'T''?^Trr^T3~T31E"^TG3!3Ej?5?5W wm^^^^^m^mmmfm^m^


.^•^r V^^'^xm. >o.'l^^ ^»^*xf^'25SAM?VA , FKg>Air, XiB^tfilRY -i«r i»i $1^ A YEAR Hi ADVANCK

M. J. Keyes. ^f^mif pff popr. LEE CELEBRATION ^i the club members through the qo;«i (Vstriet, «tx COUNTY I" TOMORROW EVENINa WITH 1BE GUI county agent •alary IOJOA fflGfl^CHOOL A. Goa^oai, oveneer of poor. Girls and boys are busy nudc- HOLDS msm^ Procna Wifl Be Rendered at BOYS AND GDtLS'] in { plans, for fhi« y^^r _A. niun> jEWSiznnu BaUry 10.00 Baytbt ISn^—ACT. lir. ' ber have already given ther OaA ta Speak. First 191^ Se?vsion of Prkiic* Wil- W. A. Evana, overaacr of poor, | Sketch of 1917 Wmk aa4 Pkw names for different dubs. One Events ef Ihe Week at Mana«u dtiMet^tx atoathr T liajsi Cuunt> Supcrvisurs for the Cemiiw YMu^-4l«n- girl has already made her plans .j^, *Mvjr •, • ..-•_.-= .^^.. 10,00, High ScheW —Aawably Uetd at t'ourtfaouBcu -While tilfr' uniwua! wintenl for canning, she expects to se- W. G. Ouv»U, ov«r»e^ of I weather has caused & pgetpone-j Oceoqaan district, vix m The I'rifice WlUuun county Mlary 10.00 ™«>t <» the dinner which the (m,, LOU^ y. Gilbert, eowty iMme grow in her garden as an early board uf superviaurs met at the W. J. Aahby. jaMtar at ttNKt- ! Daofbters of the Confederacy (fawienrtratioB acnt.> _, •, . „ Among the most interesting crop gard^ peas, and f<«ow haw)ening8 of the week at the coiirthuuse on Monday, January G^^'iiL'^^iL'^i"**"*!^''* ^'^^ P***^ " '^'^' We often hear someone say. these idth her tomato crop. It High School was the program in 7, the following members beias n,^,rS!^ IITZS^Z ««h year in honor of Coofeder-j what-»* demeaatratorr pays to plan and then work. honor" of Lee's birthday pre­ present; Mr. J. L. Dawson, ar^ JIJJ^ ate veterans, the aaiwaleetehra-^ f^ word -deillBhatrator" The county agent will be gl»d sented at assemUy Wednesday morning by the Osbovm Liter­ Occoquan district, chaimum; J. L. Daw», aHf Ainft anit jfiSi of Ihe iarthday dai •• 'r was ^^winte-^d choirma... B at, rvA^ultu . W ahd penartment of with all equipment This uflK^ &. recent mee8^ or Mar^'—*^-^^- -~ - + -._- Ijbb's Letter Accepting the Praa trvt. ' yoor, -CUM diaMet. «b ulture, but have foUowed win last <»>1Y • f«»» wftAlra —idoncy of Washington Oal=- J. L. Dawson, Harry P. Davis •Mdtha' aklary ^•^ Caiapter, U. D. C. Judge J (Continued on Page ^"•> I -rTTTri'.. i...'. i T , , 11 1 'f utuuns uiu'iug a pe- lege—^Dwight Hoi^dns. xms MEETS DRATH AT "Virginia"—Chorus. , and T. S. Merf4?thT i"»»<<<«^ «^ . .- —Th»AuUju lUH b4^ mvi^ to jiod of not less than one year on the peace. afUpiarsi m person RED CROSS BRANCH preside and the memorial md-|iot lass than onTacre hi the com RAHJtOAP CROSSING t^^'" Letter to His Daoi^ter— Beulah Whitmer.. and presented thar rece^ts »«d- • FORMED AT BETHEL dreoa win he delivered I^Btw^T. ^ub work and not less than one- D.D.Oark. Howard Peataon tf Whito Ridge,. Grady's "The New South"—Rice stubs fcr Ante etdieeted «nc« nth acre ix^ tiu girls' garden Faani^ C«nij, Instantly Green. July 1, 1917, and the ToUowing Goaity YIK Prsgnun. md rvmnr sbAjp^s^&s_Ms^ ^para's !'Bivmne of tihe^^Pend^ sent reports by mahar-oliss^ <>rgm^tflmta?y--*lMx|e.T; ofifOf; leiB'iJian one h«n in =—Hiss Marian Clark. "Tenting Tonifl^^—Chorus. wi*e: lialrioB^eAwrMrBiWash- |BvoeatiM!K--||«v. j;^ F, luttrydub vDdc»TairtQ|rtif one Howard Pearsoii, twenty-sev- „„._, „<, i_»i» . tr « mgstaii. mMSaas Sb^ppard. W^ Hyam—'^•w Firm a Fteada- iig in {rig dub wook. et£: en7earsokl,wastnstairttykiBed ^SvJS^^^"^ The ocganiqtian of tlM Bethel tam." "— . liam Crow, ^ Z. Sa^xva and The gtris- and boys'. demonJ^^gj^^^Ss/trS^N? Appreciation^Lel^-Mia8 Catii^ . I Bi3«tt Gordon. J^anwa^itf ndd BrmA of-^e AiiHtricart Red Reafing, "The iaaAade-R.^ —rtion—^roi*-j«preseuta, - .aa 48, and one of the h(»es he was «^|^y^ ^^„ ^^^^^^ Moaer,gav&«>dlfBtfiiifliwwrti 1^^*^ *^^*°*^*?r^^ *^ '^g^—yias foabona ""^ hf *}^ "V^rr W rmhirm. jMving^nif instant death st the At ttie dOie of the program fled to cfacntt eoia^-tet he cooBEty'^Hptefiar- "^ r with iitmiq^ui-TMS^Q^ijflag^^ S rSoo JlqaaPir ^aaawor tto t^ne. Young Pearson, .^fj^ ^f, rr:..T:i.„ warded to aaditor tor HRy^e&t. ten at Manawww. BesQiid Bariadi-|Adifae«s»^Rev. T.II.P.n^*^- naK^ ft^tenibmrg.' l;-abqmer ^!!:^i^^''f^^ m Ukw hi Lbu AgBeNnriUe tunmmn- MaleQoartei^ near ^ tory ef Manassas, and in ^edal aeedo of dliie^iip and aotoe county, wM*rrnag a fwoi*orse . ... -..^ T^kn-» t..a.i~i.«. __JbcHDZSiuBilzaet«d4e-finF-t» ity Mwl h^H i*ii hnsHgnartars ^r Vi^fiftrittS »*«u*ii»ff" ^firit:^ Poor ^a lepreaent tiie baggy mtoCatJett and was about *9««.£^ ^°**^.^ »«3 Bethel High S^ed. =- The qflt* Realfii^ "At (^".-^Mi^ Ae-tem0k gff MfifBiUBS ffw iniii of eqoal ttiaiiBDg of t^ head, heart, toaito the 0«* fliroagh tile !? ISf" **?" *^®*^^^*'^ rill^r^i—LriSSU*: thefiOthannivenaryof thfr*rrt— %iiifM,^^bie towont W eafste- cers elected- are: -Kra. G. M. Rice, l»nda and haatth^^e^errtihadr ^^Ijy. On* h«ne on .feoai^ OD FebrQai:^2& to l|id aUSfid: thekeart to be fctod; the first gnat battle lldd «f ike Ijiie and poaed difii^ of

ontaf order. mng^ Dfriaration of Independcnec-aa#- evenalc, at nrhiA time repmt S'uqday aaraiDg, after t«« ex- thhr^ i;Ki^sCHid4EU»«4kepoid- BMBtovifle ^Bafrkt, Dr. J. C'^wff l he made of the recent trandy "dry" wtft'^Sr^ Msr^thH^ SLS'ffiS^SiiisS liwrndfth; OrfarPr. S. M. Uswia; berAqxaapaign andtiie eqpn-, by_ trouble lyt the mimidpdL The water siqvtyiajtot Damtam, - oT ^xem^ba^ T. n itoffii; the eoonty. ^^^^^^Slcti^*^,i^ Yiff^^^ gas anahafed and new matotjal itia not at an end, acawdiBg to infer- ^vmt:mmmmM o.* MMMUO ^«i«i«.^^«i- j^^jjg jobilee cdebratMn boific M. Lewis; Oeoo^ mation rseeived'^pom tiie Pablie I • Sevpntem cai^^^g ^"*> girfn 4y. ^Le is survived also by h»^, "^^ ^^rr^^^?* TI,? ^ ads» b«en~reed«ed for Aa' rw- «« « w-x ."^.r*~.j^^^^^ aiarge toeMurethewoik,»» nm»m «f ^pn«^^K^ tEAPB YmCPfTJF - Jlie work-in aH .departigenta" ^nee tee of tiie loan to DwafneB Davis, lira. Swaan. Mrs. T^aosr A i«getafiiaar9S6 ment ins pinchaaed ^^- *'«-*'"*«-» vigw aft«~tke hdidays. The Janwa'tlfa*- C G. jSairibom, MgB '^'°* jegy, 486 pinto <»f piddar4fi8 Xi?&y tBitabeth i^ftdje^ Genrge .^•n^liif ann-at ttiettand.- coat, but tiiis has cafls foi^Ji^-lsBqper hpurwiaaeeflf anaetaPKffig- oaed 2.084% poonda «f time adS^HMdr kooM pn^eet ^l ted etteetwe iane li, iMfi. Beavers, Mrs. W. fe. Vamei'. jrattf part of thg- work is now-fetfy - thA frfiftiiriBy p—^ona appointeid Henry >K3dw^ Edward Pattie, may be osed with the an-fflft, a'-„H i^«„^aafm-m«Tfa»iL_-—.- ^ ^ • -,—;—:-—- Mr. Sanders, the director ef agii- Hra. n. JL ,Di»S, WnL E. S. «( poada: . _ mond thuf week, attending a '9BBBC&0 DaviH, Loey Dayia, Miaa Audrey iit m thea. work. Besides do- haa made ~PHiee ffffian • tke eOnl«enee heM far a>e porpoee OL W. Sed- Calvert, 'Hi%. E. & BwiefattJI&a favorable resfdta at that tiaw ins tte banner eounty tor .to!?, acewd- of takadr measnrea to aewge tm^ xkk. Georgie Brodiett Mn. C. N. were hi^ed for with reaacii'bat of ^ g^ iastrvmaiial togtotheaaaoalrqwtefHr.B. adifitional stato &iapp, IGss Ftorilla Ifflorend, iMc^ddtBit^ aasmred. iinhe^ C Moomaw, jr.. aeeretanr ^:lkB for eqnqnaait for P^tkn to aresit oeurt for Virginia conndL . tnyl fcigfc «rf»«ni W A, adiPoi aflWftriTi PIES AT CAMP «Mar llwe wof k uffei -"IB rev' Al Hii FariiieiB^ Ihiftaute to the vaitouacooKila of safety for be heU on Friday, Ike feOowing aceoonto Adefine Penn, to Jcnn varyer. 01 Ueooqnaa. lle'^__ _„« ^^A .<. __ - ,rff you a^oM ooeoiid.* ~ ^writers eapjwl^ are to sack da- If *.w^ a t ' ^ ' ^>^ • eow o€Z at an average Pn«a ,^06,^ y do—^^ ^ the spiemSd work yonr been added tkroog^ifce kJudnias CM- Le«randlaler tranatenad to average of 86 cento a do— coundl has done," the letter eoB- of ^e adlool board. OBBpC^reeoe dab membafs fave aoU «OTs for 'and to express tke T Hia death ia the third to occur * A • - that yon will be able to eeafttone TOCKKasnBS^AOELB BKAB —Another riupment of. knit­ to the rwria of the Prince WQ- Una valnahk aanriee^ during thr . p^^r yooig brothos named ted articfes has becd'mnde thia Bam hoys in the nation'a aerviee, Wldk a of the girls ky tka Eai Gk^oa, tiM bdt. afl tktm beat vidtnaa of ' J1&. M^niery has food re^^J^S^^i^':^ nwwiia ^ne.ouMra were and keys hiave arfcgtnnate, sontobeproudoftiiesoeceaaef ^*«T^rge ksTfiwetoos koar ting having been dona by the tin Omer Sauth, of have very the nrgnniaatiim. whidria an-in 4ka Masaanuttffl Jiount&ins laifttB of Manaiiwas and vicinity andCtoianee . • ^Froinlbe wm k ef jHat Wlutkpsiei. "Raeirdoy had and members of the Ocooqoan ofiamwavnw stodied and foflowvd vartooa. agricultui^ doha tndJed the bear to a den, whiek Branch, of which Mrs. Corbtn he haa in charge. TVipaon is chairman. Within UaMed ^tatoa to traat that the was surrounded by the youog- the next few days the Bed Cross One seeood-year boy has a to- of oar agricultun^ eoandi of ^os, one of whom shot throu^ montha' aalai7 ttuM wffl distribute 10.000 sweaters The govemment is going to tal profit ef $205.20 on hia year's safety will consider this report a sntall opening, wound iirg tiK Dr. X. U. Lewia. th« men at Camp Lee. open in Washington a school for work, another $62.76. the beginning of the work,** Mr. animal. The bear ntshed :>ut Alrea-.