Catholic Sisters Champions of Sustainable Development in Africa

Sarova Panafric Nairobi, October 16–19, 2016 welcome


• to understand the objectives and On behalf of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and the African Sisters Education core ideas anchoring the work of Collaborative, we extend our wholehearted welcome to this historic convening in Nairobi, Kenya. We are honored and excited that you are present with us as the key the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation players in assuring that African nations are in the forefront of achieving sustainable and the Catholic Sisters Strategic development for all citizens by 2030. The title of our convening is: Initiative. • to understand the extent to which CATHOLIC SISTERS we are achieving our objectives Champions of Sustainable Development in Africa in Africa and identify where we might revise our approach to Among us are individuals from 15 countries serving as Church and government achieve even higher degrees of oficials, faith based and community organizations, international, regional and local impact. foundations as well as representatives of the leadership of Congregations of women religious. What makes this event truly historic is that we are here to listen and learn • to appreciate the potential of from each other rather than to hear formal presentations as well as to respond to a Catholic Sisters as full members Call to Action that is inspired in all of us as partners together. of the global partnership for sustainable development as well Our goals are both simple and profound: to appreciate the actual and potential as the obstacles they face in con- impact of Catholic Sisters as members of the global partnership for sustainable necting to the networks of com- development in Africa; to capture, share and institutionalize our individual and munion and expertise required to collective learnings across our organizational objectives in ways that inform new be effective partners. approaches for greater impact; and to build partnerships among us to achieve more together than as independent actors and actresses. • to commit to working together to mitigate these obstacles and The success of our gathering largely depends on our trust and openness to share realize this potential. honestly and transparently both our successes and obstacles. Our priority intention is the advancement of our missions on behalf of those most disadvantaged. No one of us, nor even one sector, can achieve sustainable development for Africa alone. This is an opportunity for us, in the words of Conrad Hilton, to Think Big, Dream Big and Act Big together.


Rosemarie Nassif, SSND Jane Wakahiu, LSOSF Director Executive Director Catholic Sisters Strategic Initiative African Sisters Education Collaborative

2 themes schedule

networks SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 9:45 am Arrival Day and Reception From Dreams To Reality: “Tomorrow Belongs to the People Who Prepare for It Today” building a community of shared practice among SR. JANE WAKAHIU, LSOSF 6:00 pm Executive Director, African Sisters Education Welcome, Opening Remarks & Cocktails Collaborative (ASEC) African sisters, the , philanthropy, Pool Garden SR. ADELINA MUGUNA, NSA 10:00 am Chairperson, Association of Sisterhood Interactive Session governments, the NGO community and other of Kenya (AOSK) PETER LAUGHARN 10:30 am actors committed to sustainable development President & CEO, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Break Barraza Terrace in Africa MONDAY, OCTOBER 17 10:45 am Building a Global Sisterhood Catholic Sisters and the Sustainable to Advance Human Development Development Goals EDMUND J. CAIN 7:45 am Vice President Grant Programs, Conrad N. Hilton knowledge Breakfast Foundation Flame Tree Restaurant SR. PATRICIA MURRAY, IBVM Executive Secretary, International Union understanding how we might better capture 9:00 am of Superiors General (UISG) Opening Prayers SR. AGATHA OSARENKHOE, EHJ Simba/Duma President, Nigeria Conference of Women Religious and communicate the impact of our work together (NCWR) 9:15 am Introductions 12:15 pm Simba/Duma The Catholic Sisters Strategic Initiative: An Overview BRIE LOSKOTA BRAD MYERS solidarity Executive Director, Center for Religion and Senior Program Oficer, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Civic Culture (CRCC) at the University of Southern California (USC) 1:00 pm articulating a shared vision and commitment SR. AGNES WAMUYU, FES Lunch Secretary General, Association of Sisterhood Pool Garden to advance the United Nation’s sustainable of Kenya (AOSK) 2:00 pm 9:30 am How Are We Doing and What Have We Learned? development agenda “Setting the Table” DONALD E. MILLER SR. ROSEMARIE NASSIF, SSND Leonard K. Firestone Professor of Religion, University of Program Director, Catholic Sisters Initiative, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Southern California (USC) and co-founder of the Center for Religion and Civic Culture at USC

