April 06,1893
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The Republican Journal. (i * Ml BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, APRIL (5, 1893. NUMBER 14. siu>\\ fell duritif a .»nion of the and Federal I Munis and Sour (* p day rapes. State Hoard of Trade. what information sham, bk ith- First, Personal. Mr. II. <). is in Boston on business. aiHuan it was cold town of Doil#. journal. very ..The Deer Isle mshei»V In treating this question I have to A the nominations sent to the Senate is taking steps to put in a water supply. 11mug SKMI-ANM AI. MKKTING A'l SKOWHKCA.N MARCH encroach on the second a little, and presup- Mrs. ,J. \V. Knowlton went to Portland •J'.i. 1898. Mr. M. R. K m>\vIt.m started for Last fall tin town suffered from an epi- last week were those of \V. 1’. Thompson to pose >H a work to he done under the aus- Monday Ttiesday. of the State Board of demic of typhoid lever. When Id deaths he collector at Pel fast, and of M. P. Pendle- The meeting "f the State. Board of Trade pices Trade. With this Chicago. in view there are certain industri- Mrs. .1. C. Cates and Mrs. K. K. had heen the State hoard of ton to he at last week was one of the important Mr. W. A. Clark Conner reported consul at Pictou, Nova Scotia. Mr. Skowhegan al interests in the in returned from Poston health directed Dr. Francis K. Hitchcock, State, which, my judg- are in Boston for tlieii spring styles. Thompson was exceptionally fortunate in pleasantest and most prolitable meetings ment, should not or need not, he advertised Satunlay. chairman ot the Cork land hoard of health, the I. ti>.i no as the that it has ever held. About the usual unru- through agency of this Board. I will Mr. P. A .lones is on a business to nj Joauly. having opposing candidate, and Miss Elizabeth M. Rond is fi iends trip to \isit Deer Isle and report conditions incut ion a few of them ; visiting '■Mice lier of 11 teal hoards were about < Mima and W t was vacant his appointment came represented by Deserted in Massachusetts. Waterville, drop. s i' u Mo t< s‘ >i- Dr. llieheuek ssuivc\ of t he town, pointed Farms. Some of our sister New about as a matter course. the usual number of h it there was •" out a leasable water available fmni of This appears delegates, England States have had lists of their aban- Mr Win. A. started on ins p turn •■■■] !" 'T'' system Mrs. K. E. Pendleton returned Saturday Idirhaiu to also Mr. an unusual and that is doned farms and sent broadcast Cine Lakt a mile from tow n, w hich it is have been true, of Pendleton's enthusiasm, saying published, K a n is W« di osda\ in tin of from a visit to Poston. City iiioriunp. >-J 'll a UMI hope attracting new pi opostal now to tit iii. r. 1 lie Saco river plum It was not supposed he would need mileh, for the meetings have never larked in occupants he »’ *••0 "t tilt' thereto. It dot s not well for the M iSS < a ! d i 111- 1” i<‘ i I 1 at-St S (-\j. ;s speak pros- Mr. Frank P. J me. to naviuation.... I'. m. \ ml row 1*. outside a eiithusi ism. of the are be- Mathews was in rtf-1 oj.eii any influence, hut Washington Many delegates perity of the State and it does not tell the Pangor ’<1 t non studios -i \\ it •, C. .jo, m ■ ■ not \\ iswvll has i*. eti l>\ tin- (.over- w Tuesday and P appoinua, despat» Ii says lie “was endorsed by Arthur oming better aeijuainted with earh other hole truth. Naturally ami almost uni- Wednesday. (oi •' list it-e of t hi lie .I ltdiei,i i < onrt. the earliest, day. Stipe; and will < »f formly settlements in any ( \ S<m .j' Nat mil (’omimtii cman, (’hairman tlo-w..rk the State Board, so that hilly Mr. I’. Wellington of Alhion wa~ at the a ;: e \\ isw ■ M is ;t• were on the as aide and enjoy- ountry hill-top.-. Later, the Mr. I <; n; .■,:d d f.twyei I»«• 111. \: 11. .-I ih" State and Col. tin lm-.