotton row \^ Livingood Miss Luc}', res Mrs. P. Livingood ^ Livingood Mrs. P., res East Salem ^ Livingood Miss S., res Mrs. P. Livingood ^ Livingood T. A. & Co, saloon, res Main st y^ Livingood T. A. & to, saloon ^ Livingston James, plasterer, res ws Chestnut 3 h n '^^ Fourth st Lloyd Alfred, wks E, E. Spaugh Q Lloyd Hooper, groceries, res Seventh st, ne limits Q Lloyd Miss Sarah, res es Depot 2 h n Fourth st ^ Locke Mi.«s Mattie, res William Vogle *-Htd Lockett P]. L tob mfr of Lockett res ns , & Vaughn, ^m Filth 3 h Nv Poplar st ^JrJ Lockett & Vaughn, tob mfrs 2"* Lodgrick Miss Carrie, res John Lodgrick ^^"'^ Lodgt irk John, wks Fogle Bros, res sw cor Walnut ^^ "* and Main sts, Salem P Loeper Barnhart, saloon, res cor Liberty and Third ^GC

sts _ Hg^ Lomond Charles, les Mrs. S. Lomond ^i-- Lomond Mrs S., wid, res es Oak st, nr n limits y>^-* Lomax Miss Susan, res J. G. Sides *~*^ LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, of London, O- Eugene E. Gray, agt ^O B. res Long E , Miss Jane Long y Long Isaac, of Long

GRAY & / nDI If^C ^ THIRD II (T) MARTIN^ lJrllJlB«O^WinstcD,N,C. H^ —

w en A DO AND PERFUMES AT GRAY & MARTIN'S, SOAPS Winston. X. ^E lOS DIRECTORY. /OO ° White Department. ^oQo Longworth Miss Jessie, domestic W J. Cooppr ^ = Longworth Miss Laura, domestiG, Timothy Vogler ^^ Longworth Miss Mary, res Happy Hill 2^° Longworth W. B., wks C. F. Nissen & Co. res Waugh- / ks^ « town r-«<^t Miss Flora res H. D. Lott feo V , 1*^1: TvOtt H. D., boarding, res ws Cherry 3 h n High, Salem i_I^5 Lott Kie S.,clk Register of deeds, res H. D. Lott 1-35 Lott Miss Lena, res H. D. Lott ^ Love Charles P., leaf tobacco, res Liberty nr Cerae- ^ tery st Lowry Miss Melissa, domestic Gideon Miller Lowry Mrs. Susan, wid, domestic J. D. Watkins Lumley Isaiah, res es Church st 2 h s West, Salem ZLumley Louis, wks F. & H. Fries, res nw cor Salt

. and Bank sts, Salem —— Lumley Marion, res ns Belew Creek road 4 h e R R, Salem Lumley Mrs. Susan, widow, res Cotton Row H Lumley Thomas, res Isaiah Lumley Lumley Wm., wks Hall & Edwards, res Cotton Row MALONE CHARLES, wks C. H. Tise, res C. P. Love Marable Miss Fannie, res D. T. Marable Marabie Miss Adelaide, res D. T. Marable Marable D. T., drummer, res es Old Town 1 h n Sixth BHB Mark Miss Mollie, wks Salem Academy Marler W. H., elk J. E. Gilmer, res same Marshall Hunter, tob broker, bds Central Hotel Marshall Miss Letitia, res Mrs. J. Masten Marshall Mrs. M., wid, res Mrs. J. Masten Marshall Miss Nannie, res Mrs. J. Masten o Martin D. C, elk C. Tise, res ns Liberty, 2 h n Sixth Martin Miss Fannie, elk, Hinshaw & Bynum, res Dr. Samuel Martin Martin Frank A., res es Old Town, 2 h n Sixth st Martin H. H., wks \V. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- oE town Martin James, res cor Oak and Reservoir sts Martin Mrs. I. S., res ws Cherry, cor Seventh st I |

Wines and Licjuors Lead tlie State! |— PURE TENT WINESforSACRAMENrAL PURPOSES >^ ^reAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C. ^^

DIRECTORY . 109 ^^ "*^ ^ White Department. res n end Martin J. W., elk Hinshaw & Bynum, Spring st \-i^ Martin Miss Lula. res Dr. Samuel Martin ^^ Mrs. E. Crouch Martin S. F , res M >ZO Martin, drugs, res Martin Dr. L. R. W., of Gray & |— Mrs. J. S. Martin r^ Martin Miss M. W., res James Martin ^^ Martin Watt, of Gray & Martin, drugs, res Seventh j:^^. and Cherry sts >T) Martin William, wks W. E Spach & Son, res ^^ augh town r>, 1 J 4 '^V Martin W. E., carpenter, res ss Bellew Creek road, 4 ^ h e R. R., Salem Fourth, Martin W. S., elk Smoak Sc Pritchett, res ns 1 hw Poplar st X/X Masons. See appendix ^ st, n Public Square Masonic Hall, ws Liberty ^ and register deeds ^ Mast D. P , lawyer ^ Masten William C, res J. W. Masten v^ sts Masten Mrs. J., wid, res ne oor Fifth and Main and MASTEN J. H., of Jacob Tise &_Co, city clerk gen mdse, res junct Main and Liberty sts f^ Masten J. W., res es Liberty, 1 h s Seventh st Masten Miss Letitia, res Sisters House L^ Masten Miss Laura, res Sisters House <^ Masten Miss Mary, res Mrs. J. Masten ^ Masten Percv- student, res Mrs. J. Masten O road, Salem Matthews J. T., physician, res Greensboro ^ Mayes Mad Maggie, res Liberty st, ne limits |_^ McArthui R. M., of Crutchfield & McArthur, hvery, -J^^ bds Central Hotel ^"^Xk McBride W. M., wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- town McCadden H. C, mgr Geo. T. Foust harness dept J. H., revenue officer, bds Central Hotel McCain * McCandless Miss Hannah, student, res Joseph Mc- ^ Candless C^ McCandless Joseph, res ws Reservoir, 4 h n Seventh ^ st . o 1 O Reservoir st, 6 h n -McCandless W. J., shoemkr, es j_^ Reservoir "' ^^ ^^*^ ^ ^'iP'^'^'^' ^ PAITS ' OILS r^ 110_ DIRECTORY. ^ White Department. O McCanless Miss Florence, bds Belo House O McCubbios Joseph, bds R. Frank Graham ^^ u McCuiston F., asst Salem Academy for boys ^ ^ McCuiston Prof. John, asst Salem Academy for boys, . i bds C. W. Vogler Z McCuiston J. J., wks W. E Spach &Son, res Waugh-

C/D ^ McCuiston J. R., wks W. E, Spach & Son, res Waugh- ^ H town ^ McCuiston R. D., wks Fogle Bros ^*^ McDougal , lawyer, bds Central Hotel *~^ McGallaird C A., stone cutter I. W. Durham, res •"d Reservoir, nr Belo st ^ McGee John, res William McGee ^ McGee Mrs. Nancy, wid. res Salisbur}'- road, Salem !^ McGee William, res Salisbury road. Salem

• NcGordy McDaniel, tinner George Stewart o M Mclver Prof, Charles D., bds H. X Dwire p^ rj Mclver H. E., contractor and builder, res ss First, 1 v^ (D h w Cherry st, Salem ^ H Mclver J. M., carpenter, res H. E. Mclver ^-:> >^McKnight David, contractor and builder, res ws Oak, g ^ 3 h s Belo st pq p4 McKnight Edward, res David McKnight ^' McKnight Miss Fannie, res David McKnight ~ McKnight Miss H., elk Ryttenberg Bros, res David ^^ McKnight ^ McKughan Austin, res ws Main, 1 h s Seventh st res Austin ^ McKughan Miss C. E , McKughan O, McKughan Hampton, res Mrs. E. E. Snider °p^* McKughan Mrs. M., wid, res Mrs. E. E. Snider Q McKughan Miss M., res Daniel Barton Medearis N. H., elk Hinshaw & Bynum, res es Elm, 2 h s Third st Meiuung Prof. Alexander, res ws Salt, 2 h s New Shallowford st, Salem Meinung Edwin A., shoemkr, res es Main, 5 h s Bellew Creek st, Salem MEDICINES AT GRAY & MARTIN'S, Ph PATENT WINSTON, N. C. McAdoo House« TRY T015A( CO AiND CKiAKS. GREENSBORO, N. C. DIRECTORY 111 Wliite Deiiartment. Meinun^ Miss A. E., res E. A. Meinung MEINUNG FRA.NK C, carriage and buggy shop, res ne cor Salt and New Shallowford sts, Salem MEINUNG H. E., painter F. C. Meinung, res ws Main, 2 h n New Shallowford st, Salem Meinung Levi, res Seventh st, ne limits Meinung Miss Mary, teacher Salem Academy, res same Mendenhall IVTiss Clara, domestic Thomas Spaugh Meredith Alfred, carpenter, res ns Liberty, 3 h w Depot st Merideth Fred, res Alfred Merideth MEKIDETH G. M., local ed and bus mgr Union Republican, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough Meredith Shem, res Alfred Merideth Meroney W. A., mgr W. V, Meroney, res ws Liberty, nr Public Square Meroney W. E., elk S. Rasenbacher, bdb Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough Meroney M. H., mgr, upstairs, Bynum & Gotten Meroney W. V., groceries, res W. A. Meroney Messer F., teacher, res es Marshall, 3 h s West st, Salem Methodist Church. See appendix Michel Edward, vvks Joseph Renard Mickey Harry, res es Main st, op Salem Hotel Mickey Julius E., farmer and fresh meats, res ws Main, lbs Bellew Creek st, Salem Mickey S. T., res es Main st, op Salem Hotel Milbura Elmer, wks J. A. Vance ^ Military. See appendix Millis Miss Delia, res E. N. Hoskins Millis Mrs. E., wid, res E N. Hoskins Millis Thomas, res E. N. Hoskins Miller Miss Addie, dressmkr, res Mrs. F. J. Beck Miller Miss Alice, res Calvin Miller Miller Amos, wks Salem Iron Works, res es Elm, 1 h n High st, Salem Miller Calvin, carpenter, res ws Liberty, 2 h n First st Miller Miss Eliza, domestic A. (I. Hough >- 112 DIRECTORY. <

B usiness M niversity. i 5 '''4rJ$B:Npf^t=i;cfFiOULA/^S. White Department. Miller E- P., student, res W. H. Miller Miller E. S., eng Arista Mills 4-i Miller Francis, carpenter, rps I. S. Miller Miller Miss F. J., res W: H. Millar Miller Gaston, carpenter, res us Fourth, 2 h w Pop- lar st Miller George, student, res I. S. Miller Miller Miss Gertrude, res I. S. Miller Miller Gideon, contractor, res nw cor Second and Cherry sts Miller G. L., contractor and builder Miller Mrs. Ida, wid, res es Cherry, 1 h s Fifth st Miller Irvin S., eng Arista Mills, res es Marshall, 2 h s West st, Salem Miller James, carpenter, res es Cherry, 3 h n High ^_ o st, Salem Miller John H., wks R. J. Reynolds, res W. H. COO Miller Miller J. C, building foreman G. L. Miller Miller J. R., of Spaugh & Miller, brick manfrs, res Calvin Miller as Miller J. S., builder G. L. Miller, res ne cor Church and First sts Miller Miss Laura, res Calvin Miller •filler Miss M., housekeeper W. A. Leml}' Miller W. F. carpenter, res W. H. Miller Miller Miss Willie, wks Salem Academy Miller W. H., carpenter, res es Cherry 1 h s Fourth st 2-^ Millsap Miss Cora, res Peter Millsap Millsap Peter, wks woolen mill, res es Main op New Shallowford st, Salem Mitchell John J., tailor, bds Mrs, H. V. Yarbrough U domestic S. Hodgin Mitchell Miss Susan, H. Mitchell William, blacksmith J. A. White & Son, res ss Liberty, sr Cemetary st Mock Mrs. Lucy, wid, res William Mock prilK WINE8, LIQU0KS,T0- X^Sk BACCO AND CIGARS, 'wicAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. DIRECTORY, llo White Department. Mock p. W., butcher J. E., Mickey Mock William, brickmason, res Albert Hartman Montagues Row. bet Second and Third, e Depot st Moore A., wks Fogle Bros MONTAGUE L. J., physician, res es Church 2 h n First St

Moore Mrs. A. R , wid, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough Moore C. H., elk Int Rev Office, res sw cor Liberty and Chestnut sts Moore Mrs. Mary, wid, res Cotton row Moore Mrs. M., wid, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough Moore Miss M. L.. res Mrs. Nancy Moore «^ Moore Robert, painter, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough q Shallowford 6 h w Moore Mrs. S. A., wid, res ss New ^ ^ Cherry st Salem "^ Moore William A., carpenter res ns Spruce 1 h n trjo^i High St. Salem ^**l Moore William D., elk Allen k Allen, bds Mrs. M. g1 M. Stockton Kj Moore bds Mrs. N. J. Terry ^ Moravian Church, See appendix Q !g Morgan Miss Annie, res Brendletown ^ __ ]\Iorgan Miss Fannie, res ws Church 5 h n Fifth st o O Morgan Hiram, res Brendletown ^ jMorgan Miss Lou, res Brendletown ""d T| Morgan Tinsley, wks Fogle Bros, res E Salem ^^ Morgan William, wks Salem Iron Works, res Mrs. gw T.Bennett ^^ Morgan W. L., res P. N. Hopkins O Morris Chas., stone cutter T. VV. Durham *^ ^ Morris George, res Fries Old Plank Road ^ Morris M. H., county surveyor zc ^ Morton Hugh, carpenter, res es Broad 2 h s Fourth st ^ *il Morton Mrs. J., wid, res ws Liberty 1 h n First st ^^ Morton Samuel, wks F. C Meinung, res Main, Salem" "^ Morton Miss Susan, res Mrs. J. Morton ^ '^» Morton S. F., wks F. & H. Fries ^Q Moseley R. D., leaf tobacco, res ws Cherry st, 1 h n • f« Seventh PI Moser Gideon, wks C. F. Nissen & Co., res Waughtown

Moser J. M., wks G. E. Nisson & Co , res Wanghtown MjgsTs, f mi & MtRTis 06 114 DIRECTORY. _^« i-^ White Department. - Mosten H., wks Fogle Bros S=l o Murph}' J. W., wksG. E. Nissen&Co.,res Waughtown CO "^ Museum Salem Academ}'- for boys, es Main 1 h n Old S^ Shallowford st, Salem .^ p— Myers Miss Laura, domestic H. A Lineback 7^ Myers William, eng Salem Iron wks, res ws Salt 4 b. ^ s New ShaiJowford st, Salem

^XO^ "VfADING ALEX, res Liberty op Cemetery st (1> -^^ Nading Miss Annie, res Frank Nading Nading Frank, painter, res ne limits, Liberty st 1 ^ p, . Nading Miss Gertrude, res Frank Nading Nading Miss Ida, res Frank Nading C^ \ ^^ Nading James A., res Samuel W. Nading ^ Nading Joseph, res Frank Nading OiQ^ Nading Samuel W., res es Liberty 2 h s Sixth st Nailor Charles, foreman tob factory, bds James Gib- r-H son ^ Neal Miss Lizzie A., res Stephen Neal ^ Neal Stephen, res es Cherry 1 h s Second st T-M Neal Stephen T., elk Piedmont Warehouse, res Ste- ^^ . phen Neal X/X. Nelson Benton, wks Winston Mills, bds Mrs. F. J. Hardie n:^ Nelson I. H., bds Mrs. F. J. Hardie ^ Nelson H. B., elk J. C. Nicholson & Co r^ Nelson Miss Sudie, res R. R. Crawford Nelson T. A., bkkpr Brown tt Brother ^X^ kelson William T., carpenter, res es Liberty 2 h n M Fifth st Q Newsom Frank, wks C. F. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- Q town fy^ Newsom J. L., wks C. F. Nissen k Co, res Waugh- \^^ town ^^ Newton T. D., shipping elk R. J. Reynolds ' ^ Nicholson Miss Alice, res Salisbury road, Salem Q Nicholson Arthur, res John Nicholson ,—- Nicholson James, res John Nicholson "^yl^ Nicholson John, res Salisbury road, Salem -^ NK^HOLSON J. C, of J. C. Nicholson & Co, flour *^-^-s and grist mill SfldlSfifTHT^fflflRfl ForAVines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. T^g^ 4f5»*«acrnniental Wines a Specialty. \JfJ. 1 tflU W tfiJHy t aillStlUS ('. KM* M McAcloo House, (ireensboro,( ireensboro, N. (^t-^ DIRECTORY. U^ |h White Department. H^ grist NICHOLSO^^ J. ^\ & CO., flour and mill ffl res Nicholson Nicholson Miss Mary, John ^^^ Nifong J. H., wks D. E. Spach & Son, res Wangh- \^ town Nifong Miss Sallie, res W. H. Hall Nifong Wylie, wks W. E. Spach & Son res Waugh- town L^ Nissen Miss Cora, res J. P. Nissen «^ NISSEN C. F. & CO., gen mdse and wagon mfrs, O Wnutrhtown <1^ NISSEN C. F. & CO., wagon mfrs and gen mdse, Waughtown Nissen George E., of George E. Nissen & Co, wagon mfrs, res Wangh town

Nissen G. E. «fc Co, wagon mfrs, Waughtown Nissen J. P., machinist Brown, Rogers & Co, res n J^ w cor Bellew Creek and Main sts, Salem ^ Nissen S. J., of George E. Nissen & Co, wagon mfrs, -^ res Waughtown ^ Nissen W. M., of George E. Nissen & Co, wagon mfrs, ^ res Waughtown ^i^ Norflett C. P., wks Salem Iron Works, res es Main C ^ 2 h s Cemetery st, Salem ^b^ Norfleet E. R., res M. W. Norfleet Norfleet Miss M. V., res M. W. Norfleet NORFLEET M. W. & CO., proprs Piedmont Ware- house L-^J of Norfleet res NORFLEET M. W., M. W. & Co , sw Hn cor Spruce and Fourth sts ~-j Norman B. F., carpenter, res nw cor Oak and Sev- ^^ enth sts i^ "• Norman C M.. elk Hodgin k Sullivan i NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE INS CO., of -«^ England, Eugene E. Gray, agt .<^j Northorth Carolina Home Ins Co,Co. EugeneEacrene E. Gray,Grav. agtafft ^i November A., elk Joseph Jacob, res same Null Miss Electra, res George Hege ^t^ ODD FELLOWS. See appendix H Odd Fellows Hall, same as Masonic o Oehman Miss Alice, res John Chadwick -^ \ J ]U\ DTRErTORY.

s MUSOI SiMliriiE B j^ P A Kirst-rlMss Praiticil S('li(i;)l. Circulars free. '•' n^oKAY. Pr incipal. Macon, Ga. a" (j) H * b White Depjirtineiit. paa P Ogburn C. J., of Ogburn & Hill, tob mfrs, res se cor ^" k Sixth and Spruce sts K^ a Ogburn C. D. bkkpr Hodgin & Sullivan 1 5 Ogburn & Hill, tob mfrs mB Ogburn James E., res S. A. Ogburn B^- Ogburn Miss Minnie, res S. A. Ogburn 22S Ogburn R. E., res S. A. Ogburn ^•J Ogburn S. A., res ss Liberty 5 h w Chestnut st 5h Ogburn Rev. T. J., pastor Methodist Protestant ^CS Church, rps ns Liberty 2 h w Chestnut st 3^0 OLDHAM EDWARD A., editor and prop Western- ^^ Sentinel, bes Central Plotel S!pi Olive Henry, elk So Ex Co, bds N. D. Dowdy * Ooeal James, tailor, res sw cor Depot and Fifth st ^ ^'Ormsby W. P, Dep Int Rev Col. bds ]\[rs. Terry fa pj Orms W. P., sewing machines and organs, res Church ® Q st, Salem GC| ^Outlaw Sarah, servt P. H. Winston Mi " pAGE FRANKLIX, wks L. R. Hine,bds E. A. Wei- Hi©-*- fare

HH .H Page H. 0., machinist Salem Iron ^Vorks driver Hotel $4 Page Monroe, bus Salem W ! st, 1 Parish B. E., res es Depot 1 h s First ^

BIKKCTORY. r\j , ; Wliite Department. ^^^ f "^j Patterson Mi.«s Ida, domestic J. W. Masten ^ Patterson J. L., lawyer, res Mrs. B. L. Patterson ^ Patterson R. M., teacher, res Mrs. II. L. Patterson ^ Patterson Mrs. R. L., wid, res ne cor Cherry and ^ j_^ New ISliallowford sts, Salem p' ?^ Patterson Miss State Ira, tob classer, bds James ^^^ Gibson p ^ Patterson S F., in office Wachovia Mills, res Mrs. ^ j R. L. Patterson S* ^ Patterson Thomas, wks Brown & Bro, res es Lib- '^ W erty, 2 h n Sixth st W r^ Palmer William, res nr Pump House — m^ Paylor J. D., bkkpr, res ne cor Sixth and Liberty sts g i^. Payne Willie, elk, bds Mrs. N. J, Terry c ^ Peak Theodore, wks C. F. Nissen & Co. res Waugh- ^ ^ Pearce James R., floor mgr Piedmont Warehouse --^ ^ Pearce Mrs. M., res Charles Taylor — W Pearce N. B., groceries, res ss Depot, 5 h s Third i^t zi.^/^ Peebles Amanda, domestic C. J. Ogburn 5"^ Peebles Miss Emma, domestic Miss Mary Zerely cfq tj^ Peebles Miss Martha, res Miss E. Petticord |-h uj Peebles Tobias, trimmer J. A. White & Son, res o ^ Kernersville ^ ^ Pegram C. M., wks F. & H. Fries P 2 Pegram Miss Flora, res James H. Pegram .-^r^ Pegram L. W., bkkpr First Nat Bank, res Rev. T. Oq H. Pegram p ^ Pegram Rev. T. H., pastor M. E. Church, res ns 2. Liberty, 4 h e Main S" A Pegram T. H., jr, merchandise broker, res Rev. T. hj u^ H. Pegram ^ P Pegram William, res ss Bellew Creek road, Salem c A Penn J. W., elk Belo House, res same £^ V Peuick W. B., elk Gray & Martin, res Dr. R. F. . h^ Gray 5'g ^ Peoples Martin, Dep Int Rev Col, res Wood, nr Oak ffi

st, Salem , ^

Pepper T. R , of Vaughn & Pepper, gen mdse, bds § T. S. Black PERKINS R. B., groceries and baker, bds Mrs. N. J. Terry 5W 118 DIRECTORY.


SEAm rOPt C/RCVLAFiS. White Department. Peterson Miss Catherine, res sisters House Peterson Miss Christina, res Sisters House Peterson James E., of W. & .E., Petersen, cofl5ns and furniture, res ss Old Shallowford, cor Elm st, Salem Peterson N., wks Fogle Bros, res E. Peterson Peterson Stanley, wks Fogle Bros, res William Peter- son Peterson Miss Theresa, res William Peterson Peterson William, cabinetmkr, res nw cor Salt and Old Shallowford sts, Salem Peterson Wihiam, jr, wks F. & H. Fries, res William Peterson Peterson William, of W. & E. Petersen, coffins and furniture, res nw cor Old Shallowford and Salt sts, Salem

Peterson W. & E , furniture and coffins, Salem Peterson W. J., wks Arista Mills Petticord Alex, teamster, res es Reservoir st, 7 h n Reservoir Petticord Andrew, teamster F. & PI. Fries, res w lim- its, Salem Petticord Miss E., res ss Fourth st, op Graded School Petticord Miss Martha, res Sisters House Petticord Miss Sallie, res Miss E. Petticord Crutchfield Petticord Wm , driver & McArthur Petree Bud, wks F. & H. Fries' woolen mill, 1 h n Bank st, Salem Petree Miss Alice, res Wesley Petree Petree Miss Amanda, sewing Robert D. Johnston Petree Mrs. Henrietta, res Fries Old Plank road Petree James, wks F. & H. Fries' woolen mill Petree John, painter, res ws Broad, 3 h s Fourth st Petree Julius, res w limits Petree Miss Rebecca, sewing Robert D. Johnson Petree W. R., boss card room F. & H. Fries' woolen mill !irEWGOME'S Wines & Liquors Lead the State k»i^ 1 Vure Tent Wines tor Sacka.mkntai, Puktosks. I Enn 111 lUlil McAdoo House, - - - - Greensboro, N. C. k^

JUREC TORY. Ill) White Department. Petree W. W., niglit watchman F. & H. Fries Pfafif A. T., wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waughtown Pfaff John S., wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waughtown Pfohl Miss Annie, res Mrs. R. Spaugh Pfohl A. E., of Pfohl & Stockton, gen mdse and proprs Central and Merchants hotels, res latter Pfohl A. F., drummer, res ws Main, 1 h s New Shal- lowford st, Salem Pfohl Bernard J., wks F. & H. Fries, res C T. Pfohl Pfohl Charles, manager J. W. Fries, res ws Poplar, 1 h n West st, Salem

Pfohl Miss Constance E , teacher English Salem Academy, res same Pfohl C. T., bkkpr F. & H. Fries, res sw cor Main and First sts, Salem Pfohl Miss Mary, res*E. A Meinung Pfohl Miss Sophia, res Widows Home Pfohl & Stockton, gen mdse and proprs Merchants and Central hotels Pfohl William S., student, res C. T. Pfohl Pfohl W. T., 'groceries, res nw cor Sixth and Liberty sts Phelps Milton, res Old Town road, n limits Phelps Nolan, wks T. F. Williamson & Son Phelps S. H., of Phelps & Vogler, saloon, res Third, |^ nr Main st y ^ Phelps & Vagler, saloon H S^ Phillips B W., painter, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough it ^ Phillips C. T., wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh town 13 •^ Phillips E. E., wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- Q town b3^^ Phillips John L., wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res "Waugh- q town ^^^ Phillips Joseph, wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- O town Phillips W. W., wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- town Pierce B. L., supt P. H. Hanes tob fac, res James R. Pierce Pierce E. A., elk T. F. Williamson & Co, res James R. Pierce ^ 1_20 DIRECTORY. ^ ^^ White Department. .^3 Pierce Holloway, res Mrs. J. Hasten P^ ° Pierce James R., of Pierce, Norfleet & Scales, Pied- Ph o mont warehouse, res Fourth bet Liberty and Old 5 Town sts — ^p Pierce John A., tob supt, res James R, Pierce Ox Pierce Sydney F., wks P. H. Hanes, res Sj^camo-^ ;J^ ws o5 2 n Fourth st g -^PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE, N. W. Norfleet & Co.

jj-p Pike Miss Cordelia, res W. J. McCandless Pipkins grist mill, bds Mrs. N. J. Terry jl^-j^ , ^ oD^ Pitts Andrew, res Bahnsontown r^ i^g Pitts Miss Bell, res Andrew Pitts '^ i-i Pitts Miss Julia, res Andrew Pitts »>^- Pitts Miss Minnie, res Alex McGalliard ^j Pitts Rufus, brickmason. res ws Oak, 2 s Belo st .F^-! Pitts William, wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- < > e> i-H^ o towni g ^^ Pittman Anna L., teacher English Salem Academy, ^ ^ res same S Poe Mrs. A. wid, res ws Main ?t, op Belo House, Salem •• H -^^^ ^^^^" Emma, res Mrs. A Poe 1^^ Poe Miss Julia, res Mrs. A. Poe '^ Poindexter H. D., gen mdse, res ws Spruce 1 h s Fifth st g ?^ Poindexter Mrs. S-, wid, domestic C J. Watkins Poindexter W. T., elk Hinshaw & Bynum, res ns ^ J* P^ Fourth, 6 h w Poplar st _g ^ Pollard Willie, wks Smith & Willliamson, bds Mrs. 'S S N. J. Terry ^rj Poole Miss Sadie, res E. A. Conn ^^ Poor W. D., elk Clarke & Ford, res W. H. Clarke r-^^ Pape Miss P. C, res Joseph McCandless C#^ Porter Mrs. Caroline, res ws Salt st, 5 h s Bank, Salem r:_Z^ Porter L. M., shoemaker, also leather findings, res ^^ Salt st, Salem ^ Porter Mrs Sarah, res Mrs. Mary Yates L|^^ Porter William, shoemkr, res Mrs. C. Porter

I ' PostoflSce, J. Blickenderfer postmaster,ws Main st, op ^^J Public Square, Salem

1^ ' Powell Mintus, res n limits Powers Daniel, res ss Old Shallowford, op Elm st H Powers Edward, res es Poplar st, 2 h n West, Salem TT^^ Powers Rueben, res n w cor Old Shallowford and Elm ^Ji st, Salem EVVCOJIirS Wines and Liquors Lead the State Pure Tent Wines for Sacramental Purposes. E.6.N McAdoo House, GitKKN.siioiio, N. C. DIRECTORY. 121 White Depurtiuent. Prather J. F., gen mdse, res C. F. SussdorfF Pratt W. H,, res Thomas Harrison Presbyterian Church. See appendix Presney J. M., blacksmith J. A. White & Son, bds J. H A. White PRESS PEOPLES, The L. V. & E. T. Blum, props, X ws Main st. nr Public Square, Salem 0^ PRITCHETT S. M., of Smoak & Pritchett, straw hats, C^ etc, bds Mrs. Dwver Pritty Mrs. Susan, wid, res Bahnsontown ^ Proctor William, wks Brown Bros, res ss New Shallow- ^"'Sl ford, 1 h n Cherry, Salem P ^^ Pruner I. F., res D. A. Bowles go W CD ^ TJ AILROAD DEPOT, e end First st m^ ^^ Ramsey Lewis, cigarmkr, bds Mrs. H. V. Yar- o ^ b rough cy^ Raney Edwin, res Old Town Road, n limits m Rank Miss Alice, domestic S. E. Allen g O Rank G. P., res E Salem g^3Q| Ransom Miss Mildred, res Moore Woodburn l_iC Rankin Rufus W, elk Brown & Carter L/t™ Rankin R. W,, warehouse, bds H. X. Dewire 2 ^ "^ Raper Miss S. L., res N. B. Pearce (f) PatcliflFHill, 1 mile Salisbury road, Salem ^ Rayle B. Y., lawyer, rps se cor Fourth and Spruce sts !^-l> Eayle Edward, res B. Y. Rayle ^ tm Read James, res ws Spruce 2 h w High st, Salem ;X' * Reed Anslom, res se cor Church and Second sts ^^W Reed Bros & Brooks, gen mdse -<^ Reed Christian, sr, farmer res ws Liberty, bet Second ^'JJ and Third sts co ^ Reed Christian, jr, carpent(r, res ws Liberty 2 h n o^Pl Second st ^ O '^ Reed D. S., of Reed Bros & Brooks, gen mdse, res cor ^ Chestnut and Second sts "^O Reed J, J., wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waughtown ' mm Reed J. W. of Reed Bros & Brooks, gen mdse, res Sec- P]g end. nr Depot st « Reed Miss Laura A., res Anslom Reed ' ' Reed Mrs. Nancy, wid, res Christian Reed W C3 1— DIRECTORY.

<\^ ..«-w...... -.— .w - -. Circulars free. rt , A First-ela.-s Practical School. 4 q; W. McKAY, Principal, Macon, Ga. O^ ~~ n) White Department.

<| ^ Reed Mrs. Nancy, tailoress, res ss Third 2 h w Liberty 0>- St ^,aZ Reed ^Villie P., elk Reed Bros & Brooks, res J. W. R UJ Reed

Reich ^tlrs. C , wid, res F. E. Keehln pj ^ o2 Reich C. A., shoemkr, res es Main 4 h s Walnut st, ^1— Salem ^

01 ^ Reich James, tinner, res ss West 1 h w Marshall st, ^(/^ Salem k ^ Reich Miss Lula, res Mrs. Minerva Reich r CD Reich Mrs. Minerva, wid, res ws Elm 2 h n Bank st, ^ Salem QQ Reichel Annie, tob picker, bds James Gibson Reid Joseph E., auctioneer A. B. Gorrell, bds Mrs. E|^ Thornburg i^B^ Rempson B. F., carpenter G. F. Miller, res ws Water Pg 4 h s Bellew Creek st, Salem ^^K» Rempson Mrs. Mar}', wid, res ws Main 2 h n Ceme- ^^^ tery st, Salem ^T^ BEMPSON W. S, tinner etc, res Salem ^^^ Remsen Miss Zetta, domestic W. A. Lemly RENARD JOSEPH, groceries and florist, res ws qI^ Main 5 h s New Shallowford st, Salem Renn Mrs. Belle, wid, res rear Mrs. E. E, Snider ^_^ Renn Thomas, wks Salem Iron Works P*** B Reservoir Salem water works, ss Bellew Creek, op ^ " Chestnut st, Salem S^S^i Reservoir Winston Water Works Co, es Reservoir st, bet Seventh and Belo „^0^^ Revelle W. Y., elks Joseph Jacobs, res se cor Spruce P^ and Fifth sts ^^jj Revis J. W., res Cotton Row ^j Reynolds Bros., tobacco mfrs l^^i Reynolds Charles, of Reynolds Bros., tobacco mfrs, res 2^^ Waughtown road, 1 mile s Salem |5"' Reynolds Grove, es Depot st, op R. & D. depot W?

Reynolds Robert, res Waughtown road, 1 mile s i Salem

j Re3mol(ls R. J., tobacco mfr, bds Central Hotel j Reynolds Thomas, res Brendletown i

Reynolds William, tobacco mfr, res Waughtown road, i 1 mile s Salem Rich E. D., bkkpr and receiver Bynnra & Gotten | RICHARDS ED. A., with Interstate Directory Co

Richardson John, leaf tobacco, res ws Main 2 h s <

Seventh st '

Riden Miss Dora, domestic .J. W. Alspaugh j Rigers Cicero, wks T. F. Williamson & Son kn( Riggs Miss Carrie I., res Jesse Riggs ^j Riggs Miss Fannie V., res Jesse Riggs ^j Riggs Jesse, shoemkr, res ws Liberty, 3 h n First ^^ Rights C. L., farmer, res ss Old Sballowford st, 1 h e ri Salt, Salem ^^

Rights G. H., foreman Westersi Sentinel, res Shallow- j ferd, N. Salem ^i Rights Mies Mande M., res C L. Rights H! Rives E. A., wks Salem Iron Works, res nw cor First pfe* | and Chestnut sts ^^ Roan Miss Ada, res Mrs. E. E. Roan J^! Roan Mrs. E. E., wid, res ne cor Fourth and Spruce O'

sts ^ ( Roan Henry, bkkpr R. J. Reynolds, bds Mrs. M. M. ^' Stockton ^ re-- Norfleet Roan Miss N. L , M. W. ^ Roberts Mrs Mar}', wid, res C H. Tise ^ Roberts William, briokmason, res ns Liberty, 2 h w ^ Cemetery st Iron ^ Robertson J. B , apprentice Salem Works ^ Robertson J. J, wks Salem Iron Works, res Wood, nr 'h^ Oak st, Salem ^ Robertson Miss Laura, domestic John Schott ^ Robertson Miss P., res basement John M. Wimure |^

Robinson Charles A , wks R. J. Reynolds, res Joseph ^sa^ C. RoSjinson Robinson Miss Ida Lee, res Joseph C. Robinson UJ 124 DIRECTORY. J-H White Department. ^^- Robinson John, elk J. M. Robinson, res same gE Robinson Joseph C. mgr twist dept R. J. Reynolds, So res es Chestnut, 2 h s op Second st (f ,^^ ROBINSON J. A., editor and prop Winston Leader, ^°Oo bds Mrs. N. J. Terry ^fen jRobi^^on J- M, livery, res Chestnut, bet First and ~ r^ Second sts SSi KOCHESTER GERMAN INS. CO., of Rochester, Eu- ' ^z" ^^ne E. Graj', agt (3^0 Rotters James M., of Brown, Rogers & Co, hardware, 1^ I— res sw cor Cherry and 1 h First st, Salem «-^| Rogers M. F.. patternrakr Salem Iron Works, res ws .•— ', Chestnut, 2 h n Second st R')!fS Marshall, groceries, res ns Fifth st, 2 h w lim- its Roiuinger Joseph, res Leander Rominger Rominger Leander, res Salisbury road, Salem Rominger Rufus, res Leander Rominger Rominger W. J., wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- town Rondthaler Miss Alice, res Rev. Edward Rondthaler HRONDTHALER RET. EDWARD, pastor Salem Congregation and prin Salem- Academj^ res es Church st, 3 h n Salem Academy Rose Beuj, bartender ]\[. W. Rose, res same Rose Boone M., elk Hinshaw & Bynum, res P. A. Wilson

Rose Miss Carrie, res M. W^. Rose * l^ose Miss Dora, res M. W. Rose ^^ Rose Henry, elk Rosenbacher & Co, res M. W. Rose Ub Rose M., bartender, res H. Rose Rose M., of M. Rose & Co, groceries, res Fifth, nr Libert}' st Rose M. & Co, groceries ORose M. W., saloon, res ss Second, 2 h e Church st Rosenbacher H., elk S. Rosenbacher, bds Central Ho- ^(^ tel ^^J Rosenbacher J., elk S. Rosenbacher, bds Central Ho- tel 0^LiJ Rosenbacher S., gen mdse, bds Central Hotel 05 Rothrock Daniel, wagomkr, res sw cor Belo and Oak »J^ 8tS 1^^ Rothrock Augustus, wks 0. F. Nissen & Co, res •* Waughtown ^I

Lead the State! [— En IfflfffRRUf^ffl Wines and Li(iuors DIRECTORY. J^ ,^ Wliite Dcpnrtment. "*^ Rothrock Edward, painter, res Wood, nr Oak st, Sa

lem I fj^ res J. Roueche J. X., compositor Union Republican, '^> W. Goplen ^Tc) William,^,.„. ^^ Rucker T. S., elk Ledbetter & Co, bds T. F. son ^~> Ruggs Augustus, res Fries Old Plank road V^ Ryan Miss Martha, res A. W. Bevel Jl^ Rvnes Erailv, cook J. S. Miller Y/l^-^ RYTTENGERG A., of Ryttenberg Bros, dry goods, bds Beln House RYTTENBERG BROS., dry goods P" goods, RYTTENBERG J. E., of Ryttenberg Bros, dry c-^ res Sumter, S. C RYTTENBURG M. G., of Ryttenberg Bros, dry goods, ^^^ res Sumter, S. C ^ of Long & Sackerman, clothing, SACKERMAN L , ^- etc, res Baltimore, Md —^^^ Sailor Miss Lvdia, domestic W. C Grunert SALEM ACADEMY, Rev. Edward Rondthaler, prm, Bank Rev. John H. Clewell, asst, es Church, bet ^ and Old Shallowford sts, Salem Salem Academy for boys, ne cor Main and West sts, pvjN Salem ^^^ Salem Chapel, E. Salem Congregation, Dr. Edward Rondthaler, pastor, O^ Salem -^ C. T. Pfohl. H. W. Shore, elders SALEM FLOUR AND GRIST MILL, W. J. Cooper, ^ Salem Gas Works, F. & S. Fries, proprs, cor Elm and ^^^ New Shallowford sts, Salem — Salem Hosiery Mill, Hough & Co, proprs, over Salem Iron Works, Salem ^^^ Salem Hotel, Adam Butner, propr, ws Main st, nr ^ * Public Square, Salem tl Salem Iron Works, C. A. Hege, propr, ws Salt, end ^ Bellew Creek st, Salem Jt Salem Postoffice, J. Blickenderfer. postmaster g" Water Works Co, F. H. Fries, prest, office F. Salem -—^ & H. Fries , r^ 126 DIRECTORY. w White Department. p> Sapp C. C, student C J. Watkins, res same ^ Schaffner Miss Louisa C, teacher mathematics Salem ^ Academy, res same O SCALES H. C. & CO., tob mfrs QJ d Schoaf Mrs. M., res Julius Lineback L Schoaf Mrs. M J., wid, wks Salem Academy cO ^^ Schell James S-, bds Central Hotel ^ Scholt John, wks F. & H. Fries, res ws Marshall, 2J 2 h s Old Shallowford st, Salem Q tj Scholt Lee, wks J. W. Fries C/5 b Schultz William, res es Main 2 h s Belew Creek st, •^ H Salem 5 ^ SCHOULER D. D., of D. D. & E. Schouler, dry goods, *^ res New York •-^ SCHOULER D. D. & E., dry goods •"^ Schoub J. F,, tailor, res Yarbrough House t-H Schultz Miss Celeste, res John H. Tise ^ Schultz Miss S. F., res William Schultz ^ Seaber John A., asst postmaster, bds C. L. Rights '^^ — Seabalt L. W., tinner W. S. Rempson Q ^ Sedden J. M., plasterer, res ss Bellew Creek st, 2 h s ^ P Depot st, Salem ^ © SENSEMAN W. 0., of Giersh & Senseman, bds H. A. ^H Giersh 4^ >^ Shaffner Mrs. Amelia, wid, res ws Salt, lbs New ^ § Shallow ford st, Salem rq M Shaffner & Hannah, tob mfrs, Salem _._. Shaffner Henry F., res Dr. J. F. Shaffner r'^^ Shaffner Dr. J. F., physician, drugs, and of Shaffner ^-^-^ & Hannah, tob mfrs, res ws Main st, nr Fish alley, Salem ShaSner Miss Sarah E., teacher mathematics Salem Academy, res same Shaffner William F., res Dr. J. F. Shaffner Sharp Miss Lucv, sewing Robert D. Johnson Shelly A. J., mgr W^ U. Tel Co, bds Central Hotel Shemwell Thomas, elk A. B. Gorrell, bds Mrs. T. J. Hardie

Shelton D. D , bkkpr Bitting & Whitaker r-\ Shelton Mrs. E. E., wid, res nw cor Cherry and First "^ Shelton J. 8., leaf tobacco, res ws Main 2 h n First st ^ Shepherd B. J., of B. J. Sheppard & Co., leaf tobacco res cor sts ^\ J commission, nw Sixth and Main r^"^! Sheppard B. J. & Co., leaf tobacco commission mNEWGOMB'S PURE WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIGAKS. cREiNgi?)S8rN.'c. DIRECTORY. White Department. Shepherd Aaron, policeman, res nw cor Old Shallow- ford and Elm sts, Salem Shepherd Miss E. B., res J, W. Shepherd Shepherd E. H., elk Brown, Rosrers & Co Shepherd James E., res James W. Shepherd Shepherd J. W., elk J. E, Gilmer, res nw cor Cherry and High sts. Salem Sheppard W. H., wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- town . 1 , 1 nr Sherrill J. B., compositor Western Sentinel, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarborough Shields Miss Carrie, res Edwin Eaney Shields Miss Emma, domestic D. R. Burton Shoal" Miss Mary, domestic Rev. C. H. Wiley Shore Miss Annie, domestic D T. Marable p Shore Augustus, wks F. & H. Fries Shore B. P., elk H. W. Shore, res same Shore Miss Ellen, domestic Mrs. C. Welfare ^ Shore Miss Ella M., res Lee Hendricks ^ ^ Shore Mrs. Elizabeth, wid, housekeeper F. H. Fries Shore Fannie, domestic Samuel Taylor ^ Shore George D., elk Ryttenburg Bros, res H. Vv". Shore g Shore Henrv A., res H. W. Shore ^ col, res ns Bellew Creek Shore H. L.."dep U. S , int rev ^ ^ st 1 h e Chestnut st, Salem Shore H. W., groceries, res ws Salt 3 h s Bank, Salem g Shore Jonas, night watchman Salem Iron Works, res :g ws Marshall 1 h n Mill st, Salem n

Shore Lewis, wks F. & H. Fries j: Shore Miss Maria res Widows Home S ' Shore N. T., of N. T. Shore & Co., groceries, res ws Marshall 1 h s West st, Salem ^ Shore N. T. & Co, groceries and crockery, ws Main st, Salem Shore Samuel, miller Wachovia Mills, res ns New Shallowford 1 h n Cherry st Shore Mrs. W. F., wid, res Mrs. E. P. Webb Shouse Edward, res Jesse Holder Shouse James, elk H. D. Poiudexter, res Mrs. Matilda Shouse Shouse Mrs. Matilda, wid, res ws Chestnut 3 h n Sec- ond st > 128 DIRECTORY.

I N I (TY. 0.;=; B US NESS M VERS i

5S 22:-SmfDi;/^aRC/RCULAJRSr.