2:45 pm Design Challenge: Data Platform for Africa — Interactive Session 2 3 3:30 pm TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 11:15 am 3:30 pm Tea Connecting to the Global Partnership “Think Like a Sister” Tea Barraza Terrace Barraza Terrace for Sustainable Development SR. PRISCA MATENGA, DOR Superior General, Daughters of Redeemer 4:00 pm 4:00 pm Visualizing Impact 7:45 am SR. ELIZABETH NAMPHUNTHA, SVBM What Remains Unsaid? / A Call to Action Breakfast Superior General, Sisters of Blessed Virgin Mary KARA LEMMA Flame Tree Restaurant SR. ROSEMARIE NASSIF, SSND Program Oficer, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation SR. ROBERTA FEH, TSSF Director, Catholic Sisters Initiative, Regional Superior, Tertiary Franciscan Sisters Conrad N. Hilton Foundation JOSH GUENTHER 9:00 am SR. FAUSTINA HASFORD, SIJ Country Director, Lifenet International Opening Prayers Simba Hall Superior General, Society of Infant Jesus 5:00 pm FR. THOMAS GAUNT, SJ Evaluation Session Executive Director, Center for Applied Research SR. CECILIA NJERI, LSOSF 9:15 am Superior General, Little Sisters of St. Francis in the Apostolate (CARA) 5:15 pm Keynote: The Role of Catholic Sisters in Sustainable JESSICA KRITZ SR. SCHOLASTICA MWEMBEZI, SOLQA Development in Africa Mass Assistant Professor, Georgetown University Superior General, Sisters of Our Lady Queen of Africa Simba/Duma PETER LAUGHARN GEORGE RUCHATHI MWANIKI President & CEO, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation 12:15 am 6:00 pm Director, Resource Mobilization, National Interactive Session Environmental Trust Fund (NETFUND) Reception 9:45 am Pool Garden Philanthropy, Government and Civil Society: 1:00 pm 5:00 pm A Conversation Across Sectors Lunch & Poster Session 7:00 pm Mass Pool Garden & Barraza Terrace Simba/Duma CHRISTINE BODEWES Dinner Africa Regional Director, Porticus Simba/Duma 2:00 pm 7:00 pm DARIUS MOGAKA OGUTU “Think Like a Donor” Dinner Director of Policy Planning and East African Afairs, Pool Garden Ministry of Education, Kenya SR. JOYCE MEYER, PBVM Board Member, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation JACK ONYISI ABEBE PETER LAUGHARN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 Director, UN Women Empowerment President & CEO, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation ARIF NEKY 6:45 am Advisor, UN Strategic Partnerships SR. ROSEMARIE NASSIF, SSND Mass Program Director, Catholic Sisters Initiative, Simba/Duma REV. FR. FERDINAND LUGONZO MAKAKA Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Secretary General, Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa SR. MARCIA SICHOL, SHCJ 7:15 am Executive Director, Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters Breakfast for all attendees Flame Tree Restaurant 10:45 am 3:00 pm Break Barraza Terrace Collaborative Exercise: 8:00 am “Think Big, Act Big, Dream Big” Breakfast session for Hilton grantees (invitation-only) Umati Room

4 5 a place to gather








Sarova Panafric DUMA Kenyatta Ave. CHUI SIMBA CONFERENCE ROOM Nairobi, Kenya CONFERENCE CONFERENCE ROOM ROOM TEL: +254 20 276 7000 FAX: +254 20 2726356 [email protected]

6 7 sustainable development goals

1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all 7. Ensure access to afordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build efective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development 8 9 10 11 poster display: sisters’ projects

On the following pages, ASEC highlights some of SR. MATILDA SORKPOR the projects initiated and/or led by sisters who have Handmaids of the Divine Redeemer [email protected] participated in our programs as their work connects [email protected] The Kressner Handmaids Orphanage & Divine Providence School to specific Sustainable Development Goals. Annex provides shelter and education for orphaned children in Otaten, Ghana.


SR. ROBERTA FEH SR. FAUSTINA HASFORD Tertiary Sisters of St. Francis Society of Infant Jesus [email protected] [email protected]

The Saint Francis Home for Skills’ Training (SAFRAHOST) is a home The Society of Infant Jesus sisters are involved in various ministries, and training center which houses young people and helps empower including education, health care, and caring for senior citizens in them through self-sustaining skill development. Funds and a parcel the Archdiocese of Cape Coast Ghana. of land were received for construction of the home and a water project was initiated as well.

SR. CLARISSE REMJIKA Kenya and SR. LEONARDA TUBUO SR. JACINTA MWANGANGI Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus Missionary Benedictine Sisters Nairobi [email protected] [email protected] The Associated Rehabilitation Center For The Handicap (ARCH) The Hospital and Medical Theatre project of the Eldoret Diocese ofers rehabilitative services to individuals with physical and mental has worked to upgrade health services and access to services in the disabilities including physiotherapy, sports and academic activities, region. The hospital was upgraded from a health center and has a canteen, and repair shop for wheelchairs, crutches, prostheses, etc. procured a medical theatre, an x-ray machine, and an ambulance.

SR. BERNADETTA NZIOKA Ghana Daughters of Sacred Heart [email protected] SR. ANNA AMO Daughters of the Most Holy Trinity (FST) Apostolates The Machakos Empowerment Project seeks to provide children [email protected] with disabilities and their families with microfinance opportunities, skill development, and income generating activities. The Daughters of the Most Holy Trinity Highlight four of their ministries: Jubilee Nursery, the Blessed Trinity Leadership Academy school, Host Factory, and Rural Health Education apostolate.

