National Summary Preliminary Report


Central Statistical Organization Yangon, . 1998


Foreword 1. Introduction 1.1. Objectives of the Survey 1.2. Historical Background 2. Methodology 2 2. 1. Sample Design 2 2.2. Sample Size Determination 3 2.3. Sample Townships and Households 3 2.4. Estimation Procedure 4 2.4.1 Weighting 4 2.4.2 Survey Estimates 5 2.4.3 Limitations of the Data 6 3. Sample Survey Execution 6 3. I. Preparation 6 3 .2. Field Operation 7 3 .2.1. Recruitment of Enumerators 7 3.2.2. Compilation of List of Households 7 3.2.3. Training ofEnumerators 7 3.2.4. Field Work 7 3.2.5. Checking, Editing and Coding of the Forms 8 3.2.6. Closing ofField Work 8 3.3. Data Processing 8 3 .4. Coverage 9 4. Discussion on Results 9 4.1. Size of Household 9 4.1. l. Average Household Size 9 4.1.2. Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Size l 0 4.2. Monthly Household Income 12 4.2.1. Average Monthly Household Income by Source 13 4.2.2. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class 15 4.3. Monthly Household Expenditure I 7 4 .3. I. Average Monthly Household Expenditure 17 4.3.2. Monthly Household Expenditure on Food and Beverages 18 4.3.3. Monthly Household Expenditure on Non-food 19 4.3.4. Percentage Distribution ofHouseholds by Monthly Household Expenditure Class 21 5. Summary Findings 22 5.1. Average Household Size 22 5 .2. Household Size Distribution 23 5 .3. Average Monthly Household Income 23 5.4. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class 24 5.5. Average Monthly Household Expenditure 25 5.6. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class 26 5.7. Comparison with Household Expenditure Survey (1989) 27 6. Comments and Conclusion 28

Statistical Tables A. Main Tables B. Additional Tables Appendixes List of Ta bl es

A. Main Tables 4.1 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Union. 4.1.1. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Kach in State. 4.1.2. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Kayah State. 4.1.3. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Kayin State. 4.1.4. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Chin State. 4.1.5. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Sagaing Division. 4.1.6. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Tanintharyi Division. 4.1.7. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Bago Division. 4.1.8. Percentage Distribution ofHousehol.ds by Size, Magway Division. 4.1.9. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Mandalay Division. 4.1.10. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Mon State. 4.1.11. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Rakhine State. 4.1.12. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Yangon Division. 4.1.13. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Shan State. 4.1.14. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size, Ayeyarwady Division.

.., 4.2.1. Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Union. .) .., 4.2. 1. 1. Average Monthly Household Income by Source, . .) Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Kayah State. 3 Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Kayin State. Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Chin State. Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Sagaing Division. Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Tanintharyi Division. 4.2.1. 7. Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Bago Division. Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Magway Division. Average Monthly Hous~hold Income by Source, Mandalay Division. Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Mon State. Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Rakhine State. · Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Yangon Division. Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Shan State. 4: Average Monthly Household Income by Source, Ayeyarwady Division. 4: 4.2.2 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Union 46 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Kachin State 47 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Kayah State 47 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Kayin State 48 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Chin State 48 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Sagaing Division 49 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Tanintharyi Division 49 4.2.2. 7 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Bago Division 50 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Magway Division 50 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Mandalay Division 51 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class , Mon State 51 4.2.2. l l Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Rakhine State 52 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Yangon Division 52 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Shan State 53 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income class, Ayeyarwady Division 53

4.3.1. Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Union. 54 4.3. l. l Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Kachin State. 55 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Kayah State. 56 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Kayin State. 57 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Chin State. 58 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Sagaing Division. 59 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Tanintharyi Division. 60 4.3 .1. 7 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Bago Division. 6 !

4 .3. 1. 8 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure, Group, Magway Division. 62 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Mandalay Division. 63 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Mon State. 64 4.3 .1.11 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Rakhine State. 6'.i Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Yangon Division. 66 4.3 .1.13 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Shan State. 6 7 Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group, Ayeyarwady Division. 68

4.3 .4. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Union. 69 4.3 .4.1. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Kachin State. 70 4.3 .4.2. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Kayah State. 70 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Kayin State. 71 4.3 .4.4. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Chin State. 71 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Sagaing Division. 72 4.3 .4.6. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Tanintharyi Division. 72 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Bago Division. 73 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Magway Division. 73 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Mandalay Division. 74 4.3 .4.10. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Mon State. 74 4.3 .4.11. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Rakhine State. 7 5 Percentage Distribution ofHouseholds by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Yangon Division. 7 5 Percentage Distribution ofHouseholds by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Shan State. 76 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class, Ayeyarwady Division. 76

B. Additional Tables 4.1.15 Average Household Size. 77 4.1.16 Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Size Class, Overall. 78 4.1.17 Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Size Class, Urban. 79 4.1.18 Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Size Class, Rural. 80 Average Monthly Household Income 81 Ranking of States and Divisions by Average Monthly Household Income. 82 Median Monthly Household Income 83 Percentage Contribution of Wages and Salaries to Average Monthly Household Income. 84 Percentage Contribution of Entrepreneurial Income to Average Monthly Household Income. 85 Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Household Income Class, 0.verall. 86 Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Household Income Class, Urban. 87 Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Household Income Class, Rural. 88 Average Monthly Household Expenditure. 89 4.3 .1.16 Ranking of States and Divisions by Average Monthly Household Expenditure. 90 4.3.J .17 Median Monthly Household Expenditure. 91

4.3 .2. Monthly Household Expenditure on Food and Beverages. 92 4.3 .2.1. Ranking of States and Divisions by Monthly Household Expenditure on Food and Beverages 93 4.3.3. Monthly Household Expenditure on Non-Food. 94 4.3 .3. I. Ranking of States and Divisions by Monthly Household Expenditure on Non-Food. 95

4.3 .4.15 Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Expenditure Class,

Overall. 96 4.3 .4.16 Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Expenditure Class, Urban. 97 Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Expenditure Class, Rural. 98

5. I Estimates for Yangon City 99 5.2 Estimates for Mandalay City 100 5.3 Household Expenditure Survey (1989) and Household Income and Expenditure Survey ( 1997) Results IOI 5.4 Monthly Household Expenditures, HES (1989) and HIES (1997) 102 Appendixes

1.1 Major Household Expenditure Items 2.1 List of Townships Not Included in the Sampling Frame 2.1.1 Number of Townships to be Surveyed 2.1.2 Number of Sample Urban and Rural Households by State and Division 2.1.3 Number of Sample Wards and Village Tracts 2.4 Sampling Weights for Urban and Rural at Township Level 3. Members of HIES Steering Committee and Working Committee 3. 1. Questionnaire 3.1.2 Terms and Definitions FOREWORD

This publication is the Preliminary Report of the 1997 Household Income and Expenditure Survey, conducted in forty-five townships of fourteen States and Divisions. Presented in this report are data on household size and income and expenditure pattern of Myanmar household at Union, State and Division level and key city level. The statistics provided in this report are based on the responses of 254 70 sample households: 10610 urban households and 14860 rural households, selected nation-wide and interviewed during November, 1997.

I gratefully acknowledge the invaluable support and assistance of authorities at varied levels of Peace and Development Committees and Non­ governmental organizations as well as the co-operation of sample household respondents in making this survey possible. It is opportune to sincerely thank UNICEF Representative Dr. Juan Aguilar Leoan, Planning Section Chief Mr. Chris Davids and Project Officer (Monitoring and Evaluation) Daw Khin Win Thin for their co-operation and financial support to make thi's nation-wide survey a reality. Last but not the least, I deeply appreciate and heartily thank Associate Professor Dr. Daw Than Toe of Institute of Economics, Yangon as well as statistics and computer staff of the Central Statistical Organization for their arduous efforts to prepare this report. It is hoped that the report will provide invaluable information for policy-makers, planners, administrators and researchers in the public and private sectors, in formulating policies and programmes for the improvement of the life of Myanmar families. () ,{ • r'l. ·~-····-·-

Dr.Sein Tin Director-General

Yangon, Myanmar September, 1998 1. Introduction

The 1997 Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) was the second HIES to be conducted by the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) on a nation-wide scale. The first and foremost household expenditure survey was conducted by the CSO in I 989 on a nation-wide scale.

In the 1997 HIES, monthly household and yearly household incomes were collected ~ith breakdowns by type of income. Apart from the information on the household experiditure, information on the demographic characteristics, educational level, employment and employment status of the household members, housing conditions were also collected. Household expenditure was collected on several expenditure items in detail, which could be classified into two major groups: I. Food and Beverages 2. Non-food Items in Food and Beverages group were classified into 16 sub-groups and items in Non­ food group were classified into 17 sub-groups. List of these sub-groups is as shown in the . Appendix 1.1. The survey was designed to yield estimates at the Union, Urban and Rural levels, estimates at the State and Division levels, estimates for Yangon City and Mandalay City, estimates for other cities of States and Divisions and estimates at the selected townships level. The 1997 HIES covered 236 of the 322 townships and 45 townships were surveyed, comprising 36 sample townships and 9 additional townships.

I.I Objedives of the Survey The 1997 HIES was conducted to cover the whole of Myanmar with the following objectives: (l) To investigate into the changes in the level and patterns of consumption, spending and expenditures of households in accordance with the changing economy of Myanmar, (2) To assess the levels of living of the households, and (3) To be able to compute the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all the cities and the. CPI which represents the whole country.

1.2 Historical Background Ernst Engel, a German statistician, was known to be the first to investigate into the relationship between consumption and income of families from the family budget data. Since that time, family budget data have been used not only to find out the income-consumption relations, but also the income elasticity of demand for any item of the family budget. The data have also been 2 used to find the percentage of income spent on food called the Engel ratio, as an indicator of level of living and the weights to be used in the construction of CPL Family budget surveys usually collected data on income, consumption and expenditure of families and were among the earliest surveys conducted in the developing countries. The Central Statistical and Economics Department conducted these surveys, later known. as the household expenditure surveys, in Myanmar as early as I 958. It was confined to Yangon City only. Since then, the household expenditure survey has been conducted 105 times till 1997. In some years, the survey was conducted in some townships including Yangon City sometimes.

2. Methodology

The 1997 HIES of Myanmar covered all States and Divisions but not all townships. The list of townships not included in the sampling frame is shown in Appendix 2.1. Survey sampling method was used to select sample townships, wards, villages and households.

The sampling frame was based on the list of townships, wards and village tracts for J 994 obtained from General Administration Department.

2.1 Sample Design The sample de.sign used was stratified three-stage random sampling design. (1) Stratification used was natural stratification. Yangon and Mandalay Divisions were each divided into 2 strata and the remaining divisions were formed into 12 strata totaling I 6 strata. Yangon Division was divided into 2 strata comprising townships in Yangon City and other townships. Mandalay Division was also divided into 2 strata comprising townships in Mandalay City and other townships. (2) First-stage sampling was based on townships. First-stage unit was a township and from the list of townships in each stratum, sample townships were selected by simple random sampling. Appendix 2.1.1 shows the number of townships, number of sample townships selected, predetermined additional townships and the number of townships to be surveyed in each stratum. The names of selected sample townships, additional townships and the names of townships to be surveyed in each stratum are shown in Appendix 2.1.2. (3) Second-stage sampling was based on wards and village tracts. Second-stage unit was a ward for the urban part of the sample township and a village tract for the rural part of the sample township. The sampling frame at this stage was prepared by listing all the wards in the urban part of the township to be surveyed an.d the village tracts in the rural 3

part of the township to be surveyed. 25% of the number of wards and 10% of the village tracts :were sampled by simple random sampling in each sample township .. (4) Third-stage sampling was based on households. Third-stage unit was a household and sample households were selected by simple random sampling from the list of households in each sample ward and in each sample village tract. The sampling frame at this stage was prepared by listing all households in each of the selected wards or village tracts.Appendix 2. 1.2 shows the number of sample urban households, sample rural households,and total sample households for each township to be surveyed in each State and Division. Appendix 2.1.3 shows the number of wards and village tracts, the number of sample wards and sample village tracts and the number of sample households for each township to be surveyed.

2.2 Sample Size Determination Based on the results of 1989 Household Expenditure Survey, the number of households to be sampled in each township was determined as, n = [4 C.V2 (X)] I d2 * Deff, where n =the number of sample households. d =margin oferror=0.01 C.V (X) =coefficient of variation under consideration (from past data) Deff = the design effect = 1

2.3 Sample Townships and Households It was targeted that reliable estimates with precision measures for the Union as well as for the States and Divisions should be obtained from this survey. Thus, sample townships and sample households were selected by random sampling methods. The targeted structure of the sample was as follows: 1. Number of strata = 16 2. Number of predetermined townships =9

3. Number of random sample townships = 36 4. Number of random sample households per township = 550 5. Total number of random sample households = 19800 6. Number of random sample households in predetermined townships= 5670 7. Total sample households = 25470. 4

2.4. Estimation Procedure

For each item, estimates are found at the township level, State and Division level and Union

level. At each level, estimates for Urban and Rural are computed separately.


Y h i j k be the value ofy for household k, ward or village tract j, township i, stratum h .

y h ij = t y h ij k . k = 1.2 ...... ! h ij

I h ij = number of sample households in ward or village tract j, township i, stratum h.

L h ij = number of total households in ward or village tract j, township i, stratum h.

,m i I h i = L. I h ij ,j = L 2,...... 11 J

L h i = L L h ij ,j = 1, 2 ,: ...... ,M hi j

m hi = number of sample wards or village tracts, township i, stratum h.

M hi = total number of wards or village tracts, township i, stratum h.

L11=2:Lhi I

,h = 1, 2, ...... ,1 6 for Urban ,h = 1,2, ...... ,l 4 for Rural

n h = number of sample townships for stratum h.

N h = number of total townships for stratum h.

2.4.1 Weighting

At the township level, the weights assigned are:

M L h .. W 11 1' = h i X IJ m hi I h ij

W h i c u ) is the weight used for urban part of township i, stratum h.

W h i ( r ) is the weight used for rural part of township i, stratum h.

The weights are shown in Appendix 2.4 ·5

2.4.2 Survey Estimates At the township level, the estimates are:

Y hi(u) = W hi(u)L L: Yhijk(u) J= 1,2, .... ,m h,(u) j k

Y h i ( r) = W h i ( r) L: L: Y h ij k ( r) j= 1,2, .... ,m h,(r) J k

Y hi= Y hi(u)+Y hi(r)

Y hi(u)+ Y hi(r)

L hi(u) + L hi(r)

where Lh i (u) and Lh i (r) are the total numbers of households in the urban and rural

parts of township i, stratum h, respectively.

At the State and Division level, the estimates are:

I\ I\ N h ( u ) y h ( u ) = L: y h i ( u ) = 1,2, ..... ,nh(u) n h ( u )

I\ I\ N h ( r ) y h ( r ) = L: y h i ( r ) = 1,2, ..... ,nh(r) n h ( r )

I\ I\ I\ y h = y h ( u ) + y h ( r )

I\ I\ I\ y h ( u ) + y h ( r ) y h = L h ( u ) + L h ( r )

where Lh (u) and Lh (r) are the total numbers of households in the urban and rural parts of State and Division h, respectively. At the Union level, the estimates are:

I\ I\ y ( u) = L:Yh(u) h=l,2, .... ,16 h

I\ I\ y (r) = L: Y h (r) h = 1,2,. ... ,14 h I\ I\ y y =- L 6

2.4.3. Limitations of the Data The data users should bear in mind that the data presented in this report are the results of a sample survey and accordingly, subject to sampling variations, because observation is not made of the whole population. Survey estimates may also be subject to non-sampling errors such as deliberate under- or over- reporting of income and expenditures or reluctance on the part of respondents to state their true levels of income and spending.

3. Sample Survey Execution

The 1997 HIES was executed under the supervision of the HIES steering committee headed by Director General, C.S.O and the HIES working committee headed by Director (Statistics), C.S.O. The lists of members of the two committees are as shown in Appendix 3.1.

3.1. Preparation Preparations were started as early as August 1997. Sample design and questionnaire design were selected and approved by the two committees. Questionnaires, terms and definitions and the forms to be used in the survey work are shown in Appendixes 3 .1.1 and 3. 1.2. 107 Staff Officers and Deputy Statisticians of C.S.O were assigned as field supervisors to supervise the field operations in each township. The training of these supervisors, divided into two groups, was given at the C.S.O in Yangon from 27 October 1997 to 30 October 1997. The training consisted of discussion on- (a) Objectives of the survey (b) Sampling method (c) Role of the township supervisors (d) Forms to be used at the township level (e) Selection of sample wards, village tracts and households (f) Terms and facts in the questionnaires (g) Procedures for filling up the questionnaire forms. A pilot survey of 125 households to test the design of the questionnaires, to access operational procedures and the ability of the supervisors was carried out at the Bogyoke Village in the Thanlyin township of Yangon Division by the C.S.O staff assigned to supervise township level field work on 2 November 1997. Based on the returns of this pilot survey,necessary amendments were made in the questionnaires and the C.S.O staff members involved in the pilot survey was again given clarifications and discussions on their works. 7

3.2 Field Operation A total of 853 persons, including l 07 staff members of CSO as field supervisors and 746 locally recruited enumerators participated in the field operation.

3.2.1 Recruitment of Enumerators Officials from CSO carried out the recruitment and training of enumerators at each township of their assignment. It took about four days, starting from I 2 November 1997 to I 5 November 1997 for the recruitment and training of enumerators. Altogether 746 temporary enumerators From NGOs were selected and appointed to carry out survey operations for nineteen days, from 12 November to 30 November 1997.

3.2.2 Compilation of List of Households At the selected wards and village tracts, lists of household were compiled for the sample selection with the cooperation of township, ward, village tract Peace and Development Councils (PDCs), and Township Immigration and Manpower Department.

3.2.3 Training of Enumerators Training of the locally recruited enumerators was carried out at each selected township in mid November 1997 before the fieldwork. Th~ training program included discussion on- ( a) objectives of the survey, (b) interviewing and filling up of the questionnaire forms, (c) social dealing with the sample households, (d) miscellaneous topics A pilot survey to demonstrate them how to carry out the fieldwork was also included in the training program. The enumerators had to conduct the pilot survey under the supervision of the field supervisors from CSO.

3.2.4. Field Work. The enumeration started on 18 November 1997 and ended on 27 November 1997. Prepared questionnaire forms were used to collect data from the sample households. Enumerators interviewed each sample household to obtain the information. An enumerator had to interview 38 sample households on the average and a field supervisor had to supervise the enumeration of 238 sample households on the average. An enumerator had to conduct three to four interviews a day and a field supervisor had to supervise the interview of 20 to 25 sample households a day. It took about one and half-hours to complete an interview on the average. Additional sample households already selected before the fieldwork replaced missing sample households. 8

3.2.5. Checking, Editing and Coding of the Forms The field supervisors and the enumerators undertook the checking, editing and coding of the filled up questionnaire forms after the interviews were completed. It took about three days, starting from 28 November 1997 to 30 November 1997. Although, checking and editing of the filled up forms was carried out everyday after the interviews, the overall editing, call-backs and coding of the edited forms were done during those three days. The completed forms were brought back to CSO after 30 November 1997 and manual editing and coding of the remaining forms continued till they were ready for data entry. Manual data verification and data validation by computer were done thoroughly before the computer did any tabulation.

3.2.6. Closing of Field Work After the completion of the survey fieldwork, the enumerators were honored with 'Certificates' and labour charges at the ceremony sponsored by the township PDCs. The survey would not have been successfully completed without the cooperation of the respective PDCs. They have helped in arranging training halls, temporary survey offices, transportation to the wards and village tracts, and boarding houses for some of the HIES field supervisors from CSO. The logistical support of the township responsible persons greatly contributes to the successful completion of the 199.7 HIES. In addition to this, inspection tours to the States and Divisions, surveyed townships in November, 1997 by the supervisory committee members comprising the Director General, Deputy Director General, Directors, Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors of CSO also made it possible to conduct the HIES, smoothly and efficiently till the time of its completion.

3.3. Data Processing The Computer Division of CSO processed the collected data on demographic, social, income, consumption and expenditure of sample households. Data entry was completely carried out by using IBM compatible microcomputers. IBM compatible microcomputers as well as IBM 4381 mainframe computer did data processing. IMPS and Database software packages were used for tabulation. Manual editing of data, data entry and data processing by electronic computers started since December 1997. Preliminary Statistical tables were produced since May 1998. The tables comprise : 1. Percentage Distribution of Households by Size 2. Average Monthly Household Income by Source 3. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Income Class 4. Monthly Household Expenditure by Expenditure Group 9

5. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Expenditure Class

3.4. Coverage Sample households were selected from all townships except those at the remote and not easily accessible border areas. The list of townships not included in the HIES is shown in Appendix 2.1. The sample townships were selected from 236 townships which is 73.3 % of the total townships in Myanmar. All households were included in the sampling frame. Persons living in collective living quarters like religious buildings, hospitals and dispensaries, schools, educational buildings, hotels and restaurants, inns, boarding houses, hostels, prisons, orphanages, homes for the aged were not included in the HIES.

4. Discussion on Results

Information on some of the demographic, social and economic aspects of sample households was collected in the HIES (1997). Preliminary statistical tables include information on size of household, monthly household income and monthly household expenditure.

4.1.Size of Household

4.1.1.Average Household Size

From ~he results in HIES (1997), based on 25470 sample households, the estimated average size of household for the Union is 5.25. This is comparable to 5.2, which is the average size of household obtained in 1983 census of Myanmar. The estimated average household size is 5.22 for the Urban Myanmar and it is 5.32 for the Rural Myanmar. Rural Myanmar average household size is slightly greater than the average household size for Urban Myanmar. The findings are similar to those in 1983 Census of Myanmar. Table 4.1.15 shows the average household size for the States and Divisions. It also shows the average household size separately for the Urban and Rural Myanmar. The average household sizes of most of the States and Division are larger than the average household size of the Union, except in Rakhine State, Bago, Mandalay, Yangon and Ayeyarwady Divisions. Bago Division has the smallest average household size and Kachin State has the largest average household size among the States and Divisions. 10

For the Urban Myanmar, average household size is 5.22. The average household sizes of most of the Urban States and Divisions are larger than the average household size of Urban Myanmar, except in Sagaing, Bago, Mandalay, Yangon and Ayeyarwady Divisions. Urban Kachin State has the largest average household size and Urban Mandalay Division has the smallest average household size among the States and Divisions. For the Rural Myanmar, average household size is 5.32. Here too, the average household sizes of most of the Rural States and Divisions are larger than the average household size of the

Rural Myanmar, except in Kayin and Rakhine ~tates, Yangon and Bago Divisions. Rural Chin State has the largest average household size and Rural Bago Division has the smallest household size among the States and Divisions. Mandalay City has the average household size of 4.89 and Yangon City has the average household size of 5.16.

4.1.2. Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Size Tables 4.1, 4.1.1 to 4.1.14 show the percentage distributions of households by household size for the Union, States and Divisions. The distributions are also shown separately for the Urban and Rural Myanmar, Urban and Rural States and Divisions. The percentage distribution of household sizes is shown in the last columns of Tables 4.1 to 4.1 14 for the Union, States and Divisions as a whole. Highest percentages of households in the Union, Bago Division, Ayeyarwady Division and Mon State have the household size of 4 persons. In Kayah, Kayin, Rakhine and Shan States, Magwe, Mandalay and Yangon Divisions, percentages of households with 5 persons are highest. In Kachin and Chin States and Sagaing Division, percentages of households with 6 persons are highest. It is interesting to note that in Kachin and Chin States, percentages of households with I 1 persons and above are considerably high, being 8.53 and 7.58 respectively.

Table 4.1.16 shows that percentages of households with 1 to 2 person~ for the States and Divisions are between 4% and 12%; the .Jowest percentage being in Kachin State and the highest percentage in Rakhine State. Percentages of households with 3 to 7 persons for the States and Division are between 62% and 8J%; the lowest percentage being in Chin State and the highest percentage in Bago Division. For the households with 8 to 10 persons, the percentages for States and Division are between 6% and 25%; the lowest percentage being in Bago Division and the highest percentage in 11

Chin State. Highest percentages of households with I I persons and above are found to be between 1% and 9%; the lowest percentage being in Bago Division and the highest percentage in Kachin State. Kachin, Kayah and Shan States have smaller percentages of households with small household sizes and larger percentages of households with large household sizes. Bago Division, Rakhine State and Ayeyarwady Division have larger percentages of households with small household sizes and smaller percentages of households with large household sizes. The percentage distribution of household sizes is shown in the first columns of Tables 4.1 to 4. I. 14 for the Urban Myanmar, Urban States and Divisions. The States and Divisions except the Chin , Mon, Rakhine, Shan States and Sagaing, Tanintharyi and Ayeyarwady Divisions have the highest percentages of households with 5 persons. Percentage of households with 7 persons is highest in Chin State, with 6 persons it is highest in Shan State, with 4 persons it is highest in Sagaing Division, Mon and Rakhine States and Ayeyarwady Division. It is interesting to note that Kachin State has a high percentage of 12.92% for the household size of 11 persons and above. Table 4. I .17 shows that Kayin State has the lowest percentage of households with 1 to 2 persons and Sagaing Division has the highest percentage of households with I to 2 persons. Percentages of households with 1 to 2 persons vary between 4% and 12%. Kachin State has the lowest percentage of households with 3 to 7 persons and Bago Division has the highest percentage of households with 3 to 7 persons. Percentages of urban households with 3 to 7 persons vary between 58% and 80 %. For the households with 8 to 10 persons, Bago Division has the lowest percentage and Chin State has the highest percentage. The percentages vary between 9% and 24%. For the households with 11 persons and above, Sagaing and Mandalay Divisions have lowest percentage, Kachin State has the highest percentage. The percentages vary between 2% and 13%. Sagaing and Mandalay Divisions and Mon State have larger percentages of households with small househ9ld sizes and smaller percentage of households with large household sizes. Kayah, Kayin States, Taninthary Division, Rakhine and Shan States have smaller percentages of households with small household sizes but larger percentages of hoµseholds with large household sizes. Kachin State has large percentage of households with large household sizes, especially with I 1 persons and above. The percentage distribution of household sizes is shown in the second columns of Tables 4.1 to 4.1.14 for the Rural Myanmar, Rural States and Divisions. Percentages of households with 4 persons are highest in the Union, Kayah State, Bago Division, Mon State and Ayeyarwaddy Division. Percentages of households with 5 persons are 12 ighest in Kayin State, Tanintharyi, Magway and Mandalay Divisions, Rakhine State, Yangon )ivision and Shan State. Kachin, Chin States and Sagaing Division have the highest percentages of ouseholds with 6 persons. It is interesting to note that Kachin and Chin States have I I persons and bove viz- 7.11 % and 8.36% respectively. Table 4.1.18 shows that percentages of households with I to 2 persons foi· the States and iivisions vary between 3% and 13%. The lowest percentage occurs in Kachin State and the highest ercentage occurs in Rakhine State. As for the households with 3 to 7 persons, the lowest ercentage occurs in Chin State and the highest percentage occurs in Bago Division. The ercentages vary between 62% and 84%. Percentages of households with 8 to I 0 persons vary between 5% and 25%. The lowest ::rcentage is in Bago Division and the highest percentage is in Chin State. As for the households ith 11 persons and above, the percentages vary between l % and 8%. The lowest percentage is in ago Division and the highest percentage is in Chin State. Kachin, Chin and Shan States have lower percentages of households with small household zes and Bago Division and Rakhine State have higher percentages of households with large )usehold sizes. Kachin and Chin States have larger percentages of households with large )Usehold sizes and Bago Division and Rakhine States have smaller percentages of households ith large household sizes.

