Organizing Committee of 2nd ANCOSET 2020

ADVISORY BOARD Prof. Dr. Duran Corebima Aloysius, M.Pd. (Universitas Kanjuruhan , ) Prof. Suhadi Ibnu, Ph.D. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Prof. Laurens Kaluge, M.A., Ph.D (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Soedjijono, M.Hum. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Azlinda Azman. (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia) Prof. Reevany bin Bustami, Ph.D. (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia) Prof. Dr. Mustafa bin Mamat. (UNISZA, Malaysia) Assoc Prof. Helen Creese, Ph.D. (University of Queensland, Australia) Dr. Sam Wane. (Harper Adams University, UK) Assoc Prof. Pieter Sahertian, M.Si. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. Sudi Dul Aji, M.Si. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. Dwi Setiyadi (Universitas PGRI Madiun, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. Parji. (Universitas PGRI Madiun, Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Dr. Tantri Mayasari. (Universitas PGRI Madiun, Indonesia) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhdi, S.H., M.Hum. (Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Mega Novita, S.Si., M.Si., M.Nat.Sc., Ph.D. (Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Achmad Buchori, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. Ir. Hj. Sitti Rohmi Djalilah M. Pd. (Universitas Hamzanwadi, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. H. Khirjan Nahdi, M. Hum. (Universitas Hamzanwadi, Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Baiq Aryani Novianti, M. Pd. (Universitas Hamzanwadi, Indonesia) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murphin Joshua Sembiring, M.Si. (Universitas Ma Chung, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. Eng. Romy Budhi Widodo (Universitas Ma Chung, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. H. Didin, Muhafidin., M.Si. (Universitas AL-Ghifari, Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Meiry Akmara Dhina, M.Pd. (Universitas AL-Ghifari, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. Ir. Kustamar, MT. (Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. Imam Sujono, S. Pd., MM. (Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Dr. Dian Septi Nur Afifah, M. Pd. (Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Dr. Tomi Listiawan, S. Si, M. Pd. MCE. (Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Sutopo, M.Si. (Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia) Prof. Arif Hidayat, M.Si. (Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Tutin Aryanti, Ph.D. (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. I Ketut Suastika, M.Si. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. Endah Andayani, S.Pd., MM. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. H. Suciati, SH., M.Hum. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Assoc Prof. Dr. Mujiono, M.Pd. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Dr. Sulistyo, M.Ak. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Dr. Enike Dwi Kusumawati, S.Pt., MP. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Dr. Triwahyudianto, M.Si. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia)

SCIENTIFIC COMMITEE Prof. Dr. Ade Gafar Abdullah, M.Si. (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia) Assoc Dr. Isma Widiaty, M.Pd. (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia) Prof. Anna Permanasari, M.Si (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Muhammad Nur Hudha, M.Pd. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Ayu Liskinasih, M.Pd. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Choirul Huda, M.Si. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia)


ORGANIZING COMMITEE Conference Chair : Ayu Liskinasih, M.Pd. Vice-Chair : Muhammad Nur Hudha, M.Pd. Secretary & Moderator : Riza Weganofa, M.Pd. Treasurer : Ati Retna Sari, SE., Ak., M.SA. Information Technology Committee:  Arief Rahman Hakim, M.Pd.  Akhmad Zaini, S.Kom., M.T.  Heri Santoso, M.Kom. Program Committee:  Hestiningtyas Yuli Pratiwi, M.Pd.  Imam Ariffudin, M.Pd.  Ajeng Intan Nur Rahmawati, M.Pd. Partnership Coordinator : Tri Ida Wahyu Kustyorini, S.Pt., MP.


Welcoming Speech of Rector of Unikama

Good morning

Distinguished keynote speakers, respected colleagues, and ladies and gentlemen.

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me in this opportunity to welcome all of this conference participants by first praying our grateful and praise to the Almighty God for all His blessings, grace, and mercies that have made us possible to be here in excellent condition and health

It is a great pleasure for me to declare open the Second Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities and the Second Annual Conference on Science and Technology and to welcome the presenters and participants from all over Asia to exchange experience and work together on the exciting field of social sciences and technology and their applications. Thank you very much for taking your precious time to participate today.

In particular, I would like to extend my gratitude to distinguished keynote speakers from abroad. First of all, please allow me to express my sincere appreciation for:

Assoc Prof. Dr. A. Chitra Devi (School of Management Studies, Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, India)

Dr. Nico Irawan (Assistant Dean, International College Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Thailand)

Assoc Prof. Dr. Massudi Mahmuddin (Universiti Utara Malaysia)

Prof. Dr. Ida Hamidah, M.Si. (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Assoc Prof. Dr. Sudi Dul Aji, M.Si (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia)

for attending our conference online. I welcome all of you and hope that today's event will serve as a catalyst for strengthening international cooperation on the transfer of innovative technology.

The world today is facing many challenges amid this Pandemic all over the world. We must address the sustainability agenda to deliver improvements in social sciences, humanities and technology. Together with the public and private sectors, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, scientists, engineers are responsible to build a better life and safety for society through the application of knowledge to convert resources into products and services without compromising the ability of future generations to cope with their needs.

This conference has come along way since 2018 and has surpassed the various challenges that our education system has faced over the years and has adapted to the changing technological trends in the industry. The theme of our conferences are Expanding the Contribution of Social Sciences to Support Community Sustainability amid Pandemic and


The Role of Science & Technology Application on Building Community Resilience during New Normal. We have experts from across the field who will be with us, sharing their thoughts, knowledge and opinions with the rest of us. The major outcomes that we expect from this conference is a national and international framework for the changing education systems around the world and how it can be inclined with the concept of social distancing caused due to COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, we want to highlight the role of science and technology that many of you brought from the field will contribute to the better New Normal life.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank all the delegates, the campus authorities around the country with whom co-hosted this conference, and participants from other countries.

Before coming to a close of these remarks, I would also like to remind you and especially our moderators to strictly stick to our time schedule and not to let any session overrun.

I wish everyone a successful, safe and fruitful conference.

Thank you


Remark of Chair of the Committee

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb and Good Morning

Dear Presenters and Participants,

First and foremost, it is my great pleasure to welcome all of our distinguished speakers, presenters, and participants to the International Conference Series held by Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama). This year we hold two virtual international conferences: The Second Annual Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities (ANCOSH) and The Second Annual Conference of Science & Technology (ANCOSET). It is an ongoing effort by Unikama, starting from the first international conference in 2016, and followed by the first Ancosh and Ancoset in 2018.

This year, the 2nd Ancosh & Ancoset 2020 are proudly co-organized with our partner universities, those are: Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, STIE Dewantara Jombang, Universitas Bhinneka PGRI Tulungagung, Universitas Al-Ghifari, Universitas Hamzanwadi, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang, Universitas Ma Chung, and IKIP PGRI Jember. Therefore, on behalf of Unikama, I would like to extend our gratitude to the endless support of our co-hosts.

This year virtual conferences take on the themes “Expanding the Contribution of Social Sciences to Support Community Sustainability amid Pandemic” and “The Role of Science & Technology Application on Building Community Resilience during New Normal”. Both themes are inspired by the sudden outbreaks of the coronavirus 2019 and how people have to deal with the massive changes. Thus, the 2nd Ancosh and Ancoset 2020 are mainly aimed to provide a sharing platform that enables researchers, academics, and practitioners to share their best practices which have been produced through research, as well as to propose the best strategy to help the society in coping with the crisis.

The 2nd Ancosh & Ancoset 2020 invite prominent scholars as keynote speakers who share their thoughts and expertise addressing this year’s central theme. We proudly welcome Associate Prof. Dr. A. Chitra Devi from Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, India; Dr. Nico Irawan form Rajamanggala University of Technology Krungthep, Thailand; Associate Prof. Dr. Massudi Mahmuddin from Universiti Utara Malaysia; Prof. Dr. Ida Hamidah from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia; and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erol from Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey. We also have our homegrown experts, our honorable Rector and Vice Rector, Dr. Pieter Sahertian and Dr. Sudi Dul Aji, as our keynote speakers.

We are also happy to share that this year we received more than 190 papers to be disseminated in our conferences. We do hope that after following the workshop on writing scientific articles and careful review, all papers are accepted to be published by reputable international publishers.

Last but not least, representing the organizer, I wish you all good luck and have a great conference.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Rundown ANCOSET 2020 28 November 2020

Time Activity 08.00 - 09.00 Parallel Session 1 (Room 1-10) 09.00 - 10.00 Parallel Session 2 (Room 11-20) 10.30 - 10.45 Plenary Session Registration 10.45 - 10.55 Opening 10.55 - 11.00 Opening Remark from Chair of the Committee 11.00 - 11.05 Welcome speech from Rector of Unikama 11.05 - 11.10 Du'a 11.10 - 11.30 Panel Session (1): Dr. Sudi Dul Aji, M.Si. (Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang) 11.30 - 11.50 Panel Session (2): Associ. Prof. Dr. Massudi Mahmuddin (Universiti Utara Malaysia) 11.50 - 12.10 Panel Session (3): Prof. Dr. Ida Hamidah, M.Si (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) 12.10 - 12.40 Q n A 12.40 – 1250 Closing ceremony


Table of Abstract Number of Title Page Abstract [ABS-01] INNOVATION OF VILLAGE GOVERNANCE BASED ON 1 TECHNOLOGY 4.0: CASE STUDY IN THE NEW OTONOM DISTRICT Achdijat Sulaeman, Taufiq Alamsyah, Muhammad Daud Yusuf, Eny Nuryani, Gunawan Undang, Muhammad Ridwan Caesar, Idi Sumardi, Mochamad Zakaria, Deden Suhendar, Heri [ABS-02] K-Nearest Neighbor Method for Detecting Egg Quality 2 Conditions using Raspberry Pi Moh. Ahsan, Danang Aditya Nugraha, Amak Yunus, Alex Endy Budianto, Abdul Aziz, Wiji Setyaningsih, Angga Firniawan, and Meme Susilowati [ABS-03] The Effects of Carbon Mechanism on Supply Chain Costs 3 and Inventories Thina Ardliana, I Nyoman Pujawan, Nurhadi Siswanto [ABS-04] SELF-REGULATED LEARNING ANALYSIS IN SMP 4 MATHEMATICS PROBLEM SOLVING Aryo Andri Nugroho, Ida Dwijayanti, Rizky Esti Utami [ABS-05] Improvement Of Calorific Value In Sew Powder Biomass 5 With Carbonization and Densification Methods A Anam*, M Asroni and T Rahardjo [ABS-06] Promotion & Information Media "Product Knowledge" in 6 One Platform: Augmented Reality Technology Athika Dwi Wiji Utami, Masyitah Noviyanti, Neny Kurniati, Putra Uji Deva Satrio, and Muhammad Widyan Ardani [ABS-07] Utilization of Chitosan Clam Bloodshells as a Coagulant for 7 Processing Electroplatting Waste Candra Dwiratna W,ST.MT, Hery Setyobudiarso,MSc, Maria Coteldae [ABS-08] IMDAS: ANDROID SYSTEM FOR SUPPORTING 8 INDONESIAN MARITIME DIPLOMACY IN INDIAN OCEAN, SOUTHERN WEST D.Dina, Tom Finaldin, Henike Primawanti, Taufiq Alamsyah, Muhammad Daud Yusuf, Kosidin, Idi Sumardi, Asep Dadang, Ikeu Hikmawati, Gunawan Undang

[ABS-09] Analysis Of The Mixing Of Hydrogen Gas In The Refigerant 9 (R314a) On The Cooling Engine Performance Djoko Hari Praswanto, Soeparno Djiwo, Eko Yohanes Setyawan, Tutut Nani Prihatmi [ABS-10] A Robust Method of Rectifying a Tilted Image to Truly 10 Vertical M E Tjahjadi and F Handoko [ABS-11] Photogrammetric Stereo Image Rectification 11 M E Tjahjadi1 and F Handoko2 [ABS-12] Increasing Maintenance Service Time Efficiency using 12 Production and Operations Management (POM-QM) Ellysa Nursanti, Indrawaty Y. Marit, Sibut, Diva O. Shafitri [ABS-13] The adoption of information technology as decision 13 support system in SMEs Irma Tyasari, Endi Sarwoko, Iva Nurdiana Nurfarida


Number of Title Page Abstract [ABS-14] E-Counselling Application to Overcome Isolated Students 14 Using the Backward Chaining Method Alexius Endy Budianto, Mohd Fairuz Iskandar Bin Othman, Yahaya Bin Abd. Rahim, Moh Ahsan, Wiji Setiyaningsih [ABS-15] MDLC Model For Developing Multimedia E-Learning on 15 Energy Concept For Primary School Students Farida Nur Kumala1, Anik Ghufron2, Pratiwi Puji Astuti2, Mega Crismonika3, Muhammad Nur Hudha1 [ABS-16] GOVERMENT SHOULD PLAY! : SNAKE AND DIGITAL LADDER 16 APPLICATIONS INVOLVING THE BEHAVIOR OF CHILDREN APPLYING THE HEALTH PROTOCOLS Hani Dewi Ariessanti 1,2,a,b, Ford lumban Gaol 1c, Suhono Harso Supangkat 1d, Benny Ranti [ABS-17] Analysis of Transaction Patterns at Drug Store with Apriori 17 Algorithm Haryo Kusumo1, Dian Marlina2, Mega Novita3, Muchamad Taufiq Anwar4 [ABS-18] The Effect of Deproteinization Temperature on Chitosan 18 Extraction for Iron Metal Ions Adsorption: Case Study in Bangka Post Tin Mining Water Herman Aldila1,a ,Verry Andre Fabiani 2, & Desy Yuliana Dalimunthe3 [ABS-19] COMPARISON OF PHENOLIC, FLAVONOID, AND TANNIN 19 CONTENTS FROM ETHANOL EXTRACT OF KRATOM STEM (Mitragyna speciosa Korth.) AND SENGGANI FLOWER (Melastoma malabathrium L.) H.N. Hanifah1 , G. Hadisoebroto2 , L. Dewi3 [ABS-20] Autonomous Car Using CNN Deep Learning Algorithm 20 Ilvico Sonata1,a), Yaya Heryadi1,b), Lukas1,c), Antoni Wibowo1,d) [ABS-21] Constructing indicators for quality assessment on sorting 21 of used products in remanufacturing system Mohamad Imron Mustajib1,2, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono3, Nani Kurniati4 [ABS-22] Visualization Of Polygon Topology In R2 By Dividing The 22 Outer Plane Of The Polygon Indah Rahayu Panglipur1, Eric Dwi Putra1, Dwi Noviani Sulisawati1 [ABS-23] Eksperimental review of a travelling-wave thermoacoustic 23 system device Indah Kharismawati1, Wahyu Nur Achmadin1, M Maulana Trianggono1 [ABS-24] The Application of Supply Chain Performance Measurement 24 in CV X Using Balanced Score Card I D Febryanto1 , A P Aji1 , D R Senna1 , A Faisal

[ABS-25] Comprehensive study of SIR: leading SUT repository for 25 software testing Joe Lian Min1, N Rajabi2 [ABS-26] Discrete Numerical Solution for Modelling of Phytoplankton 26 Growth R N I Dinnullah1, T Fayeldi1


Number of Title Page Abstract [ABS-27] Digitization Of Takepan Sasak Manuscipt 27 Based on the OPF Flipbook L M Samsu11st, Muhammad Saiful2rd, Imam Fathurrahman3rd, Hariman Bahtiar4rd [ABS-28] The Subjective Method Application to Mitigate the 28 Construction Workers Accident M Wijayaningtyas1, N V Trifizi1, T H Nainggolan1, L A Ratna Winanda1, F Handoko2, and K Lukiyanto3 [ABS-29] Rapid Identification of Urban Green Space Using 29 Planetscope Satellite Image and Artificial Intelligence M A S Adhiwibawa1 and T H P Brotosudarmo1 [ABS-30] SPOK-ID: A Deep Learning Model to Identify the Sentence 30 Structure of Indonesian Language Radian Satria Panigas, Yohanes Sigit Purnomo WP* and Albertus Joko Santoso [ABS-31] Clove Leaf Ethanol Extract (Syzygium aromaticum L. Merr. 31 And Perr) is formulated as Antiseptic Liquid Soap. S.Maryam1 , K. Hartono2 , I. E. Widiyawati3 [ABS-32] The Development of Thematic Modules Based on 32 Strengthening Character Education (PPK) and Quick Response (QR) Code Sri Rahayu*, Ericca Dia Pratiwi Andayani, Denna Delawanti Chrisyarani, Iskandar Ladamay [ABS-33] TRANSMISSION ELIMINATION OF LIMFATIC FILARIASIS 33 USING SPATIAL AUTOCORRELATION Endang Surjati, Bagus Setiabudi Wiwoho [ABS-34] Game-Based Learning for the Mastery of HOTS in 34 Prospective Physics Teachers in Digital Electronics Courses D. Dewantara, M. Misbah, S. Haryandi, S. Mahtari


[ABS-36] Multivariate Weather Anomaly Detection Using DBSCAN 36 Clustering Algorithm Setyawan Wibisono, Muchamad Taufiq Anwar, Aji Supriyanto, Imam Husni Al Amin

[ABS-37] Rainfall Prediction Using Extreme Gradient Boosting 37 Muchamad Taufiq Anwar1, Edy Winarno1, Wiwien Hadikurniawati1, Mega Novita2 [ABS-38] ServQual and WebQual 4.0 for Usability Check Academic 38 Information System of T Rahmat, E Nuryani, D Siswanto1,2,3, G Undang4 [ABS-39] Covid-19 sir model with nonlinear incidence rate 39 Trija Fayeldi1, Riski Nur Istiqomah Dinnullah2


Number of Title Page Abstract [ABS-40] THE EFFECT OF PREHEATING TEMPERATUR ON WELDING 40 TRUCK FRAME REPAIR USING FCAW TECHNIQUE Tumiantoa*, Muhammad Al'hapis a, Azmi Hassanb, aFauzan Rahmana [ABS-41] Mercury Content of Sardinella lemuru Caught in 41 and Waters Aida Sartimbul1,2*, Janu Alfiqry Amandani1, Defri Yona1,2, M Arif Zainul Fuad1,2 [ABS-42] Distance and displacement concept: Comprehension 42 shifting of students on learning process A Jufriadi1,2*, Sunaryono2, S Kusairi2, Sutopo2 [ABS-43] Design of Gearbox for Vertical Savonius Wind Turbine 43 (TASV) Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Method A J A Wasesa1*, M N A Mukhtar1, E J Pratama1 [ABS-44] Classification of Diabetes Disease Using Decision Tree 44 Algorithm (C4.5) Baiq andriska candra permana1, Aris Sudianto2, Hariman Bahtiar3, Ramli Ahmad4, Indra Gunawan5 [ABS-45] Adaptive Reasoning, Mathematical Problem Solving and 45 Cognitive Styles Aning Wida Yanti, I Ketut Budayasa, Raden Sulaiman [ABS-46] An Empirical Study of Regression Testing Techniques 46 Ani Rahmani1, Joe Lian Min2 and Asri Maspupah3 [ABS-47] Development of physics modul based on stem problem 47 based learning on newton’s motion law material for senior high school Apit Fathurohman1, Esti Susiloningsih2, Anissa Arianti3 [ABS-48] Comparative Study of Regression Testing Tools Feature on 48 Unit Testing Asri Maspupah1, Ani Rahmani2, Joe Lian Min3 [ABS-49] The Ability of Nitrogen Atomic Absorption in The Formation 49 of Iron Nitride on Flake Structure and Nodule in Cast Iron Wayan Sujana1, Komang Astana Widi1, Teguh Rahardjo1, Tutut Nani Prihatmi1 [ABS-50] The Relativistic Mass Accretion Rate for Accretion Disk in 50 The Equatorial of Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars Atsnaita Yasrina1, Nuriwati Widianingrum2, Norma Sidik Risdianto3, Doni Andra4, Nugroho Adi Pramono1, Amiya Fajrina1