IDS ^^'hitc Department. Shultz J. H., cabinet maker and undertaker, res Wil- liam Shultz Shultz Peter, res Salisbury road. Salem m Siceloff Miss Minnie, res A. G. Hough Siddal H. A., wks Salem Iron Works, res sw cor Church st and Public Square, Salem Siddal Thomas, wks Heees, res H, A Siddal Siddal T. H., machinist Salem Iron Works Sides Alfred, wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waughtown Ambrose, res Fries Old o Sides Plank road ^ Sides E., wks Fogle Bros Sides J. G., res es Main st, nr Mill, Salem -C Sides Rufi&n, res F. & H Fries Sides Samuel, res Brendletown Siewers Miss Gertrude, drawing, painting etc, Salem Academy, res same Siewers John D., res es Church st, cor Bank, Salem mo Siewers Mrs. M. A., wid, res C T. Pfohl Siewers Dr. N. S., physician, res es Main st, 3 h s o Public Square, Salem Singer Mfg Co., C. L. Cline mgr yj r-H Sink Samuel, res Fries Old Plank Ptoad Sisters House, under the auspices of the Moravian Church, es Church st, op Public Square, Salem vSlader William, wks Fred Gerner

Smith A. A , leaf tob, res Mrs. J. T. Thornburg 94_; Smith Mrs. A L., res Wm Tate SMITH & BROWN, drugs Smith Charles J., dep int rev col, bds Mrs. Stockton Smith H. H., bds Central Hotel Smith Miss Julia, res T. L. Vaughn Smith J. C, res ss Walnut, 1 h e Marshall st, Salem Smith Kate, res J. A. Brown Smith Miss Lula D., res J. C. Smith Smith M. D., wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- town T>ITRE WINES, LIQUORS, TO- BACCO AND CIGARS, TRY NiWOOIlB'S'McAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. DIRECTORY, 12!) White Department. Smith 0. C, leaf tob, res ?s Fifth st, 4 b w Poplar Smith Mrs P. M., dressrakr Ryttenberg Bros SMITH S. H., of Smith & Brown, drugs, res ws Liberty st, s Public Square Smith Thomas, elk J. F. Prather, bds same Smith W. F., salesman, bds Central Hotel Smith—dep. int. rev. col, bds Mrs. M. M Stockton Smithey J. A., cigarmkr, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough Smitherman H. R, wks F. & H. Fries SMOAK D. E.. of Smoak & Pritchett, shoes and hats, res se cor Fourth and Broad sts SMOAK & PRITCHETT, shoes, hats, etc H. Snider Mrs. E. E., wid, res se cor Main and Cemetery q sts, Salem ^^ Snider Miss E. E., domestic F. C. Meinung ^ Snider J. W., wks S. Byerly & Son trjyn Snider Snider Miss Laura, res Mrs. E E. jiSLl Snider N., wks Salem Iron Works, bds Mrs. S. J. g^ Hyre i-< Snipes Andrew C, deputy sheriff and jailor, res pi County Jail ^ Z Snipes Miss Ella, res Nathaniel Snipes W Snipes Franklin, res Nathaniel Snipes O ^ Snipes Nathaniel, dep sheriff, groceries, res es Reser- g voir St, 4 h n Reservoir "dTI E., saleslady Mrs. T. B. Douthit, Spach Miss MoUie j:;^ ^ resG. A. Wright g — Spach W. E., of W. E. Spach & Son, wagon mfrs, res f^^ Waughtown --i^ Spach W. E. & Son, wagon mfrs, Salem ^"^ Spainhower James, wks J. W. Fries ^ Spainhower John, wks J. W. Fries, res es Marshall st, za w 1 h s W. Salem , g J, Spainhower W. W., spinner F. & H. Fries, woolen i^^ mills, res 3 h Main st "^ w Zp) Sparks Elias, wks Salem Academy ^^ Spaugh Allen, res es Church 2 h n Walnut st oO Spaugh D. A., groceries, res ws Main 4 h n Ceme- • ^ tery st. Salem Ifi Spaugh D. 0. & Co, harness and saddle makers, \1 Salem "•'^ I

oT l-'50 DIBECTORY. —1— Ph White Department.

o . Spaugh Edward E., blacksmith and wheelwright, O O res es Depot op Sixth st ,^ [zi Spaugh Lizzie, res Major Green ^ Spaugh Mrs. Julia, wid, res es Elm 1 h s Second st ^ 3 Spaugh & Miller, brick mfrs, ne limits w g Spaugh Miss Mollie, res L. A. Core S^ Spaugh Obadiah, elk J. F. Harris, res w limits -^ »-^ Spaugh Miss Rosa, res "W. J. Spaugh E^ Spaugh Rufus A., asst bkkpr Salem Iron Works, ^ res Thomas Spaugh ^ Spaugh Mrs. R., wid, res es Main, nr Mill st, Sa- '^XCi^ lem (1> Spaugh Miss Susan, domestic, A. F. Pfohl " ^, Spaugh Thomas, res es Elm 1 h n Bank st, Salem O Spaugh William, of Spaugh & Miller, brick mfrs Spaugh W. J., contractor, res ws Cherry 2 h n Sec- f^ \ ^2^ end st ^ Spaugh W. T., asst foreman machine shops Salem Up^ Iron Works Spears Miss Jane, res ws Salt 1 h n Bank st, Salem

T—j Spencer Arthur, elk So Ex Co, bds Mrs. N. J. Terry ^ Spencer F. C, elk Central and Merchants hotels ^. Spencer Robert, wks Hanes tob factory, bds Mrs. N. rM J. Terry ..^^ Sp/ings L. B., of J. A. Butner & Co , tob mfrs res uiQ^ country Springs L. W., drummer, res Salem Hotel T^ Sprinkle Miss E., domestic A. E. B. Ebert Ca Sprinkle J. H., elk Pfohl & Stockton ^ Sprinkle W. C, elk H. W. Fries bds C. W. Togle Sprinkle Miss Sarah, domestic J. E. Mickey "-jjp^ Stafford Harry, wks F. & H., Fries, res ss Mill 1 h w M Marshall st, Salem ' Q Stanton & Bynum, millinery Q Stanton Mrs. L. K., of Stanton & Bynum millinery, r^^ res J P. Stanton vlM Stare Miss Eliza, res Miss Mary Stare ^^ Stare Miss Mary, res sw cor Liberty and Second sts "•q Starbuck J. S. wks office Wachovia Mills Q Starr Daniel, brickmason, res nw cor Fifth and c~^ Spring sts Starr S., of Starr & Son, groceries, res cor Fourth and Main sts Starr S. & Son, groceries For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. T'tTs m>f^ "Sacramental Wines a Specialty _ Mi-Adoo House, Greensboro, N. C. y^ DIRECTORY. 131 ^ WTiite Department. ^2 Stauber Miss Johanna, res Sisters House MH Stauber Miss Rebecca, res Sisters House Stedman R. F., drummer, res sw cor Fifth and Pop- lar st Steeerer Thomas, tob dealer ^m4 STEIN M: M., clothing, bds Belo House \ij Steiner Miss Amelia, res Sisters House ^ Steiner Charles E., elk sheriff, res ws Cherry, 1 h n ^ Fifth St 3 Stephenson Joseph, wks P. H. Hanes & Co, res n lim- ^ its, nr Librity st >^ Stephens J. W., wool assorter F, k H. Fries f^

•Stewart Alfred, res W. T. Nelson i i Stewart James, res Liberty st, nr Cemetery "^J STEWART GEO., tinner, stoves, etc, bds J. W. ^ Bradford |^ Mrs. N. E. Stewart Stewart John C, res ^^ Stewart Jonathan, res Old Town road, n limits ^ Stewart J. H., wks T. H. Hanes & Co, res Cotton ^ Row v» res Cotton Row Stewart Miss Lillie, z^*^ I., res Mrs. N. E. Stewart Stewart Moses (^ J Stewart Miss Mary, res Mrs. Susan Stewart ^^ Stewart Mrs. N. E., wid, res ws Reservoir, cor Belo st ^ Stewart Solomon, wagoner, res E. Salem ^ Stewart Mrs. Susan, wid, res Cotton Row »• Stiller R. V., marble cutter I. W. Durham L,^ Stipe A. L., dept int rev col, res E. Salem [A-J Stipes W. B., distillery, res ws Depot, 2 h n Fifth st j Stockton Charles, res Mrs. M. M. Stockton ^2 Stockton J. G., bartender T. A. Livengood & Co, res ^^ Pine st, Salem ^ •Stockton J. H., of Pfohl & Stockton, gen mdse, proprs -^^ Central and Merchants hotels, res former *••?? Stockton Mary, servt Mrs. Ida Miller ^^^^ Stockton Mrs. M. M., wid, boarding, res nw cor Second h^ and Pine sts C» L. Vaughn, res Mrs. M. M. Stockton M. D., bkkpr T. j^ Stockton Q Stockton N. G., leaf tob, res ne cor Second and Spruce X sts ^ ^ jj 132 DIRECTORY.


H fj n A l^'ii'si -class Practical School. Circulars free. B^ w. pyicKAY, Princ ipal, Macon, Ga. (15 H S h White Department. Hn u Stolsz William, res Mrs. Mary Butner ^* k Stone Mrs. H. A., res W. E. Martin K^ p Stone Eichard A., elk Allen & Allen, res nw cor Lib- ^S erty and Second sts mB Stout James, wks Brown & Bro, res ne limits, Lib- BH erty st 222 Sirayhon C. G., res ws Old Town, 4 n Fifth st

^,j ytrahon E C . res C. G. Strayhon ggj Strupe Miss Eliza, res Sisters House ^^ Strupe E. A., tinner, res ws Marshall, 2 h s West st ^ © Strupe & Co, tinners ^S Stultz William, wks L. R. Hine, bds Mrs. But- 8^ ner ^ Styers Jasper, carpenter G. L. Miller, res Liberty st, 7^ nf^ limits

& j3 STYRON BENJAMIN, of Styron & Styron, groceries, ® Q res T, P. Styron groceries 7f^\ JJ STYKON & STYRON,

a I £ STYRON T. P., of Styron & Styron, groceries, res es M Depot, 2 h n Fifth st H STYRON V. 0., of Styron & Styron, groceries, res h^ .^ T. P. Styron Suits William, res st, p^ fj Liberty June Main ^ {§ Sullivan N. D., of Hodgin & Sullivan, gen mdse, res O ^ Walkertown ^ SUN FIRE OFFICE, of London, Eugene E. Gray, ^ - agt Sussdorflf C. F., res ws Liberty, 2 h s Fifth st Sutton W. L., apprentice Salem Iron Works 'Tf^ Swaim B. F., wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- N#^ town f^-j-^ Swaim J. A., wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- r'^n town Swaim J. D., wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- town

TALBOT SAMUEL, groceries, res es Church, 1 h s < Fifth st Tate Fred, carpenter, res Wm. Tate Tate F. N., wks G. F. Miller, bds G. C. Joyce DIRECTORY. 133 White Department. ^ Tatum John, tob buyer, res es Elm, bet Second and

Third sts i j Tatuna Miss N. J., trimmer Mr?. N. S. Davis ^^r Tate William, carpenter, res ns Fourth, 3 h w Pop- -^ { lar St LhJ Tavis Christopher, carpenter, res ws Depot st, cor ^--^J Sixth st 7^£r\ Tavis John D., of D. R. Spaugh & Co, saddles and \^-J harness, res Lee Hendricks t^^S Tavis William, res se cor Main and Bellew Creek '" ^ sts, Salem kh Taylor Miss Belle, bds Alfred Merideth '^ Taylor Charles, res ws Oak 1 n Belo st ^-2 Taylor G. W., res Mrs. M. Pearce ^^ Taylor, John G., bds Alfred Merideth K^^ Taylor Jno. M., elk Vaughn & Pepper oj23 Taylor J. P., bkkpr Ledbetter & Co, bds T. F. Wil- ^^-- liamson SoC Taylor J. R., asst. Piedmont warehouse qS^p^ Taylor Miss Katurah, bds Alfred Merideth m^P Taylor Miss Luzette, bds Alfred Merideth " o*^ Taylor Samuel, shipping elk R. & D. R. R., res es q'^w Elm, bet Second and Third sts t^S*^ Taylor W. B., of Ledbetter & Co., bds T. F. Wil- gg^ liamson yi>< Teague E., wks Fogle Bros t=dH>^ Teague George, wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waughtown tihS TEAGUE M. E., of C. F. Niesen & Co, wagon mfrs, gg^ res Waughtown ^w*^ Teague Samuel, wks G. E. Nissan & Co, res Waugh- ^^~ town ::i!*r Temple Charles, wagoner, res William Temple d^H Temple William, wagoner, res sw cor Fifth and dg^ Broad sts oO^ Terry Mrs. N. J., wid, boarding, res cor Fifth and J^ 58^

Liberty sts 12! '^02 Tesh Mrs. Charity, wid, res sw cor Marshall and • 0[;j Walnut sts, Salem Pg^ Tesh Miss Eliza, res Mrs C. Tesh §[5

Tesh Miss Emma, res Mrs. C. Tesh flj" Tesh George W., carpenter, res Liberty st, nr Main go Tesh Louis, wks J. W. Friefi j5^ Tesh Miss Laura, domestic C. A. Hege w Tesh Lewis, res ws Salt, 2 h n Bank st, Salem H 6W ]:;4 DIRECTORY o^ White Department. ^B Tesh Manuf-l, wks J. W Frifs res Mrs C. Tesh -•^ Teeh Miss Mary, domestic H. D Lott 'g £ Tesh Romulus, wks J. W. Fries, res Mrs C Tesh fJ Tesh Rufus, wks J. W. Fries, res Mrs. C Tesh 'zB Tesh Miss 8arah, res Mrs. C. Teeh %^ Thomas Miss C, res John Thomas

(jj-oj Thomas Miss Ella, res Jacob M. Thomas S^ Thomas Miss Emma, res Jacob M. Thomas cS-g Thomas Harrison, carpenter, res ns Liberty, 2 h e - Cemetery st |jS Thomas H. J., shoemkr, res ws Cemetery 1 h n Lib- Pi^ d erty st Kj y^ Thomas Jacob M., res ss New Shallowford, 3 h n § „- Cherry st, Salem r- Thomas Louis, teamster, res es Reservoir, 2 h s Belo (]^S ^ Thomas Mies Lucinda, res ne limits •~i^c Thomas Samuel, teamster, res ws Cemetery 5 h n ^2 £ Liberty st pcO'^ Thomas William, res John Thomas ^—^ Thompson E. B., painter, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough •| I Thompson & Franklin, clothing and furnishing h^E'^5 Thompson J. J., hostler Crutchfield & McArthur v^c^^ Thompson John J., feeder Crutchfield & McArthur, res ws Chestnut 4 h n Second st ^ Thompson Miss Martha, res John J. Thompson Thompson Miss M., res V. 0. Thompson CkO Thompson P. A., elk V. 0. Tnompson, res same ^d TH031PS0N V. 0., drugs physician, of Franklin & i^mS! Thompson, clothing and V. 0. Thompson & Co., cigar mfrs. res w cor Seventh and Liberty sts t»Y—II Thompson V. 0. & Co, cigar mfrs Thore J. H., contractor and builder, bds Rev. F. M. Keith Thornburg Miss Ada res Mrs. J. T. Thornburg Thornburg Mrs. J, T., wid, res ws Cherrv st 3 h n Third st Thurley Mrs. Lena, wid, res Widows Home Tiddy Mrs. Annie, res es Cherry 2 h n First st Tise Miss Amanda, res Charles Tise Tise A. Leroy, sign writer, res ns Liberty 2 w Depot st Tise Cicero, of Cicero Tise & Co, furniture, buggies, house furnishing, ice, res ws Main 2 h n Fifth st DIRECTORY. 135 White Department. Tise Cicero k Co, furniture, buggies, house furnihing, and ice O Tise Charles, carpenter, res ns Liberty 2 h e Main pt ^^j TISE C. H., propr Tise well fixtures, res cor Fifth and Main sts Q^ Tise Miss Ella, res Mrs. Nannie Tise Tise Miss Emma, res Mrs. J, A. Tise Tise Francis, res Mrs. T. Tise TISE JACOB, of Jacob Tise & Co. res ne cor Church and Fourtli st TISE JACOB & CO, gen mdse Tise John res es Cemetery 1 h n Liberty st Tise John wks A. W. Bevel, res Liberty st

Tise John H , elk Jacob Tise & Co, res es Main 4 o h s Bellew Creek st, Salem Tise Jonah, res Charles Tise Tise Miss Josephine, rss J. A. Tise Tise J. A., wagoner, res ns Liberty, cor Cemetery st Tise Miss Laura, res J. A. Tise Tise Miss Lizzie, wks Salem Academy Tise Miss Mattie, res Mrs. Nannie Tise Tise MoUie, res Mrs. Nannie Tise Mrs. wid, res cor and Bank Tise Nannie, sw Main GC^ sts, Salem Tise Nathan, carpenter, res ns Liberty, op Depot st ^ f^ Tise Mrs. T. wid, res es Reservoir 2 h n Reservoir st ^ JJi Tise William, blacksmith Salem Iron Works ^ fH Tomlinson Prof. J. L, prin. Graded Schools, bds T. S jjf F. Williamson § PI Transon Miss Maria, res Sisters House ^ F* Travis James *H., res ss New Shallowford, 10 h w 2 g^ Cherry st, Salem -, ^^ Tucker C. M, wks F. & H. Fries o^^ Tucker J. A., elk C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh town Tucker Miss M. A., res Mrs. M. J. Tucker u -^ Tucker Mrs. M. J., wid, res William Proctor iH Tucker Mrs. S. V., res Mrs. M. J. Tucker < Q Tucker Miss Sarah, res Calvin Tucker S" » Turner G., wks fogle Bros ^ ]^ Tussy Miss Mary, domestic A. C Vogler 5 ^ Turner Miss Phoebe, res Rev. William Turner ^^ j ^ Turner Thomas, res Rev. William Turner Turner Rev. VVilliam, Baptist, res ws Main st, nr < Public Square, Salem 13fi 1^ DIRECTORY. ^ Uj White Department. Q3 Twin City Rifle Club, George Corrie, prest l^g Tyler J. L., 8upt Arista Mills, res ws Elm, 3 h n W Bank st, Salem OC5 gx TTNION REPUBLICAN, J. AV. Goslen, editor and ^or ^ propr oiuH VALENTINE GEORGE H., mgr J. H. Valentine, WgO V res Richmond, Va oi'Sq Valentine J, H., auction, res Lynchburg, Va ffij-b VANCE J. A., plumbing and machine shop and ^Z^^ saw mill mfr, res ss Bellew Creek, 1 h e Depot st, CCQ Salem ^w Vance M. W., wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- ;?;'}_ town W-J5 VanVleck Mies A. A., res Miss L. C. VanVleck •^ss VanVleck Mies L. C, res es Main, 5 h s New Shal- P?^ lowford, Salem ^ Vaughn Asa, carpenter, res Liberty st, ne limits Vaughn Mis Ida, res Aea Vaughn Vaughn J. B., of Vaughn & Pepper, gen mdse, res U 6W cor Spruce and Sixth sts Vaughn Joseph H., floor mgr A. B. Gorrell, bds same Vaughn Leonard, of Lockett & Vaughn, tob mfrs, bds Mrs. M. M. Stockton Vaughn Miss Maggie, res W. B. Vaughn Z— Vaughn Miss N., res W. B. Vaughn Vaughn T. L., tob mfr, res ws Poplar, 1 h s Fourth st H Vaughn & Pepper, gen mdse Vaughn W. B., elk Hodgin & Sullivan, res ws O Spruce, 2 h n Fourth st JVeach J. G., mail carrrier Mt Airy route, bds Mrs. Bennett Vernon Mary, servt Walter L Leary VernonfRobert, res ss Four-and-a-half, 4 h w Pop- O lar st Vest Miss A. J,, res John P. Vest Vest Miss Carrie, res John P. Vest OVest C, wks Fogle Bros « Vest John P., res ws Main, 4 h s New Shallowford st, Salem ^^r Vest Miss Lucy, res John P. Vest u. Vest Miss Mary Ann, res John P. Vest DIRECTORY. M^ Wbite Department. ^^^ Salem Academy,. Vest Miss Sarah L , asst in music res same . _ ^iSL TIROINIlIROINIl HOMEH( INS. CO., of Richmond, Eugene E. Gray, agt Voerge Miss Julia, domestic T. J. Brown Vogle Miss L., res Sisters House Pirlina, res Sisters House Vogle Miss ^ Q res ws Main, Vogler A. C, furniture and undertaking, ^ y- 1 h s First st, Salem t;; ^ bkkpr H. W. Fries, res es Main st, Vogler Charles W., ^ ^j 1 h s Public Square, Salem ^ "1 Third nr "^ Vogler E. E., of Phelps & Vogler, saloon, res ^ Main st § "* Vogler E. L., elk G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waughtown ^^ ;|g Vogler Frank H., wks A. C. Vogler, res same ^Hf^ Vogler George E., job printer Williamson & Corrie ^^^ Vogler Henry, elk Wm. T. Vogler, res same |j^^ Vogler Julius, res Mrs. M. Vogler i«^ii« Vogler J. M., wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waughtown ^^^ Vogler Miss Maria, res Mrs. Mary Vogler ^tJQ Vogler Mrs. Mary, wid, res es Church, 1 h n Bank st, og'*^ Salem ^nft Vogler Miss Mary A., res A. C. Vogler §^*^ Vogler Miss Minnie, res C. W. Vogler ^Mfri Vogler M. N., blacksmith os2 Sisters House Vogler Miss Perlina, res §!>H1 Vogler Vogler Miss Regina, res Mrs. M. ^%tfk res Widows Home Vogler Mrs. Sophia, wid, ^ QbTI Main, Vogler Timothy, gun and locksmith, res es g nr Mill st, Salem ^S"fl VOGLER WILLIAM T., jeweler, res nw cor Cherry ^^^ sts, Salem and Cemetery '*j^«5n Vosburgh Tunis, seed pedler, bds Mrs. N. J. Terry 5^^*41 WACHOVIA CORNET BAND, D. T. Crouse, capt, ^ ^ Salem | zL Wachovia Flour and Grist Mills, Salem § i prest Dr. Wachovia Land Office, Rev. C. L. Rights, ; § JJ E. Rondthaler, Rev. E. P. Linebach, Dr. J. F. iaj Z Line- Shaffner, J. G. Sides, A. F. Pfohl, James T. taj ^ back, secy, Salem o ^ " ^* Wachovia Mills, flour and grist, F. & H. Fries, prps, Salem 138 1)IRECT0RY. White Department. 1^ Wachovia National Bank, cap $150,000; surplus

M $50,000 ; W. A. Lemly, prest ; Jas. A. Gray, cashier Li^ Wachovia Paper Mills, Salem ^ Wade James T., cigarmkr, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough ^ Waggoman Miss Annie, res Miss Eliza Waggoman Waggoman Edward, painter, res Mrs. E. J. Waggo- ^P^ man Waggoman Mrs. E. J., wid, res ws Main, 1 h s ^ Walnut st, Salem ^ Waggoman Miss Eliza, res es Main, nr Mill st, Salem K Waggoman Miss Mittie, res Miss Eliza Waggoman • M AVaggoman Robert, carpenter, res Mrs. E. J. Waggo- O^ man ^O Wagoner G. B., elk, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough ^M Waggoner Benj, errand boy Fred Gerner ^H Waggoner Charles A., elk Fred Gerner, bds Mrs. N. J. ^*^ Terrv ^H Wall Mrs. B. H., res S. B. Ziglar QC^Q Wall Mrs. Mary, res R. N. Wall Wall Pi. N., res ss Fourth 1 h e Spring st .H -^ ^GC Wall Samuel, res ss Fourth 2 h e Spring st ^ ^ Waller Mrs. Ann, wid, domestic Mrs. E. J. Waggo- •^Q man Wq Walser F. T., rev oflBcer, bds Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough ^2 Walker Miss Ada, bds Mrs. M. A. Edwards J^ Walker A. W,, wks J. A. Vance Ph Walker D. C, compositor Winston Leader, res cor O Fifth and Oldtown sts O Walker George I., leaf tob, res es Sycamore 2 h n Kk Fourth st •^S Walker Owen, res Mrs. Sallie Walker ^ Walker Rufus, res Mrs. Sallie Walker W Walker Mrs, Sallie, wid, res Liberty st, ne limits ^ Walker W. A., postmaster, res se cor Second and ^ Cherry sts ^ Ward R. G., bds Belo House ^ Ward R. J., draughtsman Salem Iron Works HH Warner Joseph, res Mrs. Nancy Warner M Warner Lewis, apprentice Salem Iron Works ^ Warner M. E., teamster Elijah Holder ^ Warner Miss M. L., res Mrs. Nancy Warner y^^ Warner Mrs. Nancy, wid, res ss New Shallowford r^^ 14 h w Cherry st, Salem r" Warner W. C. canvasser W. P. Ormsby ForTWi nes, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. T^f^ iP^"8acraiiiental Wines a Specialty. \JJL MeAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C.

DIRECTORY. 139 H White Department. r^\j Warren J. B., groceries, res cor Second and Depot sts ^j Watkins Miss Augusta, res J. D. Watkins ["^ Watkius Alexander, of Watkins, Burton & Watkins, i^ , gen mdse, res N. T. Watkins l"CT Watkins, Burton & Watkins, gen mdse ^ -^ Watkins Miss Carrie, elk Stanton & Bynum ^^^T^£^ WATKINS C. J., dentist, D.D.S., res es Main 2 h s First St. Salem r^>-j Watkins Miss Florence, res N. T. Watkins §^ Watkins Miss Hattie, res W. H. Watkins 2 g. Watkins Henry A., elk Watkins, Burton & Watkins ^ O Watkins Miss Ida Lee, res J. D. Watkins ^ ^_ Watkins J. D.. res ns Fifth. 4 h w Poplar st fj h- Watkins J. E., of Watkins, Burton & Watkins, gen (^ 5 mdse ^^ ^ Watkins Miss Mary, res N. ^ T. Watkins ^ '^ Watkins N. T., of Watkins, Burton & Watkins, gen ^ mdse, res ne cor Second and Church sts ^ r^ Watkins Miss Sallie, res N. T. Watkins ^^ Watkins Miss Permania, res W. H. Watkins rf Watkins W. H., st com, res ns Fourth, 4 h w Poplar st ? £ WATSON (J. B., of Watson & Glen, lawyers, res ws ;: ^ Old Town, cor Sixth st >M WATSON & GLEN, lawyers h- Watson Jonathan, groceries, res Seventh st, e limits "^x M Watson William H., res D. A. Bowles i"" >1 Waughtown,',Suburb of Salem, out Main st 2 miles s> P Weaver Miss Sallie. res C A. Fogle ri:;; p Webb Mrs. E. P., wid, res es Liberty, 1 h n Fifth st i'i pi. Webb Frank, painter, res Mrs. E. P. Webb t° p Webster Alfred, floor mgr, Piedmont Warehouse j^^® Weiford William, butcher Fred Gerner, bds R. Frank 3? ^, Graham ^o ^ Weisner John, farmer, res es Marshall, 1 h u Mill st, i?*^ Salem " z Weisner Jonas A., wks Fogle Bros, res ne cor Mill and " ^ Marshall sts, Salem o ^ Welfare Miss Cora, res Edward Welfare S 5* Welfare Mrs. C, wid, res nw cor Main and Cemetery ^^ sts, Salem ^ C5 140 DIRECTORY. «tSL White Department. Welfare C. R gen mdse, res es Main st, 4 h s Public Jji^ , ^ S! Square, Salem H ~ Welfare Edward A., elk C. R. Welfare, res es Main, 1 h s Shallowford, Salem jj ~^ New Miss Jane, res Mrs. C. Welfare jj) Welfare

Wheeler Dr. W. H , U. S. int rev col, res se cor Ea!^ Church and First sts, Salem ^^H^ Whitaker Wm. A., of Bitting & Whitaker, tob mfrs, .^323 res nw cor Cherry and Fifth sts ^^iOt Whitaker H. G., canvasser Singer Mfg Co, res Pilot 522 Mount White Charles E., res William H. White J^g^''^ White Franky, elk postoffice, res J. S. White ^^ White Jacob, shoemkr, res E. Salem qSQ White James, res ws Broad, 4 h s Fourth st White J. A., of J. A. White & Son, carriagemkrs' B„_p. res ss Liberty st, nr limits S^Pi White J. A. & Son, wagon and carriagemkrs GD White J. E., wks J. S. White, res Broad, bet Fourth g^ and Fifth sts ^^ WHITE J* H. Jr., gen mdse, res sw cor Eighth'and __i^'i-« Liberty sts JSJ WHITE J. 0., of J. 0. White & Son, carriagemkrs, ^^a res ns Liberty, nr Cemetery st 1^ WHITE J. 0. & SON, carriagemkrs ^mm^ White J. S., carriage and wagonmkr, res es Main, t^ 3 h n Fourth st tS^^" White Mrs. J. S. millinery, res es Main, 3 h n Fourth st H W Mfl!fTPIflllfl!?l Wines and Liquors Lead the State! \ PURE TENT WINES for SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES iTj n T WHW I n\fln U. Ui iyVVUUiWU li McAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. WW


WTiite Department. o White Miss Lola, student, res J. H. White, Jr ^'9 White Miss Mattie, elk Mrs. J. S. White, res J. S. k^^ White ^O White Miss MoUie, res es Depot, 1 h n Fourth st p^C White Miss M., res Mrs. T. Tise o Q White Walter, res William H. White ]^wm White William H., painter, res ss Liberty, cor Depot go IJ St ^S White W. G., res ws Water, nr Bellew Creek st, ^'flf Salem ^ ^ WHITEHEAD Z. W., solicitor and correspondent ^^ Western Sentinel ^ "^ Whitlow Mrs. Maggie, res ns Liberty, cor Chestnut st gCD Wicker W. C, miller Salem mill, res ss Mill, Salem, q'"^ op Marshall st ^^ Widows Home, under the auspices of the Moravian t^.^m Church, sw cor Main and Old Shallowford sts, m Q^ Salem ^^ Wier Henry, res es Cemetery, 4 h n Liberty st M™ Wier, Mrs. Susan, wid,res Henry Wier O ^ Wiford W, H., butcher Fred Gerner P 51 Wiggins W. A., cigarmkr, bds Mrs. H, V. Yarbrough CD iT Wilborn S A., canvasser Singer Mfg Co, res Burke, ^' Surrey co Q^ Wiles Miss Salie, res T. A. .Wiles h; "^ Wiles T. A., floormgr Farmers Warehouse, res es m Z Spruce, lbs Fourth st 5-'C0 •"* Wiley Miss i^.nnie W , res Rev. C. H. Wiley co Wiley Rev. C. H., D.D., dist. supt. Am. Bible Society, MTn res es Spruce. 1 h n Fifth st h: ^ Wilpy James W , student, res Rev. C. H. Wiley 2 G) Willis H. H., cabinetmkr, bds T. P. Styron ^ Williams Alex, res ns Fifth, 1 h w Spring st ^^O Williams Miss Dora, res Mrs. E. Williams :^7Ii Williams Mrs. E., wid, res es Main, 3 h s Bank st, ^CD Salem tl "0 Williams Miss Lurenia, res Sisters House ^F" Williams Miss Mary, domestic N. G. Stockton O ^ Williams N. G., dept. int. rev. col, bds Mrs. Black ^ ^ Williams Mrs. N. H., res Rev. F. M. Keith ^ 7W o 142 DIRECTORY B y^iKESS lTNIVERSITY

' skA/'D rOR CiRCULA F^S.

White Depai-tment. w Williams Rowan, wks J. M. Wimmer, res Mrs. E. Williams Williamson A.. A., carpenter res ss Third 2 h w Liberty st Williamson Miss A. B., res T. F. Williamson WILLIAMSON & CORRIE, books and job printing, musical instruments Williamson C H., bkkpr T. F. Williamson & Son, res T. F. Williamson

Williamson R. L , of T. F. Williamson & Son, tob mfrs, res T. F. Williamson Williamson & Smith, leaf tob brokers Williamson T. F., of T. F. Williamson & Son, tob mfrs, res ss Fifth 2 h e Sprinp; st Williamson T. F. & Son, tob mfrs WILLIAMSON W. B., of Williamson & Corrie, books job printing, musical instruments, bds H. X. Dwire Wilson E. H., elk Brown, Rogers & Co, res se cor Second and Church sts Wilson Ira, res Mrs. Sarah Wilson OS Wilson M. N., leaf tob, res ss Fifth 2 h e Spring st Wilson Nathaniel S., bkkpr A. B. Gorrell res P. A. Wilson n Wilson Peter J., bkkpr Brown Rogers & Co., res T. J. Wilson Wilson P. A., tailor, res cor Third and Elm sts Wilson P. A., jr, bkkpr Brown & Carter Wilson Robert, res Mrs. Sarah Wilson Wilson Mrs. Sarah, wid, res Bhansontown Wilson S. D., of D. D. & E. Schouler, dry goods, res H New York Wilson Thomas J., lawyer, res nw cor Second and Main sts Wilson T. A., bkkpr Brown Bros, res sw cor Second and Chestnut sts (0 Wimmer George F., elk depot, res John M. Wimmer i


Wimmer John M . res es Main 2 h s Bank st, Salen Wimmer John W., res John M. Wimmer Wimmer W. M., tel opr, res John M. Wimmer Winfrey J. W.. mgr Brown & Bro Winkler Miss Kate P., res C. A. Winkler ^° Winkler Euaene, elk C A. Winkler, res same H^ Winkler Mrs Amelia, wid, res Widows Home J^ Winkler C A., baker, confectioner and toys, res es ^ Main 4 h s Bank st, Salem 7^^^ Winkler Miss Clandia C, res C. A. Winkler J^fc Winkler Miss Jessie, asst Salem Academy for boys l-j Lt-i Winkler Miss Minnie C, res C. A. Winider ^^ Winkler Miss Mattie A., res C A. Winkler (» ^w Winkler W. C, elk Pfohl & Stockton ^ Winters Amanda, cook N. T. Watkins H ^ Winters Miss Susan, domestic C. A. Hege hB P Winston Cemetery, ne limits, nr Liberty st R ^ Winston Baptist Church. Second, nr Church st ui ui Winston Dancing Hall, Old Town, nr Fifth st — Winston Fire Department See Appendix ^ Winston Graded School, nw cor Fourth and Broad sts i_i WINSTON LEADER, J, A. Robinson, editor and f-i propr ^ Winston Postoffic.e, W. A. Walker, postmaster t—

Winston P H., lawyer, res es Broad, 3 h s Fourth st . ^ Winston Tobacco Mfg Co, J. W. R^ed. prest, T. W. ^ ^ Huske, sec and treas, Ed L Jones, mgr H ^ Winston Water Works, Thomas J. Wilson, prest, G. ^ ^ W. Hinshaw, sec and treas H ^ Wolf W. H., bartender Alsop Bros, bds G. W. Alsop ^ ^ Wollen Daniel, brickmason, bds Rev. F. M. Keith r Wollen John, brickmason, bds Rev. F. M. Keith ^ ^ Wood W. W., res ne cor Sixth and Main sts • Woodburn Moore, res ws Main st, op Belo House, Sa- P O lem WoodruflF J M., elk Brown & Carter, bds Mrs. N. J. 5^ Terry ^'^y g Wooten H. C, res n limits, nr Liberty st \_^

Wrenn J.C., salesman J. H. Valentine, res Lemly & k—1 Buxton big V- ^^ 144 DIRECTORY. 1^ iii mmm collei HH j2 .\ . ,i>i-<-I:i«s Pra('lic;il School. Circulars free. ^ O i"'^'<'Av. Principal. Macon, C-a. ^ -*- •M ^ White Department. 4-»^ Wright Alex, carpenter, res ns Libert}', nr Main st ^t>^ Wright A. R., elk Hinshaw & Bynum, bds Mrs, N. J. ^ ^ Terry 1^ c Wright Frank, bartender Earnhardt Loepler, bds ^ 2. same M [i, Wright Frank B.. elk D. D. & E. Schouler, bds Mrs. Kr_2 H. V. Yarbrough ^ "2 Wright G. A. •shoemkr res L. A. Core *^ S Wright John, wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- cSrK town J5 -^ Wright Samuel, res es Cherry, 2 h n Fifth st ^ ^ Wright William, wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- ^ 2^ town •S o Wurreschke Bernhard, elk Wachovia Mills, res Prof. 4i Ph L. B. Wurreschke Wurreschke Rev. L B., prin Salem Academy for boys. ^ fcjj 2l^.2 res es Church st, 2 h n Salem Academy g c Y^^^^^^GH HOUSE (boarding), Mrs. H.- V, ^Q -- Yarbrough, proprss, es Liberty, bet Fourth and © ^ Fifth sts 'si, ^ Yarbrough Mrs. H. V., wid, boarding, Liberty st, op 4^' g Farmers Warehouse tH ':^ Yarbrough Miss Maggie A., res Mrs. H. V. Yar- jH -^ brough M W Yarbrough T. B., apprentice Salem Iron Works, res HMrs. H. V. Yarbrough Yates Charles, res ns Bellew Creek, 2 h e Chesnut st, Salem M0^ Yates Mrs. Mary, gen mdse, res Charles Yates %0f Young E. F., broker, bds Central Hotel " u Young John, res ns Liberty, 3 h w Chestnut st ^ERELY JOHN H., U. S. storekeeper, res es Pop- ^ lar, 1 h n West st, Salem Zerely Miss Mary, res es Main st, 5 h s Public Square, Salem

Ziglar Robert L , res S. B. Ziglar Ziglar S. B., res ws Poplar, 1 h n Fourth st Zimmerman Miss Ollie, domestic J. R. Johnson Winston and Salem Directoiy. COLORED DEPARTMENT.

To find a name know how it ia spelled. Half numbers mean upstairs. Errata, changes and removals will be found in last paj:^^?. Where residence or business is located in some named build- ing or block, K3e name of game in regulur classification of white cepartment. ABBREVIATIONS.

al alley nr nesr ave avenue ns north sidn bdg boards op opposite bet. between res ipaides bltC building R. M. S... .railway mail B' r-rc. i-Ik clerk R. R railroad cond conductor secy secretary dept department ss • Bout'.i sidft enjf engineer St street 63 east side supt ...-juperintendent frt freight aervt servant

lab laborer wash'n , washerwoman mfg manulacturing wid widow mfr manufacturer ws west side


If name or other information wanted is not found in its projier classification^ see- addenda and errata in last pages.

ABBY COLEMAN, res Montague's Row AdamsHicks, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- town Adams Lettie, res Old Town Road n limits Adams Roberts, wks G. E. Nissen k Co., res Waugh- town Adams Zan, wks G E. Nissen & Co., res Waughtown Albright Lewis, bl'ksmith A. E. Gierst Allen Joseph, res ns Fifth 2 h e Maine st Allen Martha, servt C. Hamlen Allen Robert, res Joseph Allen 16W 134 DIRECTORY. Colored Department. Allison John, porter Rittenberg Bros Alspaugh Martha, res Seventh st ne limits American Hotel and Barber Shop, General Barringer, propr, Liberty, bet Fourth and Fifth st Anderson James, wks T. F. Williamson & Son, res es Church, 2 h n Fifth st Anderson John, res n limits Anderson John Jr, res n limits Anderson Linda, servt J. W. Hanes Anderson Maggie, servt A. L. Stipe Andrews Miss Belle, seamstress, res ws Depot 1 h n Fourth st Anglish INIillie, servt J. W. Kernodle Archer Charlotte, res se cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Atwood Elijah, driver F. & H Fries, res ns West 1 h n Main st, Salem

BABB BETTIE, res es Depot 4 h s Third st Baggs Joseph, cook Belo House Bailey Agnes, servt V. 0. Thompson Bailey Burchett, res es Depot, 6 h n Seventh st Bailey Ella, servt T. D. Barber Baile}'' Henry, res ss Third st 8 he Depot Bailey Terry, res Seventh st ne limits Bailey Thomas, res n limits Baker Ann, servt H. E. Mclver Baker William, groceries, res ns Fifth 2 h e Main st Baldwin Pleasant, servt Dr. R. F. Gray Banks Lemon, res Reynolds Grove Banks Phillip, laborer, res cor Fourth and Church sts Banner Josephene, servt F. G. Crutchfield Banner Maggie, servt J. S Broadaway Banner Melinda, res Browntown Banner Samuel, wks A. B, Gorrell Barringer General, proprieter American Hotel and Barbor Shop, Liberty bet Fourth and Fifth sts Barksdale S. W. of Cash and Barksdale, barbers, res Liberty st Baeon Giles, blacksmith, M. N. Vagler Bason Rebecca, nurse W. G. Ledbetter Bates John, blacksmith, M. N. Vagler Beason Giles, res es Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Beaver Samuel, wks B. J. Sheppard & Co., EWCOMB'S Wines & Liquors Lead the State Vara Tent Wiues for Sacramkntal Purposes. E.6.N McA.doo House, - - - - Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 135 Colored Department. Beaver Ephriam. waiter Belo House Beck Delia, servt Dr. W. L. Brown Beck Fannie, res Dr. W. L. Brown Belo Ida, res Browntown Belo Jane, res Browntown Belo Matilda, res Browntown Benton Aaron, porter Allen & Allen Benton Holly, servant Mrs. N. J. Terry Bethel George, res George Going Bethel Julia, res ss 4^ 3 h w Poplar st Bethel Lucinda, res ns Seventh, 2 h w Chesnut st Bethel Mamie, res Julia Bethel Biddle John, res Happy Hill Bitting Henrietta, res ne limits Bitting Mary, res Happy Hill Bitting Sallie, res ws Chesnut, 1 h n Seventh st Bitting Starling, servt W. A. Lemly, res Happy Hill Black Mary, wks T. F. Williamson, res & Co., Henry Raney Black Martha, servt 0. C. Smith Blackburn Edward, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waughtown Blackburn Gabriel, res Bahnsontown Blackburn Jerry, res Reynolds Grove Blackburn Sanders res Bahnsontown Blackburn Thouaas, res es depot, 1 h n Fourth st Blum Jerry, res es Elem op High st Salem Blum Mollie, servt Dr. R. F. Gray Bowman Emily, res n limits Boyer Amy, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh

Era,nch Mary, res es depot 1 h n Fourth st

Brannock Andy, wksCox, Parker & Co , res Seventh st ne limits Bratcher Frank, brickmason, res Church, bet Third and Fourth sts Brendle Anthony, res ss Third st 3 h e depot Britton Robert, res Browntown Brooks Peter, res ws depot, 1 h s Fourth st Brown Charles, res n limits Bryan Gabe, barber, wks Samuel Brewer 136 IJIRECTORY. Colored Department. Brown Green, wks Brown & Carter, res ss Third st She depot Brown John, servt Dr. W. L. Brown Brown Lizzie, res es Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Brown MoUie, servt Rev. W. A. Brown Brown Rufus, res rear Mrs. M. M. Stockton Brown Sallie, res Browntown Brown William, servt Dr. S. N. Siewers, res es Church 1 h s West st, Salem Burt Jacob, wks E. E. Spaugh Burton Harriet, servt T. H. Pegram Butler \V. T., wks G. E. Nissen k Co., res Waugb- town Butner Lou, servt Salem notel Bynum Robert, wks S. Byerly & Son

nAMPBELL JOSHUA, servt G. W. Alsop -^ Capp Rufus, servt P. H. Hanes Cardwell Samuel, laborer F. & H. Fries res Brown- town Cardwell AVash, res ns Fifth 1 h w- Spring st Carmichael Lucy, servt Mrs. M. M. Gray Carr Frank, wks Halt & Edmunds res ss Fifth 1 h e Church st Carr Henvy, groceries, es Sycamore bet Fifth and Seventh sts Carr Sallie, res ws Sycamore bet Fifth and Seventh sts Carter Emma, servt Richard A. Stone Carter Ibbie, servt W. B. Stipes Carter Nash, res ws Church lbs Seventh st Carter William, servt J. C. Conrad Cash C. B., of Cash & Barksdale, barbers, res ss Liberty 1 h w Main st Cash & Barksdale, barbers, Caswell John, servt T. L. Graham Chaffin Caroline, res Happy Hill Chaffin Lilly, servt Charles Brietz Christian Ella, wash'n, res Wash Christian Christian Wash, tobacco roller, res Church bet Third and Fourth sts EWCOMB'S Wines and Liquors Lea

Colored Dcpurtmeut.

