This dissertation has been microfilmed exactly as received 70-6715 AYERS, David Hugh, 1924- THE APPRENTICESHIP OF ROBERT ANDERSON. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1969 Theater University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan ( c ) David Hugh Ayers 1970 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THE APPRENTICESHIP OF ROBERT ANDERSON DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By David Hugh Ayers, B.A., H.A. ****** The Ohio State University 1969 Approved by ^ __ ^XCo-Adviser D^ision of Theatre ^ Co-Adviser Division of Theatre PREFACE For over fifteen years, Robert Anderson has been recognized as a major American playwright, but no full-length critical consider ation of his work has been undertaken. This first comprehensive treat ment of his career developed as an outgrowth of the American Play wrights Theatre program. As Executive Director of the APT project for the past six years, ray association with Mr. Anderson in connec tion with fifty nationwide APT productions of his play. The Days Between, resulted in some of the most rewarding and stimulating ex periences of my life. Inspired initially by admiration for the man and his work, the present study grew out of the realization that a wealth of material has accumulated over the period of this associa tion in the form of letters, tape-recorded broadcasts, various re visions of The Days Between, the author's notes on interpretation, etc., which could serve as valuable sources of information for future biographers, critics, historians, and play directors. The purpose of the dissertation is twofold: to present a professional biography of Robert Anderson and to provide explication of his major plays through an examination of his development as a playwright and by the inclusion of Mr.
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