[ABS-51] Misconceptions of Prospective Mathematics Teacher on 51 Graphing Function Azhar Syarifuddin1, Anisa Fatwa Sari2 [ABS-52] Identification Students’ Misconception Using Four-Tier 52 Diagnostic Test on Newton Law Subject C Sundaygara1*, M N Hudha2, L A. R. P. Gusi3, H Y Pratiwi4, H D Ayu5 [ABS-53] Code-Mixed Sentiment Analysis of Indonesian Language 53 and Javanese Language Using Lexicon Based Approach Cuk Tho1*, Yaya Heryadi1, Lukas1, Antoni Wibowo1


Number of Title Page Abstract

[ABS-54] Performance of Cosmos caudatus Chlorophyll Dye on TiO2 54 Nano Particles Coating in the Manufacture of Dye- Sensitized solar cells (DSSC) Muh Iman Darmawan1,a), Alpi Zaidah2,b), Alpiana Hidayatulloh3,c), Ika Nurfajri Mentari4,d), Evi Fatmi Utami5,e), Hardani6,f*) [ABS-55] Utilization of Producing Biogas from Food Waste in 55 Anaerob Biodegester at Thermophilic Temperature Waris1, Indah Kharismawati1, Mohamad Syaifudin Aswan1 [ABS-56] Physics undergraduate students' perceptions of online 56 learning during the transition period to the new normal era E Surahman1 and E Sujarwanto*1 [ABS-57] A review of data mining methods in RFM-based customer 57 segmentation Ernawati*1, S S K Baharin2 and F Kasmin2 [ABS-58] Successful approach for delivering new technology 58 through technology transfer program for SMEs in developing economies F Handoko1*, F E K Rastini2, P Vitasari3, S Hidayat4, M Wijayaningtyas5 and M E Tjahjadi6 [ABS-59] How to Learn Oscillation and Wave in SAMR Framework? 59 Hena Dian Ayu1*, Akhmad Jufriadi1*, Syelvy Erine Mustika, Maris Kurniawati1, Hestiningtyas Yuli Pratiwi1, Chandra Sundaygara1, Muhammad Nur Hudha1 [ABS-60] Probing Time Series Multiplicative Model and Fuzzy 60 Relation Methodologies Heni I. Pratiwi, Yaya Heriadi, Lukas, Antoni Wibowo [ABS-61] Physiological responses of the Holstein Friesian dairy cows 61 raised under tropical conditions at BBPTU-HPT Baturraden, Indonesia H Leondro1,*, B P Widyobroto2, A Agus 3

[ABS-62] Targeted Discovery of Glycoside Hydrolases from Enzymes 62 reservoir of Digestive Gland Achatina fulica Through Functional Metagenomic Strategies Maris Kurniawati1*, Amak Yunus1, Hena Dian Ayu1, Subandi2, Suharti2

[ABS-63] Raman spectra of polyethylene glycol / cellulose acetate 63 butyrate biopolymer blend Dian Marlina1, Mega Novita2, Muchamad Taufiq Anwar3, Haryo Kusumo4, Harumi Sato5 [ABS-64] Online Education on Social Media Increases the Knowledge 64 about Diabetes Mellitus and Healthy Diet but Decreases Physical Activity M Aditya1, D Notario2, A Kamilah1 and S E Buntoro1 [ABS-65] Digital performance assessment: measure a pharmacy 65 physics laboratory’s skill M A Dhina1,*, G Hadisoebroto1, I E Setiawati2, G Undang3, M Masluh4 and S R Mubaroq5


Number of Title Page Abstract [ABS-66] Understanding travel behavior to increase interest in using 66 public transportation on commuting to work Melchior Bria1, Ludfi Djakfar1, Achmad Wicaksono1 [ABS-67] How to determine road maintenance priorities? An analysis 67 using a probabilistic approach. Anastasi H. Muda1, Priska G. Nahak1, Melchior Bria1, Deasy D.A.A Daud1, [ABS-68] Master Plan of Local E-government for village office 68 information system refer to ministerial regulations on work procedures M Susilowati1, Y Kurniawan1, C Lenny1, W Adistianaya2, M ahsan3 [ABS-69] Dynamical analysis of diphtheria epidemic model with 69 natural immunity rate on exposed individuals Nailul Izzati1, Anita Andriani2

[ABS-70] Prediction on the Multiplet Energy Diagram of α-Al2O3: 70 Mn4+ under Pressure Mega Novita1, Dian Marlina2, Haryo Kusumo3, Muchamad Taufiq Anwar4, Kazuyoshi Ogasawara5 [ABS-71] Design and Installation of SME and Households Scale Solar 71 Power Plants (Solar Home System) Nurhadi nurhadi1, Muhamad Rifa’i2, Chandra Wiharya3 [ABS-72] Technology Readiness Base of Small and Medium 72 Enterprises for Business Improvement P W Ndari1, P Vitasari2 [ABS-73] Augmentation Time Series Model with Kalman filter to 73 predict foreign tourist arrivals in East Java Evita Purnaningrum1, Sari Cahyaningtias2, Dwi Ajeng Kusumawardhani3 [ABS-74] Utilization of Data Mining for Placement of Books in the 74 Library Using the Apriori Method Rahmat Robi Waliyansyah *, Mega Novita, Nugroho Dwi Saputro [ABS-75] Profile of Creative Thinking Process of Prospective 75 Teachers with Reflector Learning Style in Proposing and Solving Problems in Geometry Material Rosita Dwi Ferdiani1, Manuharawati2, Siti Khabibah3 [ABS-76] The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education and Task 76 Technology Fit on Entrepreneurship Intention Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour Rustiana1),2), Othman bin Mohd3), Norhidayah binti Mohamad4 [ABS-77] The Building's Shape as part of Green Building's Passive 77 Strategy Sahid1, Y Sumiyati2, and R Purisari1 [ABS-78] Analysis of Water, Light Sensors, and Performance on 78 Appropriate Technology of Rice Drying Process Shafiq Nurdin1), Hisbullah Maulana1), Khoirul Hidayat2), Riski Nur Istiqomah Dinnullah3) [ABS-79] Designing educational facilities that outrun railways to be 79 inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable S Hermawan1,2, V N Husada1, V R Husada1, W Alfred3 [ABS-80] Differential equations: solving the oscillation system 80 Sujito1,2*, E. Soewono3, A. Suhandi1, and Liliasari S1


Number of Title Page Abstract [ABS-81] The Development of Scientific Literacy-Based Physics 81 Learning Module on Direct Current Circuit Material Susdarwati1, Farida Hannum2, Arifian Dimas3 [ABS-82] Design and Implementation Software for Mining 82 Association Rules (Market Basket Analysis) to Design Product Layout Decisions Tomi Listiawan [ABS-83] Geographic Information System (GIS): Potential Mapping 83 of Agribusiness in Southern Part of West Java T Maskun1,*, M Masluh2, E N Resmiawati2, Komarudin Tasdik3, Didin Muhafidin4, Gunawan Undang5 and Ova Nurisma Putra3 [ABS-84] A Measurement of Various Length of the Stack on a 84 Standing Wave Thermoacoustic Refrigerator Wahyu Nur Achmadin, Indah Kharismawati, and Mochammad Maulana Trianggono [ABS-85] Design of Performance Reporting Information Systems 85 Web-Based Temporary Staff at The Office of Communicatoin and Informatics, Blitar Regency Wiji Setiyaningsih1, Hari Lugis Purwanto2, Gaguk Susanto3, Moh Ahsan4, Amak Yunus Eko5, Yesika Trestiarso6, Daryanto7 [ABS-86] Chemical analysis and organoleptic properties of banana 86 blossoms (Musa paradisiaca) as filler for catfish (Clarias sp.) fish floss W W Perdana1, W Widowaty, D R Sofia, Y Setiawan, D Hadayanti and A Zakaria*

[ABS-87] Effective Preprocessed Thin Blood Smear Images to 87 Improve Malaria Parasite Detection Using Deep Learning Windra Swastika 1*), Grace Melody Kristianti 1), Romy Budhi Widodo1)

[ABS-88] Predicting Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Using Machine 88 Learning Based on DNA Sequencing Data Wiwien Hadikurniawati1, Muchamad Taufiq Anwar1, Dian Marlina2, Haryo Kusumo3 [ABS-89] USING VALUE MAPPING STREAM TO IMPROVE 89 COMPETITIVENESS IN AN OIL AND GAS SERVICES COMPANY Yusri Yamin a*, Muhammad Al'hapis a, Azmi Hassanb, Tumiantoa ,Fauzan Rahmana [ABS-90] BD-Print: An Android Based for Bilingual Digital Promotion 90 of Integrated Tourism in Garut Selatan 1R Y D Cahyani, 2Hartono, 3R M N Sakinah, 4O N Putra, and 5I E Setyawati [ABS-91] Decision support system for mapping SMEs batik 91 Bangkalan facing industry 4.0 using SMART method Y Kustiyahningsih1, D R Anamisa1, F A Mufarroha1 [ABS-92] The willingness to pay on Indonesian branded Muslim 92 clothes using structural equation modeling Yunia Dwie Nurcahyanie, Rusdiyantoro, Denka Pundita Patriadi


Number of Title Page Abstract [ABS-93] “Say no to coding”: Designing of web-based learning 93 media using glide apps Ajeng Intan Nur Rahmawati, Imam Ariffudin, Leny Latifah, Laily Tiarani S [ABS-94] Augmented reality: students' interests and learning 94 outcomes of physics SD Aji, T Setyowati, S Jumina and MN Hudha [ABS-95] Low carbon content learning: Logical framework in learning 95 process elementary school Muhammad Nur Hudha1)2), Ida Hamidah1), Anna Permanasari1), and Ade Gafar Abdullah1) [ABS-96] The effectiveness of using magic book math in 96 mathematics learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in senior high school Achmad Buchori, Dina Prasetyowati [ABS-97] Biomass-based supercapacitor for electrical energy 97 storage system Ida Hamidah [ABS-98] Fault Tolerance Strategy to Increase Moodle Service 98 Reliability Akhmad Zaini, Heri Santoso, Muhammad Priyono Tri Sulistyanto [ABS-99] The Development of Electronic Worksheet “Changes of 99 Form” Based on Sigil and Powtoon Arief Rahman Hakim [ABS-100] Technology for Holobox Augmented Reality Rite Grebeg 100 Pancasila for Mathematics Learning in Elementary School Septinaningrum, Wawan Setiawan, Ahmad Syukron Surur, Mubiar Agustin [ABS-101] Kate chicken sperm quality at 5oC with different storage 101 time Enike Dwi Kusumawati [ABS-102] The Effect of different storage times at 5°C on the quality 102 of Yogurt with the addition of local taro starch (Colocasia esculenta) as stabilizer Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih, Djalal Rosyidi, Lilik Eka Radiati, Purwadi, Dimas Pratidina Puriastuti Hadiani, Richardus Luda Wae [ABS-103] Design of UPI's Incinerator Classic Rankine Cycle Boiler 103 Muhamad Maris Al Gifari, Sriyono, Ibnu Mubarak [ABS-104] Passively Q-Switched Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser with 104 Graphene Oxide Film as Saturable Absorber Choirul Huda [ABS-105] A Systematic Review of Effectiveness Studies on Computer 105 Technology-Mediated Task Based Language Teaching in Asia Oktavia Widiastuti, Utami Widiati, Ayu Liskinasih [ABS-106] Analysis Skill of Problem Solving and Argument on Newton 106 Law Topics using Argument Based Science Inquiry (ABSI) Model Hestiningtyas Yuli Pratiwi, Hena Dian Ayu, Chandra Sundaygara, Sujito [ABS-107] Concentration Of Sheep Urine Solution As Watering Media 107 And Organic Fertilizer To Production Of Corn Fodder (Zea Mays) by Hydroponic System Tri Ida Wahyu Kustyorini, Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih, Regal Putra Pratama



Achdijat Sulaeman, Taufiq Alamsyah, Muhammad Daud Yusuf, Eny Nuryani, Gunawan Undang, Muhammad Ridwan Caesar, Idi Sumardi, Mochamad Zakaria, Deden Suhendar, Heri

Al-Ghifari University, Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia,


The problem in this research is that the use of technology has not been optimal in developing village potentials associated with opportunities for village innovation programs. Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages provides wide opportunities for village governments to develop all potential, both natural resources, human resources, and other resources for village progress and improving the welfare of the village communities. The problem arises because not all villages have the same capacity in aspects of the potential and capacity of village officials, so that in response to this policy the village innovation program is a solution to the problem of inequality in capacity, resources, and so on. Researchers used a dynamic model of village development and innovation to analyze technology- based village innovation governance in West Bandung Regency. The method used is a qualitative method that relies on secondary data with descriptive data analysis techniques. The results show that the factors in the dynamic model of rural development and innovation are based on internal and external factors. Internal factors include human resources and knowledge, information and communication, community participation, leadership, local wisdom, local potential, experience, and challenges and obstacles. External factors include legal, networking and cooperation, government support, as well as appreciation and incentives.


[ABS-02] K-Nearest Neighbor Method for Detecting Egg Quality Conditions using Raspberry Pi

Moh. Ahsan, Danang Aditya Nugraha, Amak Yunus, Alex Endy Budianto, Abdul Aziz, Wiji Setyaningsih, Angga Firniawan, and Meme Susilowati

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Universitas Ma Chung Malang


Development of the world in the technology sector is very rapid along with various application innovations in various fields, one of which is the application in the field of food, egg, egg production. Many occur when consumers use this food production not yet alert in improper conditions or have expired. This study aims to make a modeling tool for detecting egg quality conditions based on raspberry pi by using the K-Nearest Neighbor method which can be used to see whether eggs are good or bad. This research was applied in the egg farming sector. In this study, the Raspberry Pi was used as the main component with the help of a camera as image capture on eggs using training data of 100 egg samples consisting of 50 good eggs and 50 bad eggs in order to get maximum accuracy. With the help of 2 led as a light source and the software uses the Python language. The purpose of this study was to obtain the expected accuracy results by collecting 20 eggs randomly to get a percentage (17/20) * 100 = 85%.


[ABS-03] The Effects of Carbon Mechanism on Supply Chain Costs and Inventories

Thina Ardliana, I Nyoman Pujawan, Nurhadi Siswanto

Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


At present, the effect of global warming is at a critical point and has threatened the destruction of ecosystems on earth. The most dangerous cause of global warming is carbon. This issue makes countries in the world seriously committed to focus on reducing carbon emissions. The commitments are binding on each country so that they have different permitted carbon capacity limits. Transportation is one of the biggest contributors to emissions in supply chain activities. The transportation problem must be examined simultaneously with the inventory decisions to minimize total costs and carbon emissions. To date, there has been no research that proposes a model involving problem of multimodal long distance transportation from the origin depot (factory) to the destination depot (customer) with regard to carbon emissions. The model proposed in this study integrates the inventory problem and the combination of multimodal land transportation with long distance shipping routes from the factory to the customer by considering the effects of carbon emissions in supply chain activities. The transportation modes considered in this study are trucks and trains as long haul transportation. The purpose of this model is to observe the impact of applying carbon emission on the decision variables. The changes in the parameters of emissions regulations affect the amount of emissions produced, the total system costs, and the amount of inventory both at the factory and at the station.



Aryo Andri Nugroho, Ida Dwijayanti, Rizky Esti Utami

Universitas PGRI Semarang.


Self-regulated learning is needed to regulate and direct itself, adjust, and control self- learning. This study aims to get an overview of students' self-regulated learning in solving junior high school mathematics problems. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with three research subjects. The data collection techniques used math ability tests, problem-solving tests, self-regulated learning questionnaires, and interview guides. The results showed the profile of self-regulated learning raised by junior high school students when solving math problems, especially problems related to SPLDV, namely: 1) Planning, thinking and activation stages: (a) states that understanding uses the same language as the question language; and (b) states understanding using one's own language; 2) Monitoring Stage: (a) not monitoring the understanding they have; (b) monitoring imperfect understanding, only mentioning variables in general without showing the universe of speech represented by these variables; and (c) monitoring the understanding that is owned perfectly, namely mentioning the written variables complete with their examples; 3) Control stage: (a) states that they have checked the answers but without the examination process; and (b) states that they have checked the answers accompanied by an examination process; and 4) Reaction and Reflection Stage: (a) not recognizing the difficulties faced; (b) recognize the difficulties faced, even though they cannot be described



Improvement Of Calorific Value In Sew Powder Biomass With Carbonization and Densification Methods

A Anam*, M Asroni and T Rahardjo

National Institute of Technology Malang,


Energy is a source of life that is needed by all people in the world, including the industrial community in Indonesia, which currently still depends on fossil energy sources such as oil and coal. These energy sources will be exhausted and non-renewable, so the use of new renewable energy sources is absolutely necessary to fulfil and maintain the sustainability of industrial processes, such as biomass fuel. This paper presents experimental results of biomass fuel from teak sawdust (TS) waste which aims to increase the calorific value by carbonization and forming pellets with added cotton seed oil (CS) and starch (S). Composing the teak sawdust for 100 minutes; temperature 200 °C-50 °C; and Variation of the mixture ratio of the three ingredients in gram size (TS:CS:S) are M1 = 1000: 100: 500, M2 = 1000: 250: 500, M3 = 1000: 400: 500, M4 = 1000: 550: 500, and M5 = 1000: 700: 500. The results showed that the M5 mixture had the highest calorific value, 4539.49 call/gr with the density value of 2.60 gr / mm2, moisture content of 4.45%, and ash content of 5.17%.

