OFFICIAL USE ONLY SecM2008-0340 IDA/SecM2008-0536 August 11, 2008 Public Disclosure Authorized

FROM: Vice President and Corporate Secretary

Monthly Operational Summary of Bank and IDA Proposed Projects

Public Disclosure Authorized (as of July 15, 2008)


Executive Directors and Alternates Public Disclosure Authorized President Bank Group Senior Management Vice Presidents, Bank, IFC and MIGA Directors and Department Heads, Bank, IFC and MIGA Public Disclosure Authorized

This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank Group authorization. THE WORLD BANK MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY


User’s Guide 3 Global Environment Facility 4

Projects in the Pipeline New Projects 5 Projects Deleted 6 Africa Region 7 South Asia Region 17 East Asia and Pacific Region 24 Europe and Central Asia Region 33 Middle East and North Africa Region 40 Latin America and the Caribbean Region 44 Guarantee Operations 56 List of Acronyms 57

Entries for Projects in the Pipeline are organized by region, country and economic sector. Entries preceded by (N) denote new listings; (R) indicates a revision or update from the previous month’s listing. The portions of the entry that differ appear in italic type. A sample entry is included in the User’s Guide, which begins on the next page.


Economic Management Private Sector Development Education Public Sector Governance Environment and Natural Resources Management Rural Development Energy and Mining (including Renewable Energy) Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Finance (including noncompulsory pensions, insurance Social Protection and contractual savings) Transportation Health, Nutrition and Population Urban Development Information and Communication Water and Sanitation Law and Justice

Copyright © 2008 by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, 1818 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20433. The material contained in The World Bank Monthly Operational Summary may not be reproduced, transmitted or photocopied in any form, or by any means, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 3


The World Bank Monthly Operational Summary reports on the for executing of World Bank-financed projects, including hiring status of projects in the World Bank’s pipeline from the time the consultants and procuring goods and works. Contractors and operation is identified to the signing of the Loan, Credit, or suppliers, therefore, should contact appropriate officials of the Grant Agreement. It is a detailed accounting of the projects implementing agency to express their interest in specific pro- included in the country lending programs that are actively jects and obtain information on what goods and services will be being prepared for implementation. The lending programs needed and when and how to submit bids and proposals. reflect the Bank’s strategy for each member country as set out During implementation, consultants are often used to provide in the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) papers and notes technical assistance and other project implementation support. presented to the Board of Executive Directors of the World Unlike contracts for goods and works, those for consulting ser- Bank. On average, it takes about 13 months for the Bank to process vices are not usually advertised. Therefore, consultants in par- a project from concept document to approval. After a financing ticular should contact the responsible implementing agency agreement is signed or a project removed from the program, early in the project preparation period to express their interest. the project entry is dropped from this Summary. Contracts for consulting services, as well as some for goods and Each issue of the Summary contains a list of projects being works, may also be procured prior to loan/credit/grant approval. reported for the first time and a list of projects for which financ- This is known as advance contracting. ing agreements have been signed or that have been dropped The information contained in The World Bank Monthly Opera- from the current program. tional Summary is intended to enable companies to assess their By becoming familiar with the Bank’s project cycle, which is sum- interest in supplying Bank-financed projects. Further informa- marized in the following paragraphs, consultants or suppliers tion should be requested from the country’s project imple- of goods and works can gauge when the timing is right to pur- menting agency. The likelihood of a timely response is greater sue business opportunities with Bank borrowers. Each entry if the queries are brief and to the point. When possible, travel in the Monthly Operational Summary what point in the cycle a to the country and direct contact with relevant agency officials particular project has reached. is recommended. Project Cycle Firms should contact the World Bank only if they are unable to During IDENTIFICATION, the client government and the obtain a response to their queries from the implementing Bank identify a specific operation as being likely to support agency. General information about business opportunities under the country’s development strategy and the Bank’s CAS. Bank loans, credits, and grants may be obtained from the World During PREPARATION, the client government identifies and Bank’s Procurement Policy and Services Group’s website at discusses the technical and institutional alternatives for achiev- (click on bidding and con- ing the objectives of a project. Preparation usually requires fea- sulting opportunities). sibility studies followed by more detailed studies of the alter- Business opportunities arising from World Bank projects after natives that promise to yield the most satisfactory results. An they have been approved, including invitations to bid and to sub- environmental assessment is usually carried out during this phase. mit proposals on Bank projects and notices of contract awards, (See below for more information on environmental assess- appear twice a month in UN Development Business and are avail- ment.) able via the internet at UN Development Business Online In the preparation stage of the project cycle, clients often sup- at . plement their own efforts by hiring consultants to carry out a Environmental Categories major part of the work. Contractors and suppliers of equip- The type, timing, and scope of environmental analysis to be per- ment and goods need to start making contacts with country offi- formed by Bank clients are confirmed when a given project is cials during this stage. identified. Projects are assigned one of the following categories, During APPRAISAL, the Bank conducts a comprehensive depending on the nature, magnitude, and sensitivity of envi- review of all aspects of the project (technical, institutional, eco- ronmental issues: nomic, and financial), laying the foundation for implementing Category A: The project may have adverse and significant the project and evaluating it when completed. Conducted by Bank environmental impacts. Full environmental assessment is nor- staff, project appraisal may be supplemented by individual mally required. experts. The preparation of the Project Appraisal Document con- cludes this stage. Category B: The project may have specific environmental issues. Partial environmental assessment is normally required. During NEGOTIATIONS, discussions are held with the client government, and the agreements reached are written into the Category C: Likely to have minimal or no adverse environmental loan documents. Upon completion of negotiations, the project impacts. Beyond screening, no further EA action is required. is presented to the Executive Directors for approval. After Category FI: Involves investment of Bank funds through a approval, the financing agreement is signed. financial intermediary, in subprojects that have adverse envi- Project IMPLEMENTATION normally starts within a few ronmental impacts. An environmental framework may be months after the project financing agreement is signed. Coun- required. tries, through their implementing agencies, have full responsibility Category U: No category given. PAGE 4 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008

A typical summary entry looks like this:

Vietnam •Name of borrowing country •(R) = revised; (N) = new entry (R) Payment Systems and Bank Moderniza- tion: The project will establish a computerized payments system in order to improve efficiency •Project description and modernize the banking sector. Technical assistance to strengthen the institutional capacity Italics indicate change from last month’s listing of participating commercial banks will also be pro- • vided. Preappraisal mission completed. Environ- mental Assessment Category C. PID: VNMPA028. •PID = Project identification number. Amount of financing in US$ millions (source) US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for • project management and commercial bank institu- tional studies. Project Management Unit, Payment System and Bank Modernization Project, State •Name/address of implementing agency Bank of Vietnam, 49 Ly Thai To, Vietnam, Fax: (84-4) 258-385, Contact Mr. Nguyen Van Binh


In addition to projects financed by the World Bank, the World GEF funds if (a) they are eligible for financial assistance Bank Monthly Operational Summary reports on projects through the financial mechanism of either the Climate Change financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The GEF Convention or the Convention on Biological Diversity; or (b) provides grants and concessional funding to recipient coun- they are eligible to borrow from the World Bank (IBRD tries for projects and programs that protect the global envi- and/or IDA) or receive technical assistance grants from ronment and promote sustainable economic growth. UNDP through a Country Programme. A country must be a The facility, set up as a pilot program in 1991, was restructured party to the Climate Change Convention or the Convention and replenished with over US$ 2 billion in 1994, and replen- of Biological Diversity to receive funds from the GEF in the ished with another US$ 4 billion in 1998, to cover the agreed relevant focal area. incremental costs of activities that benefit the global environment GEF projects must be country-driven, incorporate consulta- in four focal areas: climate change, biological diversity, inter- tion with local communities, and, where appropriate, involve national waters, and stratospheric ozone. Activities concerning nongovernmental organizations in project implementation. land degradation, primarily desertification and deforestation, For additional information on the GEF, contact the GEF sec- as they relate to the four focal areas, are also eligible for retariat or visit its website: funding. Both the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity have designated The GEF Secretariat the GEF as their funding mechanism on an interim basis. 1818 H St. NW GEF projects and programs are managed through three Washington DC 20433, USA implementing agencies: the UN Development Programme Tel: (1-202) 473-0508 (UNDP), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) ,and the Fax: (1-202) 522-3240, 522-3245 World Bank. The GEF Secretariat, which is functionally inde- E-mail: [email protected] pendent from the three implementing agencies, reports to and services the Council and Assembly of the GEF. The GEF is striving for universal participation, and currently 168 countries are participants. Countries may be eligible for AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 5

New Projects Added in This Issue

Africa Region Middle East and North Africa Region Ethiopia Tunisia Education: General Education Quality Improvement Program 10 Private Sector Development: Integration Private Sector Development: Tourism Development 10 and Competitiveness DPL 43 Social Protection: Second Protection of Basic Services 10 Latin America and the Caribbean Region South Asia Region Brazil India Environment and Natural Resources Management: Water and Sanitation: Karnataka Municipal Water Energy Ceara Integrated Water Resource Management Efficiency 21 Additional Financing 47 Environment and Natural Resources Management: East Asia and Pacific Region GEF Sustainable Cerrado Initiative 47 Lao People’s Democratic Republic Environment and Natural Resources Management: Second National Environmental-Phase II 47 Economic Management: Fifth Poverty Reduction Support 28 Health, Nutrition and Population: Federal District Vietnam Multisector Management 47 Economic Management: Eighth Vietnam Poverty Reduction Rural Development: Acre Social and Economic Inclusion 48 Support (PRSC8) 31 Rural Development: Bahia State Integrated Rural Poverty 48 Europe and Central Asia Region Rural Development: Second Rural Poverty Reduction - Sergipe 48 Transportation: Sao Paulo Feeder Roads 48 Albania Urban Development: Espirito Santo Water and Coastal Energy and Mining: Fifth Dam Safety APL (Cr. 4480-AL) 33 Pollution Management Additional Financing 48 Energy and Mining: KESH Electricity Distribution Privatization Partial Risk Guarantee 33 Colombia Urban Development: Catastrophe Deferred Draw-Down Option 33 Public Sector Governance: Justice Sector Development 50 Urban Development: Disaster Risk Mitigation and Adaptation Social Protection: Second Social Safety Net 50 (Ln. 7563/Cr. 4460) 33 Costa Rica Azerbaijan Finance: Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option 50 Transportation: Baku Urban Transport 34 Ecuador Transportation: Highway 2 Additional Financing 34 Environment and Natural Resources Management: Urban Development: Fourth Absheron Rehabilitation Chimborazo Natural Resources Management 51 Program (ARP) Environment Policy and Enforcement Honduras for Environment State Program 34 Private Sector Development: Supplemental DPC (Food Crisis) 52 Belarus Panama Energy and Mining: Energy Efficiency 35 Private Sector Development: Access to Finance 54 Bosnia and Herzegovina Paraguay Transportation: Sava Waterway Rehabilitation 35 Education: Third Secondary Education 54 Urban Development: Second Solid Waste Management 35 Peru Croatia Environment and Natural Resources Management: Transportation: Second Rijeka Gateway 36 Water Resources Management Modernization 54 Water and Sanitation: Second Coastal Cities Pollution Regional Control APL 36 Transportation: Sustainable Transport and Air Quality 55 Turkey Urban Development: Municipal Services Additional Financing 39 Ukraine Economic Management: Third Development Policy Lending 39 PAGE 6 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008

Projects Deleted From This Issue

Africa Region Middle East and North Africa Region Côte d’Ivoire West Bank and Gaza National Protected Areas Program Emergency Technical Assistance Guinea-Bissau Emergency Public Service Delivery H379-GW Latin America and the Caribbean Region Kenya Brazil Water and Sanitation Service Improvement (Cr. 4376-KE) Rio de Janeiro Mass Transit Additional Financing (Ln.7523-BR) Madagascar São Paulo Metro Line 4 Additional Financing (Ln. 7536-BR) Integrated Growth Poles Additional Financing (Cr. 4399-MG) São Paulo Trains and Signaling (Ln.7506-BR) Municipal Lending Program 1-Uberaba Água Viva (Ln. 7437-BR) East Asia And Pacific Region Dominican Republic Cambodia Electricity Distribution Rehabilitation (Ln. 7560-DO) Avian and Human Influenza Control and Preparedness (H361-KH) Emergency Recovery and Disaster Management: (Ln.7546-DO) Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development (Cr. 4441-KH, Ecuador H386-KH) Chimborazo Productive Investments (PIDD) (Ln. 7496-EC) Road Asset Management (Cr. 4442-KH) Second Rural Poverty Alleviation/Local Development China Guatemala Bengbu Integrated Environmental Improvement (Ln. 7541-CN) Third Broad-Based Growth Development Policy Loan (Ln. 7482-GU) South Asia Region Haiti Emergency Recovery and Disaster Management Additional Financing India Cr.H353-HA Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management Country Partnership Program (CPP) Jamaica Delhi Water Supply and Sewerage Early Childhood Development (Ln.7554-JM) Sri Lanka Second HIV/AIDS (Ln.7556-JM) Dam Safety and Water Resources Planning (Cr. 4406-LK) Social Protection (Ln.7555-JM) Legal and Judicial Infrastructure and Development Mexico Climate Change Development Policy Loan (Ln.7535-MX) Europe and Central Asia Region Nicaragua Moldova, Republic of Hurricane Felix Emergency Recovery (Cr. 4392-NI) Second Poverty Reduction Support Credit (Cr. 4413-MD) Serbia Delivery of Integrated Local Services (Ln. 7510-YF) Turkey EFIL IV (Ln. 7538-TR/Ln. 7539-TR) Ukraine Urban Infrastructure (Ln. 4869-UA) AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 7

sociated coal mine in eastern Botswana by a private sector project company. Appraisal scheduled for 20 October 2008. Environmental Africa Assessment Category A. PID 110332. US$ 150.0 (GEF). Consulting ser- vices to be determined. Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Af- fairs, Government of Botswana, Private Bag 0018, Gaborone, Botswana, Angola Tel: (267) 391-3803 Rural Development Environment and Natural Resources Management Market Oriented Smallholder Agriculture: The objective is to gen- Wildlife Conflict Management and Biodiversity Conservation erate a broad-based and sustainable increase in the income of rural small- for Improved Livelihoods: The objective is to improve people’s liveli- holders of the targeted areas, through the improved efficiency of hoods, resolve conflicts and conserve wildlife by introducing effective agricultural production and marketing. Negotiations scheduled are measures for sustaining biodiversity and enabling community partic- underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93699. US$ ipation. Appraisal scheduled for 21 November 2008. Environmental As- 25.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, Mac- sessment Category B. PID: 95617. US$ 7.0 (GEF). Consulting services ulusso, St. Comandante Gika, Luanda, Angola, Tel: (44-222) 322-694, to be determined. Department of Wildlife and Natural Parks, Private Fax: (244 -222) 320-553, Contact: Mr. Zacarias Sambeny, Vice Minis- Bag B0199, Gaborone, Botswana, Tel: (267) 391-4955, Fax: (267) 391- ter of Agriculture 4861, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Dr. Lucas P. Gakale, Permanent Water and Sanitation Secretary Water Sector Institutional Development: The objective is to Health, Nutrition and Population improve the quality and sustainability of urban water supply and HIV/AIDS SIL (7568-BW): The objective is to assist the Govern- sanitation services provided by improving the institutional capacity ment (and its development partners) in enhancing the efficiency and of the water supply and sanitation utilities in the pilot cities and by sustainability of the national multisectoral response to HIV/AIDS. rehabilitating existing water supply and sanitation systems in selected This will also address the longer-term planning, implementation, and major urban centers. Negotiations are underway. Environmental effectiveness of national and decentralized coordination efforts. These Assessment Category B. PID: 96360. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Consulting ser- indicators would probably include the preparation of a joint multi-part- vices to be determined. Ministry of Energy and Water, Ave. Conego ner expenditure framework explicitly linked with the National Devel- Manuel das Neves, S. Paulo, Luanda, Angola, Tel: (244-222) 339- opment Plan (2003-2009). This would serve to enhance both 988, Fax: (244-222) 339-335 (244-222) 430-107, E-mail: amgs-cg@netan- coordination and effectiveness of development partners inputs to the, [email protected], [email protected], Contact: national response. Approved by the Executive Directors on 10 July 2008. Manueal Gomes da Silva, Director Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 102299. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Benin Consulting services and implementing agency(ies) to be determined. Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Private Bag 008, Environment and Natural Resources Management Gaborone, Botswana, Tel: (267) 395-0100, Fax: (267) 395-6086, E-mail: (R) Community-Based Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Man- [email protected], Contact: Mr. K. Ndobano, Deputy Secretary, Eco- agement (TF091739-BJ): The objective is to manage the coastal zone nomic Affairs and biological diversity sustainably. Grant was signed on 14 July 2008. Tr ansportation Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 71579. US$ 4.3 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Agence Beninoise pour l’Environnement, Integrated Transport: The objective is to improve the effectiveness 03 BP 4387 Jericho Cotonou, Bénin, Tel: (229) 214-556, Fax: (229) of the urban and rural transport infrastructure and its operation sys- 214-543, Contact: Mr. Marcel Baglo Ayite, Director General tem in Botswana covering both surface and air transport. Preappraisal mission is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Private Sector Development 102368. US$ 68.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Competitiveness and Integrated Growth Opportunity (H4424- Works and Transport, Roads Department, Private Bag 007, Gaborone, BJ): The objective is to support investment and private sector led Botswana, Tel: (267) 395-8504, Fax: (267) 391-3303, E-mail: emasime- growth through the provision of an institutional and business envi- [email protected], Contact: Mr. Ephraim Masimega, Director, Roads De- ronment in selected sectors such as manufacturing, services, tourism, partment, Ministry of Works and Transport transit (called “growth sectors”) while fostering national entrepre- neurship development. Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 April Burkina Faso 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 104881. US$ 25.0 Education (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Cellule d’Appui Technique (R) Basic Education Additional Financing (Cr. 4473-BF): The (CAT-PADSP), 01 BP 219, Cotonou, Benin, Tel: (229) 2131-1810, Fax: objective is to assist the Borrower in its efforts to implement its Basic (229) 2131-2382, Contact: Mr. Abd-El-Wahab Amoussa, Project Coor- Education Ten Year Program. The program includes (a) improving the dinator access to, and quality of basic education; (b) strengthening the edu- Water and Sanitation cation sector’s financial sustainability; and (c) enhancing the financial management, budgeting, procurement, monitoring, evaluation, and (R) Second Decentralized City Management Additional Financ- donor coordination of the Ministry of Basic Education and Literacy (Mi- ing: The objective of this additional financing will complement the nistère de l’Education de Base et de l’Alphabétisation MEBA). Ap- works being carried out in the cities of Cotonou, Porto-Novo, and proved by the Executive Directors on 10 June 2008. Environmental Parakou under Component B of the original project and would further Assessment Category B. PID: 110642. US$ 15.0 (IDA). Consulting ser- finance minor cost overruns mainly related to the depreciation of the vices to be determined. Government Entity, Ouagadougou, Burkina U.S. dollar. Approved by the Board of Executive Directors on 26 June 2008. Faso, Tel: (226-50) 307-853, Fax: (226-50) 308-036, E-mail: noraogoz@ Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 109209. US$ 25.0 (IDA), Contact: Zaba Noraogo Innocent, Secretary General (MEBA), No consultants are required. Agence d’Exécution des Travaux Ur- Basic Education Ministry bains (AGETUR), 01 BP 2780, Recette Principale, Cotonou, Benin, Tel: (229) 313-645, Fax: (229) 612-166, E-mail: [email protected], Con- International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineer- tact: Mr. Lambert Koty, Director General ing (2ie) (Cr. 4462-BF): (Formerly Regional Training Center (2ie)) The objective is to support the development of 2IE as a regional cen- Botswana ter of excellence with the aim of increasing the number of highly skilled professionals in the areas of water, energy, environment and in- Energy and Mining frastructure engineering. It will do so by: (a) further increasing the ca- Mmamabula Coal to Power IPP: The objective is to develop, own pacity of the 2IE campuses in Kamboinse and Ouagadougou to train and operate a 2100 MW coal fired supercritical power plant and an as- and board students; (b) improving the quality of training and research (R) Mutli Sector Infrastructure (H370-BI): The objective is to im- prove sustainable access and delivery of electricity and water services in urban areas. The credit was signed on 25 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 97974. US$ 50.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Implementing Agency to be determined.

AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 9

Economy and Planning, PO Box 286, Chad, Tel: (235-2) 517-153, E-mail: demobilization and reintegration activities. Approved by the Executive [email protected], Contact: Mr. Bachar Brahim Adoum, Directors on 22 April 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. General Secretary PID: 105729. US$ 50.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be deter- mined. Ministry of Defense, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of , Comoros E-mail: safi divine , Contact: Mr. Damas Kab- Economic Management ulo, Rear Admiral (R) Economic Governance Technical Assistance: The objectives Tr ansportation are to strengthen personnel and financial management systems and Multi-Modal Transport: The objectives are to (a) reunify the east- improve the transparency and accountability of Government operations. ern and western parts of the country and (b) reduce annual transport Appraisal scheduled for mid-September 2008. Environmental Assessment costs by at least half or the equivalent of 2% of GDP. Decision meeting Category C. PID: 102376. US$ 1.8 (IDA). Consulting services to be de- is underway. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 92537. US$ termined. Ministere des Finances, du Budget, de l’Economie, du Plan 200.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministere du Transport, Build- et de la Promotion de l’Emploi, BP 324, Moroni, Comoros, Tel: (269) ing ONARA, Blvd. du Juin, Kinshasa-Gombe, Tel: (243-81) 691-4754, 741-144, Fax: (269) 741-140, E-mail: [email protected], Con- Contact: Mr. Charles Mwando Nsimba, Minister of Transportation tact: Mr. Yahaya Ahmed Houmedi, Secretaire General and Communications Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Private Sector Development Health, Nutrition and Population Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Additional Health Sector Services Development (H393-CG): The objective Financing (H366-ZR): The objective is to increase the competitive- is to support the strengthening of the health system in order to ness of the economy and thereby contribute to economic growth; by effectively combat the major communicable diseases and improve improving the investment climate; supporting reform of public enter- access to quality services for women, children and other vulnerable prises in the mining, telecommunications, financial, transport, and en- groups. Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 May 2008. Envi- ergy sectors; stimulating economic diversification and development in ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 106851. US$ 40.0 (IDA the Katanga region through community driven development approaches Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Health and and facilitating the reintegration of retrenched workers in the local econ- Population, Tel: (242) 815-765, 364-277, Fax: (242) 836-802, E-mail: omy through support for training, business development services and [email protected], Contact: Dr. Damase Bodzongo, Direc- finance. Approved by the Executive Directors on 22 April 2008. Envi- tor General ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 90872. US$ 60.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Comité de Pilotage de la Réforme Rural Development des Entreprises Publiques (COPIREP), Immeuble SOFIDE 4ème Coastal Zone and Marine Biodiversity: The objective is to pro- Ètage, Av. Lemarinel & Kisangani No. 9-11, Commune de la Gombe, mote the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity resources. Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tel: (243-081) 526-4329, E- This project has been placed on hold. Further reporting will be dis- mail: [email protected], [email protected], Contact: Ilunga continued. Environmental Assessment Category B. PIDs: 96485, 95251. Ilunkamba, Executive Secretary US$ 8.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, Public Sector Governance Livestock and Fisheries, BP 2453, Brazzaville, Congo, Tel: (242) 814- Governance Capacity Enhancement (H365-ZR): The objective is 131, Contact: Mr. Pierre Claver Oboukangongo, Project Coordinator to enhance transparency and efficiency in central and sub-national Côte d’Ivoire public finance and human resource management and to establish and consolidate an equitable resource sharing mechanism between cen- Health, Nutrition and Population tral and sub-national government. Approved by the Executive Direc- (R) HIV/AIDS Multi-sector Response (H399-CI): The objective tors on 22 April 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: is to implement a multi-sector HIV/AIDS national program to reduce 104041. US$ 50.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry the spread of HIV infection, with special focus on the most vulnerable of Finance, Rue Lubefu No. 20, Commune de la Gombe, Kinshasa, Tel: groups, and to assist infected persons and affected communities cope (243-815) 094-947, Fax: (243) 880-2381, E-mail: [email protected], with the impact of HIV/AIDS. Grant signing scheduled for 25 July 2008. Contact: Mr. Athanase Matenda Kyelu, Minister of Finance; Ministry Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 71631. US$ 20.0 (IDA of Interior, Boulevard Colonel Tshiatshi, Commune de la Gombe, Kin- Grant). Consultants are required for preparation of the project imple- shasa, Tel: (243-998) 365-336, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: mentation manual and the accounting and financial management pro- Mr. Albert Etchumba, Advisor, Ministry of State in charge of the In- cedures and for recruitment of the coordination unit’s core staff. terior, Decentralization and Security Ministry in Charge of HIV/AIDS, 16 BP, Abidjan 16 Côte d’Ivoire, Tel: Rural Development (225) 2124-3013/14, 2021-0832, 0752-2376, 0505-6699, Fax: (225) 2021- 0834, E-mail: [email protected], Contacts: Konan Kouassi Clovis, Agriculture Rehabilitation and Recovery: The objectives are to Charge d’Etudes au Cabinet, Adama Bamba, Directeur des Affaires Fi- (a) increase agricultural productivity sustainably and (b) improve farm- nancières ers’ access to domestic markets. Decision meeting scheduled for 16 December 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 92724. Urban Development US$ 80.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, (R) Emergency Urban Infrastructure (H397-CI): The objective Livestock and Fisheries, Croissement Avenue Batela et Boulevard is to assist the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire to increase access to and im- du30 Juin, Kinshasa-Gombe, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tel: (243- prove the quality of urban infrastructure and services in the country’s 99) 990-6017, Email: [email protected], Contact: Dr. Hubert Ali Ra- two largest cities, Abidjan and Bouaké. Grant signing scheduled for 25 mazani, Secretary-General and Project Coordinator july 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 110020. US$ Social Protection 94.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. MACOM, Pro- ject Coordination Unit, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, E-mail: pdimba@ya- Emergency Demobilization and Reintegration SIL (H362-ZR):, Contact: Mr. Pierre Dimba, Project Coordinator The objectives are to help consolidate peace and promote economic stability and sustainable development in the DRC and the region Eritrea through demobilization of up to an estimated 150,000 ex-combatants and provision of reintegration support during their transition to civil- Energy and Mining ian life; and to promote the reallocation of Government expenditure (R) Power Distribution and Rural Electrification H4100-ER: The from military to social and economic sectors. The proposed additional objective is the rehabilitation and expansion of urban electricity in As- grant would help finance costs associated with the completion of EDRP mara, rural electrification, required maintenance, and replacement Appraisal completed. Negotiations scheduled for 15 October 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$250.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, PO Box 1037, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-111) 226-698, Fax: (251-111) 122-6693, Contact: Mr. Fantahun Belew, Head AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 11

Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 84224. US$ 65.0 (IDA). Box 30004, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 223-346, Fax: (254-20) 243- No consultants are required. Ministry of Finance, Treasury Bldg., 067, Contact: Mr. John K. Karu, Chief Economist Harambe Ave., PO Box 30007, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 338-111, Contact: Mr. Joseph Kinyua, Permanent Secretary Lesotho Health, Nutrition and Population Economic Management (R) Health Sector Support: The objective is to implement a sector- First Poverty Reduction Support Credit (Cr. 4449-LS/H387- wide reform and strengthening of the health sector. Decision meeting LS): The objective is the first in a series of operations supporting the scheduled for 18 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. implementation of the Government of Lesotho’s (GOL) Poverty Re- PID: 74091. US$ 80.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Min- duction and Growth Strategy. The proposed operation is part of a joint istry of Health, Afya House, PO Box 30016, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254- effort by development partners in Lesotho to provide predictable and 20) 717-077, Fax: (254-20) 713-234, E-mail: [email protected], performance related budget support to GOL within a unified frame- Contact: Dr. T. Gakuruh, Head, Health Sector Reform Secretariat work. As a result, the proposed measures are part of a joint Performance Law and Justice Assessment Framework agreed between IDA, GOL and key devel- opment partners. Approved by the Executive Directors on 22 May 2008. (R) Judicial Performance Improvement: The objective is to improve Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 102302. US$ 8.7/7.2 the performance of the judiciary in areas of public accountability, trans- (IDA/IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of parency, improvement in oversight and case and trial management. Ap- Finance and Development Planning, Box 395 Maseru, Kingdom of praisal scheduled for 17 October 2008. Environmental Assessment Lesotho, Tel: (266-22) 310-826, Fax: (266-22) 310-157, Contact: Dr. Category C. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Judiciary Moeketsi Majoro, Permanent Secretary of Kenya, PO Box 30041-00100 Nairobi, Kenya Rural Development Health, Nutrition and Population (R) Agricultural Productivity and Sustainable Land Manage- Hospital Public Private Partnership Partial Risk Guarantee: The ment: The objectives are to (a) attain sustainable use of natural re- objective is to design, build, and finance a 390 bed hospital to be con- sources for higher productivity and incomes among farmers and (b) structed on a greenfield site in Maseru. Under the PPP plan, the PPP maintain critical ecosystem functions in fragile areas. Board presenta- partner, selected by competitive tender, will design, build, partly finance tion scheduled for 9 October 2008. Environmental Assessment Category and fully operate the new public hospital, as well as refurbish and re- B. PID: 88600. US$ 10.0 (GEF). Consulting services to be determined. equip three associated filter clinics. Board presentation scheduled for Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), PO Box 57811, Nairobi, 16 October 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B Partial As- Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 583-301, Fax: (254-20) 583-344, E-mail: kiome- sessment. PID: 105738. US$ 20.0 (Partial Risk Guarantee). Consulting [email protected], Contact: Romano Kiome, Director services and Implementing Agency(ies) to be determined. Social Protection Water and Sanitation (R) Economic and Social Empowerment: The objective is to ad- Water Sector Improvement APL Phase II: Metolong Dam and dress ‘risk factors’ that affect the targeted individuals, households and Water Supply: The objective is to support the Government of Lesotho communities to employ market-based arrangements, within appro- to develop the next least-cost, long-term solution to supply water to the priate social and cultural settings, to help better manage these risks, Lowlands (Maseru and surrounding areas) along with distribution engage in income generating activities, and reduce their dependence network expansion, continued reforms within the sector and scaling- on ‘hand-outs’. The groups include the rural/urban poor and vulner- up community water supply systems, in an environmentally sustain- able, including women, youth, orphans, the physically challenged, in- able, socially responsible and economically viable framework. Decision dividuals living in the poorest communities, especially informal meeting scheduled for 14 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Cat- settlements, and those with and affected by HIV/AIDS. Appraisal is egory A. PID: 108143. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be de- underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 105201. US$ termined. Ministry of Natural Resources, PO Box 772, Maseru, 100 65.0 (IDA). Consultants and implementing agencies to be determined. Lesotho, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. B. Leleka, Princi- Tr ansportation pal Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources (R) Northern Corridor Additional Financing: The objective of the Madagascar additional financing is to fully implement all components under the on- going Northern Corridor Transport Improvement Project. The pro- Public Sector Governance ject will increase efficiency of road transport along the Northern (R) Fifth Poverty Reduction Strategy (Cr. 4486-MG): The objective Corridor to facilitate trade and regional integration; enhance aviation is to continue support to Madagascar reaching its development goals safety and security to meet international standards; and promote pri- as now reaffirmed in its Madagascar Action Plan. Which will strengthen vate sector participation in the management, financing and maintenance the institutional infrastructure needed to improve the public sector’s of road assets. Board presentation scheduled for late-October 2008. En- capacity to carry out its role more effectively. Approved by the Execu- vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 106200. US$ 191.0 (IDA). tive Directors on 26 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category Consultants will be required. Ministry of Roads and Public Works, PO U. PID: 105135. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Box 3026, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 723-101, Fax: (254-20) 720-044, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Budget, BP 61 Immeuble des Fi- E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Engineer Carey Orege, Pro- nances, Antaninarenina, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar, Tel: (261-20) ject Team Leader; Kenya Airports Authority, PO Box 19001, Nairobi, 222-0423, Fax: (261-20) 226-4530, Contact: Mr. Henri Bernard Raza- Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 822-111, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: kariasa, Secretary General Mr. S. M. Gichuki, Project Team Leader; Kenya Civil Aviation Au- thority, PO Box 30163, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 827-470, Fax: Second Governance and Institutional Development (Cr. 4411- (254-20) 824-717, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Timothy MG): The objective is to improve the efficiency and transparency of Waweru, Project Team Leader; Ministry of Transport, PO Box 52692- government and selected public services in Madagascar in line with 00200, Nairobi, Tel: (254-20) 272-9200, E-mail: [email protected], the Madagascar Action Plan (MAP). Approved by the Executive Di- Contact: Mr. A. M. Kitolo, Project Team Leader rectors on 3 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID 103950. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consultant to be determined. Presidence de Urban Development la Republique de Madagascar, Programme de Reformes pour l’Efficacité Municipal Program: The objective is to improve service delivery in de l’Administration (PREA), Bureau de Gestion, Lot II LA, Rue An- urban centers. Project preparation is underway. Environmental As- driamahajonoro, Ankadivato, Madagascar, Tel: (261-20) 222-0911, Fax: sessment Category B. PID: 66488. US$ 35.0 (IDA). No consultants are (261-20) 222-0910, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: M. Jean-Jacques required. Ministry of Local Government, Jogoo House, A Taifa Rd., PO Randrianoelison, Coordinateur General US$ 32.0/$5.8 (IDA/GEF). Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, PO Box 30134, Lilongwe 3, Malawi, Tel: (265-1) 788-817, Fax: (265-1) 789-218, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Patrick Kabambe, Principal Secretary

AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 13 Energy and Mining Namibia Regional Transmission Development APL: (Formerly Transmis- sion Backbone SIL) The objective is to support the development of the Education transmission backbone linking Tete Province with the south of Mozam- Support of ETSIP 1 DPL 2: The objectives are: (a) to develop op- bique. World Bank participation in the project will be critical in terms erational tools to facilitate equitable improvement of quality general ed- of structuring and anchoring a bankable project that will serve as a cat- ucation as an enduring supply of the skill-base required to support alyst for raising the required financing. Decision meeting scheduled growth, to increase the resource efficiency of the system and raise for mid-July 2009. Environmental Assessment Category A. US$ 40.0 teacher and school managers performance standards especially in (IDA). Consulting services and implementing agency(ies) to be de- currently low performing schools; (b) to strengthen policy framework termined. Electricidade de Mocambique - Electricity of Mozambique in specific areas such as textbooks; (c) to develop operational plans to (EDM), Av. Zedequias Manganhela, N-267, Predio Zat, 4th Floor, P. O. improve system internal efficiency. Appraisal is underway. Environ- Box 938, Maputo, Tel: (258-21) 304-407, Fax: (258-21) 328-233, E-mail: mental Assessment Category to be determined. PID: 109333. US$ 7.5 [email protected], Contact: Mr. Carlos Yum, Director and Pro- (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Educa- ject Coordinator tion, Government Office Park (Luther Street), Private Bag 13186, Health, Nutrition and Population Windhoek, Namibia, Tel: (264-61) 270-6300, Fax: (264-61) 253-672, Contact: Ms. van Zyl, Chief Higher Education Officer Health Services Delivery: The objective is to increase the coverage of health services by improving the population’s access to health ser- Environment and Natural Resources Management vices in the most disadvantaged provinces through: (a) strengthening community-based service delivery, (b) scaling up outreach services, (R) Promoting Environmental Sustainability Through Improved and (c) improving and expanding facility-based services. Negotiations Land Use Planning: The objective is to develop an adaptive man- scheduled for 15 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Cate- agement framework to guide policy and investment decisions for in- gory B. PID: 99930. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be deter- tegrated land use. GEF approval scheduled for late-June 2009. mined. Ministry of Health, 1008 Ave. Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 86619. US$ 1.0 (GEF). Mozambique, Tel: (258-21) 326 164, Fax: (258-21) 326-164, E-mail: Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Environment and [email protected], Contact: Mr. Jose Urias Armindo Tonela, Tourism, Private Bag 13306, Windhoek, Namibia, Tel: (264-61) 284-2185, Administrator of HSDP Fax: (264-61) 284-2216, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Dr. Malan Lindeque, Permanent Secretary Private Sector Development Competitiveness and Private Sector Development: The objective Niger is to enhance the competitiveness and employment levels of the Mozam- bican private sector by strengthening the capacity of local intermedi- Rural Development aries to provide business development services to SMEs, enhancing access to finance for business investment and expansion, and pro- (R) Agro-Pastoral Export: The objective is to promote agro-pastoral moting an enabling business environment. Appraisal scheduled for 10 exports. Decision meeting scheduled for 21 August 2008. Environ- September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 106355. mental Assessment Category B. PID: 95210. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Consulting US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of In- services to be determined. Ministry of Agriculture, BP 12091, Niamey, dustry and Commerce, Praça 25 de Junho, No. 300, 7º Andar, Maputo, Niger, Tel: (227-20) 732-058, Fax: (227-20) 732-008, E-mail: se-sdr@int- Mozambique, Tel: (258-21) 427-204, Fax: (258-21) 352-669, E-mail:, Contact: M. Abdou Chaibou, Secrétaire Général [email protected], Contact: H. E. Minister Antonio Fernando, Min- ister of Industry and Commerce Tr ansportation Rural Development (R) Transport Sector Support Program (H378-NE): The objec- tives are to (a) improve access of population to markets and services Market Driven Irrigation SIL: The objective is to focus on medium on the unpaved sections of the national road network, and (b) strengthen commercial farmers and agribusiness, through the support of agri- the institutional framework, management and implementation of road culture infrastructure and services. Project concept review sched- maintenance and safety activities. The credit was signed on 18 June 2008. uled for 31 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101434. US$ 30.0 (IDA 20.0 (IDA). Consulting services and implementing agency(ies) to be Grant). Consultants will be required during preparation for environ- determined. Ministry of Agriculture, Praca dos Herois, Maputo, Tel: mental assessment, technical studies, procurement, and financial man- (258-21) 460-069, Fax: (258-21) 460-187, E-mail: [email protected], agement. Financing for consultants is included in the PPF advance of Contact: Mr. Victorino Xavier, National Director of Economics; Min- US$ 0.6, which has been effective since 25 October 2006. General Di- istry of Agriculture, Rua da Resitencia 1746, 2nd Floor, Maputo, Tel: rectorate of Public Works, PO Box 389, Niamey, Niger, Tel: (227) 722- (258-21) 415-103, Fax: (258-21) 415-103, E-mail: [email protected], 374, Fax: (227) 735-934, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: M. Sina Contact: Mr. Boaventura Novunga, National Director of Agrarian Moumouni, Project Coordinator Services Water and Sanitation Urban Development Water Resources Development: The objective is to support the (R) Local Urban Infrastructure Development (Cr. 4410-NE): The Mozambique Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy in col- objectives are to increase access to infrastructure services in under- laboration with other development partners. Key project objectives are served urban areas and improve capacity of local Governments to to ensure the security of bulk water sources for Maputo; support im- plan, manage and operate them. The credit was signed on 26 June 2008. plementation of the National Water Resources Management Strategy, Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95949. US$ 30.0 (IDA). particularly through institutional and capacity building; strengthening PPF (US$ 0.7) has been approved. Consultants will be recruited for capacity in international water matters; and support the development preparation of urban, financial and organizational audits for benefi- of small- and medium-scale water sources to support rural development. ciary municipalities, feasibility studies for household waste manage- Decision meeting scheduled for 27 May 2009. Environmental As- ment, roads, drainage, market rehabilitation and truck parking, sessment Category FI. PID: 107350. US$ 25.0 IDA Consulting servi- preparation of environmental and social management and resettle- ces to be determined. Direccão Nacional de Águas/Ministério das ment policy frameworks, updates of manual of procedures, small and Obras Públicas e Habitação, Av. 25 de Setembro, 942, 3º Andar, Ma- medium enterprise evaluation, and technical assistance. Bureau Na- puto, Mozambique, Tel: (258-21) 312-568/570, Fax: (258-21) 312-571, tional de Coordination, BP 12989, Niamey, Niger, Tel: (227) 735-438, E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected], Contact: Fax: (227) 732-191, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: M. Sina Moumouni, Julião Alferes, National Director Project Coordinator PAGE 14 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008 Nigeria 0718, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Engr. Lawal Audi, Pro- ject Manager Public Sector Governance Second State Governance and Capacity Building: The objective Regional is to enhance efficiency and accountability in the management of fi- Energy and Mining nancial and human resources in participating states. Decision meet- ing scheduled for 25 February 2009. Environmental Assessment Southern Africa Technical Advisory Services: The objective of Category C. PID: 97026. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consultants will be re- the Regional integration for Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique is to quired. Federal Ministry of Finance, IER Department, Finance Build- accelerate regional integration and access to key regional infra- ing, Central Business Area Garki, Abuja, Tel: (234-09) 627-0324, Email: structure in Southern Africa by providing nimble, flexible and on- [email protected], Contact: Steve Aborishade, DirectorAssistant demand just-in-time technical advisory support for infrastructure and natural resource development projects. Decision meeting sched- Rural Development uled for 21 October 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 107255. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Devel- (R) Third Fadama (Cr. 4494-NG): (Formerly under Environmen- opment Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), Headway Hill, 1258 Lever tal and Natural Resources.) The objectives are to (a) sustainably increase Road, Midrand, South Africa (Mailing Address: PO Box 1234, Halfway the incomes of farmers and other economic interest groups through House 1685, South Africa), Tel: (27-11) 313-3911, Fax: (27-11) 313- a more diversified agricultural development program, including for 3086, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Thembi Khoza; Malawi fadama users, i.e., those who derive their livelihood through direct or Ministry of Economic Planning and Development; Zambia Ministry indirect exploitation of the resources in the fadama aquifers of the of Finance major river systems as well as surface water irrigation, and (b) expand the operations and benefits of the second Fadama project to the re- (R) West Africa Power Pool (WAPP) APL3 (Inter-Zonal Trans- maining 19 states. Approved by Executive Directors on 1 July 2008. En- mission Hub): The objective is to lower the cost and improve access vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96572. US$ 250.0 (IDA). to electricity supply to Burkina Faso through avoided diesel genera- Consultants will be required. Projects Coordinating Unit, National tion, and to increase the overall reliability and stability of the Burkina Fadama Development, Plot 223D Mabushi District, Cadestral Zone B Faso and Ghana grid. Decision meeting scheduled for 20 March 2009. 6, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (234-9) 523-5685, 314-7438, E-mail: pcuhq@pcua- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 94919. US$ 60.0 (IDA)., [email protected], Contact: Mr. O. O. Adeniyi, National Pro- Consulting services to be determined. Société Nationale d’Electricité ject Coordinator du Burkina (SONABEL), 01 BP 54 Ouagadougou, Burkina Fao, Tel: (226) 5030-6100, Contact: Mr. Salif Kabore, Managing Director; Volta Commercial Agriculture Development: (Formerly under Envi- River Authority Electro, PO Box M.77, Volta House, Accra, Ghana, Tel: ronmental and Natural Resources.) The Project Development Objec- (233-21) 221-132/134, Fax: (233-21) 662-610, Contact: Mr. Joshua tive is to increase agricultural production, processing, and marketed Ofedie, Managing Director production among participating small and medium-scale commercial farms and agro-processors. Appraisal scheduled for 21 July 2008. En- Environment and Natural Resources Management vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96648. US$ 200.0 (US$ 100.0 FY08, US$ 100.0 FY10) (IDA). Consultants will be required. Stockpiles Program: The objective is to eliminate publicly-held ob- State Ministry of Agriculture and Project Coordinating Unit, Federal solete pesticide stockpiles and associated waste in seven countries and Ministry of Agriculture and Project Coordinating Unit, Plot 223D implement measures to reduce and prevent future related risks. The Mabushi District, Cadestral Zone B6, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (234-9) 523- countries are Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania in the 5684, 314-7438, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Africa Region and Morocco and Tunisia in the Middle East and North Contact: Dr. Amin Babandi, Deputy Director of PCU and Commercial Africa Region. Tunisia grant was signed on 21 November 2005. South Agriculture Team Leader Africa grant was signed 4 April 2006. Nigeria grant was signed 4 Au- gust 2006. Morocco, Mali and Tanzania grants were separated from Social Protection the project and approved as a second combined project (P103189) on 5 December 2006. Ethiopia negotiations being prepared. Environ- (R) Community Social Development (Cr. 4496-NG): The objec- mental Assessment Category A. PID: 75776. US$ 21.7/2.7 (GEF/Trust tive is to increase access of poor communities to basic social services Funds). Cofinancing to bring the total amount to US$ 60.0 is antici- Approved and increase their capacity for natural resource management. pated from AfDB (US$ 10.0), a bilateral trust fund with contributions by the Executive Directors on 1 July 2008. Environmental Assess- from EU, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland (US$ 7.1), Belgium ment Category B. PID: 90644. US$ 200.0 (IDA). Consultants will be (US$ 4.1), FAO (US$ 3.4, of which US$ 3.3 will be an additional con- required. National Planning Commission, Old CBN Bldg., Zaria St., tribution from GEF), CIDA (US$ 2.3), France (US$ 1.8), Japan (US$ Garki, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (234-9) 234-836, 234-1826, E-mail: 1.1), Netherlands (US$ 1.0), Finland (US$ 1.0), and the Governments [email protected], Contact: Dr. Mrs. E. Nwadinobi, Project Manager involved (US$ 3.8). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture Tr ansportation and Rural Development, PO Box 6247, Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-1) 251-2734, Fax: (251-1) 463-686, E-mail: [email protected], (R) Rural Access and Mobility Phase 1 (Kaduna State) (Cr. Contact: Mr. Fikre Markos, Head, Crop Protection Department; Minis- 4408-NG): The objective is to improve sustainable access and mo- tère de l’Agriculture, du Développement Fural et des Pêches Mari- bility in rural areas of participating states and local Government coun- times, Direction de la Protection des Végétaux des Contrôles cils. The credit was signed on 8 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Techniques et de la Répression des Fraudes, Rabat Boyaume de Ma- Category B. PID: 72644. US$ 60.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required roc, Tel: (212) 372-314, Fax: (212-37) 297-544, E-mail: ahilali@mena- for preparation. Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources,, Contact: M. Abderrahmane Hilali, Directeur; Ministère de Okpara Way, Wuse Zone 5, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (234-9) 234-0802, 234- l’Environement, Direction Nationale de l’Assainissement et du Con- 9134, E-mail: [email protected]; RAMP Office, NAIC House, trôle des Pollutions et des Nuisances, Rue 415, Porte 191, Dravela- Plot 590, Zone AO, Along Airport Rd., Central Area, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: Bolibana, Bmako, Mali, Tel: (223) 229-2410, Fax: (223) 229-5090, (234-9) 234-8034/8044/8053, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: E-mail: [email protected], Contact: M. Lassina Traore, Coordi- Engr. Mr. E. Nwaezike, National RAMP Coordinator nateur du Programme; Ministry of Environment and Sustainable De- Federal Roads Development (Cr. 4415-NG): The objective is to velopment, Agence Nationale de Protection de l’Environnement, 12 develop and maintain, on a sustainable basis, adequate federal roads Rue du Cameroun-Belvedere, 1002 Tunis, Tunisie, Tel: (216) 7184-7493, infrastructure conducive to private sector driven economic growth. Fax: (216) 7189-0581, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: M. Mounir Credit signing scheduled for 31 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Ferchichi, Directeur, Department Dechets Solides; Federal Ministry Category B. PID: 90135. US$ 330.0 (IDA). Consultants will be re- of Environment, National Department of Environmental Affairs and quired. Road Sector Development Team, Ministry of Works, No 5, Tourism, 7th Floor, Federal Secretariat, Phase 1, Garki, PMB 468, Nige- Mandara Close, Off Aso Dr., Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (234-9) 273- ria, Tel/Fax: (234-9) 523-4119, Contact: Mr. S. O. Adekunle, Perma- AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 15 nent Secretary; Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, development; (2) strengthening commodity chains; and (3) project Private Bag X447, Pretoria 0001 South Africa, Tel: (27-12) 310-3911, coordination and support. Approved by the Executive Directors on 24 June Fax: (27-12) 320-1243, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ms. Pamela 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 105176. US$ 35.0 Yako, Director General; National Environment Management Council, (IDA). No consultants are required. PSCU-RSSP, BP 6981 Kigali, PO Box 63154, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 213-4603, Fax: Rwanda, Tel: (250) 587-226, Fax: (250) 587-226, E-mail: rssp_pscu@ (255-22) 211-1579, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Dr. Magnus, Contact: Ms. Gerardine Mukeshimana, National Project A. K. Ngoile, Director General Coordinator Finance Senegal (R) Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) Financial Institutions Support: The objective is to im- Tr ansportation prove financial integration and intermediation in the CEMAC region, which will help increase economic activity and reduce poverty. Deci- (R) Dakar-Diamniadio Toll Road: The objective is to build a road sion meeting scheduled for 31 July 2008. Environmental Assessment between Dakar and Diamniadio to foster economic development by (a) Category C. PID: 99833. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be de- diminishing transport congestion and its associated costs and (b) sus- termined. Banque des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale, PO Box 1917, tainably spreading out economic activities and housing within and out- Yaounde, Cameroon, Tel: (237) 223-4030, Fax: (237) 223-8258, E-mail: side the Cap Vert peninsula. Decision meeting scheduled for 24 July prspr@, Contact: Jean-Felix Mamalepot, Governor 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 87304. US$ 50.0 (IDA). A PPF (US$ 0.8) advance has been approved. IDA (US$ 30.0) Rural Development partial risk guarantee is planned to attract private sector involvement Eastern Nile Water Shed (ENSAP): The objective is to develop a in private-public partnerships. Cofinancing will be required to bridge sustainable, transboundary framework for watershed management in the financing gap. Consultants will be required for road studies, in- the Easten Nile Basin and to improve natural-resource based livelihoods vestment banking, and urban upgrading. Agence National Chargée de and reduce land degradation in selected watersheds. Specific devel- la Promotion de l’Investissement et des Grands Travaux, BP 430, CP opments objectives of the program are: (i) develop and sustain a mech- 18524, Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 842-3110, E-mail: [email protected], Con- anism for generation and exchange of information and expertise for tact: Mme. Marie Ndaw, Project Director decision making on the management of the natural resources of the Eastern Nile; and (ii) implement successful model interventions for liveli- Sierra Leone hood-based catchment management. Project is preparation underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 91099. US$ 35.0 (IDA). Environment and Natural Resources Management Nile Basin Initiative Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office, Deesie Mineral Sector Technical Assistance: The objectives are to accel- Rd., PO Box 27173-3100, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-16) 411-130, erate sustainable development of extractive industries through strength- Fax:(251-11) 645-9407, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mekuria ening the policy, fiscal and regulatory framework and thereafter to attract Tafesse, Executive Director; Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources, investments for continued sector growth. Project preparation is un- PO Box 878, Khartoum, Sudan (or 40th St. 35 Khartoum 2, Sudan), derway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 99357. US$ 6.0 Tel: (249-11) 785-763, 777-533, Fax: (249-11) 778-330, 773-838, E- (IDA). Preparation will require (a) an international consulting firm to mail: moiwr [email protected], Contact: H. E. Kamal Ali Moha- prepare environment and social assessments prior to appraisal and (b) med, Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources; Ministry of Water individual consultants to refine project components. These will include Resources and Irrigation, Corniche Nil Imbaba, Giza, Egypt 12666, Tel: a mining adviser and experts in mining cadastre, licensing and regu- (20-2) 2544-9448/2, Fax: (20-2) 544-9449, E-mail: [email protected], lations. During implementation, consultants will be required in min- [email protected], Contact: H. E. Dr. Mahmoud Abu-Zeid, Minister ing sector development, small-scale and artisanal mining, mining of Water Resources and Irrigation cadastres, geoscience, promotion and awareness raising about mining. Tr ansportation Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources, Youyi Bldg., 5th Fl., Brook- fields, Freetown, Sierra Leone, Tel: (232-22) 240-142, Fax: (232-22) West and Central Africa Air Transport Safety and Security (Cr. 235-234, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Alhaji M.S. Deen, 4364-UNI): The objective is to improve the safety and security of Minister air travel in the western and central portions of the continent. Approved by the Executive Directors on 2 October 2007. Environ- mental Assessment Category B. PID: 100785. US$ 46.6 (IDA). No con- South Africa sultants are required. Ministry of Aviation (Nigeria), Block 5A, 3rd Energy and Mining Fl., Federal Secretariat Complex, Shehu Shagari Way, Central Area, PMB 146, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (234-9) 080-3313-9980, E-mail: Renewable Energy Market Transformation: The objective is to [email protected], Contact: H. D. Mohammed, Coordinator; implement the renewable energy strategy. Approved by the Execu- National Civil Aviation Agency (Senegal), PO Box 8184, Aéroport L. tive Directors on 28 June 2007. Environmental Assessment Cate- S. Senghor, Dakar-Yoff, Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 869-5335, Fax: (221) gory C. PID: 73322. US$ 6.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Depart- 820-0403-3967, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], ment of Minerals and Energy, Mineralia Center, 391 Andries St., Contact: Mr. Mathiaco Bessane, Director General Pretoria, South Africa, Tel: (27-12) 317-8617, Fax: (27-12) 322-5224, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: K. Nassiep, Chief Direc- Rwanda tor, Energy Planning Economic Management Environment and Natural Resources Management Fourth Poverty Reduction Strategy (H355-RW): The objective is to support reforms in the social sectors, to sustain the progress made Development, Empowerment and Conservation in the Greater under the first series of PRSGs and provide the framework for dialogue Saint Lucia Wetland Park and Surrounding Region: The objec- and action on governance and social protection issues. The credit was tive is to protect the exceptional biodiversity of the greater Saint Lu- signed on 28 February 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. cia wetland area through conservation, sustainable resources use, PID: 104990. US$ 70.0 (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministry planning for rational land use and local economic development. Deci- of Finance and Economic Development, PO Box 158, Kigali, Rwanda, sion meeting scheduled for 11 September 2008. Environmental As- Fax: (250) 577-581 sessment Category B. PID: 86528. US$ 9.3 (GEF). Consulting services to be determined. Saint Lucia Greater Wetlands Park Authority, Kwazul Rural Development Natal, Private Bag X05, Saint Lucia 3936 South Africa, Tel: (27-35) 590- (R) Second Rural Sector Support (H408-RW): The objective are 1633, Fax: (27-35) 590-1602, E-mail: [email protected], in three components: (1) Marshlands and hillsides rehabilitation and Contact: Andrew Zaloumis, CEO PAGE 16 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008 Swaziland ing. Approved by the Executive Directors on 27 May 2008. Credit signing scheduled for 28 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Cate- Urban Development gory B. PID: 103633. US$ 190.0/40.0 (IDA/MIGA). Consultants will (R) Local Government: The objective is to strengthen the capacity be required. Tanzania National Roads, PO Box 11364, Dar es Salaam, and resource mobilization functions of the local governance system to Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 215-2576, Fax: (255-22) 215-0022, Contact: Dr. deliver and sustain basic services, in particular to benefit the poorer F. Y. Addo-Abedi, Chief Executive sections of the population. Negotiations scheduled for 3 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95232. US$ 25.0 To g o (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Housing Health, Nutrition and Population and Urban Development, Mhlabanyasi Rd., PO Box 1832, Mbabane, (R) HIV/AIDS Emergency Response: The objective is to build up Swaziland, Tel: (268) 404-1741/43, Fax: (268) 404-4085, E-mail: nkam- effective activities in the prevention of HIV infection and care of peo- [email protected], Contact: Mr. Paul Nkambule, Acting Permanent Sec- ple living with AIDS. Project preparation is underway. Environmental retary Assessment Category B. PID: 71634. US$ 16.0 (IDA Grant). Consult- Tanzania ing services to be determined. Conseil national de lutte contre le SIDA et les infections sexuellement transmissibles (National AIDS Country Education Council), 01 BP 2237, Lomé, Togo, Tel: (228) 262-717, Fax: (228) 218- Science and Technology Higher Education (Cr. 4454-TZ): The 941, Contact: Dr. Abi Tchao Tagba, Permanent Secretary objective is to help produce better qualified graduates and technicians Social Protection in strategic disciplines to meet the national development objectives of (R) Community-Driven Development (CDD) (H409-TG): To re- the MKUKUTA (Tanzania’s National Strategy for Growth and Poverty spond to the social and economic crises in Togo, the Bank and the Gov- Reduction). Approved by the Executive Directors on 27 May 2008. En- ernment have designed a CDD project that aims to provide poor vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 98496. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Con- communities with improved basic socio-economic infrastructure as sultants will be required. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, well as income-generating activities. The project will finance at least PO Box 9121, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 211-3139, Fax: 450 sub-projects, to be identified and implemented directly by the (255-22) 211-3271, Contact: Dr. Khamis Dihenga, Permanent Secretary communities concerned, and will also include capacity-building at the Energy and Mining community, regional, and national levels. Approved by the Board of Ex- Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources: The objectives ecutive Directors on 26 June 2008. The grant was signed on 16 July 2008. are to (a) increase capacity to manage mineral resources sustainably Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 110943. US$ 17.2 (IDA and (b) develop artisan mining. Appraisal scheduled for 14 November Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Economy 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96302. US$ 50.0 and Finance, Immeuble CASEF, BP 387 Lome, Togo, Fax (228) 221- (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Energy and Miner- 0905, E-mail:[email protected]., Contact: Mrs. Agboka Yawani B., als, 754-33 Samora Ave., PO Box 2000, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: Coordinator (255-22) 211-7156/9, Fax: (255-22) 211-7790, Contact: Mr. Asah Mwaka- Uganda pugi, Permanent Secretary Energy and Mining Environment and Natural Resources Management Private Power Generation (Cr. B013-UG): The objective is to pro- Lower Kihansi Environmental Management Additional Financ- vide adequate, reliable and cost-effective power generation in an eco- ing (Cr. 3546-TA): The objective of the additional financing is to sup- nomically and environmentally sustainable manner, to enhance the port the Government of Tanzania (GoT) to continue implementing economic growth and well-being. Approved by the Executive Direc- selected activities in the original four components of the project, in or- tors on 26 April 2007. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: der to fully achieve the envisaged the following project development 89659. US$ 115.0 (MIGA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of objectives: (i) put in place a series of medium-term measures to ensure Energy, Amber House, Kampala Road, PO Box 7270, Kampala, Uganda, the long-term conservation of the Kihansi Gorge ecosystem and (ii) Tel: (256-41) 234-733, Fax: (256-41) 234-732, E-mail: kkaliisa@en- support the development of a coordinated and consistent legal and in-, Contact: Mr. Fred Kabagambe-Kaliisa, Permanent Secre- stitutional framework for environmental and water resources man- tary agement in Tanzania. Approved by the Executive Directors on 27 September 2007. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 105220. Public Sector Governance US$ 3.5 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Vice President’s Office, Seventh Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC7) (Cr. 4431- PO Box 5380, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 211-3857, Fax: UG): The objective is to implement the strategy laid out in the Poverty (255-22) 211-3856, Contact: Mr. Abubakar Rajabu, Permanent Secre- Eradication Action Plan. Approved by the Executive Directors on 6 May tary 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 101231. US$ 200.0 (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministry of Finance, Finance Public Sector Governance Building, Nile Ave., PO Box 8147, Kampala, Uganda, Tel: (256-41) (R) Sixth Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC6): This is the 232-095, Fax: (256-41) 343-023, Contact: Mr. Chris Kassami, Permanent third in the series of five annual operations supporting the imple- Secretary, Secretary to the Treasury mentation of the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUKUTA). The primary objective of this project is to support the Rural Development Government in the implementation of the MKUKUTA, and the achieve- (R) Preparedness and Control of Avian Influenza (Cr. 4482-UG): ments of the MKUKUTA objectives related to growth and reduction The objective is to provide the Government of Uganda with financial of poverty, improvements of quality of life and social well being, and assistance for the implementation of its Integrated National Action governance and accountability. Negotiations scheduled for 8 August Plan (INAP) for prevention, control and management of Avian In- 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 101229. US$ 160.0 fluenza epidemic. It will also assist in building sustainable national ca- (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance, pacity for general epidemic disease surveillance and rapid response. Madaraka Avenue, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 211-1174/6, Approved by the Executive Directors on 19 June 2008. Environmental Contact: Hon. Zakia Meghji, Minister Assessment Category B. PID: 110207. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry, Tr ansportation and Fisheries, PO Box 102, Entebbe, Uganda, Tel: (259-41) 320-563, Second Central Transport Corridor Scale-Up (Cr. 4455-TZ): Fax: (259-41) 321-047, Contact: Mr. David Obong Omara Oleke, Per- The objective is to scale up an existing operation that aims at further manent Secretary. improving the management of health resources and the quality of Second Agricultural Research and Technology Additional Fi- health services through sector reforms and institutional capacity build- nancing (Cr. 3204-UG): The objective of the additional financing is AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 17 to scale up of activities of the core research program that are impor- Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (93-75) 200-4199, E-mail: [email protected], tant for effective technology generation and dissemination, expansion Contact: Mr. Wnwar-ul Haq Ahady, Minister of the competitive research grants program, and to re-equip and fully utilize the research institutes rehabilitated earlier under ARTP II. Ap- Urban Development proved by the Executive Directors on 2 August 2007. Environmental Urban Waste Management: The objective is to develop sustainable Assessment Category U. PID: 105649. US$ 12.0 (IDA). Consulting solid waste and on-site sanitation management systems. Negotiations services will be required. National Agricultural Research Organization, scheduled for 3 November 2008. Environmental Assessment Cate- PO Box 296, Entebbe, Uganda, Tel: (259-41) 321-431, Fax: (259-41) 321- gory B. PID: 98461. US$ 25.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be deter- 070, Contact: Dr. Joseph Mukiibi, Director General mined. Kabul Municipality, Mohammad Jan Khan Watt, Puli Bagh e Umomi, in front of Ministry of Education, Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (93- Zambia 70) 287-122, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Ali Niazi, Director of Planning; Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Economic Management Kabul, Afghanistan Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC1): These objectives are to facilitate Zambia to maintain and deepen its macroeconomic Bangladesh framework conducive to robust growth, to strengthen the credibility Economic Management and institutional capacity of the public sector, and to enhance Zambia’s (R) Transitional Support Credit (Cr. 4422-BD): The objective is growth opportunities while improving its poverty impact. Project con- to support the policy and institutional reform program of the Caretaker cept review scheduled for 1 October 2008. Environmental Assessment Government (CTG), which assumed power in January 2007. Approved Category C. US$ 10.0 (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministry of by the Executive Directors on 17 June 2008. Environmental Assess- Finance and National Planning, Chimanga Road, PO Box 50062, Lusaka, ment Category B. PID: 110167. US$ 200.0 (IDA). No consultants are Zambia, Tel: (260-1) 253-512, Fax: (260-1) 251-078, E-mail: required. Ministry of Finance, Economic Relations Division, Block 8, [email protected], Contact: Dr. James Mulungushi, Permanent Room 3, Sher-e-Bangla, Nagar, Dhaka, Tel: (880-2) 811-2641, Fax: (880- Secretary 2) 811-3088, E-mail: secy [email protected], Contact: Mr. Md. Aminul Is- Second Economic Management and Growth (Cr. 4443-ZM): lam Bhuiyan, Secretary The objective is to implement policy and institution reforms out- lined in the poverty reduction strategy. Approved by the Executive Education Directors on 20 May 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. Higher Education Quality Improvement: The objectives are to: (a) PID: 74445. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry focus on reforms and activities which can bring rapid and visible ben- of Finance and National Planning, PO Box 50062, Lusaka, Zambia, efits to the academic community, (b) select initiatives with the poten- Tel: (260-1) 253-512, Fax: (260-1) 251-078, Email: evans.chibil- tial to overhaul higher education institution’s quality, and (c) focus on [email protected], Contact: Mr. C. Evans Chibiliti, Secretary to Trea- activities based on voluntary participation and using incentive mech- sury anisms. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 106216. US$ 60.0 (IDA). Consultants will be re- Energy and Mining quired. Ministry of Education, Bhaban-6, Room 1809, Bangladesh Sec- Increased Access to Electricity and ICT Services (Cr. 4446-ZM): retariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel:(880-2) 716-8711, 716-4236, Fax: (880-2) The objective is to expand access to electricity, telephone and inter- 716-7577, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Md. Momtajul Islam, Sec- net services in rural areas. Approved by the Executive Directors on retary of Education 20 May 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 77452, (R) Secondary Education Quality and Access Improvement: 76320. US$ 33.0/8.0/2.5 (IDA/GEF/PCF). Consultants will be re- The objective is to improve school governance and quality and access quired. Ministry of Energy and Water Development, PO Box 36079, to both poor girls as well as poor boys. Negotiations completed. Board Lusaka 10101 Zambia, Tel: (260-1) 251-337, Fax: (260-1) 254-491, 252- presentation scheduled for 31 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Cat- 339, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. W. Serenje, Director, De- egory C. PID: 106161. US$ 150.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. partment of Energy Ministry of Education, Bhaban-6, Room 1809, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 716-8711, 716-4236, Fax: (880-2) 716- Social Development, Gender and Inclusion 7577, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Md. Momtajul Islam, Sec- Support to Decentralization Implementation Program: (Formerly retary of Education Local Development Fund) The objective is to advance local develop- (R) Vocational Education: The objective is to build on sector work ment initiatives by operating a financial intermediary to provide fund- currently underway. Key components may include organization and ing for projects estimated to be good prospects for success. Appraisal management reform, financing reform and encouraging private pro- is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95193. US$ vision of training. Concept Review scheduled for 29 August 2008. En- 20.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Local Government vironmental Assessment Category C. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consulting and Housing, Decentralization Secretariat, P O Box 50027, Lusaka, Zam- services to be determined. Ministry of Education, Bhabab-6, Room 1809, bia, Tel: (260-1) 226-787, Fax: (260-1) 252-680, E-mail:sakwiyas@ya- Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 716-8711,, Contact: Mr. Alfred Sakwiya, Project Manager 716-4236, Fax: (880-2) 716-7577, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Md. Momtajul Islam, Secretary of Education Energy and Mining Power Sector Development Policy Credit: The objective is to sup- South Asia port a subset of the Government’s Program of power sector reform. The enhancement of governance and accountability, and financial sta- Afghanistan bility, in the sector leading to better and more sustainable service pro- vision. Board presentation scheduled for 17 June 2008. Environmental Environment and Natural Resources Management Assessment Category U. PID: 107797. US$120.0 (IDA). No consultants Naghlu Rehabilitation Carbon Finance: The objective is to prepare are required. Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Build- a Carbon Finance operation in order to commercialize the carbon ing No. 6, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Tel: (880-2) 955-9928, Con- dioxide emissions produced by the rehabilitation of Naghlu power tact: Dr. M. Fouzul Kabir Khan, Secretary, Power Division station as part of the clean development mechanisms established in Siddhirganj Peaking Power: The objective is to provide power dur- the Kyoto Protocol. Preappraisal is underway. Environmental As- ing daily peak consumption periods. Negotiations scheduled for 21 July sessment Category B. PID: 99442. US$ 3.6 (IDA). Consultants will be 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 95965. US$ 330.0 required to develop the project design document and conduct the re- (IDA). Consultants will be required. Project preparation consultant is quired verification activities. Ministry of Finance, Pastoonistan Watt, being funded by the Power Sector Development Technical Assistance PAGE 18 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008 project. Electricity Generating Company of Bangladesh, WAPDA Bldg., Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 716-2159, 1st Fl., 12 Motijheel C/A Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 911-6382, 716-3566, 716-8578, Fax: (880-2) 716-4374, Contact: Mr. Safar Raj Hos- 812-4197, Contact: Mr. Delwar Hossain, Managing Director sain, Secretary South Zone Power Distribution: The objective of the project is to Tr ansportation deliver power more widely by establishing a power distribution com- pany and improving and expanding the power distribution network. Export Infrastructure Development: The objective is to enhance Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Cate- the competitiveness of the tradable sectors of the economy. Prepara- gory B. PID: 87861. US$ 150.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be de- tion is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 89634. termined. Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral US$ 131.0 (IDA). Consultants have completed a feasibility study, and Resources, Bhaban 6, Rooms 124 and 125, Bangladesh Secretariat, the project is in the process of DPP approval to proceed to the detailed Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 716-5918, 716-0523, Fax: (880-2) 717- design stage. Chittagong Port Authority, CPA Bldg., Chittagong, 0740; Bangladesh Power Development Board, WAPDA Building, Moti- Bangladesh, Tel: (880-031) 956-3441, Fax: (880-031) 710-593, Contact: jeel C/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 956-2154, Fax: (880-2) Mr. Anhar Mahmud, Chief Planning Officer, Bangladesh Railway, Rail- 956-4765; Distribution Power Zone, Power Development Board, Bidyut way Bhaban, Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka Bhaban, Agrabad, Chittagong, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-31) 712-200, Fax: (R) Road Sector Reform: The objective is the sustainable delivery (880-31) 715-090, Contact: Mr. Aminul Islam, Chief Engineer of a safe, efficient major road network system. Appraisal scheduled for 15 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Environment and Natural Resources Management 75346. US$ 150.0 (IDA). Consultants are required for preparation and (R) Clean Air and Sustainable Energy (CASE): (Formerly Second implementation of the civil works components and for institutional Air Quality Management) The objective is to strengthen the infra- strengthening of the Roads and Highways Department. Roads and structure and institutional and regulatory framework for air quality man- Highways Department, Sarak Bhaban, Ramna, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh, agement in Bangladesh; address emissions from major sources such Tel: (880-2) 956-8740, Fax: (880-2) 956-8302, E-mail: [email protected], as industry, transport and household fuel use. Decision meeting and Contact: Mr. Shamsul Alam, Project Director appraisal completed. Negotiations scheduled for 20 August 2008. Envi- Water and Sanitation ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 98151. US$ 60.0 (IDA). Con- sultants will be required during preparation and initial period of Dhaka Chittagong Water Supply and Sanitation: The objective is implementation. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paribesh Bha- to provide reliable, sustainable sewerage and drainage services in ban, E-16 Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 1207, Tel/Fax: (88- Dhaka. Preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Cate- 02) 716-1676, Contact: Mr. Abul Hasan M. Rejaul Kabir (Acting), gory B. PID: 93988. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consulting services are going. Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests Dhaka Water and Sanitation Authority, WASA Bhaban, 98 Kazi Nazrul Islam Ave., Dhaka 1215 Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 811-6792, Fax: (880- Dhaka Environment and Water Resources Management: The ob- 2) 811-2109, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Md. Raihanul jectives are to: (a) reduce the social and economic costs of environmental Abedin, Managing Director degradation of rivers in Dhaka and (b) develop a programmatic approach to water resources and environmental management in the Dhaka met- India ropolitan area for strategic long-term activities and investments. Pro- ject preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category Energy and Mining B. PID: 96555. US$ 65.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry (R) Coal-Fired Power Station Rehabilitation: The objective is to of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Bldg. improve environmental and energy efficiency performance and prac- No. 7, Rm. 602, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh, tices of selected coal-fired power generating units. The project has two Tel/Fax: (880-2) 716-8578, Contact: Mr. Safar Raj Hossain, Secretary components (a) Technical Assistance (US$ 7.54 million GEF Grant); and (b) Coal R&M Energy Efficiency Financing Window. Decision meet- Rural Development ing scheduled for 7 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Cat- Second Social Investment: The objective is to support Government egory B. PID: 100101. US$ 179.7/45.45 (IBRD/GEF). Consultants of Bangladesh’s strategy for reducing poverty amongst the rural peo- will be required. Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Ltd. ple, currently outside the reach of most development interventions. It (MahaGenco), Prakashgad, Plot No. G 9 2nd Fl., Bandra (E), Mum- would empower the rural poor and improve their livelihoods in the poor- bai 400051, India, Tel: (91-22) 2647-4211, Fax: (91-22) 2647-1060, Con- est districts through developing, strengthening and synergizing pro- tact: Mr. Ajoy Mehta, Managing Director, Maharashtra State Power poor local groups and village level institutions. Project preparation is Generation Company Ltd. (MahaGenco); West Bengal Power Devel- underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 73886. US$ opment Corporation Ltd, 1 Kiran Shankar Roy Rd, 6th Fl., Kolkata 100.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Bangladesh SIPP 700001, India, Tel: (91-33) 2248-3317, 2248-2024, 2243-0525, Fax: (91- 2 (livelihoods), Social Development Foundation (SDF), House 4, Road 33) 2248-6436, 2243-7874, Contact: Mr. S. Mahapatra, Managing Director, 21, Sector 4, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230, Tel: (880-2) 987-3094, West Bengal Power Development Corporation Ltd.; Haryana Power Gen- Fax: (880-2) 987-3095, Contact: Mr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman, Man- eration Corporation Ltd, Shakti Bhawan, Sector-6, Panchkula-134 109, aging Director, SDF Tel: (91-172) 2560672, Contact: Mr. Sanjeev Kaushal, Managing Director Social Protection (R) Vishnugad Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Loan: The objectives are to: (a) improve the reliability of India’s Northern (Electricity) Grid/Net- (R) Disability and Children at Risk Services (Cr. 4481-BD): The work through the addition of renewable, low-carbon energy; and (b) objective is to expand social and rehabilitation services for the disabled improve the effectiveness of Tehri Hydro Development Corporation and build the capacity of NGOs and Government agencies, support the Ltd. with respect to the preparation and safe implementation of eco- scaling up of services for vulnerable children and adolescents, and sup- nomically, environmentally and socially sustainable hydropower pro- port restructure the Ministry of Social Welfare. Approved by the Exec- jects. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment utive Directors on 1 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category Category A. PID: 96124. US$ 400.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. C. PID: 106332. US$ 35.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be deter- Tehri Hydro Development Corporation Ltd., Corporate Planning, Bha- mined. Ministry of Social Welfare, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, girath Bhawan (Top Terrace) Bhagirathipuram, Tehri (Garhwal) Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 860-568, 864-856, Fax: (880-2) 716-8969, Con- 249001, Uttarakhand, India, Tel: (91-135) 2452-5764/5836, 2453-7821, tact: Md. Abdul Hye Howlader, Secretary Fax: (91-135) 2454-5092, Contact: Mr. Deepak Sarwal, General Man- (R) National Protection: The objective is to target beneficiaries in ager selected rural and urban areas will utilize social assistance programs and/or insurance products delivered through an efficient and ac- Environment and Natural Resources Management countable decentralized mechanism. Appraisal underway. Environ- (R) Capacity Building for Industrial Pollution Management: The mental Assessment Category C. PID: 102542. US$ 105.0 (IDA). objectives are to strengthen the regulatory and implementation capacity Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Local Government, of national and state environmental institutions and reduce pollution. Integrated Coastal Zone Management Loan/Credit: The ob-