12 13 SR. LUCY KANJIRA SR. MARY MWANGI SR. VICTORIA MUTYSO Friends of the Good Shepherd Sisters of Mary Immaculate AOSK Malawi [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SR. MARIA MERCEDES ARBESÚ SUAREZ The Friends of the Good Shepherd sisters feature three projects: The Bishop Perlo High School serves girls from the Samburu AOSK seeks to increase the vitality of religious life through various Missionary of Mary Mediatrix Friends of the Good Shepherd Orphan Support, Makena (Joy Elderly culture, in which girls do not receive an education and are married grants and endeavors, including education and formation initia- [email protected] Group) & Microfinance Projects. These projects provide education at early ages. The school educates and supports girls rescued from tives for sisters. The Widows Assistance program empowers widows through a feed- to orphans, assistance to older adults in coping with aging, and early marriage. ing program and microfinance. Among the widows are grandpar- economic empowerment activities including income generation ents with orphaned children under their care yet without any stable and running small businesses. source of income.

SR. MERCY KARIUKI SR. LUDOVENA ANYANGO AOSK Franciscan Sisters of Saint Anna [email protected] SR. PATRICIA KYAMBUU [email protected] AOSK operates the Tumaini Centre, where a variety of ofices are SR. HELLEN MATCHADO Sisters of Mercy The Nyabondo Center for the Disabled serves the whole Western housed and activities take place. A computer lab, the Justice & Sacramentine Sisters [email protected] [email protected] Kenya Region. The Franciscan Sisters of Saint Anna work to serve Peace Commission, SLDI trainings, the SCORE ECD ofice, and more The HIV Positive and Orphaned/Vulnerable Children project ofers the marginalized in the community and have served over 600 are provided through the center. The Improved Nutrition for Children and Pregnant & Lactating HIV/AIDS services, community health trainings, psychosocial people. They are currently working to build St. Martin Deporres Women and Positive Parenting project aims to improve nutrition for support, nutrition services, alcohol abuse rehabilitation as well Special School for cerebral palsy children. expectant and nursing mothers and children below 5. The project as other services related to microfinance and income generating also provides workshops on positive parenting, engages in advoca- activities. cy and has income generating activities.

SR. AGNES WAMUYU NGURE AOSK SR. AGNES WAMUYU NGURE [email protected] Association of Sisters of Kenya (AOSK) [email protected] AOSK presents its mission, vision and income sources. SR. ANNUNCIATA MWIKALI KIIO SR. ELIZABETH NAMPHUNTHA Sisters of Our Lady of Missions AOSK facilitates opportunities for sisters of diferent congregations Special Needs Secondary School [email protected] to receive Strengthening Capacity of Religious Women in Early SR. RUTH KHUMBULA The Matuu Mission Health Centre provides care to mostly women Childhood Development (SCORE ECD) trainings. Through this train- Bushop Auena Secondary School, and children and ofers ante- and neo-natal care, immunizations ing, sisters have more access to further develop their technical and SR. MARGARET MKOKA and a maternity wing. The Centre also provides outreach services, organizational capacities. SR. MARY MAGDALENE KANINI Nyungwe Maternity Ward a laboratory, and HIV/AIDS counseling and testing. Association of Sisterhoods in Kenya Sisters of Blessed Virgin Mary Justice and Peace Commission (AOSK-JPC) [email protected] [email protected] The Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary feature three projects: The Association of Sisterhoods in Kenya- Justice and Peace a Special Needs Secondary School, the Bishop Auena Secondary Commission (AOSK-JPC) provides an overview of its Human SR. AGNES WAMUYU NGURE School and Nyungwe Maternity Wing Construction. Through these Rights program, Sisters Initiative program, Gender & Development SR. ENELESS T. CHIMBALI AOSK projects the sisters support and educate students with special Department, and Environment Department. Important outcomes Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern [email protected] needs (specifically those with hearing impairments) and ofer are also shared. holistic education to girls. The maternity wing construction project and Central Africa (ACWECA) AOSK operates Global Solidarity, Networking, and Peaceful [email protected] was initiated as a resource to reduce maternal mortality rates. Co-existence projects which advocate for inter-religious community The Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central action, environmental action, and human rights with a focus on Africa (ACWECA) is a regional body composed of National Associ- engaging vulnerable individuals and women. ations of sisters (Conference of Women Superior Generals) from nine countries in Eastern and Central Africa. ACWECA shares its background, purpose, achievements, partners, and future plans.

