.'.vfT^'^:"^.:^' :^JI^T ' '!Pr • "•li'^f^m "^ •' OReULATION 1,460 TWELVE PAGES VOL. XXVIL NC. 9. MANASSAS. VIRGINIA. FRIDAY/JULV iri^;: OMISE BETTER 11.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VETCRA^^ SWKY OF PARK CREATES it FAIR THK YEAR WRONG IMPRESSION H|pE MANY TO MEET Jteewre Making Every WtoH to »Iajor Ewing Write* U^ ©f BULL RUN FIELD |HBld Banner EzJiiblUon Here I August 16 to 19. » Pubtieation. Veterans ami Visitors Will In. " -v. — ' * (Washington SUr) aogurate Park on Battle An* I (H. W. Sanden, SMreUry) niversary Next TlmrsfUy. I Plant for the Third Aantuit Bxhibi- The Editor of The BtJ, ^^' ^**' Ifonol the Prince WUlfann Fair A«»o- Washington, D. C I A railjqynd picnic on the Bull Bnq. fation are rapidly materializing, and Dear Sir: ** ' battiefleI*^on ThursdajpJuly 21, catti^ prospects are brjjht for a very suc- I have read with interest the article ••••ful fair in 1921. If reports may brating the annivmary of the battla m your paper df today, "famous Bull there, which was the firsl ictual ea- ht relied upon, the exhibits this year Bun aBttlefleld May be Tamed into a Will be larger than ever bufore, par- counter of the war between the stafeaa, Government Parte" We are sincerely wW mark the inauguraUon of tba tfcnlarly in the live stock departmanta. •ppreciative of the publicity yon are The attention of proepeetive exhib- Manaasas Battlefield Confederst* giving the "Manassas Battlefield Con- Park. Public ceremonies will be beU ttwi of draft horsea is called to the fedesate Parte." but the titU which you foUowinsr chanc* in Claas » of See. m the grove at the historic Hera* have used is so hurtfnily misleading House, beginning at 11 o'clock, after tfcm C: "Beet two-horse team, and th«t in Justice to the enterprise which mast weijrh not lesa tl)an 2,600 ponnda . ^^ „ ^„ nuerpnae which wWch a family picnic dinner will k. and be shown in hameM," which will a now under way through the efforts enjoyed on the gWd. ^ ** be amended to read, "Bert two-hora* ff "Virginia corporation, of which I Anwng the speakers exoected ««^ team to be shown in harness." The have the h

-,•'. V

15 0 0 /x on OF THE FINEST AND BEST PRODUCING ACRES ffiRDS OF PURE BRED nmmfi nrntw mr .. « $30,000 JL^fit Chattels

On the Preitoise. at Featherstone, Prince William CountAUCTIOy Va to th. hiah * WAAN • nothing reserved/no by bids, b^;,i„g'****^^^^ 18th, 10 A. M GONtlNUINq TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY MONDAY-Real Estate 1»m _JW^^^mnmmm WEIWESIWY-^lattek

18, Us natnially iuwwB FeadH^stose Fann^ fecated ?'f#W|ft«*|«««fillu*C.«^^^ W. will ,15. «B all chaBebi fc. d«k cMsi iiigef and a herti of tty mt}^tl^dma»iimaiat ad Am epiMMrt IS Mcatal i ^>J5

LQCATIQN Tract No. 3 AUCTIONEERS of pZ'f wSSm S^" ^ ^^^i^ t^^ fertile section £ wSSfS ^^rfl'H^V^ ^^ «*^*« of cultivation, 125 GpL, GE0R6E BAXLER, of Ebain. N Y 1KAA wjuiam Ck)unty, Virjriifia. These fainis contain ol„l5^^^ ^^^^ 'and la rolhng and easilv cultivafA? Will ScH the Cattle th^E ri^T^R^f'''''•5?\'r"'«**-^S""*!^ gtapding on an eminence, overlooking the oSoSS^ COL. R. C. DRAKE, of OWe ««i.2i. '^",V^"I Southern mMiaion of 20 rooms snacioiia Will SeU the Real Estate / "It win be we» worth your while to hear them." l^&°4,It^ <« ^iing,f : ^Thf^r°^tr\'^*I he wnter neither has ^tim ae hofwa^^lor soacp tmin' .rr«r2'K,?f ^t*'^: ***'? **™ *^a« been used for a dairy farm OUR GUARANTEE , grazed but not extensively cultivated and now has ohT of tS __ Every person who attoids this sale will be face to face SSlt^* f^'^S^ **^«^^«^«tere7pi?e WW ; with a genuine auction. There will b*. nn U^ m^AiZJ fetes ^ '^°"'^'^•* a^-mder J^exilS , Reservations, no Up^t Price!^ ^ ^^ Bidding.,no ^*- ,''^«#^erstone Farms" in their witirety have beeB-aiiH* _ We seU everything at auction. We have never tak^n «« divided by expert farm engineers. 