Clagg Samuel, res ns Third 1 h e Depot st Clanton John, res nw cor Fourth and Depot sts Clark Edward, res Bahnsontovvn Clark John, res ns Seventh bet Depot and Sycamore sts Clark Lewis, res Happy Hill Clark Melvin, wks Brown & Carter Clark Nicholas, res ns Seventh bet Depot and Syca- more sts Clemmons Anna, res ss Seventh 1 h w Chesnut st

Clemraons James A , barber Cash & Barksdale, res ws Sycamore bet Fifth and Seventh sts Clemmons Luther, res ss Seventh 1 h w Chestnut st Clemmons Rufus, wks Central Hotel, res ws Church st 1 h s Seventh st Clotfilter Rebecoa, res Browntown Coats Cheretta, res Dock Coats Coats Dock, rest Cobb James, res Montague's row Cobb Leiwis, res es Sycamore bet Fifth and Seventh sts 'Cole Robert, res Montagues row Coleman Fayette, res se cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Coleman John, res ss Sixth, 2 h w Church st Coleman Sandy, res ee cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Collins Judy, res nw cor Depot and Seventh sts Collins Mary, res Bhansontown Collins Thenie, res Frank Mastine Conrad Alexander, res Browntown ' Conner Andrew, cook Central Hotel Conrad George, res Old Town road n limits Conrad Mary, res sw cor Depot and Fourth sts Cooper George, res ns Seventh bet Depot and Syca- nore sts Cousins M. E. C. L. servt J. P. Hannah Covington Albert, blacksmith M. N. Vogler • Covington Cole, wks Sam Reynolds, res Fifth st Wins- ton Covington Isam, res Seventh st ne limits Covington John, res Browntown M.BOOT,^' SHOES m TRIIi\KS I I EOID Si South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. L38 DIRECTORY. Colored Department. Covington Pleasant, res Seventh st ne limits Covington Sallie, servt iNlrs T. J. Haraie Cox Beverl3% res ss Sixth 1 h w Church st Crenshaw Harriet, res Thomas Sullivan Crews J. H. servt William Nelson Crews M. porter R. B. Perkins Crump Agatha, res Joseph Goslen Cunningham Green, tobacco roller, res Church bet Third and Fourth sts Curr}^ Ella, res sw cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Curtis Jasper, servt T. F. Williamson

DABNEY ED. & SON, groceries, res es Church, 2: h s Fifth st Dabney Baile}^, wks T. F. Williamson & Son Davis Bettie, servt W. S. Martin Davis Columbia, res Browntown Davis Hattie, servt W. A. Whittaker Davis Lucinda, res ws Chestnut, 1 h n Sixth st Davis Pink, porter Phelps & Vogler Davis Thomas, driver Crutchfield & McArthur, res rear Jane Reich Davis William, driver Crutchfield & McArthur, ree n limits Dalton Annie, servt Daniel Reed Dalton Dudley, wks T. F. Williamson & Son Dalton Jerry, res n limits Dalton Laura, res sw cor Depot and Fourth sts Dalton Luvenia, res es Chestnut, 5 h n Fourth st Dalton Maggie, cook Stephen Neal Dalton Susan, res n limits Dalton Sylla, res Susan Hairston Dalton William, res sw cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Dandridge Sallie, servt Peter Dalton Daniel John, res Turner Weathers Dedmond Clarissa, res Happy Hill Dick Jonas, res ws Depot, 1 h s Fourth st Dick William, res ws Depot, 1 h n Fourth st Dillard Julia, res ne cor Fifth and Chestnut sts- Dillard Martin, wks J. W. Friers Dixon Henry, res es Depot, 2 h s Third st and Cigars. wn.TinTTflnmniin I'^or AVines, Liquors, Tobacco

DIRECTORY. 139 Colored Department. Dodson Rosa, res cor Fourth and Church sts Doherty Wylie, servt 0. C. Saiith Donnell Amanda, res Randall Donnell Donnell Randall, res nw cor Fourth and Depot sts Dower Woodson, res Reynolds Grove Douthit Alexander, res Browntown Dutton Rufus, wks T. F. Williamson & Son Dyson Matilda, res ws Depot, 1 h s Fourth st ECKLES LAURA, res ws Depot, 2 h s Fourth st Eddy John, brickmason, res Church, bet Third and Fourth sts Edwards James, res ss Third, 6 h e Depot st Edwards Matilda, nurse Central Hotel Edwards MoUie, res Old Town st, n limits Edwards Nester, servt W. W. Woods Edwell James, shoemkr, res Fourth st Edwell Harrison, shoemkr James Edwell. res same Ellis Thomas, wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- town FLINT JAMES, res es Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Foster Alf, brickmason, res Church, bet Third and Fourth sts Foster John, res Pleasant Foster Foster Pleasant, waiter Merchants' Hotel, res es Oak, 2 h n Seventh st Foust Eliza, res Mack Foust Foust Mack, res ss Liberty, 3 h n Chestnut st Foust Rankin, barber, res e limits Fowlkes Louis, res EatclifT Hill Foy Calvin, res se cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Toy Laura, res ws Chestnut, 1 h n Fourth st Foy Lizzie, servt Rev. T. J. Ogburn Foy Pleasant, res nr Belo Pond Foy Samuel, yardman Central Hotel , Franklin John, restaurant, res ws Church, 2 h n Fifth st Freeman William, wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res W augh- town RlH JIL I SS%9 A MJ %& yUl S. Elm St., ( ircensboro, N. C. 140 DIRECTORY. Colored Deparliiient Fries Bettie, res ne limits Fries Cora, servt Mrs. R. L. Patterson Fries Earnest, wks F. & H, Fries Fries Flora, servt Rev. Edward Rondthaler Fries George, servt C. L. Rights Fries Harry, servt F. H. Fries Fries Henr3^ res RatclifFe Hill Fries James, servt Mrs. Jane Masten Fries Julia, res ns Seventh, bet Depot and Sycamore sts Fries Laura, servt Mrs. Jane Masten Fries Perlina, res Henry Fries Fries Washington, wks F. & H. Fries Fries Wesley, wks F. & H. Fries Fulton Anthony, res Bahnsontown Fulton Green, res ss Fifth, 1 h w Chestnut st GALLOWAY FRANK, servt Mrs. H. V. Yarbrough Galloway Gaston, wks T. F. Williamson & Son Galloway Joshua, res vp'S Reservoir, 1 h s Belo st Galhjway Nannie, cook, res cor Fourth and Church sts Galloway Reuben, wks T. F. Williamson «fe Son Galloway Rufns, res v/s Chestnut, 1 h n Sixth st Galloway William, res n limits Gates Abraham, shop boy Samuel Bremer Gates Alexander, barber S. Brewer, res se cor Main and Seventh sts Gates Miranda, servt R. W, B. Happer Gibson Alverta, res Bahnsontown Gibson Henry, res Bahnsontown Gibson Letitia, res ne limits Gilmer Charity, res Luvenia Dalton Glass Reuben, res es Depot, 1 h n Fourth st Glenn Alex, servt Mrs. M. M. Gray Glenn Carrie, cook Dock Coats Glemn Sandy, res Old Town road, n limits Glenn Sylvia, waiter Central Hotel Going George, res op R. & D, depot Going Henry, res Seventh st, ne limits Going Holman, res ns Seventh, cor Chestnut st Wines and Liquors Loinl tlie State ! PURE TENT WINES for SACRAMENFAL PURPOSES li ]McA(loo House, Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 141 Colored Department. Going James, porter J. F. Prather Going Josephine, servt P. H. Hanes Going Nannie, servt J. B. Vaughn Goiag Pinkuey, wks P. H. Hanes, res se cor Sycamore and Fifth sts Golden Calvin, res Montague's Row- Golden Martha, servt Prof. L B. Wurreschke Good Samaritans, see Appendix Gorrell Henry, wks E. E. Spaugh Goslen John, wks Belo House Goslen Joseph, res ws Church st, 1 h s West, Salem Graded School, Browntown Gray Daniel, res Browntown Gray David, res ne cor Fourth and Depot sts Gray Jackson, res Browntown Graves Joseph, res es Depot, 1 h n Fourth st Green Edward, res Daniel Starr Green Emma, servt M. W. Rose Green James, res John Price ^ Green Ned, wks T. F. Williamson & Son Green Paul, wks T. F. Williamson & Son Green Randolph, res Daniel Starr Green Susan, res es Fifth, 1 h e Church st Griffin Sarah, res Browntown Grimes Lina, servt J. D. Paylor Grogau Jack, res Montagues row Grubbs Sandy, driver P. A. Wilson Gwinn A., wks T. F. Williamson & Son Gwinn Benjamin, res ws Chestnut 1 h n Sixth st Gwinn Ellen, servt Dr. R. D. Hay Gunn Rufus, res ws Chestnut 1 h n Sixth st

HAIRSTON BIRD, servt J. E. Gilmer Hairston Ellis, res Montagues row Hairston Florence, res Seventh st ne limits Hairston James, wks E. E. Spaugh, res ws Sycamore bet Fifth and Seventh sts • Hairston Lula, servt B. J. Sheppard Hairston Mary, res Reynolds Grove Hairston Reid, servt James A. Gray Hairston Robert, res Montagues row 142 DIRECTORY. Colored Department. Hairston Susan, res ws Chestnut 2 h n Fourth st Hairston Tyler, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- town Hairston William, res Montagues row Haley Lou, res n limits Hamilton Emily, wks T. F. Crist Hamilton Robert, wks J. S. White, res rear same Hampton Victoria, res nr Belo Pond Hanes Amos, res na Bank nr Eden st Hargreaves Sallie, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Harris Isaac, res Browntown Harris Isam, res ss Fifth 1 h w Chestnut st Harris Mary, res ns Seventh bet Depot and Syca- more sts Harris Matilda, res George Youse Hart Benjamin, servt D. E. Smook Hart Frank, servt D. E. Smook Harvey Alice, servt Mrs. M. C. Angle Hauser Nancy, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Hawkins Francis, res ns Seventh, bet Depot and •Sycamore sts Hawkins Julius, res n limits Hayes Frank, wks T. F. Williamson & Son Hayes Fannie, servt J. W. Sheppard Heath Wash, hostler J. M. Robinson Hege Anderson, res Montagues row Hege Arabella, res Louis Hege Hege Louis, groceries, res Seventh st, ne limits Hege Thomas, servt Allen Spaugh Helton Julia, res sw cor Depot and Fourth sts Henderson John, groceries, res se cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Henderson Lucy, res sw cor Depot and Fourth sts Henley Cornelia, servt Mrs. J. T. Thomburg Henley Viney, servt Mrs. T.Bennett Hepler Prince, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- town Hi^kerson Bailey, res es Depot, 5 h n Seventh st Hill Abram, res ne limits Hill Andrews, res cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Hill Ivy, wks A. B. Gorrell Hill Joseph, wks Salem Academy, res Happy Hill NEWCOMB'S PURE WINES, LIQUORS, TRY TOBACCO AND CKtAK«. cREiHs^lnS'^^V c. t)IRECTORY. 143 Colored Department. Hill Mary, servt Prof. L. B. Wurreschke Hilton David, res Browntown Hilton Martha, servt R. D. Johnston Hines Kittie, res Browntown Hoffman Lula, servt James M. Kogers Holiness Jerry, drayman W. T. Carter & Co., Holland Kegina, servt Mrs. Jane Masten Holman William res Bahnsontown Holmes James, res ss Third st, nr R. R. tracks Holmes M. L. servt Mrs. J. T. Thomburg Hoover Sallie, servt T. F. Williamson Hopkins Preston, res nw cor Fourth and Depot sts Hoskins Eliza, servt I. Leopold Hester Jennie,,servt Mrs. N. J. Terry Hoskins Robert, wks Depot, res ss First, 3 e Depot st, Salem jjowlett R. D. barber, res Seventh st Houston Cynthia, servt E. J. Allen Houston Lizzie, servt A. B. Gorrell ^ Houston Thaddeus, res n limits Hughes Martha, servt G. W. Alsop Hunt Solomon, res Happy Hill JACKSON FANNIE, res ne limits Jackson William, res ss Fifth, 1 h e Church st James James, res ss Fifth 1 h w Chestnut st Jarrett Addie, servt F. H. Fries Jarrett James, res n limits Jeffers Mary, cook M. F. Rogers Jeffreys Sheppard, res Lucinda Davis Jefferson Mary, res ns Liberty, cor Depot st Jewell Eli, barber Rankin House Johnson Addison, res es Main, 1 h n Seventh st Johnson Ann, servt G. F. Foust Johnson Charles, res ns Seventh, bet Depot and Syca- more sts Johnson Frank, res Browntown Johnson Francis, servt W. A. Lemly Johnson F. R. barber, R. D. Hamlett Johnson John, res Salisbury Road, Salem Johnson Joseph, res Brendletown 144 DIRECTORY. Colored Departmeut. Johnson Joseph, res ss Sixth 3Ji w Church st Johnson Lizzie, wash'n, res cor Fourth and Church sts Johnson Rasbery, res Montagues row Johnson Wylie, res Montagues row Jones Carrie, res Susan Hairston Jones Celia, res ns Fifth 1 h e Main st Jones Crawford, res Reynolds Grove Jones Eda, res Bahnsontown Jones Eliza, servt E. J. Babington Jones James, res Mary Jones Jones Mary, res ws Main st op Beio House, Salem James Mary res Stephen Stokes Jones Prior, res Mary Jones Jones William, driver Crutchfield & McArthur, res es Depot 3 h n Seventh st Joyce Columbus, servt R. D. Brown Joyce Harriet, res Jane Joyce Joyce James, res ns Fifth 1 h e INtain st Joyce Jane, res ws Church 1 h n Fifth st Joyce Luther, waiter Belo House Joyce Millie, servt R. D. Brown ^yce Thomas, res Montagues row EAIN DAVID, head waiter, Central Hotel Keiser Sallie, servt Mrs. E. P. Webb Kelly Elias, res Anthony Brendle Kelly Samuel, res se cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Kent Henry, res Brown town Kerby Chanie, res ws Depot 2 h s Fourth st Kimball Wm, wks Rufus Pitts, res cor Fourth and Church sts King Frank, servt W H Wheeler King Richard, res nw cor depot and Seventh st Kirby Charlotte, res n limits Kiser Malinda, servt Martin Grogan Kountz Geo, res Geo Wagoner

T ANIER ABRAM, res Happy Hill ^ Lawrence Rev A B, res op R. & D. depot Lash Ada, res Fannie Roan Lash Amanda, res ne cor Seventh and Chestnut sts Lash Amelia, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Sev- enth sts Lash Clanton, res Seventh st ne limits ilBU Bl \J\fL\HJ IJMcAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C.

mRECTORY. 14.J Colored Departmont. Lash Jane, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Leach Ella, res es Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Leach John, servt J. G. Ecton, ws Sycanaore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Leak Lizzie, res ws Clrurch 1 h s Seventh st Leach Maria, servt, J.W. Davis Lee Dennis, res ns Seventh, bet Depot and Sycamore sts Lee Lou, res es Syca'^ore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Leith Mack, shoe maker W. M. Lewis, res ns Fifth 1 h w Spring st Lemly Ned, res Happy Hill Lewis Caroline, servt Mrs. N. J. Terry Lewis Jesse, res Montagues row Lewis John H., res Bahnsontown Lewis Wilkes, res Montagues row Lew'is William, res Browntown Lewis W. M., shoe maker res e limits • Lewis Tobias wks T. F. Williafnson & Son Libson Lockett, res Aaron More Lindsey Thomas, servt Dr. R. D. Hay Lindsey Israel, res Happy Hill Lindsey Charles, res Mary Jefferson Lines Susan, res es Depot 1 h n Fourth st Linville Alexander, groceries, res es Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Linville Filman, res Bahnsontown Llewellyn Lot, res Salisbury road Loggins Geo, servt Dr. E. D. Hay Long Annie, servt T A. Wilson Long Bell, dish-washer Central Hotel Long Manuel, res es Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Long William, wks Fogle Bros, res Browtown Lowry Henry, wks Cox, Parker & Co., res Woood st, Salem Luster Thomas, wks Salem Mill, res Katcliff Hill

ITACK ALICE, res Elijah Alwood -^'-"- Mack Christopher, res Mack Foust 146 DIRECTORY. Colored Department. Mack Dock, wks Cox, Parker & Co., Mack Henry, res Brovvntown Mack John, res ne cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Mack Nathan, res es Depot 2 h a Third st Malone George, wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- town Malone Leroy, wks W. E. Spach & Son, res Waugh- town Malone Mary, res Browntown. Malone William, ne res limits Mann Caroline, servt Dr. R. D. Hay Mann Manuel, hostler J. M. Robinson Manuel Jesse, lab, res Church, bet Third and Fourth sts Manuel Walter, brick mason, res Church, bet Third and Fourth sts March William waiter. Central Hotel Martin Alexander, res Browntown Martin Amy, servt Roderick Gotten Martin Anna, res Happy Hill Martin G, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Martin Calvin, res Browntown Martin Dennis, servt Roderick Cotten Martin Harden, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Martin Henry, wks W. B. Stipes Martin Jerry, res Browntown Martin Peter, res ss Third, She Depot st Martin Robert, wks S. Byerly & Son, res Browntown Martin R. J., barber, Cash & Barksdale, res Brown- town Martin Rosa, res se cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Martin Thomas, res James Edwards Martin Thomas, res rear Pinkne}'^ Going Massey Laura, servt C. B. Brooks Masten Asa, res n limits Masten Frank, res ss Third st 11 h e Depot st Matthew Addie, servt J. C. Conrad Matthews Adella, res Browntown Matthews Amy, res John Price Matthews Charlotte, res Ratcliff Hill Matthews Dallas, res Seventh st, ne limits Matthews Hampton, res ns Seventh, bet Depot and Sycamore sts For Win es, Liquors, T(jbacco and Cigiirs. jf)9 Sacramental Wines a Specialty. MfAdoo House, Greensboro, 'N. C.

DIRECTORY. 147 Colored Department. Matthews Hannah, servt Frank A Martin Matthews Hannah, servt V. O. Thompson Matthews Isaac, res Peter Matthews Matthews Peter, res RatclifF Hill Maj'O Annie, res Reynolds Grove Mayo Elijah, wks T. F. Williamson & Son, res James Edwards McCubbins Noah, brickmason, res Church, bet Third and Fourth sts McCorkle Lydia, servt J. Q. /.. Barhani McCullough Ellen, servt M. W. Norfleet ^ McCullum Mary, servt J. W. Hanes McElroy Frank, res Giles McElroy McElroy Giles, fireman F. & H. Fries, res RatclifF Hill McElroy Narcissa, res Giles McElroy McGee Joseph, wks A. B. Gorrell Mebane Morris, res Browntown Mebane Robert, res es Depot, 1 h s Third st Mendenhall Lydia, res nw cor Depot and Seventh sts Mendenhall William, res ns Seventh, bet Depot and S3''camore sts Miller Letitia, servt Mrs. M. M. Stockton Miller Lizzie, chambermaid Belo House Miller Samuel, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh sts Miller Sarah, servt Mrs. M. M. Stockton Mitchell Caswell, res Seventh st, ne limits Mitchell Jack, res Henry Bailey MitchelU Jesse, res Old Town road, n limits Mitchell John, res se cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Mitchell Nannie, cook Mrs. H. V, Yarbrough Mitchell Pink, porter C. A. Winkler Mitchell Wesley, shoemkr, bds Wesley Cunningham Mock William, wks C. F. Nissen & Co, res Waugh- town Moody Alex, res Montague's Row Moore Aaron, res ss Third, 9 h e Depot st Moore Ada, res Henry Bailey Moore Ann, servt R. D. Mosely Moore Emma, servt J. A. Brown 148 DIRECTORY. Colored Department, Moore Rebecca, servt R. R. Crawford Moore Robert, res ws Depot, 1 h n Fourth st Moore Susan, res Mar}' Conrad Moody Tina, cook Anslom Reed Moravian Church, es Church, 2 h s Walnut st, Salem Morehead Carter, driver Hinshaw & Bynum, res es Chestnut, 1 h n Fourth st Morehead Florence, res American Hotel Morgan Lizzie, servt H, X. Dwine Morgan Nola, servt Dr. S J. Montague Morgan Rebecca, servt W. H. Wheeler Morgan Sarah C, res Brown town Morgan Walter, servt Dr. S. J. Montague Morris Sarah, servt W. B. Carter Morris Sallie, res George Youse Moss Law son, res Browntown

NEAL ALEXANDER, res Browntown Neal Henry, res ns Seventh, bet Depot and Sycamore sts Neely Cicero, res ns Seventh, 1 w Chestnut st Nelson Mary, servt W. T. Nelson Nelson Wm., lunch s^and, res nr reservoir Norwood Bell, res George Youce

OAKS BETTIE, servt M. N. Wilson Oaks Emeline, chamber maid Central Hotel Oakes Green, res Happy Hill Oakes Lee, dishwasher Central Hotel Odd Fellows, see Appendix T. Watkins, res Browntown Oliver Wm , driver N,

PACE FANNIE, servt, Dr. J. T. Shaflfner Pace W. H., vegetables, bds Dock Coats Paisley Maggie, cook, C F. Sussdorff Palmer Benjamin, res Happy Hill Palmer Carter, res Montagues row Palmer Tampa, res ws Spring, 1 h n Fifth st Pattersou Ann, servt Mrs, C. M, Graves Patterson Harrison, teamster F, & H. Fries, res ne cor Elm and First st Patterson James, res Montagues row- Patterson J, H,, teamster, F. k H. Fries H-.

PI For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. V— i/^ST'Sacraniental Wines a Specialty. ^^ McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C. ^^ DIRECTORY. 149 ^ Colored Department. -^^^ Patterson Lawson, servt R. L. Patterson Patterson William, res Harrison Patterson u-iTs Payne Jennie, res John Mack ' (^ Payne Jerry, res n limits h^^ Payne Maggie, servt T. J. Wilson, res Matilda Searcy <|_j Payne S., barber, R. D. Homlett J^ Payne Sallie, res Pleasant Foster C >< Payne William, res es reservoir, 1 h s Belo st t^^ Pembleton Henry, res ss Sixth, 3 h w Church st >^d Penn Harriet, res Reynolds Grove (y-^ Perkins Richard, res n limits Petree Gideon, res Browntown ^y Pfifer Tetsey, servt M. N. Wilson C+- Pitts Columbus, wks Cox, Parker & Co., Pinkston Martin, res Happy Hill Y^ Poindexter R., wks Fogle Bros., ^^.^ Poinkexter Sam, res nw cor Depot and Seventh sts ^ Pomell Mintus, wks T. F. Williamson & Son M-

Preer Cyrus, res nr R cfe D depot [- 1 Preer David, wks T. F. Williamson & Son, res ws -^ Chestnut, 1 h s Seventh st Preer Louis, res ss Third, 7 h e Depot Q^ Preston James, res se cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Price Piedmont Anderson wks warehouse isiT\ Pi ice Henry, waiter Belo House, res es Chestnut, 4 n {^J^ Seventh pt |-^ Bros., res st Price J , wks Fogle Liberty ne limits Q Price John, res es Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh ^ pts <5 Price Samuel, res nw cor Seventh and Chestnut sts J^ Price Alex, wks Frtd (Tf-ruer >»r* Priinm Samu- 1, wks T. F. Williamson & Son J^ Prijifile H^-nry, rt-s n limits Prindle Samuel, wis J II. Sheppard & Co. PrilcMett Floyd, res ns Fifth 1 h w Spring st

ANEY ANGELINA, res es Depot, 1 h n Fourth st Jl^ R Raney Henry, res ss Fifth 2 h s Chestnut st "^^ mm Oo 17W 800TS, SHOES « \]{) i trunks Il»i! P I ROYD &. I—I i V\l IVSX) UlFt S. £]ni St., Green-sboro, X. C. f-^ Colored Department. O Kaney Mary, res se cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Q^ Q'Rankin Julius waiter Salem Hotel . Ratclifl" Samuel res Ratclifif Hill 08 ^ Reed Isam, servt Dr. J. F. Shaffner H Reeves Ella, servt E. H. Wilson ^ Reynolds Bettie, servt Dr. R. F. Gray Q b Reynolds Henry, res Ratcliff Hill ^ b Reynolds James, res Frank Masten <^ H Reynolds Jameb, res Henry Reynolds •^ ^ Reynolds Samuel, blacksmUh, res Ratcliff Hill <^ Reynolds Susan, res Henry Reynolds •—^ Richardson Allen, gasmkr F. & H. Fries i-J Richardson Frederich, res es Sycamore, bet Fifth 1—4 and Seventh sts ^ Richardson John, res es Depot, 1 h n Fourth st 1^ Richardson Thos., drayman J. C. Nicholson & Co —.— Richmond Bethel, res ss Third, 10 h e Depot st g ^ Richmond Horace, wks Belo House ^ ^ Ridley Nora, servt W. Y. Revelle ^ ^ Roberts John, wks A. B. Gorrell ^ H Roberts Sallie, res American Hotel ^ K>^ Robertson Benjamin, res ss Fifth. 1 h w Chestnut st g ^ Robertson Lizzie, servt Rev. T. H. Johnston r^ pq Robertson Thomas, res ss Sixth, 3 h w Church st _,_ Robinson Benjamin, lunch stand, res Fourth, nr r"^~\ Main st ^^ Robin?on John, res op R. & D. depot ^ Robinson Samuel, res ns Third, 2 h e Depot st ^ Robinson Thomas, res Bahnsontown ^ Roilin John, servt Dock Coats 0^ Rose Mark, yard man Central Hotel g Russell William, res ns Seventh, bet Depot and ^ Sycamore sts

O AWYER NACY, cook P. A. Wilson ^ Scales Burrell, driver Crutchfield & McArthur Scales Charles, res Reynolds Grove Scales Dudley, res Bahnsontown

P-i TRUSSES ^'^ ^'^ wilSl'^ ?l ^"''^' EWOOMBVS Win.\^ & Liquors Lead the State Pure Tent Wines for SACJtAMENTAL, Puki-osks. E.6.N Mc.\doo House, - - - - Greensboro. N. C. »>- DIRECTOHY. Colored Department.

Scales Hubbard, res nr R tfe D depot Scales Lucy, res ss Seventh, cor Sj'camore st Scales Mary, servt. W. T. Nelson Scales Nelson, res Montagues row Scales Pierce, wks B J. Sheppard & Co., Scales Preston, res ne limits Scales Stephen, res R&D depot Scott Luther, wks G. E. Nissen & Co., res Waugh- town Seals Burwell, res op R & D depot Searcy Bettie, res Bahnsontown Searcy Emnaa, res John Mack Searcy Matilda, res se cor Fifth and Chestnut sts Searcy Robert, porter Belo House, res op same Shaw David, wks T. F. Williamson & Son 7^^^ Shaw Samuel, wks T. F. Williamson & Son, res James C/-2 Anderson Shelton John, res n limits ^ Shelton Sallie, chambermaid Central Hotel r? Sherman Emma, tobacco hand, res nr C. F. Sussdorff ^ Sherman John, tobacco hand, res nr C. F. Sussdorff Sherman Julia, tobacco hand, res nr C. F. Sussdorff ^ Sherman Thomas, tobacco hand, res nrC. F. Sussdorff ^ t^ Sherman William, tob hand, res rear C F Sussdorff q |^ Shouse Rufus, res ne cor Seventh and Chesnut sts u ^ Siewers Addie, servt B F Crosland " - ^ Siewers Richard, res Happy Hill q k^ Simmons Ettie, servt I Leopold w) ^ Siseloff Frank, servt C J Watkins ^ ^. Slaughter T S, boarding and lodging, res es Church, 4 "^ h 3 s Fifth St Q Smith Alfred, wks C F Nissen & Co, res Waughtown ^ fiO Smith Anderson, Porter Salem Hotel, ^ ^ Smith Edward, res James Edwards • ^ Smith Frank, res Browntown ^^ Smith James, wks C F Nissen & Co, res Waughtown ^ Smith Jerry, res es Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh '^ sts

^'f fiR*^ MiRTlvs M LIE OF Ml & WINSTON, N. a i I'B TOBACCOS ^Hulmw^' O . ——_ • OO 152 DIRECTORY ^^ ^ Colored Department. c Smith Lee, res ss Fifth et, 1 h e Church st o -2 Smith Pleasant, wks C F Nissen & Co, res Waugh- town § fl ^ >! Smith Washington, res Happy Hill ;r-< '^ Smithers Julius, dish washer Belo House C^ Snow Alice, servt S B Ziglar ^ Snow Jason, res Laura Foy ^ Snow Peter, res ne limits ^"^X^ Snow Victoria, res Fannie Roan, ^ Snow Viney, res Fannie Roan ^-Ih Spargler Catherine, waiter Central Hotel Spaugh Catherine, res es Sycamore, bet Fifth and ^ j Q. Seventh sts S"^ Speace Frank, wks G. E. Nissen & Co, res Waughtown Benjamin, res ws Spring, 1 h n Fifth st V-/^ Spiss ^^^v-< Spiefi Emma, servt Nicholas Barham Sprinkle Robert, wks R. & D. R. R., res ss Third st, 2 ^^~Zj h e depot ^ Stafford Harris, wks Arista Mills ^ Staples George, res ne limits ^T^ Staples Kate, res ne limits s.^ Stedman James, wks Geersh & Senseman, res Happy

Taylor Oscar, servt T. H. Pegram l_—J Taylor Oscar, wks A. B. Gorrell WW Taylor William, ofBce boy Belo House, res Happy ^?_, Hill g Terry Calvin, res se cor Fifth and Chesnut sts w Tesh John, res Old Town st, n limits S Thomas Abne/, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Sev- ^ enth sts ^ Thomas E. B., groceries, res es depot st, 2 h n Sev- enth st Thomas Fannie, res Abner Thomas ^ ^.^ Thomas Lizzie, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Sev- ^ enth sts Thomas W. E., shoemaker, Wesley Mitchel, bds Richard Cunningham Tinsley Caroline E., servt, James R. Pierce ^ Tinslow Spencer, res Browntown Tise Eliza, res nr Belo Pond Tiser Alf, porter. Central Hotel O Tiser Joseph, porter V. 0. Thompson P Tison Joseph, res Browntown ^ Transon Mollie, servt J. P. Hannah Tuck Anna, res ns Seventh, bet Depot and Syca- more sts bd Tucker Aaron, wks Brown & Carter ^ Tucker Francis, cook Daek Coats ^ Tull Amanda, res n limits . T7ANST0RY AUGUSTUS, porter Gray & Martin, ^.^ ' res ss Third 2 h w Liberty st "^^3 Vernon Matilda, res n limits ^^P Vernon Sallie, res ws Depot, 2 hs Fifth st t^

ADE JOHN, wksT. F. Williamson & Son, res ^ W ss Third, 4h e Depot st Wagner Geo., lunch stand, res Fourth nr Main st o Walker Adeline, servt, George Heinshaw >o < THII^D SI' GRAY & ' nm in^ h-^' ' MARTIN^ UniiiflO (Winston, N.C, § 154 DIRECTORY. ^* CO Colored Deisartment. -2 Walker Charles, res Bahnsontown O^ ^ Walkei George shoemkr, res Seventh st ne limits Uf jp Walker George, res Happy Hill Q_ .2 Walker Mary, cook, Benjamin Robinson #|K 1:^ Walker Mathews, res Happy Hill *'* o Walker Richmond, barber shop, res ne cor Depot and ^ ^ Fourth st • Walker Robert, res Bahnsontown --l W o Wall Alfred, res n limits J § Wall Dorcas, res n limits IjJ .2 Wall George, sevt Dr. H. T. Bahnson ff\ g Wall James, waiter Central Hotel <'>: Wall Jane, servt E. C. Clinard *3 Wall Lidia, res n limits J "< Wall Peter, wks Brown & Carter, res Bahnsontown •^ Wall Pleasant, res Bulew Creek st and R, R rj^ Wall Sallie, res Pleasant Wall Wall Sidney, res Bahnsontown Waugh Andrew, servt L. V. & E. T. Blum H^^-^ ^. Waugh Samuel A , ast prin graded schools ^#0 Washington Mary, res Old Town road, n limits ^^1 Watkins John, servt J. D. Watkins r"i Watkins Lucy, res ws Depot lbs Fourth st y~^^ Watts Micajah, cook Central Hotel, res es Depot 4 h ^--~\ n Seventh st OWard A. A., groceries, res ws Depot 3 h s Fifth st Ward Andy, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh

__ _.,^ sts ^ J Ward James, res es Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh ^^ sts r AV., confectioner, res Mallowford road J Warren R. ^^ Wearn George, res Old Town road, u limits ^^^H Weathers George, res Browntown ^^

' DIRECTORY. 155 Colored Department. Welch Sarah, servt James M Rogers , ^ Wharton Millie, res se cor Fifth and Chesnut sts 'j Wheeler Nettie, res Mack Foust Whiting Alex, res tvs depot, 2 h s Fifth st M Williams Ada, res sw cor depot and Fourth st ^^ Williams Amy, servt Dr. N. S. Siewers 6^ Williams Dicey, pastry cook Central Hotel ^ Williams"^illiams JJerry, res ns Seventh, bet Depot and Syca- |«4 more sts - - Williams Lucinda, servt R. T. Stedman ^ 5ll Williams R. R , wks Brown & Carter ^ ^f Williams Turner, res Browntown h ^J Williamson Alex, res ns Fifth, 1 h w Spring st jj ^f Williamson Bettie, servt J. B. Vaughn « 51 Williamson Elizabeth, servt T. F. Williamson ^1 Williamson Ephraim, wks Crutchfield & McArthur h |h^ Williamson Rufus, res es Depot, 1 h n Fourth st ^ ^1 Willis Mary, res ws Sycamore, bet Fifth and Seventh ^'^

sts ^ -**M Wilson Henrietta, res sw cor Fifth and Chestnut sts >\ Wilson Jane, res es Elm st, op High st, Salem ^ ^> Wilson Joshua, res Old Town st, n limits ^ ^Tm Wil?on Sylvester, res Old Town st, n limits a rj Wise Lorenzo, res Depot, 1 ws h n Fourth st if ^J Withers Viola, servt E, E. Harris t\ AVoods Branch, res nr R. & D. depot frjJ Woodruff Tip, waiter Central Hotel h |ft Wright Allen, res Browntown b'Ji Wright Daniel, res Happy Hill a, Wright David, res Montageus row ^\ Wright Rona, res Wood st, S ilem ^m Wyatt S-trah, res ( s D.^pot, 4 h s Third st C YOUNG JOSEPH, res se cor Fifth and Chesnut sts fQ -*- Y-'iing Maria, rei? Montagues row « Yiiu^e G^!f>rgM, rr>8 ws Ciiuroli, 3 h n Fifth st - T) A l^l^lVrT^ MEDICINES I r\ I r^i I AT GRAY & MARTIN'S. S -- -^-JL- Jl 1-^-L.^1 JL WINSTON, M N. C. Q^ 156 DIRECTORY. H. H. DICKSON, 32 Broad Street,


S^»e=S=^N^N^^S-S3^ FURNISHED j


JPfi^As close figures given on orders from a distance aa if made in person. EWCOMB'S Wines and Liquors Loafl the state ij Pure Tent Wines for Sacramental I'urposes. lU McAdoo House, Gkeensboko, N. C



Greensboro, Winston, Salem, Guilford & Forsyth Cc unties. (^ j —~~""°""""" "^ Agricultural Implements, h"^ Crawford R. R., (hardware), Winston ^^j^ Hagan Allen, Greensboro \J^ Stratford, Wakefield & Co, (machinery^ Greensboro ^nii Wharton & Wharton, (hardware), Greensbore. See ' ^ page 30 ^ Almanac Publishers, ^ Ehini L. V. & E. T., (books, job printers, Peoples > f^ Press), Salem See page 65 1^ & — Amusements. pj Benhow Opera House, W. C. Benbow, propr, Greens- p* p| boro 3 r* Brown's Opera House, Smith & Brown, lessees o ^*^ Hughes Milton T., Greensboro. See page 29 ^ Wachovia Cornet Band, D. T. Crouse, Capt, Salem ^^ Winston Dancing Hall, Winston ^ tt%. Architects. B. -n Swain Lyndon, Greensboro jjT m Auction. ' ^Q Valentine J. H., Winston g Bakers. == r Berger C. H., Winston "j^ '-i Perkins R* B., (groceries), Winston. See page 61 • ^ Thorn J. E., Greensboro P ^ 18W iind founties save Jiioney buying %^ I B I H^ i Moore can by O -g THE_JL JLJL JL-J tboir Drugs from Callum Bros. >.<: Co., Greensboro. _.0 1.58 fURECTORY.

-g § Banks f.S First National Bank, J. A. Bitting prest; J. W.

«^ Alspaugh. casbr. Capital, §100,000 ; surplus, $46,- ^M 826 26, Winston cTg National Bank The, Jesse H. Lindsay, prest; Neil

1^ EUinofton, cashier. Capital, $100",000 ; surplus, ^-^ S16,000, Greensboro

•ch~ Wfif^hovia National Bank, capital, $150 000; surplus, A. Lemly, prest; James A. Gray, P^ . 850,000. W. Q;^^ cashier, Winston ^Q^ Barbers. 5 c Barringer General (c), American Hotel, Winston H^ "S Bremer Frank, Salem Hh^jS Bremer Samuel, Winston rhg''^ Cash & Barksdale (c), Winston )-i<5 Duggins A. E.,Kernersville wz; £ Fouse Rankin (c). Winston p^C^ Hicks C H. (c), Greensboro P„3 fTamlett R. D. (c), Winston .S S Phillips H. (c), Greensboro (J §['5 Simmons H. (c), High Point jjJX Sloan "William (c), Greensboro m7 I Walker Richard (c), Winston .^h 3 Wiley Sam (c), Greensboro '^-'^ ^ Woods L. W. (c), Greensboro C^ Basket Manufacturers. Idal W. H., (grist mill), Jamestown Blacksmiths- Barber James Tvl., Stoney Ridge Baxter J. R.. High Point &^ Brewbaker Thomas, Huntsville Brown Michael, Greensboro Chapman Allen, Huntsville Covington Charles, Germanton Covington Robert, Walnut Cave Fagg J. C. (butcher), Salem Foltz Theodore, Friedberg Giersh A. E., Salem Gillespie Laton (c), Greensboro Hamlin Morris, Huntsville EWCOMB'S Wines Ji: Liquors Lead the State I'lu'e Tent. Wiues for Sackamentai^ Puri'Osks. E.GJ McAdoo House, - - - - Greensboro, N. C. ^ PIRECTORY. 159 Haney Thomas, High Point Hargrove Alexander, Dal ton Hill Patrick, Germanton Jamps H.. Busicks Jarvis D. F. Huntsville Lash Luther, Walnut Cove Moore John (c), Greensboro Osborn W. W., Sumner Parish Charles (wagonmkr), Summerfield Phelps Squire. Advance "^ Reed Joe (c), Summerfield ^^ Reynolds Sam (c), Salem i_il> Sechrist R. F.. High Point S^^ Sechrist T. A., High Point o^ Smith Frederick, Walnut Cove m^''' Spaugh E. E. (wagonmkr, blacksmith), Winston Soc Taylor G. P. (painter), Panther Creek §?dW Tesh Samuel, Panther Creek J«q^ i^gn Tice W. R , Germanton Transon & Grabbs, Bethania oj^'-'^ Vogler M. N., Winston wS^ Wharton Gaston, Greensboro ^o^ White J. S., Winston >^t^^ Yates George D., Greensboro WH^- Boarding. tdWS Elair Mrs. E. T. (hair work), High Point !^„k; Bolton James, High Point p^'~ Brown Mrs. N. A., Greensboro :^Pr' Gibson James, Winston K'^H Graham R. Frank (fruits), Winston §g^ Guilford House, E.G. Waddington, propr, Greensboro oO^ Lott H. T., Salem J^^g Mendenhall Miss J. J., Greensboro t^^c» Modlin Mrs., High Point '^^^ Moove R. R., Greensboro Pgp Parker Mrs. Fanny, Browns Summit ^'^ Paylor Wra, High Point gj" Rankin W. T. (groceries), High Point gg Romwell Wm, High Point j5^ Sikes Willis, Greensboro W Slaughter T. S. (c), Winston h Don't you buy Hamlin's "Wizard Oil at Callum'fi, and save 10 cents on the bottle?

!i>I for the same goods. p5c/> WHYWW III Others charge you So 160 ' DIRECTORY. 33 Sloan Thomas, Greensboro z Smith Mrs. L. E., Gieenshoro Si Stockton Mrs. Martha, Winston . Terry Mrs. N. J., Winston ^j^^ Townsend Mrs. M. H., Greensboro ^ P Turner Causey (c), Greensboro «^(fl White Mrs., High Point "2^ Yarbrough Mrs. H. V., Winston g5^ Book Binding:. 52 Thomas, Reece & Co. (job printing), Greensboro ^uj Books and Stationery. S5H^ Blum L. V. & E. T. (Blums Almanac, People's Press, 2 « job printing), Salem. See page 65 '^=: Doub William C, Greensboro. See page 30 «<3 Willliamson & Oorrie (job printing, musical mdse), S Winston. See lines Wilson John N., Greensboro Brick M nufacturers. Dean Ja.nes (e), Greensboro Kirkpatrick D. N. (also contractor), Greensboro. See z page 29 Spaugh A: Miller, Winston Butchers. Benton Thomas M., Winston Bullock S. B. (vegetables), Greensboro Fagg J. C. (blacksmith), Salem Garrett Geo. (c). High Point Gerner Fred, Winston Hughes J. R., Greensboro Jones J. B. (vegetables), Greensboro Kelly John A. (c), Greensboro o Mickey J. E., Salem Snipes Nathaniel (groceries), Winston Yancey D. B. (c) (vegetables), Greensboro Cabinet Makers. Ellison J. A., High Point Pritchett J. A., Greensboro Shultz J. H. (undertaker), Salem Thurston Peter, High Point 1

H For Win es, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. iJpl^iSacraiut'ntal Wines a Specialty. McAdoo House, ----- Greensboro, N. C.

DIRECTORY. 161 a Candy Manufactures. blall W. N., Salem Potters' candy manufactory, Winston 1 1 Carpets, Brown Sample S. (clothing, shoes, dry goods), Greens- O boro g r* Ryttenberg Bros (dry goods, millinery, dressmaking,^ Q gents furnishings and shoes), Winston. See page [t^ j 12 ^5 Cigar Manufactures. g J» Hall & Co., Greensboro "^ a Lindsay A. H. & Co (gen mdse), High Point £ ^ Thompson V.O. &Co., Winston. See page G7 K%^ Civil Engineers. o^w^ Mendenhall Nevins, Westminster j^jH Clothing. t^'^f^ Armfield G. Will (dry goods), Greensboro. See sec- oW^ ond fly ^^^ Brown Sample S. (carpets, dry goods, shoes), Greens- §^C^ boro "J^Hfn Pishblate Mrs. F. (furnishing). Greensboro o^2 Jacobs Joseph (furnishing), Winston. Back cover ? Long & Sackerman (furnishing), Winston -^^^8! Murray W. R. (dry goods), Greensboro ^H Stein M. M. (furnishing), Winston. See lines 5^ ^ Thompson & Franklin, (furnishing), Winston ^STI Collection Agencies. ^"^iC Southern Law and Collection Aj?ency, Robert L. guTJ Rodgers (lawyer), Atlanta, Ga See page 26 Ow^

Colleges, Schools and Teachers. i^ — E. W., Adams Pleasant Garden ^ W Bennett Seminary (c). Rev. Wilbur F. Steele, B D | I Greensboro See page 30 h "^ Cude H. C, Colfax § 2 Currins John F, B., Company Mills "sj, " ^ Dalton Institute, Dalton "fj ^ Davis J. F., Westminster CO Dick & Dillard (lawyers), Greensboro "-^ You wish a good Hair Brush or Comb of anv kind, go to (JALU'M'S DRUG STORE before you buy, OIF and see their large sto(;k. Greensboro. ^ 162 DIRECTORY. t^ ^ Edwards Mrs. Mattie J., High Point ^ Germanton Institute, Germanton ^ Graded School (white), Prof.W. C. Doub, prin, Greens- Pf boro n. Graded School, Prof. J. L. Tomlineon, prin, Winston Graded School (c), Rufus McKinzie, prin, Greensboro K? Graded School (c), Winston ^ Greensboro Female College, Rev. T. M. Jones A. M. P^ D.D, president, Greensboro • W Hauser Ellis, Vienna ^y^ Hauser George, Vienna

^^O Helton W. W , Sumner '^M High Point Graded School, W. A. Blair prin, High ^H Point 2^ Hodgins David, Sumner ,^H Jones Miss Carrie, High Point 2^ Keriiersville High School, Kernersville, S. C. Lind-

f^CC Lehman P. T., Vienna ^y Lindsay Prof. S. C, Kernersville High School »Q Macon Commercial College, Macon, Ga. See top pages Wq Matthews Miss Mary, Greensboro SrQ Mendenhall E. P.. Westminster S Moore's Business University, Atlanta. See top pages Ph New Garden College, Prof. Blair, prin, New Garden O Oak Ridge Institute, J. Allen Halt, sen. prin, Oak Q Ridge K^ O'Brant M. B., Shows Mill ^ Ppaff Artine, Vienna ^ Phipps A. A., Shows Mill ^ Porter Miss Lina, Greensboro ^ Roach Ada, Sumner' ^ Salem Academy, Rev. Edward Bondthaler, prin, ^ Salem. See lourth fly ^ Salem Academy for boys 1^ Smithdeal Business College, Prof. G. M. SmithdeaL HH prin. See first cover rH Sprinkle D. P., Vienna f^ Stack B. r., Colfax y^^ Stevenson H. F., Sumner ^^ Summerfield High School, Franklin S. Blair, prin r^ See page 64 Liquors, Tobacco and Cigarrf. nn J MNM I « «««« For Wines, T^f^ M^^oo House, Greensboro, X. InREC TOR Y. _J^ Watlineton Miss Emma, Liberty Store ^^ Willis V. R., Sumner "N

Callum N. Harding & (3o. (groceries), Greensboro. ^ See page 25 L-J Contractors Builders and Carpen ers. L^J T. R., Friedberg r]^ Anderson ^^ Carter D. F., Walnut Cove Davis John, Sumner Ol^ Foltz Francis, Friedberg ' q ^ Faucht D. B., High Point ^ ^ri- Gales A. J., Winston ^ O Keith Rev. F. M., Winston 5 ^ Kirkpatrick D. N. (brick mfr). Greensboro. See ^ ^ page 29 d <^ Lee J. M. W.. Summerfield ^g Mclver H. E., Salem '::'Z, McKnight David, Winston O Miller G. L. (planing mill), Winston g ^ Sutliflf D H., Stony Ridge .ISr Spaugh W. J., Winston g Thore J. H., Winston 2 ^ Winfree W\ C, Summerfield i:^: Coopers. >^ Hauser Jashue, Panther Creek ^h Parham J. W., Walnut Cove S^H Shelton Wm., Panther Creek S.o jj Copper Smiths. -:q^ Blum Irving Winston |s m» Copying Companies. ^=g Magie City Copying Co., J. S. Cowdon mgr. See ^'„ page 25 ^-o ^ Southern C-opying Co., Atlanta Ga. See page 27 |h.^

Cotton Factories. ^ proprs, Salem. Arista Cotton 3IiIN, F. & H. Fries, ^ J? See page 10 c m* Oakdale Mfg Co., Jamestown ^^ Williambrook Mfg Co., Dr. W. 0. Jones, prest, ^- " ^ Causey, secy, High Point -* "^ =^'1 ^"''^' ''f glass, ^ A PHTT IIWP SYRTisrG-ES, "3^ a I ULb Jjilvli pewter, rubber, male and female,

1(54 DIRECrORY. ^^%^z ~ 3ac Cotton Gins. Q«i Boon 0. L. fgrrist, saw mill and carder), Hinton fi Manner & Wilson, (saw and grist mill), Hinton Sliaffner Dr. J. F., Salem CC Dairies. IJJ Keiibow D. W. C. Greensboro Pi^ Dentists. 0__ limner M. R., Walnut Cove Blum J A., Winston Coble Wesley, Pleasant Garden 9M^ Curtis J. A.,*Thora's Mill h^" Ector E. L. P., Winston ^ . Fulp Elias (physician), Walnut Cove j:|C/5 Griffith J. W., Greehsboro. See next introductory K^^ Janes & Dalton, Walnut Cove ^2 'Tones W.O., High Point O Howlett W. E., High Point tn Hunter J. W., Salem Hmitley J. P., Atlanta Ga. See page 25 Ilobertson & Rome, Greensboro VVatkins C. J., Salem. See page 62 Directory Publishers. Interstate Directory Company, C. M. Gardner, H. H. Dickson, 32 S. Broad st, Atlanta, Ga., publishers of Directorl'='S oi Tyler, Tex.; Gainesville, Marietta, Griffin, Barnesville, Rome, Cartersville, Columbus. Macon, Ga.; Birmingham, Ala.; Greenville, S. C; Charlo'te, Greensboro, Winston and Salem, N. C; Anniston, Ala; Georgia Pacific Gazetteer, Richmond and Danville Gazetteer; Montgomery, Ala.; and others South and West ia^» Dressmaking. Brown Mrs. H. L., Greensboro Graham Mrs,, High Point Lyon & Hines Mrs., Greensboro Orrell Mrs. L. E., Greensboro Ryttenburg Bros, (dry goods, gents furnishing, shoes, millinery, carpets), Winston. See page 12

Shealy Mrs , High Point \Viiu's ami Liqviors Lead the State! PURE TENT WINESfor SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES E. G. imun McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C.