-icraan diatriet, I These .'weAters werp m»* by Sim to train Ttb own steoo^rra- first-year girl makes a proltt at\ —_^ ——— » his other brothers,^ who fired •fat . 10.00 even RM r.msii -h;« i mod to carr> the n:e»= poorhfiUje. ili. nioz:.^* t^Art • 16.«>e ; ijxiK;-. Hirb wav Commission and the T,\C «rh."•:• are to hiive Srit- .ivkerete for sale. Per- ",ome, bnt Titn'Je rt!^ •« * hAA •••^. itteeef the Legisla- pr krr'>.^ and a horsv anf* .J'ag'oii BmtcTil)* dirtnct • ftne Cit trie r.urr.tifer pre ::? Tar.*;-,? ••<•>-"? "ini'i for :ure rhirh held hi Rich months u.iax7 ''^'"'•'.tbe Red Cros5 bv Her.n,- Forri !ra; jp.ri.- anc «.omen ?oa.«or, car. £Et II. lou*-}* wtth^-TioncTueiKiay. har ix? !><'- FRIDAY, JANUARY 18. 1918 ~^JtA«£ TWO JflEJt4N.,»£SA&jei3tNAL von f{«rtitng, who i.-* a Catholic, During all this period, accred- notwilhHtandmg the niroiig pro- Mations with German\' had beerr tep on one cheek and then in\ites has said, "Germany and her ti~ 8ome one to.Bhoot hun .in theiiled representativets of the Ceii tests of u^r goverqciyilt. 'I'he completely severed. On March CALLS CONFUCT lies should ruatore the tempoi^ nthipr win .h«s prgp^y ela9»eim|t?»^ i 1 Powers—protecte_ __ d fro. m_ German gavennnent agreed at ] 12, oijr government orde-ed that power of the Pope." a fooL The Germans at fhe be- criminal prosecution by immun-|the time of the Sussex outisige armed guards l>e placed on our WAR Apparently there is an effort giningr of the war boasted that Lity to members of the diplomatic ' to cease their submarine warfare [ merchant ships. On the 6th of being made to unite Roman corps—"conspired against our and fbr nearly a year mainUined ^ April, the House accepted the •ECTuhytrritn Jaatot l^Qa Why they. would &^£i Betffium in Gatholieism and Kaiserism. The days, take France in three international peace, placed spies 8oni,e pretense of keeping that joint resolution,-which had al- pe -baa.jjf^'-" T-"^ •t^aailfcH|p»i.uV -,^ism^- JTCOiiqiUJl' (j|fB^ Britidif^ar wl'Mfiafermaia^>~^:;; pw^lii the. S-^"^ antism IB a revolt agAinat three months and be victorious throughout ^e land, and even in German secretary of-foreign af-! declaring that a state of war exr ly constituted authority. Simi­ The following sermon was des.i>ver America in three years. high positions of trust in depart­ fairs, had secretly, on January listed between the Uilited States larly, the Kaisrer's IdealsUiat sH livered &t th« MBirw PrMby^^ -These nationa haveivery prxiper- ments of our govezzunent. WhUe 16, 1917, sent a note to the Ger- ^ and Germkny. natioi^i.opposing him are revolt­ terian Church a short time ago ly opposed this plan with all the expressing a cordial friendship •man minister in Mexico, teUing] Mohammed said, "Tread upon ing against divmelycnnstituted by the pastor, Be^. .Alfisrd K«I- forces of the army and navy {estit ci»^B , was ordaine3~of are 6n~fiorei^ son. If I am Domingo; they planned to seoe Bpbn uie United States.~ On the such place we h^e-te assist in {said, "There is oniy one ^Dhitioa God. fighting you in your house I can­ the Danish .Islands and every­ last of January, 1917,. Count having the Kaiser spend his last and that is the terrible scourge Why have so many of our con­ not make any sane person be­ where throughout South Amer­ Bematorff gave to Mr. Lansing a years. of a continental war, a war that scripted soldiers, who are Chris- lieve that I am fighting a defen­ ica they were trying to stir up ^ote in which it was stated th^t One of our Washinirton ipinis- will exceed t^ horrors of any tiAn», cheerfully obeyed the call sive battle. one nation against anoth^ and 4he German government pur- 'ters, who was in Beriin two years war -^ the first em^e." lt~ to defend their country in the in- By the courtesy of one of our to get all of them to he arrayed posed to make more ruthless the ago, in conversation with some seems that the Kaiser is in tereaT oT UbertjT 'in3~ peace 7 [local papers, I have in my posses- against the United States. woi^ of their sutnnarines at sea. of the German military officers, league with the Pope to securer (Continued on Page Seven) Why have so many of our male sion a pamphlet entitled "How Reluctantly but under the ne­ The German chancellor also stat­ was told frankly that theiie were church members volunteered in the War Came to America.'' This cessity of having unQuestioriable ed before the Imperial Diet that a great many things in America this present war? (It may be booklet was issued by the Com­ evidence of treachery, our gov- the ruthless policy had not been that the Germans wanted and of interest and cause for just mittee on Public Information, emnient demanded the recall of employed earlier merely because proposed to take. Our ^ minis­ Eyeiythiaig Good pride that three members of composed of the Secretary of the Austro-Hungarian ambassa- the Imperial Govemn^t had terial friend told, th^m to come familieB m th?" "^'''w^ ^"'^ thraa State, the Secretary of War, the dor and of the GtffHUm mlUt&ry not been ready to act. "In brief, over and he^ themselves; - Xxr in the Clifton church, who have Secretary of fbe Navy and Mr. and naval attaches. ."Proof of under the guise of friendship and That you may know some of ' entered their country's service, George Creel.' •* their criminal vioIatiGaman Queensware, Tio. aod parents willinfi^y sacrificing lish fUi internstate court, in order offered no apologies nor did they This was a fin»»'^ at»t»^ont ^f [ xhnng^^ " These quotations are -— Enamel waoa their ligyiff^AHd WWyare our to have a wwTd peace. Wl9ifrrr*^"^~**lph^^^ It teCKRie fUwGermatt position and it direct extrsctefiom-the waitings o£ churches.as churches endorsing at the second conference at The dear that such intrigue was challinage to the United States, German-leMtors. I quote these imxkmutmmm the war, maintaining honor roQs Hague, a second effort was made their settled policy." litis chaUoige yn» taken 4ip. On verbatim, sO thftt yon'nay. be \ of soldiers who are at the front, towaiid this end. But, on both German sqlnnarine attacks FcAwuaiy S. 1917, tiie President sire th^t I am -not drawing en and even purchasing Liberty occasions, largely -through the continued against the lives lyid addressed both the houses of my iiniiginataon. j O.J.AAfilNQTON Bonds? oppoBJtlnn of, thi -;^ineric«n-«tkena^ OuuKrBi«TBid^ antagcmizing the-Germans an^ pie of this nation and an honest their alHed-poweiy. '^Hc' was ^SsctWiammie to act anifspcAk asked as U) whAl^he WtAM do if irapirit of impartiality aSS someone were to come to his fairness sod irimSSmmt to aU home for the purpose of burniog qonoerned^ Bat, it wnaiextEeineK his bam or mbtdmng SOiQf of ly dkBeult to maiptain Om ispixit hla ftttully. HB nither ^9^ ^tf mmiryUly. -"PulJic_abiiPop- -Moir wu tbea -mswa a dei^iMy sti|:r)ed tgr thf G^ that hp wniiM «tmfa%vh^ try 'rm. maw inwwon Strain tljat evil-yninifa^d pei'Mn, geportl^^>f irtThffitfa'w thfti^' he would call on hi». iwjgMyf* to .Elarfy in the wur tmr ga^n^ assist id that, eooirot, ant nent saw^that compBeRtions on would be %oafal^nake it dilUculf have the intended eriminid plac­ for us to keep out of the conflict. ed where ly coold be kt-from It wasaeien tliat we CODW imt arfn dolin? an Ihjuiy, and taught~to freedom t}f th" "'J"*—"fo'' (Vnsiderm^intiif^t&luaani^ts vifsl interest^—unless we «»• of his fellow menr^^The memhar BPntprf fa> An nnr g>i«ra in TMII^ of the Menntmite church in qdes- tatBlEqr£^eedoiB(Hi land tion was further -told that aH that we could not have peace in laws were simply it crystaEuatioB tijpjgafjfejihft ifeace Jte Jayed of his senQment which was in­ and. needed for the proteetioo of tended to protefet thwE?" pubhc our democracy—nnkss we were against p"i1 fnmrn in thf COBt- wjjlliin; and pieiiaied to help^tg m unity," and that 'evol a restrabi jyny ni^tkat tlaifc wfifnBy could be justified ih restra&iing ^dangered the pea^ of th^ any evil government nrAopmtn-. whole worid titmilyr-^ afp nation that wished to taki^aa -Edt anjL unfair advantage of otho-, and might wise between the United especially.weaker, nati^a. On ^aies wad: Gamany, th^ ^- tMa basis, it-bas been fett thiif i^ed no aibite«tMn trea^ be- there was justice in rcstrainiBg tween t&e t?ro govmunests. Tlie In dians, negro rintOT*, moo«K United States ha^ triwi to jjrtrf shiners, MoDy IfcGraires* lishwith Gefaaany rdationa sim- chists in toihow railroad riotors lofaQf; Gnat Britain and mnetaen otbur On certain diffsffnt nationSt hot .sections of a coontry nave en- been rejected hj the gaged lTr Ihe MHIe of eml war. Governments s<»n«tiiaaa fimtepd Eaifr in^tbewartfae AsttxTtftC • in the case of Ameriea^hir-tiw feeling of ffi=wffi against the Revolutionary war, tbe Bev war United SlAtcs becaose this n^ Africa and the Sqwy ri^ieffioa I tkw, beif neutral, iMiste*-^ in India. its ri^^ to trade in monitions Some nattsra'aeek to^oppren, with the ^dlig<»«ttt v*mm. conqu^ and make snbjoct ^hw Gennany an4 -Austim in 1912 nations. and^ftS, in the BiDuui wn^s had] an effort being' made, to Make sold monitioas to the beBiser- subject the various nations ^SiB.''Tlieirapiiaalstaiis the earth to be fwined intn a preacast war were not to dfaerve worid power and to b« raM hj international law bat to reviM it the KidSer and/Hs^iml^Cul^ mISeirintereiST' ~- ^^ t«f;— Aocordingiy, Americsiaat .Shnrrty affcTthis, thma war Agsuwt Germany Modim^ VB pna^pir'oQQtroTeny with lies and the ehareh miantt the the (jerman government, be- %ar and prayS-fo^ victory.