The Manassas Journal 1918 01 18

The Manassas Journal 1918 01 18

'T''?^Trr^T3~T31E"^TG3!3Ej?5?5W wm^^^^^m^mmmfm^m^ ESTABLISH eo WAY, 1805 .^•^r V^^'^xm. >o.'l^^ ^»^*xf^'25SAM?VA , FKg>Air, XiB^tfilRY -i«r i»i $1^ A YEAR Hi ADVANCK M. J. Keyes. ^f^mif pff popr. LEE CELEBRATION ^i the club members through the qo;«i (Vstriet, «tx COUNTY BOARD I" TOMORROW EVENINa WITH 1BE GUI county agent •alary IOJOA fflGfl^CHOOL A. Goa^oai, oveneer of poor. Girls and boys are busy nudc- HOLDS msm^ Procna Wifl Be Rendered at BOYS AND GDtLS'] in { plans, for fhi« y^^r _A. niun> jEWSiznnu BaUry 10.00 Baytbt ISn^—ACT. lir. ' ber have already given ther OaA ta Speak. First 191^ Se?vsion of Prkiic* Wil- W. A. Evana, overaacr of poor, | Sketch of 1917 Wmk aa4 Pkw names for different dubs. One Events ef Ihe Week at Mana«u dtiMet^tx atoathr T liajsi Cuunt> Supcrvisurs for the Cemiiw YMu^-4l«n- girl has already made her plans .j^, *Mvjr •, • ..-•_.-= .^^.. 10,00, High ScheW —Aawably Uetd at t'ourtfaouBcu -While tilfr' uniwua! wintenl for canning, she expects to se- W. G. Ouv»U, ov«r»e^ of I weather has caused & pgetpone-j Oceoqaan district, vix m The I'rifice WlUuun county Mlary 10.00 ™«>t <» the dinner which the (m,, LOU^ y. Gilbert, eowty iMme grow in her garden as an early board uf superviaurs met at the W. J. Aahby. jaMtar at ttNKt- ! Daofbters of the Confederacy (fawienrtratioB acnt.> _, •, . „ Among the most interesting crop gard^ peas, and f<«ow haw)ening8 of the week at the coiirthuuse on Monday, January G^^'iiL'^^iL'^i"**"*!^''* ^'^^ P***^ " '^'^' We often hear someone say. these idth her tomato crop. It High School was the program in 7, the following members beias n,^,rS!^ IITZS^Z ««h year in honor of Coofeder-j what-»* demeaatratorr pays to plan and then work. honor" of Lee's birthday pre­ present; Mr. J. L. Dawson, ar^ JIJJ^ ate veterans, the aaiwaleetehra-^ f^ word -deillBhatrator" The county agent will be gl»d sented at assemUy Wednesday morning by the Osbovm Liter­ Occoquan district, chaimum; J. L. Daw», aHf Ainft anit jfiSi of Ihe iarthday <rf GflBeraUn^eMiB that every ciub member to get in toudi with any girl or Mr. J. J. Connei:, MaoasMS dis­ ary Sodety The |»ogr«in waa »'!!r«« r • 5J» Robert E. Lee wiU take pUce to-jg , dwnonstrator of the beet boy in the county who is inter­ as follows: trict; Mr. J. T. Syncox, Damfnes JT ft^'lfc'' t^ morrow evening at the Manassas; known methods in modem agri- ested in demonstration work. "TreDeh War Prayer—Miaa EmOy district; Mr. McDuff Grew, ulnST^^u^:::::::::: 15 ?*^^ ^"^ :?»• P™«r«m culture, and th«t they have not Tie county agent is also in a po- Round. BrentsviU* diarici; Mr. O. C. O. CHotehiaoB, same... 5^ has been arranged by a oimmit- tonly agreed to read the instruc- siticm to secure famOy-size can­ Life of Lee—Miss Mar jori« Hut^faiwMi, Gainesville dtstriet, T. M. Koaaell. WBM. 4.25,tee of which Mrs. Arthur W. Sn- tiana furnished by the Colle«e of Brower. ning machines for 14.75 each. Dixie—Chorua. «ml Mr. T. M. RuMell, Coiea dia- Dr. J. H. Lma, i*r*ieiaa to >dai •• 'r was ^^winte-^d choirma... B at, rvA^ultu . W ahd penartment of with all equipment This uflK^ &. recent mee8^ or Mar^'—*^-^^- -~ - + -._- Ijbb's Letter Accepting the Praa trvt. ' yoor, -CUM diaMet. «b ulture, but have foUowed win last <»>1Y • f«»» wftAlra —idoncy of Washington Oal=- J. L. Dawson, Harry P. Davis •Mdtha' aklary ^•^ Caiapter, U. D. C. Judge J (Continued on Page ^"•> I -rTTTri'.. i...'