The Story O/Hamlet

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The Story O/Hamlet Thestory o/Hamlet The guards of ElsinoreCastle in Denmark have scen a Ghoston the bardcmenrs.Ir lookslike rhe fatherof prince -l'hev Hamlet who died only rwo monrhs bcfore. ask Horario.a youngnobleman and a friendof rhe prrnie, ro watchwith them and to talk to the Ghost.rffhen it appears. it doesnot speak, and disappears from sight. The new King of Denrnark Thc new King ofDenmark is Claudius,Hamler's uncle who hasjust ma[ied the Prince'smother, Gertrude.He allows Laertes,the son of his Lord Chamberlain,polonius. to rcturnto Parrsand urges Hamlel to castoff hismournine. Hamletis srill disrrcssed by his tarher'sdearh and decplv upsel that his mother has marriedbarelv t*o m,rnrh, afterwards.He longsfor deathand cundemnshis mother 'Fraihy, with the words, rhy nameis woman., Hamlet's lorying for death O! that this too too sol llesh toutrt nelt, ThalL)and r.sobe itseu inb a dn) . IInr ueary, shle,tat, and u,tfrolitubb Seemb mea fie usesof rhis;^orLl. Acrr Scii Poloniusbids farewellto hisson.advising him on howa youngman shouldbehave. Polonius's advice to his son l,leithera bonote4 nor a lealer be; Forloa ofi tosesbofi ilsetf dndfri.n t, And bonuA s dul\ th, eds ol hu,bart,j. Thr oboreall. to rhnc mv sctlbe rruc, And mustfoll@^, ttsthe nigtu rheda|, Thoucanst not fien befalse to anJma . Act r Sciii A ghostly rneeting Hamlet,meanwhile, has gone ro the castlebattlcments with Horatio. Vhen the Ghosrappears, he speaksro Hamlel, as the spirit of his dead farhcr. The Ghosrrells how he was l14 hr\ asks.llrrnltt 1o rcvtntle murdcrcd h\ (lhudius lnd lecp thc mcctingsccrer i""ii.-ii"*r",':i;.'. rsksHorrti. ro rr' lrLr\(rr 'rrrJ.'rrrh :"t,;" 'te nr"rr thtnr:t \"uf phil'""nlr\ r'i,,',',',in," rr' JI' rntt"l rn l1: Hamlet feignsmadness Hamlerdecidcs ro llnd proofof his unclc's\\ickedncss. He is dclerminedlo kill thc King, and pretendsro bc mad in ordcr to trick him. Ophelia,Lacrtes' sister, $ho hasbeen courtedby Hamlet,notices his strangebehaviour. She tells her father. Polonius,rvho decidcslhat Hamlet is lovcsick for Ophelia. Claudius, thc King, is also worried about Hamlet's behaviour.He scndsfor Rosencrantzand Guildenstern,old schoolfriends of Hamlet,and asksif they canfind out what is wrongwith him. Hamletsoon discoven that theyare messengcrs from the Kine. He describcshis melancholyto them. Hamlet's melancholy I ha|t of lalc, - htu r.htl.lirt I h]toi! n r. lov ,tll ,r tn]1h, tngatr Llll dt\Io"t oI,r,:rtrsis; urttl ttrrlr'r'dit grtr ro lfdr il,\,!. t/l ,A drstrrrolottthat thr gaadl'ha x,Iht drth. sr,r,rrsto inr a st,'ri/r' 2rrurrnlrrt i ,ris ,rr^/ crr.1l.,rl ..r,rr)rtl. nt ut, htok !'ou, th$ htuit orfidtsutlt linnd ttttl, tlti\ ,natNitdl nal l) t1x.l Ltlth go/d,rr /irr, trlr'. it aput! to oltto titg k) kb a foll d dttvfunl . gtteatt t)f |utiouts. Vhat a tLtt oIz'.i,tk ts L! iLttt! Hr- oblt ttl ttusoit! hLr6t'lnt nlfd.ul\! |t fir1tt, in n]{)rtttt:.hoi! t\'rt$ dtkl u.lnDabb! h dcndt hoi! likt a dtwL! Dt affrchllu, hoz. litu d s.)t|! lht h.a.lll ol thc ltr,ld! th': q" Sati;,s,u't aw".tl ;.luJt,'.t rt t tlh Ftut ol Junt Aeu slii Han et's plot to t ick the King Hamlet lcarns that a group of travclling players are to pcrform at ElsinoreCasde. Hamlet asksthe actorsif thc-v will add a sccneto thcir play it resemblcsthe way in which his fatherwas murdercd. If Claudiusrcacls to thc sceneon stagc,Hamlet will know that the King is guilt-"-.He sals ttr himself,'. .'fhc pla,v'sthc thing,Wherein I'll calchthe conscicnceof the king.' Hamlet spurns Ophelia 'l'he King and decidcto seeif Hamlet is suffering Quccn'l'hcy from lovcsickness. arrangefor Ophelia to be alonc with Hamlct, but where thc King and Poloniuscan cavesdropon lhe conversation.Hamlet ponderson dearh andasks whether it is betterto liveor dic. 116 Hamlet on life and derrh /, t,. ,i )r)! tt 1,. tttui t. ttr ,tln,t ,,t 1l ,, rl, r li, ,,,i t,' ,t ttr urn,t t,, ,iti, r /t,,/rrf\trr(/.rr,, , /,ri,t!)t,:\,)r. t,r L)i. (), r,,/,rn r,rr, {!rrrrrrd ,,J,,/ r,,rr,t/,,. 1\ ,y,,r,!,! , r/ rlr.a : t,) Jr !tj ,!,, ,hll.1 f. !r,r,,.. rrr(/.1'\ L/,,/'L.r\ ,r, ,,J /r,,rr,r/i. /lL, ,tjnl ttt, ti"rrtjtJ Ltitjtt t),,.L Iit 1l,i t,ir!j t). tt\t,,,r!rlrjrt 1)tl l.),:,\ttl\!,, h .l,r',1 7;,., i,,,t,./, \httl t f.),))ntj.,/,,Jr,,rx ,r. rr,r, i rlr,,rr1.. !it) it !tjtt ,1,,| ,tt &nth .rii, Jr,,rr, ,,rr, ll ir,,,ir, lr.r.,.ttr|t..t,,tt tirt, n,t,tt ,,ti. rtr\rfrit r/rtld\. /ti,,r/h,,Vr./ t lnti trnll t .rl.rnrr t)t \, l,,rt ll.- \.( I SL:l ( Ilunrlcrspulns )phclius lo\'e Nith arucl rt,,,he cr-lcs(rLll llt de\0rtr rl lh( chll gc in hinr. tl; llLrL! r! .r.Lrr. { s' l\ -. 'l'hc King now knows thar it is not love that disturbs Hamlct.He suspectsHamlet of cvil plansand decidesro sendhim to England. The play's the thing Beforethe play takcsplace in front of rhe court, Hamlet advisesthe actorson how to plav their parts. Hamlet's instructions to the playerc Stut p dni R) rh. rrotd, tfu :.rah'lk) fu dnut: uih tlts srffd/ oDrfr.dnf., tltar jat obt\rtf, ot th. nad?st] of j.r' Iahoc: at\-lhDtEso oi.,.tlanc b l|otn th. tutta!€ .l ttd]'Dts.|llost tN!, ba& dt fic Jit and . , Las akl is, tu hold. ds nlrtt, r,ni|or ttl to an r; to sho,i-|,tuc h.t aLlt lc.t! lt, stonl h.r ou tnas, andtb zq agtutkt bodJ oI nL tiw htstrnn dtdt r"rsu!. Ibzr,, rl,.\ or.'ddt, ol .otnt tattl\ ofI. nnnleh nak. thc skitfuttdush. cdmot b l ,natu tht Judicto ! gtl.rt . Ol that bt ?ta,-crsthar I hatt tln\', a d h.a oLlrts?n& . .. thdr I h.!t. utousN vn. o[ dttoc\ jo llt4rn hnd natb n.n and nor mad! Ihtn t.Ll. thl)'innar.d hu a it! $ dbomnlabl\. Hamlct carefullvwatches the reactionsof claudius and his "lhc mothcr to lhe pla,v. lady dorh protesltoo much, methinks,'is Gertrude'sresponsc, but the King is dis- turbcd.