
\^TCK MAKER i DEALER tN WATCHES, OLSCKS AND JEJiELRY, Q wiisraToisr, ?>r o. X CITY DIRECTOKY J p S "GrAZETTEE'R Fors3'th and Guilford Counties -. -DEALER IN *fOSi*ffi*SfiiiiS2!:-^El?El*ES "wiaxTSToixr, isr. o. J have eonslaiitly oa i; iv' i full sud- p'y best <ira<iesol'COrtI,St-: .7: .Smitll- jzi^, wfouHcfr.r. Grate and' love Coal, in ';ar load lots or less, as ow as the lfi»' r^st. 'iixo iiouie euterpi'ice tho pref- erence, aii things being equal. Orders soliei ted -large or .^m:ill Miantities— from Factories, Forridri.. .'etc. iz S3:. iriXT := Til i I'd JUKI ry.-.of^ixoKt, V ;nst'. '.' P'inc 'j:U v1 's cor. t*^5& t*=¥? -sli ^^ = «-9S FIRST PASTER. SMOAK & PRITGHETT, Third Street, [in New Gray Block, Sign Gold Boot, SHOE and HAT STORE In the State. They have sole control in the towu of the oclebrated Zeigler Bros'. Shoes, for men, ladies, misses and children ; Bennett A Barnard's flue Shoes, for ladies and misses ; Blanchard & Little's, for ladies and misses; Frank & Fray's, for ladies and misses; Groves' hand-made easy Shoes, for old ladies ; Hutloii A Bliss' fine Dress Shoes, for men ; .Ino. Faust & Son's flue Shoes and Boots, for meu ; Winches- ter hand made Boots and Shoes, for men ; Means' $;i Shoes, for men and boys (the cheape.st shoes in the world); Parker, Holmes & Co's $2. -50 shoes, for men (the best made for the price), and a great many other goods too numerous to mention here, from the cheapest to the best, at prices to suit the people. They also keep the best stock of HJ^TS' j^'Z>'-J}^ In the State, andjjare agents for Stetson Hats, the best hat made. Call on them, if you want tlie worth of your money SERGEANT MANUPACTURINS CO Oresiislooro. 2T. O. Ji.\NUFACTUREi;a OF FABRAB TURBINE WATER WHEEI COOK A^SD HEATING STOVES, Saw Mills, Cane Mills, Horse Power Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, And Castings of E\ °.iy Description. ^&~Send for Price-List. H. H. CARTLAND. iT 4- AND DKALKH IN CASSIMERES I FURNISHING GOODS. IGENT * FOR * "CROWN ^ SEWING * MACHINE. FIRST FLY. OOta HARDWABf cq HARDWARWholesale and Retail Dealers in Greensboro, N. C. soiiTB wm mum nm-mm AVarranted superior to any Plow made. "Any one failii.g to give satisfaction after two <lays trial can be returned, and money will be refunded." We mean strictly ivhat rue say. It is the hem PJmr in the vjorld. Give it a trial. Odeli Gothic Cook Stove, PLANTERS' PRIDE TURNING PLOWS, MALTA DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS, DAVIS' SWING CHURN, PI. DISTON'S and H. PEACE'S SAWS OF ALL KINDS. STEPHEN BALLARD'S GUM BELTING, _^OLD DOMINION NAILS AND BAR IRON.afc_ Besides, we (tarry a full s^tock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware of all kinds. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH FS. B ULK LEAD, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS At rock bottom prices, (iive us w trial, n\\(\ we will convince you that we have the bkst goods lor the least moucy to be.tound in this city. (H)ELL HARDWARE CO., South Elm Street, Greensbor'*, N. C. SECOXD FLY -h-he^tty-h- low Prices^ ^ p^y j^j^^ oc=!r:;:FALL AND WINTER STOCKV"-^ IB Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY400Dg,*N0TI0Ng, Boots, Shoes and Hats, &eady-Made4^CIotIiins,4Bsnts'4^FurnisIiins4l!oods, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, ETO.r GREENSBORO, N. 0. All classes of buyei-s will find it to their interest to examine our stock before making purchases, as our goods have been bought under favorable circumstances and will be sold ac- cordingly. When you come to Greensboro, do not fail to visit the cheapest store in town. The prices of goods on my 5 and 10 Cent Counters can't he heat. Also, the cheapest Glass and Crockery ware that can be found. Tinware a specialty. Groceries as cheap as anybody. Fruits, Can- dies, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. Respectfully, II. J. WILLIAMS, Under Benbow Hall, Greensboro, N. C. , DIRECTORY OF Greensboro, Salem and Winston,J AND GAZETTEER OF FORSYTH AND gUILFORD GOUNTIES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED AND CLASSIFIED. BY THE '-"""'" liXTERSTATE DIRECTORY COMPANY, 33 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga., Publishers of Directories of Tyler, Tex.; Gainesville, Marietta, Griffin Barnesville, Rome, Cartersville, Columbus, Macon, Ga.; Bir- mingham, Ala.; Greenville, S. C; Charlotte, Greensboro, Winston and Salem, N. C; Anniston, Ala.; Geor- gia Pacific Gazetteer, Richmond and Dan- ville Gazetteer ; Montgomery, Ala., and otliers South and West. FRICE, - - #2.50. Note. — General Advertisers desiring to reach the trade of the South-Atlantic States permanently and cheaply through our Directory communication, or wishing books for mail- ing purposes, address as above for particulars terms ofpresent and intended publications. A T L A X T .