Winter 20111 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! ACO Celebrates 70th Anniversary 3 Managing Editor Denise Parker Housby 4 HOLD THE email
[email protected] Editor Carol McCombe FRONT PAGE email
[email protected] Sales Manager Anthon Linton, Ten Alps Media, One New Oxford Street, High Holborn, London, WC1A 1NU Tel: 020 7306 0300 This Issue: Design Steve J Davies, Air Media Centre, HQ Air Command AIR CADET is printed by Warners Midlands plc, The Maltings, Manor Lane, Bourne PE10 9PH Tel: 01778 391000 Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but neither Warners plc nor the ACO can be held responsible for the accuracy of the information herein, or any consequence arising from it. Views expressed by contributors and customers might not reflect the views of the ACO. A Message From The Editor ... A New Year and a new start ... That is particularly true for the Air Cadet Organisation this year as it addresses the inevitable impact of the Government’s 13 Plans FOR Strategic Defence and Security Review. 4 NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE Commandant Air Cadets, Air Commodore New Music Ensemble Barbara Cooper, and the whole of the FROM THE BOSS Organisation will be examining how the cadet experience is delivered to the hundreds of school and community- based units around the country now and in the future. There’s a new brand to take the Organisation forward too. After 11 years, the ACO is re-branding to bring it closer to its parent service, the RAF. Find out more on pages 4 and 5.