
Writing a

A very very brief introduction The Plan

• Vocab • What is a movie ? • The basic movie • Writing a scene - examples and how-to Terms

• Screenwriter – Writes screenplay from an original idea or adapts from a book, etc.

• Screenplay – the written form of a movie (includes some info on acting/ placement/filming (vs script) Movie

• Nearly all movies have a narrative (at least those that make $) – the narrative = the story and the – stories may be common but plots change

Story Plot

Grimm’s Cinderella Pretty Women Shakespeare’s The Lion King Austen’s Emma Clueless Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Apocalypse Now The Hero’s Journey… Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Robocop, Wizard of Oz, Kill Bill… The Narrator

• In a movie, the camera is the primary narrator – & editing makes movies different: can make viewer choose what and how to see/understand the story

• Some movies have actual narrators – first-person narrator (voice-over (ex) and direct- address (ex)) – third-person narrator (omniscient (ex) and restricted) Characters • All film narratives depend on two essential elements: – (Obviously →) Need characters… and as important: – The needs to have a goal • The narrative cannot exist if the character does not have a goal – gives character something to do – gives a chance to get involved/care about the story • – the primary character who pursues the goal – usually referred to as a hero (sometimes an anti-hero) – narratives like imperfect characters = imperfections provide obstacles (aka: character flaws) • Name movie you are familiar with. The basic narrative structure:

→ motivated protagonist → pursues a goal → encounters obstacles → resolution Organizing the Story

• For a 2 hour film:

• Most narratives can be broken into three basic parts: first sets up the story, second (longest) act develops the story, and third act resolves it First Act

• Tells what kind of story it is by establishing a “normal world” – lays out rules of the world we are about to experience – characters established, something about protagonist’s situation

• Inciting Incident – something will occur to change the normal world and set protagonist on pursuit/ mission/ quest… – presents the character with the goal to drive the narrative – most are easy to spot (w/in first 10-15 min) (ex) Second Act • Second act is the story/the pursuit of the goal (ie: Will Dorothy get back to Kansas?) – the want to learn what/how keeps the viewer engaged – we want the answer to be yes (Dorothy does get back to Kansas) • but ironically, if goal was quick/easily attained, the story is over: needs – the story depends on obstacles • an • not always a villain, sometimes not human (127 Hours, Jaws, Jurassic World)

– stakes need to rise • The deeper we get in the story, the greater the risk to the protagonist • building toward a peak/turning point • at peak, the goal is in its greatest jeopardy Third Act

and solution, loose ends tied – the climax comes when the protagonist is at the greatest risk (the most impressive event in movie) – best stories have an unexpected solution – resolution/dénouement Structure Analysis

• The King's Speech • The Matrix • E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial The Screenwriter • The screenwriter builds the narrative structure, creates every character, all the , every line of dialogue, and creates the – with the fewest lines possible • each page of script represents ~one minute of screen time

is unique, you don’t have the luxury of: – giving background – giving explanations – … you cannot write in a script what the audience can't see or hear • you can't write: "He thinks about his girlfriend..." in an ACTION line or "(thinking of wife)" in a PARENTHETICAL because we can't see or hear that Writing a Scene… • Example: Scream Psycho

• Homework: Sign-up for a Celtx account (a screenwriting program) – directions here Surprise v.

– surprise: being taken unawares, can be shocking and emotional response will be generally short-lived • there are no repeat surprises; can be surprised the same way only once – suspense: a more drawn-out experience, involves the audience

– Hitchcock