West Bengal Accelerated Development of Minor Irriga-

PAGE 20 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008

105311. US$ 220.0/30.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consultants for EA, SA and hy- 6668, Fax: (91-674) 240-7051, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: drologic studies under procurement. Other consultants to be deter- Er. Suvendu Kumar Ray, Engineer-in-Chief-Cum-Secretary, Works De- mined. Water Investigation and Development Department (WIDD), partment, GOO Government of West Bengal, Wrtiers’ Building, B.B.D Bagh, Kolkata (R) Second Rural Roads: The objective is to provide beneficiary com- 700 001 India, Contact: Mr. John Koshy, Secretary, WIDD munities with sustainable and cost-effective road access to markets and Kerala Local Government and Service Delivery: The objective is social services. Decision meeting completed. Appraisal scheduled for 2 to strengthen the capacity of local governments to manage public re- September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 96020. sources for the benefit of the constituents, including the disadvan- US$ 500.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for the design and su- taged, while the state is engaged in a long term debt restructuring pervision of minor rural roads, social and environmental monitoring program. This would be accomplished through a two pronged ap- and possible assistance with financial management monitoring. National proach: (a) capacity building at the level of the state, the gram pan- Rural Road Development Agency (NRRDA), Tel: (91-11) 4602-2221, 2671- chayats, and constituents; and (b) formula based block grants to the 6936, Fax: (91-11) 4100-0475, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. H K Sri- local governments for financing many of the activities as defined in the vastava State Act. Decision meeting scheduled for 3 November 2008. Envi- ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 102624. US$ 170.0 (IDA). Con- Andhra Pradesh State Roads: This is a second road project in sultants will be required. Government of Kerala, Ministry of Local Andhra Pradesh financed by the Bank. The objective is to improve the Governments and Planning., Trivandrum, Kerala, India, Contact: Mr. state road network by providing better quality and safer roads to the Vijay Anand, Secretary Planning and Local Governments users in a sustainable manner. Project preparation is underway. Envi- Multi State Agricultural Competitiveness: The objective is to de- ronmental Assessment Category A. PID: 96021. US$ 320.0 (IBRD). Con- velop more competitive market systems and improve market access sultants will be required for construction supervision, PPP transactions for farmers and livestock producers through enhanced knowledge and monitoring, road asset management, and institutional develop- and more effective producer organization. Project preparation is un- ment support. Andhra Pradesh Road Development Corporation, Errum derway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93136. US$ Manzil, Hyderabad-500082 India, Tel: (91-40) 2330-0462, 2332-3423, 100.0/100.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Min- Fax: (91-40) 2330-1196, Contact: Mr. B. Rajagopal Reddy, Managing Di- istry of Agriculture, Krishni Bhawan, Rm. 232, New Delhi 110011 In- rector dia, Tel: (91-11) 2338-2416, Contact: Dr. U.K.S. Chauhan, Joint Secretary, Assam State Roads: The objective is to provide road users in Assam Marketing, Government of India with good quality and better managed state highways and major dis- North East Livelihood: The objective is to achieve an upward trend trict roads. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment in livelihood productivity among participating local community groups Category A. PID: 96018. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Agreement preparation fa- located in various ecological zones in the NE Region Central and East- cility is not to exceed US$ 2.0 and countersigned by Ministry of Finance, ern Hills (Phase I of the Program), Greater Himalayas (Phase II) and Government of India. Consultants will be required. Public Works De- Lowland Plains (Phase III) through participatory and demand driven partment, Assam, Sachivalaya, Dispur, Guwahati 6 India, Tel/Fax: (91- investment choices and collective action, with support from value- 361) 226-1678, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Mukut adding partnerships. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Dutta, Commissioner and Special Secretary Assessment Category B. PID: 102330. US$ 260.0 (IDA). Consulting ser- vices to be determined. Ministry of Development for the North East Second Karnataka State Highway Improvement: The objective is Region, Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, Maulana Azad Rd, India, Tel: (91-11) to improve the state’s road network to support the state’s growing 2302-2020, Fax: (91-11) 2302-2024, Contact: Ms. Sushma Singh, Sec- economy and social development efforts through leveraging the pri- retary, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region vate sector and improving the regulatory and institutional capacity of Rajasthan Rural Water Supply and Sanitation: The objective is to the public sector to deliver effective and safe road network to users. support the GOR’s sector plans and to increase access to improved, Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Cate- affordable and sustained water and sanitation services (WSS) of rural gory A. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. communities in Rajasthan. This would support (i) the development and Public Works, Ports and Inland Water Transport Department, Gov- the implementation of a state integrated WSS sector investment plan, ernment of Karnataka, 3rd Floor, Vikasa Soudha, M.S.Building, and (ii) the development and implementation of state-wide consistent Dr.Ambedkar Road, Bangalore 560001, Karnataka, India, Tel: (91-80) policies and implementation arrangements. Project preparation is un- 2251-449, Fax: (91-80) 2235-3988, E-mail: [email protected], Con- derway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101650. US$ tact: Sri. Sudhir Krishna, I.A.S., Principal Secretary 130.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Public Health and Sustainable Urban Transport: The objective is to: (a) reduce GHG Engineering Department, Government Secretariat, Jaipur, 302017, In- emissions through promotion of modal shift to more energy efficient dia, Tel: (91-141) 515-3222, Fax: (91-141) 222-7222, Contact: Mr. Agam modes of urban transport in India and (b) strengthen the capacity in Mathur, Chief Engineer planning, financing, implementing, operating, and managing climate Second Uttar Pradesh Diversified Agriculture Support: The ob- friendly and sustainable urban transport interventions at national, state jectives are to: (a) intensify and diversify agricultural production and and at city levels. Decision meeting scheduled for 16 September 2008. (b) increase farmer access to expanding market opportunities. Ne- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 110371. US$ 200.0 gotiations scheduled for early-June 2011. Environmental Assessment (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Urban De- Category B. PID: 89484. US$ 74.6/74.6 (IBRD/IDA). Consulting ser- velopment, Government of India, Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad vices to be determined. Diversified Agricultural Support Project Society, Road, New Delhi 110011, India, Tel: (91-11) 2306-3495, Fax: (91-11) 2379- Government of Uttar Pradesh, PICKUP Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti 2052, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: M. Ramachandran, Secretary Nagar, Lucknow, India, Tel: (91-522) 272-0839, E-mail: updasp@san-, Contact: Archana Agrawal, Special Secretary, Cooperation Sustainable Urban Transport (GEF): The objective is to: (a) reduce and Project Coordinator GHG emissions through promotion of modal shift to more energy ef- ficient modes of urban transport in India and (b) strengthen the ca- Tr ansportation pacity in planning, financing, implementing, operating, and managing (R) Orissa State Roads Loan: The objective is to remove transport climate friendly and sustainable urban transport interventions at na- bottlenecks in targeted transport corridors for greater private sector tional, state and at city levels. Decision meeting scheduled for 16 Sep- investment, economic and social development activities in the state of tember 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 100589. US$ Orissa. Board presentation scheduled for 9 September 2008. Environmental 20.3 (GEF). A consulting firm has been hired by MOUD under a GEF Assessment Category A. PID: 96023. US$ 250.0 (IBRD). Preparation project preparation grant (US$ 350,000) to help MOUD prepare the consultants have been mobilized and have started working in the field. project. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, Nirman Other specialists in transactions, asset management, institutional Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi 110011, Tel: (91-11) 2306-3495, strengthening and supervision will be recruited. Government of Orissa, Fax: (91-11) 2379-2052, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: M. Ra- Works Department, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, India, Tel: (91-674) 253- machandran, Secretary AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 21 Urban Development Water and Sanitation (R) Urban Upgrading and National Sanitation Program: The ob- (N) Karnataka Municipal Water Energy Efficiency: The objective jective is to support the Government of India to implement a more ef- is to replace old pumps with more efficient models, properly size the fective strategy and delivery mechanism for the financing of urban slum impellers of key pumps, and switch off key transformers when not renewal and sanitation provision in underserved areas. This project is needed. Emissions reductions will take place because less electricity no longer in the lending program. Further reporting will be discontin- will be required to provide the same amount of water to consumers in ued. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 300.0 (IDA). Con- the five cities. With less electricity consumed, fewer greenhouse gas sultants will be required. Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty emissions will be emitted, especially in Karnataka where most electricity Alleviation, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, Government of India, Tel: 91 is generated by coal-fired power plants. The project boundary will ex- 11 23061419, Fax: 91 11 23061420, Contact: Dr. P.K. Mohanty, Joint Sec- tend from the point of water intake to the system in each city, includ- retary ing all pumping stations and treatment plants to the delivery point for the consumer. Supplemental pumps, booster stations, and other sources Andhra Pradesh Urban Reform and Municipal Services: The ob- of power consumption must be included in both the baseline and the jective is to support reforms and improvements in city management project case. Negotiations scheduled for September 2008. Environ- and services in Andhra Pradesh through technical assistance and in- mental Assessment Category B. US$ 1.0 (Carbon Fund). Consultants vestment subloans linked with reform and capacity building perfor- will be required. A CF validation consultant is needed. The procure- mance of urban local bodies. Board presentation scheduled for 16 ment was prepared jointly with CF unit. Karnataka Urban Infrastruc- October 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 71250. US$ ture Development and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC), 3rd Cross, 233.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Municipal Administration Mission Road, Silver Jubilee Block, 2nd Floor, Unity Building Annexe, and Urban Development Department, Secretariat Complex, Hyderabad Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560027, Tel: (91-080) 2223-2021/2134, 500022 India, Tel/Fax: (91-40) 2345-4965, Contact: Ms. Pushpa Sub- Fax: (91-080) 2223-2021, E-mail: [email protected] and shamb- ramanyam, Secretary, Urban Development, Andhra Pradesh [email protected], Contact: Sri Jawaid Akthar, I.A.S., Managing Director Capacity Building for Urban Local Bodies-NURM: (Formerly Andhra Pradesh Rural Water Supply and Sanitation: The objec- Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) In- tive is to increase reliable, sustainable and affordable rural water and stitutional Strengthening and Capacity Credit) The objective is to pro- sanitation services to the rural communities. And also contribute to vide Technical Assistance (TA) support at both the State and Urban GoAP’s RWSS sector program by: (i) implementing new sector policy Local Bodies level to strengthen policy, support institutional reform and and institutional framework; and (ii) financing a substantive portion of improve procedures and skills in the areas of municipal financial man- its investment program for the next five years. Project preparation is agement, service delivery, planning and governance. The target is the underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101650. US$ 300 Class I cities, including the 63 JNNURM cities (only the cities that 250.0/150.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consultants will be required. Government have signed a Memorandum of Agreement) for implementation of re- of Andhra Pradesh, Panchayati Raj Engineering Department, Gov- forms with the Ministry of Urban Development are eligible. The four ernment of Andhra Pradesh, Block 1, 8th Floor, Secretariat, Hyderabad focus areas created inline with the JNNURM reform requirements that 500029, Tel: (91-040) 2345-4670, Fax: (91-040) 2345-3016, Contact: Mr. the cities may choose. Activities from TA funding: (i) Financial Man- Munidra, Additional Secretary agement Reform, (ii) Service Delivery, (iii) Framework for Planning and (iv) Framework for Governance. Appraisal is scheduled for 4 Sep- Maldives tember 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99979. Education US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Urban De- Third Education and Training (Cr. 3325-MAL): The objective is velopment, Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi 110011 India, Tel: to train qualified nationals for the labor force by paying overseas schol- (91-11) 2306-2194, Fax: (91-11) 2306-1446, Contact: Mr. Aniruddha Ku- arship obligations of 186 students. It fills the financing gap created by mar, Director, JNNURM partial cancellation of the second Tsunami reconstruction project. Ap- Gujarat Urban Development: The objective is to improve service proved by the Executive Directors on 6 April 2006. Environmental As- delivery through targeted investments and capacity building. Project sessment Category C. PID: 99652. US$ 1.3 (IDA). No consultants are preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: required. Ministry of Education, Ghazee Bldg., Male 20-05 Maldives, 94722. US$ 130.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Gu- Tel: (960) 327-353, Fax: (960) 331-578, E-mail: [email protected], Con- jarat Urban Development Corporation, Government of Gujarat, First tact: Mr. Abdul Sameeu Hassan, Section Head, Project Management Fl., Abhishek Bldg., Sector 11, Ghandinagar 382017 Gujarat, India, and Coordination Section Tel: (91-79) 2324-1862, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. K. Srinivas, Managing Director Nepal National Cyclone Risk Mitigation: (Formerly National Risk Mitigation) Finance The objective is to mitigate risks and vulnerability to natural disasters, Access to Financial Services: The objective is to assist micro- and particularly cyclones. Project preparation is underway. Environmen- small-enterprise customers and low-income households with increased tal Assessment Category B. PID: 92217. US$ 250.0 (IDA). Consulting access to formal financial services. Appraisal scheduled for 28 No- services to be determined. National Disaster Management Authority, vember 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 105289. US$ 3d Floor, Centuar Hotel, New Delhi, India, Tel: (91-11) 2565-5015, Fax: 27.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Nepal Rastra Bank, (91-11) 2565-5015, Contact: A.R. Sule, Deputy Secretary Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal, Tel: (997-1) 441-2262, 441-0386, Fax: (997- National Urban Infrastructure Fund: The objective is to improve 1) 441-0159, Contact: K. B. Manandhar, Acting Governor urban infrastructure including through mobilization of private financ- Health, Nutrition and Population ing. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Cat- egory FI. PID: 92699. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Health Sector Additional Financing (H368-NP): The objective of Ministry of Urban Development, Nirman Bharan, New Delhi, India, the additional financing is to expand access to and use of essential health Tel: (91-22) 2306-2309, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: care services in the underserved populations. Approved by the Exec- Mr. M. Rajamani, Joint Secretary utive Directors on 6 May 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 110731. US$ 50.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be de- National Urban Reform Fund: (Formerly Enhanced Urban Reform termined. Ministry of Health and Population, Ramshah Path, Kath- Incentive Fund) The objective is to provide states with incentives to mandu, Nepal, Tel: (977-1) 426-2862, Fax: (977-1) 426-2896, Contact: undertake essential urban sector reforms, enabling local Governments Dr. Babu Ram Marasini, Senior Health Administrator to improve their finances and capacity to provide essential services and incentives to do so. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Human Development Assessment Category C. PID: 88776. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consultants Nepal Emergency Peace Support (H367-NP): (Formerly Nepal will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined Emergency Peace Support) The objective is to consolidate the Nepal PAGE 22 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008 peace process by: (a) supporting the Government to meet commitments needed for power sector reform and investment planning and financ- to selected groups affected by the conflict, including families of those ing. The loan is the first phase of a larger APL. The loan and credits killed as a result of the conflict, conflict-related widows and orphans, were signed on 14 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category disabled people, and individual Maoists in cantonments; (b) ensuring B. PID: 95982. US$ 73.6/52.6 (IBRD/IDA). Consultants will be transparency in implementation of benefits under the Project for the required. Ministry of Water and Power, Pakistan Secretariat, Rm. 241, conflict-affected groups, including the Maoists in cantonments; and (c) Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 920-3087, 920-2335, E-mail: wpsecy@ strengthening of key institutions which are tasked with policy and im-, Contact: Mr. Najeeb Awan, Joint Secretary (Power) plementation functions in peace building, reintegration and rehabili- Mineral Sector Technical Assistance: The objective is to imple- tation. Approved by the Executive Directors on 6 May 2008. ment a strategy to accelerate sustainable mineral sector development Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 110762. US$ 50.0 (IDA by strengthening governance, transparency, and capacity in the man- Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Peace and agement of mineral resources. Project preparation is underway. Reconstruction, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal, Tel/Fax: (977-1) Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 99375. US$ 50.0 (IDA). 421-1186, E-mail: [email protected] Consultants will be needed in preparation to: (a) undertake strate- gic environmental and social assessments focusing on mining; (b) Rural Development build implementation capacity; and (c) define components. Required Agricultural Commercialization and Trade: The objective is to specialties are mining regulations, geology, geophysics and mining increase aggregate value added in selected commodity value chains cadastre. Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, 21-E Huma in districts supported by the project. Appraisal scheduled for 28 Plaza, Blue Area, Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 920-2337, Fax: (92- August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 87140. 51) 920-4077, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Rashid Hus- US$ 20.2 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agricul- sain Malik, Director General for Mines ture and Cooperatives, Harihar Hbawan, Lalitpur, Nepal, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. K. K. Shrestha, Joint Secretary Information and Communication Rural Telecommunications and e-Service: The objectives are to: Water and Sanitation (a) accelerate access to communications in unserved and underserved Second Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Additional Financ- areas by using targeted subsidies for rural expansion, (b) strengthen ing (H369-NP): The objective of the additional financing is to pro- legal, policy, regulatory and spectrum management and (c) monitor vide for the shortfall of funds to complete Batch VII schemes and also functions and expansion of e-services. Negotiations scheduled for De- to scale up the number of schemes under Batches VIII, IX and X. The cember 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 100681. US$ funds will build up on the existing components under the original Pro- 124.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of In- ject: (a) strengthening the operations of the rural water supply and San- formation Technology and Telecommunications, Evacuee Trust Bldg., itation Fund Development Board; (b) selection and construction of water 4th Fl., Aga Khan Rd., F-5/1, Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 920-9484, supply and environmental sanitation schemes; and (c) institutional de- Fax: (92-51) 920-9482, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. velopment studies. Approved by the Executive Directors on 6 May 2008. Farrakh Qayyum, Secretary; Pakistan Telecommunications Authority, Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 110463. US$ 27.0 (IDA Zonal Office, 222/5, Khadim Hussain Rd., Rawalpindi Cantt, Islamabad, Grant). Consultants will be required. Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 287-8143, Fax: (92-51) 287-8155, E-mail: chair- Fund Development Board, Nursery Marg, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, [email protected], Contact: Mr. Shahzedha Malik, Chairman Nepal, Tel: (977-1) 441-0761, 441-5856, Fax: (977-1) 441-4899, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Arjun Narsing Rayamajhi, Execu- Law and Justice tive Director Second Sindh Structural Adjustment: The objective is to implement reforms to improve fiscal and financial management, governance, pub- Pakistan lic service delivery, and the state’s regulatory framework. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ Economic Management 100.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for: (a) improvement of fis- Economic Stabilization Support: The objective is to support the Gov- cal and financial management; (b) financial resource mobilization and ernment’s efforts to regain and maintain macroeconomic stability. The institutional development; (c) capacity building of core Government operation supports policy measures Government is to take in the re- departments; (d) reconciliation of public accounts; (e) information maining months 2007/2008 to reduce the macroeconomic imbalances. technology specialist work; and (f) technical support. Department of Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Cate- Finance, Government of Sindh, Karachi, Pakistan, Tel: (92-21) 920-6512, gory U. US$ 300.0/85.0 (IBRD/IDA). No consultants are required. Min- Fax: (92-21) 920-6511, Contact: Mr. Malik Israr, Secretary istry of Finance, Government of Pakistan., Q Block, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 920-2373, Fax: (92-51) 920-1857, Con- Rural Development tact: Mr. Farrakh Qayyum, Finance Secretary, Ministry of Finance. Balochistan Small Scale Irrigation (Cr. 4387-PK): The objective is to improve management by Balochistan Province of scarce water re- Education sources for rural development and poverty reduction. The credit was Higher Education Support Program: The objective is to support approved by the Executive Directors on 26 February 2008. Credit the Government of Pakistan’s higher Education medium term Devel- signing is delayed due to change in government. Environmental As- opment framework to foster public private partnership in the delivery sessment Category B. PID: 89378. US$ 25.0 (IDA). Consulting services of higher education and to provide substantial technical support to the to be determined. Balochistan Irrigation and Power Department, client in developing a reasonable financing plan consistent with the Nawab Khair Bux Maree St.,Quetta, Pakistan, Tel: (92-81) 245-0041, macro-framework of the country. Project preparation is underway. En- Fax: (92-81) 921-1601, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Sadiq vironmental Assessment Category U. PID: 102607. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Ali, Project Director of Balochistan Small Scale Irrigation The consultants support will be needed during preparation and im- plementation. Pakistan Higher Education Commission, Sector H-9, Is- Tr ansportation lamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 904-0120, Fax: (92-51) 925-7505, E-mail: (R) Karachi Dockers Labor Board Restructuring: The objective [email protected], Contact: Dr. Sohail H. Naqvi, Executive Director, is to make the nation’s ports more competitive by reducing their la- Higher Education Commission. bor costs and thus the cost for users. Awaiting appraisal confirmation from the new government. Environmental Assessment Category C. Energy and Mining PID: 103080. US$ 79.0 (IBRD). Consultants are required for social as- (R) Electricity Distribution and Transmission Improvement (Ln. sessment, financial management and management of labor redeploy- 7565-PK, Cr. 4464-PK): The objectives are to (a) increase the ment services. Karachi Port Trust, Edeljee Dinshaw Rd., PO Box efficiency, reliability and quality of electricity supply with reductions 4725, Karachi 74000 Pakistan, Tel: (92-21) 921-4310/15, Fax: (92-21) in technical and commercial losses, increased availability of electricity, 921-4329/30, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Vice Admiral Ah- and improved voltage profile, and (b) provide the technical assistance mad Hayat, Chairman AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 23 (R) National Trade Corridor Improvement Program: The objec- Sri Lanka tive is to enhance export competitiveness by reducing the cost of trade and transport logistics and bringing service quality to international stan- Human Development dards. This project is put on hold pending improvement of the macro-eco- Education Sector Development Additional Financing: The objective nomic situation. Further reporting will be discontinued. Environmental of the additional financing is to scale up activities that will contribute Assessment Category C. PID: 101683. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consultant to greater impact on project outcomes across the four themes of the has been recruited to carry out situation analysis assessment of the country’s Education Sector Development Framework and Program: strategic environmental, poverty and social assessment. Planning and (a) promoting equitable access to basic and secondary education, (b) Development Commission, Block P, Pakistan Secretariat, Ialamabad, improving education quality, (c) enhancing economic efficiency and Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 920-2616/7573, Fax: (92-51) 921-5787, Contact: equity of resource allocation and distribution within the education sys- Mr. Munir Ahmed Anjum, Chief (T&C) tem, and (d) strengthened education governance and service delivery. National Expressways: The objective is to improve trade flows, lower The Additional Financing will increase the intensity of some activities, transit costs and travel times by providing a high-speed, safe and reli- such as English as a second language and co-curricular activities able access-controlled expressway system. Appraisal scheduled for among children of different communities; expand activities to more 18 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101685. schools, such as increasing the number of schools with Information US$ 360.0 (IBRD). Construction supervision and contract adminis- and Communications Technology (ICT) equipment and libraries; and tration. National Highway Authority, 27 Mauve Area, G-9/1, Islam- introduce novel initiatives, such as the expansion of English medium abad, Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 926-0409, Fax: (92-51) 926-0418, E-mail: education for arts and commerce students in secondary grades, and [email protected], Contact: Mr. Raja Nowsherwan, Member (Plan- multi-cultural reviews of the civics and history curricula. The main fo- ning). cus of all these activities will be on poor schools located in rural, es- Trade and Transport Facilitation II: The objectives are to: (a) fa- tate and conflict affected areas. Approved by Executive Directors on cilitate the implementation of the NTCIP; and (b) facilitate the sim- 5 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 110278. plification and modernization of Pakistan’s international trade procedures US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Ed- and practices. Decision meeting scheduled for September 2008. En- ucation, Finance Commission, Kitulwatte Road, Colombo 08, Isurupaya, vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 101684. US$ 24.0 (IDA). Battaramulla, Sri Lanka, Tel: (94-1) 278-5141, Fax: (94-1) 278-4846 Consultants will be required. Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan, Block P, 2nd Fl., Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan, Public Sector Governance Tel: (92-51) 920-3604, Fax: (92-51) 921-5787, E-mail: sia_zaidi@hot- Public Sector Capacity Building (Cr. 4412-CE): (Formerly Pub-, Contact: Dr. Asad Ali Shah, Member (Infrastructure), Plan- lic Financial Management and Statistical Institution Building) The ob- ning Commission; Ministry of Commerce, Block A, 6th Fl., Pakistan jective is to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 920-1796, Fax: (92-51) 920- key public sector agencies (Department of Census and Statistics 3024, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Syed Irtiqa Ahmed Zaidi, [DCS], Auditor General’s Department [AGD]through an investment Project Director, Trade & Transport Facilitation Unit package that includes organizational strengthening, capacity build- Urban Development ing, information management, communication improvements, physi- cal and information technology infrastructure, and Information and Punjab Large Cities Development Policy: The objective is to pro- Communication Technology (ICT) support. Approved by the Execu- mote economic growth in the major cities through strategic planning, tive Directors on 5 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category integrated infrastructure investments, and efficient urban service de- B. PID: 97329. US$ 22.6 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Depart- livery. Appraisal scheduled for August 2008. Environmental Assessment ment of Census & Statistics under Ministry of Finance & Planning and Category U. PID: 95983. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). A PHRD grant for prepa- Auditor Generals Department, The Secretariat, Colombo 1, Sri Lanka, ration is anticipated. Consulting services to be determined. Planning Tel: (94-11) 248-4530, Ext: 1429, Fax: (94-11) 243-2073, E-mail: and Development Department, Government of Punjab, Civil Secretariat, [email protected], [email protected], Contact: Dr. Amara Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: (92-42) 921-0002/4, Fax: (92-42) 921-0003, Con- Satharasinghe for DCS and Mr. Chulantha Wijerathne for AGD’s com- tact: Mr. Suleman Ghani, Chairman, Planning and Development Board ponent Water and Sanitation Tr ansportation (R) Second Punjab Barrages Rehabilitation and Modernization: The objective is to prevent the occurrence of disastrous barrages fail- (R) Road Sector Assistance Additional Financing: The objective ure and ensure their sustainable use, providing improved and reliable of the additional financing is to finance the cost overrun in civil works irrigation and drinking water supplies. The decision meeting scheduled of the National Roads Component resulting mainly from the un- for 12 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: precedented increase in world fuel prices since the approval of the orig- 96745. US$ 120.0 (IBRD). Design consultants are being recruited. inal IDA Credit in December 2005. Board presentation scheduled for Construction supervision consultants will also be required. Punjab Ir- 17 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 110324. US$ rigation and Power Department, Punjab Barrage Rehabilitation Pro- 98.1 (IDA). No consultants are required. Road Sector Assistance Pro- ject Management Office, Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: (92-42) 921-1920, ject, Ministry of Highways and Road Development, 756 B, 2nd Floor, E-mail: iri [email protected], Contact: Mr. Mohammed Akhtar, Acting Liberty Tower, Parliament Road, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka, E-mail:dir- Director, Project Management Office [email protected], Contact:Mr. Gajaba Gunawardena, Project Direc- (R) Water Sector Capacity Building and Advisory Services tor (WCAP) (Cr. 443-PK): (Formerly Public Sector Governance sec- Urban Development tor)The objective of the Indus21 Technical Assistance Project is to support capacity development and analytical work in Pakistan in or- Second North East Housing Reconstruction Additional Fi- der to ensure the effective management and development of the In- nancing (Cr. 44280-LK): The objective of the additional financing dus River system in the context of significant economic, social, and is to assist with the reconstruction of 13,177 houses in the North and environmental change. Approved by the Executive Directors on 26 June East over a two-year period through the provision of housing support 2008. The credit was signed on 14 July 2008. Environmental Assess- cash grants, support the return of displaced populations in the North ment Category B. PID: 110099. US$ 38.0 (IDA). Consulting services East and contribute to the training of skilled construction workers to be determined. Project Management Policy Implementation Unit, and facilitate the resumption of the economic activity in the war-dev- Ministry of Water and Power, Government of Pakistan, House #217, astated region through increased construction activity. Approved by Street 33, Sector F-10/1, Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 926-7691, Fax: the Executive Directors on 5 June 2008. Environmental Assessment (92-51) 926-7692, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Zarar Aslam, Category B. PID: 110317. US$ 43.0 (IDA). Consultants will be re- Project Director, Project Management Policy Implementation Unit, quired. Ministry of Nation Building, 177 Galle Road, Colombo 03, Sri Ministry of Water and Power. Lanka, Tel: (94-11) 2382-0670-8, Contact: Mr Padmanadan PAGE 24 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008 Energy and Mining (R) Energy Efficiency Financing (Ln. 7529/7530-CN): The ob- East Asia and Pacific jective is to catalyze large-scale domestic financing for energy effi- ciency projects among energy-intensive industries. The loan was signed Cambodia on 11 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category F1. PID: 84874. US$ 200.0/13.5 (IBRD/GEF). Consulting services to be determined. Health, Nutrition and Population China Development Bank, No. 29, Fuchengmenwai, Xicheng District, (R) Second Health Sector Support (Cr. 4470-KH): The objective Beijing 100037 China, Fax: (86-10) 6830-6541, Contact: Mr. Liu Hao, is to support the Royal Government of Cambodia in the implementa- Division Director, International Finance Department; China Exim- tion of the Cambodia health sector strategic plan in the sector wide con- bank, Jinyun Tower B, No. 43-A, Xizhimenbei St., Beijing 100044 China, text. The aim of the Cambodia health strategic plan is to ensure sector Fax: (86-10) 6400-5997, Contact: Mr. Zhou Anyue, General Manager, wide equitable, quality health care for all people of Cambodia through On-Lending Department; Huaxia Bank, No. 77 Beiheyan St., Dongcheng targeting resources, especially to the poor and to areas in greatest need. District, Beijing 100009 China, Fax: (86-10) 5859-8603, Contact: Mr. Liu Approved by the Executive Directors on 19 June 2008. The credit was signed Miao, Vice General Manager, Banking Department on 17 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 102284. (R) Liaoning Third Medium Cities Infrastructure (Ln. 7524-CN): US$ 30.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry The objective is to improve the effectiveness of urban centralized heat- of Health, 151-153 Kampuchea Krom St., Phnom Penh, Cambodia, ing and gas supply in selected cities in the Liaoning Province, with par- Tel: (855-23) 722-873, Fax: (855-23) 880-260, E-mail: mengchuor.pcu@on- ticular emphasis on cost recovery and system efficiency. The loan was, Contact: Dr. Char Meng Chuor, Deputy Director-Gen- signed on 1 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: eral for Health 99224. US$ 191.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Liaon- Public Sector Governance ing Provincial Development and Reform Commission, No. 13 Shisiweilu, Second Poverty Reduction and Growth Operation: The objective Heping District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, Tel: (86-24) is to implement reform actions taken from Joint Monitoring Indicators 2322-3724, Fax: (86-24) 2326-4851, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: (JMIs) and sectoral action plans. Decision meeting scheduled for 15 Mr. Teng Da, Director, Foreign Fund Utilization Project Management August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 75267. Office US$ 15.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Economy Shandong Power Plant Flue Gas Desulfurization (Ln. 7531-CN): and Finance, St.92, Sangkat Wat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom The objective is to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions in the heat and power Penh, Cambodia, Tel: (855-23) 427-798, Fax: (855-23) 724-664, E-mail: sector and enhance the capacity of regulatory authorities to monitor [email protected], Contact: Mr. Phalla Phan, Deputy Director, and enforce compliance with their sulfur dioxide emissions reduction Economic and Public Finance Policy Department, Ministry of Econ- program. Approved by the Executive Directors on 20 May 2008. En- omy and Finance vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93882. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Rural Development Consulting services to be determined. Shandong Provincial Environ- mental Protection Bureau, 46 Jingwu Xiaoweisi Rd., Jinan 25001 China, (R) Second Rural Investment and Local Governance: The Tel: (86-531) 8610-6153, Fax: (86-531) 8603-8443, E-mail: huotaiy- objective is to broaden from the commune-level rural investment and [email protected], Contact: Mr. Huo Taiying, Deputy Director, Inter- local governance support initiated under the predecessor project to national Cooperation Department the district level using the new institutional framework established under the recently promulgated Organic Law on Decentralization and Shanxi Coalbed Methane Development: The objective is to de- Deconcentration. Project preparation is underway. Environmental velop coal bed methane/coal mine methane technology for thermal Assessment Category B. US$ 20.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services energy in homes, industry and businesses. Negotiations scheduled for to be determined. NCDD Secretariat, Ministry of Interior, No.275, 28 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 100968. US$ Norodom Boulevard, Khan Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 80.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Shanxi Energy In- Tel: (855-23) 361-900, 362-175, 723 844, Fax: (855-23) 724-419, E- dustries Group. Ltd., A Bldg, 24th Floor, Jingang Plaze, 35 Bingzhou mail: [email protected], [email protected], Contact: H.E. Beilu, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province 030001 China, Tel: (86-351) 461- Chhieng Yanara, Director of NCDD Program Support Team 8538, Fax: (85-351) 461-8501, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ms. Gao Qiang, Director Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Thermal Power Efficiency: The objective is to achieve large im- (R) Demand for Good Governance: The objective is to promote trans- provements in the ratio of coal consumption per unit of electricity pro- parency, accountability and public service improvement through De- duction through addressing regulatory, institutional and technical mand for Good Governance institutions, networks and coalitions. barriers to phasing out smaller, older and inefficient units, facilitating Appraisal completed. Negotiations scheduled for 19 August 2008. Envi- increased investments in efficiency improvements for larger, newer ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 101156. US$ 20.0 (IDA). power plants, and improving power system dispatch to minimize coal Consultants will be required. Ministry of Interior, 275 Norodom Blvd., consumption. Project preparation is underway. Environmental As- Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tel: (855-23) 726-052, 721-190, Fax: (855-23) sessment Category B. PID: 98654. US$ 19.7 (GEF). International and 721-905, Contact: H.E. Ngy Chanphal, Secretary of State domestic consultants will be hired to perform technical assistance as- Empowerment for the Poor in Siem Reap: The objective is to em- signments. A GEF-provided grant of US$ 0.35 was proposed for prepa- power the poor by strengthening their organizations and supporting ration for about one year, and would be used for hiring international their livelihoods. Project preparation is underway. Environmental As- and domestic consultants. Ministry of Finance, Room 2518 Economic sessment Category B. PID: 97082. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consultants will Construction Dept., Sanlihe, Xicheng District, Beijing 100820, Tel: (86- be required. Ministry of Interior, 275 Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh, 10) 6855-2879, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Dr. Liu Junguo, Cambodia, Tel: (855-23) 726-052, 721-190, Fax: (855-23) 721-905, Con- Executive Director tact: H.E. Ngy Chanphal, Secretary of State Environment and Natural Resources Management China (R) Xinjiang Aksu Pig Farm Biogas: The objective is to reduce Education methane emissions from livestock waste, to mitigate climate change Technical and Vocational Education Training: The objective is to by reducing its GHG emissions and to extend the coverage of CDM improve quality and relevance of Technical and Vocational Education projects to biogas use in China. Decision meeting scheduled for 20 Au- Training (TVET) in order to meet labor market demand. Project prepa- gust 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 106518. US$ ration is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 6.0 (Carbon Finance Transaction). Agricultural Specialist, Institutional 96707. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consulting services and implementing Specialist and Financial/Economist Analyst will be required. Aksu agency(ies) to be determined. Sanjiang Breeding Company, Aksu City, Xinjiang Province, Fax: (86- AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 25