14 15 SR. MARY KAUNDA SR. JOSEMARIA NONYE SR. MARGARITA A. SHIRIMA and SR. THERESA MFUNE Nigeria Holy Family Sisters of the Needy Grail Sisters Sisters of the Holy Rosary SR. AGATHA OSARENKHOE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus The Holy Family Hospital focuses on serving economically The Grail Sisters operate a vulnerable girl’s hostel for young girls At the Nkhamenya Secondary School the sisters work to empower [email protected] disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals in the area. The hospital who are rescued from early marriage. In addition, the sisters girls with holistic education, training them toward self-sustain- The sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus feature three projects: has established a nurses’ training school and has received funding operate the Endevesi pre-school and a water project to assist ability. The girls engage in agricultural activities which include fish erecting a postulate house for formation and other community for needed medical equipment, such as x-ray and ultrasound pastoralist children in the local area. farming, poultry keeping and growing food crops. Additionally the work; establishing a liturgical wear sewing center; and establishing machines. school has an exchange program with a high school in Scotland. a library at the congregation’s nursery and primary school.

SR. SCHOLASTICA MWEMBEZI SR. BIBIANA EMENEHA Sisters of Our Lady Queen of Africa SR. CLEMENTINA MKANDIRA Nigerian Conference of Women Religious [email protected] SR. REGINA OKE and SR. COLLETA BESTER [email protected] Mary Queen of Angels SOLQA sisters operate 7 projects, which focus on range of ministries Teresian Sisters [email protected] The Nigerian Conference of Women Religious’ Committee for the including agriculture, clean water, health services, caring for [email protected] At the Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Girls Secondary School, the Support and Dignity of Women supports and rehabilitates victims vulnerable children, nutrition, spiritual education and formation. The Self-Sustaining Services for Women and Young Children: sisters operate a girls rescue mission and encourage empowerment of human traficking, providing them with skill training, housing Improving Physical and Intellectual Development project seeks through education in Akure, Ondo State – Nigeria. and other resources to heal and create a new life. to reduce maternal and neonatal death, and to improve nutrition for mothers and children. There is provision of early childhood education for children between the ages 2 to 5 and Early Childhood Development (ECD) centers have been established. Uganda SR. ANGELA ABHULIMEN SR. JUSTINA IJEOMA ELOM Sisters of the Sacred Heart Sisters of Jesus The Good Shepherd SR. MARGARET KUBANZE [email protected] [email protected] Association of Religious in Uganda [email protected] St. Helen’s Sewing Centre, Living Bread Bakery and Good Shepherd SR. RITA MBALULE The Department of Health Service Provider (DHSP) is a faith-based Vocational School are three projects that manifested as a result of The Twin Hostels project through the Association of Religious in Teresian Sisters organization in Benin City that utilizes collaboration to deliver the SLDI program. Through the projects, individuals who are living Uganda (ARU) involved the construction of the Bernardine Hostel, [email protected] health services focused on HIV/AIDS care and prevention, vulnera- ble children, malaria, and tuberculosis. in poverty are equipped with skills to earn an income. which expands accommodation for courses for Religious and The Alinafe Community Hospital provides health services as well generates funds for ARU activities. as a community kitchen serving vulnerable families in the area. The hospital trains mothers and other community members on the preparation of nutritious food and works to curb malnutrition in children under five. SR. FRANCISCA MADUBUKO Sisters of the Sacred Heart SR. ANNA CHRISTINE KIZZA [email protected] Tanzania Immaculate Heart of Mary Reparatrix [email protected] Fullness of Life Counselling and Development Initiative (FULIFE) SR. BONITA MBAWALA The Cabana memorial center is an initiative created by the sisters aims to assist people living in poverty and empower them with Tanzania Catholic Association of Sisters to consolidate funds for congregational self-reliance and to have a skills, education, microfinance, and other opportunities. The initia- [email protected] tive serves a variety of populations, including traficked persons, venue for services to the local community. Among the enterprises widows, children, young people and women. The Chapel Construction at Holistic Education Center is erecting housed at this center are the Centenary Bank, a pharmacy, and a new chapel for the sisters and the community where trainings, stationery shop. workshops and sabbatical programs will take place.

16 17 SR. GERMINA KENEEMA Zambia African Sisters for Education Collaborative (ASEC) Building the [email protected] SR. ANNA PHIRI ASEC facilitates leadership training through the Sisters Leader- Zambia Association of Sisterhoods (ZAS) [email protected] ship Development Initiative (SLDI) and provides access to higher global sisterhood education through the Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) The Zambia Association of Sisterhoods (ZAS) features 3 projects. programs. The number of sisters served in Uganda and the program The first project focuses on strengthening the institutional capacity activities taking place in the country are shared. and organization of ZAS. The second project seeks to popularize the Sustainable Development Goals through Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee. The third project is Strengthening Capacity of Women Religious in Early Childhood Development (SCORE-ECD). SR. LILIAN BAITWAKAKYE Sisters of Our Lady of Good Counsel [email protected] The HIV/AIDS Orphans and Vulnerable Children project empowers orphans and vulnerable children (including those who are HIV/ SR. PRISCA MATENGA AIDS afected) and their caretakers in the Mbarara Archdiocese. The Daughters of the Redeemer [email protected] project engages in capacity building; economic empowerment; psychosocial, spiritual, and health education; and increasing The Redeemer Primary School was constructed afer the sister’s access to formal education. The project also implements HIV/AIDS recognized a need for vulnerable children in the area to attend a prevention, care, counseling, and psychosocial support. Advocacy school closer to their homes. Additionally the sisters implemented for children’s rights, the rights of those infected and afected by HIV/ a clean water project at the school. AIDS, and for legislation that protects these individuals is another facet of the project.