'Great^e to ^?M rooied, one 5jOOO gallon water supply t«ik. Th^tr^i having placed it under the hammer. «="«ig n aner m« t^ property has been takjen to^e^h a33^^' fronts on the Washington ai^Richiond H?4waV Md^P We have never, and will never, ccmtract to seU anvthino- ^j.^'™*^"* «rtendSf»m^d S^^^SSui^ Fe^^ne farms to Featherstone St.ti5?ofX R" * SiS5KfSe*'««-- ^^ toir«^p™pS?&^ ful wthfj^J^i'^i^^^y^''"'^''^ ^*n««" to beauti. taLn;^K^°'i^f Nation's Capital, with thrte paasenger we do'^o^p^^^L^SSSI.^Sf P-P^« *° - t^" out trwns eask Way daily, makes it convenient to set to^rt^ and can be e^ reached in «tt ho.«- by ita^ove?th?lS£ MisceOaneo^ Tracts owne^i^aStt'dS'^^h^^s^^a-^^ "^ *« ^ *^^ Shippfag facilities are particularly good ther^ h«»in» _ Miscenaneous Tracts ranging from 2 to 113 acres beao THIS IS A GRAND OPPORTUNITY TO PDRCHA^ F^lierstone m^ aI>oat one houi; after i^^^ aSd PnJl!^^pS^ ^5® »*e» overiboldag Occoqoan ^ Sil^S^ra. MOST OF T^^^iS^^^. DEK FEDERAL AND STATE SUPEKVlSraJ/^^ AD tTMns from New York to Florid and Southern points over the Atlantic Coast Liiie and SttT^rf Afr Ti^ lor thTQugh pa^se^gers. This Is a wtf locitionT "^""^ Mi$ceIIaneoii8 Eqiaipinait NOTICE Farm implements and other property comWned with For fortho-infonnatioa address: tract Ni 1 this sale are road graders, tractoraTlSse Sw^enSS power engmes, 2 mowing machines; cultivators- hav rake- iL ESTAHINVES1MENT an?^^'..^^*^r^^**^y'i^ *«'**'' 125 acres in con)> one side delivery rake;ha y k>ad»s; haraMa*m2iure LSd! and grass; 40 acres la woodland. Tw«Kl70 ft. cow bium SI 6 Gonnecticiit Aveone smith putft; household furniture; tele^M^^i»?Tnd nS^H^'lSS^J^**^ *=<***««•• These biiildin«?S fi^vanaed wire; double shovel ptoiwVW^iS^^ Waaungton, a e PhaMn: Mate 286* and MOB 2M1 wo^jnt of thU firm and ^Bry €«iB]^»a*tirt harfowsdriBs; feed gnnders; grain niill*nd belt- new ti^ l^ *^,f **P*i*y ^^'^ "»«' «udl^cSter; fe;sd JJdto^ 0» d^nSS'oi;^ *™P" andHtSS; roSr MvSSS: dump cart; eximss wagons; a number of steel wWl. ™nv MR LYNN ADAMS Tract No. 2 «°«i«Wnter tools; Xkinds of^id store JSSS^ phimbing and electrical suppUes. saw mUL 100 oon S?^; Featherstone, Va. i»,^£°°**i°?i*PP"">»t*'y'8•«««• Fronts ontM«Wash- migh luml«r «.d ttiousamfao f i5S Sd i^iS? SSdSj SSSn«/,.S2lT'^ ^^''•5^' b,»utifully tinaSrf ^ * F^r'lSS' «1*'«««P«<«?. too numeinrto^"S^ Pfcoi» Itt, Lorteo, Vii«tete excellently suited for any purpose and espedaOy^ a hoaie site. HesM Oflee* Jioo. A^'?«««y 8teer»-«ood feed«», uniform siie and color. irks ftnUmg, LotusTiile. K^

TERMS !_QB• w SAL'iT ^rE^ ^^zii^ij:^i:i^r"r^r^^'^^^}^'^^»^^.^^hec»A.o«ne witHMDiAible note witli aiz ner <:««* i-> f^'^r^tJ:^^,,.^^' o».Bam«mt.•" amoonta m« exci. of $25.00^ va be «z aoBtiu •U purclMMs e» day of aale. 20 " " two» Ikree^ fov ^ '

LYNN ADAMS, Saks Manag. D. C CLARK, President CANDIDATES CAKDS Bathers at Petersburg's new bail­ ing resort,' who have been making tbe trip through the streets of the city T» the D«mccratU: Vot«r« of Princ* STATE NEWS NOTES William Connty: to the lake clad only in bathing suits, I MUMHinee my cAndid«ey for re­ have come in for police action. The election to the House of Delegmtet, Reports from all this section of practice has been banned by Direc^r 'subject to the party primary to be Virginia ]say the resolta of wheat of Pablie Safety Walker, and tboae Heie's i^vliy CAMELS are held August 2nil next threshing are disappointing, accord­ caught going through the striata is C. A. SINCLAIR. ing to the Loudoun Mirrw. When the them win be baled to police oowt grain was cut, farmers were agree­ ably surprised to find the heads filled the quality cigaTette Mrs. Joseph Packard Laird, of Han­ out apparently