997) 251-8876, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Yongjun Chen, Center, State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Chairman of the Board Development, South Bldg, 3rd Floor, Shuangyushu Xili 36, Haidian District, Beijing 100086 China, Tel: (86-10) 8261-7155, Fax: (86-10) Health, Nutrition and Population 8261-7165, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Ou Qing- (R) Rural Health (Ln. 7551-CN): The objective is to reform health ping, Deputy Director care systems in selected poor rural provinces and address regional in- Xining Flood and Watershed Management: The objective is to re- equalities. Approved by the Executive Directors on 24 June 2008. Envi- duce the impact of flooding, increase the treatment of wastewater, and ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 84437. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). enhance the management of critical watersheds, thus protecting hu- Consulting services to be determined. Foreign Loan Office, Ministry man life and property and improving the environment within Xining of Health, No. 154, Gulou West St., Xicheng District, Beijing 100009 Municipality. Decision meeting scheduled for 31 October 2008. Envi- China, Tel: (86-10) 8404-5750, Fax: (86-10) 8404-5749, Contact: Dr. Chi ronmental Assessment Category A. PID: 101829. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Yanhua, Foreign Loan Office Environment Specialist, Watershed Specialist and Social Specialists will Rural Development be required. Xining Municipal Government, Xining, Qinghai Province, People’s Republic of China, Fax: (86-971) 821-5652, Contact: Mr. Fan (R) Jilin Food Safety: The objective is to improve food quality and Guoqing, Vice Mayor safety in Jilin Province by investing in laboratories, water supply sys- tem, and providing medium-term loans to small and medium enterprises Social Protection to expand the production of safe, high-quality food. Decision meeting (R) Migrant Skills and Employment (Ln. 7559-CN): The objec- scheduled for 15 October 2008. Environmental Assessment Category tive is to support the transition of rural workers to urban areas to access B. PID: 101716. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be deter- better employment opportunities that improve their incomes and work- mined. Jilin Provincial Office for Comprehensive Agricultural Devel- ing conditions. This objective will be achieved by: (a) improving the opment, Jilin Provincial Department of Finance, 3646 Remin Dajie, access of rural workers to skills development opportunities, (b) Changchun, Jilin Province 130021 China, Fax: (86-431) 855-0972, Con- reducing the cost of their job search through access to enhanced employ- tact: Mr. Liang Dailiang, Deputy Director ment services, and (c) removing the worst excesses of their transi- (R) Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change into Water Re- tion through strengthened work protections. Approved by the Exec- sources Management and Rural Development (TF90802): The utive Directors on 24 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category objectives are to strengthen the resilience of agricultural development C. PID: 85376. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. to climate change in North China; and help mainstream climate change Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, No. 12, Hepingli adaptation in irrigation and rural water resource management, thus in Zhongjie, Beijing 100716 China, Tel: (86-10) 8420-8344, Fax: (86-10) the wider context of rural development in China. Loan signing sched- 8422-3987, Contact: Mr. Ma Yunfei, Director, World Bank Opera- uled for 24 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: tions Office 105229. US$ 50.0/5.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consulting services to be deter- mined. State Office for Comprehensive Agricultural Development (SO- Tr ansportation CAD), Ministry of Finance, San Li He Lu, Beijing 100820 China, Tel: (R) Hubei Yiba Highway: The objective is to improve passenger and (86-10) 8819-1812, Fax: (86-10) 6855-3312, E-mail: [email protected], freight flows in the Yichang-Badong corridor by investing in the con- Contact: Ms. Lanying Wang, Division Chief, SOCAD struction of an expressway and strengthening the institutional capac- Eco-Farming: The objective is to achieve household level environmental ity for environmental management. Decision meeting scheduled for 6 improvements through the establishment and improvement of bio- August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 101258. US$ gas systems and biogas related on-farm investments. Negotiations 150.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Hubei Provincial Com- scheduled for 27 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category munications Department, No. 428, JianShe Avenue, Hankou, Wuhan, B. PID: 96556. US$ 120.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Hubei, China 430030, Tel: (86-27) 8346-0753, Fax: (86-27) 8346-0754, Foreign Economic Cooperation Center, Ministry of Agriculture, 20 E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Chen Xinwu, Deputy Maizidian Rd., Beijing 200026 China, Tel: (86-10) 6508-0856, Fax: (86- Director General 10) 6506-3012, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Han Gaojun, Di- (R) Jiangxi Shihutang Navigation and Hydropower Complex: rector General The objective is to enhance the standard of living in the Gan River Henan Yellow River Ecological Animal Husbandry Belt: The Region by developing its potential water resources, including: (a) the objective is to address the interlinked challenges of improving the increase of the waterway transport capacity and the cost-effective- environment and increasing farmers’ income. Project identification ness thereof; and (b) the provision of environmentally friendly energy. is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 80.0 Negotiations scheduled for 22 July 2008. Environmental Assess- (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Government of ment Category A. PID: 101988. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will Henan, Henan Provincial Bureau of Animal Husbandry, Zhengzhou, be required during project preparation. Shihutang Project Manage- Henan China, Tel: (86-371) 6577-8978, Fax: (86-371) 6577-8979, E-mail: ment Office of Jiangxi Provincial Waterways Bureau, No. 130, Yan [email protected], Contact: Mr. Yuntao Zhang, Director of Jiang Bei Da Dao, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China, Tel: (86-791) PMO 681-7370, Fax: (86-791) 681-2936, E-mail: [email protected], Con- Shanxi Saline Alkali Land Improvement: The objective is to (a) en- tact: Mr. Yang Lisheng, Deputy Director, Jiangxi Provincial Water- hance farmers’ earning opportunities through the improvement of ways Bureau; Mr. Huang Minghong, Director, Shihutang Project saline-alkali and low yield lands and (b) the development of the live- Management Office stock sector in five counties of Shuozhou Municipality in Shanxi (R) Shizheng Railway (Ln. 7557-CN): The objective is to satisfy grow- Province. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment ing demand for freight and passenger rail services in the corridor be- Category B. US$ 90.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Govern- tween Shijiazhuang and Zhengzhou, while sustainably improving the ment of Shanxi, No. 345, Yingze Dajie, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030001 China, level of services offered. Approved by the Executive Directors on 24 June Tel: (86-351) 404-3310, Fax: (86-351) 404-0626, E-mail: lihaixiang@hot- 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 99062. US$ 300.0, Contact: Hong Xiao, Director, International Finance Division, (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Railways, Shanxi Provincial Finance Bureau Foreign Capital and Technical Import Center, 10 Fuxing Rd, Beijing Sustainable Development in Poor Rural Areas: The objectives 100844 China, Tel: (86-10) 5184-1825, Fax: (86-10) 5184-1845, Contact: are to: (a) provide the poorest villages and households with the Mr. Chen Juemin, Deputy Director-General poverty reduction measures and assistance that they believe are (R) Taiyuan Urban Transport: The objective is to improve mobility most needed, (b) improve the well-being of rural migrants living in and accessibility for Taiyuan’s people and freight to key industrial and urban areas, and (c) augment small town development in poor areas. commercial zones in a safe, efficient and sustainable manner. Appraisal Decision meeting scheduled for 16 September 2008. Environmental mission scheduled for 8 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Assessment Category B. PID: 99751. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consulting Category A. PID: 81615. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. services to be determined. Foreign Capital Project Management Taiyuan Development Planning Commission, Project Management PAGE 26 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008

Office, No. 38, Fuxi St., Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China 030002, Tel: (R) Shanghai Urban Environment (APL Phase III): The objec- (86-351) 415-2220/21/23, Fax: (86-351) 415-2221, E-mail: shi- tive is to further advance the APL program goal of improving the [email protected], Contact: Mr. Wang Shiying, Deputy Director Shanghai Metropolitan area’s environmental conditions by progressive (R) Urban Transport Partnership (TF54767): The objectives are development and implementation of integrated, metropolitan-wide to establish an enabling framework for the development of sustainable measures, through promoting continuous sector reforms and institu- urban transport in China by supporting (a) the development of more tional development, and selected strategic investments in the water and effective mechanisms (including enabling policy, regulatory and legal wastewater sector. Decision meeting scheduled for 15 September 2008. frameworks) to facilitate urban transport planning, financing and man- Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 96923. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). agement and central Government oversight to ensure that local actions Consultants will be required. Shanghai Municipal Government, No. 1 are consistent with national priorities and global concerns; (b) capac- Lane 1114, Liyang Rd., Shanghai 200082 China, Tel: (86-21) 5666-8104, ity enhancement of academics, students, practitioners and decision-mak- Fax: (86-21) 6540-6094, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Qui Wen- ers on issues relating to urban transport; and (c) the implementation jin, Director, Project Office and dissemination of a set of demonstration projects that highlight sus- (R) Yunnan Urban Environmental: The objectives are to (a) inte- tainable approaches (cost-effective public transport development, sup- grate lake basin management for Dianchi and Er’Hai, and (b) develop port for non-motorized trips, road development consistent with compact urban environmental infrastructure in about 17 towns in Kunming growth) to urban mobility in the Chinese context. Approved by the Ex- Municipality, Dali Prefecture, Lijiang Municipality and Wenshan Pre- ecutive Directors on 24 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category fecture. Negotiations scheduled for 20 October 2008. Environmental B. PID: 90335. US$ 21.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry Assessment Category A. PID: 96812. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Consultants of Finance, San Li He Lu, Beijing 100820 China, Tel: (86-10) 6855- have been identified. Yunnan Provincial Project Management Office, 2097, Fax: (86-10) 6855-1125, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ms. 27 Xi Yuan Nan Lu, Kunming 650032 China, Tel: (86-871) 410-4554, Fax: Wu Fan, Project Officer (86-871) 410-4963, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Zhou (R) Xian Sustainable Urban Transport (Ln. 7558-CN): The ob- Bo, Director, Foreign Techno-Economic Corporation Division,Yun- jective is to improve accessibility and mobility in Xi’an while protect- nan Provincial Environment Protection Bureau ing its cultural heritage and reducing the environmental impact of the Gansu Cultural and Natural Heritage (Ln. 7542-CN): The objective urban transport system. Approved by the Executive Directors on 24 June is to protect and develop Gansu cultural and natural heritage sites. Ap- 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 92631. US$ 150.0 proved by the Executive Directors on 20 March 2008. Environmental (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Municipality of Xian, Assessment Category A. PID: 91949. US$ 38.4 (IBRD). Consultants will Foreign Capital Utilization Division, Xian, China, Tel: (86-29) 8729- be required. Gansu Provincial Development and Reform Commission, 5821, Fax: (86-29) 8721-0878, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Lanzhou, Gansu Province 730030 China, Tel: (86-931) 846-4760, Fax: Mr. Cheng Zhixun, Division Chief (86-931) 848-4190, Contact: Mr. Li Feng, Vice-Director Anhui Medium Cities Urban Transport: The objective is to sup- Guizhou Cultural and Natural Heritage Infrastructure and Man- port critical enhancements to the mobility of the citizens of the Pro- agement: The objective is to develop the economy of and alleviate ject Cities through investments in urban infrastructure and public poverty in Guizhou Province in a sustainable manner through the pro- transport services that follow key National Priorities. Identification tection and development of cultural and natural heritage assets. Appraisal mission in the field. Environmental Assessment Category A. US$ 100.0 scheduled for 22 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Anhui Provincial Con- A. PID: 91950. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Tourism struction Bureau, No. 28, Huan Cheng Nan Lu, Hefei, Anhui Province, Administration of Guizhou Province, No. 242-5 Zhonghua North Rd., China 230001, Tel: (85-551) 287-1280, Fax: (85-551) 263-9845, E-mail: Guiyang, Guizhou 550004 China, Tel: (86-851) 683-2251, 681-7801, Fax: weilidai&, Contact: Mr. Zhong Yaping, Chief Engineer; Ms. Dai (86-851) 683-6309, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ms. Weili, Deputy Director, Planning and Financial Division Yang Shengming, Director General Anhui Road Rehabilitation and Improvement (Ln. 7511-CN): Han River Urban Environment Improvement (Ln. 7517-CN): The objective is to increase the effective use of the road infrastructure (Formerly Second Hubei Urban Environment) The objective is to re- in Anhui Province, to support its social and economic development as duce pollution caused by wastewater and solid waste in the urban ar- evidenced by the increase in the flows of passenger and freight traf- eas of Hubei, particularly in cities in the Han River Basin. Approved fic along key corridors across the province at lower costs and with im- by the Executive Directors on 29 April 2008. Environmental Assess- proved safety. Approved by the Executive Directors on 22 April 2008. ment Category A. PID: 87224. US$ 84.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 99112. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). required. Hubei Provincial Project Management Office, Hubei Provin- Consulting services to be determined. Anhui Provincial Communica- cial Government, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, Tel: (86-27) 8774-3203, tions Department, 528 Tunxi Rd., Hefei City 230022 China, Tel: (86- Fax: (86-27) 8774-3202, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Zhou 551) 265-5163, Fax: (86-551) 362-3530, E-mail: [email protected], Xinxin, Director Contact: Mr. Luo Ning, Vice Director General Water and Sanitation Guiyang Guangzhou Railway: The objective is to enhance the trans- (R) Jiangsu Water and Sewerage: The objective is to expand city port access of the relatively poor provinces of Guizhou, Guangxi, Yun- water supply and wastewater services to small towns along the Yangtze nan and Sichuan in south west China to the ports and economic growth river. Decision meeting scheduled for 4 September 2008. Environ- centers in the Pearl River region, through improvements to rail trans- mental Assessment Category A. PID: 96926. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Con- portation services. Project preparation is underway. Environmental As- sultants will be required. Jiangsu Provincial Construction Commission, sessment Category A. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be Jiangsu Construction Bureau, Rm. 401, Huahui Dasha, 69 Beijing Xilu, determined. Ministry of Railways, Foreign Capital and Technical Im- Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210024 China, Tel: (86-25) 8332-9553, Fax: port Center, 10 Fuxing Rd, Beijing 100844 China, Tel: (86-10) 5184-2825, (86-25) 8501-5079, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Chen Fax: (86-10) 5184-8407, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Xu Yaocai, Deputy Director Feng, Deputy Director Urban Development Indonesia (R) Shanghai Agricultural and Non-point Source Pollution Re- Economic Management duction: The objective is to improve the environment with positive im- Strengthening Statistics: The objective is to support improved data pacts on the East China Sea. Appraisal scheduled for 19 January 2009. reporting and statistical capacity in Indonesia through the development Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 90376. US$ 5.0 (GEF). of a World Bank-financed Statistical capacity building program (STAT- Consultants will be required. Shanghai Municipal Government, No. 1 CAP). Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Cat- Lane 1114, Liyang Rd., Shanghai 200082 China, Tel: (86-21) 5666-8104, egory C. PID: 106384. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Fax: (86-21) 6540-6094, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Qiu Wen- Central Bureau of Statistics Jl. Dr. Sutomo 6-8, Jakarta 10710, In- jin, Director, Project Office donesia, Jl. Dr. Sutomo 6-8, Jakarta 10710, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 381- AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 27

0291, Fax: (62-21) 385-7046, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. and implement training programs and awareness raising programs for E. Sastrasuanda, Deputy Director General KDP staff in target areas and conduct mapping and land-use assess- ments to target activities and areas for assistance and specific activi- Education ties. Ministry of Home Affairs, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa, Better Employment Knowledge and Enterpreneurship to Revi- Department Dalam Negeri Republic Indonesia, Jl. TMP Kalibata No. talize Job Access (BEKERJA): The objective is to increase em- 17, Makarta Selatan 12750 Indonesia, Contact: Mr. Ayip Muflich, Di- ployment and earnings of disadvantaged youth (young women, drop rector General outs, poor) through improved market oriented skills training and en- trepreneurship. Project preparation is underway. Environmental As- Finance sessment Category B. PID: 100763. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Consultants to (R) Guarantee Fund: The objective is to establish a Government-owned be determined. Ministry of National Education, Directorate General financing vehicle to guarantee payment obligations of public institutions of Non Formal Education, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Senayan, E Building, 3rd contracting with the private sector for infrastructure services. This Floor, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 572-5033, Fax: (62-21) 572-5487, project is no longer in the lending program. Further reporting will be dis- Contact: Dr. Hamid Muhammad, Director General, Primary and Sec- continued. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 101543. US$ ondary Education 250.0 (IBRD). Consultants from Castallia will examine legal and insti- BOS Knowledge Improvement for Transparency and Account- tutional set-up issues. Consultants are required for preparation. Min- ability (KITA): The objective is to improve access to adequate edu- istry of Finance, Building B, 3rd Floor, Jalan, Dr. Wahidin No. 1, Jakarta cation for all children of ages 7 to 15 by assisting the school system to Pusat 10710, Indonesia, Tel: (62-81) 683-4459, Fax: (62-81) 345-2558, improve its effective utilization of BOS funds. Project identification is E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Rio Silaban, Head, Risk underway. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: P107661. Management Unit US$ 600.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Second Government Financial Management and Revenue Ad- National Education, The Government of Indonesia, E Building, 5th Floor, ministration: The objective is to reform revenue administration. Ap- Ministry of National Education, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Senayan, Jakarta, praisal scheduled for 15 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 572-5057, Fax: (62-21) 572-5606, E-mail: yan1953@ Category C. PID: 100740. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required., Contact: Prof. Suyanto, Director General, Primary and Ministry of Finance, DG Tax, B Bldg., 14th Floor, Jl. Jend. Gatot Sub- Secondary Education roto Kav. 40-42, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 526-2918, Fax: (62-21) Education System Improvement through Sector Wide 522-5136, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Robert Pakpahan, Approaches (SISWA): The objective is to improve efficiency and Coordinator, Tax Administration equity in the use of resources to increase access to basic education and improve the quality. Such improvements are expected to lead to Private Sector Development increased net enrollment rates in lower secondary schools, higher (R) Insurance Sector Restructuring: The objective is to develop a and more timely completion of basic education, and better student proposal for restructuring an important component of the Indonesian learning achievement. Decision meeting scheduled for late-March fiscal system-the insurance sector. This project is no longer in the lend- 2009. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 200.0/500.0 ing program. Further reporting will be discontinued. Environmental (IBRD/Grant from European Union and Dutch Goverment). Con- Assessment Category C. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be sultants to be determined. Directorate General of the Management determined. Ministry of Finance, A Building, 8th Floor, Jl. Dr. Wahidin of Primary and Secondary Education (Mandikdasmen),Ministry of No. 1, Jakarta 10710, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 381-0162, Fax: (62-21) National Education, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Senayan, E Bldg., 4th Floor, 350-9118, Contact: Mr. Isa Rachmatarwata, Director, Directorate for In- Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 572-5057, Fax: (62-21) 572-5606, Con- surance tact: Professor Suyanto, Director General Private Infrastructure Financing and Support Facility: The ob- Energy and Mining jective is to promote public-private partnership in infrastructure and Electricity Access for Rural: The objective is to increase and enhance to attract private long-term capital into commercially viable infra- modern electricity services to the rural poor. Decision meeting sched- structure projects by offering a range of financial products through a uled for 10 October 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. new financial intermediary. Preparation work is ongoing in partnership PID: 93047. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). The project preparation grant (PHRD) with IFC, ADB, KfW, JBIC, and AusAID. Decision meeting scheduled agreement has been signed. The Government is now hiring consul- for 30 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: tants who will assist in project preparation: market assessment, pre- 92218. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consulting services are currently being fi- investment studies, regulation and policies, institutional aspects and nanced by ADB and AusAID (with possible financing from IFC and participation. Directorate General of Electricity and Energy Utiliza- KfW) under the overall coordination of the Bank. Ministry of Finance, tion, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jl. H.R. Rasuma Said Jl. Lapangan Banteng 2-4, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 251-2222, Fax: Blok X-2, Kav 07-08, Limangan Kalarta, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 527-9347, (62-21) 572-2446, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. 522-5180, Ext. 217, Fax: (62-21) 525-6064, E-mail: perdanahari@hot- Suyatno Harun, Director, Directorate General of Asset Management;, Contact: Emy Perdanahari, Director of Electricity Program Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs Supervision Rural Development Geothermal Sector Reform: The objectives are to improve the pol- icy framework, build domestic capacity, and catalyze investments in Agricultural Exports Competitiveness: The objective is to strengthen the geothermal sector. Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 the competitiveness of select agricultural export industries/production May 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99757. US$ chains using a public-private partnership approach. This project has 4.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required for preparation. Ministry of been put on hold until further notice. Environmental Assessment Cat- Energy and Mineral Resources, Jln. Prof. Dr. Supomo No. 10, Jarkarta egory C. PID: 101905. US$ 66.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required 12870 Indonesia, Tel/Fax: (0-21) 8370-2847, E-mail: sugiharto@ during project implementation. Ministry of Trade, J. M.I. Ridwan Rais, Contact: Mr. Sugiharto Harso Prayitno, Director No. 5, Jakarta 10110 Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 385-8204, 386-0940, Fax: of Geothermal (62-21) 385-8191, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ms. Diah Maulida, Director General, International Trade Environment and Natural Resources Management Dam Operational Improvement and Safety: The objective is to im- Kecamatan Development Program Community Conservation: The prove reservoir dams and make them safer. Decision meeting sched- objective is to mainstream biodiversity conservation into community- uled for 2 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. driven development by targeting kecamatan in areas of high global bio- PID: 96532. US$ 75.0 (IBRD). Consultants for project preparation have diversity, where the kecamatan development program (KDP) already been recruited. Once effective, TA consultants will be needed, as well works. Appraisal is underway. Environmental Assessment Category as contractors for variety of works. Ministry of Public Works, De- C. PID: 96857. US$ 10.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required to design partment of Water Resources, Jl. Pattimura 20, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: PAGE 28 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008

(62-21) 739-6616, Fax: (62-21) 720-8285, Contact: Ir. Iwan Nursyirwan, Ministry of Public Works, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Director General Jl. Pattimura No. 20, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 7279-6158, Fax: (62-21) 7279-6155, E-mail: [email protected], agoeswid- Social Development, Gender and Inclusion [email protected], Contact: Mr. Budi Yuwono, Director General National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM-KDP) of Human Settlements (Ln. 7505-ID/Cr. 4385-ID): The objective is to reduce poverty National Program for Community Empowerment in Urban Ar- and improve local-level governance in rural Indonesia for NPCE include: eas (PNPM II UPP): The objective is to support GOI national poverty (a) institutionalizing participatory processes in local Government; (b) alleviation program (PNPM) for the benefit of the urban poor by im- providing cost-effective, basic social and economic infrastructure; (c) proving series and infrastructure identified and delivered in a more ef- promoting greater use of health and education services by poor com- fective and participatory manner. Project concept review scheduled for munities; (d) providing emergency reconstruction assistance; and (e) 28 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 200.0 improving production and marketing skills in poor communities. Ap- (IBRD). National Management Consultant and Oversight Consultants proved by the Executive Directors on 20 May 2008. Environmental As- will be required. Ministry of Public Works, Jl. Pattimura No. 20, Jakarta sessment Category B. PID: 105002. US$ 41.2/190.0 (IBRD/IDA). Selatan, Indonesia, Tel: (62-81) 7279-6158, Fax: (62-21) 7279 6155, E- Consultants to be determined. Ministry of Home Affairs, Directorate mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Budi Yuwono, Director General of Community and Village Empowerment, Jl. Raya Pasar General of Human Settlement Minggu Km. 19, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 799-5104, Fax: (62-2) 7914-1939, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Dr. Ayip Mu- Water and Sanitation flich, SH, MSi, Director General of Community and village Empow- (R) Urban Water Supply and Sanitation: The objective is to improve erment water supply services by strengthening public water utilities to become operationally efficient and financially sustainable, and by involving lo- Tr ansportation cal private enterprises in construction and operation of water systems Freeways Program: The objective is to construct a freeway system under the design-build-lease scheme. Negotiations scheduled for No- that will support long-term economic and social development. Project vember 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 90991. preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: US$ 32.5 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Public 96744. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Pub- Works, Jl. Pattimura 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12110 Indonesia, Tel: lic Works, Jl. Pattimura No. 20, Jakarta Selatan 12110 Indonesia, Tel: (62-021) 7179-6158, Fax: (62-021) 7279-6155, Contact: Ir. Agoes Wid- (62-21) 720-0281, Fax: (62-21) 720-1760, Contact: Mr. Taufik Widjoy- janarko, Director General of Human Settlements ono, Director of Planning, Directorate General of Highways National Roads Improvement: The objective is to (a) enable de- Lao People’s Democratic Republic centralization and sustain regional economic competitiveness and so- Economic Management cial well-being by upgrading substandard roads that have been (N) Fifth Poverty Reduction Support: The objective is to support reclassified as national and strategic roads to the required national stan- the medium-term policy reform program in improving; the investment dards and by eliminating traffic bottlenecks along strategic and national climate, competitiveness, and business development; and strength- roads; and (b) enhance road sector management capacity. Project ening public finance management framework for improving service de- preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: livery. Concept review meeting scheduled for 19 December 2008. 90990. US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Negotiations with the consultant are underway Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 10.0 (IDA Grant). Con- for project preparation. Ministry of Public Works, Jl. Pattimura No. 20, sulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance, 4 That Luang Jakarta Selatan 12110 Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 720-0281, Fax: (62-21) 720- Rd., Ban Phonxay, Xaysettha District, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: (856- 1760, Contact: Mr. Taufik Widjoyono, Director of Planning, Direc- 21) 262-323, Fax: (856-21) 263-357, E-mail: [email protected], torate General of Highways Contact: Mme. Sifong Oumavong, Director Public Finance Manage- Urban Development ment Strengthening Unit (R) West Tarum Canal: The objective is to improve the quality, quan- Private Sector Development tity and reliability of the raw water supply to Jakarta. This project is no (R) Trade Facilitation (H403-LA): The objective is to support Gov- longer in the lending program. Further reporting will be discontinued. ernment reform in trade facilitation and automation of customs. Ap- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96757. US$ 80.0 (IBRD). proved by the Executive Directors on 17 June 2008. Environmental Consultants have been selected for preparation. Directorate General Assessment Category C. PID: 101750. US$ 4.0 (IDA). Consultants will of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works, Jl. Pattimura 20, Ke- be required. Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Phonxay Village, bayoran Baru, Jakarta 12110 Indonesia, Tel: (62-021) 722-2804, Fax: (62- Phonxay Rd., PO Box 4107, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: (856-21) 415-930, 021) 726-1956, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Iwan 412-007, Fax: (856-21) 412-434, E-mail: [email protected], Con- Nursyirwan, Director General of Water Resources tact: Mrs. Khemmani Pholsena, Director General, Forestry Trade Pol- Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI): The objectives icy Department are: (a) alleviate the impacts of annual floods in DKI through the pri- ority rehabilitation and dredging of existing floodways, drains and re- Public Sector Governance tention basins, in accordance with international best practices; and (R) Treasury Modernization: The objective is to strengthen treasury (b) provide technical expertise through on-the-job training to strengthen management by implementing a fully integrated management infor- the capacity of DKI and MoPW to operate and maintain its flood con- mation system. Decision meeting scheduled for 15 May 2009. Envi- trol system, in accordance with international standards. Appraisal ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 107757. US$ 7.5 (IDA). scheduled for 1 December 2008. Environmental Assessment Cate- Consulting services to be determined. Public Finance Management gory A. PID: 111034. US$ 135.5 (IBRD). Consulting services to be de- Strengthening Unit, Ministry of Finance, 4 That Luang Rd., Ban termined. Ministry of Public Works, Jl. Pattimura 20, Jakarta, Indonesia, Phonxay, Xaysettha District, Vientiane, Lao, Tel: (856-21) 262-323, Fax: 12110, Tel: (62-21) 726-2366, Fax: (62-21) 726-1292, E-mail: suryan- (856-21) 263-357, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ms. Si- [email protected], Contact: Ir. Iwan Nursyirwan, Director Gen- fong Oumavong, PFMSU Director, Ministry of Finance eral, Mr. Budi Yuwono, Director General of Human Settlements Fourth Poverty Reduction Support Operations (H402-LA): The National Program for Community Empowerment in Urban Ar- objective is to focus on two broad policy areas consistent with the eas (PNPM-UPP) (Ln. 7504-ID/Cr. 4384-ID): The objective is goals and strategies identified by Government in its Poverty Reduc- to improve services and infrastructure identified and delivered in a more tion Strategy, and reflected in IDA’s Country Assistance Strategy: (a) effective and participatory manner through scaling up of a sustainable sustaining growth through improvement of the investment climate, fa- national program for poverty reduction. Approved by the Executive Di- cilitating trade and management of natural resources; and (b) im- rectors on 20 May 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: proving social outcomes through improving public financial 96921. US$ 52.6/125.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consultants will be required. management system and service delivery. Approved by the Executive AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 29