— deelarod that This attitude is not inconsist- they woaki estabiiab a sea torn «nt with Christ's ti»af,hing that where their submarines would It ore jmiTteyou on tt>« one cheek operate witliSut regard to the ac- . are to turn the other. TTtis cepted principles of international "^p.^fr-^nx ftKf reference temiwer'jaw^ Th^ country ??v«n tmr Meiiuunilelaroused by the'nHEng^oTTSi rHf^rnl^T-.t.-; not let thecrhninaljLusitania. 'This attack upon bi.im h)> ha:-n and then invite our right* wa^ not onl>- grossly h:m *c burr, his house with the illegal. 11 defied the fundamtotal famih- Tlrr TTisn who to smJt-~jconcepts d humanity." j 918 .^^aryAT.-ixssr^^^ cTlfitSASSAS JUlJKjffllQr^ PAGE THREE

any advantatfea of the fight than Over in Italy the situation is 80MEB0DT ADOPTS DRY AMENDMENT made absolutely compuliiory. The Manassas Journal to make temporary PWKLC and rUBUbHHU HVKKT KHIMAY ArTBUfUDM BT reversed. The Italians hold the I This can be ^ated on ihv h^^h- 7k Mimw IwrolftMbfafXt., k^. logfejjhose adyantayea at the comparatively comfortable Somebody's b% k coioc to Fnvaeo; Virgbiia Senate Votes for Fed- jfist authority^ Yx>luniary cojar opening: of fresh w&:~t5afTnaHy plains, while thrir enemies must Bom^ttOr^ tmnts^k 79iormu eiJdControJStML iserYation-hasjfaiied to produce is breathii^g hard now, and her endure all the terrors of winter Entered at the Post Oflice at Manassu. Somi^KKiy pcaySj "OK M^ him I the quantities of food desired for Virginia, as Second Class Mail Matter people are losing their lust for in the mountains, with their sup* chancef The resolution ratifying the movement oversea, although the as their ^>t^^^ •j^i^epend'"''' abiU amendw^pfc^i*^;^ -SKSfKtgh f oc ^**'i:j>»i«g is hr:> flat&U.' ^GSSGxxu^ war will ity to keep open adequate trans­ .t.W^*^5S^*^ nstit'ution of "4ERe ' United ing supported loyaDy by hun­ Is that Som^wdy yoa? -bring th<^m. to yeaaon. Tempor­ portation through blizzard-swept States passed the Senate of Vir- dreds of thousands of persons ary peaM would enable them to passesr indeed; it Is saS HhaF ^wS^^^y ftn^ i^jdl ^ jat-j ^ January lObyav^o^ throui^tMirifiecounQy. regain t^eir flesh and arm tKem- General Cadoma long ago plan The troDchoa az« doep —'th iaith 30 to 8. A resolutionl>y Senator leTl^es ahew^ ned for~a retirement Uklhe prea- ^aad anad; •— James E. Cannon, of Richmtntd, STllWEN'rS 'm KNIT SOCKS Nothing more accurate and ent line of the Piave, as first- Somofoody^ boy eriaa, ''Dont fort«t— that the matter'b«r referred to ' tla lor freedom, aad yon, I'm spill­ the popular vote was rejected by luminous has been said by any class war strategy but was for­ ing my blood." Instruction in knitting socks statesman during tfaia war than bidden to move because of the ill Is that Somebody yoa ? a vote of 23 to 10. tqT soldiers is the latest war Mr. Balfour's remai4c that Ger- effects upon the morale of his A record^ vote was taken. course to be inaugurated at New maiyniust be powui'lcss or xree. forces, which was being steadft hwM is, lafe •«! wsrni,, Those voting against the amend- ar from tli« ficbtms and snnc York UiiiverBlty." Flv& knltttnir Other nations are either power. undermined hy Gtfirman pmpa. —from tha eoM. ment were Senators Buchanan, machines have be«i ordered, imd less or free, and numy of them! ganda hebody now ia sheltered from harm. Cannon, Downing, Early, Gool- as soon as they arrive both men are both. If Gemutns were free, If the aUied lines hold, Ger-y Laying Up income of ailver and fold. rick, Grayatt, Holt andlVenden- and women of the student body peace would be automatic. If i^«uiy is going to have a^Iot o: Ia tint Somsbudy yagt~ btnrg^-Senator'R.EweU Thom> and faculty will be instructed in Germans wiO not make them- "weU-seasoned" troops, in. one Soniebody hears the call 'for aid, ton, representing Prince William sock knitting* ; selves free, the worid must make sehJse, before spring cdmes.— "Lknd of your moaay for Liberty's and Fairfax, voted tor ^e A pound of wool makes four them powerless.' The point has Washington Herald, need!" amendment. pairs of socks, and as 100 pounds bfeen reached where the alterna­ Somebody's hand is stran^ly stayed; On Friday night the House have been purchased 400 pairs of ' Somebody's waiting, while brave tive is a harmless Germany or a WHAT TO SEND OUR concurred in approval of consti­ sock9 are in sight. t--, SOLDIERS men bleed. (jrormanized world. . - Is that Somebody you? tutional prohibition by a vote of FREEDOM THE FUNDAMEN- The war biaa taught mankind Investigatird« ami jBP0ke8men.l^-^«8«^««™f parpoae inight be enyendered_. Now ia tJift time to Knit godto far. ^^the aHies, cauring a break] "^^"1 "'djyao t cewR- 1 |far bo^s we love. Many a boy^ GieOII6E WASHINGTON IS KNOWN ai»mfnrh«re and tiiereby ei»HmK " *'*™****" ^** life wffi.he sase^h^ waxm. wbdt- AS THE FATHER OF to issue from ttie wtst MIS COUNTRY BECA1 THE NEXT HOUR en liocks sent him from hoine aad with most oi her loot intact. much comfwt afford(Sd'hlK~ii Everything can hiQ>p6D in the e :of Gerffiany must w^. Whetfin doufaMp to what next hour that h&a ev^ hi^ first in War, l&Vepieawee sodh^^than the peo-^ t» send your sdldi«''£rieiid «r It contaim all the'possi- ^<^ of aaSM coantrtes must harff' pMied. abhSer rdative seddimn soito or First in Peace^ lij. ftiit' lifftt Q'^rhH*" wjtriiia1ti»ii'it' Mfitiea <»£ a nnJOTTM. JirJife Hive be^ tiying to divise a'nert Soto cMiSn witt & & FBRST ^ JfaidRf^ T^ife ttet wM ffive

JiLeacape withoutl>lMfliiliii^oif:««^ *oi»^ eat of ^aee,ftiid tte ^^tfrttteihent; " . |i8?iffyo*1oye:t*l«dcWy<«^ it ^'ft^dwt Wi»#s addresa fee ftftt^ft**"' tite teoiae may -^' ' • ••—..." ' ' , IT B ' - tmr iKHpOL §from bst^ to km, the bMtaiiddeaMBtrfrieBd,8omeoiie p,y g^*^-;;;^ haa Kiwwu peoide loT Gamany nw "knowi^W «»'« you poi^otf, yoar fori ' First in Strength, •Jinruit IfBftn »^«.t» 1~.» fa""> T««y K» ofailan, ftia ^mm.* Wl« .1—w -aBjyiapa |yM|«. Tnjj^r topfa 'm^mt maw rhancw* th« fa>tTin«»ra^ JQB&C-v4jid£L First to Sttoplv Yomr rifle Of fog forty dc [^ ^ Kyto Miaki ««! to srignm tain peace they must either Jje- I"" i^^V thonghta au^^ Wants and First foi^ ^rr^ i.[lj.r.tn«ri «» ft^r. >v.nf i.^ jmngL flud tho woHd Hiav fomo Bad 1>roB{^ a worid-vld Borrow to ^^ey'«aay- democTBtize' theitt" to an and. • his tytm adves-and thus ^«pare-4«P-a Youjflan how yojl wiB_ pass As twiderly he whaapttred, "Dear, jgace ba&odJiponJnntli^g, oi>h\7~feheLHe3rt hang and'loUhatrftfn-ift^-r-—*w?»tTbs motber- «f ftsotdie f umytr eriMP' may epntinne the fight untiltliey ditched, the^auto turns turtle, are v^pped and made harmleaa. Aunt Jane anrivea, the neigh- ^^^i ,t„^ ,„ eea«.u«« ng»w» m UeilliBi eveal-MMlhey hAve bof'a Mliy has iionvmsioiis, ttok ^ I toy to h<^ and waric, to waitsad hoth peace And spoOs.