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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

7-13-1944 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1944). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2224.

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GA., THURSDAY, 13,1944 On Tuesday and Wednesday, July News, whlcb )'Ou to enct Statesboro Establlsbed 1917-ConlOlidated D_ber II. 1lIII0 spu"t prompta 17th and lSth, a two-day conference Eagle, Personal Us (J/{EEnNC� the stone as an act of rev.._ WIll be held at Teachers College under A;as�nSs::a��::d�::d::t����a:� of the of Purely and d...otion•••• Our exped_ auspices Georgia Congress Peterson Thanks -- A'ITEND In FIn . MAYOR TO a VISit with relatives Orlando, !1Jelween \' Parents and Teachers at service. ROTARY SELEcrS - -=-. � your Fred of vlslted Bulloch county fnends of Albert Voters For Support Mr. Ruth Skelton, of Jacksonville, Page, Reldsville,r Th e cool weather has arrived Just I •• � ? candidate for congress, Will relatives here the week WIth h's parents, Mr in bhe nick of time We were wonder- _ Cobb, of Bulloch CmCAGO MEFfING FIa J IS VISItIng dur-ing To The Oitiaens County --=== honor him With a ftsh fry FrIday WORKING GROUPS we would break our r Mae has I eturned and Mrs B V Page mil' If prormas Brannen- Thaye Monument Co. I WIsh to express to the voter. of MISS Ida Hagms at the home of Russ Waters, Next made the our snow fell Re- -I'. evenmg friends Leaves Here Sunday Mrs of Macon, spent sev, day big A Local Since 1922 children Year Bulloch county and to my to LIttle Rock, Ark, after spendmg Creech, 1,\1 � Industry near Brooklet; women and Committees For The member how we felt when we won- the distrtct my deepest In this week wIth her .: JOHN M. throughout To Participate The sometime at her home here. eral days parents, we would � THAYER Proprietor especially invited. dered If ever agum get -== Are Announced Monday By appreciation for the splendid confi­ Yeomans of Bulloch Candidates Albert Key, of the Merchant Ma­ m'fr and MELrs warm? of heat, the � 45 West Main Street PHONE as. Thirty-two graduates in the Democratic Naming Party Speaking college �14iE::iiir 439 Statesboro, dence given by you schools are now serving Newly InstaIled President after a MIss Kathllne of Suvan- has solved the problem county hIgh election 4th I es­ has rejcined hIS ship Denmark, pool really r primary of July Dorman will Ie... rines, Mr and Mrs C W Zetterower an- With the U. S Marmes, havmg ... Mayor Alf,ed the week end with her this year The youngsters (and the assumed the duties of hIS the support viSIt h rs Mr. Ora Key nah, spent Savannah HavIIIg pecially uppreciate loyal WIth mother, the water nounce the birth of a daughter, Joyce cently enhsted at tbe office; for to .ttend the grown-ups. too) enjoy every of Statesboro of my fnends, and shall ever be Sunday Chlcngo Mr and Mrs R P Stephens and mother, Mrs L T Denmark VISITS these came from States­ new offtce of president afternoon M,ss Edith Guill IS in Ann, May 24 MRS. CAMPANELLI youngsters to each of McLemore Visitors Portal' and Z. S Henderson at the grateful you. national Democratic conventlon tbe." the week at and Mrs Ernest spent Brooklet, Rell'lster' are spending MI Rushing of the and IS a most boro, Rotary Club, assure thut shall con­ son, Bobby, charge pool MISS Juha Carmichael has arrived FRIENDS IN VIRGINIA May I you J the week at the She has schools Monday announced CItI­ next week From here WIll go the Sea Island Hotel, Beaufort, S C several days dUllf>g charm IIIII' person organized regular meeting tmue to give to you and to each h.e from Chicago to spend three weeks who WII8 a Bulloch county club boys attehdmg Beach classes for the Mrs A J. Campanelh, ' roster of active commtttees who FIrst diatrict, the bost Gordon Woodcock, of Savannah, Solrns Hotel, Savannah swrmming '(tmy tots," Miss Is week hlB zen of the very direct to Atlanta to join the body of Wynn Briqe With her L state encampment at TIfton this and one IS ...mazed at the response SIster, Mr. 0 McLemore resident of this town for one year the service as your representa­ several this week WIth hIS Mrs S B Kennedy, of Metter, Anderson corn club will serve during. coming' year posalble will leave there In spent days IS enthusiastic about are E L. Jr, dolegates who she gets She sa Of Sgt. Steele Mr. A S. and MISS Mary Lo� and been her home tive m Congress W H Wood_ several days this week as the Kelly who has making' Ben Nesmith, pIg and [n addition to the president, off,cet:l\ parents Mr and Mrs spent her work She IS able to call all the member, Grady headed GonmOr Jill. Carmichael, McLemore in Savannah club 111- Smcerely, "pcclal cars, by of Mr and Mrs Cecil Kennedy (Macon Telegraph) Enaign Betty for the past few weeks club, and J R Gay, pIg r:4 club elected cock guest children by name, and has mude the poultry (tihe preVIOusly HUGH PETERSON WIll arrive for a VISit WIth Dyer, h. Alllall as chairman of tbe granp. Groover has returned stateraent that July 15th due to a shght Illness, left Monday member, together with Byron cluded B L. Becret&

,. of the Brooklet unit of the Georgia , Gets Copy of Times 7 State Guard, are representing this MDJTARY POLICE unit in n training course at Ft. Ben­ Then Two, Months Old . War Bonds ning, Ga. They will return some time VE HANDS FULL That news is still fresh regardless "ner an, this week. ItA � price and the Farmer of dates, is made manifest by a letter ,,!o T. J. Moses, of Bellville, III., spent Statesboro Soldier Listed received this week from one of our a few days last week with J. D. La­ Among Group in Africa by J. L. Tennant most valued subscribers now doing nier. Mr. Moses and Mr. Lanier were On Important Missioll Head, Dept. 01 Agricultural Economiu service in France. buddies in World War I and had not I COMPARE! Rhode leland Slate College Mediterranean Theatre-In Albert Powell was born and reared seen each other since. the armistice AFHQ, . North Africa police work is the same in Statesboro; when he was a right .;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:.1 was signed in November, 1915. ,.. as the world over. But there are a fellow and too small for per­ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kirkland, o{ young I in the manent and substantial farm management sug­ turns are small. A potato grow- S. visited Mrs. Kirk­ few added quirks to that job employment of Bamberg, C., SOUNDgesta that funds should be re­ er who put part his receipts Mediterranean as Uncle he was a helper in the Times office. "'nd's Mrs. J. Prectorius, Theatre, . mother, C. served now to provide for depre­ from the 1942 and 1943 crops into I Sam's hard-working militnry police­ Then he got big and went to bigger ciation, for insurance against risks, War Bonds will find such a re- last week, Mr. Kirklandis in the Red in a men there have discovered. His last and biggest job is and for expected future outlays. serve is extremely helpful Cross dlvision of the U.S. service and jobs. Bonds is one of low A few hun- the Germans in' the in�a­ The purchase of War year prices. duties. He ID one city for instance is located whipping Bonds are will leave soon for foreign of the best ways to conserve such dred dollars in War coast France. one of the U. S. Army's largest over­ sian battles on the of very useful when the farm family. has a brother in the U.S. Navy. , lavings. as a result seas It is the center of the He has been there for a long while, Every experienced farmer knows faces an emergency The Ladies Aid Society of the ports. of a serious illness or accident. concentration and the Times has been to his he must keep buildings in repair, Primitive church met with largest American troop going In for the future of the Baptist and that machinery wears out or planning -North and has a civilian address all the weeks. He writes each farm F. after- in Africa, it In our family or tlie business, Mrs. W. Hughes Monday becomes obsolete. present at last his first has will find reserves for a from population which has doubled since that long copy crisis. many of the needed operator noon. After a devotional the are desirable. Your Dates come and that it was to maintain the farmoullar,sp ant must specific purpose Mrs. XYI FINE QUALITY tlte war began. through, though one sixty-first Psalm, Hughes min- With it will be a provision or­ and reached him on be deferred. The lumber, With Uncle Sam It's up to the MPs to maintain dated April 29th for the education of children; with ducted the Bible study from Matthew. con-, der and in tbis heterogen­ June 28th-two months, yOU will note :������kin��"naJsu��lf:i���� another funds for retirement may During the social hour Mrs. Hughes discipline be With a man eOU8 must control -it was sbill fresh and interesting. must be used to produce foods and important. young served refreshments. Sta_p. community. They make especially, such reserves will fur- MAYONNAISE and fibre, build ships, airplanes. traffic, investigate accidents, You will be interested in Albert's nish the first for the pur- The Red Cross work day is Tuesday and provide the other goods ana payment No", ElleetiNl relations be­ a farmer u I com- gMerally maintain good letter, we are sure: services essential to the prosecu- chase of farm. A who a.'itemoon. ThcourtF h orf J y Pint will find Good Indeflnltel7 States and civil­ , owns the land he'opvates tween troops tion of the war. ing on Tuesday and heavy min on the Jar United Somewherc in Fraace, such a fund useful it and when an As our farm old­ 27°, RED STAMPS ians and Americans ulld other troops. machinery (lets have cut the crowd June 1944. Six 4-H Club will dairying contest Emma Jean withmit opportunity to purchase additional following Tuesday 28, girls represent by er, as bulldings go paint­ AS Ibru ZS ... Traffic control in itself is a big job. land short. next Tuesday at Dear Mr. Turner: Bulloch in the district 4-H Bohler. ing, and with minimum attention develops. Remember, XYZ SALAD county and motorcycles patrol' some This is just a line to let you know These girls have been doing club to other repairs, these needs Time Varies four o'clock. Everybody who is inter- Pint BLUE STAMPS Jeeps club contest being held in Savini ,I received first copy of the Douglas, work from two to five d When the war is over, our - - - 350,000 miles a year, mostly in streets that by IIrow. The time of the when mon- ested in the boys now serving in the Jar AS thru ZS and A6 in week. These are, left will make civilian year DRESSING Bulloch Times since coming here, Gu., girls the supervision of the h��n:sd:';:o�� Industries a�ain War Bonds available that were constructed not for modern �his ey to buy is armed forces is to be present. TRlPLB-PRKSH OUR pRJD& Mail has been very to stration A Savmg money and bulld­ urged STAMPS today's mail. Tight: De\V�ttu R'ggs, q�lIck. ngent. previous county goods. varies with. the type of farming. SUGAR vehicles and war, but for and R. son of I-Lb. donkey scarce so other than letters. To­ Rebecca contest has been held in which Ing a reserve through the' pur­ Is Staff Sgt. Thomas Bryan, far, brea�; RlChardso�, speaking; they On dairy farms income usually I , - - - 30-31-32 in chase of War Bonds now. will broad- horse-drawn carts. was the first that has arrived Roughton, clothing; Hazel were declared winner of their respect­ received monthly or semimonthly. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bryan Jr., BRE·AD 2 LN••• day Har:let . enabie a farmer to the equip­ Sugar Stamp No. 40 Good of these jeeps are equipped this section. The issue that came to­ Nevil, Betty Beasley, health, ive contest. They will compete with The expenses of .the poultry farm- cast a sh ort message from EngI and LmBY'B YELLOW Many r.�e; ar.d the other goods and was dated 29th; but even and breads. The some twenty-five counties in this dis­ ment er are heavy during ,the months 9-0s, for & Lbs. for Home Canning with two-way radios, which keep the day April Thet�s Brown, yeast which then will be avail­ and was heard by some of it was w.1I in the services chickens are raised. Tuesday though it was a little aged, county also be represented trict this week. that being - -. car. in constant touch with the pro­ able. citizens. .... a letter from Producers of cash crops have large tlte Brooklet Staff Sgt. Bry- MUSl�D stlll new,s and like .... as Sa Are BeneScla1 MOTT'S CJTRUB vost marshall's headquarters, just v1nga oull!'ys during the planting and an wrote his parents two weeks ago Brlns Ration home. from current in­ season. 2-Lb. You� cars in a American city around a bit since The savings groWing that he had completed his, forty- patrol large Have been good funds to re­ But is continuous. - Token. With You with­ and the P£E"�QE come should include wherever necessary arrival everywhere •• •• depreciation are directed . here, mission in his The mes- Jar my Denma,." household Therefore, of the type fourth plane. of destruction, Do'ngs place equipment BJld irrespective -"{fM-A�ADE a moment's time. country shows signs now When You Shop out loss of furnishings, to buy new equipment, of farming, definite provision sage Tuesday said he was taking in you carl see that Roosevelt, King and many places NEW"OBLEANS 6.0E6E�S to instaU a water a should be made to reserve in War Escorting President rather for and system. a rest , the war has been tough at Denmark Friends o.t Mrs. DeLooch will from period. " Gen­ Regular canning days Clevy centrnl electricity. Bonds of the receipta aeorge VI, Genera] Eisenhower, the towns 1 have heating plant. