
Leticia Miranda Alves et al.

Metallurgy andMetalurgia materials e materiais Use of ornamental rock residues for http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0370-44672017710014 mould flux development Leticia Miranda Alves Abstract Mestre em Engenharia Metalúrgica Vitória – Espírito Santo – Brasil Ornamental rock production, such as marble and granite plates, have great im- [email protected] portance in the southeastern region of Brazil. Its residues are composed of some com- pounds used in continuous casting as mould fluxes. Therefore, the aim of this article Hiury Voltz was to study these residues to formulate mould fluxes. First, the raw materials were Mestre em Engenharia Metalúrgica chemically characterized by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and two new Vitória – Espírito Santo – Brasil fluxes were developed based on two different commercial fluxes used for peritectic [email protected] and low carbon . All fluxes were analyzed for their ability to form crystalline phases, by performing the modified Stollberg test. The formed was analyzed by Cássio Santos de Carvalho X-ray diffraction (XRD), thin section microscopy (TSM) technique, and a mathemati- Pós-doutorando cal model for comparison. Also, sample fluidity was measured using the known “boat Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo - IFES test” and were predicted by FactSage® software. Crystallinity and fluidity of Vitória – Espírito Santo – Brasil new fluxes were compatible with those observed for the commercial fluxes. The Fact- ® [email protected] Sage simulations identified crystalline phases, such as cuspidine (Ca4Si2O7F2), for all fluxes. In commercial low carbon flux (CLC) and new low carbon flux (NLC), X-ray Altemar Dettogne do Nascimento results have shown that non-crystalline phases are formed. And in commercial peritec- Especialista Master tic flux (CP) and new peritectic flux (NP), X-ray results have shown crystalline phases. AcelorMittal Tubarão -Lingotamento Contínuo The results showed similar characteristics between the new fluxes and the commercial Serra - Espírito Santo - Brasil ones; however, further tests in an industrial setting are required to obtain additional [email protected] information and confirm equivalent behavior during their industrial use.

Estéfano Aparecido Vieira Keywords: continuous casting; steels; peritectic ; mould fluxes. Professor Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo - IFES Vitória – Espírito Santo – Brasil [email protected]

1. Introduction

For a well-controlled solidification melt and generate a liquid slag with spe- produced with lower binary basicity and with high productivity in continuous cific characteristics for each casting condi- lower amount of . However, these casting, a mould flux powder that allows tion (Li et al., 2004). Among the various rules can be changed if other oxides are obtaining the fastest casting speed as pos- types of steel produced, peritectic steels present, such as high percentage of MgO. sible while at the same time keeping an have a higher incidence of longitudinal If the mould flux has a MgO content excellent quality of the solidified product cracks formation due to the contraction higher than 7 %wt, then some fluorite is required. The solidification conditions of the when steel is solidifying. The and other oxides must be added to ensure in the mould are fundamental and mould contraction occurs due to the different the formation of crystalline phases. How- fluxes mainly influence following aspects: types of packing factor of ferrite (δ) and ever, it is difficult to predict and to adapt i) lubrication between the mould and austenite (γ) for alloys containing 0.06– the composition because a new complex solidified shell; ii) heat transfer between 0.18% of carbon (Mills et al., 2004). In system of slag is formed. mould and slab; iii) thermal insulation at this case, fluxes with lower heat transfer Usually, raw material used in flux the top of the mould; iv) protection against coefficient by radiation are required. This production comes from and oth- oxidation; and v) inclusion absorption at specific characteristic can be obtained er materials found in nature. In this work, surface (Mills et al., 2004). These effects by using fluxes with high crystallinity, granite and marble residues were chosen have a decisive influence on quality and which may be increased by adding lime to produce fluxes due to their chemical productivity. Overall, mould fluxes are and fluorite. Another important type of similarity and their great availability in constituted of a mixture of minerals based steel is steel of low carbon content; in this Brazil. In 2014, production of these rocks on the CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Na2O-CaF2 sys- case, casting speed is higher when com- was about 7 million tons (ABIROCHAS, tem and when in contact with liquid steel pared with peritectic steels, and fluxes are 2014) and residues result from extraction, REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 71(3), 403-410, jul. sep. | 2018 403 Use of ornamental rock residues for mould flux development

cutting and polishing of the blocks. Dur- is then disposed in landfills (Mouraet al., these residues may increase sustainability ing the sawing stage, about 25–30% of the 2002). Therefore, besides the economic of the industrial process of ornamental block is transformed into powder, which advantage that can be attained, the use of rock production.

