Westinghouse AP1000 Design Control Document Rev. 19
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3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment and Systems AP1000 Design Control Document APPENDIX 3B LEAK-BEFORE-BREAK EVALUATION OF THE AP1000 PIPING General Design Criterion 4 requires that structures, systems, and components important to safety be designed to accommodate the effects of conditions associated with normal operation, anticipated transients, and postulated accident conditions. However, the dynamic effects associated with pipe rupture may be excluded when analysis demonstrates that the probability of fluid system pipe rupture is extremely low. Dynamic effects are not considered for those segments of piping that are shown mechanistically, with a large margin, not to be susceptible to a pipe rupture. The dynamic effects associated with pipe rupture include effects such as pipe break reaction loads, jets and jet impingement, subcompartment pressurization loads, and transient pipe rupture depressurization loads on other components. The use of mechanistic pipe break to eliminate evaluation of dynamic effects of pipe rupture includes material selection, inspection, leak detection, and analysis. Subsection 3.6.3 outlines considerations relative to material selection, inspections, and leak detection. Subsection 5.2.5 describes the leak detection system inside containment. This appendix describes the analysis methods used to support the application of mechanistic pipe break to high-energy piping in the AP1000. The analysis and criteria to eliminate dynamic effects of pipe breaks are encompassed in a methodology called leak-before-break (LBB). This methodology has been validated by theoretical investigations and test demonstrations sponsored by the industry and the NRC. The primary regulatory documents for leak-before-break analyses are General Design Criterion No. 4 (GDC-4), Draft Standard Review Plan 3.6.3 (SRP 3.6.3) (Reference 1), and NUREG-1061, Volume 3 (Reference 2). Although SRP 3.6.3 has been issued only as a draft, its provisions are followed as guidelines to leak-before-break analyses. Leak-before-break methodology has been applied to the reactor coolant loop and high-energy auxiliary line piping in operating nuclear power plants. The leak-before-break analysis used to support the piping design of the AP1000 is an application of the same methodology used in leak- before-beak evaluations previously accepted by the NRC. In the AP1000, leak-before-break evaluations are performed for the reactor coolant loop, the surge line, selected other branch lines containing reactor coolant down to and including 6-inch diameter nominal pipe size, and portions of the main steam line. Those lines not qualified to the leak- before-break criteria are evaluated using the pipe rupture protection criteria outlined in subsections 3.6.1 and 3.6.2. This appendix provides a leak-before-break analysis for the applicable piping systems. Table 3B-1 provides a list of AP1000 leak-before-break piping systems. Tier 2 Material 3B-1 Revision 19 3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment and Systems AP1000 Design Control Document 3B.1 Leak-before-Break Criteria for AP1000 Piping The methodology used for leak-before-break analysis is consistent with that set forth in GDC-4, SRP 3.6.3 (Reference 1) and NUREG-1061, Volume 3 (Reference 2). The steps are: • Evaluate potential failure mechanisms • Perform bounding analysis 3B.2 Potential Failure Mechanisms for AP1000 Piping In high-energy piping, there are material degradation mechanisms that could adversely affect the integrity of the system as well as its suitability for leak-before-break analysis. The following lists potential degradation (or "failure") mechanisms: • Erosion-corrosion induced wall thinning • Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) • Water hammer • Fatigue • Thermal aging • Thermal stratification • Other mechanisms The stainless steel piping is fabricated of SA312TP316LN or SA312TP304L material. The type 304L material is used in the accumulator discharge lines. The main steam piping is fabricated of SA335 Grade P11. The welds are made by the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) method. The various degradation mechanisms are discussed in the following subsections. 