Keywords: Energy, biomass, calorific value, teak


[ABS-06] Promotion & Information Media "Product Knowledge" in One Platform: Augmented Reality Technology

Athika Dwi Wiji Utami, Masyitah Noviyanti, Neny Kurniati, Putra Uji Deva Satrio, and Muhammad Widyan Ardani

Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo,


This research aims to: (1) produce a promotional media as well as "product knowledge" information in an Android-based application platform with Augmented Reality technology for MaDa AMDK products; (2) determine the quality of the Android-based application platform with Augmented Reality technology as a promotional media as well as "product knowledge" information for MaDa AMDK products; and (3) find out whether there are differences in respondents' product knowledge before and after being treated. The method used to produce this platform is the Software Development Life Cycle model with the v- waterfall model. The V-model includes: (1) user requirements specification stages; (2) system architecture design; (3) designing components; (4) writing program code; and (5) testing. The test results show that this platform has met ISO 25010 in functional suitability, performance efficiency, compatibility, and usability. In the functional suitability aspect with a value of 100% (very feasible), the performance efficiency aspect it is concluded in the category predicate "satisfied", the compatibility aspect is 100% (very feasible), and the usability aspect is 81.6% (very feasible). In addition, the results of the study found that there were differences in respondents' product knowledge before and after being treated (using applications). Keywords : augmented reality, ISO 25010, Promotion Media, Information Media


[ABS-07] Utilization of Chitosan Clam Bloodshells as a Coagulant for Processing Electroplatting Waste

Candra Dwiratna W,ST.MT, Hery Setyobudiarso,MSc, Maria Coteldae

National Institute of Technology Malang


Utilization of coagulants with natural ingredients has been widely developed, the advantage of using biocoagulant is the availability of abundant material, easy to obtain it, from renewable materials, and low toxicity. This research compare chitosan clam bloodshells (Anadara granosa) coagulan and alum coagulan, to reduce concentration total chrome, nickel and turbidity in electroplating waste. The variations used concentration of chithosan and alum, 300 mg/l and 600 mg / l, variation of the speed used is 1500 rpm and 300 rpm. Results of the research, Alum and Chitosan can reduce the concentration of TSS, Nickel and Total Chrome. Alum can increase the percentage of TSS removal by 93.75% with a coagulant dose of 300 mg / l at a stirring speed of 150 rpm, and for the percentage of removal of Nickel by 32.49% at a coagulant dose of 600 mg / l with a stirring speed of 300 rpm and the percentage of total Chrome removal of 64.09% at a coagulant dose of 600 mg / l with a stirring speed of 300 rpm. While the addition of coagulant chitosan increase the percentage of TSS by 97.79% with a dose of coagulant 300 mg / l and 600 mg / l at a stirring speed of 150 rpm, and nickel removal 50, 73% at a coagulant dose of 600 mg / l with a stirring speed of 150 rpm, a percentage of the total chromium removal of 72.88% with a coagulant dose of 600 mg / l at a stirring speed of 72.88%. The addition of alum coagulant and chitosan chlam Bloodshells (Anadara granosa) has the ability to neutralize the pH in accordance with the standard quality standard of electroplating waste, from 6.2 to 7.6.

Keywords: Chitosan, Chromium, Electroplating, Nickel, TSS




D.Dina, Tom Finaldin, Henike Primawanti, Taufiq Alamsyah, Muhammad Daud Yusuf, Kosidin, Idi Sumardi, Asep Dadang, Ikeu Hikmawati, Gunawan Undang

Al-Ghifari University, College of Management and Informatics (STMIK), College of Social and Political Sciences of the Southern Indonesian Ocean (STISIP SAINS), Indonesian Community Development University,


Indonesia has geographic, geostrategic and geo-economic potential which is an important factor for the dynamics of international relations in the two oceans, the Indian Ocean which interconnects with the South Sea and the Java Sea through the Malacca Strait. This is what makes the potential vulnerable to marine terrorism. This study aim to improve maritime diplomacy against the threat of illegal immigrants in the Indian Ocean (Indonesian Ocean), especially Southern West Java. Data show that during 2011-2012 there were 11 smuggling of illegal immigrants through Southern West Java coastal entrances. This incident show the weaknesess of Indonesia's maritime diplomacy, especially with Australia. This research offers a solution to increase security in southern West Java with an information system technology approach. More specifically, this study designs an android-based application that can be used by the public to report security disturbances to illegal immigrants to the apparatus as a form of the Universal People's Defense and Security System (Sishankamrata) easily and quickly. The research method uses a Geographic Information System (GIS) approach. The results of this study produce an android based application design.

Keywords: android system, maritime diplomacy, Indian Ocean



Analysis Of The Mixing Of Hydrogen Gas In The Refigerant (R314a) On The Cooling Engine Performance

Djoko Hari Praswanto, Soeparno Djiwo, Eko Yohanes Setyawan, Tutut Nani Prihatmi

National Institute of Technology Malang, Indonesia


Refrigerant is a cooling fluid in an air conditioning system. The synthetic refrigerants use this time namely HCFC which have high Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP). Therefore it necessary the research to find alternative refrigerants such as HFC and HC which more popular with R134a, R32,etc. This research will do the development with using hydrogen as an environmental friendly refrigerant. The purpose of this research are to find out the quality of the addition of hydrogen gas as an environmental friendly refrigerant replace the synthetic refrigerants which have high ODP and GWP and to relieve compressor performance. This research used an experimental method. R134a mix hydrogen with variant 85%: 15%, 70%: 30%,55%: 45% then performance cooling engine test. The results of research known mixing R134a with Hydrogen which have COP and EER in 55% R134a with 45% hydrogen is great. Because more hydrogen mix make density of the refrigerant and energy the compressor is low and the cooling rate is better. The conclusion is the effect of the addition of hydrogen can improve the performance of the cooling engine and suggested other research with use pure hydrogen and ODP and GWP test.


[ABS-10] A Robust Method of Rectifying a Tilted Image to Truly Vertical

M E Tjahjadi and F Handoko

National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is burgeoning technology for conducting aerial photography ranging from recreational purposes to engineering works. Due to its physical design, a mounted camera onto the UAV body is afflicted by engine and other vibrations during flight data acquisitions. In such condition, it is impossible to maintain the camera optical axis truly vertical while it is directed downward to the ground. Unavoidable aircraft tilts causes captured images to be exposed with the camera axis tilted slightly from vertical. In survey and mapping activity when vertical images are intended, the amount by which the optical axis deviates from vertical of more than 3 degrees is not met the work specification. Truly vertical images are necessary for producing high quality map from aerial images. This paper offers robust solution to rectify tilted images to generate equivalent truly vertical ones. We use exterior orientation parameters of the tilted images to perform double steps of transformation while resampling grid tessellations of the vertical images. To visualize the result, the transformation processes are coded by C++ programing language. The program results show a feasibility of our approach.


[ABS-11] Photogrammetric Stereo Image Rectification

M E Tjahjadi1 and F Handoko2

National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang


Today, off-the-shelf digital cameras are hand on tools for conducting visual inspections in surveying and mapping related activities or in structural inspection of industrial objects. Dense point clouds of the inspected object surface are of typical data required and their accuracies are also become more demanding. Deriving these data are off particular interest of this paper instead we work on overlapping images for generating those ones. An imaging geometry of stereo images is exploited further to reveal some drawbacks of the normalized stereo imaging configurations. We utilize a photogrammetric collinearity condition to model physical reality of the imaging process. A sequence of coordinate axes rotations on both images is rearranged as well as preserving normalized images resolutions to be equal to the source ones. Also based upon the prescribed resolutions, an efficient indirect resample is performed to interpolate grey values of the warped images. To ascertain reliability of the mathematically developed method, C++ programming codes were written and implemented in the solution. It reveals that a nuisance such as y-parallax is completely eliminated. Therefore, by using our method, the normalized images can be used in the dense point clouds production in a high quality and efficiency.


[ABS-12] Increasing Maintenance Service Time Efficiency using Production and Operations Management (POM-QM)

Ellysa Nursanti, Indrawaty Y. Marit, Sibut, Diva O. Shafitri

National Institut of Technology ITN Malang, State University of Malang, Indonesia


A number of studies have shown that lack of service server capacity may cause queuing problem. In fact, there are other factors cause queues, i.e. the speed of mechanical work. The low speed of mechanical work decreases customer loyalty level. This study aims to accelerate maintenance service time. Maintenance scheduling has done by calculating the dependency logic of each maintenance activity. In Critical Path Method (CPM), scheduling has done by determining the list of activities and duration of each, identifying previous activities, determining the sequence of activities and describing them in network form, entering each data into the Production and Operations Management (POM-QM) program, then identifying whether the activity is on a critical path or not. Maintenance activities in this research are classified into 3 i.e. 1) Carburettor and CVT light service packages, 2) injection and CVT light service packages, and 3) Oil and spare parts replacement. After processing the data, a comparison was made between before and after improvement. The result shows that CPM speed up maintenance service times. The acceleration efficiency of carburettor and CVT light service packages is 49.23%, injection and CVT light service packages are 49.23 %, and oil spare parts replacement are 13.63 %.


[ABS-13] The adoption of information technology as decision support system in SMEs

Irma Tyasari, Endi Sarwoko, Iva Nurdiana Nurfarida

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


The purpose of the study is to develop the information systems (IS) for SMEs as well as to investigate the factors that influence the decision of SMEs to adopt information technology (IT). Using a development research approach, it focuses on developing the Web-based Decision Support System (DSS) IT on SMEs, with the Waterfall model’s implementation. Structured interview (by phone) was conducted with 120 BCEs, and the results were tested using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. It shows that the implementation of the Web-based DSS for SMEs provides benefits for them as a database for management decision-making tools. In addition, it is also beneficial to the Indonesian policy makers in regards to the empowerment of SMEs. The findings of the study confirm the Technological, Organizational and Environmental (TOE) framework, that the decision to adopt IT by SMEs in Indonesia are influenced by technological factors including consideration of benefits, compatibility, and costs; organizational factors include the readiness of companies to adopt technologies including technological infrastructure readiness, relevant systems, and technical skills; environmental factors include customer/supplier pressures and competitor pressures. The findings also show that different sector of SMEs (manufacturing and service sectors) has different considerations in deciding the implementation of IT. The SMEs in the manufacturing sector adopt IT due to consideration of benefits, compatibility, and investment costs (technology factors), while those in service sector adopt IT due to environmental factors, particularly in customer pressure for sales services.


[ABS-14] E-Counselling Application to Overcome Isolated Students Using the Backward Chaining Method

Alexius Endy Budianto, Mohd Fairuz Iskandar Bin Othman, Yahaya Bin Abd. Rahim, Moh Ahsan, Wiji Setiyaningsih

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Malaka


Counseling services are not only carried out face-to-face in a closed room, but can be done via a remote format via Android in the form of an “E-Counseling” application which can be interpreted as the process of organizing counseling electronically. Guidance and counseling services are alternative efforts that will be made by counselors in an effort to overcome isolated students. One of the causes of student alienation is a lack of social interest and a lack of students' ability to adapt to their environment. Thus resulting in alienation of students from classmate interactions. The application of E-Counseling in the use of guidance and counseling services is expected to help overcome the isolated behavior of students in interacting. By using the Backward Chaining method which can help isolated students to recognize and accept themselves, recognize and accept their environment positively and dynamically, and make decisions to direct and manifest themselves effectively and productively. The conclusion is that the existence of the E-Counseling application can overcome the problem of isolated student behavior in their interactions along with the increasing social interest of students by increasing the number of friends they have and no longer being shunned or kept away from their environment.


[ABS-15] MDLC Model For Developing Multimedia E- Learning on Energy Concept For Primary School Students

Farida Nur Kumala1, Anik Ghufron2, Pratiwi Puji Astuti2, Mega Crismonika3, Muhammad Nur Hudha1

1Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, 2 Universitas Negeri , 3Jatiguwi 02 Elementary School


This study aims to develop multimedia material at the elementary school level using the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) model. Multimedia being developed are learning modules and videos. MDLC consists of methods consisting of concept, design, collection of materials, assembly, testing, and distribution. In developing multimedia using MDLC is based on a flowchart system and a learning video story board. The results showed that the multimedia developed was in accordance with the MDLC steps. Based on the results of alpha and beta tests, it shows that the e-learning multimedia developed is feasible and practical for use by elementary school students. Multimedia that is developed uses a variety of learning sources that can enrich student knowledge and more interactive.



Hani Dewi Ariessanti 1,2,a,b, Ford lumban Gaol 1c, Suhono Harso Supangkat 1d, Benny Ranti 1e 1 Computer Science Departement, BINUS Graduate Program, Doctor of Computer Science. Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 2 Computer Science Departement, , Jakarta, Indonesia 11510 3 Computer Science Departement, Indonesia University, Jakarta, Indonesia 16424


This study defines the problem of how understanding health protocols during a pandemic is correctly conveyed according to age levels. This problem for the Government to implement gamification by modifying game media through snake and ladder game that can socialize health protocols for pre-school. Measuring the acceptance of a snake and ladder game media can be considered as a learning medium from the Government which will refer to four components (game content, ease of play, appearance, and active player involvement). The purpose of this study was to modify online-based games as a learning media and to measure children's active interaction with parents in practicing health protocols during game play. This study will use a quantitative approach with data techniques through playing together experiments and filling in online research questionnaires from 115 samples as participants (7 Kindergartens). The results show that the snake and ladder digital game can have a significant effect on changes behavior in implementing health protocols. This research can provide a contribution that can be used as a reference for the Government to design a strategy for socialization through gamification, so that it needs government efforts to play a role (state: The government should play!).

Keywords: Children Behavior, Gamification, Health Protocol Education, Online Game Based, Snake And Ladders;


[ABS-17] Analysis of Transaction Patterns at Drug Store with Apriori Algorithm Haryo Kusumo1, Dian Marlina2, Mega Novita3, Muchamad Taufiq Anwar4 1Department of Informatics Management, Stekom University, 2Faculty of Pharmacy, Setia Budi University, 3Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, PGRI University Semarang, 4Faculty of Information Technology, Stikubank University,


Data mining is a method for finding hidden data from big data which has been continuously applied in various fields such as marketing, education, bioinformatics and so on. Drug store is one of the business sectors that might take the advantage of the data mining. In the drug store, there is a sales transaction data which contains a big number of data. However, there is a limited number of analysis based on this sales transaction data. There are several information that can be obtained from this big data; one of them is the combination of items that consumers often buy. Apriori Algorithm is a data mining method that has been widely used in order to determine the combinations of frequently purchased products. By using the Apriori Algorithm in the sales transaction data of the drug store.


[ABS-18] The Effect of Deproteinization Temperature on Chitosan Extraction for Iron Metal Ions Adsorption: Case Study in Bangka Post Tin Mining Water

Herman Aldila1,a ,Verry Andre Fabiani 2, & Desy Yuliana Dalimunthe3 1Department of Physics, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia 2Department of Chemistry, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia 3Department of Mathematics, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the effect of deproteination temperature on the chitosan adsorption for iron metal ions in Bangka post tin mining water. Extraction of chitosan was carried out in four steps: deproteinization, demineralization, decolorization and deacetylation of chitin. The effect of deproteinization temperature and NaOH concentration on deacetylation process was studied. The results shown that the increase of deproteinization from 30oC to 90oC causes the decrease of chitosan deacetylation degree (DD): 65.72%; 64.31% and 63.75% respectively. The increase of deproteinization temperature triggers excess depolymerization which damages the chitin structure so that it has a negative effect on the chitosan DD. The metal content of Fe in this study reached 6.1 ppm. Adsorption of chitosan on Fe metal ions reduced the dissolved levels reaching an average of 99.67% from the initial content. The content of the hydroxyl group in chitosan causes the forming reaction of hydroxide compounds from dissolved iron metal ions. The iron hydroxide compound will separately form and form a precipitate. The greater the deacetylation degree value lead increase of hydroxyl group content and causing the increase of iron metal ions adsorption.

Keywords: Chitosan, Adsorption, deproteinization, post tin mining water.



H.N. Hanifah1 , G. Hadisoebroto2 , L. Dewi3

Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Al-Ghifari University, Cisaranten Kulon Street, Bandung, Indonesia


Indonesia is a country known for its useful natural resources, especially for a health maintenance and treatment of diseases. Some of the plants that can be used as traditional medicine are Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa korth) and Senggani (Melastoma malabathrium L.). Kratom plants contain alkaloid compounds, flavonoids, tannins, phenols and triterpenoids, while Senggani flowers contain saponins and tannins. Phenolic that spread throughout the plant can be used as a natural antioxidants. Flavonoids, that are included in phenolic compounds group, functioned as free radical scavengers, inhibitors of hydrolysis and oxidative enzymes, and anti-inflammatory. Tannins are reported to have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, allergy and anti-cancer activities. The purpose of this research was to determine the total phenolic content, total flavonoids content, and total tannins content in the ethanol extract of kratom stems and flowers using the UV-Vis spectrophotometric method. The comparator used in determining the phenolic content was gallic acid, for the flavonoid content was quercetin, and for the tannin content was tannic acid. The results of this study showed that the total phenolic content in the kratom stem extract was 23.59 mg/gram of extract, while in the senggani flower was 43.97 mg/gram of extract. The total flavonoid content in the kratom stem extract was 10.65 mg/gram of extract, while the senggani flower was 11.26 mg/gram of extract. Lastly, the total tannin content in the kratom stem extract was 17.99 mg/gram of extract, while in the senggani flower it was 13.74 mg/g extract. According to the results, the phenolic and flavonoid levels of senggani flower extract were greater than that of kratom stems, while the tannin levels of kratom stem extract were greater than that of senggani flowers.


[ABS-20] Autonomous Car Using CNN Deep Learning Algorithm Ilvico Sonata1,a), Yaya Heryadi1,b), Lukas1,c), Antoni Wibowo1,d) 1) Computer Science Department, BINUS Graduate Program – Doctor of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia 11480


Autonomous cars have become an interesting discussion in recent years. Several major automotive industries such as Tesla, GM and Nissan are trying to become pioneers in autonomous car technology. Giant technology companies such as Google Waymo, Baidu and Aptiv also developing autonomous car technology. Several technological approaches are carried out in implementing autonomous cars for recognizing surrounding situations, such as radar, lidar, sonar, GPS, and odometry. An automatic control system is used to control navigation based on the data obtained from these sensors. This paper will discuss the use of CNN deep learning algorithm for recognizing the surrounding environment in creating the automatic navigation required by autonomous cars. The system designed will create and learn the data set that will be taken in advance and the learning outcomes will be implemented in an open simulation system. This simulation shows high accuracy in learning to navigate the autonomous car by observing the surrounding environment.