2. Materials and method 2.1 Raw material The raw materials used in this work with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy that expected for ornamental rocks residues. were analyzed by scanning electron mi- (EDS-Oxford). Table 1 shows the results It also shows the chemical composition of croscopy (SEM – Zeiss Model EVO 10) obtained, and the chemical composition was some other raw materials used in this work.

Components CaO SiO Al O MgO Na O K O Fe O CaF C lbc 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 (*) Marble residue 35.4 2.1 0 16.6 0 0 0 0 0 45.9 Granite residue 2 66.4 15.3 1.1 2.9 4.6 5 0 0 2.7 0 0 0 0 58.5 0 0 0 0 41.5 Fluorite 0 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 95.5 0 0 Graphite 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 Lime 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 1 (*lbc) loss by Chemical composition of the raw materials.

2.2 Formulation of new mould fluxes

With the aim of comparing new The NP and NLC fluxes were developed Na2O to the low carbon flux. Table 2 fluxes with commercial ones, two fluxes aiming at the same CaO percentage as shows the chemical composition of the were obtained from a com- the commercial fluxes due to their high commercial and new fluxes measured pany: a peritectic flux (CP) and a low influence on crystallinity. The other by wet chemistry analysis. The new carbon flux (CLC). The raw materials compounds are quite different mainly flux compositions used approximately shown in Table 1 were used to produce due to a higher level of MgO in the 50 %wt and 74 %wt of residues for NP two new fluxes as follows: the first, simi- marble residue. According to Mills et al. and NLC, respectively. The composition lar to CP, was called new peritectic flux (2004), a high level of MgO to a was adjusted using other raw materials (NP) and the second, similar to CLC, vitreous phase; therefore, more fluorite shown in Table 1, such as lime, sodium was called new low carbon flux (NLC). was added to the peritectic flux and less carbonate, fluorite and carbon.

CaO SiO2 F- Al2O3 MgO Na2O K2O Fe2O3 Ctotal CP 46.1 30.8 7.4 3.3 0.9 4.3 0.5 1.2 5.7 CLC 34.3 35.8 7.9 2.8 2.8 10.9 0.2 0.5 4.8 Table 2 Chemical composition of NP 44.5 24.7 10.8 4.6 2.7 4.4 2.1 1.8 4.4 mould fluxes measured by wet NLC 34.7 25.5 11.2 4.3 8.0 4.6 2.1 1.8 7.6 chemistry analysis for CP, CLC, NP, NLC.

The commercial and new fluxes will be described next and each stage is were characterized using techniques that identified in Figure 1.

Modified Stollberg test

Crystallinity analysis Macroscopic photos Phases - FactStage® Software Mould fluxes X-ray characterization Diffraction Boat test Thin-film Fluidity method analysis

Viscosity - FactStage® Software Figure 1 Steps for developing mould fluxes. 404 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 71(3), 403-410, jul. sep. | 2018 Leticia Miranda Alves et al.

2.2.1 Crystallinity analysis In order to study the susceptibility D8 Advanced based on a Bragg Bren- transmitted light. The thin film optical of the fluxes to form crystalline phases, tano parafocusing goniometer using properties were determined by features the modified Stollberg test was used (Li Cu-kα radiation with a wavelength of such as polarization, platinum rotation, et al., 2004). First, each sample was 0.15418 nm. The XRD scans were digi- 1 λ compensator and image capture us- decarburized by heating it at 650 °C for tally recorded with a step size of 0.02°, ing Laz EZ software. 16 h; after that, about 23 g of material 2θ angle ranging from 20 to 100°, read- With Equation 1, it was possible to was placed in an alumina crucible for ing time of 2 s and a rotation of 10 rpm. evaluate NBO/T (number of non-bridging heating at 1300 °C for 20 min; then, Also, thin films were prepared accord- oxygen per tetrahedrally-coordinated the melted sample was poured into a ing to ABNT/NBR standards (ABNT, atom). This equation was used to obtain crucible and kept in an 1992). This method consists of attach- the degree of depolymerization of silicate oven at 610 °C for 20 min to induce ing a thin slice of solidified slag on a , and the percentage of crystallinity crystallization; finally the crucible was glass slide with subsequent sanding and was calculated using this model combined quenched in water. The slag thus formed polishing until obtaining an approxi- with Equation 2. It is important to was analyzed by X-ray diffractometer, mately 30 μm-thick film. Verification highlight that the critical point occurs at and the microstructures of the samples of the thickness and parallelism of the NBO/T ≈ 2 and below it the slag samples were analyzed using thin section mi- samples on the slide as well as the thin are completely vitreous, whilst above it, the croscopy (TSM). X-ray diffraction pat- film analysis were carried out in a Leica percentage of crystallinity increases linearly terns were obtained on a Bruker model DM750P petrographic microscope with with the increase of NBO/T (Mills, 1993).

