Long Branch Daily Record

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Long Branch Daily Record WEATHER INDICATIONS FAIR TONIGHT AND SUNDAY. Detailed information on page 3. LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD VOL. 11—NUMBER 299. LONG BRANCH, N. J., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1912. PRICE TWO CENTS WILSON AND BRYAN FISH PLANS FOB PROSPEROUS YEAR CONFER BUT CABINET CHRISTMAS TREAT FOR STATE TREASURY OF At Examination Yesterday One Arrangements Complete For Mrs. Matilda Morris Dies With* Defines Constitution As OFFERJSN'T MADE • Fine Afternoon For 800 OF NEW JERSEY out Warning—Mrs. Kelso "Jjtierty And Justice.' Poor Children Monday. Dead In 83rd Year. A preliminary examination of Mon- Governor Says That Appointment of Nebraskan to Arrangements for giving the poor $22,741,938.13 Handled, $5,526,220.09, of it Mm, Matilda Morris, wife oi Thomas mouth county applicants for naturali- children of thia city a Christmas treat MoirlH, died suddenly at he- nome la ztlou K&S conducted Thursday after- next Monday afternoon, commencing Kri wards avenue at 8 o'clo'-U las; night. noon in the Anbury Park council cham- Cabinet Was Not Touched Upon at Long Con- at two o'clock, ware completed today State School Tax Proceeds--$3,3Q9,781.2O l he deceased had been id falling ber by John A. Nash, an examiner from by the ladies of the Society for the Health for the past six uion,'i\ She the Philadelphia office of the United ference at Trenton This Morning--Both Improvement of the Poor. Early Mon- Balance on $12,967,147.31 to the Ac- waB afflicted with heart trouble. As States naturalization service of itie de- da> morning the Grand Theatre In had been her custom for BOCD? time, partment of commerce and labor These Broadway will be turned over to the sin1 was occupying a chai:1 in tier bed preliminary examinations are conduc- Silent on Matters Discussed committee of ladles to be used at count of thn State Goverment room last evening, talking to Ii%r hus- ted for the assistance of the depart- their discretion. Decorators will be band. When she became fatigued shrf on hand to give the interior of the TrenUm. Dec. 21.—The total receipts .-•aid she would retire for tlie night. ment's agents in conducting the final State House. Trenton, Dec. 21. ~ show house a holiday appearance. The txaminatlon, which must be taken in Colonel William J. Bryan, who routed Christinau tree will be erected on the or New Jersey fo.- the fiscal year end- j Mr. Morris wan assisting he- to the Freehold within 90 daj'a after the filing he reactionaries at the Baltimore con- stage and the electric effects will be ing October Si, iyi2, were $9,657,366.11,(tad when without warning *^a fell lu of the application for citizenship. tention and made possible the nomlna- ffi IN GOLD FOH and tr.<e dif-mrsempnN for the same hla ;M in: . death having ensued. placed in position. Willing volunteers Within that period tho Naturalization ion of Woodrow Wilson for the Pres- bo present to assist (he ladies in period were 17,896,476.11. These fls- Mrs. Morris wag in her 5Srd year. service is given time to conduct the idency, ci.nie to Trenton today and making the tree attractive, Presents urea refer to the state fund and tho She waa a daughter of WU'Um ami preliminary examination. held a long conference with the Gov- for tho little ones will be in evidence. latter figures represent the grand to- Harriet Simpson, of GL-nd >!n N. J. A number of applicants were ex- ernor at the State House. BEST KEPT HOUSE tal expenditures for Ihe state govern- i-'lie and her lnmbfind crime hoie ahoui ;u.d orangey apples and candy will bo amined yesterday. They seemed to do Col. Bryan arrived here at 9.18 thin placed in piles ready for distribution. ment for the year. The ntate balance l'uiirteeii years ago. There are tnree well with the questions asked by the moj Them will be no delays, as the ladies In bank November-l, lyil, wag $3,309,• surviving children, two situ and ft examiner and displayed a fair knowl- ornine, after spending the night in Eliqjliecr ThomaS F. GaSkJll, Of are anxioue to have the exercic-.es over Late Brooklyn Ex-Comptroller 781.20, making a total of $12,067.H7.31 dnuplitor. They are Thomas, of thin 'hiladelpuMadelphlal . He waa met at the de- . edge of state and national govern- pot by the Governor's seceretary and before dark, so that the children can Buried at Glcnwood Ceme- in Ihf state treasury during the yearjeity; William, of New Hon'ioile, and ment. One native of 'Russia gave ar, was rushed to the State House in an Oceanic, Wins Public Safety rettu'i to their homes unaccompanied, on account of state government. The Mi'K. Harriett Cooper, of Ridge wood Interesting definition of tho constiiu automobile. The distinguished vis- If necessary. tery With Masonic Rites. bnliinro to the state's credit ln bank at Two ulsters and one brot'ier survive. Hon. To the question: "What is the itor entered Governor Wilson's recep- end of the fiscal year. October 31st, | They are Mrs. Rebecca Htlllwell, or constitution?" he replied, "Liberty and Head's Prize. Mayor Newcomb will make an ap- last was jr>,27O,672.2O. Brooklyn: .