Modern researches of Osprey in

MIROSLAV BABUSHKIN Darwin State Nature Biosphere Reserve, Russia, [email protected]

ANDREY KUZNETSOV Darwin State Nature Biosphere Reserve, Russia, [email protected] Nesting range of osprey within Russian Federation

Main areas within North-West of Russia where osprey studies are being conducted

1 cm = 50 kM Russian-Estonian project on study birds of prey in border territories  Long-term monitoring  Study of nest ecology  Ringing  Building artificial nests GPS-GSM-telemetry  Actions on nest protection

1 cm = 50 kM Long-term monitoring on the territory of “Smolensk Lakeland” national park Monitoring of nest platforms 1 cm = 50 kM Building artificial nests Monitoring of nesting sites Long-term monitoring  Ringing

1 cm = 50 kM Study Area

Expansive territory (from River upper reaches to the Kola Peninsula north) was surveyed during the course of summer and winter expeditions in the period from 1998 to 2018.

1 cm = 50 kM MODERN ABOUNDANCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF OSPREY ( PANDION HALIAETUS ) ON THE COASTS OF LARGE WATERBODIES OF RUSSIA’S NORTH-WEST In total 53060 km we recovered: -6860 of boat surveys, - 22500 km of car surveys, -2370 km snowmobile surveys, -Walking routes – 21 330 km - Territory of Vologda Lakeland was additionally surveyed from a helicopter in 1988, 1993, 1999, 2002 and 2008 (38 flight hours). reservoir Impounded in 1945 Darwin biosphere reserve - 1120 km 2 Lake Keret

Lake Vygozero

Lake Vodlozero

The southern coast of Lake

Lake Beloye

Sheksna reservoir

Rybinsk reservoir

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In 1980s, the Darwin Reserve became the center from which the migration of young birds to the adjacent waterbodies of the region took place. Nesting density – 5 pair/100 km2

A total of 85-90 pairs nest on the coast of the northern part of the reservoir reservoir Impounded in 1964. Lake Keret On the coast - is the national park "Russian North"

Lake Vygozero

Lake Vodlozero

The southern coast of

Lake Beloye Lake Vozhe

Sheksna reservoir

Rybinsk reservoir Sheksna reservoir


Nesting density – 4,3 pair/100 km2 A total of pairs nest on the coast of the reservoir 5 Lake Beloe

Lake Keret

Lake Vygozero

Lake Vodlozero

The southern coast of Lake Onega

Lake Beloye Lake Vozhe

Sheksna reservoir

Rybinsk reservoir Lake Beloe




Nesting density of osprey on the coast reaches – 2,1 pairs/100 km2 Lake Beloe Lake Vozhe

Lake Keret

Lake Vygozero

Lake Vodlozero

The southern coast of Lake Onega

Lake Beloye Lake Vozhe

Sheksna reservoir

Rybinsk reservoir Lake Vozhe


4 Nesting density of osprey on the coast reaches – 1,6 pairs/100 km2 The southern coast of Lake Onega

Lake Keret

Lake Vygozero

Lake Vodlozero

The southern coast of Lake Onega

Lake Beloye Lake Vozhe

Sheksna reservoir

Rybinsk reservoir The southern coast of Lake Onega



Nesting density – 1,3 pairs/100 km2

Lake Vodlozero and the Ileksa river basin

Lake Keret

Lake Vygozero

Lake Vodlozero

The southern coast of Lake Onega

Lake Beloye Lake Vozhe

Sheksna reservoir

Rybinsk reservoir Lake Vodlozero and the Ileksa river basin


25 The density of nesting on the coast of the lake - 1-1.5 pairs/100 km 2,

in the basin of Ileksa River - up to 0.4 pairs/100 km 2 Lake Vygozero (Vygozero Reservoir)

Lake Keret

Lake Vygozero

Lake Vodlozero

The southern coast of Lake Onega

Lake Beloye Lake Vozhe

Sheksna reservoir

Rybinsk reservoir Lake Vygozero (Vygozero Reservoir)


The western, southern and eastern coasts of the lake were surveyed in 2014, 2016 and 2018. In the surveyed area, 12-14 pairs of osprey were found ( 1.5 pairs/100 km2). Unlike other reservoirs, there is no tendency to form dense nesting colonies, nests are located at a distance of more than 4-5 km from each other. Data on abundance dynamics are absent. Lake Keret

Lake Keret

Lake Vygozero

Lake Vodlozero

The southern coast of Lake Onega

Lake Beloye Lake Vozhe

Sheksna reservoir

Rybinsk reservoir Lake Keret A survey of the whole coast of the lake was conducted in 2015 and 2018. Numerous capes and islands divide the lake into separate clusters-lakes, which are connected by ducts. Data on abundance dynamics are absent.

7 Lake Lovozero/Voron'ya River/Serebryanskoe Reservoir Kola Peninsula Lake Lovozero/Voron'ya River/Serebryanskoe Reservoir


Nesting density – 1,3 pairs/100 km2

The osprey is a characteristic species for the forest zone of the Kola Peninsula, however, its distribution is uneven, due to the availability of nesting trees. What we do? Finding osprey nest locations and long-term monitoring of known nests  Study of nesting biology and ecology Study of migration patterns and determination of wintering sites Population management (building nest platforms and reinforcement of known nests) Treatment and rehabilitation birds. Ecological education Study of nesting biology and ecology Osprey nest biology was studied on selected nests in the Darwin reserve throughout 2013-2018 using camera traps

Year N nest Number of Traps / days N photos 2012 2 145 70300 2013 2 158 80660 2014 2 130 75350 2015 4 312 105100 2016 4 285 101700 2017 3 205 92250 2018 9 775 187500 Total: 26 2010 712 860

Number of ringed osprey chicks (n=340) over 2003-2018 trap installation

"Far-away" encounters of ospreys ringed in the Darwin reserve (2014-2018 г.)

Meeting Number of Distance, Azimuth, point days from the km degrees moment of ringing Eritrea 167 4848 181 ° Israel 104 2935 185 ° Cyprus 816 2636 189 ° Cameroon 888 6390 212 ° Israel 636 2895 186 ° Mozambique 849 8949 182,5 ° South African 218 10553 195 ° Republic Latvia 671 883 270,5 ° AUTUMN MIGRATION BEHAVIOUR OF OSPREYS ( PANDION HELIAETUS ) INHABITING THE NORTH-WERS OF RUSSIA Building nest platforms and reinforcement of known nests Building nest platforms and reinforcement of known nests Year N artificial nest % occupied of artificial nests 2012 25 5% 2013 48 18% 2014 47 42% 2015 47 35% 2016 46 30% 2017 46 15% 2018 46 15% Treatment and rehabilitation birds Aviary for eagles in the Darwin Reserve Thank you for attention!