14°N 61°W

Jean-Ulrick Désert Vit et travaille à Berlin (Allemagne) - Lives and works in Berlin (Germany)

Personal exhibitions

2017 • Jean-Ulrick Désert, espace d'art contemporain 14°N 61°W, Fort de France (Martinique FWI) 2015 • Belgian Soliloquy, Platform102, Brussels Belgium. Curated by Odie Rynell Cash 2013 • Amour Colère Folie (Love Anger Madness) A Temporary Monument to Resistance, Public art commission on the occasion of the first Martinique Biennale (BIAC) Fort-de-France (Martinique FWI) 2010 • The Goddess Projects / Shrine of the Divine Negress No.1 (Schrein der Göttlichen Négress Nr.1) – Dada Post Gallery Berlin (Germany) 2009 • The Goddess Projects / Butterfly Fans (public performance) Wilfredo Lam Center, Cathedral Square, Habana Vieja (Cuba) 2006 • Postkarten von meinen Lieben ( Postcards from my Loves) Billboard installation at Marienplatz Train station Munich, Underwritten by the « Kunst am Bau » program of Quivid and Baureferat München (Munich Municipal Department of Construction), organized by Frau Monika Pemler, Munich (Germany) • The Passion – « Ein Spiel/viele Welten » (One Game / Many Worlds ), Stadtmuseum München & Kulturreferat Landeshauptstadt München (Munich Historical Museum and Munich Municipal Council of Art), Official cultural event of the FIFA World Soccer Cup 2006. Organized by Patricia Müller, Munich (Germany) 2005 • Das BURQA Projekt : An den Grenzen meiner Träume begegnete ich dem Geist meines Doppelgängers (The Burqa Project : On the Borders of My Dreams I Encountered My Double’s Ghost) – Installation in collaboration with the exhibit « Xenopolis/Von der Faszination und Ausgrenzung des Fremden » , Liftarchiv im Kreisverwaltungsreferat München (Exhibition space within the Department of immigrations of the City of Munich), Munich Germany 2004 • Jn.Ulrick Désert, Kunstverein Wolfsburg (The Art Society of the City of Wolfsburg), organized by Dr. Prof. Justin Hoffman, Wolfsburg (Germany) • The White Man Is Scared – Artist-in-Residence-project #14, BRUCE-Brave New Art Foundation, organized by Hester Chan and Sebastiaan Bokhorst, Rotterdam, • Métamorphoses Sublimes – from the series « Lock Your Mind Exhibition » , Apartman Projesi in partnership with SOX36, Berlin. Tunel Asmalimescit Beyoğlu, curated and organized by Süreyyya Evren & Stephan Kurr, Istanbul (Turkey) 2002 • The BURQA Project : On The Borders Of My Dreams I Encountered My Doubles’Ghost – « Point of Entry Exhibition Series ». Solo project installation, Lower Eastside Tenement Museum and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC), organized by Moukhtar Kocache director LMCC and Dr.Ruth J. Abram president LES Tenement Museum, New York (USA) • Das BURQA Projekt : An den Grenzen meiner Träume begegnete ich dem Geist meines Doppelgängers (The BURQA

espace d'art contemporain 14°N 61°W Place de l'Enregistrement 97200 Fort de France Martinique FWI 14n61w.org 14°N 61°W

Project : On The Borders Of My Dreams I Encountered My Doubles’ Ghost) – Solo Exhibition project, SOX36 Das Schaufenster, organized by artist-curators Naomi Potter and Stephan Kurr, Berlin (Germany)