2 Monthly Household Income Mean monthly household income is estimated as 10122.98 kyats for the Union, 13005.76

1ats for the Urban Myanmar and 8905.65 kyats for the Rural Myamnar. This implies that timated mean monthly household income of Urban Myanmar is 1.46 times that of Rural yanmar. Median monthly household income is estimated as 6966.15 kyats for the Union, 7369.58 ·ats for the Urban Myanmar and 6604.60 kyats for the Rural Myanmar. This means that half of e households have the monthly household income to be less than 6966.15 kyqts for the Union, to less than 7369.58 kyats for the Urbari Myanmar and to be less than 6604.60 kyats for the Rural yanmar. It also implies that, estimated median monthly household income of Urban Myanmar is 12 times that of Rural Myanmar. Mean monthly household incomes and median monthly household incomes for the Union, ·ban Myanmar and Rural Myanmar, .overall States and Divisions, Urban and Rural States and visions are shown in Tables, 13

4.2.1.Average Monthly Household Income by Source Average monthly household income is estimated as 10122. 98 kyats for the Union, of which 50.68% is obtained as wages and salaries and 43.86% is obtained as entrepreneurial income. Less than 1% of the averag~ monthly household income for the Union is obtained as wages and salaries in kind, as pension, as rent and as interest. Between 1% and 1.5% of the average monthly household income is obtained as remittances, bonus and other, other (in kind). Average monthly household income for Urban Myanmar is estimated as 13005. 76 kyats, of which 78.89% is obtained as wages and salaries and 15.33% is obtained as entrepreneurial income. Less than 1% of the average monthly household income for the Urban Myanmar is obtained as pension, rent, interest, bonus and other, other (in kind). Between I% and 1.5% of the average monthly urban household income is obtained as wages and salaries in kind. Between 2.5% and 3% of the average monthly urban household income is obtain as remittances. Average monthly household income for Rural Myanmar is estimated as 8905.65 kyats, of which 38.78% is obtained as wages and salaries, 55.91% is obtained as entrepreneurial income. Less than 1% of the average monthly rural household income is obtained as wages and salaries in kind, pension, rent, interest and remittances. Between 1.5% and 2% of the average monthly rural household income is obtained as bonus and other, other (in kind). Percents of the average monthly urban household income obtained as wages and salaries, pension, rent, interest and remittances are higher than the respective percents of the average monthly rural household income obtained from these sources. Percents of the average monthly urban household incorr:ie obtained as entrepreneurial income, bonus a1_1d other, other (in kind) are lower than the respective percents of the average monthly rural household income obtained from these sources. It can be said that, the estimated average monthly urban household income structure and the estimated average monthly rural household income structure truly reflect the income earning sources of the Urban Myanmar and· Rural Myanmar. Table 4.2.1 shows the average monthly household mcome by source of the Union and Tables to show the average monthly household income by source of the States and Divisions. The average monthly household income by source of each of the States and Divisions also shows that wages and salaries in cash and entrepreneurial income mostly contribute to the average monthly household income. In the States, percents of average monthly household income obtained from wages and salaries vary between 15% and 70% for the State as a whole, between 41 % and 87% for the Urban State and between 8% and 67% for the Rural State. In the Divisions, percents of average monthly household income obtained from wages and salaries vary between 3 1% and 74% for the Division as a whole, between 57% and 86% for the Urban Division and between 24% and 63% for the Rural Division. 14

For the States. and Divisions as a whole, highest contribution by the wages and salaries to the average monthly household income is in the Yangon Division. For the Urban States and Divisions, it is in Kayin State and for the Rural States and Divisions, it is in Kachin State. The lowest contribution by the wages and salaries to the monthly household income happe;is in Chin State for the States and Divisions as a whole and for the Urban· as well as Rural States and Divisions. In the States, percents of average monthly household income obtained from entrepreneurial inco111e vary between J 7% and 67% fo~ the State as a whole, between 6% and 43% for the Urban States and between 17% and 73% for the Rural States. ln the Divisions, percents of average 111onthly household income obtained from entrepreneurial income vary between 1.2% and 64% for the Division as a whole, between 6% and 34% for the Urban Divisions and between 31% and 71% for the Rural Divisions. The highest contribution by the entrepreneurial income to the average monthly household income happens in Chin State for the States and Divisions as a whole, for the Urban and Rural States and Divisions. The lowest contribution by the entrepreneurial income to the average monthly household income happens in Yangon Division for the States and Divisions as a whole and for the Urban States and Divisions. It happens in Rakhine State for the Rural States and Divisions. Percentage contribution by wages and salaries to the average monthly household income in Mandalay City is 83.20% and in Yangon City is 86.03%. Percentage contribution by entrepreneurial income to the average monthly household income in Mandalay City is 12.51 % and in Yangon City is Q.02%. Tables and show the percentage contributions of wages and salaries and entrepreneurial income to the average monthly household income. Table shows the average monthly household income in each State and Division. Lowest average monthly household income happens in Kayah State for the States and Divisions as a whole, for the Urban and Rural States and Divisions. The highest average monthly household income happens in Yangon Division for the States and Divisions as,a whole, in Kachin State for the Urban States and Divisions and in Ayeyarwady for the Rural States and Divisions. Table shows the ranking of States and Divisions by average monthly household income. Mandalay City has the average monthly household income of 11058.03 kyats and Yangon City has the average monthly household income of 18997.36 kyats. 15

4.2.2. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household lncome Class The monthly income of households is divided into 15 income classes. The percentage distribution of households by monthly income class is shown for the Union in Table 4.2.2 and for the States and Divisions in Tables to For the Union as a whole, 6% of the households have the monthly income of 2000 kyats and less. 64% of the households have the monthly income of 2001 to I 0000 kyats, 20% have the monthly income of 10001 to 20000 kyats and 10% have the monthly income of 20001 kyats and above. For the Urban Myanmar, 5% of the households have the monthly income of 2000 kyats and ' less. 59% of the households have the monthly income of 2001 to 10000 kyats, 24% have the monthly income of 10001 to 20000 kyats and 13% have the monthly income of 20001 kyats and above. For the Rural Myanmar, 7% of the households have the monthly income of 2000 kyats and less. 69% have the monthly income of 2001 to I 0000 kyats, I 7% have the monthly income of l 000 I to 20000 kyats and 7% have the monthly income of 20001 kyats and above. Percent of households with monthly income of I 0000 kyats and less for the Rural Myanmar is more than the percent of households with monthly income of 10000 kyats and less for the Urban Myanmar. On the other hand, percent of households with monthly income of I 000 I kyats and above for the Rural Myanmar is less than the percent of households with monthly income of I 000 I kyats and above for the Urban Myanmar. In the monthly income class of 2000 kyats and less for the States and Divisions as a whole, Chin State has the highest percentage, followed closely by Kayah State. States and Divisions with I 0% or more of households having the monthly income of 2000 kyats and less are: Rakhine State (13%), Shan State (11%), and Saging Division (10%) besides Chin State (21%) and Kayah State (21%). In that income class for the Urban States and Divisions, Rakhine State has the highest percentage among the Urban States and Divisions. Urban States and Divisions with I 0% or more of households having that monthly income are Chin State (13%), Sagaing Division (10%), and Magway Division (10%) besides the Rakhine State (16%). In the same income class for the Rural States and Divisions, Kayah State has the highest percentage among the Rural States and Divisions. Rural States and Divisions with I 0% or more of households in that income class are Chin State (23%), Shan State (14%), Rakhine State (13%) and Sagaing Division (11%) besides Kayah State (26%). In the monthly income class of 2001 to 10000 kyats, for the States and Divisions as a whole, Magway Division has the highest percentage of households. States and Divisions with 70% 16 or more of households in that incomes class are Kayah State (73%), Mandalay Division (72%), Bago Division (71 %), and Rakhine State (70%) besides MagwaY. Division (87%). In that income class, for the Urban States and Divisions, Kayah State has the highest percentage among Urban States and Divisions. Urban States and Divisions with 70% or more of households having that incomes class are Magway Division (75%), Mandalay Division (71°/o), and Ayeyarwady Division (70%) besides Kayah State (80%). In that income class, for the Rural States and Divisions, Magway Division has the highest percentage of households among Rural States and Divisions. Rural States and Divisions with 70% or more of households having that income class are Bago Division (74%), Shan State (73%) and Mandalay Division (72%) and Rakhine State (71 %) besides Magway Division (90%). In the income class of 10001 to 20000 kyats, for the States and Divisions as a whole, Kayah State has the lowest percentage and Tanintharyi Division has the highest percentage. State and Division with I 0% or less of households in that income class is Magway Division (7%), besides Kayah State (7%). In that income class, for the Urban States and Divisions, Kayah State has the lowest percentage of (8%) among the Urban States and Divisions. No other Urban States or Divisions have (10%) or less of households in that income class. In that income class, for the Rural States and Divisions, Kayah State has the lowest percentage of households among the Rural States and Divisions. Rural State and Division with I 0% or less of households in that income class is Magway Division (6%), besides Kayah State ( 4%). In the income class of 20001 kyats and above for the States and Divisions, Kayah State has the lowest percentage of households. States and Divisions with I 0% and less of households with that income class are: Magway Division (2%), Rakhine State (3%), Chin State (3%), Shan State (6%), Sagaing Division (6%), Bago Division (6%), Mandalay Division (7%), Mon State (9%) besides Kayah State (1%). In thiJ.t income class, for the Urban States and Divisions, Kayah State has the lowest percentage of households among the Urban States and Divisions. Urban States. and Divisions with 10% or less of households in that income class are: Magway Division (3%), Rakhine State (3%), Mandalay Division (6%), Ayeyarwady Division (7%), Sagaing Division (7%), Mon State (8%) and Chin State (9%) besides Kayah State (3%). In that income class, for the Rural States and Divisions, Kayah State has the lowest percentage of households among the Rural States and Divisions. Rural States and Divisions with I 0% and less of households having that income class are: Magway Division (2%), Rakhine State (3%), Chin State (3%), Shan State (6%), Sagaing Division (6%), Bago Division (6%), Mandalay Division (7%), Mon State (9%) besides Kayah State (1 %). 17

Tables to show the percentage distribution of households by .combined monthly household income class.

4.3.Monthly Household Expenditure In the HIES (1997), household expenditure was collected on 32 main groups. Ten groups referred to the consumption of these items during the day before the day the household was interviewed. Two items referred to the consumption of these items during 7 days before the day the household was interviewed. Six items referred to the consumption of these items during the 30 days before the day the household was interviewed. One item referred to the consumption of this item during 30 days or during 12 months before the day the household was interviewed. Thirteen items referred to the consumption of these items during 12 months before the day the household was interviewed. Table 4.3.1 and to show the average expenditure of households on these items, grouped into 2 main groups of- (1) Food and beverages, (2) Non-food Under food and beverages, there are 16 items. There are 17 items under non-food.

4.3.1. Average Monthly Household Expenditure (Total) Mean monthly household expenditure (Total) is estimated as 13784.51 kyats for the Union, 15266.42 kyats for the Urban Myanmar, 13091.16 kyats for the Rural Myanmar. It shows that mean monthly household expenditure of Rural Myanmar is less than the mean monthly household expenditure of Urban Myanmar by 2175.26 kyats. Table shows the average monthly household expenditure for the States and Divisions. Median monthly household expenditure is estimated as 13549.52 kyats for the Union, 13672.85 kyats for the Urban Myanmar and 13499.80 kyats for the Rural Myanmar. This means that half of the households have the monthly expenditure to be less than 13549.52 kyats for the Union, to be less than 13672.85 kyats for the Urban Myanmar and to be less than 13499.80 kyats for the Rural Myanmar. Thus, median monthly household expenditure for Urban Myanmar is only slightly larger than that of Rural Myanmar. Tanintharyi Division has the highest monthly household expenditure among the States and ·Divisions with 19294.50 kyats, followed by Shan State with 16649.91 kyats and Kachin State with 16368.98 kyats. Tanintharyi Division has the highest monthly household expenditure among the Urban States and Divisions with 19929.62 kyats, followed by Shan State with 19540.74 kyats and Kachin State with 19074.86 kyats. Tanintharyi Division has the highest monthly household expenditure among the Rural States and Divisions with 19041.34 kyats, followed by Shan State 18 with 15815.44 kyats and Kachin State with 15494.24 kyats. Table shows the ranking of States and Divisions by monthly household expenditure. Average monthly household expenditure of Mandalay City is 18273.60 kyats and average monthly household expenditure of Yangon City is 16234.81 kyats.

4.3.2.Monthly Household Expenditure on Food and Beverages Monthly household expenditure on food and beverages is estimated as 9779.45 kyats for the Union, 10419.99 kyats for the Urban Myanmar and 9479.30 kyats for the Rural Myanmar. Monthly household expenditure on food and beverages for the Union is 71 % of the total monthly household expenditure for the Union. The percentages are 68% for the Urban Myanmar and 72% for the Rural Myanmar. This shows that rural households in Myanmar spend more on food and beverages compared to urban households in Myanmar. For the Union, monthly household expenditure on rice and cereals is 20% of the monthly household expenditure, being the highest percentage among the 16 items under food and beverages. The two next highest items are cooking oil and fats with 9% and meat with 7%. For the Urban Myanmar, monthly household expenditure on rice and cereals is I 6% of the monthly household expenditure, being the highest percentage among the 16 items under food and beverages. The two next highest items are meat with 9% and cooking oil and fats with 8%. For the Rural Myanmar, monthly household expenditure on rice and cereals is 22% of the monthly household expenditure, being the highest percentage among the 16 items under food and beverages. The two next highest items are cooking ciil and fats with I 0% and meat with 7%. Households in Rural Myanmar spend more than the households in Urban Myanmar on such items as, rice and other cereals, pulses, ngapi and nganpyaye, vegetables, cooking oil and fats, spices and condiments, beverages, sugar and other food. On such items as meat, eggs, fish and crustacea (fresh), fish and crustacea (dried), fruits, milk and milk products, other miscellaneous food and food taken outside home, households in Urban Myanmar spend more than the households in Rural Myanmar. Of the monthly household expenditures on food and beverages spent by States and Divisions, Tanintharyi Division has the highest monthly household expenditure on food and beverages with 13099.47 kyats, followed by.Shan State with 12144.78 kyats and Kachin State with 11849.72 kyats. Of the monthly household expenditures on food and beverages spent by Urban States and Divisions, Tanintharyi Division has the highest monthly household expenditure on food and beverages with 13726.32 kyats, followed by Kachin State with 13660.87 kyats and Shan State with 13178.02 kyats. 19

Of the monthly household expenditures on food and beverages spent by Rural States and Divisions, Tanintharyi Division has the highest monthly household expenditure on food and beverages with 12849.61 kyats, followed by Shan State with 11846.52 kyats and Kachin State with 11264.22 kyats. Table 4.3.2 shows the monthly household expenditure on food and beverages. Table shows the ranking of States and Divisions in decreasing order of monthly household expenditure on food and beverages. Monthly household expenditure on food and beverages of Mandalay City is 12700.56 kyats and monthly household expenditure on food and beverages of Yangon City is I 0417. 19 kyats.

4.3.3.Monthly Household Expenditure on Non-food It is estimated that monthly household expenditure on non-food is 4005.06 kyats for the Union as whole, 4846.43 kyats for the Urban Myanmar and 3611.86 kyats for the Rural Myanmar. Estimated monthly household expenditure on non-food for the Union, as a whole is 29% of the estimated total monthly household expenditure for the Union as a whole. The percentage is 32% for the Urban Myanmar and 28% for the Rural Myanmar. Thus, Rural Myanmar spends more than Urban Myanmar on food and beverages, but Urban Myanmar spends more than Rural Myanmar on non-food which reflects the true consumption patterns of urban and rural households. All of the percentages of monthly household expenditure on each of the non-food items are less than 5%, the highest being the percentage of monthly household expenditure spent on fuel and light. The percentage is 4.80% for the Union, 4.82% for the Urban Myanmar and 4.87% for the Rural Myanmar. The two items .with the next highest percentages are charity and ceremonials, clothing and apparel. The percentage of monthly household expenditure on charity and ceremonials is 3.74% for the Union as a whole, 3.84% for Urban Myanmar and 3.67% for Rural Myanmar. The percentage of monthly household expenditure on clothing and apparel is 3.31 % for the Union, 3.41 % for the Urban Myanmar and 3.14% for the Rural Myanmar. Monthly household expenditure for educational purposes in 1.43 % of total monthly household expenditure for the Union, 1.9 % for Urban Myanmar and 1.06 % for Rural Myanmar. Thus as a percent of total monthly household expenditure, Urban Myanmar households spend 0.84 % more on education than Rural Myanmar households. Household expenditure for educational purposes is 289.91 kyats for Urban Myanmar and 139.43 kyats for Rural Myanmar. This implies that expenditure for educational purposes of households in Urban Mynamar is twice that of the households in Rural Myanmar. Monthly household expenditure on medical care as a percent of total monthly household expenditure is 1.81 % for the Union, 1.68 % for Urban Myanmar and 1.80 % for Rural Myanmar. Household expenditure on medical care is 256.02 Kyats for Urban Myanmar and 235.20 kyats for 20

Rural Myanmar. Thus, households m Urban Myanmar spend only slightly .more than the households in Rural Myanmar on medical care. Monthly household expenditure for recreation is pretty low, 0.3 I % for Union, 0.33 % for the Urban Myanmar, 0.30 % for the Rural Myanmar. As is expected, Urban Myanmar households spend more on recreation than Rural Myanmar households. Monthly household expenditures for journey travelling expenses is also low, 0.68 % for the Union, 0.79 % for Urban Myanmar and 0.64 % for the Rural Myanmar. As is expected, Urban Myanmar households spend more on journey travelling expenses than Rural Myanmar households. It is interesting to note that expenditure on charity and ceremonials as a percent of total household expenditure is comparatively high. It is second to the expenditure on fuel and light and much more than expenditure on medical care and education as a percentage of total monthly expenditure. Among the non-food items, monthly household expenditures on such items as travelling expenses, journey travelling expenses, clothing and apparel, personal use good, cleansing and toilet, house rent and repairs, stationary and school supplies, education, recreation, charity and ceremonials for Urban Myanmar are higher than the respective monthly household expenditures for Rural Myanmar. For such items as tobacco, fuel and light, crockeries, other household goods, furniture, medical care and other expenses, Rural Myanmar households are found to spend more than Urban Myanmar households. For the monthly household expenditure on non-food of the households of States and Divisions, Tanintharyi Division has the highest monthly household expenditure with 6195.03 kyats, followed by Yangon Division with 5400.44 kyats and Kachin State with 4519.26 kyats. For the monthly household expenditure on non-food of the households of Urban States and Divisions, Shan State has the highest monthly household expenditure on non-food with 6262. 72 kyats, followed by Tanintharyi Division with 6203 .31 kyats and Yangon Division with 5716.18 kyats. For the monthly household expenditure on non-food of the households of Rural Myanmar, Tanintharyi Division has the highest monthly expenditure on non-food, followed by Yangon Division with 4491.88 kyats and Kachin State with 4230.02 kyats. Monthly household expenditure on non-food of Mandalay City 1s 5573.05 kyats and monthly household expenditure on non-food of Yangon City is 5817.62 kyats. Table 4.3.3 shows the monthly household expenditure on non-food. Table 4.3.3. l shows the ranking of States and Divisions by monthly household expenditure on non-food. 21

4.3.4 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Households are classified by 15 monthly expenditure classes and percentage distributions of households by monthly household expenditure class are obtained as shown in Tables 4.3 .4 and 4.3.4. l to For the Union as a whole, 9% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 6000 kyats and less. 50% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of between . 6001 and 14000 kyats, 21 % of the households have the monthly household expenditure of between 14001 and 20000 kyats and 21 % of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 2000 l kyats and above. For the Urban Myanmar, 10% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 6000 kyats and less. 4 7% have the monthly household expenditure of between 600 I and 14000 kyats, 21 % have the monthly household expenditure of between 1400 I and 20000 kyats and 22% have the monthly household expenditure of 20001 kyats and abov.e. For the Rural Myanmar, 8% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 6000 kyats and less. 51 % have the monthly household expenditure of between 6001 and 14000 kyats, 21 % have the monthly household expenditure of between 1400 I and 20000 kyats and 20% have the monthly household expenditure of 20001 kyats and above. In the monthly household expenditure class of 6000 kyats and less for the States and Divisions as a whole, Chin State has the highest percentage of households in that monthly household 'expenditure class. The other two States and Divisions with the next highest percentage of households in that monthly household expenditure class are Magway Division and Kayah State. In that same monthly household expenditure class, for the Urban States and Divisions, Ayeyarwady Division has the highest percentage of households. The other two Urban States and Divisions with the next highest percentage of households in that monthly household expenditure class are Magway Division and Rakhine State. In that same monthly household expenditure class, for the Rural States and Divisions, Chin State has the highest percentage of households. The other two Rural States. and Divisions with the next highest percentage of households in that monthly hOusehold expenditure class are Kayah State and Magway Division. In the monthly household expenditure class of between 600 I and 14000 kyats for the States and Divisions as a whole, Magway Division has the highest percentage of households, followed by Sagaing Division and Kayah State. In that same monthly household expenditure class, for the Urban States and Divisions,

Kayah State has the highest percentage of households followed by Magway Divi~ion and Mon State: 22

In that same monthly household expenditure class, for the Rural States and Divisions, Magway Division has the highest percentage of households followed by Sagaing and Mandalay Divisions. In. the monthly household expenditure class of between 1400 I and 20000 kyats for the States and Divisions as a whole, Kayin State has the highest percentage of households, followed by Tanintharyi Division and Kachin State. In that same monthly household expenditure class, Kayin State has the highest percentage of households among the Urban States and Divisions, followed by Shan State and Tanintharyi Division. In that same monthly household expenditure class, Kayiri State has the highest percentage of households among the Rural States and Divisions, followed by Kachin State and Tanintharyi Division. In the monthly household expenditure class of 20001 kyats and above, Tanintharyi Division has the highest percentage of households among the States and Divisions as a whole, followed by Shan and Kachin States. In that same monthly household expenditure class, Kachin State has the highest percentage of households among the Urban States and Divisions, followed by Shan State and Tanintharyi Division. In that same monthly household expenditure class, Tanintharyi Division has the highest percentage of households among the Rural States ?-nd Divisions, followed by Shan State and Ayeyarwady Division. Tables to show the percentage distributions of households by combined monthly household expenditure class.

5. Summary Findings

5.1. Average Household Size Average household size for the Union is 5.25, for the Urban Myanmar is 5.22 and for the. Rural Myanmar is 5.32.Thus, average household size of Rural Myanmar is only slightly larger than that of the Urban Myanmar. Among the States and Divisions, Kachin State has the largest average household size with 6.63 and Bago Division has the smallest average household size with 4.62. Among the Urban States and Divisions, Kachin State has the largest household size with 6.81 and Mandalay Division has the smallest household size with 4. 94. Among the Rural States and Divisions, Chin State has the largest household size with 6.67 and Bago Division has the smallest household size with 4.48. 23

In some States and Divisions, rural average household size is larger than urban average household size. These States and Divisions are: Kayah, Chin and Mon States, Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway and Ayeyarwady Divisions. Mandalay City has the average household size of 4.89. Yangon City has the average household size of 5.16.

5.2 Household Size Distribution For the Union, 8.79% of the urban households have household sizes of I to 2 persons. 76.45% of the urban households have household sizes of 3 to 7 persons, 12. 14% have household sizes of 8 to. 10 persons and 2.63% of the households have household sizes of 11 persons and above. 7.66% of the rural households have household sizes of I to 2 persons. 77.40% of the rural households have household sizes of3 to 7 persons, I 2. 97% have household sizes of 8 to I 0 persons and I. 99% have household sizes of I 1 persons and above. In most of the States and Divisions, less than 10% of the households have the household · sizes of I to 2 persons. In some States and Divisions, less than I 0% of the households have the household sizes of 1 person or 1 to 3 persons or I to 4 persons. Similarly, in most of the States and Divisions, less than I 0% of the households have household sizes of 8 to 11 persons and above. But in some States and Divisions, less than 10% of the households have the household sizes of 7 to I I persons and above or 9 to I I persons and above. In Mandalay City, 7.73% of the households have the household sizes of I to 2 persons. 82.55% of the households have household sizes of 3 to 7 persons, 8.84% of the households have household sizes of8 to IO persons and 0.89% of the households have household sizes of 11 persons and above. In Yangon City, 7.15%· of the hol!seholds have the household sizes of I to 2 persons. 78.89% of the households have household sizes of 3 to 7 persons, 10.71% of the household have household sizes of 8 to 10 persons and 2.27% of the households have household sizes of 11 persons and more.