better than was ex­ over and Fairfax counties, wife of Dr. * * pected. The appearance was decep­ Laird, of Miami, Fla., died on Sunday tive, however, as indicated by the ac­ at her swnmer home in WHmington, ECAUSE we put the utmost qut^ity info this tual ykld. Those in ppsition to know Del, after an illnesa of several daya. B one l^and. Camels are as good^ as it's p Orerhauling motor 18.M small vote was polled and but little Overliaaling eteering l.M interest seemed to be manifested '^n Such things do not improve the smoke any more Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace, Mrs. the election. Purcellville 'was Uie only OTerhauUng ditereatial . .. 3.M Adelaide Wallace and Mr. William than premiums or coupons. And remember—^you Reliaing brake aad traaa I^IM IM preci^ that cast a maj i? v epring > t.M way gotten on the lettuce, poiawning in Alexandria hospital, after swiJlow- Removing and replacing spiadte those who ate it A physician was ing part of a bottle of carbolic acid body and arm buaUnge...... IM quickly summoned and they are now and being badly burned about tiie It's Cam^ for you. Replacing fr«mt croes meinSer.. S.M reported to be improving fast. body when the remainder spilled out. Replacing front or rear wheel • __ The child's mother was ill in bed and hub ... ..V .89 the child was discovered by his ypung Cleaning and repairing frwt An hour after. completing arrange­ sister. - wheel beaiinga .. . JS9. ments witK an undertaker for the Replacing brake ahoea...... 25 funeral of her daughter, Mrs. Sallie A horse apparently blinded by the Taking up coaneetiag reda, Noa. Dudley, who died during the morning, light, furnished passengers on a night 1, 2 and 3, each; ••••••• -50 Mrs. S. Bettie Coleman, eighty-one train out of Washington considerable Taking up connectiiig rod. No. 4 tM years old, was struck by a train on-; amusement near Alexandria a few Taking motor oUt and repladag the Sobthem railway Wednesday; nights . ago. Despite the blowing of same '7.00 evening and killed.' The a&cid^t oc-, the train whistle the horse bailed to curred hear the Dudley home, seven' buidge from the centre of the track miles south of Charlottesville. The and rut all the way from Addiatm to distressed mother -was run down while Four-Biile Run. Finally the conductor Haymarket Garage J. REYNC^LPS TQBACCa COMg/^^yfa^tySalam. W. C returning to tiie house from A visit cf the train put on dimmers and 'the C. B. ROLAND, Proprietor to a neighbor. car sped past the horse. HAYMARKET :; VIRGINLA i,|» I'll! Ijll.1 Because she 'primped too -much,' BRENTS VILLE wore skirts that were too short and placed her hair in puffs.about her eara," Miss Elizabeth Buchanan has The rain -was very welcome here, as THE STAFF OF UFE be«i suspended as-a member of the iti was yety dry, and eta-ly garden* intermediate class of nurses at a lead-' were sugqiug from the drouth and THAT MEANS OUR BREAD ing hospital in RicbmoiMi. Miss heat. •',;••' Buchanan said that she consented to ,Riev. Bamett Grimsley, of Manas- . j._ 4.1 •* -i „ ...J _« aas, held regular serviees at the Bap- for every kirul of cooking dress differently if it was required of tist,. 's Churcfr, h-r on oSunda J y afterho^J.. '°_*~*. ^ all the nurses, but that unless the gen- era! pibMbltion was made she would ,. f"^, ^^^"^ Hrfsm^^r has^jomed the T is hard to appredate the New Perfection supplies just continue to dress *s she had i^^,^^^^ ^«mrnnUrz ft<>m BnsU>w U> convenience and sa1J8fi^||ttDt|. the right draught to drive the She was then dismissed by the super-, ^a^gton dunng the summer I intendent; but her case •will be con-. "^ ' .