3B.2.1 Erosion-Corrosion Induced Wall Thinning Primary Loop Piping Wall thinning by erosion and erosion-corrosion effects does not occur in the primary loop piping because Series 300 austenitic stainless steel material is highly resistant to these effects. The coolant velocity in the AP1000 primary loop is about 76 feet per second. This flow velocity is not expected to create erosion-corrosion effects since stainless steels are considered to be virtually immune (Reference 3). A review of erosion-corrosion in nuclear power systems (Reference 4) reported that "stainless steels are increasingly being used due to their excellent resistance to erosion-corrosion, even at high water velocities, 40 m/s (131 ft/sec)." The bend radii in the AP1000 hot and cold legs are greater than the bend radii used in the crossover legs of operating plants. There is no record of erosion-corrosion induced wall thinning in the primary loops of operating plants. Tier 2 Material 3B-2 Revision 19 3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment and Systems AP1000 Design Control Document Auxiliary Stainless Steel Piping Wall thinning by erosion-corrosion effects does not occur in the auxiliary stainless steel piping because Series 300 austenitic stainless materials are highly resistant to these effects. The coolant velocity in these systems is lower than in comparable systems in operating Westinghouse-designed pressurized water reactors. There is no record of erosion-corrosion induced wall thinning in the stainless steel piping of operating plants. Main Steam Line Main steam lines in the AP1000 are fabricated from SA335 Grade P11 Alloy steel. Erosion- corrosion induced wall thinning is not expected in the main steam line. Extensive work has been done investigating erosion-corrosion in carbon steel pipes. The main steam line has low susceptibility to erosion due to the pipe material composition, which has sufficient levels of chromium to preclude erosion-corrosion material loss. Susceptibility is also low due to the relatively high operating temperature and the high quality steam in the main steam line. Based on the above discussion, erosion-corrosion induced wall thinning does not have an adverse effect on the integrity of the AP1000 leak-before-break piping systems. 3B.2.2 Stress Corrosion Cracking Stress corrosion cracking is not expected to occur in the AP1000 piping systems because the three conditions necessary for stress corrosion cracking to take place are not present. If any of these three conditions is not present, stress corrosion cracking will not take place. The three conditions are: • There must be a corrosive environment. • The material itself must be susceptible. • Tensile stresses must be present in the material. Primary Loop Piping During plant operation, the reactor coolant water chemistry is monitored and maintained within specific limits (see subsection 5.2.3 for a discussion of reactor coolant chemistry). Contaminant concentrations are kept below the thresholds known to be conducive to stress corrosion cracking. The major water chemistry control standards are included in the plant operating procedures as a condition for plant operation. The key to avoidance of a corrosive environment is control of oxygen. During normal power operation, oxygen concentration in the reactor coolant system is controlled to extremely low levels by controlling charging flow chemistry and maintaining a hydrogen overpressure in the reactor coolant at specified concentrations. Halogen concentration is controlled by maintaining concentrations of chlorides and fluorides within the specified limits. During plant operations, the likelihood of stress corrosion cracking in the primary loop piping systems is very low. The elements of a water environment known to increase the susceptibility of austenitic stainless steel to stress corrosion are oxygen, fluorides, chlorides, hydroxides, hydrogen peroxide, and Tier 2 Material 3B-3 Revision 19 3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment and Systems AP1000 Design Control Document reduced forms of sulfur (for example, sulfides, sulfites, and thionates). Pipe cleaning standards prior to operation and careful water chemistry control during plant operation are applied to prevent the occurrence of a corrosive environment. Before being placed in service the piping is cleaned. During flushes and preoperational testing, water chemistry is controlled according to written specifications. Standards on chlorides, fluorides, conductivity, and pH are included in the guidelines for water for cleaning the piping. Series 300 stainless steel materials have been chosen for the AP1000 due to their proven operating experience. These materials have operated in low-oxygen or no-oxygen environments with no incidents for a number of years. The requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.44 will be used to maintain the experiences of the PWR applications for the use of Series 300 stainless steel materials. Design tensile stresses in the reactor coolant loop are within the ASME Code, Section III allowables. Residual tensile stresses are expected in the welds and such stresses are not considered when designing by the ASME Code, Section III because these stresses are self-equilibrating and do not affect the failure loads. The residual stresses should not be more severe than for the operating Westinghouse pressurized water reactor plants (which have not experienced