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R,1.,\~,JILA LIBRAR Summer Institute of Linguistics c. ;)_, r,1.,\~,JILA LIBRAR I , TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY of the Summer Institute of Linguistics IN THE PHILIPPINES SPECIAL SECTION SIL PHILIPPINES AFTER TWENTY YEARS FELICIA BRICHOUX Summer Institute of Linguistics In a twofold project of describing the minor languages of the Philippines and providing readinF materials for a literate core of speakers of each language, the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) makes use of five interrelated technical disciplines to accomplish its task. These five disciplines, among which SIL researchers divide their time as they pursue their objectives, are linguistics, survey, literacy, translation, and ethnology. At this stage of the SIL project, ninety-seven researchers have taken up residence in areas where the respective minority languages are spoken to which they have been assigned. They live in these areas in order to learn the languages and apply their training in service to the Philippine minorities, to the end that the minority peoples may come to participate more meaningfully in modern Philippine society. INTRODUCTION Secretary of Education and Culture Juan L. Manuel, in a foreword appearing in all literacy materials published by the Summer Institute of Linguistics, states: "Some of the glory of the Philippines lies in the beautiful variety of people and languages within its coasts. It is to the great credit of the national leadership over the years that no attempt has been made to destroy this national heritage. The goal has been instead to preserve its integrity and dignity while building on this strong foundation a lasting superstructure of national language and culture." SIL, with counsel from its local advisory council,2 works in the Philippines under an agreement with the Department of Education and Culture, which provides for research in the minority languages and cultures. The results of this research are then applied by SIL in the preparation and use of literacy materials and in the production of literature. In addition to, or along with, this research and its application, SIL researchers engage in various practical services to the respective peoples among whom they live. Since 1935, when William Cameron Townsend began his service of compassion to the Indians of Mexico, SIL worldwide has sought to enrich the lives of the world's minorities through literacy and through translation of the Holy Scriptures and other literature of high moral value. SIL's aim could be stated briefly as preparing printed literature, in unwritten languages, for people who cannot read. These unwritten languages, therefore, must be located and analyzed, literature must be produced, and literacy must be taught. If literature is to be acceptable to new readers, it must be culturally relevant; and if learning is to take place, pedagogy must "fit" the culture of the students. 1The Summer Institute of Linguistics, with international headquarters at Huntington Beach, California, is doing linguistic research on 586 languages in 25 countries. The Philippine Branch of SIL is affiliated with the University of North Dakota. A description of the history and scope of SI L's projects in the Philippines appears in Maryott 1966. Progress reports of the project also appear in McKaughan 1954 and 1958, Wolfenden 1963, and Roe 1967. Appreciation is expressed to Glen S. Milner for help in assembling data for this report. 