5.3 Average Monthly Household Income For the Union, mean and median monthly household incomes are estimated as l 0122. 98 kyats. and 6966.15 kyats respectively. 50.68% of the average monthly household income is contributed by wages and salaries, 43.86% is contributed by entrepreneurial income. For the Urban Myanmar, mean and median monthly household incomes are estimated as 13005.76 kyats and 7369.58 kyats, respectively. 79.89% of this income is contributed by wages and salaries, 15.33% is contributed by entrepreneurial income. 24

For the Rural Myanmar, mean and median monthly household incomes are estimated as 8905.65 kyats and 6604.60 kyats, respectively. 38.78% of this income is contributed by wages and salaries, 55.91% is contributed by entrepreneurial income. Wages and salaries contribute to the average monthly household income much more in the Urban Myanmar than in the Rural Myanmar. The reverse is true for the entrepreneurial income. Highest contribution by the wages and salaries to the average monthly household income happens in Yangon Division among the States and Divisions as a whole. It occurs in Kayin State among the Urban States and Divisions, and in Kachin State among the Rural States and Divisions. Lowest contribution by the wages and salaries to the average monthly household income happens in Chin State for the States and Divisions as a whole and also for Urban and Rural States and Divisions. The highest contribution by the entrepreneurial income to the average monthly household income happens in Chin State for the States and Divisions as a whole and also for the Urban and Rural States and Divisions. The lowest contribution by the entrepreneurial income to the average monthly household income happens in Yangon Division for the States and Divisions as a whole and also for the Urban States and Divisions. It happens in Rakhine State for the Rural States and Divisions. Yangon Division has the highest average household income for the States and Divisions as a whole. Kachin State has the highest average household income for the Urban States and Divisions. Ayeyarwady Division has the highest average household income for the Rural States and Divisions. Mandalay City has the average monthly household income of 11058.03 kyats. Yangon City has the average monthly household income of 18997.36 kyats. In Mandalay City, wages and salaries contribute 84.68% and entrepreneurial income contributes 12.51% of the average monthly household income. In Yangon City, wages and salaries contribute 86.03% and entrepreneurial mcome contributes 6.02% of the average monthly household income.

5.4. Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class For the Union, 6% of the households have the monthly household income of 2000 kyats and less. 66% of the households have the monthly household income of 200 I to I 0000 kyats. I 9% have the monthly income of 10001 to 20000 kyats and 9% have the monthly income of 20001 kyats. and above. 5% of the households in the Urban Myanmar and 7% of the households in the Rural Myanmar have the monthly income of2000 kyats and less. 25

12% of the households in the Urban Myanmar have the monthly income of 20001 kyats and above, but only 7% of the households in the Rural Myanmar have that income. Generally, percent of households with monthly income of 10000 kyats and less in the Rural Myanmar is more than the percent of households with that income in the Urban Myanmar. The reverse is true for the monthly household income of 2000 I kyats and above. In the household income class of 2000 kyats and less, Chin State has the highest percentage of households among the States and Divisions. Rakhine State has the highest percentage of households among the Urban States and Divisions. Kayah State has the highest percentage of households among the Rural States and Divisions. In the household income class of 20001 kyats and above, Kayah State has the lowest percentage of households among the States and Divisions as a whole and also among the Urban and Rural States and Divisions. In the Mandalay City, 1.66% of the households have the monthly household income of 2000 kyats and less. 63. 7% of the households have the monthly household income of 2001 to 10000 kyats, 26.51 % of the household have the monthly household income of 1000 l to 20000 kyats and 8.05% of the household have the monthly household income of 20001 kyats and above. In the Yangon City, 2.34% of the households have the monthly household income of 2000 kyats and less. 46.4% of the households have the monthly household income of 2001 to I 0000 kyats, 30. I 9% of the household have the monthly household income of 10001 to 20000 kyats and 21.03% of the households have the monthly household income of 2000 I kyats and above.

5.5 Average Monthly Household Expenditure Mean and median monthly household expenditures are estimated as 13784.51 kyats and 13549.52 kyats for the Union, 15266.42 kyats and 13672.85 kyats for the Urban Myanmar and I 3091.16 kyats and 13499.80 kyats for the Rural Myanmar, respectively. Tanintharyi State has the highest monthly expenditure among the overall States and Divisions, and also among the Urban and Rural States and Divisions. Next come Shan and Kachin States. Monthly household expenditure on food and beverages is estimated as 9738.34 kyats for the Union, 10281.52 kyats for the Urban Myanmar and 9479.30 kyats for the Rural Myanmar. It is 71 % of the monthly household expenditure (total) for the Union, 68% for the Urban Myanmar and 72% for the Rural Myanmar. Monthly household expenditure on nee and cereals is 20% of the monthly household expenditure for the Union, 16% for the Urban Myanmar and 22% for the Rural Myanmar. Monthly household expenditure on non-food is estimated as 4005.06 kyats for the Union, 4846.43 kyats for the Urban Myanmar and 3611.86 kyats for the Rural Myanmar. 26

It is 29% of the monthly household expenditure for the Union, 32% for the Urban Myanmar and 28% for the Rural Myanmar. Average monthly household expenditure of Mandalay City is estimated as 18273.60 kyats and that of Yangon City is estimated as 16234.81 kyats. Average monthly household expenditure on food and beverages of Mandalay City 1s estimated as 12700.56 kyats and that of Yangon City is 10417.19 kyats. Average monthly household expenditure on non-food of the Mandalay City is estimated as 5573.05 kyats and that of Yangon City is 5817.62 kyats.

5.6 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class For the Union, 8.47% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 6000 kyats and less. 49.76% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 6001 to 14000 kyats. 21.08% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 14001 to 20000 kyats and 20.68% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 20001 kyats and above. Percents of households with the monthly household expenditure of 6000 kyats and less, 20001 kyats and above for the Urban Myanmar are higher than those for the Rural Myanmar. Percents of households .with the monthly household expenditure of 6001 to 14000 kyats and 14001 to 20000 kyats for the Urban Myanmar are lower than those for the Rural Myanmar. Chin State has the highest percent of households with the monthly household expenditure of 6000 kyats and less among the States and Divisions as a whole and also among the Rural States and Divisions. In that expenditure class, Magway Division has the highest perc.ent of households among the Urban States and Divisions. In the· monthly household expenditure class of 6001 to 14000 kyats, Magway Division has the highest percent of households among the States and Divisions as a whole and also among the Rural States and Divisions. In that expenditure class, Kayah State has the highest percent of households among the Urban States and Divisions. In the monthly household expenditure class of 14001 to 20000 kyats, Kayin State has the highest percent of households among the States and Divisions as a whole, and also among Urban and Rural States and Divisions. In the monthly household expenditure class of 20001 kyats and above, Tanintharyi Division has the highest percent of households among the States and Divisions as a whole and also among the Rural States and Divisions. In that expenditure class, Kachin State has the highest percent of households among the Urban States and Divisions. In Mandalay City, 1.08% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 6000 kyats or less. 44.6% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 6001 to 27

14000 kyats, 30.02% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 14001 to 20000 kyats and 24.32% have the monthly household expenditure of 20001 kyats and above. In Yangon City, 4.37% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 6000 kyats or less. 41. 95% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 6001 to 14000 kyats. 25 .3 7% of the households have the monthly household expenditure of 14001 to 20000 kyats and 28 .3 I% have the monthly household expenditure of 2000 I kyats and above. Estimates for Yangon city and Mandalay city are shown in Tables 5.1 and 5.2.

5.7 Comparison with Household Expenditure Survey (1989) In the HIES (1997), average household size for the Union is 5.25 which is only slightly less than the value 5.27 obtained in HES (1989). In the HIES (1997), monthly household expenditure for the U.nion is 13784.51 kyats which is quite different from the value 1795.50 kyats obtained in HES (1989). Thus, monthly household expenditure for the Union obtained in HIES (1997) is 7.68 times the value obtained in HES (1989). In the HIES (1997), percentage contribution of expenditure on food and beverages to the monthly household expenditure is 70.95% which is less than 74.03% obtained in HES (1989). Percentage contribution of expenditure on non-food to the monthly household expenditure is 29.05%, which is greater than 25.97% obtained in HES (1989). Monthly household expenditure for the Urban Myanmar is obtained as 15266.42 kyats which is quite different from the value 1947.75 kyats obtained in HES ( 1989). Monthly household expenditure for the Urban Myanmar obtained in the HIES ( 1997) is 7.84 times the value obtained in HES (1989). Monthly household expenditure for the Rural Myanmar is obtained as 13091.16 kyats which is quite different from the value 1743 .92 kyats obtained in HES ( 1989). Monthly household expenditure for the Rural Myanmar obtained in the HIES (1997) is 7.51 times the value obtained in HES (1989). In all the States. and Divisions monthly household expenditures obtained in HIES ( 1997) are 5. 77 to 9.64 times the values obtained in HES (1989).

Average household size of Mandalay City IS 4.89 In the HIES ( 1997) and IS 5.48 in HES ( 1989).

Average household size of Yangon City IS 5.16 In the HIES (1997) and IS 5. 18 in HES (1989). Average household expenditure of Mandalay City is 18273.60 kyats in the HIES (1997) and it is 1959.00 kyats in HES (1989). Average household expenditure of Mandalay City obtained in the HIES (I 997) is 9.33 times the value obtained in HES (1989). 28

Average household expenditure of Yangon City is 16234.81 kyats in the HIES (1997) and it is 2026.37 kyats in HES (1989). Average household expenditure of Yangon City obtained in the HIES (I 997) is 8.01 times the value obtained in HES (1989). Tables 5.3 and 5.4 show some comparisons between the results obtained in HES (1989) and HIES ( 1997).

6. Comments and Conclusion

HIES (I 997) was carried out with a relatively short period of six months preparation time. But CSO was able to use the well-trained staff to conduct the survey nation wide, except in a few inaccessible townships. Although some townships have to be left out from the sampling frame, the survey was designed to represent the sample population and also to enable to find estimates at the Union level, State and Division level, Township level, including Rural and Urban at each level. Besides the random sampling of townships, based on which the estimates were calculated, some townships of interest were also surveyed to be able to calculate estimates for those special townships. Minimum number of sample townships was used within the capacity of staff strength of CSO, but was enough to find estimates. For simplicity and due to lack of necessary data, simple random sampling was used at each stage of the three-stage sampling. If time permits and if the necessary data could have been available, more suitable sample design could be used. Except the outcome of some unexpected results, the survey results support the well­ accepted cases. It sheds light on the situation of States and Divisions, Rural and Urban. The peculiar fact of getting household income to be less than household expenditure in some previous economic surveys of Myanmar households has to be faced in this survey too. This may be either due to the wnderreporting of the household income by the respondents and overreporting of the household expenditure by the respondents, not reporting the extra income or due to actual overspending of the households. Except this unavoidable and some irregularities in the survey results, the survey results seem to shed light on household expenditure patterns and also yield valuable information for the computation of living cost based on CPI for the whole of Myanmar as well as by region and key city. Statistical Tables


Table 4.1 Percentage. Distribution of Ho.useholds by Size

Union 31

Table 4.1.I Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Kachin State

'\J. Household Size Urban Rural State

person 0.64 0.69 0.68 2 persons 7.39 2.28 3.53 .... .J persons 5.48 5.82 5.74 4 persons 9.96 10.67 10.49 5 persons 15.80 16.44 16.28 6 persons 12.63 17.70 16.46 7 persons 14.17 15.50 15.17 8 persons 7.08 10.27 9.49 9 persons 7.43 9.13 8.72 10 persons 6.48 4.39 4.90 11 persons & above 12.92 7 .11 8.53 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table 4.1.2 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Kayah State 32

Table 4.1.3 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Kayin State

S.N.1 Household Size Urban 1- Rural -I State person 0.86 2.06 1.91 2 2 persons 3.42 6.48 6.11 ... 3 .) persons 6.97 12.29 11.64 4 4 persons. 14.81 17.58 17.25 5 5 persons 21.14 1.9.80 19.97 6 6 persons 16. 71 15.11 15.30 7 7 persons 11.93 11.44 11.50 s 8 persons 8.81 6.95 7.18 9 9 persons 7.36 5.27 5.53 10 10 persons 4.61 0.90 1.35 11 11 persons & above 3.36 2.54 2.64 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table 4.1.4 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Chin State

S.N.1 Household Size Urban Rural I State 1 person 4.94 0.59 1.40 2 2 persons 5.79 3.41 3.85 3 3 persons 12.64 5.61 6.91 4 4 persons 13.64 13.03 13.15 5 5 persons 9.03 13.98 13.07 6 6 persons 12.00 15.78 15.08 7 7 persons 14.03 13.81 13.85 8 8 persons 10.61 9.44 9.66 9 9 persons 8.39 9.02 8.90 10 10 persons . 4.79 6.97 6.56 11 11 persons & above 4.15 8.36 7.58 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 33

Table 4.1.5 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Sagaing Division

S.N. Household Size Urban Rural Division

person 3.78 1.62 1.99 2 2 persons 8.02 6.53 6.79

~ .) 3 persons 14.54 I 1.22 11.79 4 4 persons 16.42 16.05 16.1 I 5 5 persons 1..5.26 15.87 15.76 6 6 persons 16.13 I 7.37 17. 16 7 7 persons I 1.7 I 12.20 12. 12 8 8 persons 7.69. 7.55 7.57 9 9 persons 3.01 5.66 5.20 IO 10 persons 1.85 2.81 2.64 I I 11 persons & above 1.56 3.12 2.85 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table 4.1.6 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Tanintharyi Division

S.N. Household Size Urban Rural Division

person l.19 1.87 1.68 2 2 persons 4.53 6.57 5.99 3 3 persons 9.08 10.94 10.41 4 4 persons 13. I 0 15.19 14.60 5 5 persons 17.85 17.74 17.77 6 6 persons I 8.57 14.5 I 15.67 7 7 persons 15.94 12.75 13.65 8 8 persons 8.56 9.85 9.48 9 9 persons 4.52 5.88 5.49 10 10 persons 2.14 2.20 2.18 l I 11 persons & above 4.54 2.51 3.09 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 34

Table 4.1.7 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Bago Division

S.N. Household Size Urban Rural Division

person 1.88 1.94 1.93 2 2 persons 6.09 9.21 8.46 .., 3 .) persons 17.56 19.59 I 9.10 4 4 persons 17.86 25.51 23.67 5 5 persons 20.58 18.24 18.80 6 6 persons 16.33 12.50 13.42 7 7 persons 8.08 7.69 7.78 8 8 persons 4.10 3.38 3.55 9 9 persons 3. I 7 1.02 1.54 10 10 persons 1.80 0.51 0.82 11 11 persons & above 2.56 0.42 0.94 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table 4.1.8 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Magway Division

S.N. Household Size Urban Rural Division

person 1.44 2.52 2.32 2 2 persons 7.08 5.44 5.74 .., 3 .) persons 11.74 10.01 10.33 4 4 persons 18.03 17.62 17.70 5 5 persons 18.10 17.88 17.92 6 6 persons 14.15 16.51 16.07 7 7 persons 11.03 13.50 13.05 8 8 persons 8.10 7.80 7.86 9 9 persons 4.11 4.12 4.12 10 10 persons 2.43 2.46 2.46 11 11 persons & above 3.79 2.16 2.46 I Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 35

Table 4.1.9 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Mandalay Division

S.N. Household Size Urban Rural Division

person 1.93 1.46 1.61 2 2 persons 8.67 4.8) 6.06 3 3 persons 13.27 11.10 11.80 4 4 persons 21.20 18.24 19.20 5 5 persons 21.91 19.12 20.03 6 6 persons 12.20 18.37 16.37 7 7 persons 8.57 12.68 11.35 8 8 persons 5.29 6.83 6.33 9 9 persons 3.82 4.00 3.94 10 10 persons 1.60 1.57 1.58 11 11 persons & above 1.56 1.85 1.75

Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table 4.1.10 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Mon State 36

Table 4.1.11 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Rakhine State

S.N., Household Size Urban Rural State

person 2.21 1.64 1.74 2 2 persons 3.19 I 1.40 9.88 .., 3 j persons 9.37 14.71 13.72 4 4 persons I 6.3 l 19.68 19.06 5 5 persons 16.26 21.67 20.67 6 6 persons 14.47 13.09 13.35 7 7 persons 14.52 8.84 9.89 8 8 persons 6.36 4.52 4.86 9 9 persons 8.30 2.74 3.77 10 10 persons 4.66 1.29 1.9 I I I 11 persons & above 4.34 0.43 1.16 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table 4.1.12 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Yangon Division

S.N. Household Size Urban Rural Division

person 1.41 1.67 1.48 2 2 persons 6.29 8.01 6.73 3 3 persons 15.06 13.8 I 14.73 4 4 persons 20.38 I 7.67 19.68 5 5 persons 21.26 21.73 21.38 6 6 persons 14.42 16.58 14.98 7 7 persons 8.58 8.08 8.45 8 8 persons 5.17 5.79 5.33 9 9 persons 3.54 3.31 3.48 10 10 persons 1.64 1.67 1.64 11 11 persons & above 2.26 1.69 2.1 I Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 37

Table 4.1.13 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Shan State

S.N.1 Household Size Urban Rural State

person 1.54 0.32 0.59 2 2 persons 3.00 4.11 3.86 ..., 3 .J persons 6.30 11.25 10.14 4· 4 persons 10.76 16.34 15.09 5 5 persons 17.84 17.97 17.95 6 6 persons 18.15 17.42 17.58 7 7 persons 14.16 13.33 13.51 8 8 persons 9.62 8.27 8.57 9 9 persons 7.62 6.58 6.81 10 10 persons 4.62 2.24 2.77 11 11 persons & above 6.40 2.19 3.13 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table 4.1.14 Percentage Distribution of Households by Size Ayeyarwady Division

S.N. Household Size Urban Rural Division

1 person 1.30 0.59 1.17 2 2 persons 9.99 4.91 9.07 3 3 persons 16.65 11.40 15.69 4 4 persons 20.58 20.66 20.60 5 5 persons 16.17 20.18 16.90 6 6 persons 13.41 16.44 13.96 7 7 persons 8.13 10.67 8.59 8 8 persons 6.45 6.69 6.49 9 9 persons 2.67 3.93 2.90 10 10 persons 2.68 2.82 2.71 11 11 persons & above 1.96 1.73 1.92 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 38

Table 4.2.1 Average Monthly Household Income by Source


(Percent ) S.N., Source of Income Urban Rural Union

Average monthly income (Kyats) 13005.76 8905.65 10122.98 2 Wages and salaries (I) In cash 77.87 37.83 49.71 (2) In kind 1.02 0.95 0.97 3 Entrepreneurial income 15.33 55.91 43.86 4 Pension 0.44 0.14 0.23 5 Rent 0.82 0.51 0.61 6 Interest 0.65 0.22 0.35 7 Remittances 2.67 0.93 1.44 8 Bonus and other 0.97 1.64 1.44 9 Other (In kind) 0.24 1.87 l.39

Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 39

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Kachin State

(Percent) S.N. Household Size Urban Rural State

Average monthly income (Kyats) 22883.62 10065.07 13196.61 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 76.95 67.14 69.54 (2) In kind 0.69 0.23 0.34 3 Entrepreneurial mcome 17.09 28.07 25.39 4 Pension .0.35 0.21 0.24 5 Rent l.22 0.08 0.36 6 Interest 0.13 0.02 0.05 7 Remittances 2.77 0.37 0.96 8 Bonus and other 0.75 0.05 0.22 9 Other (In kind) 0.06 3.83 2.91 Tata! 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Kayah State


S.N. J Source of Income Urban Rural State

1 Average monthly income (Kyats) 5877.70 4072.44 4622.15 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 62.51 28.47 38.84 (2) In kind 0.04 0.60 0.43 3 Entrepreneurial mcome 36.34 66.58 57.37 4 Pension 0.31 0.52 0.46 5 Rent 0.51 1.24 l.02 6 Interest 0.19 0.05 0.09 7 Remittances 0.04 0.22 0.17 8 Bonus and other 0.04 2.15 1.51 9 Other (In kind) 0.01 0.16 0.11 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 40

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Kay in State

(Percent) S.N., Household Size Urban Rural State

Average monthly income (Kyats) 1324 l.82 I 1599.90 I 1800.54 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 86.67 58.65 62.08 (2) In kind 0.55. l.48 1.36 .., j Entrepreneurial income 9. 14 33.46 30.49 4 Pension 0.47 0.08 0.13 5 Rent 0.90 0.56 0.60 6 Interest 0.26 0.35 0.34 7 Remittances 1.88 3.40 3.22 8 Bonus and other 0.02 0.12 0.11 9 Other (In kind) 0.10 1.89 1.67 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Chin State

(Percent) S.N. Source of Income Urban Rural State

I Average monthly income (Kyats) 9976.25 6121.53 6836.21 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 41.42 8.45 14.56 (2) In kind 0.64 2.79 2.39 3 Entrepreneurial income 43.42 72.86 67.40 4 Pension 0.41 0.46 0.45 5 Rent 1.34 1.05 1.10 6 Interest 1.09 0.26 0.41 7 Remittances 3.64 1.69 2.05 8 Bonus and other 1.28 2.49 2.27 9 Other (In kind) 6.76 9.95 9.36 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 41

Table ·Average Monthly Hou1sehold Income by Source Sagaing Division

(Percent ) S.N. Household Size Urban Rural Division

Average monthly income (Kyats) 8359.09 7636.89 7760.88 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 80.08 39.39 46.38 (2) In kind 2.02 1.04 1.21 3 Entrepreneurial income 12.39 57.98 50.15 4 Pension 0.49 0.05 0.13 5 Rent 0.35 0.19 0.22 6 Interest 0.91 0.18 0.30 7 Remittances 2.02 0.50 0.76 8 Bonus and other 1.24 0.29 0.45 9 Other (In kind) 0.50 0.38 0.41 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Tanintharyi Division

(Percent) S.N. Source of Income Urban Rural Division

Average monthly income (Kyats) 16038.41 11387.18 12712.76 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 85.08 63.39 69.57 (2) In kind 1.79 0.67 0.99 3 Entrepreneurial mcome 9.69 33.50 26.71 4 Pension 0.17 0.04 0.08 5 Rent 0.12 0.23 0.20 6 Interest 0.18 0.10 0.12 7 Remittances 2.50 1.72 1.94 8 Bonus and other 0.28 0.28 0.28 9 Other (In kind) 0.19 0.07 0.10 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 42

Table 4.2.1. 7 Average Monthly Household Income by Source Bago Division

( Percent) S.N. Household Size · Urban Rural Division

Average monthly income (Kyats) 12910.71 7329.02 8673.64 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 57.44 3 l.66 37.87 (2) In kind l.60 2.74 2.47 3 Entrepreneurial income 33.89 54.38 49.44 4 Pension 0.33 0.29 0.30 5 Rent 0.59 I.I 0 0.97 6 Interest l.88 0.72 1.00 7 Remittances 2.53 0.99 1.36 8 Bonus and other l.38 7.63 6.12 9 Other (In kind) 0.37 0.50 0.46 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Magway Division

(Percent) S.N. Source of Income Urban Rural Division

Average monthly income (Kyats) 7130.35 6431.25 6560.61 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 74.75 35. 16 42.49 (2) In kind 0.66 0.42 0.47 3 Entrepreneurial income 20.00 59.38 52.09 4 Pension 0.75 0.30 0.38 5 Rent 0. 13 0.14 0.14 6 Interest 0.06 0.07 0.07 7 Remittances 2.99 1.43 1.72 8 Bonus and other 0.58 1.44 1.28 9 Other (In kind) 0.08 1.65 1.36 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 43

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Mandalay Division

(Percent) S.N. Household Size Urban Rural Division

Average monthly income (Kyats) 8943.08 8510.07 8650.39 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 80.21 36.68 50.79 (2) In kind 0.90 0.57 0.68 3 Entrepreneurial mcome '!4.11 61.42 46.09 4 Pension 0.29 0.02 0.11 5 Rent 1.12 0.70 0.84 6 Interest 0.55 0.00 0.18 7 Remittances 1.68 0.28 0.74 8 Bonus and other 0.64 0.31 0.41 9 Other (In kind) 0.50 0.00 0.16 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Mon State

(Percent) S.N.1 Source of Income Urban I Rural State Average monthly income (Kyats) 10748.35 10777.56 10767.66 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 85.79 54.66 65.21 (2) In kind 0.54 1.90 1.44 ., .) Entrepreneurial mcome 6.36 31.44 22.94 4 Pension 0.18 0.16 0.17 5 Rent 0.32 0.47 0.42 6 Interest 0.30 0.65 0.53 7 . Remittances 5.48 5.47 5.47 8 Bonus and other 0.88 2.84 2.17 9 Other (In kind) 0.15 2.42 1.65 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 44

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Rakhine State

(Percent) S.N., Household Size Urban Rural State

Average monthly income (Kyats) 7264.30 6523.69 6660.56 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 77.79 60.83 63.97 (2) In kind 2.00 2.18 2.15 .., .) Entrepreneurial mcome 16.40 17.37 17.19 4 Pension 0.55 0.21 0.27 5 Rent 0.54 0.45 0.46 6 Interest 0.76 0.03 0.16 7 Remittances 1.29 0.38 0.55 8 Bonus and other 0.60 0.03 0.14 9 Other (In kind) 0.07 18.53 15. I I Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Yangon Division

(Percent) S.N. Source of Income Urban Rural Division

Average monthly income (Kyats) 18174.36 12306.09 16660.99 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 85.46 61.98 79.41 (2) In kind 0.87 1.36 1.00 .., .) Entrepreneurial mcome 6.23 31.50 12.75 4 Pension 0.53 0.31 0.47 5 Rent 1.28 0.19 1.00 6 Interest 0.66 0.07 0.5 I 7 Remittances 3.60 1.90 3.16 8 Bonus and other 1.31 0.77 1.17 9 Other (In kind) 0.05 1.92 0.54 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 45

