Commercial Tfceaher Palumbo and the Other Scissor Experts Really Want to Accomplish Something, They’Ll Figure out for Baldies How to Get Hair Back In
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M in il-E d It it a pleasure to aote that Bob Palum bo, North Arlington hair stylist, took third place ia the New Jersey Haircutting contest staged by the Master Hairdressers and Cos metologists Association. This prestigious contest proved, according to the association, punk hair is out and refined hair is in. If Commercial TfCeaher Palumbo and the other scissor experts really want to accomplish something, they’ll figure out for baldies how to get hair back in. The shiny pates gave up punk a long, long time and soum- BERGEN REVIEW ago. Second-Class postage paid at Rutherford. N.J VOL. 62 NO. 8 USPS 125-820 f^c| THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 Pubhshed at 251 RidCe Rd . Lyndhurst Subscription 58 00 Published Weekly Sal Crupi Supports Plan For G r a t e f u l Honors Are Awarded Recovery Plant In Lyndhurst M o t h e r St. Michael’s Pastor Dear Editor: Dear Chief . Archbishop Gerety on he has served for many 1 read with interest the Last Friday, August 26, September 15th at 7:00 years as a trustee and at letter in your August issue about 4:30 P.M . my 11- p m in Sacred Heart present he is one of the from the Commissioner of year-old daughter, Jen Cathedral in Newark will vice presidents of the the Lyndhurst Department nifer, while playing across formally confer Papal Polish American Immi of Public Works about the the street from our home, Honors upon Rev Edward gration Society of New proposed Resource Re ran into a pole. She was F. Ma jew ski. Pastor of St York covery facility. As an ex stunned and bleeding pro Michael’s, Lyndhurst, Under the Chairmanship ecutive of the Bergen fusely from around her eye granted by Pope .John Paul of Cardinal John Krol of County Utilities Authority, and forehead. I called the II. The title of Monsignor Philadelphia and with the the proponent of the facili police and the response "prelate of honor to His approval of Archbishop ty, and as a native of Lyn was fantastic. The two Holiness,” formerly Peter L Gerety of the dhurst and an area resi police officers and the known as domestic pre Archdiocese of Newark, he dent, i am pleased with the young m an and two young late, derives from clerics successfully directed the amount of discussion the women from the Emergen who at one time acted as Campaign to help the proposal has caused and cy Squad were wonderful intermediaries between financially distressed with the active interest of 1 did not get any of their the Pope and t he Shrine of Lady of the D.P.W. Commissioner names and they were so cardinals Czestochowa in and the other elected of kind and gentle with my The Celebration for Un Doyle stown, Pen ficials of the township daughter. They made both people of St Michaels nsylvania. The Commissioner of the her and me feel better. Parish will take place on During the Euchanstic D.P.W , whose achieve I want to thank them all September 18. at a Con- Congress in 1976, Father ments as a public official for being so wonderful to celebrated Mass of 5 00 Rev. Edward F. Majewski Majewski as President of are to be admired, is, Recently completed resource recovery plant in St. Petersburg, Fla., was visited my daughter. She is re p.m.. followed by Open tant was at his home the Polish Clergy ad however, off the mark in by Sal Crupi. cuperating from severe House in the Church parish of St Anthony's dressed the Polish Bishops her assessment of and op lacerations, bruises and a Auditorium Jersey City where he spent under the leadership of position to the proposed re D i a r y O f concussion. He is a native of Jersey thirty five years of his Cardinal Wojtyla, now source recovery facility Many thanks from a City and graduated from priestly life He was the POPE JO H N PA LL II The township Com grateful mother. St Anthony's Grammar Administrator-Teacher in When these same Bishops missioners visited an ex V i s i t T o Dolores McAdam School. St Peter s Prep , the St Anthony's High came to Holy Rosary isting facility in Saugus. School and finally became Parish in Passaic, New Those responding were Seton Hall College and Mass. and found the facili Pastor there in 1961 Jersey to honor F l a . P l a n t Patrolman Jerry Onnembo completed his Seminary ty satisfactory, except that Archbishop Cieplak, and Joseph Macellaro and Course at the Immaculate On August 21. 