2 Present members of the SIL advisory council are the following: the Honorable Carlos P. Romulo, secretary of foreign affairs, honorary chairman; Dr. Onofre D. Corpuz, chairman; Attorney Sedfrey Ordonez, vice-chairman; Dr. Rufino Alejandro, secretary; Madame Pura S. Castrence; Mr. Jose Luna Castro; the Honorable Gabriel Dunuan; Attorney Mamerto B. Endriga; Dr. Augusto Caesar Espiritu; Dr. Andrew B. Gonzalez, F.S.C.; Dr. Alfredo Morales; Madame Geronima T. Pecson; and Mr. Rafael M. Salas. · 86 PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS In view of th'ese. -dlfoFSe ,but ·related... needi; ".s1i> lias ~ deVe loped a program that functions through five technical departments, each primarily concerned with one area of technical endeavor: linguistics, survey; literacy,, translation, and ethnology. The purpose of this paper is to present a current·p\ler'view .of Sii;. activities in each of these five areas of research. LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT METIIOD OF SIL LINGUISTIC RESEARCH .. ;.: i ,._ ··!.~'s.·~.: - ·~ f A' i : ~·:· -.... "i •I' .. • ' • ~ t ..... ~. · • • '. • i .. ;·f~ ~ ..l .;j•: ... _... -:.;~·! ~- _'.' ' ...... , .... , Le9~~4 ~~~iiµ ~!~s:errc.h,p,~. ;~a,tad .V,\1j!(io, If~~?,)-_si!s; ,at. his pe~ . ip ~e_ii; i!lpuse mti].~ Batad . at~, ~?I,ki}}g , ~~~h Jtis !~~ag~ h7lpel ~on'<>;g'.iI:-exic'!~PhY, is tl].~ 1day:S, w~r~. , anp ._~e~ will sw.9 vipi $~. Pi,ctio ~~ entzy_ ; h,liyu~'. J? r : w~ich . ~,~w~ll Ms :· ~ e preifm,iJ\ary .gloss . '~?- ~~ f~~ - ~ -~~sh' . • Jbe task at. hand is to .discover the closest.semantic domain.to which huyup belongs and to i ~,~~~!fr '..tii~ , ~i~1.i,ilf Pv.~;; ~~m~ti~ , (~tU.~~. .lli,a t .~istip~is~ . this "fpqt ,f~9~' ·p.ll .· ~t~~;, ~lp~~~~r5 .P,(~~.: d,?m.a)n ,, ~e~!'i4 ·J.PS!',ec~~~1 , ~t/ittyuP .~,~J.on~s tp ... ~ . qoll)pn - .~~ ~e ~~Pel~ ive~ping . ·~o ~~'.i .• lJ~t h~ . niust woik·carefuUy, so that h-e does 'not prejudice native reaction,, Wi.~i\ the~i: things j.n mind,, N1:,well,,, using the Batad Ifugao dialect, begins his work with Bon'cig, ~h'O, 'incidentally,' has h~eri trai'ned-to think of members of a domain in terms of "family" relationships. ,,. :.. _: '"'.' .I; .. ,.y:;·i ;- i N.i:weU: ls.huyup an "orphan" or does it have "brothers"? Iii>n'bg:,bli 'fis;•it haf severai orbthei's:"iiih.ip, huuk, . t. :" 1 " -- • ·: ,; - •: '' '.. {'", .. •• ',,. Newell': t:l:K.; lef.s takle<the"selorie) it a time ~ l What • about · hiliip '? ls''lt a. "twin;' bfhuyu p?' . · -'' Bop',ogi ;No, ;yo~ ..!,\Se ra: cJjsh · ~h~n - you huy.un 1rice:wiire•f>r·:br9th, but 'YPU _c~ an_ ~ih_if);fi:om. anythiJ!g:; a '(_q·;,'.di~h .9r l\ cup>' ,or)'. 0~ . cal\ ~¥ 1'.n)lifiip .. ju!ce. fr~!J! · ~;frµit; ~ut r?ll_i!n,ake a.big sluw.ipg sou_nd :.Vlih~n •· .- .... ,· •.. • t !j'. • .. .,. ·,, ' I. ; , .•.·; .- .· . ...Y .?U ~Q it. f • . 1 ·,.·.i: ·~, •) .1 1 ~,_,·; .I·.· -~ •! .,. , 1 Newell tentatively hypdthesizes the following glos·ses: ; huyup "tci arwc '. fr.om a: dish'; and "hihlp 'to drink; sifilultaheousiy 'su~ki~giri aii:':' . - . ..• • ., . "'.1- •!: . ' ·: --. Newell: This huuk. Can you give me a sentence using it? · -L .: .. >'-' • - ' Bp,n;qg: l '.lilce to'h!luk: ~l<!