\Ir». Magaret Chamberlain. tion room at 9,30 ,and the Governor Brooklyn and lyong Uranoh Masons justice," Engineer Thomas F. QaBklll, of the propriate address, telling tho children Dovo1 0 Janle8 Ham was there to receive him. He greet- Oceanic Fire Engine Company, i3 about Kanta Clans. Edwin L. Reed, attended I] e fmipral of ex-Controller Of this balance, however, t8.8S7.lll.- °' ' "" •"»"». "< Those examined were: ed Col. Bryan very cordially. George W. Palmer at hla Oakwood ave- 11 wan due to the county from the ] °n carrying in a leather wallet five five- or the Citizens National Bank, who has FnntTHl arraiiKeuientB have not been Harry Grobatein, Russian, a con- 1 am mighty glad to see you. Col. ,,„„„ gold |)leC(,B They were g|ven volunteered to play the part of Santa liome 'ttila al't'arnoon and afterward railroad tax for public school purpose Funeral director John G. tractor, of Asbury park. Bryan, said the Governor, shaking , , Claus, will occupy a position on the dropped the evergreen in the grave at so that tht> net Ijalancn fnr tlic staie 1 Max Waldman, Russian, a black- t0 him ye terdBy afternoon by C1 y Hexton 1B in chars* . hands with his visitor heartily. Commissioner Thomas V. Arrowsmlth balcony in front of the theatre build- Clenwood cemetery that reoltod his pUrpORGa was $2,443,061.09. Tho net smith, Asbury Park. balance at the rlose of the 1911 fl Death of Mrs. KelRO Col. Bryan returned the greeting just hoad of the PubMc Saf D(,partmenti shouting a greeting to the chil- j mortal rmains. Lodge, Mrs. EOllzabeth Kelso, widuw of Wil- Oscar Miller, Russian, a plumber, ol as cordially, and tney immediately en- . , , , „,.<,„„„„,, ,„ j N 3 Asbury Park. fol havIn( thc h( st R Miun J, ECelaOi tiled at the aonin of her tered the Governor's private office for city. Joham August Louis Klonschmidt- the conference. German, a bartender, of Fair Haven. Before greeting the Governor, Col. When Mr. Arrowsmith assumed r'"- Joseph Fetta, Italian, a watchman, Bryan was asked as to the object o', ,j (Ice and was aasigned to "the head of | ol Long Branch. the meeting, but he refused to discusB tho Public Safety Department he an- Arnold Brlggs, English, a manager, it He said that if the Governor had nouneed that he would give a Christ- of B5a.-d.ey Beach. not spoken of their purpose ill coming j "»' B>« of *25 1» Bold to the engin- eer with the bes Joseph Lipack, Russian, a cutter, ol together, he could not say anything. ! ' kept flrehouse in the n&ed fo Red Bank. He alBO said that the length of the flre department. There are nine com- lino was noticeable. a poor families. Clothing, fuel and pro- j Kepiesentatives were also present at M\P. beginning of the year of $248,-' Guiaeppo Rizzo Italian, a barbe*, ol ronforeuce would depend altogether ! P "les In the department and eight MRS, !-•>'•" was a daughter of the visions will be distributed to deserving from Altalre Chapter. H. A. M.; at. 536.f!i:. a total or 1615,468.45. The dls-' Belmar. upon the Governor's wishes. flrehouses, the Atl&ntiea sharing with ijurBementa were JSO.'l.lKM.t'u. Innvlnff lati? John and Mary Smith. She was the Pn poor. Cases reported during the week I Elmo Commandcry, K. T., and Kismet born at Fair Haven, romiiig to Lome Marco di Fiore, Italian, flagman, ot The conference broke up at one o'- " Dalys. have besn investigated and the llBt Is Temple, Nobles of tlie Mystk* Shrine. a balance at the end of the year of, clock when the President-elect and Rivuliy has been keen, and It was l'ranch over fifty years ago. Her Red Bank. ! not unt11 large. It means that considerable I Rev. Victor J. Blekkink, oi the First $311,521.78. Col Bryan went to lunch together at yesterday afternoon that En- r]ic three surviving sisters are residents of Henry Koenig, German, a ii-iftmith ] funds will be neep.r.sary to meet the I Rufc med Church, preached the ser-' recnlpis for the state Hehoo! t:i\ of Belford. the Hotel Sterling. The Governor Sineer Gaskill knaw he hart won the Knir Ha van.
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