[ABS-21] Constructing indicators for quality assessment on sorting of used products in remanufacturing system

Mohamad Imron Mustajib1,2, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono3, Nani Kurniati4 1 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 2 Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura


Recently, a considerable literature has grown up around the theme of remanufacturing. In the past decade has seen the rapid of remanufacturing practices in many heavy equipment companies. A key aspect of remanufacturing is core acquisition management, one of which is the main problem is the uncertainty of the quality of incoming cores. Sorting and quality classification plays an important role in the operational level of remanufacturing systems to handle the variability condition of incoming cores. The purpose of this study is to extend an existing approach to classify/sort the incoming core quality into predefined classes by using quality indicators in decision making. Firstly, the set of criteria for quality of the used product were presented. Secondly, the index system was proposed to determine the level of criteria for quality assessment of incoming core. Overall, eleven indicators were proposed based on technological, physical and usage conditions to assess quality of incoming core for case study in a heavy equipment remanufacturing company


[ABS-22] Visualization Of Polygon Topology In R2 By Dividing The Outer Plane Of The Polygon

Indah Rahayu Panglipur1, Eric Dwi Putra1, Dwi Noviani Sulisawati1

1IKIP PGRI Jember, Jember 68121 Indonesia


Geometry topology is one of the three main branches of topology. In geometric topology, it is very interesting to develop especially related to the visualization of similar polygons to show the existence of each topology in a two-dimensional plane (R2). The aim to be achieved is to evaluate the conceptual application through the application of the development of the theory in the form of variations in the visual result in the form of polygon duplication images that are similar with the aided triangle and rectangle. The method chosen in this study is evaluation research by looking for the results of the given concept evaluation with indicators of the success of the evaluation activity in the form of a visual illustration of a polygon where the number of duplications can be determined and the R2 field. The instrument used is a validated assessment sheet. The validity test result is 2.68 so it is included in the valid category. The visualization of polygon topology on R2 can determine the number of polygons produced by dividing the number of corner points (n) into 2 parts, namely even and odd. The phenomenon of the research result shows that the odd and even n shows an arithmetic sequence. With this division, the formula for the total polygon topology ∑ 푃푛 is obtained using the formula for (Un) in the arithmetic sequence.


[ABS-23] Eksperimental review of a travelling-wave thermoacoustic system device

Indah Kharismawati1, Wahyu Nur Achmadin1, M Maulana Trianggono1

1IKIP PGRI Jember, Jember 68121 Indonesia

Abstract The thermoacoustic travelling wave device system has been designed and we have tested, this thermoacoustic device consists of loud-speakers as a sound wave source with a capacity of 120W, branched-tubes resonator, and loop-tube resonator that have a regenerator with a length of 8 cm placed inside loop-tube. Regenerator is made of acrylic material which has a size of 1 mm and the distance between pores and other pores also has a distance of 1 mm. The performance of the thermoacoustic travelling wave device is observed from the temperature changes it has and is reflected in how much changes in cold reservoir temperature and hot reservoirs it can achieve. The results of the experiments obtained will be analyzed in the form of temperature charts showing temperatures in hot reservoir and cold reservoir as a function of time. The temperature difference between the two sides of the regenerator reaches 26.3oC with details of the o temperature rise of the heat side of the regenerator (Th) up to ΔTh = 13,4 C and the o temperature drop of the cold side of the regenerator (Tc) down to ΔTc = 12,9 C.


[ABS-24] The Application of Supply Chain Performance Measurement in CV X Using Balanced Score Card I D Febryanto1 , A P Aji1 , D R Senna1 , A Faisal 1Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya, Indonesia


CV. Mulya Jaya Abadi is a company engaged in the marketing of soap products, detergents, cosmetic products. The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of the company CV. Mulya Jaya Abadi by using a balanced scorecard. The results of research on the performance of a company have been carried out well from the four balanced scorecard perspectives, namely: (1) Financial perspective, the company's net profit margin from 2017 to 2018 has increased 0.2%, the operating profit margin is seen as a positive percentage of the year. 2017 to 2018. The company experienced an increase of 0.48%, ROI (Return On Investment) that from 2017 to 2018 experienced an increase that was not too large. (2) Customer perspective, the percentage of customer acquisition experienced an increase from 2017 to 2018 with a 3% increase in percentage and a 4% increase in customer retention. (3) Internal business and process perspectives, in the past 2 years there has been a decline in innovation from 2 innovations to 1 innovation, (4) Learning and growth perspective, this increased employee retention rate it was noted that in 2017 the number of employees who left were 50 people, while in 2018 there were 30 people.


[ABS-25] Comprehensive study of SIR: leading SUT repository for software testing Joe Lian Min1, N Rajabi2 Departement of Computer Engineering and Informatic, Politeknik Negeri Bandung


Software testing is performed by executing test cases against the Software Under Test (SUT). For researchers, it is slightly challenging to find real case SUT. As an alternative, many researchers use the existing SUTs from a repository, usually supplied with some test cases and several error-faulted programs. Software-artifact Infrastructure Repository (SIR) is a repository that provides a reasonably comprehensive SUTs. SIRs SUTs had been used by over 50% of software testing literature. However, it is still rare among researchers to conduct profound studies of SIRs SUTs. This paper explains a comprehensive survey of the SIR repository covering the characteristics of SUTs, technical usage, and tools for automation testing. Each of SUT is examined, investigated, and recorded its features covering the size of SUT, lines of code (LOC), number of test cases, as well as the number, position, and types of faults. SIR's automation testing tools and comparison tools were utilized to help interpret the SUTs characteristics. The results are presented in tables also categorized based on the factors of each SUT. These results can be used to consider further researchers in selecting the SUT by matching the technique being developed and the SUT characteristics.


[ABS-26] Discrete Numerical Solution for Modelling of Phytoplankton Growth R N I Dinnullah1, T Fayeldi1 1Mathematics Department, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia


Phytoplankton growth model has been observed extensively to track the movement of elements through aquatic food webs and ecological processes.The dynamic behavior of phytoplankton growth can be modeled with a simplified model. In this paper, we transform a phytoplankton growth model by using a finite difference Euler method to find its discrete- time solution. The obtained disCrete-time model is then analyzed. We focused on the existence and stability of the fixed-points. We break into two cases and conclude that all of them is dynamically consistent with its continous model only for relatively small-step size. We present some numerical simulation to illustrate those cases.


[ABS-27] Digitization Of Takepan Sasak Manuscipt Based on the OPF Flipbook

L M Samsu11st, Muhammad Saiful2rd, Imam Fathurrahman3rd, Hariman Bahtiar4rd aFaculty of Engineering, Hamzanwadi University

Professor M Yamin No.35, Pancor, Selong, Kabupaten Timur


In today's digital era, the electronic book or e-book is an innovation that can be used by the public One of the e-books, namely the Flipbook, is a 3-dimensional digital book that has an animated appearance like a book by combining elements of text, images, videos so that it is interesting ([7]–[9]). Research [10] shows that the use of flipbooks is feasible and very practical.. Another research [11] stated that the digital book design based on kvisoft flipbook is very good and keeps the book from being damaged. Therefore, the research [12] concluded that the media using flipbooks is one of the smart solutions and alternatives in today's digital era. The Sasak Takepan Manuscript is one of the local wisdom in Lombok Island. However, the takepan is made from dry palm leaves which is very easily damaged because over time the quality decreases so that it cannot be read [5]. Flipbooks are an alternative that can preserve local culture, especially the Takepan Sasak manuscript because it can be accessed digitally and studied by the wider community.

Keywords— Takepan Sasak, Digitalization, OPF Flipbook, e-book


[ABS-28] The Subjective Method Application to Mitigate the Construction Workers Accident M Wijayaningtyas1, N V Trifizi1, T H Nainggolan1, L A Ratna Winanda1, F Handoko2, and K Lukiyanto3 1Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Malang, Indonesia 2Industry Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Malang, Indonesia 3Entrepreneurship Department, BINUS Business School Undergraduate Program, Bina Nusantara University, Malang Campus, Indonesia


Quality, cost, and time are the primary targets of construction projects; the working- environment applying occupational safety and health is also crucial. An employer can implement occupational safety and health (OHS) by providing rules and appeals to minimize workplace accidents. Several studies found that workers' stress and fatigue caused workplace accidents. Therefore, this study aimed at identifying workers' fatigue based on subjective measurements using survey; the researchers distributed questionnaires to 30 workers multi-storey building construction projects. The analysis results revealed that workers' fatigue reached a total score of 76, which was categorized in level 3 and classified as high fatigue. The study concluded that corrective action in implementing occupational health and safety was imperative. In addition, employers need to use work-methods that can minimize workers' fatigue in construction projects. Identifying fatigue is expected to minimize work accidents in constructing multi-storey buildings.


[ABS-29] Rapid Identification of Urban Green Space Using Planetscope Satellite Image and Artificial Intelligence

M A S Adhiwibawa1 and T H P Brotosudarmo1

1Ma Chung Research Center For Photosynthetic Pigments, Universitas Ma Chung, Kabupaten Malang, 65151, Indonesia.


Urban green open space is areas in a city or town filled with vegetation to support socio- ecological functions. These areas have increasingly threatened as a result of being converted to urban infrastructures. As an important feature of city infrastructure, urban green space should be monitored according to the spatial plan of the city area. However, the space that has been assigned to the urban green space is not match for its current use. One of the problems that caused urban green space usage mismatch is difficulties in identifying the urban green space changes. Planetscope satellite imagery is a high resolution satellite image that can be used to identify open green spaces in urban areas. In this research we used artificial intelligence method to develop a pixel classification process for accurate and efficient identification of the green open space. The results showed that Planetscope satellite imagery and artificial intelligence methods had 99% accuracy in monitoring green open spaces. The use of this technology can assist in early detection of green open space changes effectively and efficiently.


[ABS-30] SPOK-ID: A Deep Learning Model to Identify the Sentence Structure of Indonesian Language Radian Satria Panigas, Yohanes Sigit Purnomo WP* and Albertus Joko Santoso

Informatics Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta,


Natural Language Processing (NLP) research has overgrown over the last few years. The previous NLP works mainly on high-resource languages such as English, French, Spanish, and Chinese. This research tried to construct an NLP model with a specific task of identifying the sentence structure of the Indonesian languages. All models use the sequence-labelling system used for several high-resource language tasks. The experiments show that: (1) several models that achieve a good result on high-resource language tasks can be used to classify the phrase structure of the Indonesian language, (2) the best 75-cell Bidirectional Long Short-term Memory (BiLSTM) model achieves 81.42% of the F1 score.


[ABS-31] Clove Leaf Ethanol Extract (Syzygium aromaticum L. Merr. And Perr) is formulated as Antiseptic Liquid Soap.

S.Maryam1 , K. Hartono2 , I. E. Widiyawati3

Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Al-Ghifari University,


Secondary metabolite compound are compound that have medicinal properties, cosmetics, dyes, fragrances. Secondary metabolite compound can be modified into one form of pharmaceutical dosage, namely cosmetic products. One of the cosmetic products is liquid soap preparation. Soap that can kill bacteria is known as antiseptic soap. Clove leaves (Syzygium aromaticum L. Merr. And Perr) contain eugenol compounds which have antiseptic properties. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the ethanol extract of clove leaves as an antiseptic liquid soap preparation. The formulation of clove leaf extract with concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15% with HPMC concentrations of 1 gr, 2 gr and 3 gr. The liquid soap formulation of clove leaf ethanol extract was tested for organoleptic, pH, specific gravity, high foam and viscosity. The results of testing the quality of all liquid soap formulations meet the requirements according to the standards set by SNI. Based on the evaluation of this liquid soap preparation, the ethanol extraction preparation can be formulated into liquid soap preparations. After being tested for its antibacterial activity, Sedian Liquid Soap from Ethanol Extract of Clove Leaves has effectiveness as an antiseptic.

Keywords: Clove Leaves, Ethanol Extract, Antiseptic Soap, Formulation


[ABS-32] The Development of Thematic Modules Based on Strengthening Character Education (PPK) and Quick Response (QR) Code

Sri Rahayu*, Ericca Dia Pratiwi Andayani, Denna Delawanti Chrisyarani, Iskandar Ladamay

Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


Less attractive and effective learning modules in thematic learning and less reinforcement in character education make students bored and do not really implement strengthening character education in the school environment and society. Therefore, alternative teaching materials are needed in thematic learning and strengthening student character education. The purpose of this research is to develop thematic modules based on PPK and QR code. This study applied the Bog & Gall development research model. The data analysis technique used was quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The research instruments used were observation, questionnaires and documentation. The results of research on the development of thematic modules based on PPK and QR Code, it is known that the results of the analysis of media experts obtained a score of 92.86 percent with a very valid category, material experts obtained a score of 88.64 percent in the very valid category, linguists obtained a score of 75 percent with a fairly valid category, the response of educators obtained a score of 89.92 percent in the very practical category, the response of students obtained a score of 87.78 percent in the practical category. Based on the results of the explanation above, the thematic module based on PPK and QR Code can be used as a supplementary teaching material for the thematic book to make it easier for students to acquire the lesson content and apply characters education in schools and communities.



Endang Surjati, Bagus Setiabudi Wiwoho

Postgraduate Program, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Geography Departement, State University of Malang,


At present, spatial analysis have been used on epidemiology. Spatial analysis was used to determine the environmental risk that influence to transmission of Filariasis. The aim of the study was to identify, at industrial area, the environment determinant that are associated with Filariasis cases in Pekalongan City. The geocoding method was applied on the prevalence of cases to determine the pattern of spatial. Spatial autocorrelation was used to determine the effect of the environment on filariasis transmission. The kernel method was used to determine the density of filariasis cases. Based on the spatial analysis, the statistical values associated with the correlation between the risk of filariasis transmission and environmental factors were obtained. The correlation value of the influence of the environment on the transmission of Filariasis was statistically significant, this coefficient is 0.312. The value of R indicates that the spatial pattern of filariasis cases forms a cluster pattern. The Moran's index calculation obtained a positive spatial autocorrelation value of 0.44 with z-score is 16.05 and P-value is 0.00. Spatial autocorrelation was useful to determining the level of risk transmission of filariasis in Pekalongan City which may help to adopt effective control stategies in filariasis eradication programs in Pekalongan City.

Keywords: Transmission of Lymphatic Filariasis, Spatial Autocorrelation, Moran's Index, Kernel Density


[ABS-34] Game-Based Learning for the Mastery of HOTS in Prospective Physics Teachers in Digital Electronics Courses D. Dewantara, M. Misbah, S. Haryandi, S. Mahtari Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat1


This study aims to describe the mastery of HOTS of prospective physics teachers in digital electronics courses after implementing game-based learning. The type of research utilised is a quantitative descriptive study. The number of research subjects consisted of 50 students. Data were collected using a test of learning outcomes about digital circuits in the cognitive domains, C4 and C5. The data were analyzed to categorize the students' high-level thinking skills, namely very good, good, quite good, poor, and very poor. The data processed were displayed in the form of plots, diagrams and graphs. The data were also equipped with a student response questionnaire about the application of game-based learning. The results of the analysis showed that 46% of the HOTS in students were categorized in “good” category. Additionally, 28% of the HOTS in students belonged in “very good” category. Meanwhile, a small proportion of others were categorised as “quite good” and the remaining were included in the category of “less good”. The HOTS of prospective physics teachers, on the other hand, was already sufficient with an average of 70.25. Student responses were deemed in the “good” category with an average of 4.52. Therefore, it can be concluded that the mastery of HOTS in prospective physics teachers in digital electronics courses after implementing game-based learning is categorized as high. Thus, it is concluded that the mastery of HOTS in prospective physics teacher candidates in digital electronics courses can be further enhanced and trained by applying game-based learning.



1Syahminan. 2 Candra Wahyu Hidayat Kanjuruhan University Malang


Proteus professional is a group of electronic software used to assist designers in designing and simulating a circuit electronic. This software has two functions at the same time in one package, one package as a software for drawing automatic schematics and can be simulated which is named ISIS. The second package is used to design the Printed Circuits Board (PCB) image which is named ARES. Directly, the conversion from schematic to PCB can be done in this Professional Proteus software. Prof. ISIS Prooteus has always friendly versions, starting from version 7.0 to 8. each version increase with the addition of library components that can be taken and used in drawing or designing. As an electronic frame designer, he first used ISIS as a medium that made it easier to play and simulate. The large number of libraries of the Proteus Professional ISIS onal ISIS software is said to be a complete simulation software, namely from active components, Analog, Trasistor, SCR, FET, types of buttons, types of switches / relays, digital ICs, amplifier ICs, programmable ICs ( microcontroller) and IC memory. Apart from being supported by complete components, it is also supported by the completeness of measuring instruments such as voltmeters, ampere meters, oscilloscopes, signal analyzers, and frequency generators. The completeness of the features provided makes Proteus Professional ISIS into an electronic simulation software Emulator writer is a service text media for writing programs, especially using digital number codes and can be collaborated with proteus, which is a window form media designed by the author to make it easier for beginners who want to learn about microcontroller programming, can be used to write programming / coding with code Binary and Hexa numbers are made in Indonesian with the aim that beginners who are just starting to learn about digital-based programming if there are errors in writing, instructions, or writing procedures, it will be shown in an Indonesian warning

Keywords: digital simulation with software


[ABS-36] Multivariate Weather Anomaly Detection Using DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm Setyawan Wibisono, Muchamad Taufiq Anwar, Aji Supriyanto, Imam Husni Al Amin Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Stikubank

Abstract Weather is highly influential for human life. Weather anomalies describe conditions that are out of the ordinary and need special attention because they can affect various aspects of human life both socially and economically and also can cause natural disasters. Anomaly detection aims to get rid of unwanted data (noise, erroneous data, or unwanted data) or to study the anomaly phenomenon itself (unusual but interesting). In the absence of an anomaly-labeled dataset, an unsupervised Machine Learning approach can be utilized to detect or label the anomalous data. This research uses the Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) algorithm to separate between normal and anomalous weather data by considering multiple weather variables. Then, PCA is used to visualize the clusters. The experimental result had demonstrated that DBSCAN is capable of identifying peculiar data points that are deviating from the ‘normal’ data distribution.


[ABS-37] Rainfall Prediction Using Extreme Gradient Boosting Muchamad Taufiq Anwar1, Edy Winarno1, Wiwien Hadikurniawati1, Mega Novita2 1Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Stikubank 2Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Universitas PGRI Semarang


Rainfall greatly affects human life in various sectors including agriculture, transportation, etc. and also can affect natural disasters such as drought, floods, and landslides. This situation prompts us to build an accurate rainfall prediction model so that prescriptive measures can be made. Previous research on rainfall prediction uses models that have their limitations and thus produce poor performance. This study aims to build a multivariate rainfall prediction model using the best performing technique to date namely the Extreme Gradient Boosting. This model is built based on 7 years of historical weather data collected by the weather station. The result had demonstrated that the model is capable of producing accurate predictions for daily rainfall estimates with training RMSE of 2.7 mm and the testing MAE of 8.8 mm.

