Syllabus MUS 334/MUS/380/AFR 374/LAS 326 Musics of Latin America Instructor: Robin Moore Instructor's office: MBE 3.210 Office Tel.—512 471-0373 Email:
[email protected] Office hrs: Thurs 1-3pm or by appt. Class times: Tues-Thurs 11am-12:15pm Class location: MRH 2.634 Teaching assistant: John Bimbiras
[email protected] TA office: *** TA office hrs: *** Lab location: MRH 4.126 Unique numbers and labs for Music (MUS 334): Lab Mon 5-6pm (30185) Lab Thurs 5-6pm (30190) For African and African American Studies (AFR 374F): Lab Mon 5-6pm (29875) Lab Mon 6-7pm (29885) For Latin American Studies (LAS 326): Lab Mon 5-6pm (38840) Lab Mon 6-7pm (38845) Description This survey course considers Latin American music within a broad cultural and historical framework. Latin American musical practices are explored by illustrating the many ways that aesthetics and society are embodied in and negotiated through performance. Our discussions will be framed by a range of concepts pertinent in Latin American contexts such as diaspora, colonialism, mestizaje, hybridity, migration, and globalization. The course carries a Global Cultures flag. Global Cultures courses are designed to increase your familiarity with cultural groups outside the United States. You should therefore expect a substantial portion of your grade to come from assignments covering the practices, beliefs, and histories of at least one non-U.S. cultural group, past or present. Readings One textbook has been ordered for the course, Musics of Latin America (W.W. Norton, 2012); it is available for purchase in the Coop, and several copies have been placed on reserve in the Fine Arts Library.