NBO 2xCaO+2xBaO+2xCaF2+2xNa2O-2xAl2O3+6xFe2O3+(2xMgO+2xMnO) = (1) T xSiO2+2xAl2O3+xTiO2+2xB2O3+(xMgO+xMnO)

NBO %C = 141.1 - 284.0 (2) T where x is the molar fraction of mould flux tor/numerator mean that their contents it will be included in the numerator. components and %C is the crystallinity per- will be included in the denominator, if centage. The parentheses in the denomina- %MgO > 7 and/or %MnO > 4, otherwise,

2.2.2 Fluidity Analysis Control of the melt at this test, the samples were arranged at for 5 min. The brick was then returned the working temperature is essential the end of the test boats and these were to the horizontal position and the to minimize the non-uniformity of the placed on a horizontal refractory brick. samples were taken out of the oven for heat flow in the mold, mainly reducing The arrangement was placed in an oven photographing and fluidity comparison longitudinal cracks (Cruz et al., 2007). at 1300 °C and kept in it for 30 min. (Valadares et al., 2014). In addition, An empirical and comparative way of After this, the refractory brick, which the wet chemical analysis results were determining which melt is more or less has a cut that allows the boat to be entered into FactSage® software version viscous is through the "boat test". In tilted at 45°, was held in that position 6.4 to predict viscosities.

2.2.3 Phase thermodynamic simulation According to Castañeda et al. (2011), determine likely phases that form during the entire range of chemical composition, FactSage® software can be used with a high heating/cooling between 800–1500 °C. was considered the stable phase diagram. degree of confidence for determining the According to chemical species present in In addition, the FToxid, FactPS and main mineralogical phases formed in the the fluxes, the SiO2-Al2O3-CaO-MgO- FToxid-SLAGH databases were used for mould fluxes. Therefore, it was used to CaF2-Na2O system, which includes almost predicting compounds more accurately. 2.2.4 Granulometric distribution The granulometric distribution of and new fluxes was measured using a analyzer model APA2007 from Malvern marble and granite residues in commercial Mastersizer 2000 laser granulometry size Instruments Ltd.

3. Results

Figure 2 shows the results of control software, the grain size range 0.240-158 μm, 0.499-630 μm and the granulometric analysis. Accord- of CP flux, CLC flux, marble and 0.363-831 μm, respectively. ing to the data obtained from the granite residues was 0.240-158 μm, REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 71(3), 403-410, jul. sep. | 2018 405 Use of ornamental rock residues for mould flux development

Figure 2 Distribution of grain size of CP and CLC fluxes and marble and granite residues.

After the modified Stollberg test, the two types of fluxes. The first flux is a (NLC) fluxes, respectively. A crystalline slag fluxes looked as shown in Figure 3. translucent vitreous flux type, such as the index was assigned to CP and NP fluxes, Macroscopically, it is possible to confirm commercial (CLC) and new low carbon which have a totally opaque look.

Figure 3 Macroscopic aspect of fluxes after modified Stollberg test (CLC – commercial low carbon flux, CP – commercial peritectic flux, NLC – new low carbon flux and NP – new peritectic flux).

The slag X-ray diffraction obtained crucible, and crystalline phases were identi- measurements. Figure 4-(b) shows that only after modified Stollberg test is shown in fied in all samples seen in Figure 4-(a). After peritectic fluxes keep crystalline patterns, Figure 4. First, measurements were made on that, surfaces were sanded and a thin layer of which is an evidence that low carbon fluxes the surface in contact with the stainless steel approximately 0.2 mm was removed for new have low percentage of crystalline phases.

(a) (b)

Figure 4 X-ray diffraction patterns for fluxes (a) at surface in contact with the stainless crucible and (b) after removal of 0.2 mm of surface thickness. 406 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 71(3), 403-410, jul. sep. | 2018 Leticia Miranda Alves et al.

Table 3 shows the percentage of (Mills, 1993) and their results are consis- crystallization using Equations 1 and 2 tent with those shown in Figures 3 and 4.