Keywords: rainfall prediction, extreme gradient boosting


[ABS-38] ServQual and WebQual 4.0 for Usability Check Academic Information System of Private University T Rahmat, E Nuryani, D Siswanto1,2,3, G Undang4 1,2,3Departement of Management, Faculty of Economics, Al-Ghifari University, 4Science Administration Program, Universitas Pembina Masyarakat Indonesia,


This study aims to determine the level, correlation, and influence of the usability of academic information system services using the ServQual and WebQual 4.0 methods. The ServQual method is measured by the TERRA dimension consisting of tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. WebQual 4.0 is measured by usability, information quality, service interaction quality. The research method used is qualitative- qualitative and data collection through a survey verification consisting of 20 statements. The questionnaire statement uses a Likert scale with 100 student respondents as the main users. The sampling technique uses a simple random sampling technique. Then, the data analysis in this study uses path analysis. The results showed that ServQual was at an average score of 2.60, WebQual 4.0 was at an average score of 2.59, and the average score for the User Satisfaction variable was at 2.66. that is, based on the students' perceptions (users) of the reusability of the academic information system, it is in the category of good enough assessment, so there needs to be an increase. Academic information system improvement will have a major effect on User Satisfaction. This is by the results of the verification analysis which shows that ServQual (X1) and WebQual 4.0 (X2) have a positive effect simultaneously on User Satisfaction (Y), with a total effect of 0.688 or 68.8%. External influence of 0.312 or 31.2%. combining the ServQual and WebQual 4.0 methods in assessing the reusability of academic information systems will certainly get a more comprehensive picture. Both from the perspective of the service and the availability of information.

Keywords: Servqual, Werbqual 4.0, User Satisfaction, Usability, Academic Information System


[ABS-39] Covid-19 sir model with nonlinear incidence rate Trija Fayeldi1, Riski Nur Istiqomah Dinnullah2 1,2Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


Covid-19 is part of worldwide pandemic since early 2020. Various mathematical models have been proposed to understand the behaviour of the disease, but most of them were failed to predict the biological phenomenon of this infectious diseases since they use incorrect assumptions due to early stage symptoms. The aim of this paper is to develop a covid-19 mathematical model with nonlinear incidence rate. We use some logical assumption to develop the model. We discretize the model by using Euler method. We use literature review in our research methodology. Then, we simulate the model by using computer software. We found that this model has two equilibrium points, namely disease free equilibrium point and endemic equilibrium point. The stability of the model is changed by increament or decreament of the step-size. If the step-size of the model is large enough, then it lead numerical solution to blown up. Finally, we also found that this model is fair enough to simulate the pandemic in our case. Also, we found some interesting phenomenon from our simulation that is the effect of government policies or social distancing. Further work is needed to analyze the stability of the model and the effect of delay.



Tumiantoa*, Muhammad Al'hapis a, Azmi Hassanb, aFauzan Rahmana

a Manufacturing Section, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Spanish Institute Kulim Hi- Tech.

b Electrical, Electronics & Automation Section, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Spanish Institute Kulim Hi-Tech Park,


This paper presents an effect FCAW technique to repair 100T Mining truck, in process repair frame. FCAW is a welding process that uses a heat source that comes from electrical energy that is converted into a heat source in an electric arc. Author illustrates this method using FMEA for simulated temperature effect time improvement successfully.

Keywords – FMEA, welding, Heat, FCAW, Mining, frame


[ABS-41] Mercury Content of Sardinella lemuru Caught in East Java and Bali Waters

Aida Sartimbul1,2*, Janu Alfiqry Amandani1, Defri Yona1,2, M Arif Zainul Fuad1,2

1Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Brawijaya University, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia 2Marine Resources Exploration and Management (MEXMA) Research Group, Brawijaya University, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia


Sardinella lemuru is a small pelagic fish which is mostly caught in Java and Bali waters. It is important because of its high Omega-3 fatty acid. As pelagic fish that are found in relatively shallow waters and near the coast, it could be contaminated from the land. The purpose of this study is to analyse the mercury content of S. lemuru caught in three fishing ground in East Java (Prigi and Muncar) and Bali (Kedonganan). Fish samples were taken by random sampling and collected from November 2019 to March 2020 and analysed for mercury content using the Cold Rapoun Atomic Fluorescence method using the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) Shimadzu AA-6200. Furthermore, the Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) and Maximum Tolerable Intake (MTI) are calculated. The results showed that mercury concentration in S. lemuru were 0.938 ± 0.45 mg / kg and 0.58 ± 0.65 mg / kg for Kedonganan and Prigi, respectively. While, there is undetected mercury for Muncar fish samples. The mercury concentration identified are above the Indonesia standards (SNI and BPOM = 0.5mg / kg). Moreover, the EDI value was higher than Provisional Tolerable Daily Intake -WHO. The mean value of MTI is 0.121 mg / week. If fish contaminated mercury was consumed in one week exceeds the MTI value, the heavy metal could affect the human health.

Keywords : Sardinella lemuru, mercury, East Java, Bali, EDI, MTI


[ABS-42] Distance and displacement concept: Comprehension shifting of students on learning process

A Jufriadi1,2*, Sunaryono2, S Kusairi2, Sutopo2

1 Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi No 48, Malang 65148, Indonesia 2 Physics Education Program Study, Physics Department, State University of Malang, Malang 65148, Indonesia


This study aims to investigate comprehension shifting students of distance and displacement concept on learning process. A mixed methods approach using embedded experiments has been used to analyze the comprehension shifting of students. Quantitative and qualitative data obtained from responses to multiple-choice conceptual questions and the reasons put forward during the discussion in the learning process. The results of the analysis have shown that initially all students were not able to distinguish distances and displacements correctly. After the initial verbal discussion, about 10% of students were able to correctly distinguish distance and displacement. The discussion was continued with lecturer intervention by asking students to visualize the problem through pictures or graphics, so that all students (100%) were able to distinguish distances and displacements correctly. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of changes in student understanding can be used as a basis for educators to design learning strategies for the topics of distance and displacement in particular and kinematics in general.

Keywords: distance, displacement, kinematics, Comprehension shifting


[ABS-43] Design of Gearbox for Vertical Savonius Wind Turbine (TASV) Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Method

A J A Wasesa1*, M N A Mukhtar1, E J Pratama1 1Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya, Indonesia


The development of a wind turbine drive transmission gearbox is carried out to maximize the energy output of the vertical savonius wind turbine (TASV) using the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method to analyze the structure of the materials used. The gearbox gear design is made with a ratio of 1:50 which is expected to increase the rotation output of the vertical savonius wind turbine (TASV). The simulation process is carried out using Solidwork Premium 2016 software to see the Von mises force and stress, Displacement / Deformation, Safety Factor, and torque in the gearbox gear design which are important parts so that the gearbox design process can be formed and simulated correctly. It is hoped that the design is easy to apply and can help increase the rotation output of the vertical savonius wind turbine (TSAV).


[ABS-44] Classification of Diabetes Disease Using Decision Tree Algorithm (C4.5)

Baiq andriska candra permana1, Aris Sudianto2, Hariman Bahtiar3, Ramli Ahmad4, Indra Gunawan5

1,2,5Informatics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, universitas hamzanwadi, Indonesia 3Information Systems Department, Faculty of Engineering, universitas hamzanwadi, Indonesia 4Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, universitas hamzanwadi, Indonesia


Diabetes is one of the most common health problems in the world. Diabetes is also known as "the silent killer" because according to WHO (2016) diabetes increased from 108 million in 1980 to about 422 million adults had diabetes in 2014. If not handled properly, diabetes can become chronic and damage other organs and can cause death. Data mining has carried out various approaches to predict a disease, one of them is the use of c4.5. In this research, produce a decision tree and the result shown that polydhipsia play a role in diabetes with 90.38 % accuracy..

Keyword : Prediction, decision tree,c4.5,diabetes


[ABS-45] Adaptive Reasoning, Mathematical Problem Solving and Cognitive Styles

Aning Wida Yanti, I Ketut Budayasa, Raden Sulaiman

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel, Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This paper examines the relationship between adaptive reasoning, problem solving and cognitive styles. In particular, field independent (FI) and field dependent (FD) cognitive styles. Adaptive reasoning in mathematical problems to legitimacy of problem strategies. Whereas in the cognitive style, it provides opportunities for students to give reasonable arguments according to the tendency of the cognitive style. Mathematical problem solving in the FI and the FD can vary according to students' cognitive styles. Adaptive reasoning, mathematical problems, as well as the cognitive styles of FI and FD all have a strong stylistic relationship where adaptive reasoning will be able to give direction to students in solving math problems and students' problem abilities depend FI, and FD.

Keywords—relationship; adaptive reasoning; problem solving; cognitive styles


[ABS-46] An Empirical Study of Regression Testing Techniques

Ani Rahmani1, Joe Lian Min2 and Asri Maspupah3

1,2,3Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics Bandung State Polytechnic


Regression testing is a testing process for established software and developed ones. Adding features to the software should not cause errors in the previous software version. There are several methods for implementing regression testing. The most straightforward is to do retest-all, but this technique is costly and protracted because it has to execute all test cases in the test suite. This situation is the nature of regression testing research, i.e. determining how to execute only a few test cases to shorten the time, and the faults can be found as much as possible. Recently there are various algorithms for regression testing process. This paper explains an empirical study of several regression testing methods. We use some software under test (SUT), regression program, and automatic testing tools that available as an open-source. The empirical study shows that each technique has a specific characteristic, and also has effectiveness significantly to reduce execution time testing process.


[ABS-47] Development of physics modul based on stem problem based learning on newton’s motion law material for senior high school

Apit Fathurohman1, Esti Susiloningsih2, Anissa Arianti3

1) Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, 2) Primary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University 3) Post Graduate Student of Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University


This research is a development research which aims to produce senior high school physics module based on STEM Problem Based Learning on Newton’s Motion Law Material that is valid and practical. The design of development by using a model of ADDIE that modified with Tessmer’s formative evaluation method. Tessmer's formative evaluation stages in this study include self evaluation, expert review, one-to-one and small groups. Data were collected through interviews, expert testing and questionnaires at the expert review stage using 2 material experts, 2 design experts, and 2 linguists. The one-to-one and small group stages and Field Tests were conducted at SHS Number 1 Banyuasin, South . The results of the expert review stage obtained the final score of material validation 1 (very feasible or very valid), design validation 0.91 (very feasible or very valid) and language validation 0.95 (very feasible or very valid). For the final score of practicality obtained from one-to-one trials 0.74 (moderate or practical) and small groups 0.84 (high or very practical). Based on the results of the evaluation shows that the modules is categorized as valid and practical. It is recommended that this module can be used as an alternative teaching for Newton’s motion law material.


[ABS-48] Comparative Study of Regression Testing Tools Feature on Unit Testing

Asri Maspupah1, Ani Rahmani2, Joe Lian Min3 Departement of Computer Engineering and Informatic, Politeknik Negeri Bandung


Regression testing is one of the essential activities in software development. Regression testing ensures that the software is still working properly and new software modifications do not cause unexpected defects. These modifications can be caused by changes in requirements or repair of defects. Most of the software industry carries out regression testing on the system under test (SUT) by utilizing tools automatically rather than being done manually which requires a long time estimation and ineffective process. Currently, there are many regression testing tools and variations that make software practitioners need additional time and money to analyze the capabilities of the tools. This paper is a comparative study of the capabilities of tools in carrying out the regression testing process in the java programming language. Each tool has experimented with user input data in the form of a SUT program and a test case that has the same characteristics. Furthermore, the tool's performance is observed based on the feature evaluation criteria. The criteria used are support platform and technology, test case selection, and functionality. The results show how the tool's performance in conducting regression testing so that it can help users to choose regression testing tools that suit their needs.


[ABS-49] The Ability of Nitrogen Atomic Absorption in The Formation of Iron Nitride on Flake Structure and Nodule in Cast Iron

Wayan Sujana1, Komang Astana Widi1, Teguh Rahardjo1, Tutut Nani Prihatmi1

1) Mechanical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology of Malang Jln. Karanglo Km 2, Malang, Indonesia


The nitriding process can be effectively applied to steel with alloying elements. The higher the alloying element in the steel maximizes the mechanical properties, including hardness. However, the raw material can be costly, therefore using cheap materials (without alloys) is a challenge in increasing surface hardness through iron nitride formation. Furthermore Grey and nodular cast iron have different properties and characteristics in the structure. This research focuses on the ability of the cast-iron structure to affect the nitride layer o formation. Gas nitriding was conducted in a fluidized bed reactor with a 550 C in 20 % N2 and 80 % NH3 atmosphere at a flow rate gasses of 0.7 m3/hr process temperature and holding for 2, 4, and 6 hours. Tests are conducted by observing the depth of hardening, SEM, and EDAX. According to the results, the nitriding process increases the surface hardness of cast iron. The highest hardness value is nodular cast iron with a holding time of 6 hours (345 HV) and a hardening depth of up to 20-micron meters. The compounds formed in the nitride layer include FeN, Fe2-3N, Fe4N, and Fe2N. The compound formed is strongly influenced by the treatment time. Furthermore, the comparison of nitriding treatment on gray and nodular cast iron was influenced by the flake and nodule structure. In general, the nodule structure is responsible for maximum hardness. The longer treatment time allows the nitrogen atoms to diffuse more to the surface, while the flake structure limits the absorption of nitrogen atoms into the surface of the cast iron. Characterization of Nodular Cast Iron shows that The hardening depth distribution trend due to the nitriding process in nodular cast iron was not much different from gray cast iron.


[ABS-50] The Relativistic Mass Accretion Rate for Accretion Disk in The Equatorial of Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars

Atsnaita Yasrina1, Nuriwati Widianingrum2, Norma Sidik Risdianto3, Doni Andra4, Nugroho Adi Pramono1, Amiya Fajrina1

1Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, 2Faculty of Mathematics and Natural sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 3Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kanazawa University, Japan 4Departmen of Physics Education, FKIP, Lampung of University,


The accretion process occurs when neutron stars are in binary system. Hypothesis says that accretion reduces the magnetic field in neutron star. The correlation between accretion and decrease in magnetic field is indicated by the magnitude of the magnetic field dynamics and the mass accretion rate. The equation of mass accretion rate for rapidly rotating neutron stars with accretion disk on the equatorial plane has been formulated. The metric used is metric for rapidly rotating neutron stars. From the metric, killing vectors, 4-velocity, angular velocity and Lorentz gamma factor are obtained. The equation of mass accretion rate is derived from these variables and mass conservation equation. The equation of mass accretion rate is affected by radial velocity of accretion flows and distance between matter and center of neutron star. The result obtained is covariant with the equation of mass accretion rate for Kerr black holes.


[ABS-51] Misconceptions of Prospective Mathematics Teacher on Graphing Function

Azhar Syarifuddin1, Anisa Fatwa Sari2

1,2 Department of Mathematics Education, STKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya, Jl. Kebonsari Elveka V, Jambangan, Surabaya


Good learning outcomes supported by a good understanding of concepts. A good understanding of the concept is an understanding that do not contain misconceptions. This study aims to identify the misconceptions of prospective mathematics teacher on graphing function. This research was conducted on 8 undergraduate students. This study used a descriptive research design. Descriptive research is used to analyse conceptual understanding and student misconceptions based on test results using diagnostic test instruments and interview results. The questions used were 5 questions that had been validated by 2 mathematics lecturers with valid results. The results showed that most of the students were still doing plotting without identify of the domain dan characteristics of the function. Some of them were also still stuck with using integers as the reference.


[ABS-52] Identification Students’ Misconception Using Four-Tier Diagnostic Test on Newton Law Subject

C Sundaygara1*, M N Hudha2, L A. R. P. Gusi3, H Y Pratiwi4, H D Ayu5 Physics Education, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia


Misconception is something that causes students fail to understand physics concept intensively. The research aims to identify the students’ misconception on Newton Law concept using four-tier diagnostic test. Method used in the research was descriptive method. Data of students’ misconception was collected using test and interview. The subjects of the research were students of X MIPA 5 in State Senior High 10 Malang in 2019/2020 academic year and they were 32 students. The result of the research shows that the level of students’ misconception of X MIPA 5 in State Senior High 10 Malang is 54% which belongs to medium category. The research found that the misconception which happened to most students was on Newton II Law which is 63%.


[ABS-53] Code-Mixed Sentiment Analysis of Indonesian Language and Javanese Language Using Lexicon Based Approach

Cuk Tho1*, Yaya Heryadi1, Lukas1, Antoni Wibowo1 1 Department of Computer Science, Binus Graduate Program, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia


Nowadays mixing one language with another language either in spoken or written communication has become a common practice for bilingual speakers in daily conversation as well as in social media. English has been commonly mixed with local languages. Getting the sentiment from code-mixed using more than one language can be more challenging compared to sentiment analysis from only one language. Currently, most studies in code- mixed are focusing on English and other country’s national languages. Researches on code-mixed involving local languages are still rare, especially in Indonesia. This research focused on extracting code-mixed sentiment analysis from social media Twitter involving Javanese and Indonesian language. Approaches for this study included Lexicon-based approach by extracting the polarity of sentiment between positive and negative sentiments. VADER and SentiNetWord were used as the method to extract the sentiments. Result shows that VADER performed better than SentiNetWord in positive and neutral sentiments.


[ABS-54] Performance of Cosmos caudatus Chlorophyll Dye on TiO2 Nano Particles Coating in the Manufacture of Dye-Sensitized solar cells (DSSC)

Muh Iman Darmawan1,a), Alpi Zaidah2,b), Alpiana Hidayatulloh3,c), Ika Nurfajri Mentari4,d), Evi Fatmi Utami5,e), Hardani6,f*)

1Universitas Hamzanwadi Selong, NTB, Indonesia 2Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global, NTB, Indonesia 3Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA) , 4,5,6Politeknik Medica Farma Husada Mataram,


Energy derived from fossils is diminishing and cannot be renewed. Therefore many experts are looking for other alternatives to create new renewable energy, and Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) are one of them. This study aims to know the characterization of the electrical properties of dye cosmos caudatus material. The research was conducted at the UNS FMIPA Materials Laboratory. Absorbance test using PC UV Visible Spectrophotometer 1601 and Current and voltage test (I-V) using Keithley. These results show that some natural dyes from natural organic material extraction have an absorbance spectrum range of 300-800 nm, which has the potential as DSSC.

Keywords: Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC). Dye Organic, TiO2, Nanoparticle.


[ABS-55] Utilization of Producing Biogas from Food Waste in Anaerob Biodegester at Thermophilic Temperature

Waris1, Indah Kharismawati1, Mohamad Syaifudin Aswan1 1IKIP PGRI Jember,


The problem of food waste is increasing as food needs increase as a source of human protein. Utilization of waste treatment for tofu industry can be converted into biogas. therefore, biogas conversion can also answer the problem of household food waste treatment. Organic food waste and liquid waste tofu can be used as an organic substrate in anaerob biodegester. Anaerob biodigester system biogas technology with the help of consortium microbes plays a role in producing of biogas manufacturing. The purpose of this study is to find out the producing of biogas from a mixture of food waste and liquid waste tofu in anaerobic biodegester at thermophylic temperature. The manufacture of biogas is carried out for 5 weeks. The observed parameters are COD, BOD, TS, VS, and the resulting volume of biogas. From the observations obtained that, by varying substrate can decrease COD, BOD, TS, while substrate temperature can increase VS. The volume of biogas produced in the mixture of liquid waste tofu 60% and food waste 30% is 22.600 ml. The results showed that the percentage of substrate from the mixture of food waste with liquid waste tofu had an effect on increasing biogas production.