. i T , , 11 1 'f utuuns uiu'iug a pe- lege—^Dwight Hoi^dns. xms MEETS DRATH AT "Virginia"—Chorus. , and T. S. Merf4?thT i"»»<<<«^ «^ . .- —Th»AuUju lUH b4^ mvi^ to jiod of not less than one year on the peace. afUpiarsi m person RED CROSS BRANCH preside and the memorial md-|iot lass than onTacre hi the com RAHJtOAP CROSSING t^^'" Letter to His Daoi^ter— Beulah Whitmer.. and presented thar rece^ts »«d- • FORMED AT BETHEL dreoa win he delivered I^Btw^T. ^ub work and not less than one- D.D.Oark. Howard Peataon tf Whito Ridge,. Grady's "The New South"—Rice stubs fcr Ante etdieeted «nc« nth acre ix^ tiu girls' garden Faani^ C«nij, Instantly Green. July 1, 1917, and the ToUowing Goaity YIK Prsgnun. md rvmnr sbAjp^s^&s_Ms^ ^para's !'Bivmne of tihe^^Pend^ sent reports by mahar-oliss^ <>rgm^tflmta?y--*lMx|e.T; ofifOf; leiB'iJian one h«n in =—Hiss Marian Clark. "Tenting Tonifl^^—Chorus. wi*e: lialrioB^eAwrMrBiWash- |BvoeatiM!K--||«v. j;^ F, luttrydub vDdc»TairtQ|rtif one Howard Pearsoii, twenty-sev- „„._, „<, i_»i» . tr « mgstaii. mMSaas Sb^ppard. W^ Hyam—'^•w Firm a Fteada- iig in {rig dub wook. et£: en7earsokl,wastnstairttykiBed ^SvJS^^^"^ The ocganiqtian of tlM Bethel tam." "— . liam Crow, ^ Z. Sa^xva and The gtris- and boys'. demonJ^^gj^^^Ss/trS^N? Appreciation^Lel^-Mia8 Catii^ . I Bi3«tt Gordon. J^anwa^itf ndd BrmA of-^e AiiHtricart Red Reafing, "The iaaAade-R.^ —rtion—^roi*-j«preseuta, - .aa 48, and one of the h(»es he was «^|^y^ ^^„ ^^^^^^ Moaer,gav&«>dlfBtfiiifliwwrti 1^^*^ *^^*°*^*?r^^ *^ '^g^—yias foabona ""^ hf *}^ "V^rr W rmhirm. jMving^nif instant death st the At ttie dOie of the program fled to cfacntt eoia^-tet he cooBEty'^Hptefiar- "^ r with iitmiq^ui-TMS^Q^ijflag^^ S rSoo JlqaaPir ^aaawor tto t^ne. Young Pearson, .^fj^ ^f, rr:..T:i.„ warded to aaditor tor HRy^e&t. ten at Manawww. BesQiid Bariadi-|Adifae«s»^Rev. T.II.P.n^*^- naK^ ft^tenibmrg.' l;-abqmer ^!!:^i^^''f^^ m Ukw hi Lbu AgBeNnriUe tunmmn- MaleQoartei^ near ^ tory ef Manassas, and in ^edal aeedo of dliie^iip and aotoe county, wM*rrnag a fwoi*orse . ... -..^ T^kn-» t..a.i~i.«. __JbcHDZSiuBilzaet«d4e-finF-t» ity Mwl h^H i*ii hnsHgnartars ^r Vi^fiftrittS »*«u*ii»ff" ^firit:^ Poor ^a lepreaent tiie baggy mtoCatJett and was about *9««.£^ ^°**^.^ »«3 Bethel High S^ed. =- The qflt* Realfii^ "At (^".