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Shan State

(Percent) S.N. Household Size Urban Rural State

Average monthly income (Kyats) 15 I 98.02 6429.72 8393.82 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 82.97 37.16 47.42 (2) In kind 0.94 0.11 0.30 3 Entrepreneurial mcome 12.92 61.65 50.74 4 Pension 0.32 0.07 0.12 5 Rent 0.60 0.13 0.24 6 Interest 0. 12 0.00 0.03 7 Remittances 2.05 0.76 1.05 8 Bonus and other 0.05 0.01 0.02 9 Other (In kind) 0.03 0.11 0.09 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Average Monthly Household Income by Source Ayeyarwady Division

(Percent) S.N. Source of Income Urban Rural Division

Average monthly income (Kyats) 9737.95 12884.96 12311.42 2 Wages and salaries (1) In cash 63.43 24.05 31.23 (2) In kind 0.73 0.05 0.18 .., .) Entrepreneurial mcome 32.64 71.41 64.34 4 Pension 0.41 0.05 0.11 5 Rent 0.21 0.74 0.64 6 Interest 0.37 0.31 0.32 7 Remittances 1.15 0.26 0.42 8 Bonus and other 0.84 1.07 1.03 9 Other (In kind) 0.22 2.07 1.73 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 46

Table 4.2.2 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Union

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Union

Up to 2000 5.15 6.75 6.27 2 2001 to 4000 13.96 18.45 17.12 3 4001 to 6000 19.97 24.30 23.02 4 6001 to 8000 13.64 14.55 14.28 5 8001 to 10000 12.55 I 1.87 12.07 6 10001 to 12000 7.72 5.19 5.94 7 12001 to 14000 4.43 4.67 4.60 8 14001 to 16000 5. 16 2.78- 3.49- 9 16001 to 18000 2.51- 2.89 2.78 IO 18001 to 20000 2.53 1.5 I 1.81 1 I 20001 to 25000 3.22 2.85 2.98 12 25001 ·to 30000 2.39 1.55 1.80 13 30001 to 40000 2.23 1.25 1.54 14 40001 to 50000 1.29 0.74 0.91 15 50001 & above 3.16 0.68 1.41 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 47 Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Kach in State

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 3.87 5.51 5.11 2 2001 to 4000 7.70 13.74 12.26 3 4001 to 6000 17.75 21.54 20.62 4 6001 to 8000 7.41 14.14 12.50 s 8001 to 10000 7.38 13.74 12.19 6 10001 to 12000 8.02 8.40 8.30 7 12001 to 14000 4.81 6.27 5.91 8 14001 to 16000 5.51 5.00 5.12 9 16001 to 18000 2.88 2.62 2.68 10 18001 to 20000 4.54 2.09 2.69 11 20001 to 25000 8.72 3.61 4.85 12 25001 to 30000 4.53 0.76 1.68 13 30001 to 40000 3.90 0.97 1.68 14 40001 to 50000 5.19 1.18 2.16 15 50001 & above 7.80 0.42 2.22 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Kayah State

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 9.99 25.73 . 20.94 2 2001 to 4000 29.08 36.74 34.41 .., .) 4001 to 6000 27.00 21.04 22.86 4 6001 to 8000 17.92 9.92 12.35 5 8001 to 10000 5.55 1.70 2.87 6 10001 to 12000 4.55 1.94 2.73 7 12001 to 14000 1.91 1.50 1.62 8 14001 to 16000 0.18 0.24 0.22 9 16001 to 18000 0.91 0.00 0.28 10 18001 to 20000 0.09 0.72 0.53 11 20001 to 25000 1.00 0.24 0.47 12 25001 to 30000 1.82 0.00 0.55 13 30001 to 40000 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 40001 to 50000 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 50001 & above 0.00 0.24 0.17 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 48 Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Ch1ss Kayin State

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 4.34 6.66 6.37 2 2001 to 4000 13.21 14.89 14.69 3 4001 to 6000 14.24 16.53 16.25 4 6001 to 8000 12.64 13.31 13.22 5 8001 to 10000 11.14 12.67 12.48 6 10001 to 12000 10.29 5.52 6.10 7 12001 to 14000 4.69 5.45 5.36 8 14001 to 16000 4.34 5.54 5.40 9 16001 to 18000 3.65 3.07 3.14 10 18001 to 20000 3.26 2.00 2.15 l l 20001 to 25000 5.89 5.13 5.22 12 25001 to 30000 5.83 2.38 2.80 13 30001 to 40000 2.38 3.38 3.25 14 40001 to 50000 1.54 1.48 1.49 15 50001 & above 2.56 2.00 2.07 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Chin State

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 12.94 22.97 21.11 2 2001 to 4000 20.94 23.46 22.99 3 4001 to 6000 19.46 17.39 17.77 4 6001 to 8000 13.24 13.10 13.13 5 8001 to 10000 7.21 7.18 7.18 6 10001 to 12000 7.00 4.46 4.93 7 12001 to 14000 4.03 4.05 4.05 8 14001 to 16000 3.00 3.03 3.03 9 16001 to 18000 3.21 1.72 2.00 10 18001 to 20000 0.39 0.61 0.57 11 20001 to 25000 1.39 0.41 0.59 12 25001 to 30000 2.21 0.41 0.74 13 30001 to 40000 1.61 0.61 0.79 14 40001 to 50000 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 50001 & above 3.36 0.61 1.12 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 49 Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Sagaing Division

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 10.29 10.50 10.46 2 2001 to 4000 18.40 22.82 22.06

~ .J 4001 to 6000 21.52 23.72 23.34 4 6001 to 8000 16.44 11.80 12.60 5 8001 to 10000 11.54 10.03 10.29 6 10001 to 12000 4.98 5.56 5.46 7 12001 to 14000 2.06 4.17 3.80 8 14001 to 16000 3.75 1.93 2.24 9 16001 to 18000 1.67 3.07 2.83 10 18001 to 20000 2.37 0.96 1.20 11 20001 to 25000 1.38 2.40 2.23 12 25001 to 30000 3.15 1.44 1.74 13 30001 to 40000 1.73 0.44 0.66 14 40001 to 50000 0.50 0.79 0.74 15 50001 & above 0.24 0.36 0.34 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Tanintharyi Division

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 3.81 4.68 4.43 2 2001 to 4000 6.70 8.64 8.09 3 4001 to 6000 12.45 16.59 15.41 4 6001 to 8000 9.54 12.53 11.68 5 8001 to 10000 12.38 15.68 14.74 6 10001 to 12000 10.26 8.43 8.95 7 1200 I to 14000 6.19 8.21 7.64 8 14001 to 16000 10.70 6.64 7.80 9 16001 to 18000 3.56 4.12 3.96 10 18001 to 20000 3.08 3.20 3.17 11 20001 to 25000 5.69 4.43 4.79 12 25001 to 30000 5.21 2.91 3.56 13 30001 to 40000 4.98 2.17 2.97 14 40001 to 50000 2.37 1.07 1.44 15 50001 & above 3.09 0.70 1.38 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 50 Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class ilago Division

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 4.77 9.90 8.67 2 2001 to 4000 15.01 20.00 18.79 3 4001 to 6000 19.03 27.64 25.57 4 6001 to 8000 13.42 16.48 15.74 5 8001 to 10000 14.02 10:28 11.18 6 10001 to 12000 7.30 4.22 4.96 7 12001 to 14000 6.65 2.41 3.43 s 14001 to 16000 4.20 1.62 2.24 9 16001 to 18000 0.34 2.04 1.63 10 18001 to 20000 3. 13 1.07 1.56 I I 20001 to 25000 3.78 1.44 2.00 12 25001 to 30000 2. IO 0.5 I 0.89 13 30001 to 40000 1.37 LI6 1.21 14 40001 to 50000 1.37 0.70 0.86 15 50001 & above 3.47 0.56 1.26 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Magway Division

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 10.28 2.37 3.83 2 2001 to 4000 22.50 20.08 20.52 3 4001 to 6000 26.58 34.70 33.20 4 6001 to 8000 I 8. 12 25.8 I 24.39 5 8001 to 10000 7.59 9.14 8.85 6 10001 to 12000 3.25 3.38 3.35 7 12001 to 14000 3.25 1.9 I 2.16 8 14001 to 16000 2.18 0. 15 0.53 9 16001 to 18000 1.27 0. 15 0.36 10 18001 to 20000 1.81 0.37 0.63 I I 20001 to 25000 0.62 0.66 0.65 12 25001 to 30000 1.03 0.37 0.49 13 30001 to 40000 0.17 0.36 0.33 14 40001 to 50000 0.58 0.22 0.29 15 . 50001 & above- 0.78 0.36 0.44 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 51 Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Mandalay Division

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 5.67 4.60 4.95 2 2001 to 4000 17.08 20.54 19.42 3 4001 to 6000 26.77 27.15 27.03 4 6001 to 8000 14.71 11.45 12.51 5 8001 to 10000 12.88 13.11 13.04 6 10001 to 12000 5.86 4.71 5.08 7 12001 to 14000 3.82 5.40 4.89 8 14001 to 16000 3.95 2.04 2.66 9 16001 to" 18000 1.43 3.07 2.54 10 18001 to 20000 1.41 0. 79 0.99 II 20001 to 25000 2.22 3.28 2.93 12 25001 to 30000 I. I 0 1.29 1.. 23 13 30001 to 40000 0.90 I. I 0 1.03 14 40001 to 50000 0.94 0.89 0.91 15 50001 & above 1.24 0.58 0.79 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Mon State

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 2.65 4.07 3.59 2 2001 to 4000 12.46 13.54 13.18 3 4001 to 6000· 23.37 21.50 22.13 4 6001 to 8000 12.99 15.96 14.96 5 8001 to 10000 15.25 13.06 13.81 6 10001 to 12000 11.08 8.33 9.26 7 12001 to 14000 2.99 5.05 4.35 8 14001 to 16000 5.65 4.46 4.87 9 16001 to 18000 3.99 2.77 3.18 10 18001 to 20000 1.30 2.46 2.07 I I 20001 to 25000 3.64 3. 13 3.30 12 25001 to 30000 1.61 2.43 2.15 13 30001 to 40000 0.39 1.46 1.09 14 40001 to 50000 0.66 0.40 0.49 15 50001 & above 1.94 1.37 1.57 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 52 Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Rakhine State

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 15.90 12.66 13.26 2 2001 to 4000 24.70 24.41 24.46 3 4001 to 6000 20.12 27.58 26.20 4 6001 to 8000 12.99 11.18 11.52 5 8001 to 10000 10.19 7.66 8.13 . 6 10001 to 12000 8.04 3.82 4.60 7 12001 to 14000 1.23 3.66 3.21 8 14001 to 16000 1.63 2.63 2.45 9 16001 to 18000 0.53 2.58 2.20 10 18001 to 20000 1.23 1.02 1.06 11 20001 to 25000 1.04 1.15 1.13 12 25001 to 30000 0.66 1.05 0.98 13 30001 to 40000 0.39 0.35 0.36 14 40001 to 50000 0.00 ·0.24 0.20 15 50001 & above 1.37 0.00 0.25 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Yangon Division

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 2.90 5.45 3.56 2 2001 to 4000 9.15 12.18 9.93 3 4001 to 6000 13.76 17.07 14.61 4 6001 to 8000 11.84 12.61 12.04 5 8001 to 10000 13.38 14.76 13.74 6 10001 to 12000 10.23 9.51 10.05 7 12001 to 14000 5.14 7.25 5.69 8 14001 to 16000 6.66 4.51 6.11 9 16001 to 18000 3.93 3.05 3.70 10 18001 to 20000 3.35 2.09 3.03 11 20001 to 25000 5.34 4.17 5.04 12 25001 to 30000 3.43 2.12 3.09 13 30001 to 40000 3.54 1.88 3.11 14 40001 to 50000 1.86 1.24 l.70 15 50001 & above 5.46 2.12 4.60 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 53 Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Shan State

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 3.31 13.65 11.33 2 2001 to 4000 11.76 27.02 23.60 3 4001 to 6000 17.00 23.20 21.81 4 6001 to 8000 12.31 J2.45 12.42 5 8001 to 10000 10.31 10.11 10.15 6 10001 to 12000 6.85 3.98 4.62 7 1200J to 14000 S.46 2.44 3.12 8 1400J to 16000 9.85. 1.66 3.50 9 16001 to 18000 3.62 1.04 l.62 10 J8001 to 20000 3.15 1.97 2.23 l J 2000J to 25000 2.85 0.58 l.09 12 2500J to 30000 2.70 0.64 l.l 0 J3 30001 to 40000 4.31 0.45 1.3 J 14 40001 to 50000 1.92 0.45 0.78 15 5000J & above 4.62 0.39 1.34 Total 100.00 J00.00 J00.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Income Class Ayeyarwady Division

S.N. Income Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

l Up to 2000 4.49 2.46 2.83 2 2001 to 4000 15.05 JO.OJ 10.93 3 4001 to 6000 26.02 17.07 18.70 4 6001 to 8000 15.45 12.52 13.06 5 8001 to 10000 13.62 J5.70 15.32 6 10001 to 12000 6.37 5.8 J 5.92 7 1200J to 14000 4.00 7.86 7.16 8 14001 to 16000 3.86 5.62 5.30 9 16001 to 18000 2.24 5.80 5. 15 JO 18001 to 20000 l.95 2.97 2.78 J l 20001 to 25000 0.58 5.94 4.96 12 25001 to 30000 l.59 3.45 3. J J J3 30001 to 40000 2.39 2.78 2.71 14 40001 to 50000 0.66 l.03 0.97 J5 50001 & above 1.73 0.98 1.1 J Total 100.00 J00.00 100.00 54 Table 4.3.1 Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Union (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural Union Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size (Person) 5.22 5.32 5.25

2 Household Expenditure Total 15266.42 100.00 13091.16 100.00 13784.51 100.00

Food And Beverages 10419.99 68.25 9479.30 72.41 9779.45 70.95

Rice and other cereals 2375.03 15.56 2869.18 21.92 2695.68 19.56 2 Pulses 238.64 1.56 228.44 I. 74 229.22 1.66 3 Meat 1280.62 8.39 885.98 6.77 1007.86 7.31 4 Eggs 282.23 1.85 166.13 l.27 210.42 1.53 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 874.47 5.73 644.80 4.93 727.06 5.27 6 Fish and crustacea( dried) 334.44 2.19 270.94 2.07 310.83 2.25 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 224.55 1.47 302.68 2.31 264.48 1.92 8 Vegetables 724.49 4.75 746.89 5.71 736.26 5.34 9 Fruits 283.34 1.86 19 l.28 l.46 219.29 l.59 10 Cooking oil and fats 1250.06 8.19 1239.97 9.47 1248.43 9.06 11 Spices and condiments 548.06 3.59 562.49 4.30 563.33 4.09 12 Beverages 240.20 1.57 214.21 l.64 217.03 1.57 13 Sugar and other food 204.19 1.34 361.82 2.76 276.56 2.01 14 Milk and milk products 106.60 0.70 36.96 0.28 57.87 0.42 15 Other miscellaneous food 357.20 2.34 204.93 1.57 252.68 1.83 16 Food taken outside home 1095.87 7.18 552.5 8 4.22 762.46 5.53

Non-Food 4846.43 31.75 3611.86 27.59 4005.06 29.05

17 Tobacco 150.29 0.98 151.47 1.16 154.74 1.12 18 Fuel and light 735.91 4.82 638.14 4.87 661.76 4.80 19 Travelling expenses 572.66 3.75 224.42 1.71 327.61 2.38 20 Journey travelling expenses 120.61 0.79 84.18 0.64 93.92 0.68 21 Clothing and apparel 520.37 3.41 411.67 3.14 454.65 3.30 22 Personal use goods 346.48 2.27 233.47 1.78 284.07 2.06 23 Cleansing and toilet 404.36 2.65 291.53 2.23 329.20 2.39 24 Crockeries 14.39 0.09 22.72 0.17 18.63 0.14 25 Other household goods 232.84 1.53 227.41 1.74 193.16 1.40 26 Furniture 33.25 0.22 31.80 0.24 31.52 0.23 27 House rent and repairs 373.67 2.45 258.66 1.98 294.82 2.14 28 Stationary and school supplies 75.73 0.50 54.09 0.41 59.33 0.43 29 Education 214.18 1.40 85.34 0.65 137.78 1.00 30 Medical care 256.02 1.68 235.20 1.80 249.13 1.81 31 Recreation 50.84 0.33 38.86 0.30 42.77 0.31 32 Charity and ceremonials 585.56 3.84 481.02 3.67 515.48 3.74 33 Other expenses 159.25 1.04 141.87 1.08 156.48 1.14 55 Table Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Kachin State (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural State Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size ( Person ) 6.81 6.57 6.63

2 Household Expenditure Total 19074.86 100.00 15494.24 100.00 16368.98 100.00

Food And Beverages 13660.87 71.62 11264.22 72.70 11849.72 72.39

Rice and other cereals 3384.92 17.75 3802.48 24.54 3700.47 22.61 2 Pulses 365.26 1.91 323.58 2.09 333.76 2.04 3 Meat 1984.99 10.41 1396.77 9.01 1540.47 9.41 4 Eggs 273.08 1.43 1215.78 1.39 229.78 1.40 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 994.29 5.21 831.90 5.37 871.57 5.32 6 Fish and crustacea(dried) 235.24 1.23 227.77 1.47 229.59 1.40 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 131.22 0.69 228.59 1.48 204.81 1.25 8 Vegetables 1145.69 6.01 1030.91 6.65 1058.95 6.47 9 Fruits 445.15 2.33 212.00 1.37 268.96 1.64 10 Cooking oil and fats 1524.31 7.99 1294.18 8.35 1350.40 8.25 11 Spices and condiments 622.34 3.26 556.50 3.59 572.58 3.50 12 Beverages 269.00 1.41 207.87 1.34 222.80 1.36 13 Sugar and other food 190.77 1.00 128.42 0.83 143.65 0.88 14 Milk and milk products 238.61 1.25 106.90 0.69 139.08 0.85 15 Other miscellaneous food 342.81 1.80 248.07 1.60 271.22 1.66 16 Food taken outside home 1513.18 7.93 452.51 2.92 711.63 4.35

Non-Food 5413.99 28.38 4230.02 27.30 4519.26 27.61

17 · Tobacco 117.68 0.62 157.26 1.0 I 147.59 0.90 18 Fuel and light 839.31 4.40 781.86 5.05 795.89 4.86 19 Travelling expenses 303.92 1.59 193.30 1.25 220.33 1.35 20 Journey travelling expenses 218.86 1.15 134.92 0.87" 155.43 0.95 21 Clothing and apparel 795.86 4.17 560.12 3.62 617.71 3.77 22 Personal use goods 388.. 62 2.04 371.41 2.40 375.62 2.29 23 Cleansing and toilet 594.81 3.12 397.79 2.57 445.93 2.72 24 Crockeries 13.70 0.07 33.91 0.22 28.97 0.18 25 Other household goods 132.73 0.70 202.65 1.31 185.57 1.13 26 Furniture 20.10 0.11 45.06 0.29 38.97 0.24 27 House rent and repairs 340.07 1.78 304.06 1.96 312.85 1.91 28 Stationary and school supplies 197.16 1.03 98.45 0.64 122.56 0.75 29 Education 336.18 1.76 207.72 1.34 239.10 1.46 30 Medical care 275.84 1.45 162.54 1.05 190.22 1.16 31 Recreation 87.16 0.46 43.29 0.28 54.01 0.33 32 Charity and ceremonials 443.32 2.32 411.37 2.65 419.17 2.56 33 Other expenses 308.64 1.62 124.30 0.80 169.34 1.03 56 Table Monthly Household Expenditure By Group

Kayah State (Value - Kyat). S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural State Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size (Person) 5.52 5.53 5.53

2 Household Expenditure Total 12012.19 100.00 10582.09 100.00 11017.56 100.00

Food And Beverages 9035.73 75.22 8015.07 75.74 8325.87 75.57

Rice and other cereals 2649.73 22.06 3251.00 30.72 3067.9 I . 27.85 2 Pulses 290.47 2.42 27l.12 2.56 277.01 2.51 3 Meat 976.08 8.13 609.87 5.76 721.38 6.55 4 Eggs 288.72 2.40 106.80 1.0 I 162.19 1.47 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 445.77 3.71 276.00 2.61 327. 70 2.97 6 Fish and crustacea(dried) . 381. 79 3.18 188.03 1.78 247.03 2.24 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 215.71 1.80 198.40 1.87 203.67 1.85 8 Vegetables 789.60 6.57 963.55 9. I I 910.58 8.26 9 Fruits 235.32 1.96 117.82 I.! I 153.60 1.39 IO Cooking oil and fats 876.61 7.30 488.84 4.62 606.92 5.51 I I Spices and condiments 496.99 4.14 407.37 3.85 434.66 3.95 12 Beverages 285.09 2.37 306.47 2.90 299.96 2.72 13 Sugar and other food 198.43 1.65 361.03 3.41 311.52 2.83 14 Milk and milk products 32.17 0.27 21.03 0.20 24.42 0.22 15 Other miscellaneous food 257.18 2.14 114.69 I.08 158.08 1.43 16 Food taken outside home 616.05 5.13 333.06 3.15 419.23 3.81

Non-Food 2976.46 24.78 2567.02 24.26 2691.70 24.43

17 Tobacco 185.29 1.54 116.93 I.IO 137.74 l.25 18 Fuel and light 641.38 5.34 701.85 6.63 . 683.43 6.20 19 Travelling expenses 75.58 0.63 58.77 0.56 63.89 0.58 20 Journey travelling expenses 120.l 0 1.00 61.72 0.58 79.50 0.72 21 Clothing and apparel 324.65 2.70 334.88 3.16 331.77 3.01 22 Personal use goods 150.50 1.25 162.68 1.54 158.97 1.44 23 Cleansing and toilet 314.26 2.62 210.49 1.99 242.09 2.20 24 Crockeries 19.88 0.17 16.61 0. 16 17.61 0.16 25 Other household goods 148.02 l.23 59.08 0.56 86.16 0.78 26 Furniture 41.81 0.35 33.58 0.32 36.09 0.33 27 House rent and repairs 156.22 1.30 166.54 1.57 163.40 1.48 28 Stationary and school supplies 11. 71 0.10 39.03 0.37 30.71 0.28 29 Education 141.12 1.17 89.68 0.85 105.34 0.96 30 Medical care 134.49 1.12 239.43 2.26 207.48 1.88 31 Recreation 50.72 0.42 34.64 0.33 39.54 0.36 32 Charity and ceremonials 349.86 2.91 167.98 1.59 223.37 2.03 33 Other expenses 110.87 0.92 73.13 0.69 84.62 0.77 57 Table Monthly Household Expenditure By Group Kayin State (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural State Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size (Person) 6.03 5.27 5.36

2 Household Expenditure Total 15645.59 100.00 14847.18 100.00 14944.75 100.00

Food And Beverages 11036.05 70.54 I 0832.87 72.96 10857.70 72.65

Rice and other cereals 2459.87 15.72 2579.04 17.37 2564.48 17.16 2 Pulses 87.92 0.56 156.33 1.05 147.97 0.99 3 Meat 1201.81 7.68 998.77 6.73 I 023.5 8 6.85 4 Eggs 207.44 1.33 239.42 1.61 235.51 1.58 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) l 141.l5 7.29 991.87 6.68 1010.11 6.76 6 Fish and crustacea(dried) 449.66 2.87 387.72 2.61 395.29 2.64 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 471.57 3.01 449.55 3.03 452.24 3.03 8 Vegetables 880.38 5.63 884.42 5.96 883.93 5.91 9 Fruits 199.25 1.27 264:54 1.78 256.56 1.72 10 Cooking oil and fats 949.58 6.07 1119.14 7.54 1098.42 7.35 11 Spices and condiments 747.38 4.78 1035.44 6.97 I 000.23 6.69 12 Beverages 285.38 1.82 152.44 1.03 168.69 l.13 13 Sugar and other food 175.83 1.12 311.61 2.10 295.02 1.97 14 Milk and milk products 134.48 0.86 98.28 0.66 102.70 0.69 15 Other miscellaneous food 174.70 1.12 152.30 1.03 155.04 1.04 16 Food taken outside home 1469.66 9.39 1011.99 6.82 1067.92 7.15

Non-Food 4609.54 29.46 4014.33 27.04 4087.06 27.35

17 Tobacco 95.68 0.61 151.42 1.02 144.61 0.97 18 Fuel and light 570.97 3.65 627.59 4.23 620.67 4.15 19 Travelling expenses 269.95 1.73 317.63 2.14 311.80 2.09 20 Journey travelling expenses 163.74 1.05 97.85 0.66 105.90 0.71 21 Clothing and apparel 397.13 2.54 261.80 1.76 278.34 1.86 22 Personal use goods 166.99 1.07 271.31 1.83 258.56 I. 73 23 Cleansing and toilet 459.89 2.94 331.91 2.24 347.55 2.33 24 Crockeries 15.21 0.10 32.51 0.22 30.40 0.20 25 Other household goods 402.59 2.57 342.47 2.31 349.81 2.34 26 Furniture 43.38 0.28 18.65 0.13 21.67 0.15 27 House rent and repairs 634.61 4.06 511.65 3.45 526.68 3.52 28 Stationary and school supplies 82.75 0.53 21.73 0.15 29.18 0.20 29 Education . 111.77 0.71 47.43 0.32 55.29 0.37 30 Medical care 260.56 1.67 218.59 1.4 7 223.72 1.50 31 Recreation 45.32 0.29 27.10 0.18 29.33 0.20 32 Charity and ceremonials 637.64 4.08 592.03 3.99 597.60 4.00 33 Other expenses 251.37 1.61 142.66 0.96 155.95 1.04 58 Table Monthly Household Expenditure by Group Chin State (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural State v a'lue I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size (Person) 5.87 6.67 6.53

