Locally Feller processes and martingale local problems Mihai Gradinaru and Tristan Haugomat Institut de Recherche Math´ematique de Rennes, Universit´ede Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France fMihai.Gradinaru,
[email protected] Abstract: This paper is devoted to the study of a certain type of martingale problems associated to general operators corresponding to processes which have finite lifetime. We analyse several properties and in particular the weak convergence of sequences of solutions for an appropriate Skorokhod topology setting. We point out the Feller-type features of the associated solutions to this type of martingale problem. Then localisation theorems for well-posed martingale problems or for corresponding generators are proved. Key words: martingale problem, Feller processes, weak convergence of probability measures, Skorokhod topology, generators, localisation MSC2010 Subject Classification: Primary 60J25; Secondary 60G44, 60J35, 60B10, 60J75, 47D07 1 Introduction The theory of L´evy-type processes stays an active domain of research during the last d d two decades. Heuristically, a L´evy-type process X with symbol q : R × R ! C is a Markov process which behaves locally like a L´evyprocess with characteristic exponent d q(a; ·), in a neighbourhood of each point a 2 R . One associates to a L´evy-type process 1 d the pseudo-differential operator L given by, for f 2 Cc (R ), Z Z Lf(a) := − eia·αq(a; α)fb(α)dα; where fb(α) := (2π)−d e−ia·αf(a)da: Rd Rd (n) Does a sequence X of L´evy-type processes, having symbols qn, converges toward some process, when the sequence of symbols qn converges to a symbol q? What can we say about the sequence X(n) when the corresponding sequence of pseudo-differential operators Ln converges to an operator L? What could be the appropriate setting when one wants to approximate a L´evy-type processes by a family of discrete Markov chains? This is the kind of question which naturally appears when we study L´evy-type processes.