SR. THERESE NYONI Little Sisters of St. Francis SR. LYDIA NAKAWUNDE [email protected] Little Sisters of St. Francis [email protected] Home of Loreto Project for Vulnerable and Marginalized Women— Alcoholics, Divorced and Sex Workers works to rehabilitate, The Mother Kevin Organic farm grows many crops and is home to a reintegrate and empower the marginalized/ vulnerable women, variety of livestock, providing increased food security and reduc- to improve quality of life of the target group, to conduct economic tion in nutrition-related diseases. The farm also acts as an income and social formation training programs, and to promote behavioral generating project and skill development program through candle change. and soap-making initiatives. Environmental conservation is also practiced on the farm.

18 19 participants

Jack Abebe Sr. Jane Awuor, SSJM Gail DeGeorge Sr. Ann Itotia, RSM Peter Laugharn Tenille Metti UN Women Empowerment Sisters of St. Joseph of Mombasa Global Sisters Report Mercy Sisters Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Kenya Kenya USA Kenya USA USA Simon Addison Sr. Marianna Barzaghi, CPPS Sr. Philomena De’sa, DHM Sr. Regina Ivayo Ivayo, BDP Kara Lemma Sr. Joyce Meyer, PBVM Trocaire The Most Precious Blood Sisters Daughters of the Heart of Mary Benedictine Divine Providence Sisters Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya USA USA Sr. Regina Adenike Oke, SSMA Sr. Mariana Bbalo, RSHS Sr. Bibiana Gweningum Feh, TSSF Sr. Margaret Jedrzejczak, MSF Melanie Lidman Donald E. Miller Sisters of St. Michael The Archangel Religious Sisters of the Holy Spirit Tertiary Sisters of St. Francis Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family Global Sisters Report USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture Nigeria Zambia Cameroon Kenya Israel USA Sr. Rosemary Adhiambo, MMS Christine Bodewes Heydi Foster Breslin Sr. Angelina Kabwe, SCJ Brie Loskota Sr. Caroline Mjomba, CPS Medical Mission Sisters Porticus Africa Misean Cara African Sisters Education Collaborative USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood Kenya Kenya Ireland Zambia USA Kenya Sr. Rose Jane Adiero, SHS Sr. Loretta Brennan, CSB Sr. Jane Frances, IBVM Charles Kariuki Fr. Ferdinand Lugonzo Makaka Sr. Eleanora Molai, HFB African Sisters Education Collaborative Tangaza University College Institute of the Blessed Virgin (Loreto Sisters) Equity Bank Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in African Sisters Education Collaborative S. Sudan Kenya Kenya Kenya Eastern Africa Lesotho Kenya Sr. Kabagimu Speciosa Adyeeri, DST Sr. Tryphina Burchard, STH Sr. Melly Frondarina, SFIC Sr. Audrey Karunanayaka, HASL Sr. Hyacintha Moopisa, HFB Daughters of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus African Sisters Education Collaborative Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Sisters of the Holy Angels’ of Sri Lanka Sr. Brenda Makokha, FMSJ Holy Family Sisters of Bordeaux Kenya Tanzania the Holy Mother of God Kenya Franciscan Missionary Sisters of St. Joseph Lesotho Kenya Sr. Dorothy Akoth, FSJ Edmund J. Cain Shaheen Kassim-Lakha Kenya Jennifer Mudge Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Nalika Gajaweera Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Sr. Joyce Maria, SABS African Sisters Education Collaborative Kenya USA USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture USA Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament USA USA