Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 7-13-1944 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1944). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2224. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2224 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. // - I BACKWABO LOOK I {/ (' rll/((//�I{ 'I. The True Memorial J"OrJIIlFAJI _NIl' MRS. ARTIlUl! Editor TEN YEARS AGO � • TURNER, IS AN UNWRl'I'TEN BUT BLO­ .. From Bulloch 1934 TIMES 208 Colle" toulevar4 Times, Jaly 12, BU'LLOCH \ • • Personal Clubs Announcement that the Statesboro QUBNT STORY OF ALL THAT tobacco market WIll open August 12, (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) IS BEST IN LIFB. "It 13 reported that there are more than 2,000 acres of tobacco III Bulloch Bullocb TIm.., Estebllshed lS92 ! VOL. 53-NO. 1'1 the county" Consolidated Janurr 17, 11117 JULY Our work help. to retied Statesboro Established 19011 STATESBORO. GA., THURSDAY, 13,1944 On Tuesday and Wednesday, July News, whlcb )'Ou to enct Statesboro Establlsbed 1917-ConlOlidated D_ber II. 1lIII0 spu"t prompta 17th and lSth, a two-day conference Eagle, Personal Us (J/{EEnNC� the stone as an act of rev.._ WIll be held at Teachers College under A;as�nSs::a��::d�::d::t����a:� of the of Purely and d...otion•••• Our exped_ auspices Georgia Congress Peterson Thanks -- A'ITEND In FIn . MAYOR TO a VISit with relatives Orlando, !1Jelween \' Parents and Teachers at service. ROTARY SELEcrS - -=-. � your Fred of vlslted Bulloch county fnends of Albert Voters For Support Mr. Ruth Skelton, of Jacksonville, Page, Reldsville,r Th e cool weather has arrived Just I •• � ? candidate for congress, Will relatives here the week WIth h's parents, Mr in bhe nick of time We were wonder- _ Cobb, of Bulloch CmCAGO MEFfING FIa J IS VISItIng dur-ing To The Oitiaens County --=== honor him With a ftsh fry FrIday WORKING GROUPS we would break our r Mae has I eturned and Mrs B V Page mil' If prormas Brannen- Thaye Monument Co. I WIsh to express to the voter. of MISS Ida Hagms at the home of Russ Waters, Next made the our snow fell Re- -I'. evenmg friends Leaves Here Sunday Mrs of Macon, spent sev, day big A Local Since 1922 children Year Bulloch county and to my to LIttle Rock, Ark, after spendmg Creech, 1,\1 � Industry near Brooklet; women and Committees For The member how we felt when we won- the distrtct my deepest In this week wIth her .: JOHN M. throughout To Participate The sometime at her home here. eral days parents, we would � THAYER Proprietor especially invited. dered If ever agum get -== Are Announced Monday By appreciation for the splendid confi­ Yeomans of Bulloch Candidates Albert Key, of the Merchant Ma­ m'fr and MELrs warm? of heat, the � 45 West Main Street PHONE as. Thirty-two graduates in the Democratic Naming Party Speaking college �14iE::iiir 439 Statesboro, dence given by you schools are now serving Newly InstaIled President after a MIss Kathllne of Suvan- has solved the problem county hIgh election 4th I es­ has rejcined hIS ship Denmark, pool really r primary of July Dorman will Ie... rines, Mr and Mrs C W Zetterower an- With the U. S Marmes, havmg ... Mayor Alf,ed the week end with her this year The youngsters (and the assumed the duties of hIS the support viSIt h rs Mr. Ora Key nah, spent Savannah HavIIIg pecially uppreciate loyal WIth mother, the water nounce the birth of a daughter, Joyce cently enhsted at tbe office; for to .ttend the grown-ups. too) enjoy every of Statesboro of my fnends, and shall ever be Sunday Chlcngo Mr and Mrs R P Stephens and mother, Mrs L T Denmark VISITS these came from States­ new offtce of president afternoon M,ss Edith Guill IS in Ann, May 24 MRS. CAMPANELLI youngsters to each of McLemore Visitors Portal' and Z. S Henderson at the grateful you. national Democratic conventlon tbe." the week at and Mrs Ernest spent Brooklet, Rell'lster' are spending MI Rushing of the and IS a most boro, Rotary Club, assure thut shall con­ son, Bobby, charge pool MISS Juha Carmichael has arrived FRIENDS IN VIRGINIA May I you J the week at the She has schools Monday announced CItI­ next week From here WIll go the Sea Island Hotel, Beaufort, S C several days dUllf>g