^ -^ouse is sttudc'by lightning, pray. \_. "President Wifeon is tiding to your tooth begms tb*ache, a-tele- Bat oh, how hard it»to sit at^fiimte •quceg QUI' BegotiaJLtuna atBwilt- KJnuP Ut delivertM; llie wiies ar^^^_^e Wtt_ K «n my fi^r« .a~i »"^jH|| |ff **T ^ Xitovsk," erfes one of the "Gar- out4rf-<«der, you are discharged, xtan «oni« a lett«^what a wondroos !man organs. We hope that ^fas somebody dies'and leaves you/^ joy'"' one of Mr. Wilson's aims, and we fortune, you are operated upon^ And trsmUingly I read,, with tear- 4ttdently hope it will succeed. K The neat huur is what j/ou e^g- diJBllMMt Tras high time thAt the allies wfere and what you may be cwn- '7ast keep on aai&c, ^«*W7v nho.iMli.tTtiinnffl'-"-^ ''•"' '""^ Illl-JtHll! Illt4> HlAtv IlltllUUW. It of'a sekKar nations sympathize with hp(Mrt>oiis of the peneac*. ^ - . - j - ftft»i human rMe in davery. Itshould To know how to meet the next Ait hwkf Hb be fought to the pofait where all hour with jojf, with hMd erect, ^ 'ONMt.Clva 19> Tht the Urge nationaare agned that with courage singiiig in your^ each Dfttioiiality muat be per-.heartis to solve tlie decv mys- M«,i wiB ac* HM •»! ArttMe^a Ealal^rii^ in 1878 mitted to. occupy it> waemtni\teiy of ^^mitf^Wtmaa'a QMoctit atidi and ttane govcra aad de- Hw^^^empatwen vek>p itodf aeeuding to its own | ' NIOII naObaal geaius.' A»aoon as G«r- /ilUESTfO N OP EiaMnUNCB many and Aostria-Hungary see j A good deal is going to depend ^^f^ Wjfc^-Trf liiilh lli«« I ail IMIIHSUI |ailWI llf Wlliu'iamji M»faMt ^£t>RESENima MSJJONS^ to thooe Batieaa. Uatf Ihwy am\ttm moat rabid^ CarmBi this light Uwy -UUM. tmx bayonets sod bullets of the ent status is more favoraidc . worW. _ _ the allies than ever before. | H^e people adjus^Tyoiir The world is not fighting he- , Xttt winter and wiBttf^before tjiuae It seelD tb «hed htbbd, Vut i it "was the entente sStfiat'wSo' pay yoa having been compeUed to take upthad to stand fast in mud, slush the sword m defense (*f tiw. libfir- and watar nf the lowlinds Thial It is stated by soldietfiAt Nex^ iifi^lalfeli ty that had been accumulated up; wintecfhrty soldJf ra hfM lO tfee to 1914, it has now made up its hi^ilands on the 45a-mi!e fnmt cavahrm" dofaig guard duty at mind not to Uy dowfi the sword ' from the North Sea to gwitzer- Camp Stuart and the other doing until freedom is substantially land^barrinpr a few umall sectors, duty on the government piere, STRAI: Th&J I» nV)w lEconl^Tanci it is t^German solfier wBo'were frozen todeai¥, the fonn« univer of permanent peace, t nrast cttdure tiK mushrateMSt- Saturday aight and-^^he gTlarantep' I Sunday night. FH^=fcsurance Agency It if. bt>tter to fifi-ht and hold on to;ence. £ GE-FO'T»~aa»^.H THEMANAi^a^gj^MJItNAl ^^^J^^ SSS^Jt JANU^Y4^a|Jt8 C^

—Both banks will He closed —Dr. C. R. C. Johnaon haa ABOUT PEOPLE WE KNOW BRIEF LOCAL NEWS temorrow in observance of Lee's b^jen appointed chairman of the biithdajr; Priijce. William tounty fuei com­ Mesttns. Jan>es R. Dorrell and —Mr. A. diZ«reg& and ftaniiy mission by Mr. Harry F. Byrd, have mayed jroitL^tiip to tft^ ~~Mjgg. en. Ppkiu daughter drntniiitrafcof for Ernest Utterback left Sunday fftfst AKhJch. Ihejr:^ receird^. jmr- of Mrs. X?e£er Folm, has ac­ Virginia^te succeed Mr. James morning for Hot Springs, Ark. pTHE^DEMAND p chased iron Mr. Charles Mat* cepts a pN08ifiohrn"Wa8hinfi:ton E. Nelson, resigned. The other Private Randolph W. Fair, of thews. —Mrs^WiU Kline, who has members of the commission are ssra.r> ~^^^2jM<|g^n ao^ '~' ea***** Dr jju»i*r7 cmtera ash. TJf. Johnson has takeo i^OEJMEHAY alowlyr* 4aBt week. iagtCbi h«» i«nted'Locust Grove an active part in relieving the —Miss Beatrice Limstrong' coal situation io Priaca William^ Farm, owned fay MTB. Georgr W. hAs reflte the residence of Mrsr Mrs John Thornton, of LotuS" PayiM. Mr. Jasper is a brother R. C. Buck, on north Main street. —The Episcopalians of Vir- ville, Ky., has been visittBg Mrs. —of Mr. W. J. Jasper, af BuokhaHr been asked 8*vo I Maggie R. Barbour. —Theregular meetins: ^Ma- $14,000 toward the war fund of The January meetinj: of the "T™™" CSiapter, American Bed $&e&,00& asked ^4he war com­ Mrs. Hervin U. Ro^ and Miss ia that a man shall be judged by hia efficiency, by Cross, will be held at the Town mission appointed by the geneial Margaret ,Roop have returned Bethlehem Good Housekeepers' Hall Monday evening at 7:30 what he accoaiplishea, and not by what he claima Club will be held tomorrow after­ convention in St. Louis to look from a vi«t to relatives in Penn­ o'clock. after the religious interests of sylvania. he can do. Not always but osoally his ability to noon at 2:30 o'clock at the home young men in the camps at home I —The regular meeting of the accomplish is judged by the care he uses hi con­ ofMrs.F.E. RanSIeirr' ' J Northern Virginia Farmers' In­ and abroad. Trinity Church, Ma­ Miss Isabel Kelley has return­ nassas, us coffimon witli c^pisc^' ed fiom Washington, where she —Mr. Junes R. DorrelT has stitute is in session today at the pal churches throughout ihe serving his incMne, his accnmnlatioB, This bank courthouse. The WonsAn's Aux­ made a short visit to the home of purchased the barber sh(^ which iliary will meet- this afternoon. country, will set aside the offer- . • TV. T nn. v n ewdially wekonMa ac«oanls of earnest raoi, nen has been conducted by John ing on Sunday, January 27, for:°®' cousm. Dr. J. Thomas Kelley, i —^The Prince William boys at this purpose. yrho realize they eotdd aeiwDpttrii more if they Chapman in th« room adjoining Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Compton, Bell's B*kery. I Camp Lee—Perdie G.'Cockrell, only had a start - - ~ I of Manassas, and William C. —An Assyrian capje to Ma­ of Clifton, uid their littje daugh­ nassas Wednesday, asking per­ , —^Miss Audrey Mae Furr, of Hinton, ol-Quantico, are report­ ter, Miss Eloise Compton, were ed ill of pneumonia. mission of Mayor Wagener to so­ Broad Run, is the guest of licit funds for Armenian and Manassas visitors Saturday. friends in Richmond, where she ' —Mr. Boston Steele and fam­ Syrian relief. Mayor Wagener, Miss Alma Bedd, of Catlett, was a bridesmaid yesterday at ily are preparing to move to remembering the fraudulent practices of somft of t.h<>m» trav­ has been the guest of har ^.ouain, t.hp mArringP nf har frianrt, Mine Florida. Miv Steele has been -engaged to take charge of Mr. eling relief agents, refused to Miss Emma Lois Davis, at her JuHet Andefspn, to X&. F. Vir- James R. Haydon's big stock grant his request and he left home on Grant ayienue. 8Mu&-fi§riX-. L , fans at Saitfprd, Fbu to«% inunediately.-The town has been visited several tim^ by Mr. W. Fred DoweU and Dr. V. —Officers of the Alexandria' —Rev. Alford Kelley has re- persons of his ilk, who have not OF MANASSAS. VA. National Bank have been elected ceived receipts from Mr. W. G. V. Gilium spent Sunday in Wash- taken kindly to suggestions of |; _^ , ^, ^ j. . tif the board of directors aa fo>-' F«mo, jr., comptroUer of the Onr Slogan : "Jtvs^l rL,.. T,,j" >/r. Mi-^i „„I{ F American Committee for Arme- finding the money contributed! m^™"* where they went to hear ioms Judge C. E.Nieol, presi- ni„ „d gy^an ReUef, foi- the to auUiorized agenciea throogh Billy Sunday, the evangelist. persons i^pointed by the com­ dent; Mr. Samuel G. Brent, vice contributions of fl fr»m Bethle- munity. Private John L. Hynscm, of mvsident; Mr. J. Lawr«ace Per> hem Sunday School and $6 col- ap ry. c«riiifir..ai«Ult.JLA, XxTOv .I«5t«d *t » service in Manassas —A McCormack evening, fea­ Camp Lee, spent Sun4ay here *•• turing aongs by Jckor McCOT-^wtthhisBwrelita, Mr.an*lbt,B. CARD OF T&ANKS assistant caahier! jdurmg fhe week of prayer. mack, Private R; C. Byrne left Fri­ the famous Irish tenor, S.HyTMon. day for Camp McCleUan, Annis- T?i,iA» T T? n^4^<.^ Ir x>,^ ' —In^ the case of the United was given yesterday ait the reu- We wish-to extend our sincere -Eldfer J. F. Britton, of Bna. gUdes vs. H. U. Roop, fadicted at dence of Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray­ Mrs. B. T. H. Hodge atiiended ton, Ala., afto* a short visit to thanks ai^d heartfelt appreda- mond Ratcl^e for the benefit of tow, has accepted the mvitation Alexandria in the District Fed- -tab- bis parents. Vr. and Mrs. Si G. tien to ril who so kindlvHtsaikled mji. of BHdeg^. M. Glick, of Ti'gyilianr-«^ Court for using caheelled the Quildjor-Trinlty EplBW^ us and ^ered^thdr hdir^iaid TlM-i^'ogram^ aiao-^-«BMsdte_te^^Mtomgt(Ai eo Smf •Byine,iiea r Manjuwia. to fin hill piiiprtin th^t yffp^ jjMn Postage Btampg.ft-. B/oaaj^^ Church, sympathy and tokens of tove^ duded] MisaJ^erqthy day. tiie death of-our dear son. Ch.i-Ph, OniBgp ronnty, next wag^j^My/lg^^ggJSgg:^s released^ fnwK paysMoto^ f Johhaon. an< Rose Rloe, a Mr. P. J. Chandler, wfio has Sunday. Elda- Britton will viait Mr. aiid Ifrs. Lee MaaJiugfa. i.wpgftr'gwr'Hs riftA Miss Lvafa, Britttm, of Bristow,' been in Havre. Mont., tot the his mother aaairtiiar niattves m sented Dr. Roop, to fraoe i>y Miss ilary LaridLi n is ap» aviatiori^ipBt U. S. AJ,-aon ctf D. Sharrett, of Bristow„died of hr several-^ 4be yoiiag nephritis early-Sunday morning A. Pnyne, whfr has ttio otX&e late £. L. HombaSo*, Mrs. BAUantyne Patterson and IMPesent. JfrsJBiHantyne Pattnaoniwh^ is Wasitington at Providence i«e«)t^ rested bar fanSr leaves has t>e^ in HaddoBfielck:_N. J.; whose, oMUcations «e now Jne, nephew of Mi«..B. T. H. Hodge, —-At the annual conf^reaee of . Hot^ilal, where ~he had .heei tills week foir anisilefiiiita ii|i9^ tvtnnwd to Manassas M _ has been tnuMtferred from (^>r* takwi frHftdgiB~M:i rontfl to Iftiingdalina aggiwit tha.»ters wore appointMl'a MoiHiay in Waik£bgtoa. tntaiismidthngky^tiii 7 -^ • 844. ; &t«iBWXs_ immf wharo they wm f^xaid -the Cnnig HMMrifay, at th* eall art Qf laat torbepres^ir business session and also the de- UghtSff luo^eMi served intke ihGai^,' &qpeeBajf: to epeaiif the —lir. R. L.