^, _. . . .,. of cbokins^ wtdi the ISfew'Pfet> heat of the white^pped flalne sidered by the hospital botoi . "'• 5*^*^ . *^? is visiting his fection^iiatil you have actually fbrdhly etfupst all the cooking sister, Mrs. Landes, m Washington. done iio. s^ utensils. The white* -•-.^ _ ' Miss Violqt Ke-ys «itertaiaed tbe Itfs a relief^ especially ill warm tipped fiame produces BREAD IS YOUR BEST FOOD The Buifea:u of Internal Revenue has members of her Sunday School elass weather, to be rid m ciurying ihe ^stost \Azt amd does announced the transfer of Robert A. ^t i,^, ^^^^^ Wednesday afternoon. not soc^up youi; ketdes Our Blue Ubboa braod cawtafna na Pulwiler, of Stauntoii, from the pcsi- ^jj, p^„, Cooksey, president of the coal, wood and ash^ SK^eei^ adulterant t« aMhe it keep aoft, birt te, tion of supervisins; federal agmt for Brentsville Hem* Demon«trati«m Club, ing up litter and blacking ^e and pan». made fresh every day ttvm higheot the southern department for the en- j^cently received a check for $20 from stove,j.^ And then yeu don^ The New Perfection is grade matariala. Ask jeor gnesv fat forcemeat of prohibition to federal di- t^e Fair Committee as the elubl prixe iJAVe to "rush the .^»e^ oa simple, practical'eco* BeU'a Blue Ribboa Bread. rector for the State of Virginia. The ^^^^y ,,„„ ^.^ exhftH.it last year's transfw is in accordance with the re- f^i, ^j^ j, expected to encourage baking days and heat up the nomicaL Suf^lies heat SPECIAL FOB THE CHILPBKW crganizatjon program of tbe prohibi- ^^^ member* to begin thk ^*r'» w«aic kitch^ Two burneiii on the instantly,and when you tm a«vice which eontempUtea the ^y, renewed interest New Perfection wlH |^ve you u« thrcKqih J«8t shut it off and Briag us tl^ )«Ma fnsa «i abolishmmt of all regional directors ,£, ^ ^ Merita, of Aden.was in all the heat needed' for any' save your feeL You don't have receive BELL'S BAKBIY Caroline fw a aimtbfr

RESTAURANT Opposing state bond issues now for Battk Street, Next to Past gecd roads, favoring raral sehoei de- velopneat and oppoaing a '^aa^awn ^ Hiimfwag. Vs. coanmissifiB'' for the developbieBt of. the nmdt of the rtate. Mrs. W. T.j Yancey, of Bedford,. has announced [ herself a candidate for. tiie heiase cf! SMART FOOTWEAR delegates fr«« Bedford eooaty. She' Pashiem aoo^ far hf will catar the deaiewatie primary iaj who insist oa ~ Augost. Mrs. Tancey is the firs({ •mi woman randidate for poHtieal oAtea ia' Styfo Three hours after he had attended RICffS the fnaeral Satarday afternoon of a I nei^tbor, David W. Maafwd, who hadi 1061 P. Strsst, Cor»«r TrnOk, bean drowned in Willeoac lake, a hMt- ^^' • w •& «^ A WM^ W«sUi«t«s, D. C ing reaort near Peterrfiarg, HeriMTt i! ¥4 AijAIVIS Mallory, nineteen years <^ had fkBea ^^ * ** «^*^>«^*»»»«' a victim to the same watMS. Ht Just to pkase us, please look at ^e /Address drowned while |a swimming at a time .Dealer ih. Manassas Transfer Co when the bsaeh waa erewdad with —, , /« i W. S. ATHST. PnftMar. several hui^r«l bather.. He was a fitCBeS, UOCB UM Jewdry •d al fair swimmer and waa ootnde the' label On thisr copy of your Journal and see if safety ropea when be waa sen t» ga' Ftee Watch Bapairias a SpsdaHy MANASSAa vnwDnA your subscnptioa is pakL THANK YOU- Established 1895 ^j;^--^-^^»^^.,M30Aes VUiBlNlA THE SLACKER LIST • PAQg.rrvB t^.aisJw-j-^-,.- V.-, '•'• ••:-•*- ^i^ Bkaaama Jounial In another column of The Journal wiU be found - .A m. A "A ^ A A "t**^' "•. - vv.'' the War Department's list of "slackers" from this ^•^•^•••••••^•••••J 7 Pttbli«h«l Every Friday by county, men who were caUed and failed to report THE MANASSAS JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. for service in the world war. There are seven, not • m percentage when the population oMhe (iMorpMvUrf) county 18 considered. There is further cause for congratulation in the fact that a majority of the D. B. LEWIS, BiuiMaaMuiM^ seven apparently an not Prince William men but Are You Working With a Piimose? laUrwl at UM port offlc« at MMammtm, Va., aa Mcond-ekaa men who wfr* nwrely drawn to this section bv #h mail mattw war work. ' Sub«eriptioa--|(li}0 > year in Aayiiwe" But any slaekw record is a stain on our escutch- FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY IS. 1»21 eoB. It is possible, of course, that some of them ^J^J^ ^^^^''' 'J?