Sr. Simone P. Amagnamoua, VC Sr. Bukaka Chantal, PS Sr. Josephine Keino, CFCJ Kenya Ms. Martha Mugambi Vierge Consacre Poverelle Sisters of Bergamo Fr. Thomas Gaunt Daughters of the Sacred Heart Sr. John Mary, BB Kenya Chamber of Commerce Cameroon Kenya CARA Kenya Benebikira Sisters Kenya USA Sr. Anna Amo, FST Sr. Josphina Chepkemoi, SJBS Sr. Mary Germina Keneema, MSMMC Kenya Sr. Beth Mugo, SE Daughters of the Most Blessed Trinity Servants of Jesus Present in Eucharist Paul Gichuki African Sisters Education Collaborative Sr. Leocardia Masabo, CB Sisters of Emmanuel Ghana Kenya Misean Cara Uganda Sisters of Charity of St. Charles Borromeo Kenya Kenya Sr. Maria Andrina, PRR Sr. Lucy Cheptoo, LSJ Sr. Annancietta Kiio, RNDM Kenya Mary Mugo Daughters of Our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary Little Sisters of Jesus Sr. Maria Giovanna, CBV Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions Sr. Christine Masivo, CPS World Vision Kenya Kenya Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Congregation Kenya Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood Kenya Kenya Sr. Theresa Ani, CM Sr. Mary Chimalizeni, DW Sr. Donatus Kilolo, IHM Kenya Sr. Adelina Muguna, NSA Carmelite Missionaries Daughters of Wisdom Terry Githinji Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Christ Sr. Prisca Matenga, DOR Nazareth Sisters of the Annunciation Kenya Malawi Trocaire Kenya Association of Consecrated Women in East and Kenya Kenya Sr. Benigna Aoko, FSSA Sr. Enelles Chimbali, SBVM Sr. Dorothy Kinyua, RGS Central Africa Bishop Maurice Muhatia Zambia Franciscan Sisters of St. Anna Sisters of Blessed Virgin Mary Sr. Betty Grace, LSMIG Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Council of Catholic Education Kenya Malawi Little sisters of Mary Immaculate of Gulu Shepherd Sr. Wanyiligirau Mathilde, AS Kenya Uganda Kenya Sr. Suarez Maria Mercedes Arbebesu, MMM Sr. Catherine Thaara Ciingi, IHT Abizeramariya Sisters Sr. Teresia Muhuhu, OSU Kenya Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix Institute of the Holy Trinity Sisters Josh Guenther Sr. Anne Christine Kizza, IHMR Ursuline Sisters Malawi Kenya LifeNet International Sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary Reparatrix Janet Mawiyoo Kenya Uganda Uganda Sr. Arpuda Jayaseeli Arulsamy, FIHM Sr. Delia Margo Contreras Del Toro, CMS Kenya Community Development Foundation Sr. Salome Mukami, AM Kenya Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart Comboni Missionary Sisters Sr. Faustina Hasford, SIJ Jessica Kritz Augustinian Missionary Sisters of Mary Kenya Society of the Infant Jesus Georgetown University Justus Mbae Kenya Kenya Ghana USA Sr. Francisca Damoah, SIJ Catholic University of Eastern Africa Sr. Candida Mukundi, ASN Kenya Sr. Alem Asfha, CSMR African Sisters Education Collaborative Paul Healy Sr. Margaret N. Kubanze, LSOSF Regina Pacis University College Capuchin Sisters of Mother Rubatto Ghana Trocaire Little Sisters of St Francis Sr. Bonita Mbawala, OSB Kenya Kenya Kenya Uganda Sr. Mary Abut Daniell, SHS African Benedictine Sisters of St. Agnes Sr. Bernadette Munyao, ASN Tanzania Sr. Josepha Angeline Atswele Indoko, SOM Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sr. Mary Isaac, SMI Sr. Joyce Kwamboka, SSND Assumption Sisters of Nairobi Sisters of Mary of Kakamega S. Sudan Sisters of Mary Immaculate of Nyeri School Sisters of Notre Dame Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya

