[email protected] 908 447 5803 COLD OPEN OVER BLACK: SUPER: ”GRAPHIC WARNING: This video depicts unspeakable assaults upon the dignity inherent to all pigs.” ”The following footage was recorded during undercover investigations by the Nine Billion Ghost Front, an animal liberation group declaring war on speciesism.” These clips have LOWER-THIRDS: “Recorded Via Hidden Camera By NBG Investigators.” This is a PETA-esque exposé video edited by an iMovie amateur, scored with EERIE DRONE SOUNDS. INT. PASTURE - DAY CLIP 1: A pig sniffs around a field. SCIENTISTS and ARMY OFFICIALS (faces blurred) observe the pig from 100 yards back. SCIENTIST Effects of M320 Grenade launcher on adult Yorkshire pig. Test #74. A SOLDIER with a GRENADE LAUNCHER kneels, aims, FIRES. The pig looks up, tilting its head just as the grenade CONNECTS. The pig is OBLITERATED. The scientists jot notes on clipboards. SCIENTIST The M320 appears to have destroyed the pig. But would an infant pig also react by exploding? Hm. Further tests necessary. EXT. PETTING ZOO - DAY CLIP 2: A banner hangs from a fence, “PONDEROSA PETTING ZOO.” Nearby, a MOTHER holds a HYSTERICALLY CRYING little girl. The mother points at a PIG lying on its stomach behind the fence. MOTHER That pig was passive-aggressive to my child! How DARE you let my kid near an animal so quietly hostile? The pig SNORTS indifferently. The little girl WAILS. The mother SCREAMS in panic and shields her daughter. MOTHER Put that beast down! (MORE) 2. MOTHER (CONT’D) Before it silently judges someone else instead of being direct and honest! Bystanders TACKLE the pig.