^ *"^* '"^"^ o' honorable ¥• smk*. The War Dep«^ment's records do not THE MALES IN POWER T Worit of any sort is pure drudgery, if it mean, merely earning Di«tr«s«in«ly cruel to the fair bachelor xirla aa ^«Jt' "*^*'y^^«^nends among us who know ^^> oi "uch service thj^will certainly make it known yo., exis^. But With a purpose back of it you are w^rZ it would seem. Uncle Sam's figures showing a l^ll*^ ?^P*^«nt. clearing the man of the %>:' prepcMiderance of two naiUion males in America for^ r.w«d. ««iit lightens your Usk. and make, work a pleasure cannot be ruled aside. It has lon« been a popular supposition that there were more women than men JHave a purpose in life: Make your life a success: Start by buUd- i> in the country, making anything but spinsterhood THE VALUE OF SCOUT TRAINING in a certain number of cases physically if not psi^ v^E up a Bank Account, which will furnish you with the means to An unusual demonstration of the value of Boy attem yo«r.purpose. A comfortable home. indep«idence. wealth sonally impossible. *^ Scout training which should be an inspiration to Now wmes the census man with a declaration boys of the newly-organized troops here occurred -they aU come within your rwch if you persistently save. to the effect that the new world has always held in Richmond a few days ago when a thirteen-year. a greater number of men. There are 63,000376 old boy's knowledge of administering first aid probably saved the life of his litUe playmate who The men hold numerical power in every Stat^ j cut an artery in her foot while bathing in a stream «cept Massachwetts. Rhode IsUmd, New Yor^ near a city park, North Caroltoa. South Carolina, Georgia and S Denise Trevillian. the little lady of the story. nSmWj ' was wading Icnee-deep near the bank when she fell. Nelson Phitops. onr Boy Scout hero, waded to her, ANOTHER WOUNDED SOLDIER with his pal. and together they brought her to lal Bank of Ma lliat Woodrow Wilson is as much entitled to shore, making a basket of their hands. Nelson THE BANK OF PERSONAL SBRVTCB wound stripes as any American soldier wounded tore away part of his shirt, wrapped the bleeding m France u a sentiment which make^ a powerful cut, and with a towel and stick made a turning appeal to many Americans. When John G. Emery kit above the^wound, temporarily stopping the flow national commander of the American Legion, at of blood. When a doctor, summoned by the chap- tiie Georgia Legion convention made the asser­ erone of the youthful bathing party, arrived on i tion, quoting his la^ecessor, the late Col. Fred­ the scene, one of the boys led him to his patient. A NEW BUSINESS HAS erick W. Galbraith, the Legionnaires burst into who lay comfortebly against a tree, her head STAlnXD AT THE HlLL a perfect storm of applause, which has continued resjng against a pillow made from the thoughtful to reverberate as it goes the rounds of the press. boy^s coat, and her foot propped above the level '-Woodrow Wilson, too, fell in the battle to i^.r^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ Wood away from the cut make the world safe for deinocnwy.'