O-Week 2013! Wheth- to the Kopy Stop That I Found the Crew I Ment Skill Share

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O-Week 2013! Wheth- to the Kopy Stop That I Found the Crew I Ment Skill Share Special O-Week liftout inside! O-Week 2013 sex, drugs honi soit honi and nazis: Corporate ad pg 2 Your student paper The new chancellor, pg 4 since 1929 STRIIIIKE! pg 10 Matt Okine: a funny guy pg 13 editorial and www.honisoit.com contents letters Our mission statement for 2013 Lucy Watson Objectivity is dead. Just ask any media ent you ours, unashamedly. media, to provide a voice for the students Editor-in-chief scholar. Journalists will try and tell you oth- We don’t expect you to take our word for the daily papers were so happily tearing to erwise, but don’t believe it. Everyone has everything. On the contrary, you should be shreds. In 2013, we proudly live up to that an opinion, and they love nothing more critical of us. Everything you read should tradition. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but than pushing their agenda on you. We’re be scrutinised. You should look at what there’s a federal election happening in Sep- no different. we think, and consider what you think. If tember. An election that’s outcome is all Welcome to Honi Soit for 2013. This year, you’re on the same page as us, congratula- but decided, and it’s an outcome that spells we present you an honest, and honestly bi- tions, you must be awesome. If you’re not, disaster for students. We’re here to make ased, paper. We’re not hiding behind a veil tell us. We encourage contributors from all some noise and get our voices heard. We of objectivity; we’re presenting what we biases, unless your natural bias is racist, sex- won’t stand for the deregulation of fees or think. Just like everybody else. The differ- ist, or hateful in any way. If it is, go back to cuts to student support. We may be small, ence here is that we’re not pretending to be 1960, we don’t want you here. but we can make a lot of racket. anything we’re not. We have opinions, you Honi Soit has a long and radical past. Make a racket with us. have them too. Facts are not just facts, they We’ve been around since 1929, and we are interpreted with natural bias. We pres- started as an alternative to mainstream Objectivity is dead. Long live Honi Soit. A strike is brewing at this here Univer- THE ONLY LETTER WE GOT UNSW program. sity - Samantha Jonscher walks you Moreover, you have listed Macquarie Page 4 through the walk out OVER THE SUMMER – COME University as a potential candidate for BACK NEXT WEEK FOR A students who are seeking a ‘real’ medi- Science Vs Arts, a battle to the death - WHOLE PAGE OF THEM! cal education. I would like to respectfully Mischa Vickas inform you that Macquarie University Page 7 Dear Counter Course team, does not in fact offer undergraduate The 2013 Counter Course Handbook is medicine. Harvard reserach proves that grass undoubtedly a masterpiece, and I applaud As for the wisdom of a graduate- before beer leaves you in the clear - you. However, I feel it is necessary for entry program, I should point out that Page 9 Lachlan Munro me to address certain claims made in the medicine is a life-long vocation. It is rare Medicine section. that high school leavers have absolute It is worth noting that the Sydney Medi- The history of a newspaper. This news- certainty in the career path they wish to cal School introduced graduate-entry paper - Dom Bowes & Lucy Watson pursue. A further three years of ground- Page 11 medicine in 1992, long before the fascist ing in any subject area provides students Howard Government decided it would with the maturity required to make that be a good idea to charge exorbitant fees decision and the interpersonal and criti- to students with a desire to heal the sick cal thinking skills that will serve them Page 12 Community life - Caitlin Still through a tiered HECS system. well in the study of medicine. In the Interestingly, you accuse the move by words of our patron saint, Hippocrates, the University as one that was done to “inexperience is a bad treasure, and a bad reduce the number of Commonwealth- fund to those who possess it.” Crosswords and puzzles page supported places. However, the Sydney Page 20 Medical Program provides more CSP In solidarity, places—both bonded and unbonded—to Fahad Ali students than the undergraduate-entry THE BMedSc/MBBS II Page 21 SOIN Obituary Like us, follow us, taunt us at: It is with sadness that Honi Soit reports Plus a bonus 8 page O-Week liftout! the death of Reverend Beth Spence. Beth is survived by her husband, University of honisoit.com Editor-in-chief: Lucy Watson Tom Murphy, Sam Murray, Nathan Sydney Vice-Chancellor Reverend Michael Editors: Rafi Alam, Bryant Apolonio, Max Olivieri, Lucia Osborne-Crowley, Tom Spence, and their children James, Philippa, Chalmers, Avani Dias, Mariana Podesta- Raue, Angus Reoch, Sam Small, Cameron Oliver, Lucinda and Felicity. Diverio, Hannah Ryan, Nick Rowbotham, Smith, Lulu Smyth, Caitlin Still, Harry