DIRECTORY. 1(55 Drugs. n Alford & Michaux, Greensboro. See page 30 ^ Bynum Bros, Germantoa h^^S Callnm Bros & Co. (paints and onion sett growers), c-^Q Greensboro. See lines '-hy Dicks W. P. (physician), Kernersville r'rt Glenn R. G., Greensboro uli Gray & Martin, Winston. See lines bjff| Porter & Daltou, Greensboro ^«2 Smith A. E. & Co., High Point g".g Smith & Brown, "Winston. See lines ^ 1*1 Thompson V. 0. (physician), Winston. See page 61 O 2 Dry Goods. SH Armfied G. Will (clothing), Greensboro. See second Q*^

Barrow J. S. & Sons (millinery, gents furnishing), ^ J0

Winston. See fourth fly '-" ™^f^ Bogart W. B., Greensboro cfq Brown Sample S. (carpets, clothing, shoes), Greens i-h|33 boro ^w Curtis D. & Co., Greensboro rj f^ Foust George T. (harness), Winston 55 M -^ Murray W. R. (clothing), Greensboro jQ) Odell & Co. (vvhol groceries), Greensboro -^w Pretzfelder C. & M., Greensboro ;!"« Ryttenherg Bros (dressmaking, gents furnishing, ^" ^ shoes, millinery, carpets), Winston. See page 12 ^ fin Schouler D. D. & E., Winston. See page 62 ^'JS Strauss Moses, Greensboro ^ Trotter W. D., Greensboro ^W Fish and Oysters. 2 Q Howell D. (c) (restaurant), Greensboro -^n StjTon & Styron, Winston ^i- Express Companies. ;^.(0 Southern Express Co., Charles Buford, mgr, Winston ^ ^o Southern Express Co., R. M. Sloan, mgr, Greensboro q^^" Florist. P ^ Renard Joseph (groceries), Salem ^ pnWDERED BLACK PEPPER, ™i,BEsj. jj ^ A U f f per pound at CALLUM'S DRUG STORE. t^ 106 DIRECTORY. Pe| Flour Dealers. Fulford & Martin (groceries), Farmington

Furches (fe Ellis (gen mdse), Farmington 01 Foundries and Machine Shops. »4 Glascock G. T. (turbine wheels, stones), Greensboro. ^^ See page 32 ^j . Miller J. H. (wagonmkr), Friedburg 2 Pomeroy J. V., Greensboro fi Salem Iron Works, C. A. Hege, propr (saw mill), Sa- W"* H lem L^ Sergeant Mfg Co. (Farrars turbine, saw mill), Greens- y^ h boro. See first paster ^ ^ Tance J. A.' (plumbing, saw mill mgr), Salem. See fj ^ page 8 ^ M Fruits and Confections, H^ ^ Beficini A. G., High Point Burcli John D. (groceries), Winston ^^• Calcleugh E. M. & Bro (groceries), Greensboro B^^ Graham R. Frank (boarding), Winston [^ ^Star G. J., Greensboro (c), HI Jl Warren R. W. Winston fr^ Williams Henry J., Greensboro. See second fly K ^ Winkler C. A., Salem

^-^i jH Fruit Evaporators. H Hughes Milton T., Greensboro. See page 28 K Furniture.

Forbis W. R , Greensboro Gullett Robert (undertaking), Greensboro ^ Jones Dr. W. O., High Point ^j Jones & Welborne, High Point Peterson W. k E. (coffins), Salem WTise Cicero & Co. (house furnishing, buggies), Win ston C^ Yagler A. C. (undertaking), Salem 1^ Gas Companies. M Greensboro Gas Light Co., Greensboro ^ Salem Gas Works, F. & H. Fries, proprs, Salem Gas and Steam Fitting. Kester J. H., Winston. See page 63 —'1*


"Vance J. A. (saw mill, merand machine shop), Win- i, ston. See page 8 General Merchandise. ^ Alexander H., High Point ^ Bain T. H., Germanton y. Baker, John (tob mfr and saloon), Greensboro * Beard Roberts & Co. (tob mfrs), Kernersville *l-^ Beard W. S., Westminster ^ Beason J. H., Kernersville ^ Best & Wrenn, High Point* 7^1 Beville AV. E. & Bro., Hillsdale J^/-^ Bohannon B., Deep River i-r^ h-( Boiling A. J., Oak Ridge ^ ^ Brittain H C, Summerfield ^ co^ Brown J. R. & Co., High Point ^ Brown J. W. & Co., Panther Creek ' H g Buchanan W. K., Greensboro ^ P Busick J. J., Liberty Store g ^ Butner F. A. & Co., Stony Ridge cg 02 Campbell William, Germanton -^^' Carter W. T. & Co., Winston. See back paster ^ Causey 0. S., High Point t— Clapp D. F., Brick Church t^ Clarke & Ford, Winston f— Clingman John, Farmington —

Coble & Greeson, Shaws Mill . P> Coble & Hanner, Brick Church S !;^ Coffin Mrs. S. C, Sumner d ^ Colvard & Warren, Huntsville ^ ^ Cook. E., ii ^ Thomas Friendship < Cox H. C, Dalton g !Zi Crossland B. F., Salem ? Dalton D. N. (hotel, distiller, grist and saw mill, ^ ^ tob mfr), Dalton ' _^ Davis L. F. (justice), Colfax P O Day Bros, High Point O Donnell W. , Oak Ridge pC Eckel A. P., (Greensboro ?0 Edwards B. G., New Garden Edwards H. C. (saw mill) Kernersville ^* Elmore & McMichael, Brown's Summit v. •g^ * nil 1/AllJl at CalluiM's Orus Store. fH ^ 168 DIRECTORY. ^ o English W. J. & Co., High Point •iH g Faust D. P. (tanner, grist and saw mill), Alamance -^IC Fields & Turner, Greensboro ^V* Faust & Hanner, Brick Church r^Foust D. P., Gibsonville 1^ "S Foust J. C, McLeansville 9 2 Foust S. E., Shaw's Mill >H^ Fries H. W., Salem Farmington

Farmington c^ ^5 Giersh & Senseman. See page 67 !3 ^ Gilmer A. L., McLeansville ^ ^ Gilmer J. E., Winston ^ g Grubbs J. F., Salem Chapel .Jh o Guyer J. M., Ivernersville 4ij 1-^ Haizlips H., Salem Chapel Hall C. A. (grist mill), Halls Ferry ^ 5;j^ ^ a Hamlen, Dalton & Hunt, Winston ,5^ Hamlin J. D. (tob mfr), Huntsville Ji^ _o Hardin W. D., Pleasant Garden ^O Harman E. T., High Point 5^ ^ Hasten Bros, Kernersvilie ^ ^ Hauser W. F., Panther Creek -M a Henry Edward, McLeansville ^£ Hester H. A., Walkertown jU c3 HighfiU William, Summerfield M ^ Hiushaw & Byimm, Winston HHinshaw W. M.. Winston Huffines Abel, Company Mills Huffman George.^saw and grist mill), Brick Church ,Sf\ Hodgins J. A., Centre %r^ Hodgin & Sullivan, Winston Ingram L. J., High Point W Isom James, (whisky distiller), Walnut Cove HJarvis Simeon, Farmington Johnson F. M. & Co, Farmington Johnston & Bro, (shoemkrs), Jamestown < Keeling J. L., Greensboro Kirkman J. L., High Point I Lash F. H., Bethania •^J!^^ Lash W. A. (grist mill, tobacco mfr, whisky distiller), Walnut Cove .

-^^^^^^^^ ^ TR! IWCiiB'S,""---' McAcIoo House, Greensboro, N.C> O^ DIRECTORY, 169 Jit"

Leadbetter E. A , Westminster q Lehman 0. J. & Co, Bethania I_l Lewis C. A., Brown's Summit Lindsay A. H., Friendship t^Q Lindsay A. H. & Co, (cigar mfrs), High Point ^^ Lindsay J. A., High Point ^ Lindsay R. J., High Point ^ i Long J. J., High Point 1^ Low W., Crystal ^^ McAdoo Mrs. M. W., Greensboro •^ McCracker J., New Garden rf McKnight & Albright, Greensboro -^ Mebane W. N., Shaw's Mill P^ Meliaway George F., Oak Ridge Mitchell S, S. & Bro, Brown's Summit uCX, Moore R. A., Oak Ridge 0> ^ Moore W. S., Greensboro ^T Murphy R. F., Germanton Q Nissen C. F. & Co. (wagon mfrs), Salem. See page 68 Q Nissen George E. & Co, (wagon mfrs), Salem H—•> Pegram E. H.. Belew Creek Mills Pfohl & Stockton, (Central and Merchants Hotels), (jCl, Winston r^ Poindexter H. D., Winston l-f^ Prather J. P., Winston y^ Reagen, Miles Co, (grist mill, tannery), High Point ^ & | Reed Bros. & Brooks, Winston M> • Regan, Hanner & Co, Gibsonville ^^ Robertson Israel, Bellew Creek Mills 3^ Eosenbacher S., Winston ^ Sapp N. W., Kernersville - ^ Sapp W. G., Friendship W inS ^" Schuest S. W., Colfax :^ Scott J. W. & Co, (dried fruits), Greensboro g' P Sheek J. T. (grist mill), Halls Ferry S. o Sheek L. A., Halls Ferry § P Smith S. W. H., New Garden -_ '^p^ Smith G. J., Summerfield -^ Smithdeal & Robertson, Advance- p O Springs R. A., Advance C^ Spaugh E. J., Friedberg 13.. Stradler J. A., Salem Chapel -P MERCHANTS, you can save at least 20 per cent, in buying your goods at Galium ? COUNTRY Bros. & Go's, Greensboro. H 170 DIRECTORY «g Styers E. J., Ge/manton ;5 Sutton .J. M. & Co, Gibsoiiville r. ^ Taylor G. W. (c), Colfax J .-_ Taylor G. W., Friendship M "S Tise Jacob & Co, Winston. See page 4 ^ o Vaughn & Pepper, Winston N £ Wall P., Hillsdale Q ^ Walters J. H., High Point ^ .1^ Watkins, Burton & Watkins, Winston ^ I Welfare C R., Salem 0± Wharton & Wharton, (agrl implements, hardware), j^ji Greensboro See page 30 ^ - Wharton J. M. & Co, Jamestown Q ^ White J. H. Jr, Winston O g Wiley W. M. & Co, Jamestown H W Wilson A. G., Hinton iXl bo Wolfe J. A., Bethania n Wrenn Bros. High Point H;:^ Wright E. H., Lewisville ^ _o Yates Mrs. Mary, Salem ^ ^ Gents Furnishings (dry goods and millinery), J^ ^ Barrow J. S. & Sons, \^ fl Winston. See fourth fly -j-^i; Cartland H. H. (tailor), Greensboro. See first paster ^"''^ Fishblate Mrs. F. (clothing). Winston ptj-i^ Jacobs Joseph (clothing). Winston. See back covet hH S*\ Pearce N B., Winston SO^ Perkins R.B. (baker), Winston. See page 64 no Pfohl W. T., Winston z^d Pugh J. W., Greensboro • ^ Kankin W. T. (boarding). High Point Eenard Joseph (florist), Salem w Ji ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ AND MEDICINES > A n " " " ' m Sold at Callum's Drug Store, Greensboro. f\ AJUU 172 DIRECTORY

aS 3) I^ose M. ct Co, Winston Hii h Schoolfield J. W., Greensboro h2u Shore H. W., Salem ^* K Shore N. T. & Co, Salem «53 K (Snipes Nathaniel (butcher), Winston i52 Spaugh D. 0., Salem SB Star S. & Son, Winston BH Stephen W. W. (saloon), High Point SS® Styrou & Styroii, Winston. See page 63 25 ij Talbot ISamuel, Winston *g Thomas D. E., Greensboro

^jg Thomas E. B , AVinston ^ O Walker W. J., Greensboro ^S Wall Robert (shoemkr), Salem k2 W^ard A. A., Winston H Warren J B, Winston ^ "^ Watson Jonathan, Winston

fa pi Whitus Georg§ (c), Greensboro © ^ Gun and Locksmiths. 3D ^ Dettmar William, (locksmith), Salem H Hamlett J. M., Greensboro H Q Vogler Timothy, (locksmith), Salem ^ Hair Works. 5 BJair Mrs. E. T., (boarding), High Point Hardware. ^ O u Allen & Allen, (house furnishing), Winston w Brown, Rogers & Co, (machinery), Winston Crawford R. A., (agrl implements), Winston 1^ Harris & Flippen. Greensboro Odell Hardware ^0,^ (machinery), Greensboro See first fly Perry fac). High Point S , (spoke and handle Wakefield W. H. & Co, (paints), Greensboro Wharton & Wharton, (agrl implements), Greens- boro. See page 30 H Wheeler R. A., High Point Yates Charles G. Sons, (tinners), Greensboro Harness Makers, Burgers R, G., Winston Davis Haley, Kernersville WEWrOMB'S Wines and Liquors Lra/l the state ij Wines for Sai;raniental Purposes. f EnIt 111 P"i-e Tent ^ GRKKNSBOKO, N. C. I Ull Al McAdoo House, ^^1^

Foust George T., (drv goods), Winston Horney Frank. High Point Hine L. R., Winston l^ Houston Leyi. See page 31 ^^ Kirkman J. A., Greensboro ^ Smith F. F., Greensboro. See page 29 /^^ Spaugh D. ct Co, Salem V. ^ Stanley Romulus, Walkerstown /^S Walker J. E, Huntsville V_ .-^ Weaver P. D.. Greensboro Young Howard, Walnut Cove o Hats. Smoak & Pritchett (shoes), Winston. See first paster Hotels, American Hotel (c), (barber shop), Gen Barringer, ^^:^ propr, Winston ^^'"H Belo House, R. W. Belo, propr, Salem. See page 63 ^ Beubow House, D. W. C. Benbow, propr, Greensboro rf^ Boyd McD.. Stony Ridge ^^ ^ W. D. Alsap, propr, Greensboro Central Hotel, ^^« Central and Merchants Hotels, Pfohl & Stockton, ™ props, (gen mdse), Winston :^ Dalton D. N., (distiller, gen mdse, grist and saw mills, ^ QJ tob mfr), Dalton p' jTj Farmingion Academy, Farmington 5 mm

Grabbs L , Bethania o ^ *»'^ Howard M. D , Panther Creek Kerner Housh, Kernersville ^^ Mabry Miss Fanny. High Point O ^^ McAdoo House, M. D. McAdoo, propr, Greensboro § VJ Planters Hotel, Mrs. L. A. Rees, propress, Greens- 2.-^ boro ^ m Salem Salem Hotel, Adam Butner, propr, :^f\ Sapp Hotel, Dr. B. J. Sapp, propr, Kernersville "g w House Furnishing. |-> Allen & Allen (hardware), Winston p f» Boozer George A. (stoves), Salem ^j ^ O'Sullivan J. E.. Greensboro Tise Cicero & Co, (buggies, furniture), Winston P< 19W PUVQIPT A AT Q of riuilford, Randolph, r n I i^JUl --V i>i|0 Alamance, Chatham, and ;M<)ore counties can save money by l)uying O "^ THE—- -— — —^ tlieir Driiars from C'allum Hros. & L'o.,"Greensboro. 174 DIRECTORY. Ice Dealers.

King D. H. (wood and coal), Winston. See first cover pq Tise Cicero & Co, Winston S5 Insurance. Q-^ Buxton J. C. (lawyer), Winston

Carr O. W ., Greensboro hJ^ City of* London Fire Ins; Co., Eugene E Gray, /^Sd ''^t' Winston K^ly. Cojjimercial Union Assurance Co., of London, P]u- ' *^6 ^- .2^*i''6 Gray, a^t, Winston rAs Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford, Eugene E. wp = Gray, agt, Winston ^%'>: Fire Insurance Association, of England, Eugene E. ^S^^ (^TTiiy, a^t, Winston h^^i~ German American Ins. Co., of New York, Eugene Mh- £ K. Gray, agt. Winston Ji'^T' Gray Eugene E. (lawyer), Winston. See page 66 P-.| Grogan ,j. S. (lawyer), Winston •| I Hartford Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford, Eugene E. h3E^'£ Grav, agt, Winston iJjI^ Insurance Co. of North America, Eugene E. Gray, ^ g agt, Winston ^^p^ Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., of England, Eugene E. Gray, agt, Winston Lion iFire Ins. Co., of England, Eugene E. Gray, J^£!Ji agt. Winston London Assurance Corporation The, of J ondon, Eugene E. Gray, agt, Winston North British and Mercantile Ins. Co., of England, Eugene E. Gray, agi, Winston North Carolina Home Ins. Co., Eugene E. Gray, a^^ agt, Winston {^^ Rochester German luSi Co., of Rochester, Eugene Cjl3 E. Gray, ast. "Winston Sun Fire Oliice, of London, Eugene E. Gray, agt Winston Tirgiuia Home Ins. Co., of Richmond, Eugene E. Gray, agt, W^inston Westesn Assurance Co., of Toronto, Eugene E. Gray, agt, Winston EWCOMB'S Wines & Liquors Lead the State Pure Tent Wines for Sacramental Purposes. IM McAdoo House, - - - - Greensboro, X. C. ^ DIRECTORY. 17o Jewelers and Watchmakers. '^ Winston. See first cover Allen E. J., t j Bahnson C. F., Farmington- nT!j Bevan Joseph, Winston ^ -^ Butner T. M., Winston. See page 64 r^TD Butterfield A. G. (news agt), High Point ^ Farrar W. B., Greensboro. See page 2 H™H Horney W. A. (guns, etc), Greensboro ^ Thornton J. J., Greensboro See page 27 ^, Togler Wm. T., Winston. See page 4 Job Printing. Blum L. Y. & E. T. (books, Peoples Press, Blums g^ Almanac), Salem. See page 65 ojl^ Greensboro. Hampton J. S. & Co . See page 28 mL,'' Thomas, Reece & Co. (book bindery), Greensboro ©22Sr Williamson & Corrie (books, musical mdse). Wins- 5? ton. See lines *o H Justices of the Peace. -2k Anderson John N., Bethania ^on'^ Apple Mebane, Company Mills ^o^ Blair Sol J., High Point ^^^ Burk G. W., Friedberg t=dH> Brinkley J. P., Lewisville ^^hS Campbell J. A.. High Point gg« Case Charles, Oak Ridge '^L^ Case Thomas, Summerfield h85- Coffin W. S. (shoemkr), Sumner :^P^ Ooltram S. H., Sumner K'^H Conrad A, E. (saw and grist mill), Vienna * ^*^ Cox R. L., Bethania oO*^ Davis D. S., Vienna \ 3^^^_ Davis J. A. (distiller), Colfax ' (zi^o^ -Davis L. F. (gen mdse), Colfax • ftH

Dick J. M., McLeansville ' ^S^ Dil worth A., Greensbore H'^ Dull E. C, Vienna B^ Gilmer J. W., Gilmer's Store 5o Goslen W. W., Vienna ^^ Heghfill J. W., Summerfield H Jordan David, High Point h ^" 176 DIRECTORY.

gc/> Kimel Theodore, Friedberg ^o Kirkman W. M., Sumner ^^ Lehman Eugene. Bethania

ocs Lehman H. R., Vienna • Qp Marshall T. M., Salem Chapel l^j- McMaster W. R., Gilmers Store 3^ McMichael J. W. (saloon). Brown's Summit •^«0 Mendenhall S. H., High Point OuiH Mitchell J. J., Brown's Summit "lo^ Ogburn J. L. (saw mill), Summerfield ^"Eh Rhodes Thomas, Summerfield gj3^ Schoolfield C. S., Busick's 5

Baldwin F. T., High Point a Ball William S., Greensboro Barringer John A., Greensboro Boyd James E. (U. S. Dist. Attorney). Greensboro Buxton J. C- (insurance), Winston Dick & Dillard (law school), Greensboro Forbis James W., Greensboro Gray Eugene E. (insurance), Winston. See page 66 Gregory George H., Greensboro Grogan J. S. (insurance), Winston Jordan Samuel, Greensboro Kerner Raba B., Winston King Robert R., Greensboro Mast D. P., Winston Moiehead J. T., Greensboro Patterson J. L., Winston o Rayle B. Y., Winston Rodgers Robert L. (collection agency), Atlanta, Ga.- See page 26 Scott Levi, Greensboro Staples John N., Greensboro Turner J. A., High Point Watson & Glen, Winston Winston P. H., Winston H Foi- Wines, Lujuors, Tobacco and Cigars. i^S^Sacraiueiital Wines a Specialty, McAtloo House, Greensboro, 'N. C. DIRECTORY. 177 a Lime Manufactors. 2 Bolejack B. J., Germanton IH

Liquor Dealers "! E. G. Newcombe, Greensboro. See page Q^\ rt Livery Stables g ^ Crutchfield & McArthur, Winston t;; Q Linville W. A. & Co., Kernersville j^ Robinson J. M., Winston -3 ^ Eoss & Vanstory (wagons, buggies), Greensboro ^ Vanstory C. P. (wagons, buggies), Greensboro tq ^ Lumber Dealers. f^^S Crews M. S. ^gO Gordon L. D. & Co, Panther Creek ^ High Point Timber Mfg Co, W. H. Snow, prest, J. og> Lathrop, secy. High Point "^i^Z McGee Joseph, Stony Ridge Qt^*«^ Schaub W. H. Stony Ridge oW*^ Lunch Stands. ^^O Franklin John (c), Winston ^HlTI Nelson Wm. (c) Winston ^^'^ Robinson Benj. (c), Winston % Wagoner Geo. (c), Winston jGt>'H

Machinery. • ^3^

Brown Rogers & Co. (hardware), Winston tt^j^ Odell Hardware Co. (hardware), Greensboro. See §^"11

first fly .... .^ ^HJC Stratford, Wakefield & Co. (agl implements), Greens- '*][^3j boro o"^™. Marble Works. ^jilZ Durham L W., Winston. See page 2 ^ W Jordan Arthur, Greensboro h w^ Jordan B. F., High Point § ^ Robertson Samuel C, Greensboro o «

Merchandise Brokers. ,^ a Barringer Will C, Greensbsro 1^ \f. Pegram T. H. W. Jr., Winston ^ W Young E. F., Winston -* ct WflAflflWIlflfflf^Wfl For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. 7^g\

DIRECTORY. 17!) Hamburg Mills, Summerfield Lrt^ Ilanner k Wilson (saw mill and gin), Hinton r™^^ Harmon J. S, Kernersville Harmon & Smith, Kernersville t^ HuflFman Geo. (saw and gen radse), Brick Church i

Idol W. H. (basket rafr), Jamestown ["Xl"'] Jarrell N. C. & Son (tannery) High Point t~^ Kapp Thos. J., Bethania \£^ Kerne W. M. (saw), Brick Church Kerner Dr. E. (physician), Kernersville O-^ King J. L. (saw mill). Oak: Ridge O^O Lash B., Bethania j^ rf- Lash W. A. (tob mfr, whiskey distillery and gen ^ ^ mdse), Walnut, Cove 2 ^

Morris H. A , Germanton r-?^ Morris M,, Germanton Moses Isreal, Sedge Garden

Nicholson J. C & Co , Winsotn Oakdale Flouring Mill, Jamestown Payne & Brown High Point Pavne J. W.. Colfax Ph'ipps G. W. & Son, Shaws Mill Pickett W. P., k Co (tob mfrs). High Point

Robertson J. A , Belew Creek Mills Salem Flour & Grist Mill. W. J. Cooper, piopr, Salem Scott & Woody, Thorn's Mill Sheek J. T. (gen mdse), Halls Ferry Spainhower C. T. (saw mill), Old Richmond Spainhower W. W, (saw njill) Old Richmond Styers A. P. (saw). Rural Hall Summers Betsy, (saw), Gibsonville Summers Narcissa, Company Mills ^

'""1 kimls of SYRTNO-ES, glass, 8 H FULL LI )ewter. rubber, lualo and female,

", ISO 1)1RECTORY. ^ Wachovia Flour & Grist Mills, Salem J . Wagoner R. B., Salem Chapel

•W s; Westmoreland N. G , Germanton ^0 Williams Joseph, Panther Creek •^tc ^Voody N. D, Shaws Mill ^fl Mining Companies. r^h> Armfield Gold ct Copper Co, High Point ^ii> Ferrabee Gold k Copper Co, High Point

Hill's Mining c^- ^ ^T- Smelting Works, W, Nichols, supt, ^ ^ Sumner rjf^ p- Lindsay Gold & Copper Co, High Point r Q North State Gold & Copper Co, Jamestown hB MiU Wrights. Aj vj^ Tillottson W. H., Walnut Cove C,- Musical Merchandise. bJ J- Williamson & Corri« (books^Job printing), Winston. |— -W See lines and page 68^ ffi^ Butterfield A. G. (jeweler), High Point ^w Newspapers. U-i ^ Central Protestant (Methodist), J. L. Michaux, ed, Greensboro See 32 O ?-i page C Kernersville News, J. H. Lindsay, ed and propr, Ker- *2h S nersville 0«S Patriot Weekly The, John B. Hussey, ed and propr, OS Greensboro. See page 31 ^ Cw Peoples Press, L. V. & E. T. Blum, eds and proprs, GCW S.ilem. See page 65 r. ^ Pioneer The, Frank T. Baldwin, ed and propr, High Zf)^ Point y+3 North State The, (weekly), N. C. Publishing Co, ^-s !!w eds and props ; W. R. McCormick, bus mgr, Greens- ~t rS boro

^-j . Union Repuhlican, J. W. Goslen, ed and propr, Win- ^ ton. See page 67 1-3 Winston Leader, J- A. Robinson, ed and propr, ^ Winston. See page 66 2 Western Sentinel, E. A. Oldham, ed and propr, 2m Winston. Next 68 Workman Daily The, Workman Pub Co, J. L. H Michaux, ed, Greensboro. See page 32 the StPte! fl WflfWHflllTIJW Wines and Liquors Lead purposes T NrW Mn \PURETENTWINESforSACRAMENTAL 11 Ml ilUVVUUHlU U McAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. WW DIRECTORY. 181 Notions. Blickenderfer J., Salem Nurser-" k-^ Benbow T. J., Oak Ridge "^O Benbow W. E., Oak Ridge ^C Lindley J. C & Bro, Greensboro. See page 32 c ^ Lindley J. Van, Salem Junotion tdffl Ragsdale & Bro, Jamestown p L. White B. F., Jamestown ^S Winchester L. C, Oak Ridge B PI Onion Sett Growers. o 2 Callum Bros- & Co, (drugs and paints), Greens- o i»fl boro. See lines and page 68i OtII Paints. o^'"* Galium Bros. & Co, (dru^s, and onion set growers,) ^^ Greensboro. See lines and page QBi^ p;-^ *" Painters. cro Johnson J. R., Salem td*^ Taylor G. P., (blacksmith), Panther Creek o ^ Paper Mills. S 33 Wachovia Paper Mills, Salem -- O Photoeraphers. Q^ Broadaway J- S., Winston. See page 62 g «

D. L., High Point j=i Clark Jj Lineback H. A., Salem ct-W'" Wharton C. P., Greensboro .^ Physicians. ^^^2 Alfred Dr. H. M., Greensboro 2 O Archer Wm., Hillsdale ^ Armfield D. A., Jamestown ^^O Bahnson H. T„ Winston and Salem ^jH

Beall W. P , Hillsdale ^.Ul Bradshaw W. G., Jamestown P ^ Brown J. R., High Point ^p" Burton J. W., High Point O w Bynum J. G., Germanton ^ _^ Coble W. A.. Brick Church < > pnWDEEED BLACK PEPPEE, ™|, l^Jl r" Jl V f f per pound at CALLUM'S DRUG STORE. III 182 DIRECTORY. f^ ^ Clingman J. J., Huntsville *^ Q Collier Dr, R. B., Salem < P Cook S. A.. Oak Ridge Cox J. J.. High Point ^ (J) I^alton D. N., Winston See page 62 1 B 2 mJ » Davis S. D., Vienna U ^ Dewey R. K., Brown's Summit (y ^ Dicks W. P. (drugs), Kernersville Ector J. 5 U G , Winston ^ WJ Fox M. F., Gilmer's Store -i 3 Fox M. L., Thom's Mill » O Fulp Elias, (dentist), Walnut Cove ^ X Gardner Chas K., Winston gj Gray R. F., (of Gray & Martin, drugs), Winston W 2 Gregory R. K., Greensboro |bi n Hall & Beall, Greensboro • nn X Harris B. Y., Summerfield ^" Hauser R. A., ]J3 Betbania fA O Hay R. D., Winston ^^ jJ Hill L. H., Germanton (^ " Hunt L. G., Huntsville 0M bj Jones A. G., Walnut Cove gTj £ Jones B., Betbania *^ O Kerner Dr. E. (grist mill) iSS ^ Logan John A., Greensboro Q n Long T., Huntsville J" Marley H. B., Greensboro McDaniel A. P., McLeansville Q -J 3P ^ McLean J. A., McLeansville 2 ^ McNairy W. H., Sbaw's Mill ^ lU Montague S. J., Winston. See page 61 M X Morris John H., Walkerstown zi I. Park W. T., Atlanta, Ga. See page 27 W Pbipps L. A., Shaw's Mill mJ ^ Plunkett John, Sumner ^ Porter A. gP S , Greensboro MM Sapp B. J- (hotel), Kernersville (50 Shafifner J. F. (of Shaffner ct Hannah, tob mfrs), Sa- lem D Siewers N. S., Salem Thompson Y. 0. (drugs), Winston. See page 61 Willis A. T., Sumner !

NEWCOMB'S PURE WINES, LIQUORS, mpV -WcMcAdooAdoo House, i ill 1 TOBACCO AKD CIGARS, GREENSBORO,- N. C. DIRECTORY. 183 Willis Hugh, Summerfield Wiseman J. W., Farmington

Wolflf N. A , Stony Ridge Wright W. F., Busick's Planing Mills- Cox. Parker & Co. (shuttle block), Salem Fogle Bros, Salem Mendenhall & Bro. (sash and blinds), Greensbo-ro Miller G. L. (coatractor and builder), Winston' Plumbms: and Gas Fitting. \

Kester J. H., Winston. See page 63 . ^Tf Sullivan E. C. 0. (house furnishing), Greensboro ^ O shop), page Yance J. A. (machine Salem. See 8 r^ Potteries, ^ ^ Crouse D. N., Salem ^ W Ellison A. H., Greensboro ^^ Produce. ^. k{ Houston W, M. (feed;, Greensboro ^ O Woodson T, L., Greensboro 2 c4 a> ^ Pump Manufacturers. r\^ Warner J. A., Winston Q 02

Railroads. g. tcJ Greensboro, Salem and Winston. See page 41 g- O Real Estate. ^ ^ Faster & Eggert, Greensboro p^ Kernel' & Oldham Winston. See page 61 ° £ Wachovia Land Office, Rev. C. L. Rights, prest, Sa- ^ ^ lem 0) ^ Restaurants. ^ ^ Bailey L. E., Greensboro niirfl nPCim STOOK^^^ drugs an.l MecUdnes '^-'^^-'^ in Greensboro can be found ^ I Hr Kr\ I •Hj^i * mJ lllllll itt Callum's Drug Store. p^ . 184 DIRECTORY. (^ 3 R. & D. Depot Restauraat, L. M. Hawkins, propr, •H g Greensboro •+->^ Saloons. ^^ Allen J. W., Greensboro ^ ^ Alsop Bros, Winston ^ a Alsop W. D. (hotel), Greensboro ^ 2 Barker John (gen mdse and tob rafr), Greensboro ^^ Fields J. E., Greensboro ^^ Jeffreys Newton A. (groceries), Greensboro ^-s '2 Jones George (c), Greensboro ^ g Livingood T. A. & Co., Winston Sw;^ Loper Barnbart, Winston

tf —' McCauley Samnel J., Greensboro (justice), O oi" McMichael J. W. Brown's Summit ^ :^ Morehead W. R. & T. (c), Greensboro .S.j_5 Newcoml) E. G., Greensboro. See lines and page 68| 4i>)-iH Phelps & Vogler, Winston ^ be Rose H., Winston 5 .S Sechrest J. M., Higb Point •-< ^ Short J. A., Greensboro 'M S Stephens W. W. (groceries), High Point »^0 Whitman John, Lewisville ^ P AVinkler C. A, (groceries), Winston ^ I Sash and Blind Factories. GC -^ Barker A. A. & Son, (spoke and handle, wagon and 1^1^ carriage mfrs). High Point HH ^ Greensboro Sash and Blind Factory, J. R. Menden- hall, secty, Greensboro W. (spoke and handles, shuttle block mfr), HSnow H , High Point M^ Saw Mills- %r# BoonO. L, (gin, grist mill carder,) Hinton UBoren A. P. (grist mill), New Garden Burk G. W. & Son, Friedberg HClapp Joshua, (grist), Alamance Conrad A. E., (grist mill and justice), Vienna ^^ Conrad Bros. & Co, Vienna ^^F Conrad F. J., Vienna ^'^ Dalton D. V., (hotel, distiller, gen mdse, grist mill, tob mfr), Dalton J Dundas Marshall, (grist mill), Westminster PURE WINES, LIQUORS, TO- BACCO AND CIGARS, TRYl McAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. DIRECTORY, 1S5 O Eagleson John, Salem Chapel Edwards H. C. (gen mdse), Kernersville Faust D. P. (tanner, gen mdse, grist mill), Alamance Freeman J. W. (grist), Freeman's Mill :;• Fryar Baston, (grist mill), Company Mills ^^ Hairston Cabell, [grist], Walnut Cove ^ Hanner & Wilson, [gin and grist mill], Hinton Huffman George, [grist and gen mdse]. Brick Church Ingold Daniel, Shaw's Mill h^_ Kerne W. M., [grist], Brick Church /^^ King J. L. [grist mill], Oak Ridge (^""^^^ j Love William, Greensboro Mise Franklin, Shaw's Mill Vissen George E. &Co, Panther Creek Ogburn Jno. L.. [justice], Summerfleld Pegg M. H., Colfax Salem Iron Works, C. A. Hege, propr, [machine shop i i and foundry], Salem ^HTj Scott J. L.. McLeansville ^ ;^ Sergeant Mfg Co, [Farrar's turbine foundry], Greens- L^mt boro. See first paster -3 Spainhower C. T. [grist mill]. Old Richmond Spainhower W. H. [grist mill], Old Richmond Spaugh T. H., Friedberg ^^ Speas Bros, Vienna gH Stoltz W. H., Sedge Garden ^S Styers A. P. [grist mill], Rural Farm ^q »3 Summers Betsv, [grist], Gibsonville 3&d0 Wall C.T., Germanton gt*! Saw Mill Manufacturers. f2 j, Sergeant Mfg (Jo, [foundry and machine shop, tur- ^ bine wheel], Greensboro. See first paster p*^ Vance J. A. [machine shop, plumbing], Salem. See ^S**^

Scale Manufacturers. 2

Georgia Scale Co, Thos. M. Taylor, mgr, Atlanta, ' o Ga. See page 25 • cj Jones of Binghampton, Binghampton, N. Y. See -^£2 page 26 F^ MERCHANTS, you can save at least 20 '(5 per cent, in buying your goods at Galium Bros. & Go's, Greensboro.

18G DIRECTORY Sewing: Machines. BgkT Ormsby W. P. [o^'ans], Winston Li ^ Singer Mfg Co, C. E. Holton, ragr, Greensboro 1 Singer Mfg Co, C, L. Cline, mgr, Winston Shoe Dealers. ^ Boyd E. F. & Co, Greensboro. See lines and page 68^ ^ Brown Sample S-, [carpets, clothing, dry goodsf, ti Greensboro* pi^ g Robertson J. B., High Point Q '-> Bytteiiberg JSros (dry goods, millinery, dressmaking, O carpets), Winston. See page 12 i^ ^ Small E. A. (crockery), Greensboro ^OT !Smoak& Pritchett (hats), Winston, See first paster g o Shoemakers.

^*^ Bane A. A , Greensboro '<^ ^l^ Bowley H. W., Greensboro ^^^ Cartland F. G., High Point TX}'^ Coffin W. S. (justice), Sumner &i^ p- Doughty Chas. H., Greensboro (^ Edwell James, Winston ^ S Farrington Tilman, Friendship "^ 3 Hubbard Albert, Friendship ^ .5 .Johnston Bros (gen mdse), Jamestown '™' •^ Jones S. R. (c), Greensboro p^'pa Joyce Ed (c), Greensboro

CD Lewis W. M. (c), Winston ffl 2 Lash D. W., Kernersville H ^ IMar^^hall James (c), Greensboro ^ <^ McCandless W. J.. Winston 1^ ~ Meinung E. A., Salem Sq Mitchell Wesley (c), Winston ^ Paylor Frankling, ^ Pitts J. H., Winston ^ Porter L. M., Salem ^ -"i Reid W. F., Westminster 'jy Reich C. A., Salem ^^^ Reich H. C, Winston Riggs Jesse, Winston Rittenberry D. H., High Point Wall Robert (groceries), Salem H

TfTIHflflMAfllflflflfi For AVinos, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. ^HBi HhilUUUMitK^ iPff^Sacramental Wines a Specialty. I M«*lirfljWtl*fciil*»M McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C.

DIRECTORY. 187 Shuttle Block Manufactures. Cox, Parker & Co. (planing mill), Salem Snow W. H. (spoke, handle, sash and door mfr), High Point Wheeler & Bro. (spoke and handle factory), Gibson- ville Soap Stone duarries. Haskins Chas. R.. High Point

Wheeler Wm , High Point Wheeler W. W., Westminster Spoke and Handle Factories Barker A. A. & Son (sash and blind, wagon and car- J^ — riage mfrs), High Point ^ Greensboro Handle Works, Thomas McMahan, propr, ^ jiq Greensboro ^ ^ Johnson J. H., Jamestown """^ i-i North Carolina Handle Factory, V. G. Hundley, ^ p. propr, Greensboro ^w Perry S. (hardware), High Point H ^ Reed H. W., Jamestown Sj Snow W. H. (shuttle block, sash and door mfr). High q /-\ Point ^\J V/heeler & Bro. (shuttle), Gibsonville , W -5 Stoves. o4 Boozer (house furnishing), Salem George A. "^ fTI Glascock G. T. (foundry, turbine wheels), Greensboro H H^ Stewart George (tinware), Winston. Seepages WfH Tailors. ^ 2 Cartland H. H. (furnishing), Greensboro. See first ^t? paster " Wfj Hughes H.. Salem • g H^ Schaub J. F., Winston ^ _ Hughes J. M., Greensboro ^ t*i Reed Mrs. Nancy (tailoress), Winston "^ -H Wilson P. A., Winston 3= 2 *^ Johnston Robert D., Winston a Tanneries Baldwin John P., Huntsville Doub E. M. C, Bethania ^ ^^^^^ ^^ '"'"^S " AND MEDICINES ^ A TT " " X g 2 JuLJLlJj Sold at Callum's Drug Store, Greensboro. „ V ]S8 DIRECTORY. Brj P — Fries J. W., Salera SS (D HS h Faust D. P. (gen mdse, grist and saw mill), Ala- h2 u mance '^^\^ Jarrell N. C. & Son (grist mill;, High Point K^ g McCanley J. A., Gibson vilie tf 2 Mendenball & Sons, Deep River 2B Smith A. J., Walnut Cove SH Smith J. F., Walnut Cove 529 Reagen, Miles & Co. (gen mdse and grist mill) High 2 3 Point ^a Teleg:raph Companies. bSS Southern Telegraph Co., C. T. Thompson, mgr, jjjO Greensboro P«^ Western Union Telegraph Co., S. A. Howard, mgr, gfw Greensboro ^ Western Union Telegraph Co., A. J. Shelly, mgr^ ^ Winston Tinners and Tin Roofers g jj Blnm Irviug (also coppersmith), Winston GC] k Hoover Samuel. High Point

pij Renipson W. S., Winston. See page 64 Stewart Oeorge (stoves), Winston. See page 8 H ® Strupe k Co., Salem 'H Yates Charles G. Son's (hardware) Greensboro Tobacco Manufacturers- > ^ O U Bailey Bros, Winston ^ Banner & Bailey, Walnut Cove ^ Barker John (gen mdse and saloon). Greensboro Beard, Roberts & Co. (gen mdse), Kernersville Bitting & Whitaker, Winston 7^f^ Blackburn & Bro, Germanton ^J^ Blackburn, Dalton & Co., Winston [""^^y^ Blackburn Samuel. Germanton ^H Brown & Brother, Winston Brown & Sapp, Kernersville H Butner J. A. & Co, Salem ^ Byerly S. & Son, Winston ^^n Bynum & Gotten, Winston I^ Candler R. L. & Co, Winston ^^j Crews Reuben, Salem Chapel P^n Dalton D N. (hotel, distiller, gen mdse," grist and saw mill), Dalton TBTEWrOMB'S Wines and Liquors Lead the ^late i ^ Ef!W |u Pure Tent Wines for Sacramental Purposes. i^*^ B Vi I 4b McAdoo House, Greensuoko, N. C. ^^^

DIRECTORY. ISO Dodd D. W. k Bro, Winston Ellis W. J. & Son, Winston

Fields W. A , Greensboro Hamlen D. & Co, Winston i> Hamlin J. D. (gen mdse), Huntsville Hanes P. H. & Co, Winston Harding & Steelman, Huntsville _am_ Hartman C. A. & Co, Farmington Johnson Eugene, Farmington \/^ -^ Kerner & Greenfield, Kernersville Kernersville Manufacturing Co, Kernersville King J. L. & Co, Greensboro Lash W. A (grist mill, whisky distiller, and gen mdse), Walnut Cove ^ Leak W. H. & Co, Kernersville

Leak T. F , Winston Ledbetter & Co, Winston Lehman 0. J., Bethania Lockett & Vaughn, Winston H-y^^-^ Morrison L. S , Stony Ridge C^Q Norfleet M. W. & Co, proprs Piedmont Tob Warehouse, ^ Winston j^ -^ Ogburn & Hill, Winston <=* / Orrender C. K., Bethania ^^ Pickett W. P. & Co. (grist mill). High Point ^ P Reynolds Bros, ^' Salem ffl Reynolds H. H., Winston S m Reynolds R. J. Winston. o #a Reynolds VVilliam, Salem ° ^ Robertson H. E. & Co, Advance ^ 1^ Scales H. C & Co, Winston aZl ShaflFner & Hannah, Salem ° fiw Steeger Thomas, Winston S" "0

Sullivan N. B , Walkerstown Vaughn T. L., Winston Vogler W. A., Lewisville SO Welborne H. R & Co, High Point Williamson & Son, Winston

STOOK^^ DRUGS and Medicines !^ in Greensboro can be found ^ THE BEST at Callum's Dru&r Store. P< 20W PUVQTPT \ "MQ of ^=^i>ilford, Randolph •*i-— ___ _^ 1 t1 I i^JUl ^ 1>0 Alamam-e, Chatham '""' ^r^'^re fountics can save Jh.'B I I I B i inonev bv buying '^ l"^— their c THE-- ^*—*— ^ Drugs from Callum Bros. cV: C'o.,'Greensboro. -r^ 190 DIRECTORY. Winston Tob MU^ Co, J. W. Reed, prest, I I T. W. ">..§ Huske, sect and treas, Ed. L. Jones, tngr, Winstoa

Sfl Tobacco Warehouses, Dealers and Brokers. o"2 Brown & Carter, Winston 1^ Farmers Warehouse, A. B. Gorrell, propr, Winston o rt Hall k Edmunds, Winston .^ Houston & Lyon, proprs Star Tob Warehouse, \j)f^ Orinoco Warehouse. Winston qS^ Petdmout Warehouse, M. W. Norfleet & Co, Winston. K^^;^" See third flv *^S - Sheppar.i B. J & Co, Winston p-^l NtPL-er T. T., Winston .= Williamson & Smith, Winston r 1- (+^? ^ Undertaking:, t-';^; ^ Guilett Robert (furniture), Greensboro ^H/- Shultzf. H. (cabinet maker), Salem ^^^^ Vogler A. C. (furniture), Salem ^"S| Variety Stores. (J §3 Blum Edmund (groceries), Winston ^^ o Vegetables. "^2 J Bullaok S. B. (butcher), Greensboro "^^^ Jones J B. (butcher), Greensboro _^i^ Pace W. H. (c), Winston Yancey D. B. (c) (butcher), Greensboro ipiy*"! J-^ Wagon and Carriage Makers. ^^ Bain J. A., High Point &^ Baker A. A. & Son (spoke and handle, sash and blind C^ mfrs). High Point ^^^ Bevel A. W., Winston ^^^ Brigs Bros., Westminster ^^ Burns Thos. & Son, Hifh 'Point CjS Burns Z. A., High Point ^^* Farabee S. W., Winston —,^ Fishel A. T., Friedberg ^5 Flynt R. S , Winston w^^ Jordan & Harrell, Kernersville X^d Ledford George, Greensboro EWOOMB'S Winos & Liquors Lead the State Pure Tent Wines for Sacramental Purposes. E.6.N Mc \don House, - - - - Greensboro, N. C . DTRECTORY. ]9i hH Lewis & Huff, Kernersville r ^^ Lewis J. C, Greensboro -^^-H Memiiu;? F. C., Salpm ^mm^ Miller J. H. (machine shop), Fnedberg [-XI Nifong Jacob, Friedberg ° r^^^ Nisseil C. F. & Co. (gen mdse), Salem. See page 68 C/J Nissen Geo. E. Salem & Co, i ^ Parish Charles (blacksmith), Summerfield r^ Richardson J. A., Westminster ^h Koss & Vanstory (livery), Greensboro '-^ Spaugb E. E. (blacksniith), Winston t^^ Spach W. E. & Son, Salem ;\'^ Stark L. T. Westminster ^^ Transon & Stolty, Bethania ^H Vanstory C. P. (livery), Greenboro ^.~ Vanstory W. N., Greensboro B^^ White J. A. & Sou, AVinston * 2ww White J. S., Winston S^^ Water Wheels. ^^o^ Glascock G. T., (foundry, stoves), Greensboro. See Sgn page 32 f>^w Sergeant Mfg Co, (mfrs Farrars' turbine, saw mills, 2^^ foundry), Greensboro See first paster ^^^ Water Works. Sal /-S V^ y_2 Salem Water Works, Frank H. Fries, pres, Salem ^»^^ Winston Water Works Co, Thomas J. Wilson, prest ; -?" G. W. Hinshaw, sec ' and treas, Winston ' -iPT Well Fixtures. gg| Tise Well Fixtures, C. H. Tise, prop, Winston. See o©^ page 7 .^ S 5 Whisky Distilleries. .^"^ Burchfield J. Y., Germanton pP;^ Bailey Lewis, Advance 2^ Bailey W. A. & C. G., Advance 2" Call Davis, Advance St-^ Connatzer Jacob, Advance §§ Dalton D. N., (gen mdse, grist and saw mills, tob W mfr), Dalton °| 192 DIRECTORY Km

QC3Z 5^

OLUH Davis J. A. (justice), Colfax- pqocOl Gentry W. H., Walnut Cove Isam James (gen mdse), Walnut Cove Lash W. A., (grist mill, tob mfr, gen mdse), W^alnut Cove Woolen Mills. -3: Freeman's Woolen Mills, Frefeman & Bodie, props, Freeman's Mills ^ CO Fries' Woolen Mills, F. k H. Fries, props, Salem. See page 10 Stipes W. B., Winston Watkins JV. H., Winston Whitlock John, Huntsville Williams Joseph, Panther Creek Wood and Coal. CoaLCreek and New River Coal Co, H. B. Peters, agtr Greensboro Kiiig|D. H., (ice), Winston. See firsf^cover mm mmm mi A First-clfii-s Practical School. Circulars free. W. McKAY. Principal, Macon, Ga. '

M For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars' a /i^^"'-Sacramental Wines a Specialty. McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C.