\Vhcn lhe actorsrcach lhe poinrwhere the l,laver King is porsoncJ.Claudrus srons thc plav.Frrghrcned an<J guilty.he rushesfrom the hall. Hamletis now convinced thar Claudiusmurdcred his fathcrand hc is detcrmincdon revcnge. llahlet's thoughtson revenge 'Tr nou ltc z Lt1.u u,httg tiM af tisht, lYhtnt hut,:h|d1ds j'nI! an.lh.ll its.lf hrtfatt:ft\otLl C,tttLrgk,ttu ti:;uorld: rau couLdI dDthhat blood, ,.L,ddo rr.i ,i[.r ]ftsi?frrds rr. dd\. WtotLldq dh''ta Lookan. /''::--P-J'--4-- AcI xI Scii A chanceto kill 'l'hc the King King norvrcalises rhat Hamlct knorvs ofhis murderous deed.Abne, (llaudiusrries to pravfor forgivcness but finds l19 I it difficuh.Hamlet, seeing him alonc,rejecrs rhc chancc ro kill him. Ifthe King'spraycrs rvcrc hcard, argucs Hamlct to himself,Claudius might bc forgivcnand rvouldnor suifcr thc fircs of hell. Poloniusbehind the arras Hamlct hasbecn summoned ro scc his mothcrand shc agreesthal l'oloniusshould hidc behind thc arras,or lapcstry curtain,to listcn to thcir convcrsation.Hamler speaksharshly to his mother,threatening her, and Polonius criesout, alarmedfor her safety.Hamlcr, bclievingit to be thc King, draws his sword and rhrusrs ir rhrough rhc curtain.Polonius falls dcad at his 'l'he fcct. Quecn,convinccd that her son is mad,tells rhc King of Polonius'sdeath. Claudius knou's that the blurvwas intendedfor him and insisrsthat Hamlcr lcavefor lJngland at once. Ophelia'smadness Soonafter Hamlet sets out for Iingland,it bccomesobvious that Opheliahas gone mad becausc ofher fdthcr'sdeath and 'rVhen thc lossof Hamlet'slove. sorrowscome, rhcv come nol singlespics, But in batralions,'observesClaudius. Ophelia'slament II u dcadand ganc,lag.. Hrdcuda d sant:: , lr ,?.\/,.ud d €1rj:J'lt,n r nrt( lcr rr Scr Lacrres,who has hcard ol hisfarhcr's dealh, rushes back to Denmark.He is shockcdbv Ophctia'sinsanirv. She \lr|ju\fl,NLrs an\i .ings. hliriou.,'fhcr"urrounJrng.. Ophelia's madness rr.rr:\ r,r. ,ll\. ,rdl il, rt rrrtrrilrrrLt: prur . /orr,. ttntonht' d]td thtt. u td rifs, ,,.{}r4, ,r.rislfs . fr.rr! louttll, )\)u. n d d ubrrrts;r/ltrri rrrr'Ial rorr; aar./tr'rr! n t L, Dtt: z!,: nlLt\'t.tll ir ,.r1' ,y' s]rr.. d .SrD./.r-u. O./ \rnr ,n6ljrir|d, \'ol!lf)rk, z.irlr d dtfli\ d& . t\ d JrN),: I|loutJ sii r',r'drn,xf iri)/.rr, h r rh]'itithtrc.t ott Ilhtr n^ fatkt Llnl :\cr r\ sc! t20 (,li|udiu5 urge\ l.rerte\ 1()rc!cnge ( l., r..,,|r:r .. i..1., |,rll.,,. l'Ll,,rr r. J,, Lt.l ..,, ,i ()tjt,l. .. lll.,.l:... , tli!\ l,.rr I rji r!..! l-,r tr, ll.Lrr,, r.L: I ll!,ri:rl.L , I t.rL|,t::- \,, \r.a l.. tl IrLl I .Lr.IIli. ,,Iri.,. I.,,.rI,. , . I.L,|!. rr., r, . t! | rrr.(r t.,.Ltr rflrr.l.L ..:.. 1.,l, r:LL.,, .,: '.l, ..,r,ir.l Lirrlj! I 1. , . I llL. jl, i::1..,t ..
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