-ms.. ', 11 ··-. .. :·; _;i · t-" Nl'.Wir,ll j§ 1 sW:!! l ~d L '. :Y.o~ ~'.131'·~ dri1* d;unsP' ;h~ r.~~~ns ., B_ut ·he ,m1:!s i ; nq~ - let,B<?.I,I ; o~ ~ see his -r,~action. If he did, Bpn'. og .mig!l(JhiJ* ..tjlat he had.givep a .wrong ,answer,an.d ~y t.o C'.9r~ect)t to ~tis_fy him .. "Wltat"ln 'tlie world dbes1 e'a,th{g 'cllifu's. and annk'irig'from a disil liavir in common?"' iie says tb liimself. wlth ail'effoit·fo•sourtd'bas'uliflle-cohtinuesi --'" . '" - .. ' '.~ ) :: . ·. 'l ,, .. - . Newell:.JVhy:woUld y·0u".say,'. Bort!.og; 'thii't'hµuk is a"'brother'.? -to Jiuyilp aii.d 'hihip?:_•: ,, · ; · ~." Bon'og: Well, that's 1easy; :tO:: see •. You.: sip from a .dish f huyup); you!sip hot co(fee!(hihip); .. and you "sjp' [ . cl~m~f,r_~rµtJ;ieiL;Sqt;llsfh!'u:kJ: .: . · i ·.,.1 ,. ; .- ,',, . 1,1 • - ,., : '-·· • ;- ~· "• ~ tJ,Jl\fs . i~! T,Jle k.e}'.' , C91ll,P~~ent is 's!p, suck' ,. '.fh,u~.: ~.tr 1 ~la~.s me:i.¢ng J?,egin.s tq emerge,, and in the process the distfoctive semantic features ·of eacli "inemoer '.begin to come into, focus. The stage is n9W. 'set i for deifoat~ly ' 'pro~1~g ~i:her 'ieia ted '- setltantic' 'iueas -tot· possibfo . class ·~orlnec tions, always keeping· in'·mfud .tffat a ·wrong·; <iuestion m@tt reveal <one's preconceptions and influence Bcin'og to· 1 1 give ~o_g.g 1 answers; ;.·,) '·~ ·.. ,....:·: .·· ..... ·-~·,: ~; .. 1: .. :~. f ( . .1 ·. -~ ~·-.. ~ ··":'- ~ .. 1 . · · , 1 "~ , '.; ! .. 'j~· .•. • ~ 6 • ••• 1 • • . '!' ' • • . .,,. •• • • • I • • I I 1 , . 1 • I ..... I.. : • '; - ~ • l • ! • - : • • ~ .. ·. "NeweJ.l .ahdru's1 felfow'1SIL ~ searchers · compile dictiori~ries' as ·one ·or tµeir ling\iiStic 0 goais.' i3~ rilba~; :of g6k_1s; whjth ire ·set 'each.':Ye'ar and '!e1'9rte"d to tiie- lliigii~tics ' de'part­ me'fit; ' ~ese~che~ s diare ~prog~~s : of $ti:id/of'ilie '1anglfuges lo"which tfl~y have been' assigned. Such programs include, in addition to the compilation of a dictionary, the· filing of li.n,'g~iiSti~ · iqa~~:iJridJne _ wp.tirig . of papeJ:S on 'phO!J..()l~gy an4 inotphofogy'; 'plll~se i clause,, s~nte ri~~;~n(di,scqµi~e struct~ e; , pronoutl,~\ ·~d s~niantic #itt~~es. ~:. ·: '. ,. :, - ,· . · .... Essentiaito the 1resea:11chis:.theianguage helper, a native•speaker :ofthe fanguage,,who patfontI.Y'atlSWerS the · re~earcner's questions: ~bout ' his 'fanguage . He hefps, t'oi example, iij th~ disc~w,~i;y , q_f"~reas oLme.aning,of ;words by provi.dillg ,_synonyrris: of)he wo,rds .under study and -by -contrasting. theseuwords .with Gther•words. Another.·way in ~which he helps is· ·by.wptilig 1 '61".t 'ra'~9n'Diii~text •-materia}s;':Whkh the' ·re'.$e.archef ~tUdies " iri order to"giilii ,_• ' •' .t ' I ~. • • ! • · • ), • • • j: , I, , , , J ~ ' . I , -.. o • ' t 1 '. • • ; ; I ' • .·· • • vij]!able insight i,ntp ~JP.e .. Ja..nguage ·an.\! c_ultµr.e. Th~s_~ ,_ text Qll!..terials incJµde folk. .tales, exhortations of the elders, litigation, procedural texts on cultural activities{fot1example, Sit 1PHILIPP.INES.; AFTER:. VWENTY Y·EARS 87 "how ~e build 1a ·hous'e' ~) ; cli:&cilsllion;of mamage arrangeµieJ!ts ·,and!other, items ©f 10.cal" busines8,-M1d.legends. · Beside~ beitig a · di~et :Souree .of ml1lc!i:linguistic iand•ethnographic _ information, these texts also serve as the basis for a concordance3 ' "":\' ,:a ,jCOtnput~~ed • organiiatien.
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