2 Household Expenditure Total 11802.97 100.00 10596.5 l 100.00 I 0820.20 100.00

Food And Beverages 8344.93 70.70 7775.23 73.38 7880.85 72.83

Rice and other cereals 2590.46 21.95 3500.22 33.03 3331.55 30.79 2 Pulses 301.47 2.55 485.84 4.58 45 l .65 4.17 3 Meat 1029.25 8.72 832.52 7.86 869.00 8.03 4 Eggs 229.38 1.94 115.16 !.09 136.34 l.26 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 71.74 0.61 52.76 0.50 56.28 0.52 6 Fish and crustacea( dried) 72.99 0.62 7.42 0.07 19.58 0.18 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 92.27 0.78 57.03 0.54 63.56 0.59 8 Vegetables 816.72 6.92 948.06 8.95 923.71 8.54 9 Fruits 210.76 1.79 236.32 2.23 231.58 2.14 10 Cooking oil and fats 1076.92 9.12 584.39 5.51 675.71 6.24 11 Spices and condiments 310.49 2.63 213.12 2.01 231.l 7 2.14 12 Beverages 75.17 0.64 151.27 1.43 137.16 1.27 13 Sugar and other food 198.02 1.68 128.89 1.22 141.70 1.31 14 Milk and milk products 213.38 1.81 119.62 l.13 137.00 1.27 15 Other miscellaneous food 382.58 3.24 72.13 0.68 129.69 1.20 16 Food taken outside home 673.34 5.70 270.48 2.55 345.17 3.19

Non-Food 3458.04 29.30 2821.29 26.62 2939.35 27.17

17 Tobacco 45.60 0.39 104.65 0.99 93.70 0.87 18 Fuel an~ light 858.99 7.28 978.89 9.24 956.66 8.84 19 Travelling expenses 59.24 0.50 18.28 0.17 25.87 0.24 20 Journey travelling expenses 159.19 1.35 187.01 1.76 181.85 1.68 21 Clothing and apparel 402.05 . 3.41 310.82 2.93 327.74 3.03 22 Personal use goods 210.25 1.78 159.15 I.SO 168.62 1.56 23 Cleansing and toilet 349.45 2.96 198.26 1.87 226.29 2.09 24 Crockeries 24.62 0.21 17.93 0.:17 19.17 0. I 8 25 Other household goods 183.87 1.56 67.35 0.64 88.96 0.82 26 Furniture 42.82 0.36 20.99 0.20 25.04 0.23 27 House rent and repairs 275.92 2.34 214.37 2.02 225.78 2.09 28 Stationary and school supplies 126.47 1.07 62.76 0.59 74.57 0.69 29 Education 220.90 1.87 49.38 0.47 8l.18 0.75 30 Medical care 206.39 1.75 243.87 2.30 236.92 2.19 31 Recreation 46.99 0.40 7.32 0.07 14.67 0.14 32 Charity and ceremonials 175.92 1.49 116.32 1.10 127.37 1.18 33 Other expenses 69.39 0.59 63.94 0.60 64.95 0.60 59 Table Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Sagaing Division (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural Division Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size ( Person) 5.1 {) 5.59 5.50

2 Household Expenditure Total 14705.36 100.00 13328.80 100.00 13565.15 100.00

. Food And Beverages 10366.10 70.49 9943.11 74.60 10015.74 73.83

Rice and other cereals 2237.21 15.21 3253.48 24.41 3078.99 22.70 2 Pulses 377.09 2.56 338.09 2.54 344.78 2.54 3 Meat 1593.98 10.84 500.11 3.75 687.93 5.07 4 Eggs 192.14 1.31 100.05 0.75 115.86 0.85 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 422.38 2.87 352.87 2.65 364.81 2.69 6 Fish and crustacea( dried) 318.35 2.16 312.05 2.34 313.13 2.31 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 210.73 1.43 268.22 2.01 258.34 1.90 8 Vegetables 632.62 4.30 922.09 6.92 872.39 6.43 9 Fruits 461.01 3.13 148.22 1.11 201.92 1.49 IO Cooking oil and fats 1357.45 9.23 1806.01 13.55 1729.00 12.75 11 Spices and condiments 542.64 3.69 655.80 4.92 636.37 4.69 12 Beverages 184.18 1.25 163.46 1.23 167.01 1.23 13 Sugar and other food 218.62 1.49 326.06 2.45 307.61 2.27 14 Milk and milk products 45.63 0.31 19.38 0.15 23.89 0.18 15 Other miscellaneous food 385.17 2.62 207.62 1.56 238.10 1.76 16 Food taken outside home 1186.90 8.07 569.61 4.27 675.60 4.98

Non-Food 4339.26 29.51 3385.69 25.40 3549.42 26.17

17 Tbbacco 159.02 1.08 163.81 1.23 162.99 1.20 18 Fuel and light 608.24 . 4.14 552.25 4.14 561.86 4.14 19 Travelling expenses 287.92 1.96 144.31 1.08 168.96 1.25 20 Journey travelling expenses 88.22 0.60 46.69 0.35 53.82 0.40 21 Clothing and apparel 612.70 4.17 391.91 2.94 429.82 3.17 22 Personal use goods 359.31 2.44 224.85 1.69 247.94 1.83 23 Cleansing and toilet 461.48 3.14 272.79 2.05 305.19 2.25 24 Crockeries 12.17 0.08 18.67 0.14 17.55 0.13 25 Other household goods 67.94 0.46 156.10 1.17 140.96 1.04 26 Furniture 20.08 0.14 24.42 0.18 23.67 0.17 27 House rent and repairs 261.35 1.78 214.36 1.61 . 222.43 1.64 28 Stationary and school supplies 81.17 0.55 63.00 0.47 66.12 0.49 29 Education li0.06 0.75 70.21 0.53 77.05 0.57 30 Medical care 214.98 1.46 249.10 1.87 243.24 1.79 31 Recreation 65.50 0.45 38.65 0.29 43.26 0.32 32 Charity and ceremonials 760.64 5.17 573.93 4.31 605.99 4.47 33 Other expenses 168.48 1.15 180.64 1.36 178.56" 1.32 60 Table Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Tanintharyi Division (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural Division Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size (Person) 5.87 5.57 5.66

2 Household Expenditure Total 19929.62 100.00 19041.34 100.00 19294.50 100.00

Food And Beverages 13726.32 68.87 12849.61 67.48 13099.4 7 67.89

Rice and other cereals 3232.07 16.22 3577.38 18.79 3478.97 18.03 2 Pulses 90.31 0.45 47.59 0.25 59.77 0.31 3 Meat 1445.38 7.25 971.02 5.10 1106.21 5.73 4 Eggs 198.16 0.99 279.58 1.47 256.37 1.33 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 1356.30 6.81 1795.79 9.43 1670.54 8.66 6 Fish and crustacea( dried) 907.63 4.55 414.47 2.18 555.02 2.88 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 249.12 1.25 311.71 1.64 293.87 1.52 8 Vegetables 1002.06 5.03 963.40 5.06 974.42 5.05 9 Fruits 716.17 3.59 553.82 2.91 600.09 3.11 10 Cooking oil and fats 1021.90 5.13 932.67 4.90 958.10 4.97 11 Spices and condiments 765.99 3.84 823.13 4.32 806.85 4.18 12 Beverages 225.42 1.13 121.63 0.64 151.21 0.78 13 Sugar and other food 183.90 0.92 304.50 1.60 270.13 1.40 14 Milk and milk products 167.02 0.84 145.38 0.76 151.55 0.79 15 Other miscellaneous food 714.07 3.58 306.69 1.61 422.79 2.19 16 Food taken outside home 1450.80 7.28 1300.83 6.83 1343.57 6.96

Non-Food 6203.31 31.13 6191.73 32.52 6195.03 32:1 I

17 Tobacco 177.92 0.89 209.79 1.10 200.71 1.04 18 Fuel and light 993.08 4.98 811.53 4.26 863.27 4.47 19 Travelling expenses 492.48 2.47 687.44 3.61 631.88 3.27 20 Journey travelling expenses f.30.30 1.16 100.72 0.53 137.65 0.71 21 Clothing and apparel 752.79 3.78 751.84 3.95 752.11 3.90 22 Personal use goods 438.55 2.20 379.01 1.99 395.98 2.05 23 Cleansing and toilet 427.74 2.15 340.25 1.79 365.18 1.89 24 Crockeries 11.73 0.06 29.23 0."15 24.24 0.13 25 Other household goods 247.22 1.24 333.37 1.75 308.82 1.60 26 Furniture 33.01 0.17 54.30 0.29 48.23 0.25 27 House rent and repairs 451.50 2.27 396.68 2.08 412.30 2.14 28 Stationary and school supplies 116.40 0.58 100.69 0.53 l 05.17 0.55 29 Education 252.92 1.27 125.37 0.66 161.72 0.84 30 Medical care 360.97 1.81 367.31 1.93 365.51 1.89 31 Recreation 121.55 0.61 80.77 0.42 92.40 0.48 32 Charity and ceremonials 545.74 2.74 786.73 4.13 718.05 3.72 33 Other expenses 549.58 2.76 636.70 3.34 611.87 3.17 61 Table. Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Bago Division (Value - Kyat) . - S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural Division Value I Percent Value / Percent Value I Percent

Household Size (Person) 5.06 4.48 4.62

2 Household Expenditure Total . 14634.79 100.00 13265.32 100.00 13595.22 100.00

Food And Beverages 10259.27 70.10 9330.53 70.34 9554.26 70.28

Rice and other cereals 2175.96 14.87 2360.72 17.80 2316.21 17.04 2 Pulses 158.10 1.08 287.02 2.16 255.96 1.88 3 Meat 1518.22 10.37 1278.87 9.64 1336.53 9.83 4 Eggs 223.27 1.53 192.06 1.45 199.58 1.47 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 913.87 6.24 893.58 6.74 898.47 6.61 6 Fish and crustacea(dried) 360.27 2.46 284.58 2.15 302.82 2.23 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 220.27 1.51 309.19 2.33 287.77 2.12 8 Vegetables 649.04 4.43 616.12 4.64 624.05 4.59 9 Fruits 254.61 1.74 202,83 1.53 215.30 1.58 10 Cooking oil and fats 1343.68 9.18 1120.65 8.45 1174.38 8.64 11 Spices and condiments 521.76 3.57 567.62 4.28 556.57 4.09 12 Beverages 220.43 1.51 177.70 1.34 188.00 1.38 13 Sugar and other food 154.58 1.06 246.69 1.86 224.50 1.65 14 Milk and milk products 128.60 0.88 16.30 0.12 43.35 0.32 15 Other miscellaneous food 457.62 3.13 200.68 1.51 262.58 1.93 16 Food taken outside home 958.98 6.55 575.92 4.34 668.20 4.91

Non-Food 4375.52 29.90 3934.79 29.66 4040.96 29.72

17 Tobacco 159.04 1.09 162.14 1.22 161.39 1.19 18 Fuel and light 632.59 4.32 433.76 3.27 481.66 3.54 19 Travelling expenses 161.10 1.10 223.58 1.69 208.53 1.53 20 Journey travelling expenses 157.92 1.08 133.10 1.00 139.08 1.02 21 Clothing and apparel 491.71 3.36 569.99 4.30 551.13 4.05 22 Personal use goods 300.91 2.06 326.05 2.46 319.99 2.35 23 Cleansing and toilet 394.19 2.69 315.66 2.38 334.58 2.46 24 Crockeries 6.25 0.04 31.94 0.24 25.75 0.19 25 Other household goods 406.96 2.78 267.22 2.01 300.88 2.21 26 Furniture 23.18 0.16 48.30 0.36 42.25 0.31 27 House rent and repairs 399.13 2.73 363.37 2:74 371.98 2.74 28 Stationary and school supplies 68.96 0.47 50.09 0.38 54.63 0.40 29 Education 171.13 1.17 84.18 0.63 105.12 0.77 30 Medical care 234.60 1.60 282.21 2.13 270.74 1.99 31 Recreation 43.55 0.30 60.14 0.45 56.14 0.41 32 Charity and ceremonials 557.64 3.81 469.88 3.54 491.02 3.61 33 Other expenses 166.68 1.14 113.19 0.85 126.08 0.93 62 Table Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Magway Division (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural Division Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size (Person) 5.47 5.49 5.49

2 Household Expenditure Total 12221.55 100.00 11671.52 1on. no 11773.30 100.00

Food And Beverages 9279.28 75.93 8840.00 75.74 8921.28 75.78

Rice and other cereals 2745.12 22.46 2914.84 24.97 2883.44 24.49 2 Pulses 67.10 0.55 71.1 I 0.61 70.37 0.60 3 Meat l 036.46 8.48 722.71 6. 19 780.76 6.63 4 Eggs 209.18 1.71 128.64 I. I 0 143.54 1.22 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 426.56 3.49 324.36 2.78 343.27 2.92 6 Fish and crustacea(dried) 305.64 2.50 245.05 2.10 256.26 2.18 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 357.24 2.92 358.49 3.07 358.26 3.04 8 Vegetables 860.76 7.04 909.67 7.79 900.62 7.65 9 Fruits 128.73 1.05 119.15 1.02 120.92 1.03 10 Cooking oil and fats 1481.54 12.12 1500.17 12.85 1496.72 12.71 11 Spices and condiments 518.60 4.24 532.25 4.56 529.73 4.50 12 Beverages 127.47 1.04 186.68 1.60 175.72 1.49 13 Sugar and other food 386.90 3.17 403.78 3.46 400.65 3.40 14 Milk and milk products 60.01 0.49 35,55 0.30 40.08 0.34 15 Other miscellaneous food 165.80 1.36 135.98 I.I 7 141.50 1.20 16 Food taken outside home 402.19 3.29 251.57 2.16 279.44 2.37

Non-Food 2942.27 24.07 2831.52 24.26 2852.01 24.22

17 Tobacco 168.80 1.38 179.02 1.53 I 77.13 1.50 18 Fuel and light 610.56 5.00 614.92 5.27 614.11 5.22 19 Travelling expenses 181.28 1.48 185.00 1.59 184.3 I 1.57 20 Journey travelling expenses 7(5.08 0.62 41.28 0.35 47.72 0.41 21 Clothing and apparel 277.74 2.27 283.98 2.43 282.83 2.40 22 Personal use goods 171. 76 I .41 161.74 1.39 163.60 1.39 23 Cleansing and toilet 251.33 2.06 218.89 1.88 224.89 1.91 24 Crockeries 5.73 0.05 9.53 0.08 8.83 0.07 25 Other household goods 137.58 1.13 74.89 0.64 86.49 0.73 26 Furniture 7.75 0.06 10.45 0.09 9.95 0.08 27 House rent and repairs 143.86 1.18 211.35 1.81 198.86 1.69 28 Stationary and school supplies 72.99 0.60 57.06 0.49 60.01 0.51 29 Education 184.06 1.51 95.85 0.82 112.17 0.95 30 Medical care 198.12 1.62 178.15 1.53 181. 85 1.54 31 Recreation 13.38 0.11 14.35 0.12 14.17 0.12 32 Charity and ceremonials 365.67 2.99 425.09 3.64 414.09 3.52 33 Other expenses _ 75.58 0.62 69.96 0.60 71.00 0.60 63 Table Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Mandalay Division (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural Division Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size (Person) 4.94 5.41 5.26

2 Household Expenditure Total 15851.98 100.00 12867.01 100.00 13834.31 100.00

Food And Beverages 11172.37 70.48 9482.31 73.69 I 0029.98 72.50

Rice and other cereals 2227.47 14.05 2698.37 20.97 2545.77 18.40 2 Pulses 481.10 3.03 433.03 3.37 448.61 3.24 3 Meat 1563.99 9.87 803.80 6.25 1050.15 7.59 4 Eggs 376.89 2.38 183.88 l.43 246.42 1.78 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 626.95 3.96 425.78 3.31 490.97 3.55 6 Fish and crustacea( dried) 364.46 2.30 368.03 2.86 366.87 2.65 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 196.63 1.24 340.16 2.64 293.65 2.12 8 Vegetables 1014.24 6.40 873.77 .6.79 919.29 6.64 9 Fruits 267.39 1.69 98.47 0.77 153.21 1.11 10 Cooking oil and fats 1588,07 10.02 1458.23 11.33 1500.31 10.84 11 Spices and condiments 436.54 2.75 552.73 4.30 515.08 3.72 12 Beverages 204.58 1.29 217.88 1.69 213.57 1.54 13 Sugar and other food 207.35 1.31 406.19 3.16 341.76 2.47 14 Milk and milk products 68.24 0.43 17.81 0.14 34.15 0.25 15 Other miscellaneous food 436.27 2.75 169.21 1.32 255.75 I. 85 16 Food taken outside home 1112.20 7.02 434.97 3.38 654.43 4.73

Non-Food 4679.61 29.52 3384.70 26.31 3804.33 27.50

17 Tobacco 130,67 0.82 106.23 0.83 114.15 0.83 18 Fuel and light 777.04 4.90 626.81 4.87 675.50 4.88 19 Travelling expenses 200.74 1.27 159.50 1.24 172.87 1.25 20 Journey travelling expenses 124.50 0.79 75.98 0.59 91.70 0.66 21 Clothing and apparel 484.16 3.05 384.93 2.99 417.08 3.01 22 Personal use goods 422.27 2.66 203.33 1.58 274.28 1.98 23 Cleansing and toilet 399.38 2.52 323.42 2.51 348.03 2.52 24 Crockeries 15.63 0:10 15.70 0.12 15.67 0.11 25 Other household goods 289.87 1.83 175.74 1.37 212.73 1.54 26 Furniture 22.77 0.14 28.67 0.22 26.76 0.19 27 House rent and repairs 499.79 3.15 200.61 1.56 297.56 2.15 28 Stationary and school supplies 68.73 0.43 55.13 0.43 59.53 0.43 29 Education 173.38 1.09 103.36 0.80 126.05 0.91 30 Medical care 213.81 1.35 222.98 1.73 220.01 1.59 31 Recreation 46.32 0.29 29.01 0.23 34.62 0.25 32 Charity and ceremonials 629.28 3.97 515.70 4.01 552.51 3.99 33 Other expenses 181.28 1.14 157.61 l.22 165.28 1.19 64 Table Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Mon State (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural State Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size (Person) 5.24 5.35 5.3 I

2 Household Expenditure Total 14285.68 100.00 13411.72 100.00 13708.00. 100.00

Food And Beverages 10026.16 70.18 9281.01 69.20 9533.62 69.55

Rice and other cereals 2730.96 19.12 2922.19 21.79 2857.36 20.84 2 Pulses 41.36 0.29 113.09 0.84 88.78 0.65 3 Meat 856.74 6.00 539.59 4.02 647.10 4.72 4 Eggs 194.58 1.36 230.62 1.72 218.40 1.59 s Fish and crustacea(fresh) 1159.44 8.12 846.31 6.31 952.46 6.95 6 Fish and crustacea(dried) 337.80 2.36 268.74 2.00 292.15 2.13 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 269.87 1.89 277.61 2.07 274.98 2.01 8 Vegetables 768.15 5.38 726.04 5.4 I 740.32 5.40 9 Fruits 150.56 1.05 211.63 l.58 190.93 1.39 10 Cooking oil and fats 1045.06 7.32 978:77 7.30 1001.24 7.30 11 Spices and condiments 753.86 5.28 683.25 5.09 707.19 5.16 12 Beverages 129.64 0.91 231.72 I. 73 197.12 1.44 13 Sugar and other food 167.85 1.17 247.60 1.85 220.56 1.6 l 14 Milk and milk products 119.31 0.84 87.91 0.66 98.55 0.72 15 Other miscellaneous food 160.80 1.13 161.50 1.20 161.27 1.18 16 Food taken outside home 1140.18 7.98 754.43 5.63 885.20 6.46

Non-Food 4259.52 29.82 4130.71 30.80 4174.38 30.45

17 Tobacco 127.19 0.89 121.62 0.91 123.51 0.90 18 Fuel and light 887.84 6.21 749.83 5.59 796.61 5.81 19 Travelling expenses 434.10 3.04 291.90 2.18 340.11 2.48 20 Journey travelling expenses 70.80 0.50 141.48 1.05 117.52 0.86 21 Clothing and apparel 470.47 3.29 471.85 3.52 471.38 3.44 22 Personal use goods 390.17 2.73 347.17 2.59 361.75 2.64 23 Cleansing and toilet 448.06 3.14 400.98 2.99 416.94 3.04 24 Crockeries 10.22 0.07 26.75 0.20 21.14 0.15 25 Other household goods 77.87 0.55 133.49 1.00 I 14.63 0.84 26 Furniture 19.10 0.13 39.04 0.29 32.28 0.24 27 House rent and repairs 197.69 1.38 272.61 2.03 247.22 1.80 28 Stationary and school supplies 60.77 0.43 67.53 0.50 65.24 0.48 29 Education 164.76 1.15 66.09 0.49 99.54 0.73 30 Medical care 355.10 2.49 360.37 2.69 358.58 2.62 31 Recreation 23.78 0.17 59.14 0.44 47.15 0.34 32 Charity and ceremonials 472.65 3.31 403.20 3.01 426.75 3.11 33 Other expenses 48.94 0.34 177.66 l.32 134.03 0.98 65 Table Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Rakhine State (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural State Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size ( Person ) 5.94 4.75 4.97

2 Household Expenditure Total 12736.39 100.00 11874.38 100.00 12033.68 100.00

Food And Beverages 9135.64 71.73 8838.99 74.44 8893.81 73.91

Rice and other cereals 2813.38 22.09 2771.94 23.34 2779.60 23.10 2 Pulses 103.72 0.81 14.13 0.12 30.69 0.26 3 Meat 928.74 7.29 710.72 5.99 751.01 6.24 4 Eggs · 240.35 1.89 166.95 1.41 I 80.52 1.50 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 953.56 7.49 880.94 7.42 894.36 7.43 6 Fish and crustacea( dried) 73.06 0.57 258.62 2. I 8 224.33 1.86 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 117.92 0.93 252.54 2.13 227.66 1.89 8 Vegetables 815.63 6.40 745.72 6.28 758.64 6.30 9 Fruits 185.83 1.46 193.17 1.63 I 91.81 1.59 10 Cooking oil and fats 686.45 5.39 805.81 6.79 783.75 6.51 11 Spices and condiments 596.76 4.69 696.75 5.87 678.27 5.64 12 Beverages 121.96 0.96 213.36 1.80 196.47 1.63 13 Sugar and other food 179. 77 1.41 225.92 1.90 217.39 1.81 14 Milk and milk products 137.82 1.08 17.54 0.15 39.77 0.33 15 Other miscellaneous food 267.34 2. JO 85.67 0.72 119.24 0.99 16 Food taken outside home 913.36 7.17 799.22 6.73 820.31 6.82

Non-Food 3600.74 28.27 3035.39 25.56 3139.86 26.09

17 ·Tobacco 139.97 1.10 190.27 1.60 180.97 1.50 18 Fuel and light . 625.82 4.91 736.12 6.20 715.74 5.95 19 Travelling expenses 318.12 2.50 415.68 3.50 397.65 3.30 20 Journey travelling expenses 112.96 0.89 60.32 0.51 70.05 0.58 21 Clothing and apparel 343.48 2.70 312. 05 2.63 317.86 2.64 22 Personal use goods 193.51 1.52 214.29 1.80 210.45 1.75 23 Cleansing and toilet 292.68 2.30 233.64 1.97 244.55 2.03 24 Crockeries 11.02 0.09 25.01 0.21 22.43 0.19 25 Other household goods 330.50 2.59 115.97 0.98 155.61 1.29 26 Furniture 17.20 0.14 21.59 0.18 20.78 0.17 27 House rent and repairs 298.15 2.34 136.52 1.15 166.39 1.38 28 Stationary and school supplies 80.38 0.63 44.00 0.37 50.72 0.42 29 Education 206.49 1.62 53.73 0.45 81.96 0.68 30 Medical care 219.35 1.72 176.48 1.49 184.40 1.53 31 Recreation 30.50 0.24 56.91 0.48 52.03 0.43 32 Charity and ceremonials 275.23 2.16 194.05 1.63 209:05 1.74 33 Other expenses 105.38 0.83 48.74 0.41 59.20 0.49 66 Table Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Yangon Division (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural Division Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size (Person) 5.12 5.09 5.11

2 Household Expenditure Total 16053.49 100.00 I 3906.29 100.00 15499.75 100.00

Food And Beverages 10337.31 64.39 9414.42 67.70 I 0099.31 65.16

Rice and other cereals 2252. I I 14.03 2721.83 19.57 2373.24 15.31 2 Pulses 204.23 1.27 227.64 1.64 210.27 l.36 3 Meat I 091.25 6.80 717.25 5.16 994.80 6.42 4 Eggs 314.49 1.96 I 51.63 1.09 272.49 I. 76 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 1130.25 7.04 I 127.29 8.1 I 1129.49 7.29 6 Fish and crustacea(dried) 314.92 1.96 315.71 2.27 315.12 2.03 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 250.18 1.56 459.65 3.3 I 304.20 l.96 8 Vegetables 615.88 3.84 508.90 3.66 588.29 3.80 9 Fruits 278.12 1.73 2 I 7.28 I.56 262.43 l.69 l 0 Cooking oil and fats 1126.24 7.02 I 122.64 8.07 1125.3 I 7.26 11 Spices and condiments 585.86 3.65 619.18 4.45 594.45 3.84 12 Beverages 288.76 1.80 176.63 1.27 259.84 1.68 13 Sugar and other food 182.95 1.14 250.07 1.80 200.26 1.29 14 Milk and milk products 130.02 0.81 28.96 0.21 103.96 0.67 15 Other miscellaneous food 315.29 1.96 256.82 1.85 300.21 1.94 16 Food taken outside home 1256.78 7.83 512.94 3.69 1064.95 6.87

