Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (07.- 13 February 2013) Thursday, 14 February 2013 00:00

Israeli soldiers at al-Jalama checkpoint near during clashes with some young men who gathered near the checkpoint – 08 February 2013

Israeli Forces Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)

The Israeli forces continued to open fire at the Palestinian civilians in the border area of the Gaza Strip

4 Palestinian civilians, including a child and a journalist, were wounded in the incursions conducted in the .

The Israeli forces conducted 77 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. At least 46 Palestinian civilians, including 8 children, were arrested in the West Bank. 6 children from the Gaza Strip were arrested when they attempted to cross the borders into Israel.

The Israeli forces continued to attack Palestinian fishermen in the sea. The Israeli forces opened fire at the Palestinian fishing boats, but neither casualties nor material damages were reported. 4 fishermen, including 2 children, were arrested and then released after the confiscation of their boat.

The Israeli forces continued to use excessive force against peaceful protests in the West Bank. 3 Palestinian civilians, including a child and a journalist, were wounded in protests against the annexation wall and settlement activities.

Israel has continued to impose a total closure on the oPt and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world. The Israeli forces established dozens of checkpoints in the West Bank. At least 18 Palestinian civilians, including 11 children and a girl, were arrested at checkpoints. 2 of these detainees were arrested at Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing, north of the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli forces have continued settlement activities in the West Bank, and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property. continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property. 4 houses, 3 tents, a barrack, a water well and a grocery shop were demolished. The Israeli government approved the construction of 436 settlement units in the West Bank's settlements. The settlers continued their attacks on the Palestinian civilians and their property.


Israeli violations of international law and international humanitarian law in the oPt continued during the reporting period (07– 13 February 2013):


During the reporting period, the Israeli forces wounded 7 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children and 2 journalists, in the West Bank; 3 of whom, including a child and a journalist, were wounded in peaceful protests against the annexation wall and settlement activities, while the 4 others, including a child and a journalist, were wounded during 2 separate incursions. In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli forces continued to open fire at the Palestinian civilians near the border fence.

In the West Bank, on 09 February 2013, 3 Palestinian civilians, including a child, were wounded when some settlers moved into Azzoun village, east of Qalqiliam and threw stones at a number of houses. Palestinian villagers hurried to get the settlers out of the village, but the Israeli forces moved into it and fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the . As a result, 3 persons were wounded.

On 11 February 2013, journalist Amer Mohammed 'Abdeen, 32, was hit by a tear gas canister to the right leg when the Israeli forces moved into al-Sa'ida area, southwest of Beit Awwa village, south of Hebron, to demolish civilian facilities. Following the demolition works, the Israeli forces attacked the Palestinians, who were in the area and fired tear gas canisters, sound bombs and rubber-coated metal bullets at them. As a result, the abovementioned journalist was wounded.

In the same context, the Israeli forces continued to systematically use excessive force against peaceful protests organized by Palestinians and Israeli and international activists protesting against the annexation wall and settlement activities in the West Bank. As a result, 3 Palestinian civilians were wounded, including a child and a journalist who were wounded in Kofur Qaddoum protest, northeast of Qalqilia. The third one was wounded by 3 bullets to the back and left thigh in Budrus village, west of Ramallah and al-Bireh.

In the Gaza Strip, on 08 February 2013, the Israeli forces positioned at watchtowers along the border fence, north of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire at some Palestinians who were few meters away from the abovementioned fence. On the same day, the Israeli forces positioned at watchtowers along the border fence, east of Abu Safiya area in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire at some Palestinians who were few meters away from the abovementioned fence. Palestinian civilians were frightened, but neither casualties nor material damage were reported in both incidents.

In the context of targeting Palestinian fishermen in the sea, on 10 February 2013, the Israeli gunboats arrested 4 Palestinian fishermen, including 2 children, who were on board a fishing boat belonging to Mohammed Abdul Razeq Sa'id Baker, 42. The fishing boat was 3 nautical miles of al-Sudaniya shore, north of Gaza City. The Israeli gunboats arrested and transported them to Ashdod seaport and then to Erez (Beit Hanoun) crossing to be questioned. The Israeli forces released them on the same day, but the boat remained in custody.

On 11 February 2013, the Israeli gunboats stationed off al-Waha resort, northwest of Beit Lahia, opened fire at the Palestinian fishing boats. As a result, the fishermen were frightened and fled back to the shore for fear of being wounded or arrested. Neither casualties nor material damage were reported.


During the reporting period, the Israeli forces conducted at least 77 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. During these incursions, the Israeli forces arrested at least 46 Palestinians, including 8 children.

In the Gaza Strip, on 08 February 2013, the Israeli forces stationed along the border fence, east of al-Maghazi, arrested 2 Palestinian children when they attempted to cross the borders into Israel.

On 12 February 2013, the Israeli forces stationed along the border fence, east of al-Bureij refugee camp, in the central Gaza Strip, arrested 4 Palestinian children when they attempted to cross the borders into Israel.

Restrictions on Movement:

Israel continued to impose a tightened closure of the oPt, imposing severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

The illegal Israeli-imposed closure of the Gaza Strip, which has steadily tightened since June 2007, has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip. The illegal closure has caused not only a humanitarian crisis, but a crisis of human rights and human dignity for the population of the Gaza Strip. Recently-declared measures to ease the closure are vague, purely cosmetic and fail to deal with the root causes of the crisis; the root causes can only be addressed by an immediate and complete lifting of the closure, including lifting the travel ban into and out of the Gaza Strip and the ban on exports. Palestinians in Gaza may no longer suffer from the same shortage of goods but, as long as the closure is allowed to continue, they will remain economically dependent, unable to care for themselves, and socially, culturally and academically isolated from the rest of the world.

The IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians throughout the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinian civilians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip continue to be denied access to Jerusalem.

Settlement Activities:

Israel has continued its settlement activities in the oPt, in violation of international humanitarian law, and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

On 07 February 2013, Israeli forces completely demolished an uninhabited house in al-Khas village near Bethlehem. The house is located in area B, which falls under Palestinian jurisdiction under the Oslo Accords, and he has a construction permit from the Ministry of Local Government in Bethlehem.

On the same day, the Israeli forces launched a wide scale bulldozing campaign in lands belonging to Palestinian civilians in Kufor Sour and Kufor Jamal villages, located near "Salit" settlement, which stands on Palestinian lands, west of Kufor Sour village south of Tulkarm. According to eyewitnesses' testimonies to a PCHR fieldworker, the Israeli forces started the bulldozing campaign for expansion projects in "Salit" settlement.

On 07 February 2013, a group of settlers, protected by the Israeli forces and military vehicles, raided al-Hadffira area, near 'Arraba village southwest of Jenin. The settlers preformed religious rituals near an archeological site and stayed there for a while.

On 08 February 2012, Israeli forces, accompanied by military vehicles and waste water bumping vehicle in al-Tabban area, east of Yatta, south of Hebron, attacked a group of Palestinians and international human rights activists after they built three tents on a confiscated land in the area for the construction of Kan'an village there. The Israeli soldiers cordoned the area, assaulted the participants, tried to arrest some of them and demolished and confiscated the tents.

On 08 February 2013, dozens of settlers from "Kiryart Arba" settlement, established on Palestinian civilians' lands, southeast of Hebron, raided the farmlands and water spring in Kannar area to the east of Doura, southwest of Hebron.

On 09 February 2013, Israeli forces, accompanied by a number of military vehicles and bulldozers, demolished an 85- square-meter, under-construction house under pretext of not obtaining a construction permit.

On 09 February 2013, Israeli forces banned Ali 'Eid 'Awad, 50, from working in his land in Khelat al-Kutla area, adjacent to 'Kermi Tsour" settlement, established on the lands of Palestinian civilians south of Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron and forced him to leave at gunpoint, after registering his name and the time he entered his land.

On the same day, 09 February 2013, a group of settlers raided the eastern parts of 'Azzoun village, east of Qalqilya. The settlers threw rocks at a number of houses. The settlers withdrew later after the Israeli forces intervened. Later on the same day, the settlers attacked the aforementioned village again. They entered the village from the north in a number of busses. Immediately afterwards, they attacked the houses by the northern entrance of the village, screaming and throwing rocks.

On 11 February 2013, Israeli forces, demolished a caravan belonging to Mohammed Badawi al-Tamizi (50). It should be mentioned that the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) had donated the caravan to the aforementioned civilian after the Israeli forces demolished his house in 2012.

On the same day, the Israeli forces demolished a house of 70 square meters, a water well and a barracks of 220 square metersin al-Sa'ida area, southwest of 'Awwa village, southwest of Hebron.