facebook.com/honisoitsydney St Mary’s Anglican Church Waverly, where Xiaoran Shi, Nina Ubaldi Stratton, Josh Tassell, Mischa Vickas Beth served as supporting clergy, wrote: Reporters: Georgia Behrens, Lucinda Contributors: Dom Bowes “Beth’s faith and zeal for pastoral connec- Bradshaw, Adam Chalmers, James Colley, Cartoonists: Rose McEwen, Erin Rooney, @honi_soit tion through the entire community earned Jack Gow, Joe Istiphan, Samantha Jonscher, Andrew Kim her a special place in the hearts of all who Neha Kasbekar, Georgia Kriz, Brad Puzzles: Dominic Campbell, Dover met her.” Mariano, Kate McDonell, Lachlan Munro, Dubosarsky, Jim Fishwick, Eric Shi Honi Soit is published by the Students’ Repre- Auld, Adam Chalmers, Bebe D’Souza, Brigitte sentative Council, University of Sydney, Level Garozzo, James O’Doherty, Lane Sainty. All 1 Wentworth Building, City Road, University expressions are published on the basis that Anyone can write for Honi Soit ! of Sydney, NSW, 2006. The SRC’s operation they are not to be regarded as the opinions of costs, space and administrative support are the SRC unless specifically stated. The Council financed by the University of Sydney. The accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of Email all letters and submissions to: editors of Honi Soit and the SRC acknowledge any of the opinions or information contained the traditional owners of this land, the Gadigal within this newspaper, nor does it endorse any people of the Eora nation. Honi Soit is written, of the advertisements and insertions. Printed editors@honisoit.com printed, and distributed on Aboriginal land. by MPD, Unit E1 46-62 Maddox St. Alexan- Honi Soit is printed under the auspices of the dria NSW 2015. SRC’s Directors of Student Publications: Clare You arrive at uni on the first day of O-Week. If you’re a first year go to page 10, and if you’re the new Chancellor head to page 18 3 @honi_soit HONI NEWS FREE FEBRUARY 2ND EDITION 2 O-Week Edition “BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOU CAN DO ANYTHING” University presents a new type of Okay, but chancellor Max Chalmers reports on what the rise of Belinda Hutchinson means what the for the ‘billion-and-a-half dollar business’ that is Sydney University The University of Sydney Senate has bro- the Senate has now reached critical mass. organisations. SRC president David Pink, fuck is... ken with tradition by appointing a Chancel- National Tertiary Education Union USU president Astha Rajvanshi and SU- lor with an extensive corporate background. (NTEU) Sydney Branch President Michael PRA president Angelus Morningstar met The Chancellor: the position is largely During the holidays the Senate announced Thompson said Hutchinson’s appointment with the Chancellor and were impressed by ceremonial, however, as a member of the it had voted to install Belinda Hutchinson showed a prejudice towards business meth- her eagerness to listen to student groups. Senate the Chancellor presides over meet- as the University’s 18th Chancellor. She ods over education sector experience. Despite this, senior sources within these ings and has voting rights. Though Marie replaces the outgoing Marie Bashir and is “We would think a Chancellor would organisations have privately expressed con- Bashir was not a dominanting Chancellor, just the third woman elected to the position come from the [education] sector, or have cern about her corporate background. it is possible that Belinda Hutchinson will since its advent in 1851. some real connection with the sector. The Hutchinson’s connection to neoliberal take a more interventionist approach . think-tank the Centre for Independent The Senate: The ultimate body for policy Studies (CIS) has also raised eyebrows. The making within the University. The Senate think-tank lists economists Milton Fried- is comprised of 22 fellows including the man, Friedrich Hayek, and anarcho-capital- Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor. There ist Murray Rothbard among its influences. are just two elected students fellows, one Having resigned from the organisation’s undergraduate (Patrick Massarani) and one board, Hutchinson compared CIS to her postgraduate (James Flynn). other not-for-profit work. The NTEU: The union that represents “I have a substantial number of chari- a range of tertiary education workers table and not-for-profit organisations that including academic staff. I support as a director. I do not see any of these organisations having a conflict with An EBA: A contract between an employer the University,” she wrote. and employees that stipulates pay rates Those concerned by the increasingly cor- and working conditions porate environment of the University Sen- Belinda Hutchinson. Photo courtesy of the University of Sydney The 40:40:20 provision: A requirement ate can hardly take comfort in the words of enshrined in previous Enterprise Agree- Unlike previous Chancellors, Hutchin- new Chancellor doesn’t appear to have Hutchinson’s advocates.

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