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. of States- "Jerry." Some of are and Thursdays. be interested to learn that she is im­ which will seles arartcrops, livestock, or' live- Jones, and cannery Monday or some other service eral Sir Henry Maitland-Wilson, been are almost completely stock bore, entertained Saturday with a through Mr. arid Mrs. :T. L. Lamb visited proving after having a se­ in Flavor add to the convenience' and com­ products. celebrites while in others the marks undergone U�CHANGED a"cJ.J�f;r�Q.Jdh United States War Banda may of Mrs. O. numerous other generals, destroyed. fort at family living. Iove Iy d inner in honor Have found Mr. and Mrs. George Brown Sunday. rious operation at Bulloch County amounts and are other are almost unnoticeable. t... will be bought in various Mrs. Otis and visitors assignments AMERICAN CO., A back-log in War Banda Willingham and Mr. lInd ,Down Produce Lane to be and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rushing and Hospital. COrFEe (nc""Nor �rlea"", are redeemable. For every mill; the French very friendly to the farm business $3.00 have fallen to this group of. help carry of Jackson and Dr. and Mrs. C. cases with visited and Mrs. J. A. S. lie Norman Woodward has re­ , invested, $4.00 will be returned at Ball, th�t in co-operative family Mr. a year in which expenses most. ,,:ery through the end of 10 year.. They are of who were tary policemen, the Alhed armres, Denmark Su d turned to at Fla., the returns. Ia M. Warnock, Atlanta, nay. camp, IPcnsacoln, exceed of . Farming invasion . The rate compare. after the has been over a few tim.eS', J.,.. -;;�..n;;u;;;;;;;;-;:;;;";:,:�� �..c.o:..t. ... u..r._'",,,,';;';;"; safe. .interest of Mr. and Mrs. LARGE FIRM ICEBERG Immediately "Jerry" of a with hi. to many hazarda. A few guests in the home M�rgaret Ginn, Savannah, aIter spending week par­ IUbject . at . . , favorably with tl:at from savina_ North Africa this group made the but most of the time it has been of the risks are R. H. Warnock. Others preseat were wIth her Mr. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Woodward . price changes, in War Banda hear a over- spent Saturday parents, ents, deposita. Investing first of highways throughout night. When you plan. unfavorable weather, the outbreak finance the war. Follow- Frankie Lou Warnock and Miss survey Mrs. Ginn. He also visited relatives in Savannah helJltl to Miss • head and look up to find that it is and J. H. a destruc- • • . \ of the attack of will 2 heads 15c for the Transportation Sell Your Car At Auction with the Robson dlaease, the war, sueh pro- L:,ET'TUCE, region a feel· and ing savings Ruth Warnock. th�ir of it sure you Mr. and Mrs. C:W. tlettcl'ower and Stilson while here. ttv. Insect, and the IUdden'lllness the farm with the Dorothy 'I'uniaian cam­ �Jne ou�s, give� vide operator Corps. During the I have an Idea of what At the third meeting of of relief. were S un d diInner guests of of ahe operator. Growe.. of cash cash to buy for his quarterly Yellow Green Cooking 109 y ay Motor Co., of Lyons, each Tuesday I IJiIprovements Tender many of the men worked day it must have been like in other .croPII that_pricn vary from farm and home; to educate his the Brooklet-New Hope charge held at paign, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones. ...�w men and matarial where the Allie. did not have Bulloch Man Sale Starts at 2:01) O'clock.' , and to escort theatres Promptly 1U y,'" Savin.. lilt aaida chi!drell' and to do the other T. R. Jr. 13c lbs, .. .25c night little Young Oliver Sunday, Mrs. Bryan 2 Ibs. APPLES,..2 Most of the nights Mrs. M. E. Ginn and daugh­ eUiI when Jirlcea are rela­ whlch he or his family wlah SQUASH, to 'the battlefront. .air superiority. things leader to are awhile was elected lay represent are in foxholes .for protection ter, Marie, spending with Is Gunnery Officer' hIIh. WUl help to carry the to undertake, at a time when 100M the spent COL. HOLLY ROliSON, Aucti�neer I conference. In air raids, military police shells. One would in Missis- , to the at the annual from bombs and Mr. who is stationed U!rouIh • ,.... when ra- may be dlftIcult obtain. charge !I. S. No.1 Yellow ORANGES "sub­ Ginn, Air Mountain Home, ) I to . Army Field; .• are immediately dispatched have to be on this beachhead to real. PHONE 4161 LYONS, GAo ence. Mrs. W. D. Lee was chosen alter- srpp. serve as mes­ is . S.-Second Lt. Herbert 13c Fla. 5 lbs. . ... stations" where they ize what a tremendous job being Idaho, ,July. L nate. At this mooting F. W. Hughes 2 ·Ibs•...... Valencia, 35c. Mrs. Jerome Davis has returned to �!!!:�===::======:_:======u:.:s:.T:_==":D:':"':_:::=�' ONIONS, in such small This is one sengers, escorts for done place. son of H. B. was re-elected of the I. ;. ammunition after a visit· with Mr. C. Bailey, Bailey, RFD, , superintendent new 5 Ibs., 49c same reall.y put Covington, La., Calif., crop' and assistant air raid war­ time when Uncle his trucks, little detail Mrs. R. P. Mille.' and .ther rel- has been stationed Methodist Sunday school, making Tender Green SNAP mass production in every and Statesboro, Ga., •• .. ' .. S�I:.1 •.••on • ', office. Hard dens. in that Green Head that came here. Sauln"s fourteenth year up. atives . at ,the Mountain Home Army Air SANITATION as a member of this contin­ and Christian 2 Ibs. . 23)! Listed The food is very good here, and The Woman's Society of BEA.NS, C. A. Zetterower grandson, Buse us an assistant gunnory officer. .... name I 2 Ibs. 9c from appears the now I am in an aban- CABBAGE, gent Georgia right sleeping lin. J. F. the week lInman a student at North Service met with Mrs. W. D. Lee and Gilbert of Savannah, visilled Lt. entered the Is All , Spence apent Newman, barn with no roof. so I guess I Rushing, Bailey military Selected of Zachariah T. Allen, of Statesboro. doned Jmportant Wrens. the H. the Loo home Firm as Mr. and Mrs. Lehman Zetterower dur- and has ad with relatives at Georgia Collegoe, Dahlonega. spent Mrs. J. Wyatt .at California Long White Bakillg have no reason to complain long service 2Q. 1937, !leptember We have Ibe anI,. STER(LIZING and Mrs. B. Par­ week . lIis. 'Iris Lee hu returood from week end with' his parents, Mr, Monday afternoon. W. 17c as the barn lasts. ing the a�tended the army air forces schools 27c town of .. I which in­ T�MATOES·lb POTATOES, 5lbs Your {riend, W. Jones and Bil- ROOM In upahle eetlq _lvanla &fter visitIng Mr. and .Mrs. Mrs. J. 1. Newman. rish gave the Fifty-Ton Carload Mr. and Mrs. W. at I..IoW"ry Field, Colorado, and arma­ devotionalr ALBERT POWELL. Board of Uealth the . reqaJre.. a fur­ Prom­ and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Zet­ and Georgia --� ' T. Hartsfield. After spendIng cluded congregational singing. lie ment schools at Yale University . O. fifteen-day or Sunkist Jenn, .' Red BaH U. S. No.1 White Mineral Received a and Mrs. �� - talk of Mr. lin. Bob Pughsley and son, Oscar, lough withi his parents, Mr. and !'!Jrs. inent on the program was by tel'oW'ar were guests Fort Fla. He received his which are be­ Meyers, .. tons of minerals the mis­ _ .... Ibs. 42c of the Itava returned from Fla., A. B. Burnsed, Lt. H. B. Burnsed bas Mrs. J. H. Griffeth reviewing ... 25c POTATOES, 10 A concrete evidence impor- fift� Cliff Brundage last Sunday. commission as sccond lieutenant on LET US TAKE TUB MOTHS .AND Jacksonville, LEMONS, d.oz. \ the farmers of Africa. Too " and in- ing distributed among where they visilled relatives. left for Santa Ana, California. sionary work done tance of the livestock poultry Mr. and Mrs. Jack DeLoach and 15, 1943. Before entering serv­ GERMS FROM YOUR ctoo'.BBB. i,\ their and Juiy into a was this section for cattle,' hogs After a visit with relatives here, Among the 4-H clubsters leaving society was later converted dustry in Bulloch county pointed other of Charleston, S. C., ices at the Mountain Home Army Air is a con­ relatives, nice H. Fifty tons right PHONE 55 Mae of N. is nOw for to enter the silver tea at which time a collec­ out to us a of days ago by poultry. of Mr. and Mrs. Clevy he was stationed at Peterson lin. Cone, Rost, C., Thursday Douglas couple to were gu..sts Field when siderable if you want of relatives at Marlow. state contest aYe Miss Theti" Brown, tion of silver was added to the treas­ Fir8t i.. FI,..,.r local Wntkins man, quantity, week end. til. guest J. Simpson, that DeLoach during the Field, Fla. Cleaners hour DBVILED HAM of hi" know. Mr. Simpson explained BOWEN'S Dry: Wolfe will leave this Miss R"becca Riclfard­ At the close of the social he called attention to a carload Prior to his enlistment he was a Mrs. Howard quick bread; ury. to Misses June and Janice Miller have the had been made direct for ber home in New and MiRS Beas­ the hostesses served ·refreshments. Con standing on the railroad shipment the Brooldet J. E. ("Buster") BOWENI Prop. ....ek Orleans, son, speaking, Betty No.! merchandise returned from a visit With their graduate of High 'SchOOl, L'IB'BY'S ,140 DOU,BLE-FRESH in a solid carlot, and from was the honoree of street from the Statesboro career &filer visiting her father, J. E. ley, health. Jackie Proctor CALUMET BAKING trnck ncross tI.e Mrs. Alice and Brooklet, Ga., and dedicated his La., distributed to a num- grandmother, Miller, Mrs. Robinson and his mother here was being Willette a by office. . Brannen. Mr. and lovely party given I-Lb. Pkg. Times other relatives in JacksonvUle, Fla. to farming. 190 of ber of counties. James Earl T. Mc_ children, A. W. HI and Mary Ann, of Saturday afternoon in celebration of 'POWDER This carload, he said, consisted nearlly Henry Beasley, DEL MONTll DIem I Lain Jr. and John Edward McLain Dove;, and �iss Annie Ruth Martin, his birtbday. The afternoon's outdoor 16-Cbo .III, CIO,FFE1E with "ve returned to Wagner, S. C., after of Georgia Teachers Col",ge, were games were interspersed punch CARROTS 130 3·MUfUTE .,.nding several days with their aunt. dinner guests Sunday of th"ir par­ and cookies served by Mrs. Proctor. lin. C. S. Proctor. ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Martin. Those present were Billy Harvey, ! 14-0z. Pkg; ·80 oJ­ GRITS. G,O'LD Sarah Alice Lanier, Sarah Elkm La- POMPElAN SILVER,; Brannen, Ann nier, Jerry Beasley, Joy :j: OIL 3-0,,- lot. 230 Lanier, Betty Jones, Billy Lockhart, oJ­ OLIVE LAB'EL LABEL Brooklet Br'e"s CUT-RITB WAXBD I Sarah Hinton, Ronnie Griffeth, Bar­ 125·Ft. Roll MRS. F. W. HUGHES, Reporter. bara Griffeth, Iris Aycock, Gilbert Ay­ PAP,ER • 150 20-KULB nAIl cock, Joan Denmark, Marylin Moore, 2 �:� 490 2 �:� 41or, Sgt. Daniel B. Campbell s,ent �he W. L. Beasley, Mrs. G. P. GroollU!, Jerome Jones, Don­ ,kg. Kay McCormick, •• a 100 Howard and Miss UI­ BORAX week end with his mother, Mrs. J. S. Mrs. L�ssiter ald Durden, Pamella Howard, Billy dine visited relativ'es in Sa­ Campbell. • Tyson and June Mc­ MACARONI OR 8PAOlIET'n GEORGIA Robertson, Foy Howll4'd ARMOUR'S STATESBORO, vannah this week. Mrs. W. W. Mann has returned Cormick. 12-0.. 6-0,,- a relatives Loran Mrs. S. W. - - from few days' visit with Sgt. Harrison, l'REEl Con '330 H'BL�SUM Pkg. Harrison aad Harrison visited 8UP'RJDIZ \ ill Atlanta. Myron SWIPr'6 BAlLKYJB Mi�s Helen Collins of Reidsville, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Harrison, of Lex­ 12-0.. l-Lb; -- - 'Pent a few days with Mrs. E. L. ington, Ky., last week. PREM Con 330 COF,FEE log the Season MAID swm:T 1944 GEORGIA for Warnell Joe Har­ ¥IX Tobacco· Harrison this week. Denmark, Jones, ORANULA!J'ZD the Sale of Your 22-0s, Solicit 5-Lb. Gloria Ellen Howard spent a few ry McCormick and Tom Howard are - clays with her aunt, Mrs. Bird, of "!lending this week at Strachan Boy S'UG'AR P-c».r 310 ·P,I'&KLES J., WONDER PEANUT Statesboro, last week. Scout Camp, Savannah. PLOR.lDA GOLD ORANO. we work to the top price on\ every Miss No.2 know how hard get Miss Christine of Savan­ Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Warnock, - sold with us,. you Grooms, - - If you have .lI!'h, visited her mother, Mrs. Geo. P. Dorothy Ruth Warnock and Billy JU'ICE Con 180 B:UllER QUADR PUPFED iSI all we a�k CLEANS AND a trial GropllU!, last week end. Warnock, of Allan"" are guests of BLEA� if haven't sold with us, Warnock. Quoft pile; you M. C. Leslie, of Folkston, was a Mr. and Mrs. R. H. - - Iottl. 170_' WM·EAT mitor here this week. Mr. Lesli" was Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Parker and CLGROX Parker of Ft. Lauder­ once a citizen of this town. Mrs. J. E. Jr., 24th Mrs. W. L. Beasley, Janelle Beas­ dale, Fla., were guests of Mr. and Monday, July Ii Opens this Market1 ley and Wanda Lassiter visited rela­ M.·s. W. O. Denmark week. tives in Savannah this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Parrish and MEATS O·E ItIER"T Mrs. G: W: Bird and daughter, Misses Martha Rawis and Natalie halle FIRST SJlLE at 9:00 a. m. on Opening Dar J4artha Ann, of -S'tatesboro, visited Parrish, of Sandersville, are visiting Co"" at Fox,ha'" \ GRADE A. GRADE , 14 Points Mrs. Harold Howard last week. Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Parrish this week. Rob'ert and Jerry Minick under­ M·:. and Mrs. R. H. Warnock enter­ STEW MEAT, lb. .20c ROUND STEAK, lb. a I went operations Wednesday in the tained with lovely supper Saturday I" tbe Selection 0/ 1 20th. for tonsils. night in honor 01\ Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ STREAK-O-LEAN 6 Points Tobacco Bulloc]) . County Hosplt�1 will Tuly were Mrs. receiving Mrs. an­ man who We hursda,y, Mr. Willis Williams Kirkland, visiting a c5'tConumenL lb. . 21c begin apd .' BACON, CHUCK lb 28c nounce the birth of a son on July 8th J. C .. Preetorius. ROAST, at Oglethorpe Hospital, Savan- Lt. H. M. Robertson and Mrs. Rob­ :. _.... bIodu SlIlOKED load �he . rASTY season and sell your first _ the IlBh. ertson and little daughter, Amelia, 01 ..tole- 1Ioor .,.._..I doop.­ fb 30c Start right _ and oonotituto SAUSAGE, . Misses Betty and Ellen Parrish of Great'Lakes, 111., arrived this week .... _" t>I dGr. PIG LIVER, lb...... 22c _Ie 01 .. _Id. n Lt. .... IaIayo .... US-'on '" have return�d from ten-days' visit to xisit Robel'tson's father, Mayor 3KINLESS of Tcbacco with Opening pay Parrish in 'olEATY wtth Mrs. Wayne Sanders­ H. M. Robertson. __ 10 wiry � ...... oIio.Id be tot­ lb. Mrs. of 1M ... d•• tt Is a WIENERS, .3Qc " "ille. George Chance, Memphis, .. teIectJoa lga. ..,.. NECK �ONES, lb. 9c Miss Betty Upchurch has returned Tenn., and Miss Grace McElv�en, spe· ... well • a .-erker. and the 3MOKED from the Bulloch County Hospital, cialist (S) of the U. S. service, Wash­ �rkll 11 0" that symbolize. the chor.