GUILFORD & FORSYTH COUJSTTIES. ADVANCE Davie county 14 miles from Winston, shipping and 3 ^ trading point. "^ ih BUSINESS. g SS Bailey Lewis, whisky distiller • 2^0 Bailey W. A. & C. G., whisky distillers § \^ Call Daniel, whisky distiller ' of^^ Connatzer Jacob, whisky distiller ^HS Phelps Squire, blacksmith '^tr's*** Robertson H. E. & Co., tob mfrs SmW Shutt G. H. C, gen mdse g*^ Smithdeal & Robertson, gen mdse ^^a»3 Spings A. A., gen mdse ^HflU Farmers—Bailey C G, Bailey R, Railey W A, Ellis o^^ W R, March W B, Markland Geo, Markland Matthew S(>>-J Phillips F M, Sedden Geo. ^^-^ ALAMANCE. g^

Guilford county, 4 miles from Gibsonville, on Golds- k^^lll boro branch its shipping ; point via of which it is 23 SkI^ miles to Greensboro, county seat. Sf-*!!! BUSINESS. §|jS Clapp Joshua, saw and grist mill ^P^ Faust D. P., tanner and gen mdse, grist and saw mills ^ Farmers—Bernhardt ^ Levi, Boon C A, Cobb Jacob § ^ D, Dick R C, Faust D P, Faust J W, Rankin Jno H, § «S Shepherd J N, Smith R W, Wharton C A. ^ S BELEW CREEK MILLS- ^ 5 " Forsyth county, located in the northeast portion of *^ ^ the county, about 18 miles from Winston, county seat, shipping and trading point. .^ ^ ri 19-1 DIRECTORY ^ ^ BUSINESS. % c Pegram E H, gen mdse r2 o Robertson J. A., grist mill a; ^ Robertson Israel, gen mdse -S ^ Farmers—Adams E M. Crim Wm, Hane D S, g ^ Hester Jno, Linville R S, Medearis M D, Medearis W fc^ £^ M, Nelson Elijah, Pegram W J, Robinson J A, Thomas §11 Nat. o^^ BETHANIA. ZT ^ ^ Forsj^tb countj^ 12 miles north of Winston, county seat and shipping and trading point. ^ g ;^. g ^^ BUSINESS^ o c* Anderson Jno N., justice .—I ^ Bitting B. L., grist mill o "c ^^^ ^- -'-'•' justice -g Q Boub E. M C, tannery "- ^ Grabbs L., hotel •^ ^ Greider Rev. E" P., Moravian CO j3 Hauser R. A., physician -^ S Jones B., physician c "^ Kapp Thomas J., grist mill _S W Lash B., grist mill 2 Lash F. H., gen mdse Z2 Lehman Eugene, justice C5 ^_ ti Lehman 0. J., tob mfr t^ Lehman 0. J. & Co., gen mdse j^ (D Linebach Rev. R. P., Moravian ^ Miller J. F., grist mill S^ Orrender C. R., tob mfr E."""j Pegram Rev. T. H., undertaker }"""^ Styers A., justice »^^ Sullivan N. F., justice ^^3 Transou & Grabbs, blacksmithing v

??PAT^flttAWITiPflP ^'*^"' ^^i"fs, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. J^g^ I9ff*Sacrameiital AVines a Specialty. MillienbilUUUilli 1 litlu L/J l| will* «(» McAdooHou.se, Greensboro, N. C. -^

DIRECTORY. 1!)5 r^ Lehman E T, Lehman W E Leinbach Edgar, Long ^^^ Jesse, Long Solomon, Long Thomas, McGee Andv, ^^>4 McGee H H, Miller J T. Miller S A, Moser H t. Moser Israel, Null Jno, Orrender C R, Pfafi'Ed, Porter h— © 10(1 DIRECrORY. ^ river. Telegiaph and express facilities. Population 1-H 100. Products, corn, wheat, oats, tobacco and fruits. ft Iron ore also in the vicinity. 2 BUSINESS. fB * £ Elmore & McMichael, gen mdse H Farrnr U. B., grist mill m£^ L^wis C. A., gen mdse 'i^ Mitchell J. J., justice ^ ^ McMichael J. W , saloon and justice z/0 Mitchell S. S. & Bro., gen mdse ^ S Parker Mrs. Fanny, boarding >^l9 Owen M. M., R. R. and ex agt hB Farmers—BevilPCK,BevilJ A, BeviljM G.Chillcutt ^ . B G, Chillcutt R L, Doggett James W, Doggett John, ^ 3f ^Tant James, Gant S S, Lewis C A, Loman A, Moore W,;5 J R, Pitchford S, Pitchford W H, Rankin W H, ^^ Troxler G 11, Troxler I R, Walker Rev W T. £c BUSICKS. ^^ Guilford county, flag station on the R & D R R. Distance from Atlanta 366 miles, Richmond 183. J- '^ p Greensboro, county site and banking point, 7 miles. ^ ^ Browns Summit 5 miles distance is the regular ship- K^ 2 ping point. 0.3 BUSINESS. (^+^ Gray Julius, grist mill p^ J* James H , blacksmith ^P5 Schoolfield C. S., justice r, ^^ Weatherly David, teacher ^ 2^ Wright W. F., physician 9^S Farmers—Kistler Rev S F, Lewis I, Schoolfield J, ^^ Scott W T, Wright Dr W F. ^ ^ CENTRE. ^ Guilford 14 miles due south of Greensboro, county seat and principal shipping point. H^ BUSINESS. W Davis J. M,, grist mill hC Hodgins J. A., gen mdse Farmers—Davis F S, Davis J M, Davis S S, Glenn F F, Hodgins David, Hodgins J G, Murrow A C, Murrow J S, Stanley I H. Wines and Liquors Lead the Rtate ! E'UfR' K PURE TENT WINES for SACRAIMENfAL PURPOSES X I ' McAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. DIRECTORY. 197 COLFAX, n Guilfard county, Reedy Fork and Deep rivers, 14 ^ miles to Greensboro and same distance to Winston K« and Salem. Kernersville on Salem branch, nearest ^Q and regular shipping station. *-^C BUSINESS. -^O

Atkins U. S., storekeeper and guager p Cude H. C, teacher S'^ Davis J. A., justice and distiller *-" !T| Davis L. F., justice and gen mdse t-j m Gray Rev Jesse, Wesleyan 2 ^^ King J. L., saw and grist mill "^ "^ Payne J. W., grist mill OUl Pegg M. H., saw mill o""* Schuest S. W., gen mdse and postmaster ^t^ Stock B. F., teacher 5^.«™ Starbuck O. A., U. S. storekeeper and guager y Q Taylor G. W. (c), gen mdse CT^- Farmers—Atchison John, Atchison W J, Atkins |—i|W Joseph, Atkins S J, Baker J A, Ballard John, Bla- -^ lock Bohannon B, Bolison John, Bowman W E, Brit- j:; »> Bull J M, Chipman Joel, * tain J J, Bull Jesse, Bull J C, **J Clank John C, Crews W W, Cude M L, Davis J A, Da- ^SJ vis L F, Dillon S B, Davis S Y, Edwards J A, Elliott B F, Frazier N R, Gray Wm, Macy John, Macy Jule, Morgan A, Morgan E, Pegg Preston, Pegg Wm, Pe- gram J F, Perkins Elias, Pitts J L, Pitts Samuel, t:i.| Sniner Geo, Stack David, Stanley E, Stanley J H, ^. Starbuck Elihn, Starbuck W H, Starbuck T C, Tay- ^,. lor G W (c), Tucker E A, Tucker Wm, Walker >y\ Young. 2i COMPANY MILLS c1-. Gwilford county on Reedy Fork River, 7 miles from ^^J^ Brown's Summit, its shipping point, and 15 from :^#jj Greensboro, county seat and nearest banking point. m'2o BUSINESS. i-f- Apple Mebane, postmaster and justice 2^ ^ Curries Jno. F B., teacher Fryar Barton, saw and grist mill -< ]flS DIRECTORY. Lb Huffines Abel, gen mdse

Michael Jno H., teacher . U Michael P.M. ^ _ fV Z Summers Narcissa, grist mill j" Q Farmers—Andrews Jno, Apple Andrew, Apple A ^ ^- F, Apple Jno W, Apple L C, Apple L D, Apple Peter ^ U) ^^' Apple W L, Brown Jno E, Brown A J, Brown Jno _ .2-'^^' Brown Milton, Brown Patterson, Brown W A, W — Beasly W A, Clapp Lemuel, Clapp L W, Cobb C3 ^ Ji^o, Coleman Jno, Cummins Jno H B, Fryar Q^ ^Jno R, Fryar Peter F, Huffines Abel, Johnson

Railroad, its principal shipping via of which it is 17 miles to Greensboro, county seat. BUSINESS.

Bohannon B , gen mdse Brown & Payne, grist mill Mendenhall & Sons, tannery York Rev. I. I, Methodist Mendenhall, Pickett & Welch, grist mill Farmers—Brown B A, Charles G W, Chipman Joel, Davis J D, Mendenhall E E, Mendenhall J N, Poe J T, Smith Jefferson, Welborn J R, Wheeler J, Willard P W. FARMINGTON. Davie county, 23 miles from Winston, its shipping ^ and principal trading point. k^ \J^ BUSINESS. ^ § Bahnson C. F., jeweler c+ Clingmsn John, gen mdse q^ ^ Farmington Academy j. td Fulford & Merton, gen mdse and flour i^ ^"" Furches & Ellis, gen mds« and flour — Hartman C. A. & Co, tob mfrs g- ^ Jarvis Simeon, gen mdse P ^ Johnson Eugene, tob mfr ^ 2 Johnson F. M. & Co, gen mdse ^ H Wiseman J. W., physician ^^^Q Farmers—Brunt T A, Clark W A, Cutsell James, q*- Eaton Daniel, Eaton Thomas, Furches L A, Gaither gi td Burgess, Grifflths C F, Hall C A, Hartman George, m- O Johnson F M, Johnson J M, Lunn B F. m ^ FREEMANS MILLS- ^ ^ Guilford county, 8 miles southeast High Point, on ^ i5> R & D R R, its shipping point via of which it is 16 jj tsj miles to Greensboro, county seat. ^ tZJ BUSINESS. " ^ Carpenter Rev. J. B., Methodist

•H t^ . Frazier David L, Frazier Henry, Frazier Wm, Free- ^^ man J W, Freeman Plato, Gray G A, Hendricks Hadley, Hodson P H, Johnson Clemmons, Johnson ifH James, Kersey Stephen, Kirkman John, Lowe C C, Lowe Dan, Leonard Joab, Lowe Leonard, Lowe Nat- han, Marsh Isiah, Marsh Martin, Marsh Thos R, Mathas A, Nathan Chas, Osborne Daniel. Osborne Ruffin, Osborne Thos, Osborne Wiley, Robbins Mer- ton, Saferight Abner, Swiggett Geo, Swiggett W, Walton L, Watkins Wm. Wiley B F, Wiley Frank- lin, Yates Johnson, Yates Jno, Yates Louis, Yates Samuel, Yates Sanford, Younts Peter. FRIEBBERG, Forsyth county, located near Davidson county line, 1 mile from South Fork Muddy Creek, and 8 from Winston, its banking, telegraph and shipping point. The principal object of interest is a Moravian church, over 100 years old, next in point of age and number of membership to the Salem church. BUSINESS. Anderson T. R., carpenter Burk G. W., justice Burk G. W. & Son, steam saw mill and dryer Fishel A. T., wagon mfr Foltz Eli, mfr grain cradles Foltz Francis, carpenter Foltz Theodore, blacksmith Hall Rev. James E., Moravian Kimel Theodore, justice Miller J, H., wagon mfr and machine shop and grist mill Nifong Jacob, wagon mfr Spaugh E, J., gen mdse and postmaster Spaugh T. H., steam saw mill Woosley Rev. S. A., Moravian Farmers—Allen James. Anderson T R, Barrier Da- vid, Barrier Lewis, Beckle C M, Burk Jno, Clodfelter Joseph, Crouch J C, Crouch Lewis, Grouse Harrison, Delap Alex, Ernest Levi, Fishel Daniel, Fishel Frank- lin, Fishel FO,:Fishel J A, Fisel Z, Foltz Allen, Foltz Francis, Foltz John, Foltz Theodore, Hartman Jacob, Hartman Jesse, Hartman Jno A, Hege J A, Johnson Constantine, Johnson Jno, Kimel 0, Link Hamilton, Link Henr}'-, Link LaFayette, Link Ransom, Link ^•

'"''^I^!i^2i!!:'''- M- TRYIJil iltJiilWllOUB'SIt UVyifJlU tJ McAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. ^^p/ DIRECTORY, 201 Samuel, Mendenhall J F, Mendenhall L B, Men- denhall L L, Miller George, Mock David, Mock Rev. T ^ Jacob, Mock L N, Mock P W, Nifong D E, Nilong ^ Wiley, Padget C A, Padget Levi, Raper Wm, Reich v»

Eominger David, Shore Eugene, . Wm, Rominger A, J^ Shore Nathan, Snider Pinket, Snider Samuel, Spaugh r™^ Christian, Spaugh Lewis, Spaugh T T, Weesner

Lewis, Weesner E M, Woosley David, Woosley Rev i s A. rr] FRIENDSHIP, Guildford county, station on Salem branch R. & (^ ^ 10 miles from Greensboro, county seat. ^"^ D. R. R , BUSINESS. Cook Thomas E., gen mdse Farrington Tilman, shoemkr Hubbard Alber:), shoemkr Kirkman Rev. A. J., Methodist Lindsay A. H., gen mdse Mahoney Rev. James, Methodist Pinnix Rev. J. W., Christian Sapp W. G., gen mdse Smith S. W. H., gen mdse W Taylor G. W., gen mdse ^> Farmers— Blaylock J M, Bradshaw A M, Cook s2 Thos, CookThos E, Dudley T T, Dundas Jno, Ector 5 m Dr, Frazier Robt, Hunt Jno, Hunt J D, Knight Asa, "'gjj Kirkman A G, Lindsay A H, Lindsay H, Wakefield !?2q WH. Ig'' GERMANTON, - Q Stokes county, 18 miles from Winston, its ship- ^^ ping, banking and nearest telegraph point Oh BUSINESS. 3 J Bain T. H., gen mdse ^ «f Blackburn Samuel, tob mfr fe: Qt;' Blackburn Wm. & Bro., tob mfrs "i C5. Balejack B. J., lime mfr §M Burchfield J. Y., whisky distiller "Lq Bynum Bros, drugs • cj Bynum J. G., physician -^52 Campbell William, gen mdse - 202 DIRECTORY ^ Coviugtoa Charles, blacksmith

Crews M. S , lumber ^ j_j ^ o Culler A. A., lime mfr .w "co Germanton Institute c .^ -S Hill L. H., physician ^ Hill Patrick, blacksmith grist n ^ Morris H. A , mill ^ -;:£ Morris M., grist mill ^ p Murphy R. F., gen mdse W [v] Styers E. J., gen mdse r^ 7; Tice W. R., blacksmith V S Wall C. T., saw mill P^ S Westmoreland N. G., grist mill O '-r Farmers—Boles Nat, Bowman J W, Bynum B F, 5^ Campbell William, Chaffin W A, Crews M J, Crump- >H - ler I T, Cumbie W H, Guthrie Jackson, Guthrie J, O m Hill J G, Kiser Daniel, Martin Dr A J, Petree R O o I*"- Petree R J, Poindexter J F, Rainey J P, Samuel HK H F, Sullivan Nat, Tuttle James, White J G, TH fco Willis W E. ^.2 GIBSONVILLE. ^"5 Guilford on Goldsboro branch, Richmond and Dan- TV^ -S ville, 16 miles from Greensboro county seat. O ^ BUSINESS. ^ 5 Buck Rev. J. L., Lutheran ^ g Foust D. P., gen mdse J 'Zl McCauley J. A., tanner "ci Payler Franklin, shoemkr H '^ Regan, Hanner & Co., gen mdse tl^ 2 Summers Betsy, grist and saw mills ^ t2 Sutton J. M., gen mdse -kj Sutton J. M. & Co, gen mdse P^ Jf Thorm Rev. W. F., Presbyterian P^ '^ Wagoner Simon, tannery 05^ Wheeler & Bro., spoke, handle and shuttle factory ^ Farmers—Ballsey Wm G, Bocn Joshua, Clapp A G, ^ Devault Gideon, Ingle Mebane, Kernodle L L, Smith EL, Thomas Robt, Wagoner Simon, Wright W W, GILMER'S STORE. w Guilford county, 8 miles from Greensboro county seat, banking, shipping, express and telegraph point. Products, wheat, corn, tobacco and fruits. BUSINESS. Causey E. N., postmaster fl For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. iriiA flis?^®~SacranientalSacramental Wines a SpecialtySpecialty. INIcAiloo House, Greensboro, "N. C. ^^ DIRECTORY. 203 > Fox M. P., physician BHH Gilmer J. W., iustice VW McMaster W. k., justice 2S Causey C. C. r% Farmers—Causey L T., Clapp Geo, Coble Jno, Donnell V B, Fogleraan W D, Greeson C B, Hanner N A, Hornev Joseph, Phipps W H, Pritchett J R, ^^^ Rankin W N, Shaw James, Wilson John. %^% HALL'S FERRY. ^j Davie county, 18 miles from Winston, shipping and ^^i trading point. h^ co BUSINESS. H"^ Hall C. A., gen mdse and grist mill ^ ^^ Sheek L. A., gen mdse W ^"^ Sheek J. T., gen mdse and grist mill t^ C9 Farrpers—Butner A B, Choffin G W, Hall C A, y"" Ireland H B, Sheek J T, Sheek R G. > HIGH POINT. S Q Guilford county on the Richmond and Danville gL Railroad, IG miles from Greensboro, county seat. OPi BUSINESS. ^U Alexander H., gen mdse Armfield Gold and Copper Co ^ Bain J. A., wagon and carriage maker O Baldwin F. T., lawyer H Bolton James, boarding WfH Barker A. A. Son, spoke and handle, & sash and fej W blind factory, wagon and carriage makers Q <^ Baldwin Frank T., editor and proprietor The Pioneer w^ Baxter J. R., blacksmith oilJ Bell Mrs. R. J., millinery C^^ Bencini A. G., confections mS Best & Wrenn, gen mdse - Blair Mrs. E. T., hair works and boarding ^ ^ Blair Sol J., justice »h gin Blair W. A., prin High Point High School § _, Brown J. R physician , H r— Brown J. R. & Co., gen mdse O ^ Burns Thomas & Son, wagon and carriage makers r^ rn 204 DTRECTORY. Burns Z. ^ W A , wagon maker W U Burton J. \V., physician B -p Buiterfield A. G., jeweler and news agent BS i) Callum J. C, agent Southern Express Co ^a ^ Campbell J. A., justice Ha H Cartland F. G., shoemkr ^^ K Carpenter Rev. J. B., Methodist

K^ j$ Carter & Hedgecock, grist mill gS Causey C. S., secy Willowbrook Mfg Co., and gen mdse !2B Clark D H., photographer B^ Clark Mrs. D. L., millinery 22 2 Cowan P. D., agent Richmond and Danville Railroad g,j Cox J. J., physician g Dalton Rev. P. H., Presbyterian bOi -^'^y Bros., gen mdse ^ © Edwards Mrs. MoUie J., teacher j^S Ellison J. A., cabinet maker ^^ English W. J. & Co., groceries Faucht D. ^ B , carpenter ^ ^ Ferrabeee Gold and Copper Co b g Fields Miss Mary, millinery Q Ferrabee & Modlin, groceries •^ Ferrabee E. C, groceries R. Garrett George (c), butcher Gray, Hamner & Co., grist mill Graham Mrs., dressmkr

,H Haney Thomas, blacksmith Harmon E. T ^ , gen mdse

{j Harkins Charles R., soapstone quarry

U High Point Timber Mfg Co, W. H. Snow, prest ; J. g Lathrop, secy -' Holton Albert A., postmaster Hoover Samuel, tinner Horney Frank, harnessmkr Hamlett VV. R., dentist Ingram L. J., gen mdse Jarrell M., hotel Jarrell M. H., groceries Jarrell N. C. & Son, grist mill and tannery Jones Miss Carrie, teacher Jones Welborne, furniture

Jones W. , dentist Jones Dr. W. 0., prest Willowbrook Mfg Co, and fur- niture Jordan B. F., marble worker IITEWCOMR'8 Wines and Liquors Lfa

Lindsay J. A., gen mdse ( J Lindsay R J., gen mdse ^^ Long J. J„ gen mdse ^ / Mabry Miss Fanny, hotel Mann Charles, miner Martin Rev. W. G., Northern Methodist o Mendenhall S. H., justice r ^t Miller & Co., grist mill ^^j Modi in Mrs., boarding Payler Wm., boarding Payne & Brown, grist mill Perry S., spoke and handle, factorv and hardware ]^ Pickett W. P. & Co., tob mfrs, and" grist mill r"^ Pioneer The, Frank T. Baldwin, ed and prop 7^#^ Rankin W. T., groceries and boarding ^-^ Reagen, Niles & Co., grist mill, tannery and gen -* mdse > p" Richardson Rev. J. B.. BaTit'si ^ «^ Rittenberry D. H , shoem'kr ^m Robertson J. E., shoes ^ W Romwell Wm., boarding S f^ iSechrest J. M., saloon | f" SechrestR F., blacksmith g m Sechrest T. A., blacksmith Shealy Mrs., dressmkr ^ Simmons H. (c), barber o^ tih Smith A. E. & Co, drugs q JJJ Snow W. H., spoke and handle factory, shuttle blocks, ^J T# sash and blinds, etc -^ PI, Stephens W. M., saloon and groceries ^ A Thompson Rev. S. F., Baptist p* ii

Thurston Peter, cabinetmkr • S- "^ Turner J. A., lawyer § !» Walters J. H., gen mdse ^^ "j.

Welborne Rev. A., Baptist • ^ Welborne H. R. & Co, tob mfrs ^ ^ 21W L'Od DTRECITORY.

^•5 Wheeler C. J., justice AVheeler K. A., hardware and aorricnil implements V Wheeler SVilliam, foaps;one quarry

White Mrs , i'Ofirding f,| Willowhrook Mfg Co, Dr. W. 0. Jones, prest; 0. S. p^ Causey, see}', cotton p;ood« ofq Wrenn Bros., gen mdse cT® Yoik Rev. I. I., Methodist Protestant o Farmers— A*nderson Joel. Barbee W G. Boling J M. O-S Campbell J A, Corbett E T, Crawford PI, Freeman J •H L, Oray J A, Harris Ransom, Jordan Samuel, Smith B, S. M., Williams ^;^ . A 'romlinson Geo W 2^^ HILLSDALE.

y^ c. Guilford county, 8 miles from Browns Summit, on \-C^fr. R & D R R, its nearest shipping point via of which Hy'.S it is 19 miles to Greensboro, county seat. 0:^^ BUSINESS. *^^ a Archer Wm h;^ £ Beall W. P.. physician f^^^ B^ville W. E. k Bro, gen mdse P— -3 ^^^'-^ll P., gen mdse 'i i Wright W. F., physician pEf-^ Farmers— Amick Alfred, Bnrbee Geo, Blackburn iJw^-R'>bt, Poulden W L, Brown H C. Busick A J, Hil- t:^oS ton J M, Lambeth L H, Terry W A. Whitworth C P=:^ A, Winchecter J W, Winchester L C. ,5^ HINTON. Guilford county, 6 miles from Greensboro, county peat, shipping and telegraph banking point. Pro- ducts, wheat, corn, oats, tobacco and fruits. l^p^gj BUSINESS.

^^^ Boon 0. L.. carder and saw mill Hanner & Wilson, gin saw and grist mill Wilson A. G., gen mdse and postmaster Farmers— Anderson Augustus^ Aiken D C, Aiken Walter, Boon L, Galium Samuel, Foust G C, Glass Alfred, Gullett E, Hatchett James, Hanner John, Hanner Joseph, Hobbs L C, Milliken E, Sharp E T, Starr Frank, Stewart Samuel, Suits John, TravUer Robert, Weatherly John, Wilson Hugh, Wimberly John, Woodburn T M. NEWGOMBVS WiDPs & Liquors Lead the State U-.! Pure Teut Wines for Sacramental Puri'osks. f i. -^J u Mc \doo House, - - - - Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 207 H^ HONTSVILLE.

county, 15 miles from Winston, its ^, Yadkin ship- | ping and trading point. ft^H BUSINESS.

" ^^ Baldwin John T, tanner \^^ Brewbaker Thomas, blacksmith i^^^ Clingman J* J., physician r^ Colvard & Warren, gen mdse n Hamlin J. D,, gen mdse and tob mfr ^ Hamlin Morris, blacksmith ^^ Harding & Steelman, tob mfrs Jp Hunt L. G., physician s5^ Jarvis D. F., blacksmith o^ Long T., physician ^~ Long Wm., tob mfr • Soo "Walker J. E., harnessmkr 2^^ Whitlock John, whisky distiller *o^ Farmers—Baldwin M, Bitting J A, Brown Isaac, ^^H Colvart B G, Conrad J C. Davis J C, Davis S G, qh^ Eaton D T, Eaton E, Griffith Theodore, Hamlin G feS"^ B, Harding S B, Hunt L G, Hunt N G, Long T, ^g§ Lynch J C, Miller Daniel, Poindexter Peter, Poin- H J<^ dexter R A, Spease LA. tjH>- JAMESTOWN, gg| Guilford county, station on R & D|R R and Deep '^^^ River, with express and telegraph facilities, 10 miles h83-- from seat Greensboro, county and banking point, ~^JJt-i gold and copper in vicinity. Population iOO ^H^ BUSINESS." 1*1 Armfield D. A., physician o©*^ Bradshaw W. G., physician i^J^^ Idol W. H., basket mfr, grist mill and postmaster t?;^a! Johnson & Bro, shoemkrs and gen mdse ^^!!> Johnson J. H., spoke and handle factory ^St^^w North State Gold and Copper" Co Oakdale Flouring Mill g' Oakdale Mfg Co, cotton goods g^ Ragsdale & Bro, nursery ^5^ Reed H. W., spoke and handle factory W Wharton J. M. & Co, gen mdse h 5^' 20S DIRECTORY. gj^" White B. F., nursery P=3 Wiley ^S[. M. & Co, gen mdse t^x ^Farmers— Armfield Dr D A, Armfield John A, gyj Armfield L, Armfield J S. Armfield N S, Armfield z W J, Bundy Harman, Burndy D S, Burton Joseph, j^3C Gardner J'^sse, Johnson J ii, Lamb H C Lamb Jesse, -

^ For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars" \ Jpfl^oaeramental Wines a Specialty. • McAdoo House, ----- Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 209 a J, Christian Zack, Gerringer John, Johnson N H, Kernodle D R, Scott Ralph, Sammer Peter R, Wat- lington J A. | 1 McLEANSVILLE, Guilford county, on the Goldsboro branch of the O R. D. R. miles from its & R , 8 Greensboro, nearest g f" telegraph and banking point. t;* Q BUSINESS. t^ -I

Boon O. , saw mill L ^^ T Cable Peter, grist mill ^ «^ Cornett Rev. A., Congregational ,^^^ 2 Dick J. M., justice ^\\r\ Donnell I. B., grist mill ^^W Foust J. C, gen mdse § Gilmer A. L., gen mdse §f^^ Henry Edward, gen mdse "^HZ McDaniei A. P., physician P'^H McLean J. physician A , ^m Scott J. L.. saw mill ^%^ Wharton W. P., justice ^^O Farmers— Anderson Caroline, Boone David, Clapp ^^*^ Asa, Clapp C A, Cobb David, Cobb Henry, jr, Cobb S^Z Henry, sr, Cobb J C. Cobb J D, Cobb Peter, Cobb §k J Samuel, Cobb W G, Dewey A C, Dick H C, Dewey ^yf2 J P, Dewey J W, Dick R C, Donnell I B, Donnell ^y*^ W H, Fortis A F, Fortis J W, Fryer R R, Gilmer g J R, Gannan J G, Huffines Samuel, Lively Vi L, feil^TI McLean J A, McLean J M, McLean W H, Shj^ Montgomery E W, Montgomery J W, Paisley J N, K-f—a Paisley J W. Paisley W A, Rankin J R ,Rankin M J, to[rt^ Rankin R C, Rankin Thos, Rankin W C, Scruggins ^^Z A W, Summers A. Tate J A, Ticker C A, Wharton G 5' —

W,WhartonWP.WhittingAP,Whittington E.Whit- :^ (0 tington I H, Whittington J D, Wilson W D, Wyrick ^ np Martin. ^ ZI NEW GARDEN. § 2 Guilford county, six miles from Greensboro, county .g ^ seat, its nearest express, banking and telegraph point _ "!' and 1 mile from New Garden station,'on the R. & D. R. " CO R. shipping point. -* 2U) ^ Q DIRECTORY. ~ § ;zi BUSINESS. o q" Blair Prof, prin New Garden College § o Boren A. P., saw and grist mill ^ M Edwards B. G., gen mdse ^ — Edwards C. A., postmaster o ^ Hobbs Prof. L. L., New Garden College s- ^2 McCrocker J., gen mdse r il Mendenhall Mary, teacher New Garden College ^o£ New Garden College, Prof. Blair, prin ^ ^ Peele Rev. Albert, Friend Peele Mary A., Friend -=^^^- ^ |. ^ 5 Reynolds Lorena, teacher New Garden College '^td Smith S W. H., gen mdse Woody Prof. J. W., &H bc New Garden College o u Woody Mary C, Friend 'o "5 Farmers—Ballinger Barney, Ballinger Jonathan, ^ S, Ballinger Milton, Boren Addison, Brown James, Cook oO J W, Craig Hugh, Cummings M, Cummings Wm, ^ Of Edwards Cbas, Edwards Gilbert, Edwards J E, Har- es o vey Wm, Holder John, Horton Louis, McCracken ^ S Jfisse, McCracken John, Peele Albert, Smith S W H, g ;ti Taylor Samuel, Walker John, Walker Wm. § S^ OAK RIDGE. Guilford county, six miles to TS 2 Kernersville on Sa- ^ '^ lem Branch, shipping point via of which is 14 miles to ^ -^ Greensboro county seat, and banking point and same u< distance to Winston, Oak Ridge Institute, located r? o here is a college of considerable reputation. Pro- rjT ducts, tobacco, wheat, corn and fruits. Populatoin S^ 200. ^*i^3g E"^ BUSINESS. f""^ Benbow T. J., tannery ' M l "" * Benbow W. E., nursery C^3 Blaylock W. F., policeman

Bi«k Boiling A. J., gen mdse OO Brittain John, grist mill ^^m^ Case Chas, justice and mayor ^M^ Coak S. A., physician ^^^i^ Donnell W. 0, gen mdse ^ Holt J. A. & M. H., prin Oak Ridge Institute ^^B Halt E. 0., teacher Oak Kidge Institute y*^*^ Ki'Tg J- L., steam saw and grist mill ^J^ Mellaway George F., gen mdse ^S5 Moore R. A., gen mdse 1^0'" Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. •'fl)iflfl!!linW?ITlP Wines, 7^f\ I^^^acramental Wines a Specialty. \J2 MBM«WyMHi«i*lillEADDOARTERS jicAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. m Oak Ridge Institute, J. Allen Holt, sen prin |«^^ Rich Miss Bessie, music, Oak Ridge Institute ' "^ Winchester L. C, nursery L—i^ ' Farmers—Anthony Henry, Anthony Eufus, Ben- [ bow C R, Benbow Jesse, Benbow T J, Benbow W J, ^^i Boiling A J, Bowman Jno, Brittain John, Broak- \\1^ bank Jno, Broakbank M P, Browning; James, Brown- ^^ ing Rufus. Bunch Jno, Bunch Wm, Buch Jno, Clark (m^ James B, Cattrell Jno, Donnell W 0, Fuller Thos, Gardner Seth, Gardner Solomon, Hlot Jno F, Jones (^^ Caleb, Johnson W B, King John, Lowery John A, q ^^ Moore R A, Newell John, Pegram A W, Thompson J. g e^ OLD RICHMOND. ^ ^ Forsyth county, near Yadkin river, 18 miles from Si ^ and bank- Winston, county seat and nearest shipping J^ J^ ing point. Products, wheat, rye, oats and corn. ^ BUSINESS. ^^ Spainhower W. W., saw and grist mill O Spainho^'er C. T., saw and grist mill S ^ Speas J. W., postmaster .-.^ Farmers— Anthony James, Butner A, Butner H , ^ Butner Jacob, Butner S G, Butner W A, Flynn H, 2 »^ Flynn Thomas, Hauser Clark, Hauser J, Hauser J R, p ^ >V^ Hauser Isreal, Hauser W B, Hendrix , Johnson Thomas, Kallum Thomas, Kiger S T, Kirby John, ^^^ Kirby Thomas, Lawi«on B, Lawson R, Newsom A T, ^^ td Newsom J G, Pack George. Pack R A, Payne A L, |''"j>^ Payne L A, Pavne Peter, Pavne R N, Randleman J, 5" p Randleman T "P, Reed H L, Reed J L, Richard Geo. 2: h S Shamel J W, Shamel W N, Spainhower A T, Spain I s S. hower B, Spainhower C C, Spainhower C T, Spain- £^°p bower E, Spainhower E I, Spainhower J E, Spain- ^'" "^^ hower J S, Spainhower O A, Spainhower S B x? |_j. Spainhower W, Speas J W, Sprinkle J B, Wall 4° rf W '^ A C, Wall A J, Wall J R. •;:<£ PANTHER CREEK. " m Yadkin County, 15 miles from Winston, its traciing o ^^ and shipping point. ^(^ BUSINESS, -""Om Brown J. W. & Co., gen mdse ^ 212 DIRECTORY. Zs Gordon L. D. & Co., lumber r^ Hauser Joshua, cooper ft flauser W. F., gen mdse ^ Howard M. D., hotel ^ . Nissen Gpo. & Co., saw mill •^ S '-lielton Wm, cooper — 3 '^y^'^*'" ^- P' blacksmith and piiinter *'^ ifl l^'^i^b Samuel, blacksmith Zf} S Williams Joseph, grist mill aiid distiller imi'^ Williams M., physician w-

• ^5 H^'^'lf^ P^«v. R. M., Methodist ^« Kiiig Rev. C. W., Methodist ^ O Farmers—Fentress J M, Fentress Wm, Hardin W rf)^ r>. Kirkman, R M, McCuUough Calvin. Neally D G, -^ H Ross A S, Ross W D, Taylor Thos W, Wolfe, H B 3tt POND. Guilford county, 5 miles northwest of Summer- ^«H field. BUSINESS. Angel C w Coach Clinton Dwiggins J. R, gen mdse Farmers—Frazier Daniel, Linville W F, Morgan N R, Newell Thomas, Pegram H, Pegram W A, Rum- ley E F ! *

Wines and Liquors Lead tiie State I

i PURE TENT WINES for SACRAMENrAL PURPOSES I. G. ' McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. 0.

DIRECTORY. 213 J^ REEDS, iD Forsyth county, 4 miles from Bethania, Winston ^ shipping and trading point. Farmers postofl&ce. }>Z Farmers—Doub W B, Flemming Calvin, Fynn H, n-Q Hauser C, Hauser Isaao, Long J H, sr, Payne W, r-hf Reed E L, Reed James, Scales Joseph A. Scott J W, ^ZZ Sharael G N, Shore Alfred, Spainhour C T, Spainhour ^ O' W W, Spease Joathan, Sprinkle Bennett, Sprinkle tdjT| Jas B, Sprinkle Jno. ^^ RURAL HALL, ^^J Forsyth county, 11 miles from Winston, shipping ^ 2 and trading point. h; j

BUSINESS. . J!,Jjj Bitting M. L., postmaster ^^— Styers A. P., saw and grist mill '^Wi Farmers— Anderson J N, Bitting B L, Bostick J W, t^^ Fylnt S S, Griffin J H, Riger Adam, Riger E D, 5'c%"' Shouse Eli, Tuttle A L. aq SALEM CHAPEL. ^ Wj Forsyth county, 15 miles to Winston, county 2^ seat and banking point and 11 from Kerners- go 3D ville, on Salem branch, its shipping point. Products, J^ gj corn wheat, oats, tobacco and fruits. '^"^ BUSINESS. ^2 Crews Reuben, tob mfr ^ 2 Eagleson John, saw mill ^"W Gfubbs J. F., gen mdse ci'^ Haizlips H., gen mdse hrjHl Marshall Sallie P, postmistress i?!" Marshall & Strader. grist mill 2 O Marshall T. M., justice ^*" Strader J. A., gen mdse ^^O Waddell J. D., justice ^"" Wagoner R. B., grist mill ;^,U) Farmers—Branson J S, Coffey J H, Coffev J R T, S TJ Coffey M D, Coffey S H, Crews R S, Crews Tom, S-|- Crews W T, Dalton T P, Fare J H, Fulton F, Grubbs 2 Y^ James. Grubbs S, Haizlips W H, Haizlip W D, Haiz- ^ fZ hp J T, Marshall A F, Marshall E L, Marshall EM, "^ ^m 214 DIRECTORY. ^ Marshall J, Marshall J A, Marshall Jno H, Marshall III J L, Marshall J V, Marshall J VV. Marshall S L, ™ , Marshall T M, Marshall W H, Marshall W N, McGee fM 2 Filmore, Merideth J H, Middletown L B, Newsom T J O T, Reid Ed,'Reid H C. Reid Walter, Reid Wm, Strader ^ ^ J A, Vanhoy Thos, Waddell J D, sr, Waddell J D, jr, > SO Wagoner R B, West C H, White R S. Young D G, -| 2 Young James, Young Jesse, Zimmerman S H. Q S SAL^M FARMERS. fy ^ See addenda, last pages. SALEM JUNCTION. ^ [g a » Farmers postoffice at junction of Salem branch Q with main line of R. & D. R. R,, 3 miles from Greeus- 2 ^ l^oro, county seat and trading point. Mail will uam reach community at Greensboro. SEDGE (^ I GARDEN, I— ^ Forsyth county, 10 miles northeast Winston county X seat, shipping and trading point. 3t BUSINESS. VJ ^ Creu s Rev. E. W., Baptist »* Moser Isreal, grist mill CO Stoltz W. A., Baptist rtl bJ Vernon Rev. J. T., saw mill 1,1 K Farmers—Barrow R A, Bich F, Cox R L, Crews -^ O J L, Crumpler J D, Fulp Wm, Guthrie Jackson. **> S§ James Phillip, Mathews Tandy, Ogburn M L, Poin- Q L dexter Jno F, Sullivan N F, Waggoner Josepn. Q J SHAWS MILLS. mm^ Guilford county 12 miles from Greensboro, county iS £Q seat, shipping and banking point. BUSNESS. < yi fj^ ^ Bowman Rev. G. W., minister Coble Greeson, r/i H & gen mdse Foust S. E., gen mdse Y\ i 1m ^ Ihgold Daniel, saw mill ^ McNairy W. physician 2 H , ai Mebane W. H., gen mdse and postmaster jQ Mise Franklin saw mill i^ O'Brant M. B , school teacher Phipps A. A., school teacher Phipps G. W. & Son, grist mill Phipps L. A., physician p .