Mould Fluxes NBO/T % Crystallization CP 2.9 100 CLC 2.1 17 Table 3 NP 3.7 100 Calculation of crystallinity percentage as a function of NBO/T. NLC 1.9 0

Figure 5 shows the microstructure same look as a glass microstructure. On to be similar to calcite. These results show obtained with transmitted-light micro- the other hand, CP and NP fluxes showed that the NBO/T ratio is an important scope. The vitreous aspect is evident for a crystalline aspect with the formation of parameter that could be calculated when CLC and NLC fluxes, which have the some grains, which in some cases revealed developing new fluxes.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5 Center of thin-film observed in a transmit- ted-light microscope using crossed nicois and 1 λ compensator: (a) CP, (b) NP (c) (d) (e) (f) calcite, (d) CLC, (e) NLC, (f) common glass.

Results of the thermodynamic fluxes can be observed in Figure 6. Under crystalline phases, and cuspidine forma- simulation for CP, CLC, NP and NLC equilibrium conditions, all fluxes showed tion was also predicted.

Figure 6 Evolution of crystalline phases as a function of temperature of fluxes under equilibrium simulated by FactSage software 6.4 for CP, CLC, NP and NLC. REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 71(3), 403-410, jul. sep. | 2018 407 Use of ornamental rock residues for mould flux development

Regarding fluidity, the appearance the results from FactSage® software, formed by the flux manufacturer. of the boats after the corresponding test measured slag pool length obtained is shown in Figure 7a. Figure 7b shows from the boat test, and viscosity in-

(a) (b)

Figure 7 Fluidity and viscosity results (a) Slag pool length obtained from the boat test, (b) Viscosity of liquid phase obtained from the FactSage® software (η), obtained from the manufacturer (η*) and measured by the boat test (η**)

4. Discussion

Figure 2 shows the granulometric However, in this type of flux, it is usual to be between 1040-1060 °C. The forma-

distribution of marble and granite resi- find smaller amounts of pectolite (Na2Ca- tion of other phases is related to Na2O,

dues, which is in accordance to commer- Si3O8) and pseudo-wollastonite (CaSiO3) MgO and Al2O3 contents and, therefore, cial fluxes. The mould flux manufacture phases. When alumina is added to the some variations among the fluxes were

involves a pulp production, which gener- powder, anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8), gehlenite observed. Some of these phases, such

ates an agglomerate particle. The mere fact (Ca2Al2SiO7) and nepheline (NaAlSiO4) as akermanite and gehlenite, were also that the granulometry of the material is are also formed (Cruz et al., 2007). X-ray found by other authors (Susa et al., 2011). within the range of use does not indicate diffraction patterns obtained for peritectic Similarly as in X-ray diffraction, cuspidine that it is suitable for the production of fluxes (Figure 4) have identified some of and nepheline formation was observed in a new flux. Thus, it is still necessary to these phases, including cuspidine. the thermodynamic simulation (Figure investigate the rheological properties of The macroscopic photos in Figure 6). The formation of these compounds the pulp formed. The granite residue had 3 show slags obtained from the modified was also observed by Seo et al. (2014). only 3.4% of grains above the range found Stollberg test. The CP and NP fluxes are However, many phases obtained in X-ray for commercial fluxes, while the marble very similar, as are the CLC and NLC diffraction results are not in accordance residue had 6.3%. However, this small fluxes, since the crystalline phases are with FactSage® prevision. amount of grain out of the range may more evident when the translucency is re- The microstructures shown in Fig- impair the spray dryer process, since the duced. The formation of crystalline phases ures 5-(d) and 5-(e) for CLC and NLC granulometry distribution of raw materi- for all the fluxes in Figure 4-(a) is evident, fluxes are very similar to Figure 5-(f), als affects the sphere forming conditions; but in the case of CLC and NLC fluxes, which was obtained for common glass. therefore, it may be necessary to selectively these phases appear due to the formation These materials do not present grains but grind or separate residues. of a thin crystalline layer in the slag in con- show a continuous region characteristic of For low carbon fluxes, the formation tact with the crucible during heating. The materials that do not form crystalline or of crystalline phases is not required, as X-ray diffraction patterns obtained after amorphized phases. The thin layers were in the case of peritectic fluxes; therefore, removal of this thin layer did not show analyzed in the center of the samples and it was possible to produce the NLC flux any crystalline phases for CLC and NLC this explains why no crystalline phase using 74% of residue. MgO contents of fluxes (Figure 4-b). The vitreous phase appears, differently from what is seen in more than 5-7% favor vitreous phase formation in NLC is attributed to the large the X-ray in Figure 4-(a). It is believed that formation (Li et al., 2004); thus, a smaller amount of oxide (MgO) used the vitreous phase shows up in CLC due amount of marble was used for the NP in this flux (see Table 2). to higher Na2O and MgO contents and flux, which was designed for peritectic In addition, Figure 4 shows that the lower basicity compared to CP, and due steels. As explained previously, these X-ray diffraction patterns of slags have to higher MgO and lower basicity in NLC types of steel show higher contraction a great similarity between commercial compared to NP (Table 2). after peritectic transformation. Because and new fluxes. When comparing results Furthermore, in Figure 5, grain of this phenomenon, it is necessary to of diffractometry, it was observed that formation due to induced crystallinity control heat transfer by radiation and, the main phases were cuspidine and was observed for CP and NP fluxes. The thus, more crystalline phases are required nepheline. Fluxes with fluorine contents crystallinity of the NP flux was attributed for these fluxes. The formation of crys- above 12% tend to form compounds to the lower MgO content and higher talline phases depends directly on the such as cuspidine (Cruz et al., 2007). basicity when compared to the NLC flux, chemical composition. For example, high Nepheline is present in higher amounts since the fluorine content was the same. It fluorite content and basicity increase the in CLC and NLC, which is favorable for is believed that the time and temperature most abundant phase in flux at higher the casting of low carbon steels, where the to which they were submitted were not