co_.lDOra...... a _...... oae it lb. . 25c FRESH SEA POODS wbere she underwent tonsil oper­ ington, D. C., are visiting thell' moth· I RIB MEAT, Nos. 1 &. 2 ation. Mrs. W. L. McElveen. enabl..... Wa�ehouses er, ..., pan experience ®. Foxhall , Hall ... the­ Miss Henrietta has returned Mrs. S. E. Gob!e hu" recently talked yow ao.nd od IUI i. Cobb .,. from a visit to b"r brother, Clifford over telephonc to her husband, En� • _ PPl'Opriaf. destgft. H. P. Owners and Pr"ps• who is in the U. S, service in S. E. who has .",turned w. E. Co"" and Foxhall., Ball, sign Goble, I CROUSE & JONES :Virgini". .from overseas to New York. Mrs., I VINE STREET BAST L. of Tex­ Goble thinks tha't he get a Lt. and Mrs. J. Kolenda, may feW'1 Representing 'i'to v.sit his as, and Miss Ruby lotanier, of Savan­ d I\ys fur ough family ROBERTS MARBLE CO- ' nah, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. La­ Lt. E. C. Mitcham., Sgt. Johnhere'jMc- _ nier iast week. Cormick, PV.t. Drigg-el's and Pvt. Denl, . .NEWS 'l'HlJRSDA.Y, JULY 13, 1944 BULLOOB ,�.;AND I: �ATESJlORO •

'JIIMES AND . . � ======THU=;.;;':;.;;S_D;;-A;;-Y;;,-;;JUL=.:,:Y;:;;;;1::3'::1;;;N;;' Swimming Party ST;:A=1ISIJO�·=R::O=N::E:W8=· ., • of BROTHERS IN SERVICE Ann Water. entertolned a group NOW IN ENGLAND BiG her friends with a luncheon Saturday BULLOCH TIMES at the home of her parents, Mr. and Woodrow AND SQUARE DANCE Mrs. Loy Waters, on f've­ dinner EVERY nue. After a delicious chicken BTATESRORO NEWS .. ; THE the guests enjoyed games until 3 ' First and Third when went to the l' .. returned Miss Bird Lieut Bob O'clock, they pool. :md-nor &04 Own.r Mrs. Callie Thomas spent Mrs. Dalton Kennedy has Betty Foy.and D. B. TURNER, served FRIDAY NIGHTS Carmen Cowart After the swim they were at Savannah Beach. from' a few days' visit in Atlanto. Chamberlain, Miss More IIUB8CRlPTION .1.60 PJIIR Y1DAR and Jack Averitt and Miss cookies and candy. GOOD MUSIC Mrs. of was Major Ellis, Camp Stewart. Betty punch. Leroy Cowart, Atlanta, Henry went Barr games were played, then they a end with his family Gracc Hodges and Lieut. Dick maller lIarch GOOD CROWDS here Saturday. spent the week �red u l8Oou4-o1... visitor Lee won at. Stal__ formed a at to the show. Virginia Floyd .. 1101. at the pOltofftce Mrs. William Everett and son John here. Pllrty having supper 01 COOP-M. of '_ro. Gao, uDder the Act. Savannah even­ the high prize, a bo� dusting Starts 9:30 P. M. of are Mrs. B. Savannah, is RemJer's in Saturday .....11 I. 1m. Brunson, S. C., Visitin� Mrs: J. Burns, Qf at and Ann Remington second AT John Everett. visiting her sister. Mr•. Roy Black- ing. powder, I Those Dadisman and chil­ which wns candy. pres­ Brooks Edwin who has burn. Mrs. Howard high. Baxter, jOiA- Nor­ Zones returned to their home in ent were Jan Gay, of Register; The Two Age State Guards' Armory ed is stotioned at Mrs. J. T. Lee, of Sylvania, is vis- dren have the-marines, Sbeeps- S. Shir­ T. W. Jefferson alter a visit with h�r father, ma Johnson. Charleston, C.; been GA. head Bay, New York. iting her daughter, Mrs. Rowse, THAT MAN DEWEY who has I STATESBORO, Banks, S. and Miss Sadie Moore. ley Lanier. Patsy Odum, Patty as , Mrs. Bryant, of Brunswick. and Mr. Rowse, L. Moore, chosen by the Republican porty Guy Sue Kennedy, Vir­ for S. L. Moore Jr. has returned to his Ann Remington, spent a few last week with Mr. Ensign Bob Darby left Monday standard bearer for the presidency'. days Barbara Ann Bran­ Its will in Fort after a ginia Lee Floyd. de­ and Mrs. Charles Ft. Schuyler. N. where he be home Wayne, Ind., to huve definitely Bryant. Y., Fannie Joe aeems pretty lind sister nlso. Emily Williams and Miss of stationed for sometime. visit with his father nen. to d 1'0 W 0 line between youth Betty Donaldson, Register, elded is Smith. campaign. spent last wcek with relatives in John Ford Mays, signalman 3/c. and age in the forthcoming Macon. a rew days with his par- Outdoor STRICKLAND In Statesboro spending Supper OUTDOOR SUPPER SGT. WALTER of acceptance he is enter­ In his address Edwin of Charleston. S. ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Mays. Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Hodges the Mrs. E. Banks, A delightful affair among SOli of Rev. and J. the as stressed pre­ Mrs. Lanier is at a outdoor of his arrIva quoted having C., spent the week end with Mrs. convalescing tained with delightful outdoor supper has notified his parents Strickland, STEPHENS Rex, young sct was the the na­ .. Churches .. invasion foreel. in present a tonsil U.S. ponderance of age Banks her home here following op- chicken supper Wednesday. Jul� 5th, Miss in France wIth Wat­ here. Wednesday evening by likewise the ur; has notified his wife, Mrs. Inez given tional leadership, and Miss Amanda of eration in Claxton Wednesday. two Gunnersmute of a of Register, of his safe Hughes, Millen, honoring nephews, Barbara Franklin at the home LOST-Lady's bill fold contaln!nr incrensed presence son Stephens. Mrs. J. for the Paul Jones and . return need He has been in METHODIST CHURCH was the week-end guest of Miss Dor- Mrs. John 3/c Charles M. Hodges, of New York, P. G. amount of money and rent arrival in England. h"r parents, Dr. and Mrs. Prank- small seems to have Savannah as waa ot young men-which service the sixteen months Pastor. Wilson. F. Land spent Sunday in and Johnnie of Graniteville, and railroad to point Texas; the past REV. L. E. W'ILLIAMS, othy Hodges, a to Misses Vera �icket !n us courtesy near in his Service Co. 'lin, In street th. been the strongest plank per­ and is with the visited the of Mr. and Mrs. James Waters. S. C. Those present were Gunners­ Del. dropped pOSSIbly. ]0:15 a. m. Church achool; Marvin Mrs. Henry Ellis dur-ing guests Vivian Franklin. of Wilmington. finder Mr. son Mr. and Wednesday mornmg; Just where this He is the of Lois Brannen has re- and Elmira Johnnie postoffice sonal platform. (Special). It 8. Pittman, superintendent. past week with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miss Mary mate Hodges Lee, and danc- rewarded for return the dead­ J. A. Stephens. in Following supper will be suitably is to Mrs. 11:80. Morning worship turned. from a visit with friends and Eliza Brannen, Billy Lee contest� and Norrl, Dewey going eatnblish Ellis in Eastman. Hodges featured the entertainment, to MRS. KARL MEREDITH, fail­ m. service. ing did not announce. His 8:80 p. Regular worsliip arrived Monticello and Atlanta. Frances Mr. and MTs. line, he Miss Nonnie Hogarth has Locust Grove, and J. Hodges, were Hotel. HERE FROM OVERSEAS music at each service. thirty-five guests present. I (29jun,!!:) matter clear thus Special Mrs. Fred Smith and Ann ure 'to make the from Miami to spend sometime with Mrs. H. P. Jones. Dorris Cason, Bobby and Cason, Lieut. Joe Joyner has arrived Holland, organi8t and director. situation where it (jg) Borer several days this lIIalon leaves the right her Mre. S. W. Lewis. Bobby Smith spent Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brannen, from North African waters, where he sister. man to decide the class with Miss Minnie nnd was-for each Miss Eva Belle of Syl- week in Conyers and Joe Robert Brannen, Mr. fourteen months and is visit­ Cameron. belongs. Few spent CATHOLIC nnd to which he pernosallp is her cousin, Mrs. C. Smith. , Mrs. John L. Akins. John Roger with Mrs. Joyner at the home of The Catholic services are held every vester, visiting that they hav'; ing Brannen has returned Os­ men wiIJ recognize Deal. o'clock in the B. and Mr. McAllister. Mrs. Lem Carl Akins. MI·s. Doyce Dominy. her parents, Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Sunday morning at 9 McAllister. of to per­ two-weeks' visit with Mrs. Mrs. passed the ago competency Catholic mission 553 South Mr. and Mrs. Z. Whitehurst had as from a sie Hodges and Mr. and Hodges. After a few weeks here he will go center, realms, Some con­ her borne in Jack- form within certain Main street, Statesboro. For the their during the week his sis- Wilma McRae at to refresher school at Miami. guest to mass said at are not able-bodied enough venience of soldiers', is Savannah. sanville. Dinner who tel'. Mrs. Yates Little, of Birthday Air Base on at END I the Statesboro Sunday several en­ yes WEEK render onc class of service, may HERE FOR and Mrs. Lyman Dukes, of Mrs. Jack Burney spent The children of Frnrie Lanier m. and on and Friday .T/Sgt. in other important Charles Brooks McAllister 7:30 a. Monday week with her be very efficient Lieut. the week end during the past tertained for him with a birthday at 6:30 a. m. All are invited to at­ Camp Stewart, spent days of itsclf is neither a returned to Camp Gordon John­ M Whigham, in realms. Age has tend. with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Edenfield. mother, .... George dinner Sunday celebrating his sixty­ ,neither is youth, Fin" after u week-end visit with dinner virtue or a crime; ston, Mrs. Hugh Edenfield wiJI arrive Bartow. fi;st birthday. A sumptuous Mc­ matter. All of us will recall Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mrs. Turner have Those tor that his parents. next week from Missouri for a visit Mr. and George was spread at noon. present men to some old Allister. He was accompanied her sister, Mrs. Jimmy Oscar Murtin and In our memory right with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Edenfield. as guests .were Mr. and Mrs. of to be listened to; and Tallahassce Sunday night by his and small daughter, Jan, Leland Haygood .tIll worthy ClassifiedAds Mrs. George Mathis and son, By- Adams, son, Mr. and Mrs. mind Warnell Sto­ likewise of us will have in mother and their guest, Mathis are Cordele. Mr. and' Mrs. Leon An­ many PVT. SLATON LANTER ron. and Miss Virginia and family, whose judgment and Mt. Fla. Helen and Oatherlne Rowse Mr. and Mrs. C. lome youngsters rey, of Dora. Pvt. Jack E. Lanier, U.S.A., and today and tomorrow in Au- Misses derson and family, spending in Cedar- werc far from are the week end and Mrs, R. C. counsel perfection, Pvt. W. Slaton Lanier, U.S.A -, will spend' M. Donaldson, Mr. SAVANNAH BEACH TA.RIf )l'OR LR88 THAll gusto. AT W. If0 AD of Miss sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lanier, ClRlfT8 A W.... Mrs. Arthur town .and attend the wedding and Mr. and Mrs. Misses Mary Iler, Sarah Lois and TWRIf"Y-JI'lvR Mrs. Bannah Cowart, Bennett family, So what does Mr. Dewey propose of Nevils. Pvt. Jack Lanier has been PAYABLR Ilf ADVAI'ICl. \ sev- Hunt. and Mr. and accompanied Clyde and Mrs. J. A. Bunce spent Eloise Charlie Hodges family, this matter? We shall rueSI Louise Olliff, by in service since March 12. 1943. He '- Riggs arrive In . to do . Simmon. wiJI and Mr. and Mrs. their last week with relatives in Miss Evalyn. Mrs. P. M. Hodges reasoned that there are more Williams, visited grandmother, received his basic training at Ft. eral days be haa from New York to spend Ann and Savannah Leonard Mo., and for the past COWS SALE. BOYD'S Friday Frarie Lanier. the 111l� than above Mrs. Mary Iler, Wood, MILK FOR Atlanto. Homer men nnder old-age with her Mrs. were ten months he has been with the U.S. STABLES. (13julltp) who has been visiting awhile mother, out flattery on Beach July 4th, wbere they Bobby Peck, It, .nd that by doling in England. Pvt. W. Slaton Sr. - the El­ engineers .WANTED one bushel of pickling friends left Sunday with Simmons Dinner he will have ap­ joined by Mrs. Margaret Turner, here, and Birthday tbls age question Lanier was inducted Dec. 28, 1948, at Ft. and Mrs. Phil Hamilton who Misses Uldine Doa', n_.-r dre..makiul peaches. MRS. LOY WATERS. Guard for a w""k'. drill at Mr. John B. Skinner, yeoman l/c, than he will eanor Foy and Hinely now stationed at Ft. Leonard IWIJ Stote to more voters and is Furniture spent the week pealed Waters Co. (13juI1te) little daughter, Nancy, a seven-day furlough at naturally and Annette Johnson. who had reser­ Mo. He is also with the U.S, Benning. I. spending, driven away. It will Woo!!, ..• Mrs. bave ..._ priDti dreuy, yel limple SALE-Mathushek upright pi­ and Rochelle with his mother, with a Prior to induction they a..eJ, FOR Mrs. D. C. McDougald and Ann end in home, was honored lovely that In to come vation. at the Beach. engineers. C. follow, then, years Jones ano in condition. MRS. E. home were both employed with the in IIIId good are in' Olax- Bess Hamilton. dinner Sunday at the on the ... dul.. Waabahle EDk. nyon. naY)' AI McDougald visiting birt�day there will be party declarations Ga. , WATKINS, Brooklet, Ga. (l3jullte) Miss Oonstructton ce., Brunswick, Mr. and Mrs. Dun- Mr. and Mrs. Don Brannen, Mr. and Mrs. BioI'S SCOTl' RAISED . I as of of his parents, so drawn !FRED mare mule ton guests with the lines 16-44.• Bow. .' SALE-A Brannen m.tter of age. Wack. Right. FOR good and were Misses RANK OF CAPTAIN Lert. Plnmage print. Helen Brannen Johnny Skinner. Those present number TO qualities; a child can can McDougald. II to take in the rreatest cheap; good week at Daytona BIRTHDAY PARTY former residenb of are spending this and Martha Sue Skinner, Mrs will be interested to learn kMt I� and balf-eiaea, 16%.22%. work her. B. R. OLLIFF. (13juI3tc) J. E. Howard. a Maggie votere. Fri�nds Paul Jones entertained priol, of Seaman and Mrs. Skinner of elirible Mrs. John three at Fort Lau- Beach as guests Mrs. J. W. that Fred W. 'Scott, Statesboro young SYRUP FOR SALE-I have Statesboro. �ow living Inman Beaslcy, an informal the been with party during Georgia cane relatives here Bill Brannen. and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howell, man overseas, has pro­ hundred gallons good derdale, Fla., is visiting family, serving the of her I fam- lieutenant week in honor of birthday fo� sale. B. R. OLLIFF. Thomas and daughters, and Skinner and moted from rank of first syrup during the week. Mrs. Taylor Mr. Mrs, Lloyd The Pack Mrs. J. F. Land. Cream and to Woodcock and Stick With has daughter, (13juI3tc) and Mrs. J. and have returned 'Mr. and Mrs. Leo to that of captain, and that he Mrs. Dalton Kennedy Joan Sally, ill', cake were served. Enjoying the occa; SALE-Part Jersey milk cow, Atlan- after Keel and !teen "for mer­ FOR have returned from home in Atlanta spending Mr. and Mrs. Grady IN RECENT WEEKS there has been awarded an air medal milker. Z. Patrick their family, sion were Mr. and Mrs. James Branan,' calf about month old; good Dr. Mrs. Worth Skinner dis­ FIRST were of month here with Taylor's Mr. and Mrs. on sort of one-sided achievement while partici­ SHOP llENRY'S where they guests a family, going a itorious Mrs. Wil­ 'f • J. WALTER DONALDSON, Register, ta, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Clifton. DeLoach. Mr. and Mr.. Monnie the word performing . K. Jenkins. Mrs. W. H. and family, as to the meaning of in aerial flight by Ga. (13julltp) and Mrs. M. '. mother, euaeion pating Mrs. Lanier and and the observa­ liam Philips, Sidney Watkins and small' Simmons Jr. has re- Mrs. Roger Newsome son, Durden Those wordy In - five fi;"ld artillery - Residence lot fac- Mrs. Harry Mrs. Homer Gay, Democracy. mQst thirty and Miss FOR SALE daughter, Laurel Tate, Olliff have ar- Mr. and Mrs. Lessie who believe the dur­ ':======�======:::=====;::====::-:======� on street in of Chicago, visit with her Joe Martin; are those tion sorties against enemy east paved daughter, Susan, turned from a mother, matter visibly : ing Mrs. to Jackie Jackson. MRS. D. D. ARDEN, States­ with her at Bartow. and family, Mr. and to be dissatisfied with the December 7, 1943, Heights. rived for a visit Mrs. George Whigham, Spence Beverage they are going ing period . THANKS , CARD OF MINERALS (l3julltp) parents; for a Mrs. Mary nation­ CLOCK bora. and Mrs. M. S. Pittman. Simmons remained Durell Beasley and family, the ""tion of the forthcoming March 11, 1944." to thank our friends for MOVIE Dr. Little Julie We wish - Wal- FOR RENT Two-room apartment, of Savan- Mrs. Idell White, Mrs. are seeking in ad­ 'of sympathy MINERAL'S Mrs. W. A. Thompson. visit with her grandmother. Akins, Company al eonvention, and their kind expressions THEATRE unfurnished. MRS. J. longer PROMOTED bereave­ GEORGIA furnished or week and Mrs. Luke Hen­ themselves in aban­ WILLIAMS IS our recent a few days tbis Brunson had lace Keel. Mr. 