- Brown, Southern rest of title winteif . tea room of the Jefferson, ^ railway--<»"ar«"i""-| »«» I'njni^ Dt^iuUtea Fiiyufe-MadliMHi Cnap- Saturday by a faU on the ice at —^The htmting aeaaon in Strasburg_^ , which was followed ter, of Richmond, hostess. Mrs. Prip/^i. Wifliftpj '^•iptY TIA**^ ""• hy" hemnrrbagfts. H«i. retnmfid Arthur W. Sinclair, of Mana^asf rgg^tj!g.f-iibfi-CgiePel- Deeeml PrAcoti avenue^ Atmistead Qiapterrdeclined this effect was adopted last Ju^ Sunday evening, accorapanied.'by chainnanship at the'ldstorieiS by the county board of supervia- his daughter, Ifiss Ornoa Brown, cMJamittee, t«idered her by Mrs. aad wastaktm tn n Wnnhfngtnn W. S. (ioodwyn, state, praaktes^ utsi, wliich iuA th* power^fir hospital' this morning, shorten the sffiaaocL fiur the J^ro- —^Tbe people of Orange and tection of ganoe. J —Mr. Jack McCarty has joih- viciility are very much exdted ed the Aviation Conw, wht^,—Tim\^ja/tn^--t>nn.nobod y Mows how imu^ dogs. !> acceBted^^jua purpeae hy rraprmdenfe to the Wagwto^t The peraons who wcw> b^af MrsrCTR Mr8> J. IJ. -Tintea, have gone to th^ hoiqHtid tor 1^ Harrell or Mrs. A. W, Sindair. F •Mr David'C. Glascock, son Pa*t«»nr trfiatrnfint, HfiYaral flows ^Rev. V. H. Councm, pastor «rf Mr. and Mrs. M. L Glascock, have died^ ^bdUthe authorities: ^ >t DapUat cUuithea iu Fauquka of A' county, has .been ap9(HBtect~h7.prahle ^acharge from Caa^i promptty seen that- the diigs the state miartoi>aiT board a Lee en account «rf phyakaJ .djsa- known to have been bitten w^ chaptahi in oneof thi Mmv MKty u «^..^^riw,g^wii^ f"^m»^ UDed.. IMkSKdJif Jaqpertiain farm Machinerv campa. He has aceqitad tiie ap- nf mnrnpa r^tr»ct^ -»W1» at met with the exBcntive officer of pointment and left for &ity on <.^»n» M^ thiyfc« |te wfll soon he tbe heialth board aad^pawod ita- We have a nice rteek-ot-the fiiilowmg marHin^ry the fiffeCTSEr«^aig"lon»^^aWeto»^ olutJMu to meat.^ gone for three mmtha. nmi engineer. Orange-Review. • ^at'we~Sie ui a pootioii to dtfer you at a good price! ~ —^AeiBording-to record! Tb^ —An exdting gaae ot badwt- ^^Uiennen at Quiikton uat by

mplanter8, ginia, the present winta> ia with­ Royal and BlaimsashitfVachoob »*^^ rirv are preparing to out,a paraU^ says a news «ditions wffl aUow, says : Mogul and Titan Ensines (ife 1^ I B. Cc%.) There have been heavier leaaes were victorioua, the final SCOM tha4«M iasoe of the Fairfax Her- from freezing thn hi any w^ -M.-L Case Plows, internaticmal IHvot beiag 19-18. 'ni»4ecaLteaaiwa al4.-J^a—gi al rtftakak^ ot ter ever Wore recorded. l%Me' -^ ^ ; Wfaed^^tiVators, Deenng piar^ retcyre.jaunejDtkJ'BaatJ^Qi* Whft^vfttAJ^he. represent tbooaands *ff Royal today and wiD meet t^ fish in the river from year to buabela of appJas and pototoea Mowers and Binders teaza from Kaaddtph - Maega J*** ^ that the spring fishing which have beoi stored as a'i^ Academy toaaortxnr. jaeaaan wffl be M aiMisiial^ .good suit ^.intensive c^tlvatioD. In one. '"* [ii<[4ttirm ffirmtr" fir» ^'^nfmntri —A. -Lewis Sueliingg wip ar- —The "home of Mr. and Mrs. J. HAYDOCK BUGGIES rested near Fredericksburg re^ •_ijdth- of centb bjL Game Warden JL M. i^ ^^^ „ ^^ Gould Tteee, was feed to tida them avtt untfl Aldndge, of Spottsylvania com- destroyed l^ fire of onkndwa or- 8pring.\ Oscar Hammer, a maip* Pnmrotciftnd ^hari^gs ^Separato^ ty. with a bag containing twoity ighi eavly Moilday afternoon, istrate <)f ^ringfidd district, ^rtridgea. ^aeUiiiga waa taken The blaze started in a room, on Mid a aon. of J^ayor JL Andexaon before Jhatice A^G: BilUngsI^ th^ UM*r floor and gahiH rapid H^^naer, of Luray, aays-BTBe, headway before the volunteer!' ^ T^ T^^ i. j I rharjred with hunting birds firemen could check it. Part of ^^ n«ver before met aach Wie­ • •':,](' there was snow on the the contents of the lower floor manda from stockmen aU over Maoassas Feed, Supply and Implement Co. ii." .ird waa fined $10 and was saved. The loss was partly Page county, all of them plead-, t-f^y .'•:><^<> The birds were covered by insurance. Mr. Todd ,^jy f^j. j^^e purchase of proven- EVERYTHING FOR THE FARM and hu family have been living; . . ^ ^ .^j^ rsker. 'c 'he hospital^ywdertrf on the Dickena place since the.'^*^'^-^ ^^^ "''"^ *"° "'"'^ fire. . alive. . :n~K • ,J_i—J.» jssm JANUARY IL 191»- JiliB r"^^*°°*JMyV°'"** Y« WOMAN SUFFRAGE SUtejBCBt of the Fininrial WINS IN BOJJS& In^«d k«»itmnj ftM*mbr*nM^^J5ERlr F'S SALE of Bank af Oceoquaa, laoorporated, R. & COCHRAN, T«S PM^INis VA. I my dMT friend, .CUnnf* C.lUybafb, iecatod at Ocraqaaa. ia the eoaaty 'Bcsolution Now in Seiiat4H-Vir, ^who departwl tUi 1S« on Janninr 7, af Priaee WIIUM*. SUU ef Vir- U We had in stock the ftrst of this year Iwenty-ftve " yinia Democrats AialMt "_ 11818. bmulred taahde of orchard ip-ass sewL This seed SI. 1917, made t« tiM Sute Amendment. Cut off in Kf«, BO waning givvn, - was raised within a ramus of three miles of The Under and by virtue of execu­ Cerporatioa O^mmiaaiea. . Pbuns, Va., and oa tb» hotter and cleanest of the De««» rtrnck Ae fatal blow, ReioaryM tions in mY..handfl against diaottK^*. Gilberts «ffln^brQify tfte feidkafta '~ THIS SEED IS STRICTLY HIGH executions, I shall sell by war of Secured $200J>0 -ftj tfee House of Reipresentatives' si„.. . „ • . GRAWC QUALITY . ~—^^^"^"* ^th e night of January 10 by a | SmucTeara *ma mayy mee dteti my fae«, puUic auction, for cash, to~ my "yea, highest bidder, on C. M. Gilbert's 882.4S ^We could today sell this whole lot of orchard vote of 274 to 186. .But forBu t m> one knowi how my heart aehft BMtda, aee^ritiaa, etSn «w»< A;)eaker Clark's firdnuse to cast Since thia dear one haa died. farm, near Thoroui^are, Va.,' ed, incIodiBK preminm on grass at three dollars per bushel to whcdesale llJB vote from the chair for the TliBradhur. Jaamry 91> 1918 t _ 4«.O0 —doaloraia Baltiraore, Maryland, or Louisville, Ken- jMoIution, if it were needed, the I do not know the pain he borei beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., the Other real eatate owned .. <. MOiMM ,-tucky, for SPOT CASH except for the fact that I did not aae him die, — - following goods and chattels Pwnitare and fixtorea ,... 1<«4SJ8 ^snge of a single vote to the op- I OBly know hia life was taka« shipnients of grass seed to.the above por-. Can never more be filled- ing cultivators, 2 cultivators, 10 walk to his seat. h. p. gas engine,_cream separa­ Capital stock paid in |10,000.00 tunity to buy at less than its market value. —Written by a Friend. Surplus tmi :.. 1,600.00 Advocates of the amendment, tor, lot of work harness, collars, Undivided pn^U, less R. S. COCHRAN, THE PLAINS, VA. -which is known a^JJia SuHan R A white minister, after con- bridles, wood saw and mantle^ —ameuot paid fsr iatereat Anihony amenlGnent for nation- ducting services at a colored two tons of fertilizer, two sad* expenaee and ^xes ..... 868-63 4a enfranchisement, had beeir-^:h««lw apked an old-deacon to dlN, ivQ Bets of lead hame»?, Dividenda unpsid ^^ ~— 41.20 set of cart harness, set of car­ Individual d^^oaita, iaehid- conlWenf of the result in the lead In prayer. The brother in ing savings depoaits 88,106.14 House after "President Wilson l#ct offered a fervent appeal riage hamess,'emery stone,8pray Time eertifteatas of deposit 1,401.00 luid advised the members who *oc the white brother and said: pump, three riding bridles, sad­ Gashiar^ checks octatanding 00.W «aned upon him the night before "Qr^^ogd, gib him de eye ob de dle girths, com siieiler,.niilk gon, 18 milk cans, truck wagon, est on d^oaita 46JB0 to support it. The dote vp4e was eagle, dat he spy out sin a far two high-wheel wagons, lime Beswred for aecraed intar- For the benefit of the farmers who have so mud^ i«eeived with amazemeBl(even to off. Wax his hands to de gospel aat on eertifteataa of d»- spreador, t^ro m^ure spreaders, •tpa*-" *ir^ HiirJTtg the dull winter months thife apiae of the opponents^ sufr plow. Tie his tongue to de line podt ..,, 16«0^ Security Conent and Lime Co. will run a series ob truth. Nail hiseiu'tpde gos­ hay tedder, about 200& bundles B«servad for accmad taxes. 89.00 of advertisements r^tive to the use of^caocrete Jime>' . ' J pel pole. Bow his-Tiead 'way ottpddwviOO^lflaTeis of com in in coM wKilher^ - ; Representative Slemp, repub- crib, 160 shocks of corn in fidd« Total $61i666.62 down b^oeath his kn^ and his I, Jamea M. -Barbaf, do solemnly We will tdl you whyyoa rfiould use it how to lUam-, was the ofily VirgiBia con- knees yraj down in some lfanaafltta.85 1 aad they nne BAYM(I'lrjnfT rwMBMrr IHave ywi .SpitMr7 i^A-SlirHnat : ^Wanted, QtlfA woodmen to BaynMMdMt, ^4ee0M^JOB'WOfBK^ l:*Br«Htavilla diatifci.^..... :•. 