-? sftys the While .our Boy Scouta are not callted upon to Roanoke Times, "a victim not of enemr^lefa save 9 lif ^ every day, th^ training is invaluable WINE BROTHERS fw" evay^iay occurrences and a wonderful asset fa but of kmfe thrusts in the back. But thongh they INDEPENDENT HILL, VA. broke^his body they could not daunt his uncon- tase of need. querable soul, or kill his glorious ideals. Those Ideals wiU yet triumph and the faith to which he ARE YOU YOU? clung steadfast will yet pervade the peoples of the AM you a trailer, or ar» you a trolley? Post Office: SUpyteg P«iirt Are yon tagged to a leader throoih wiadom and foUyt BWSr6W,VA. MANASSAS. TX Are you Somebody Ha^ «* You? ^^- Mr. Wilson's broken body, hU useless arm and Do you vote by the symbol and .wallow it "rtralgkt"? halting step, are mute testimony of his Do yon pray bjr the book, d«* you pay by thTwt^ ? in the war for the peace of the work Ameriata. Do you tie your cravat by the calendar's date? ' sentiment has ab^eady placed the gold wound Do you follow a cue? "^ ' -^Wo B(aafl» All Kiadi «(•« chevrons on his arm, and it remains for the Amer- i icaapeople to see that his glorious ideal «rf world Are yon a writer, or that which is worded? DRY GOODS and NOTIONS. brotherhood-shaU be attained-that^ «Se I^^^yoa • 8hq,herd, or one of the herded* vt Which are you—« What or a Who? GROCERIES, FEED. TIRES may not have beea in vain. »«^«ice K sounds weU to call yourself "ope of tl»e flock.". But a she ^tS^- «**^',Virginia's showing is distinct^ Jndge-You say the prisoner is not insne. aad «rt h. is^t in his right mind? How i, tha« '^ ' MANAj^SAMANA^SASSl VIRGINITIRnrvTAA * -^ StiS? in mileage of roads comitructed and in Witaeso—Lota of people, your honor, irto aw not iWBERTAKERS SSSL!!^ '"'^' ^°' ^* •«<»«rt

•'^- Miss Muriel Norvell Larkin left have spent some time on the York yesterday for Washington, where she ( river and at BUckroe Beach. MANASSAS, VA. • will be the guest of Mrs. C. G, Sloan: Mr. Paul C. Sprinkel, who recently Mrs. Sloan, accomjtanied by her sis­ submitted to a nasal operation at a ters, the Misses Latimei^ and-Mks Washingtm hospital, is visiting his Larkin, win spend next wedc m New l»rents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Sprinkel. York. . ., ^^ Mr. J. ^- Steele has returned from August several weeks' visit to Russell, and Mrs. Alexander Stuart Gibson^ and Tazewell counties. •her two little daughters, Eleancr and Lacy, have returned from a short Mrs. Thomas W. Howard left Tues­ visit toThe Plains, where ibey Were day for GwOiam, wfaerer she will visit the gneste of Rev>; and Mrs. E. L. More than $4,000.00 /fri«ids for ten days. Woodward. Mr. W. J. McLemore, n. *^ Uto a rain coat bought in Buffalo, U you can .wim and row, be .trong D. D. ClMk. p«tor. ^ OAK . '^ "^21i. 1981 the death an«al clap, on a wool hat purcha.*! in PUl- and active. Incorporated Sunday—S«iwi»y School at 9.46 *. On Jnna 2*. "«*;*"* °^ Board'adelphia. hamea... hi. Kentucky bay, But of the gentler gracaa lose not m.. monun* •em**/t " »''^**^ "•"l "^^^^or^on LSS-tfed rWebraaka com. with a Ver- s««bt; ,„ MANASSAS, VIRGINU Y. P. U. ftt «:46 »ad •v«iin« ••"«• Brother Corbin T1«>»PW»'«^'^ ,^^t hamea. and drive, out to hi. If you can dance without a erase tor at 8 o'clodt. ^^ ... a dancing. man,. He w« a «««"^-•£"ft,tt ^ ^m. cov.r«l with an Ohio a^ort^ze, Play without giving play too strong our Board, ^'J^'^^^^,, Vnd inTcnadl«, wagon. After wa.^hing Wedaotday—Pr«y« mmting at* 8 a hold, • . _,^^ . B«v. Bwaatt Grtauley'* Appo<«tw<«»» ma^ng on S^**?^ '"t;, J;u of down hi. .«PP« with a Buffalo brew, WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY AND OPTICAL GOODS th«r«e rchairma ready n•«-^**•» to *ey. • How•' *^. 2«t«el^g^i putP u p in New^ Jar^ ^^y bottle.^ ,^j he^ .it ^ . Enjoy the love of friends vrithout HatetMr's Mwoorial—a«ond »«i- romancing, . . ., _j VICTEOLAS AND-UBCORDS day. 8 p. m.! fourth Sunday, 8P-"»ri Broad RUB—Sawnd and lonrth WMr **";'r^^t£nli^Sr -W S SSford brick and ««oke. hi. briar Cmn f0* tha weak, the frteidlees and SPORTING GOODS "* '^ .