On the same day, the Israeli government decided to build 90 housing units in "Beit Eil" settlement, northeast of Ramallah. According to Channel (10)'s website, the Israeli Minister of Defense, Ehud Barak, signed permits for constructing 90 new housing units in "Beit Eil" settlement, under the signed agreement between the settlers and the government to evacuate "Albona" settlement, which comes as part of the hundreds of settlement units that the Israeli government committed to build for the settlers in order to evacuate the aforementioned settlement. In a related context, the Israeli Ministry of Defense affirmed that the government had requested designs for 346 new settlement units to be built in settlements in the West Bank. The ministry said in a press release that it allowed the drafting of the designs for 200 settlement units in "Tekoa" settlement and 146 in "Nacodam" settlement, in the southern of the West Bank.

On 12 February 2013, Israeli forces demolished a grocery shop of 12 square meters in 'Arab al-Ramadeen village, south of Hebron.

Israeli Violations Documented during the Reporting Period (07– 13 February 2013)

1- Incursions into Palestinian Areas and Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

Thursday, 07 February 2013

At approximately 00:00, the Israeli forces moved into Shweika suburb, north of Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets for some time, raided a house belonging to the family of Rashed Abdul Rahman Rashed Ikbariya, 30, and questioned him on the spot. The Israeli forces withdrew later, but no arrests were reported. It should be noted that Ikbariya is an ex-prisoner who was released on 15 August 2012, as he served his 7-year sentence in the Israeli prisons.

At approximately 01:00, the Israeli forces moved into Sourif village, northwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and raided and searched a number of houses. They arrested Anwar Ziad al-Froukh, 24; and Amin Anwar Amin al-Froukh, 23, and transported them to an unknown destination.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into Ein al-Sultan refugee camp, west of Jericho. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 02:30, an Israeli infantry unit and an Israeli Intelligence officer moved into al-Azza refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched houses belonging: Abdul Aziz Kamal Da'ajna, 23; Noah Ibrahim Da'dara, 23; Hassan Khalil Ibrahim Qaraqe', 65; and Mo'taz Ali Mohammed Qaraqe', 26. The Israeli Intelligence officer summoned Mo'taz, Noah and Abdul Aziz and questioned them on the spot. Mo'taz said to a PCHR fieldworker that he was threatened of arrest in case he was involved in any political activity. It is worth saying that Mo'taz had received a notice to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service last January. The Israeli forces withdrew later, but no arrests were reported.

At approximately 03:00, the Israeli forces moved into Beit Oula village, west of Hebron. They raided Beit Oula Municipality after breaking the main gate of the building and the gates of the stores with special tools. They entered the rooms, damaged the doors inside and tampered with the official documents of the municipality. The Israeli forces detained a member of the village doors inside and tampered with the official documents of the municipality. The Israeli forces detained a member of the village council who arrived upon receiving the news of raiding the municipality. At approximately 04:30, they withdrew; no confiscation of documents or any other contents of the municipality were reported.

At approximately 09:30, the Israeli forces moved into Fasayel village, north of Jericho. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 10:30, the Israeli forces moved into Beit Our al-Tahta village, southwest of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 11:00, the Israeli forces moved into Ya'bad village, southwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time; meanwhile, a number of young men gathered to throw stones and empty bottles at the Israeli forces that fired in response sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the stones throwers. As a result, many persons suffered from tear gas inhalation. The Israeli forces withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into al-Zababda village, southeast of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 11:45, the Israeli forces arrested Sameh Jamal Awad Abu Hussein "al-Qet", 22, from the eastern neighborhood in Jenin. Sameh was arrested when he went to Salem military camp, northwest of Jenin, upon a summon notice that he received previously to refer to the Israeli intelligence service.

At approximately 12:30, the Israeli forces moved into Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 17:30, the Israeli forces moved into Ya'bad village, southwest of Jenin, for the second time within few hours. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 20:00, the Israeli forces moved into al-Ouja village, northeast of Jericho. They patrolled the streets for a while and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 22:30, the Israeli forces moved into Ertah, south of Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets for a while and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

Friday, 08 February 2013

At approximately 00:30, the Israeli forces moved into al-Arqa village, west of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into village, southwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets; meanwhile, a number of young men gathered to throw stones and empty bottles at the Israeli forces that fired in response sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the stones throwers. As a result, many persons suffered from tear gas inhalation. The Israeli forces withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 01:00, the Israeli forces moved into Seida village, northeast of Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 08:45, the Israeli forces moved into Jayous village, northeast of Qalqilia. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 15:00, the Israeli forces moved into al-Jalama village, north of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some; meanwhile, a number of young men gathered to throw stones and empty bottles at the Israeli forces that fired in response sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the stones throwers. As a result, many persons suffered from tear gas inhalation. The Israeli forces withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 15:30, the Israeli forces positioned at the border fence, north of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, fired bullets and tear gas canisters at a group of civilians, who were a few meters away from the west of the aforementioned fence. As a result, the civilians were frightened, but neither casualties nor material damage were reported.

At approximately 15:40, the Israeli forces positioned at the border fence in the east of Abu Safia village, east of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, fired bullets and tear gas canisters at a group of civilians, who were a few meters away from the west of the aforementioned fence. As a result, the civilians were frightened, but neither casualties nor material damage were reported.

At approximately 16:00, the Israeli forces positioned along the border fence, east of al-Maghazi, arrested 2 children when they attempted to cross the border into Israel:

Mohammed Yusef 'Ebeid al-Ne'ami, 16; and Majdi Rashad Abdul Karim al-Masalma, 18. Both are from al-Maghazi area.

Yusef 'Ebeid al-Ne'ami, 45, the father of one of the arrested boys, said to a PCHR fieldworker that at approximately 22:50, he received a phone call from a person who introduced himself as an officer from the Israeli forces and told him that his son Mohammed and Majdi Rashad al-Masalma were arrested due to their attempt to cross the borders into Israel.

At approximately 16: 15, the Israeli forces moved into Far'oun village, south of Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 18:30, the Israeli forces moved into Batin village, northeast of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 20:30, the Israeli forces moved into Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 22:30, the Israeli forces moved into Ras Karkar village, northwest of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for a while and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 23:30, the Israeli forces moved into Shabtin village, west of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

Saturday, 09 February 2013

At approximately 01:15, the Israeli forces moved into Azzoun village, east of Qalqilia. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 01:20, the Israeli forces moved into Kofur Thalelth village, east of Qalqilia. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 01:50, the Israeli forces moved into Qalqilia. They patrolled the streets for some time and later withdrew. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 02:00, the Israeli forces moved into Beitounia village, west of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and later withdrew. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 03:00, the Israeli forces moved into Ethna village, west of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Abdul Halim Ahmed Nemer, 28, and arrested him.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into al-Zbeidat village, north of Jericho. . They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 03:30, the Israeli forces moved into Deir Samet village, west of Doura, southwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and deployed between houses. They withdrew later and neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 03:50, the Israeli forces moved into Hares village, northeast of Salfit. They raided 3 houses and arrested 3 persons, including 2 children:

1. Amjad Iyad Abdul Rahim Hassan, 17; 1. Amjad Iyad Abdul Rahim Hassan, 17; 2. Hendi Abdullah Sultan, 17; and 3. Farid Atta Farid Sultan, 18.

At approximately 10:15, the Israeli forces moved into Kofur Laqef village, east of Qalqilia. They patrolled the streets and raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Ra'ed Mahmoud Amin Jaber, 26. They handed him a notice to refer to the Israeli intelligence service and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 18:00, the Israeli forces moved into al-Namous area, west of Doura, southwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and deployed between the houses. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Monir al-Hroub, 38. The Israeli forces withdrew later, but no arrests were reported.

At approximately 18:30, the Israeli forces moved into Kofur Malek village, northeast of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for a while and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into Deir Dabwan village, northeast of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 19:30, the Israeli forces moved into Burin village, south of Nablus. They raided and searched a number of houses and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 19:50, the Israeli forces moved into Azzoun village, east of Qalqilia. They patrolled the streets for some time amidst firing flare bombs in the sky. They withdrew later and neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 21:00, the Israeli forces moved into Sanjal village, north of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

At approximately 01:00, the Israeli forces moved into Tarqoumia village, northwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids no arrests were reported.

At the same time, the Israeli force moved into Beit Kahel village, northwest of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Issam Ali Hassan al-Zohour, 22, and arrested him.