Pbipps S. W., & Co, grist mill Wilker Rev. G. W., Keformed Church Woody N. D., grist mill Farmers—Amick John, Amick T M, Bailey Wil Ham, Braid John, Clapp D, Clapp D N, Clapp Jos- eph. Coble Abram, Coble Alris, Coble David, Coble D M, Coble George W, Coble Joel, Coble Mike, Coble P W, Coble W M, Corsbie W W, Diriney William, Farmer Daniel, Farmer William, Foster William, Foust D Q. Foust E C, Frinde W S, Holt J L, Holt W S, Jones Calvin, Jones D C, Johnson J, Jones John, Infold Riley, Ingold W A, Irwin John, Grea- jj™^— son D L, Greeson Frank, Greason William, Levens Wm ^3^^ Linus Landy, Mebane J R, Nesse 0, Shaw C W, * Shaw M C, IShaw W S, ShofiFner D I, Shoflfner G M, ^L Shoffner H D, Shoffner P M G, Smith A M, Starr p> o J F, Thorn John, Thorn Morrison, Welker D C, Wei- «^ ^ ker J F, Welker J T, Welker W A, Wilson Cornelius, ^ Wilson Peter, Wilson Philip. CD ^

STONY RIDGE. • td S Surry county, located in southeastern corner of i:^"" county, about 20 miles from W^inslon. h* '^ BUSINESS. 8 § Ashburn W. A., grist mill CD ^ Barber James M., blacksmith q W Boyd McD., hotel ^i^ Butner F. A. Co, gen mdse & S^ bcJ Hiatt M. P., iron mfr p. o Marion L. S., tob mfr ^ h^' McGee Joseph, lumber ^ CQ

Schaub . W H., lumber p;J ,.,^ Sutliflf D. H., carpenter o g Wolff N.'A., physician § ""^ Farmers— Allen John, Allen M R, Ayres James, U Ayres Joel, Barber R S, Boyd McD, Brown L B, ^ Brown C M, Brown W N, Butner C A, Butner G W,

>^-S Coffin Mrs. S. C, gen mdse ,^ 5 Coffin W. S., shoemkr and justice '~3 S Coltram S. H., justice 2^^ Davis Jno, carpenter JlJ^^ Helton W. W., teacher '"^ ^' Hill's Mining & Smelting Co, W. Nichols, supt

JIj s Hodgin David, teacher "^ hS Hodgin R. E., postmaster "^ "^ Kirkman W. M., justice ^ ^ Little Wm., miner j; - Nichols W., supt Hill's Mining and Smelting Works ^ "5 Osborn W. W., blacksmith " p-i Pluukett Jno, physician flT^ Roach Ada, teacher i-H g Stevenson H. F., butcher ^ o Willis A. T., physician rf) — Willis V. R., teacher ^'B White W., miner "2 Si Farmers—Barnes J R, Bishop Henrv, Bishop R R, ^^ Coffin W S. Coltram S H, Davis J F, Davis J L, Davis S S, Dean Will, Helton W W Hodgin A M, Hodgin David, Hodgin R E, Jones J B F, Jones W G H^^ F. Kirkman G A, Kirkman |G W, Kirkman J E, Wm% Kirkman W M, Lamb Penn, Lay ton J W, Little ^fL Robert, Litde R F, Mallard Jno C, Nowman A A, ill Newman A O, Osborn C C, Plunkett Dr Jno, Shelly ^' E, Shelly Wm, Shert J C, Shert R C. Sbert R L, ^j^^_ Stevenson H B, Stevenson Jno, Stevenson K H, Willis ;l^ Dr A T, Willis James, Willis V R SUMMERFIELD, < Guilford county, on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley R. R., 12 miles from Greensboro, county seat, banking, telegraph point and between Reedy Fork PURE WINES, LIQUORS, TO- BACCO AND CIGARS, TRY mwmn:IcAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. D [RECTORY, 217 /*^ and Haw rivers, 2^ miles from each. Rich farming ^a^ section and rapidly improving. Population about h ^ 150, with fine educational facilities. ^^^{ BUSINESS. ^ Blair Prof. Franklin S., prin Summerfield High H"H School and postmaster Blair Mrs. F. S., teacher Summerfield High School Brittain Miss Fannie O., teacher public school T^ Brittain H. C, gen mdse _^ Brittain Miss Sallie W., teacher public school ^^^ Case Thos., justice n^^ Coffin W. N., miller k^^ Dixon Miss Nellie, music Summerfield High School ^O Hairston Kev. W. H. (c), Methodist ^^^ Hamburg Mills i) Harris B. Y., physician ^-^ HighfiU Jere, justice ^"iF^ HighfiU William, gen mdse \^~J Hoskins J. H., revenue collector ^ Jones Rev. James R., Friend f"j Lee J. jr, M , carpenter Moore's Mill bj Ogburn Jno. L., saw mill and justice ^> Parish Charles, blacksmith and wagonmkr ^t^ Reed Joe (c), blacksmith g^ Rhodes Thomas, justice '^Sj Smith G. J, gen mdse !?®r? Summers Miss Mary E, teacher Summerfield High §S^ School C^^ Summerfield High School, Franklin S. Blair, prin O j) Winfree W. C, carpenter Mm Willis Hugh, physician ^^

Wilson Charles H., constable w S> Farmers—Angel T M, Barham W H, Canada W ^3** C, Case Thomas, Daniel David, Doggett F W, Gamble ^^J* John G, Harris Dr B Y, HighfiU Fenner, HighfiU ^^^ Floyd, HighfiU P H, Holebrok Jas, Harper U O, Has- 2«® kins Geo, Johnson B W, Lindsay Allen, McMichael ' S Archibald, McMichael Jesse, McMichael J M, Me- ^g dearis F M, Oakes Elliott, Oliver Geo, Parrish Chas, ^^ Parrish Geo, Parrish Wm, Pass Green (c), Pegram A ^- 218 DIRECTORY. t R, Reed Joe (c), Lee J M, sr, Stanley Iverpon, Steeple- ton \V S, Sutton Henry, -4 C Thomas Robt, Wilson Joel, ,^ o Wilson J A, Winfree W C tf.l THOM'SMILL, ^^ Guilford county, 5 miles southeast of Greensboro, county seat, and shipping poiot. "business. Of Curtis J. A., dentist

[vj Fox M. L , physican 0^ Scott & Woody grist mill .ti Farmers— Aired J W, Ford A, Holmes J B, Kirk- -^ I man D W, Scott S J, Tucker C A, Tucker C M. Co VIENNA. "— v^ ' Forsyth county, 2 miles from Yadkin river and !r^ c5~ 10 from Winston county seat, banking and shipping ^ 3 point. Productfi wheat, corn, oats, tobacco, potatoes ^ k2 and fruits. H W BUSINESS. n* Conrad A. E., saw and grist mill and justice ^ 1^ Conrad Bros. & Co, saw mill Zf} c Conrad J. F., saw mill j^ ~ Davis D. S., justice ^ Dayis S. D., physician ^ ^ Doub Rev. J. B., Methodist 3 a Dull E. C, justice ^•^ Coslin W. W., justice ^ "^ Hauser Ellis, teacher p^ pp Hauser George, teacher o Lehman H. R., postmaster and justice 5 Lehman P. T., teacher ^ Mock Rev. J. C, Methodist ^ ^ Phaff Artine, teacher Qj "^ Speas Bros, saw mill Sprinkle I. P., teacher Wilson Rev. V. A., Christian Farmers—Apperran J A, Beck J W, Clotfelter San- ferd, Clotfelter Devit, Conrad Addison (c), Conrad ^ ^ Carlos, Conrad Jonathan, Conrad J C, Conrad J P, L^U Conrad J W, Conrad Peter (c), Conrad Springs. Con-

^ ] rad Timothy, Conrad Wilson (c), Dalton D N, Davis r^^ Alex (c), Douh Irvine, Doub J B, Doub J G, Doub J ^^ W, Doub W, Dull E C, Franklin I L, Glen Jno (c), r^ Goslin Lewis (c), Goslin Wm, Gaslin W H, Hauser For Wines, T.iquors, Tobacco and Cigars. ipl^"SiU'ramental Wines a Specialty. JMcAdoo Hou.«f, Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 219 > Ellis. Hauser H J, Hauser Joel T. Hauser Wilson, mnm Hunter A R, Lehman D S, Lmebach R E, Long ^D Jesse, Marsh Wra, Mock J C, Moser I A, Moser J E, 2^ Pboff E P, Speas J S, Speas J W, Sprinkle P A, §LJ Stimpson A D, Tise Eugene, Tise Jno, Transou Alex, ^^ Vogler W F, Zigler C L WH WALKER STOWF. Forsyth county, % miles northeast of Winston, . county se.it, shipping and trading point. B^ BUSINESS. Dicks W. P., physician >Sh Hester H. A., gen mdse C3 Lowry W. A., grist mill SS Morris John H., physician m Stanley Eomulus, harness ^ Sullivan N. B, tobacco mfr ^ >^ Farmers—Crews M J, Davis Fielder, Davis Joseph, mO Dicks Dr W P, Grubb R W, Jones Jno W, Moir S ct James, Morris Shade. . g n WALNUT COVE, © Stokes county, 22 miles from Winston, its nearest § shipping point. BUSINESS. g Banner & Bailey, tob mfrs O Banner M. R, dentist H Carter D. F., carpenter WH Covington James M., grist mill ^ Covington Robert, blacksmith Q Fulp Elias, physician and dentist w Gentry W. H., whisky distiller O Hairston Cabell, grist and saw mill ' c^ Isom James, whisky distiller and gen mdse 2 Jones A. G., physician - Jones & Dalton, dentists ^ Lash Luther, blacksmith Lash Q W. A., tob mfr, whisky distiller, gen mdse, grist § and saw mill h^ Parham J. M., cooper O Smith A. J., tanner .^ • ^ . 220 DIRECTOR Y. ^ 5 Smith Frederick, blacksmith •^ Smith J. F , tanner

H„-E< Tillotson W. H., mill wright . S% Young Howard, harnessmkr (IJ ^e ^ Farmers — Adams S, Bailey B, Barker James, Barker Hm u Wash, Blackhu/n \V N, Burton H A, Bynum Ben, "^^ S Covington J M, Fulp D, Fulp Flint, Fulp Joe, Fulp K^|J Stephen, Fulton Pettis, Gentry W H. Gibson M B, ^m Hairston Cabell. Hairston Peter W, Heath Bud, Isom MM Light, James Dr A G, Lasly C M, Lash Dr W A, Lewis M^ G L, Linville Jno M, Morefield William, Martin Jno, Mj IMathews Cabell, Mathews W C, Mounce William, ^W Neal Isaac, Pank Samuel, Poindexter D, Redmore Joe, *g Redmon Yancy, Rierson S C, Solomon Jno, Vaughn faCS W B, Young Howard, Young Pink. gl WESTMINSTER. g2 Guilford county, 10 miles from Greensboro, county H seat and banking point, and 3 miles to Jamestown, ^ '^ on Richmond and Danville Railroad, shipping point.

§ JJ BUSINESS. Beard W, gen mdse and postmaster S , I ^ p Brigs Bros., wagon and carriage makers W n Davis J. F., teacher

I HI Q Dundass jNTarshall, saw and grist mill +* Leadbetter E. A., gen mdse J Mendenhall E. P., teacher 2 Mendenhall Nevins, civil engineer > g Reid W. F., shoemkr © Tk Richardson J. A., wagon and carriage maker Z Stark L. T.,.wagon maker Wheeler W. W., soapstone quarry Farmers— Beard W S, Cartland F G, Davis Henry, Davis Stephen, Elliott Aaron, Frederick Madison, Gossett Nathan, Hammer E, Henly Naihan, Horney Chas P, Lamb Uriah, Mendenhall Nevins, Thornton Elias, Wheeler William, White Thos, Williams Mack WHITE ROAD. H Forsyth county, 12^ miles from Winston, county seat, shipping and trading point. BUSINESS. Fulp W. W., gen mdse Medearis Wm.. grist mill DIRECTORY. 221

A First-class Practical School. Circulars tree. W. McKAY, Principal, Macon, Ca-

Farmers— C>.rter J K P, Crutchfield L S, Fare J T Fulp W W. Fulton F. Fulton J G, Fulton J W, Linville E B. Neal C W L, Pegram G A, Whick er M L WINSTON FarmerF— Allspaugh John. Allspaiigh J W BahnPon H T. Banner W C. Beck Wm Blockwell James, Burke A Boyer John, I^erly H Byerly W A. Charles J, Cox J H, Crews C, Crews J C, Craft J I, Crews J P Crews J W, C reuse H. Day J M Faw J E, Fishel S J, Fries W W. Grimh A K. Manes P H. Hine E E. Mine E J, Hine J N, Hine Noah, Hine T T. Hunter J M, Johnson Wm, Kiser John,Ketner L, Lashmit J A, Linville Rohert, Mast Jno, Masten W, Mickey J E Mock A B. Nading Joseph, Nicholson J C. Pfohl & Stockton, Pratt Francis. Pratt Jno L, h'eed Jesse, Reed H, Richmond J M, Robertson C H, Shaffner J F. Shore F J, Shouse Jesse, Sides A E, Sides C P, Sides L H. Sink George, Sink L A, Smith James, Snider W R, Spaugh T H, Speiise T D, Stafford W B, -starbuck D H. Thomas Wm, Tise J E. Willard George.


Coble instead Cable Harvey instead Harry Seigman instead Sligman Thom instead Thorn Verson G. W. instead Veron Wyrick instead Wynck 22 W ADDENDA


On the SrtlHm bram-h of th« Richmond k Danville xi. R., 11 uiilps from WinstOD, ils bankintr point, has cihurfhet^, schools, express finrl telegraph facilities. Population 500 * BUSINESS.

Bpard, Eoberts & Co, gen mdse and tob mirs Beason J. H., gen in(ii

Lash D W , shoemakr

Leak W. H & Co , tob mfrs Lewis & Huff, wagon and carriage makers Lindsay J. H., ed and propr Kernersville News DIRECTORY. 223

Lindsay Mrs, R. F., teacher Kernersville Hif h School Lindsay S. C., principal KHrnersville High S hool Linville VV. A & Co., livery, feed and sale stahle Matthews L P., ^rist mill Rny J. S., mayor • Rights Rev. C. L., Moravian Sapp B J., physician Sapp & Brown, tob mfrs Sapp Hotel, Dr B. J. Sapp, propr Sapp N. W gen mds(-3 ,

Starbuck T. C . president K'-rnersville M'fg Co

Thomas Rev. J C , Methodist Farmers— AdkinsJ W, Ballard Pi nkney, Blalcock R A, Brookbank T H. Cook John, CJrews John, Crews Joseph, Crews Thomas. Crews W W, Dean Franklin, Dean Uriah, Drisgi'n Ashley, Driggan D B, Eaton Joseph, Foy W F, Glascock John B, Hasten John iia.Pten Moses, Hasten Pleasant, Hester Jeremiah, Hitchcock John, Holder H H, Holder Joseph, Hoi- ton R E, Hull Ebert. Idol G H, Jones J W, Kerner D P, Keriitr G F, Leak W H, Macy John. Matthews L P, Morris Rueben, Nelson Joseph, Pegg Oliver. Perry Henry, Perry Jonathan, Perry V W, Phelps Mose, Phipfis Joseph, Phipps Ransom, Vance J S. Vance Martin. Ray George, Ring Rev Sandy, Rohbins E, Robertson A, Sapp William, Secrish John, Smith Henry, Smith Noah, Stafford D R, Stafford Henry, Stafford Joseph, Stafford Robert, Stanley Adrian, Talley U P, Teagu^i A, Teague Charles. Tottle J H, Watson Henry, Watson William, Wilson George, Wilson Thomas, Wilson William. SALEM. Farmers—Bahnson Dr H T, Bailey R D, Becker- dite B T, Beckerdite J, Beeson J, Bodenhamraer J P, Ghamelin J H, Charles D, Charles J P, Croase H, 224 DIUKCTOllY.

Ehert William. Enochs A H Enochs J, Fau- C, Faw J E, Fishel S Fishel T. Fogle A, Hppe A W, Hege S A. HiriH E E, Hine J N, Hine N Johnson C E, Kimmell J C, Kinnan on A, Lachmit Willifim. Light P E, Linville II T, Longworth E Longworth R Long Rev S. Lontr S A, Long Rhv T, Masten R L Men- denhall J, Mendenhnll J J, Miller G. Miller Joseph, MillerM A, Matsineer Jos. Nading Wna, Nifong Wm, Patterson J C, Pitts A, Pope C, Pope N. Reed A L, Reed J, Reed J G, Reed L, Reich A N Reich W. Rey- nolds C A R>^ynolds W P, Robbins J P, Robertson C, Rothrock C, Roininger E A, Rothrock F, Shore F .1, Shore J. Shore N W. Sides EN, Sink D, Sink F, Sink R Smith A Smith J FT Smith L, Smith M V. Snider A, Snider A P, Snider K Snider W, Spaugh T R. Stafibrd L W. Stewart F, Stewnrt J L. Stewart M M, Swaim C, Swaim J L Swaim S, Swain W L. Thomas J, Thomas VV. [Walls S W, Wearil H H, Wearil L F, Wearil W A. Whicker A G, Whicker R J, Wilson R, Yokley A H. if{ For Wines, Lujuors, Tobacco and Cigars, |p^"Sacraincntal Wines a Specialty. McAdoo Fouse, (ireeiisboro. N. C


To find a name know how it is spelled. Haif numbers mpan upstairs. * Errata, changes and removals will be found in last \>sg: ". Where residence or bapincss is loca'ed m some Dam* d build- ing or block, see n^me of fame in rrgular clissific ition of white department. Colored Department follows White. ABBREVIATIONS. al alley nr near a^^e. 'ivenue I'S CO"-''! side bdp boird'. OD C]i;iu-iite bet betwepn res ",-idea bli; building R. M S....rMilwav mail i-.rvice dk clerk H R -ilroad cond coiiductor pecy sHcretary dept department ^s scath side eukT ergine^r St street es ea'^r side sup' superint' ndent frt frpi^ht serv servant lab liborer wash n washerwoman m't! maniuacturing wid widow mfr manufaciurer ws west side CI.ASSTFIED BUSIXES3 DIIIKCTORY AT THE END OF NAMK DEPART- MENT. SEE INDEX

If name or other information ivanted -is not found in its proper classification, see addenda and errata in last pages.

ABBOTT J. T., machinist Sergeant Mfg Co, res Forbes, 1 h n Gaston st Adams Edward, clii W. H. Wakefield & Co., bds Geo. Adams Adams Miss Fannie, res George Adams Adams G. M., harnessmkr L. Houston, res es Ashe- boro, 2 h n E. Lee st 5 58 DIRECTORY

"^^^lite Departmeut. Adams William, res George Adams Albright Miss Carrie, res Geo. W. Albrigrht Vlbiight Miss Clara, res J. W. Albright.

Albright. E. G , res S. A. Howard. Albright Geo. W., res es Davie st, 1 h n E. Market Albright Joseph, groceries, bds Mrs. G. W. Albright. Albright J. F., of McKnight tt Albright, res E. Mar- ket st Albright, J W., auctioneer, res ne cor Ash and W. Market st

Albright P. R , bkkpr Handle Wks. res S. A. Howard Albright R M.. tel op^, res S. A. Howard Alderman A. H., bkkpr the Nat Bank Alderman Miss \. M., res Prof. W. F. Alderman

Ald<-rtnHn Miss DeL , teacher music Greensboro Fe male College, res Prof. W. F. Alderman Alderman E. H., elk Greensboro Nat Bmk, res se cor A.shboro and Davis st Alderman Miss Myra V., res Prof. W. F. Alderman.

Alderman Prof. W. F , mathematics and ancient lan- guages Greensboro Female College, res nw cor Ce- dar and \V. Market sts. Aldrich J. P., groceries, res Gaston st

Ahiridire .Joe, bds Mrs. .J. J Johnson ALFORD DK. H. 31., physician, and of Alford & Mi- chaux, drugs, res es Davie, 2 h s E. Washington st ALFORD & MICHAUX, drugs, S. Elm st

Allen Dr. A. 1.,., patent medicines, bcis McAdoo House Allen William E., asst bkkpr the Nat Bank, bds Miss J. J. Mendenhall

Alley Charles M., res G. \\ . Alley- Alley G. W., line repairer W. U. Tel Co., res Cedar st, nr Cemetery

Alley G. W. jr., agt C. F. k Y. V. R. R , res G. W. Al- ley Allred J. P., groceries, res ns Gaston st, She Davie Alsop W. D., propr Central Hotel, cor W. Market and Elm sts Amsteth Adolph, res se limits, nr Greensboro Handle Wks Anderson Mrs. A. A., wid, res ws Spring, 1 h s W. Market st Anderson Mad. Carrie, res junc C. F. & Y. V. R. R. and Mebane road EWOOMB'S Wines & Liquors Lead the State I'lU'e Tent Wines for Sackamentai^ Pi'rposes. l.U Me \.doo House, - - - - Greensboro. N. C. DIRECTORY. 5<> White Department. Anderson Miss Jennie, res Mad. Ida Brown Andrews Miss Fannie, housekeeper Planters Hotel Andrews Greek 0., res Louis W. Andrews Andrews H. L., elk Thomas Bailey, res T. W. Wiley Andrews Louis W., ins and grist mill, res ws Ash st, 1 h s W. Washington st Andrews R. W., elk G. Will Armfield, bds Central Hotel Andrews S. G., wks Greensboro Gas Light Co., res country ANDREWS THOMAS D., supt Greensboro Gas Light Co., res es Forbes, op Gaston st

Andrews W. H., wks Sergeant Mfg Co , res se limits, nr Greensboro Handle Wks Apple Troy, wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res Jones- boro Apple Wni. M., guard county jail, res nw cor Gilmer and E. Market sts A r buckle R. F., wks H. W. Bowley, bds Willis Sikes Archer A., wks North Carolina Handle Co ARMFIELD G. WILL, dry goods, etc., res ws Ash st, 2 h n Walker ave Armfield Miss Melvina, seamstress H. H, Cartland Atkinson Roger P., C. F. & Y. V. R. R., res ss Spring st, 1 h s W. Washington st

"DAILEY LORENZO A., Chief Deputy U. S. Mar- -*-' shal, res ns W. Market, 1 h w Elm st Bailey Thomas, grocer, res ws S. Elm st, 6 h n R. & D. tracks Baker John L., drummer, res sw cor Ash and W. Washington sts Baldwin Miss C. W., res Rev. E. F. Baldwin Baldwin Rev. E. F., pastor Baptist church, res ss W. Market st, 3 h e Edgeworth

Baldwin Miss Reba L , res Rev. E. F. Baldwin Ball Rev. J. R., pastor Methodist Protestant circuit, res ws Spring st, 1 h n Gaston Ball Miss Lucy, res William S. Ball Ball Mack W., elk Alford & Michaux, res Rev. J. R. Ball 60 DIRECTORY. White Department. Ball Miss Mary E., res Rev. J. R. Ball

Ball W. S , lawyer, res se cor E. Lee and Davie sts

Balsley J. B , farmer, res Ash st and R. & D. R. R Band of Hope (juvenile temperance) Baptist Church, Rev. E. F. Baldwin, pastor, s Elm,. nr Washington Barker John, groceries, tobacco factory and saloon, res se cor Green and Gaston sts Barker J. H., county canvasser Singer Mfg Co Barentine Duncan, elk W. M. Houston, res ns Mebane road, 5 h w Ash st Barentine Miss Mollie, res Duncan Barentine Barringer John A., lawyer, bds Benbow House Barringer Will C. mdse broker, res S Elm st BACHELDOR PROF. J. M., Smithdeal Business- College, bds Mrs. G. W. Albright

Beard C. R., bkpr J. L. King & Co , bds Men- denhall Beard Samuel, res W. C. Swan Beard Z. R., bkkpr J. L. King & Co., bds Miss J. J. Mendenhall Beardsley Miss M, drawing and painting Greens- boro Female College Beall Dr. W. P., physician, res ws Ashboro st, 1 h se Lee BENBOW Ci D., manager Benbow House, res same BENBOW 1). W. C, propr Bnnbow House, Benbow dairy, also Benbow's Opera House BENBOW HOUSE, D. W. C. Benbow, propr Benbow Miss Lillie, res Benbow House Benbow Miss Mamie, res Benbow House Benbow Opera House, D. W. C. Benbow, propr Benbow D. W. C, propr Benbow House Bennett Mrs. M., wid, res J. B Basley Bevil William, Farmers' Warehouse, bds Planters' Hotel Bilbro Henry, wks R. & D. coal chute, res se cor Cedar st and Mebane road Bilbro Peyton H., dep col int rev, res s limits and Mebane road Bishop John, wks North Carolina Handle Co Black Miss Dora, cook D. Curtis Blackburn W. J., elk Sample S. Brown, bds Planters'' Hotel PURE WIXES, LIQUORS, TO- BACCO AND CIGARS, 'McAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C.

DIRECTORY. (il White Department. res Babbitt Babbitt J. M , elk G. Will Armfield, W. H. .Babbitt W. H., bar tender J. A, Short, res ns E. Mar- ket, 1 h n E. Elm st Bogart's Hall, nw cor Greene and W. Market sts Bogart "William, res W. B. Bogart

-Bogart W. B , dry goods, res es Church, 5 h n Lind- say st Boner Miss Laura, res Miss Maria Boner Boner Miss Maria, res nw cor Sycamore and Greene sts Boone John C, carpenter, res ns Gaston, 2 h e Davie st Bosher R. T., bar tender S. J. McCauley, res ns Gas- ton, 2 h e Elm st Bosley J. B., res R. & D. R. R, tracks and Ash st Bowley H. W., shoe mfr, res es Asheboro, 2 h s E. Leest Boyd James E., U. S. Dist. Atty., res ns W. Market st, op Female College •BOYD R. F. & CO., shoes, S. Elm st BOYD R. F., of R. F. Boyd & Co., shoes, bds Planters' Hotel Boyd Thomas, student, res J. E. Boyd Bran nan W. J., moulder Sergeant Mfg Co, bds Mrs. L E. Smith Branson Clifford, student, res A. J. Odell Branson Mrs. R., wid, res A. J. Odell

Branson W. H., of Odell & Co , whol dry goods and groceries, res E. Washington st 3rent Miss Maude, res J. W. Payne Brent Miss Sallie, teacher Graded School, res J. W. Payne Brewer Mrs. Agnes, wid, res junc S. Elm and Ash sts and Mebane road Brewer G. G., night watchman C. F. & Y. V. R. R., res Mrs. Agnes Brewer Bruton Miss Ella, teacher Female College, res Rev. J. R. Bruton Brockman A. J., groceries, res ss E. Market st and R. & D. R. R Brockman A. J., jr., res A. J. Brockman Brockman Miss Emma, res A. J. Brockman ()2 DIRECTORY.

White Department.

Brockman J. L., elk Sample S. Brown, res A. J- Brockman Brooks R. H., elk Harris & Flippen Brown Miss D., elk Sam])le S. Brown, res "William Brown

Brown H. L , res sw cor W. Market and Greene sts Brown Mrs. H. L., dressmaking, res H. L. Brown Brown Mad. Ida, res ns Sycamore, 6 h w Forbes st Brown .James, watchman Greensboro Handle Wks,. res Jonesboro Brown J. L., elk W. K. Murray, res H. L. Brown Brown Miss Lula, student, res H. L. Brown Brown Michael, blacksmith, res es Davie st, 3 h n E. Washington Brown Mrs. N. A., wid, boarding, res ss Sycamore st, 1 h w S. Elm Brown Miss X., res Mrs. N.'A. Brown Brown Miss Ora, res Mrs. N. A. Brown Brown Peyton, eond N. C. R. R., bds L. M. Hawkins Brown Miss Rodman, elk Sample S. Brown » BROU'N SAMPLE S., dry goods, clothing, carpets, etc., res cor Washington and Greene sts Brown Thomas, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Brown William, elk Sample S. Brown, res Ashboro road Bruton Rev. J. R., res ss W. Market, 1 h w Spring st Bruton Miss Sarah, asst literary department Greens- boro Female College Bryan Cicero J., res es Ashboro st, op E. Lee Buchanan W. K., gen mdse, res ws s Elm st, 1 h n R. & D. tracks Bullock S. B., meat and vegetables, Market House Bumpass Miss E. H., asst literary department, Greensboro Female College Bumpass Mrs. F. M., res ws Mendenhall st, 1 h s W. Market

Burgess D. A , elk Fields & Turner, bds J. T. Turner Burkhead L. P., harnessmkr Ross & Vanstory, bds Guilford House Burns J. S., groceries, res ws Ashboro, 12 h s Lee st Burrus Nfithan, carpenter, res W. E. MeCormack Burnside Miss E. E.. saleslady Mrs. W. S. Moore, bds- Planters' Hotel mNEWCOMB'S PURE WINES, LipORS, TOBACCO A.\D ClGAKtS. cn'^i&i^'h^S'^V: c. DIRECTORY. m White Department. (1ALDELEUGH E M. & BRO., groceries and con- ^ fections, S. Elm st E. M., of E. Caldeleugh & Bro grocer- Caldeleugh M , ies and confections, res S. Elm st Caldeleugh R. A., of E. M. Caldeleugh & Bro., grocer- ies and confections, res S. Elm st Caldwell Miss Carrie, res W. P. Caldwell Caldwell Miss Daisy, res W. P. Caldwell Caldwell D. F., bdsMrs. L. E. Smith Caldwell Miss Mamie, teacher Graded School, res W. P. Caldwell

Caldwell Mitchell, wks Greensbor^ Handle Co , res ns W. Market, 2 h w Mendenhall st Caldwell W. P., lawyer, res nw cor W. Market and Ash sts CALLUM BROS. & CO., drugs, paints and onion set growers, S Elm st

CALLUM. DR. J. R., of Callum Bros , drugs, les ws Church, 8 h n Lindsay st

Callum Kirkpatrick, elk Callum Bros , res Dr. J. R. Callum Callum Nathaniel wa^on repairs, res Jonesboro CALLUM N. HARDING, of N. Harding Callum & Co., r^'^ Dr. J. R Callum CALLUM N. HARDING & CO., groceries and com- mission, res Dr J. R Callum CALLUM W. L., of Callum Bros. & Co., paints, drugs and onion set growers, res Dr. J. R. Callum Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley R. R Co.. Julius A. Gray, prest, office over Greensboro Nat. Bank Carson J. P., machinist Sergeant Mfg Co., res ss E. Market, 2 h n Forbes st Carson Miss M. E.. res Carson CARTLAND H. H., merchant tailor and furnisher, res es Asheboro, 1 h s E Lee st Causey John F., wks Sergeant Mfg Co Causey Joseph, res Asheboro road

Causey Mrs. J , wid, res ss Mehane, 3 h w Forbes st Causey Miss Mary, res J P. AUred Central Hotel, W. D. Alsop, propr, cor W. Market and Elm sts R.F.B0YD&C0^=°"^^^^5^^U S. Elm .St., (Jreensboro. X. C. 64 DIRECTORY. White Department. CENTRAL PROTESTANT (Methodist), weekly, J.L. Mich ill! X ChninhMrlain Mrs S., wid, res G. T. Terry Cheek Dr. B. A. physician, res ns W. Market, bet Ash ati

Chfnk John, car inspector R. c't D. K. R, bds Mrs. M. H Tovvnseud Clark Mrs. M. A., wid, res ChMrles S. Wooton Clayjuol George W., bds Guilford House

( leiideiinin J C, foreniiin Daily Workinan Clpiidennin John, printer boy The Patriot Cnhle Mrs. D., wici, res es Church st, nr limits

Cable D. A , ex mess C. F. & Y. V. R. R, res Mrs. D. Cable

Table George H.. cond N. C R. R , res Mrs D. Cable

Cable J. WT, cond N. C. R. R , res Mrs. D. Cable Cable Miss at. E., res Mrs. D. Cable Ca' le Miss Mollie, res Mrs D. Cable Coffin William E., frt elk R. & D. R R., res nw cor Walker ave and Spring st Cole PI. W.. elk Galium Bros. & Co

Cole J. H , watchman R. & D. R. R , res es Davie, 4 h n E. Washington st CoUett R"v. Elias, minister, res rear Bennett College Collins William, groceries and undertaking, res ns Sycamore st, 2 h w Davie st Collins William, jr., res William Collins Conleder ite Cemetery, Mebane road, nr Bragg st Cook James wks North Carolina Handle Co

Cooper W. C , bds A. J. Kern

Corl Chas , blksmith, res D. W. Corl Corl D. W., blksmith. res se cor Mebane and Davie sts Corl Miss Sallie, res D. W. Corl Cotton Mrs. Lucy, wid, res Berry Curtis Couch A. R., elk W. R. Murray, res ss Ashboro st, 2 h e Davie st Cousins Aubrey, bds Mrs. M. E. Townsend

Cox 0. R , of Odell & Co., whol dry goods and gro- ceries, res Cedar Falls Crawford Rev. L. W., pastor M. E. church, res nw cor Spring and W. Market sts !

Wines and Liquors Lead the State I PURE TENT WINES for SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES n. > McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 65 White Department. Crittenden Eugene, c.lk — Alsop, res Richard Crit- tenden Crittenden Miss Minnie, res Richard Crittenden Crittenden Richard, res se cor Mari^et and Greene sts Crump W. B., groceries, res Ashboro st and limits Crump W. P., platform policeman R. & D. R. R Cunningham Mrs. B. A., wid, res ws Church st, nr limits Cunningham P. H., barkpr John Barker, bds Planters' Hotel Curtis Miss Belle, res J. C. Curtis Curtis Berry, res ws Church st, nj R, & D. R. R Curtis C. F., res W. H Curtis Curtis Miss Dora, res J. C Curtis -Curtis D., of D. Curtis & Co., and Odell & Co., dry goods, res ne cor E. Washington and Forbes sts Curtis D. & Co., dry goods, S. Elm, nr Washington st Curtis Edward, job printer J. S. Hampton & Co Curtis Miss Fanny, seamstress H. H. Cartland, bds Henry L. Hines •Curtis J. E., compositor North State, res J. C. Curtis Curtis J. C, compositor, res es N. Elm st, op Court House Curtis Miss Maude E., student Greensboro Female College, res D. Curtis Curtis Walter M., elk D Curtis, res same Curtis W. H., press feeder, Thomas Reece & Co., res ws Church, nr R. & D. R. K D ALTON P. H., prescription elk Porter & Dalton, bds Mrs. N. A. Brown DALTON R. F., of Porter & Dalton, drugs, res nw cor W. Market and Edgeworth sts Davis John, helper Charles G. Yates Son's Dick Miss A. W., res W. S. Rankin Dick & Dilliard, law school, ws N. Elm st, nr Court House Dick Eiss Emma, res Judge R. P. Dick Dick G. A., planter, res ne limits, nr R. & D. R. R Dick Samuel, res Judge R. P. Dick Dick Miss Susie, res Judge R. P. Dick BOOTS, SHOES i TRUNKS I! P RliVn & (in lit I' • UIM li WU UUi S. Elm f>t., Greensboro, N. C.

(;5 DIRECTORY. White Department Dick Judge R. P., of Dick & Dillard, law school, res Dim lea th DICKSON H. H., of Interst.Hte Dirpctory Co. and job printer, 32 S. Broad st. Atlanta, Ga Dillard Drew, res J. H. Dillard Dillard John H., res ns Gaston st, 1 h e Ai^h st

Dillard J. H., jr., of Dillard cS: King, lawyers, res J. H. Dillard

Dillon J. J , wks G. T. Glascock, bds Mrs. J. J. John- son Dilworth Arrington, magistrate, ne cor W. Market

and Spring sts « Dilworth Miss Eudora, res Arrington Dilworth Dilworth Miss Mary, res Arrington Dilworth Dispatchers Office R. & D. R. R., sw cor New and S. Elm stB Dixon J. C„ res M. C. Dixon Dixon M. C, farmer, res ws Church st, nr limits Dixon M. L., res M. C. Dixon Dixon Miss N. L., res M-. C Dixon Denny Robert, carpenter, res June Clay st and Bell Meade ave Detmering H. W., R. & D. R. R., res es Forbes st, 4 h n Gaston st Dewey Miss M. W., instrumental music Greensboro Female College Doak William B., res J. W. Doak Doak Miss Marv C, res J. W. Doak Doak Miss Eula E., res J. W. Doak Doak J. W., wks Handle Co., res ws Cedar st, cor Gaston Dodson John A., bds Benbow House Dodson Miss Nora, res John Barker

Dodson Silas C , asst agt frt office R. k D. R. R., res ns E. Market st, 1 h w Lvndon Dodson Will C, res S. C. Dodson Donnell Miss Berta, res John Donnell Donnell Calvin, moulder, res John Donnell Donnell Miss Daisy, res George Donnell Donnell Geoige, farmer, res ns Gaston st, 3 h e Edge- worth For Wines, I.iquor.s, Tobacco an.l Cigars. ^^rSacraniental Wines a Specialty. MrAdoo House, - - - - Greensboro, N. i.. DIRECTORY. White Department. Donnell Miss Jessie, res John Donnell Donnell James, wks Sergeant Mfg Co Co res ss Hi. Donnell John, carpenter Sergeant Mfg , Washington st, 2 h e Forbes st Co., res Donnell John, jr., moulder Sergeant Mfg. John Donnell Donnell W. C, moulder Sergeant Mfg Co Dorsett C H., elk John Barker, bds same Daub F. H., elk William C. Daub, res same Daub Miss R. R., elk William C. Daub, res same DAUB WILLIAM C, bookseller and stationer, and prin graded school, res Gaston, bet Spring and Ce-

es Ashboro st, 2 h s E. Lee Douglas R M , farmer, res Doughty. C. H., shoemkr, res ns Sycamore st, 1 h w

Greene . groceries, rps H. J. Williams Dudley Andrew H , Willis Duke J. E., harnessmkr L. Houston, bds Sikes

res Mrs. EADES JOSEPH J., elk G. Will Armfield, P. Eades Eades Mrs. P., wid, res ss E. Market st, 1 h n Gilmer Earle Miss Lena, bds Mad. Carrie Anderson East Whitt, elk R. & D. R. R., bds Mrs. N. A. Brown Eckel A. P., gen mdse, res Davie st Eckel Dr. Edgar, res s end Elm st, 1 mile from Court House Eckel Eugene, elk Dist Attorney U. S. court, res cor Washington and Davie sts Eckel E P., gen mdse, res Dr. H. M. Alford Edes J. J.., bkkpr G. Will Armfield Elam Harper J., compositor Patriot, res ss E. Wash- ington, 1 h w Forbes st Eldridge Miss A. C, res W K. Eldridge Eldridge Frank, foreman Greensboro Handle Wks,. res ns E Washington, She Davie st Eldridge W. H., wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res W. K. Eldridge Eldridge W. K., res ns E. Washington, 2 h e Lyn- don st BOCTS^ SHOES Til[i\KS I r EOm k CD m South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. 68 DIRECTORY. White Department. Eldridge W. N., wks Greensboro Handle Wks Ellington Neal, cashier Greensboro Nat. Bank, bds W. C. Porter Ellington W. W., drummer, res Mrs. M. L. Sherwood Ellison A. H., pottery, res W. A. Andrews Ellison Dr. A. L., res E. Market st Episcopal Church, nw cor Gaston and Greene sts, Eev. Alfred H. Stubbs, rector Euliss J. J, elk G. Will Armfield, bds Planters' Hotel

FARISS MRS. ANN, wid, res Mrs. M. Gorrell Fariss Henry, res Mrs. Mary Gorrell Fariss John, res Mrs. Mary Gorrell

Farmer Robert, fireman R. & D. R. R , res ne cor S. Elm and Lee sts Farmers' Warehouse, junc Greene st and Belle Meade ave FARRAR W. B., jeweler, res es Church, 7 h n Lind- say st Fetzer Frank H., baggage master N. C. R. R., res J. H. Fetzer Fetzer J. D., locomotive eng R. & D. R. R., res J. H. Fetzer Fetzer J. H., U. S. store keeper, res es Davie, 3 h n E. Lee st Fetzer Miss Katie, res J. H. Fetzer Fields J. E., saloon, bds Mrs. J. H. Townsend Fields & Turner, gen mdse, S. Elm st Fields W. A., of Fields & Turner, gen mdse, res es Davie, 1 h n Lee st FINCH C. L., of R. F. Boyd & Co., shoes, res Boyd- ton, Va Fishblate E. R., mgr Mrs. F. Fishblate, res same Fishblate Mrs. F., clothing, res nw cor Ash and W. Washington sts Fleming & Co., groceries, Lindsay Block Fleming R. A., of Fleming & Co., groceries, bds Willis Sikes Fleming Robert, bds Willis Sikes Flippen H. B., of Harris & Flippen, hardware, res se limits EWCOMB'S Wines and Liquors Lead the State Pure Tent Wines for Sacramental Purposes. E.GJ Mi-Adoo House, Greexshoro, N. C. DIREC TOR Y. <39 White Department. Harris Flippen Flippen P. G , elk & Fons Ellison, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Forbes James W., county treas, bds Planters' Hotel Forbes W. R,, furniture, bds John McCulloch Forrest George, Greensboro Handle Wks, bds William Long Forrest Joseph, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Forsyth Miss Maggie, res John Lewis Foster & Eggert, real estate, S. Elm st Foster James, land agent, bds G. W. Albright Fowler Mrs. A. F., res es Ash, 2 h s W. Market Fowler Chas., wks Greensboro Handle Wks Fowler E. M., wks Greensboro Handle Wks Fowler Miss E. S., res Mrs. A. F, Fowler Fowler Miss Emma, seamstress H. H. Cartland Fowler John, wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res Jones- boro A.A ±.-c> Fowler J. G., presser H. H. Cartland, res Mrs. Fowler Fowler Miss Nettie, seamstress H. H. Cartland Fowler Miss Nora, seamstress H. H. Cartland Fowler Miss S. L., res Mrs. A. F. Fowler Foye Jacob, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Frazier W. L., elk Odell Hardware Co., bds Planters Hotel Freeman Francis, servt Dr. W. P. Bell Freeman Henry, wks North Carolina Handle Co R. Freight Office R & D. R. R. S. Elm st and R. tracks

ARDNER MISS BANIE, domestic R. L. Vernon Co., 32 G GARDNER (•. M., of Interstate Directory S. Broad st, Atlanta, Ga Gardner Miss Melinda, domestic E. H. Smith Garner J. T., tel oper, bds Mrs. N. A. Brown Garrett Mrs. E. 0., wid, res J. M. Garrett Garrett J. M., res James West Gilmer Ellison L., student, res John A. Gilmer Gilmer Henry, res ns E. Market, 5 h e Davie st Gilmer Miss Julia, res Judge J. A. Gilmer RJ.Bi)ll)ai).^^oLSsl"oSl«y.'lKs DIRECTORY. M'hite Department. Gilmer Judge J. A., Judg:e Superior Courts of the State, res June Clay, N. Elm and Church sts Gilmer S. L., elk Sample S. Brown, bds Mrs. N. A. Brown Glascock Miss Ada, student Greensboro Female Col- lege, res G. T. Glascock GLASCOCK G. T., foundry, turbine wheel, etc., res ws Ashboro, 14 h s Lee st Gleason J. A., train dispatcher R. & D. R. R., bds Mrs. Fannie Jones Glenn R. G., drugs, res ne cor W. Market and Cedar sts Golden E. G., groceries, res A. J. Golden Golden Miss Maggie, res Samuel Golden Golden Miss Mary, res Samuel Golden Golden Miss Mattie, res Samuel Golden Golden W. R., harnessmkr L. Houston, bds A. J. Golden Golden Samuel, painter, res ws Church st, 8 h n Lindsay Goodman Joseph, elk Odell, bds Planters' Hotel Gorrell Mrs. Carrie, wid, tps Mrs. M. E. Thacker Gorrell Miss Charlie, res Mrs. Mary Gorrell Gorrell Mrs. C. C, wid, millinery, res sw cor Syca- more and Ash sts Gorrell Mrs. Mary, wid, res ne cor Davie and Ash- boro sts Gorrell W. A., of J. W. Scott & Co., gen mdse, res Mrs. Mary Gorrell Graded School, Prof. W. C. Doub, prin, junc of Lind- say and Church sts Gray Albert, miller L. "W. Andrews, res country Gray Miss Jessie L., res Julius A. Gray Gray Julius A., prest C. F. & Y. V. R. R., res se cor W. Washington and Spring sts Gray Miss Mary S., res Julius A. Gray Gray. R. Percy, treas North State Improvement Co., res Julius A, Gray Greensboro Female College, Rev. T. M. Jones, A.M., D.D., prest, ss W. Market st, between Cedar and Mendenhall sts For Wines, Liquors,' Tobacco and Cigars. iP^T'Sacraniental Wines a Specialty. McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. White Department.

Greensboro Fire Co., No. 1, chemical, ns Gaston st, nr county jail OREENSBORO GAS LIGHT (^0., A. H. Lepwick, prest, Forbes, op Gaston sfc Greensboro Handle Wks, Thomas McMahon, propr, June N. C. R. R. and E. Washington st Greensboro Postoffice, .J. D. White, P. M., opposiie Benbow House Greensboro Sash and Blind Factory, J. R. Menden- hall, sec, June Mebane road and C. F. & Y. V. R. R. Gregory George H., lawyer, res ns W. Market, 1 h w Mendenhtill Gregory H. T., res George H. Gregory Gregory Dr. R. K., physician, res sw cor Spring and Market sts Gregory Richard N., student, res Dr. R. K. Gregory Gregory Miss Sue, res George H. Gregory Gregory Miss V. M., res Dr. R. K. Gregory Greenwood Cemetery, Spring st and n limits Gretter Mrs. L., res Dr. Edgar Ectel Gretter Michael, bds Thomas Sloan GRIFFITH J. W., dentist, res ws Greene, 1 h s W. Market st Guilford County Court House, nw cor N. Elm and Market sts Guilford County Jail, O C. Wheeler, jailer, nw cor Gaston and N. Elm sts Guilford House, Mrs. E. C. Waddington, proprss, ws S. Elm st, 8 h n R. & D. R. R GuUett C. L., elk Robert GuUett, res same Gullett Robert, furniture and undertaking, res se cor Gilmer and E. Market st Gullett Miss S. D., res Robert Gullett Guthrie C. B., baggage master R. & D. R. R., res Charles Mason

TTAGAN ADAM, agrl implts, es Church, 4 h n Lind- ^-^ say st Hagan Miss Cordie, res Adam Hagan Hagan D. L., res Adam Hagan Hall & Beall, physicians, S. Elm st • DIRECTORY. White Department. Hall E. F., bds Benbow House Hall Joseph, baker J. E. Thorn

Hall J. K , of Hall & Beall, physicians, ws Ash, 3 h s W. Washington st Hall J. K., of J. K. Hall & Co., cigar mfrs, res Dr. J. K. Hall HAMPl'ON J. S., of J. S. Hampton & Co., job print- ers, res ns Lindsay, op Forbes st HAMPTON J. S. & CO.,>b printers, S. Elm st Hampton W, T., job printer J. S. Hampton & Co Hanner Robert, wks Greensboro Sash and Blind Factory Hanner Claude, elk William Collins, res Robert Hanner Hanner Miss Dora, res Mrs. Maggie Rose Hanner Roddy, res J. W. Scott Hanner S. A., machinist, Sergeant Mfg Co Hanner W. F.. elk J. W. Mangum Co, res Church st Harrell Miss Maggie, student, res W. H. Harrell Harrell W. H., rockmason, res ns Linda}^ op Forbes st Harris A, J., law student Dick & Dillard, bds Thos. Sloan Harris & Flippen, hardware, S. Elm st HARRIS JOHN H., harnessmkr, bds Planters' Hotel Harris J. W., wks N. C. R. R., bds Willis Sikes Harris W. A., manager John Barker's Factory, bds same Harris W. E., of Harris & Flippen, hardware, res se limits

Harre}'' Samuel L , res June S. Elm, Ash st and Me- bane road Harrey S. S., cigarmkr J. K. Hall & Co., res S. L. Harvey

Hawkins J. L , tel opr, res L. M. Hawkins Hawkins Lee M., propr depot rest, res ns New, 1 h e Ash st - Hayes Miss Alice L., res T. S. Hayes Hayes Mrs. M. J., seamstress H. H. Cartland Hayes T. S., shoemkr Chas. H. Doughty, res ss Belle Meade ave, 1 h e Edgeworth st Hayes W. A., elk J. W. Scott & Co, res T. S. Hayes Heath Henry, wks Korth Carolina Handle Co Heath Joseph, wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res Ashboro road \J\^^ Foi^ Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. _ 'Sacramental Wines a Specialty. McAdoo House, ----- Greensboro, N. C.

DIRECTORY. ~8I White Department. Heath Len, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Helton Benjamin, wks North Ccirolina Handle Co Helton Lee, wks North Carolina Handle Co Hendrix E. M, elk W. M., Houston, bds Planters' Hotel

Hendrix J. M , elk C. & M. Pretzfelder, bds Planters' Plotel Hennes R. P., wks Greensboro Handle Wks Hill S., lawyer, res ss W. Market st, 1 h w Af;h Hill W. H., ml'r of cotton goods, res ne cor Elm and -4sh sts Hilliard Churchill, student Dick & Diilard, bds Thomas Sloan Hilton Mrs. Marv, wid, res ns E. Market, nr R. & D. R. R Hilton R. B,, wks Greensboro Handle Co., res Mrs. Mary Hilton Hilton R. L., wks Greensboro Handle Co., res Mrs. Mary Hilton Hines Miss Emma, dressmkr Mrs. Lyon & Hines, res Mrs. R. B. Hines Hines Henry L., elk M. Strauss, res sw cor Forbes and E. Market st Hines Mrs. R. B., of Lyon & Hines, dressmkrs

Hines R. B , res es S. Elm, cor Lee st Holbum Charles, bds Mrs Rosa McDonald Holder Rufus, wks C. P. Vanstory Holt Henry, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Holt William, shoemkr, bds Willis Sikes HOLTON C. E., mgr Singer Mfg Co., bds Mrs. R. E. McDonald Holy Catholic Church, ws Forbes, 1 h s Lindsay st Horney Claudii^s, harnessmkr L. Houston, bds Oliver Wheeler Horney W. A jeweler, res ns E. Market, 1 h e , Forbes st Hornbuckle R. F., shoemkr Charles H. Doughty

)(; Genuine Wizard Oil HAMLIN' At 50 Cents Per Bottle at ALLTJM BROS. & CO., Greensboro, will undersell any other dealers in OXIOX SETS.