Directors on 17 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: training of teachers and students around these materials, and an eval- 107242. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Fi- uation of the pilot’s impact on learning outcomes. Approved by the Ex- nance, 23 Singha Rd., Xaysettha District, Vientiane Capital, Lao, PDR, ecutive Directors on 26 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category Tel/Fax: (856-21) 412-142, E-mail: [email protected]; tchantha@ C. PID: 111059. US$ 1.9 (IDA). Consultants will be required for the mon-, Contact: Thipphakone Chanthavongsa, Director General, itoring and evaluation component of the project. Ministry of Education, Exernal Finance Department, Ministry of Finance Culture and Science, Government Building 111, Baga Toiruu 44, Ulaan- baatar, Mongolia, Tel: (976-11) 260-816, Fax: (976-11) 323-158, E-mail: Rural Development [email protected], Contact: Mr. Mishigjav Buurunkhii, Khammouane Rural Livelihood (H404-LA): The objective is to State Secretary, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science strengthen the Khammouane province’s capacity to achieve sustain- able economic development and poverty alleviation. Approved by the Energy and Mining Executive Directors on 17 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Cat- egory B. PID: 87716. US$ 9.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be deter- (R) Mining Sector Technical Assistance (H411-MN): The objec- mined. Governance Reform and Livelihood Strengthening Program, tive is to (a) improve mining sector governance through establishment PO Box 456, Khammouane, Lao PDR, Tel: (856-51) 213-326, Fax: (856- of the regulatory framework and building mining sector institutions’ 51) 213-334, Contacts: Mr. Somchay, Vice Governor of Khammouane; capacity; (b) minimize macroeconomic impacts of mining revenues; Mr. Buna, Director, Department of Planning and Investment, Kham- and (c) maximize regional development impacts of mining operations mone Province; Mr. Puusana, Project Manager in South Gobi. Approved by the Executive Directors on 26 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 108768. US$ 8.0 (IDA). Social Protection Consulting services to be determined. Mineral Resources and Petro- (R) Second Poverty Reduction Fund (H418-LA): The objective leum Authority of Mongolia, Builders Square 3, State Property Build- is to deliver development resources at the village level, targeted to the ing 5, Ulaanbaatar 211238 Mongolia, Tel: (976-11) 310-370, Fax: (976-11) poorest districts in the country and mediated through strong partici- 327-307, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Lu Bold, Chairman, patory processes and decentralized decision making. The agreed ob- Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority jectives of the project are: (a) improve the access to public infrastructure Ulaanbaatar Clean Air: The objective is to improve the quality and and services at the village level; (b) empower poor villages through cost-effectiveness of centralized heating in Ulaanbaatar and selected capacity building to manage their own public investment planning and Aimags, and urban transport in Ulaanbaatar. Project preparation is project implementation in a decentralized manner; (c) establish par- underway. Decision meeting scheduled for 10 December 2008. Envi- ticipatory decision making processes at the village level that reach all ronmental Assessment Category U. US$ 15.0/15.0 (IDA/GEF). Con- segments of local society, especially women. Approved by the Executive sulting services to be determined. Ulaanbaatar Municipality, Sukhbaatar Directors on 15 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. Square-11, Ulaanbaatar-46, Mongolia, Tel: (976-11) 325-060, Fax: (976- PID: 106188. US$ 15.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be deter- 11) 327-199, Contact: Mr. Begzjav Munkhbaatar, Head of Urban De- mined. Committee for Planning and Cooperation, Luang Praba Rd., PO velopment Policy Department Box 4625, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: (856-21) 261-480, Fax: (856-21) 261- 481, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Sivixay Saysanavongphet, Environment and Natural Resources Management Executive Director Forest Conservation: This objective is to strengthen financial sus- Tr ansportation tainability and professional capacity for protected area management and Transport Sector: The objective is to promote economic growth biodiversity conservation in Mongolia, and the development of an ap- through improvement of transport infrastructure and services; to ac- proach to landscape-level planning that addresses the broad range of celerate rural poverty reduction and promote social inclusion through inter-connected pressures and threats to biodiversity and integrates plan- improvement of transport basic access to the rural, remote and dis- ning strategies of municipalities, local governments and protected advantaged communities; and to strengthen institutional capacity at cen- area administrations. The project will also support legal and regulatory tral and local levels for the efficient management of transport programs, innovations to broaden the scope of governance types of PAs. Ap- assets and donor resources. Project preparation is underway. Envi- praisal is underway. Decision meeting scheduled for 4 December ronmental Assessment Category U. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 106114. US$ 16.0 be required for preparation, implementation, engineering supervision (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Nature and Envi- and technical assistance. Ministry of Construction, Transport, Post and ronment, Government Building No. 3, Baga Toiruu 44, Ulanbaatar 11, Communications, Lanexang Ave., PO Box 4467, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Tel: (976-11) 312-269, Fax: (976-11) 321-401, E-mail: mon- Tel: (856-21) 412-741, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: H.E. Som- [email protected] mad Pholsena, Minister, MCTPC Forest Landscapes Development and Conservation: The objec- Malaysia tive is to enable forest products and the ecosystem services that forests provide to make significant contributions to economic development and Environment and Natural Resources Management environmental protection. Decision meeting scheduled for 4 Decem- (R) Kota Kinabalu Composting (TF092345): The objective is to ber 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 97297. US$ avoid methane (greenhouse gas) emissions from the Kau Madang 3.0/1.2 (IDA/GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Nature Sanitary Landfill in Telipok, Malaysia by diverting the biodegradable and Environment, Baga toiruu-44, Ulaanbaatar-48, MNE, 210648 Mon- portion of the municipal solid waste (MWS) to a composting plant, which golia, Tel/Fax: (976-11) 321-401, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. will produce compost as a recyclable material. Emission Reductions Pur- Enkhmandakh, Vice Minister and National Project Director chase Agreement was signed on 30 June 2008. Environmental Assess- ment Category B. PID: 106857. US$ 8.7 (GEF). Consultants will be Law and Justice required. MS Smart Recycling (M) Sdn. Bhd., Suite 100 A, 6th Floor, (R) Enhanced Justice Sector Services (H413-MN): The objective Wisma Yakin, Jalan Masjid India, 5100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tel: is to improve the efficiency and service delivery of the Mongolian jus- (60-37) 984-2013, Fax: (60-37) 984-2014, E-mail:, tice sector. The project will assist the Government mainstream the re- Contact: Mr. Narayanan Kuppusamy, Chief Financial Officer sults achieved and lessons learned during the Mongolia Legal and Mongolia Judicial Reform Project. Approved by the Executive Directors on 26 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 101446. US$ 7.0 Education (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Justice and (R) Rural Education and Development (READ) Additional Fi- Home Affairs of Mongolia, 210646 Zasgiin Gazriin V Bair, Hudaldaanii nancing (H373-MN): The objective of the additional financing will gudamj 6/1, Chingeltei Duureg, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Tel: (976-11) support the distribution of children’s laptop computers with Mongo- 132-5225, Fax: (976-11) 132-5225, E-mail: [email protected], Con- lia-specific educational content in selected rural primary schools, the tact: Ms. B. Sarantuya, Project Coordinator PAGE 30 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008 Papua New Guinea systems and to facilitate the implementation of the NIA’s rationaliza- tion plan. Decision meeting scheduled for 10 September 2008. Envi- Energy and Mining ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 88926. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). (R) Second Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Consulting services for preparation have been procured and com- Assistance (Cr. 4491-PNG): The objectives are to (a) to support the pleted. National Irrigation Administration, 4/F, DCIE Bldg., NIA Com- institutional strengthening of the main mining sector agencies for ad- pound EDSA, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 926-7602, ministering the mining to improve sector governance and (b) to build E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Mario Gulinao, Project the capacity of the affected communities, especially women’s organi- Coordinator zation and youth, to better benefit from mining sector activities. Ap- Social Protection proved by the Executive Directors on 26 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 102396. US$ 16.0 (IDA). Consulting National Sector Support for Social Welfare and Development Re- services and implementing agency(ies) to be determined. form: The objective is to support the comprehensive medium term agenda of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Rural Development in addressing the issues of poverty and sustainable social develop- (R) Smallholder Agriculture Development (Cr. 4374-PNG): The ment focusing on the more disadvantaged sectors of society. Project objective is to increase the level of involvement of targeted communi- identification is underway. Environmental Assessment Category C. ties in their local development through measures aimed at increasing PID: 82144. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. oil palm revenue and local participation. The credit was signed on 10 Department of Social Welfare and Development, DSWD Bldg., Batasan July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 79140. US$ Complex, Constitution Hills, Quezon City, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 951- 27.5 (IDA). Consultants will be required. The Oil Palm Industry Cor- 7521, Fax: (63-2) 931-8138, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ms. poration, Ela Beach, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Tel: (675) Luwalhati F. Pablo, Undersecretary 320-1588/83/92, Fax: (675) 320-1577, E-mail: [email protected], Con- Tr ansportation tact: Mr. Felix Bakani, General Secretary (R) Light Rail Transit Line 1 South Extension: The objective is to Philippines support the Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA) with the construction of Light Rail Transit (LRT) Line 1 South extension and concessioning Rural Development the Manila LRT Line 1 through a public-private partnership. Project Climate Change Adaptation Program: The objective is to develop preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ and demonstrate the systematic diagnosis of climate-related as well as 260.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for preparation and im- design of cost-effective adaptation measures while continuing inte- plementation. Light Rail Transit Authority, Administration Bldg., LRTA gration of climate risk awareness and responsiveness into economic Compound, Aurora Blvd., Pasay City, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 833-2466, and operational planning. Decision meeting scheduled for 26 May 832-0423, 853-0041, Fax: (63-2) 831-6449, E-mail: [email protected], 2009. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101076. US$ 5.0 [email protected], Contact: Mr. Melquiades Robles, Adminis- (GEF). Consulting services for preparation are underway. Depart- trator ment of Environment and Natural Resources, Elliptical Rd., Diliman, (R) Second National Roads Improvement and Management Pro- Quezon City, Philippines, Tel/Fax: (63-2) 926-8065, E-mail: osec@denr. gram (Ln. 7552-PH): The objective of the second phase APL is to, Contact: Analiza Rebuelta-Teh, Assistant Secretary improve efficiency and sustainability in the management of the road Mindanao Rural Development Program Phase II - Coastal and sector. Approved by the Executive Directors on 13 May 2008. Envi- Marine Ecosystem Conservation Component: The objective is to ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 79935. US$ 232.0 (IBRD). Con- conserve coastal and marine biodiversity of global significance through sultants will be required for implementation. Department of Public co-management of critical marine habitats and through the introduc- Works and Highways, Bonifacio Dr., Port Area, Manila, Philippines, tion of improved, upstream land management practices that would ar- Tel: (63-2) 304-3260, Fax: (63-2) 304-3485, E-mail: aquino.ramon.p@dpwh. rest land degradation, enhance the integrity of important ecosystems, Contact: Mr. Ramon P. Aquino, Undersecretary, Technical Ser- and benefit landholders who are mostly poor farmers, fisherfolk, vices and Bureaus and/or indigenous people. Project preparation is underway. Environ- Cavite-Laguna North South Highway: The objectives are to (a) im- mental Assessment Category B. PID: 96836. US$ 7.0 (GEF). Consul- prove road access to the country’s premier industrial belt by reduc- tants for detailed preparation will be required after the proposed project ing traffic congestion through construction of the North-South preparation grant is approved. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Expressway; and (b) to assist in creating an enabling environment for Secretary, Elliptical Rd., Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, Tel/Fax: private sector participation through public-private partnerships. Pro- (63-2) 920-4079, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Segfredo ject preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category A. Serrano, Undersecretary PID: 101581. US$ 140.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for prepa- National Program Support for Agrarian Reform: The objective is ration and implementation. Department of Public Works and Highways, to reduce the economic and social costs of prolonged uncertainties in Bonifacio Dr., Port Area, Manila, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 304-3000, Fax: the agriculture sector that hamper investment and hence performance (63-2) 304-3487, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. competitiveness and the response of the sector to changing global Manuel M. Bonoan, Undersecretary trends. Project preparation on hold until further notice. Environmen- Urban Development tal Assessment Category B. PID: 78252. US$ 40.0/50.0 (IBRD). Con- Local Government Support for Performance Grants: The objective sultants have been hired for preparation. Department of Agrarian is to support the introduction of a performance grant system for LGUs Reform, FAPSO Bldg., DAR Compound, Ellipitical Rd., Diliman, Que- to provide incentives for governance improvement in areas such as lo- zon City, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 928-7031, Fax: (63-2) 927-0752, E-mail: cal revenue mobilization, fiduciary control, planning and budgeting, [email protected], Contact: Ms. Herminia San Juan, Director and public participation. Project preparation is underway. Environ- National Program Support for Participatory Irrigation Devel- mental Assessment Category B. PID: 97445. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Japan opment: The objectives for the overall APL program are (a) trans- CTF received to assist in preparation. Department of Finance, Municipal formation of the National Irrigation Authority (NIA) into a strategically Development Fund Office, DOF Bldg., BSP Complex, Roxas Blvd., focused and financially viable irrigation service agency; (b) expansion Manila, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 523-9215, Fax: (63-2) 526-8474, Contact: of the participation of Irrigators’ Associations (IAs)through the im- Mr. Margarito Teves, Secretary plementation of Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) and capacity building of IAs in irrigation development and management; and (c) im- Water and Sanitation provement of irrigation service delivery through rehabilitation and mod- Local Government Support for Regional Water Supply: The ob- ernization of national irrigation systems. For the first phase APL, the jectives are to improve the Local Water Utilities Administration’s financial objective is to improve irrigation service delivery through improved status and support its reorganization. Project preparation is under- O & M, routine rehabilitation, and management of targeted irrigation way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96822. US$ 50.0 AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 31 (IBRD). Consultants for preparation have been selected, hired and mo- Tonga bilized. Local Water Utilities Administration, LWUA Bldg., Katipunan Rd., Balara, Quezon City, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 920-5581, Fax: (63-2) Tr ansportation 920-1229, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Mario Quitori- (R) Transport Sector Consolidation (H416-TO): The objective is ano, Department Manager, Loans and Water Rates Evaluation De- to consolidate administration of land, sea and air transport sub-sectors partment within the framework of the newly created Ministry of Transport. Ap- proved by the Executive Directors on 8 July 2008. The credit was signed Samoa on 17 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96931. US$ 5.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Civil Health, Nutrition and Population Aviation, Corner of Queen Salote Rd. and Tupoulahi Rd., PO Box 845, (R) Second Health Sector Management (Cr. 4432-WS): The ob- Nukualofa, Tonga, Tel: (676) 24-144, (676) 24-045, Fax: (676) 24-145, jective is to improve effectiveness and efficiency by developing a sec- E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Contact: Mr. Vil- tor-wide approach to health development. Approved by the Executive iami Ma’aki, Acting Secretary; Ministry of Works and Transport, Directors on 19 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Vailoloa, PO Box 52, Nukualofa, Tonga, Tel: (676) 16-100, Fax: (676) 86313. US$ 3.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry 25-440, Contact: Mr. Sione Taumoepeau, Secretary of Health, Private Mail Bag Motootua, Apia, Samoa, Tel: (685) 244-96, Fax: (685) 212-12 Vietnam Economic Management Solomon Islands (N) Eighth Vietnam Poverty Reduction Support (PRSC8): This Energy and Mining is the third in a series of five proposed credits (DPLs) in support of Vietnam’s Socio-Economic Development Plan (SEDP) 2006-10. The (R) Sustainable Energy (H415-SB): The objective is to extend SEDP was presented to the Board in 2006 as Vietnam’s Poverty Re- electricity service to outer islands and develop decentralized power grids. duction Strategy. The reform actions to be supported under the SEDP Approved by the Executive Directors on 8 July 2008. Environmental As- fall under four broad heads: (a) the promotion of growth and transi- sessment Category B. PID: 100311. US$ 4.0 (IDA). Consultants will tion to a middle-income market economy; (b) reducing poverty and be required for preparation of feasibility studies, management and ensuring social inclusion; (c) managing environmental and natural re- other purposes. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined sources in a sustainable manner; and (d) building institutions to sup- port the above actions and promote modern governance. Project Thailand identification is underway. Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ Environment and Natural Resources Management 150.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. The State Bank of Vietnam, 47-49 Ly Thai To, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 934-3361, Fax: (R) Livestock Waste Management (TF55952-PHRD, TF5650- (84-4) 825-0612, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Dang Anh Mai, GEF): The objective is to improve the livestock waste management Deputy Director, International Cooperation Department, State Bank practices and take advantage of the captured renewable energy in the of Vietnam form of bio-gas in about 10 pig farms. The project will convert open (R) Seventh Vietnam Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC7) anaerobig lagoons to covered lagoons to capture and utilize methane (Cr. 4487-VN): This project will be the second in a series of five pro- to generate electricity for consumption within the participating pig posed credits (DPL) in support of Vietnam’s Socio-Economic Devel- farms. The prospective farmers have been identified. The implemen- opment Plan (SEDP). The reform actions to be supported under the tation of each farm will depend on its technical and financial readiness. SEDP are (a) the promotion of growth and transition to middle-in- Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement was signed on 30 June 2008. come market economy; (b) reducing poverty and ensuring social in- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 107716. US$ 10.1 (CF). clusion; (c) managing environmental and natural resources in a Consultants will be required. Advance Energy Plus C. Ltd., Forum sustainable manner; and (d) building institutions to support the above Tower 28th Floor, 184/177, Rachadaphisek Rd., Huaykwang, Bangkok, actions and promote modern governance. Approved by the Executive Thailand 10310, Tel: (66-2) 645-3347/48, Fax: (66-2) 645-3349, E-mail: Directors on 26 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Anat Prapasawad, Managing Director 105287. US$ 200.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. State (R) Sapthip Biogas: The objective is to have Wastewater Management Bank of Vietnam, 47-49 Ly Thai To, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 934- and Methane Caputring for Heating to treat wastewater from the 3361, Fax: (84-4) 825-0612, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Dang ethanol producing factory (200,000 liters/day) at the Sapthip facility Anh Mai, Deputy Director, International Cooperation Department, in Lopburi, Thailand. The Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) re- State Bank of Vietnam actor will remove the organic material in the wastewater, thus reduc- Education ing the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and subsequent fugitive CH4 emissions. Biogas produced will be used in the Sapthip facility to cre- (R) School Education Quality Assurance: The objective is to raise ate heat displacing about 120 tons of coal. Preparation is underway. En- the quality of teaching in basic education and to promote universal ac- vironmental Assessment Category B. US$ 40.0 (CF). Consultants will cess to full-day primary education. Project preparation completed. Preap- be required. Sapthip Company Ltd., 68 Soi Santipharp Sap Road Sipraya, praisal mission scheduled for early-September 2008. Environmental Bangrak, Bangkok, 10500, Thailand, Tel: (66-2) 233-8507, Fax: (66-2) Assessment Category C. PID: 91747. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consulting 236-6752, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Suchai Sathaporn, services to be determined. Ministry of Education and Training, 49 Dai Chief Executive Officer Co., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 869-2479, Contact: Mr. Le Tien Thanh, Acting, Director Primary Education Department Timor-Leste Developing Advanced Institutions for Higher Order Capacity (DAI- HOC): (Formerly Higher Education Reform Support) The objective Social Development, Gender and Inclusion is to support the Government’s implementation of its Higher Educa- (R) Youth Development (H414-TP): The objective aims to address tion Reform Agenda 2006-2020. Preappraisal scheduled for 6 October youth unemployment, empower youth to engage in community life, and 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 104694. US$ 100.0 strengthen community cohesion. Approved by the Executive Directors (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Education on 1 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 106220. and Training, 49 Dai Co., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 869-2479, Con- US$ 2.5 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of So- tact: Ms. Tran Thi Ha, Director Higher Education cial Affairs, Labor and Solidarity, Rua de Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste, New-Model Universities: The objective is to establish two research Tel: (670) 723-0025, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: universities, Vietnam-German University (Ho Chi Minh City) and Can Ms. Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves Micato, Minister of Socail Sol- Tho Research Universitywith support for infrastructure, systems and idarity regulatory frameworks. Project preparation scheduled for 28 August PAGE 32 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008

2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 270.0 (IBRD). Con- Social Protection sulting services to be determined. Ministry of Education and Train- Social Security Modernization: The objective is to support the mod- ing, 49 Dai Co Viet St., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 869-2397, Fax: ernization of the social security administration in Vietnam through im- (84-4) 869-4085, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ms. Tran Thi Ha, proving the business processes, modernizing information systems, Director Higher Education improving service delivery, and strengthening management and ac- Energy and Mining countability. Project identification is underway. Environmental As- sessment Category C. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be Rural Distribution (Cr. 4444-VN): The objective is to upgrade and determined. Vietnam Social Security, 7 Trang Thi St., Hanoi, Viet expand the medium voltage distribution networks in 29 provinces, af- Nam, Tel: (84-4) 936-1776, Fax: (84-4) 934-4169, E-mail: [email protected]. fecting about one million households. It would also, on a pilot basis, vn, Contact: Mr. Nguyen Huy Ban, General Director investigate mechanisms to help local distribution utilities finance ex- pansion of service to remote and poor areas. Approved by the Exec- Tr ansportation utive Directors on 22 May 2008. Environmental Assessment Category (R) Northern Delta Transport Development (Cr. 4474-VN): The B. PID: 99211. US$ 150.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. objective is to facilitate sustainable economic growth and inclusive de- Electricity of Vietnam, 18 Tran Nguyen Han St., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: velopment in the Northern Delta region. Approved by the Executive Di- (84-4) 220-1387, Fax: (84-4) 220-1386, E-mail: [email protected], rectors on 24 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: Contact: Mr. Pham Le Thanh, President 95129. US$ 170.0 (IDA). Preparation is being financed by grants from Japan (PHRD) and the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility. Finance Consultants are required. Project Management Unit Waterways, No. (R) Financial Sector Modernization and Information Man- 1, Lane 6, Kim Dong St., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 664-7672, Fax: agement: The objective is to assist the State Bank of Vietnam, the (84-4) 664-7671, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Le Huy Credit Information Center and Deposit Insurance of Vietnam to Thang, General Director become largely compliant with selected key international standards in the delivering of their main functions. Decision meeting scheduled Urban Development for 22 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 88759. Danang Priority Infrastructure Investment (Cr. 4402-VN): The US$ 60.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for technical assis- objective is to facilitate sustainable economic growth, environmental tance. State Bank of Vietnam, 49 Ly Thai To, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: improvements and poverty reduction in Danang. Approved by the Ex- (84-4) 934-3361, Fax: (84-4) 825-0612, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: ecutive Directors on 22 May 2008. Environmental Assessment Cate- Mr. Le Minh Hung, Director-General, International Cooperation gory A. PID: 86508. US$ 152.4 (IDA). A PHRD grant will finance Department feasibility studies and detailed design for Phase 1. Consultants have been mobilized. Danang Priority Infrastructure Investment Projects Health, Nutrition and Population Management Unit, Danang People’s Committee, 54 Thai Phien St., (R) Central-North Health Support: The objective is to improve the Danang, Vietnam, Tel: (84-5) 1135-62677, Fax: (84-5) 1135-62678, E-mail: access to quality preventive and curative health services for the poor [email protected], Contact: Mr. Nguyen Tan Lien, Director, Da Nang population and reduce the financial burden of health care. Project Priority Infrastructure Investment Project preparation scheduled for 15 September 2008. Environmental As- Local Development Investment Funds: The objective is to improve sessment Category C. US$ 62.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. the efficiency and sustainability of local development investment funds Ministry of Health of Vietnam, 138A Giang Vo, Ba Dinh Ha Noi, Viet- and facilitate financing of infrastructure with private sector participa- nam, Tel: (84-4) 846-4416, Fax: (84-4) 846-4051, E-mail: [email protected], tion. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Cat- Contact: Mr. Nguyen Hoang Long, Vice-Director, Planning and Fi- egory FI. PID: 94055. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be nance Department determined. Ministry of Finance, 28 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi, Vietnam, (R) Northern Uplands Health Support (Ln. 4398-VN): The ob- Tel: (844) 220-8037, Fax: (844) 220-8020, E-mail: phamphandung@mof. jective is to ensure that health services reach the poorest. The loan was, Contact: Mr. Pham Phan Dzung, Director General, Banking and signed on 10 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Financial Institutions Department 82672. US$ 60.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry Second Urban Water Supply Development: The objective is to in- of Health, 138A Giang Vo, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 846-4914, Fax: crease coverage of clean water in district towns and expand service to (84-4) 846-4051, Contact: Mr. Nguyen Hoang Long, Vice-Director, Plan- urban centers in a cost effective and sustainable manner. Project iden- ning and Finance Department tification is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96911. US$ 125.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required to prepare the Public Sector Governance project. Ministry of Construction, 37 Le Dai Hanh, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (R) Land Administration (Cr. 4407-VN): The objective is to increase (84-4) 976-1852, Fax: (84-4) 821-5428, E-mail: [email protected], Con- access to land information services by all stakeholders through de- tact: Mr. Pham Ngoc Thai, Director of Management Board of Urban velopment of an improved land administration system in selected Infrastructure Projects provinces in Vietnam. The credit was signed on 16 June 2008. Envi- ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 96418. US$ 75.0 (IDA). Water and Sanitation Around US$30.0 million of international and national consulting ser- Coastal Cities Environment Sanitation: The objective is to reduce vices required for project management, technical advisory services, river pollution in Quy Nhon City in a financially and environmentally M&M/MISA, independent technical auditing, special impact evalua- sustainable manner through piloting of a new local cost waste water tion studies. etc. Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, 83, treatment technology and thereby improving the marine and coastal Nguyen Chi Thanh St., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 773-4244, Fax: (84- ecosystems along the coastline of Vietnam. Project preparation is 4) 773-4245, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr, Do Duc Doi, underway. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 90374. US$ Deputy Director, Land Administration Office, MONRE 2.7 (GEF). No consultants are required. City of Quy Nhon, Quy Nhon PMU, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Tel: (84-5) 682-0023, Fax: (84-5) 681-7249, Rural Development E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Huynh Huu Phuc, (R) Third Rural Finance (Cr. 4447-VN): The objective is to increase Director economic benefits to rural private enterprises and households by in- Red River Delta Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program creasing their access to finance. Credit signing scheduled for October 2008. (Phase II): The objectives are to expand access to water and sanita- Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 100916. US$ 200.0 (IDA). tion provision in a sustainable manner and thus contribute to improv- No consultants are required. Bank for Investment and Development ing the quality of life and alleviating poverty in selected rural of Vietnam, 11th Floor, Tower A, Vincom City Towers, 191 Ba Trieu communities. Project identification is underway. Environmental As- St., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 220-0571, Fax: (84-4) 220-0569, E-mail: sessment Category B. US$ 96.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. [email protected], Contact: Mr. Quach Hung Hiep, Director Center for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation, Ministry of Agriculture AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 33 and Rural Development, 83 Vu Ngoc Phan Street, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (v) prompt access to financing of relief and recovery efforts follow- (84-4) 835-5821, Contact: Dr. Le Van Cahn, Director ing a major disaster. Approved by the Executive Directors on 19 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 110845. US$ 3.0/6.1 (IBRD/ IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Interior, Skenderbej, Square No. 3, Ministry of Interior, Tirana, Alba- nia, Tel: (355-4) 228-167, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Bujar Europe and Central Asia Nishani, Minister Armenia Albania Education Economic Management (R) Education Quality and Relevance (APL 2): The objective is Second Development Policy: The objectives are to improve deliv- to support the Government of Armenia in two main endeavors: En- ery of social services and promote private sector led growth. Decision hancing the quality of General Secondary Education and supporting meeting scheduled for 16 October 2008. Environmental Assessment Tertiary Education reforms in the context of the Bologna Declara- Category C. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry tion. Project concept review scheduled for 17 July 2008. Environmental of Finance, Bul: Deshmoret e Kombit Nr.4, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355- Assessment Category B. PID: 107772. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Consulting 4) 267-654, Fax: (355-4) 227-937, Email: [email protected], services to be determined. Ministry of Education and Science, Project Contact: Mimoza Dhembi, General Budget Director Coordination Unit, Government House 3, Republic Square, Yerevan, Energy and Mining Republic of Armenia, Tel: (3741) 526-602, E-mail: [email protected], (N) Fifth Dam Safety APL (Cr. 4480-AL): The proposed project supports the development of the Energy Community in accordance Energy and Mining with the objectives of the Energy Community South East Europe APL Second GeoFund-Geothermal Energy Preparation: The objec- Program. The objective is to prevent a possible catastrophe result- tive is to diversify the energy resource base with renewable energy. ing from a dam failure. Such a catastrophe could result in loss of life This project has been postponed. Further reporting will be discontinued and damage to property of persons living in downstream areas. It would until active preparation resumes. Environmental Assessment Cate- also cause a major and prolonged fall in hydropower production, result- gory B. PID: 94207. US$ 3.2 (GEF). Consulting services and imple- ing in either increased electricity import expenses and/or increased menting agency(ies) to be determined load shedding. These impacts would affect the entire population of Albania. Approved by the Executive Directors on 30 June 2008. The Rural Development loan was signed on 2 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category (R) Irrigation Development Additional Financing (Cr.3568-AM): B. PID 110481. US$ 35.3 (IDA). Consultants will be required. KESH, The objective is to produce irrigation water savings and promote lower Blloku, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355-42) 62-05, Fax: (355-42) 32-024, E- energy usage, thus contributing to the IDP’s overall development ob- mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Gjergii Bojaxhi, General jective of enhancing the profitability and sustainability of irrigated agri- Director culture. The credit was signed on 19 September 2007. Environmental (N) KESH Electricity Distribution Privatization Partial Risk Assessment Category B. PID: 105171. US$ 5.0 (IDA). No consultants Guarantee: The objective is to support Albania’s electricity sector are required. Water Sector Development Project Implementation Unit, privatization program by enabling the Government and the private in- Vardanants, 3, Yerevan, Armenia, Tel: (374-2) 540-643, Fax: (374-2) vestor reach a successful privatization agreement for the privatization 540-472, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Adibek Ghazaryan, of KESH’s Distribution System Operator and implement the privatization Director and the new regulatory framework for electricity distribution. Ap- praisal scheduled for 3 October 2008. Environmental Assessment Cat- Tr ansportation egory to be determined. PID: 112242. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). (R) Traffic Management and Safety: The objective is to improve Environment and Natural Resources Management traffic management in main cities and traffic safety throughout Arme- (R) Butrint National Park Global Biodiversity and Heritage Con- nia through (a) traffic management measures to improve traffic flow servation (TF05617): The objective is to (a) connecting biodiversity on existing streets, (b) measures to improve traffic safety, (c) pas- conservation and sustainable ecosystem management with conser- senger transport reforms to adapt public transport services to the vation of world heritage in the Butrint aquatic and wetland complex, rapidly changing traffic situation, and (d) institutional adjustments and (b) mobilizing donors’ support for long-term financing of the park and strengthening to permit Government to better respond to this complex. The grant was signed on 14 January 2008. Environmental As- emerging transport challenge. Decision meeting completed. Negoti- sessment Category C. PID: 85089. US$ 1.0 (GEF). No consultants are ations scheduled for 22 September 2008. Environmental Assessment required. Butrint National Park, Office for Administration and Coor- Category B. PID: 100665. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be dination to the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Blvd. Desh- required. Ministry of Finance and Economy, 1 Melik-Adamyan St., moret e Kombit, Tirana, Albania, Tel/Fax: (355-7) 324-600, E-mail: Yerevan 375010 Armenia, Tel: (374-10) 595-300, Fax: (374-10) 526-338; [email protected], Contact: Auron Tare, Director Ministry of Transport and Communication, 28 Nalbandyan St., Yere- van 375010 Armenia, Tel: (374-10) 563-391, Fax: (374-10) 560-528, E- Urban Development mail: [email protected] (N) Catastrophe Deferred Draw-Down Option: The objective is to Railways Restructuring: The objective is to reduce traffic congestion provide rapid budget support to the Government of Albania’s Disas- and the rate of traffic accidents and fatalities in Yerevan by (a) creat- ter Risk Mitigation and Adaptation project, which responds to natural ing a traffic management unit in the City of Yerevan, (b) improving the disasters. Decision meeting scheduled for 22 July 2008. Environmen- existing institutional capabilities of the municipality of Yerevan for pas- tal Assessment Category to be determined. PID: 107997. US$ 26.0 senger transport planning and regulation, (c) improving parking reg- (IBRD). Consulting services and implementing agency(ies) to be de- ulation and enforcement, (d) investing in improvements to the traffic termined. signal system and geometric improvements to selected intersections, (N) Disaster Risk Mitigation and Adaptation (Ln. 7563/Cr. (e) investing in safety improvements to the Yerevan metro, (f) invest- 4460): The objective is to reduce the vulnerability of the country ing in modest traffic enforcement equipment, and (g) advancing a to natural hazards and reduce human, economic and financial losses comprehensive national traffic safety program. Decision meeting due to catastrophic events. This objective will be achieved through: scheduled for 13 October 2008. Environmental Assessment Category (i) strengthening disaster risk management capacities; (ii) increased B. PID: 104433. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Min- preparedness and response capabilities; (iii) improvements of build- istry of Transport and Communications, 28, Nalbandyan St., Yervan, ing code and its enforcement; (iv) catastrophic risk insurance; and Armenia 375010, Tel: (37-41) 563391, Fax: (37-41) 560528, E-mail: min- and redevelopment plans for a specific oil production site. Approved by

management at the local and entity level; (c) improve cost recovery

764, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Bojan Hlaca, Executive Director

AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 37

Assessment Category B. PID: 101214. US$ 7.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants 748, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ms. Elmira S. Ibraimova, Exec- will be required. Kosovo Cadastre Agency (KCA), Kosovo Cadastral utive Director Agency, Kosovo Archive Bldg, 2nd Floor, Pristina, Kosovo, Tel: (381- 38) 512-353, Fax: (381-38) 512-356, E-mail: perparim.ameti@ks- Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic, Contact: Hamit Basholli, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kyrgyz Republic Economic Management Third Programmatic Development Policy\ (Ln. 7533-MK): The Economic Management objectives are to promote economic growth and job creation by im- (R) Economic Management (Cr. 3880-KG): The objective is to proving the investment climate and strengthening public sector gov- strengthen economic and fiscal management and coordination in the ernance. Approved by the Executive Directors on 13 May 2008. Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy and, the National Bank Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 101296. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). of the Kyrgyz Republic, and the Government Approved by the Exec- No consultants are required. Ministry of Finance, Dame Gruev 14, 1000 utive Directors on 1 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tel: (389-2) 311- U. PID: 108525. US$ 3.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. 7288, Fax: (389-2) 311-7280, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Repub- Mr. Trajko Slaveski, Minister of Finance lic Social Protection Kyrgystat: Strengthening the National Statistical System: The Conditional Cash Transfers: The objective is to support the Gov- objective is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the national ernment of Macedonia in the development and implementation of the statistical system that will provide relevant, timely and reliable data for conditional cash transfer program. Decision meeting scheduled for 3 evidence-based policy making in support of the Government’s devel- September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 103974. opment strategies and the monitoring and evaluation of the progress US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Labor, This project has been put on hold. Further reporting will be discon- Dame Gruev 14, Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, tinued until active preparation resumes. Environmental Assessment Cat- Tel: (389-2) 310-6216, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Vesna egory C. PID: 104706. US$ 1.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be Petkovic, Director determined. National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic, 374 Frunze St., Bishkek 720033 Kyrgyz Republic, Tel: (996-312) 626-084, Urban Development E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Orozmat Abdykalykov, Chair- Municipal Development: The objective is to improve performance man of municipalities and their communal services enterprises. Decision Health, Nutrition and Population Meeting scheduled for 16 September 2008. Environmental Assess- ment Category B. PID: 96481. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be Health and Social Protect Additional Financing (Grt H391- required. Ministry of Transport and Communications; Ministry of Fi- KG): The objective of the additional financing will support an urgent nance, St. Dame Gruev 14, Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Mace- response to the current food price crisis through additional activities donia, Tel: (389-2) 311-6012, Fax: (389-2) 311-7280, Contact: Trajko not anticipated in the initial project design, related to nutritional sup- Slaveski, Ph.D., Minister of Finance plements, nutrition education and a temporary scaling-up of cash transfers. Approved by the Executive Directors on 12 June 2008. En- Moldova, Republic of vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 112142. US$ 6.0 (IDA Rural Development Grant). No consultants are required. Ministry of Health, str. Moskov- skaya 148, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Tel: (996-312) 622-680, Fax: Second Rural Investment and Services Project Additional (996-312) 660-493, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Alimjan Kosh- Financing (Cr. 4416 MD): The objective is to support RISP II’s muratov, Head of the Strategic Planning department, Ministry of original PDOs by ensuring that farmers have resources and knowl- Health edge necessary to adapt to and minimize losses from severe weather phenomena, in order to ensure the long-term viability of the coun- Public Sector Governance try’s agricultural sector. Approved by the Executive Directors on 13 (R) Second Land and Real Estate Registration: The objective is May 2008. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 110421. US$ to support markets for and use of land and real estate, with further de- 6.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture and velopment of a reliable and well-functioning system for registration of Food Industry and Ministry of Finance, Consolidated Agricultural rights in immovable property. Approved by the Executive Directors on Project Management Unit (CAPMU), 9 Cosmonautilor St., Office 544, 15 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 108178. Chisinau, Moldova, MD-2005, Tel: (373-22) 221-142, Fax: (373-22) 223- US$ 6.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Gosregister, ul. 106, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Liviu Gumovschi, Execu- Orozbekova 44, Kyrgyz Republic, Tel: (996-312) 664-932, Fax: (996-312) tive Director 664-934, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. J. Kalberdiev, Project Manager, Project Implementation Unit Montenegro Economic Management Rural Development Third Development Policy: The objective is to implement struc- Agricultural Investments and Services (AISP) (H-371KG): The tural reforms critical for sustained growth and poverty reduction. This objective is to improve the institutional and infrastructure environ- project has been postponed. Further reporting will be discontinued ment for farmers and herders, with a strong emphasis on the live- until active preparation resumes. Environmental Assessment Cate- stock sector. The project is an explicit part of the JCSS and supports gory C. US$ 22.0 (IDA/IBRD). Consulting services to be deter- all four of the programmatic JCSS areas, to improve the management mined. Ministry of Finance, Staka Dragjevica 2, Podgorica 81000 Mon- of a major resource, the country’s pastures, and will do so with an ex- tenegro, Tel: (381-81) 243-274, Contact: H.E. Igor Luksic, Minister plicit focus on fostering strong and sustained pro-poor growth and on of Finance long-term environmental sustainability. Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 April 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. Environment and Natural Resources Management PID: 96993. US$ 9.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Min- Tara and Lim River Basin Watershed Management: The objec- istry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Processing Industry tive is to improve land and water management and biodiversity con- (MAWRPI), 96A Kievskaya St., Bishkek 720040, Kyrgyz Republic, Tel: servation, including reducing risks and impact of flooding and restoration (996-312) 665-625, Fax: (996-312) 661-572, E-mail: [email protected] of watershed protection forests in two major river basins. Appraisal, Contact: Ms. Zahifa A. Omorbekova, APIU Director; Commu- scheduled for 8 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Cate- nity Development and Investment Agency (ARIS), 102 Bokonbaeva St., gory B. PID: 99749. US$ 5.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required for Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Tel: (996-312) 627-747, Fax: (996-312) 624- project coordination, social and environmental assessment, planning PAGE 38 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008 and surveying. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water, Rimski Russian Federation Trg bb, Podgorica 81000 Montnegro, Tel: (381-81) 482-109, Fax: (381- 81) 234-306, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Viktor Subotic, Pro- Rural Development ject Coordinator (R) Microfinance Infrastructure Development: The objective is to develop a sustainable, sound financial co-operative system for en- Public Sector Governance hancing access to financial services by poor and underserved people, (R) Land Administration and Management: The objective is to especially in rural areas. Appraisal scheduled for 8 September 2008. En- improve the efficiency of the permit and property registration sys- vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 100563. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). tems. Board presentation scheduled for 30 September 2008. Environ- Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, 9 Ilyinka St., Moscow mental Assessment Category B. PID: 106906. US$ 11.5 (IBRD). Con- 109097 Russia, Tel: (7-495) 648-1123, Fax: (7-495) 648-1096, E-mail: sultants will be required. Ministry of Economy, Real Estate [email protected], Contact: Vladimir Lukov, Head, Department for Fi- Administration under Ministry of Finance, Oktobarske Revolucije br, nancial Policy PC Celebic (V sprat) 8100 Podgorica, Montenegro, Tel: (382-81) Krasnodar Agricultural Nutrient Reduction: The objective is to re- 444 001, Fax: (382-81) 444 004, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: duce nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of the Black Sea from agri- Mico Orlandic, Director cultural sources. This project has been put on hold. Further reporting will be discontinued until active preparation resumes. Environmental Poland Assessment Category B. PID: 78436. US$ 5.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Consultants were used for preparation. Nutrient man- Law and Justice agement experts may also be required to assist in implementation. Min- (R) Legal and Judicial: The objective is to improve performance istry of Agriculture, 1/11 Orlikov per, Moscow 107139 Russia, Tel/Fax: of the courts through faster and less costly service delivery. This pro- (7-495) 207-6405, E-mail: [email protected] ject is no longer in the lending program. Further reporting will be dis- Social Protection continued. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 6.2 (IBRD). (R) Southern Okrug Local Initiatives Support: The objective is to Consultants will be required and have been identified. Ministry of improve quality of local social services and efficiency of public re- Justice, Al Ujazdowskie11, Warsaw, Poland, E-mail: [email protected], sources utilization through improved capacity of local authorities, cit- [email protected], Contact: Ms. Malgorzata Manowska, izen and community participation in targeted municipalities of the Deputy Minister Southern Okrug Decision meeting scheduled for 2 October 2008. En- Tr ansportation vironmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 106232. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Regional Development, Build- (R) Transport Infrastructure Rehabilitation: The objectives are to ing 1, 10/23 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., Moscow 103051, Russian (a) improve the main national road and rail infrastructure and (b) Federation, Tel: (7-495) 694-0095, Fax: (7-495) 699-3841, Contact: Ms build institutional capacity of rail and road sector institutions to man- Elena N. Kitova, Head of Unit, Department for Socioeconomic De- age network assets efficiently and effectively. This project is no longer velopment and Territory Planning in the lending program. Further reporting will be discontinued. Environ- mental Assessment Category B. PID: 102731. US$ 180.0 (IBRD). Con- Urban Development sultants will be required. Ministry of Transport, 4/6 Chalubinskiego Housing and Communal Services Reform Program Development St., 00-928 Warsaw, Poland, Tel: (48-22) 630-1359, Fax: (48-22) 630- Policy (Ln 4888-RU): The objective is to reform and modernize the 1188, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Tomasz Bochenski, housing and communal services sector at the regional and municipal Deputy Director levels. Approved by the Executive Directors on 26 February 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 79032. US$ 200.0 (IBRD). Regional Consultants will be required. Federal Agency for Construction and Hous- ing Complex, Stroitelei St., 8/2, Moscow 119991 Russia, Tel: (7-495) Environment and Natural Resources Management 930-6482, Fax: (7-495) 938-2202, 930-4644, E-mail: [email protected], Integrated Ecosystem Management of Neretva and Trebisnjica Contact: Mr. S. Kruglick, Head River Basins: The objective is to improve water resource management Serbia on the river basin and transboundary level, laying the basis for efficient and equitable water allocation among users and for improved health Economic Management of the ecosystems on which sustainable economic growth depends. Ap- Public Expenditure: The objective is to improve the planning, im- proved by the Executive Directors on 29 May 2008. Environmental As- plementation monitoring and evaluation of public expenditure in Ser- sessment Category B. PID: 84608. US$ 8.0 (GEF). Consultants are bia Project identification is underway. Environmental Assessment required for preparation studies. Croatia Ministry of Forestry, Agri- Category U. PID: 108759. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. culture, and Water Management, Ulica Grada Vukovara, Tel: (385-1) Ministry of Finance, 20 Kneza Milosa St, Belgrade 11000 Serbia, Tel: 630-7303, Fax: (385-1) 630-7686, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: (381-11) 361-4972, 361-4007, Fax: (381-11) 361-4914, E-mail: kabi- Mr. Mladen Petricec, Head, Institute for Water Management; Republi- [email protected], Contact: Janko Gusijan ka of Srbska Ministry of Town Planning, Housing Services, Civil En- Public Sector Development Policy: The objectives are to (a) tran- gineering, and Ecology; Bosnia Herzegovina Ministry of Physical sition to a private sector-led economy by reducing the size of the state; Planning and Environment, Hadzi Idrizova 2, Sarajevo 71000 Bosnia and (b) improve the effectiveness of the state. This project has been and Herzegovina, Tel: (387-33) 212-833, (387-61) 220-289, E-mail: postponed. Further reporting will be discontinued until active prepa- [email protected], Contact: Mr. Branko Vucijak, Head, Pro- ration resumes. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 90235. ject Implementation Unit US$ 55.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, Lake Skhoder Integrated Ecosystem Management: The objec- Nemanjina 22-26, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, Tel: (381-11) 361-7603, Fax: tive is to achieve more sustainable uses of the lake’s natural resources (381-11) 363-3264, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Mlad- and those of its watershed. Approved by the Executive Directors on jan Dinkic, Minister of Finance 27 May 2008. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 84605. US$ Second Programmatic Private Financial Sector Development: The 4.5 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Environment, Rr. objectives are to (a) strengthen fiscal discipline in the enterprise, en- Durresi, No. 27, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355-4) 270-624, Fax: (355-4) 270- ergy and transport sectors, (b) attract foreign investment and (c) build 624, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Zamir Dedei, Director a more stable financial sector. Decision meeting scheduled for 12 Sep- of Nature Protection; Ministry of Environmental Protection and Phys- tember 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 96711. ical Planning, Poslovni Centar Vectra, Podgorica 81000 Serbia and US$ 100.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Ministry of Finance, Montenegro, Tel: (381-81) 482-167, Fax: (381-81) 234-131, E-mail: vik- Namanjina 22-26, Belgrade 11000 Serbia, Tel: (381-11) 361-7603, Fax: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Viktor Subotic, Project Director (381-11) 361-7613, Contact: Mladjen Dinkic, Minister Community and Basic Health Additional Financing

ject preparation scheduled for December 2008. Environmental As- AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 41

Fax: (20-2) 792-1512, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Dr. Iraq, Tel: (964) 1816-8823, Fax: (964) 1885-7365, E-mail: pmt.bagh- Hazim El Quidy, Chairman, General Organization of Physical Planning [email protected], Contact: Dr. Saber Al-Esawey, Mayor Water and Sanitation Second Emergency Water Supply and Sanitation (Cr. 4409- IQ): The objective is to address the urgent needs for safe and adequate (R) Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage Infrastructure (Ln. water supply to nearly 250,000 people within four selected priority 7512-EG): The objective is to improve water quality in selected governorates in Iraq. The project includes rehabilitating and upgrad- drainage basins and health conditions of the resident communities. The ing of water supply and distribution schemes for Ghammas, Al-Nasr, loan was signed on 15 May 2008. Environmental Assessment Category Wasit and Maimona cities and surrounding areas. The project also pro- B. PID: 94311. US$ 120.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. National vides support to Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works to im- Organization of Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage, 96 Ahmed Or- prove its capacity to plan, manage, and supervise project implementation bai St., Mohandeseen, Egypt, Tel: (202) 3302-3038, E-mail: nop- as well as operation and maintenance through capacity building and [email protected], Contact: Eng. Sami Emara, Head training of the Ministry staff. Approved by the Executive Directors on West Delta Irrigation Infrastructure (Ln. 7468-EGT): The objective 10 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 94650. is to build and operate a surface water conveyance and distribution sys- US$ 109.5 (IDA). Consultants will be required for preparation. Ministry tem for irrigation in the West Delta region with full recovery of capi- of Municipalities and Public Works (MMPW), Strategic Management tal and operation and maintenance costs. Loan signing scheduled for Office (SMO), PO Box 28488, Al-Karkh, Baghdad, Iraq, Tel: (964) 22 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 87970. 1543-5448, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Alaudeen Jasim US$ 145.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for technical assistance Mohammed, Director, World Bank Project Management Team (WB- to area farmers and for institutional strengthening of PMU and regu- PMT) latory arrangements. Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Corniche El Nil St., Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 544-9425, Fax: (202) 544-9470, Contact: Dr. Jordan Mahmoud Abu-Zeid, Minister Education Iran (R) Employer Driven Skills Development (Ln. 7561-JO): The ob- jective is to realign policy formulation with E-TVET operational mech- Social Development, Gender and Inclusion anisms through the development of employer’s participation in (i) Local Development Fund: The objective is to enhance the effec- sector policy formulation; (ii) institutional development and reform; and tiveness and efficiency of community-driven development intervention (iii) skill development program design and delivery. The loan was for poverty alleviation, through strengthening the role and capacity of signed on 8 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: local governments and civil society organizations in selected disad- 100534. US$ 7.5 (IBRD). Consulting services will be required during vantaged areas of five provinces. Project pending approval of the Coun- preparation and implementation Ministry of Labor, PO Box 8160 Am- try Assistance Strategy. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: man 11121, Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 580-2666, Fax: (962-6) 585-5216, Con- 73070. US$ 75.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of In- tact: H.E. Basem Al-Salem, Minister of Labor terior, Dr. Fatemi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Tel: (98-21) 8896-7009, Fax: (98- Education Reform for Knowledge Economy II: The objective is 21) 8895-0025, Contact: Dr. Hojatollah Ayoubi, Deputy Minister for Social to support the education reform program in the following five areas: Affairs and Councils, Ministry of Interior (i) adopting a school and community centered approach to education program delivery; (ii) re-orienting policy formulation, planning, per- Iraq formance monitoring, and the associated institutional structures nec- Health, Nutrition and Population essary to facilitate school and community centered program delivery; (R) Regional Health Emergency Response (TF091054): The (iii) deepening and broadening the qualitative dimensions of all inputs project objective is to assist Kurdistan Regional Government to build into the teaching learning process; (iv) supporting further development capacity in the establishment a rapid, coordinated and effective re- of special focus programs, including early childhood education, voca- sponse services to health emergencies, including those resulting from tional education and special education; and (v) provision of resources acts of violence, accidents, or natural disasters. The project comprises to ensure equitable provision of safe and efficient infrastructure, de- four components to be implemented over a period of up to 24 months signed to enhance the learning environment. Project preparation is un- Approved by the Executive Directors on 18 June 2008. Environmental derway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 105036. US$ Assessment Category B. PID: 107698. US$ 8.2 (Trust Fund). Con- 60.0 IBRD Consultants will be required. Ministry of Education, PO Box sultants will be required - Emergency health services and telecom- 1646, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 567-3652, munications systems. Ministry of Health in Kurdistan, NA, Tel: NA, Fax: (962-6) 568-8776, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: H.E. Dr. Fax: NA, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: H.E. Abdulrah- Fawwaz Jaraddat, Secretary General for Education and Technical Af- man Yones, Minister fairs, Ministry of Education Higher Education for a Knowledge Economy: The objective is to Public Sector Governance support policy reforms that will: (i) improve the Government’s ca- (R) Public Financial Management Reform: The objective is to ad- pacity to diversify and improve financing mechanisms to universities dress three areas: (a) the national PFM and accountability system; (b) as a means to create incentives to promote a culture of quality and in- subnational PFM capacity building and (c) public procurement system novation in universities; and (ii) strengthen the management and ef- reform. This project will be implemented through two complementary ficacy of the sector by aligning the roles, missions and responsibilities grants. One grant is for the development of the outputs by the Gov- of various governance bodies to the new strategy objectives. In terms ernment of Iraq, and the second, complementary grant provides tech- of expected results, the project would increase the efficiency of pub- nical assistance. Concept review underway. Environmental Assessment lic higher education institutions; diversify the resource base of state Category C. US$ 18.0 (Trust Fund). Consulting services to be deter- universities and link government financing mechanisms to quality in- mined. Ministry of Finance, Baghdad, Iraq, E-mail: alkhagani@ya- centives. Decision meeting scheduled for 10 November 2008. Envi-; [email protected], [email protected], Contact: ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 102487. US$ 75.0 (IBRD). H.E. Bayan Jabr, Minister of Finance Consultants will be required. Project Development Unit, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, PO Box 138, Amman, Jor- Water and Sanitation dan, Tel: (962-6) 535-0967, Fax: NA, E-mail: [email protected]., Con- Second Emergency Baghdad Water Supply and Sanitation: The tact: Dr. Fayez Khasawneh, Project Director objective is to rehabilitate and upgrade the water supply system, treatment facilities, pumping stations and sewer network. Project prepa- Energy and Mining ration is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ (R) Promotion of a Wind Power Market: The objective is to remove 40.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for preparation. City of barriers to wind farm development including lack of a legal and reg- Baghdad., Khulani Square, Jamhoriya St., PO Box 1140, Baghdad, ulatory framework, lack of institutional capacity and inadequate in- PAGE 42 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008 formation on wind resources, with the reforms clearing the way for a Environment and Natural Resources Management private entity to build a promotional 60MW wind farm. Approved by the (R) Solid Waste Sector DPL: The objective is to support the policy Executive Directors on 26 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Cat- reforms in the solid waste sector in order to improve the governance egory B. PID: 93201. US$ 6.0 (GEF). A consultant has been selected of the sector, ensure the sustainability of the services and mainstream to assist in establishing a suitable financing mechanism for renewable related environmental and social dimensions. The operation will tar- energy projects and selection of a consultant to prepare an environmental get the progressive establishment of an integrated SWM system in view and social management framework is underway. Ministry of Energy of reaching the following outcomes: (a) the upstream reform elements and Mineral Resources, PO Box 140027, Amman 11814 Jordan, Tel: to move towards the institutional and legal sustainability of the SWM (962-6) 582-8971, Fax: (962-6) 582-1398, E-mail: [email protected], sector is strengthened; (b) the downstream, an operational system of Contact: Eng. Khaldoun Qutishat, Secretary General financial incentives, focusing therefore on the quality of the economic and technical performance of SWM services (from collection to dis- Social Protection posal/treatment) put into place; and (c) environment and social con- (R) Social Protection Enhancement (Ln. 7562-JO): The objec- siderations in the SWM to be mainstreamed including a programmatic tive is to improve the management and operations of the cash social approach for carbon finance. Appraisal scheduled for mid-October assistance programs and to improve the access to and quality of so- 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 104937. US$ 80.0 cial care services. This will be achieved through: (i) strengthening in- (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Economy and Finance, stitutions involved in analysis, design, coordination, monitoring and Rabat, Morocco, Tel: (212-37) 677-266, Fax: (212-37) 677-530, E-mail: evaluation and implementation of social safety net policies and programs [email protected], Contact: Mr. Abdelatif Bennani,Directeur to deliver services efficiently and effectively; (ii) improved coverage du Budget of targeted poor population, and efficiency and effectiveness of the cash assistance extended to the population through the NAF; and (iii) im- Public Sector Governance proved access to and quality of services to vulnerable groups. Retroac- (R) Third Public Administration Reform (Ln. 7527- MO): The tive financing will be sought for an amount of US$ 0.5 million and will objective is to consolidate work under the multiannual public admin- be confirmed at negotiations. The loan was signed on 8 July 2008. En- istration reform program of Morocco. The loan aims at: (a) improving vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 100546. US$ 4.0 (IBRD). government efficiency in the management of budget resources through Consulting services will be required during preparation and imple- greater transparency and accountability, and by introducing performance mentation. Ministry of Social Development, PO Box 6720 Amman measurement; (b) improving government efficiency in the management 11118 Jordan, Tel: (962-79) 511-2581, Fax: (962-6) 593-1518, Contact: of human resources through the preparation of a new management sys- Dr. Hussein Abu-Alruz, Secretary General tem for staffing and remuneration with performance measurement, while streamlining current human resources management; and (c) con- Urban Development solidating and controlling public payroll decrease. Per the Govern- (R) Jordan Amman Solid Waste Management and Carbon Fi- ment’s request, PARL III introduces as new objective to improve public nance: The objective is to enhance the quality, as well as the envi- services and simplify procedures through e-government. The loan ronmental and financial performances, of municipal solid waste was signed on 23 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. management in Amman City by (i) improving the efficiency and ser- PID: 95759. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Min- vice standards of solid waste collection and transfer; (ii) upgrad- istry of Public Sector Modernization, Quartier Administratif, Haut Ag- ing/expanding the existing semi controlled landfill, and using LFG to dal, Rabat, Morocco, Tel: (212-37) 679-942, Fax: (212-37) 680-283, produce electricity; and (iii) assist the Greater Amman Municipality E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Rabha Zeidguy, Directeur (GAM) in benefiting from the CDM and accessing the international de la reforme administrative carbon market. Appraisal completed. Negotiations scheduled for 4 Au- Water and Sanitation gust 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 104960. US$ 18.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Greater Amman Municipality, (R) Oum er Rbia Irrigated Agriculture Modernization: The ob- PO Box 132, Amman 1118 Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 474-4722, Fax: (962-6) jective is to increase the economic value of irrigation water while 463-4663, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ramzi Maay- putting in place conditions for more sustainable water management in tah, Advisor to the Mayor for Investment the basin. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assess- ment Category B. PID: 93719. US$ 40.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be Morocco required. Ministère de l’Agriculture, du Développement Rural et des Pêches Maritimes, Ave. Mohamed V, Quartier Administratif, Place Education Abdellah Chefchaouni, BP 607, Rabat, Morocco, Tel: (212-37) 760-102, Second Basic Education Reform Support Program: The objec- 661-487, Fax: (212-37) 763-878, Contact: M. Mohamed Elyazghi, Min- tive is to continue to support the Government’s efforts to provide a ba- ister sic education (primary and lower secondary education) of improved quality to all children and to possibly assist in the strengthening of the Tunisia implementation of the literacy program. Project preparation is under- Education way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95714. US$ 100.0 (R) Tunisia Skills Development and Competitiveness Develop- (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of National Education, ment Policy Loan: The objective is to support the Government’s Higher Education, Civil Servant Training and Scientific Research, Bab strategy to improve Tunisia’s capacity to compete in international mar- Rouah, Morocco, Tel: (212-37) 681-509, 687-232, Fax: (212-37) 772- kets, through a combined set of policies and actions: (i) consolidating 042, Contact: Latifa El Abida, Secrétaire Générale the partnership between the training system and the private sector in Energy and Mining priority sectors; (ii) reform of the Financing mechanisms used for pre- service and in-service training; (iii) responsiveness to changes in the (R) ONE Support (Ln. 7564-MA): (Formerly Electricity Trans- national and global economy; and (iv) developing a Life-long learning mission and Distribution Network) The objective is to increase the ef- Policy Framework. Project preparation is underway. Environmental As- ficiency, reliability, and quality of electricity supply, while protecting the sessment Category to be determined. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Consulting environment. The loan was signed on 23 June 2008. Environmental As- services to be determined. Ministry of Education, Ministère de l’Ed- sessment Category B. PID: 104265. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Consultants will ucation et de la Formation, Boulevard Bab B’net, 1030 Tunis, Tunisie, be required for environmental and social impact studies. Consultants Tel: (216-71) 568-768, Fax: (216-71) 569-294, Contact: H.E. Sadok Ko- may be required for Technical Assistance component which is to be rbi, Minister of Education decided. Office National de l’Electricité (ONE), 65 rue Othman Ben Affane, 20000 Casablanca Maroc, Morocco, Tel: (212-22) 668-080, Fax: Energy and Mining (212-22) 220-038, E-mail:, Contact: Younes Maamar, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Investment: The objective is to Director reduce the energy intensity of the Tunisian economy and an increase AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 43 of the share of renewables in the primary fuel mix. This will be achieved the electricity distribution utilities that will include: (a) improved col- through investment in energy efficiency and in renewable energy lection performance; (b) lower technical/non-technical losses; (c) re- technologies. Project preparation is underway. Environmental As- duction in payables to IEC on account of electricity purchase; and (d) sessment Category B. PID: 104266. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultant consolidation and increase in the number of consumers. The Project may be needed for Environmental Impact studies if B. Possibly con- will also ensure that Northern Electric Distribution Company is fully sultants for due diligence of FI Agence Nationale de la Maitrise de l’En- operational through financing necessary capacity building measures. ergie (ANME), 3 Rue 8000 Montplaisir 1073 Tunis BP 213 Tunisia, Tel: Approved by the Executive Directors on 15 May 2008. Environmen- (216-71) 787-700, Fax: (216-71) 784-524, E-mail: [email protected], tal Assessment Category B. PID: 84461. US$ 12.0 Consultants will be Contact: Nejib Osman, Director, Etudes et Planification required. Palestinian Energy Authority through a Project Manage- ment Unit, Zahret El-Massayef Building, Alersal St., Ramallah, West Environment and Natural Resources Management Bank and Gaza, Tel: (972-02) 298-6192, 298-6972, 298-4752, 298-4753, (R) Managing Healthcare Waste and PCBs: The objectives are to Fax: (972-02) 298-6619, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Jamal AbuGhosh, help strengthen the healthcare waste management system in Tunisia, PMU Director, PEA and contribute to the implementation of its persistent Organic Pollu- tants (POPs) National Implementation Plan by demonstrating and Social Development, Gender and Inclusion promoting the best techniques and practices for managing healthcare Village and Neighborhood Development (TF90994): The objec- waste and PCBs and promoting private sector participation. Appraisal tive is within a fragile context, to promote a coordinated development scheduled for mid-November 2008. Environmental Assessment Cate- approach which builds the capacity of communities to plan for and man- gory A. US$ 6.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Agence Natio- age development resources. The key indicators for project success in- nale de Gestion des Déchets (ANGed), 6 Rue Al amine Al Abbassi, 1002 clude: (a) percentage of activities identified through the Community Tunis, le Belvedère, Tunis, Tunisie, Tel: (216-71) 847-493, E-mail: Development Plans that receive funding from other sources; and (b) [email protected], Contact: Mr. Mounir Ferchichi, General Director, Ms. percentage of projects with economically and/or socially marginal- Myriam Jenayah, Chef Projet PAGIDS ized groups as main beneficiaries. Approved by the Executive Direc- Community-Based Integrated Rural Development: The objective tors on 22 April 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: is to consolidate and scale up the achievements of the first Natural Re- 104257. US$ 10.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry source Management project, which closed on 30 June 2004. Project of Local Government., Al-Balou’, PO Box: 731, Ramallah, Palestinian preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Authority, Tel: (970-2) 240-1092, Fax: (972-2) 240-1977, E-mail: 86660. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of [email protected] [email protected], Contact: Hani T. Kayed Di- Agriculture, Direction general du Financement, des Investissements rector, General Directorate for Projects et des Organismes Professionnels (DGFIOP), 30 rue Alain Savary, Tu- nis 1002 Tunisia, Tel: (216-1) 842-687, Fax: (216-1) 784-447, Contact: Social Protection Mr. Abdallah Mallek, Director General Social Safety Net Reform Additional Financing: The objective of Private Sector Development the additional financing is to continue along the same trajectory as the (N) Integration and Competitiveness DPL: The objectives are to: on-going SSNRP to mitigate the impact of the continued socio-economic (a) maintain macro stability in a difficult international context marked crisis on a subset of the poorest and most vulnerable groups. An ad- by high fuel and other commodity prices; (b) deepen Tunisia’s global ditional objective will be to strengthen the Ministry of Social Affairs’ integration, including by unleashing the potential in services; and (c) ability to manage cash transfer programs. The project’s primary ob- foster the development of non-banking finance to support small and jective will be achieved by scaling up the pilot cash transfer mechanism medium enterprises’ access to finance and enhance Tunisian firms’ com- currently, using the proxy means testing targeting approach in order petitiveness through further improvement in the business climate. to contribute to the improved living conditions of the beneficiaries. Ap- Project is being identified. Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ proved by the Executive Directors on 22 April 2008. Environmental As- 50.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of De- sessment Category C. PID: 109304. US$ 10.0 (SF). No consultants are veloment and International Cooperation, Government of Tunisia, Place required. Ministry of Social Affairs, Ramallah, West Bank, Tel: (970)2- Ali Zouaoui, 1000 Tunis, Tunisia, Tel: (216-71) 892-653, Fax: (216-71) 240 5660, Fax: (970)2-2405642, E-mail: [email protected], Con- 351-666, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: M. Kamel Ben Re- tact: Dr. Thanaa Elkhozendar, SSNRP Project Coordinator jeb, Directeur général de la Coopération financière multilatérale, Mi- nistère du Développement et de la Coopération internationale Water and Sanitation Gaza Emergency Water Additional Financing: The objectives are West Bank and Gaza to improve the provision of adequate water and wastewater services Economic Management in Gaza and functionally strengthen the newly established Coastal Mu- nicipalities Water Utility as independent well-run modern utility. In ad- Palestinian Reform and Development Plan (TF92234): The ob- dition, the project has a secondary objective to strengthen the Palestinian jective is to support the PA as it implements the reform program de- Water Authority’s capacity to assume sector regulatory functions. Un- tailed in the PRDP. The Bank will support the PRDP process in two der this additional financing, the same objectives would remain valid complementary ways: (i) establish the multi-donor trust fund (PRDP- and will not be modified. Approved by the Executive Directors on 22 TF) and (ii) through this development policy grant (PRDP DPG), it April 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 110172. US$ will support the Palestinian Authority’s actions in two policy areas to 5.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Coastal Mu- (a) achieve fiscal sustainability and (b) improve public financial man- nicipalities Water Utility, Abdel Nasser St., Abu Shabban Building, PO agement Approved by the Executive Directors on 5 June 2008. Envi- Box 5052, Gaza City, Tel: (972-8) 288-1446, Fax: (972-8) 288-1445, E- ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 111078. US$ 40.0 (SPF). mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Monther Shoblak, PMU Director Consulting services to be determined. Palestinian Authority, Ministry of Finance, Ramallah, West Bank, Tel: (972-2) 240-0650, Fax: (972-2) North Gaza Sewerage Treatment Plant Additional Financing: The 240-0595, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: H.E. Omar Abdul Razeq, objectives are to remove the immediate and gathering public health Minister of Finance and environmental safety threats to the communities surrounding the effluent lake and to provide a longer-term solution to the treatment of Energy and Mining wastewater for north Gaza. Under this additional financing, the same Electric Utility Management: The project development objective is objectives would remain valid and will not be modified. Approved by to reduce the fiscal burden of the electricity sector on the Palestinian the Executive Directors on 22 April 2008. Environmental Assessment Authority’s budgetary resources through lower deductions from clear- Category A. PID: 91314. US$ 12.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services ance revenues for arrears owed to Israeli Electric Corporation (IEC). to be determined. Palestinian Water Authority, Ramallah, WBG, Tel: This will be achieved by the adoption of appropriate sectoral efficiency (972-8) 2827409, Fax: (972-8) 2826630, E-mail: [email protected], enhancement measures taken and the key performance indicators of Contact: Eng. Sadi Ali, PMU Director mentation) were signed in September 2007. Project preparation is un-

AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 45 supervision and management functions of provincial ministries. Pro- retaria de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Social, San Martín No. 451, ject preparation on hold at the Government’s request. Futher report- Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4348-8640, Contact: Lic. Jose ing will be discontinued. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: Maria Musmeci, Sub-Secretario; Administración de Parques Nacionales, 101197. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Av. Santa Fe 690, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4311-8853, Educación, Ciencia y Tecnologia, Pizzurno 935 (1020), Buenos Aires, Contact: Lic. Christina Armatta, Vocal del Directorio Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4959-2319, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Maria Ines Martinez, Directora de la Unidad Financiera de Educación Private Sector Development (R) Unleashing Productive Innovation for Competitiveness: The Energy and Mining objective is to support the competitiveness of the Argentine economy (R) Energy Efficiency: The objective is to increasing efficiency in the by promoting innovation and diversification of the production base. More use of energy, which would reduce costs for consumers, contribute to specifically, the project seeks to support the creation of new knowledge- the long-term sustainability of the energy sector and reduce greenhouse based companies, develop the capacity for innovation in priority sec- gas emissions, by addressing barriers to energy efficiency invest- tors, expand human capital for productive innovation, and strengthen ments. Approved by the Executive Directors on 26 June 2008. Envi- the policy framework for innovation. Negotiations scheduled for 4 Au- ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 90119. US$ 15.2 (GEF). gust 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 106752. US$ Consultants have been required for preparation. Secretariat of En- 120.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Agency for the Promotion ergy, Paseo Colon 171, Oficina 401, (1063) Capital Federal, Argentina, of Science and Technology (ANC), Avenida Córdoba 831, 1er Piso Tel/Fax: (54-11) 4349-8008, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: (C1054AAH), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4311-5424/5539, Alicia Baragatti, Director, National Directorate for Promotion E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ruth Ladenheim, (R) Mining Environmental Restoration: The objective is to support Coordinator of the Institutional Promotion Unit the environmental restoration of a closed uranium milling site in Men- doza, and support the process of improved environmental planning and Public Sector Governance site-specific remediation at uranium mine and milling sites across the (R) Second Social and Fiscal National ID System (Ln. 7572- country. It will also strengthen environmental management capacity AR): The objectives are to: (a) expand and consolidate the network of the responsible agency, the National Atomic Energy Commission, for the exchange of social and fiscal information among public agen- and two linked agencies, the national Secretariats of Mining and En- cies at the national, provincial and municipal levels of government, with vironment. Board presentation scheduled for 31 July 2008. Environ- provisions to ensure data protection, accessibility and the quality and mental Assessment Category A. PID: 110462. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). accuracy of information; and (b) consolidate the institutionalization of Consultants will be required. Comisión Nacional Energia Atómica, Social and Fiscal National Identification System (SINTyS) as a na- Av. del Libertador 8250, 3er Piso, Oficina 3352, Buenos Aires, 1429 Ar- tional independent entity responsible for coordinating and setting stan- gentina, Tel: (54-11) 4704-1217, Fax: (54-11) 4704-1165, E-mail: anunez@ dards for the exchange of information within Argentina’s public sector., Contact: Anibal Nunez, Project Coordinator Approved by the Executive Directors on 10 July 2008. Environmental As- (R) Renewable Energy Additional Financing (PERMER): The ob- sessment Category C. PID: 101171. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Consultants jective of the additional financing would support the same type of ac- will be required. National Council of Coordination of Social Policies, tivities carried out under the original operation, including those added Av. Julio A. Roca 782, Piso 5 (C1067ABP), Buenos Aires, Argentina, with the approval of six amendments to the original loan and grant agree- Tel: (54-11) 4334-3676, Fax: (54-11) 4334-3676, Contact: Luis Nobili, Co- ments during the period of project implementation. Board presentation ordinator, Project Administration Component scheduled for 25 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Cate- Governance 21 Second Public Strengthening: The objective is to gory B. PID: 110498. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. improve the efficiency, transparency and accountability of public man- Ministry of Planning, Secretariat of Energy, Av. Paseo Colon 171, 3er. agement and territorial economic development. Negotiations on hold. Piso, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349-8423, E-mail: vrusso@ Futher reporting will be discontinued. Environmental Assessment, Contact: Victor Russo, Coordinator Category C. PID: 92840. US$ 28.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re- quired. Ministry of Economy and Production, Capital Federal, Buenos Environment and Natural Resources Management Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349-5613, Fax: (54-11) 4349-5516, Con- Biodiversity Conservation in Productive Forestry Landscapes: tact: Mr. Gerardo Hita, Director Nacional de Proyectos con Organis- The objective aims at mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into the mos Internacionales de Crédito operation of forestry planning and activities. Approved by the Execu- tive Directors on 28 June 2007. Environmental Assessment Category Rural Development B. PID: 94425. US$ 7.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Secretaria Small Farmer Development Additional Financing (Ln. 7478-AR): de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación, Paseo Colon 982, 1er The objective of the additional financing is to scale up project activi- Piso (1063), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349-2103, Contact: ties and increase the project’s impact in achieving its objectives, which Ing. Mirta Lirraeu, Directora, Dirección Forestal are to (a) increase productive and organizational capacity in poor, rural Integrated Water Resources Management: The objective is to as- communities, (b) increase the emphasis on rural poverty issues in the sist Argentina in strengthening the capacity of its federal-level and sectoral agenda and (c) improve coordination of rural development pro- provincial-level institutions and inter-jurisdictional organizations to grams and policies. Loan signing scheduled for late-July 2008. Envi- move forward toward integrated water resources management, in line ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 102446. US$ 45.0 (IBRD). with the guiding principles for water policy. Project preparation is un- Consultants will be required. Unidad Nacional de Coordinacion, Sec- derway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101242. US$ retaria de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentos, Ave. Paseo Colon 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Federal Plan- 922, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349-2188, 4349-2208, E- ning, Sub-Secretaria de Recursos Hídricos, Paseo Colón 189, 10mº mail: [email protected], Contact: Susan Marquez, National Co- Piso, Sala 1001, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Contact: Andres Rodriguez, ordinator Director Sustainable Natural Resources Management APL1 (Ln. 7520- Tr ansportation AR): The objectives are to (a) improve the sustainable and efficient (R) Rosario Metropolitan Area Infrastructure: The objective is to management of forest resources; (b) conserve biodiversity in pro- reduce capacity constraints of road and rail access infrastructure to tected areas and forest landscapes; and (c) integrate small producers Rosario and Rosario port installations and help orient development of into forestry development and conservation. Approved by the Execu- the Metropolitan Area of Rosario. Decision meeting scheduled for tive Directors on18 March 2008. Environmental Assessment Cate- early-September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: gory B. PID: 100806. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. 101421. US$ 480.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación, Paseo Planificación Federal, Inversión Pública y Servicios, Hipolito Yrigoyen Colón 982, 1er. Piso (1063), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349- 250, Piso 12, Of. 1201, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349- 2103, Contact: Ing. Mirta Lirraeu, Directora, Dirección Forestal; Sec- 7632, Fax: (54-11) 5349-75993, Contacts: Pablo Abal Medina, Coordi- PAGE 46 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008 nador General UCP y PFE, Juan Alberto Roccatagliata, Director Na- quired. Ministerio de Salud y Deportes, Plaza del Estudiante Edificio cional de Transporte Ferroviario Ministerio de Salud Piso 1,La Paz, Bolivia, Tel: (591-2)249-2724, 237- Cordoba Provincial Road Infrastructure Additional Financing: 1379, Fax: (591-2)249-2900, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Wal- The proposed additional financing operation will allow the completion ter Selum, Minister of civil works included in the original loan of the reliability of the Province’s road sector assets and the efficiency of their management Private Sector Development as a means to support the Province’s competitiveness and economic Productivity and Job Creation: The objective is to increase productivity growth, by building institutional capacity to encourage efficient plan- and job creation through (a) facilitating access to financial services by ning policies and adequate resource allocation for the rehabilitation and more micro, small and medium enterprises, and (b) improving the in- maintenance of the core provincial road network. Project preparation vestment climate. Decision meeting scheduled for 30 October 2008. is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 97.0 (IBRD). Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 95490. US$ 15.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Agencia Cordoba de Inversion y Finan- Consultants will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be deter- ciamiento, Rivera Indartes 33, (5000) Cordoba, Argentina, Tel: (54-351) mined. 4324-420/34, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Eduardo Parizzia, Presidente Public Sector Governance (R) National Highway Asset Management APL2: The objective of Monitoring and Evaluation for MDGs: The objective is to design, the second phase of the APLis to further develop and implement an build capacity for, and pilot an integrated system for the formulation, efficient road management strategy, bringing about and using all the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies towards necessary capabilities to preserve on a sustainable basis the national evidence-based policymaking. Project preparation is underway. Envi- road network. This is a key condition for increasing the competitive- ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 101336. US$ 20.0 (IDA). ness of the economy and for supporting a sustainable path of eco- Consultants will be required. Ministry of Planning and Development, nomic growth and poverty reduction. Loan signing scheduled for Av. Mcal. Santa Cruz No. 1092, La Paz, Bolivia, Tel: (591-2) 211-6000, late-September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Fax: (591-2) 231-1324, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: 95569. US$ 400.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Direccion Na- Noel Aguirre, Vice Ministro cional de Vialidad (DNV), Julio A. Roca 738 (1067), Capital Federal, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4343-8520, 4343-8529, 4331-1361, Fax: (54-11) Social Protection 4331-7129, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ing. Nelson Pe- Investing in Children and Youth (Cr. 4396-BO): The objective is riotti, Administrador General to strengthen the recently launched social protection network by sup- Urban Transport in Metropolitan Areas: The objective is to improve porting the implementation, scaling up, and improving effectiveness the quality and sustainability of urban transport in selected cities, with of two key interventions: the Zero Malnutrition Program aimed at im- emphasis on the needs of low-income people. Decision meeting sched- proving nutritional status in rural areas and the Mi Primer Empleo Digno uled for mid-December 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. program seeking to increase labor market opportunities for youth in PID: 95485. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretaria urban areas. Approved by the Executive Directors on 11 March 2008. de Transporte de la Nación, Hipolito Yrigoyen 250, 2do Piso CP1310, Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 101084. US$ 17.0 (IDA). Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (54-11) 4349-7173, Fax: (54-11) 4349- Consultants will be required. Ministry of Planning and Development, 7660, Contact: Jorge de Belaustegui, General Coordinator Av. Mariscal St. Cruz esq. Oruro Piso 5, La Paz, Bolivia, Tel: (591-2) 233-0704, Fax: (591-2) 231-2641, Contact: Mr. Gabriel Loza Telleria, Min- Water and Sanitation ister Infrastructure for the Province of Buenos Aires APL2 (Ln.7472- AR): The objective is to improve the provision of infrastructure ser- Urban Development vices in the Province within a framework of fiscal responsibility. Through Disaster Recovery & Vulnerability Reduction Additional Fi- improved services the project aims to support the return to a sus- nancing (Cr.4440-BO): The additional financing will scale up activ- tainable path of economic growth, to alleviate poverty and to increase ities in the Emergency Recovery and Disaster Management Project social equity. Loan signing scheduled for late-July 2008. Environmen- (ERDMP) to support the implementation of the proposed works in the tal Assessment Category B. PID: 105288. US$ 270.0 (IBRD). Consul- National Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Plan (PNRR) to recover from tants will be required. Ministry of Economy of the Province of Buenos the La Nina floods in order to restore access to basic infrastructure Aires, Tel/Fax: (54-221) 429-4489, E-mail: [email protected], Con- and rehabilitation of productive sector for a portion of the affected pop- tact: Pablo Barone, Executive Coordinator ulation in the nine departments. Approved by the Executive Directors on 5 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 109057. Barbados US$ 4.4 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Viceministry of Territo- Health, Nutrition and Population rial Planning and Environment, Avenida Mariscal Santa Cruz Esquina (R) HIV/AIDS: The objective is to support the implementation of the Oruro, Ex Edificio Comibol, La Paz, Bolivia, Tel: (591-2) 211-6000, E- 2007-2012 Barbados National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan and the ap- mail: [email protected], Contact: Miguel Angel Rojas, Vicem- proved behavior change strategy that is striving to achieve a better bal- inister ance between prevention and treatment. Negotiations completed. Board presentation scheduled for 7 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Brazil Category C. PID: 106623. US$ 35.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Education Ministry of Health, Barbados, Jemmotts Lane, Saint Michael, Tel/Fax: PE SWAP - Pernambuco Education Results and Accountabil- (246) 426-5570, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Dr. Anton ity (PERA): (Formerly Pernambuco Improving Quality and Efficiency Best, Senior Medical Officer, CD of Education and Public Management) The objectives are to: (a) im- Bolivia prove the quality and efficiency of public education, (b) foster equity in the provision of education services, and (c) support the overall state Health, Nutrition and Population modernization effort through interventions to be carried out at the state Health Sector Reform (Cr. 4382-BO): The objective of the third level as well as in the Secretariat of Education for later replication in phase of a 12-year Adaptable Program Loan (APL), is to consolidate other sectors. Negotiations tentatively scheduled for 21 July 2008. En- progress achieved during previous phases. The development objectives vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 106208. US$ 154.0 (IBRD). for APL III are to increase access to good quality and culturally ap- Consultants will be required. Secretaria Executiva de Captação de Re- propriate health services to improve the health of the population in gen- cursos e Acompanhamento de Programas, Rua Gervásio Pires, 399, eral and to mothers and children in particular. Approved by the 3º Andar, Recife, PE, Brazil, Tel: (55-81) 3416-6218, Fax: (55-81) 3416- Executive Directors on 24 January 2008. Environmental Assessment 6264, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Antonio Bar- Category B. PID: 101206. US$ 18.5 (IDA). Consultants will be re- bosa, Executive Secretary AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 47