Group exhibitions

2017 • New Region of the World, Bunkier Sztuki Gallery of Contemporary Art, Krakovie (Poland) • L’Islam c’est aussi notre histoire, Musée de l’Europe, Bruxelles (Belgium) • Pacific Standard Time / Getty Fondation, MoLAA (Museum of Latin American Art,) Los Angeles, CA (USA) • (In)Visibilité Ostentatoire, Fondation Clément, (Martinique FWI) • Echos Imprévues/Turning Tides, Mémorial ACTe Museum Pointe à Pitre (Guadeloupe FWI) • Small Axe Project’s CQV, Transmission Gallery, () • Small Axe Project’s CQV, The Golden Thread Gallery,Belfast (N. Ireland) • Art In Odd Places, E14th & W14th St, New York City, NY (USA) 2016 • The Passion – « Who is Playing? » , Meet Factory Gallery Prague Curated by creative director Jaro Varga • NuovoAfricae2.0 (Project working title) – « The Incantation of the Disquieting Muse - On Divinity, Parallel- and Supra- realities or the Exorcisement of Witchery » Savvy Contemporary Berlin, curated by Dr.Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung and Dr.Elena Agudio • Les Toiles de Jouy/Thailand – « Rebels » FITE (Festival International des Textiles Extraordinaires)/ The Bargoin Museum, Clermont-Ferrand. FRCurated by Christine Athenor, director of HS_Projets and Christine Bouilloc, director of the Musée Bargoin • The Manuscripts(Project working title) – « A.I.R. » The Emily Harvey Foundation Venice (Italy) 2015 • Comment Nannite est devenu tante Cilet (How Nannite Became Aunt Cilet) – « From Within and Without : The History of Haitian Photography » , The Fort Lauderdale Art Museum, Ft.Lauderdale Florida, USA. Curated by artist Edouard Duval-Carrié *Catalogue • The Passion – « Between History and the Body » , The Shelly & Donald Rubin Foundation/The 8th Floor, New York NY USA. Curated by Artistic Director Sara Reisman • Negerhosen2000/Travel Albums – « Radical Presence: Black Performance In Contemporary Art » Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco CA (USA) 2014 • The Goddess Projects /Sky Above Port-au-Prince 12 January 2010 21:53 UTC, The Goddess Temple – « HAITI ReVoir » Le Grand Palais, Paris FR. Curated by Regine Cuzin and Mireille Jerôme *Catalogue • Negerhosen2000/Travel Albums – «Radical Presence: Black Performance In Contemporary Art» , Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA) • Les battements des ailes des papillons peuvent declencher des tornages (The flapping wings of butterflies can generate great storms), and Secretum – i am so much in love w/u – The 14th Dakar Biennale , Dakar Senegal. Curated by Elise Atangana, Abdelkader Damani, Ugochukwu-Smooth C. Nzewi • Incidental Monuments – IMAA Instructions Manuals and Accessories. A limited series of instructional contemporary art kits, creative renegades society, (Martinique FWI) 2013 • Negerhosen2000/Gothikberg – « Wahala » , Savvy Contemporary Berlin-Neukoelln, Germany. Curated by Bonaventure Ndikung, Elena Agudio, Saskia Köbschall

espace d'art contemporain 14°N 61°W Place de l'Enregistrement 97200 Fort de France Martinique FWI 14n61w.org 14°N 61°W

• Negerhosen2000/Travel Albums – « Radical Presence: Black Performance In Contemporary Art » , Studio Museum in Harlem & Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York (USA) • BlackOut and The Leviticus Drawings – « Labor Berlin 12: Drifting » , Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin Germany. Curated by Valerie Smith, Magdalena Wiener *Catalogue • The Passion – « EXOTIK 2013 » , Silpakorn Art Lab, Bangkok / Nakhon Pathom, Thailand and Galerie Nord Berlin- Moabit, Germany. Curated by artists Alfred Banze/Christine Falk • The Passion – « Photo Op: The Ubiquity of Photography » , DadaPost Berlin-Reinickendorf. Curated by Howard McCalebb 2012 • Negerhosen2000/Travel Albums – « Radical Presence: Black Performance In Contemporary Art » , Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (CAMH), USA. Senior Curator: Valerie Cassel Oliver • The Goddess Project /Sky Above Port-au-Prince Haiti 12 January 2010 21 :53 UTC – « Who More Sci-Fi Than Us? Contemporary Art From the Caribbean » , Kunsthal KAdE Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Curated by Nancy Hoffman 2011 • The Goddess Constellations/Sky Above Paris – « Making Mirrors» , NGBK, Berlin, Germany • Trophies (Paint-by-Number) – « Change» The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (USA) 2010 • Der Paukenschlag – « Urban Memories » , Altes Museum Neukoelln, Berlin, Germany. Curated by Maria Linares • Codex Testimonium Amoris, Guten Morgen Pruessen, Negerhosen2000 – « First Service » , Schwules-Museum, Curated by HansJörgen Leidig and Ulrich Dorrier (Dorrier Priest gallery Berlin/Hamburg) Berlin Germany 2009 • Guten Morgen Preussen (Good Morning Prussia) – «Komet Preußen (Comet Prussia) » , Werkstattgalerie, Berlin Germany • Invisible(Berlin) Wall «Save Berlin» , Stadtbad-Wedding in Partnership with Ex-Berliner Magazine. Curating-organizer: Daniel Borden, Berlin Germany • Paint-by-Number Trophies – «Signs taken For Wonders» Jack Shainman Gallery, New York NY (USA) Curated by Isolde Brielmaier *Catalogue • Shrine of the Divine Negress No.1 (Schrein der Göttlichen Négress Nr.1) «10th Havana Biennial / Integration & Resistance in the Global Age » Representing Germany & Haiti, Cabañas, Havana, Cuba. Curatorial team : José Manuel Noceda, Margarita González, Nelson Herrera Ysla, Ibis Hernández Abascal, Margarita Sánchez Prieto, José Fernández Portal, Dannys Montes de Oca Moreda, Havana (Cuba). Project support from IFA/Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V., Stuttgart and TA Projects Berlin Germany *Catalogue •White Lessons (Lecture) – « Re/Positioning — Critical Whiteness / Perspectives of Color » , Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin Germany • Negerhosen2000 (light boxes) « Islands and Their Worlds/ Les îles et leurs mondes » (later renamed Kreyol Factory) La Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris (France) Curated by Christian Coq 2008 • The Leviticus Drawings – « Democracy and Violence » , Werkstattgalerie Berlin, Germany • The Leviticus Drawings – « Kunst für München — Quivid ’08 » , Wettbewerbsgewinner und Realisierungen 2005–2008, Baureferat München • Negerhosen2000 and The Burqa Project: On the Borders of My Dreams I Encountered My Double’s Ghost – « Infinite Island : Contemporary Caribbean Art » , The Brooklyn Museum, New York (USA) Curated by Tumelo Mosaka 2007 • Negerhosen2000 / The Travel Albums – « Die Tür für eine andere Zukunft aufmachen » ( Open the Doors towards an Alternative Future ) , Neues Problem Galerie, organized by Uwe Jonas & Birgid Schumacher, Berlin Germany espace d'art contemporain 14°N 61°W Place de l'Enregistrement 97200 Fort de France Martinique FWI 14n61w.org 14°N 61°W