At approximately 01:30, the Israeli forces moved into al-Tira neighborhood in Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 02:10, the Israeli forces moved into Abu Njaim village, south of Bethlehem. They raided a house belonging to Mohammed Ali al-Arouj, 22, and submitted him a notice to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service in "Gosh Etzion" complex, south of Bethlehem.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into Ali family village, south of Bethlehem. They raided a house belonging to the family of Sami Yusef Shawriya, 23, and submitted him a notice to refer to the Israeli intelligence service in "Gush Etzion" complex, south of Bethlehem.

At approximately 02:30, the Israeli forces moved into Silet al-Daher village, south of Jenin. They raided a house belonging to the family of Wa'el Tahayna and submitted him a notice to refer to the Israeli intelligence service at Salem detention camp, northwest of Jenin. They withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 04:00, the Israeli forces moved into al-Yamoun village, northwest of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time, raided a number of houses and handed their owners notices to refer to the Israeli intelligence service at Salem detention camp, northwest of Jenin. They withdrew later; no arrests were reported. The summoned persons were identified as:

1. Imad Sa'd Fayez Abu al-Hassan, 49, a university teacher; 2. Othman Ali Jamil Zayed, 28; and 3. Jehad Mohammed Ali Nawahda, 51. 3. Jehad Mohammed Ali Nawahda, 51.

At approximately 06:00, the Israeli gunboats arrested 4 fishermen, including 2 children, who were on board a fishing boat belonging to Mohammed Abdul Razeq Sa'id Baker, 42. The boat was 3 nautical miles off al-Sudaniya shore, north of Gaza City. The fishermen are:

1. Thabet Mohammed Abdul Razeq Baker, 17; 2. Haitham Tareq Baker, 25; 3. Amjad Tareq Baker, 23; and 4. Awad Tareq Baker, 16.

The Israeli naval forces arrested and transported them to Ashodo seaport and then to Erez crossing to be questioned. At approximately 17:00, the Israeli forces released them, but the boat that carried a GPS, a mobile phone, fishing equipment and 15 liters of benzene remained in custody.

At approximately 09:45, the Israeli forces moved into Kofu Qoud village, west of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into Bruqin village, west of Jenin. They patrolled the streets and detained Hani Mohammed Ahmed Ghanem, 19. Soon,, a number of young men gathered to throw stones and empty bottles at the Israeli forces that fired in response sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the stones throwers. As a result, many persons suffered from tear gas inhalation. The Israeli forces withdrew later. Neither house raids no arrests were reported.

At approximately 20:00, the Israeli forces moved into Deir Ammar village, west of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 21:00, the Israeli forces moved into Beit Awwa village, west of Doura, southwest of Hebron. They patrolled the streets, raided the village's playing field and detained 3 children while they were playing there. The 3 children, who were questioned on the spot for few hours and then released, were identified as:

1. Abed Neel Hassan Masalma, 16; 2. Ashraf Hussein Yusef Masalma, 17; and 3. Monther Rezeq Hussein Masalma, 16.

The Israeli forces withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 23:00, the Israeli forces moved into Ras al-Joura area, north of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

Monday, 11 February 2013

At approximately 01:30, the Israeli forces moved into Nablus. They patrolled the streets, raided and searched a number of houses and arrested Yazan Mahmoud Sawalha, 27, from his house in al-'Ameriya neighborhood, southwest of Nablus.

At approximately 02:00, the Israeli forces moved into the Old Town of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Mohammed Talal Mohammed al-Rajabi, 22, and arrested him.

At approximately 02:30, the Israeli forces moved into the center of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Mostafa Jamal Yusef Abu Qweider, 37, and arrested him.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into Silet al-Harethiya village, north of Jenin. They raided and searched a house belonging to Basem Suleiman Yusef Jaradat, 53. They questioned him and his son Adhma, 25, on the spot. The Israeli forces withdrew later and no arrested were reported.

At approximately 04:00, the Israeli forces moved into Jenin. They patrolled the streets and positioned in the eastern neighborhood. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Ahmed Jamal Awad Abu Hussein "al-Qet", 32, and arrested him. It should be noted that the Israeli forces arrested the aforementioned person's brother, Sameh, on Thursday, 07 February 2013, when he was summoned to Salem camp, northwest of Jenin.

At approximately 05:00, the Israeli forces raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Mousa Awda in al- Bustan neighborhood in Selwan village, south of the Old Town of the occupied Jerusalem. They arrested Mousa'a son, Musallam, 13, and transported him to an unknown destination. Musallam, 13, and transported him to an unknown destination.

At approximately 10:00, the Israeli forces moved into the area between Ya'bad and Zebda villages, southwest of Jenin. They took position in the area for some time. They withdrew later, but no arrests were reported.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 20:30, the Israeli gunboats stationed off al-Waha resort, northwest of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip, opened heavy fire for 30 minutes at the Palestinian fishing boats that were sailing 2 nautical miles off the shore. As a result, the Palestinian fishermen were terrified and fled back to the shore for fear of being arrested or wounded. Neither casualties nor material damage were reported.

Tuesday, 12 February 2012

At approximately 01:30, the Israeli forces moved into Tal village, southwest of Nablus. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 4 civilians:

1. Walid Jamal Ahmed Asida, 21, a student at al-Najah National University in Nablus; 2. Osama Khaled Mousa Yamin, 21, a student at the Arab American University in Jenin; 3. Mothanna Jamil Isma'il Yamin, 21, coordinator of the Islamic bloc in Technical University in Tulkarm; and 4. Mousa Ahmed Mousa Yamin, 24.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into Tulkarm. They patrolled the streets and stationed at the western neighborhood of the town. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Abdullah Isma'il Abdullah Khalil, 21, and arrested him. The Israeli forces then re-positioned at the northern neighborhood, raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Ammar Jehad Tawfiq 'Emeir, 26, and arrested him. The Israeli forces positioned near the new in the center of the city. They raided a house belonging to Ammar Taqwfiq "Ahmad Badawi" Ayyoub, 53, the town's Mufti. They broke the door of the house, started searching it and arrested his son Qutada, 22. Meanwhile, the Israeli forces raided a house belonging to Ra'fat Jamil Abdul Rahman Nasif, 47, a leader of Hamas movement, near al-Omariya school in the southern neighborhood of the city. They broke the main door of the house, started searching using sniffer dogs and then arrested the aforementioned person. They withdrew later transporting the arrested persons to an unknown destination. It should be noted that Ra'fat Nasif was released on 11 November 2012 after he had served his 44-month administrative detention period; his whole detention period in the Israeli prisons mounted to 11 years. This arrest campaign was carried out in the context of the so-called "cutting the grass" Israeli campaign that targeted Hamas' members in the West Bank.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into Bethlehem. They patrolled the streets and stationed at al-Saff Streets in the center of the town. They raided and searched a house belonging Abed Mohammed Hejazi, 19, and arrested him.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into Ayda refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Saleh Abu Akar, 23, and arrested him.

At approximately 02:00, the Israeli forces moved into Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron. They raided and searched a

house belonging to Tareq Khalil Abu Maria, 19, and arrested him from his bedroom without allowing him to get dressed. They also attacked his father and confiscated his ID card.

At approximately 02:30, the Israeli forces moved into Azzoun village, east of Qalqilia. They raided 7 houses and arrested 5 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children: Ahmed Mhanna Mesh'al, 15; Naji Najeh Abu Haniya, 16; Mahmoud Abdul Rahman Odwan, 12; Saleh Basim Ahmed Redwan, 14; and Sabra Khader Mahmoud Sukkar, 21.

At approximately 03:30, the Israeli forces moved into Sa'ir village, north of Hebron. They patrolled the streets and raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Fadi Yusef Wadi, 23. They arrested the aforementioned person and transported him to an unknown destination.

At the same time, the Israeli the Israeli forces moved into 'Etil village, north of Tulkarm. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Mos'ab Wasfi Abdul Qader al-Ashqar, 21, and arrested him.

At approximately 07:30, the Israeli forces moved into Siris village, south of Jenin. They patrolled the streets for some time and withdrew later. Neither house raids nor arrests were reported.

At approximately 08:30, the Israeli forces moved into Ya'bad village, south of Jenin. They patrolled the streets and stationed at al-Maloul quarter, south of the village. They raided a house belonging to the family of Amin Mas'oud Mahmoud Abu Baker, 50, a lecturer at al-Najah National University. The Israeli soldiers topped the roof of the house and turned it into a military site. Meanwhile, residents of the area gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at the Israeli forces, which fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters in response. As a result, some persons suffered from tear gas inhalation. The Israeli forces withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 11:00, the Israeli forces moved into Jabal Jawhar area, south of Hebron. They patrolled the streets, deployed between the houses and stopped the civilians and school students to check their ID cards. Some boys gathered and threw stones at the Israeli forces, which fired sound bombs, tear gas canisters and rubber-coated metal bullets in response. The Israeli forces withdrew later and neither arrest nor casualties were reported.