*^^£t witin* Plpa made In ChiU. FteaUy, he erawU the old; daySf 11 a. n. *^**^ ^ !f?tf ^ 1«1 TvS tato a Grand Rapid, bid and U kept Mt HoUy—Third Sunday, 11 a. x^ U you can master Franeh and Greek •' ^ ^dSTct ftffilTISf awake by local dpg.. the on^ home and Latin. . . >. and Saturday precwltag. ^ ^ ,, , .erved the dirtnrt "^^'^^^ ^^odwA en the place; then he won- Summaiduck-Firrt Sunday, 11 •• Boarly t«i year.. HfrVJ''^J^I L. why he keep, pobr-why money And not acquire, as weU, a priggish FINE REPAIRING A 8PBCULTY m. and Saturday 9r*^^-. . ._.. to help in every ««<».«»•«««/« ^^^1^in hi.T«Z.lty-*hr >*. mien; , j w. J. A. G«»Uh«r^ '^>"Sr!!K!!?|t*» ^'P *" *^"l • w^r«? Aa dte-ti. Karee in hi. community. If you can feel the tou^ of silk anp Prwwhing wrvic. at the Woodbtnaj building of the w*"**^ «* .J* ^'i.\oh.«l to find." Mtin .nTaSTted Baptlat Churches R«. ^, ^ „«y wril be «Jd «< »««« that are m> bM to niia Without de.pi.ing calico and jean; GIVE US A CALL '. J. A. Golihew, paator: •--.^" t^ - ?"^ . ^"ed*i.i *—thf . aehooJa. NEW METHOD OF MAKING A If yoo oan ply a saw and use a ham­ WoodWna—Every Mcond Sun^y at SSJTt' we tjS £. bereav^i UWN n*_A^ FEW WEEKS ^^mer. ^ 11a.m. and 7:80 p.m. Sunday Schaol Can do a man's work whan the need at 10 a. m. Young p«>ple'. meeting **^I "'^.•"ST B^'^'hiT'lost one' A new. quick method of establishing' ^^ riST^b^occurs, "ked, without excuse every Sunday at 7:80 p. m^««P* "» ^"^^l ,Vl,l.f««mbers. and that stand, of wd on Uwn., and more e.pe- ^ ,tammer{ preaching day. Prayer meeting evary rf it. mo.t faithful »«»««!;«J ^; eially on golf gr«en. where the gra«! ^^ ^^ .,„„ ua«ri«idly a»dM^ and Wedne«lay at 7:80 p. m. in the home there is a vacancy «» ^ _,._ ^_ ..,„« ««»«i.... has. been worked slurs; t 11Ne aw. Hd i. .tripped at for dust; '• ETS. BEOCKETT, Acting Chairman a depth of approximately 1% inChea, If you can b« a friend and hold no and third Sunday at 7:80 p. m. which gather, in mo.t of the graas Oriandfr—Every fourth Sunday at 8 W. A, KIDWELL, Clerk. grudges, t root, with a. little dirt a. ponible. A girl whom aU Will love because EDDY REFRIGERATORS '' CHURCH or THB BBETHOTN . JUST A FEW THOUGHTS The Md. are run through a feed cut­ I , they must; Rev. B. B. Blongh, paator. Bav. i. ter which i. to arranged a. to rilt If aometime you should mset and love them into ribbons about 2 inches wide '' another ^^- -are an invctment. They are 8ub»tantiaUy M. Kline, aadatant. „ v i .. Suppose every dollar that goes out Cannon Branch—Sunday Scho the t eoontry.—^Weekly News Letter. T Room and Kitchen. EPISCOPAL town or his home industries and home Trinity Episcopal Church, B«v. A- merchants renunds ope of the man Maul Order* receive prompt attention. HEN LAID MONET t Stuart Gibson, rector. described in the following: Geo. D. Bak^ x*^^^^^^^^^^^*<^<*^>><^><*<*<^>*><^> ""Sunday School at 10 a. m. , "He gets up at the alarm of a CJon- The fabled goose that laid the gol First, Mcond and fourth Sundays at neettcut clock, buttons his Chicago den egg ha. nothing olt the chicken Undertaker 11 a. m., and third S\jndas at 8 p. m. suspender, to Detwrft overalls; puta on here that lays eggs with nickels in St. Anne's, Nokesville—First Sun­ a pair of ^ow hide shoes tanned in them. A housewife near Dublin got day at 3 p. m. and third amdayatll BlasMchusett.} rtmves vrith a Blichi- a niekri out of a hen egg she had AND UCENSBD BMBALHSS a. m. (Services in Free's wnwwoBi gan razor aharpesjed on a Penn.yl- b^k«a into a frying pan while cook­ Ue Ave^ Near C H, MaaMsas. Ya. since burning of church.) vania strop, and dries on a cotton ing a meaL—Harford • This tepat strtes: "Uabtob^ canaes •niM Sunday, 11 a. m. , .. , Fairview—SMond and fonrtti Son' moA of the fees in die rural <^"***s"?