Enforcing contracts for Valencian commerce: The institutional foundations of international trade in the first half of the fifteenth century. Víctor Olcina Pita Student number: s1720716
[email protected] C/ Virgen del Socorro 85, 2º A, 03002 (Alicante, Spain). MA History: specialization Europe 1000-1800. Institute for History. Supervisor: prof. dr. Louis Sicking. 1 INTRODUCTION 3 PART I. THE MERCHANT’S PERSPECTIVE 8 I.1. The merchant’s business 8 I.2. The merchants for themselves: the role of informal institutions 13 PART II. FORMAL INSTITUTIONS AND CONTRACT ENFORCEMENT 18 II.1. The city of Valencia, her Consolat de Mar and the overseas consulates 18 Valencia and her Consolat de Mar 18 Settling conflicts between fellow Catalans 20 The consular network of information and punishment 21 The Catalano-Aragonese citizenship: a valuable asset? 23 Enforcing cross-national contracts 25 Valencia within the consular network of Barcelona 26 II.2. Valencia and its sphere of influence 27 Valencians and Mallorcans in Barbaria 28 Valencians in the kingdom of Granada 38 II.3. The Valencian case compared 43 Barcelona 44 The Italian republics: Genoa, Venice and Florence 45 CONCLUSION 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY 50 A. Primary sources 51 B. Source publications 51 C. Secondary literature 52 2 Introduction In the late fifteenth century, the German traveller Hieronymus Münzer referred to Valencia as the largest and richest city in the Iberian Peninsula, noting the fact that it had even outstripped Barcelona as the head of the Crown of Aragon1. Whether this sorpasso actually happened and to what extent is still a matter of discussion, yet this century was no doubt a period of extraordinary economic and commercial development for Valencia.