-^Mi^ Ae-tem0k gff MfifBiUBS ffw iniii of eqoal ttiaiiBDg of t^ head, heart, toaito the 0«* fliroagh tile !? ISf" **?" *^®*^^^*'^ rill^r^i—LriSSU*: thefiOthannivenaryof thfr*rrt— %iiifM,^^bie towont W eafste- cers elected- are: -Kra. G. M. Rice, l»nda and haatth^^e^errtihadr ^^Ijy. On* h«ne<aeap<dwith- DiHiM. of' Hoa£ie7, duirmaa; out injury .and the vehide h^ttle:^uManaasas. ^e-saki tioo taxes ecjected hy the ^pep»- These four H's have a three-f<M that a recent hisbH-ian had |Gn/lbnon M. Lewia. Agnew- badly damaged . -The accident occurred <»i the placed tkfe cdetoalaon, m whieh Bein of Dr. Jbha^ J^pmH viUe, noe chairmai ^Mfas Lttcy veterans fawn all parts of the^ icry had come together to'^ "AgBi'WVTtWi, trea«Hse»r haadtf to he naefd. hf^fol whwe the eoun^ «ad l&rVirgiBaa Rual, tiie^ traeka. Ilia chop tike hand of friendehq> on .feoai^ OD FebrQai:^2& to l|id aUSfid: thekeart to be fctod; the first gnat battle lldd «f ike Ijiie and poaed difii^ of ontaf order. mng^ Dfriaration of Independcnec-aa#- evenalc, at nrhiA time repmt S'uqday aaraiDg, after t«« ex- thhr^ i;Ki^sCHid4EU»«4kepoid- BMBtovifle ^Bafrkt, Dr. J. C'^wff l he made of the recent trandy "dry" wtft'^Sr^ Msr^thH^ SLS'ffiS^SiiisS liwrndfth; OrfarPr. S. M. Uswia; berAqxaapaign andtiie eqpn-, by_ trouble lyt the mimidpdL The water siqvtyiajtot Damtam, - oT ^xem^ba^ T. n itoffii; the eoonty. ^^^^^^Slcti^*^,i^ Yiff^^^ gas anahafed and new matotjal itia not at an end, acawdiBg to infer- ^vmt:mmmmM o.* MMMUO ^«i«i«.^^«i- j^^jjg jobilee cdebratMn boific M. Lewis; Oeoo^ mation rseeived'^pom tiie Pablie I • Sevpntem cai^^^g ^"*> girfn 4y. ^Le is survived also by h»^, "^^ ^^rr^^^?* TI,? ^ ads» b«en~reed«ed for Aa' rw- «« « w-x ."^.r*~.j^^^^^ aiarge toeMurethewoik<rfMr. qum^Dr, F. W. Son^Mikar; poor PtaitiMOom~fttfr-r^*Vriiiiii 'iliil iiiihiiiiiliii work, majk nn lufeirad hig of hospital BuppKta. qj. lae aamecn^ on ' ' ^i^^^ESS "•er^ euiuuBu -tbrttDB^tETtsrwidl win eon^e to^^T-wT— »«»»«»^ Vice of Ux. Roond in the eaose~ • €heeh^ef^fe4i. RtidUfe art. ^itireaten the water auppjy naai^*^ and arejtwnotoi. lUmu and to the heavy'de^ of T. SynoQX ($68.66)-^ he yid to last awwmiwymgit are: kkabwg, and lfiBS~EH« 1 rTTrTTr^Zll. II •,-4faematonatJuuuf-aB^^miB-;iM««l"niiF5^yearfi»nitfadr ef Waahtogton. obhi^stiatt that Manassas ffifl^ voivinir an eipenditttzn SckOoi faparfjrniar ewes to him. fries diatziet rand fa^ aa bai- West O.'J. &aiBdian,liB8a Nancy proximately $1,5000. <.«!» irf <>,»» nm»m «f ^pn«^^K^ tEAPB YmCPfTJF - Jlie work-in aH .departigenta" ^nee tee of tiie loan to DwafneB Davis, lira. Swaan. Mrs. T^aosr A i«getafiiaar9S6 ment ins pinchaaed ^^- *'«-*'"*«-» vigw aft«~tke hdidays. The Janwa'tlfa*- C G. jSairibom, MgB '^'°* jegy, 486 pinto <»f piddar4fi8 Xi?&y tBitabeth i^ftdje^ Genrge .^•n^liif ann-at ttiettand.- coat, but tiiis has cafls foi^Ji^-lsBqper hpurwiaaeeflf anaetaPKffig- oaed 2.084% poonda «f time adS^HMdr kooM pn^eet ^l ted etteetwe iane li, iMfi. Beavers, Mrs. W. fe. Vamei'. jrattf part of thg- work is now-fetfy - thA frfiftiiriBy p—^ona appointeid Henry >K3dw^ Edward Pattie, may be osed with the an-fflft, a'-„H i^«„^aafm-m«Tfa»iL_-—.- ^ ^ • -,—;—:-—- Mr. Sanders, the director ef agii- Hra. n. JL ,Di»S, WnL E.

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