At the same time, the Israeli forces moved into 'Attil village, north of Tulkarm. They raided a house belonging to the family of Qutaiba Nihad Sa'id al-Ajami, 24, and submitted him a notice to refer to the Israeli intelligence service at the Israeli military liaison office, west of Tulkarm. The Israeli forces withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

At approximately 12:00, the Israeli forces moved into Ras al-Joura area, north of Hebron. They patrolled the streets for a while and withdrew later. No arrests were reported.

At approximately 15:00, the Israeli forces stationed along the border fence, east of al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, arrested 4 Palestinian children when they attempted to cross the borders into Israel. The arrested are: Mohammed Ibrahim Salem Abu Hazin, 17; Salim Mosbah Salama Abu Ghoula, 15; Mohammed Hakem Mohammed Abu Ghoula, 15, and Ahmed Wa'el Hamdan Abu Ghoula, 17.

Ayman Hamdan Farhan Abu Ghoula, 29, the uncles of one of the detainees, said to a PCHR fieldworker that he did not see his nephew in the area, so he started looking for him. Some young men told the uncle that they saw the boy with 3 other boys heading to the border fence. The uncle followed them to the border area, but a person living near the border fence told him that he saw 4 children approaching the fence and were arrested by the Israeli forces positioned there.

At approximately 17:30, the Israeli forces moved into al-'Arqa village, west of Jenin. They patrolled the streets, where some boys gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at them. Israeli soldiers fired sound bombs at the stone

throwers in response. The Israeli forces withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

Wednesday, 13 February 2012

At approximately 01:00, the Israeli forces moved into Beit Daqqo village, northwest of occupied Jerusalem. They raided a number of houses and launched an arrest campaign in the village. They arrested 10 Palestinian civilians and transported them to an unknown destination:

1. Mousa Mohammed Hassan, 20; 2. Shadi Suleiman Abdul Mon'em, 28; 3. Bashir Marrar, 22; 4. Abdul Fattah Darweesh, 25; 5. Hesham Khalil Ali Hussein, 25; 6. Jalal KHalil Ali Hussein, 19; 7. Hamad Issa Ali Hussein, 22; 8. Ali Issa Ali Hussein, 20; 9. Nadim Ahmed Ali Hussein, 19 and 10. Mohammed Abdul Nasser Ali Hussein, 19.

At approximately 01:30, the Israeli forces moved into Barqa village, north of Nablus. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested Mohammed Fo'ad Hussein Hajja, 29.

At approximately 02:30, the Israeli forces moved into Beit Luqia village, south of Ramallah. They raided and searched a At approximately 02:30, the Israeli forces moved into Beit Luqia village, south of Ramallah. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Rebhi Baker Assi. They arrested Rebhi's son, Ma'moun Assi, 29, and transported him to Ofer detention facility, south of the town.

At approximately 02:55, the Israeli forces moved into Bethlehem. They patrolled the streets and stationed at al-Saff streets in the center of the town. They raided a house belonging to the family of Ala' Mohammed Hmeid, 18, and arrested him.

At approximately 06:00, the Israeli forces moved into Rummana village, north of Jenin. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Farid Walid Farid Mahajnah, 24, an officer of the Palestinian National Security Forces, and arrested him.

At approximately 12:00, the Israeli forces moved into Kherbatha al-Mesbah village, southwest of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets and stationed behind Kherbatha al-Mesbah high school for boys. They arrested Mohammed Ali Mohammed Harfoush, 13, under the pretext that he threw stones at road (443) near the said village. They transported him to the Israeli military site in Beit 'Aor al-Fouqa village, southwest of the town. The boy was released at approximately 17:00, on the same day.

2- Use of Excessive Force against Peaceful Demonstrations Protesting Settlement Activities and the Construction of the Annexation Wall

During the reporting period, Israeli forces used force against peaceful demonstrations organized by Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders in protest at the construction of the wall and settlement activities in the West Bank. As a result, three Palestinian civilians, including a journalist and a child, were wounded.

Following the Friday Prayer on 08 February 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Bil'ein village, west of Ramallah, in protest to the construction of the annexation wall. The demonstrators gathered in the streets of the village, chanting slogans calling for national unity. The protesters aimed to stress the need to adhere to national principles and the right of return, to resist the occupation and to call for the release of all Palestinian prisoners. The protesters raised Palestinian flags and made their way towards the lands adjacent to the annexation wall. The Israeli forces closed all ways and entrances to the village since early morning hours, to prevent Palestinians, journalists and international activists from joining the protest. The protesters raised Palestinian flags and made their way towards the wall. They called through megaphones for Israeli settlers in “Mitityahu” settlement to leave Palestinian land. Israeli soldiers stationed in the area fired rubber- coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, dozens of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises.

Also following the Friday Prayer on 08 February 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Ne’lin village, west of Ramallah, in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities. The demonstrators moved towards areas of the annexation wall. Immediately, Israeli soldiers stationed in the area fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, dozens of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises.

Around the same time on Friday, 08 February 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians and Israeli and international human rights defenders gathered in the Martyrs Square in Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah, to hold a weekly peaceful protest against the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities, entitled: "Freedom for Our Heroes in Israeli Jails." The protesters walked towards the gate erected by Israeli forces near the entrance of the village, which leads to Palestinian lands that Israeli settlers from the nearby "Halmish" settlement are trying to seize. Israeli soldiers fired live and rubber-coated bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protesters. As a result, dozens of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises.

At the same time on Friday, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders gathered in Budrus village, west of Ramallah and al-Bireh, for a peaceful protest against the annexation wall and settlement activity. The demonstration was entitled: "In memory of the Killing of Samir Amed Awad." The demonstrators walked through the village streets and headed towards the wall. The Israeli forces closed the wall gates with barbered wires, and when the demonstrators attempted to cross wall to the land behind it, the forces stopped them and so the demonstrators threw rocks at them. The Israeli soldiers fired tear gas canisters and rubber-coated bullets. As a result, a 25 year-old demonstrator sustained three bullet wounds; two in his back and one in the left thigh. Also dozens of demonstrators suffocated from tear gas inhalation. (PCHR kpees the name of the wounded person).

At approximately 12:00 on Friday too, dozens of Palestinian civilians and human rights activists gathered in al-Haraiek area, southeast of Hebron, for a peaceful demonstration calling for opening the route linking Hebron to it southern area, southeast of Hebron, for a peaceful demonstration calling for opening the route linking Hebron to it southern villages. Upon their arrival to the steel gate while closes the road to bypass road (60), the Israeli forces surrounded the place and declared it a closed military zone and ordered the demonstrators to leave immediately. The soldiers fired tear gas canisters and sound bombs at the demonstration. A number of protesters passed out as a result of tear gas inhalation.

Also following the Friday Prayer, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in the center of al-Ma’sara village, south of Bethlehem, in protest at the ongoing construction of the annexation wall. As the protestors moved towards the gate of the village, the Israeli forces closed it to prevent the demonstration from gaining access to the confiscated land and attacked the participants with shields, feet, hands and threw sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them; as a result, some demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises.

At approximately 12:15 on Friday, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in the center of Kufor Kadoum village, northeast of Qalqilya, in protest to the continuous closure of the eastern entrance of the village since the outbreak of al-Aqsa Intifada. The demonstrators moved towards the entrance of the village. Immediately, Israeli forces, stationed in the surroundings of the steel gate established at the entrance, fired tear gas canisters and sound bombs at the demonstrators. As a result, Bashar Mahmoud Nazzal Saleh, 33, a cameraman for Palestine Satellite Channel (PSC), was hit with a tear gas canister to his left shoulder while videotaping the demonstration and Khaled Murad Barham, 14, was hit with a tear gas canister in the right foot.

At approximately 14:30 on Friday, 08 February 2013, a group of Palestinian youngsters gathered near al-Jalama checkpoint, separating Jenin from Israel, northeast of Jenin. They started throwing stones and empty bottles and burnt car tires at the soldiers who were stationed at the checkpoint. The soldiers in response closed the checkpoint, chased the boys and fired tear gas canisters and sound bombs at them. As a result, some of them suffered from tear gas inhalation.