[ABS-56] Physics undergraduate students' perceptions of online learning during the transition period to the new normal era

E Surahman1 and E Sujarwanto*1

1Physics Education, , Tasikmalaya, Indonesia.


The Covid-19 pandemic forced the Indonesian government release learning from home policy. This policy also applies to the Physics Education of Siliwangi University. Undergraduate students need to adapt immediately. This study aims to know undergraduate students' perceptions of online learning during the transition period from face-to-face learning to online learning. Undergraduate students' perceptions of online learning are seen from aspects of the access of technology, the use of technology for learning, online learning readiness, and attitude towards digital technology literacy. The data is collected by online survey method. This research shows that majority of undergraduate students have sufficient facilities for online learning and have positive attitude towards digital technology literacy. Another finding from the study is that the majority of undergraduate students have difficulty accessing the fast internet (83.87%), they like combination of online media learning and offline media learning (90.32%) but they do not like full online learning (98.06 %), and about a half of them feel convenient in finding information and scientific literature by online (52.90%). This research indicate that teacher should support student for learning online such as provide proper learning material and media. This research is expected to be suggestions for better online learning and literacy technology teaching and learning in the new normal era.


[ABS-57] A review of data mining methods in RFM-based customer segmentation

Ernawati*1, S S K Baharin2 and F Kasmin2

1 Department of Informatics, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2 Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Malaysia


Data mining (DM) is the process of extracting knowledge from data. Knowledge from customer behavior segmentation is useful for companies in setting the target market and developing a marketing strategy. Recency Frequency Monetary (RFM) model is the most behavior segmentation used. Many customer-segmentation studies in various application areas use the RFM model that collaborates with DM. With many methods in DM, the selection of appropriate methods can reveal useful hidden patterns in customer segments. This paper aims to analyze DM methods that collaborate with the RFM model and synthesize them to propose a customer segmentation framework. According to the comprehensive review of the literature published in 2015-2020, the most widely used methods are clustering and visualization from seven DM methods analyzed. Due to the increased visualization function and the need for customers' geo-demographic data to be considered in the analysis, this study presents a new framework for using DM techniques with the RFM based segmentation in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment. This framework helps analysts utilize DM techniques to uncover and understand customer characteristics, so companies can set the target market and develop a marketing strategy to increase their competitive advantage. Keywords: customer segmentation, data mining, GIS, RFM.


[ABS-58] Successful approach for delivering new technology through technology transfer program for SMEs in developing economies

F Handoko1*, F E K Rastini2, P Vitasari3, S Hidayat4, M Wijayaningtyas5 and M E Tjahjadi6 1,3Industrial Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang 2Mechanical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang 4,5Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang 6Geodesy Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang


In term of technology transfer Program in developing economies, the reason of transferee to uptake or receive a new technology through technology transfer is important to discover. Without knowing the ultimate reason for transferee to engage in technology transfer program, will lead into the failure of the program itself targeting technology capability improvement of the transferee. This research discovers the ultimate desire of the transferee to accept a new technology. Through Triple Helix as the agents of technology, the technology transfer program could be conducted successfully when the reason of the transferee to receive technology is revealed. This research shows that profit is the fundamental reason why the transferee agrees to participate in technology transfer program. In the absence of profits, transferor experienced the difficulty to convince the transferee to obtain the new technology through technology transfer program.


[ABS-59] How to Learn Oscillation and Wave in SAMR Framework?

Hena Dian Ayu1*, Akhmad Jufriadi1*, Syelvy Erine Mustika, Maris Kurniawati1, Hestiningtyas Yuli Pratiwi1, Chandra Sundaygara1, Muhammad Nur Hudha1

1Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

Abstract. This study was to see how to optimize the application and laboratory software on Oscillation and Wave material. This study was conducted using computers and android equipped with Internet access in SAMR framework. SAMR is a framework that requires the use of technology in learning The design of this research is content analysis. The results show that the Olabs application is complete and the most capable of explaining the formula if it is reviewed mathematically and physis meaning. This application is also able to explain the oscillator and wave phenomena well. Based on this research, during the Covid-19 pandemic, students can do STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) from home, one of which is with the help of the Olabs and PhET application.


[ABS-60] Probing Time Series Multiplicative Model and Fuzzy Relation Methodologies

Heni I. Pratiwi, Yaya Heriadi, Lukas, Antoni Wibowo Doctoral Program, Department of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, jl. Anggrek, Kemanggisan, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia


Probing of a question between two methodologies of the multiplicative model of Time Series and Fuzzy Relation is challenging to answer, without exploring each of both theories. This paper aims to discern any discrepancies or similarities in them, since each has detailed items that could lead to practical advantages to proceed on forecasting or decision making. Pseudocoding is a chance to explore theories and to surface those practical advantages. The finding states that the multiplicative model of time series factually has components that could have dependencies one to another, and the fuzzy relations help to map each point along their processes to determine how much dependency contained in the system that could conclude of a decision making.


[ABS-61] Physiological responses of the Holstein Friesian dairy cows raised under tropical conditions at BBPTU-HPT Baturraden, Indonesia

H Leondro1,*, B P Widyobroto2, A Agus 3

1 Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia 2 Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 3 Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This study aimed to evaluate the physiological responses of the Holstein Friesian (HF) dairy cows raised under tropical conditions at BBPTU-HPT Baturraden, Indonesia. Twenty-one dry-pregnant cows, approximately 7–8 months of pregnancy, 1-3 of lactation, 500-600 kg of body weight and 3-5 of body condition score were used for that purpose. The cows were fed twice daily in the form of total mixed ration (TMR) and given add libitum amounts of drinking water. Ambient temperature, relative humidity and temperature humidity index (THI) were recorded. Physiological responses i.e. rectal temperature (RT), pulse rate (PR) and respiration rate (RR) and heat tolerance coefficient (HTC) were also recorded. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were performed using SPSS software. The results showed that both ambient temperature and THI reached their maximumm (26.5±1.520C and 77.1±2.21, respectively) at 01:00 PM and minimum (22.6±0.510C and 71.8±0.90, respectively) at 3:00 AM. Contrarily, the relative humidity was highest (88.9±1.56%) at 03:00 AM and lowest (78.8±2.49) at 01:00 AM. The physiological responses (RT, PR and RR) and HTC increased in line with the increasing ambient temperature and THI. In conclusion, all of the HF cows are exposed to mild stress due to increasing ambient temperature and relative humidity.


[ABS-62] Targeted Discovery of Glycoside Hydrolases from Enzymes reservoir of Digestive Gland Achatina fulica Through Functional Metagenomic Strategies

Maris Kurniawati1*, Amak Yunus1, Hena Dian Ayu1, Subandi2, Suharti2 1Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang 2Universitas Negeri Malang


Digestive gland Achatina fulica is source of bioprospecting of glycoside hydrolases enzymes for many biotechnological and industrial processes. Nevertheless, there is limitation to discover novel enzymes. The functional-based approach analyzes the metagenomic library based on the genomic function of an organism used to look for new enzyme-producing genes. The aim of this study was to determine the chances of obtaining the novel genes for glycoside hydrolases from enzymes reservoir of digestive gland A. fulica through functional metagenomic strategies. The results showed that the total RNA concentration isolated from the digestive gland of A. fulica was 2,343.2 ng/μL. A total of 2 μL of total RNA has been used to construct the metagenomic library, so there are 4.69. 1010 - 1.87. 1011 transcribed molecules from 1.17. 109 - 4.68. 109 genes. This is a great number of opportunity to acquire the novel glycoside hydrolase genes.


[ABS-63] Raman spectra of polyethylene glycol / cellulose acetate butyrate biopolymer blend

Dian Marlina1, Mega Novita2, Muchamad Taufiq Anwar3, Haryo Kusumo4, Harumi Sato5 1Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Setia Budi, 2Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Universitas PGRI Semarang, 3Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Stikubank, 4Department of Informatics Management, Universitas Stekom, 5Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University,


Various ratio combinations of polyethelene glycol (PEG)/cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) were investigated by Raman spectroscopy in order to understand their crystalline structure conformations. PEG/CAB spectral features due to the composition dependence revealed the gradual transformation from crystalline PEG-like structure to the amorphous CAB-like structure as increasing the ratio of CAB. Bands appeared in the C-H stretching and C-H bending regions clearly exposed the transition of the PEG to the CAB-spectral features with the transition point at about PEG/CAB (30/70). Band at 1737 cm-1 in the C=O stretching region described the existence of a very weak hydrogen bond arise between PEG and CAB. In the C-O-C region, the drastic spectral change suggested that the hydrogen bond interaction takes place in the back bone of PEG.


[ABS-64] Online Education on Social Media Increases the Knowledge about Diabetes Mellitus and Healthy Diet but Decreases Physical Activity

M Aditya1, D Notario2, A Kamilah1 and S E Buntoro1 1 Department of Pharmacy Faculty of Sains and Technology, Universitas Ma Chung Malang, East Java, Indonesia 2 Department of Pharmacy School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic , Jakarta, Indonesia


Education, as a preventive measure, lowers the incidence rate of Diabetes Mellitus (DM). The study compared two educational methods, lectures and social media on Instagram. The research design uses a quasi-experimental trial and prospective. The respondents were 92 active students of Malang. They were willing to participate in research with purposive sampling techniques and then divided into two groups as much as random allocation. The data collection technique uses DM knowledge questionnaires, global physical activity questionnaire (GPAQ), and food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). The data is analyzed with multivariate regression using R open-source software. Results found improved knowledge of diabetes mellitus (b = 17.55, 95% CI: 9,399-24,059), increased vegetable intake (b = 8.80, 95% CI: 0.410-3735) and greater fruit consumption (b = 8.98, 95% CI: 5,959–12,823) and decreased snack consumption intake (b = -2.5, 95%CI: -3,778–(-0.916) with education using social media. But social media instead lowered the metabolic equivalent of task (MET) (b = -4,800.87, 95% CI: -13,166.18 - (- 1,384.95) compared to the lecture group. The conclusion is that education by Instagram increases DM knowledge, increases the intake of vegetables and fruits more, decreases the consumption of snacks with sugar and fat content but decreases physical activity.


[ABS-65] Digital performance assessment: measure a pharmacy physics laboratory’s skill

M A Dhina1,*, G Hadisoebroto1, I E Setiawati2, G Undang3, M Masluh4 and S R Mubaroq5

1Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Al-Ghifari, 2Prodi Administrasi Negara, Faculty of Social and Polotical Sciences, Universitas Al- Ghifari, 3Prodi Ilmu Administrasi, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia 4Prodi Manajemen, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Al-Ghifari, 5Technical and Vocational Education Program, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,


This research is motivated by the importance of skill assessment in pharmacy physics laboratory learning. In general, laboratory skills assessments do not have a specific standard for each assessment. When students perform their performance and skills in doing practicum, they are not well observed and measured. An alternative assessment that can measure a pharmacy physics laboratory’s skill is to use a performance assessment. This study aims to design a digital performance assessment application that can be used to assess student laboratory skills. The development of a digital performance assessment application uses the Waterfall Model Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach, which consists of the main stages of needs analysis, system and software design, system implementation and testing, and maintenance. The digital performance assessment design generally consists of an assessment instrument database and a user interface. Lecturers, as experts, are tasked with making assessment instruments. Meanwhile, the user interface is used by laboratory assistants/instructors to provide skill scores during student practicum. This application is then integrated with the existing web- based electronic module (e-mulsi). In the end, students can see the overall practicum score. The design of a digital performance assessment application is an alternative in a learning assessment platform that is more interesting, actual, and able to present real- time information on practicum learning in the laboratory. Policymakers are expected to consider integrating the use of these applications into a practical learning curriculum.


[ABS-66] Understanding travel behavior to increase interest in using public transportation on commuting to work

Melchior Bria1, Ludfi Djakfar1, Achmad Wicaksono1 1University of Brawijaya, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering


The use of transportation modes in commuting to work contributes to congestion in urban areas and is closely related to their work. Therefore, this article describes the relationship between variables related to travel characteristics and work characteristics, and transportation modes used. The travel characteristics variables are the time to go to and from work, stopovers during the trip, and the work characteristics variables are the time to enter and finish work. The identification of the relationship between variables used descriptive analysis based on the cross-tabulation method. The analysis results show that the time to go to work, time to come home from work, stopover when leaving for work has a strong effect on the use of transportation modes. The time to start work and time to finish work has a moderate effect on transportation modes. The majority of transportation modes used in commuting to work are private vehicles. Based on these findings, the management of the urban transportation system needs support from office management to implement policies that can be an effort to optimize the use of public transportation.

Keywords : Commuting to Work, Transport Mode, Travel Characteristic, Work Characteristic


[ABS-67] How to determine road maintenance priorities? An analysis using a probabilistic approach.

Anastasi H. Muda1, Priska G. Nahak1, Melchior Bria1, Deasy D.A.A Daud1, 1Department of Civil Engineering, State Polytechnic of Kupang,


The provision of a limited maintenance budget often causes maintenance not on target and tends to be wasteful. Treatment priority is one of the alternatives that have been carried out so far. This study describes a different approach in determining the maintenance program planning through a probabilistic approach, namely how big is the chance of the alternatives being included in the maintenance program. This study took samples of the Bakunase-Oenesu and Soe-Fatumnasi roads. The variables used are the pavement structure, average daily traffic, accessibility, economic benefits, time travel, and asphalt recycling technology. The binary logistic analysis shows that the condition of the pavement structure and average daily traffic are variables that have a significant effect on road maintenance. There is a greater chance of the Soe-Fatumnasi road section than Bakunase-Oenesu being involved in road maintenance. In making road maintenance decisions, policymakers need to pay attention to various factors to make their decisions right on target.

Keywords : Road Maintenance, Probabilistic Approach; Binary Logistic


[ABS-68] Master Plan of Local E-government for village office information system refer to ministerial regulations on work procedures

M Susilowati1, Y Kurniawan1, C Lenny1, W Adistianaya2, M ahsan3

1 Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Ma Chung 2 Program Studi Sistem Informasi, STMIK Pradnya Paramita, 3 Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Kanjuruan,


This article contains a local e-government master plan with a case study in a village in Malang district. The master plan referred to the Ministerial regulation regarding the Organizational Structure and Work Procedure of Village Administration. This article will present the background, methods, results and conclusions of a research about requirement analysis and design of information systems in village offices. This research method will begin with data gathering (literature study, observation, interview), analysis of SRS (Software Requirement and Specification) documents for synchronization with division of work tasks, creating focus groups, making Master Plan. This article also will present a focus group diagram on the division of labour results based on the 2015 ministerial regulation. Then proceed with a master plan diagram based on the requirement of the actor system in the village office. Namely the village head, village secretary, 3 heads of affairs (administration, finance, planning) and a section head. This article will present 13 names and descriptions of applications needed to support the administrative system at the village office. This article also provides 58 tables needed for a Master Plan of Local E- government for village office information system refer to ministerial regulations on work procedures


[ABS-69] Dynamical analysis of diphtheria epidemic model with natural immunity rate on exposed individuals

Nailul Izzati1, Anita Andriani2 1Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasyim Asy’ari University, 2Department of Informatics Management, Faculty of Information Technology, Hasyim Asy’ari University,


Diphtheria disease remains endemic in some countries due to the lack of vaccination coverage. Particularly in the developing country such as Indonesia, where immunization and health care are something that need to be pursued and optimized. In the last three years, based on data from Indonesian Ministry of Health, there are still areas in Indonesia that its complete basic immunization coverage are less than 50%. Apart from being caused by low vaccination coverage, other factors as nutritional adequacy, environmental hygiene and virulence levels of the disease also influence the occurrence of diphtheria outbreaks. This study proposes a mathematical model that considering natural immunity rate of the exposed individuals in the spread of diphtheria. Stability analysis of the equilibrium point of the model is carried out so that the behavior of the system is known. Based on the analysis, it is known that the system has two equilibrium points, i.e disease-free equilibrium point and endemic equilibrium point. The stability analysis and numerical simulations show that both equilibrium points are conditionally stable. Disease-free equilibrium point is stable if 푅0 < 1, whereas endemic equilibrium point is stable if 푅0 > 1.


[ABS-70] Prediction on the Multiplet Energy Diagram of α- 4+ Al2O3: Mn under Pressure

Mega Novita1, Dian Marlina2, Haryo Kusumo3, Muchamad Taufiq Anwar4, Kazuyoshi Ogasawara5 1Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Universitas PGRI Semarang, 2Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Setia Budi, 3Department of Informatics Management, Universitas Stekom 4Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Stikubank, 5School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University,


To review the recommendations for the production of novel red phosphor materials, in this 4+ work we established the multiplet energy diagram of Mn in α-Al2O3 under pressure. By the discrete variational multi-electron (DVME), the calculations were conducted based on 4+ many-electron approaches. Since the experimental data of Mn in α-Al2O3 at zero pressure was the only data reported so far, the results in this work are our predictions. The effect of increasing pressure is naturally similar with the effect of decreasing bond length. This work indicates that the multiplet energies responsible for the absorption process increase as the pressure increase. Whereas, those responsible for the emission process decrease. 3+ These tendencies are the same as our previous calculations on α-Al2O3: Cr .


[ABS-71] Design and Installation of SME and Households Scale Solar Power Plants (Solar Home System) Nurhadi nurhadi1, Muhamad Rifa’i2, Chandra Wiharya3 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Malang, 2,3Department of Electronic Engineering, State Polytechnic of Malang,


The higher cost of electricity encourages humans to develop alternative sources of electrical energy, by utilizing Solar Home System (SHS). The problem is that is difficult for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME/UKM) and poor society, due to lack of knowledge, skills and high costs. The purpose of study is to provide a brief and practical reference in determining the appropriate and economical SHS specifications. The method used are calculations, including calculation of electric loads, number of solar panels, minimum battery capacity and area of the solar panel installation. The SHS system was then installed at UKM CITARA consists of 4 units of solar panels @ 100 WP (400 WP), 1 unit of 850 VA hybrid controller, 1 unit of VRLA 200 AH battery, 2 units of lamps @ 14 watts, MCB switch, voltmeter, and ammeter. The ability to generate electrical energy from solar panels on average per day in bright sunlight conditions, namely: 960 watts / 2 hours, or 480 watts / 4 hours, or 160 watts / 12 hours of use. SHS can be used to turn on a biophonic catfish pond water pump for 24 hours / day and turn on 2 lights for 12 hours / day.