Xi.t3. for 13. o t a, 1 5. o aa. s. c C2^^Se Q =5>^::5D 82 DIRECTORY. Wliite Department. Howard S. A., tel opr, res ss W. Market, 1 h w Green st Howlett J. M., gun and locksmith Howlett L. C, elk Sample S. Brown, bds Planters' Hotel Houston Miss Fannie, res es Asheboro, 1 h s E. Lfe 8t HOUSTON LETI, harness, res Jesse Julian Houston & Lyon, proprs Star Tobacco Warehouse, S. Elm st Houston W. M., whol groceries, and of Star Tobacco Warehouse, res Clayton, nr Elm st Hubbard Peter, supt North Carolina Handle Co., res es Ash, 2 h n New st

Hudson H. S , of Hudson & Kirkman, groceries, bds Guilford House Hudson & Kirkman, groceries, S. Elm st, nr R. & D. Pv. R Hughes George H., student, res J. M. Hughes Hughes Miss G., res J. M. Hughes Hughes James M., tailor, res ws Forbes, 3 h s Syca- more st

Hughes J. R , meat and vegetables, Market House, res es Church, op Lindsay st Huebes Miss I. V.. res J. M. Hughes HUGHES MILTON T., fruit evaporator, res es Davie, 1 h n Washington st HUGHES' MUSEUM, Milton T. Hughes, propr Hughes W. A., student, res W. P. Hughes Hughes W P., res ns W. Market st, op Female College

Hine W. H , res G W. Kestler Hundley B. G., prest North Carolina Handle Co., res New York Hundley Mrs. E, D., wid, res C E. Shober Hunt P. C, wks Sash and Blind Factory, res es N. Elm, nr Church st Hunt W. M., elk Odell Hardware Co., bds Planters' Hotel Hunter W. L., prescription elk Archie Glenn, bds Mrs. N. A. Brown Hussey Miss Annie, student, res J. B. Hussey EWCOMB'S Winps & liquors Lead the State Pure Tent Wines for Sacramental Purposes. E.6.N Mc\doo House, - - - - Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTOR Y. 83 "White Department. HUSSEr J. B., editor (irecnsboro Patriot, res es Davie, 4 h n Lee st Huttoa Miss Belle, res Mrs. C. Hutton Hutton Mrs. C, res ss E Market, 4 h e Gilmer st Hutton James, res Mrs. C. Hutton Hutton William, elk D. E. Thomas, res Mrs. C. Hut- ton

TNGOLD C. L., bartender J. E. Fields, bds Mrs. J -- H. Townsend Ingold F. N., ex mess, res ws Edgeworth st, nr n limits Ingold Miss Hortense, student Greensboro Female Col- leffp, res F. N. Insrold INTEKSTATE DIRECTORY CO., C M. Gardner, H. H. Dickson, 32 S. Broad st, Atlanta, Ga, publish- ers of Directories of Tj'ler, Tex. ; Gainesville, Ma- rietta, Griffin, Barnesville, Rome, Cartersville, Col-

umbus, Macon, Ga. ; Birmingham, Ala. ; Green-

ville, S. C. ; Charlotte, Greensboro, Winston and

Salem, N. C. ; Anniston, Ala. ; Georgia Pacific Ga-

zetteer, Richmond and Danville Gazetteer ; Mont- gomery, Ala., and others South and West IRELAND C. H., sec and treas Odell Hardware Co, bds Planters' Hotel Iseley L. C , wks Sash and Blind Factory, res ws Davie, 1 h n Bragg st

JACKSONVILLE, Mebane road and sw limits ^ Jackson George H., carpenter, res es Davie, 1 h n Bragg st Jacobs Henry, cutter H. H. Cartland, res ws Church, 9 h n Lindsay James John, painter, res Ashboro road James W. W., wks Greensboro Handle Wks Jarrell Alex, res end Ashboro st Jarrell John F, carpenter, res end Ashboro st Jarrell Miss Lutitia, res J. F. Jarrell

OAN F I lyn EVERY COLOR of YOU CALLUM'S DRUG STORE, Greensboro. OUNTRY MEI9CHANTS BVy YOUR GARDEN AND FIELD SEED A.T w CALLUWI'S DRUG STORE, GREENSBORO 84 DIRECTORY. White Deoartment. Jeffreys J. R., res N. A. Jeffrej^s Jeffreys Newton A., groceries, res Mebane road nr Bragg st Jeffreys N. A. M., res N. A. Jeffreys Jeffreys Rufus, bartender N. A. Jeffreys, res same Jeffreys Seymour, res N, A. Jeffreys Jenkins R. A., pass agt B.

KEELING MRS. A. T., wid, res ns Gaston, 2 h w Green st Keeling John L., gen mdse, res Mrs. A. T. Keeling Kendall Miss Annie, res Mrs. R. M. Kendall Kendall Charles; groceries, res Mrs. R. M. Kendall st, h e Kendall Mrs. R. M . wid, res ss E. Market 2 R. & D. R R Keogh Miss Maie, res T. B. Keogh PURE WINES, LIQUORS, TO- 1 1 ar a «/i 11111111171^1 \ '§ BACCO AXD CIGARS, ..\3!iiWII UXfl^liJIHNUMcAdoo House, Greensboro, N.C. D [RECTORY. 85 "White Dcpiirtment. Keogh T. B., U. S. marshal western dist, res se cor Asheboro and Factory sts Keogh T. S., student, res T. B. Keogh Kern A. J., cigarmkr, res ns E. Washington, 1 h e Davie st Kern E. G., cigarmkr J. K. Hall & Co., res E. Wash- ington st Kernolde M. J., res ws Davie st, 2 h s E. Market st Kerr C. M., mgr W. M Houston, bds same Kersey Algernon, res Mrs. E. Kersey Kersey Miss Alice, res Mrs. E. Kersey Kersey Mrs. E., wid, res cor S. Elm and Bragg sts Kersey Miss Mary, res Mrs, E. Kersey Kersey M. F., carpenter, res Mrs. E. Kersey Kersey Samuel B., res Mrs. E. Kersey Kestler G. W., of Odeil & Co., whol dry goods and groceries, res es Davie, 2 h n Lee st Kestler J. W., res G. W. Kestler King J. L., of J. L. King & Co., steam tobacco fac- tory, res ss W. Market st, nr M. E. church King J. L & Co., steam tobacco factory, se cor New

and Ash st . King Robert K, of Dillard & King, lawyers, and Mayor, res J, L. King King Thomas, res se cor W. Market and Greene sts King W. W., distiller, res ss Mebane, 2 h e Davie st Kirkman Albert, of Hudson & Kirkman, groceries, bds Mrs. M. H. Town send Kirkman Alpheus A., elk G. Will Armfield, bds Mrs. M. H. Townsend Kirkman Julius A., harnessmkr, res Ashboro road

Kirkman Mrs. N. A , wid, res Jonesboro Kirkman Miss N. J., res Mrs. N. A. Kirkman Kirkman Robert, res Mrs. N. A. Kirkman Kirkman Thomas, eng Sergeant Mfg Co., res Mrs. N. A. Kirkman Kirkman W., cupola tender G. T. Glascock, res N. C. R. R. and e limits

our Country Friends : We have all kinds of Dye Colors, Red, Yellow, Black, Blue, Purple, Green, Violet, Orange, Tand in fact every kind at Callutn's Drug Store, Greensboro CSTVI P Of PUFF BOXES AND ALL EX/CDVIf Cf^ toil timt^ KINDS FANCY GOODS AT Callum^s Drug Store, Greensboro. 86 DIRECTORY. White Department. KIRKPATRKJK D. N., brickyard and contractor, res Danville road Kirk Patrick E. L., mgr D. N. Kirkpatrick, bds Mrs. R R. Moore Klutts Mrs. C, res Arthur Jordan Knights of Honor, Guilford Lodge, No. 1777, J. H.

Harris, die ; H. H. Cartland, rep Knights and Ladies of Honor. Greensboro Lodge,

No. 389, F. S. Eldridge, pro ; H. H Cartland, sec Knights of Pythias, Greensboro Lodge, No. 28, J. H. Harris, C. C.; S. A. Kerr, K. of R. & S

LAMB MISS LILLY, res ns Sycamore, . 5 h w Forbes st Lamb Mebane, wks Greensboro Sash and Blind Factory Lambeth Mrs. D. M., wid, res es Greene st, 1 b n W. Washington Landreth C. E., carpenter Sergeant Mfg Co. Landreth Josiah, mechanic, res E. Market st and limits Landreth Miss Minnie, res McKinney Landreth Landreth McKinney, res E. Market st and e limits Lane Miss H., calisthenics and elocution, Greensboro Female College Ledford George, painter, res ne cor Sycamore and Ash sts Legerton Charles W., cond E. & D. R. R., res George Adams Lehman Julius, elk M. Strauss, bds Planter's Hotel Lentz Mrs. Lizzie, wid, res J. M. Winstead LEP^VICH A H., prest Greensboro Gas Light Co., res Lynchburg, Va Lewis Charles, of J. & C Lewis, wagon shop, res Bragg st and C. F. & Y. V. R. R. Lewis C. E., machinist Sergeant Mfg Co. Lewis John, of J. & C Lewis, wagon shop, res ns Bragg st, nr C. F. & Y. V. R. R Lewis J. k C, wagonmkrs, S. Elm st Lewis 0.=!car. wks North Carolina Handle Co

LINDLEY CHAS. S., of J. C. Lindley & Bro , nur- series, res J. C. Lindley mNEWGOMB^S PURE WINES, LipORS^ TOBACCO AKD <:iftAK8. cR'^JfigJ^gg^^^N^'c. r>IRECTORY. 8 7 White Department. LINDLEY J. C* & BRO., nurseries LINDLEY J. Cm of J. C. Lindley & Bro., nurseries res S. Elm and limits Lindsay Block, ne cor Market and Elm sts Lindsay Clark, of Lindsay & Bro., Pomona Hill Nur- series, res es S. Elm, 1 h n E. Lee st Lindsay Dr. Edward, physician, res Spring and end W. Washington st Lindsay Jesse H., prest Greensboro Nat. Bank, bds Ben bow House Lindsay Miss M. Lula, res R. G. Lindsay Lindsay Mrs. M. W., wid. res Mrs. A. A. Anderson Lindsay R. G., elk R. & D. R. R. frt ofifice, res se cor Greene and Sycamore sts res A. Litaker D. T., locomotive eng R. & D. R. R , J. McKibben Litaker Frank, wks Sash and Blind Factory, res ne cor Gilmer and E. Market sts Livingston Miss Florence, bds Mad. Carrie Anderson Lloyd Alex., ins, bds Central Hotel Lloyd H. W., student, bds Mrs. G. W. Albright Logan Dr. John A., physician, res Robert M. Sloan Long William, wks Sergeant Mfg Co., res Jonesboro Love James M., res William Love Love Miss Lena, res William Love Love William, saw mill, res ws Elm, 2 h n Bragg sfc Lumpkin Isaac, wks C. P. Vanstory Lyon E W., drummer, bds McAdoo House Lyon & Hines Mrs., dressmkrs, S. Elm st Lyon Miss Sallie V., res T. A. Lyon Lyon, Star Warehouse, res Lyon T. A , of Houston & es Church, 3 h n Lindsay st Lyon Mrs T. A., of Mrs. Lyon & Hines, dressmkrs, res N. Elm st MACY MISS MARIETTA, res William Wright Mallard John, solicitor The Patriot Mallett Joseph, wks H. W. Bowley, bds Willis Sikes WHOLESALE and Ketail Dealers in Oi\BOM SETS can save money bv ordering from Callluni Biotliers & Co., Greensboro. E.r.B0YD&l!9.l'L'H»g'» 88 DIRECTORY. White Department. Maloney Miss A., instrumental music Greensboro Fe- male Colleo:e Man gum J. W. & Co., groceries, ne cor Davie and E. Market sts Mansjura James, groceries, res ss Belle Meade ave, 2 h e Edgeworth st

Man gum J ^\ ., of J. W. Mangum & Co groceries, res , Belle Meade ave Mansrum Walker, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Market House, se cor Sycamore and Davie sts Marley Dr. H. B., physician, res ws Asheboro, 6 h s Lee ss Mask George, wba North Carolina Handle Co., res cor Bragg and Elm sts Mask Mrs. Jane, win, res ss Bragg, cor S. Elm st Mason Charles, fireman R. & D. R. R., res J. E. Mason Mason J. E., res ns Mebane road, 6 h w Ash st Masons, Greensboro Lodge, No. 76, W. D. Trotter W. M., J. F. Stephens, sec; chapter partially organ- ized Matthews Miss Anna, res Frank Mathews Matthews Miss Eliza, res Frank Mathews Matthews Frank, res Ashboro road Matthevv's Miss Mar}'-, private school, res Frank Matthews Mathews W. H., elk Odell & Co, res Frank Matthews May John, wks D. W. C. Benbow, res R. & D. R. R., 1 h s Lindsay st Mayo T. H., produce, es Davie st, 4 h n E. Wash- ington st Mayor's Office, ns W. Market st, op Court House McAdoo Building, S. Elm st McAdoo Calvin, res Mrs. Nannie McAdoo McAdoo C. N., gen mdse, bds Planters' Hotel McAdoo House, W. D. McAdoo, propr, ne cor W. Washington and S. Elm sts McAdoo Mrs. Nannie W., wid, gen mdse, res S. Spring st Mc.ldoo W. D., propr McAdoo House

McAdoo Wm. D , night elk McAdoo House Wines and Liquors Lead tlie Rtate f PURE TENT WINES for SACRAMEN f AL PURPOSES u. McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C.

DIRECTORY. 89 White Department. McBride Elijah, elk N. Harding Galium k Co, bds Mrs. E MoBride McBride Mrs E., res ns Mebane road, 2 h w Ash st McBride Miss Sarah, res Mrs. E. McBride McCain John, elk Odell Hardware Co., bds R. R. Moore McCauley S -T., saloon, bds McAdoo House McCormick Charles, compositor North State, res W. H. McCormick Mccormick W. H., bus mgr North Carolina Publish- in/ Co, res ss E. Market, 2 h e Elm st McCuUoch John, res Ashboro road McCuUoch Logan, elk Fields & Turner, bds G. S. Sergeant McCulloc*li Robert, res John McCuUoch McCullum Miss M., res A. H. Ellison McDowell Edgar, res John W. McDowell McDowell John W., res ss E. Market st, 3 h e Gil- mer st McDonald Mrs, Rosa, wid, res ss E. Market, 1 h e Forbes st McKibben A, J., warehouseman Odell & Co, res se cor Davie and Elm st McKinney G. H., of J. L. King & Co, tobacco factory, bds Miss J. J. Mendenhall McKnight & Albright, gen mdse, ns E. Market, 1 h w Davie st McKnight John, of McKnight & Albright, res coun- try McLain W. S., res ne cor Gaston and Cedar sts McLean L. D, wks North Caronlina Handle Co McLean R. H., ass agt C. F. & Y. V. R. R., bds Plan- ters' Hotel McLean S. D., elk North Carolina Handle Co., res ns E. Market, 4 h e Davie st McLean T. G., of Fleming & Co, groceries, bds Wil- lis Sikes McLean W. C, of J. W. Scott & Co, gen mdse, res es Forbes, lbs Lindsay st

FRESH SEED ! -It is wonderful to see the fine display of every description of Gao>cN <;eEO and GfifloeN B f A N b of every variety, and FIELD and GRASS SEED SEED! at Galium Bros. & Co's Drug Store, Greensboro, N. C. BOOTS, SHOES TRUNKS R P R0\ n Si (in i ll« 1' I UU I If OU fUi S. Elm'st., Greensboro, N. C. 90 DIRECTORY. White Department. McMahon Miss M., res Thomas McMahon McMahon Thomas, propr Greensboro Handle Wks, res nr same McMurray Wesley, res Ashboro road McNairy J. W.. supt Sash and Blind Factory, res ne cor E. Lee and Davie sts McNeal Charles, lawyer, res Levi Scott McNiekle A., wks North Carolina Handle Co., res ss E. Market. 2 h e Forbes st Meade Mrs. Lucy, wid, res sw limits, Mebane road Mebane Cornelius, res nw cor Gaston and Spring sts Mebane Miss Mattie, res C. Mebane Mebane Robert, elk Porter & Dalton, res C. Mebane Mendenhall Aaron, res se limits, nr Bennett College Mendenhall Cyrus H., student, res Miss i. J. Men- denhall Mendenhall Miss Hattie, res J. R. ]\[endenhall Mendenhall Miss J. J., boarding, sw cor S. Elm and W. Washington sts Mendenhall J. R., sec Greensboro Sash and Blind Factory, res es Asheboro, 6 h s Lee st Mendenhall Miss Pearl, res Miss J. J. Mendenhall Mendenhall R. P., res Miss J. J. Mendenhall Mendenhall W. D., wks Greensboro Sash and Blind Factory, res es Asheboro, 5 h s E. Lee st Merimon B. H., res J. M. Winstead Methodist Cf metery, Mebane road^ nr Bragg st Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. L. W. Crawford^ pastor. W. Market, nrEdgeworih st MICHAUX E. R., of Alford & Michaux, drugs, res Rev. J L. Michaux MICHAUX REV. J. L., editor Central Protestant and Daily Workman, res es Clav st and n limits MICHAUX JOHN S., local editor Workman, res Rev. J. L. Michaux

Michaux Miss L , res Rev. J. L. Michaux Miller Mrs. Janie, wid, res ss Gaston, 1 h w Forbes st Mitchell S. S., gen mdse, bds Planters' Hotel Moffitt E. N., of Odell & Co., dry goods, res Noise. N. C Montgomery Charles, wks J. & C. Lewis, res C. Lewis For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. ^^^'Sacramental Wines a Specialty. McAdoo House, Greensboro, 'N. C.

DIRECTORY. 91 W liite Department. Montgomery Miss Dora, seamstress H. H. Cartland Montgomery J. C, elk North Carolina Handle Co., res Asheboro st Montgomery Ruffin, wks North Carolina Handle Co., res Mebane road, 1 h w Ash st Moon J. M., wks Greensboro Handle Wks Moon McKinney, res Reuben Wright Moore Charles, elk W. S. Moore, res same Moore Miss Cora, res W. S. Moore Moore K. R., boarding, res se eor Elm and Ash sts Moore W. S., dry goods, res ss E, Market, 2 h e Da- vie st Moore Mrs. W. S., millinery, res W. S. Moore Morehead Jospph, res sw eor Sycamore and Greene sts Morehead J. T., lawyer, res Joseph Morehead Murphy James, student Diek & Dillard, bds Thomas Sloan Murphy Loftin, waiter Central Hotel Murphy S. T.. blacksmith, bds Mrs. L. E. Smith Murray Miss Ida, res Rufus Murray Murray Robert, student, res Rufus Murray Murray Rufus, res es Asheboro, 3 h n E. Lee st Murray W. R., dry goods, clothing, etc., res Ashe- boro st Murrow E. C, govt store keeper, bds R. R. Moore Myers Walter, foreman J. L. King & Co., bds Mrs. M. H. Towsend

NATIONAL BANK, THE, Jessee H. Lindsay, prest; Neil Ellington, cash; capital, $100,000; surplus, $16,000; S. Elm st Nelson Miss Alice, res J. N. Nelson Nelson J. N., elk court, res ne cor Gaston and Edge- worth sts Nelson John, jr., res J. N. Nelson Nelson Miss Lizzie, res J. N. Nelson Nelson Miss Amanda, res J. N. Nelson NEVVCOMB E. G., saloon and billiards, res ss Ashe- boro, She Davie st Newcorab Miss Ora E., student, res E. G. Newcomb Newell Alma, carpenter, res John Sampson CD.BOOTs, SHOES m trucks 1 p. 1 M South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. 92 DIRECTORY White Department. Newell D. W., train dispatcher R. & D. R. R., bds Mrs Fannie Jones Newfll M. G., elk W. M. Houston Newlin Miss Lina, res W. C. Porter

Newlin Miss M. L , res Mrs. R. C. Porter Newsom J. B., student, bds G. W. Albright

North Carolina Handle Co , V. G. Hendley, propr, R. & D. R. R tracks Ash st and Mf^bane road NORTH CAROLINA PUBLISHING CO., editors and proprs North State NORTH STATE, THE (weekly) North Carolina Pub. Co., editors and proprs, W. H. McCormick, bus mgr

OAKLEY MISS MATTIE, res O. C. Wheeler Odd Fellows, Beuna Vista Lodge, No. 21, W. H. Turner, N.G.; J. "W. Albright, sec; Paisley Encamp- msnt, No. 10 Odd Fellows' Temple, W. Market, nr S. Elm st Odell A. J., of Odell & Co., dr}' goods, res ns E. Wash- ington, 1 h e Forbes st ODELL HARDWARE CO., hardware and machinery, S. Elm. nr Washington st Odell J. M., of Odell & Co.. whol groceries and dry goods, res Concord N. C Odell Miss Lena, res A. J. Odell Odell W. R., of Odell & Co., whol dry goods and gro- ceries, res Concord, N. C Ogburn C. W., bds Miss J. J. Mendenhall Oliver James, lamp lighter, res Gas House

Orrell J. V., wks R & D. R. R , res Mrs. L. E. Orrell Orrell Mrs. L. E., dressmkr, res es N. Elm st, op Court House O'Sullivan E. C, res J. E. OSullivan O'SuUivan John E., house furnishing, res ws S. Elm, 3 h s Bragg st O'Sullivan W. T., res J. E. O'Sullivan Overbaugh E. W., day elk McAdoo House Owen Charles, res James Owen Owen James, patternmkr Sergeant Mfg Co., res ss E. W^ashington, 1 h e Lyndon st Owen William, res James Owen EWCOMB'S Wines and Liquors Lead the State Pure Tent Wines for Sacramental Purposes. E.&.N McAdoo House, Gkeensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. Oa

White Department. PARISH MONROE, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Parish James, wks North Carolina Handle Co Parker Benjamin F., asst P. M., bds Planters' Hotel Parker Miss Delilah, domestic R R. Moore

Parker Mrs. E. C , wid, res Mrs. S. S. Willis Parker Miss Martha, res Mrs. Mary Parker Parker Mrs. Mary, res sw cor W. Market and Greene sts Parker Miss Mary, res Mrs. Mary Parker Patriot The (weekly), John B. Hussey, editor and' propr, S. Elm st Payne J. W., elk U. S. Court, res junc Church and Davie sts Pearce Adam, brakeman R. & D. R. R., res es Elm, 2 h s Brfigg st Pearce Claude E., student, res James R. Pearce Pearce James R., auctioneer, res ns E, Market, 3 h w Forbes st Pearce Mrs. Melinda, wid, res ss Sycamore, 4 h w Forbes st Pearce Miss M. L., res Adam Pearce Pearce Oscar F., elk W. M. Houston, bdsC. A. Schultz Pearce Robert E., elk M. Woodson, res Jas. R. Pearce Peat Mrs Mary, cook Benbow House Peeple A., wks North Carolina Handle Co Pell Mrs. V. C, instrumental music, Greensboro Fe- male Collepre Peoples Miss Mary, seamstress H. H. Cartland

Peters Hugh B , dray line (coal), supt Greensboro Gas Litrht Co, res es Ash, 1 h n New st Phillips A. G., machinist Stratford, Wakefield & Co, bds R. R. Moore Phillips B. T., dep sheriflf, res ne cor Davie and Gas- ton sts Phipps Henry, salesman J. W. Scott & Co, jobbers, bds Mrs. N. A. Brown Planters Hotel, Mrs. L A. Rce?, proprss, ss E. Market^. 1 h e Elm st Poland W. E., harnessmkr L, Houston, res ss Syca- more, 1 h w Davie st D pD(|Vn.?ifI(|BOOTS,SHOESi^TRUNKS lllllU'U UJJUlJUi S.EImS t., Gkf.ex5.boro, N. C. 94 DIRECTORY. White Department. Pomeroy James V., machine shop, res ws Greene, nr Clay st Pomona Nurseries, J. Van Lindley, propr, Salem June Porter Dr. A. S.. physician, res Mrs. R. C. Porter PORTER & DALTON, drugs, S Elm st Porter Miss Eveline, res Mrs. R. C Porter Porter Mrs. R. C, wid, res ns w Market, 1 h e Edge- worth st Portpr S. W.. farmer, res Mrs. R. C. Porter PORTER W. C, of Porter & Dalton, drugs, res ne cor w Market and Edgeworth sts Potts C. R., So Ex Co agt, res S. A. Howard Potts R. E., money elk So Ex Co, bds MnAdoo House Potts R. L., elk So Ex Co, bds McAdoo House Prairie ii^.nthony, res Ashoboro road PREBLE MISS EGLANTINE H., A. B., Latin and music Bennett Seminary Presbyterian Cemetery, ne cor Church and Lindsay sts Presbyterian Church, Rev. J, Henry Smith, pastor, se cor Lindsay and Church sts Presbyterian Chapel, es Ashboro st, 1 h s Lee st Pretzfelder C, of C &, M. Pretzfelder, dry goods, res Davie st, nr R. & D. R. R Pretzfelder C. & M.. dry ffoods, etc, S. Elm st Pretzfelder M., of C. & M. Pretzfelder, dry goods, bds Benbow House Pritchett Miss Etta, res J. A. Pritchett Pritchett George, res J. A. Pritchett Pritchett J. A., carpenter, res ws Ashboro st, 2 h s Lee st Pritchett Miss Maggie, res J. A. Pritchett Proctor H., wks H. W. Bowley, bds Willis Sikes Pryor Miss Champ C, res W. H. Pryor Pryor Miss Katie L., res W. H. Pryor Pryor W. H., C. F. & Y. V. R. R., res ss W. Market, 3 h w Ash st

Lima Beans, Yellow Six Weeks Bean, Speckled Val- entine, Black Wax and other kinds of Beiins, bv the IAR6E "sr CAiiurs m\ siore, minm Cigars. For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and f5S"Sacramental Wines a Spex-ialtv. N. C. M'Adoo Ho use, Greensboro, l)mECTOR Y. ^ White Department. PuKh Miss Anna, res J. W. Pugh to Pu^h David, job printer J. S- Hampton & Church, op Lindsay st Push J. W., groceries, res es depot, bds J. H. Purcell A. T., wks R. & D. R. R. Cole

carpenter, res ne cor Gilmer and E. RAINEY J. S , Market sts grocerie^s Rankin Allen, of J. W. Mangum & Co, Rankin Augustus, elk Odell & Co, res ws Ashboro, 2 h n Lee st Rankin A. L., elk Mrs. F. Fishblate Ran- Rankin Miss Ella, elk C. P. Wharton, res A. M. N. A. Rankin James, elk Sample S. Brown, bds Mrs. Brown Rankin Mrs. Jane, res Mrs. J. Causey grocer- Rankin William S., of J. W. Mangum & Co., sts ies res nw cor Edgeworth and Gaston Ashe- Rankin A. L., elk Odell Hardware Co., res

st • boro _ . r, 1 A. Rankm Rankin J. T., elk D. Curtis & Co., res Raper E E., student, bds Mrs. G. W. Albright res A. J. Brockman Raven Miss Lena, _ Ray Mrs. Ann, wid, res ns E. Market, She Davie st Ray John, wks C. P. Vanstory Co., res Ray Peter L., book binder Thomas Reed & Mrs. Ann Ray Reece Joseph, of Thomas, Reeee & Co., job printers, bds Mrs. N. A. Brown res se cor W. Reece J. W., of Thomas, Reeee & Co., Market and Greene sts Rees Mrs. L. A., propr Planters' Hotel, res same Rees R. M., chief police, bds Planters' Hotel Rees William H., mail elk Postoffice, bds Planters Hotel Reinicher Mrs. A F., res A. H. Alderman D. Renfrow Mrs. E., wid, res ss E. Market st, nr R. & -p T> Renn G. A., frt elk So Ex Co., bds McAdoo House Renfrow Miss Sarah, res Mrs. E. Renfrow ARDEN SEED, alltresh and genu- ' INE, Just Received at Gr CAB^I^UM'S DRtJC} STORE. Gr.'eniiiboro, N. C. 96 DIRECTORY. White Department. Renfrew William, elk W. E. Forbes, res Mrs. E. Ren- frew Reynolds Acidison, wks sash and blind factory, res Clarence Reynolds Reynolds Clarence A., wks sash and blind factory, res ws Asheboro, 5 h s Lee st Reynolds F. E., wks Greensboro Sash and Blind Fac- tory, res es Asheboro, 3 h s Lee st RICHARDS ED. A., with Interstate Directory Co., 82 S. Broad st, Atlanta, Ga RICHARDSON W. R., editor Noith State, res ss Asheboro st, 4 h e Davie Richmond & Danville railroad, main line. See rail- roads R. & D. Depot R-estaurant, L. M. Hawkins, propr Ritenburv D. H., wks II. W. Bowley, bds Willis Sikes Rives William C, yardmaster R. &, D. E. E., res J. B. Bosley Robertson Mrs. D. A., wid, res se cor W. Sycamore and Edgeworth sts Robertson & Eowe. dentists, Lindsay Block

Robertson Dr. E. F , of Robertson & Rowe, dentists, res es Church st, 3 h n Lindsay Robertson S. C, marble wks, res W. C. Slade Robertson William, wks North Carolina Handle Co Robinson Willis, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Rosche JNIiss Gertrude, res Miss J. J. Mendenhall Rose Mrs. Maggie, wid, res ss Mebane, 1 h e Davie st Ross H. F., moulder Sargeant Mfg Co Ross L. F., of Ross & Vanstory, livery, feed and sale stable, wagons and buggies, res end Ashboro st Eoss & Vanstory, livery stable, wagons and buggies. New, nr Elm st Rowe Dr. Walter W., of Robertson & Rowe, dentists, bds Planters' Hotel

Royster George H , res W. B. Farrar Ruth Frank, cigarmkr J. K. Hall & Co, bds Mrs. M. E. Townsend

SAMPSON JOHN, res ws Ashboro, 10 h s E.Lee st Scales Miss Annie, res Mrs. E. H. Scales ^T^Rf^ For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. Jjuj (^^"'"^acrauiental Wines a Specialty. »aai«B«li» ^M,.Adoo House, (froonslioro, N. C.

DIRECrORY. 97 White Department. Scales A. H., Naval Cadet, res Mrs. E. H. Seal en Scales Hon. A. M., M. C, res se cor W. Market and Edgevvorth sts Scales Mrs. E. II., wid, res ss E. Washington, 1 h e Forbes st Scales Miss Jennie, res Mrs. E. H. Scales

Scales Miss K. L , res A. M. Scales Scales Mrs. M. P., wid, res Mrs. A. A. Anderson Scales Wallace, res Mrs. E. H. Scales Scarborough groceries, res nw cor W. Market , and Greene sts Sche'nck David, lawyer, res ws Edgeworth st, nr N. limits Schenck David, jr, student, res David Schenck Schenok Miss R., res David Schenck Schenck Weldon, elk Archie Glenn, res David Schenck

Schoolfield J. groceries, res ns E Market, ?> \\ e W , Davip st

Schoolfield Mrs. S , seamstress Mrs. H. H. Gartland Schwab Henry, moulder G. T. Glascock, bds Mrs. J. J. Johnson Scott Clarence, baggage master C F. & Y. Y. R. R., res W. C McLean Scott David, res ss Gaston, 3 h e Davie st Scott David N., compositor North State, res David Scott Scott John P.. elk F. Fishblate, res W. G. McLean Scott J. W., of J. W. Scott & Co, g«n mdse, res ns LindsHV, op Forbes st Scott J. W. & Co., whol gen mdse, S Elm st Scott Levi, lawyer, res cor Davie and Ashboro sts Scott Mrs. Louisa, wid, res nw cor Forbes and Gaston sts Scott Miss Mary H., res David Scott Scott W. A., elk Mrs. N. W. McAdoo, bds Mrs. George Albrijrht Scott W. M, elk McAdoo, bds Mrs. G. W.Al- bright Sligman Carl, res H, W. Detmering Selden Mrs. E. M., res James F. Yates 93 DIRECTORY.

B usiness W niversity.


"White Department. SERGEANT B. E., of Sergeant Mfg Co, founders and machinist?, res ns E. Washington, 2 h e Davie st SERGEANT CHARLES H., bkkpr Sergeant Mfg Co, bds D. Curtis Sereeant Miss Clara M., res B. E. Sergeant SERGE ^ NT GEORGE S., of Sergeant Mfg Co, res ws Davie, 1 h n Lee st Sergnant Joseph G., res B E. Sergeant SERGEANT MFG CO, foundry, machine shop, saw mills. Farrar's turbine, bet R. & D. and N. C R. R SERGEANT W. T., of Sergeant Mfg Co, foundry and machine shop, res N. C. R. R., nr Sergeant Mfg Co Settle Douglas, res Judge Thom.as Settle Settle Miss Mnmie, res Judge Thomas Settle Settle Judge Thomas, les sw cor E, Lee and Ashe- boro sts

Shackelford , student Law School, bds Planters' Hotel prescription elk Archie Glenn, res Shank W. E , Judge D. Shank Shaw Miss Eliza, res John Shaw Shaw Henry, elk J. W. Scott & Co, res Asheboro road Shaw John, wks Greensboro Sash and Blind Fac- tory, res Asheboro road Shaw Thomas, law student Dick & Dillard, bds Thos. Sloan Sherwood Miss A. N., res Mrs. M. L. Sherwood Sherwood Mrs. M. L., wid, res ns Gaston st, 2 h e Edgeworth Sherwood Miss M. L., res Mrs M. L. Sherwood

Sherwood M. S , bkkpr J. W. Scott & Co., res Mrs. M. L. Sherwood Sherwood Thomas, mdse broker, res Mrs. M. L. Sher- wood Short Alonzo, res Thomas King ^WnoMB'S Wines & Liquors Lead the State Pure Teut Wines for Sacramental Purposes. E.6.N Mc \doo House, - - - - Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 99 White Department. Shober C. E., gen agt North Carolina Handle Co., res ne cor Greene and Sycamore sts Short J. A., saloon and billiards, bds Planters' Hotel Shultz C. A., guard county jail, res ss E. Market st, She Davie st Sikes Miss Francis P., res Willis Sikes Sikes Willis, boarding, res ss W. Market, 1 h e Greene st Simpson Miss E., res S. N. Smith Simpson Miss S., res S N. Smith SINGER MFG. CO., C. E. Holton, mgr, s Elm st Skeene George, wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res Jonesboro Slade William C, condr N. C. R. R., res ns Factory, 2 h e Asheboro st Sloan James, gen mdse, bds Miss J. J. Mendenhall Sloan John A., res Robert M. Sloan Sloan Miss M. M., res Robert M Sloan Sloan Robert M., So Ex Co, res ns W. Market, 2 h w Ash st Sloan Thomas, boarding, se cor Church and N. Elm sts Small Alfred, res W. F. Whittington Small Edward A., gen mdse, res es S. Elm st, 1 h n R. & D. R. R Small Ed S., drummer, res ws Asheboro, 13 h s E. Lee st Smith Alonzo, student, res E H. Smith Smith Miss Annie, res E. H. Smith Smith Miss A. M., res Mrs L. E. Smith Smith D. H., res W. C. Slade Smith Edgar, wks North Carolina Handle Co, res John Y. Smith Smith E. H., supt R. & D. R. R., North Carolina di- vision, res ns Factory, 1 h e Ashboro st SMITH F. F., harnessmkr, res es Ash, 1 h s W. Market st Smith George A., 'of Fleming & Co, groceries, res country Smith Herbert, wks John Y. Smith Smith James, wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res Jonesboro 100 DIRECTORY. HI mmm wm A First-class Practical School. Circulars free. W. McKAV, Principal, Macon, Ga.

. ./ White Deuartjneut. Smith Miss J. A., res Mrs. L. E. Smith Smith John, res ss S3'camore, 4 h w Forbes st Smith John Y., wks Greensboro Hundle Co, res es Davie, 1 h s E. Lee st Smith Rev. J. Henry, pastor Presbyterian church, res ws Church, 6 h n Lindsay st Smith J. H., res W. C. Slade Smith Joseph J., compositor Protestant, res R. H. Smith Smith J. T., res ss W. Market, 2 h w Greene st Smith Mrs. L. A., wid, res nw cor Sycamore and Greene sts

Smith Mrs. L. E , boarding, res ss Market, 2 h w Greene st Smith Miss Myra, res William C. Slade Smith Mrs. M. wid, res Rev. J. Henry Smith Smith Miss M. E., res nw cor Sj'camore and Greene sts Smith Miss M. E.. res R. H. Smith Smith R. H., street overseer, res es Forbes, 1 h n Gas- ton st Smith Prof. Samuel, teacher graded school, res ws Church, 7 h n Lindsay st Smith Sydney N., farmer, res ns E. Market, 5 h e Elm st Smith Miss V. L., res Mrs. L. E. Smith Smith W. A., elk Robert GuUett, bds same Smith W. H., moulder SergtauL Mfg Co, res N. H. Smith SMITHDEAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, G. M. Smith- deal, pres, ss W. Market, 1 h w N. Elm st SMITHDEAL PROF. G. M., pres Business College, bds George W. Albrigbt Snipe R., wks North Carolina Handle Co Sons of Temperance Southern Express Co, E. M. Sloan, mgr, S. Elm st, nr Sycamore st Southern Telegraph Co, C. T. Thompson, mgr, Mc- Adoo House to- mrk¥T mnsirnaifllirs^SI prRE wines, liquors, r.A0CO_«pCIGAK.,, TRYlWCiiP'McAdoo House, Creensboro, N.C.

White Department. Greensboro Female Spears Miss Mamie, vocal music. Colleee Spence Mrs. M., wid, res J. F. Abbott carpenter, wks Greensboro Sash Spencer Nathan L , Bragg st and BliQd Factory, res S. Elm, 3 h n Fishblate, bds Central Stafford John W., elk Mrs.

Hotel • , , ^ -r. Guthrie/-, i.u Stafford L. A., student, bas C B. ks, res Stanback John, wks Greensboro Handle \\ Jonesboro xt Stapleso^. i Staples Miss Bettie, res John N. ss ^\ Market, cor STAPLES JOHN N., lawyer, res . Staples Staples Mrs. Margaret, res John N. Staples Staples Miss Sallie, res John N. Lyon, proprs, Star Tobacco Warehouse, Houston & Rev. Alfred H. St^ B^arnabas (Episcopal) Church. Greene sts Stubbs, rector, nw cor Gaston and McNairy Annie, res J. W. , Steed Miss Seminary MRS. ROSA B., history Bennett STEELE Bennett STEELE REY. WILBUR F., B. ©., prm Seminary and prof theology, res same Planters Hotel Stpiner W U register of deeds, bds bds Guilford il'hJns Jess; f' elk G. Will Armfield, Lambeth StfpTens Mrs. L. H., wid, res Mrs DM. bds Mrs. IS. A. Stevens Jesse, elk G. Will Armfield,

Market st, nr Pv. & StewaTt"" Adam, moulder, res ss E. Cartland, res Stewart Miss Carrie, seamstress H. H. D. E Thomas Stewart Henry, wks C. P. Vanstory ss Gas- Stewart Julius M., wks C. P. Vanstory. res bds Guilford Stew^ar\ M. L., mgr Pvoss & Vanstory, and machinery, Stratford, Wakefield & Co., agr implts S Elm st Co ma- Stratford W. 0., of Stratford. Wakefield & , McLeansville chinery and agr implts, res nr 102 DIRECTORY.

White Department. Strauss M., clothing, dry goods, bds Benbow House Stroup Mrs. M. A., wid, res Mrs. A. A. Anderson Stubbs Rev. Alfred H., rector St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, bds Thomas Sloan Stubbs Miss Eugenie, student, bds Thomas Sloan Suits Mrs. M., wid, res Sydney N. Smith Sullivan E. C. O., plumbing and house furnishing, res Mebane road Sullivan J, E., wks E. C. 0. Sullivan, res same Swaim Miss Ada, res Lyndon Swaim Swaim Miss Isabella, res Lyndon Swaim Swaim J H., machinist and groceries, res ne cor Washington and Davie st Swaim Logan, res Lyndon Swaim Swaim Lyndon, architect, res es Lyndon st, nr E. "Washington Swaim Miss Mary M., res Lyndon Swaim Swaim Miss Nannie, res A. J. Odell

Swan W. C, locomotive eng R. & D. R. R , res es Davie st, 1 h s Ashboro st Swan S. B., piano and organ agt, res W. C. Swan TALBOTT GEORGE, cigarmkr, res Mrs. M. E. Townsend Tarpley William G., elk W. K. Buchanan, res same Tate Mrs. A. G., wid, res es Church, 2 h n Lindsay st Tate C. W., bds McAdoo House Tate E. W., bds McAdoo House Tate H. H., farmer and real estate, res ne cor Edge- worth st and Belle Meade ave Tate T. H., res H. H. Tate line, res cor N. Elm and Gaston Tatum H. B , dray ne sts Taylor F. A., cond N. C. R. R., res ws Ashboro, 11 h s E. Lee st Taylor W. S., locomotive eng R. & D. R. R., res ws Ashboro, 9 h s E. Lee st mNEWCOMB'S PURE WINES, LipORS,

TOBACCO AiND CIGAK^. cR'ii&im>^8:%V -.. DIRECTORY. 103 White Department. Terrell Mrs. Ellen, wid, res W. B. Crump Terrell George T., res ns Gaston, bet Greene and Edgeworth sts Thacker John, cashier Sample S. Brown, res Mrs. M. E. Thacker Thacker J. E., bds Mrs. M. E. Thacker

Thacker Mrs. M. E , wid, res ns Gaston, 1 h e N. Elm st Thorn J. E., baker, res ns E. Market, She E!m st Thomas C. F., of Thomas, Reece & Co, job printers, res ws Clay st, nr n limits Thomas D. E., groceries, res ns Davie, 1 h n E. Market st Thomas Miss Isabelle, res C F. Thomas Thomas John, of Thomas, Reece & Co, job printers, res C. F. Thomas Thomas Miss Mary, res C. F. Thomas Thomas, Reese & Co, job printers and binders, S. Elm st Thompson C. T., mgr So Tel Co, bds McAdoo House Thornton F. J., elk J. J. Thornton, res same THORiNTOiS JOHN J» jeweler, res es Church, 6 h n Lindsay st Thornton Miss Kate B.,'res J. J. Thornton Tidball Rev., Presbyterian, res Ashboro road Tomlinson J. E., elk Mrs. F. Fishblate, bds Plan- ters House Townsend Mrs. M. H., wid, boarding, res wsAsb,3 h n New st Trotter W. D., gen mdse, res ws Ash, bet W. Market and Sycamore sts Trundle Mrs. Lurenia, wid, resJAdam Hagan Turner Miss Ann. res J. T. Turner Turner J. T., of Fields & Turner, gen mdse, res ws Ashboro, 7 s Lee st Turner W. H., plasterer, res ns Gaston st, nr Episco- pal Church Tyler Mrs. R. W., res Rev. N. H. D. Wilson

F. yANSTORY C. M , mgr Mrs. Fishblate, bds Plan- * ters' Hotel «S*8I Al UUaAI yV UUh 8. Elm 8t.. Greensboro. N. C. 104 DIRECTORY. White Department. Vance C. W., bds McAdoo House Van Lindley J., propr Pomona Nurseries, res Salem June

Vanstory C P , of Vanstovy & Ro^s, livery, feed and sale stable and dealers in wagons and buggies, bds Planters' Hotfl Vanslor}- iVii^s Lizzie, res William Vanstory Vanstoi y William, carpenter, res ss Gaston, 1 h w Green si Vernon A T., baggage agt, R. & D. R., bds Hawkins

VERNON 1;HARLES D., elk Benbow House, res same

Veroij a. W , train dispatcher R. & D. R. R., bds liHVvkins Depot rest Vernon R. L., frt and ticket agt, R, it D., res nw cor Ashboro and E. Lee st Vernon Thomas, toh ware house, ss New, bet S. Elm and Ash st Vincent William, res ns E. Market, 1 h w R. & D. R. R Voltz Bernard, market gardner, res Ashboro road

WADDINGTON Mrs. E. C, proprss Guilford House, res ws S. Elm st, 7 h n R. & D. tracks Wagner Mad. Daisy, res Market House Square Wagner Washington, res es S. Elm, 1 h n Bragg st Wagoner Mrs. M., wid, res John Smith Wakefield Geo., of Stratford, Wakefield & Co., ma- chinery and agr implts Wakefield Henr.y, sr., of Stratford, Wakefield & Co., machinery and agr implts, res Friendship, N. C Wakefield Henry, jr., of Stratford, Wakefield & Co., machinery and agr implts, bds Planters' Hotel Wakefield John, clk'W. H. Wakefield & Co, bds T. S. Hayes Wakefield W. H., of Stratford, Wakefield & Co., ma- chinery and agr implts, res Asheboro st

Wakefield W. H. & Co , hardware, Stoves, paints, S. Elm st Wakefield W. N., of W. N. Wakefield & Co., res ss Asheboro, 5 h e Davie st !

Wines and Liquors Lead the State

PURE TENT WWES for SACK AWIEM I AL PURPOSES I G. iimwi McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 105 White Departiueut. Walker Miss Ellen, bkkpr Singer Mfg Co., bds Guil- ford House Walker Miss Minnie, res Rev. W. T. Walker Walker Rev. W. T., res se cor E. Market and Davie sta Ward Thomas, tinner C. G. Yates' Sons, res G. H. Doughty Warnersville, s end Elm st Watkins Miss J. B., res Mrs. D A. Robertson Watson W. J., pass agt, res ss Mebane, 3 h e Davie st Weatherly Miss Alice, res W. P. Caldwell Weatherly A., elk E. A. Small, bds Mrs. Rosa Mc- Donald Weatherly Bud, elk E. A. Small, bds Mrs. Rosa Mc- Donald Weaver Preston D., harnessmkr, res ns E. Market st, 1 h e R. & D. R. R Weatherly John, res sw cor Davie and Gaston sts Weatherly Miss Lula, res Rufus Murray Weatherly Mrs. N. C, saleslady Mis. 0. C. Gorrell, res same Weaver P. D., harnessmkr Walker William, wks North Carolina Handle Co., res es S. Elm, 1 h s Bragg st Wesley J. W., moulder Sergeant Mfg Co Wesley R. D., res ue cor Davie and Gaston sts West James, res Cedar, 1 h n Gaston st Western Union Telegraph Co., S. A. Howard, mgr Westenedge Miss C, res Samuel Westenedge Westenedge Miss Fannie, res Samuel Westenedge Westenedge Samuel, moulder G. T. Glascock, res ss Bragg st, nr C F. & Y. V R. R Westenedge William, res Samuel Westenedge Wharton Miss Anna, retoucher C. P. Wharton, res same Wharton Cyrus P., photographer, res ns E. Market, She Davie st WHARTON JOHN W., of Wharton & Wharton, gen mdsp, res ss VV. Sycamore, 1 h e Edgeworth st WHARTON & WHiRTON, hardware and agl imple- ments, ws S. Elm st, next Baptist Church boots, shoes R H ROVn Ks rn i TRUNKS ll« i « UU 1 If OU fUi H. Elm St., Greensboro, N. C.