3- Continued Closure of the oPt

Israel has continued to impose a tightened closure on the oPt, imposing severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

Israel has continuously closed all border crossings to the Gaza Strip for nearly 5 years. The illegal Israeli-imposed closure of the Gaza Strip, which has steadily tightened since June 2007, has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip.

The IOF have tightened the closure of the Gaza Strip, making Karm Abu Salem crossing the sole commercial crossing of the Gaza Strip, although it is not suitable for commercial purposes, in terms of its distance and operational capacity.

The IOF have continued to apply their policy aimed at tightening the strangulation of the commercial movement in the Gaza Strip, including imposing total control over the flow of imports and exports. The total closure of al-Mentar "Karni" crossing on 02 March 2011 has created a terrible situation that has seriously affected the Gaza Strip. Following this closure, all economic and commercial establishments in Gaza Commercial Zone were shut off. It should be noted that al-Mentar crossing is the biggest crossing in the Gaza Strip, in terms of its operational capacity to absorb the flow of imports and exports. The decision to close al-Mentar crossing was the culmination of a series of decisions resulting in the complete closure of the Sofa crossing, east of the Gaza Strip in the beginning of 2009, and the Nahal Oz crossing, east of Gaza City, which was dedicated for the delivery of fuel and cooking gas to the Gaza Strip, in the beginning of 2010.

The IOF have continued to impose a total ban on the delivery of raw materials to the Gaza Strip, except for very limited items and quantities. The limited quantities of raw materials allowed into Gaza do not meet the minimal needs of the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.

The cooking gas crisis, which erupted last November, has continued to affect the Gaza Strip. This crisis was created on 04 January 2010, when Israeli occupation authorities totally closed the Nahal Oz crossing, which used to be dedicated to the delivery of fuel and cooking gas supplies to Gaza. They shifted fuel and cooking gas supplies to the Karm Abu Salem crossing, which is not equipped to receive Gaza's fuel needs. The Karm Abu Salem crossing, with its maximum absorptive capacity, can receive only 200 tons of cooking gas per day.

Approximately 80% of Gaza civilians continue to depend on humanitarian aid provided by UNRWA and other relief agencies, the number of families who are living below the poverty line has continued to increase, and approximately 40% of Gaza's manpower continues to suffer from permanent unemployment as a result of shutting down the majority of Gaza's economic manpower continues to suffer from permanent unemployment as a result of shutting down the majority of Gaza's economic establishments.

The IOF have continued to impose a total ban on the export of products from Gaza, especially industrial products, undermining any real chance of reopening economic establishments. The situation has been aggravated since the Karm Abu Salem crossing was designated as Gaza’s sole commercial crossing; the repeated closure of this crossing negatively affects the quantity of Gaza products which are allowed to be exported.

For approximately 6 consecutive years, the IOF have continued to ban the delivery of construction materials to Gaza. During the reporting period, the IOF approved the delivery of limited quantities of construction materials for a number of international organizations.

Israel has continued to close the Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing for Palestinian civilians from the Gaza Strip. The IOF only allow the movement of limited groups amidst severe restrictions, including long hours of waiting in the majority of cases. The IOF have also continued to adopt a policy aimed at reducing the number of Palestinian patients allowed to move via the Beit Hanoun crossing to receive medical treatment in hospitals in Israel or in the West Bank and Jerusalem. The IOF denied new categories of Gazan patients permission to access hospitals via the crossing.

Israel has imposed additional access restrictions on traders, international diplomats, journalists and humanitarian workers seeking to enter the Gaza Strip.

Movement at Border Crossings during the Reporting Period:

Movement at Rafah International Crossing Point 06– 12 February 2013

Day Date Traveling abroad Coming into Gaza Returned into Gaza 06 February Wednesday 2013 1,066 518 2 07 February Thursday 2013 693 688 50 08 February Friday 2013 470 468 33 09 February Saturday 2013 705 483 58 10 February Sunday 2013 648 463 38 11 February Monday 2013 626 518 55 12 February Tuesday 2013 617 449 44

Movement at Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) Crossing 05– 11 February 2013 Imports:

Imports Date Amount Category Tons Number Liters Foodstuffs 1,084 Agricultural materials 1,443 Various goods 913 Cartons of clothes 1,578 Glass boards 1,060 05 February 2013 Washing machines 164 Refrigerators 174 Cartons of shoes 255 Cartons of shoes 255 Humanitarian aid 7,545 Cooking gas 171.400 Foodstuffs 529 Agricultural materials 1,533 Various goods 856 Cartons of clothes 1,102 Refrigerators 90 Washing Machines 374 Glass boards 2,120 06 February 2013 Air conditioners 552 Cars 32 Buses 2 Cartons of shoes 718 Cows 516 Humanitarian aid 4,138 Cooking gas 170.750 Foodstuffs 513 Agricultural materials 1,265 Various goods 954 Cartons of clothes 403 Refrigerators 150 Car tires 1,788 Glass boards 596 10 February 2013 Fans 1,200 Water tanks 158 Diesel machines 12 Cartons of shoes 1,275 Cows 489 Humanitarian aid 5,139 Cooking gas 172.980 Foodstuffs 738 Agricultural materials 941 Various goods 1,140 Cartons of clothes 823 Refrigerators 118 Washing machines 66 11 February 2013 Air conditioners 100 Buses 2 Cars 30 Trucks 1 Cartons of shoes 1,266 Humanitarian aid 8,107 Cooking gas 170.110


On Tuesday, 05 February 2013, the Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 2.1 tons of cherry tomatoes, 1.2 tons of bell pepper and 1.2 tons of peppers. They also allowed the exportation of 130,000 flowers and 5 truckloads of plastics. On Wednesday, 06 February 2013, the Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 6 truckloads of plastics and 213,000 flowers. On Thursday, 07 February 2013, the Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 5 truckloads of plastics and 95,000 On Thursday, 07 February 2013, the Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 5 truckloads of plastics and 95,000 carnation flowers. On Sunday, 10 February 2013, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 6 truckloads of plastics, 68,260 carnation flowers and 600 kilograms of mints. On Monday, 11 February 2013, Israeli forces allowed the exportation 8 truckloads of plastics and 5 tons of cherry tomatoes.

Other Imports:

On Tuesday, 05 February 2013, the Israeli forces allowed the entry of 127 tons of cement, 69 tons of construction steel, and 5,110 tons of construction aggregate for UNRWA; 980 tons of construction aggregate for the private sector; and 120 tons of cement and 1,050 tons of construction aggregate for the German Development Bank (GDB). They also allowed the entry of 936 tons of fodders and 273 tons of wheat.

On Wednesday, 06 February 2013, the Israeli forces allowed the entry of 320 tons of cement, 68 of construction steel, and 1,400 tons of construction aggregate for UNRWA; 980 tons of construction aggregates for the private sector; and 630 tons of construction aggregate for the GDB. They also allowed the entry of 741 tons of fodders and 507 tons of wheat.

On Sunday, 10 February 2013, the Israeli forces allowed the entry of 480 tons of cement, 52 tons of construction steel, and 3,640 tons of construction aggregate for UNRWA; and 840 tons of construction aggregate for the private sector. They also allowed the entry of 741 tons of fodders and 234 tons of wheat.

On Monday, 11 February 2013, the Israeli forces allowed the entry of 440 tons of cement, 124 tons of construction steel, and 3,500 tons of construction aggregate for UNRWA; 980 tons of construction aggregate for the private sector; 1,680 tons of construction aggregate for the Water Authority; and 40 tons of cement, 36 tons of construction steel and 1,190 tons of construction aggregate for the UNDP. They also allowed the entry of 273 tons of fodders and 507 tons of wheat.

Imports through Rafah International Crossing Point, South of the Gaza Strip: 05– 11 February 2013 Imports:

Date Category Truckloads Amount

05 February 2013 Base Course 72 -

06 February 2013 Base Course 90 -

11 February 2013 Base Course 13 -

Note: Beit Hanoun "Erez" Crossing, north of the Gaza Strip, links the Strip with the West Bank, and it is for the movement of individuals.