Keywords: design, installation, SHS, biophonic catfish pond, UKM CITARA


[ABS-72] Technology Readiness Base of Small and Medium Enterprises for Business Improvement P W Ndari1, P Vitasari2 1Master Student, Postgraduate Program of Industrial Engineering, National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang, Indonesia

2Industrial Engineering Departement, Postgraduate Program, National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang, Indonesia


Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) has an important role in increasing the regional income of Indonesia. One of the important factors that can define the competitiveness of SME’s is technology. This enterprise does not have appropriate willingness to use technology. In the last five years, the Ministry of Industry showed contribution of SME’s to gross domestic product (GDP) has increased by 60.34% from 57.84%. These preliminary data show respectable progress for SME's in Indonesia. However, this was not followed by the application of digital transformation. Whereas most of the SME’s do not have sufficient promptness. Even though there are many business opportunities that involve technology. SME's owner must have the focus such as short time to market, increase in flexibility, volatile markets, high productivity and boost inefficiency. This study aims to analyze the readiness of SME’s in Malang City in using Technology for Business Improvement. Sampling technique was selecting by purposive sampling. Responden selected are SME’s owner that use digital technology.Total forfifty respondents are taking participate in this study. Inquiry data are using Technology Readiness Index with SEM PLS analysis. Result show that the readiness factor has a significant influence on information technology for business improvement in SME's.


[ABS-73] Augmentation Time Series Model with Kalman filter to predict foreign tourist arrivals in East Java Evita Purnaningrum1, Sari Cahyaningtias2, Dwi Ajeng Kusumawardhani3 1 Management Department, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana 2 Statistics Department, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana 3 Accounting Student Department, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana


One of the focuses of Indonesia's development is on the tourism sector. In addition, one of the supporters of the sector's sustainability is the customer. So, customer satisfaction who comes and their desire to come back again, as well as an indirect promotion to other potential visitors. The availability and convenience of infrastructure and facilities are important to support this. In other words, the prediction of visiting foreign tourists is one form of alertness in preparing future tourism projections. However, the fluctuation of data for foreign tourists affects the effectiveness of the model in making predictions. Kalman filter is a stochastic deterministic model that can solve this problem. This study combines the time series model with the Kalman filter to determine the prediction of the number of foreign tourists visiting East Java. The results of these predictions can be concluded that the Kalman filter is able to handle fluctuating data with RMSE close to 0.


[ABS-74] Utilization of Data Mining for Placement of Books in the Library Using the Apriori Method Rahmat Robi Waliyansyah *, Mega Novita, Nugroho Dwi Saputro Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, PGRI University Semarang


The Apriori Algorithm is an algorithm that is well known for performing frequent itemset searches using the association rule technique. The Apriori algorithm uses knowledge about the previously known frequent itemset to process data related to borrowing books in the library to be processed into useful information. This study uses a priori algorithm method for grouping books at the PGRI University Library in Semarang based on trends that appear together in a library activity visit. By gaining knowledge from this algorithm, it can be used as a reference for the PGRI University Library in Semarang in placing book collections.


[ABS-75] Profile of Creative Thinking Process of Prospective Teachers with Reflector Learning Style in Proposing and Solving Problems in Geometry Material

Rosita Dwi Ferdiani1, Manuharawati2, Siti Khabibah3

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The purpose of this study was to describe the creative thinking process of students in reflector learning style in proposing and solving review problems from the Wallas stage. This research is a qualitative research. The subjects of this study were students of semester VII of the Mathematics Education Study Program of the University of Kanjuruhan Malang with the following criteria: a) age between 18-25 years, b) of the same gender, c) At least getting a B grade for the course of School Mathematics Development Studies. Researchers in this study acted as the main instrument and the supporting instruments used were Honey and Mumford's Learning Style Questionnaire (LSQ) questionnaire, test sheets, and interview guides. Questionnaires will be given to research subjects, and subjects with reflector learning styles will be selected. Based on the researchers' observations, it can be concluded that during the preparation stage, subject 1 was seen to be contemplating while observing around the room. Meanwhile, subject 2 tends to carry out activities to collect data by making pyramid shapes out of paper. In the incubation stage, subject 1 looked restless while reading the questions, then seemed to free his mind by playing a pen and scribbling paper. Meanwhile, subject 2, contemplated while observing the pyramid structure that was made. In the Illumination stage, subject 1 looks careful in writing down his answers. This can be seen by reading repeatedly what is written. Tend to be slow to decide which answer to write. Meanwhile, subject 2 began to find ideas in solving problems. This can be seen, writing answers with enthusiasm and occasionally appearing a reminiscent expression. In the verification stage, subject 1 seemed to be careful in checking his answers again, as if they were "afraid of being wrong" in doing them. Meanwhile, Subject 2 can write down the formula used in solving the problem. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that a person's learning style will influence a person's creative thinking process. A person with a reflector learning style will tend to prefer to observe, be careful in making decisions that will be seen at every stage of his creative thinking process.


[ABS-76] The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education and Task Technology Fit on Entrepreneurship Intention Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour

Rustiana1),2), Othman bin Mohd3), Norhidayah binti Mohamad4) 1), 3), 4) Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Melaka; 2) Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


Entrepreneurship has been proven in various researches in the world to help improve the welfare of society by creating jobs. Many universities in the world have adopted entrepreneurship in their curriculum designs in the form of entrepreneurship education. Besides, the technology fit task variable is also important in increasing student entrepreneurship intention. Therefore, research on entrepreneurship intention (EI) and the factors that influence it among students is very relevant. This study aims to find empirical evidence of the effect of entrepreneurship education (EE) and task technology fit (TTF) on entrepreneurship intention (EI) by using the theory of planned behavior (TPB) model. The research sample was 213 undergraduate students at one of the private universities in Yogyakarta selected by the Slovin method. Data were collected through a questionnaire shared with the student by MS Form. Regression analysis tools were used to test the research hypothesis. The results proved that H1, H2, H4, and H5 have a positive effect on EI with different significant results. This study has contributed to filling the knowledge gap that TTF and EE can be integrated into the TPB model.

Keywords: entrepreneurship education, task technology fit, entrepreneurship intention, the theory of planned behavior


[ABS-77] The Building's Shape as part of Green Building's Passive Strategy

Sahid1, Y Sumiyati2, and R Purisari1 1,1Department of Architecture, Pembangunan Jaya University 2Faculty of Law, Bandung Islamic University


One of the efforts to meet the green building criteria can be met by implementing a passive strategy. Passive strategies are used to make optimal use of the surrounding environmental conditions, including sunlight and wind flow, to get comfort and energy savings without using electrical or mechanical equipment. Passive strategies include form, orientation, shrouding, interior, interior, greening strategies. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of several shape options, as a passive strategy, in tall buildings associated with one of the criteria for green buildings, namely overall thermal transfer value ( OTTV). This study uses simulation software as a basis for analyzing OTTV performance. This study produces recommendations on building forms that can minimize the achievement of OTTV in tall buildings so that they meet the criteria for local green building regulation

Keywords: Green Building, Criteria, Regulation, Indonesia


[ABS-78] Analysis of Water, Light Sensors, and Performance on Appropriate Technology of Rice Drying Process

Shafiq Nurdin1), Hisbullah Maulana1), Khoirul Hidayat2), Riski Nur Istiqomah Dinnullah3)

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Unisma Polytechnic of Malang, Indonesia 2 Department of Agroindustrial Technology, , Indonesia 3 Departement of Mathematics Education, Kanjuruhan University of Malang, Indonesia


In Indonesia, in general, the drying process of agricultural products is carried out traditionally, including rice, most of the drying of which is carried out conventionally, requiring large and dry land to reduce its air content. Human needs, vigilance, and responsiveness in the management of the drying process are activities to maximize the yield of rice drying. These conditions make the drying process longer, less hygienic and require a large number of workforces. The appropriate rice drying technology is used as a solution to facilitate rice drying process. Automatically, open-closed roof system works by being operated by a DC electric motor and the rice stirring operation by an AC electric motor which receives commands from the Arduino Uno microcontroller system receiving commands and input from the water and light sensors located on the roof. These sensors are used as the initial detection for rain and dark conditions or the intensity of bright sunlight during the rice drying process. The results of analysis show that the water sensor is installed at several points, functioning optimally when the sensor is hit by a signal, subsequently sending a signal to the Arduino Uno by activating the DC electric motor to cover the roof, and the AC electric motor stops operating when stirring the rice in the tank. The LDR sensor, as a light sensor, works to receive the specified light intensity standard and sends a signal to the Arduino Uno to open the roof. The roof cannot be opened if the two sensors are not free from several conditions, among others are wet conditions on the water sensor and the intensity standards that do not meet or are far from the set standards.


[ABS-79] Designing educational facilities that outrun railways to be inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable

S Hermawan1,2, V N Husada1, V R Husada1, W Alfred3 1 Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia 2 Department of Engineer Profession Program of Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia 3 Architecture Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia


In recent years, Surabaya as one of the Metropolitan cities in Indonesia has become increasingly crowded. Through the increasing level of urbanization in Surabaya, people's purchasing power of land has decreased and the number of illegal buildings erected around public facilities is increasing, such as on the outrun of railways. Therefore, the background and object of this research is an elementary school which is located in the middle of the intersection of two Dupak Magersari railroad tracks, Surabaya, which is less than two meters. Besides, COVID-19 pandemic is still one of the concerns of all people. During the New Normal, the school may reopen soon. The research method begins with a survey and questionnaires to determine the behavior and perceptions of residents related to the existence of the elementary school. The results of the initial survey illustrated that some people think that every accident is fate without realizing that there is a solution to prevent it. Then the results of the analysis from observations and questionnaires are used as a reference in providing solutions for both problems in the short and long term in the form of safe and sustainable school design.


[ABS-80] Differential equations: solving the oscillation system

Sujito1,2*, E. Soewono3, A. Suhandi1, and Liliasari S1 1Program Studi Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 2Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Malang 3Fakultas Matematika, Institut Teknologi Bandung


The purpose of this research is to perform modeling and simulation to solve differential equations in cases of physical phenomena. The physical system studied is simple harmonic motion. The method used is the method of problem solving using computer software. The simulation uses the matlab program by applying the Euler method. The result obtained is to distinguish the oscillator graph without any external forces with any forces. This solution helps students solve problems using computer software in giving physical meaning. Therefore, students must be trained and guided to have the ability to think to make it easier to solve problems with the help of computers. Key Word: simulation, oscillation, spring


[ABS-81] The Development of Scientific Literacy-Based Physics Learning Module on Direct Current Circuit Material

Susdarwati1, Farida Hannum2, Arifian Dimas3 123Science Education, STKIP Modern Ngawi, Indonesia


This research and development are aimed to describe the characteristics, determine the feasibility, and determine the effectiveness of the Scientific Literacy-based physics learning module on direct current circuit material. The development procedure uses the Research and Development (R&D) model developed by Thiagarajan et al. with 4-D stages covering defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The subjects in this study were students of class XII at SMA Negeri 1 Jogorogo Ngawi. Data collection technique in this research used observation, interview, and questionnaire. Data analysis carried out quantitatively and descriptively qualitatively. The results of the research and development concluded that 1) a physics learning module base on Scientific Literacy on direct current circuit material developed based on the Scientific Literacy component, namely a) the scientific process includes explaining scientific phenomena, using scientific evidence, identifying scientific questions, b) scientific content includes understanding phenomena, and c) the context of science includes solving problems in everyday life; 2) the module is feasible to use in learning physics in a very good category, the average percentage of validation results is a) material components: 91.46% b) media component: 92.99% c) scientific Literacy component: 93.75% 3) module is effectively used to improve critical thinking skills includes interpretation, analisys, evaluation, inference, explanation and self- regulation with an increase of 17.56%.


[ABS-82] Design and Implementation Software for Mining Association Rules (Market Basket Analysis) to Design Product Layout Decisions

Tomi Listiawan Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, Jl. Mayor Sujadi Timur No.7 Tulungagung, Indonesia


A provided data from a transactional database, has supported technical development which can automatically find product association or items saved in the database. This finding association rules between saved product in database known as mining association rules. There are so many theories and algorithm developed for conducting mining association rules. One of algorithm developed is Apriori algorithm. This method, has a main goal to find the maximum frequent itemset. Next, this frequent itemset will be generated into associative rules which are not shown before in the database, become valuable information for considering materials in the decision process. Apriori algorithm is a interpretation technique of mining association rules, will be implemented into a web based software. On the software test which use in some different data, it’s concluded that time for mining association rules depends on the presence of every item in every transaction, total of transaction, minimum support and minimum confidence. For smaller value of minimum support and minimum confidence that entered, program will generate more association rules, vice versa.


[ABS-83] Geographic Information System (GIS): Potential Mapping of Agribusiness in Southern Part of West Java

T Maskun1,*, M Masluh2, E N Resmiawati2, Komarudin Tasdik3, Didin Muhafidin4, Gunawan Undang5 and Ova Nurisma Putra3 1Prodi Studi Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Universitas Al-Ghifari 2Prodi Manajemen, Universitas Al-Ghifari 3Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen dan Informatika (STMIK) 4Program Studi Ilmu Adminsitrasi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Kota Bandung, Indonesia. 5Prodi Ilmu Administrasi, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia


In this study, a mapping of the potential for agribusiness in the southern part of West Java, which serves as policy material and business development in the development of local potential in the agribusiness sector, is carried out to improve the welfare of local communities. West Java Provincial Regulation Number 12 of 2014 divides the Southern part of West Java into 3 (three) Growth Center (PP) zones, namely PP , PP Rancabuaya, and PP . Policies for developing the southern part of West Java include agribusiness, agro-industry, marine industry, and integrated tourism. The potential of agribusiness in the southern part of West Java is vibrant and varied. Still, it has not been optimally developed to improve local communities' welfare, which is generally scattered in underdeveloped villages. The government and developers (entrepreneurs) have difficulty obtaining digital data updates. The purpose of this research is to map the regional potential in the field of agribusiness in the form of digital data to facilitate the development of agribusiness potential in coastal areas located on the shores of the Indian Ocean (Indonesian Ocean). The research method uses Geographical Information Systems. The results showed that agribusiness's potential and variants in PP Palabuhanratu are scattered in Cisolok District, Cikakak District, Palabuhanratu District, Simpenan District, and Ciemas District. PP Rancabuaya is spread in Caringin District, Cisewu District, Bungbulang District, and Mekarmukti District (in Garut Regency) as well as in Cidaun District (Canjur Regency). Meanwhile, PP Pangandaran is spread in Kalipucang District, Pangandaran District, Sidamulih District, Parigi District, and Cijulang District.


[ABS-84] A Measurement of Various Length of the Stack on a Standing Wave Thermoacoustic Refrigerator

Wahyu Nur Achmadin, Indah Kharismawati, and Mochammad Maulana Trianggono IKIP PGRI Jember, Jember 68121, Indonesia


A thermoacoustic refrigerator is a capable device to produce temperature differences with acoustic work (sound waves) as the source. The advantage of these machines is that the working gas medium used is air, so it doesn't produce much pollution and of course, it is environmentally friendly. This paper describes the measurement of stack length variations ranging from 4 cm to 7 cm on the performance of the standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator. This study aimed to find the optimum stack length in a thermoacoustic machine with a resonator pipe length of 80 cm. Operation time is carried out for 30 minutes. The main components of a thermoacoustic device consist of a regenerator, resonator pipe, and a loudspeaker. The regenerator has a big role, namely as a place for energy conversion to occur. The results obtained are a temperature decrease, a temperature increase, and a temperature difference. The results showed that the temperature decrease and the temperature difference on the stack length of 7 cm were the decrease in temperature and the maximum temperature difference with the results of 4.6°C and 9.3°C, respectively. Therefore a standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator with various lengths of the stack has been experimentally studied.


[ABS-85] Design of Performance Reporting Information Systems Web-Based Temporary Staff at The Office of Communicatoin and Informatics, Blitar Regency

Wiji Setiyaningsih1, Hari Lugis Purwanto2, Gaguk Susanto3, Moh Ahsan4, Amak Yunus Eko5, Yesika Trestiarso6, Daryanto7 Faculty of Science and Technology, Kanjuruhan University Malang1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Universitas Jember7


The Office of Communication and Informatics of Blitar Regency carries out its main tasks supported by temporary personnel with their respective work targets. To find out the number of performance targets that have been carried out and performance appraisals per year, the temporary staff must make daily and monthly performance reports to the leadership. So far, technical reporting uses Microsoft Excel which must be printed one by one before being reported. If there are errors on the report must edit one by one. Each sheet stores daily reports so that many sheets are used to store reports in one month. Reports submitted to the leadership are still in copy which is prone to loss. This has a negative impact on the deadlines for collecting reporting and monitoring by the leadership. Based on these problems, a Web-Based Performance Reporting Information System was built to optimize performance reporting. The system is built with 3 access rights: admin, leadership, and non-permanent personnel, employee mastering and performance targets with targets, as well as daily and monthly reporting transactions. From the test results, the system with UAT 89.8% has been able to optimize performance reporting with the output of performance values per month and per year completed with graphs of performance targets.


[ABS-86] Chemical analysis and organoleptic properties of banana blossoms (Musa paradisiaca) as filler for catfish (Clarias sp.) fish floss

W W Perdana1, W Widowaty, D R Sofia, Y Setiawan, D Hadayanti and A Zakaria* 1Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Al - Ghifari


Meat floss or known as Abon (Indonesian) made from dried meat and has a fluffy texture similar to cotton coarse. The crude protein content of meat floss was less than 15%. Catfish (Clarias sp.) has rough fiber and does not contain many bones that are ideal for the main ingredients for meat floss. Catfish (Clarias sp.) cultivated from freshwater can be used as main ingredients for meat floss. To raise the economic value of meat floss, some use banana blossoms (Musa paradisiaca) as a filler. This study aims to determine the effect of banana blossoms as a filler and frying temperature on the chemical quality and organoleptic properties of catfish meat floss. The Method of this research is to make catfish meat floss with various banana blossoms and various frying temperatures. The method used is the analysis of variance or the factorial pattern of analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result showed the most preferred sample was the treatment sample with 60% banana blossoms filling and a frying temperature of 170 oC. The samples have the moisture content of 6,8%, the protein content of 14,91%, and fat content of 9,73%, as well as the preferred parameters of color, fragrant, flavor, and texture.


[ABS-87] Effective Preprocessed Thin Blood Smear Images to Improve Malaria Parasite Detection Using Deep Learning

Windra Swastika 1*), Grace Melody Kristianti 1), Romy Budhi Widodo1) Informatics Engineering Study Program, Universitas Ma Chung Malang, Indonesia *) [email protected]


Malaria can be difficult to detect from thin blood smears. Image recognition methods such as convolutional neural network can be used to detect malaria, but the training process takes a long time. Previous research created a new architecture and compares it to several other architectures such as VGG-16 and ResNet. The effect of preprocessing is analyzed in this research. VGG-16, ResNet, and the custom architecture created by the previous research are being used in this study. The preprocessing methods being analyzed in this research include gray-world normalization and comprehensive normalization. The highest accuracy improvement per epoch (0.5256% using ResNet-50 and 0.0352% using custom architecture) is achieved through gray-world normalization, that also improves final accuracy (90.1% using ResNet-50 and 93.1% using custom architecture) when compared to other methods with the same epochs for ResNet and custom architecture.