'Fanee to justify extended during nah, spent and Mrs. Harry CORPORAL kind­ W. HODGES, 110 College bou�evard, Mr. Macklee Statesboro, Ga. RANK OF HAVE A and also for tl,e many MINERALS Mrs. Lamar Sim- S. Wa- drix and family and Tyson, the party. IF YOU ment THIS WEEK 369-M. (13julltc) with her daughters, week-end guests Mrs. J. doning 10.-Daniel Mrs. Hor­ phone as Scott July RCSSCS shown our mother, of 'minerals while Field, Ill., We have - _ war metal baby Dem­ her long illness. plenty WANTED Pre tel'S, of call themselves the "real Mr. and Mrs. ace Hagin, during Those who have feed to 13-14. ' class have They D. Williams, 81, son of GRADE 1 of they last. Thursday-Friday, July , walker in first �:'��Ot�' an ,;�d �I���c�!':c�::o�:�.:�a���:!r�;e:�� each and 'i,�ters - with . stroller a:�dM;;s�a;:: ----- the God's blessings be mo��. son, Bobby,Claxt�n��. �. assume that has May need not' bother with MINER­ ID' Atlanta of Brook------and .smurly Williams of Register, Ga., spare Paulette Goddard, Fred McMurray MRS. BROOKS LANIER, t,",ir home in an ISS Mrs. W. P. Deal and family, ocrats," D. G. THE FAMILY. condition. returned to 0 avanna,o'h a.� M�sS you. stock or , Carqlyn Hill of s1' to abandon its right rank of ALS; just give their, hogs (13juI2tp) and J""k is going to the corporal CERTIFICATE Room Only" Brooklet, Ga. a visit with Mr. Mrs. party been promoted will eat, feed "Standing after itself time and they enough corn and name when It declares radio school 7:41 and 9:38 bushels of to that at Scotts parent M,TNERALS Starts 3:47, 5:44, FOR SALE-200 Carlton.E�:lo�i�s:e_:H�i�l1�,:O:f::S;y;l:v:an:i:a:.:::::::::;:le:t�.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,---- Field, tile - to get most of they peanut hay. and platforms. seven tons A grade is on nominees of the Army Air Forces Training HAVE THE Miss Lavinia Bryant spending, WE need. 15th. 214 Savannah . Saturday, JUly MISS SADIE LEE, Bruns_ tenderness for where he is a propellor The farm"r who wants pay for the at St. Simons and We Itave a feeling of Command, 73-R. two weeks field· should to Danger" avenue, phone (13j�I!� to '.O.C.L� sweat he leaves in the "Escape Mr. and who assume are going specialist. Shetland one wick witt. her grandparents, those they MINERALS. Storts 2:30, 4:51, 7:32 and 10:13. FOR SALE-One pony, = relax a bit farmer in civilian see me about Mrs. Let's when the Williams, a also harness; B. Hill. and her aunt, Have a Coca-Cola be left alone party gets, Cpl. MTNERALS of the highest AND saddle and cart. Mrs. J. t' Our are o",e L. entered the army May 6, 1942. � shedl apartment, Kennedy. "The Main the lalJt years,':cas�s "Wierd FOR and Mrs. Bili Is credited with these Ylords, for Red and have ,oom dwelling on Sou�h have cropped breakfast Smith and dressings Cross, I al linus food poisoning Storts 5:05, 6:34, 8:08 and 9:32. bedroom, kitchen and. and Mrs. Garland the the to bath, hot, cold water;streetl· the 3:36. hot water Dr. strength of the pack is wolf:, made about dressings up runn.lOg different parts ,of bath; electriC have return­ 10,000 modern In up i1' widely' nook; private B. Susanne, is the �onven�enCeBj �ood share n 20-21. entrance. little daughter, of the wolf pack." women have ot�er country. Buy, borrow, Coming July private !dRS. after a strength this time. The following Immediate insurance heater; street, homo in Atlanta some possessIOn;. AND inadequate cooker-but don't can South Mam ed to tbeir will on Harvest Moon" ' 446 Ureal Democratsll 100 hours: Mrs. pressure "Shine W COWART ' Maybe almost completed �:;���orhood; the (13julltp) Smith's parents, Mr. till often out the path to low-acid vegetables any nther way. 174-J. visit with Mrs. points . learn to stick with the pack Mrs. A. C. Ander- 300-Acre Farm for Sale-110 acre. ph'one day G. E. Strickland, want further information, the ,W. Bowen's L. Jones. cor­ dwell­ courtroom.' Ii you (Note: Sunday movies at Georgia STRAYED-From John and Mrs. W. errors exist can be Mrs. Jim in cultivation; good eight_room whatever son Mrs. Hubert Waters, write Good Housekeeping Maga­ Junior Chamber butt-hesded, W. A. Glenn, former-. electric and running Theater sponsored by one milk cow, Staff Sergeant Garland Ander- ing lights Avenue New place head and �ected. H. Mrs. wi�h zine, 959 Eighth •. of Sunday black on Statesboro Air 'Strickland, water m two tenant houses, of Commerce Statesboro; brown !.vith some at the; Y. finder Iy stationed walks Del Rushing . Statesboro York 19, N. at Stote Theater are sponsored marks unknown; to man of who son and MTS. onc tobacco barn and other out-build- movies transferred Now, the today mas. hind quat·ters, Base ·and recently at the com- road of Statesboro and/or Asso­ W. BOWEN, himself a Dem_ The time for meetIng located on the Savannah by city notify JOHN week·end guest· with the crowd, calls ings' (13jul2tp�tates)- was the dress- in Screven county; FOR SALE-Seven-room house, good ciated Charities.) Route 4. Louisiana, to the majOrity of house for making these )lear' Halcyondale Insurance Agency boro Flanders. and submit� munity built in last six years, in edg., iss Dorothy ocrat. four has three-acre allotment. good condition, SALE-Service station of M associates, c'nn has been changed from tobacc� Inman FOR SALE-One city block in Olliff FOR has return­ those with whom he ings frUIt located suitable for two families, on 80. 3,000 Wright Everett pecans and trees; write, town on Rout� Il'allon Seaman when he o'clock on Wednesday other. Main St. JO­ lots 2, 3, 4 and 6; of In visit with a but o'clock to 5 46 East near price $-3,500. Heights, 1. now op­ after a "I am Democrat," on both the NeWington and Sylvania street, school; Norfolk, Va .• say . underground tank,; to we Ga\ (ltp) storage ed er ennn I· seasoll ZETTEROWER. l6julltp) T. H. GLISSON, Ellabelle, or even permits the !lfternoon. Aft ng school lines' two good pastures SIAH bUSIn'Css;, f�ur­ John Everett. walks away, bus _ eration, with good mother. Mrs. �e '------.------,-. in bUlldmg. his from he twice a week. one 90-acres othel' 100 acres' very bath upstairs who WIll to walk away him, will meet again rooms and his wife, crowd South was accom.panied by ------f�r genet'at and COWART, 446. was a Democrat." good place farmin'g MRS. B W. is in port. can say, fi,l while his ship only stock livestock can be bought (13julltp) remain there I'aising; Main st�eet. element of democracy. / McArthur, of, Vidalia, The intangible with the farm. if only $25 per READY Mrs. Henry desired; WILL SOON BE but it is the phys­ PEARS week witb her is highly important, 8Cl''e; terms. Attention! of pmeapple during the Attention! have a full crop visi.ted a rest / Farm for Sale-Two miles Attention! I A. and organi:zation, if you plense­ '630-Acl'e for ca�",ng and Mrs. B. •• , or a minute ical-the that will be ready parents, Dr. _Deal, long enough for big of Portal on Route 80, 200 acres in nineteen pears thiS frUit by httle Deal li!!le which carries the banner in the open the election returns, I received 20th' help s.ave home by other to July was &ccompanied good dwelling, foul' According by plan for communities are vegetables. garden­ that headquarters around cultivation, 4th as a candidate home needs; had been here This again, growing Ha�d-working and marks five tobacco I votes in Bulloch county on! July for; canning you� .no� McArthur. who year houses, five barns. barns, (19) sound like Democrats assemble. I of these nineteen loyal and faithfu1 three Have a "Coke", always whiCh loyal 16.5 acre tobucco allotment, dcE',p From each 5'Cveral days. .' ers tired and tbirsty. Just words, Congress. . C:Li�I�F.an11:j���t�) at byBlaRst. Waters an­ grow are not always happy electric and wa­ a letter me that he; Atougus.cant B. Maybe they well, lights running I would like to receive telling WARNOCK Pvt. and Mrs. Henry Coca-Cola in are friends, on like that. With ice-cold· your refrigerator you but any in good im. ELECTION, music at tim�s the which carry on, ter dwelling, good land, me so that I can write each one a personal T�WSTEE birth of a daughter things or she voted for . nounce the weB SCHOOL. Hos­ a on with the banner-and rovements, located; $35 pel' County at time. Plan to bave supply hand, man who stays Bulloch County at the B�lIoch for the tbat refreshes any terms. letter. order of the July 8th ready pause honest acre; . be- Beverly a man can lay By on 21 , named only such Farm For Sale-Located EducatIOn, July She has that become a symbol 58-Acre Soldier's and Sailor's Board of and 3 pital. been. Coca-Cola stands for the refreshes,-has need information about the o'clock be remember­ ice-cold. pause to the name. a school and If you hours of 1 Waters wlB claim six miles out near good tween the trust.e Ann. Mrs. me. will be a and at war. seven-room Relief write m there Donaldson. refreshment to folks at work' namCi Re­ ,'Clectric power line; has I Act, o'clock p. .• Sarah of It'a natural for popular A 'Democrat cannot vote the school ed as Miss friendly barns and other outbuild­ held at War!'ock and abbrevia­ caB himself dwelling. election trustees f�� Britt to acquire friendly ticket and still balance Address of electmg Mr. and Mr•. publican 23 acres in cultivation, purpose Cummi�g Of THE COM'A.NY IY ings; the H. 'th of IOTTUD UNDU AUTHOIITY Th..•• hear term of Ben Marseline and COCA-C?LA tiona. why you a Democrat. of land in gaol timber; good land; fill the expired daughters, C?nto, term of BenS'; WIth Mrs. Coca-Col. dilled "Coke", terms. the unexpired Sunday $2,350; and quaal;­ Savannah, spent SALE-A going business now Sale-Two ' CLARENCE D. PEDERSEN registered an� Cum­ COCA·COLA BOTl'LING CO. FOR 660-Acre Farm for miles rlsh. All citizens � Mathis and Mrs. C. STATESUORO $800 per Blun to George �. showing approximately of Statesboro, 25e acres in cultiva- 701 Building to vote are expected �rve home lfied electIOn . were reason for selling; two GEORGIA They "",comp�nled month profit; good tion, 600 acres fenC'ed, houses, SAVANNAH, tention to this important ming. to handle deal, McELVEEN, visit Mrs. Cummmg. "";U take $2;,000 cash .two large stock barns. tobacco barn. W E. for a by terms.; can be shown _-- • Sch�ol Superintendent. balance other improvements only $1,700; . ea�y ,t· JOSIAH ZET­ I • by appointment only. tenns. TEROWER. (29jul!ltc) AND STA�SB6RO JULYU,;IN4. THURSDAY, JULy 13,1944 Buu.ocs '11M. NEtWS BULLOCB_TIMDLA!OLST.:ATBII.-e�. 'rH;URSDAY, G------�------��--.��--r-----���------����--�--

------==__ \1" Pvt._LesteI\F�Ak�8. ----...... �§' Summer TIme An" ------.!MARIN}iIRE.E, Bonds or visited In tives here. He was accompanied .t's PREMI.'" Bondage Dr. and Mrs. C. Miller by FINANCIAL STATEMENT Mrs. Hendrix. . BUDDOO Mi!�B�a!::I� �:�:.��� A ugusta Tuesday FALLEN ££ F. D. Bird V-6 has Cornell, Jr. to Hugh Navy student, Lester F. of Statesboro. Ga.. ft- by Mrs. E. L. Womack was hostess Akins, £ :rO\)PON§"- after Mof. T'me Coleman Walks after­ returned to Emory Univeraity 't's Aga'. Leodel returned from service outside the FOR 'ASlociGte Agricultural Economi., the sewing club last Thursday several with his Graves Of Fallen now be- spending days par­ Among continental United States. is Weot Virginia University noon. Production Soldiers At BougainviUe Air ents, Mr. and Mrs. Comer Bird. Statesboro ing processed through the Army Lonida Hendrix has returned Free come when combine Miss returned save valuables from Section No. 2 gifts quickly you Mrs Edwin Brannon has If you want to your (The following story was written Forces Redistribution borne after spending several days in from five different: to her home here ufter sev­ Leodel Coleman. of States- Miami where his next as­ coupons products. spending by Sgt. in Beach, Macon. them to us for eral weeks with who was bring storage' boro, Ga., a combat correspondent, will be determined. her husband, destruction, signment When you go shopping be sure to buy Luzlanne Coffee Oc. Mrs. Franklin and now on Bouguinvi1lc): are playing a vltal OPPORTUNITY? U each of us Mr. and Clyde stationed in Arizona until u recent Association enlisted men and Silver Cow or FARMERS AAF Borden's be Crfdit personnel. tagon Soap products. Magnolia b�and role In the drama. Most wert! are destruction moths. It will with the of in action Victory f�ced necessity daughters, of Wilmington. Del., transfer of against by Parents or Marines killed to a re- Ballard's Obelisk and Health Club farmers are duty. officers alike, are assigned canned .milk, Flour, . Baking doing their utmost to honesUy the question­ answerm.g visiting relatives here. Jnman his wife and lit­ can rest assured that their sons are return All these fine contain Our armed forces and Am I Cpl. Hulsey. STAT�SBORO,GEORGIA distribution station upon their POWder of products Insure. t?!lt domg everything within my and the cost is small. our CIvilian Comer had as profitable, The which can be combined to valu- ___ workers are getting power to speed the of victory M�. and Mrs. Bird tle returned to Columbus remembered by Marine buddies. United but do not report coupons get day son. Bill. to the States. � ...... supplies of the able free Tear out this lid and ample right kinds -the answer In most cases would their last week Ills father, E. after the week June 30th, 1944. word Marines addressed to departed a fur­ gifts. keep for guest Saturday spending As of close of business to the station until completing of food continued maximum be "No." Some of us can't forget in It .in your purse as a reminder to buy mel- J. B. Bird, of Metter. with his mother, Mrs. Lillie Finch. buddies testify to the comradeship leave of three weeks. efficle!'cy. All of this is being ac­ or forego which In a time lough Or Luzianne Coffee and the other things low, strong I�"''''f complished under unusual circum­ of crisis matter little. has returned to left for Mem­ THACKSTON'S the field. driver in the h..�, Pfe. Cecil .Mendrix Cpl. Hulsey Tuesday Private Akins, 86, can be products listed in this ad. Coupons l:I:I stances such as labor shortages two things most essential to rela- where Ris is stationed. When the chaplain has said the Mediterranean 1'I!e Fort Benning afte.r visiting his phis, Tenn., European theater and used instead of to free of essential succesaful are money get gifts. . 