Movement at Beit Hanoun (Erez) Crossing 30 January – 05 February 2013

Category 30 31 01 02February 03 04 05 January January February February February February Patients 31 24 7 Nil 51 31 46 Companions 30 10 5 Nil 46 34 45 Personal needs 31 26 1 Nil 27 52 12 Prisoners' Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 36 Nil families Arabs from 3 2 7 Nil 31 2 6 Israel Diplomats Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil International Nil 36 Nil Nil Nil Nil 4 Journalists International 17 Nil 7 Nil 6 16 32 Workers Diseased Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Travelers Nil Nil Nil Nil 2 Nil Nil abroad Business People 99 149 Nil Nil 119 105 106 Economic Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Meetings Security 1 4 Nil Nil 1 1 2 Interviews VIPs 2 Nil Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Ambulances to 4 Nil Nil 1 3 Nil 3 Israel Ambulances 4 Nil Nil Nil 1 Nil 1 from Israel

Movement at Beit Hanoun (Erez) Crossing 06– 12 February 2013

Category 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 February February February February February February February

Patients 42 23 Nil Nil 43 30 54 Companions 37 23 1 Nil 44 30 51 Personal needs 11 13 14 Nil 37 8 26 Prisoners' Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 56 Nil families Arabs from 3 8 2 Nil 6 16 3 Israel Diplomats Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 4 International 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Journalists International 53 3 Nil Nil 8 17 35 Workers Diseased Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Travelers abroad Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Business People 92 114 1 Nil 99 104 87 Economic Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 15 Meetings Security 3 Nil Nil Nil 2 Nil Nil Interviews VIPs Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 2 2 Ambulances to Nil 3 2 1 Nil Nil 4 Israel Ambulances Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 4 from Israel

Israel has imposed a tightened closure on the West Bank. During the reporting period, IOF imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians:

Ramallah: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 03:00 on Thursday, 07 February 2013, the Israeli forces re-established their presence at 'Attar approximately 03:00 on Thursday, 07 February 2013, the Israeli forces re-established their presence at 'Attar checkpoint, by the northern entrance of Birzeit village, north of Ramallah. At approximately 09:00, the Israeli forces established another checkpoint at the entrance of Silwad village, northeast of Ramallah. At approximately 09:30 on Friday, 08 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of al-Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah. At approximately 10:30, another checkpoint was established by the entrance of Termes’aya village, southwest of the city. At approximately 11:00 on Saturday, 10 February 2013, the Israeli forces re-established their presence at 'Attar checkpoint, by the northern entrance of Birzeit village, north of Ramallah. At approximately 17:00, they reestablished the checkpoint in the aforementioned area. At approximately 11:30 on Sunday, 10 February 2013, the Israeli forces re-established their presence at 'Attar checkpoint, by the northern entrance of Birzeit village, north of Ramallah. At approximately 20:00, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the eastern entrance of al-Tibah village, northeast of the city. At approximately 15:30 on Monday, 11 February 2013, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the intersection of Beit ‘Aor al-Foqa village, southwest of Ramallah.

Hebron: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 17:00 on Thursday, 07 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the northern entrance of Hebron. The checkpoint was later removed and no arrests were reported. At approximately 18:30, the Israeli forces established another checkpoint at the entrance of Beit Kahil village, northwest of the city. At approximately 16:00 on Friday, 08 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint on Tarousa road between Doura and its western villages. At approximately 19:00 on Saturday, 09 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of Sa’air village, northeast of Hebron. At approximately 16:00 on Sunday, 10 February 2013, the Israeli forces established checkpoint on al-Nabi Younis road between Halhoul and bypass road (60), north of Hebron. At the meantime, the Israeli forces established a similar checkpoint, east of Ezna village, west of the city. At approximately 18:00, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance of al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron. The checkpoints were later removed and no arrests were reported.

Qalqilya: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 17:00 on Saturday, 09 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint between ‘Azoun village and Ezbet al-Tabib, east of Qalqilya. At approximately 20:50, another checkpoint was established at the entrance of ‘Azoun village, east of the city. At approximately 13:15 on Sunday, 10 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint between ‘Azoun village and Ezbet al-Tabib, east of Qalqilya. At approximately 16:30, a similar checkpoint was established between Qalqilya and al-Nabi Elias, east of Qalqilya. At approximately 18:00, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the intersection of Amateen village, northeast of Qalqilya. All the checkpoints were later removed and no arrests were reported. At approximately 05:00 on Monday, 11 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the intersection of Jeet village, northeast of Qalqilya. The checkpoint was later removed and no arrests were reported.

Tulkarm: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 01:00 on Friday, 08 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance if ‘Alar village, north of Tulkarm. The checkpoint was later removed and no arrests were reported. At approximately 15:30, they established a similar checkpoint on the main street between Tulkarm and Nablus near the intersection of Beit Leed village in an area known as “Abu Martein”, east of Tulkarm. At approximately 07:00 on Saturday, 09 February 2014, the Israeli forces positioned at ‘Anab checkpoint, which is established on the main road between Tulkarm and Nablus, east of Tulkarm, imposed restrictions on the Palestinians who pass through the checkpoint. The restrictions later ended and no arrests were reported. At approximately 07:30, they established a similar checkpoint on the area which the checkpoint was removed from, on the main road between Tulkarm and Qalqilya, by the gate of Jubarah village, which is isolated from its surroundings due to the annexation wall, south of Tulkarm. The checkpoint was later removed and no arrests were reported. At approximately 18:00, the Israeli forces positioned at ‘Anab checkpoint imposed restrictions on the Palestinians who pass through the checkpoint. At approximately 16:45 on Sunday, 10 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the main road between Tulkarm and Nablus by the intersection of Beit Leed village, east of Tulkarm. At the same time, the Israeli forces positioned on ‘Anab checkpoint, east of Tulkarm, tightened restrictions on the Palestinians who pass through it. At approximately 11:00 on Tuesday, 12 February 2013, Israeli forces, stationed at’Anab checkpoint increased its restrictions on Palestinian civilians passing through it. At the same time, another checkpoint was established by the entrance of Quffin village, north of Tulkarm. All checkpoints were later removed; no arrests were reported.

Jenin: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 13:00 on Thursday, 07 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the road linking Ya’bod and villages, southwest of Jenin. The checkpoint was later removed and no arrests were reported. At approximately 15:30 on Saturday, 09 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the road linking al- Tibah and ‘Aanin villages, northwest of Jenin. The checkpoint was later removed and no arrests were reported.

Jericho: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At approximately 20:00 on Thursday, 09 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint on al-Mo’arjat road between Jericho and Ramallah. The checkpoint was later removed and no arrests were reported. At approximately 07:00 on Friday, 08 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint by the entrance of Marj Ne’aja, north of Jericho. At approximately 20:00, they established a similar checkpoint by the southern entrance of the city. The two Jericho. At approximately 20:00, they established a similar checkpoint by the southern entrance of the city. The two checkpoints were later removed and no arrests were reported. At approximately 09:00 on Sunday, 10 February 2013, the Israeli forces established a checkpoint by the entrance of Fasayel village, north of Jericho. At approximately 16:00, Israeli forces established another checkpoint by the southern entrance of Jericho. At approximately 19:30, another checkpoint was established by the entrance of al-Jaftlak village, north of the city. At the same time, a similar checkpoint was established by the entrance of al-‘Aoja village, northeast of the city. All the checkpoints were later removed and no arrests were reported.

Arrests at Military Checkpoints

At approximately 09:00 on Thursday, 07 February 2013, the Israeli forces positioned near lands belonging to Palestinians, east of Yatta, south of Hebron, arrested Anas Hasan Hreizat, 17, when he was grazing his sheep in the area and then was taken to an unknown destination.

At approximately 19:30 on Friday, 08 February 2013, the Israeli forces positioned at the western entrance of Beit Fajjar village, south of Bethlehem, arrested 3 civilians, including 2 children, and took them to an unknown destination. The Israeli forces claimed that they found knives with them. The detainees were identified as: Ali Ja’afar Taqatqa, 18; Ihab Nemir Taqatqa, 15; and Fayez Mohammed Taqatqa, 16.

At approximately 15:00 on Saturday, 09 February 2013, the Israeli forces stationed at Hawwarah checkpoint at the southern entrance of Nablus arrested Alaa’ Mohammed Qassem Abu Zaitoun, 21, from North ‘Asirah village, north of the city. Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli forces forced Abu Zaitoun to get out of the car which she was driving, arrested, and took her to an unknown destination. It is worth mentioning that the aforementioned woman is a student at al-Quds Open University.

At approximately 17:30 on the aforementioned day, the Israeli forces arrested Khalil Harb Ma’rouf Rayyan, 25, from Qarawet Bani Hassan village, northwest of Salfit, claiming that he had a hunting rifle in a land called (Abbas Valley), which is located between the villages of Qarawet Bani Hassan and Deir Estayya, near “Rafafa” settlement. Rayyan’s father said that at approximately 20:00 on the aforementioned Saturday, he received a phone call from the police of “Ariel” settlement and was told that his son, Khalil, was arrested at approximately 17:30 and will be transferred to the detention centre in Hawwarah camp, south of Nablus.