2006 • Codex Testimoniorum Amoris and Les Toiles de Jouy in « Sexwork: Art Myth Reality », Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (NGBK) & Haus am Kleistpark & Kunstraum Bethanien, organized by Stéphane Bauer, Boris von Brauchitsch, Katharina Kaiser, Maika Leffers, Jörg Leidig, Judith Siegmund, Ulrike Solbrig, Berlin (Germany) 2005 • ABCs of My Private Life and Negerhosen2000 in « Living for the City », Brooklyn Institute of Contemporary Art Inaugural Project Exhibition, Brooklyn Institute of Contemporary Art (BICA) / Jack Shainman Gallery, organized by curators Isolde Brielmaier and Trevor Shoonmaker, New York (USA) • Codex Testimoniorum Amoris in « Xenopolis/ Von der Faszination und Ausgrenzung des Fremden » (Of The Fascination and Marginalization of The Other) , Rathausgalerie, Munich, organized by curators Dr.Angela Koch and Conceptual Artist Pia Lanzinger, underwritten by Kulturreferat Landeshauptstadt München & The Villa Waldberta, Munich (Germany) • Artistic Sampler Dossier in « Über Schönheit / About Beauty, Web Component Exhibition : http://www.ueber- beauty.com » , Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Maison des cultures du Monde), curator Shaheen Merali, Berlin (Germany) 2004 • Les Toiles de Jouy in « Zeichnung » , The Schwules Museum, organized by Jörg Leidig and Wolfgang Theis, Berlin (Germany) • Suicidal Meditations/Woolworth Building (video projection) in « Veni Vidi Video II » , Studio Museum Harlem, organized by curator Christine Kim, New York (USA) • Die Hosen runter lassen in « Anatomically Correct », 473 Broadway Gallery, organized by curator Kóan Jeff Baysa, New York (USA) 2003 • Suicidal Meditations Of My Own Death in « Apotheke Mitte Kunstausstellung » , organized by Artists Hans Booy & Paulus Fugers, Berlin (Germany) • Die Hosen runterlassen in « SUBVERSIV, ‘Sieben fotografische Positionen aus Berlin » Kunst(B)handlung Ausstellungsraum, organized by artist Rinaldo Hopf, Munich (Germany)