8�!,rclty feeds. fer: wagmg warfare ASSETS final rites at the gl'a,� of the Marine, is the tilizers, gaqollne, spray materials food and The farmer theater for twenty months, . money. limited a there with the and machinery repairs and recognizes his In white cross is placed brother of Miss Peal Akins, of States- responsibility $ 2,288.45 replacements. food Does rec­ hand and in banks and num- production. he fully Cash on Ma rine's name. rank serial entered service April 13, Nell"s Notes PETITION FOR INCORPOILATlCQI boro. He .LU·ZIAN.fE·f'f,�!!Y On the other we SALE of $-0- for esti- hand. must ad­ ollnize his opportunity to help pro­ ADMINISTRATOR'S members less provision on In a who WM. B. REILY c- NEW ORLEANS J N�",sr to few anyone Loans bcr it. days, CO. INC:. CO"rr"'CHlcon mit that our extra effort is VIde the munitions of war? . 1942. 1_...... being 183,864.57 I ...... GEORGIA-Bulloch. County...... r- • To the Honorable the c-tI mated losses returns to the spot wHl probably find �.�\lt.� j adequately rewarded than of the court Superior mon; OBLI.GATlON' Government Bonds Friends of Mrs O. H. are By virtue of an order and guaranteed ABE EVANS DEPARTMENT STORE previously .and that along with Mr. and Mrs. Hodges of Bulloch County, Georsla: Government bonds government additional murker-mnybe mess SPECIAL NOTICE offer the farmer an to TO.lton N�smith, .of I .. of of Bulloch county. Geor­ qn opportunity IS back aiter ordinary . such sacrifices and as VISitors In Nevils glad to know she again 96,500.00 customers hardships a our Savannah, were i on 'l'hIB the petition of D. D. Ru.h.... n cut out to To the friands and have part In providing light. J will sell at public outcry. bonds geur, maybe shell caaing many there is some gio, not to thank ar� enco�teredf men with and effective in the Telfair Hospital in Sa­ be­ W. C. Hodges, W. H. Smith L. £ on lOans and bonds but yet of the Rustin Studio I want ing ample Sunday. being the first Tuesday in AUb'1.ISt, 1944. Interest earned form a mavbo a steel helmet-- gam; and Justly so. The farmer de­ E. cross. and to all tralnlng and equipment. also and children are vannah and is hours of at the Holloway, John W. Davll Jr.: L. of for estimated you :for your patronage. serves bit of credit and Mrs. Casie Melton doing nicely. tween the legal sale, less provision $-0- there a friend or a group every L. Zetterower received, placed by and customers when Ther. and Mrs. Malcolm of court house in said county. to the Womack, and W. lr. . 3,377.56 many friends he for his time with her Mr. Hodges, . money some mother. on loans . my gets part. spending losses for interest of Marine buddies. The marker will 1916 :�rde�e�e"��s�em'::£n��de"l�� shows respectfully unto thll DoJlOllo, ,I was with the studio in to 1925, In that lies and' Daniel' 'of highest bidder. the following proper­ .. 233.85 knowledge. however. Hodges. at value pair and replacement costs after Mrs. W. S. Nesmith. Savannah. able Court as follows: and equipment depreciated sincere nil patronage real Are We to to-wit: and will your . apt become ------expression, I ty. Furniture curry simple appreciate ,.. da'!ger. the war. Are an was N. were guests of If they obligation? Mrs. Curtis White, of Portal, White Luke, C., of desire to be In_ dead Marine's and kodak work. complaisant and feel we are doing One and one-fourth (1 %) shares 1. Petitioners of the feelings of the Oh yesl The obligation of the gov­ O. ' Mr. and and Mrs. H. Sunday...... •..... $286,264.43 ILER OLLIFF. NOTleE! our CAN we do more? 'the of her parents, Mr. Hodges stock of Bulloch County as a corporation under tile JANIE part? guest the capital porated . MRS. Joan with Total Assets . friends. ilt's all have to offer. ernment to pay back the they 212 Hill street, Friends and relatives of Aldine and shares of the capital termo of the "Co-operatlve SELFISHNESS OR SELFLESS­ Interest Is 110 greater than our obli­ Mrs. R. L. Ward, FrIday. Bank; eight (8) Marketlntl row of the Walking along a tiny Ga. NESS: War is selfish business. No to know of their iIl­ stock of the Sea Island Bank; five (5) Act" of this otate. (18julltl» Statesboro, gatlon to LEND the government Mr and Mrs. Edwyn DeLoach. of Hal Cox regret in a here. on Bou, war ever from WE are shares of old Bank of Statesboro, crosses cemetery began purely phil­ our support. Remember? ness in the 2. The name of thl. corporatiOil DEBTS State of ", were week-end guests of Bulloch County ftospitat. of Banking. motives. To the aggres­ "WE THE PEO­ Savannah. now Bulloch Mort­ one is moved the Department anthropic the government. being liquidated by shall be "Producers Co-operative Alto guinvi lle, deeply by Hendrix and We wish for them a recovery. Georgia. SOl'. the galn always outweighs PLEOF THE UNITED STATES." Mr. and Mrs. W. D. speedy Loan also. one lIouse bor- on mark­ gage Company; soelation of Statesboro." Intermediate Credit Bank for money sentiments expressed these Condition of the Fourth of To the Statement of the . To the defenaers • the Those July in the of States­ . enjoying located PBIVILEGE? The greatest joys In family. and lot city for the COI\o . S interest not due. $175,426.03 A brass shell case cut and violation of human and The pur,poses whiCh rowed and for yet ers. large rights we of Sa­ dinner at the creek were Mr. and Mrs. in the 1209th G. M. district of 146.78 Ufe come from the privileges Miss Wilma Lee Anderson. boro, is organized are to en� a shield and a Co. liberties forms the common meet­ north debts. . spread out to for;n Brooklet Banking enjoy, and which we are now light­ John B. Anderson and children, Mr. Bulloch county. bounded by Other of and vannah. was the week-end guest 'of r,0ratlonn any activity In connection with the Ing ground joint agreement an eaat Col­ cross stands in front of one of the ing to defend. It is not only Jones avenue 200 feet; by mar­ (Private Bank, Not Incorporated) victories are not and Mrs. L. An­ and Mrs. V. B. Anderson and children. of land, the produelnlr, effort. However. but her parents. Mr. J. an al, terracing $175,572.81 carved oPPOrtunity and an obligation. street 200 feet; south by standard white crosses. On it is Brooklet, Georgia, won selfishness. depend of Savan­ lege keting or of the alfr\cultlUlli by They also a to have as Miss Eli'zabeth Proctor, oelllng business June 1944. privilege great derson. ley. and west by lands formerly qwn­ Immortal 'No great­ At close of 30, on selflessness-a willlngness and products of Ito mmebers, or with thII "An Sergeant. a part 8S possible In insurIng to DeLoach is nah.. and Jack Proctor. of Dahlonega, W. M. oald lot be­ ,RESOURCES desire to sacrifice individual good Pvt. Clarence spending ed by Mrs. Hagin; to down his life our children. and to harvesting. preserving, processine. er glory. than lay 600.00 ourselves, Mrs. Win­ were the week-end guests of their 200 feet 200 feet. Furniture and t\xtures "" $ for the good of all: That Is why his furlough with Mr. and ing by packing, handline. NET WORTH CONTINUE HAVE SALES generations yet unborn those free­ Purebaser to canning, storing, for his friend.' To my buddy." The 67.794.27 WE WILL TO both.' sides must vali­ Mr.. and Mrs. E. D. Proctor. Terms of sale, cash. Loans and discounts always try doms which distinguish the bond fred DeLoach and II'Ir. and Mrs. Cecil parents, ohlpping, ginning or utlllune tbereof, first to establish In the minds and for the revenue starnpo. Class A marker is ,signed by a private Government Bonds 3.000.00 antly and the free. Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Mobley, of pay or In the manufacture and marketln. Non-voting stock, hearts of their the Martin. This 1944. C.C.C. Cotton Loans 22.100.00 .peoples iustice Nesmith and July 3, of the by-products thereof; or In con­ .. 75,000.00 class. AND BE FREE Anderson and Mrs. J. S. Owned Production Credit Corporation $ TUESDAY THROUGH THE of their cause. That Is the will that BUY BONDS Mr. and Mrs. John B. Savannah; J. O. EVERETT. by from bands .. EACH his for Cash and due 28,532.16 nection with the manufacture, .elU...... •. 1,160.00 One Marine packs feelings wins. BE, FREE TO BUY BONDS Dean and Winburn, Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Lanier and daugh; Admr. Estate Mrs. Janie Everett. Owned investing members children, Rachel or to Ita membe.. of machl& by . supplyln buried in six words: "A U. S. T...... "D_,_ dinner his buddy ' Jimmie were guests .. and con­ .. 1Itrs. Lou, or B Total . . $117.026.43 of Mr. or In stock, Class , were' gueste Sunday ter, SALE OF LAND ery, equIpment Voting Gallant I suppllesi Marine-A MONTH OF IDLY . Donald Mar­ members...... •. 14,660.00 Real Fighter," LIABILITIES of Mr. and Mrs. nection with the preYenuon of soD Owned by voting W: J. Davis. Sunday GEORGIA-Bulloch a mess Coanty, connection with til. on the bottom of gear . $112,920.64 erosion or In from as a protection carved Depoaits . LmEL FOR DIVORCE Mrs. J.hnnie of tin and family. court of Reserves built up earnings 227.61 SUIT FOR DIVORCE Mr. 'and Mobley. Pursuant to an order of the Cashier's Checks out who has furnloh I' nlr to Its members of lana ...•...... 19871.62 pan. EUNICE WATERS vs. LEH- week-end of Mrs. of investment . MRS. were guests Heyward Anderson, court of ordinary BullOCh county. members .. . . EU. Savannah,' to Undivided profits . . 3.878.28 CECIL WILLIAMS VS. MRS bu.lneOR ..mees; or the IInanclng aI A 40-millimeter shell Case at the THURS. MAN WATERS-Suit for Divorce Mrs. tonsil is im­ 1944, 'I THEN SALES WILL BE EACH NICE WIlLLIAMS-Suit Jar Di- Nesmith .and Mr. and bad a operation steadily Georgia. at the July term, above-emimerated � Bulloch Coun- Mrs. J. S. the actlvltlel; of a first In Court of sometim.e offer for oale to the hlll'heot bid­ exceed head of the grave private vorce In Court of Bulloch Superior She is will or more tbe . of worth assets Total . $117,026.43 Superior Cohen Lanier. proving. spending for anyone purpOl" Total net (amount Tenn. 1944. before the court house "Whatsoever is com­ GEORGIA-Bulloch 1944. ty. July Mr. and Mrs. der. for cash. ....•...... •.•..... $110,691.62 class reads, County. Col'nty, July Term, Martin Is back at home with her parents, Henry specified herein. Provided, bowevv, . AUGUST defendant In J. debts) . DAY STARTING 3,'1944. To Lehman Waters, Mrs. C. door in Statesboro, Bulloch county. God of Heaven. let it appeared before the un. To Mrs. Eunice WlIllains. defendant husband with the luch activity may extend to _ manded by the Personall'1' a Savannah hospital. Burnsed. Her is In Au­ anT 'to ad· said matter: atter being In Georgia, on the tlrst Tuesday lIml'" buddies miss dersigned, an ofticer authorized In .sald matter: , lRember. and their product. be diligently done. Your You are hereby commanded to be and will ooon be U. S. Navy now stationed In New between the hours minister in said F. W. You are cllDlmanded to be She 10 doing nicely guest, 1944. legal saId "Co-operatl.,. oaths county, hereby term of the as provided and appear at the next York. of the following deocrlbed prop­ by you." who on oath says thPot he is and appear at the next term of the able to be up again. sale. Act' of Georgia. a. n� Hughes. court of Bulloch connty, e.tate J. L. Marketing marker at head of a superior Nevils belonging to the of I A the 33-year­ the cashier of the Brooklet Banking to anower the complaint of the plain- and Mrs. E. J. Butler, of El­ People' of the community erty amended. ans.. of Mr. late of Bulloch the feel­ that the above and of Bulloch Georgia. �r the. complaint. the Wyatt, deceased. and old first .lieutenant expresses Company, and Bullooh Stoc,k Yard auperior court county, Ga., �o of Savan­ were much ,leased with shall have to do each ant STATE OF GEORGIA m the and J. W. Drill'gers, very It power DEPARTMENT OF BANKING, of the condition of mentioned In the In bls plaintiff me!'tlOned .captlOn dora, county, Georgia: of his friends: "To a fellow of­ foregoing report tiff caption �e for d,vorce. of Mr. and much-needed min which came last and everythlnlr ner.eas.ry, suitable � ings In her SUIt 'aramst you nah were gueots Sunday One certain tract of land lying · said bank 13 true and correct. II1llt agalnot you for divor"". of 0... Statement of Condition of who and died gallantly, a Witness Honorable T. J. Evans, It has made a cllange M. district of proper for accompll.hment any ficer. fought W. Cashier. Honorable J. Mrs. Dewitt Martin. week. certainly being ,In the 1528rd G. F. HUGHES. Witness T. Evans. the or the attainment oj I of court. now feel cOlltaining of purposes courageous fighter." Sworn subscribed before me. this 12th of judge aaid of Savan­ in all and our people BullOCh county. Georgia. to and judge of oaid court, day Miss Carolyn Proctor, crops. or more of tbe objects her.. STRAYED-Black and white Poland INVESTMENT-Brick cotton ware- This 7th of June. IB44. more or le.s, and bounded anyone COUNTY BANK who must have deserv­ 11th of 1944. day of her like will make more and better 96.6 acres. or ex­ BULLOCH A se"geant this day July. June, 1944. was week-end lfUeot they or conducive to on Vine HAIl"l1IE the Carson Naval In enumerated, LOUIDA China male weighing around house 'building large lot POWELL, nah, north by lands of of his outfit is remem­ HENDI!lfX. hog HATTIE POWELL, A. of for the Interests or beneflta ed the respect about and railroad Clerk Superior Court, Mr. and Mrs. N. Proctor, yiQldo grains. to J. pedient GEORGIA Bulloch County. Ga. 100 lbs.; unmarked; strayed off Cherry streets, il'Ontase.; Clerk ,Deputy parents, Stores Co., formerly belonglnlr contract STATESBORO, words: "In fond re­ Notary Public. Deputy Superior Court, weeks Lee W. of Long of tbe Anoelatlon; and to bered in these three weeks will suitable rental paying good investment on BullOCh County, Georgia. after spending two Mrs. Bothell, and T. J. eaot and oouth by of one­ ago; pay Bulloch Ga. and family T. addition to ex­ close of business June 1944 and faithful JUST RECEIVED-Shipment REAL­ �nty, Savannah Bulloch accordinll'ly; and In 'At 30th. of our Rte CHAS. CONE JOHN F. BRANNEN. Calif.• left July 8th be te membl'ancc buddy STATES- reward. CHARLIE SHAW, 2. your mo,ney. E. BRAN", ... in New York. Beach, lands formerlyMikelil'onging horse Hackney wagons. JOHN F. N. west erel.e and possess all powers. right. for Plaintiff. (8jun6tp) vioit­ 00.• anti Banki. leader. From his squad. pla­ Ga. (29jun2tp) TY CO. (29jun2tp) for Ph{lntiff. (15'ju5tp) Attorney for Washington. after Land and Development Incidental As Called for by the Superintendent of squad BORO WAGON CO. (29junltc) Brookl,t. Attorney Seattle. T. and privileees necesoary or Mrs. lands formerly belonging to J. toon and compnny/' here for two months. BUh" by for which the As_ ing this land being well to the purposes President. W. D. ANDERSON, c.:;� Lieut. and T. J. Mikell; the activ_ R. J. KENNEDY. One MUl'ine found words hard to' ell will make her home with home elation Is organized 'or to 1984 known as the Mary E. Mikell of Jan. 19. 1934 Date Began Buslnea8. Apr. 14. hi. Ities in which It Is enlrared; and I. Date Charter. put together in his grief for ,Bathell's family while he i's serving ·Refereace is being made to ,. place. addition to the powers herein enum_ cover at • while he is book 199. huried buddy. A mess gear Bothell's family serving a deed recorded in 79, page and LIABILITIES . all other powers., rllrhta RESOURCES sim­ wiH be re­ 1944. erated, the foot of the grave carries the ,"aclfic. 'Mrs. B.othell This July 3rd. the said "C0- stock ....•.••...., 60.000.00 H. Admr. privileges granted by Loans and' discounts ..... $472.116\73 Capital Estelle J. WYATT. "Hi-Ya. Buddyl" membered as Miss Bobbie Marketing Act" atoresal� fund . 