At approximately 13:45 also on Saturday, while the Israeli forces were patrolling the main street called no. (55), as this street links Qalqilya and Nablus, they arrested 3 children from ‘Azoun village, east of Qalqilya. The children were arrested when they were in the western area of the village near the main street where they were searching for steel and aluminum to sell them. They then were transported to an unknown destination. The children were identified as: Diaa’ Qaher Abdel ‘Aziz Abu Haniya, 15; Zaid Ali Radi Odwan, 15; and Mohammed Samir Hasan Abu Haniya, 15.

At approximately 16:00 on Monday, 11 February 2013, Israeli forces arrested Fadi Ishac Hamed Jaradat (28) from Sa’ir village, northeast of Hebron, while passing through one of the checkpoints at the entrances of Za’tara village, east of Bethlehem. He was transported to an unknown destination.

At approximately 16:40 on Monday, 28 January 2013, the family of Nabil Mahmoud Mohammed Abdullah, 36, from ‘Asaliya area in Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, was informed that their son, who applied for a trader’s permit, was arrested by the Israeli forces on Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing in the northern Gaza Strip. According to the testimony of the father, his son, Nabil, was informed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs that he has an interview with the Israeli intelligence at Beit Hanoun crossing (Eirez) in the northern Gaza Strip after he had applied for a trader’s permit. His father is a trader of paints and normally leaves the Gaza Strip through Beit Hanoun crossing (Eirez). At approximately 09:00 on Monday, 28 January 2013, he went there and never came back. At approximately 16:40 on the same day, his father was informed on his cell phone by someone said he is from the Israeli intelligence service that his son, Nabil, is arrested and detained in Ashkelon prison.

At approximately 13:30 on Tuesday, 12 February 2013, the Israeli forces positioned at Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing in the northern Gaza Strip arrested Mohammed Samir Mahmoud Abu Daqqa, 26, when he was on his way back with his injured mother, Najwah ‘Awad Abu Daqqa, 49, through the aforementioned crossing. The aforementioned woman was in al-Maqased hospital in Jerusalem where she was receiving medical treatment for her injuries she sustained on 18 November 2012 due to an Israeli attack on the courtyard of her house in ‘Abasan village, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip. It should be mentioned that Abu Daqqa left the Gaza Strip with his mother 3 weeks ago.

Also on Tuesday at approximately 14:30, the Israeli forces, stationed at ‘Atsyon intersection, south of Bethlehem, arrested Adib Abu Akram, 35, from Beit Fajjar south of the town.

At approximately 20:15 on the above-mentioned Tuesday, the Israeli forces stationed at the western intersection of Beit At approximately 20:15 on the above-mentioned Tuesday, the Israeli forces stationed at the western intersection of Beit Fajjar village, southeast of Bethlehem, arrested 5 children from the aforementioned village, and took them to an unknown destination. The arrested are: Mohammed Faris Taqatqa, 15; ‘Aayed Mohammed Taqatqa, 16; Eyad Ahmed Taqatqa, 13; Rami Ali Taqatqa, 14; and Ahmed Khalid Taqatqa, 15.

It should be noted that Beit Fajjar village witnesses a campaign of mass arrests as the number of arrested persons has mounted to 55 since the beginning of this year.

4- Settlement Activities and Attacks by Settlers against Palestinian Civilians and Property

Bulldozing of Houses, Lands and Other Civilian Facilities

At approximately 05:30 on Thursday, 07 February 2013, Israeli forces, accompanied by a number of military SUVs, two bulldozers and a digger, raided al-Khas village, east of Bethlehem. The bulldozers completely demolished an uninhabited house belonging to Ahmed Mustafa Isma'il Sbatin's, 55, which was not inhabited. In his testimony to a PCHR fieldworker,

Ahmed Sbatin, said that following the dawn prayer on Thursday, he was shocked to see a large unit of the Israeli forces raiding the surroundings of his house and bulldozing it, in spite of the fact that he has papers documenting a ruling from the Beit El Military Court against the demolition order, which he showed the soldiers; however, they went ahead with the demolition of the 150-square-meter house. He added that the house is located in area B, which falls under Palestinian jurisdiction under the Oslo Accords, and he has a construction permit from the Ministry of Local Government in Bethlehem. The Israeli forces had previously submitted Mr. Sbatin a demolition notice for his house on September 2012; thus, he went to Beit El Military Court, north of Ramallah, to obtain a court order to halt the demolition.

At approximately 10:00 on Thursday, the Israeli forces launched a wide scale bulldozing campaign in lands belonging to Palestinian civilians in Kufor Sour and Kufor Jamal villages, located near "Salit" settlement, which is established on Palestinian lands, west of Kufor Sour village, south of Tulkarm. According to eyewitnesses' testimonies to a PCHR fieldworker, the Israeli forces started the bulldozing campaign for expansion projects in "Salit" settlement. It should be mentioned that the aforementioned settlement was established in 1979 on an area of 1,475 dunums of Palestinian lands. "Salit" means rock, which is taken from the village's Palestinian name, Kufor Sour, as Sour means rock in the Aramaic language.

At approximately 05:30 on Friday, 08 February 2012, Israeli forces, accompanied by military vehicles and waste water bumping vehicle in al-Tabban area, east of Yatta, south of Hebron, attacked a group of Palestinians and international human rights activists after they built three tents on a confiscated land in the area for the construction of Canaan village there. The Israeli soldiers cordoned the area, assaulted the participants, tried to arrest some of them and demolished and confiscated the tents. At approximately 07:30, dozens of Palestinian civilians, Israeli and international human rights activists gathered in front of the Municipality of Yatta, organized a peaceful demonstration and headed towards the confiscated lands in Howara area, east of Yatta. Upon their arrival at Howara area, they reset up a number of tents on the confiscated lands in the area. Large units of the Israeli forces and the Israeli police cordoned the scene and attacked the demonstrators, punching and kicking them. They also fired sound bombs, tear gas canisters and opened waste water at them. As a result, a group of the demonstrators sustained bruises and suffered from tear gas inhalation; of them the following were identified: Khawla 'Issa Abu Marir, 46; Suliman Abu 'Aram, 70; Younis 'Arar, 37; and Youssif Abu-Maria, 42. The Israeli forces detained a number of journalists; of them the following were identified: Abdel-Hafiz al-Hashlamon, a cameraman for the European news agency; Hussam Abu 'Alan, a cameraman for Waffa news agency; and Abdel-Ghani al-Natsha, a cameraman for Pal-media. Three Palestinians were arrested and transported to an unknown destination: Mohammed Hijazi al-Zain, 28; Hadi Fayez Makhamra, 25; and Mujahad Hamad Ibrahim Makhamra, 28. In her testimony to a PCHR fieldworker, Khawla Abu-Marir said that the Israeli forces and the Israeli police attacked the demonstrators brutally. They knocked her to the ground, started punching her and attempted to arrest her. She also fainted due to tear gas inhalation and the smell of the waste water which was shot at her directly.

At approximately 09:00 on Saturday, 10 February 2013, Israeli forces, accompanied by a number of military vehicles and bulldozers, raided Abul-'Assja village, east of Doura, southwest of Hebron. The Israeli forces were deployed between the civilian houses and prohibited the civilians from moving in the whereabouts of the area. The bulldozers demolished an 85- square-meter, under-construction house under pretext of not obtaining a construction permit. The house belongs to Bassam Hamad Moussa al-Zeir (50).

At approximately 09:30 on Monday, 11 February 2013, Israeli forces, accompanied by a number of military vehicles, a bulldozer and a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Administration, raided Sho'ab al-Battam area, south of Ethna village, west of Hebron. The soldiers raided a caravan belonging to Mohammed Badawi al-Tamizi, 50, and forced his family to evacuate, while employees of the Civil Administration evacuated the contents of the caravan and the bulldozer demolished it. It should be mentioned that of the Civil Administration evacuated the contents of the caravan and the bulldozer demolished it. It should be mentioned that the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) had donated the caravan to the aforementioned civilian after the Israeli forces had demolished his house in 2012.

At approximately 10:00 on Monday, Israeli forces, accompanied by five military vehicles, two armored troop carriers, a bulldozer, a digger and a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Administration, raided al-Sa'ida area, southwest of 'Awwa village, south of Doura, southwest of Hebron. The Israeli soldiers were deployed in the area and imposed a curfew on the Palestinian civilians while the Israeli bulldozers demolished a house of 70 square meters, a water well and a barracks of 220 square meters, belonging to Rasem Mustafa al-Sowayty, under pretext of not obtaining a permit. Following the bulldozing, the Israeli forces attacked the civilians who were present at the scene; firing tear gas canisters, sound bombs and rubber-coated metal bullets at these civilians. As a result, 'Amer Mohammed 'Abdin, 32, a journalist, was hit by a tear gas canister in the right foot and a number of them fainted due to tear gas inhalation.