charm IIIII' person organized regular meeting tmue to give to you and to each h.e from Chicago to spend three weeks who WII8 a Bulloch county club boys attehdmg Beach classes for the Mrs A J. Campanelh, ' roster of active commtttees who FIrst diatrict, the bost Gordon Woodcock, of Savannah, Solrns Hotel, Savannah swrmming '(tmy tots," Miss Is week hlB zen of the very direct to Atlanta to join the body of Wynn Briqe With her L state encampment at TIfton this and one IS ...mazed at the response SIster, Mr. 0 McLemore resident of this town for one year the service as your representa­ several this week WIth hIS Mrs S B Kennedy, of Metter, Anderson corn club will serve during. coming' year posalble will leave there In spent days IS enthusiastic about are E L. Jr, dolegates who she gets She sa Of Sgt. Steele Mr. A S. and MISS Mary Lo� and been her home tive m Congress W H Wood_ several days this week as the Kelly who has making' Ben Nesmith, pIg and [n addition to the president, off,cet:l\ parents Mr and Mrs spent her work She IS able to call all the member, Grady headed GonmOr Jill. Carmichael, McLemore in Savannah club 111- Smcerely, "pcclal cars, by of Mr and Mrs Cecil Kennedy (Macon Telegraph) Enaign Betty for the past few weeks club, and J R Gay, pIg r:4 club elected cock guest children by name, and has mude the poultry (tihe preVIOusly HUGH PETERSON WIll arrive for a VISit WIth Dyer, h. Alllall as chairman of tbe granp. Groover has returned stateraent that July 15th due to a shght Illness, left Monday member, together with Byron cluded B L. Becret&<y; Harry R L of Macon, spent tbe John Olhff she hoped everyone The marrrage of MISS Billie Wynn, Smith, " Scott, her bere. �o\lnty agent. Atlanta after a week WIth would enjoy vacationing this summer famLly mght for a few day.' V,.,t m Vlr­ S sergennt-at-arma, and a Mayor Dorman was deslpllted .. week end WIth his SIster, Mrs H to spending daughter of Mr and Mrs C I Wynn, Homer C Parker re­ Cone, You are Congressman EdWIn as she enjoyed her work where she WIll proceed board of Wallis Cobb, Zaeh. at the and hIS R H h is parents, Mr 'and Mrs Statesboro, and Sgt. Russelle L glllla, fro", ceived letter from James A Farley direetors, one of Georgla's delega'tes M. Cleary, father, a service, MISS Gulli, VISITED IN NORFOLK JURORS DRAWN renderiag great to meet her m en­ A. B Mc­ of Wbeeler and Deftance to New York husband, .. thanks for his aid Henderson, BaSIl HICks, held Scott. Groover we marvel at your patience -The Steel, Camp A party composed of Mrs W. E. expr smg moeti'llg of tbe state committee Donaldson Master Techmal Sergeant A J Camp­ Preaident Roosevelt's recovery Charlie Mathews, Bonme MamlC Hall of Wash­ Mr and Mrs Hobson Fourth bas seen many people taking OhIO, son of Mr and Mrs Wllhan: Brunson and Mrs WIl­ aetlng Dougald. III Atlanta two weeks...,. H. w.. Hrs Porrrtt, son, Heyward, expressed confidence that TERM COURT returned from overL .. prolfl'llm, J Olhff JULY several days and many VISitors have arrived of was anelll, who has MorriS and Frank hfa _ IS VISItIng her cousms, and son, James, spent trips Steele, Defiance, solemmzed he Mrs. B T. Bowen and the forth­ . not present .t the time, and ington, DC, Dot Culbreth WIlkerson, he would be returned at Atlanta and �ndlan for the double hohday sea. 10 the Southwest PaCIfic, where comnllttees announced Esten CromartIe and M,s. Nell th,s week m Friday, June at 6 30, at the home and M election The Monday Will Convene In Regular Icctlon was entirely -unsolicited. H. Mrs In New York who 23, son, Carlton, Mrs C Jones coming IS vls.ttng Wayne. statIOned for over two of the Rev D MaurIce wbo he has been were as f91lows: and hiS friends are pleased that the Jones Sprlllgs has a ten-day sbole leave Ruth Bea- SmIth, and httle daughter, spent last Session Fourth Monday Reba, S Marines TWENTY YEAR!l AGO Mrs Lester Edenfield of Sa- m years WIth the U Alms and Objects-Zack Hender­ dlstlllctlOn has come to this communI­ E B Rushmg, of the U. S Navy, Jr, "er and famIly are vacatIOning tne performed the double rIng ceremony week m With Mr Norfolk, Va, and 1924 In The Present Month and hoh- N LUCile Mrs.
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