1971. they disliked its factory- Met Mr. Al Nash, Conception Seminary, Father Edward F Ma Father Majewski once Emergency Squad mem like appearance and she Tuesday morning, jewski was formalh in again represented the bers Theresa Muldoon, Darlington, N.J Father alone expressed some con August 2. at 10:00 stalled as Pastor of St Archdiocese of Newark Betty Sliwoski and Majewski was ordained a cern over the possibility of A.M. as scheduled, Priest by the late Most Michael's Church in Lyn and co-hosted the recep Thomas Cherico fly ash emissions. who then arranged a Rev Archbishop Thomas dhurst. succeeding the late tion for these distinguished Subsequently, 1 visited tour with a guide J Walsh on June 6. 1936 Father Ladislaw prelates. the newest facility of this We started from the JuniorsW ill His deceased brother. Rev Wilczewski. Father Majewski always shows a deep interest m all type in St. Petersburg, m ain office to a pro Msgr. Francis S Majewski Over and above the work who was Pastor of Sacred things which pertain to Florida and found that all jection room where I P aint H ouse in St Michael's parish. Heart Church of North Father Majewski served Pol ish people and of the problems with such viewed a film of the facilities have been over Bergen. New Jersey was as president for three (3) heritage facility which took N u m b e r s come in St. Petersburg, Father Edward's priestly terms of the Polish Clergy All Parishioners and his w here the l a t e s t about 15 minues. We Commissioner Evelyn inspiration Group 24 of the numerous friends extend technology has been put in then went to the Re Pezzolla, Director oi the Father Majewski’s first Archdiocese of Newark Congratulations to him on use, including architec fuse Handling Build IHiblic works Department assignment as an Assis- and Paterson. In addition this m emorable occasion tural improvements. (A ing which is 90' x 270 '-j has announced that the copy of my report on the foot with an enclosed E n t r a n c e t o St. Petersburg plant Township of Lyndhurst visit to the B.C. L A. Com tipping floor 6,000 tons will be painting house New Minister Is Named missioners is attached.) numbers on curbs of storage capacity C o m m u n i t y In early July, 1 joined housing two cranes throughout the town as a with B.C. I A Com with 8 cubic yard service to the community at no charge to the resi missioners and staff in buckets. W elcom es P rincipal For United Methodists presenting our plans to the dents. L y n d h u r s t C o m We went up into the The project will be done Bishop O Dale White, gical Technician in the 4th Evangelism Consultant, Kobert P. Mooney, new The three new guidance missioners. We outlined a Crane Control Room on weekends through the President of the Northern Division and The 279th Sta Board of Ministry Lyndhurst High School counsellors are assigned very sound fiscal program which houses two cooperation of the Juvenile New Jersey Annual Con tion Hospital in both the Member. Director of Lay principal, and his family and on their jobs according that would provide sub operators. NOTE: Aid Bureau ference of The United American and European Speaking. Missionary were w arm ly welcomed at to Board Trustee James stantial benefits to the Pictures, this control Methodist Church has an Theaters of Operation Secretary, Achives and a reception following Mon Kirkos They are Ralph township. As to the ap nounced the appointment Honorably discharged in History Member, and ac room is completely day night ’s board of educa Lalore, fully qualified, a pearance of the facility, W e l l of the Rev John B Colum 1945. he entered Ipsala tive member of local Coun air conditioned and in tion m eeting held in tlie former teacher in the sixth we suggested that the bus of Hasbrouck Heights College. East Orange from cils of Churches contact with the main high school library grade at Franklin School, township appoint an as the Pastor of the Lyn which he received his Bac Community-wise, Mr control room at all because of the large atten assigned fulltim e to the R e - O p e n e d architectural committee to dhurst United Methodist calaureate Degree. Cum Columbus has been both a dance, rather than in the high school. Thomas times. Commissioner Evelyn Church. Rev Columbus Laude in Psychology and Police and Masonic help in the design of the Board of Education office Grillo, former teacher in We then went to Pezzolla, Director of the will conduct his first Economics. He pursued Chaplain, an enthusiastic facility’s facade. We of in Lincoln School both Franklin and Public Works Department service on Sunday, Sep further studies at the fered to resolve the poten view the two stokers.