At approximately 10:00 on Tuesday, 12 February 2013, Israeli forces, accompanied by a number of military vehicles, a bulldozer and a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Administration, near 'Arab al-Ramadeen village, south of Hebron. They cordoned a grocery shop of 12 square meters, belonging to Nawaf Hamed al-Daghadmeh, 56. The soldiers detained al-Daghadmeh and a number of the civilians present at the shop and demolished it later. Before retreating, the Israeli forces confiscated pieces of steel and some vegetables, a tractor and arrested al-Daghadmeh’s son, Maher (20).

Restrictions on the Palestinian Farmers' Freedom of Movement

At approximately 08:00 on Friday, 08 February 2013, Israeli forces, stationed in the eastern part of Yatta, south of Hebron, denied the Palestinian farmers access to their farmlands and declared it a closed military zone. In his testimony to a PCHR fieldworker, Rateb al-Jabour, coordinator of the Popular Committee against Settlement Activity in Yatta, said that the Israeli forces deliberately declare farmlands as closed military zones, in order to push the farmers away while the settlers are allowed in, in the context of a new policy for the confiscation of these lands.

At approximately 09:00 on Saturday, 09 February 2013, Israeli forces banned Ali 'Eid 'Awad, 50, from working on his land in Khelat al-Kutla area, adjacent to 'Kermi Tsour" settlement, established on the lands of Palestinian civilians south of Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, and forced him to leave at gunpoint, after registering his name and the time he entered his land. According to Mohamemd 'Awad, coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Annexation Wall and Settlement Activity, the lands near to "Kermi Tsour" settlement are subject to constant assaults, such as spraying poisonous substances on the trees, uprooting and burning them by the settlers and the Israeli forces, in an attempt to confiscate the lands and add them to the aforementioned settlement.

Settlement Projects

The Israeli government decided to build 90 housing units in "Beit Eil" settlement, northeast of Ramallah. According to Channel (10)'s website, on Monday, 11 February 2013, the Israeli Minister of Defense, Ehud Barak, signed permits for constructing 90 new housing units in "Beit El" settlement, under the signed agreement between the settlers and the government to evacuate "Albona" settlement, which comes as part of the hundreds of settlement units that the Israeli government committed to build for the settlers in order to evacuate the aforementioned settlement. According to the website as well, the Israeli government had already promised to build 300 new settlement units in "Beit Eil" after the Supreme Court ruled that settlement units which were built on privately owned Palestinian lands must be evacuated; thus, "Albona" settlement would be evacuated in return these units will be evacuated. The Israeli government's decision comes as a beginning of the application of the signed agreement, which will be enforced within the coming weeks. For its part, Peace Now organization said that since the construction plans had been published in an Israeli newspaper, it means that the construction will begin within days.

In a related context, the Israeli Ministry of Defense affirmed that the government had requested designs for 346 new settlement units to be built in settlements in the West Bank. The ministry said in a press release that it allowed the drafting of the designs for 200 settlement units in "Tekoa" settlement and 146 in "Nacodam" settlement in the south of the West Bank. It should be mentioned that the Israeli Ministry of Housing had offered tenders for the construction of approximately 200 housing units in January 2013; 114 of them in "Gosh Atzion" settlement, which is a large settlement complex in Bethlehem that includes both "Tekoa" and "Nacodam" settlements.

Settlers Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property

At approximately 10:30 on Thursday, 07 February 2013, a group of settlers, protected by the Israeli forces and military vehicles, raided al-Hadffira area near 'Arraba village, southwest of Jenin. The settlers preformed religious rituals near an archeological site and stayed there for a while. They retreated later; no other incidents were reported.

At approximately 07:30 on Saturday, 08 February 2013, dozens of settlers from "Kiryart Arba" settlement, established on Palestinian civilians' lands, southeast of Hebron, raided the farmlands and water spring in Kannar area, east of Doura southwest of Hebron. The settlers acted provocatively, photographed the area and retreated later; no other incidents were reported. reported.

At approximately 08:00 on Saturday, 09 February 2013, a group of settlers raided the eastern parts of 'Azzoun village, east of Qalqilya. The settlers threw rocks at a number of houses belonging to the following civilians: Mustafa Kharfan Rodwan; Adam Ahmed Badwan; Lou'ai Abdel-Rahim 'Ouda; Ghassan Abdel-Latif 'Oudwan. The settlers withdrew later after the Israeli forces intervened. At approximately 21:40, the settlers attacked the aforementioned village again. They entered the village from the north in a number of busses. Immediately afterwards, they attacked the houses by the northern entrance of the village, screaming and throwing rocks. The Palestinian civilians tried to stop them but the Israeli forces intervened, firing rubber- coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs at the Palestinians. As a result, dozens of them suffered from tear gas inhalation and 'Amro Mahmoud Abu Hanya, 23, was transported to 'Azzoun Specialist Hospital for a severe reaction to tear gas inhalation. Moreover, three Palestinian civilians, including a child, sustained bullet wounds, and they are:

1. Mo'ath Belal Swidan, 20, sustained a bullet wound to the head. 2. Mohammed 'Alaa Zammary, 17, sustained a bullet wound to the back. 3. Abdel-Karim Faris Shbayta, 24, sustained a bullet wound to the left leg.

In his testimony to a PCHR fieldworker, Wafi 'Othman Mustafa al-Shilo (36) said:

"At approximately 20:00 on Saturday, 09 February 2013, a group of settlers attacked Azzoun village from the eastern side; the civilians ran to help the victims of the attack and resisted it, and the settlers retreated. At approximately 21:30, I received a number of phone calls telling me that the settlers were attacking my house as it is the closest to the northern entrance of the village. Immediately, I went to my house and found the settlers there, throwing rocks and hitting the windows with sticks. I managed to reach the house and I found that the settlers broke all the windows and found rocks in the bedrooms and living room. Later, the Israeli forces and the Palestinian civilians clashed."

Recommendations to the International Community

1. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their legal and moral obligations under Article 1 of the Convention to ensure Israel's respect for the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. PCHR believes that the conspiracy of silence practiced by the international community has encouraged Israel to act as if it is above the law and encourages Israel continue to violate international human rights and humanitarian law.

2. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to convene a conference to take effective steps to ensure Israel's respect of the Convention in the OPT and to provide immediate protection for Palestinian civilians.

3. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to comply with their legal obligations detailed in Article 146 of the Convention to search for and prosecute those responsible for grave breaches, namely war crimes.

4. PCHR calls for the immediate implementation of the Advisory Opinion issued by the International Court of Justice, which considers the construction of the Annexation Wall inside the West Bank illegal.

5. PCHR recommends that international civil society organizations, including human rights organizations, bar associations and NGOs, participate in the process of exposing those accused of grave breaches of international law and urge their governments to bring the perpetrators to justice.

6. PCHR calls upon the European Union to activate Article 2 of the Euro-Israel Association Agreement, which provides that Israel must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel. PCHR further calls upon the EU states to prohibit import of goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the OPT.

7. PCHR calls on the international community to recognize the Gaza disengagement plan, which was implemented in September 2005, for what it is - not an end to occupation but a compounding of the occupation and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

8. In recognition of ICRC as the guardian of the Fourth Geneva Convention, PCHR calls upon the ICRC to increase its staff and activities in the OPT, including the facilitation of family visitations to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

9. PCHR appreciates the efforts of international civil society, including human rights organizations, bar associations, unions and NGOs, and urges them to continue their role in pressuring their governments to secure Israel's unions and NGOs, and urges them to continue their role in pressuring their governments to secure Israel's respect for human rights in the OPT and to demand Israel end its attacks on Palestinian civilians.

10. PCHR calls upon the international community to pressure Israel to lift the severe restrictions imposed by the Israeli government and its occupation forces on access for international organizations to the OPT.

11. PCHR reiterates that any political settlement not based on international human rights law and humanitarian law cannot lead to a peaceful and just solution of the Palestinian question. Rather, such an arrangement can only lead to further suffering and instability in the region. Any peace process or agreement must be based on respect for international law, including international human rights and humanitarian law.

………………………………………………………… Public Document For further information please visit our website (www.pchrgaza.org) or contact PCHR’s office in Gaza City, Gaza Strip by email ( [email protected] ) or telephone (+972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893).

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