[ABS-88] Predicting Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Using Machine Learning Based on DNA Sequencing Data

Wiwien Hadikurniawati1, Muchamad Taufiq Anwar1, Dian Marlina2, Haryo Kusumo3 1Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Stikubank 2Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Setia Budi 3Department of Informatics Management, Universitas Stekom


Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) that primarily affects the lungs. It is known that several strains of MTB are resistant to drugs used in the treatment. This situation calls for the importance to detect and prevent further drug resistance and thus reducing the mortality rate. The conventional molecular diagnostic test is costly, requires a long time to conduct, and has low prediction ability. This research aims to explore the Machine Learning approach to accurately predict drug resistance which offers a much faster and cheaper solution than the conventional one. Experiments were carried out on 3393 isolates of MTB using several Machine Learning algorithms including C4.5, Random Forest, and Logitboost. Multiple drugs evaluated in this study include rifampicin (RIF), isoniazid (INH), pyrazinamide (PZA), and ethambutol (EMB). By using 10-fold cross-validation, the result had demonstrated that the model can accurately predict drug resistance with an accuracy of 99% and with Area Under Curve (AUC) reaching (near) 1.

Keywords: tuberculosis, drug resistance, machine learning, bioinformatics.



Yusri Yamin a*, Muhammad Al'hapis a, Azmi Hassanb, Tumiantoa ,Fauzan Rahmana a Manufacturing Section, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Spanish Institute Kulim Hi- Tech Park b Electrical, Electronics & Automation Section, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Spanish Institute Kulim Hi-Tech Park


This paper presents a new approach to the Value Stream Mapping (VSM), a proven tool of Lean Manufacturing (LM) in a service company in the oil and gas sector. VMS is used to map the activities that occur, ideal activities so that it can analyze unnecessary / waste activities, which then generate new activity proposals / future state, the company can respond to more project opportunities ordered by users as expected. Author illustrates this approach using VSM for PO processing time improvement successfully.

Keywords – Value Mapping Stream (VMS), Purchasing Order (PO), Process, Activity


[ABS-90] BD-Print: An Android Based for Bilingual Digital Promotion of Integrated Tourism in Garut Selatan

1R Y D Cahyani, 2Hartono, 3R M N Sakinah, 4O N Putra, and 5I E Setyawati 1English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Letters, Al-Ghifari University (UNFARI), Bandung 2English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Letters, Al-Ghifari University (UNFARI), Bandung 3English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Letters, Al-Ghifari University (UNFARI), Bandung 4Information System Study Program, Management and Informatics College (STMIK) Jabar, Bandung 5State Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Al-Ghifari University (UNFARI), Bandung


This study is undertaken to design an Android-based BD-Print application to assist the development of the regional potential tourism sector in the Southern Garut (Garsel). The design of the BD-Print application is expected to introduce the tourist destinations of Garsel to the international community and be developed as a promotional medium that can reach local and foreign tourists so that they can visit Garsel region in West Java Province. BD- Print can also help the local tourists and foreign tourists who want to visit Garsel. The BD- Print system development will use the System Development life Cycle approach with the Waterfall method. Hopefully, the development of the BD-Print application can promote tourism potentials and raise the economy of the surrounding area and make the dissemination of tourism information easier and more efficient.

Key Words: application, BD-Print, promotion, integrated tourism, Android-based


[ABS-91] Decision support system for mapping SMEs batik Bangkalan facing industry 4.0 using SMART method

Y Kustiyahningsih1, D R Anamisa1, F A Mufarroha1 1Departement of Informatics Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan – Madura, Indonesia


There are many criteria and alternatives in determining recommendations and mapping of SMEs, so a decision-making method is needed. The SMART method is a multi-criteria decision-making technique where each alternative consists of number criteria that have values and describes how important the criteria are compared to other criteria. This weighting is used to assess each alternative in order to obtain the best alternative. Industry 4.0 criteria used are owner education, production results, information technology certified employees, having a marketplace, online payment facilities, online marketing media, e-commerce systems and information systems for SMEs. The results of this study are recommendations for indicators of improvement of SME Batik Bangkalan into 3 classes, namely the initial readiness stage, the intermediate readiness stage, and the mature Industry 4.0 readiness stage. Accuracy results the feasibility of the system by the SMEs cooperative office and SME players was 91.15 %.


[ABS-92] The willingness to pay on Indonesian branded Muslim clothes using structural equation modeling

Yunia Dwie Nurcahyanie, Rusdiyantoro, Denka Pundita Patriadi Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya


The need for fashion products is never-ending. Consumers' willingness to buy fashion products depends on quality, design trends, brand, and price. This study wants to find what parameters have a significant effect on the willingness to buy a product. The objects studied were Muslim clothing products with the DP and HU brands. This study uses the structural equation modelling method, with 50 adult Muslim women as respondents. All respondents were regular customers at the two Muslim clothing brand counters DP and HU. The results showed that product quality did not have a significant effect on purchase intention. The design trend is proven to have a significant effect on willingness to pay. Interestingly, the brand and price do not significantly affect purchase intention, even though this study's respondents were regular customers of the two brands' case study. For buyers, the design model is the main parameter in choosing a product.


[ABS-93] “Say no to coding”: Designing of web-based learning media using glide apps

Ajeng Intan Nur Rahmawati, Imam Ariffudin, Leny Latifah, Laily Tiarani S

Guidance and Counseling Study Programe, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


Designing web-based learning media is challenging for educators with minimal programming skills. This paper aims to introduce a conceptual model as a framework for designing learning media. In this paper, we discuss steps by step a web-based learning media designer by using glide apps. This app is easy to use, build without code, applicative for the e-learning era, and used for free. Therefore educators can use this app to add a variety of learning media for students.


[ABS-94] Augmented reality: students' interests and learning outcomes of physics

SD Aji, T Setyowati, S Jumina and MN Hudha

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang,


Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that can be used in classroom learning. This study aims to determine differences in learning interest and learning outcomes of physics using Augmented Reality learning. The research method used in this research is development. The instruments used in this study were physics learning outcomes instruments and a questionnaire on students' motivation to learn physics. The analysis used is quantitative analysis. The results obtained are that there are differences in learning outcomes and student interest in learning physics using AR.


[ABS-95] Low carbon content learning: Logical framework in learning process elementary school

Muhammad Nur Hudha1)2), Ida Hamidah1), Anna Permanasari1), and Ade Gafar Abdullah1)

1)Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 2) Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


This study aims to look at low carbon content at the primary school level in Indonesia. The research method used is content content analysis. The results show that low-carbon content in primary schools can use global air cycle content, save electricity, energy and reduce it. Low carbon content is very useful for developing learning in primary schools because it will train students who live low carbon from an early age.


[ABS-96] The effectiveness of using magic book math in mathematics learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in senior high school

Achmad Buchori, Dina Prasetyowati

Universitas PGRI Semarang


This study aims at developing a valid magic book math media based on augmented reality. The development was conducted using the ADDIE development model. In this study, the development conducted only reached the Development stage. in the development stage, it was validated by experts using the material and media expert validation sheets, so the suggestions were obtained to revise draft I to draft II (a validated learning tool). In the development process, the product was validated by experts, with a value for material experts at 89.71% included in the very good category while for media experts at 92.31% in the very good category. Based on the results of the experts' validation, the magic book math media based on augmented reality is a valid product and is suitable for use. then a limited test has been conducted with the results of the average value of the experimental class x1 = 88.83 and the average control class x2 = 69.43 and tcount> ttable is 6.53> 1.78 then there are differences in student achievement between control class and experimental class, more than 95% antusiastic to using magic book math in the class virtual in Senior High School 15 Semarang.


[abs-97] Biomass-based supercapacitor for electrical energy storage system

Ida Hamidah Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The rapid development of technology that uses electrical energy has demanded high performance from electrical energy storage systems. Electrical energy storage systems, known as supercapacitors, were created to replace low-performance electrochemical capacitors and batteries. The supercapacitor performance is determined by its high capacitance, which is determined by its electrochemical properties and electrode structure. Electrode materials with high electrical conductivity, porosity, temperature stability and large specific surface area are considered desirable characteristics for supercapacitors. Materials that fulfill these characteristics are carbon, conduction polymers, and transition metals. Carbon derived from agricultural waste-based biomass is currently increasingly in demand because of the abundant availability of raw materials, low production costs, and it can be modified according to the desired characteristics. The presence of boron, nitrogen, and other elements in the biomass can be doped as heteroatoms and produce additional active characteristics. The conversion of biomass to carbon can be done through pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization methods, as well as chemical and physical activation procedures. The carbon obtained through biomass pyrolysis is porous, and its subsequent activation increases pore volume and specific surface area. Physical activation, which is usually carried out at high temperatures, more simple and more environmentally friendly than chemical activation. Although chemical activation requires a lower activation time and temperature than physical activation, chemical activation has several major drawbacks including the post-activation step of handling contaminated water to remove impurities.


[ABS-98] Fault Tolerance Strategy to Increase Moodle Service Reliability

Akhmad Zaini, Heri Santoso, Muhammad Priyono Tri Sulistyanto

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


Moodle is one of online Learning Management System that can be downloaded and installed on our server for free. Moodle is suitable solution for universities to organize online learning. Changing all learning activities from offline to online during a pandemic situation, especially for universities, requires Moodle services to be reliably available. This is because the university has a higher number of students when compared to schools or lower education. The more students it means the more traffic should be handled by moodle server. Moodle consists of system, users data and a database. To increase moodle reliability we can rely on these components. We can use virtualization technology to simplify migration system and recovery process. Distributed file system technology is a best solution to store moodle user data because it can be replicated into several nodes and support for high availability. Finally the last component of moodle is a database, we can replicate the database in to several machine to increase availability. At the top of every moodle components we need cluster control to make sure all of moodle components can be accessed.


[ABS-99] The Development of Electronic Worksheet “Changes of Form” Based on Sigil and Powtoon

Arief Rahman Hakim

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


The purpose of this research was to describe the development of worksheets based on sigil and powtoon. This research and development used ADDIE Model. The research subjects were III grade elementary school students. The data collection instruments used a validation sheet and a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used qualitative and quantitative data. The results of the evaluation of material experts and media experts obtained valid criteria with an average score of 86.36% for material experts and 87.5% for media experts. The responses given by students on this worksheet were 92.91% in the "very interesting" category. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that sigil and powtoon based worksheets are suitable for use as teaching materials.


[ABS-100] Technology for Holobox Augmented Reality Rite Grebeg Pancasila for Mathematics Learning in Elementary School

Septinaningrum, Wawan Setiawan, Ahmad Syukron Surur, Mubiar Agustin

IAIN Tulungagung


The Grebeg Pancasila Rite is indigenous Indonesian wisdom. This rite comes from Blitar City, East Java Province which is rich in symbols, meanings and, internalization of values ??and characters. But its use is only limited to annual activities to commemorate the birth of Pancasila on June 1. Yet if it is made effective, it can become a vehicle for learning mathematics. Lack of real experience and the absence of this content in learning at school results in students having difficulty understanding meaning and gaining knowledge and skills that can be applied in life. Grebeg Pancasila is also rich in symbolic meanings with high artistic values ??that contain the concept of geomatery in each of its rites. This study aims to develop a multimedia design based ontechnology Holobox Augmented Reality (AR) with material content Grebeg Pancasila for learning mathematics in elementary schools with materials for flat and space structures. . The method in designing this multimedia development uses themultimedia development method Development Life Cycle according to Luther which consists of six stages, namely: concept, design, material collection, assembly, testing, and distribution. The results of this multimedia design can be used for mathematics learning media for learning mathematics in elementary schools.


[ABS-101] Kate chicken sperm quality at 5oC with different storage time

Enike Dwi Kusumawati

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


The aim of this study was to determine the quality of Kate chicken sperm at a temperature of 5oC with different storage times. The material used was sperm Kate chicken derived from two Kate males aged 1-1.5 years old who have a bodyweight of ± 1.2 kg using the completely randomized design (CRD) method with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 hours storage time, and 10 times the repetition of each treatment. The variables observed in the study were the percentage of motility, viability, and the abnormalities. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance. Based on the results of the spermatozoa of the chicken Kate showed that there was a very significant different (P < 0.01) on storage time (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours) against the sperm motility. Sperm Chicken Kate storage time from 0-4 hours indicates the occurrence of decreased sperm motility and viability and increase sperm abnormalities. Based on the reseach results can be concluded that the quality of Kate Chicken sperm that stored at 5oC can be used for AI until 3 hours storage time.


[ABS-102] The Effect of different storage times at 5°C on the quality of Yogurt with the addition of local taro starch (Colocasia esculenta) as stabilizer

Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih, Djalal Rosyidi, Lilik Eka Radiati, Purwadi, Dimas Pratidina Puriastuti Hadiani, Richardus Luda Wae

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of storage time at 5°C on the quality of yogurt with the addition of local Taro Starch as Stabilizer. The materials were used: fresh cow's milk, skim milk, starter and taro starch. The research method used was a laboratory experiment using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with different storage times at 5°C, namely: 5 treatments including: P1: 1 day, P2: 7 days, P3: 14 days, P4: 21 days, P5: 28 days. Each treatment was repeated 4 times so that 20 research units were obtained. The variables observed were the syneresis, WHC, pH, and total acid of the yogurt. Data were analyzed by one way ANOVA, and followed by Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT). The results showed storage time at a refrigerator temperature of 5°C gave a very significant difference (P?0.01) to the syneresis, WHC, pH, and total acid of the yogurt. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the storage time of yogurt can last up to 21 days.


[ABS-103] Design of UPI's Incinerator Classic Rankine Cycle Boiler

Muhamad Maris Al Gifari, Sriyono, Ibnu Mubarak

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


UPI has made an incinerator with a 3.4 m3 capacity. Al Gifari (2020) calculated heat that can be produced by waste combustion, then the heat was used for a simple Rankine cycle with water as the working fluid. The boundary condition for the boiler system is based on Al Gifari’s work (2020). The water temperature enters the boiler with pressure 5 bar with the temperature set at 15 oC and outlet temperature boiler is 406 oC. This paper is used to find geometries that can accomplish this mission. The boiler is divided into three parts, namely the economizer, evaporator, and superheater. The placement starts with the evaporator being stored near the combustion area, followed by the superheater and finally the economizer. The determination of the evaporator geometry is adjusted to the UPI incinerator geometry and operation. The geometry taken is steam-drum. Pressure drive calculation is the analytical tool at the beginning of the design of the evaporator. Then the economizer and superheater used shell and tube configuration and analysis using the NTU method. The superheater shows that the output temperature was less than the design in Standard Rankine Cycle. The economizer needs more heat supply to reach saturated liquid temperature.


[ABS-104] Passively Q-Switched Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser with Graphene Oxide Film as Saturable Absorber

Choirul huda

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


Passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) have been demonstrated using graphene oxide (GO) film as saturable absorber (SA). Stable Q-switched operation can be achieved at 1558.8 nm. By increasing the pump power from 26.32mW to 71.65mW, the repetition rate also increased from 30.58 kHz to 51.81k Hz. The pulse width of the laser were 11.2 – 4.73 µs. The maximum output power and maximum peak power obtained are 128 µW and 521.98 µW respectively at a pump power of 71.65 mW. The pulse energy reaches 2.47nJ.


[ABS-105] A Systematic Review of Effectiveness Studies on Computer Technology-Mediated Task Based Language Teaching in Asia

Oktavia Widiastuti, Utami Widiati, Ayu Liskinasih

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


With the aim of summarizing years of research comparing task based language teaching studies supported with computer technology, a Systematic Literature Review was conducted of empirical research investigating language outcomes through task based language teaching and computer technology advancement. Thirty-five studies yielding 52 effect sizes were included, following a search of literature from 2010 to 2020 in Asia context and screening of studies based on stated criteria. The differences in research designs required subdivision of studies, but overall results favored the technology- mediated task based language teaching, with a small, but positive and statistically significant effect size. Task based language teaching pedagogy supported by computer technology was found to be at least as effective as instruction without technology, and in studies using rigorous research designs the CALL groups out performed the non-CALL groups. The Systematic Literature Review results provide an empirically-based response to the questions of whether or not computer technology-mediated task based language teaching enhance language learning in Asia context, and the process of conducting the Systematic Literature Review pointed to areas in research methodology that would benefit from attention in future research.


[ABS-106] Analysis Skill of Problem Solving and Argument on Newton Law Topics using Argument Based Science Inquiry (ABSI) Model

Hestiningtyas Yuli Pratiwi, Hena Dian Ayu, Chandra Sundaygara, Sujito

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


Problem solving is a process of thinking to analyze what is meant behind the information conveyed. This study aims to determine the ability of problem solving and argumentation skills of students through the ABSI learning model and conventional learning as well as knowing the interaction between ABSI learning model and students' argumentation skills on problem solving skills. The study was conducted in one of Malang City Public High Schools in the even semester 2019/2020. The population consisted of class X MIPA, and the sample consisted of sixty four students who were divided into two class groups namely the experimental class and the control class. The technique of data collecting used tests of critical thinking skills and measure argumentation skills in the from of questionnaire. The data analysis uses two ways ANOVA. The result of the research shows three are, (1) The problem solving skill of students who learn through the ABSI learning model is higher than students who learn with conventional learning models, (2) The problem solving skill of students who have high and low argumentation skills who learn through the ABSI learning model higher than students learning with conventional learning models, (3) There is no interaction between ABSI learning models and students' argumentation skills on problem solving skills.


[ABS-107] Concentration of sheep urine solution as watering media and organic fertilizer to production of corn fodder (zea mays) by hydroponic system

Tri Ida wahyu kustyorini, Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih, Regal Putra Pratama

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the concentration of urine solution as a watering medium and organic fertilizer on the productivity of corn fodder (Zea mays) with a hydroponic system. The research materials were corn seeds, sheep urine and water. The method used was a field trial using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 5 replications, namely T0 (100% water), T1 (5% urine + 95% water), T2, (10% urine + water 90%), T3 (15% urine + 85% water), T4 (20% urine + 80% water). The variables in this study were the percentage of germination, percentage of normal sprouts, number of leaves, plant height, fresh production and dry matter production. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance, if there is an effect, then continue with the LSD test. The results showed that the concentration of urine solution as a watering medium and organic fertilizer had a very significant effect (P <0.01) on the percentage of germination, percentage of normal germination, number of leaves, plant height, fresh production, and dry matter production. The highest germination percentage was found in T1 (91.60%), normal germination percentage T1 (86.78%), number of leaves T1 (3.0 strands), plant height T0 (31.6 cm), forage production T1 (646.6 grams), dry matter production T1 (568.41 grams). Based on the results, it was concluded that watering with a 5% concentration of sheep urine solution gave the best value for the productivity of corn fodder (Zea mays) with the hydroponic system.