Non-Food 5716.18 35.61 4491.88 32.30 5400.44 34.84

17 Tobacco 147.64 0.92 187.01 1.34 157.80 l.02 18 Fuel and light 749.75 4.67 815.24 5.86 766.64 4.95 19 Travelling expenses 1160.63 7.23 277.36 1.99 932.84 6.02 20 Journey travelling expenses 116.59 0.73 57.36 0.41 101.31 0.65 21 Clothing and apparel 568.93 3.54 442.66 3.18 536.37 3.46 22 Personal use goods 363.54 2.26 413.62 2.97 376.45 2.43 23 Cleansing and toilet 425.47 2.65 328.79 2.,36 400.54 2.58 24 Crockeries 19.81 0.12 34.43 0.25 23.58 0.15 25 Other household goods 267.58 1.67 246.91 1.78 262.25 1.69 26 Furniture 54.28 0.34 67.68 0.49 57.74 0.37 27 House rent and repairs 435.90 2.72 420.50 3.02 431.93 2.79 28 Stationary and school supplies 77.83 0.48 31.76 0.23 65.95 0.43 29 Education 271.11 1.69 165.04 1.19 243.76 1.57 30 Medical care 273.19 1.70 286.41 2.06 276.60 1.78 31 Recreation 53.24 0.33 44.87 0.32 51.08 0.33 32 Charity and ceremonials 610.95 3.81 557.09 4.01 597.06 3.85 33 Other expenses 119.73 0.75 115. 15 0.83 118.55 0.76 67 Table Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Shan State (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural State Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size (Person) 6.36 5.67 5.83

2 Household Expenditure Total 19540.74 100.00 15815.44 100.00 16649.91 100.00

Food And Beverages 13178.02 67.44 11846.52 74.90 12144.78 72.94

Rice and other cereals 3515.72 17.99 4662.69 29.48 4405.76 26.46 2 Pulses 389.09 1.99 267.84 1.69 295.00 1.77 3 Meat 1908.24 9.77 1438.94 9.10 1544.06 9.27 4 Eggs 327.45 1.68 306.04 1.94 310.83 1.87 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 434.91 2.23 244.20 1.54 286.92 1.72 6 Fish and crustacea(dried) 313.48 1.60 253.35 1.60 266.82 1.60 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 154.82 0.79 150.54 0.95 151.50 0.91 8 Vegetables 945.02 4.84 933.85 5.90 936.35 5.62 9 Fruits 522.81 2.68 378.98 2.40 411.20 2.47 10 Cooking oil and fats 1419.28 7.26 1020.90 6.46 1110.14 6.67 1 1 Spices and condiments 640.84 3.28 509.45 3.22 538.88 3.24 12 Beverages 488.08 2.50 332.04 2.10 367.00 2.20 13 Sugar and other food 175.20 0.90 173.14 1.09 173.60 1.04 14 Milk and milk products 198.18 1.01 34.90 0.22 71.47 0.43 IS Other miscellaneous food 766.94 3.92 424.08 2.68 500.88 3.01 16 Food taken outside home 977.98 5.00 715.59 4.52 774.36 4.65

Non-Food 6362.72 32.56 3968.91 25.10 4505.13 27.06

17 Tobacco 234.14 1.20 232.82 1.47 233.12 1.40 18 Fuel and light 1179.70 6.04 888.75 5.62 953.92 5.73 19 Travelling expenses 704.73 3.61 278.43 1.76 373.92 2.25 20 Journey travelling expenses 186.97 0.96 68.05 0.43 94.69 0.57 21 Clothing and apparel 638.44 3.27 435.76 2.76 481.16 2.89 22 Personal use goods 368.30 1.88 237.08 1.50 266.48 1.60 23 Cleansing and toilet 615.63 3.15 378.90 2.40 431.93 2.59 24 Crockeries 13.04 0.07 21.28 0.13 19.43 0.12 25 Other household goods 94.32 0.48 55.88 0.35 64.49 0.39 26 Furniture 26.71 0.14 21.35 0.14 22.55 0.14 27 House rent and repairs 305.92 1.57 231.16 1.46 247.90 1.49 28 Stationary and school supplies 137.88 0.71 50.84 0.32 70.34 0.42 29 Education 287.13 1.47 68.33 0.43 117.34 0.70 30 Medical care 340.83 1.74 279.33 1.77 293.11 1.76 31 Recreation 118.01 0.60 38.98 0.25 56.69 0.34 32 Charity and ceremonials 887.42 4.54 550.36 3.48 625.86 3.76 33 Other expenses 223.55 1.14 131.62 0.83 152.21 0.91 68 Table Monthly Household Expenditure by Group

Ayeyarwady Division (Value - Kyat) S.N. Expenditure Group Urban Rural Division Value I Percent Value I Percent Value I Percent

Household Size ( Person ) 4.98 5.39 5.31

2 Household Expenditure Total 12641.61 100.00 12184.72 100.00 12267.99 100.00

Food And Beverages 8685.99 68.71 . 8485.34 69.64 8521.91 69.46

l Rice and other cereals 1977.91 15.65 2235.56 18.35 2188.60 17.84 2 Pulses 84.28 0.67 105.91 0.87 101.97 0.83 3 Meat 1000.01 7.91 954.70 7.84 962.96 7.85 4 Eggs 223.86 1.77 129.44 1.06 146.65 1.20 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 1055.25 8.35 919.92 7.55 944.59 7.70 6 Fish and crustacea( dried) 365.55 2.89 163.34 1.34 200.19 1.63 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 152.28 1.20 296.50 2.43 270.21 2.20 8 Vegetables 387.69 3.07 425.97 3.50 418.99 3.42 9 Fruits 224.49 1.78 218.00 1.79 219.18 1.79 10 Cooking oil and fats 930.65 7.36 878.08 7.21 887.66 7.24 11 Spices and condiments 475.46 3.76 426.19 3.50 435.17 3.55 12 Beverages 217.76 1.72 264.87 2.17 256.28 2.09 13 Sugar and other food 227.11 1.80 596.97 4.90 529.56 4.32 14 Milk and milk products 59.66 0.47 57.45 0.47 57.85 0.47 IS Other miscellaneous food 238.08 1.88 213.66 1.75 218.11 1.78 16 Food taken outside home 1065.93 8.43 598.80 4.91 683.93 5.57

Non-Food 3955.62 31.29 3699.38 30.36 3746.08 30.54

17 Tobacco 139.44 1.10 104.62 0.86 110.96 0.90 18 Fuel and light 591.18 4.68 643.26 5.28 633.77 5.17 19 Travelling expenses 240.80 1.90 242.75 1.99 242.40 1.98 20 Journey travelling expenses 102.59 0.81 112.90 0.93 111.02 0.90 21 Clothing and apparel 500.8 I 3.96 397.82 3.26 416.59 3.40 22 Personal use goods 325.01 2.57 161.12 1.32 190.98 1.56 23 Cleansing and toilet 289.32 2.29 249.29 2.05 256.58 2.09 24 Crockeries 12.50 0.10 28.00 0.23 25.18 0.21 25 Other household goods 150.30 1.19 495.15 4.06 432.30 3.52 26 Furniture 30.31 0.24 37.12 0.30 35.88 0.29 27 House rent and repairs 279.69 2.21 260.35 2.14 263.87 2.15 28 Stationary and school supplies 38.44 0.30 49.78 0.41 47.71 0.39 29 Education 199.96 1.58 63.54 0.52 88.40 0.72 30 Medical care 272.45 2. 16 197.98 1.62 211.55 1.72 31 Recreation 41.01 0.32 37.61 0.31 38.23 0.31 32 Charity and ceremonials 487.05 3.85 454.21 3.73 460.19 3.75 33 Other expenses 254.76 2.02 163.90 1.35 I 80.46 1.47 69

Table 4.3.4 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Union

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Union

Up to 2000 0.16 0.16 0.16 2 2001 to 4000 2.38 1.85 2.01 3 4001 to 6000 7.05 5.98 6.30 4 6001 to 8000 11.30 11.07 11.13 5 8001 to 10000 12.84 14.86 14.26 6 10001 to 12000 12.46 13.24 13.01 7 12001 to 14000 10. 71 11.64 11.36 8 14001 to 16000 8.86 9.24 9.12 9 16001 to 18000 6.68 6.81 6.77. 10 18001 to 20000 5.63 5.00 5.19 11 20001 to 25000 10.41 8.63 9.16 12 25001 to 30000 4.36 4.54 4.49 13 30001 to 40000 . 3.21 3.77 3.60 14 40001 to 50000 2.52 1.48 1.79 15 50001 & above 1.45 I. 73 1.65 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 70 Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Kachin State

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 2001 to 4000 0.33 0.21 0.24 3 4001 to 6000 0.64 2.78 2.26 4 6001 to 8000 2.59 5.49 4.78 5 8001 to 10000 3.53 12.6.5 10.42 6 10001 to 12000 .5.80 14.16 12.12 7 12001 to 14000 8.3.5 l 3.42 12.18 8 14001 to 16000 6.76 13.92 12.17 9 16001 to 18000 8.69 10.27 9.89 IO 18001 to 20000 6.75 7.10 7.01 I l 20001 to 25000 18.42 10.64 12.54 12 25001 to 30000 I 1.27 4. 18 5.9 I 13 30001 to 40000 12.95 2.66 5.17 14 40001 to 50000 5.81 1.12 2.26 15 50001 & above 8.10 1.40 3.04 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Kayah State

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 0.09 0.50 0.38 2 2001 to 4000 0.54 2.98 2.24 3 4001 to 6000 6.63 11.68 10.14 4 6001 to 8000 18.18 18.69 18.53 5 8001 to 10000 22.18 13.76 16.32 6 10001 to 12000 13.82 13.08 I 3.31 7 12001 to 14000 12.55 10.50 11.12 8 14001 to 16000 6.27 6.74 6.60 9 16001 to 18000 6.46 4.48 5.08 10 18001 to 20000 1.91 4.20 3.50 I I 20001 to 25000 4.82 8.70 7.52 12 25001 to 30000 2.73 I. 98 2.21 13 30001 to 40000 0. 18 1.48 l.08 14 40001 to 50000 2.73 0.48 1.16 15 50001 & above 0.91 0.76 0.81 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 71 Table Percentage Distribution .of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Kayin State

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 2001 to 4000 0.23 0.52 0.48 3 4001 to 6000 1.66 3.85 3.58 4 6001 to 8000 7.27 6.14 6.27 5 8001 to 10000 10.81 I 1.00 10.97 6 10001 to 12000 13.49 13.71 13.68 7 12001 to 14000 14.45 13.78 13.86 8 14001 to 16000 8.22 11.65 11.23 9 16001 to 18000 8.12 12.30 11.79 10 18001 to 20000 11.66 7.41 7.92 II 20001 to 25000 12.00 7.47 8.02 12 25001 to 30000 3.36 4.92 4.73 13 30001 to 40000 4.45 3.57 3.68 14 40001 to 50000 1.60 I. 70 l.68 15 50001 & above 2.67 2.01 2.09 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Chin State

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 0.00 I.98 l.62 2 2001 to 4000 3.15 l I.59 10.02 3 4001 to 6000 7.12 l I.98 I l.08 4 6001 to 8000 7.72 17.42 15.62 5 8001 to 10000 8.39 16.59 15.07 6 10001 to 12000 9.57 9.52 9.53 7 12001 to 14000 9.18 7.53 7.84 8 14001 to 16000 7.46 7.13 7.19 9 16001 to 18000 8.64 3.61 4.54 10 18001 to 20000 6.64 2.91 3.60 11 20001 to 25000 11.64 6.44 7.40 12 25001 to 30000 10.67 1.80 3.44 13 30001 to 40000 7.43 0.50 1.78 14 40001 to ?0000 0.39 0.80 0.72 15 50001 & above 2.00 0.20 0.54 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 72 Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Sagaing Division

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 0.00 0.17 0.14 2 2001 to 4000 2.49 1.84 1.95 3 4001 to 6000 8.02 5.92 6.28 4 6001 to 8000 13.76 12.63 12.82 5 8001 to 10000 12.35 17.46 16.58 6 10001 to 12000 14.79 13.46 13.69 7 12001 to 14000 7.53 14.34 13.17 8 14001 to 16000 7.65 8.82 8.62 9 16001 to 18000 8.64 6.45 6.82 10 18001 to 20000 4.26 5.17 5.02 11 20001 to 25000 7.32 6.58 6.71 12 25001 to 30000 6.29 3.51 3.99 13 30001 to 40000 5.02 2.11 2.61 14 40001 to 50000 0.74 1.0 l 0.97 15 50001 & above 1.1 l 0.53 b.63 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Tanintharyi Division

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 2001 to 4000 0.72 0.96 0.89 3 4001 to 6000 1.90 1.59 1.68 4 6001 to 8000 5.71 3.37 4.03 5 8001 to 10000 5.48 6.82 6.44 6 1000 I · to 12000 6.46 7.86 7.46 7 12001 to 14000 6.92 l 0.83 9.72 8 14001 to 16000 9.54 12.13 11.39 9 16001 to 18000 11.21 8.93 9.58 10 18001 to 20000 5.48 9.17 8.12 11 20001 to 25000 12.61 17.66 16.22 12 25001 to 30000 8.09 8.05 8.06 13 30001 to 40000 9.98 7.65 8.31 14 40001 to 50000 6.40 2.81 3.83 15 50001 & above 9.47 2.17 4.25 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 73 Table 4.3.4. 7 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Bago Division

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 0.34 0.28 0.30 2 2001 to 4000 1.39 2.18 1.99 3 4001 to 6000 8.08 6.85 7.14 4 6001 to 8000 13 .16 12.64 12.76 5 8001 to 10000 14.10 15.88 15.45 6 10001 to 12000 16.13 14.03 14.53 7 12001 to 14000 9.38 9.54 9.50 8 14001 to 16000 8.00 10.28 9.73 9 16001 to 18000 6.65 6.30 6J8 IO 18001 to 20000 6.35 4.22 4.73 I I 20001 to 25000 4.58 7.78 7.01 12 25001 to 30000 2.10 3.01 2.79 13 30001 to 40000 4.24 3.29 3.52 14 40001 to 50000 2.75 1.58 1.86 15 50001 & above 2.75 2.18 2.3 I Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Magway Division

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 0.49 0.43 0.44 2 2001 to 4000 5.56 4.21 4.46 3 4001 to 6000 15.77 9.35 10.54 4 6001 to 8000 18.88 17.25 17.55 5 8001 to 10000 19. l 0 20.91 20.58 6 10001 to 12000 12.10 16. 17 15.41 7 12001 to 14000 8.11 9.98 9.63 8 14001 to 16000 6.58 8.04 7.77 9 16001 to 18000 3.33 3. I 9 3.22 10 18001 to 20000 2.63 2.48 2.50 I I 20001 to 25000 4.24 4.43 4.40 12 25001 to 30000 0.49 1.75 1.52 13 30001 to 40000 l.48 1.02 I.IO 14 40001 to 50000 0.46 0.30 0.33 15 50001 & above 0.78 0.51 0.56 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 74 Table 4.3.~.9 Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Mandalay Division

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kya ts) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 2001 to 4000 l.29 1.65 1..54 3 4001 to 6000 5.65 6.75 6.39 4 6001 to 8000 8.76 11.75 10.78 5 8001 to 10000 12.61 17.00 15.58 6 1000[ to 12000 15.75 15.66 15.69 7 12001 to 14000 13.27 13.41 13.36 8 14001 to 16000 9.46 8.63 8.90 9 16001 to 18000 6.38 7.37 7.05 IO 18001 to 20000 6.32 4.53 5.11 11 20001 to 25000 7.53 6.22 6.64 12 25001 to 30000 5.06 3.17 3.78 13 30001 to 40000 4.12 2.46 3.00 14 40001 to 50000 1.60 0.59 0.92 15 50001 & above 2.21 0.78 1.24 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Mon State

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 0.00 0.18 0.12 2 2001 to 4000 0.73 0.70 0.71 3 4001 to 6000 5.78 4.64 5.03 4 6001 to 8000 17.16 8.06 11.15 5 8001 to 10000 15.86 12.14 13.40 6 10001 to 12000 12.18 12.13 12.15 7 12001 to 14000 10.35 11.54 11.14 8 14001 to 16000 12.48 9.54 10.53 9 16001 to 18000 7.29 7.57 7.47 10 18001 to 20000 3.97 5.49 4.97 11 20001 to 25000 6.47 12.62 10.54 12 25001 to 30000 2.42 5.99 4.78 13 30001 to 40000 2.37 4.26 3.62 14 40001 to 50000 1.94 2.52 2.32 15 50001 & above 0.98 2.65 2.08 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 75 Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Rakhine State

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban ·Rural State

Up to 2000 0.77 0.00 0.14 2 2001 to 4000 4.38 1.71 2.20 3 4001 to 6000 10.92 4.75 5.89 4 6001 to 8000 15.53 9.50 10.62 5 8001 to 10000 15.22 14.97 15.02 6 10001 to 12000 8.91 14.14 13.17 7 12001 to 14000 10.39 12.90 12.44 8 14001 to 16000 7.42 9.50 9.12 9 16001 to 18000 3.66 6.71 6.14 10 18001 to 20000 3.91 5.74 5.40 11 20001 to 25000 5.94 11.06 10.11 12 25001 to 30000 4.77 2.29 2.75 13 30001 to 40000 3.59 5.13 4.85 14 40001 to 50000 2.09 0.61 0.89 15 50001 & above 2.48 0.98 1.26 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Yangon Division

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 0.16 0.11 0.15 2 2001 to 4000 0.94 2.05 1.23 3 4001 to 6000 4.26 5.39 4.55 4 6001 to 8000 8.60 7.03 8.19 5 8001 to 10000 11.74 9.66 11.20 6 10001 to 12000 10.96 11.61 11. 13 7 12001 to 14000 11.94 12.56 12.10 8 14001 to 16000 10.0 I 7.80 9.44 9 16001 to 18000 7.48 8.68 7.79 10 18001 to 20000 6.78 5.47 6.44 ' 11 20001 to 25000 10.80 11.43 10.97 12 25001 to 30000 6.00 6.95 6.25 13 30001 to 40000 5.33 6.26 5.57 14 40001 to 50000 2.19 2.07 2.16 15 50001 & above 2.81 2.95 2.85 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 76 Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Shan State

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural State

Up to 2000 0.39 0.09 0.16 2 2001 to 4000 0.80 0.44 0.52 3 4001 to 6000 1.77 3.52 3.13 4 6001 to 8000 2.82 6.67 5.81 5 8001 to 10000 5.77 I 0.27 9.26 6 10001 to 12000 9.34 11.54 11.05 7 12001 to 14000 9.72 11.54 11.13 8 14001 to 16000 7.35 I 0.39 9.71 9 16001 to 18000 10.18 7.60 8.17 IO 18001 to 20000 9.04 6.74 7.25 11 20001 to 25000 15.53 11.83 12.66 12 25001 to 30000 7.84 7.48 7.56 13 30001 to 40000 6.27 5.64 5.78 14 40001 to 50000 7.13 2.77 3.74 15 50001 & above 6.06 3.50 4.08 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Monthly Household Expenditure Class Ayeyarwady Division

S.N. Expenditure Class (Kyats) Urban Rural Division

Up to 2000 0.00 0.08 0.07 2 2001 to 4000 9.51 1.0 I 2.56 3 4001 to 6000 15.28 . 4.73 6.65 4 6001 to 8000 18.73 8.99 10.76 5 8001 to 10000 15.57 11.22 12.01 6 10001 to 12000 11.05 10.15 10.32 7 12001 to 14000 8.80 10.14 9.90 8 14001 to 16000 7.19 9.19 8.83 9 16001 to 18000 3.12 7.71 6.87 10 18001 to 20000 1.96 5.80 5.10 11 20001 to 25000 2.42 11.48 9.83 12 25001 to 30000 1.90 7.65 6.60 13 30001 to 40000 1.75 6.40 5.56 14 40001 to 50000 1.90 2.54 2.42 15 50001 & above 0.82 2.91 2.53 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 77

Table 4.1.15 Average Household Size

SNI Description Urban Rural Overall

Union 5.22 5.32 5.25

. I Kachin State 6.81 6.57 6.63

2 Kayah State 5.52 5.53 5.53

3 Kayin State 6.03 5.27 5.36

4 Chin State 5.87 6.67 6.53

5 Sagaing Division 5.10 5.59 5.50

6 Tanintharyi Division 5.87 5.57 5.66

7 Bago Division 5.06 4.48 4.62

8 Magway Division 5.47 5.49 5.49

9 Mandalay Division 4.94 5.41 5.26

10 Mon State 5.24 5.35 5.31

11 Rakhine State 5.94 4.75 4.97

12 Yangon Division 5.12 5.09 5 .11

13 Shan State 6.36 5.67 5.83

14 Ayeyarwady Division 4.98 5.39 5.31 77

Table 4.1.15 Average Household Size

SNI Description Urban Rural Overall

Union 5.22 5.32 5.25

Kachin State 6.81 6.57 6.63

2 Kayah State 5.52 5.53 5.53

3 Kayin State 6.03 5.27 5.36

4 Chin State 5.87 6.67 6.53

5 Sagaing Division 5.10 5.59 5.50

6 Tanintharyi Division 5.87 5.57 5.66

7 Bago Division 5.06 4.48 4.62

8 Magway Division 5.47 5.49 5.49

9 Mandalay Division 4.94 5.41 5.26

10 Mon State 5.24 5.35 5.31

11 Rakhine State 5.94 4.75 4.97

12 Yangon Division 5.12 5.09 5 .11

13 Shan State 6.56 5.67 5.83

14 Ayeyarwady Division 4.98 5.39 5.31 78

Table 4.1.16 Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Size Class, Overall

S.N. Description Percentage of Households

1 to 2 persons 3 to 7 persons 8 to I 0 persons 11 persons and above

Union 8.59 76.66 12.54 2.20

Kachin State 4.21 64.14 23.11 8.53

2 Kayah State 5.95 76.91 14.89 2.24

3 Kayin State 8.02 75.66 14.06 2.64

4 Chin State 5.25 62.06 25.12 7.58

5 Sagaing Division 8.78 72.94 15.41 2.85

6 Tanintharyi Division 7.67 72.10 17.15 3.09

7 Bago Division 10.39 82.77 5.91 0.94

8 Magway Division 8.06 75.07 14.44 2.46

9 Mandalay Division 7.67 78.75 11.85 .1. 75

10 Mon State 9.54 73.23 14.87 2.40

1 I Rakhine Stat~ 11.62 76.69 10.54 1.16

12 Yangon Division 8.21 79.22 10.45 2.11

13 Shan State 4.45 74.27 I 8.15 3. 13

14 Ayeyarwady Division 10.24 75.74 12. IO 1.92 79

Table 4.1.17 Percentage Distribution. of Households by Household Size Class, Urban

S.N. Description Percentage of Households

1 to 2 persons 3 to 7 persons 8 to 10 persons l l persons and above

Union 8.79 76.45 12.14 2.63

Kachin State 8.03 58.04 20.99 I2.92

2 Kayah State 5.27 79.73 12.27 2.73

3 Kayin State 4.28 71.56 20.78 3.36

4 Chin State 10.73 61.34 23.79 4.15

5 Sagaing Division 11.80 74.06 12.55 1.56

6 Tanintharyi Division 5.72 74.54 15.22 4.54

7 Bago Division 7.97 80.41 9.07 2.56

8 Magway Division 8.52 73.05 14.64 3.79

9 Mandalay Division 10.60 77.15 10.71 1.56

IO Mon State 10.44 73.68 I3.94 2.0I

l I Rakhine State 5.40 70.93 19.32 4.34

12 Yangon Division 7.70 79.70 10.35 2.26

13 Shan State 4.54 67.21 21.86 6.40

14 Ayeyarwady Division 11.29 74.94 I l.80 1.96 80

Table 4.1.18 Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Size Class, Rural

S.N. Description Percentage of Households

I to 2 person_s 3 to 7 persons 8 to 10 persons 11 persons and above

Union 7.66 77.40 12.97 1.99

Kach in State 2.97 66.13 23.79 7.11

2 Kayah State 6.26 75.68 16.03 2.02

3 Kayin State 8.34 76.22 13.12 2.54

4 Chin State 4.00 62.21 25.43 8.36

5 Sagaing Division 8.15 72.71 16.02 3.12

6 Tanintharyi Division 8.44 71.13 17.93 2.51

7 Bago Division 11.15 83.53 4.91 0.42

8 Magway Division 7.96 75.52 14.38 2.16

9 · Mandalay Division 6.27 79.51 12.40 1.85

10 Mon State 9.08 73.00 15.34 2.59

11 Rakhine State 13.04 77.99 8.55 0.43

12 Yangon Division 9.68 77.87 10.77 1.69

13 Shan State 4.43 76.31 17.09 2.19

14 Ayeyarwady Division 5.50 79.35 13.44 1.73 81 Table Average Monthly Household Income

( Kyats) S.N. Description Urban Rural Overall

Union 13005.76 8905.65 IO 122.98

2 State and Division

1 Kachin State 22883.62 10065.07 13 I 96.6 I

2 Kayah State 5877.70 4072.44 4622.15

3 Kayin State 13241.82 11599.90 11800.54

4 Chin State 9976.25 6121.53 6836.21

5 Sagaing Division 8359.09 7636.89 7760.88

6 Tanintharyi Division 16038.41 11387.18 12712.76

7 Bago Division 12910.71 7329.02 8673 .64

8 Magway Division 7130.35 643 I .25 6560.61

9 Mandalay Division 8943.08 8510.07 8650.39

10 Mon State 10748.35 10777.56 10767.66

I 1 Rakhine State 7264.30 6523.69 6660.56

I2 Yangon Division 18174.36 12306.09 16660.99

13 Shan State 15198.02 6429.72 8393.82

14 Ayeyarwady Division 9737.95 12884.96 12311.42

3 City

1 Yangon 18997.36 18997.36

2 Mandalay 11058.03 11058.03 82

Table Ranking of States and Divisions by Average Monthly Household Income

( Kyats ) Urban Rural Overall

S.N. Rank State and Average Rank State and Average Rank State and Average Division monthly Division monthly Division monthly

household household household mcome mcome mcome

Kachin 22883.62 Ayeyarwad 12884.96 Yangon 16660.99

2 2 Yangon 18174.36 2 Yangon 12306.09 2 Kachin 13196.61

3 3 T anintharyi 16038.41 3 Ka yin 11599.90 3 Tanintharyi 12712.76

4 4 Shan 15198.02 4 Tanintharyi 11387.18 4 Ayeyarwad 12311.42

5 5 Ka yin 13241.82 5 Mon 10777.56 5 Ka yin 11800.54

6 6 Bago 12910.71 6 Ka chin 10065.07 6 Mon 10767.66

7 7 Mon 10748.35 7 Manddalay 8510.07 7 Bago 8673.64

8 8 Chin 9976.25 8 Sagaing 7636.89 8 Manddalay 8650.39

9 9 Ayeyarwad 9737.95 9 Bago 7329.02 9 Shan 8393.82

10 IO Manddalay 8943.08 10 Rakhine 6523.69 10 Sagaing 7760.88

11 11 Sagaing 8359.09 11 Magway 6431.25 11 Chin 6836.21

12 12 Rakhine 7264.30 12 Shan 6429.72 12 Rakhine 6660.56

13 13 Magway 7130.35 13 Chin 6121.53 13 Magway 6560.61

14 14 Kayah 5877.70 14 Kayah 4072.44 14 Kayah 4622.15 83

Table Median Monthly Household Income

( Kyats ) S.N. Description Urban Rural Overall

Union 7369.58 6604.60 6966.15 State and Division

Kachin State 12288.38 728 I .60 8867.02

2 Kayah State 5585.21 5257.02 5416.44 .., .) Kayin State 8999.46 7806.74 836 l.48

4 Chin State 6777.34 5946.49 6335.19

5 Sagaing Division 6395.14 6340.81 6368.27

6 Tanintharyi Division 11516.24 8604.61 9710.68

7 Bago Division 7548.68 5932.38 6643.20

8 Magway Division 5878.00 5430.56 5645. I I

9 Mandalay Division 5957 .83 6507.48 6220.92

10 Mon State 7494.38 7339.30 7416.58

11 Rakhine State 5960.67 5989.22 5974.91

12 Yangon Division 7109.75 8057.03 7553.24

13 Shan State 9144.27 5786.85 7088.59

14 Ayeyarwady Division 6701.06 8658.24 7554.38

3 City

Yangon 10421.67 10421.67

2 Mandalay 7650.30 7650.30 84 Table Percentage Contribution by Wages and Salaries to the Average Monthly Household Income

