Congressional Record—Senate S7020
S7020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 9, 2016 While BARBARA’s departure leaves diction, helping Congress to pass the term limit pledge he had made to his the Senate without one of its strongest Comprehensive Addiction and Recov- Hoosier constituents and did not run champions for the environment, col- ery Act, CARA, to improve prevention for reelection to the Senate. lege affordability, and reproductive and treatment, support those in recov- For many people, 18 years in Con- rights, we will continue to fight for ery, and ensure first responders have gress might be enough, but Senator these core priorities as she would have the tools they need. She helped to pass COATS was just getting started. After done. legislation to reauthorize the Violence he left the Senate, he joined the pres- It has been a privilege to serve along- Against Women Act, crack down on tigious law firm of Verner, Liipfert, side a steadfast champion like BAR- sexual assault in the military, make Bernhard, McPherson and Hand. In BARA. college campuses safer, and improve 2001, then-President Bush nominated She has served Maryland with utter mental health first aid training and Senator COATS to be Ambassador to the conviction, and I know she will con- suicide prevention programs. Federal Republic of Germany. He ar- tinue to be a progressive force in this Senator AYOTTE has followed in the rived in Germany just 3 days before the new chapter of her life. footsteps of other Republican Senators September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Aloha, BARBARA, and a hui hou, from New England, such as Robert In the aftermath of 9/11, Ambassador ‘‘until we meet again.’’ Stafford of Vermont and John Chafee Coats established excellent relations f of Rhode Island, who are true conserv- with then-opposition leader and future TRIBUTES TO DEPARTING atives when it comes to the environ- German Chancellor Angela Merkel—a SENATORS ment.
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