50.000.00 phrase. operative ;0'. S. government securi- 'Surplus ple Estate of J. L. Wyatt. alum­ , all amendments thereto, pres. . from a of and ties owned 864.500.00 Undivided profits 21.664.13 A cross cut piece Moneyham. , and or and in addition, any othel( banks . 6.467.31 reveals that one W. G. Anderson future; .. Due to a and Mrs. and lot . 13.000.00 inum (l'om plane Mr. Banking house and privileges il'an� checks . 3,102.60 An­ rill'hts, powers, Furniture and fixtures .. 6.277.12 Cashier's went down for his Mr. and Mrs. W. E. marine fighting, daughter, ed the laws of this state to lordl­ . 60.00 and amount Certified checks Anderson by Cash In vallit wrote on the cross: "Credit and sons, Mrs. Leon ouch as a� friends derson nary corporations. except from re- Demand deposits 1.487,109.83 due approved left us." Mr. and Mrs. Oscar the expre.s provl,. Time certificates of deposit 69.361.88 for four before he and daughters, Inconsistent wlh . serve agents . 367.203.79 tractor tread I and Mrs. Gor­ Ions of oaid "Co·operative Marketin. and deposits . 48.744.24 An amphibian pays Martin and 80n, Mr. Checks for clearing Savings and to do Mr. and Mrs. T. Act," 88 amended; any su�1I due fro,m other banks .. 3.389.55 silent trbiube to "A Gallant Fighter.'" don Bragg and baby. Ileal and thing anywhere. items 32.50 field find it and Mr. Cash . Marines in the Fille E. Anderson daughter. Strong .5. The place where the principal . 10.25 Overdrafts in words. Ernest Mrs. E. C. Mil­ hard to put their feelings Mrs. Anderson. business of said corporation will h. markers W. M. Anderson Jr. Geor. a of the ler and son. Mrs. tranoacted io In Bulloch county, Total . . $1.726,479.94 As result. many Total . . $1.726,479.94 Marine dead Sue Bennet.t. simply entreat that the Bnd Mittie gla. said GEORGIA-Bulloch County. in Peace," 6. The terms for which corpor­ ad. may UR�st Personally appeared before the undersigned, an officer authorized to ation is to exist is twenty (20) yeara that he Is ita Incor­ minister oaths in said county, W. G. Cobb. who, on oath says from and after the date of Bulloch Cou and that tbe above and Register Club the vice-president of the nty Bank. West Sid. Club held it.s reg­ poration. correct. The shall be ·mAII­ of the condition of said bank is true and Demonstration ., 6. Said corporation foregoing report The Register Home ragedies the clubroom. lt Vice.Presldent. ular meeting in not to exceedl W. G. COBB, July aged by a board of met afternoon, June 30, for the of 1944. Club Friday at the meeting . Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 8th day July. was planned seven (7) directoro. home of Mrs. H. V. Franklin. of tho•• LOUJDA HENDRIX,Notary Publle, BullOch Coun�. Ga. at th� club members to entertain their hus­ The names and reoidences of oaid do that we have the devo­ oerve for the IIrst year, We, the undersigned directors bank. certifT Mrs. C. C. Daughtry gave IF THE GAS­ with a chicken on July 21st selected to the A MATCH TO SEE bands fry read said and that the SBme is true and correct according to over MAN STRUCK who are to serve as IncorporatlD.· fully report tional. The president presided 1. A o'clock. After the business meet­ and that the above signature. at 8 thlr successora ar. best of our information. knowledge and belief. W. W. directors until 'n ·shol·t business session. 011-, HIS CAR WAS was turned over to of said bank is t he true and genuine signature of that TANK OF EMrIT· Ing the meeting elected and qualified. are: of the vice-president contests. OLINE iff led in some games and had with us a State. officer. Hiss Spears. She Name--Reoidence-County- At- J. L. MATHEWS. Miss Rebecca Franklin. of the Miss Register. Balloch, This 8th day of July, 1944. '1 county 4-H Club girl, Imogene D. D. Rushing. FRED T. LANIER, an interesting -IT WASN'T! C. Hodges. State.boro, "�J lanta Journal. gave who will represent at the dis­ Georgia; W. , Bohler, Statu­ ":.., Directors of said Bank. Journal. Georgia; W. H. Smitb, t�lk on her work with the was on Bulloch. trict contest. Her project L. J. Ree� Power I>oro, Georgia; Holloway, M,·s. Proctor. of the Georgia a very enjoy_ John W. Da­ dairying and she gave Ister. Bulloch. Georgia; DEPARTMENT OF STATE OF GEORGIA demonstration on repair­ cus­ E. BANKING. Co., gave u demonstration on making vis Jr Stilson, Bulloch. Georgia; STRANGE BULLDOG ON able .. electrical appliances.. \Ve were PA'ITED A After this Portal, Bulloch, Geonrla� Statement of Condition of ing 2. A 'MAN tard and the uses of milk. L. Womack, de­ Zetterower Stateoboro, Du1� invited to the garden and enjoyed AFFECTION­ us a helpful W. L. Jr., TO SEE IF IT WAS Miss Spears gave very und coca-coIns. We THE HEAD loch, Georgia. ISLAND BANK licious sandwiches demonstration on making war-time have nlli SEA 7. Said corporation shall to have Mrs, Grant were very glad Then a soci.1 hrur was enjoy­ and ohall admit me_ STATESBORO. GEORGIA ATE. toys. capital stock. Mt's. Mrs. Brown, Mt's. as host­ Association the Tillman, Blue, ed with Mrs. H. A. Nesmith bers into the upon f_ At close business June 30th. 1944 and l'Ilt·s. Jack DeLoach, of Mrs. of such enumerated aliell o.f Ingle ess and Mrs. Sam Brannen. Roy payment -IT WASN'T! otber uniform conditions as provl� As Called for by the Superintendent of Banks. Swainsboro, as vi�itors, Smith and Mrs. Carter Deal as co­ \ of directors. wiil be with Mrs. the board The July meeting FOR LJ;:AVE TO SELL by C. P. OLLIFF. Presid�nt KERMIT R. CARR. Cashier hostesses. The voting power of the 'memhen and Mrs. W�tson. GEORGIA-Bulloch County. 1901 190) C. C. Association shall be equal and Date of Charter. Began BusinesB. Dauehtry Credlto.... Deal, of this Da,te Notiee to Debtors aud Mrs. Melton Deal and Bloyse Association ahaD TO no member of the BROKEN POWER LINE the estate of Mel­ CARD OF THANKS written on TOUCHED A administrators of more one vow Yours 'is Bon·d. l MAN be entitled to thlPl RESOURCES every A LIABILITIES you buy 3. who have any clallDl deceased. having applied �or therein. We wish to thank each and every All persons ton Deal. because of his membership Loans and discounts .... $726.698.50 stock $ 50.000.00 bURRENT. the estate of J. B. Daughtry, sell certain lands Capital one for their kindness and good deeds IT WAS CARRYiNG against leave to belon�mg member shall have one unI. State of and Mu- SEE IF Each Georgia fund 30.000.00 ri are indebted to said eotate, notice is hereby gIven Surplus us in the sudden death of our dear \�;: or who to said estate, 60.000.00 to of property right only. nicipal Bonds owned... Undivided . 29.064.02 claims or make pay­ will be heard profits . I file said said �t shall have husband and father. May God's rich­ ", 'j -please that application 8. Said corporation th. U. S. government securi- , first Monday In Due to banks . 2.923.44 ... I, undersigned. on the est blessings rest and abide with each in the .. -IT WAS! ment to the my office to make by-Iawo for ita Ir0V' . 5THo.•.'ft i:. J right ties owned 712.650.00 �AI." 1;'0.1•... Cashier's checks . 7.929.06 -., June 1944. and everyone. fils 14. August, 1944. eroment and provide in snch by-Ia_ house and lot . 18.000.00 llanking Certified checks . 61.00 .� JOHN F. BRANNEN. 1944. from time M,RS. BARNEY AKINS This July 3. for the amendment thereof Furniture and fixtures .. 3.828.30 I Ordinary. Demand deposits 1.914,266.50 Admr. Estate ,J. B. Daughtry. J. E. McCROAN. manner therein AND FAMILY. stones to vlc;. now. Invest ln mo,.e than to time in the pre­ .. 1.00 you've real estate owned .stepping , Other Time certificates . (10jun6tc) DlSJlIISSION. scribed. Cash in vault and amount are red with blood of ever purchased before. Invest HE COULD PETITION FOR . 36.391.70 THEtory IF thati Savings deposits MRS. SALLIE MAE ARNOLD VS. SPEEDED UP TO SEE Wherefore, petitioners pra:y due from approved re- $400. MAN PETITION FOR DlSMISSION. GEORGIA-Bulloch County. - American heroes. Tarawa ••• $100, $200, $300, Those 4. A with SIDNEY ARNOLD Petition for administratrix after publication in accordance . . Johnson, serve agents 705,468.84 who must invest CROSSING. GEORGIA-Bulloch County. Mrs. Annie ba Bulloch can, . and Divorce. Superior Court, Salerno ••• Cassino. Their pa. thousaffll, TRAIN TO TilE ad­ B. Johnson, de­ the statutes made provided Checks for clearing and BEATA AlbQrt Clifton and Ruel Clifton, of tbe estate of W. Term, 1944. of dollars. causes that be Incorporated due from other banks.. 16.977.93 JUly triotism is written in blood. the estate of L. L. 6uch they ministrators of �eased. having �pl'lied �or dism.issio.;t and corpor­ To the defendant. Sidney Arnold: 18 and made a body polltlc . for . admmlstl'atlon, I\.-otlce Overdrafts ,.. 2.810.66 For this is the lob we'Vfj having applied from said The Mrs. Sallie Mae Ar­ You,. patriotism is written on bigge�t DIDN'TI Clifton. deceased, the and title afore­ plaintiff. -HE said administration, that said application ate under na!,:,e her for di­ ever had to do. We can't fail dismission from ,hereby given priv­ nold, having filed petition every in this vital on the tlrst with all the rights. powers, Bond,),ou buy notice is given that said appli­ will be heard at my office said, vorce Arnold in this our men as hereby immunities herein set lortli Total $2.187,425.22 against Sidney lighting they plun,. on 1944. and. . . 5th Your name on a office in Ileges Total , $2.187.426.22 War 'Loan. cation will be heard at my Monday August. and court, returnable to the July term with all the rigbts, powers into the biggest and bloodiest 1944. 1944. . and War Bond means behind the first Monday in August. This July 3. such 0r­ GEORGIA-Bulloch 1944. and it being made to appe.J yoU're conferred upon County. str",ggle of all. HE This July 8. 1944. J. E. McCROAN. Ordinary. privileges' before the undersigned, an officer authorized to ad­ that Sidney Arnold is not a resident our'invasion troops. ADVERTISING TO SEE IF under the "Co-operattv. Personally appeared STOPPED J. E. McCROAN. Ordinary. ganizations McAllistar who or. that he is of said and also that he does A MAN and subject to tbti oath. says 5. . minister oaths in said county. C. B. county. hasten the of Victory WELCOME, THE VICTORY VOLUNTEERS Marketing Act," the above and not reside within the and an Help day law. the vice-president of the Sea Island Bank, and that forego­ state, restrictions fixed by in exl,.a War Bonds wbll call 10 t.JI IIIoIt ben!. said bank true and correct. order been made for service by investing lhe, ,. W. BIlIIII SAVE MONEY. witness whereof. we have ing report of the condition of is having COULD In . C. B. MCALLISTER "icc-President. by publication. this is thorefore to I unto subscribed our names. to and at the D. RUSHING. Sworn to and subscribed before this 7th day of July. '1944. notify you be appear DELMAS Bulloch Ga. term court , HATTIE POWELL. Notary Public, County. next of Bulloch superior -HE DIDN·�! W. C. HODGES, the undersigned directors of said bank. do certify lIhat we have care. to be held on the fourth Monday in W. H. SMITH. WJl. and correct to the then' and there to answer ADVERTISEMENT IS PUBLISHED AS HOLLOWAY. and thni the same is true according July. 1944. THIS .A VOLUNTARY. L. J. fully r�ad said report , and and that the above signature this JOHN W. DAVIS JR., be..t of our information, knowledge belief. complaint. Witness the Honorable T. J. Evans CONTRmUTION BY' WOMACK. officer. E. L. t he true and of that of said this the 20th W. L. ZETTEROWER JIL 'Of the of said bank is Irenuine signature judge court, day D. PERCY of 1944. . AVERITT. This 7th day of July. 1944. May. [viCe-preSident BOOTH, HATTIE POWELL. , IDNTON, THE BIlLL'OBH TIMES Directors of said Bank. (ljun6tp) Deputy Clerk. . JULY is. •• BULLOCH TIMBS AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, 1� ,II ,// I BACKWAM LOOK - It'(, diU(//_/{It, Memorial j I The True YOW IFAa _NIl MRS. AR'fHUlt fURNER, Editor TEN YEARS AGO • BLO· « IS AN UNWRITTEN BUT 208 Collel: Eoulevard From Blllloch Times, July 19, 1934 BULLOCH • Personal TIMES • Clubs STORY OF ALL THAT QUENT First open cotton bo.ll of the sea­ son was brought to the TImes office (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO IN LIFE. EAGLE) IS,BEST Tuesday by C. E. Anderson, of the RegIster community. the Bulloch Times. E.tabllshed 1892 Our work helps to reftect Deaths during the week Mrs. Dan Consolidated JanuatJ' 17, 11117 Statesboro News, Established 1901 JULY 1944 Joe of IS tu erect L Kennedy at the home of her daugh­ ! STATESBORO. GA., THURSDAY, 20, Newsome, Soley, Fla, SPirit which prompt. you Statesbor" EstabUlhed 1917-COneoUdated D_.nber 9. 1920 ter, Mrs L M Mikell, Register; Mrs. Eagle, VIsiting Mr and Mrs B. L Brundage. stune as an act of rev_ the Neahe DaVIS at the home her with Between Us Qf Personal Burrel Martin .• Purely spent Sunday and devotion. . Our experi_ Mrs. O. H. Carpenter, Sa- I his Mr. and Mrs Ed Martin. Brett parents, ia at your service. �:����r, ---Baal Baa, Black iiave You Wool? SHEPPARD'S HOUSE for Nash­ OVER&SIZE Shaep, Any Two. �rothers. J G Martin left Friday The of Statesboro certainly Two Statesborc gU'ls, Ann Groover, MEN Mrs. Bates Lovett was u viaitor In people GIVen High Standing where he will some and Minnis Sue Zetterower, attend- week: ville, Tenn., spend have the college at heart and are 1Il­ ;A.ugusta during the Brannen- Thaye r Monument Co. ed 4-H club short course at Tifton [11 today's ten-years-ngo column BIDS r'POR BUS'I\TOO1l1r..l time. terestcd III Its progress and actlvltlC8. LIKE FERTILE SOIL sever al were led Lillian , Wacl-e spent days July 12-14; MISS Hodges 10 excellent mu­ A Local SInce 1922 by there appears a modest little para­ MISS Patsy Hagan IS visiting We have enjoyed many Industry demonstra­ Wareho.... week on business In Atlanta Knowltun, county home Georgla's Largest this SICal programa, Intel eating' lectures JOHN M. THAYER Group of. Farmers in Th'e graph With refel ence to the entl of Sebring, Fla, as the guest of Mrs. Proprietur tion agent. y Mr. and Mrs. Lannie SImmons VIS­ and 16vely receptions which have ta­ Sinkhole District Billie Stntesboro To Be Operated Under Wilham Lee 45 West MaIn Street PHONE 4311 Statesboro, as. Announcement IS made that an ex­ Weigh Brett, yOllJlg man, In Savannah the week ken on the campus For the past ited during place amination WIll be held at Statesboro Average of 220 Lbs, Each IIItO West Point as a cadet ten years Rast Years' Management Mrs Walter Ritcher, of Savannah, have taken the center Bland and Hagan week exhibits James Logan Mr. and Mrs. Harold AkinS an­ on a date to he announced later for 'ago. MentlOh 18 made of his place­ was the of Mr and of Interest In the program. To meet and review WarehouR. will guest Sunday activity list the SIze of the Sheppard's agahl were VISitors In Savannah Welnesday. nounce birth of a Harold Ed­ the establishment of an eligibility The industrtal arts department ar­ the son, ment In h1S classes. Mrs Josh Hagan members of the Smkhole be operated this )"ear by R. E. Shep­ MISS Grace of Port St Addison for poatmaster at Collegeboro; salary communtty Waller, Joe, n of woodwork pot­ mond Jr., 6, at the Bulloch Coun­ Coca-Cola Party Mrs. Improves It is umque that has Mr. and Mrs Charlie Ranew spent ranged display July Farm It fight today Aulbert and son, IS $1,200 per year. Bureau, IS easy to conclude pRJ d, manager, and Brannen, IS viaiting' MISS Betty Mitchell and art plaater, You Mrs. Akins was Mrs. Mathis entertained Mr. and Mrs. ErnestPundt Fla, With Mr tery, plastics ty Hospital. for­ George members of the National come announccmunt of Billie's recent the Fourth their parents, in Statesboro that good I and not only produces crop. snles manager, 88 III yonT!