May 2018'S Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities

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May 2018'S Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES INDONESIA Published by the Climate Bonds Initiative Developed in partnership with Pembiayaan Investasi Non-Anggaran Pemerintah (PINA), a project of the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), and PT. EBA Indonesia. Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities, Indonesia Contents This report highlights green infrastructure investment 3 Executive summary opportunities in Indonesia 4 Indonesia’s green infrastructure: an This report has been prepared to support “green”, are presented in a pipeline of opportunity for change Indonesia’s mission to develop low-carbon opportunities for investment in 2018-2019. and climate-resilient infrastructure. It Priorities for investment beyond 2019 are 5 Enabling infrastructure highlights green infrastructure investment also covered. investments will boost growth opportunities, with the aim of facilitating The report is part of a research series 7 Opportunities in global green engagement on this topic between project which will investigate green infrastructure finance owners and developers, and investors. investment opportunities in ASEAN 13 Green infrastructure investment The report is intended for a wide range (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) opportunities of stakeholders in Indonesia and abroad, member countries. including domestic and international 14 Transport In developing this report the Climate investors, companies and developers, 17 Energy Bonds Initiative consulted the Indonesian and relevant Indonesian Government 21 Water and waste management Government and key partners, in particular ministries (Finance, Planning, Energy, 24 Built environment Pembiayaan Investasi Non-Anggaran Transport, Environment). Pemerintah (PINA) and PT. EBA Indonesia. 28 Green investment opportunities Green infrastructure investment We would like to thank these partners and are growing opportunities are explored sector-by- the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the 29 Annexes sector and sample projects, which are Global Green Growth Institute and EDGE aligned with international definitions of Buildings for their contributions. 30 References Climate Bonds Taxonomy The Climate Bonds Taxonomy provides The aim is to encourage common definitions broad guidance for prospective green bond across global markets, in a way that supports and climate bond issuers and investors. the growth of a global green bond market. INFORMATION INDUSTRY & WASTE & LOW CARBON TECHNOLOGY & NATURE BASED ENERGY- ENERGY TRANSPORT WATER POLLUTION BUILDINGS COMMUNICA- ASSETS INTENSIVE CONTROL TIONS COMMERCIAL Solar Rail Built (grey) Residential Power Recycling Agricultural land Manufacturing infrastructure management Wind Vehicles Green and hybrid Commercial Broadband Other Recovery Forests (managed Energy efciency infrastructure and processes unmanaged) Geothermal Mass transit Retrofit Resource Disposal Wetlands Energy efciency efciency products Marine Bus rapid Products for Teleconferencing Reuse Degraded Lands Retail and transport building carbon wholesale efciency Hydropower Water-bourne Pollution Control Other land uses Data centres transport (managed and unmanaged) Bioenergy Alternative fuel Prevention Fisheries and Process & fugitive Infrastructure aquaculture emissions Energy Coastal Energy efcient distribution & infrastructure appliances management Certification Criteria approved Criteria under development Dedicated Land Remediation Combined heat & transmission Due to commence power Indonesia GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative 2 Executive summary Green infrastructure for growth International investors are looking for green Indonesia is the fourth most populous Since the signing of the Paris Agreement amount of USD500m-1bn and a coupon country in the world and one of the there has been an increasing demand from of 4.05%.4 The deal was hugely over- fastest growing emerging markets. It has institutional investors, particularly from OECD subscribed. Ultimately, it was upsized to experienced rapid growth in recent years. nations and China, for investment opportu- USD1.25bn and priced very favourably at This has improved living standards but has nities that address environmental challenges 3.75%. HSBC acted as green structuring also seen environmental degradation and and support sustainable development. advisor. Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, CIMB, increased vulnerability to the impacts of Citigroup, Dubai Islamic Bank and HSBC climate change. This growing interest has resulted in the were joint bookrunners. development and growth of dedicated Indonesia now plans to expand its green financial products. The proceeds raised from the placement green infrastructure to achieve positive will go to multiple projects from eligible environmental and economic benefits. The global green bond market, for categories such as renewable energy, example, has seen exponential growth, Green infrastructure will create prosperity by public transport, low-carbon buildings, reaching USD160.8bn issuance in 2017 increasing competitiveness, productivity and water and waste management, and green up 85% from the year before.3 Investor employment opportunities; extending the tourism. See page 12 for details. demand remains strong. reach, reliability, and efciency of the national Alignment of Indonesia’s low-carbon electricity grid, without creating air pollution; Indonesia’s own experience is proof of this and climate-resilient infrastructure with broadening the economic base; creating investor demand. The government issued international definitions of “green” can new markets; and providing inclusion and the world’s first sovereign green sukuk help attract private overseas capital. connectivity across the nation’s vast archipelago. earlier in 2018. Initial guidance was for an Green infrastructure is low-carbon and less polluting, as well as climate-resilient. It allows Indonesia to position itself as a The green investment pipeline leader and a standard-bearer for climate A selection of Indonesia’s infrastructure compatible growth among neighbouring and assets and projects that align with emerging economies. international definitions of “green” have been This report aims to support Indonesia’s collated in this report. 38 of these projects Water and waste management - water mission to develop low-carbon and are showcased in a green infrastructure supply and treatment facilities; waste climate-resilient infrastructure, by pipeline for 2018-2019. Priority investments recycling and waste-to-energy facilities highlighting green infrastructure beyond 2019 are also covered. investment opportunities for the world’s Green infrastructure investment growing collection of green investors. opportunities range from a USD15m Green finance for sustainable distributed solar project to a USD6bn development light rail development, ofering investors a wide range of options. The largest share of Built environment - certified buildings and The administration of President Joko Widodo these opportunities relates to low-carbon low-carbon street lighting has positioned infrastructure development as transport, with a focus on rail and Bus Rapid one of Indonesia’s highest national priorities. Transit, and renewable energy, with a focus There is potential for additional opportunities With a focus on inclusive and sustainable on geothermal and hydropower. to become available in the future: for instance, growth, it aims to deliver USD400bn The types of green infrastructure the development of electric vehicles and worth of new public-works projects in the investment opportunities, by sector, more solar and wind energy generation transportation, energy, water and waste include: facilities. Further investment opportunities sectors over five years. The state budget will relate to resilient water infrastructure and cover 63% of these costs, with investments more efcient recycling infrastructure. Finally, from development partners and the capital as the practice of seeking certification for markets expected to provide the remainder.1 buildings becomes more mainstream, there Indonesia’s strong macroeconomic will be more green financing opportunities in outlook has delivered investment-grade the property sector and the built environment. sovereign ratings from major international Transport - rail (e.g. urban, inter-city, high- Looking ahead, other green investment opportu- credit rating agencies. This more positive speed rail) and Bus Rapid Transit projects nities should aim to include projects from sectors investment environment has been supported such as forestry and agriculture, information and by government reforms that aim to communications technology (ICT), industry, ad- encourage foreign investment as well as the aptation technology and measures. Ideally, these provision of sovereign guarantees. projects will have already been tagged as “green” Furthermore, the government’s Roadmap by the government and made publicly available in for Sustainable Finance in Indonesia 2015- a centralised location and in multiple languages 2019 provides guidance on green finance, Energy - geothermal, hydropower, solar, – so that overseas investors understand what including the use of green bonds.2 wind, tidal and bio-energy facilities investment opportunities are on the horizon. Indonesia GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative 3 Indonesia’s green infrastructure: an opportunity for change Green infrastructure can help build Indonesia’s sustainable “Infrastructure improvement and Country facts: future development, both connectivity • 16th largest economy globally One of Indonesia’s
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