Environment and Natural Resources Management Aleixo, CEP 69060-000 Manaus, AM, Brazil, Tel: (55-92) 2126-1227, (N) Ceará Integrated Water Resource Management Additional Fax: (55-92) 642-8677, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr, Financing: The objective is to increase the sustainable water supply Denis Minev, Secretary; Unidade de Gerenciamiento do Projeto, for multiple uses, improve the efficiency of Ceará’s integrated water Secretaria de Planejamento do Estado do Amazonas, Av. Tefe 3279 resources management system and decrease vulnerability of poor Japiim 1, Manaus, AM, 69078-000, Tel: (55-92) 2123-9992/61, Fax: (55- populations to cyclical drought. Project preparation is underway. En- 92) 2123-9992, Contact: Mr. Laercio da Costa Cavalcanti, Executive vironmental Assessment Category A. PID: 110487. US$ 93.6 (IBRD). Coordinator Consultants will be required. Secretariat of Water Resources SRH/CE, Health System Quality Improvement: The objectives are to (a) Av. General Afonso A. Lima, s/n, Centro Administrativo Virgilio Távora, improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the health deliv- Ed. SEDUC Cambeba, Bloco C 1o Andar, CEP 60819-900 Fortaleza, ery system and (b) reduce mortality and morbidity from conditions CE, Brazil, Tel: (55-85) 3101-4012, Fax: (55-85) 3101-4047, E-mail: mon- that have the greatest disease impact. Awaiting Government autho- [email protected], Contact: Monica Holanda, Project Coordinator rization for negotiations. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: (N) GEF Sustainable Cerrado Initiative: The objective is to promote 88716. US$ 235.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for project prepa- the increase of biodiversity conservation and improve environmental ration. Ministry of Health, Esplanada dos Ministerios, Bloco G, 5o and natural resource management of the Cerrado Biome through sup- Andar, Sala 508, CEP 70058-900, Brasília, DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) port for appropriate policies and practices. Negotiations tentatively 3223-7340, Fax: (55-61) 225-0443, Contact: Mr. Antonio Dercy, Pro- scheduled for August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. ject Coordinator PID: 91827. US$ 13.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry Second Family Health Extension (Ln. 7545-BR): The objective of Environment, States of Goiás, State of Tocantins, Tel: (55-61) 3317- is to continue implementing the family health program in urban mu- 1205, Fax: (55-61) 3317-1770, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: nicipalities, strengthening the quality of institutions providing training, Mauro Pires and improving the quality and performance of the program’s delivery. Signing scheduled for mid-November 2008. Environmental Assess- (N) Second National Environmental-Phase II: The objective is to ment Category C. PID: 95626. US$ 83.5 (IBRD). Consultants will be contribute to improvement in environmental quality in Brazil. This required. Ministry of Health, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco G, 5o will be accomplished by strengthening the capacity of environmental Andar, Sala 508, CEP 70058-900 Brasília, DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 3223- institutions at the State and Local levels and by demonstrating the ef- 7340, Fax: (55-61) 225-0443, Contact: Mr. Antonio Dercy, Project Co- fectiveness of targeted subprojects focused on priorities determined ordinator by States. Board presentation scheduled for 20 November 2008. En- vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 99469. US$ 44.0 (IBRD). Public Sector Governance Consultants will be required. Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Programa (R) Ceara SWAP II Inclusive Growth: The objectives are to: (a) im- Nacional do Meio Ambiente (PNMA II), Tel: (55-61) 3321-3033/3038, prove the quality of government expenditures by enhancing the gov- Fax: (55-61) 3321-3283, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: ernment’s capability to design, budget, implement, monitor, and evaluate Lorene Bastos Lage, Coordenadora Geral its development agenda; (b) improve social indicators in education, (R) Espírito Santo Biodiversity and Watershed Conservation health and sanitation; and (c) contribute to more robust economic and Restoration: The objective is to support the widespread adop- growth by supporting key public infrastructure investments and reforms tion of sustainable land use practices in two key Atlantic Forest wa- to facilitate private sector productive investments, particularly outside tersheds in Espírito Santo, resulting in higher income for farmers and the capital region. Negotiations are underway. Board presentation ten- improved water supplies. Negotiations scheduled for late-August 2008. tatively scheduled for 26 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Cat- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 94233. US$ 4.0 (GEF). egory A. PID: 106765. US$ 240.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required Consultants will be required. Instituto Estadual de Meio Ambiente e for project preparation. Secretariat of Planning and Management, Av. Recursos Hídricos (IEMA), Rod. BR 262, Km 0, S/N, Jardim América, Gal Afonso Albuquerque Lima, Ed. Seplag, 3o Andar, Cambeba, For- CEP, 29140-500, Cariacica, ES Brazil, Tel: (55-27) 3136-3439, E-mail: msos- taleza, CE, Brazil, Tel: (55-85) 3101-4532, Fax: (55-85) 3101-4518, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Marcos Sossai, Coordinator [email protected], Contact: Silvana Parente, Secretary (R) Rio Grande do Norte Integrated Water Resources Manage- of Planning ment (Ln. 7488-BR): The objective is to implement an integrated (R) Rio Grande do Sul-Fiscal Sustainability for Growth Devel- water resources management system. The loan was signed on 20 June opment Policy: The objectives are to: (a) halt the deterioration of 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 89929. US$ 35.9 the state’s fiscal position; (b) improve the provision of public services; (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e and (c) establish the basis for higher economic growth and a better Recursos Hídricos, Rua D. Maria Câmara, 1884, Capim Macio, CEP quality of social and economic development. Board presentation 59082-430, Natal, RN, Brasil, Tel: (55-84) 232-2410, Fax: (55-84) 232-2411, scheduled for 31 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. Contact: Ibere Paiva Ferreira de Souza, Secretary of State PID: 106767. US$ 1,100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. State Secretary of Finance of Rio Grande do Sul, Avenida Mauá Health, Nutrition and Population 1155, 5° Andar, Brasil, Tel: (55- 51) 3214-5118, Fax: (55-51) 3214-5319, (N) Federal District Multisector Management: The objectives are E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Aod Cunha Junior, Secretary to: (i) improve public sector management and accountability by es- (R) Second State Pension Reform Technical Assistance (Ln. 7428- tablishing results-based management practices and improving fidu- BR): The objective is to consolidate earlier initiatives including: (a) com- ciary oversight; and (ii) increase access, quality and efficiency of the pleting cadastre upgrades for the executive branch and undertaking education, health and public transport services by modernizing the ed- them for the judicial and legislative branches; (b) upgrading human ucation system; modernizing, decentralizing and integrating various resource data bases that feed into the registers; (c) expanding pension levels of health care; and strengthening the institutional and operational software; (d) cross-referencing state data bases and extant national data capacity of the public transport sector. Appraisal scheduled for 5 Au- bases; (e) providing actuarial and financial analysis of state pensions; gust 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: P107843. US$ (f) offering training for state and federal practitioners; and (g) supporting 130.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretariat of Planning of the newly-launched state pension association. Loan signing scheduled Government of Federal District Brazil, Palácio do Buruti, Eixo Mon- for 22 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 89793. umental Brasília, DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 3966-6104, Fax: (55-61) 3223- US$ 5.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Social Se- 8268, Contact: Dr. João Quijano, Subsecretary curity, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco F, CEP 70050-900 Brasília, DF, Alto Solimões (Ln.7513-BR): The objective is to reduce poverty Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 317-5342, Fax: (55-61) 317-5195, Contact: Delubio rates in the priority regions of Amazonas by improving economic con- Gomes Pereira da Silva, Diretor Geral, Departamento de Regimes ditions and quality of life while protecting the environment. Signing Próprios no Serviço Público scheduled for mid-October 2008. Environmental Assessment Cate- Minas Gerais Partnership II SWAP (Ln.7547-BR): The objec- gory A. PID: 83997. US$ 24.3 (IBRD). Consultants will be required tives are to: (a) strengthen fiscal quality by increasing the efficiency for project preparation. Secretariat of Planning, Av. André Araújo, 1500 of public expenditures at the sectoral level; (b) support the process of PAGE 48 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008 improved innovation in public management of the State, including Centro Administrativo do Estado, Lagoa Nova, CEP 59064-901, Natal, more efficient and effective processes for the delivery of services; RN, Brazil, Tel: (55-84) 3232-1810, 3232-1850, 3232-1870, Fax: (55-84) and (c) implant a system of monitoring and evaluation of results in or- 3232-1830, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Contacts: Fabi- der to reinforce improved fiscal quality and modernization of public ana Saraiva Maia, Secretary; José Gercino Saraiva Maia, Project Co- sector management. Loan signing scheduled for 2 September 2008. En- ordinator vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101324. US$ 976.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for project preparation. Secretariat of Social Protection Planning and Management, Rua Tomás Gonzaga, 686 Belo Horizonte, Second Bolsa Família: The objectives are to (a) strengthen the pro- MG, Brazil, Tel: (55-31) 3290-8223, Fax: (52-31) 3290-8345, E-mail: gram’s overall governance; (b) consolidate the program monitoring and [email protected], Contact: Manuel Carvalho evaluation system; and (c) promote innovations and strategies for ben- Neto, Deputy Secretary eficiaries’ graduation from poverty. Decision meeting scheduled for 24 November 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 101504. Rural Development US$ 260.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Social De- (N) Acre Social and Economic Inclusion: The objective is to velopment and Eradication of Hunger, Esplanada dos Ministérios, strengthen and expand the delivery of basic social services and Bloco C, 5o Andar Gabinete, CEP 70058-900 Brasília DF, Brazil, Tel: opportunities for employment and income to promote both eco- (55-61) 3433-1001, Fax: (55-61) 3433-1025, Contact: Rosani Cunha, Sec- nomic growth and social inclusion. Appraisal scheduled for late- retary of the Secretariat for National Citizenship Income August. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 107146. US$ 120.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretaria de Planejamento Tr ansportation do Estado do Acre, Av. Getúlio Vargas 232, Palácio das Secretarias, (N) São Paulo Feeder Roads: The objective is to improve transport 4o Andar, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, Tel: (68) 3224-04881, E-mail: contribution to regional development and strengthen the State’s capacity [email protected], Contact: Gilberto Siqueira, Secretário of managing investment programs. Appraisal completed. Environ- (N) Bahia State Integrated Rural Poverty: The objective is to im- mental Assessment Category B. PID: 106663. US$ 167.0 (IBRD). Con- prove well-being, employment and incomes of the rural poor, thus sultants will be required. Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem do contributing to the Borrower’s objective of increasing the State of Estado de São Paulo (DER/SP), Avenida do Estado, 777, 3o Andar, Ponte Bahia’s Human Development Index (HDI). Appraisal scheduled for mid- Pequena, CEP 01107-901, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, Tel: (55-11) 331-114, July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 110617. US$ Contact: Delson José Amador, Superintendente 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretariat of Development Goiás State Highway Management APL 2: The objective is to in- and Regional Integration (SEDIR), Av. Luís Viana Filho, Conj. Seplan, crease the efficiency of the road transport system within sustainable CAB, CEP 41745-000 Salvador, BA, Brazil, Tel: (55-71) 3115-6701, Fax: environmental and fiscal frameworks. Negotiations scheduled for 15 (55-71) 3371-0015, Contact: Edmond Lopes Lucas, Secretary; CAR, September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101418. Av. Luís Viana Filho, Conj. SEPLAN, CAB, CEP 41745-000 Salvador, US$ 65.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Agencia Goiânia de BA, Brazil, Tel: (55-71) 3115-6701, 3115-3940, Fax: (55-71) 3371-0015, Transportes e Obras, Av. Governador José Ludovico de Almeida, No. E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Paulo Cezar Lisboa, Ex- 20, Conjunto Caigará, CEP 74623-160 Goiânia, GO, Brazil, Tel: (55-62) ecutive Director 3265-4318, 3265-4190, Fax: (55-62) 3245-4018, Contact: Antonio Wilson, (N) Second Rural Poverty Reduction-Sergipe: The objectives are: Project Coordinator (i) improve the rural poor’s access to basic socio-economic infra- structure; (ii) raise incomes and capital assets through investments in Urban Development productive activities and increased linkages between small producers (N) Espírito Santo Water and Coastal Pollution Management and markets; and (iii) strengthen the cross-sectoral integration of in- Additional Financing: The objectives are: (a) to improve the effi- vestments in rural areas through improved participatory planning and ciency of the water supply and sewerage systems of CESAN; (b) to monitoring at the local, municipal and State levels. Negotiations sched- increase the coverage level of water supply and basic sanitation ser- uled for early-August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: vices of the Metropolitan Region of Vitória; and (c) to provide appro- 110614. US$ 20.8 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretariat of priate water and sanitation infrastructure in low-income urban areas Planning, Rua Vila Cristina, 1051, São José, CEP 49020-150 Aracaju, of the Metropolitan Region of Vitória. Negotiations awaiting federal SE, Brazil, Tel: (55-79) 3214-7259, Fax: (55-79) 3214-7080, E-mail: lu- government authorization. Environmental Assessment Category B. [email protected], Contact: Maria Lúcia de Oliveira Fal- PID: 102818. US$ 71.5 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. State con, Secretary; Company of Sustainable Development (PRONESE), Rua Secretariat of Economic Development and Tourism SEDES, Av. Vila Cristina, 1051, CEP 49020-150 Aracaju, SE, Brazil, Tel: (55-79) Nossa Senhora da Penha, 714, Ed. RS Trade Tower, 3o Andar, Praia 3179-5091/5092, Fax: (55-79) 3211-8878, E-mail: [email protected], do Canto, Vitória, ES, Brazil, Tel: (55-27) 3380-2182, Fax: (55-27) [email protected], Contact: José Macebo Sobral 3380-2216, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Guilherme (R) Paraíba Rural Poverty: The objective is to continue supporting Dias, Secretary of State Paraíba’s effort to reduce poverty by increasing its Human Develop- (R) Ceara Regional Economic Development-Cidades do Ceara: ment Index (HDI), using a Community-Driven Development approach The objective is to promote economic development, improve urban that has already proven successful under the previous operation. Ne- infrastructure, and enhance regional management capacity in the Cen- gotiations scheduled for 28 August 2008. Environmental Assessment tral Cariri Region of Ceara, which includes the nine municipalities Category B. PID: 104752. US$ 20.9 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. of Barbalha, Caririacu, Crato, Farias Brito, Jardim, Juazeiro do Norte, Secretariat of Planning, Av. João da Mata, s/n, Bloco IV, 6o Andar, Cen- Missao Velha, Nova Olinda, and Santana do Cariri. Appraisal com- tro Administrativo, Jaguaribe CEP 58015-020, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil, pleted. Negotiations scheduled for mid-November 2008. Environmen- Tel: (55-83) 321-4825, Fax: (55-83) 3218-4824, E-mail: franklin@se- tal Assessment Category A. PID: 99369. US$ 42.0 (IBRD). Consul-, Contact: Franklin de Araújo Neto, Secretary tants will be required. Secretaria das Cidades, Av. General Afonso (R) Second Rio Grande do Norte Rural Poverty Reduction Ad- Albuquerque Lima, s/n Ed. SEPLAN, 1o. Andar, Cambeba, CEP ditional Financing (Ln. 7489-BR): The objective of the additional 60830-120 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, Tel: (55-85) 3101-4448, E-mail: vani- financing is to scale up rural poverty reduction in Rio Grande do Norte [email protected], Contact: Vania Araripe, Executive Sec- to (a) improve well-being and incomes of the rural poor; (b) increase retary the social capital of rural communities and capacity to organize col- (R) Municipal Lending Program 1-Cubatão-Guará Vermelho: The lectively to meet their own needs; (c) enhance local governance by objective is to support the Municipality of Cubatão to promote sus- greater citizen participation and transparency in decision-making; and tainable development by facilitating economic investment climate, (d) foster closer integration of development policies, programs and pro- strengthening municipal finance controls mechanisms, and address ur- jects in rural areas. The loan was signed on 20 June 2008. Environmental ban informality. Negotiations scheduled for 5 September 2008. Envi- Assessment Category B. PID: 101507. US$ 22.5 (IBRD). Consultants ronmental Assessment Category A. PID: 95013. US$ 14.6 (IBRD). will be required. Secretariat for Labor, Housing and Social Assistance, Consultants will be required. Municipality of Cubatão, Paço Munici- AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 49 pal Piaçaguera, Praça dos Emancipadores s/n, CEP 11510-900 Cu- (IBRD). Consultants have been hired for preparation. Municipality of batão, SP, Brazil, Contact: Mr. Clemont Castor, Mayor Teresina, Praça Marechal Deodoro, 860, Palácio da Cidade, 4o Andar, (R) Recife Urban Development and Social Inclusion-Capibaribe Centro, Teresina, PI, Brazil, Tel: (55-86) 3215-7520, E-mail: rosana- Melhor (Ln. 7497-BR): The objective is to develop and revitalize the [email protected], Contact: Rosana Abreu, Project Coordinator Capibaribe River Basin. Loan signing scheduled for 30 September Rio Grande do Sul Integrated Municipal Development-Munic- 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 89013. US$ 32.7 ipality of Santa Maria: This is one of the municipalities in the Rio (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Municipality of Recife, Av. Grande do Sul Adaptable Lending Program (APL). The objective is Oliveira Lima, 867 Boa Vista CEP 50050-390 Recife, PE, Brazil, Tel: (55- to improve the capacity of the municipality of Santa Maria, to provide 81) 8856-6327, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Cesar infrastructure services and employment opportunities for its popu- de Barros, Director lation and enhance municipal learning municipal learning and knowl- (R) Rio Grande do Sul Integrated Municipal Development-Bagé: edge sharing with the other 5 municipalities participating in the This is one of the municipalities in the Rio Grande do Sul Adaptable APL Program. Negotiations awaiting federal government autho- Lending Program (APL). The objective is to improve the capacity of rization. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 14.0 (IBRD). the municipality of Bagé, to provide infrastructure services and em- Consultants will be required. Municipality of Santa Maria, Venancio ployment opportunities for its population and enhance municipal learn- Aires St, 1o Andar, 2035, CEP 97010-005, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, Tel: ing and knowledge sharing with the other five municipalities (55) 3219-0104, 9118-1235, E-mail: [email protected]; escritorio- participating in the APL Program. Board presentation scheduled for [email protected], Contact: Vilson Serro, Municipality 21 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 111511. Project Coordinator US$ 6.6 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Municipality of Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul Integrated Municipal Development-Rio Rua Caetano Gonçalves 1151, CEP 96400-040 Bagé RS, Brazil, Tel: Grande: This is one of the municipalities in the Rio Grande do Sul Adapt- (55-53) 3240-7800, E-mail: [email protected]; birdbage@ able Lending Program (APL). The objective is to improve the capac-, Contact: Estefania Damboriarena, Municipality ity of the municipality of Rio Grande to provide infrastructure services Project Coordinator and employment opportunities for its population. Enhance municipal (R) Rio Grande do Sul Integrated Municipal Development- learning and knowledge sharing with the other five municipalities par- Uruguaiana: This is one of the municipalities in the Rio Grande do ticipating in the APL Program. Negotiations on hold, awaiting federal Sul Adaptable Lending Program (APL). The objective is to improve the government authorization. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ capacity of the municipality of Uruguaiana to provide infrastructure ser- 15.9 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Municipality of Rio Grande, vices and employment opportunities for its population and enhance mu- Largo Eng. João Fernandes Moreira, Centro, s/n CEP 96200-910 Rio nicipal learning and knowledge sharing with the other five municipalities Grande, RS, Brazil, Tel: (55-53) 3233-8435, E-mail: neverton@riogran- participating in the APL Program. Board presentation scheduled for, Contact: Neverton Moraes, Municipality Project Coordi- 21 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: P111514. nator US$ 6.8 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Municipality of Urugua- Santos Municipality: The objective is to support the Municipality of iana, XV de Novembro T, 1882, Centro, CEP 97500-510, Brazil, E-mail: Santos to enhance its capacity in promoting economic development and [email protected], Contact: Julio Cesar Ferreira Tietbohl, fiscal management, and improve critical infrastructure and living con- Municipality Project Coordinator ditions of low-income communities. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 104995. US$ 40.2 (IBRD). Caixa Integrated Solid Waste Management and Carbon Finance: Consultants will be required. Planning Secretariat, Municipality of The objective is to scale-up public and private investments in munici- Santos, 30 Praça Visconde de Mauá, Tel: (55-13) 3201-5111, E-mail: lara- pal solid waste management treatment and disposal, while ensuring [email protected], Contact: Márcio Lara, Government Secretary financial and technical viability and reducing environmental and social impacts. Furthermore, the project will mainstream carbon finance in Water and Sanitation the waste management sector by blending it to the financing provided (R) Integrated Water Management Metropolitan São Paolo: The to the sector. Four pilot Carbon Finance (CF) projects are being se- objective is to identify the main sources of water pollution for the key lected and an Intermediary Agreement for CF has been prepared and raw water bodies in metropolitan São Paulo and intervene to reverse waiting Caixa’s clearance and signature. The project will finance both the pollution and improve the quality of life. Awaiting Federal Gov- solid waste and energy projects. The States of Espirito Santo, Rio de ernment clearance, negotiations tentatively scheduled for late-Au- Janeiro and Sao Paolo are being contacted for potential pilot projects. gust/September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 6553. The carbon finance intermediary agreement with Caixa was signed on US$ 122.8 (IBRD). A PHRD grant of US$ 0.9 was used for preparation. June 4 2008. The project will finance both solid waste and energy pro- Advance contracting and retroactive financing are being considered. jects. Decision meeting scheduled for 15 December 2008. Environmental Consultants have been hired. State Secretariat for Energy and Water Assessment Category F. PID: 106702. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants Supply and Sanitation and Energy (SSE), São Paulo, SP, Brazil, Tel: (55- will be required. Caixa Econômica Federal, SBS Quadra 4 Lotes 3/4, 11) 3257-3348, Contact: Dirceu Rioji Yamazaki, PMU Coordinator Ed. Matriz I, 11º Andar-GEAIN, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 3206-4911, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Adailton Ferreira Trindade, Chile Gerente Nacional GEAIN Education (R) Municipal Lending Program-São Luís: The objective is to im- (R) Promoting Innovation and Competitiveness (Ln. 7574-CL): prove public service in the Bacanga Basin of São Luís Municipality, and The objective is to strengthen Chile’s capacity to compete in the knowl- enhance the capacity of the city Government in promoting local eco- edge economy, by enhancing the policy and institutional framework nomic development and municipal management. Board presentation for innovation and competitiveness, improving the impact of priority scheduled for 17 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. innovation programs, and supporting key interfaces in the innovation PID: 94315. US$ 35.6 (IBRD). Consultants have been hired. Munici- system. Loan signing scheduled for 15 August 2008. Environmental pality of São Luís, Rua Portugal, 285, Praia Grande, MA, Brazill, Tel: Assessment Category C. PID: 82927. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants (55-98) 3214-5106, Fax: (55-98) 3232-1968, E-mail: milton.campelo@ will be required. Ministry of Economy, Teatinos 120, 10mo Piso, Santia-, Contact: Milton Campelo, Municipal Secretary for Special go de Chile, Chile, Tel: (56-2) 473-3581, E-mail: [email protected], Project Contact: Isabel Zuñiga, Advisor Municipal Lending Program 1-Teresina (Ln. 7523-BR): The project is one of seven municipal loans in the first phase of the Brazil Environment and Natural Resources Management Municipal Lending (APL) Program. The objectives are to upgrade Sustainable Land Management: The objective is to prevent, control slums and improve urban development, water supply and sanitation, and reverse land degradation in globally significant areas. Decision meet- social inclusion, economic development and environmental manage- ing scheduled for 12 January 2009. Environmental Assessment Cate- ment facilities in the Lagoas do Norte area. Signing scheduled for late- gory B.PID: 85621. US$ 5.0 (GEF). Consultants have been recruited. July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 88966. US$ 31.1 Oficina de Políticas, Ave. Bulnes 285, Santiago, Chile, Tel: (562) 397- PAGE 50 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008

3037, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Patricio Grez, Project Co- Social Protection ordinator (N) Second Social Safety Net: The objective is to finance the con- tinuation of Colombia’s expanded conditional cash transfer (CCT) pro- Colombia gram, Familias en Acción, covering approximately 1.7 million poor families (including about 200,000 displaced families). The principal Education project development objective is to complement the income of poor fam- (R) Second Rural Education (Ln. 7540-CO): The objective of the ilies (identified through the Selection System of Beneficiaries of Social adaptable lending program is to support the Government’s strategy for Programs - SISBEN - the proxy means targeting instrument or the reg- rural education by (a) improving educational access and completion istry for the displaced) with children under 18 years of age, promot- at the pre-school, primary, and secondary education levels; (b) improving ing the formation of human capital through: (a) the incorporation of the quality of rural education; and (c) strengthening the school-based good nutritional and health practices (including regular check-ups management model in the rural areas. The loan was signed on 19 June and vaccinations for children) and growth monitoring of children un- 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 82908. US$ 40.0 der 7 years of age, and (b) attendance and maintenance of children in (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Education, Av. El- basic and/or secondary education. Decision meeting scheduled for 29 dorado CAN, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, Tel: (57-1) 383-0715, Fax: (57- September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 101211. 1) 315-6710, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Juana Inés US$ 400.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. DAPR Acción Social Diaz, Viceministra Educación Preescolar, Básica y Media; Ministerio FIP, Presidency, Calle 7 No 6-54, Bogotá, Colombia, Tel: (57-1) 596-0800 de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Carrera 7 No. 6-45, Bogotá, Colombia, Ext. 7242/7250, Fax: (57-1) 341-4055, E-mail: pagomez@accionso- Tel: (57-1) 381-1700, Ext. 2863, Fax: (57-1) 381-2814, E-mail: gespi-, Contact: Pablo Ariel Gomez, Director Programas Presi- [email protected], Contact: Gerardo Espitia, Asesor Dirección denciales para la Acción Social y Crédito Público y Tesoro Nacional (R) Strengthening Public Information, Monitoring, M&E for Results Management: The objective is to improve monitoring and Environment and Natural Resources Management evaluation of development projects. Negotiations scheduled for 24 July (R) Mainstreaming Sustainable Cattle Ranching: The objective is 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99139. US$ 10.0 to reduce the impacts of cattle ranching on globally significant biodi- (IBRD). Consultants will be required for preparation. Departamento versity and land degradation by making cattle ranching incentives and Nacional de Planeación, Calle 26 No. 13-19, Bogotá, Colombia, Tel/Fax: programs more land-use sustainable and biodiversity friendly. Decision (57-1) 596-0300, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Manuel Fernando meeting scheduled for 20 November 2008. Environmental Assessment Castro, Director de Evaluación de Políticas Públicas Category B. PID: 104687. US$ 7.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required Water and Sanitation for project preparation. Federación Nacional de Ganaderos, Calle 37 No. 14-35, Bogotá, Colombia, Tel: (57-1) 578-2020, Ext. 259, E-mail: coso- (R) First Water and Sanitation Departmental Modernization [email protected], Contact: Carlos Osorio, Director Ciencia y Tec- APL: The objective is to improve the quality of water supply and san- nología itation services in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas of the three par- ticipating departments, moving towards complete coverage with (R) Solid Waste Management: The objective is to improve public continuous supply of potable water for urban areas and significant im- health and the quality of basic solid waste management services in provement in the coverage and quality of service in rural areas for wa- Colombia. Decision meeting scheduled for 28 August 2008. Environ- ter supply. Negotiations scheduled for 6 May 2009. Environmental mental Assessment Category B. PID: 101279. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Con- Assessment Category B. PID: 106143. US$ 120.0 (IBRD). Consultants sultants will be required. Ministry of Environment and National will be required for project preparation. Gobernación de Bolívar, Cen- Planning Department, Calle 37 No. 8-40, Bogotá, Colombia, Tel: (57- tro Palacio de la Proclamación, Cartagena, Colombia, Tel: (57-5) 664- 1) 332-3400, Ext. 1194, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: 1934, Contact: Adolfo Periñán, Secretario, Departamento Planeación; Amparo Niño, Multilateral Banking Coordinator Gobernación de Córdoba, Palacio de la Gobernación, Montería, Colom- bia, Tel: (57-7) 823-796, Contact: Francisco Godin, Secretario In- Private Sector Development fraestructura; Gobernación de Norete de Santander, Av 5 Calle 14, (R) Third Business Productivity and Efficiency Development Pol- Cúcuta, Colombia, Tel: (57-7) 571-0290, E-mail 3rd: governador@nort- icy Loan (Ln.7534-CO): This is the third and last in a development, Contact: Luis Miguel Moreli Navia, Gover- policy loan series. The objective of this program remains unchanged nador; Gobernación de Sucre, Calle 25 No. 25B-35, Sincelejo, Colombia, namely to support sustainable growth and the alleviation of poverty Tel: (57-5) 280-1993, Email: [email protected], Contact: Jorge by: (a) facilitating the operation of businesses and promoting invest- Eliécer Anaya, Governador; Gobernación de Tolima, Cra 3 entre calles ment to boost productivity and employment levels; (b) consolidating 10A y 11, Ibagué, Colombia, Tel: (57-8) 261-1111, Contact: Fernando the financial sector and capital markets as pillars of economic growth Osorio Cuenca, Governador to address the needs of individuals and the productive sector. Loan sign- ing scheduled for 1 December 2008. Environmental Assessment Cat- Costa Rica egory U. PID: 105029. US$ 550.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Finance Ministry of Finance and Public Credit/National Planning Department, (N) Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option: The objective is to Carrera 8 No. 6-64, Bogotá, Colombia, Tel: (57-1) 381-1700, Fax: (57- protect Costa Rica’s budget balance by making liquidity immediately 1) 381-1700 Ext.2820, Email: [email protected], Contact: Adri- available in the event of a natural disaster to help mitigate the impact ana Osorio, Asesora Financiamiento Externo of the catastrophe on affected people. Decision meeting scheduled for Public Sector Governance 29 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 65.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for implementation. (N) Justice Sector Development: The objective is to support sec- tor authorities in implementation of a justice sector strategic plan to: Information and Communication (a) improve the quality, timeliness and efficiency of services; (b) build (R) Telecom Sector Modernization: The objective is to ensure that sector capacity to plan, execute and monitor reforms; and (c) enhance the widest range of quality modern telecommunications and infor- access to justice for the Colombia’s most disadvantaged groups. De- mation and communication technology services are universally ac- cision meeting scheduled for 26 August 2008. Environmental Assess- cessible and affordable. Decision meeting scheduled for 16 July 2008. ment Category C. US$ 40.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101718. US$ 13.0 (IBRD). Superior Judicial Council, Palacio de Justicia, Calle 12, Carrera 7, Bo- Consultants will be required for implementation. Ministry of Envi- gotá, Colombia, Tel: (57-1) 283-7992, Fax: (57-1) 283-7992, E-mail: ronment and Energy, San José, Costa Rica, Tel: (506) 233-4533, Ext.165, [email protected], Contact: Rafael Gamboa, Project Co- Contact: Mr. Ruben Munoz, Director of International Cooperation; ordinator Autoridad Reguladora de los Servicios Públicos, San José, Costa Rica, AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 51