*\ 4^y., 8 p. m. AiwovEO ^^hthtndii^ thi^it isUrgety pwwatMte^ Weodlawn—Third Sunday, 8 p. ss. "G»*™»«R«*» tbe instaiatioB of ^ipnyvcd figbtang rods. .Greenwood, 11 a. nu Bradley, B p. m. The Reyfa«im4iiuitc«^49 Co. B«v. J. M. BMTs Appefaiteeate For SoBiiner Wear Are m De^^ Now Lower Prince William Omega, Bav. J. IL Bdl, pastor. FOR SALE iSY 11 a. m., Greenweod. And you witt be i^ to know that we have such a apleadid auortment aS^ ready for 8 p. m, PurcelL OUR REPBESENTATIVE 8 p. m., Bradley. your selecton. - • * • PBBSBTTE3UAN PERRY SULUVAN Mansst" Preaby*Miaa Chardi, B«v, Dresaea of imported Orgaay^ imported dotted Swias. imported Qini^iama and imi- BOX No. 125 TREDERICKSBDBG.VA A.B.J«aisoa,pwt-r. 10 a. a., 3m»^aT "-bwil. ported V•<< C^eas." Charmiiv yoothfol stjica of inq>orted Organdy. Many of titeaehav e the new eape 8 p. m.. "A Record of Victory." Pn^sr masting Wsdneaday «t 8 collar and vestee of omteaatiBg ahadee, toiaheded wi^ crtdwted battona and wide sa^iM. ''^tMBwood Chveh, ICnalfiBa. 8 p, B.—"The Lifting Pewsr at • ^The Ginghams are thidly ckedted effects, many made wiA ^icon pockets; caffs and Do You Want Cnas." coDar ot Organdy; otlwr Gingham are in pUin-taflned stgics, fiiiished with podcBta and ntonnYB BAPTIST Primitive Baptist Church. BUsr T. buttons. ._ „ 6 Daltoa, putar. Service? Servfaaa tnmrj third Sunday at 11 Smart styles, in linen Drssses, made in i^ain-taik»«d stytes, some slip-on styles. H If yo«r car IBB'I worirfng jort rlght^ yow imU^ee a. m. aad tiM SatBday ptsesiWac «» is abort feii»«ii* y«« J«l««'» make «»J»1£"J^ 8:88 p. B. ^DrMses of dotted Swiss, made with the new tonic skirt and surfdiee bodice, and edged bare, bring R •nm* «• the new Gaiage ani fJ^J" CNTTBD BKRDUBr Prinea WilUaa CIreait, B«v. 8. D. with i^ain C^gaady, teimmed witii aeoBopa. try^rtTWe wW fa m» we tafw hew »-— Skdtoa, pastu-. werih,yo*1l«rt««rfwi»««^rlesatthe Sunday, May 8—Aden, 11 a. m.; ICaaaaaaa, 8 p. m.; BwUmU, 8 p. m. -—^The colors are flrelly. mais, honey-dew, salmon, orange, toown, li^ Uue, green, f Di^rfb«ters far Lee Pimetora ftea* black and white, blue aad-whita, brown and white combinatkma. Siws; MIssss, 14 to » teed f«» M« ***rti^ *?Sw***" 1 Mrf Geedrkh Tires. Othw JAMES B. COLE years; Women's, 36 to 80 boat IdftoMie. FBSIAIB. 'INDBFBNDSNT BILU TA. ^SEAMLESS TUBS HONEY COMB RAWATOB— FUNERAL DIRBCroR AND GUARANTY FROOT-PKOOF—A NEW RAMA- LICSNSED BMBAUmt f'RICED AT TOR wrraocT COOT IF THIS ONI BURSIS FROM UTB LOn FBATDKEE FREEZING. A«y $10S5, $12J5, $14.95, $19.90, $25.00, aw $29.75 WEIR & BIRKETT KBABONABLB PEiCB SRALB IN ALL KINDS MAKILB KANN'S SECOND FLOOR OPPO^ DEPOT MANASSAS, YA. GR THX NKWS-BdMcriba for THI ^0UXNAL-4LM tha y«ar. -*^^Wg JOTONA. MANAflBA^L Vl»n.>». day it would be when h« came nUrcfa. I PAGBSIHE WE All BACKffi THE SOLDIERS IN THE ARGONNE-BIITm g houte agaln^-doar Johnnie «f the' Stars and Stripes. " "e, /Krmiatlee Day-do y«a remamber "flww Spk JoiiufcsVWlu Alwit Ik«' how we sang and shouted and beat gong, and rmngbellsT It was aU aver Wi«if«d Bl^k^«^ WMhuMcton ».yb. «.„ebod, had ».i,Ui<, hi. l^ —the borrnr and the misery wiSr ^^ '* ^"^^^t peace, Five hu„d«d "hon.e -».a^i.w" «.ldi.loldie„n *^ "^^-;: SST wHh the folded wing, and the radiant A Wd lilce ^diif •t«ndin» in a line in San FraadMo waiting for a chanee at a job. No—they don't put very big bask- lines «wr this sort of news wy nwre . "^* '*»»»'" Johnnie—"Home Almoat anx kind of a job—at al- A«»ln -wa could hardly wait for the mo»t anythinra waek. —there's too much of it ^ a • 3 h r < a oay. And the first regiment that From Maine to California, freu Thonsanda of th«m lUnding in ju«t tanded-were you in New York when ^»