20 21 Sr. Patricia Murray, IBVM Sr. M. Magadalen Ndawala, TS Sr. Philomena Nyirahuku, SH Sr. Assunta Roja, SMC Sr. Theresina Temba, LSSJ Sr. Agnes Wamuyu, FES International Union of Superior Generals (UISG) Terezian Sisters Helpers of the Holy Souls in Purgatory Missionary Sisters of the Catechism Little sisters of St. Joseph Association of Sisterhood of Kenya Rome Malawi Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Sr. Mary Musa, MSHR Sr. Susan Clare Ndeezo, LSMIG Sr. Donatilla Nyirarwanga, DMJ Sr. Veronica Rop, ASE Sr. Lettemehret Tesfai, DSA Sr. Mercy Wangari, SE Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Little Sisters of Mary Immaculate, Gulu Daughters of Mary and Joseph Assumption Sisters of Eldoret Daughters of St. Anne Sisters of Emmanuel Kenya Uganda Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Augustus Muthigani Sr. Gisele Ndekezi, FMA Sr. Clementina Nyoni, LSSF George Ruchathi Mwaniki Sr. Lucy Theresia Diu, RA Sr. Lina Wanjiku, SE National Executive Secretary, Commission for Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Little Sisters of St. Francis National Environment Trust Fund (NETFUND) Religious of the Assumption African Sisters Education Collaborative Education & Religious Education KCCB Sisters of St. John Bosco) Zambia Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Sr. Angelica Obaga, FSGS Thomas Ryan Sr. Maria Thimba, IBVM Sr. Beatrice Wanjiru Gichia, SSHJP Sr. M. Margaret Mutitu, LMSC Sr. Jane Nderi, LDSJ Franciscan Sisters of the Good Shepherd Loyola University New Orleans Loreto Sisters Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of the Poor Little Missionary Sisters of Charity Little Daughters of St. Joseph Kenya USA Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Sr. Clementina Obembe, OSF Bishop Rodrigo Mejia Saldarriaga, SJ Dickens Thunde Sr. Ann Waruguru, ASN Sr. Agnes Manga Mwakazi, SMR Sr. Teresia Ndugutu, FSHJ African Sisters Education Collaborative Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Soddo, World Vision Assumption Sisters of Nairobi Sisters of Mary Reparatrix Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus Nigeria Titular Bishop of Vulturia Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Sr. Beatrice Odinyu, CSPB Marcy Trueb Sr. Mary Purity Wawira Ireri, FE Sr. Florence Mwamba Malunga, MSOLA Sr. Benigna Ndungwa, SMMG Grace and Compassion Benedictine Sisters Sr. Alice Sambu, FSJ Catholic Relief Services Kenya & Somalia Felician Sisters Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa Sisters of Mary Mother of God Kenya Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph Kenya & Somalia Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Darius Ogutu Sr. Lydia Wachira , NSA Sabrina Wong Sr. Jane Mwangi, FMI Arif Neky Ministry of Education– Kenya Sr. Yolanda Sanchez, MC African Sisters Education Collaborative Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Dimesse Sisters United Nations– Kenya Kenya Missionaries of Charity of Mary Immaculate Kenya USA Kenya Kenya Kenya Sr. Augustina Okoroafor, SSH Sr. Esther Wairimu, LSOSF Sr. Maria Luigia Zanella, SML Sr. Mary Mwangi, SJT Sr. Brigitte Nganga, MGS Sisters of Sacred Heart Sr. Georgette Sawadogo, DDMF Little Sisters of St.Francis Sisters of St. Mary of Loreto Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes St. Maria Goretti Sisters Nigeria Donum Dei Missionary Family Kenya Kenya Kenya Tanzania Kenya David Omwoyo, KCCB Sr. Jane Wakahiu, LSOSF Sr. Esther Mwaniki, IWS Sr Cecilia Njeri, LSOSF Waumini Communications Sr. Serafina Sergi, MC African Sisters Education Collaborative Incarnate Word Sisters Little Sisters of St. Francis Kenya Consolata Missionary Sisters USA Kenya Kenya Kenya Sr. Rosa Pascal Ongachi, OSB Sr. Scholastica Mwembezi, SOLQA Sr. Jacinta Njete, PHJC Missionary Benectine Sisters Catherine Sexton Sisters of Our Lady Queen of Africa Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Kenya Margaret Beaufort Institute/ Tanzania Kenya Religious Life Research Projects Sr. Louise A.Onyeanusi, HHCJ UK Sr. Dominica Mwila , OP Sr. Mercy Njoki, MI Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart Sister Ministers of Infirm of St. Camillus Kenya Rosemary Shaver Kenya Kenya African Sisters Education Collaborative Selina Orsi-Coutts USA Brad Myers Sr. Mary Agnes Nkatha, LSSTCJ Misereor Dialogue and Partnership Services Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Little Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus (DPS) Kenya Sr. Margarita Shirima, GRAIL USA Kenya Kenya The Grail Sisters Tanzania Sr. Pauline Nakayale, FMSA Sr. Minicucci Noemi, SSV Sr. M. Agatha Osarenkhoe, EHJ Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa Sisters Servants of the Visitation Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Sr. Marcia Sichol, SHCJ Kenya Kenya Nigeria Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters USA Sr. Elizabeth Nampuntha, SBVM Sr. Monica Nthenya, ORA Sr. Lea Kavugho Paluku, OA Sisters of Blessed Virgin Mary Orante Sisters of the Assumption Oblate Sisters of the Assumption Sr. Matilda Sorkpor, HDR Malawi Kenya Kenya Handmaids of the Divine Redeemer Ghana Sr. Maria Gonzaga Namuyomba, MMM Sr. Florence Nwaonuma, SSH Sr. Anna Phiri, LSMI Medical Missionary of Mary Sisters of Sacred Heart Little Servants of Mary Immaculate Megan Sweas Kenya Nigeria Zambia USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture USA Sr. Rosemarie Nassif, SSND Sr. Anna Nyangoma, ESM Sr. Clarisse Remjika, SST Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Evangelizing Sisters of Mary African Sisters Education Collaborative Sr. Namirembe T. Theresia, DMB USA Kenya Cameroon Bannabikira (Daughters of Mary) Sisters Kenya 22 23 opening liturgy