� pont. Jack Carmen the week would have been amazed at the proj­ woth a coca-eola aft­ have returned tu their home Sgt. spent merly M,ss SIbyl Underwood. party' Monday Joe, Guard left for Fort promotion m rank to that of colonel - and Mr. Ed Martin Sunday Moultrie, ects made from tm cans. Even With VISit with In abundance but also grows men that TIll. modern and s iJntificall, end Mr. Carmen at her home ernoon her two N. C" after a Will weeks only With of complimenting sisters, F.yetteville, S. C., where they spend two which gIVes pleasure to his fl "and; Mr and Mrs. D C Kennedy, a shortage of metal, projects have Mr. and Mrs. Rabble Belcher, of can take tm. of life, lighted wnrqj!ollse in Georsla .... Mathl' and Mrs. JIm­ her Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ad­ on Chamber of Commerce Jostllngs here, use ma­ MISS VirginIa parents, maneuvers; here, HIs James com­ the Fourth been devi...d which muke of - brother, H, Jacksonville, Fla, spent Brooklet, announce the birth 'of a WIll VIsit to the The some twenty-three members of built In 1988.. With 105.000 eqUIIN Mrs Kennedy and Perry Jr mie OllIff. The were enter­ dlson were accompanied by pay boys .Saturday, Perry Martin. terials that can be found. There was guests They mander In the navy, IS now With the With his Sister, Mrs Ed daughter July 6th, at the Bulloch here at 5 In the morning this club on an bet of floor space, it I the larwut this week In Sa- not want I WIll be their guest leaving community weigh spent several day. not aile spectator who did tained on the lawn and were served JImmy Smith, who mvaaron fleet in New Guinea area. J B. have William P son of J H Mr and Mrs. Rushing of County Hospital. She will be called Brett, Brett. average aroung 220 pound s warehouse In this part of the tobacco vannah. to take home a serving tray made and assorted sandwiches and for a month Friends pleased They' driuks are, was sworn In 88 cadet at West POInt ure sons of the late J. H. Brett, returned from a week's In Jack­ Belcher Will re­ all on They stay ordinary tuna fish cans. The art class Sue MarIOn. Mrs. be well III live Tifton sandy loan sailor belt. Mrs. W. C. Trapnell, of Savannah, cakes. Mrs. Mac LeWIS was given a tlhat Mrs. Addison IS doing' 1st has been' of this and Jacksonville Beach. unusual of MilItary Academy July city WarehouM sonville had a very arrangement membered as Miss Elva Anderson, of loam the two best types ------�� Last year Sheppard's was the guest of Mrs. Byron Parrish card tray for getting the coca-cola the Bulloch County Hospital followlIlg assigned to Fifth Company'command- Norfolk SOIl, - returned home chalk doll furniture, grade Ralph McRae has posters, Nevils, ed General W. D Connor. of soil found In thls sectton of the sold 4,607,782 pounds of tubllCao water color with the furthest dIS­ sustained 10 an automobile by Major J;unday. teaching projects and ------­ stamped CIty injuriea from a month's VISIt With his mother, IS tolay that country. There nre three members Jar $l,735,892.87-the largest .el•. W. H. of IS spend- sketches. The work was nod m MathIS was accident (�nnouncement m!,d� Blitch, Alabama, plan tance away. MISS pre­ recently. . REPEATS Billie has been commlsaloned as col- MILLER Mrs. Wilma McRae, In Jacksonville. of the c lua that da not h 200 recorded and the most mane, pal4 several this week With hla units to accompany a course of study book and welg Ing days Miss Mathis A Visitor sented WIth an address onel m the HONORED regular army) .. Mr. and Mrs Ell Hodges and chil- 111 each We come more and VISITORS but several members WIll out any warehouse in the stat 01 here. grade pounds, go by famIly MISS VII'g'lma MathIS arrIved' last Mrs. oiue a vase. entertamed with I' and Ray, more to realize that the school IS tak- Mrs, Thad MorTIS from to .,. IDS ANNUAL FEAST also led In ..,_ Smith returned dren, Mary Ann, Jimmy TWENTY YEAR� AGO 225 250 pounds. Georgill. Sheppard Mrs Sidney has week to several WIth her Guests Included former classmates in ItS place and that the spend weeks a thea ter afternoon on State.bor. spent the week end at Savannah mg' rightful party Friday To see the men from the Sinkhole orage pnce for tobacco from Highlands, N. C, where she III correct meth- of MISS MathIS and other friends. From Bulloch TImes, July 1924. Pembroke Leader Gives traintng' of teachers Sister, Mrs. George MathiS. MISS honor of Misses Vera and 17. • Beach her meces, In their stature does not market. a new all-time Ehzabeth Statesboro, spent last week. ods IS reaching high Mathis has been Those invited were Dr. of Tax dIgest for 1934, just compiled Spread to Which He ' Harold who was In- recently appomted Vlvian Franklin, twm daughters Warehoua. will operate returned tu Hollingsworth, The climax of the nctivittes Tax Receiver He" J Akins dis­ attract attention, but SIt them down Sheppard's Pvt. Ray Akins has peak MISSion Board Fletcher, Mrs Mary Jones Wllhams, by ry IS by the Baptist Poreign and Frankhn, who, Issues Broad Invitation ... ducted Into the nny last week was held In the Lab school Mr. Mrs. Clyde closed of half at the table WIth of the with practically the ol'l'anl after a VISit With yesterday Oliver slump approximately' twenty-five Colorado Spring to serve as a educatIOnal Mrs. Ralph Howard, Mrs. a show. The chIldren rehglOus WIth have been VIsiting valuatIon IS Till which of receiving boot tramlng at Camp Per­ WIth puppet the,r parents, Ullllion dollars; total men and all of them so much larger Court Postponed tlon as last )"ear, coneilta il,s here. Mrs. Inman MISS Those annual birthday spreads given family made and d,'assed the puppets, de- director in HawaIi. She has been at Rutherford, Dekle, the the at PRODUCERS HOLD Va relatIves hele. After picture placed $7,200,840. than size Sherwood Denmark, bookman; lIer­ returned home ry, the average man, their Last t Frank generous spIrIt of Steve Sewell has the "nd scenery, bUIlt Califorma for the Lee Jones, MISS ::lall)' Tern. Pohceman J. V. of Monday Augu by Miller, re- SIgned stege the Umverslty of Rubye went to the home of Mrs. Mor­ Caunty Dolan, vln ticket W. E. • Seaman George T. Groover has group to nund the of aOlI Carter, taker; (BIU) - type the seem several weeks With rel- the fumlture and the Mr•. Bro.. Screven tu brlllgs they capital CIty of Bryan county, after spending staged plays. two Chinese. As pIes, MISS Helen Rowse, of county, 'Yas brought Jail Announcement IS authorized that · past years studYing 1'e!reshments ANNUAL and riS for MEFrING manl hiS aeter a few days' damty party on and the about Taylor, bookkeeper utility Metter. JOined ship was bUilt to scale. One Mack in Statesboro Monday IIIght by Depu­ live wondering just to have grown Into a permanent prin­ atlves at Everythmg ard Mrs. Bulloch ... soon as cond,tIOns permIt she wlll go Poppell, Baltimore; cream and ginger­ the July of penor E. offloe Mrs. AuI­ VISit With hi; mother, Mrs. George could but marvel at these children a8 sandWiches, cakes, SheTlff at Dolan's request, how much carryover tbere is from term, of his life. Frank P. Wooten, man; Mrs. B V. Collins h as returned Mrs. Er­ ty Dickey, Stockholders Co-Operative CIpal Every year on to China t.. serve there In the LeWIS, Montgome� Ala; were the WIth court, to convene next Mon­ Elizabetia T. Groover presented the skits one of whICh ale Attending this party for safe keepmg charged the of VieW JIm schedu�d bert Brannen and Mrs. relatives m they many pOints StrICkland, has a new and each succeed­ Ilome from a With nest . Miss WID Meet In Court House blrthdllY, stay was "Hansel and Gretel" Nothmg same Until she entered the Pundt, Fayetteville, C.; Bea that of two Bazemo.e day, has been postponed by order of Mrs. Everett WIlliams and Mrs. capacity Misses Franklin. Betty Rowse, slaying day of the Farm Bu­ Bryan, payoff sales; Llo)'d Malp.... . preSIdent commumty seems to excel all those Atlanta and LOUIsville. even the chOIr m too aad Mrs. Dolan mit birthday was left out, U she held pOSitIOns of Sue Nell Jones, Metter, Dell Shuman, brothers, Joe and Herman, Judge Evans to the fourth Monda, Saturday to Hear Report EdWin Banks spent several days thIS mverslty Dot Mary that none of the , day ftoor manager; Alton SUII'I, of Savannah dIstance the children's prayer. Smallwood, claims self-defense. reau, says people whIch have gnne before. For the past MISS June Attaway, sang church at the Foots Mathis, Graymont, Ga. Nell In August-"-the 28th. Those who hac! a cos- secretary BaptIst Laura Sue I floor mana...r; Percy Bryan" week In, Jacksonville attendmg salute MISS Miss Margaret Brady, district flOm that commumty have ever been SIX or he haa been nIght is a few days WIth We you, Wood, Meeting of congressIOnal eight years issumg lleach, spending church In Pineville, Ky., and young Groover and Barbara been summoned to appear in couil; Kenneth and In_. metlc show. Freeman, MISS Grove, Mr Coltharp, Smith, JaM committee was held here Tuesday, on a paupers list, nor worked on formal invitatIOn for his Irionds to PelT)' Dekle; , MISS Barbara Frankhn - Graduates next will take notice of this and workers. Wedding bells people's director in Chester, S, C. Thursday Franklin over A. M Deal; mem­ Monday Rcale men. Harry Beamon Smith, of New Or_ YOUI' preSided by WPA. They all grow tobacco, cotton, dine with him at "Needmore Fann," Mrs. O. P. ChItty, of so daughter of were nual meeting Saturday, at Lumbertun, stIll are ringing. and maybe not Last _ek MISS MathIS was a guest MISS Mary Groover, ber. present beSIdes Mr Deal of dates. July 22, The Sheppard Warehou.e will be leans, has returned to Tulane Um­ peanuts, com, Gell some truck crops, change, and the number who accept the invi­ I. the guest her brother, far eIther. We hear one and Mrs Dew WIll ""m­ ALABAMA VISITORS G M. Dr. J. VI Danle,l III C., pf away, that, ker at the annuaI G A • house Mr Groover, Bird, Candler; 11 a. m., the court D. D tobacco ,N. Mr. spea a few houJld, open to receIve Thurada" verslty after vlsltmg hIS parents, is wear- Mrs. and httle Tom pecans, raise a lot of hogs, sell tatIOn haa and Mrs Cobb. of our attractIVe b�unettes semor work at the Umver­ S/Sgt. and Hodges Evansj John Parker, Screven; steadIly expanded. • Cobb, her iWallis at Bess.. TIft College. She plete announces. 20th. The market openl Ia and Mrs. L E. Snuth. she party chaIrman for cows and In maIntam one of Rushing, preSident, July Burke and Miss I mg a ring. By the way, gradu- Before daughter, Elaine of Selma, Ala., proxIes were held by general A year ago It was his half-century Mrs Zita daughter, at several other meetmgs slty of Georgia Thursday. Sue) HOLD CONFERENCE an4 In and IS has spoken other members. Statesboro Jul, 24th. Mrs. Kermit Carr and MISS June ated from collegoa May very Mrs. S. K. six the best diverSified systems of farm­ Mr. Rushmg stated that the organ­ whIch IS the at which Monday, Jo Burke, J.eft Tuesday for home MISS Groover WIll go are visitmg his mother, III1lrk, pOint Peggy I The attended G.T.C. smce arrlvmg m Statesboro. She IS coming SOCIal events. A at in­ will haw an sel. returned from a VISIt WIth musIcal. groom marflage m thiS sectIOn. Sheppard all-day for sometime. I Carr have where at and Mrs. Hodges' Ing found IzatIon had served more memberd than men are assumed to begin steadying Eastman tu be gone to have a church Mathis of to Cedartown for the week end Hodges Ohver, terest was that of MISS Neele I at Just hope they plan the daughter of J. F. 8'r., Floyd traveled OF IMPORTANCE Tuesday, July 26th, and probsbly .' Mrs. Carr's mother, Mrs Jones, Mrs. J. A recent vlsitur that had ever Dnd 1.,,11 more he had a hundred and or Mr. and Mrs and The of town are not an attendant In the Mr and W. Gillis, and Fred Frankhn of States­ payout patron- down; fifty Eugene Brogdon wedding boys a reSIdent of th,s she WIll serve as parents, Fletcher, • Graymont, former afternoon .ale openln&, clay. her home In Waycro.s. our in mom­ over most of the Unitel States stated than other more WIth and too dinner Monday of the left out by any means. One of Elolae whIch at Metter, aad other relatives boro, which occurred Monday State of Public age during any guests him, lion, Frederclk, Lyons, spent wedding of M,s. l1unt Department diridends The sales at Sheppard'. are m.... Culbreth has returned IS a first lieu- city. at the home of the had never seen so men In Mr. and Wade Mrs Wayne local young men, who Statesboro. ing, July 14th, he many large to Come Here For year at thiS meetln&'. He did not was served "elay. at the Pemhroke week enu WIth Mrs. WIll take place Saturday Welfare E. ed Aulbert where sev- tenant but was connected wlth btlde's parents, Mr and Mrs. W. F. m aged by R. Sheppard from New York, she spent now, gathin large plies, as tooy Tenn. MISS Marguerite MorTlsey, Hughlon Brown, Hudson The opened a sture here about meetlllg day), to come across the Hltt Jr. Elln, mas states that Statesboro was hIS co-op labor Gear!!" MIS'I IS several days as for the First congressIOnal dIstrict. hR�dle a pile wIth the same Howell Sewell has returned from -Yannah, spendIng Sam RobbinS. OtIS Rushing and II III which most of the Iive­ street and hne up With the crowd. bIg Ann who IS best assignment. He saId the people Turner Y"lar ago MISS Attaway, the of MISS KIttle Daector a small Thls spend-i wondered two the smaller It was hiS mVltation that in­ It takes to handle pile. where he accompanied were so IlIce to hl-m. Just g�est have Hubert Waters, of by stock feeds used In this area are kept. And they apparently accepted the the summer at Savannah Beach" Minnesota, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Anderson lng us feel Welfare A. J de- means a labor tu thelll. a If he desel'ved It That makes of Pubhc Halley was housed on big savin« of Mrs Sewell who underwent majol RELEASE returned to their horne In Florence, members, were not present. ThiS has been one of Its major Vitation The crowd th,s week here as the guest LOT cOita spent It? Let's O.P.A. a more mighty proud, doesn't keep relatives m at the ctded upon Statesboro as meetmg can sell per day-It - month new seiJlllce They operatIOn at Mayo Chmc FrIends S. C., after a VISit WIth These men meet each achIevements. At the time this thiS occasion at the domeHtlc MISS LIla Brady the WOl k -Our people are .ell hIs cro� up good Bulloch. house and diSCUSS their place the Pembroke the grower less tu are pleased that she IS Improvlllg NeVIls and commumty source of �ed was brought to room of the High School, Mr and Mrs. W H Bhtch, Cadet stili vacatIOning Eva Lee Blitch and thla III Gordon SImmons, John to. Notice to the various members of room growers are \lrged to keep Bean and Lmda and farm and have supper It was to procure and there were seats and table and Chadotte Blitch mcely Mat llyn, Neva for an problems county ImpOSSIble ParrIsh Blitch Edwin Gropver left Sunday Director and 'all CaR to tile and Isabell have gone to Three members work WIth the board, by Hartley for the hvestock here. -and ratIOns too-for the entire mind, put