2M cat bktc^ woods ft long at $L50 tlieea da^ it is wdl ta Iqwy S'm E. Garfaer. same.... 2Mri 1 par ftftrH; ^ ^dav can bemade if yon mlly wawH^adSEKa ~~~ i^pwnty ilfc PashonirTtSS claiih... .TT 6!O0••®*ireatflsH r «t;;t^ pzic%- is^rard of ^ county Tha ioamal -wgi r. tL GoBsom, poor claim... ." ^^< Alcott 6. fceachiinan, water and givQ.it to you-every vreek for a KHJSNAL. '^Mca, Housewives, Young PeiH>le and Lit- _iyfht far eoarthnu*!) and Jail. ».04 LusC—Qtay mufflee- (Red yaaf fai uiie dufl«i',Ju advaflWU 41* J^ilk^=8iir HEARTY ATriUiiCLA- ^^W, ft Saan^e^ b^anee of sal-; Cross) before Christmas. Finder THW irf-tfceJrtwUioaage dnmg theTgg' -KTT tor year endiag 1>ee«n-i idease return to this office. 85-1 wUck has euMwilli oinr firttt Chrialmas n.,rt>r Wn. f 74fr *•*•:-'— I>»«*rfet *fa- -6 hi iha wa-, ' r'-'lTf "f ITIfTTPff l^m. orC^yipoFifi^^^N«tt««l Aaal^ SratVICE fin- the year which lier«hcad, -Wantied—4iarri^ man. for •f Vii^^nU, at Uw doae af St mr. wm ...... MiSjeo farm-work at once; war-time • f Yffiit win find .our stock ALWAYS — WBSOtmCBS. |Sa8,8MJU W(»rraY of yonr iaspeetimi. : ~5»; S. T. CwBwaITrJ^««^l*tri^,vpea»- price to. good iLaoL Wm. D. a L6an8 and discounts .. -6M- KVEBYIHING ON EAUTH TO-KAI- qaan .. Sharrct BrLntow, Va. 80 tf 6. ij. 8. bwds ittOm^ixmbtixty Bo^ 0 CLOmm, ALSYKE, TDiai^ OB- •TbtoU. S- bonds (other ^an Utm^ Bonds) CHASD COIASS .AND COWnSA& ' Chaa. A. BwrbeiB...... ;...... l^.Va. 2»-tf and certiScatea of inddrtedness-trr..... si,0eo.oe t. W. Primsls, poor elaira. ' ?•??:—— . . -=^ '—, -- -9. a Ltbwty tMa Bead^^mpK^Wir «* V^ and 4 per cjgt. tSSSM -^f-r^^—m T>wiiiMLiat, jMfaUM./ jMI T>>'^"gb the winter mv pflBce >. »eck of FedyalTftafl lallaiik. tW P»rBSn»- T. M. Bnasairpowr eUttf... ^.. m»7inB^t>e at myjeaidenee on Zebe- «^l^*^^»fiWfiF^ [^ J. C. Meredith, i»pM*t* is^idee street, but if you want fire 10. a Vatoe of hciiise _^^ J^J. Cnxtn, salary, board, eta.. 11. Fuiuitore and —, . insormce, either dd line or mn- a. Lawftal leaerve wtth Federal Beaety»Baak 104jM|t^»i^_2M ^ Arftp Tn«> a card and I willJB_jjlrt l In T"** '^'^i^ MiyT— Mm: Tram-Btasa: " li. L. Carter. ^aU-en-you. -£aii'J. Austin. 27 Mnka W O. m JUtdtfa, ragiatrar. Dam- !«, Nat anwoats due from banks, bukm, fadteart ' fries .• «M Wanted—60,000 i^te oak .. cempaniea ethw than iaebkled ia »«•» IS, cross ties. See us and g«* prices. H,and 16 •.; :-_^ Jno. R. Tnmar.coata in caaa «< tt. Gheeka on other banks te the aaaa dty <»- towa _ A- Nichda .'...... ;. 4J» M.Lyw*ftCo. ^ «^ ^^ ^^^ reportiag bank («ther thaa^Ite-17) The Journal $laOO a Year fewr^llh [tWilil l*a* tmmt TBocat«a J, I. Spittla.wwTfriw.TWsd ••• H^ ^^iMkai James. Bobae, same IMO afraid of Mutual AssessoMnta, af repcrtfa^ baak ___Cafai.avffle District Baad . try ouf old line lympaniea. 'ft T. &. GaDalMr, wockjan read., lA joa IBw tte increaai«=oIcr «-* linp rafrit, tqLOWilCutosL TWre TetaL •'^•**r***r* ltATl"YOITllAPB A SO.M I your choice. We r^vesest both ^^^^Uj^Uiftii laaae U. Wittig, work oa 25. Capital stodc paid in T. H, Athey, sasM tt^ kinds. Austin Corporatiop. ,53 24. Sofphia fund UIMOJOS. Corawril 3vpply Co., ttt. 26. a UBdivided proftta . W. B. MeCoT, ofl 6.7S Wanted-^A settled colored 27. ASMon_ . t .reserve _ d fo_r ^taxea aecraed. New Year's ResolutioD? tea Joknsoa, work en «.d. .^ 4MSL^ ^ tak*ea« IMS tea ff^il^^^'^^w^*^*^^ «• S4. Gartttcates of dapeea UM pas* year. NIUMHIW ef year wit& home oh plaee and ^ for sMaay biaiawad) t prlcsB Ugh. Di fact tdxiglinar^. ~ ai»;^?»ncg«ed - Daarfriaa Diatriet ply ttrL flrmnd, 1SI5 7th St^ N. IMal demand depoafta I the •nirhaat ia •between tfce derftnnd G. M. BatcHffe, caab paid H. C. W., WashfaigtoB, D. C. - 88 poaita) ^Bb>et te „_ Hoe asB." NetwitkatMifinf al tUs, I Bpadda^ & Maytsid and G. IStspdana «...*. km* Ule te fnmlBl^ my pal UM Jim ITJ M. 7.04 For Sale—Dwelling boose and > Tatal of time deposita anbiact MM qmUty at the ainiwHt prtee. '*«:»» ItanM O, 42. 48, and 44 ,. ^ iw _i. store room combined, with one!4S . Ualtad States daroaita (other than e«lvo»ew«ytfaitIcooldd>tM«.nanwty; STICK —Mrs. Jane Sarah Colbert ^^^^ ^f ^^^ ,t Briatow. Va.:i eOUierUBltad T& t^J over timber land located abont 2 Saimdef^Hlfeat -Market f ten-. Mrs. (.:olberColbert ie.avele^veja. iwtwoo _.,^.,_^ ^^^^^ ^^^ RrentsvuleRrPnt..vule. .Va Va.. . Correet-Att-t: scr < .Me?^r- 1.,-e C•^lhf•rt. of Ma^ ,^ ^j^e county rr.a>i leading from, . , e* • A.SINCLAIB"' "'°'*^- , A. A. HOOFF,- - libert, of greTit.svT!]e txi Independent Hill.. Directavs- Prince Cieorfftui county Md. IE. L. Hombaker, Manaa^as, Va. ^^r- VifsmtafBi -%^ RJUP^ ^.-v***- * """^iilMtASSAC . .^^ "•u« i^iUJltt? "jANtfXit 1 ^Tif^lffls CHUKi;H_SERKlCKS_ COM;&£SSMAN WOBKS itEEPIN6U.S. FOR COTTON TAX BILL PRESBXIKWa(»-'=— . ^-__^j^"-——**^-»'y*«-«— Chnzeh, Rrr. mTWiN WAKlM«wiir4 > Is Reintroduced By ' A'^fM KtMty, imrttw Sunday—Anidsy Mhool at 10 a. n.. ^.^ ftein'esefltatfve Jobn tf. Tffi- Not Awake to Gnro

^The BatUe of Maiwmai - and tha IF SONS, TH£l!r HEIBS?^ World War." . Chiiatiaa Endeavor maating wX 1 Elbert H. Gary, chairman of I am a aoa—and proud to say i^ so-rof ! p. m. Subject, "Young-- Ohiiitiaw one who marelted away, RMcUn£j)atinirdi" Unitod States Steel Corporation, Back in the aixtiaa, with Vb* other men Kwwhtar «t 7:30 p. m: 'Svdlsjeet, tonifirht pointed to a United who wore the gray. WASHINGTON, D. C. "Appomattox—Then United Force States still asleep and a Germany ApunBt the Common foe." A son, I said. And if a son, then I fo. Wodneadar—Prayer aieetinr at 7:30 stronger, more virile And asTgres- • heir indeed p. m. Subject, "Chriat's Appeal to sive than at any time since the To what that ancestry could prop- the Siaaar." war started It is such a Ger­ •rl|r and rightly claim— many, he said, the Umled States SLEEP] Clifton PwbrtcriM Church. BCT Heir to tha blood they boasted, heir *^ AUotd Kalley, Bleeplnir, ma« d^^ Mt^Qai^ Jttg-tfcih«i «Teea~~~ . ^- Sunday School at 10 a. m. Subject 'spoke .before the Commercial They held, "A man is what he makes a« stated above. Club in Chicago. himeeir*; hmr to the name— TOUR GUIDE to NIGHTWEAR SATISFACTION They kept each for himself unsullied— Miaaion Band at 11 a. m. . The United States must call FOR — ^oman'i SliMionary Society af^ •heir to courage fine for every ounce of strength, ev­ That sacriAced and fought and (Ued P- ••aV Aid Society at the home of Mr*. M. ery dollar, every atom of skill to for principle, the steel UTTLE TOTS - GROWWG iSRtS MISSES E. Qnlnr, at 8 p. m. on Friday, Atn- win, he said. He demanded more That would net bend, but bro^e mid­ iiary 25. men for our armies, factories, air in clash; and this is mine: —It is^the slewing wear that stanAi the test «f deae infection. > The greater courage to endure dw- EPISCOPAL. farms and proposed impoftatlOM feat, to quit and never fed Whan yoj UNPIN It, ywu win 1^ deUghua Willi the mxKi rati camfOH fMla^cs ^ Trinity Epiac^>al Cbuich, Sev. J it possesses. F. Burks, rector. of sailors, workmen and even One instant conquered, and the brav­ SoBdaynsefaooiat 9:4S a. m.—'"~ - .soldiexs-from China. - — . ery then io4ake - Service Sunday evadag at 7:30. Mr, Gary predicted ultimate The hairier burden up»—of reetm- o'clock. «tnM:tion, • • * This they left victory, followed by a war of to me, commerce as great _as the pres- V St. Anne's Memorial Chapel. NokeS' ville. Rev. J. F. Burks, rector. .en1r:mtt alms,^ in which every , the mlUitms that may make EVER HEAR OF A '^PAJUNION?" Service Sunday morning at 11 country would strive to gain a4 The son of'fortune by a smaller o'clock. part of the trade hdd by the nde. f * • How tnie, thm, —It is made only ky Brigkten CHrisfcU Ciiaipan^^nidirfll gha yo« McaefOwperfeetioB i LUTHERAN UnitefStates. Bethel Lutheran Owrelt, Rev. Xd- "Pr^re fortius war as Eng- 4 am a son—.and ptmid to say it a6—of: gsr^ Peooe, paator. _ ^ ^ J«nd,J3yni*mr.amLother.nations ^-^—-Mie^tMrnnrdndrswiry, SuB3ay'§(Jiod Sunday at 10 a. m. are preparing," was faia.wam|ng , Back in the'ai^fties, with the meif. the Freaking at TJSO p. m^ . "Frt«n the begimiing 6f the clfsaa, true men, who wwjie^tbe maay ITAPTIST wai-^ thwi^i hte been a lacfc of in -T Manassas Baptist Choreh, Rev T. —D. G. Bkleers, in Cofifed«ratc'Vet- D. D. Clark, paator. formation on the {tart of tbe g«i' *. and pufelic in tiia countrio»-op- amiday-t--Ouiiaaji "SiJitud, ».48Tp-at:; H«i. John N, lIUmanTofXr: Paj—iiwM fi <4.<08qlt . —- - morning service, U'o'doek; Bl Y. P. posed to the Motral powers. But kan8as,:who made an address at U., ::45j cviedBg syriee at J:een~ the locatMHi of oi^Ma- hag had it inferred to the Cora- riuMlLMieiiM. BeUrHcvm, tost'Sunday 11 a. ni, tagarmies As fliQr move back^ ,„ittee orr War Claims i axe fknitf 15e \»MM, WowB>iBe, first aad Meb«d Sandays ward or forward tttnvte success or failure. |,t1StaU.iB — flatcher *«P*V ll-a« m. ai T:»». Thefeftrfol fact remaias that WlgTE FOB BwfeoNlc^ 8IJBBP)C^ 1i^l#^iii^fcp ^ ittlWiadlit >~ Oi» nals; tMa< Hwiiii 11 i.Mi Onee 7«ir idtildMit waar Anbcnir Pt*.= Mid a hi^ewwaian Qwrnaaty la CATBOUC ia omtarol .

