Los Padres National Forest Hotshot Recruiting Brochure

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Los Padres National Forest Hotshot Recruiting Brochure

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Santa Lucia Ranger District Office 1. Go to www.avuecentral.com United States Department of Agriculture 1616 North Carlotti Drive 2. Click on Sign Up and create an account. Service, Pacific Southwest Region Santa Maria, Ca. 93454 Los Padres National Forest (805) 925-9538 3. Create a profile, fill out the profile information, Engine-31 add resume and supporting documents and Pozo Station update profile. 13525 Hi Mountain Road 4. Search for jobs, use 0462 as the series and use Santa Margarita, Ca. 93453 OTJOB technician as job title. (805) 438-5711 FIRE AND AVIATION H JOB OPPORTUNITIES S Engine-35 5. Contact prospective supervisor to confirm Pine Canyon Station announcement number and appropriate avue 8145 Hwy 166 locations. Santa Maria, Ca. 93454 6. Fill out job application and submit. (805) 937-2436 Engine-37 * Make sure to have your application in Avue and contact your prospective supervisor. New Cuyama Station 50 Newsome Street New Cuyama, Ca. 93254 (661) 766-2585 Engine-38 Figueroa Station (Figueroa Mtn. Rd) PO Box 97 Los Olivos, Ca. 93441 (805) 688-3017 Arroyo Grande Flight Crew (Helicopter-527) Arroyo Grande Station 460 Hi Mountain Road Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420 (805) 481-1280 Arroyo Grande Hotshots (Crew-3) Arroyo Grande Station 460 Hi Mountain Road Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420 (805) 481-4391 Santa Lucia Crew (Crew-7) Santa Lucia Ranger District Office The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, 1616 North Carlotti Drive marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, Santa Maria, Ca. 93454 political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any (805) 925-9538 public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with Visit us online disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice Los Padres National Forest and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, fs.usda.gov/lpnf 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 Wildland Fire (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. www.wildlandfire.com Printed on recycled paper March 2010 R5-PR-024 Santa Lucia Ranger District OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE

The goal of the Santa Lucia Ranger District is to hire a : In 1947, helicopters were first used on well rounded group of individuals that embody the ide- wildland fires in the Southern California area and were als of our fire program. Above all, we want safe, physi- soon recognized as a valuable tool. Helicopters are cally active, and hard working people that will even- unequaled in their ability to rapidly transport personnel tually become part of our permanent work force. The and cargo to a fire and then remain on-scene to perform district strives to hire a group diverse in gender, age, a variety of tactical and logistical missions. Helicopters ethnic background, and education. This diversity pro- can be equipped with a bucket or fixed tank to drop vides the depth of experience and knowledge needed water or retardant during operations. Heli- to tackle the complexities of wildland firefighting. We copters can also carry instruments to provide infrared welcome anyone willing to put in the hard work, time, imaging or generate digital maps of wildland fires. One and effort it takes to be a member of the Santa Lucia of the most important services helicopters can provide Fire Program. is the ability to remove injured from the fireline and deliver them directly to emergency medical ENGINES: Engine Crews are teams of career and facilities. Some helitack modules, including the Arroyo temporary agency employees that uphold a tradition of Grande Flight Crew (H–527), are trained to rappel from excellence and have solid reputations as multi-skilled the helicopter to reach fires in remote locations quickly. professional firefighters. Engine Crews are used for District Helitack: Arroyo Grande Flight Crew (Helicop- Arroyo Grande Hotshot crew on the line of duty. initial attack, suppression of large fires, support of pre- ter–527) scribed fires, patrolling, providing structure protection, as well as projects. The engines on : Type 2 handcrews are comprised the district range from 5-10 firefighters and work with of 18 or more members with minimal to advanced specialized firefighting equipment and perform many experience and training. Main duties revolve around strenuous activities, including construction of fireline handline construction, mop-up, rehabilitation and with hand tools, hose-lays, and mopping up hotspots forest maintenance. No experience is necessary and near the fire’s edge. Engine crews are skilled in hose- handcrews are an excellent avenue for entry level ap- lays, fitting identification and deployment, and engine plicants. The crews’ emphasis relies heavily on skill operations. Additionally, the engines carry equipment development, physical conditioning, leadership train- for medical situations and the crews are trained to pro- ing and teamwork. Santa Lucia’s type 2 crew has op- vide aid to victims during medical emergencies. District erated within a shorter season than other suppression Engines: Pozo(E–31), Pine Canyon (E–35), New Cuyama resources coinciding with Cal Poly’s Summer quarter (E–37), Figueroa (E–38) in order to cater to seasonal employment for college students.District Type II : Santa Lucia Crew (Crew–7)

Arroyo Grande Helitack crew in action.

HOTSHOTS: Hotshot crews are diverse teams of 18– 22 career and temporary agency employees. They are highly skilled wildland firefighters specially trained in wildland fire suppression tactics. They are often called upon to respond to the most challenging fire situa- tions. The mission of the Hotshots is to provide a safe, professional, mobile, and highly skilled hand crew for all phases of fire management and incident operations. Their physical fitness standards, training requirements, and operation procedures are consistent nationwide, as outlined in the Standards for Interagency Hotshot Crew Operations. Their core values of “duty, integrity, and respect” have earned Hotshot crews an excellent Santa Lucia Handcrew members after performing duties. Forest Service Engine 35 (E–35) on the front line. reputation throughout the United States as elite teams of professional wildland firefighters. District Hotshot Crew: Arroyo Grande Hotshots (Crew–3)

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