they WIth Mr. Mrs. M R Colhns son, Robert, McDougald several week. m New York gether glv�n adequate feed are VISIting In Jacksonville RATION FREE outing of words: mountams. Doll and In the m IS III the followlllg sheet. are some- the Fay, Betty a number of the ladieS Wrltlllg, 'The IS afflhated WIth the Co- crowd. The dinner was served cafe­ , of Goulds, spendlllg and Wa.hlngton. like co-op and Mrs. E. H. Chambers Fla., to Indian Teressa 'have gone Springs. W. Enneis of vast seem­ with Mr and Mrs J A Steph­ J. C. Jones and C. and gIve the proceeds "Dear Sir: 0 tIve M'III s tha t due"s ItsOWn t, ria style, and two hncs Mr and Mrs. Lonme Scarboro, of. time Genevieve and Mrs. commumty pera pr.o Mrs. Guardia, from St Alfred Dorman has ten- en at- have returned Marys, w,here tu the ladies' club "Mayor IS also afflhated WIth the ed to at the tal>le and ens while the daughtOl, Melba, IS tu next month at the supper feed.. It converge Tight MIamI and Mrs. Rountree LeWIS Thomas plan spend 29·th. four weeks look­ dered the SOCial Board an 10th July they spent the past SecurIty been bruns­ JUNIORS summer school at Georgia In go up T.hrough Cotton Producers ASSOCiatIOn. which had pIled l!arbecue, LOCAL are their cottage Clayton They July IIlterests of Atlanta, guests tendmg after some real estate inVItatIOn to hold Its JUly meeting • son, WIlham, the beau­ ing iced each at that tIme and Adabelle of a recent weeks the co-opera_ \Vlck stew, chicken and rice, tea, and Mrs J. L. Zetterower. Teuchers College. year J. W. Williams, of the In Statesboro as the beginning Durlllg of Mr. In full bloom. tIful rhododendrons are of III or and bread. It was an Mrs J P and daughters, commulllty shipped forty crates SOLDIER'S series of meetmgs tu be held tive has been In tl{e process pro­ oake in.pinng �TIVE NIGHT Mrs. Bob HighsmIth, of Durham, Fay made out of LOCAL IN Last summer they Jelly to WIll home It was are ...... Elberta peaches Savannah; each board member's county. a local charter the upon whIch to look. of Misses Betty and Teresa, spend- tu as curlllg whereby spectacle N and Bobby Perry, Concord, the North Georgia apples give season meet- Installed And C., about 100 bushels th,s Therefore, our next regular E. to learn some per­ New Of8cen • awhile at IndlOn Sprlllgs and At­ The was gatber busllless, whIch is managed by an ollportunity why 'N. C have retumed to their home mg Christmas presents. Jelly farm at IMPORTANT TASK of the board will be held III H. S. Barr. superlntenden,t Ing women and man­ Entertained ThlU'llda, M,ss will VIsit In not but doallclous Hope L. Anderson here, would not be sons-especlally Ladies WIth Dr and Mrs. D R. lanta Betty Fay only beautiful, First DIstrICt Agricultural Col­ Statesboro on Wednesday, July 26, .aIter � VISIt the women DorIS deCide to do that again -Will water­ Welmon Johnson Given for or losses are and some-csp,cClally at Oecast.. Columbus as the guest of MISS they brought the Times a Sgt. at 12 o'clock 1I00n, a� the Jaeckel responSible any profits fat, E:vening Special Dekle. AROUND TOWN WOMEN'S SHO� INCLUDED lege, see fine Connection also additIon men-so and helpless home you melon 61 pounds-as Assignment in m Statesboro. He has <>f other a ••oclatlOns. In and scrawny Benson has returned tu Greer before returnlllg weighing Hotel, new officers and an- Pvt. Robert weather observed Installation of Waldo Jr and inside as out. With Munitions, Depot Invited the board members. to Mr the board of dIrectors lookmg In that line-up we o aftel a short VISit M,s Waldo Floyd, Rushing of Statesboro JUII­ <:amp Pickett, Va., bale of sea Island cottun of to awhile at hiS thelT nual ladles' mght and Oxfords. First permItting, spend IS W C. those persons who stuod Misses Lee Floyd and Sue For Visitors Sandals taking thiS action Hodges, that was back by Vlrgllll8 Supper Pumps, Straps, was Statesboro MedIterranean Theater-In the of Commerce was hel4 here, and accompanied the 'season brought to, AFHQ, fishing camp after meetmg. were lOr Chamber for Atlanta to W. H. L J Holloway, John W. ground and got to the table first, small Simmons left today supermtendent acres the for reason you should Smith, at the Norrla Mrs. Benson and thOlr daugh_ A dehghtful affair of FTiday eVl'n­ today by John Powell, the thousands of comprlsmg "If any had last Thursday evening ...... L. tm.y nnd Will be accom- Vivid cool exquisitely WIlliams WClghed to I WIll DaVIS E. L. Womack and W IIlvarl8bly the stand-patters; ' a few days, styles of the J W farln; African Ordnance not be able attend, appre- Jr., Turner as the .... ter, Noel spend was the buffet supper given by domam of a North to Hotel With D. B. apea mg tu Savannah. me at your the volume which enabled them AkinS and home Sunday by Mrs Verdle 380 pounds; shIpped cahber clate your advismg Zetterower Jr. .and Mrs. Harold pamed Mrs. HalOld Powell at the home of are shells of every er of the evening's program. Sgt flattering. Chas G Edwards, Battalion, earhest conveOlence wllI And w. nottced tbat In the who the last three Congressman The ser.. lces of the co-operatIve stand • and Mr and Hllhard, haslspent MIS F A. after­ for firmg to a 240- retirIng pre.ident little son, of Moultrie, hel Mr and at Portal Saturday from a 22 practICe "WIth kindest personal legards woman stood Wendell Burke, pments, speaking be the actIOn of where a roltust · Atlanta. not curtailed any by line-up of week in for hOWitzer a mean� I am _Icomed the gueata. Mrs LeWIS AkinS, BarneSVille, Smallwood, as a comphment to LIeut. noon In behalf of hiS oandidacy mlillmeter shell, big and all good wishes, of the Jayces, the Mr Anderson says It WIll WIth and Mrs. Flemlllg \Shuman no required. was by a crowd ammunItIOn With a "Yours sincerely, board, over tu Bob : spent several days thiS week Cpl and Mrs BIlly SmIth, of Cherry Remember, stamp congress, greeted looking piece of 3 Rnd turned the program who auditorIUm, Director." continue tu ItS own fertlhzer See MILLER. page and httle daughter, Bonnie Dean, which the school features of A. J HARTLEY, chairman. Dorine _ Mal y Sue Akms N who were of her with paeked snub nose and no beauty p�duce program lI�lss POint, C., guests All shoes' reduced to comply count included 473 Savannah and Will Pound, hiS Mr and' by actual the board at the plant In numbers were Mrs. B. A. Daughtry and sons, have been VISIting parents, W A cen­ the All th,s ammunItion Membership comprlsmg the musical mother, Mrs G Hodges two httle daughters of for enemy WIth the evening Shuman left dur­ adults; girls. maintain MISS VOla and Mrs. L J Sr, OPA regulations. In IS follows Alfred Dorman, States- Local Piggly Wiggly Misse. Nona Hodgea and Avant and Jamie, Johnson, tel of colorful garden flowers Hiram Bonnett and T. A GrIner, pre­ IS carefully stored bays protected as its(,connectlOns gIven by Mrs piece other whereby the feeds, and John Ed the week end for a VISit WIth pre­ to them m Richard Milledge- co-operatives Mrs C C Daughtry IIlg used on the table and a chIcken sented him With a lovely bouquet from the elements keep bora, Dr. BillIOn, Has New Manager Betty Gunter. be- was and other mateTlals the farm­ weeks 10 Shuman's relatives In VirgInIa ladles of the town. F M. Newnan; palllts, 01 the Intro­ Brannen ale) spendmg two was served. Later In the :pared by VIlle; Dr. Cochran, of Mr. Burke had charge suppet· tip-tOP shape. on a co­ R L. has taken charge to Santa Cal. er needs can be purchased Jemlgan n_ Thnnessee mountains. fm e returnmg Ana, ... Commancl-ed Major Thomas B. Jesse A. Drake, ColqUItt, Ryan DY"lr, ductIOn and installation of the the evenmg the group enjoyed danCing FORTY YEARS AGO by store as manager, Hazel- operatIve baSI•. the Plggly Wiggly next Lieut. and San FranCISco, Califorma, Dr. S. W. Martin, who will serve for the CecIl's Guests mclucl-ed 1904 of Cartersville, ------­ Jer­ officers at From Statl.sboro Ne..�, July 19, Lynch, succeeding Mr Blllnlcker. Mr. concentratIOn of eX­ P Otwell, Cumnung; W. months. W. Earl McElveen M1 s Misses Frances MartIn, there IS a large hurst; Roy from Dub- twelve Smith, Allen IS preparlllg tu bring comes to Statesboro J. T. battal­ Joe S. Bur- mgan Robert In the of thIS H Unton POint, was m.talled as president, Rose Bowen, JulIe Turner, of sea Island cottun; 'ploslves dumps Rhodes, Policeman Wilson was III bUSI­ Martl}a in the first bale 1m, wh-ere he forMerly states that BUena Vista; Frank Thomas, as vice-president, Carl Carmen Cowal·t, Betty Grace Hodges INCLUDED already has a good deal open. Major Lynch gill Sr., Three Men for the SlX Donaldson MEN'S SHO� ness for himself past sales one Captures .. for some time past small chance of even Franklin aa secretary, Bob POUJId WHAT YOU WANT? and Wynelle NesmIth, and Knnball C. C. Lee, "there's very Decatur. had wldc and succesS­ CAN'T FIND been pro- of the years He has clerk for SWift Bros.. has the the Policeman Andrew WIlson, Newton a. chap· Junior Pomdexter, Dekle someone shoe small sm.lI expIodmg way and treasurer, Hubert Johnston, If has used your stamp, of sales- tak­ ful experience as a groceryman filiated tu positIOn travehng treat WEDNESDAY CLOSING has the dIstinctIon of Johnstun •• men handle that ammo. They cIty force, lain and George parlla· Banks, Dlg'ht Olhff, Jerry Coleman, Conn he has many plans TRY- 'man at Stamford, l,on DISCONTINUED three It IS understood miss this that It BE escaped pris­ with the Parrish don't opportunity. each of and carefully so TO Ing Single-handed me;taTlan. These officers, Bobby Durden and Chas Preetorius has gIven lit lOVingly to Plggly Wigely Blltch,.- actIon last Wednesday underway Improve •• in front m A-I condItIon The busmess house of Statesboro oners m one Mr. Burke '. 'lIlS grandchildren, twenty.three Will reach the retiring preBicl-ent, were saun­ here VISITORS IN SAVANNAH to take a trIp tu the notICe that after­ afternoon whIle the men Banka lind Bu· in number, $50 to Jerry IlIghtmares." request yesterday WIll chairman and Henry have your favorite styles give tuwn Mr. Jemlgan states produce �e Fair In St Loul. It the along through the board of anI MIS James Anderson and World's the extent of the depot, noon was the last of terlllg leisurely ford Kmght, eompose Mt· •. A M Deal Despite feature of the Improved Plggly Cash shoes, A son of lIfr and Mr IIlto town from be a Shuman's Grocery' and locate a Statesboro. Be­ after ridden ventilated a moment to par­ for haVing dIrectors. sons, Gen� and of Statesboro, wing tips hurt failing on takes only a clOSing perlOls H,s wife IS WIth hIm Don, was seriously by With an ac­ Wiggly setup call comes III and contln­ the Brooklet commumty and Mrs. S K Hodges, of Ohver, in the yard one day last tlcullir item when the gmnlng next Wednesday home for hoe Iymg and they are makmg thClr fellow IS very much Carefully tabulat­ thereafter thereafter the bUSI­ co.mmodatmg motorist were In Savannah Sunday to 'VISit the httle from the front. umg Mrs. I. A Bran­ THIS YOU? week; a hft the time belllg WIth WAS man who the men better. n au the locatIOn ness houses Will remaIn open The gave WIth MI and Mrs Raymond Mayer, d th'C men ca tell y avenue. announc� e, had nen on Savannah and a buslnes...... A on yesterday the that he 'You are a blond whose telegram mme m the dump. They mformed policeman foods on [sland, son, . sched- of the last wore Wllmmgton you that the TennIlle ball team, NO WORD FROM records because g'lrl. Wednesday morning ed the ammo at a STILL SUSpICions of their ftowers 'Q'u:alit, was killed' III ac­ arc to move of Lt afternoon, ready large Harry Mayer, uled for a game yesterday LIEUTENANT conversatIOn FIRST OPEN BOLLS a two-piece pnnt or rail· MISSING of their evasions of hiS brown and invaSIOn of France on wIll be here th1s notIce to the dock a tan tion With the was unable to come; moment's on background, resI­ them to YESTERiln" to the scene Mrs Rufus Stephens, former Pohceman WIlson suspected RECEIVED shoes and a varl,colored beg. June 11 Lt .s surVIved by aftt!rnoon, however. road the trans shipment whIte At Prices Mayer Statesboro and now at who some party dent of liVing German sea­ sister and gr8llWnother lo�er Dora Cana­ SAVE YOUR SHOE STAMPS-BUY NOW AT REDUCED Last Monday night be the three pTlsoners First cotton bolls of the You, your hiS the former MISS of actIOn. friends In Statesboro opeln Wife, where lay the Dublin, VISited near TImes offIce make home together. went tu the graveyard and renovatIOn had from prison Waynes­ son brought to the your and httle LlIldy Ruth. who had In the IIlspectlOn the week As M,ss Lillian escaped wl're will be given Joe, daughter, of Seab(\)'n Proctor, durmg afternoon Charhe Sim­ The lady described body the never-end­ here boro. the men by surprIse yesterday by "ShillS home IS to San carried of the battalion. she made her home Taking tu the Mt·s Mayer'S AntonIO, been dead five years, and away shops BlankenshIp Bald were grown on two tlClretS Plctu:re, MEAT FISH, PRICES L,eut and 111 the city mons, who they MARKET, GROCERIES, to the ammo to her mal last to he met no reSistance, today she and her httle there IS no clue of the up until Tla!!" year BIll on Harvest Moon," snowing Texas, \Vhel'e daugh­ the head; mg Job keeping a farm belonging to his father, thiS hIdeous It Her frlCnds are dIstressed admitted were wanted at the Georgia Theater moth­ who engaged In if a caslllg IS cl-ented, Stephens JUII they they and that the farmer who and Friday ter now (eslde Lleut Mayer's ghouls par goes on. to the Sllnmons, T,me. of­ FRUITS AND VEGETABLES With her at the suspense as N Officers came WIlliams. to the affair Intu fuses an d at Fort Bragg, C did the work was MadIson upon applicatIOn er was the former MISS Ruth Hodges, half IS hammered shape, III the WIll like. IS four and a whereabouts of her husband. them ficc. It's a pIcture she Gooding station, from there Monday and carried He brought a handful of open bo)ls, of the late Mr and Mrs E. on the are plllced aVIatIOn who was Nport­ for new clue ext week. daughter southwest of Statesboro primers department, were bear wItness that Watch miles Their names whIch seems to they was of men who a the BaltIC back to pnson. IRst w�ek W of the Hagin dlStllCt It IS a f10UTlshmg Scanning a !1st thrrty ed missing In laId along farm The deSCribed Hodges, B. & P railroad; are on the SImmons lady Statesboro's Most Food Store name 29th. In h,s flotilla were Frank Wilham Ridenour, and plentiful who calJ.ed for Complete town WIth a sawnull cuttmg from Georgia, we find the 03 May Roe, M,ss Jamc Pye, CAl httle are Later Minkovitz have H. feet per day, Ber­ a number of other a'\' Istors who Turaer. had escaped tIckets Friday aftemoon. PRIMITIVE CIRCLE Sons to son of Mortis her from 25,000 30,000 Weldon Johnson, They SALE-One city-blockinOiWy of Sgt. however there has FOR to apo­ run the mIll the been report-ed safe, a came til person expl'ess Ladlee Cncl. of the Prnllltl� when God's people States- from Fort Br:rgg by overpowerlllg lots 2, 3, 4 and 5; write she The for dell Johnson, 15 Gordon street, Lieut. HeIghtS, 1. tickets. cuts smooth and good lumber been no trace of Stephens Ga. or th PHONE 248 WIll aft. ff'Statesboro's Store" saw and taking hiS truck T. H. GLISSON, Ellabelle, (ltp) precIBtlOn Baptist clmrch mejl;t Mondar Largest 'iJepartment G Luca". bora. since was guard the ma.ket (SIgned) L he reported ml8smg. el'noon With MISS ala Frankhn' at:

her home on Nortb Zetool'ower