Tel: (506) 296-8336, Contact: Rodolfo Gonzalez, Adviser to the Direc- 1, Centro Cívico, Guatemala, Tel: (502) 2248-5151/2, Fax: (502) 2248- tor General 5150, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Erick Coyoy, Technical Dominican Republic Urban Development (R) Housing Infrastructure and Basic Service Delivery: The ob- Water and Sanitation jective is to reduce the “qualitative housing deficit” by leveraging pri- Water and Sanitation in Tourism Areas: The objectives of the first vate lending to informal and below-median income communities for phase of the proposed APL are: (a) strengthening and consolidation investments in home improvement and basic service delivery. Project of the policy framework of the water and sanitation sector in the Do- preparation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: minican Republic; (b) improving and expanding access to sanitation 94242. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Fi- and wastewater treatment and disposal services in the Puerto Plata re- nance, 8va. Avenida 20-65 Zona 1, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Tel: gion; (c) improving the financial and operational performance of (502) 2248-5003, Fax: (502) 2248-5005, Contact: Dr. Hugo Eduardo CORAAPLATA; and (d) enhancing operational and commercial per- Beteta Mendez-Ruiz, Minister; Ministry of Communications, Infra- formance of other regional utilities and preparing them to participate structure and Housing, 8va. Avenida y 15 Calle Zona 13, Antiguo Ed- in the second phase of the program. Negotiations scheduled for 18 Au- ificio COCESNA, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Tel: (502) 2362-6051/5, gust 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 54221. US$ Fax: (502) 2362-6059, Contact: Mr. José Luis Gardena, Vice Minister 27.5 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretaria de Estado de of Housing Economia, Planificacion y Desarrollo, Palacio Nacional, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana, Tel: (809)688-7000 Ext.234, E-mail: ataveras@ Haiti, Contact: Lic. Anibal Taveras, Sub-Secretario Tecni- Education co Administrativo (R) Meeting Teacher Needs for EFA (H375-HT): The objective Ecuador is to strengthen Haiti’s capacity for implementing an expanded and im- proved quality teacher education program to meet the critical needs Environment and Natural Resources Management of the sector. The credit was signed on 2 July 2008. . Environmental As- (N) Chimborazo Natural Resources Management: The objective sessment Category C. PID: 106621. US$ 6.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants is to support the conservation and sustainable management of Chimb- will be required. Ministére de l’Education Nationale et de la Forma- orazo’s paramos, by promoting improved natural resources manage- tion Professionnelle (MENFP), 5 rue D’Audain, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, ment practices, strengthening relevant legal and policy framework Tel/Fax: (509) 527-1135, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: and building local capacity in the sustainable use of natural resources. Creutzer Mathurin, Directeur de la Cellule de Pilotage Decision meeting scheduled for 8 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 105550. US$ 4.0 (GEF). Consultants will Rural Development be required. Provincial Council of Chimborazo, Primera Constituyente (R) Urban and Peri-Urban Areas Community Driven Develop- y Carabobo, Riobamba, Ecuador, Fax: (592-03) 294-7397, E-mail: pre- ment/PRODEPUR (H394-HT): The objective is to scale up the di- [email protected], Contact: Mr. Mariano Curicama Guaman, rect transfer of resources to local community organizations in poor urban Prefecto, Provincial Council of Chimborazo communities by: (a) improving their access to basic social and economic infrastructure and support income-generating activities by financing Urban Development small-scale investments that are proposed, implemented and managed Galapagos and Ecuadorian Coastal Management: The objective by community organizations; and (b) improving governance and build- is to stabilize and reverse the environmental and social degradation of ing social capital of communities by increasing citizen participation and the Galapagos archipelago and the mainland coast, and to establish a transparency in open decision-making processes. The grant was signed policy framework and effective governance coordination that will fa- on 30 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 106699. cilitate sustainable tourism, local economic development, and human US$ 15.7 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Bureau de Mon- development. Project preparation is underway. Ministry of Tourism has etisation des Programmes d’Aide au Developpment, Boulevard Harry Tru- been designated by GOE to implement a PHRD grant for project prepa- man, Ancien Immeuble, BP 2488, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Tel: (509) ration. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 97687. US$ 35.0 223-8625, Fax: (509) 221-2149, E-mail: [email protected], (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Tourism, Quito, Contact: M. Michael Lecorps, Directeur General, Bureau de Monetisa- Ecuador, Tel: (593-22) 507-555, Fax: (593-22) 225-190, E-mail: mlevi@tur- tion, Contact: Jennifer Rubinstein, Project Coordinator Social Protection Grenada (R) EGRO II Development Policy Supplemental (TF92314): The objective is to help the Government of Haiti remain on track with the Economic Management EGRO II reforms by helping it cover higher financing requirements (R) Technical Assistance (Cr. 4400-GD): The objective is to sup- that have emerged as the Government responds to the food price cri- port the Government of Grenada in improving the environment for pri- sis by expanding existing safety net programs and agricultural programs, vate sector-led growth. Credit signing scheduled for 29 August 2008. and temporarily subsidizing rice. The trust fund was signed on 23 June Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 101322. US$ 1.8 (IDA). 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ 10.0 (Special fi- Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, Saint George, nancing). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, Palais Grenada, Tel: (473) 443-0531, Fax: (473) 440-0775, E-mail: Itandrews@ des Ministères, Rue Mgr. Guilloux, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Tel: (509-2), Contact: Mr. Lennox Andrews, Permanent Secretary 299-1722, Fax: (509-2) 299-1732, Contact: Mr. Alfred Metellus, Direc- tor of Economic Studies; Mrs. Vanette Vincent, Advisor to the Minis- Guatemala ter Public Sector Governance Honduras Integrated Financial Management Additional Financing (Ln. 7522-GT): The objective is to extend and deepen the reforms pursued Education under the Integrated Financial Management III Project (IFML III) (R) Education (Cr. 4381-HO): The objective is to support the GOH with the aim of increasing the effectiveness, efficiency and trans- to increase the quality, accountability and transparency of its educa- parency of public sector financial management and control as well as tion system. The credit was signed on 2 July 2008. Environmental As- further integrating planning and budget management processes and sessment Category C. PID: 101218. US$ 15.3 (IDA). Consultants may ensuring sustainability of financial management reform in the coun- be required for project preparation. Ministerio de Educación, 1era. Ave. try. Loan signing scheduled for 30 September 2008. Environmental As- entre 2da. y 3era. Calle, Comayaguela, MDC, Honduras, Tel: (504) 228- sessment Category C. PID: 106993. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Consultants 6250, Fax: (504) 222-8571, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: will be required. Ministry of Finance of Guatemala, 8va Av. 20-65 Zona Marlon A. Breve Reyes, Secretario de Estado, Secretaria de Educación PAGE 52 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008

Energy and Mining Del Valle, México DF 03100 México, Tel: (52-55) 5000-6000, Fax: (52- Utility Restructuring: The objectives are (a) improving the delivery 55) 5448-6223, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Dr. Diego Ar- of electricity services in Honduras; (b) strengthening the institutional jona, Director General de Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnología y framework of the Honduran telecommunications sector; and (c) Medio Ambiente; Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueb- strengthening the capacity of the hydrocarbons unit at the Honduras los Indígenas, Av. Mexico Covoacán No. 343, Col. Xoco, México DF Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources (SERNA). De- 03330 México, Tel: (52-55) 9183-2100 Ext.7451, Fax: (52-55) 9183-2100 cision meeting scheduled for 22 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Ext.7480, Email: [email protected], Contact: Laura Bartlet, Category C. PID: 104034. US$ 30.0 (IDA). Consultants will be re- Chief Coordination and Liaisons Unit quired. Empresa Nacional de Energia Eléctrica (ENEE), Edif. Bco. At- lantida 4o Piso 2da Ave. entre 9 y 10 calles, Comayaguela, Honduras, Environment and Natural Resources Management Tel: (504) 237-8466, Fax: (504) 237-8473, Contact: Abog. Rixi Mon- (R) Environmental Sustainability Development Policy Loan: The cada, Ministra Asesora en Materia de Energia y Gerente de ENEE objective will assist the Mexican Government to implement actions to address environmental sustainability challenges in key economic sec- Private Sector Development tors (tourism, energy, forestry, and water). In addition to enhancing (N) Supplemental DPC (Food Crisis): The objective is to support environmental sustainability of these sectors, the project will support the program to strengthen the financial sector through reforms aimed the development and refining of specific policies, strategies and mea- at: (a) developing a strategy for management of systematic risks; (b) sures related to climate change, focusing on climate change mitigation strengthening the legal and regulatory framework; (c) introducing and adaptation. Decision meeting scheduled for 24 July 2008. Envi- legislation to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing; (d) ronmental Assessment Category U. PID: 95510. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). No strengthening supervision and control of systematic risks; and (e) consultants are required. Secretariat of Environment and Natural Re- strengthening the payment systems. Project preparation is underway. sources (SEMARNAT), Av. San Jerónimo No. 458, 3er Piso, Col. Jar- Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 10.0 (IDA). No consul- dines del Pedregal, México, DF 01040 Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 5490-2118, tants are required. Secretaria de Finanzas, Av. Jerez Frente a Comer- E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected], cial Leon, Centro, Tegucigalpa, Honduras Contact: Lic. Roberto Cabral y Bowling, Director General Adjunto de Public Sector Governance Financiamiento Estratégico and/or Biol. Juan Godinez Zúñiga, Di- rector de Crédito Externo Development Policy Credit: The objective is to implement the poverty reduction strategy, focusing on (a) macroeconomic stability; Adaptation to Climate Change: The objective is to reduce vulnera- (b) economic growth through modernization of public infrastructure bility to the anticipated impacts from climate change in México’s wa- and enhanced competitiveness; (c) improved coverage and quality of ter resources, with a primary focus on coastal areas of the Gulf of education; and (d) better governance and transparency. Decision meet- Mexico associated inland basins. The project will implement specific ing scheduled for 28 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category measures and formulate adaptation policy options in representative sys- C. US$ 15.0 (IDA). Short-term consultants may be required for pro- tems of the Gulf of Mexico wetlands in order to protect their envi- ject preparation in some areas. Ministry of Finance, Secretaria de Fi- ronmental functions from climate change related impacts. Decision nanzas, Centro de Tegucigalpa, Frente a Quinchon Leon, Tegucigalpa, meeting scheduled for 14 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Cat- Honduras, Tel: (504) 237-4537, Fax: (504) 237-5033, E-mail: rsan- egory B. PID: 100438. US$ 4.5 (GEF). Consultants will be required. [email protected], Contact: Rebecca Santos, Vice-Minister Instituto Nacional de Ecologia (INE), Av. Periférico No.5000, Col. In- surgentes Cuicuilco, México, DF, México, Tel: (52-55) 5424-6400, Rural Development Ext.13178, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Biol. Julia Judith (R) Rural Competitiveness (Cr. 4465-HN): The objective is to im- Martinez Fernandez, Coordinadora del Programa de Cambio Climático prove the competitiveness of the rural economy and to raise rural per capital incomes. Credit signing scheduled for 15 September 2008. Envi- Information and Communication ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101209. US$ 30.0 (IDA). (R) Information Technology Development (Ln. 7571-MX): The Consultants will be required. Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganaderia, objective is to develop the IT and ITES Industry in Mexico, to trans- 3er Piso Subida a Colonia Loma, Linda Norte, Av. la FAO, Honduras, fer the best international experience to: (a) develop the indigenous IT Tel: (504) 239-7603, Fax: (504) 232-6225, E-mail: aeaguilar2@ya- Industry; (b) attract outsourcing companies to Mexico; and (c) attract, Contact: Emilio Aguilar, Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture captive offshoring of international corporation to Mexico. Approved by the Executive Directors on 10 July 2008. Tr ansportation Environmental Assessment Cat- egory B. PID: 106589. US$ 80.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. (R) Second Road Reconstruction and Improvement (Cr. 4466- Secretaria de Economia, Avenida Insurgentes Sur 1940, 4 Piso, - HN): The objective is to improve the quality of the road network and of nia Florida, Mexico DFCP 01030, Tel: (52-55) 5229-6100 Ext. 34100, E- road management in support of the Government’s growth and competi- mail: [email protected], Contact: Sergio Carrera, Director tiveness goals through; improved governance and enhanced road man- General de Comercio Interior y Economia Digital agement capacity in SOPTRAVI and the Road Fund; improvement in selected road corridors; and extension in the scope of the maintenance of Public Sector Governance the unpaved road network. Credit signing scheduled for 15 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 109058. US$ 48.6 (IDA). (R) Effective and Responsive Governance: The objective is to in- Consultants will be required. Direccion General de Carreteras, Sec- troduce performance-based management and budgeting in Mexico, retaria de Obras Publica, Transporte y Vivienda, Barrio La Bolsa, Co- bringing into the budget-setting process and broader public debate rig- mayaguela, M.D.C., Honduras, Tel: (504) 225-1703/1968, Fax: (504) orous information on the efficiency and effectiveness of Federal de- 225-0194, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Melvin Martinez, partments, agencies and programs. Appraisal scheduled for mid-August Director General de Carreteras 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 106528. US$ 45.0 (IBRD). Consultants will not be required for project preparation. Sec- Mexico retaria de la Función Pública, Av. Insurgentes Sur 1735, 8vo Piso, Ala Norte, Col. Guadalupe Inn, CP 01020, México DF, México, Tel: (52- Energy and Mining 55) 2000-3000 Ext.4083, Fax: (52-55) 2000-3000 Ext.4700, E-mail: jgon- (R) Integrated Energy Services (Ln. 7501-ME): The objective is [email protected], Contact: Javier Gonzalez Gomez, Director to provide a minimum package of electricity services to poor house- General de Eficiencia Administrativa y Buen Gobierno; Secretaria de holds in dispersed or remote areas and where connection to the elec- Hacienda y Crédito Público, Av. Constituyentes 1001, Edificio B, 6to tricity grid is not financially or logistically feasible. Loan signing Piso, Col. Belen de las Flores, CP 011100, México DF, México, Tel: (52- scheduled for mid-August 2008. Environmental Assessment Category 55) 3688-4915, Fax: (52-55) 3688-4962, E-mail: guillermo_bernal@ha- B. PID: 88996, 95038. US$ 15.0/15.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consultants will be, Contact: Guillermo Bernal Miranda, Jefe de la Unidad required. Secretaria de Energia, Insurgentes Sur No. 890, 3er. Piso, Col. de Política y Control Presupuestario AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 53

Rural Development Barros Sierra No. 515, 8vo Piso Col. Lomas de Santa Fe, México, DF (R) Savings & Rural Finance Phase 2 Additional Financing: The 01219, Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 5270-1616, E-mail: raul.escalante@bano- objective of the additional financing is the cost overrun in the original, Contact: Lic. Raul Escalante Diaz Ceballos, Gerente de project. The three key components to achieve the development ob- Productos jectives: (a) Providing technical assistance to institutions to ready them for certification under the Law, including their overall financial, Nicaragua operational and managerial upgrade; (b) Developing a technology plat- Private Sector Development form to augment incomes, reduce transaction costs, deepen outreach (R) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development (Cr. and access to financial services; and (c) Information dissemination to 4468-NI): The objective is to support micro, small, and medium en- amrket the financial products offered by the rejuvenated sector insti- terprises to be more competitive, efficient and integrated in the national tutions. Negotiations scheduled for late-July 2008. Environmental As- economy. Signing scheduled for 12 September 2008. Environmental As- sessment Category C. PID: 111839. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will sessment Category C. PID: 109691. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Banco de Ahorro Nacional y Servicios Financieros, S.N.C. be required. Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade, Carretera (BANSEFI), Rio Magdalena No. 15, Mexx., Col. Tizapan San Angel, Masaya Km 6 frente a Camino de Oriente, Managua, Nicaragua, Tel: Mexico, DF 01090, Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 5481-3490, E-mail: idiaz@ban- (505) 267-0161, Fax: (505) 267-3939, E-mail: [email protected],, Contact: Lic. Ismael Diaz Aguilera, Subdirector de Fi- Contact: Nidia Pereira, Technical Coordinator nanciamiento Internacional (R) Sustainable Rural Development: The objective is to promote Public Sector Governance environmentally and economically sustainable agro-processing facili- (R) Development Policy Credit: This objective is to support the im- ties, while contributing to the goals of the National Strategy on Climate plementation of the initial phase of the government’s new development Change by facilitating the adoption of emission-reduction technologies. program, serving as a bridge between a recently ended series of PRSCs Decision meeting scheduled for 23 July 2008. Environmental Assess- and a new series, while the government updates its PRSP. The DPC ment Category B. PID: 106261. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be is being prepared under a joint Performance Assessment Matrix that required. Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Desarrollo Alimenti- has been agreed with the Government and other donors interested in cio y Pesca, Municipio Libre No. 377, 9no Piso, Ala A, Col. Santa Cruz providing budget support. The credit aims to increase the govern- Atoyac, México DF 03310, México, Tel: (52-55) 9183-1355, E-mail: ment’s poverty reducing capacity by supporting measures to strengthen [email protected], Contact: Ing. Rodrigo Diez de Sollano, public sector management and improve the quality of social services. General Director Board presentation scheduled for 25 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 106747. US$ 20.0 (IDA). Consultants may Tr ansportation be required. Ministry of Finance, Edificio Ministerio de Hacienda Y Guerrero Decentralized Rural Transport for Territorial Devel- Crédito Público, Managua, Nicaragua, Tel: (505) 222-7061, Fax: (505) opment: The objective is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness 222-3033, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Nolvia Gon- of the State Government of Guerrero’s investments in the transport zalez Serrano, Enlace Técnico, Grupo de Apoyo Presupuestario sector and to promote rural access and rural development opportunities, Water and Sanitation in support of more inclusive growth in Guerrero. The project would build a transparent and participatory system for the selection of pro- (R) Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (Cr. 4471-NI, H407-NI): jects and allocation of resources, furthering the Government’s de- The objective is to increase access to sustainable water and sanitation mocratization objectives. Decision meeting scheduled for 1 July 2009. services in rural areas. Credit signing scheduled for 15 August 2008. En- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101341. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 106283. US$ 0.3/19.7 Consultants will be required. Secretaria de Desarrollo Rural, Project (IDA/IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Emergency Social In- Preparation Unit, Palacio de Gobierno, Boulevard Rene Juarez 62, vestment Fund (FISE), Altamira D’Este Contiguo a la CI, Tiscapa, Col. de los Guerrero, México, DF, México, Tel: (52-747) 471-9210, E- Nicaragua, Tel: (505) 270-3962, Fax: (505) 277-4695, E-mail: ajarquin@ mail: [email protected], Contact: Arturo Garcia, Coordinator, Contact: Alberto Jarquin, Director de Desarrollo Institucional Mexico City Low Carbon Transport Corridors: The objective is to Managua Water Supply and Sanitation: The objective is to contribute contribute to the transformation of the transport sector through im- to increase access to water and sanitation services in poor neighbor- provements in the long-term sustainability, efficiency and quality of ur- hoods of Managua and to improve the quality and sustainability of wa- ban transport in Mexico. The first stage of this program would target ter and sanitation services provided by ENACAL in Managua. Decision Mexico City. Another stage would earmark medium size cities. Deci- meeting scheduled for 20 August 2008. Environmental Assessment Cat- sion meeting scheduled for 15 September 2008. Environmental As- egory B. PID: 110092. US$ 45.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. sessment Category B. PID: 107159. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Consultants will Empresa Nicaraguense de Acueducto y Alcantarillado Sanitario - be required. METROBUS, Av. Cuauhtemoc No. 16, Col. Doctores, ENACAL (Nicaragua Water and Sewerage Utility) Oficinas Centrales, Mexico, DF 06720, Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 5761-6858/60 Ext. 126, E- Km. 5 Carretera Sur, Managua, Nicaragua, Tel: (505) 2667-8637, Fax: mail: [email protected], Contact: Lic. Guillermo Calderon, (505) 266-7909, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Jose Luis Director General.; Secretaria de Finanzas del Gobierno del Distrito Fe- Osorio, Project Manager deral, Calle Dr. Lavista No. 144, Acceso 1, Piso 1, Col. Doctoresm Panama Mexico DF 06720, Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 5134-2671, E-mail: luisrosen- [email protected], Contact: Lic. Luis Rosendo, Subsecretario de Education Planeacion Basic Education Quality Improvement: The objectives are: (a) im- prove the quality of early childhood and basic education programs; (b) Water and Sanitation increase coverage and improve internal efficiency of early childhood (R) Environmental Recovery of Apatlaco River: The objective is and basic education programs; (c) improve strategic planning and in- to improve the environmental conditions of the Apatlaco River Basin. stitutional performance; and (d) strengthen competitiveness, innova- The project has six components: (a) rehabilitation and expansion of tion and skills development. Board presentation scheduled for 5 August sewerage systems; (b) rehabilitation of existing and construction of new 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 106686. US$ 30.0 wastewater treatment plants; (c) clean-up of garbage dumps; (d) pilot (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Project Coordination Unit, Al- project of municipal management of solid waste, including a recycling brook Edificio 869, Panamá City, Panama, Tel: (507) 315-1995/6/7, Fax: project; (e) strengthening of municipal WSS utilities; and (f) institutional (507) 315-1217, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Dora Berro- support to CEAMA in its efforts to obtain ISO 14001 Environmental cal, Project Coordinator Management System certification. Decision meeting scheduled for 17 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: Health, Nutrition and Population 107134. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Banco Na- (R) Health: The objectives are to: (a) provide basic ambulatory pri- cional de Obras y Servicios Públicos, S.N.C. (BANOBRAS), Av. Javier mary health care and preventive services with mobile outreach health is(R) to Legalbuild theand capacity Judicial for Infrastructure participatory, and integrated, Development: basin-scale (Formerl watery resource Management by strengthening institutions at the central

AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 55

Category B. US$ 10.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Peruvian gional and strategic adaptation pilots to address key impacts from Trust Fund for National Parks and Protected Areas, Ave. Prolongacion rapid glacier retreat on selected basins; and c) supporting continuing Arenales 722-724, Miraflores, Peru, Tel: (51-1) 212-1010, Fax: (51-1) 212- observation and assessment of glacier retreat and the associated im- 1957, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Alberto Paniagua, pacts on the region. Approved by the Executive Directors on 27 May Executive Director 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 98248. US$ 7.5 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Comunidad Andina de Naciones, Health, Nutrition and Population CAN, Paseo de la República 3895, esq. Aramburú, San Isidro, Lima 27, Results in Nutrition: The objective is to reduce chronic malnutrition Peru, Tel: (51-1) 411-1494, Fax: (51-1) 221-3329, E-mail: aviale@co- by 5% in five years, while establishing a structure and monitoring sys- - [email protected], Contacts: Alain Viale, CAN, tem to accelerate the rate of malnutrition reduction beyond the five years. Ricardo Giesecke, CONAM, Director Climate Change Office Decision meeting scheduled for February 2009. Environmental As- sessment Category B. PID: 99446. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants will Information and Communication be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined. OECS e-Government and Regional Integration (Cr. 4453-DM/Cr. Second Health Reform Program APL: The objectives are to (a) re- 4452-GD/Cr. 4451-LC): The objective is to promote the delivery duce infant and maternal mortality at an accelerated rate and (b) im- of high quality key e-Government services, which will contribute to the prove nutrition and care of children under five. Decision meeting country’s higher level objectives of increased competitiveness, efficiency scheduled for 11 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Cate- and transparency of the public sector and regional integration. Ap- gory B. PID: 95563. US$ 27.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. proved by the Executive Directors on 27 May 2008. Environmental As- Ministerio de Salud - Programa de Apoyo a la Reforma del Sector sessment Category C. PID:100635. US$ 2.4/2.4/2.4 (IDA/IDA/IDA). Salud, Ave. Javier Prado Oeste, No. 1381, San Isidro, Lima, Peru, Consultants will be required. OECS Secretariat, Morne Fortune, PO Tel/Fax: (511) 440-4101, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Car- Box 179, Castries, Saint Lucia, Tel: (758) 452-2537, Fax: (758) 453- los Ricse, Coordinador General 1628, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Randolph Cato, Head of Eco- Rural Development nomic Affairs Division (R) Sierra Rural Development (Ln. 7443-PE): The objective is Tr ansportation poverty alleviation of rural peasants within a demand-driven base as- (N) Sustainable Transport and Air Quality: The objective is to re- sisting them to (a) improve their access to basic infrastructure; (b) stim- duce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions through the promotion of long- ulate socio-economic territorial development through strategic alliances; term modal shift to less energy intensive transport modes in cities in and (c) strengthen institutions to make them better providers of local Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. The project will be processed as an services. The loan was signed on 26 May 2008. Environmental As- APL, and the Brazil sub-project includes the cities of Belo Horizonte, sessment Category B. PID: 79165. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Consultants will Curitiba and São Paulo, and is closely linked to IBRD operations. be required. Ministerio de Agricultura, Psje. Zela s/n, 9no Piso Jesús ANTP will coordinate projects. Appraisal scheduled for mid-Septem- María, Lima Peru, Tel: (511) 315-5090, Ext. 2323, Fax: (511) 315-5090, ber 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96017. US$ 21.0 Ext. 2207, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Jesus Ruitón Ca- (GEF). Consultants will be required. ANTP, Alameda Santos, 1000, 7o banillas, Project Coordinator Andar, CEP 01418-100 São Paulo, SP, Brazil, Tel: (55-11) 3371-2299, Fax: Social Protection (55-11) 3253-8095, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Marcos Pi- (R) Results and Accountability (REACT) Development Policy Loan mentel Bicalho, Superintendente, ANTP (Ln. 7455-PE): The objective is to improve outcomes in primary school reading attainment, early childhood nutrition and the coverage of in- Uruguay stitutionalized birth attention by establishing strong accountability Economic Management frameworks. Loan signing scheduled for late-August 2008. Environ- (R) Second Programmatic Reform Implementation Develop- mental Assessment Category U. PID: 101086. US$ 150.0 (IBRD). No ment Policy Loan: The objective is to support implementation of pri- consultants are required. Ministry of Economy and Finance, Jr. Junin ority economic and social sector reforms as determined by the 319, Lima 1 Peru, Tel: (51-1) 427-9897, Fax: (51-1) 428-1623, E-mail: government. This willprovide the government with a framework for [email protected], Contact: Aida Amezaga, Head, Unidad de Co- the implementation of the reforms that it has identified to move towards ordinación de Préstamos Sectoriales its ultimate goal of obtaining sustained growth at higher than histori- Regional cal rates, while combating poverty and exclusion and ensuring equi- table access to opportunities. Appraisal completed. Negotiations scheduled Environment and Natural Resources Management for 16 July 2008. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 106724. Adaptation to the Impact of Rapid Glacier Retreat in the Trop- US$ 300.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Economy ical Andes: The objective is to implement adaptation measures to meet and Finance, Colonia 1089 3er. Piso, Montevideo, Uruguay, Tel: (598- the anticipated consequences of the catastrophic glacier retreat in- 2) 1712-2210, Fax: (598-2) 1712-2212, E-mail: [email protected], duced by climate change. This will be achieved by: a) supporting the Contact: Dr. Fernando Lorenzo, Head of the MEF’s Macroeconomics detailed design of selected adaptation measures; b) implementing re- Advisory Department PAGE 56 Monthly Operational Summary AUGUST 2008 Kenya Guarantee Operations Tr ansport (R) Nairobi Urban Toll Road: (Public Sector) The objective of the In September 1994, the Bank’s Executive Directors approved a proposal project is to improve traffic efficiency along the Northern Corridor in to make guarantees a mainstream instrument of Bank operations. Kenya by enabling private investment within a toll road concession along These guarantees are most likely to be used for infrastructure fi- the most congested urban sections of the Uhuru Highway. An IDA PRG nancing, where the demands for funding are large, political and sov- of about US$ 120.0 in support of the concession is currently being con- ereign risks are significant, and the need for long-maturity financing sidered in support of the project. Board presentation scheduled for is often critical to a project’s viability. the first quarter FY09. By covering some of the risks that the market is not able to bear or Nigeria adequately evaluate, the Bank’s guarantee can attract new sources of finance, reduce financing costs, and extend maturities. The guarantee Energy and Mining can be especially valuable where activities traditionally undertaken and financed by the government are being shifted to the private sec- Energy Infrastructure Project (Ibom Power IPP): (Public Sector) tor but where the government remains as a regulator or provider of The objective is to support the development and implementation of an inputs and a buyer of outputs. The Bank’s participation as guarantor about 1,500 MW power plant in Nigeria. An IDA PRG of about US$ 60.0 can also facilitate the transparency of these transactions. is being considered in support of the project. The PRG would help to assist the Government in putting in place an appropriate framework Since the guarantee is intended to be a catalytic instrument, the Bank for IPPs as well as the extent of Government support to be provided offers only partial guarantees, and risks are clearly shared between the through the PRGs. Board presentation scheduled for second quarter Bank and private lenders. The Bank’s objective is to cover risks that FY09. it is well-positioned to bear given its credit, its experience with devel- oping countries, and its special relationships with governments. The risk-sharing may be for specific risks (the partial risk guarantee) or Senegal for part of the financing (the partial credit guarantee). Energy and Mining A partial risk guarantee covers risks arising from nonperformance of sovereign contractual obligations or from force majeure aspects in a Electricity Efficiency Enhancement (Kounoune IPP):(Private project. A partial credit guarantee typically extends maturities beyond Sector) The objective is to improve efficiency in the power sector and what private creditors could otherwise provide, for example, by guar- meet increasing demand for electricity. An IDA partial risk guarantee anteeing late-dated repayments or by providing incentives for lenders of US$ 7.2 was offered as an inducement for third-party cofinancing to roll over medium-term loans. of the investment project for which an IDA credit of US$ 15.0 was ap- proved by the Executive Directors in May 2005. Financial closure is For more information on the Bank’s guarantee program and to obtain pending. a copy of the pamphlet “The World Bank Guarantees: Leveraging Pri- vate Finance for Emerging Markets” (available in English, French, Por- tuguese and Spanish), please contact the Project Finance and Guarantees Group. Tel: (202) 458-8111; Fax: (202) 522-0761, or visit East Asia and Pacific Region

Philippines Africa Region Energy and Mining Power Sector Reform and Transco Concession: (Private Sec- Regional tor) The objective is to implement a power sector reform and priva- tization program by facilitating the concession of a nationwide power Transportation transmission system. An IBRD partial risk guarantee of US$ 250.0 is being considered. Board presentation scheduled for the first quar- Joint Railway Concession: (Public Sector) The objective is to mo- ter FY09. bilize commercial debt financing in support of the joint concessioning of the Kenya and Uganda railways. Two IDA partial risk guarantees in support of the project, which is a component of the East Africa Community Transport Facilitation project, were approved by the Ex- ecutive Directors on 23 January 2006. The project achieved financial Middle East closure in December 2006. Effectiveness of the Partial Risk Guaran- tees is still pending. and North Africa Region Botswana Jordan Energy and Mining Energy and Mining Mmamabula IPP Project: (Public Sector) The objective is to sup- port the development and implementation of a 2100 MW (3 x 700 MW) Al Qatrana Power Project:(Private Sector) The objective is to cat- coal fired supercritical power plant and an associated coal mine in alyze private investment for the construction of an about 370 MW gas- eastern Botswana (in the locale of Mookane and Dovedale) to be de- fired combined cycle power station to be developed, owned and operated veloped, owned, and operated by a private sector project company. An by a private-sector company in the region of Al Qatrana, Jordan. An IBRD partial risk guarantee is being considered in support of the pro- IBRD partial risk guarantee of about US$ 50.0 is being considered in ject to backstop certain government obligations. Board presentation support of the project. Board presentation is tentatively scheduled for scheduled for March 2009. the first quarter FY09. AUGUST 2008 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 57


AUSAID Australian Agency for International IsDB Islamic Development Bank Development JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation ADB Asian Development Bank ADF African Development Fund ITF Interim Trust Fund AfDB African Development Bank KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau APL Adaptable program loan (Germany) BADEA Banque arabe de développement LIL Learning and innovation loan économique en Afrique NCB National competitive bidding BOAD Banque ouest africaine de développement CDB Caribbean Development Bank NGO Nongovernmental organization CFD Caisse française de développement NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation CIDA Canadian International Development Agency OECF Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund DANIDA Danish International Development (Japan) Agency OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting DFID Department for International Countries Development (UK) PAD Project Appraisal Document EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development PCD Project Concept Document EDF European Development Fund PCF Prototype Carbon Fund EIB European Investment Bank PCN Project Concept Note EU European Union FAC Fonds d’aide et de coopération (France) PHRD Policy and Human Resources Development (Japan) FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations PID Project Identification (Number) FAO/CP FAO Cooperative Program PPF Project Preparation Facility (with the World Bank) FINNIDA Finland International Development QCBS Quality and Cost-Based Selection Agency SDC Swiss Agency for Development GEF Global Environment Facility Cooperation GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische SIDA Swedish International Development Zusammenarbeit Authority IAPSO Inter-Agency Procurement Service Office UNDP United Nations Development Programme

IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction UNFPA United Nations Population Fund and Development UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund ICB International competitive bidding IDA International Development Association USAID United States Agency for International Development IDB Inter-American Development Bank IFAD International Fund for Agricultural WHO World Health Organization Development