\ , Georgia: H. H. Dickson, Book and Job Printer, 32 S. Broad Street. 1 884. Public Library of Winston-Safem and Forsyth County ixKkei Oflse KJLl£Ean3SH A D VERTISINQ DEPAR TMENT. W. B. FARRAR, JEWELER and ENGRAVER, DEALER IN SILVER PLATED WAHE AND NOVELTIES OF E7RY DESCRIPTION IN THIS LINE. Under Benbow House, Greensboro, N. C. M^MflWl^m:m. \% GREENSBORO, N. C. OflBce in Lindsay Building, up sta^s, cor. East Market and North Elm Streets. Teeth Extracted without Pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide iTwr^URHAM^ Hanufacturer of aud-Dealer iu MarUe I Cfranite Monumeiits, mmm, mmi tasiets, iiles, etc, Contracts taken for every Description of Building Stone and Cemetery Work, Fourth.St., near Public Square, - - WINSTON, N. C. INTRODUCTORY. Herewith is presented the City Directory of Greensboro, Salem and Winston, and Gazetteer of Forsyth and Guilford Counties. Pains have been taken to make it complete in all its departments, and while an occasional error, unavoidable in works of this class, may appear, we have no hesitancy in claiming it superior to all former efforts in this line, and we think it will be so appreciated by the general public. It is our intention to make the publication permanent, every two years, and to add to its usefulness with each volume. Respectfully, C. M. Gardner. H. H. Dickson. October, 1884. POPULATION. Note.— 3 is used as a multiple by which to estiriaate the total. Greensboro—White Names, - 1,111 - - - - 3,333 Colored Names, 735 - - - 2,205—5,538 Salem—White Names, - - - 714 - - - - 2,142 Colored Names, - - 255 - - - 765—2,907 Winston-White Names. - 1,424 - - - - 4,272 Colored Names, - 510 - - - 1,530—5,807 Total, Salem and Winston, - 8,714 AD VER TISING DEPAR TMENT. Jacob Tise. J. H. Masten. lii^m^m t fr*j I <:^::^DEALERS iN-.^:::::> IVOTIOPf®, Hats, Boots, Shoes, READY-MADE GIOTHING, Grooeries, eto. AViivsTOiv^ :v- o. THE OLDEST JEWELRY STORE IN WINSTON AND SALEM. WM. T. VOQLER, Next Door to Wachovia National Bank, Main Street, WINSTON, N. C, —H-KEEPS THE LARGEST STOCK OF-H— SILVER i SILVER-PLATED WARE, WALKING CANES, GOLD PENS, Etc. 5PEeTigLES-i-AND*EYE*gLASSBS*0F*EfERY*DESSRIPTI0N. Engagement Rings a specialty. Engraving neatly done on an Electro- Engraving Machine. REPAIRING of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry done promptly, and all work Warranted. , GENERAL INDEX. WINSTON AND SALEM AD- Appeddix VERTISERS. GREENSBORO. AUeo E J 1st cover Barrow J. S. & Sons ..4th fly Greensboro Institutions and Belo House 63 General Directory 45 Blum E 6 Blair F. S 64 Broadaway J. S 62 Blum Irving 3d fly SALEM AND WINSTON. Boozer Geo. A 6 Butner T. M.. 64 paster Winston Institu- Carter W. T. & Co back Salem and 62 tions and General Directory.. 45 Cheap John 65 Directory. 157 Cooper W. J Business 62 Gazetteer Department 193 Dalion Dr. D. N Davis Mrs. N. S 6 Durham I. W 2 Fries F. & H 10 GREENSBORO ADVERTISERS. Gray E. E 66 Gray & Martin lines Alford & Mlchaux 30 Gieish & Senseman 67 Armfleld G. Will 2d fly Hopkins J. N 3d fly Bennett Seminary 30 Jacobs J back cover Boyd R. F. Co lines Kernersvlile High School 7 Galium Bros. & Co lines Kerner <& Oldham 61 Galium Cf Harding 25 Kester J. H 63 Cartland H. H 1st paster King D. H 1st cover Central Protestant The 32 Macon Commercial College top Daily Workman The _ 32 reading pages Doub W. G 30 Meinung F. C 6a Farrar \V. B _ 2 Montague Dr 61 olascock G. T 32 Moore's Business University top Griffith Dr. J. W. next introductory reading pages Hampton J. S. & Co 28 Nissen G. F & Co 68 Houston Levi 31 People's Press 65 Hughes Milton T 28 and 29 Perkins R. B 6i Huntly Dr. J. P 25 Fledmont Warehouse 3d fly Jones of Binghamton 26 Rempson W. S 64 KlrkpatrickD. N 29 Ryttenburg Bros 12 Lindley J. C. & Bro 32 Salem Academy 4th fly Macon Commercial College top Shore N. T. & Co 9 reading pages Smith & Brown lines Magic City Copying Co 25 Smoak & Prltchett 1st paster Moore's Business University Stewart Geo 8 top reading pages Styron & Styron 63 Newcombe E G lines Tise C. H 7 Odell Hardware Co 1st fly Tise Jacob & Co 4 Park Dr. W. T 27 Thompson Dr. V. 61 Patriot The 31 Thompson V. O. & Go 67 Roilgers Robt L 20 Union Republican o7 Sergeant Manl'g Co Ist paster Vance J. A _. 8 Smith Frank F 29 Vogier Wm. T.., 4 ttmithdeal Bus. College 1st cover Watkins Dr. C. J 62 Southern Copying Co 27 Welfare C. R 9 Taylor Thomas M. 25 Western Sentinel next 68 Tnoruton J. J 27 White J. A. & Sons 9 Wharton & Wharton 30 Williamson & Corrie lines Williams H. J 2d fly Winston Leader 66 — ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. SIGN OF THE BIG COFFEE POT.
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