temperatures, cuspidine (Ca4Si2O7F2). optimal solidification temperature should enough for a better formation of miner- 408 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 71(3), 403-410, jul. sep. | 2018 Leticia Miranda Alves et al. aloids, making it impossible to identify However, this effect has a greater influence i.e., more crystalline or more vitreous. them clearly in the petrographic micro- on oxide-free fluxes, which is not the Finally, Figure 7 shows fluidity re- scope using transmitted light. However, case in this work. Therefore, it is believed sults. According to the boat test standards when mineral identification techniques that CP could to a small decrease in adopted by the flux manufacturers, varia- were applied, similar habits were ob- heat transfer by radiation due to larger tions above 5 mm indicate products with served, such as extinction and birefrin- grains in relation to NP (Susa et al., 2011). different viscosities. Therefore, according gence. The presence of calcite (CaCO3) The percentage of crystallinity ob- to this test, it can be considered that all could be confirmed due to its cleavage tained from equations 1 and 2 (Table 3) fluxes have similar viscosities. The liquid characteristic, as seen in Figure 5-(c). For holds a good agreement with the results phase viscosity from FactSage® software CP and NP fluxes, this same cleavage from the Stollberg test, i.e. 100% crystal- is different from that obtained by the sup- could be seen in Figures 5-(a) and 5-(b) in linity for CP and NP and 17% for CLC, plier. This may be because some phases the circled areas. In addition, a carbonate which is justified by a thin layer of crystal- present in the fluxes were not considered. localization test was performed, in which line phase formed. However, 0% crystal- Further studies are needed in the future 25% was added to the linity was observed for NLC; however, X- because viscosity has a strong effect on samples and the boiling of material was ray results showed a thin crystalline layer lubrication and, in direct industrial ap- observed. Moreover, when comparing on the surface. Thus, even with a slight plication, it affects heat transfer and, Figures 5-(a) and 5-(b), it was found that disagreement, the use of this model can consequently, productivity and quality. CP has larger grain sizes than NP. Accord- reduce the number of experiments when From these considerations, industrial tests ing to Susa et al. (2011), bigger grain size designing new mould fluxes because one are required in order to learn the behavior may decrease heat transfer by radiation. can know the flux tendency beforehand, of these new fluxes in an operational plant.

5. Conclusion

Ornamental stone residues consist the results showed that it is possible to pro- other characteristics during their use in of some compounds which are similar to duce two extreme types of fluxes with high an industrial plant, and the procedures those used for the production of commer- crystallinity (peritectic fluxes - CP and NP) applied in this work can be used to avoid cial mold fluxes. Therefore, it was possible and others with a vitreous tendency (low industrial tests with compositions which to obtain two types of fluxes with the carbon fluxes – CLC and NLC). Thus, the will undoubtedly produce an undesired phases, fluidity and crystallinity, compat- use of these residues for manufacturing result. Also, the use of residues in mould ible with commercial fluxes. Of course, mould fluxes is possible. However, to de- flux production can increase sustainability there are some clear differences; however, velop a new flux it is necessary to examine in the continuous casting process.


The authors are grateful to CAPES, and FAPES (T.O. 243/2016) - Brazilian cial support and to ArcelorMittal Tubarão FINEP, CNPq (Proc. 302523/2016-2), research funding agencies - for their finan- and Mastercodi Ltd for their cooperation.


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Received: 6 February 2017 - Accepted: 18 January 2018.

410 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 71(3), 403-410, jul. sep. | 2018