the BJennd We portiom «rf Rni^« ithH Tt:«iy •lyrtWHMJiff— The njtturri_ggsaia3ee^4iikto Grace MeUia^lat damiiiancp of Germaoy have^ South, Rev. H. Q. ^^^^ a^lPnf"*^"^" TTiany fold nfnrc paator. the yar. corom^tciBd^y Biataii«si.«L ' Hamt Morr RflBdwrf Than Bver Proaehlng at n a. Mu, aar T JB^ p. m. In mrtojy Prom|rt and —laafatctpry ger- _£eniiui. KpKorth Leagae a< gigO "Gwmany it mora viirae» vlecs. HearicrTiriushed for p. m. efficient, more leuned and ag- aay re—oiiable distance. Be^^ Lamb^ Veai attd Poiig gTiTiiuM [Uau tthcwaaa t tBel>e^ Rev. C. K. Milli«aV apiK>intnieBts|gtoiung,of the war. V a »»-j •- follow: llverartHing poin^ Up! Sudley—First, second and fourth I tid and fourth SOB- : ciidiy, industritfy, commercially sion. He is pushing its passage your cMkiren than formerly^ weanr^ mntn*r mercy, the risiit many are' inclined to object to ter to bane it and not need it than tojieed Woolsey—First Sunday, 8 |f iiandnot-lMveffr We win. be glwi te whidl brute • force commandft. further e:g)cauBtures sffj giire you rates. NoTiiewlMesetj and tiiN^ JBb^ t'MTED BRKraRKN. .> haa a decided advitotage over time. There is no question but or two. .. JMO. M. KUm; Rev L. C. Measidc'a apaeintments t^t thaw- hftary JHHMiniiialiiiii|i ^15 MansjsaM. Va. foTtow thnaa whooo »« now: \ . •—:—^ have seriously affected our Managaas—First aad tUrA g-T^yi.' """^^ hoaonflrfe and-Christiail. Birh't'Naw Style Bo«* *^!«w«ninwrt. do^ aot iftvear-to '—— '- taCTreciate atallB uTatf tu wlu PRAI&KB REP CROSS l^^tee oeveral of the modela which Aden-SecoaaTarTagtt Swdays.'**^"'^^ "*^ "* "" igwn Uiit fiH anil •tnrif !ju p. u:— ^ 7^^"T''Ty^'tiiiiai>MJiiMii)Bitaiar priate every ounce of omgy, ev ••d diildren. {^hit ye« UidlMd—nrst aad tfaM Private Herman Bnewn. of do. with perfect aatiafactioB. •domra «tMi 4^ alott «itU» reaek. ^kaap McQeHanPI 111 la, •Aamiatoa ^ IHl IflTOft, . Ala.Allft,n ^^•^^^^^^•^'^•* ^ m^^^v^^^ *^e may be excused for hav son of Mr. Fran^ Brown, of Kiag TMKOKF^CK.IM ing been dow in gettinip ready, Geerge;^ wbo Kaa been iU in tke A WORD ID THK Wm ' but thefr can be no Joatifiei^flp iMg^tal. haa written luctaJJiML for faflore in Hii fotarrlfiL^aab thalTtn nnt hnt •fiiirlr aokHer can' vigoronaly. realiae the great work bebg doae - ~^ **^^* over-pr^are fbfa long by the Red Croas and the T. tL Kti'Si^£A& fWe prieee are Mgk. M OUR war we shall only Mve dcma C A. ^ fs made from beat matenab. wfciia whit prudenee. ra(|6u«a. For Private Brown says whateyc baked in an up^to-date oven. "••••''•Co I^ BiBiRy Cl8^1»^M^^ the labor AMtage,-tlir-ihsit«d'ia gives to Oesa iastttutkaa fol workmen. Ask for it— tt^ tha right ta inasai States ahooM fiaraeiSaidy dr*w reaches the 8- tenunate ia favor of the other V^wignor is unknown. The gob- iMa b^rwtian ef TeetlL t t t t side within a decade, for with dl ICT probably was intended aa a DR.L.F. nOUGH -|-ti»e taeaiw at our command, we gift for the President's Christ- DENTIST _ CAMPKR4JV4SINS 'would ttghl thai long, or longer, mas dinner, bat wai didaysd by 090iv~— •"-••'—' • • VC. I. C. RtiiId)nsr. Manassas. VB I Va. ^*>®^orBwewould submit to the. the freight congestion. He was KELL^ despotic nrfe uf nr"autocra& given ample quarters aad a din- Va. **''*'^" I ner upon his arrival. v-two timp.' "i^. 1 -^jg^iBIDAY -^i#»fc>-^«E l*i; »__™w^*l^^^^^x/*vlV'A £j MC». SEVEN -r~ dollar. On one side is the face of tired, weaSrj^, no-good feeling. i appetite and aide digestion. Get F A R M F R S»CAU5 cojffiJCT the Kaiser and on the other is a You like it this way; to. and ^ a bo^le from vour drug-gi^t to- I egreBwrtatiog of God. Eath-l U^a btr6tiger, cheaper, and bet- day. Clean TetetJL 1 AamLivaj cHRisnAi^ WAR soidior is tol^^ keep this tek«i, ter for yoa;—Absolutely no alco^ Sold in Blanassas by THT . rred DKtJTXi'-i-UVa ot>^T)rder»,. whatfev« of de^ fiol or dope. n doesn't disturb ^ Dowell and by good druggists mm. (Continued frQm.PagftlVo>- jshneas there.may-be in it, aiui in tfav boifsls and~yet it speeds the •verywben.' Adr. the day of judgment everj^hing J -, CanngtD temporal, power for the latter. ake two^Sides iajov^^^l^ '•HAW be EUTHYMOL ol grsM grow where one does rqler of the world power under German government. Dr. Hillea now; -Buyiih£-i»l«bi»tedjaafcifee^5aMe* poke ef^ German colonel who neuum Lime from Leesburg ^rnwell Supply Co, TOOTH Lime Co., the lime that haifaeen" If you wish to be a rivil aiih- was dying. Recalling the awful Bold in Loudoun and Fairfax for ject of the Kaiser abd a religious thing^4ie had seen, he remarked MANASSAS PASTE the past twentv-five yeara, and subject of the Pope, yotj should "Either God is dead or the Ger- out produced them ail, and the be a pacifist If you wish to con­ man empire is doomed." M ANTISEPTIC DENTffl(KE reason for if is because it con­ Sell^die^Cliui^Hoii Cream Saver •DBCULLT SinTABUt tains Magnesium and Oxide of tinue a citizen of this republic Surely this is sufficient to jus­ •to ncsTiior OBBMSB* Iron in right proportion to Cal­ and a Protestant, you should tify Christians of all lands in m vneNobT RBOOK cium. Carbonate, and the Umted fight or auRtain t.hntw» who ^ro I seeking to jut down from power tStmMX IT IV arooK. State! Agricultural Department fighting. Slackers are willing to and ^>ut «way f pm harm doing "" Year Book ' III rear Book JSQU j»ge 161, partake of the benefits of war tSeTminiary and autocratic gos» LHQST any fsparatee wOt^dfr-^^Iai^rjptdd w«*Ti*eff 4t^ states that Magnesium u abso­ emnient of Germany, which is so brand new, perfectly adjusted, and sltiimning vann milk lutely necessary to plant growth but are not willing to help to se­ A' from fr^sbened cows. cure "life, 4iber^ and the pur­ evidently of all humanity But a separator can't alwajrs b« new, cows cant always bo . IVinceWiUiamPhalmcjr and nothing else will t^e its fresh, nor can yoa always separate your 0>ilk while it is at SS place. Send orders to Comweil suit of happiness" that have al­ and lawfulness. or 90 deirrees. la ether woids, your separatiBr is dona ondar Supply Co., Manassas, Va.; A. S ways and everywhere been se­ Youn^jien are scarce in Can­ practical conditions, and the sansibjo thin( to do is to (ct a pzao- 'Mal separatmr. /• RobertsQA, Wellington, Va.; M. cured only by war. ^ ada, even ministers are few, »7 Tkifs •• RoUins, Bristow, Va., qf direct to us and same will have prompt at- "Before seeking lib found a numbers of them having gone to The NEW De Laval is the most tenti<»i. greater-Germany in other conti- the front on a missimi of secur- practical separatcM* jrou can buy nonto» we must create » greater i»g protection from thai UBS- mwv sepa d upon to sktaa Gerpiany in central Europe."— potic monster, known as the Ger­ elsan under any and alf conditions o) milk tamperatorsi and t« dsliyer cream of nailonn thickness. Leesborg Lkae Co.. Inc. Prof. A. Hasse. man Kaiser, in oiyler that the U r.a waat to own a aaparator tkat wUI As B. V. WHITE. Manaser Ha work b«(Ur than aar otkar, aad d« tt "In the great German confed' people of the ymtid may have witkosl cenatant ttMXttUig and sdJnataMat. Umversity of Tgrpb Vtm. Vkm HSW D* LsTal ie tka 44MUM ts Sjpitw tt freedom^ te enjoy liberty and Heaa of Poblk BOttA eratibn, whicK" wilT'-coiaiprise ^rklla tUi atatMiaat kaa aJwari bcaa tree Virviaia most of Europe, the Germans,] liave the blessings of true rdig «f D« L«Tal mackla**. It la r -•- -- DEPASTMENTS ItEPRESENT^ iraaly dsfna t&aa *w '!*^'V being alone entitled to exercise iott without inSIestaiion fr«^ of tU -tatproToaaoata la tka mtW De. M. J. HOTTLE LaraL Coilcg^ 6r»dB»t«, laar, Ifefi. any ruler who is so evidently, the Tha B«w aeU-ecatarlrlan bowl wkIA slrca the political rights, to serve in the •tarStaa naatar capaetiaett;7 aad ifclaiwilna «•- cine, Eng^MT^ MANASSAS, VA. army and n^vy, and t.o airqiiira agent of Satui., _„_ daacr. taa Do Lararatl ball apMd-lwUcatac. wklei alee*-woald b« worth auar doUarra Missionaries in service in to a cow owaoi.. the laipcoTod aate- to deserving atodenU.' f^tUW ^"^S^ landed property, will recover the Ir elHaa riril— 'T^ "-' '—r '""- '~ ia eoato to ^ng:*!^* t*9ieabt brtk^i- aroTowoBta l^ad la a* othor aaako tt feeHhg-lhey ha^Ih the Middle aiachiM. make tha NKW Da Laval by flu the Aotdcmie DcpartmeBts. Sead secured TTEuvese citizens and la- Boat aattafaetary acpanter to aFarala aa4 Ages «j being a people, of mas­ the BUMt proStablo to owe. estateo*- '•' ters, lliey will gladly, tolerate Ixwers who are woddng behind Xaa «aa b«7 a NRW Os X««al fMsi as SB MilJErABT TRAILING Hbaral tonaa. jCaaa. la aad e¥a»lae IM the