Grants and residencies

2016 A.I.R. Emily Harvey Foundation , Venice Italy 2015 Artistic Research & Working Grant, Berlin Kunstsenat/ Berlin Arts Council, Berlin (Germany) 2010 Kulturstiftung der Länder: Work and Research Grant/ Cité International des Arts, Paris (France) 2009 Künstlerhäuser-Worpsewede: Artist residency Werkstattsstipendium/Workhop-grant and Martin Kausche Atelier, Worpswede in Lower Saxony (Germany) IFA Institute for Foreign-relations : Grant to represent Germany for the 10th Havana Bieniale, Stuttgart 2006 Kunst am Bau Commission : Landeshaupstadt München Baureferat/ Quivid & Department of City Construction, Munich (Germany) Pilot Projekt Gropiusstadt : Artist in Residence Program, Berlin Germany Villa Waldberta : Stadtmuseum Muenchen & Landeshauptstadt München Kulturreferat, One month residency, and Grant Feldafing (Germany) 2005 Pilot Projekt Gropiusstadt : Artist in Residence Program, Berlin (Germany) Villa Waldberta : Landeshauptstadt München Kulturreferat, Three month residency and Grant, Feldafing 2004 Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s Residency Program: The Woolworth Building Studios, Six month Studio and Grant, New York (USA) BRUCE Gallery - Brave New Art Foundation : Artist in Residence Project #14, One month Artist residency and espace d'art contemporain 14°N 61°W Place de l'Enregistrement 97200 Fort de France Martinique FWI 14n61w.org 14°N 61°W

Grant, Rotterdam (The Netherlands) 2002 Lower Manhattan Cultural Council & The Lower Eastside Tenement Museum : « Point of Entry » Grant and Exhibition New York (USA) 2001 Cité Internationale des Arts : Artist in Residence Fellowship Grant, One year artist residency, Studio underwritten by Ministère des Affaires Étrangères & Raoul Ricci Fondation, Paris (France)

Bibliography artwork featured or used in the following catalogues and publications:

(In)Visibilité Ostentatoire, Fondation Clément, exhibition catalogue, 2017 Cover Artwork: The Passion (2006) by Jean-Ulrick Désert.

Jerry Philogene, Dyaspora All Up in the Mix: Jean-Ulrick Désert, Mapping Fragmented Archaeologies, MELUS (Summer 2014) 39 (2): 208-210 doi:10.1093/melus/mlu005

Jerry Philogene, The Poetic Engagement of Art. A Conversation between Jean-Ulrick Désert and Jerry Philogene ARC Magazine, Issue No. 7, May 2013

Jerry Philogene, Meditations on Traveling Diasporically: Jean-Ulrick Désert and Negerhosen2000 Radical History Review Winter 2013 2013(115): 184-193; doi:10.1215/01636545-1724769

The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume V: The Twentieth Century, Part 2: The Rise of Black Artists, Edited by David Bindman, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Associate Editor Karen C. C. Dalton, 368 pages, 224 color. Publisher: Belknap Press (first edition), 2014: Harvard University Press and the W. E. B. Du Bois Research Institute at the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research

Stuart Hall, Identités et cultures (Volume 1). Politiques des Cultural Studies, Translated from English by Christophe Jaquand, Series initiated by Maxime Cervulle, Cover Artwork: Negerhosen2000 / Gothic (2001-Ongoing) by Jean-Ulrick Désert., Éditions Amsterdam 2007 Paris ISBN 978-2-915547-43-62007

Stuart Hall, Identités et cultures ( Volume 2). Politiques des Cultural Studies, Vol.2 in the series, initiated and directed by Maxime Cervulle, Cover Art Negerhosen2000/Paint-By-Number (2001-Ongoing) by Jean-Ulrick Désert, Éditions Amsterdam 2013 Paris ISBN ISBN 9782354801236

Thomas Spear (Editor), Une journée haïtienne, Foreword by Edouard Maunick, Cover Artwork: Rara des Jacobins (2007) by Jean-Ulrick Désert, Co-publication by Mémoire d'encrier & Présence africaine 2007 Montreal-Paris, ISBN 978- 2-923153-84-1 & ISBN 978-2-7087-0784-9

Boris von Brauchitsch, Sexwork - Kunst Mythos Realität: Art Myth Reality, Cover Artwork by Jean-Ulrick Désert : Les Toiles de Jouy-Thailand (2004), Éditions Kehrer Verlag für Kunst, Kultur und Fotografie, 2007 Heidelberg, ISBN-10: 3939583170/ ISBN-13: 978-3939583172 Co-curator: Stéphane Bauer Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlin

espace d'art contemporain 14°N 61°W Place de l'Enregistrement 97200 Fort de France Martinique FWI 14n61w.org 14°N 61°W

About Change in Latin America and the Caribbean, a bilingual catalogue (Spanish-English) A partner Catalogue in "Wrestling With The Image" by Chris Cozier and Tatiana Flores via Small Axe Online Organized by the World Bank Art Program under the auspices of the World Bank Vice Presidency for Latin America and the Caribbean Region and in partnership with the Cultural Center of the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and AMA│the Art Museum of the Americas, Organization of the American States (OAS).

