Kaleidoscope Pro 5 User Guide

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Kaleidoscope Pro 5 User Guide Kaleidoscope Pro 5 User Guide Wildlife Acoustics, Inc. i Online User Guide Download this guide at www.wildlifeacoustics.com/resources/user-guides Last updated Feb 17, 2021 Tutorial Videos Visit www.wildlifeacoustics.com/support/tutorial-videos to view tutorial videos for Kaleidoscope Pro. Contacting Support For technical queries contact the Wildlife Acoustics support team: Email: [email protected] North America (toll-free): 1-888-733-0200 Outside North America (toll charges may apply): +1 978-369-5225 Don’t miss out on Important Updates We continually add features to Kaleidoscope Pro. Stay up to date with the newest features and receive important technical support bulletins by signing up to our mailing list at: http://www.wildlifeacoustics.com/products#mailinglist Wildlife Acoustics, Inc. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Getting Started 1.1 How to Use This User Guide ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Overview and Introduction to Kaleidoscope Lite and Kaleidoscope Pro ........................................................ 5 1.3 Compatibility and Optimization ..................................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Data Management.......................................................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Included vs Licensed (Pro) Features ............................................................................................................... 9 1.6 Launching Kaleidoscope For the First Time .................................................................................................. 10 2 Typical Use Workflows 2.1 Batch File Processing and Conversion .......................................................................................................... 12 2.2 Bat Identification .......................................................................................................................................... 18 2.3 Auto ID for Bats ............................................................................................................................................ 19 2.4 Cluster Analysis and Classifiers..................................................................................................................... 22 2.5 SPL Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 30 2.6 Cloud Storage Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 31 2.7 Database Query Examples ............................................................................................................................ 34 3 Metadata 3.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 37 3.2 MetaForm..................................................................................................................................................... 37 3.3 Project Form ................................................................................................................................................. 39 3.4 Metadata Panel and Results Window .......................................................................................................... 40 3.5 GUANO ......................................................................................................................................................... 41 4 Reference Guide 4.1 Batch Processing........................................................................................................................................... 43 4.2 Control Panel ................................................................................................................................................ 45 4.3 Batch Tab...................................................................................................................................................... 46 4.4 Signal Params Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 50 4.5 Auto ID for Bats Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 53 4.6 Cluster Analysis Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 56 4.7 SPL Analysis Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 63 4.8 Acoustic Indices Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 66 4.9 Cloud Tab ..................................................................................................................................................... 70 4.10 Db Tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 75 4.11 Viewer .......................................................................................................................................................... 81 4.12 Spectral Analysis Window ............................................................................................................................ 88 4.13 Results Window............................................................................................................................................ 89 5 Resources 5.1 .csv File Layout ............................................................................................................................................. 91 5.2 File Types .................................................................................................................................................... 96 5.3 File Naming Conventions .............................................................................................................................. 97 5.4 Metadata SCHEMA ....................................................................................................................................... 97 5.5 Explaining Maximum Likelihood Estimators (MLE) and P-values used in Kaleidoscope Pro Classifiers ...... 111 5.6 Overview of the Clustering Algorithm Signal Detection and Feature Extraction ........................................ 112 5.7 Kaleidoscope Command Line Interface ...................................................................................................... 113 5.8 Kaleidoscope Pro License Management ..................................................................................................... 119 5.9 Wildlife Acoustics Managed Cloud Account ............................................................................................... 122 5.10 Bat Auto-ID Species Classifiers ................................................................................................................... 127 5.11 Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................... 130 Wildlife Acoustics, Inc. iii Kaleidoscope Pro User Guide 1 Getting Started 1.1 How to Use This User Guide Welcome to Kaleidoscope. This user guide is designed to provide complete information about the software, including practical use-based walkthroughs. Here is a brief description of each section of the guide: Getting Started It is a good idea for all Kaleidoscope users to read through this chapter. The Overview provides a basic description of Kaleidoscope and provides step by step instructions for download, installation, and basic setup. • Overview and Introduction to Kaleidoscope Pro • Compatibility and Optimization • Data Management • Included vs Licensed (Pro) Features • Launching Kaleidoscope 5 for the First Time Typical Use Workflows Use this chapter to follow step by step instructions for specific tasks which are commonly acomplished with Kaleidoscope. This chapter assumes that Kaleidoscope has been downloaded and installed, therefore it is a good idea to read through the Overview chapter first. • Batch File Processing and Conversion • Bat Identification • Auto ID for Bats • Cluster Analysis for Sorting and Identification of Bats, Birds, and Other Animals • Sound Pressure Level Analysis • Cloud Storage Configuration • Database Query Examples Metadata Metadata is a significant part of the Kaleidoscope workflow. This chapter describes how metadata is collected, created, edited, managed, and output in various formats. • Overview • MetaForm • Project Form • Metadata Panel and Results Window • GUANO Reference Guide This is a complete overview of all functions within Kaleidoscope. The order of the sections is loosely based on the graphic layout of the software. If the user needs detailed information about any specific function of Kaleidoscope, this is where that information will be found. • Batch Processing • Control Panel • Viewer • Spectral Analysis Window • Results Window Wildlife Acoustics, Inc. 4 Kaleidoscope Pro User Guide Additional Resources This is an appendix of information relevant to the functions of Kaleidoscope.
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