Clustered Mentoring of School Heads and Teachers to IP Implementing Schools and Contextualization Ofthird Quarter Modules
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.."1::"+- Dr4 rt -b -llu '"E",! DEPED MATAYsAIAY CNY DIVIsION DlmB lEfAi[2lr 4r]l BY jBillllir ot Ur DriliEire, Ee{urtment of @lutstion R.EIGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MAI-AYBAI,AY CITY DTIISION Mf,MORANDUM No ltu , s.2021 TO: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent ChiefEducation SupervisoN, CID and SGOD Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads FROM VICTORIA V GAZO, PhD, CESO V Schools Divis Superintendent '1/ DATE: March 4,2021 SUBJECT Clustered Mentoring of School Heads and Teachers to IP Implementing Schools and Contextualization ofThird Quarter Modules L Relative to DepEd Order No. 62, s 20ll Rei Adopting the National lndigenous Peoples (IP) Education Policy Framework aligned to th€ implementation of Leaming Modality in this New Normal, this OfTice hereby rnforms the following to attend the Clustered Metrtoring of School Heads ard Teschers to IP Implementing Schools and Contextualizatiotr of Third Quarter Modules on March 1&12, 2021 at Haus Malibu, Bonifacio Drive, Malaybalav City, Bukidron. 2 Expected parhcipants to this meebng are the following Participsnts Number 1. Pighalugan ES Teachers 5 2. Pigpamulahan ES Teachers 8 3. School Head and Teacher- 11 Consultants 4. Reserved for Elder- 7 Consultants 5. Dlvlsion Staff 5 6. SecretariarDocumenter 4 7. EPSS and PSDSs- Subject 20 Cotrsultants TOTAL 60 3. Meals, snacks, supplies, travel allowances and other expenses ofthe participants incurred dudng the activity shall be charged to the divisional lPEd support funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. Addressrsay.€ Hi-way, Purok 6, Casisan& Mabybalay City ;st Telehx No.: 088-314-0094; Telephone No.r 088-813-1246 '€l Email AddrEss: [email protected] .* t=r 1 iF"j Berttir ol tlr DbiL&ir,, Deosrtment of @lurltion RDGION X. NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MAJtrIYBAI-,AY CITY 4. Queries relative to this can be relayed to Rachel R Valde, EPS/PEd Divisron Focal at 09264164286. Address:Sayre Hi-way, Purok 6, GsisanS, Mal.ybalayCity Telefax No.: 088-314.0094; Tel€phone No.: 088.813-1245 EmailAddress: llqlqybalgy,c-Lty @ d eped4qvl)h 'l* atrdlir of t r DriliEartr Eepartmeil of Glumtion REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO DWISION OF MAI-{YBAI-AY CITY ENCLOSURE I LIST OF PARTICIPANTS PICPAMULAHAN ES TEACHERS School Head and Teacber- Consultants 1 Helerie Anne H. Mrlo Santos l4 Mary Fe C. Gumayao- Kalasungay CS 2 Mary Grace P. Bartosis 15. Raquel S. Ombayan- Zamboangurta Cs 3. Rhea G. Plazos l6 Mary jean M. Velez - Patpat ES 4. Marites P. Gambuta 17. Decta Mylah C. Casinabe Kalasungay cs 5. Gracel Ann O. Sawalan 18. EldieDali s Tintinaan ES 6. Princess Venus C. Madjus lg.Maricel S. Cahapay - Kulaman ES 7. Susan G 20 Marvin O. Gambuta Caburacanan ES 8. Jemma B ombavan 21. Liza Grace O. Yandong Caburacanan ES PIGHALUGAN ES TEACIIf, RS 22 Meloria L. Colinares Cabuacanar ES 9. Julie Grace G. Onizano 23. Edeliza M. Sum nM lo ES 10 Eduard B. Balio 24. Lyndon NaDalla- Kalasunqay Cs I LJelly L. Sumagang 25 EmmylouP. Binayao - Kalasungay CS 12 Michael John L. Bingat 26. Lan V. Lunsa Dd ES l3.Dominel E. Plazos 27. Nelinda D. Gumindan- Dalwan ES 28.Lenie Jane L. tlalasan- Dalwangan ES 30. Josefte S. Ygonia- Dalwangan ES 30-37. Reserved for Elder-Consultants 38-40. Division Staff 40-60.Division PersonneLEPSPSDS .uq Address:Sayre Hi-way, Purok 5, Casisang, MalaybalayCity Telefax No.: 088-314-0094, Telephone No.: 088{13-1246 'B' Email Address: [email protected].!h "' i={ "'- '"F" j AtTuUir!tt.prilipircr Ds0lrtment of @lutation REGION X - NORTHERN MINDA}IAO DIIISION OF MALAYBAI,{Y CITY ENCLOSURE 2 TRAINING MATRIX DATE/DAY ACTIVITY PERSON INVOLVE DAY t-3/10t2021 Opening Program Division Staff Wednesday Overview of the AQtiYity RachelR. Valde Dlvision Focal Session l DO.32,s.201l Raquel S. Ombayan Education Policy Framework SP-1, Zamboanguita CS Session 2. D.O. 32,s.2015 Mary Jean M. Velez Contextualization T3- tES Sessior l: Integation VS I erfacing Maricel T. Cahapay T3- Kulaman ES Session 4: Cultural Standards Mary Fe C. Cumayao SP l- Kalasungay CS Announcement and Reminders Rachel R. valde Divrsion Focal DAY 2- 3t1t/2021 MOL Division Staff Sessror 5: 8 Ways of leaming Jemma B Ombayan HT I- Pi ulahan ES Sessron 6: lndigenous Leaming Decta Mylah C. CasinabE System TII Ka CS Session 7: D.O. No. 51, s. 2014 Mary Fe C Gumayao Guidelines on the Conduct of SP l- Kalasungay CS Activities ard Use ofMatenals lnvolving Aspects of Indigenous Culture Workshop Divlsion Staff with Particip@nts Announcement and Remlnders Rachel R. Valde Division Focal DAY3 3lt2t202l MOL Division Staff Workshop Continues Division Staff rYith Partic s Presentation and Submission of Particlpants Outputs Closrng Progmm and Distribution of Division Staff\a,1th Certrficates Participants Address:Sayre Hi-way, Purok 6, Gsisary, MalaybalayCity &,-$.F ,€, Telefax No.: 088-314-0094; Telep hone No.: 088_813'1246 EmailAddress: ma avba av. c rrytQ!-e!s!-89!.p[.