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Khair, Senegalia Catechu - Plant

Catechu is an herb. The , shoots, and are used to make medicine. It grows throughout India from the Himalayas to the South of India.

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Khair, Senegalia Catechu Plant

Description for Khair, Senegalia Catechu

Plant height: 17 - 27 inches (43 - 69 cm)

Plant spread: 4 - 8 inches (10 - 21 cm)

It is the moderate sized deciduous tree. It has rough which is dark gray-brown in color. It grows up to a height of 15 meters. The leaves are 8 -10 cm long. It has short curved stipular spines and rough grayish brown bark. The flowers are pale yellow in color. They start appearing khair-

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tree in the month of June -August. ripen in January to March and remain in the tree for long. The young parts are dark brown to purple in color. The tree has a rough texture from outside.

Common name(s): Cutch Tree, Black Catechu, Black Cutch, Cashoo, Catechu, Wadalee gum

Flower colours: White or Pale Yellow

Bloom time: June-August

Max reachable height: 15-20 meters.

Difficulty to grow: Easy to grow

Planting and care

It is mainly propagated through the seeds. The seeds are mostly shown in the month of June. It is planted on sandy soil. The seeds germinate in the monsoons. Khair should be sown on mounds at least 61 to 76 cm in height so that the seedlings do not remain submerged in water for a long period.

Sunlight: Full sun

Soil: Well drained and fertile sandy soil.

Water: Moderately

Temperature: 25-35 degrees C

Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer every year during spring.

Caring for Khair

It is a hardy tree, does not require much care. It requires full sun to grow well. It is a drought tolerant plant, do not over water it. Prune the tree in winter every year to maintain shape and size. Prune the damaged and diseased branches from the tree.

Typical uses of Khair

Special features: The Khair tree signifies endurance and strength and it is a tree of Mrigashira Nakshatra.

Culinary use: Kattha (catechu), an extract of its heartwood, is used as an ingredient to give red color and typical flavor to .

Ornamental use: Best for avenue planting.

Medicinal use: The different parts of the tree have a variety of medicinal uses. Khair tree is very useful in dental problems. It gives relief in dry cough. It is also given in stomatis, Anaemia, Leprosy, Bronchitis, Pruritus, Diarrhoea, Polyuria. Its wood contains , catechutanic acid and . It is used externally for ulcers, boils and eruption of the skin. The juice of the fresh bark is given in haemoptysis. It is used to treat painful throat and cough.


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Reviews Dienstag, 28. Januar 2020

Have never ordered plants on line before but want to tell you how absolutely thrilled I am with the plants.

AMit Saraf

Montag, 25. November 2019

plant was delivered in excellent condition there was no damage .

Asiya Dingankar

Sonntag, 24. November 2019

It s lovely. The plant was carefully packed and seems to be genuine plant. I m happy with my purchase.

Vijaya Shankar More reviews

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