S.N. Description Urban Rural Overall

Union 77.87 37.83 49.71

2 State and Division

Kachin State 76.95 67.14 69.54

2 Kayah State 62.5 I 28.47 38.84

3 Kayin State 86.67 58.65 62.08

4 Chin State 41.42 8.45 14.56

5 Sagaing Division 80.08 39.39 46.38

6 Tanintharyi Division 85.08 63.39 69.57

7 Bago Division 57.44 31.66 37.87

8 Magway Division 74.75 35. 16 42.49

9 Mandalay Division 80.21 36.68 50.79

10 Mon State ----.:...... -- 85.79 54.66 65.21 I I Rakhine State 77.79 60.83 63.97

12 Yangon Division 85.46 61.98 79.41

13 Shan State 82.97 37. 16 47.42

14 Ayeyarwady Division 63.43 24.05 31.23

3 City

Yangon 86.03 86.03

2 Mandalay 83.20 83.20 85 Table Percentage Contribution by the Entrepreneurial Income to the Average Monthly Household Income

S.N. Description Urban Rural Overall

Union 15.33 55.91 43.86

2 State and Division

Kachin State 17.09 28.07 25.39

2 Kayah State 36.34 66.58 57.37

3 Kayin State 9.14 33.46 30.49

4 Chin State 43.42 72.86 67.40

5 Sagaing Division 12.39 57.98 50.15

6 Tanintharyi Division 9.69 33.50 26.71

7 Bago Division 33.89 54.38 49.44

8 Magway Division 20.00 59.38 52.09

CJ Mandalay Division 14.11 61.42 46.09

10 Mon State 6.36 31.44 22.94

11 Rakhine State 16.40 17.34 17.19

12 Yangon Division 6.23 31.5 12.75

13 Shan State 12.92 61.65 50.74

14 Ayeyarwady Division 32.64 71.41 64.34

3 City

Yangon 6.02 6.02

2 Mandalay 12.51 12.51 86

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Household Income Class, Overall

N. Description Monthly Household Income ( Kyats )

up to 2000 200 I to I 0000 I 000 I to 20000 2000 I and above

Union 6.27 66.49 18.62 8.64

Ka chin State 5 .11 57.57 24.70 12.60

Kayah State 20.94 72.49 5.38 1.20

Kayin State 6.37 56.64 22.15 14.83

Chin State 21.11 61.07 14.58 3.24

Sagaing Division 10.46 68.29 15.53 5.71

Tanintharyi Division 4.43 49.92 31.52 14.14

Bago Division 8.67 71.28 13 .82 6.23

Magway Division 3.83 86.96 7.03 2.20

Mandalay Division 4.95 72.00 16.16 6.90

J Mon State 3.59 64.08 23.73 8.60

Rakhine State 13.26 70.31 13.52 2.92

Yangon Division 3.56 50.32 28.58 17.54

Shan State 11.33 67.98 13.09 5.61

Ayeyarwady Division 2.83 58.01 26.31 12.86 87

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Household Income Class, Urban

'\J. Description Monthly Household Income ( K yats )

up to 2000 200 1 to 10000 I 000 I to 20000 2000 I and above

Union 5 .15 60.12 22.35 12.29

Kachin State 3.87 40.24 25.76 30.14

Kayah State 9.99 79.55 7.64 2.82

Kayin State 4.34 51.23 26.23 18.18

Chin State 12.94 60.85 17.63 8.58

Sagaing Division 10.29 67.90 14.83 6.99

Tanintharyi Division 3.81 41.07 33.79 21.33

Bago Division 4.77 61.48 21.62 12.10

Magway Division 10.28 74.79 11.76 3.17

Mandalay Division 5.67 71.44 16.47 6.41

Mon State 2.65 64.07 25.01 8.23

Rakhine State 15.90 68.00 12.66 3.46

Yangon Division 2.90 48.13 29.31 19.63

Shan State 3.31 51.38 28.93 16.39

Ayeyarwady Division 4.49 70.14 18.42 6.95 88

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Household Income Class, Rural

N. Description Monthly Household Income ( Kyats )

up to 2000 200 I to I 0000 I 000 I to 20000 2000 I and above

Union 6.75 69.17 17.04 7.07

Kachin State 5.51 63.16 24.38 6.95

2 Kayah State 25.73 69.40 4.40 0.48

3 Kayin State 6.66 57.40 21.58 14.37

-+ Chin State 22.97 61.13 13.87 2.03

) Sagaing Division 10.50 68.37 15.69 5.44

6 Tanintharyi Division 4.6~ 53.44 30.60 11.28

7 Bago Division 9.90 74.40 11.36 4.37

8 Magway Division 2.37 89.73 5.96 l.96 l) Mandalay Division 4.60 72.25 16.01 7.14

I 0 Mon State 4.07 64.06 23.07 8.79

II Rakhine State 12.66 70.83 13.71 2.80

12 Yangon Division 5.45 56.62 26.41 l l .52

13 Shan State 13.65 72.78 11.09 2.50

14 Ayeyarwady Division 2.46 55.30 28.06 14.19 89 Table Average Monthly Household Expenditure

( Kyats) .N. Description Urban Rural Overall

Union 15266.42 13091.16 13784:51

State and Division

I Kachin State 19074.86 15494.24 16368.98

2 Kayah State 12012.19 10582.09 11017.56

3 Kayin State 15645.59 14847.18 14944.75

4 Chin State 11802.97 l 0596.51 10820.20

5 Sagaing Division 14705.36 13328.80 13565.15

6 Tanintharyi Division 19929.62 19041.34 19294.50

7 Bago Division 14634.79 13265.32 13595.22

8 Magway Division 1222 I .55 11671.52 11773.30

9 Mandalay Division 15851.98 12867.01 13834.31

IO Mon State 14285.68 13411.72 13708.00

11 Rakhine State 12736.39 11874.38 12033.68

12 Yangon Division 16053.49 13906.29 15499.75

13 Shan State I 9540.74 15815.44 16649.91

14 Ayeyarwady Division 12641.61 12184.72 12267.99


I Yangon 16234.81 16234.8 I

2 Mandalay 18273.60 18273.60 90

Table Ranking of States and Devisions by Monthly Household Expenditure

( Kyats)

S.N. Urban Rural Overall

Rank State and Value Rank State and Value Rank State and Value

Division Division Division

Taninthayi ~9929.62 Taninthayi 19041.34 Taninthayi 19294.50

2 2 Shan 19540.74 2 Shan 15815.44 2 Shan 16649.9 I

.., 3 .) Kachin 19074.86 3 Kachin 15494.24 3 Kachin 16368.98

4 4 Yangon 16053.49 4 Kayin 14847.18 4 Yangon 15499.75

5 5 Mandalay 15851.98 5 Yangon 13906.29 5 Kayin 14944.75

6 6 Kayin 15645.59 6 Mon 13411.72 6 Mandalay 13834.31

7 7 Sagaing 14705.36 7 Sagaing 13328.80 7 Mon 13708.00

8 8 Bago 14634.79 8 Bago 13265.32 8 Bago 13595.22

9 9 Mon 14285.68 9 Mandalay 12867.01 9 Sagaing 13565.15

10 10 Rakhine 12736.39 10 Ayeyarwad 12184.72 10 Ayeyarwad 12267.99

11 11 Ayeyarwady 12641.61 11 Rakhine 11874.38 II Rakhine 12033.68

12 12 Magway 12221.55 12 Magway 11671.52 12 Magway 11773.30

13 13 Kay ah 12012.19 13 Chin 10596.51 13 Kayah 11017.56

14 14 Chin 11802.97. 14 Kayah 10582.09 14 Chin 10820.20 91

Table Median Monthly Household Expenditure

( Kyats ) S.N. Description Urban Rural Overall I Union 13672.85 13499.80 13549.52 2 State and Division

Kachin State 22207.13 14906.72 16054.96

2 Kayah State 10578.91 10613.82 10604.38

3 Kayin State 15371.04 14845.47 15101.19

4 Chin State 15692.79 6882.54 8954.8 I

5 Sagaing Division 13121.34 12484.42 12583.42

6 Tanintharyi Division 19132.75 17617.52 17986.74

7 Bago Division 12781.05 12746.72 12755.62

8 Magway Division 7008.63 9461.61 9074.69

9 Mandalay Divi.sion 14239.81 12612.31 12655.83

10 Mon State 12261.64 15248.46 14237.01

11 Rakhine State 10925.47 13893.63 13487.06

12 Yangon Division 15696.50 15587.39 14771.48

13 Shan State 18427.82 16070.04 16577.50

14 Ayeyarwady Division 7171.87 15577.74 14376.9 I

3 City

Yangon 15495. 16 15495.16

2 Mandalay 11621.03 11621.03 92

Table 4.3.2 Monthly Household Expenditure on Food and Beverages

( Kyats)

S.N. Description Urban Rural Overall

Union 10419.99 9479.30 9779.45

2 State and Division

Kachin State I 36(i0.87 11264.22 11849.72

2 Kayah State 9035.73 8015.07 8325.87

3 Kayin State 11036.05 10832.87 10857.70

4 Chin State 8344.93 7775.23 7880.85

5 Sagaing Division 10366.10 9943.1 I 10015.74

6 Tanintharyi Division 13726.32 12849.61 13099.47

7 Bago Division 10259.27 9330.53 9554.26

8 Magway Division 9279.28 8840.00 8921.28

9 Mandalay Division 11172.37 9482.31 10029.98

10 Mon State 10026.16 9281.0 I 9533.62

11 Rakhine State 9135.64 8838.99 8893.81

12 Yangon Division 10337.31 9414.42 10099.31

13 Shan State 13178.02 11846.52 12144.78

14 Ayeyarwady Division 8685.99 8485.34 8521.91

3 City

Yangon 10417.19 10417.19

2 Mandalay 12700.56 12700.56 93

Table Ranking of States and Devisions by Monthly Expenditure on Food and Beverages

( Kyats )

S.N. Urban Rural Overall

Rank State and Value Rank State and Value Rank State and Value

Division Division Division

Tanintharyi 13726.32 Tanintharyi 12849.61 Tanintharyi 13099.47

2 2 Kachin, 13660.87 2 Shan 11846.52 2 Shan 12144.78

3 3 Shan 13178.02 3 Kachin 11264.22 3 Kach in 11849.72

4 4 Kayin 11036.05 4 Kayin I 0832.87 4 Kayin 10857.70

5 5 Mandalay 11172.37 5 Sagaing 9943.11 5 Sagaing I 0015. 74

6 6 Sagaing 10366.10 6 Mandalay 9482.31 6 Yangon 10099.31

7 7 Bago 10259.27 7 Yangon 9414.42 7 Mandalay 10029.98

8 8 Yangon 10337.31 8 Bago 9330.53 8 Bago 9554.26

9 9 Mon 10026.16 9 Mon 9281.0 I 9 Mon 9533.62

10 10 Magway 9279.28 10 Magway 8840.00 10 Magway 8921.28

11 11 Rakhine 9135.64 11 Rakhine 8838.99 11 Rakhine 8893.81

12 12 Kayah 9035.73 12 Ayeyarwady 8485.34 12 Ayeyarwady 8521.91

13 13 Ayeyarwady 8685.99 13 Kayah 8015.07 13 Kayah 8325.87

14 14 Chin 8344.93 14 Chin 7775.23 14 Chin 7880.85 94

Table 4.3.3 Monthly Household Expenditure on Non-food

( Kyats)

S.N. Description Urban Rural Overall

Union 4846.43 3611.86 4005.06

2 State and Division

Kachin State 5413.99 4230.02 4519.26

2 Kayah State 2976.46 2567.02 2691.70

3 Kayin State 4609.54 4014.33 4087.06

4 Chin State 3458.04 2821.29 2939.35

5 Sagaing Division 4339.26 3385.69 3549.42

6 Tanintharyi Division 6203.31 6191.73 6195.03

7 Bago Division 4375.52 3934.79 4040.96

8 Magway Division 2942.27 2831.52 2852.01

9 Mandalay Division 4679.61 3384.70 3804.33

10 Mon State 4259.52 4130.71 4174.38

11 Rakhine State 3600.74 3035.39 3139.86

12 Yangon Division 5716.18 4491.88 5400.44

13 Shan State 6362.72 3968.91 4505.13

14 Ayeyarwady Division 3955.62 3699.38 3746.08

3 City

Yangon 5817.62 5817.62

2 Mandalay 5573.05 5573.05 95

Table Ranking of States and Divisions by Monthly Household Expenditure on Non-food

( Kyats )

S.N. Urban Rural Overall

Rank State and Value Rank State and Value Rank State and Value

Division Division Division

Shan 6362.72 Taninthayi 6191.73 Taninthayi 6195.(J>

2 2 Taninthayi 6203.31 2 Yangon 4491.88 2 Yangon 5400.44

3 3 Yangon 5716.18 3 Kachin 4230.02 3 Kachin 4519.26

4 4 Kachin 5413.99 4 Mon 4l30.7I 4 Shan 4505.I3

5 5 Mandalay 4679.61 5 Kayin 4014.33 5 Mon 4174.38

6 6 Kayin 4609.54 6 Shan 3968.9I 6 Kayin 4087.06

7 7 Bago 4375.52 7 Bago 3934.79 7 Bago 4040.96

8 8 Sagaing 4339.26 8 Ayeyarwady 3699.38 8 Ayeyarwady 3746.08

9 9 Mon 4259.52 9 Sagaing 3385.69 9 Mandalay 3804.33

IO 10 Ayeyarwady 3955.62 IO Mandalay 3384.70 IO Sagaing 3549.42

11 I I Rakhine 3600.74 11 Rakhine 3035.39 I I Rakhine 3139.86

12 12 Chin 3458.04 12 Magway 2831.52 12 Chin 2939.35

I3 13 Kay ah 2976.46 13 Chin 2821.29 I3 Magway 2852.0 I

I4 I4 Magway 2942.27 14 Kay ah 2567.02 14 Kay ah 2691.70 96

Table 4:3.4.15 Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Expenditure Class, Overall

S.N. Description ~ 6000 6001-14000 1400 l-20000 ;:::: 20001 ( K vats ) ( Kyats ) ( Kyats ) ( Kyats )

Union 8.47 49.76 2 l.08 20.68

2 State and Division

Kachin State 2.50 39.5 29.07 28.93

2 Kayah State 12.76 59.28 15. l 8 12.77

3 Kayin State 4.06 44.78 30.94 20.20

4 Chin State 22.72 48.06 15.33 13.89

5 Sagaing Division 8.37 56.26 20.46 14.91

6 Tanintharyi Division 2.57 27.65 29.09 40.68

7 Bago Division 9.43 52.24 20.84 17.50

8 Magway Division 15.44 63.17 13.49 7.91

9 Mandalay Division 7.93 55.41 21.06 15.59

10 Mon State 5.86 47.84 22.97 23.34

11 Rakhine State 8.23 51.25 20.66 19.86

12 Yangon Division 5.93 42.62 23.67 27.79

13 Shan State 3.81 37.25 25.13 33.82

14 Ayeyarwady Division 9.28 42.99 20.80 26.94

3 City

I Yangon 4.37 41.95 25.37 28.31

2 Mandalay 1.08 . 44.6 30.02 24.32 97

Table Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Expenditure Class, Urban

S.N. Description .$ 6000 6001-14000 14001-20000 ~ 20001 ( Kyats) ( Kyats ) ( Kyats ) ( Kyats)

Union 9.59 47.31 2 I. l 7 21.94

2 State and Division

Kachin State 0.97 20.27 22.20 56.54

2 Kayah State 7.26 66.72 14.64 l l.37

3 Kayin State 1.89 46.02 28.00 24.09

4 Chin State 10.27 34.86 22.74 32.13

5 Sagaing Division 10.51 48.43 20.55 20.49

6 Tanintharyi Division 2.62 24.57 26.23 46.56

7 Bago Division 9.81 52.77 21.00 16.43

8 Magway Division 21.82 58.19 12.54 7.45

9 Mandalay Division 6.94 50.39 22.16 20.52

JO Mon State 6.51 55.55 23.74 14.19

11 Rakhine State 16.07 50.05 14.99 18.87

12 Yangon Division 5.36 43.24 24.27 27.13

13 Shan State 2.96 27.65 26.57 42.83

14 Ayeyarwady Division 24.79 54.15 12.27 8.79

3 City

Yangon 4.37 41.95 25.37 28.31

2 Mandalay 1.08 44.60 30.02 24.32 98

Table 4.3;4.17 Percentage Distribution of Households by Combined Monthly Expenditure Class, Rural

S.N. Description .$ 6000 6001-14000 14001-20000 ;::: 2000!

( Kyats) ( Kyats ) ( Kyats ) ( Kyats )

Union 7.99 50.8 l 21.05 20. !5

2 State and Division

l Kachin State 2.99 45.72 31.29 20.0l

2 Kayah State 15.16 56.03 15.42 13.40

3 Kayin State 4.37 44.63 31.36 19.67

4 Chin State 25.55 51.06 13.65 9.74

5 Sagaing Division 7.93 57.89 20.44 13.74

6 Tanintharyi Division 2.55 28.88 30.23 38.34

7 Bago Division 9.31 52.09 20.80 17.84

8 Magway Division 13.99 64.31 13.71 8.01

9 Mandalay Division 8.40 57.82 20.53 13.22

10 Mon State 5.52 43.87 22.60 28.04

11 Rakhine State 6.46 51.51 21.95 20.07

12 Yangon Division 7.55 40.86 21.95 29.66

13 Shan State 4.05 40.02 24.73 31.22

14 Ayeyarwady Division 5.82 40.50 22.70 30.98

3 City

1 Yangon

2 Mandalay 99

Table 5.1 Estimates for Yangon City

Item Estimate

Average household size 5.16 Percentage of households with I or 2 persons 7. 15 Percentage of households with 3 to 7 persons 79.89 Percentage of households with 8 to I 0 persons I (J.71 Percentage of households with I 1 persons and above 2.27 Average monthly household income (kyats) 18997.36 Percentage contribution by wages and salaries to the average monthly household income 86.03 Percentage contribution by entrepreneurial income to the average monthly household income 6.02 Percentage of households with monthly household income of 2000 kyats and less 2.34 Percentage of households with monthly hausehold income of between 2001 and 10000 kyats 46.40 Percentage of households with monthly household income of between 10001 and 20000 kyats 30.19 Percentage of households with monthly household income of 20001 kyats and above 21.07 Monthly household expenditure (kyats) 16234.81 Monthly household expenditure on food and beverages (kyats) 10417. 19 Monthly household expenditure on (kyats) 5817.62 100

Table 5.2 Estimates for Mandalay City

Item Estimate

Average household size 4.89 Percentage of households with 1 or 2 persons 7.73 Percentage of households with 3 to 7 persons 82.55 Percentage of households with 8 to 10 persons 8.84 Percentage of households with 11 persons and above 0.89 Monthly household income (k)'ats) 11058.03 Percentage contribution by wages and salaries to the average monthly household income 83.20 Percentage contribution by entrepreneurial income to the average monthly household income 12.51 Percentage of households with monthly household income of 2000 kyats and less 1.66 Percentage of households with monthly household income of between 2001 and 10000 kyats 63.70 Percentage of households with monthly household income of between 10001 and 20000 kyats 26.51 Percentage of households with monthly household income of 20001 kyats and above 8.05 Monthly household expenditure (kyats) 18273.60 Monthly household expenditure on food and beverages (kyats) 12700.56 Monthly household expenditure on non-food (kyats) 5573.05 101

Table 5.3 Household Expenditure Survey (1989) and Household Income and Expen.diture Survey (1997) Results

(Value- Kval N Description Average Monthly Monthly Monthly household household expenditure expenditure ·size expenditure on Food and on Non- food Beverages 1989 I 1997 1989 I 1997 1989 I 1997 1989 I 1997

Union 5.27 5.25 I 795.50 13784.5 I 74.03 70.95 25.97 29.W

Kachin State 6.55 6.63 1993.57 16368.98 74.25 72.39 25.75 27.61

2 Kayah State 5.52 5.53 1907.82 11017.56 74.58 75.57 25.42 24.4:

Kayin State 5.68 5.36 1815.30 14944.75 72.28 72.65 27.72 27.3':

.+ Chin State 6.15 6.53 1695.40 l 0820.20 75.59 72.83 24.41 27. l ~

~ Sagaing Division 5.36 5.50 1646.38 13565.15 77.74 73.83 22.26 26. I/

l Tanintharyi Divisio 5.30 5.66 2001.20 19294.50 75.41 67.89 24.59 32.J I

7 Bago Division 5.17 4.62 I 723.47 13595.22 74.00 70.28 26.00 29.72

Magway Division 5.32 5.49 1773.37 11773.30 76.20 75.78 23.80 24.22

) Mandalay Division 5.11 5.26 1824.45 13834.31 73.8 I 72.13 26. 19 27.50

() Mon State 5.77 5.31 1755.46 13708.00 73.63 69.55 26.37 30.45

Rakhine State 5.89 4.97 1850.57 12033.68 75.53 73.91 24.47 26.09

2 Yangon Division 5.07 5.1 I 1929.35 15499.75 69.25 '63. 16 30.75 34.84

~ .1 Shan State 5.15 5.83 1832.22 16649.91 73. 18 72.94 26.82 27.06

..j. Ayeyarwady Divisio 4.97 5.31 1746.58 12267.99 74.20 69.46 25.80 30.54 102

Table 5.4 Monthly Household Expenditures, HES (1989) & HIES (1997)

( Yalue-K S.N. Description Urban Rural Union 1997 I 1989 1989 I 1997 I 989 I 1997 1989 I 1997 Urban I Rural IU

Union 1947.75 15266.42 1743.92 13091.16 1795.50 13784.51 7.84 7.51

Kachin State 2056.06 19074.86 1956.82 15494.24 1993.57 16368.98 9.28 7.92

1 Kayah State 1909.88 12012.19 1905.97 10582.09 1907.82 11017.56 6.29 5.55

3 Kayin State 1836.75 15645.59 1814.34 14847.18 1815.30 14944.75 8.52 8.18

4 Chin State 1778.05 11802.97 1656.04 I 0596.51 1695.40 10820.20 6.64 6.40

5 Sagaing Division 1810.69 14705.36 1619.63 13328.80 1646.38 13565.15 8.12 8.23

6 Tanintharyi Division 2055.36 19929.62 1984.41 19041.34 2001.20 19294.50 9.70 9.60

7 Bago Division 1932.33 14634.79 1672.55 13265.32 1723.47 13595.22 7.57 7.93

8 Magway Division 1893.74 12221.55 1751.79 11671.52 1773.37 11773.30 6.45 6.66

9 Mandalay Division 1939.59 15851.98 1782.64 12867.01 1824.45 13834.31. 8.11 7.22

IO Mon State 1824.57 14285.68 1728.47 13411.72 1755.46 13708.00 7.83 7.76

11 Rakhine State 2031.21 12736:39 1821.01 11874.38 1850.57 12033.68 6.27 6.52

12 Yangon Division 2023.95 16053.49 1731.47 13906.29 1929.35 15499.75 7.87 8.03

13 Shan State 1996.09 19540.74 1788.35 15815.44 1832.22 16649.91 9.79 8.84

14 Ayeyarwady Division 1822._93 12641.61 1732.99 12184.72 1746.58 12267.99 6.93 7.03 Appendixes Appendix 1.. I Major Household Expenditure Items

S.N. Descriptions

Food And Beverages

Rice and other cereals 2 Pulses 3 Meat 4 Eggs 5 Fish and crustacea(fresh) 6 Fish and crustacea(dried) 7 Ngapi and nganpyaye 8 Vegetables [) Fruits 10 Cooking oil and fats 11 Spices and condiments 12 Beverages 13 Sugar and other food 14 Milk and milk products 15 Other miscellaneous food 16 Food taken outside home

2 Non-Food

Tobacco 2 Fuel and light 3 Travelling expenses 4 Journey travelling expenses 5 Clothing and apparel 6 Personal use goods 7 Cleansing and toilet 8 Crockeries 9 Other household goods 10 Furniture 11 House rent and repairs 12 Stationary and school supplies 13 Education 14 Medical care 15 Recreation 16 Charity and ceremonials 17 Other expenses Appendix 2.1 ·

List of Townships Not Included in the Sampling Frame

S.N. State and Division Number Township ·

Kachin State 14 , N Jangyang, , , Chipway,Hsawlaw, , Monauk, Mansi, Putao, , Machambaw, Khawbude, Nogmun 2 Kayah State 5 Phruhso, Hsataw, Bawlake, Pasawng, Masai , 3 Kayin State 5 Hlaingbwe, Papun, Kawkareik, Thandaung, Kya im/ Seikkyi 4 Chin State 6 Thatlaung, Tonsang , Mindat, Matupi, Kanpetlet, Paletwa 5 Sagaing Division 6 Kyunhla, Khamti, Homalin, Lashe, Layhee, Nanyun 6 Tanintharyi Division 7 Launglon, Thayetchaung, Yebyu, Palaw, Tanintharyi, Kawthoung, Bokpyinn 7 Sago Division Kyaukkyi 8 Mon State 4 Thanbyuzayat, Mudon, Yay, Bilinn 9 Rakhine State 6 Pouktaw, Myebon, Minbya, Maungdaw, Buthidaung, Rathedaung 10 Shan State 33 Hpekon, Laikha, Namsan (South), Kunhein, Mongne, Lanhkion, Maukme, Mongpang,kyeethi, Mongkaing , Mongshu, Mongreh, Tangyan,Manpham, Pangyan, Napham, Panwaing, Mongmaw, Namsan(North)~ Mongmeik, Mabein, Manton, Kunlon, Hopang, Laukkai, Kongyann, Mongkhat, Mongyan, Monghsat, Mongping, Mongton, Monghpyak, Mongyawng

•. Appendix::: Number of Townships to be Surveyed

Number of Number of Number of Number of Number S.N. State I Division Townships Townships in the Sample Additional Townships Sampling Frame Townships Townships Surveye

Kachin State 18 4 2

2 Kayah State 7 2 2

3 Kayin State 7 3 2

4 Chin State C) 3 2

5 Sagaing Division 38 32 2 2

6 Tanintharyi Division IO 3 2

7 Bago Division 28 27 2 2

8 Magway Division 25 25 2

9 Mandalay Division 30 30 4

JO Mon State IO 6 2

1 l Rakhine State 17 11 2

12 Yangon Division 43 43 8

13 Shan State 54 21 2

14 Ayeyarwady Division 26 26 2 2


I :POSSESSION 4 SOURCE OF WATER Ownership Government Type of water Private Piped warer Religious Artesian Well 2 Other ...... Covered Well 3 (Specify) Uncovered Well 4 Compound Pond/Lake 5 Tenure of Owned Pond/Lake 6 dwelling Rented River/Ci·eek 7 Rent-Free Orher ...... 9 Other ...... (Specify) (Specify) Availability of water In house BUILDING In compound S[rucrure Carried Pu cc a 1 Other .. Semi-pucca 2 (Specify) Wooden 3 5 FUEL FOR COOKING Bamboo 4 Firewood Other ...... 9 Charcoal 2 (Specify) Gas 3 Electricil\' 4 Type of House Substitute for 5 Independent firewood Appartment Other ...... Other ...... (Specify) (Specify) 6 TOILET Utility .'.\re<1 of dwelling space (in square feet) Private Communal Total area Nil

LIGHTING Location Electricity In house Battery In compound Other ...... Other .... (Specify) (Specify) Type of toilet Pour f1ush 1 Covered pit 2 Pit 3 Bucket 4 Other ...... 9 (Specify) Does your household O'Nll the following items?

