' METROP~LIS , Registered Office; 250 D
Ref: MHUSec&Legal/2019/69 Date: January 31, 2020 To, Head, Listing Compliance Department Head, Listing Compliance Department BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, Dalal Street, Plot No. C/1. G Block, Mumbai - 400 001 Bandra -Kurla Complex, Sandra (East), Mumbai- 400051 Scrip Code:542650 Scrip Symbol: METROPOLIS Subject: Newspaper Advertisement for Board Meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday, February 06. 2020 Dear Sir/ Madam, Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the Secu.rities & Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith, copy of newspaper advertisement with respect to the Board Meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday, February 06, 2020, published in following newspapers: 1. Free Press Journal on January 31 , 2020 (English, Mumbai Edition) 2. Navshakti on January 31 , 2020 (Marathi, Mumbai Edition) Kindly take the above on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully F~ealthcare Limited Varsha Hardasani Compliance Officer Membership No.: 50448 Address: Metropolis Healthcare ltd., 250 D, Udyog Bhavan, Hind Cycle Lane, Worli, Mumbai- 400030 INNER HEALTH REVEALED Metropolis Healthcare Limited ' METROP~LIS , Registered Office; 250 D. Udyog Shavan, Hind Cycle Marg, Worlt, Mumbal - 400 030. CIN: U73100MH2000PLCI92798. Tel: +91-22-3399 3939 / 6650 5555. The Pathology Specialist Email: support@metropolisindia.com I Website: www.mctropollslndla.com l, C ent ral Laboratory: 4th Floor. Commercial Building- l A. Kohlnoor Mall, Vldyavihar f'N), Mumbal • 400 070. THE FREE PRESSJOURNAL 8 MUMBAI | FRIDAY | JANUARY 31, 2020 hr··l•··t •aaana;t1u,c••·e•m DEUTSCHE BANK AG NOTICE METROPi)LIS (Appendix IV [Rule 8 (1)]) r~..
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