World Architecture 1900-2000: a Critical Mosaic Volume 3
WORLD ARCHITECTURE 1900-2000: A CRITICAL MOSAIC VOLUME 3 NORTHERN EUROPE, CENTRAL EUROPE AND WESTERN EUROPE General Editor: Kenneth Frampton Volume Editor: Wilfried Wang bifid 3225 CHINA ARCHITECTURE & BUILDING PRESS SpringerWienNewYork CONTENTS Complimentary Remarks by Sara Topelson de Grinberg, Past President of the International Union of Architects (UIA) XI Complimentary Remarks by Vassilis Sgoutas, President of the International Union of Architects (UIA) XII Complimentary Remarks by Ye Rutang, President of the Architectural Society of China (ASC) - A Recrord of 20th Century World Architecture XII General Introduction by Kenneth Frampton XIV Introductory Essay by Wilfried Wang XVH Selected Buildings (in chronological order of years of design) 1900-1919 The Stock Exchange, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1885, 1898-1903, arch. Hendrik P. Berlage 4 House of the People, Brussels, Belgium, 1895-1899, arch. Victor Horta 6 Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland, 1896-1899, West Wing 1907-1909, arch. Charles Rennie Mackintosh Ernst Ludwig House, Darmstadt, Germany, 1899-1900, arch. Josef Maria Olbrich Hvittrask House, Kikkonummi, Finland, 1901-1903, arch. H. Gesellius, A. Lindgren, E. Saannen St. John's Cathedral, Tampere, Finland, 1902-1907, arch. Lars Sonck Town Hall, Stockholm, Sweden, 1902, 1908-1923, arch. Ragnar Ostberg Post Office Savings Bank, Vienna, Austria, 1903-1906, 1910-1912, arch. Otto Wagner Railway Station, Helsinki, Finland, 1904, 1911-1919, arch. Eliel Saarinen Balasz Villa, Budapest, Hungary, 1905 , arch. Odon Lechner Palais Stoclet, Brussels, Belgium, 1905, 1906-1911, arch. Josef Hoffmann AEG Factory, Berlin, Germany, 1908-1909, arch. Peter Behrens Emile Jaques-Dalcroze Institute for Rhythmic Gymnastics, Hellerau, Germany, 1910, 1911-1912, arch. Heinrich Tessenow Fagus Works, Alfeld, Germany, 1911-1913, arch.
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