UHITBS i^rans^ ' ''"*"^ [ma•*>•••u> <•»' Alwsy fw>m 100 tp 800 hnai \*r. „.«.Wi^ n»^*vrwe:mq«t always heep^the posai- hBity of war with England be^ of*^ hones and mtilM of ^ati -i>iau:TOks.- dleacKtitiims for sate at my fore our eyes, and arrimge our iffiaBinYork. Pa. _14^3^ ilAfBERflwcan. B.a»aujB. poUtieal and mnitarv jrfaiw ae- JOE KiwDw^ jss:r.n'sasatfia.?:< all bMiaiM*, li c<>rcBniHy."-T-Gen»«l^BarHliatdL '«We have^^foi^t m the kuit REAL ESTATE and our positikm among the Pow­ en^ Costs Aheat a ers of Kiuepef w« mtotuow de- Wd Gees FtoUrtr—to «jiNSimANrE cidu whuUiM wewiah to dtvdop ^Z%a pMrtotlcdaty ot farmers and into and maintain a Worid Baa- Strsagcs^-Tott. awdeneneTcrywfaerels tofncrease Having determined to devote our cropiiMMood pcodocttoo. Inten- pire^ and procure for German whde time to the Beal E^ate spirit and German ideaa that M NATURAL IBON. MGHLY dMUeraloseof (ocetbcr and Insaraiiee bpsineH, we here^ 0(»KXNlBATra>, m BEST p^ofMf' itotatioii oi ciofi^ so by solicit aB prop^ty for sale 'recognition which has been hith­ aatpixkcrcasa-aod iavvoivvllieier* - and raqnesE those: hams vara^ erto withheld fnnoi us.'^-rGai- dKv and prodoctlvenr o< the r taki, are aU vital and erty to &t tlte same witii va end Bernhardi.- Iiatead oi-taking a pffl or a dose of some i«ep«red mnedy ^T^^lM ^ ial tM, wllfc all 'lf we wi^ to eooqp«te f uriher Jewelryj^ Sportiiig Goed^ Wi with the oUier Powers, a poiiey whidi perfai«e contains akohid whidt- -aut AT a hlasBng-athtttl^yuu duu'l CJ. MBBIKB^OQ. ^imX^aija^ both entMe and ctsnnee- d,--why. ni^ i a. hfSi^ixL W^tiJ^ think of purehasixig 8 watch, a rin^ m Ovff^ 1^. StstiMi •a. pd OS to adopt, we mo^t qot hold miwtWnal Add Iron ICnerid. a OT brooch , OTotiie r jewdry, reinember %e < luq tti^ _G«rdai Seeds highly oMKcatrated natom izan, 8iqi|iily yonr wants. Most ao^rtliSn^ in fhe^ AadtsOsabtwt the beat crop* to back in the hard afcrngfte fmr the i««r, bo& ior pcofitaMd ~ aqayitnfigntf ^ tf»> »»»rta."—Cat-{t*s*fag oy» 1^ HfmM snnrffif 1* «« •f*y4»*iw ps^#Nt ecaLBffnnardi. giavlly. *The ksamis of histwy eciPl A bottfe of Add Inn Ifisdral firm the view: Unit wars Which oostfaic a dollar contama twdve have been delfiMraMy provdnd oanesa o€ stroag» U|^y conecB- tratad. nat«al ^ medhinal irea. mot ^ powerfot thAoiAi hamyess, ii^kiiil^ itibe^h^piiiMfc ninKs/ that a few dngs fa a gjass of .BemnaroL'- "I wan yo^ a .MBiBst pity."— =3<« Nifltasehe. ; _ and ia a. natural tpide one 7 'Xk>d abov« as will see to it he ashaaed of tak- New WaD Paper that war shall always reeor, as a. ing.- Our new stock ar- draatk medicine tot ailing hOf Ifc is pot ap fa twelve ounce H^uy^STFleld & Co., tired. WestaiW n^manlty."—Treits^lS: ^ - iwttStt ^rtiicBvklual and: •fbstjesr^* stock St ~ "Ee-Wi doea-Jkot he&SBl nae hr the Farrodye ChePMcal the divine mia^on COTptawOBB aKl their trade , Stt^je^ Ufc Pews, Sask it is an sold. had Itetter haaff mole. "k-tfM," e» M "^BBos und JpUiKHmi' Mttteniw rather today than 4s year gnarantee

HAYMARKET ja very iu.-live interest in the; A deli^htfjl surprise party- fORESTBURG I schools and su(^y ua with our , was given at the home of Mr. W, TRr re!«tivey qf Mr. J^iB^or-J nmny-wantB jiaJir jwjhgy are-LL J-SirhMlia last Priiia,„ v. ev4MUH«, , r t: **"• ^«1'' Abet 75 visiting-t!CT4 daa iiav« -received -oAi^ainKdee I ^^^^ finanftaibr. -jio trio of men In honor of liiiss U»Je Adelejson, Mr. Clifton Ab^l, who is ill of his safe arrival in Fraiu%. So | coihd work more in oonjunction ,Faljixank, ._ , s an, d Mr. '^y fc-veretl in Washinjfton, D. C fara« t^M writar has becai is-]^'^^ och other, or discharge P airbanks, whose bu^bd-ys were Mrs. K B. Aiuterson *nd Mrs. WANTED formed, Mr. Jordan is the &rst of] their duties better and be more Fnda^and Satardayj^speclive- E. H_Williams visited at the ~. • itJitnur^t h«c ^=2mmm\ii^''*'jJSkmi Jrork *•— liWN***c.;_ -.witK0tHTa de­ the Army in France." trustees of Gceoquaff <& tained the guests until the wee Monday. Miss Nannie Osborne has been '^^ writer likes to pay this trib- small hours^ and the double cele­ Miss A. M. Dtmn -n^UA at the ai4»ouited'tacfael--tyf-tlie fn—^^^ b^fflf?-it_i» * ja«*_op«iJ»n the Jiottom^ thirty Wi^ mere nrnmri tem^^J^isses Fvrr, of Broad Ron. Gty Employineiif Qffke small. ^ Nohrithstandiim: the bad feet below. One of the teoth^ perature, it is hoi>ed.that the at­ Prof. A. S. Millican, who has weather, our school is keeinng was Vonon Bamctt, a sddier at tendance will: increase. Every. be«i spending the Christmas up weO, several new pupils ecmir 104 E Pratt St, Baltimor< effort will be made to have the. holidays with his patents, left i«r, BB^. ^I^QM Margaret FW, of Broad mg.^ land. ^^fina^teeeat^ ' - — -^^ Hr. Rdbcst Hiidqi, the oMa^ Mrs. C. D. S. Oarkson and her lb. Sam TiKmiton was a re^ 6oafederte vttoan ia ana aee- little dau«^t««, Corddia and ceufviMtor'af Ibr^ Biefaard \j^it% tion, who has been qaite aidg is Helen, have gcpe to Wasfaiagtan family. aomewhat better: to sptaad 8(»B«| Jteeks wU^ Mr.- Mr. Bert BJcdqwhas retnmed Mrs. R. H. Willis and duUree, and Mrs. Hagfa'aHEiarkaon. froan a lengtliy^vfait to rdatives of Bo«B<^ are ginata at' Ijie regnlar iifllpttiLojLHb iff l^r^imud, off ^Dda- Wiffis's paw^ts. XmmaA Mw. C- Branch of the AiMrieaa Red plane, has ranted Mr. F. B. W. Bnnrac , • ^ , ~ • Price^a faqa gwMJajLheMjMi «L CurrdlJ&iik, of noon o^^uie bosie o^^ cbair l» undBtatoDdr Co. K. Slttb infancy, man, t>r. W. C. F^m. TiM Mr. H.CfaQr Pearsaa, <|»mding about treasora-. ICas Ife^B. n^orted bdOB sicic, is ~ bospital at _ TEWMENtociitpife^ bilto to the ainiait ot-Ha, . of Hi. e .ttotjw is now which was 9eat Car gaozarvta*- iPlaias, i*as« ^P««* "|«>d bcites to visit Us^ panrts. • lin and ^noL Mn. DePaov re- GU^nesviOe reeoitly. __Mr.. an^ d Mrs. L. B. PM&^ a^ ported a Aipmpirt of taatted arw Mc MaeoB Cava and las -san4ii«dL wood oaKL V. Grave'i ticles aad "nenMBdllASMirfllS activity in tbf wsmiin's worit. \\*^ irwV ittfimtitTf -If mtgri*lditibbe.>qtta*y , iieved that: a ^aardeat tf ten^ Knu %ad3r. of Waahmgtan, ling and sewing eaa be aeedeo- ^>** bo ^^ gaest o< ri'ihftd dnring tlw; ttcjct fca .^""J **— •'"^*' ^r*.'""t*^

Mrs. CD. S. CI«t*o^^aii^-lW«h^toa. tlte An "oidtnae" wmter stiD pre- man of the mcnAaWhip txxsscg^c^ Mrsr. :#ack M. in ^B8 aeana ^ the tee, reported fifiy-tiiree new week. eouaty. members as tiie resist of tji^f Miss Ruth Hoffman has open- lb-. Christmas drive 12&4ianee ®d the. Giinesvffle acfaorf after iliHtrDwtoL^j " ^ — boMaya Hindoo. absence of iGas with ho* jMucnts aearCatbiixpin. IGas Sena laiioott Charies Rector wiB I MM Hargaret Baird, v^ has ireeltend witii tnaOm tor in the surgicai been wis, as the prindpaL QaA^ Mr. Dawson,, waa'apfmnted to Mr. Cfauide Ennis is viaitnw pedtioa at Quantieo. =^erve on the advaofy boanf ^ has Mrat in Fredi*tfctoburg. bdia Satltaid I>oudoun cona^ to assHt r^is- Mr. aad Mrs. C & Oaika mo­ vidted itf tke bone of am D. 1 rants with thdr^ueatJofmairBa tored to WaAtngtonFrkfagr &nd WM unA&lA tt NUtm utST awe the g Monday. ^ • ,: ^,"'-^ .—— The literary society met (W~ tiiig Jad B^ptriee Heradaa. 1 jesday evening foi the eleUJOfr Miaadl ^'''. ... SSHOWBO^. >f officers for the ranainiag part Kfr. L. B. Wtedagr. the mail f tb« sesnon. Mr. Kitnm Ki4> cairier for Miaiiirvffle, ha w«!ll was elected preddest, witii aoaae very aavieaa The Jmaor League gave a vc(§|^ Mr. Guy M. Qine, vice preddot; and no «•• envies Um bia taak. internting pragnua at tha :\\f~^ Sue Snapp, secretary; llie maila hava baa ' last Thorsday eva- Morilla Milstead, assistant oiar. amg. TW %agae baa Larj-; George Tacey, Oaaocoaat of the had aa eigbt-vofanne ^rms. sad Mr. Dwwaoa, critic. eold,tb« Mr. Love Waltar. of Wtahfan. On account c^ the afaacnce of ^ has toa. spent aeverd dye «^IA Elward Ham mill, president of to-a later date; the athletic assadation, and the of wUeb wil be SMia ia** C. H. Wattar and h^ iikdihood of his not returning to later iaaae of lite Jnumal daagbter. Miss M&e Waiter, bavf !«chool. a meeting of oke aaaoda- -««CB fif A W^L& vidtiag^ frieodL and t K'n "^f T -^s^VH ^y *^K ^4^ prsri- 'tfvee m dent. Mr. Krtnin KidwcB, for •d. the purpose of dectiag a presi- Mr. Jesse Whetad has retinv. fJwrt. Enes« Davio was deefd- The sum of |aSJ5 ed fwan J>oveavilht. to fill the chair of president. I ed at the oyster sapper given at visited friends aad rdatives. \ Some business came before the' the sdiooi on the evenisg of Jan- Miss Ada Arrington. of Davi4 ,~>..«i,^ Mi^h «a paying ftiiM fn«-^..«>j '^^ *^ ^-1a?-wodPtaJbaJnt Msrtiw t1>iwaf ttJed and the purchase of a > warmly expressed their aaprael^ the boflM of Mr. aad Ite. S. & ImflKetbalL After al] the busi ation to the patroas aad nJMda Stdts. - ^ ri->ss had b**n rh'^r-ised of. a mo­ for their eo~operatioa. Mr. W. W. Snider, of Ds\Tf, tion for adjoumnitnt wa* made Miss Anna Cbealoek left last W. Va., who has beeo visitiiy an.i the m'H-'tmjr «»> >vn8 Thf r>n- attend school. ' Bowman and Mr. J. C. Snider. ms-i-T *parri'-T. tra* %vt. frr a riay Mr. Bdward Kln^doa has ac-' left yesterday for Dovesvill«. r-^pted a position at Mt. Union, jwherr he will visit hLs father, W. E McCOY, Agent, Manassas, Va. i>ewe,. "..iu.»:.••.•. -i.^ '•^•- .-s-.Tuii-i^ie.. I A. -Mr fiar-ey Sn'.me :o o-r 9rh(V;i the zras-zcra •xf » >mi'.nfluid viaitor Satar- Atlanta Ga. whr in awaitirtsr a of our distncT. The. are tAianj: a ic DEO