Critical Whiteness/Perspectives of Color Re/Positionierung - Critical Whiteness/Perspectives of Color, text from White-lessons, lecture by jean-Ulrick Désert, NGBK Verlag/Publisher Berlin Germany, Anticipated publishing date 2010

Understanding Art Lois Fichner-Rathus/ College of NJ, Understanding Art (Ninth Edition), p.22, plates 22-7, Wadsworth Cenage Learning 2010, 2007 Boston MA ISBN 13 : 978-0-495-56929-9 ISBN-10 : 0-495-56929-1

Infinite Island: Contemporary Caribbean Art Tumelo Musaka/ Annie Paul/ Nicollette Ramirez, Infinite Island: Contemporary Caribbean Art, p.100-105, Co-publication by The Brooklyn Museum & Philip-Wilson 2007 New York & London, ISBN 085667641 1 EAN 97808566777 641 3

Strangeness and Alterity and the Potential of Tolerance in the Self Angela Koch, In Tolerable between-construction of Strangeness and Alterity and the Potential of Tolerance in the Self, using the example of The Burqa-Project by Jn.Ulrick Désert : Dangerous Crossings : The Grammar of Tolerance- editors-Farida Heuck/ Ralf Homann/ Pia Lanzinger, German and English p.166-178, Publisher Verlag Silke Schreiber 2006 Munich, ISBN: 3-88960-087-5

Looking to Read Trevor Schoonmaker Deborah Grant and Jean-Ulrick Désert: Looking to Read p. 7-9 in the exhibition catalogue Fine Print, Isolde Brielmaier-Editor and Co-publication of the Ramapo College of New Jersey & Ramsey Press 2006 New Jersey

Non-Documenatry burqa pictures on the internet Pekka Rantanen (University of Tampere, Finland), Non-Documenatry burqa pictures on the internet / Ambivalence and the politics of representation International Journal of Cultural Studies, Sage Publications 2005 London/ Thousand Oaks CA/ New Dehli, Volume 8(3):829-351 DOI:10.1177/1367877905055681

Migrating Identity- Transmission Reconstruction Editeurs-Sonja Beijering/ Simon Ferdinando/ Renée Ridgway Migrating Identity- Transmission Reconstruction, catalogue d'éxposition , Éditions SEB Foundation 2004 Pays Bas , p.104 ISBN: 90-8546-022-0

The First Fist is the Deepest Jörg Sundermeier, The First Fist is the Deepest TAZ (Tages Zeitung) 03.03.2004 p.25 Berlin Germany

SOX36 Programm 2000-2002 Stephan Kurr/Naomi Potter SOX36 Program 2000-2002 Schauram in Kreuzberg, caralogue de les installations, Éditions Enrich Weiß Verlag 2002 Bamberg Germany, ISBN 3-9285 82 7 espace d'art contemporain 14°N 61°W Place de l'Enregistrement 97200 Fort de France Martinique FWI 14n61w.org 14°N 61°W

ACI-Public Art Review USA Fall/Winter 2003 Erica Pearson, LMCC/tenement Museum Point Of Entry Installations ACI-Public Art Review USA Fall/Winter 2003 p.32- 34

Blondies and Brownies weiß weiß bin ich auch ich Rafael von Uslar & Irmtrud Wojak-éditeurs Blondies and Brownies weiß weiß bin ich auch ich, Catalogue d'éxposition, Allemand-Anglais, Éditions Klartext 2001 Essen Germany, ISBN 3-89861 000 4, 190 pages,

Was war los in München 1950-2000 Andrea Naica-Loebell, Was war los in München 1950-2000, p.131, Éditions Sutton Verlag GmbH 2002 Erfurt ISBN 3- 89702-439-X Queer Space Gordon Brent Ingram/ Anne-Marie Bouthillette/ Yolanda Randter-éditeurs Queers in Space, essai principal par Jean- Ulrick Désert Queer Space p.16-25, Éditions Bay Press 1997 Seattle Washington USA

Recent online articles and reviews:

In HyperAllergic (Online Mag/Journal/news)

espace d'art contemporain 14°N 61°W Place de l'Enregistrement 97200 Fort de France Martinique FWI 14n61w.org