Protection of Civilians Weekly Report

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Protection of Civilians Weekly Report U N I T E D N A T I O N S N A T I O N S U N I E S OCHA Weekly Report: 4 – 10 July 2007 | 1 OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS P.O. Box 38712, East Jerusalem, Phone: (+972) 2-582 9962 / 582 5853, Fax: (+972) 2-582 5841 [email protected], Protection of Civilians Weekly Report 4 – 10 July 2007 Of note this week Gaza Strip: • The IDF killed 11 Palestinians, injured 15, and arrested 70 during its incursion into the area southeast of Al Bureij Camp (Central Gaza). In addition, three Palestinians were injured, including a 15-year-old boy, during IDF military operations southeast of Beit Hanoun. • A total of 23 Qassam rockets and 33 mortar shells were fired from Gaza towards Israel, of which at least four rockets and 29 mortar shells targeted Kerem Shalom crossing. Five rockets landed in the Palestinian area. Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. No injuries were reported. • The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed that since the closure of Rafah June 10, at least 25 corpses were returned to Gaza via Kerem Shalom between June 13 and July 5. In all cases, the persons had passed away in Egyptian or other overseas hospitals and not at the border. In addition, thousands of Palestinians travelers, including women, children and ill persons remain stranded in Egypt and are still unable to return to their homes in Gaza. • Senior Palestinian traders were able to cross Erez crossing this week for the first time since 12 June. Humanitarian assistance continues to enter Gaza through Kerem Shalom and Sufa. Critical medical cases with special coordination arrangements exited through Erez. Karni was open on two days for the crossing of wheat and wheat grain. • IDF continued to conduct levelling and excavating operations in the Gaza Strip: near the former Palestinian DCL, northeast of Beit Hanoun and southeast of Al Bureij Camp • A PA Preventive Security officer died of wounds sustained during armed factional clashes. Two persons were injured due to the reckless use of weapons and eight during armed family feuds. • BBC journalist Alan Johnston (British national), who was abducted on 12 March, was released unharmed and was handed over to Hamas officials on 4 July after 114 days in captivity. Palestinian journalists organized a demonstration to celebrate his safe release. West Bank: • Two Palestinians were killed by the IDF (Jenin and Hebron), including one 17-year-old boy who died of wounds sustained in 2004 when the IDF opened fire at Palestinian stone throwers in Hebron. The IDF also injured eight Palestinians: Ramallah (3), Jericho (2), and Hebron (3). • The IDF handed 16 stop-construction orders to the owners of 16 houses built without permits in area C of the Salfit governorate (seven in Deir Ballut and nine in Yasuf). • There were reports of 96 flying checkpoints, 114 IDF search campaigns, and 82 arrests by the IDF. • An Israeli court decided that the purchase documents used by Hebron settlers to seize Al Rajabi house (a.k.a. Beit Hashalom by the settlers) in the H2 area of the Hebron City were forged by the settlers. The court gave the settlers 45 days to prove otherwise or to provide additional documents indicating that they have purchased the house. 1 Palestinian and Israeli conflict related casualties: 30 20 10 0 Injuries Deaths Children Women Palestinians 26 13 2 - Israelis ---- Internationals ---- 1 Excluding Palestinian-Palestinian internal violence and other ‘indirect’ conflict related incidents reported in Section 2. OCHA Weekly Report: 4 – 10 July 2007 | 2 1. Physical Protection – conflict related casualties Gaza Strip: • 5 July: Two Palestinian men were injured when armed clashes resumed between armed Palestinians and IDF soldiers who had remained in positions they took on 4 July southeast of Beit Hanoun. One anti-tank missile was fired at the IDF. It was also reported that 15 IDF armoured vehicles were brought into the area (North Gaza). • 5 July: 11 Palestinians were killed (aged 17, 19(2), 20, 21, 22(3), 23, 24, and 33 years), including six armed Hamas members and one Islamic Jihad member, during armed clashes that erupted between armed Palestinians and IDF soldiers. The clashes also resulted in the injury of 14 Palestinians. This took place after eight IDF armoured vehicles entered 700 metres into Palestinian territory southeast of Al Bureij Camp and an IAF helicopter fired a rocket targeting a group of people in the same area. In addition, a 15- year-old Palestinian boy from Nuseirat Camp was shot and injured by IDF soldiers during the same incursion (Central Gaza). • 5 July: A Palestinian man was injured when armed clashes erupted between IDF soldiers and armed Palestinians after six Israeli tanks and two bulldozers moved from the area southeast of Beit Hanoun towards the Beit Hanoun Industrial Zone. IDF soldiers crossed the main road of Beit Hanoun and proceeded towards Beit Hanoun Municipality. On 6 July at 1700 hours, they withdrew to the area southeast of Beit Hanoun. On 7 July Israeli forces withdrew to the border line (North Gaza). Other incidents (not involving casualties/damage): • 4 July: An RPG was fired from Abu Ajeen area at an IDF jeep passing by the border fence east of Deir El Balah. The shell landed in the Palestinian area. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility (Central Gaza). • 6 July: Armed clashes took place for ten minutes between ESF and Islamic Jihad members east of Shuja’yeh. Each side apparently thought they were confronting an IDF undercover unit. The IDF responded by firing three mortar shells at the shooting source. No injuries were reported (Gaza). • 8 July: Two mortar shells were fired targeting an IDF bulldozer after two Israeli APCs and one bulldozer entered 50 meters into the Palestinian area east of the Shuja’yeh neighbourhood of Gaza City, near Nahal Oz crossing. They began a levelling and excavation operation and later withdrew to the border fence. The two mortar shells missed the target. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. (Gaza). • 10 July: Ten mortar shells were fired from the area east of Rafah towards Kerem Shalom crossing. The IDF responded with heavy shooting. No injures were reported (Rafah). • 10 July: An IAF helicopter opened fire towards an open area east of Al Shouka area in Rafah. No injuries were reported (Rafah). • 10 July: IDF gunboats opened fire for 15 minutes in the direction of Palestinian boats at sea west of Beit Lahiya. The fishing boats retuned to shore. No injuries of damages were reported (North Gaza). West Bank: • 4 July: A 17-year-old Palestinian boy from the H1 area of Hebron City died of wounds sustained in 2004 when the IDF opened fire at Palestinian stone-throwers (Hebron). • 5 July: A 17-year-old Palestinian boy from Yatta was injured when IDF soldiers physically assaulted him near Zif gate while he was en route home from work (Hebron). • 5 July: A 19-year-old Palestinian man from Sa'ir was injured when a sound bomb fired by IDF soldiers hit him in the face during an IDF incursion in the town (Hebron). • 6 July: Three Palestinian men were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets fired by the Israeli Border Police during a demonstration held by Palestinian, international and Israeli activists against the Barrier constructed in Bil’in village (Ramallah). • 8 July: A 23-year-old Palestinian man was shot and killed by the IDF when the IDF opened fire at his Palestinian-plated car while he was travelling on Road 60 through Ash Shuhada village (Jenin). • 9 July: Two Palestinian men (aged 23 and 26 years) were injured with live bullets fired by the IDF during an IDF military operation in Jericho City. One of the injured was arrested by the IDF and hospitalized at Hadassa Ein Karim hospital in Jerusalem. • 9 July: An 11-year-old boy from the H1 area of Hebron City was injured in the head when IDF soldiers manning the observation tower in Juneid Hill in the city physically assaulted him (Hebron). OCHA Weekly Report: 4 – 10 July 2007 | 3 Other incidents (not involving casualties/damage): • 5 July: At 0130 hours, Palestinians opened fire at IDF soldiers during an IDF search operation in Kufr Aqab. No injuries were reported (Jerusalem). • 6 July: At 2210 hours, Palestinians threw stones at IDF troops during an IDF search operation in Qalandiya. The IDF responded with tear gas canisters and rubber-coated metal bullets. No injuries were reported (Jerusalem). 2. Physical Protection - other incidents involving casualties2 Gaza Strip: • 4 July: Four Palestinian men were shot and injured during a 15-minute gun-battle between two local families in Bureij Camp (Central Gaza). • 4 July: Two armed Palestinians (members of the Palestinian Resistance Committees) attempted to fire two Qassam rockets from the ara east of Rafah towards Kerem Shalom crossing but were injured when one of the rockets detonated at the launching site. The second rocket landed in the Palestinian area (Rafah). • 6 July: A 17-year-old Palestinian boy was injured when a home-made bomb he was trying to throw into an open field detonated in his hands. He was attending the funeral procession of those killed during the IDF incursion southeast of Bureij Camp (Central Gaza). • 7 July: Four Palestinian men were injured during an internal armed dispute between local family members in Nuseirat Camp (Central Gaza). • 8 July: Two Palestinians were injured when an ESF member attempted to arrest a 45- year-old suspected narcotics dealer in Abu Al Ajeen area east of Deir El Balah. There was an exchange of gunfire that lasted 15 minutes and both were injured.
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