-lings lie to illereaSi W indsor and i- ■ Kiiiiiiittfi', might expected ii''Tc fertile are Friday jt>- > iti.i 1 lie' n iv. in 1 Cm valleys the origin- Saturday. ’a:.;, occupied, « o pia.-'.ier M'— S Pi.,': w .-I d' ''I' ii■ 'ii e\ ■■mmissioiu « 1 and in nit. !«•-1 iml they do All nn-m- 'll t o ins must he abandoned the law of < an w « !; « ■« o !« u tl11 navigation ‘-r:ainly by Mi. >scar E. Roberts is at le -me bu- I- l * 1! ;: dpt ■' •• -in v:\ ul of tin- littest. h man hi < om- i'•s !: ■.i 11 1. a Hoard win« ha\ <• ati ••m But, where om- is Slate '-mgr. ssi-mai Week's visit from Manchester. \ |j thus abandoned in our State, two new and n: ,,:.. d 1 u el .'m- from time tn tin, agree he11ci farms arc occupied. Hen. .- the piildi- Mr and Mrs Henry Staples w•. i,t ti• R \ mg N. 1 >cmnci ais win •. t !.• m ami at uni ..f iln- lists o| Kngiand mg highly internsting the abandoned farms of la nd iast Thu rsday to \■ is r<.!at vi->. Old! nary ■ < ■ ■ Maim v« .pjdu ati.ms at Washing!-m t r T.1.11:i•. I! i> l.. bn r. gl-etled might g; a \\ r. -ng impress;.,U v the tacts, and coiiid 11 a l, assist in its ju- •'Irs. I' ran k W Coliin* md ■ v R..b. rt img Walter .1 « •••ana ■ i d si :• ■! nr « mens have a ailed das; r. a i 11 c 11 f iop111c Roe v ■ k land am ed f. : 'i'll",,,. 1, Mil,-, top of Cll-t at •"■ •• Saturday l.riel' ! I •! iii pi li-ge d at tend! ng t In-s< Summer Be-orls. Tins I■ 11-; n Maim- '• > 1 .o •.• ; Mmigeit ..i Ih 1.i■ ;• ., a large imlusm u hn h I think ties Board M -lam. Mitch. i ! p.m k -o-. aih-d ;lt a'li ;idc i*, not eaiied to ad\a rt >- m mst n t i-ni in upon led last SatiirdaN oil 1> wax -ii.e li c Med na ’!•>'; p* div La. ii ;nt. rest is ■ o mdv looked In •. mb,,,;.,., .1 ,-iisi.m.s a! «s. W'alTrll. tor Mn, atf'-r ;u this i• v V respect iut.■ I-*'stcd partes Mre. M -. Ci n: ... p U 11 th. ■ Me i.o has 11 re; 11 an estahlishcd and widc- :dg. pi sent repres, Mr. ( le. rg.- llo. ! as refarimd ». M ■> !•- la V, II 1 Cpll I a t ,o); ill tins im, \|oirn'.n n p. fes! to he Mae I egwiatn.'- M > X\ 1 l,USett>. lh-r. ill- has he.-'., .-moa.xed I U vva ablf I ,(•!-• nd to Is". ;• .? ! do1; ■; if this Inis;,less as-jsts tin- oil,. ;• ! '! s !:■ Veter it ■! IT >i the M is ■la.-t rial inter, -Ms ,j Main** except that ot 1 ag:;c11it ur. i'li* o>s ;nto < onimuii!- ng: ;ni_\ '! o; H Prol. W : R. Howard ami xx :i = ; o| a -: ■ t> iarg« nu t,'• f ..n v.e atioii eg of th. pa.'lti'.l! ! v 11 i'' 1 poop!,-. ‘"•FT. a urhing milnein e rat In r tban a iug Mr H.A | •. i: lit-. Mr ami M s. 1 \ helpful lie ; mii;,-i. logs laborers, h lb.ward. W it I. II. : t! s. •. '. •w m I '•’.'cates uneasiness the a mg Washing lespa' among employed, bonu was a s< v«-ro blow p, :;i.. as bo si.i vv Mt All. li H. bn iii'li a T 1 ■ a ■ *‘s desi re t h them to do li ke\\ of \\ i i: i. Ma<c. M ,'M i: aused a •• <1 deal of uiifav <u M! m l* I -ya t :'r-Ml a. !Se. a 111 i II loll- or g mpa j-'-'Sod ms v, lb- b. a, ;| 1 imliitc; eu. .• io vv 1 iVKe.i t >1. iiad I lie has heen their ork hn- the im. arnx ed :n Peifa-t lmdux :• a n Ma a! st.it. til; e ai! "riled ! tin turn ■■ omiiie’it Augusta last week among .ofor-- t !■■ I, f i'omg. 1 speak roin S!or, d M ( ....1 1 experience. Vestel da x S-< ... I T I a ... it in. t. iug ;, i1: !. I n lie- rat n mem lu > ot the "y t'Vu Ji. lake l'la- ic r\ i- l.egisla. i iidiist m a posit ion w here ad- bad bet li ab- 1.1 1 o; |, ,s|| \ ,|,j A li_. t i|, o’ M I Il'iIo.i n llehix I'help-. lit. fast e.l in the I. ale Hi ;■< at a- m !! Ill i a yet dinner. vert will do ii lit t. le t < >. W. H| ;. ;sing omparat ely good. dipt. Chapman is at mane i..r a a fie in, 'ii and about ,i «•,•;< o,, j, p.j I Mil tie an is in mg m a and W i1 i.. am in 1 lie at term;i | superseded large slant vaeation. ! I is si \essel, h. 11*• i.• 11, is at I'o ! to T}M ..