Sr. No Items Yes No 01 Television 1 2 02 Video Player 1 2 03 Cassette player/recorder 1 2 04 Radio 1 2 05 Cassette Radio 1 2 06 Electric Iron 1 2 07 Electric Fan 1 2 08 Rice Cooker 1 2 09 Hot-Plate 1 2 10 Refrigerator 1 2 11 Washing Machine 1 2 12 Air Conditioner 1 2 13 Computer 1 2 14 Emergency Lamp 1 2 15 Voltage Regulator 1 2 16 Sewing Machine 1 2 17 Bicycle 1 2 18 Motor-cycle 1 2 19 Motor Car 1 2 20 Cart 1 2 21 Boat 1 2 HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE

Consumer Unit ( )

Did you consume the following items yesterday? (Value -Kyat)



01 Rice (Govt./Co-op.) Pyi 02 Rice II 03 Kaukhnyin II 04 Wheat Flour Viss 09 Other Cereal Pyi


01 Pegyi Viss 02 Pegya II 03 Sadawpe II 04 Butter Bean II 05 -Penilay (Peyaza) II 06 Gram (Kalap e) II 07 Boiled Garden Pea II 09 Other


01 Chicken Viss 02 Duck II 03 Beef II 04 Pork II 05 Mutton II 06 Dried Meat II 09 Other II


01 Fowl Egg No. 02 Duck Egg II 09 Other Egg II (Contd) (Value -Kyat)


01 Ngayant Viss 02 Ngakhu 03 Ngagyee 04 Ngapyayma O:' Ngagyinn 06 Ngamyitchinn 07 Ngaton/Ngamyinn 08 Ngathalauk 09 Kakatit 10 Ngashwe 11 Kakuyan 12 Ngamoke 13 Ngabokethin 19 Other Fish (all kinds) 20 Pazonkyawt 21 Pazondoke II 29 Other Prawns II


01 Sardine (All Kinds) 02 Dried Prawns Viss 03 Ngayantchauk 04 Ngagyichauk 05 N gabo kechauk II 06 Ngakunshutchauk 07 Nganyatchauk 09 Other Dried Fish


01 Potatoes Viss 02 Gourd 03 Brinjal 04 Tomato Viss 05 Cabbage 06 Beetroot/Radish 07 Water Leaf 08 Roselle Leaf 09 Cucumber 10 Spring Beans Viss 19 Other (Contd) (Value -Kyat)


OJ Banana No. 02 Coconut 03 Papaya 04 Mangoes 05 Orange 06 Apple 07 Lime 08 Lemon 09 Pine Apple J9 Other Fruits


01 Bread Loaf 02 Cake (all kinds) 03 Biscuit (Local) Lb. 04 Biscuit (Foreign) 05 Vermicelli (Bean) Viss 06 Vermicelli (Rice) 07 Dried Noodle (Local) Pkt 08 Dried Noodle (Foreign) 09 Noodle Viss 10 Myanma Vermicelli J 9 Other


. OJ Mohingar No. 02 Coconut Noodle 03 Salad 04 Fried Noodle 05 Tea/Coffee No. 06 Betel Quid 09 Other foods (Contd) Did you consume the following items during the last 7 days?


01 Fish Ngapi Viss 02 Hmyin Ngapi 03 Ngapikaung 04 Nganpyaye 05 Pickled Fish 06 Pickled Prawns 09 Other Products


01 Groundnut Oil Viss 02 Sesamum Oil 03 Palm Oil (Govt./Co-op.) 04 Palm Oil 09 Other (Contd.) Did you consume the following items during the last 30 days?


01 Chillies Viss 02 Onion 03 Garlic " . 04 Tamarine 05 Tumeric Powder 06 Ginger 07 Pepper 08 Masalar 09 Salt 10 Seasoning Powder Pk-1. 19 Other Spices Viss


01 Green Tea (Local) Viss 02 Green Tea (Foreign) Lb. 03 Black Tea (Local) 04 Black Tea (Foreign) 05 Coffee Powder (Local) " 06 Coffee Powder (Foreign) 07 Holic/Milo/Overtine Bot 08 Aerated Water (Local) 09 Aerated Water (Foreign) 10 Coffee Mix Pk-1. 11 Beer (Local) Bot. 12 Beer (Foreign) 13 Liquor (Local) 14 Liquor (Foreign) 19 Other


01 Sugar Viss 02 Palm Jaggery 03 Cane Jaggery 04 Jam (Local) 05 Jam (Foreign) 06 Betel Leaf Viss 07 Betel Nut II 08 Tobacco Leaf for Betel 09 Pickled Tea 19 Other (Contd.) (Value -Kyat) UNIT OF :CODE: COMMODTIY MEASURE­ PURCHASE NON - PURCHASE MENT QTY.: VALUE QTY.: VALUE 16 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS

01 Condensed Mille (Local) Viss 02 Condensed Mille (Foreign) Tin 03 Milk (Fresh) Viss 04 Milk Powder Lb. 05 Butter (Local) " 06 Butter (Foreign) " 09 Other


01 Cigarette (Local) No. 02 Cigarette (Foreign) " 03 Cheroot " 04 Cigar 05 Pipe Tobacco Pk't. 09 Other Tobacco Product


01 Firewood 02 Charcoal Viss 03 Kerosene Bot. 04 Gas Litre 05 Substitude for Fire Wood 06 Electricity Charges Unit 07 Candle 08 Matches 09 Flint No. 19 Other


01 Bus Fare 02 Railway Fare 03 Taxi Fare 04 Ferry Bus 05 Trishaw 06 Horse Cart Fare 07 Boat/Steamer 08 Petrol Gallon 09 Diesel II 19 Other (Contd) (Value -Kyat) Did you purchase the following items during last 12 months?



01 Journey Travelling Expenses


01 Over Jacket 02 Over Jacket, Other 0.,_1 Shirt 04 T-Shirt 05 Sport-Shirt 06 Vest 07 Men's Longyi 08 Trousers 09 Under Pants 10 Sweater 11 Women's Wear 12 Blouse 13 Bodice 14 Women's Longyi 15 Under Wear 16 Shawl 17 Towel 18 Bed sheet 19 Mosquito Net 20 Blanket 21 Table Cloth ,.,22 Socks "'"-' Cloth (all kinds) 24 Tailoring Charges (Men) 25 Tailoring Charges (Women) 29 Other


01 Hat 02 Umbrella OJ Raincoat 04 Bag 05 Hand Bag 06 Purse 07 Belt (Contd ) (Value -Kyat) UNIT OF. CODE. COMMODITY JvfEASURE­ PURCHASE NON - PURCHASE JvIENT QTY ·VALUE QTY VALUE 08 Slipper (Leather) 09 Slipper (Other) I 0 Shoes 11 Spectacles 12 Watch/Clock 13 Baskets No 14 T arch Light 1 :' Gold/Sliver/Jewels 19 Other


01 Coconut Oil Viss 02 Other Hair Oil 03 Face Powder 04 Talcum Powder 05 Make-up 06 Glycerine 07 Perfume 08 Lipstick 09 Nail Polish 10 Thanakha 11 Tooth Paste Pkt 12 Tooth Brush No. 13 Toilet Soap 14 Washing Soap 15 Washing Powder 16 Shampoo Pkt 17 Hair Cream 18 Hair Dressing Charges 19 Razor Blade 20 Indigo 29 Other


01 Potteries (Aluminium) 02 Potteries (Steel) 03 Plate (Porcelain) 04 Plate (Other) 05 Drinking Pot 06 Bowls 09 Other (Contd.) (Value -Kyat)



01 Bed No. 02 Cupboard 03 Dressing Table 04 Kitchen Cupboard 05 Table/Chair 06 Mat 07 Carpet 08 Linloeum 09 Other


01 House Rent (Govt.) 02 House Rent (Other) 03 House Repairs 04 D hani/Thatch/Vv' acut Pyit 05 Bamboo No. 06 Zinc 07 Wood Ton 08 Cement Pkt 09 Brick No. 10 Nail 11 Other Construction Tools 12 Land Tax 13 Municipal Tax 14 Cleansing Tax 15 Water Tax 16 Water Charges 19 Other


01 Newspaper No. 02 Books (Purchased) 03 Books (Borrowed) 09 Other (Contd.) (Value -Kyat)



01 Text Books No 02 Exercise Books 03 Writting Paper 04 Pencil No. 05 Ball Pen 06 Ball Pen Refill 07 Compass Box OS Pencil Case 09 Slate 10 Slate Stick 11 Other Stationery 12 School Admission Fees 13 School Fees 14 Tution Fees/Spare Time Fees 19 Other


01 Indigenous Medicine 02 Vitamin 03 Aspirin (all kinds) 04 Antibiotic 05 Other Medicine 06 Examination/Consulting Fees 07 Laboratary Checkup OS Medical Care 09 Hospital Care 19 Other


01 Motion Picture 02 Video 03 Performance of Dance 04 Stage Show 05 Cassette Tape 06 Sport Instrument 07 Photograph 09 Other (Concld.) (Value -Kyat)



01 Donation/Charities 02 Ceremonials and Mourning Events 03 Gifts to Relations 04 Flowers for Offering 09; Other


01 Monthly Fees 02 Other Fees 03 Fluorescent 04 Bulb 05 Batteries 06 Telephone Charges 07 Postn'elegram Charges 08 Servant/Driver/Other Worker 09 Repair Charges 19 Other


01 Refrigerator · 02 Television 03 Video Player 04 Cassette Player/Recorder 05 Radio 06 Cassette/Radio 07 Electric Iron 08 Electric Fan 09 Rice Cooker IO Hot-Plate 11 Washing Machine 12 Air Conditioner 13 Computer 14 Emergency Lamp 15 Sewing Machine 16 Bicyole 17 Motor-cycle 18 Motor Car 19 Other Electrical Goods HOUSEHOLD INCOME

To ask household head or responsible person of household Sample No.I. I I I

Monthly Income (Kyats) Yearly Income (Kyats) Sr. Name Wages/Salary Pension Total Entreprene Rent Interest Remittances Bonus In Kind Total No. In 111 -mial and Cash Kind Income Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (11) (12) (13) l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Appendix 3 .1.2

T errns and Definitions ·

Household A household is a family or a group of related or unrelated persons who share a common dwelling unit and eat, as the saying goes, out of the same pot. A household may either be a single person household or a multi-person household.

Head of Household In general, the head of a household is the person mainly responsible for earning the livelihood for the household. There may be cases where any other member of the household is regarded as the head of household, irrespective of responsibility for livelihood.

Relationship to Head of Household Relationship to head of household refers to the relationship of the person enumerated to the head of the household.

Age Age is the number of years completed on the last birthday.

Marital Status Marital status is the s_tatus of the person enumerated in relation to marriage customs. Marital status is defined under five categories. ( 1) Single (Never Married) (2) Married (3) Widowed (4) Divorced and (5) Others


Literacy is the ability both to read and write any language with reasonable understanding.

Educational Attainment

The educational attainment of a person is the highest level of education attained or completed by the person in the system of formal, special and adult education.


Occupation is the work done by a person as a means of livelihood to earn income either in cash or in kind. It refers only to those who were employed during the specified 7 days, including unpaid family workers. For persons with dual occupation, only the occupation in which the respondent worked most of the time was recorded.


To ask household head or any responsible person from the household Sample No.I - J I I

Relationship to Marital Educational Status Employment Status Occupation Head of Household Sex Age Status ( Age 5 and above) (Age 5 and above) (For Employed Persons) Sr. Head of Household = 1 M = 1 < 1 =OD Single = 1 Illiterate =O Student = 1 No. Name Spouse =2 Married =2 Literate = 1 Employed = 2 Son/Daughter =3 F=2 >/ 99 = 99 Widovved =3 Monastic =2 Other =9 Parenl/Parent in Law = 4 Separated I = 4 Primary =3 Ott1er Relatives =5 Divorced Primary Attainment =4 Major Minor Other =9 other =9 Middle Attainment =5 High School AUainment = 6 Graduate =7 Vocational = 8' Other =9 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 01 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 ·02 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 03 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 04 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 . 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 05 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 06 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 07 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 08 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 09 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 11 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 13 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 14 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 15 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 9 Access to Mass Media

Sr. Do you Read If Yes Do 'you Listen If Yes Do you vvatch If Yes

No. Name Newspaper? Radio Programme T.V Programme Yes = 1 Usually = 1 Yes = 1 Usually = 1 Yes = 1 Usually = No =2 Often =2 No =2 Often =2 No =2 Often =

( 1) (2) ( 11) (12) (13) ( 14) (15) (16)

01 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

02 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

03 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

04 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

05 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

06 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

07 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

08 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 09 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 10 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 11 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 12 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 13 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 14 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

15 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Appendix 2.1.2

Number of Sample Urban and Rural Households by State and Division

Sample Sample Total S.N. State I Division I Township Urban Rural Sample Households Households Households Ka chin · I Myitkyenar * 210 420 630 2 * 100 200 300

2 Kayah I Loikaw * 100 200 300 2 Demoso * 100 200 300 .., _) Kay in 1 Paan * 270 540 810 2 Myawaddy * 100 200 300

4 Chin I Haka * 100 200 300 2 Tiddim * 100 200 300

5 Sagaing I Sagaing 210 420 630 2 Monwya * 300 600 900 3 Shwebo 210 420 630 4 Sanlingyi * 180 360 540 b Tanintharyi I Dawei * 180 360 540 2 Myeik * 240 480 720

7 Ba go I Bago 210 420 630 2 Pyay * 270 540 810 3 Taungoo 210 420 630 4 Padaung * 180 360 540

8 Magway I Magway 210 420 630 2 Y enangyaung * 210 420 630 3 Taungdwingyi * 240 480 720 Appendix 2. 1.2

Number of Sample Urban and Rural Households by State and Division (Concld)

Sample Sample Total S.N. State I Division I Township Urban Rural Sample Households Households Households 9 Mandalay Mandalay City l Aungmyaythasan * 600 600 2 Chanmyathasi * 420 420 Mandalay 1 Meikhtilar 210 420 630 2 Myingyan * 300 600 900 3 Madaya * 210 420 630

10 Mon 1 Mawlamyaing * 300 600 900 2 Chaungsone * 210 420 630 l l Rakhine Sittwe * 240 480 720 2 Gwa * 100 200 300

12 Yangon Yangon City 1 Lanmadaw * 240 240 240 240 2 K yeemyindaing * - 3 Yankin * 300 300 4 lnsein * 600 600 5 Dagon Myothit ( South ) * 540 540 6 Dawpone * 240 240 Yangon 1 Thanlyin * 180 360 540 2 Taikkyi * 240 480 720

13 Shan 1 Taunggyi 210 420 630 2 Lashio * 240 480 720 3 Pindaya * 100 200 300

14 Ayeyarwady 1 Pathein 210 420 630 2 Hinthada 210 420 630 3 Myaungmya * 300 600 900 4 Dedaye * 240 480 720

Total 10610 14860 25470

* Sample township Appendix 2.1.3 Number of Sample Wards and Village Tracts

Urban Rural .''· State/Division!Township Number Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Total of Sample Sample Village Sample Sample Sample Wards Wards Households Tracts Village Households Households Tracts Kach in Mvitkvenar 17 4 210 39 4 420 630 .., 2 Bhamo 10 .) 100 48 5 200 300

Kay ah I Loikaw 13 3 100 13 2 200 300 2 Demoso 100 26 3 200 300

Ka yin Paan 6 2 270 91 6 540 8 1O 2 Myawaddy 5 2 100 15 2 200 300

Chin I Haka 6 2 100 30 3 200 300 2 Tiddim 4 2 100 55 6 200 3 00

Sagaing l Sagaing 14 4 210 81 6 420 630 2 Monwva 19 5 300 61 6 600 900 3 Shwebo 10 3 210 72 6 420 630 4 Sanlingyi 3 2 180 39 4 360 540

Tanintharyi I Dawei 15 4 180 23 2 360 540 .., 2 Myeik 12 .) 240 22 2 480 720

Bago I. Bago 31 6 210 66 6 420 630 2 2. Pyay 7 2 270 40 4 540 810 3 3. Taungoo 22 5 210 38 4 420 630 4 4. Padaung 5 2 180 38 4 360 540

Magway I 1. Magway 14 4 210 61 6 420 630 2 2. Y enangyaung 14 3 210 29 3 420 630 3 3. Taungdwingyi 10 3 240 72 6 480 720 Number of Sample Wards and Village Tracts ( Concld. )

Urban Rural S.N. State/Division!fownship Number Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Total of Sample Sample Village San1ple Sample Sam pit Wards Wards Households Tracts Village Households Househol Tracts 9 Mandalay Mandalay City I Aungmyaythasan 19 4 600 6( 2 Chanmyathasi 13 3 420 4~ Mandalay I Meikhtilar 12 3 210 58 5 420 6:: 2 Myingyan 19 5 300 66 6 600 9( 3 Madaya 5 2 210 83 6 420 6~

10 Mon I Mawlamyaing 17 4 300 13 2 600 90 2 Chaungsone 3 2 210 42 4 420 63

I 1 Rakhine I Sittwe 32 6 240 27 3 480 72 2 Gwa 3 2 100 34 3 200 30

12 Yangon Yangon City 1 Lanmadaw 12 3 240 24 2 Kyeemyindaing 21 5 240 24 3 Yankin 15 4 300 30 4 lnsein 21 5 600 60 5 Dagon Myothit ( South ) 26 7 540 54 6 Dawpone 14 4 240 24, Yangon l Thanlyin 17 4 180 28 3 360 541 2 Taikkyi 8 2 240 68 6 480 721

13 Shan ., I Taunggyi 20 5 210 28 .) 420 631 2 Lashio 12 3 240 77 6 480 721 3 Pindaya 12 3 100 27 3 200 301

14 Ayeyarwady I Pathein 14 3 210 52 5 420 631 2 Hinthada 21 5 210 103 6 420 63( 3 Myaungmya IO 3 300 115 6 600 90( 4 Dedaye 3 2 240 90 6 480 72( Appendix 2.4 Sampling Weights for Urban and Rural at Township Level

S.N. State I Division I Township Urban Rural

Kachin Myitkyenar 37.22 44.29 · 2 Bhamo 43.77 54.96

2 Kayah Loikaw 60.19 44.53 2 Demoso 5.86 45.07

.3 Ka yin Paan 25.56 120.94 2 Myawaddy 21.50 .30.94

4 Chin Haka 23.85 40.95 2 Tiddim 15.96 64.26

5 Sagaing Sagaing 49.30 114.33 2 Monwya 82.68 55.63 .3 Shwebo 44.67 83.23 4 Sanlingyi 53.72 54.38

6 Tanintharyi Dawei 74.15 27.98 2 Myeik 69.67 37.51

7 Ba go Ba go 208.09 79.54 2 Pyay 80.68 39.30 3 Taungoo 54.31 55.35 4 Padaung 9.65 61.25

8 Magway Magway 54.50 92.08 2 Yenangyaung 59.91 47.60 3 Taungdwingyi 32.64 93.23 Sampling Weights for Urban and Rural at Township Level (Concld..I

S.N. State I Division I Township Urban Rural

9 Mandalay Aungmyaythasan 68.54 2 Chanmyathasi 83.22 3 Meikhtilar 73.71 77.80 4 Myingyan 53.35 79.66 5 Madaya 14.40 74.87

10 Mon Mawlamyaing 168.23 14.35 2 Chaungsone 8.64 55.77

11 Rakhine Sinwe 73.88 30.09 2 Gwa 13.13 59.44

12 Yangon Lanmadaw 21.55 2 Kyeemyindaing 54.69 3 Yankin 39.68 4 lnsein 76.56 5 Dagon Myothit ( South ) 54.66 6 Dawpone 44.14 7 Thanlyin 54.57 63.91 8 Taikkyi 31.88 69.27

13 Shan Taunggyi 118.10 68.67 2 Lashio 80.98 39.54 3 Pindaya 16.04 53.33

14 Ayeyarwady Pa the in 123.78 64.90 2 Hinthada 76.56 136.76 3 Myaungmya 20.97 98.04 4 Dedaye 14.05 71.19 App'end1:



~ 1 This survey 1s conducted under the Central Stat1st1caI A.uthonty .Act 34.1952 ll1e 1nfon11at1on j_ obtained from the survey will be used only for statisllcal purpose


2 D1srnct J Township I I .:! Grban/Rural Urban Rural 2 D

5 Name of Household Head

6 Address

7 Sample Sena! Number

8 Total Household Member Male Fem al el.... _...____. Total I I q Status of Enumeration First Visit Second Visit 2 Third Visit 3 D


Date Date. Date

Remark Remark Remark Appendix 3. Members of HIES Steering Committee and Working Committee

1. Steering Committee

I. Dr. Sein Tin Director General Chairman 2. U Aung Myint Thein Deputy Director General Member 3. U Soung Tin Director Member 4. U Myint Thein Deputy Director Member 5 U Thein Tun Deputy Director Member 6 U Kyi Aye Deputy Director Member 7 U Mya Aung Deputy Director Member

8. U Khin Maung Myint Assistant Director Member 9. Daw Khin Khin Nyunt Director Secretary 10. U Ngwe Thein Assistant Director Joint Secretary

7 Working Committee

I. Daw Khin Khin Nyunt Director Chairman

2. U Thein Tun Deputy Director Member 3 U Kyi Aye Deputy Director Member 4. Daw Malar Tin Deputy Director Member 5. Daw Khin Thant Zin Deputy Director Member

6. Daw Yi Yi Swe Staff Officer( Stat.) Member 7. U Mya Thwin Staff Officer(Admin) Member

8. U Nyunt Shein Staff Officer(Stat.) Member

9. U Aung Myint Than Staff Officer(Stat.) Member 10. U Oo Tun Hlaing Staff Officer(Stat.) Member 11. Daw Cho Cho Myint Staff Officer(Stat.) Member 12. U Than Tun Staff Officer(Stat.) Member 13. U Ngwe Thein Assistant Director Secretary 14. U San Myint Staff Officer(Stat.) Joint Secretary Employed Persons

Employed persons include all those aged 15 and over who are working during the specified 7 days. Persons on leave are defined as employed.

Income by source

Main sources are employment income, entrepreneurial income. rental mcome. investment i·ncome, and transfer income.