10(3 DIRECTORY. "White Department. Wharton William, teller Greensboro Nat Bank, bds Mrs. N. A. Brown WHARTON W. P., of Wharton & Wharton, hard- ware and agl implts, res country Wheat J. H., of Farmers warehouse, bds Planters' Hotel Wheeler Dampsey, wks North Carolina Handle Co, res Mrs. Phoebe Wheeler Wheeler John, machinist, res Mrs Phoebe Wheeler Wheeler O. C jailer, res es N. Elm, bet Market and , Gaston sts Wheeler Mrs. Phoebe, res es S. Elm, 1 h s Bragg st Wheeler Pink, bds J. F. Causey

White Augustus, cond R. & D. R. R , res es Ashboro, 3 h n Lee st

White Isaac W , elk W. M. Houston, res John May White James B., res J. D. White White John D., postmaster, res ss Lindsay, 1 h e Forbes st White Joseph, wks Greensboro Handle Co, res John May White J. S., elk C. & M. Pretzfelder, bds George Al- bright White J. W.. elk W. M. Houston White L. C, wks North Carolina Handle Co, White Miss M. A., res John May White Miss M. E., res J. D. White White Miss M. V., res John May White Miss MoUie, bds Mad Daisv Wagner White Robert G., res J. D. White"

White Thoms A , student, res John May White W. F., compositor Daily Workman, bds R. R. Moore White W. N., wks North Carolina Handle Co Whitehart Miss A., res C H. Whitehart Whitehart Miss Bettie, res C. H. Whitehart Whitehart C. H., res R. & D. R. R., bet E. Market and E. Washington st Whitehart Forester, res C. H. Whitehart Whittington Charles, watchmkr W. A. Horney, res S. Elm st For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. ««" Sacramental Wines a Specialty. Mffdoo House, Greensboro, ^. C. DIRECTORY. 1^7

White Department. Singer MfgCo,bd8 Whittington H. T., city canvasser T W Wilev Whlttington Miss Lula, res M. A. Whittington h s McAdoo Whittinlton Mrs. L., wid, res ws Elm, 1 h ne Whittington M. A., ex mess, res es Asliboro, 1

L. Whittington Whmington Robert, res Mrs." Wks Whitton Thomas, wks Greensboro Handle ns Sycamore, 7 n Whittington W. F., carpenter, res w Forbes st WileyMiBS Annie, res T.W.Wiley Wiley Wiley Miss Mollie E., res Thomas W. res sw cor Wiley Thomas W., coal agt R. & D. R. R., Gilmer and E. Market st ,. •+„ Glasclock, res e limits Williams A. L., moulder G. T. groceries, res ns i^. WILLIAMS H. J., confections, Market, 2 heGilmerst ^ Williams„^.„. Williams Miss S. E., res Hy J. Elm st, 10 h n R. & Willis Mrs. S. S., wid, res ws S. bds Mrs. N. Willis William C, wks S. C. Robertson, H. D. Wilson Wnso^n George G., teacher, res Rev. N h e Davie st Wilson Henrv A., res ns E. Market. 2 agency, res cor W. Wilson John N.. books and news Market and Mendenhall sts Wilson Miss Lee, bds Mad Carrie Anderson Church, res sw Wilson Rev. N. H. D., pastor M. E. st cor W. Market and Mendenhall Rev. N. H. D. Wil- Wilson N. H. D., jr, student, res Wilson wXn Miss Ruhama, res Rev. N. H. D. Miss Belle, res J. H. Swain _ Wimble Sikes Winfrey Henry, wks N. C. R. R., bds Willis bet Ash and Edge- Winstead J. M.. res ss Sycamore, worth sts -rr TT Cartiand/-< 4.^ ^A Witty Miss Martha, seamstress H. H. Wolfe Miss Alice, res J. M. Wolfe res J. M. Wolfe Wolfe John L.. elk W. M. Houston, 108 DIRECTORY

iinL mm A First-class Pr;ictical Solid!)!. Circulars free. W. McKAY, Principal, Macon, Ga.

White Department. Wolfe John M., carpenter, res es Forbes, 1 h n Me- bane st Wolfe Miss M. B., res John M. Wolfe Womens Christian Temperance Union, Mrs. F. M. Bum pass, pres Woodburn Miss Eva L., res T. S Hayes Woodward Jno., mechanic, res E. Market st and limits Woodson T, L., produce, bds R. R. Moore Wooters C. P., wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res ns E. Washington, 1 he Lyndon st Wooters E. P., wks Greensboro Handle Wks Wooters J. T., carpenter Sergeant Mfg Co Wooten Charles S.. cond R. & D. R. R., res se cor Lyndon and E. Market sts Worth Hiram C, res Mebane road, sw limits Worth Joseph, res Mebane road, sw limits Worth Miss Rhoda M., res H. C. Worth Worth Miss R. G., res J. S. Worth Worth William C, res J. S. Worth Wrenn Geo. elk So Ex Co., bds McAdoo House

Wright Miss A, L , res J. H Lindsay Wright Jesse, wks R. & D. R R depot Wright Reuben, wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res E. Washington, 1 h w Gilmer st Wright William, wks Greensboro Handle Co., res Mebane road, 2 h w Ash st Wynck R. R., moulder Sergeant Mfg Co., bds William Long yATES MISS BESSIE, res Mrs. M. E. Yates -*- Yates Charles G.'s Sons, hardware, tinners, etc Yates Geo. B., of Charles G. Yates' Sons, hardware, tinners, etc., res ws Church st, 4 h n Lindsay Yates James T., of C. G. Yates' Sons, hardware, res ns Churoh, bet N. Elm and Davie sts Yates J. H., bartender, res ns Gaston, cor Greene st Yates Miss Maggie, res Mrs. M. E. Yates Yates Mrs. M. E., wid, res ws Church, 5 h n Lindsay st Young Men's Christian Association, Michael Sher- wood, sec; A. Wentworth, treas fEWCOMB'S Wines and Liquors Lead the State- Pure Tent Wines for Sacramental Purposes. McAdoo House, Greensbouo, N. C.


To find a name know how it is spelled. Half numbers mean upstairs. Errata, changes and removals will be found in last pages. Where residence or business is located in some named bui!d- iug or block, see name of same in regular classification of white department. ABBREVIATIONS.

al alley nr near ave avenue ns north side bdf... boards op opposite bet between res i-esides blx building R, M S... .railway mail service vlk clerk R, R railroad cond conductor eecy secretary dept department S8 south side en)f... engineer st street 6? east aide sup' superintendent frt freight servt servant lab laborer wash'n washerwoman mfg manuiacturing wid widow mfr manufacturer ws west side Cr-ASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY AT THE END OF NAME DEPART- MENT. SEE INDEX.

. If name or other information wanted is not found in its proper classification^ see addenda and errata in last pages.

A DAMS ALFRED, res ^Varnersville "^ Adams John, res Warnersville Adams Turner, servt W. S. Rankin Albright Annie, res Warnersville Albright Johnson, lab, res ns Lindsav st. 2 h e R. & D. R. R Albright Julius, res "Warnersville Albright William, wks D. N. Kirkpatrick no DIRECTORY. Colored Departmeut. Allen J. W., bartender, res ns E. Market st, 2 h e Davie Allen William I., wks R. & D. frt depot Alston Sallie, res Warnersville A. M. E. Church, cor Mebane road and Lee st, Rev. Gullett, pastor A. M. E. Church, Rev. B. W. Morris, pastor, e limits, nr E. Market st Amos Phillip, shoemkr, res es Davie, 3 h n Syca- more st Anderson Henrietta, cook Central Hotel Anderson James, wks D. N. Kirkpatrick Anthony Caroline, servt Mrs. A. A. Anderson Ash Charles, res es Forbes, op Mebane st Ash George, res Warnersville Ash Mattie, res Julia Scott Austin David, wks Patriot office, res es Edgeworth st and n limits Austin Joseph, res Warnersville Austin Martha, res ne limits and R. & D R. R

BAILY EMILY, wks John Barker, res Warners- ville Baily George, wks W. M. Houston, res Warnersville Bailey Hezekiah, res ne limits Bailey L. E., res es Davie, 1 h n Sycamore st Bailey Lee, waiter McAdoo House Bailey Lucy, servt George Ledford Bailey Stephen, wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res Warnersville Bailey Thomas, wks North Carolina Handle Co., res Mebane road, sw limits Balsley Benj., driver So Ex Co Bane A. A., shoemkr, res ns E. Market, 1 h e Davie st Banks John, flagman R. & D. R. R Banks Robert, wks Hawkins Depot rest Barnhardt Maggie, res N. C. R. R., op Bennett Col- lege Earnhardt Mattie, res Maggie Barnhardt Barrett Stephen, servt Miss J. J. Mendenhall Barringer Henry, wks North Carolina Handle Co., res Warnersville BENNETT SE.UINARY, Rev. Wilber F. Steele, B.D., prin, W. Washington Centre sts and limits For Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. JpfiP'Sacramental Wines a Specialty. McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 111 Colored Department. Bethel John, res Warnersville Bevill Jack, res ws Forbes, 1 h s Sycamore st Bevill JameP, servt D. Howell Bevill Martin, wks J. & 0. Lewis, res Warnersville Bidden Winston, res Jacksonville Bilbro Jacob, res Warnersville Bird -Robert, wks Greensboro Sash and Blind Fac- tory, res Warnersville Bishop Samuel, wks North Carolina Handle Co Black Ferdinand, waiter Benbow House, res ss Gas- ton, 2 h e Davie st Black James, wks C. P. Vanstory Black Jane, res ns Sycamore st, op Market House Blackman Charles, res Lindsay st and e limits Bland Alfred, wks Hawkins Depot rest, res James George Bland Ernest, res ws Percy, bet E. Market and Lind- say st Blount Alfred, tinner C G. Yates' Sons, res ne lim- its, nr R. & D. R. R Blount Matilla, res ne limits, nr R. &. R. R Bosborne Nathan, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Boseley Benjamin, driver So Ex Co, res J. R. Nocho Boseman Nathan, res ws Gilmer, cor E. Washington st Brannock William, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Brin Oscar, res Jacksonville Britton Jennie, cook Planters' Hotel Britton Jerry, wks S. S. Brown, res ws Davie, 1 h n Bragg st Broadfact Thomas, R. M. S., bds Dallas Jones Brooks Bettie, wks Thomas Sloan Brooks Samuel, res ne limits Brooks Spencer, wks Thomas Sloan Brown Charles, servt Levi Scott Brown E., wks North Carolina Handle Co Brown Edgar, servt Clarence Reynolds Brown James, lab, res Anderson Graves Brown Lawrence, wks R&D. frt depot Brown Louisa, servt R G. Lindsey Brown Mollis, res Market House Square Brown Polly, servt Julius A. Gray 112 DIRECTORY. Colored Department Brown Robert, res ns Sycamore, 4 h w Forbes st Brown William, res ns Mebane road, 4 h w Ash st Burton Ann, res Market House Square Burton Henry, res Warnersville Burton Susan, servt W. H. Wakefield Byers Mitchell, res ns Gaston, 1 h w Forbes st nilN LUTHER, servt C. P. Vanstory ^ Caldwell Cora, res Nancy Hyatt Caldwell Jesse, res E. Market st, nr limits Caldwell Lou, res es Clay st, op cemetery Caldwell Lovena, servt William S. Ball Caldwell Mack, res end W. Market st Caldwell Martha, servt James E. Boyd Caldwell Minerva, res Mack Caldwell Campbell Steve, res Victoria Reed Cardwell Logan, res Warnersville Carr J. W., groceries, res Warnersville Carter Richard, lab, res ns Gaston, 1 h e Davie st Cham plain Mary, servt R. M. Dou<2;lass Charles Charles, 2d cook McAdoo House Chavers Eliza, ladies maid R. & D. R. R., res Cedar st and R. & D. R. R Chavers William, wks D. N. Kirkpatrick Clairborne Esquire, res Jacksonville Clairborne James, servt J. M. Winstead Clairborne William, res Warnersville Clark Abram, res Warnersville Clark Harriet, servt S. A. Howard Clark Henry, waiter Benbow House, res ws Percy, bet E. Market and Lindsay sts Clark Henry, res Warnersville Clark Ida, res Jacksonville Clark Mathew, wks D. N Kirkpatrick Clymer Joseph, res James Dean Clymer Mamie, res es S. Elm, 2 h s Bragj; st Clymer Wilson, hostler McAdoo House stables Cobb Fannie, servt David Schenck Conrad Eliza, servt C. E. Shober Conrad Martha, servt R P. Atkinson Cook O.-car, servt J. W. Reece Cotton Charles, lab, res ne cor E. Market and Forbes sts Craig Adeline, res ss Lindsay st, nr R. & D. R, R DIRECTORY. 113 Colored Department. Craven Ann, res ws Percy, bet Lindsay and Market sts Craven Julius, servt J. W. Payne Crump Agnes, servt Rufus Murray Crutchfield Samuel, res Jacksonville Culbert Albert, res ws Percy, bet Lindsay and E, Market sts Cunninj^ham Laura, res Joseph Young Curry Charles, res Lou Curry Curry Ernest, wks North Carolina Handle Co., res Lou Curry Curry Lou, "res E. Market st and limits D ALTON CECELIA, res James Pickett Dalton Mollie, res Charles Ash Davidson John, floor boy McAdoo House Davis Cordelia, servt Gruilford House « Davis Fannie, servt Judge T. Settle Davis Jane, res ws Davie, 3 h s E. Market st Davis Isham, porter J. A. Short Davis Isom, servt Mrs. M. L. Sherwood Dean James, brickyard, res E. Market st and limits Dean John, res James Dean Dean Sarah, res James Dean Dick Aaron, res Isom Smith Dick x-ienry, wks North Carolina Handle Co, res ne limits, nr R. & D. R. R Dick John, wks North Carolina Handle Co Dick Joseph, wks Hawkins Depot rest, res ws Percy, bet Linday and E. Market st Dick Rufus, wks Sergeant Mfg Co, res E. Market st and limits Dick Walter, wks C. P. Vanstory Dillard Abner, wks North Carolina HandleCo, res ns Sycamore, 3 h w Forbes st Dillard Jane, res Abner Dillard Dillard Thomas, stripper J. K. Hall & Co, res Abner Dillard Doak Andrew, res rear Peyton Bllbro Doak Ann, servt A. J. McKibben Doak Elijah, res ws Ashboro, 14 h s E. Lee st Doak Jasper, res s limits Doak Mary C, res L. E. Bailey Donnell Aaron, res Jonesboro 9 114 DIRECTORY. Colored Department. Donnell Ada, servt D. Curtis Donnell Adolph, servt D P. Weaver Donnell Adolphus, wks John Barker, res E. Mar- ket st Donnell Addie. servt Archie Glenn Donnell Daniel, res Warnersville Donnell Isaac, wks Hawkins depot rest Donnell John, res ne limits Donnell Lizzie, wash'n, res e limits Donald Matt, pastry cook McAdoo House Donnell Nelson, res Jonesboro Donnell William, wks D. N. Kirkpatrick Dorgid Lindsay, res ne limits Dorsey Henry, res Jonesboro Dorsey William, res Jonesboro Dumas Emma, servt G. A. Dick Dunson Harpet, res Cedar st, and K. «& D. R. R Dunn Helen, res Warnersville ECKEL GEORGE, wks North Carolina Handle Co Eckles Georgiana, servt C. P. Vanstory Edinboro Henry, wks Greensboro Sash and Blind Factory, res Warnersville Edwards Jane, servt John S. Hampton Edwill Anderson, plasterer, res Harriett Dunson Edwin Leano, res ns Gaston, 1 h w Forbes st EUett Pompey, res Wm. Phillips Emmerson J. W., barber C. H. Hicks, bds Dallas Jones Estes Christopher, res Mebane road Evans Jennie, servt George S. Sergeant Evans Robert, wks D. N. Kirkpatrick

FUNSEY ROBERT, res Warnersville Fortson Thos. A., A.B., mathematics and Greek, Bennett Seminary Foust Almira, servt W H. Pryor Foust Calvin, servt B. E. Sergeant Foust Doia, servt Mrs. A. G. Tate Foust Francis, servt Henry Jacob Foust Sallie, res Causey Turner Fowlkes Nannie, servt John N. Staples Fowlkes Susan, servt John N. Staples Foye Henry, res Warnersville DIRECTORY. 115 Colored Department. Frazier George, night watchman Benbow House, res Warnersville Frazier Jno. W., teacher Bennett Seminary Frazier Lizzie, servt W. H. Hill Free Jane, cook Planters' Hotel Free Louis, res e limits Freeman John, wks S. C. Robertson, res E. Market st Fries Frank, wks Sergeant Mfg Co Frudin Edmond, res Anderson Edwill Fulton Noah, res ws Forbes, 1 h s Sycamore st

GAINES WILLIAM, servt H. H. Tate Galloway Chalmers, wks Greensboro Handle Wks •Galloway Eliza, res ss Sycamore, 2 h w Forbes st Galloway Jack, porter Benbow House, res N. C. R. E., nr Greensboro Handle Wks % Galloway Louis, res Eliza Galloway Galloway Martha, res Eliza Galloway Galloway Turner, res Eliza Galloway

Gault Hattie, rest, res ws Elm st, 3 h n R. «fe D. R. R Gay Drusilla, servt G. A. Dick Gamble Lizzie, servt J. S. Burns Gardner Ellen, servt Dr. H. M. Alford

Garland Rev. D. H , res es Forbes, op Mebane st Garner Julius, servt Dr. H. B. Marley Garrett Albert, waiter Hawkins Depot rest, res nw cor Sycamore and Forbes sts Garrett Florence, servt J. H. Fetzer Garrett Frank, res Warnersville Garrett George, res Warnersville Garrett Henrietta, servt Dr. James K. Hail Garrett Yancey, lab, res E. Market st and limits Gearing G. A., res Matthew Gearing Gearing Matthew, carpenter, res end Lyndon st George James, res op frt depot R. & D. R. R.

Gibbs Anthony C , res Warnersville Gibson Collie, servt C. Mebane Gibson Eliza, servt J. L. Michaux Gibson Joseph, res Warnersville Gibson Lizzie, res Victoria Reed Gibson Rev. L. B., presiding elder, res Warnersville Gibson R. M., res Cedar st and R. & D. R. R •Gibson Will, harnessmkr F. F. Smith, res Warners- ville 116 DIRECTORY. Colored Department. Gilchrist Ann, res ws Lyndon, bet E. Washington-^ and E. Market sts Gillespie Henry, wksD. N. Kirkpatrick Gillespie Loton, blacksmith shop, res Jacksonville Gilmer Calvin, res ws Forbes, 2 h n S^'camore st Gilmer Charles, wks Hawkins Depot rest G Imer Henrietta, res Robert Brown G Imer Lizzie, servt Mrs. M. E. Yates Gilmer Lou, res ns Sycamore, 4 h n Forbes st Gilmer Mack,^es Warnersville Gilmer Madison, res Warnersville Gilmer Nettie, servt George T. Terry Gilmer Nicey, res ns Sycamore, 4 h n Forbes st Gilmer Sarah, res E. Washington, She Lyndon st Good Samaritans, two branches Gorrell Albina, res N. C K. R. nr Greensboro Handle- Wks Gorrell Calvin, blksmith M. Brown, res e limits Gorrell Ella, wks John Barker, res Eraeline Gorrell Gorrell Nelson, res e limits Gorrell William, wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res e limits Goyle William, res Noah Fulton Graded Schoetl, Rufus McKinzie, prin, ne cor E.. Market and Percy sts Graham H. H., barber C H. Hicks Grand United Order Odd Fellows Grasty Jerry, res Jacksonville Graves Anderson, res ns E. Market st, nr R. & D. K. R Graves Charlotte, res e limits Graves James, res rear Sam A. McClandey Graves Jesse, wks North Carolina Handle Co Graves Lindwood, wks C. F. & Y. V. R. R., res ws Forbes, 1 h n Sycamore st Graves Thomas, res Warnersvilles Graves Woodleigh, servt Dr. H. M. Alford Gray Charles, wks North Carolina Handle Co Gray Silas, wks North Carolina Handle Co Gray William, res N. C. R. R., nr Greensboro Han- dle Wks Green Laura, res Maggie Earnhardt Gunn David, wks Greensboro Handle Wks DIRECTORY. 117

Colored Department. HACKNEY JOHN W., servt John A. Gilmer Hall Austin, res Jacksonville Hall Isabella, servt Joseph Morehesd Hall Jemima, servt Mrs. E. H. Scales Hall Louis, res William Jeffreys Hanlan DoUie, servt Judge J. H. Dillard Hanner Madison, res Jacksonville Harding Surrey, res Warnersville Harding Thomas, res Warnersville Hargreaves Alfred, lab, res ns Lindsay st and lim- its Hargreaves Maggie, res IMartha Hargreaves Hargreaves Martha, res E Market st and limits Hargreaves Robert, wks Sergeant Mfg Co, res es Church, 1 h n Lindsay st Hargreaves Sandy, res Martha Hargreaves Harper Jack, res Mebane road Harris Alex, servt A. M. Scales Harris Rosa, servt R. P. Dick Harris Robert, rest and confections, res s Elm st Haskins Allen, groceries, res Warnersville Hasten Rueben, lab, res rear J. W. Reece Hatcher Julia, chamber maid McAdoo House Headen Bowson, servt R. R. Moore Headen DuBose, wks Arthur Jordan, res E. Market st Headen Emma, servt R. R. Moore Headen Thomas, servt R. R. Moore Henderson Fannie, servt A. M. Scales Henderson Pleasanc, servt Miss J. J. Mendenhall Henderson Randolph, res sw Percy, bet Lindsay and E, Market sts Herrell Abram, res Warnersville Hicks Charles H., barber shop, res ns Sycamore, 1 h n Forbes st Hill Harry, res e limits Hill M., servt W. R. Richards Hill Norman, shop bov L. W. Woods Hill Wesley, servt J. V. Pomeroy Hill Winship, res Warnersville Holland James, waiter Benbow House, res Jack Gal- loway Holland Sallie, res Jack Galloway Holley L. P., res s limits Jlolley W. E., groceries, res nr Bennett College 118 DIRECTORY. Colored Department. Holman Ada, servt M. C. Slade Holt Wylie, bds Victoria Reed Hoover Flora, servt Julius A. Gray Hooper Walter, servt Dr. James K. Hall Hopkins Joseph, waiter Planters' Hotel Horton Lula, servt Mrs. Nannie McAdoo Hoskins Allen, res Warnersville Houston Emma, servt W. B. Farrar Houston Jesse, wks North Carolina Handle '/o Houston Mary, res Samuel McAdoo Howard James, res Warnersville Howard Robert, res Warnersville Howell D., rest and fish, rps S. Eltii st Huffing Pink, res Nancy Hyatt Hyatt Gilbert, res Warnersville Hyatt Nancy, res E. Market st, and 1\. ct D. R. R, tracks Hyatt Percy, res William Hyatt Hyatt Walter, res William Hyatt Hyatt William, res ws Edgeworth st, nr n limits Hyman Sam, waiter McAdoo House

NGOLD LOUISA, servt A. J. Odell I JACKSON THOMAS, wks North Carolina Handle Co, res sw limits, Mebane road Jacksonville, Mebane road sw limits Jarrett Henry, waiter McAdoo House Jeffreys William, lab, res ws Percy, bet E. Market and Lindsay sts Jenkins Martha, res Sallie Thomas Johnson C, res James Graves Johnson David, blksmith George B. Yates, res e lim- its Johnson Douglass, res Warnersville Johnson Esquire, head waiter Benbow House, res ss- Mebane, 2 h w Forbes st Johnson Mary, res Joseph Young Johnson Sallie, res R. M. Gibson Johnson Thomas, shop boy C. H. Hicks Johnson William, driver McAdoo House, res n e lim<- its Jones Alice, servt Thomas McMahon Jones Allen, wks Sergeant Mfg Co .

DIRECTORY. • 11^ Colored Department. Jones Anthony, wks Sergeant Mfg Co Jones Dallas, shoemkr, res ws Forbes, 2 h a Syca- more st Jones Emeline, res Warnersville Jones George, saloon, res Warnersville Jones Hannah, res Warnersville Jones Henry, res E. Market st and limits Jones Jacob, res ne limits, nr R. & D. R. R st Jones J. B., meat and vegetables, res Church Jones James, res Warnersville Jones Rev. James P., res Warnersville Jones Jennie, res Warnersville Jones Joseph, cook J. A. Short Jones Joseph, wks John Barker, res R. & D. depot Jones Lula, servt J. R. Huphes Jones Mattie, res Charity Winslow Jones Millis, servt Mrs. L E Smith Jones MoUie, servt L. W. Woods Jones Pinckney, wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res Jonesboro Greensboro Jones S. R., shoemkr, res N. C. R. R., nr Handle Wks Jordan Emily, servt Marcellus Jordan Jordan Isaac, wks North Carolina Handle Co Jordan James, res ws Gilmer, 2 h ne Washington st Jordan Thomas, wks Greensboro Handle Wiss. res Willis Robertson st, nr C. F. \ V Joyce Ed, shoemkr, res ns Brajfg & . R. R ECK JAMES, wks R&D. frt depot K Keck Sallie, res Warnersville Keene Nannie, boarding, res Elm st and R. & D. R. R Reiser Lizzie, servt Rev. J. R- Ball Kelly Adam, waiter Benbow House Kelly John A., vegetables, res ss Gaston, 4 e Davie st Kinney George, res R. & D. frt depot Kiikpatrick Eugene, servt W. S. McLain Kirkpatrick L., wks North Carolina Handle Co Kiser Jacob, servt R. R. Moore LAMBERT MILLIE, res Victoria Reed Lambeth Mary, servt J. M. Winstead 120 DIRECTORY. Colored Departmoiit. Landon George, res Warnersville Law Alfred, res Jacksonville Last Isaac, wks James Dean, res N. C. R. R., op Greensboro Handle Wks Lewis James, wks C. P. Vanstory Lewis Miles, fireman North Carolina Handle Co., res ss E. Market, 5 h e Gilmer st Liddell Jesse, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Lindsay Cseser, res Warnersville Lindsay Celia, servt John A. Gilmer Lindsay Caroline, res ss Lindsay, 1 h e R. & D. R. R Lindsay Green, res Samuel Lindsay Lindsay Grreen, res Warnersville Lindsay Henry, porter McAdoo House Jjindsay Hiram, res Warnersville Lindsay Jerry, res George Wilson Lindsay John, porter Thomas, Reece & Co Lindsay Lucy, res ne limits and R. & D. R. R Lindsay Millie, servt J. D. White Lindsay Pinkney, porter Porter & Dalton, res e limits Lockett Charles, carpenter, res ss Bragg st, 2 h w C. F. & Y. V. R. R Logan Ann, res E. Market st and limits Lovett John, Avks Robert GuUett, res E. Elm st Lovett Wade, carpenter, res Mebane road, op Sash and Blind Factory

TtfACE POLLY, servt Lyndon Swaim -^"- Mann Spencer, head waiter McAdoo House, res James Jordan Martin James, res ne limits, nr R & D. R R Martin Turner, res ne limits, nr R. & D. R. R Masons Matthews George, wks D. N. Kirkpatrick, res Jack- sonville Maxwell Hannah, servt S. C. Dodson McAdden Hill, wks North Carolina Handle Co McAdoo Cheney, chambermaid McAdoo House McAdoo Ellen, servt Mrs R. C. Porter McAdoo Ellen, servt Mrs. L. E. Smith McAdoo George, wks D. N. Kirkpatrick McAdoo Kinsey, res es Percy, bet Lindsay and Mar- ket sts McAdoo J. W,, res Warnersville McAdoo M. K., blacksmith Geo B. Yates DIRECTORY. 121 Colored Department. McAdoo Orpheus, watchman Sergeant Mfg Co., res Warnersville McAdoo Peter, res Warnersville McAdoo Rufus, res Jacksonville McAdoo Samuel, fireman L. W. Andrews, res ns Greene, 2 h s Gaston st McNealy Belle, servt S. Hill McNeely Lucinda, res es Davie, 5 h n Washington st McConnell Andy, cook Benbow House McConnell Susan, servt T. S. Hayes Mclver Yancey, wks Greensboro Handle Wks McKeever Alice, chambermaid Planters' Hotel JVlcKeever Yancey, res Nancy Hyatt McKinnev George, wks R. & D. frt office, res ss Lind- say st, 3 h e R. & D. R. R McKinnev Rufus, teacher graded school, res Lindsay st and'R. & D. R. R McLean Sylvina, res es Clay st, op Tates' old factory McMichael Green, groom Benbow House McPherson Sylvina, servt Judge Thomas Settle Meadows Harriet, servt T. B. Keogh Meadows Lila, servt T. B. Keogh Mebaue John, tinner's apprentice Charles G. Yate's Sons Mendenhall Aaron, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Mendenhall Hannah, servt Miss J. J. Mendenhall Mendenhall Kittie, servt Miss J. J. Mendenhall Mendenhall Julia, 1st cook McAdoo House Mendenhall Louis, res Cedar st and R. & D. R. R Mendenhall Peggie, servt Miss J. J. Mendenhall Merritt Henry, brakeman N. C. R. R., res E. Market st and limits Mills Ann, servt W. M. Houston Milton Simeon, res e limits Mims Absalom, res rear George H. Gregory Mims William, brickmason, res Miles Lewis Mitchell Andrew, res ws Forbes, 2 h n Sycamore st Mitchell Annie, chambermaid Planters' Hotel Mitchell Lumley, res Warnersville Mitchell Melinda, chambermaid Benbow House Mitchell Samuel, servt J. L. King Montgomery Emeline, servt Mrs. C. C. Gorrell Moody James, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Moody John, res Warnersville 122 DIRECTORY. Colored Department, Moore Archie, wks Greensboro Sash and Blind Fac- tory, res sw cor Gaston and Forbes sts Moore Fannie, res ns Mebane road, 3 h w Ash st Moore Henry, wks Greensboro Sash and Blind Fac- tory, res Warnersville Moore John, blacksmith shop, res Mebane road Moore Lucy, chambermaid Mad. Carrie Anderson Moore P., wks North Carolina Handle Co Morehead Caroline, res Sylvina McLean Morehead Eliza, res ws Percy, 4 h n E. Market st Morehead Gaston, res ws Percy, 4 h n E. Market st Morehead George, res rear Bennett College Morehead Harry, wks North Carolina Handle Co., res Rhoda Morris Morehead James, shoemkr, res e limits Morehead Martha, cook Benbow House Morehead Quinie, lab, res sw cor Percy and Lindsay sts Morehead Rev. Pinckney, res ss Lindsay st, 2 h e R. & D. R. R Morehead Robert, wks North Carolina Handle Co., res Warnersville Morehead Sydney, wks Greensboro Handle Wks Morehead Thomas, of W. R. & T. Morehead, saloon, res Warnersville Morehead Tinnan, groceries, res Warnersville Morehead Warren, res Jacksonville Morehead W. R. & T., saloon. Market House Square

Morehead W. R , of W. R. & T. Morehead, saloon, res Gaston st Morehead William, wks North Carolina Handle Co, res es Davie st, 1 h n R. & D R. R Morris John P., teacher Bennett Seminary Morris Martha, res Rhoda Morris Morris Rhoda, res ss W. Market, 2 h w Mendenhall st Morris Simeon, res ss Mebane, 2 h w Forbes st Morrow John, wks D. N. Kirkpatriok Morton Jane, res ss Gaston, 3 h w Forbes st Morton Monj', res Jane Morton

"VTELSON A. C, night watchman McAdoo House, res ^^ Warnersville Nelson John, wks Greensboro Sash and Blind Fac* tory, res Warnersville

Nocho J. R., route agt N. C. R. R , res ns Lyndon st DIRECTORY. ]^ Colored Department. ARRELL BENJ.>ffice boy McAdoo House

MARY, res Warnersville PAISLEY and Parker Gibson, res ws Percy, bet Market Lindsay sts Partridge Sylvia, servt C. J. Bryan R. R., res War- Patillo W. Henry, wks C. F. & Y. V. nersville Patillo Louisa, nurse C W. Ogburn Pass Lou, servt W. R. Hughes Payne James, res Warnersville Warnersville Payne R. B., barber C. H. Hicks, res Payne William, res Warnersville Penix Harriet, res Warnersville Phillips H., barber, res S- Elm st Phillips J., res William Phillips res E. Phillips William, wks D. W. C. Benbow, limits Market st and , • j t sts*. Pickett James, res se cor Forbes and Lindsay op Bennett College- Powell Rev. Amos, res N. C. R. R , res Presbyterian Church, Rev. D. H. Garland, pastor, ws Forbes, 2 h n Gaston st u Forbes-c stf Price Sylvester, res ss Sycamore, 5 h n Benjamin, res Warnersville Pritchett Wood- Providence Baptist Church, Rev. W. T. H. ward, pastor, e limits and N. C. R. R Missouri, servt David Schenck Prudent ^^ ^ ^ . R. K Purris York, res ns Bragg st, nr C. F. & Y. V RAGNELL ROBERT, porter J. W. Scott & Co Rankin Susan, servt W. S. Rankin res e limits Rankin Thomas, , , . . , ^ ^^ and E.j. Reaves John, res R. & D. R. R., bet E. Market Washington sts Reed Major, servt J. D White , ^D. j. j. Reed Victoria, res S. Elm st and R. & ^-^ E. Market- Eees Julius, res ws Percy, bet Lindsay and sts Rhodes Amanda, servt J. H. Winstead Richmond George, wks John Barker, res Henry Rich-

mond , ,,7. Richmond Henry, wks John Barker, res Warners-

Richmond James, wks John Barker, res Henry Rich- mond 524 DIRECTORY. Colored Department. Roane W. H., res D. Howell Robertson Willis, wks Greensboro Handle Wks, res E. Market and limits Rogers Mar}'-, res Warren Rogers Rogers Warren, res ws Percy, 5 h n E. Market st Roland Peggie, res E. Market st and limits Ruffin Harper, wks Hawkins Depot rest, res Causey Turner Russell Charles, res Warnersville Russell Maria, servt Rufus Murray Russell Moses, res ws Perc}', bet E. Market and Lind- say sts

GANDERS ALEX, res Warnersville '^ Sellers Ann, res Ann Gilchrist Sellers James, servt David Schenck Sellers John, res ws Percy, bet E. Market and Lind- say sts Scales Annie, servt Mrs. D. A. Robertson Scales Belle, servt A. M. Scales Schaufnej'' Lurenia, servt Frank Eldridge Scott Eliza, res ws Gilmer, 3 h n E. Washington st Scott Jack, res ne limits, nr R. & D. R. R Scott John, res es Forbes, 2 h n E. Market st Scott Edward, barber L. W. Woods Scott Julia, res es Greene, lbs Gaston st Shaw Isom, res ss E. Market, 5 h e Gilmer st Shellv Delia, res Lou Caldwell Shelton Texas, servt Mrs. S. S. Willis Short Napoleon, res es Percy, bet Lindsay and E. Market sts Sides Julia, servt W. P. Caldwell Simmons Millie, res Jonesboro Simpson Belle, lab, res Crawford Simpson Simpson Crawford, lab, res S. Elm st Simpson Sarah, res ue limits -Simpson Samuel, res ws Davie, 3 h s E. Market st Singleton Clinton, res Jefferson Singleton Singleton Hilliard, wks John Barker, res S. R. Jones Singleton Jefferson, wks Benbow House, res ns E. Market, 3 h w Forbes st Slade Benjamin, res Warnersville Slade James, wks D. N. Kirkpatrick Sloan Emma, res Warnersville Sloan Emily, res Warnersville DIRECTORY. 125 Colored Department. op Greensboro Sloan Horace, cook, res N. C. R. R. Handle Wks Sloan Isaac, res e limits limits Sloan Jesse, res E. Market st and Crawford Sloan Julia, servt Rev. L. W. Market st Sloan William, barber shop, r^^^. and Blind fac- Sloan Wilson, eng Greensboro Sash tory, res ne limits Sloan Wilson, res Warnersville House Sloan Yancey, office porter Benbow Forbes st Smith Amy, res ss Sycamore. 5 ^^.n Handle Co., res Smith Anthonv, wks North Carolina rear Mrs. L. E. Smith Smith Bettie, res Isom Smith Smith Henry, waiter Central Hotel Smith Iffie, servt J. W. Payne Smith Isom, res ss Mebane, 1 h w Forbes st Smith James, servt Rev. L. W. Crawford Market st Smith Margaret, res es Greene, nr w i^orDes si Smith Mary Ann, res ss Sycamore, o h n Smith Phillip, lab, res Isom Smith Smith Sam. barber H. Phillips, res same Lo Smith Thomas, drayman Galium Bros. & Smith W^esley. servt J. L. Michaux illiam, res Mary Ann Smith Smith ^\ McDonald Smith Winnie, servt, res Mrs. Rosa Handle to Snipe James, wks North Carolina Stanfield Amos, res e limits Carolina Handle/ii^ Co.,Pn Stanfield Solomon, wks North res e limits Wks Stanfield W., wks Greensboro Handle csi-ppIp Turner wks C P. Vanstorv res Warners- itrange John R v., barber Sam Wiley, nr Gilmer st Sw^'im Henry, res ss E. Washington, Swan G. W., servt J. E Boyd Swift Calvin, res Warnersville Swinston Henry, res Jacksonville TATUM MARY servt R G. Glenn h n Forbes st Taylor George, res ss Sycamore 3 Simpson Taylor Milton, painter, res Samuel Thacker Ainsley, res George Taylor Thacker Caroline, servt J. V. Pomeroy 126 DIRECTORY. Colored Department Thacker Caswell, carpenter, res ns Lindsay and E. Lindsay st Thacker Hattie, servt J. V. Pomeroy Thacker Mittie, servt J. V. Pomeroy Thom Emma, servt J R. Mendenhall Thorn Zenith, servt H. H Tate Thomas James, wks North Carolina Handle Co., res Mebane road Thomas Mary, servt Thomas McMahon Thomas Sallie, res Cedar st and R & D. R. R Thomas Samuel, drayman Odell & Co Thompson L., wks North Carolina Handle Co Thompson Lettie, res nw cor Green and Gaston sts Topson Louis, res Jacksonville Towns Sarah, servt F. Fishblate Trotter Rufus, wks C. P. Vanstory Turner Causev, boarding, res es Davie, 1 h n R. & D. R. R Tucker Henry, porter J. W. Scott & Co, res Jackson- ville Tucker Nannie, servt Peter Hubbard

UNTHANK HERMON, res WarnersvilV Unthank Jasper, res Warnersville

T7ARMACK DOCK, res Warnersville ' Vaughan Maria, servt Mrs. A. T Keeling

WADDELL EMILY, res nw cor Gaston and Davie sts Waddell Pattie, chambermaid Benbow House, res Sarah Waddell Waddell Sarah, res nw cor Gaston and Davie sts Waddy Gracie, res Warnersville Wagoner Jane, servt W. C. Swan Walker George, servt Julius A. Gray Walker Lizzie, res es Church, 1 h n Lindsay st Walker Mangum, res Warnersville Walker Millie, servt William Sergeant Walker Stephen, res es Gilmer, 1 h n E. Washing- ton st Wklker Thomas, wks John Barker, res Lizzie Walker Walton Ella, res Anderson Edwill For Win es, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. Jpi^Sacraniental Wines a Specialty. McAdoo House, Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 127 Colored Department. Ware Thomas, wks Sergeant Mfg Co, res ne cor Gil- mer and E. Washington sts Warmack Jacob, res rear George H, Gregory Watkins Frank, wks D. N. Kirkpatrick "Watkins Lutitia, servt W. C. Porter Watkins Monroe, wks D. N. Kirkpatrick Watson Lizzie, servt J. L. King Weatherly Ed, res Warnersville Weatherly Kate, servt John Weatherly Weatherly Madison, wks K. & D. frt depot, res Jack- sonville Weatherly Pinckney, servt Judge T. Settle Weatherly Robert, wks North Carolina Handle Co, res Warnersville Webb Rosa, servt S. S. Brown Weir Silas, wks Greensboro Sash and Blind Factory, res Warnersville Wharton Amelia, res ne limits, nr R. & D. R. R Wharton Andrew, res E. Washington st and N. C. R. R Wharton Ceasar, res Warnersville Wharton Gaston, blksmith, res ns E. Market, 2 h w Forbes st Wharton Jane, servt W. H. Hill Wharton Nelson, servt C. Wheeler Wheeler Pleasant, wks D. N. Kirkpatrick White Christopher, res E. Market st and limits Whitis Edmond, res Warnersville Whitis George, groceries, res E. Market st Whitis Henry, brickmason, res e limits Whitis Moses, res E. Washington st and N. C. R. R Whitus Abram, res ws Percy, bet E. Market and Lindsay sts Whitus Amelia, servt R. G. Glenn Whitus Ann, servt Louis W. Andrews Whitus Dock, lab, res us Lindsay st, 2 h e R. & D. R. R Whitus William, floor boy Planters' Hotel Whitfield Henry, res Jacksonville Whitfield Lee, res Cedar st and R. & D. R. R Whitfield Oscar, shop boy Sara Wiley 128 DIRECTORY, Colored Department. Wiley Samuel, barber Samuel Jones, res Warners- villa Williams Alex, pressman J. S. Hampton ct Co Williams Earl, servt Mrs. Mary Smith Williams Esther, res Causey Turner Williams J. N., res Warnersville Williams Jacob, wks North Carolina Handle Wks, res es Edgeworth st and n limits Williams Rev. H., res e limits Williams Mary, res Warnersville Williams Samuel, res ws Forbes, 1 h n Sycamore st Williams Solomon, res Warnersville Williams Zach, res Warnersville Wilson Adolphus, res Warnersville Wilson George, lab, res ns Lindsay st, 2 h e R. & D. R. R Wilson Hannah, res Warnersville Wilson Joseph, res Warnersville Winchester Harriet, servt George Donnell Winchester Sandy, res Lettie Thompson Windon A. L., wks W. M. Houston, res Warnersville Winslow Charity, res ws Forbes, 1 h s Gaston st Wommack Chas., porter Mrs. F. Fishblate Wood Henry, res rear Peyton Bilbro Wood Nancy, servt Dr. B. A. Cheek Woods James, res Jacksonville Woods L. W., barbershop, res nw cor Mebane and Forbes st Woodward James, wks R. & D. frt depot Woodward Rev. W. T, H., minister, res ss E. Market, 5 h e Gilmer st Wright Benjamin, res ne limits, nr R. & D. R. R Wright Clement G., res J. H. Lindsay Wright Lizzie, res rear W. S. Moore Wright Louis, waiter Benbow House Wright Maggie, res es Forbes, 1 h n E. Market st

YANCEY D. B., res Warnersville Yates Wm., tinner Charles G. Yate's Sons, res ns Lindsay st, 1 h e R. & D. R. R Young Green, servt T. B. Keogh Young Joseph, res se cor Sycamore and Forbes sts .

IRVING BLUM Winston. Fo.,^ Liberty S.eet,No.thea^stU.i^


Produce. _ -Highest Market Price Paid for C. enth Sts., Winston, ^. N. E. Cor. Depot and Sev J. ft. SCALES. M. W. XORFLEET, Formerly of Caswell Co., ^. C- PiEDMORT Warehouse, WINSTON, N. C. _^FOR THE SALE OF^-- LEAFTOBACCO __ * * • Phig-manufacturing market in the wTVt;TON is the largest North Carohna or \ ir- ^?ai Ihere I no better market in (No^rth Carolina or Yirgima) ^"ket in^ehh^ State and ours to be the best Filler Ud we believe United Mahogany WrappermarketiNTHE of new lac- i \TE9. A large number S-" | this year, 'tories have been built ^ | and several new order men ^ . % on the market. ^T^,f' are i^n solicited from every quarter, y ^„, Consignments O F M . W. N ,, given to all sales. R i^^^^ j^ FOVRTH FLY.

Bil©® fimili igiiisijj

RE¥. EDWSRD RONDTHSLER, D.D., Principal. REV. J NO. II. CLE WELL, Assistant Principal.

A home and high-class school for girls and young women. Government and discipline kindly, but firm. Painstaking and thorough instruction. No social distractions. Our efibrt is to secure a simple, cheerful, Cliristian school life. Eleven resident lady teachers constantly in charge. Seventeen in- structors. Great care that scholars may not be overworked. Systematic physical culture. Special arrangments in case of sickness. PROF FREDERIC AGTHE, recently returned from London, in charge of Music Department. Beautiful grounds and ample buildings, thoroughly remod- eled during the last few years. Favorable terms, compared with similar higli-class schools.. For catalogue and circulai-s, address the Principal.


Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOOBS, DRESS GOODS, FANCY NOTIONS. Millinery and Dressmaking Department,


OUl°"n5 J&0eU, c^ff0, J(aU and 0U Bhihi.

.tee to give satisfaction, as our stot-k is always 'epartment. SftT'^^^ only ask a trial. NC975.6b?1 u fc»<*#d C Directory of Greensboro, Salem


W.T. CARTEF FROM THIS ROOM Corner Fourtli and Main Stre


Wholesale and Retail Deale: General Merchandise,

Comprising a full line DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, Boots, Shoes, Hats @ Caps, TRUNKS, VSLISES MD SSTCHELS.

Alar^eSlcck QM0CEMIES Always on band

Agents for the following brands of Fertilizers, all of which are first class for Corn, Wheat and Tobacco : Lister's Fhosphiate, Ci-ame Gruano, **Owl" Griiano,

And the well known *' Br-itish. 31ixtii.re,"

Which, for fine yellow Tobacco, has no superior.

Call early and often, w'here you will always find polite and attentive salesmen. Thanking the public for their large patronage in the past, and with best endeavors to merit a continuance of same in the future, we are, Very truly, W. T. CARTER & CO. <^

*-7 o