October 17, 2016 – 5:00 pm FIRST READING

Celebrant Reading 1: Ephesians 2:1-10 Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia Brothers and sisters: You were dead in your transgres- Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Nakuru and Chair, sions and sins in which you once lived following the age Catholic Education of this world, following the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the disobedient. All of us once lived among them in the desires of our flesh, follow- ing the wishes of the flesh and the impulses, and we were ENTRANCE by nature children of wrath, like the rest.

Sing a new song unto the Lord; But God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great Let your song be sung from mountains high. love he had for us, even when we were dead in our trans- Sing a new song unto the Lord, gressions, brought us to life with Christ (by grace you Singing alleluia. have been saved), raised us up with him, and seated us with him in the heavens in Christ Jesus, that in the ages Yahweh’s people dance for joy. to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his O come before the Lord. grace in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For by grace And play for him on glad tambourines, you have been saved through faith, and this is not from And let your trumpet sound. you; it is the gif of God; it is not from works, so no one may boast. For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Rise, O children, from your sleep; Jesus for good works that God has prepared in advance, Your Savior now has come. that we should live in them. He has turned your sorrow to joy, And filled your soul with song. RESPONSORIAL Glad my soul for I have seen The glory of the Lord. Psalm 100 The trumpet sounds; the dead shall be raised. I know my Savior lives. All the earth proclaim the Lord, all the earth sing your praise to God

KYRIE Serve you the Lord, heart filled with glad-ness, Come into His Presence singing for joy O Lord have mercy x4 Jesus Christ have mercy x4 Know that the Lord is our creator, O Lord have mercy x4 Yes, he is our Father; we are His own

We are the sheep of His green pasture, For we are His people; He is our God

Enter His gates bringing thanksgiving, O enter His courts while singing His praise

Our Lord is good, His love enduring, His word is abiding now with us all 24 25 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION OFFERTORY COMMUNION

Good news today oh yes, Take Our Bread Sweet Sacrament (good news today x2), Take our bread, we ask you, Jesus my Lord, my God, my all good news of Salvation Take our hearts, we love you, How can I love thee as I ought? Take our lives, oh Father, And how revere this wondrous gif We are yours, we are yours. So far surpassing hope or thought? GOSPEL

Luke 12:13-21 Yours as we stand at the table you set, Sweet Sacrament, we Thee adore Yours as we eat the bread our hearts can’t forget. Oh make us love Thee more and more Someone in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, tell my We are the signs of your life with us yet; Oh make us love Thee more and more. brother to share the inheritance with me.” We are yours, we are yours. Had I but Mary’s sinless heart, He replied to him, “Friend, who appointed me as your Your holy people stand washed in your blood, To love Thee with, my dearest King judge and arbitrator?” Then he said to the crowd, “Take Spirit-filled, yet hungry, we await your food. Oh, with what bursts of fervent praise care to guard against all greed, for though one may be Poor though we are, we have brought ourselves to you; SIGN OF PEACE Thy goodness Jesus, would I sing! rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.” Then he We are yours, we are yours. told them a parable. “There was a rich man whose land Tunaomba Amani x2 Ah, see within a creature’s hand produced a bountiful harvest. He asked himself, ‘What Tunaomba amani x2 The vast Creator deigns to be. shall I do, for I do not have space to store my harvest?’ SANCTUS Reposing, infant-like, as though, And he said, ‘This is what I shall do: I shall tear down my Kwa Jina la Yesu tunaomba On Joseph’s arms, on Mary’s knee. barns and build larger ones. There I shall store all my Gaba mass Kwa Jina la Yesu tunaomba … grain and other goods and I shall say to myself, “Now Thy body, soul, and God head, all as for you, you have so many good things stored up for Holy Holy Holy Lord God of hosts Tunaomba furaha… O mystery of love divine many years, rest, eat, drink, be merry!” But God said Heaven and earth Tunaomba upendo… I cannot compass all I have to him, ‘You fool, this night your life will be demanded of Heaven and earth are filled with your glory Tunaomba Baraka… For all thou hast and art are mine you; and the things you have prepared, to whom Tunaomba fadhili… they will belong?’ Thus will it be for the one who stores up Hosanna, Hosanna x2 in the highest x2 Sound, sound His praises higher still treasure for himself but is not rich in what matters And come, ye angels, to our aid to God.” Blessed is he – LAMB OF GOD ‘Tis God, ‘tis God, the very God Blessed is he who comes in the Lords name Whose power both man and angels made. Hosanna… O Lamb of God, you who take away INTERCESSION The sins of the world, have mercy Have mercy on us x2 PROCLAMATION OF FAITH O Lamb of God, you who take away Lord – Lord by your Cross The sins of the world, And – and Resurrection O grant us, O grant us peace. You have – you have set us free You are the Savior of the world

26 27 closing liturgy

Soul of My Savior Hushusha wote wenye vyeo, October 18, 2016 GLORIA Kutoka vitini vya enzi, Soul of my savior, sanctify my breast. Nao wote wanyenyekevu Celebrant Utukufu juu kwa Mungu, Utukufu juu Mbinguni Body of Christ, be thou my saving guest. Wote hao huwainua Bishop Rodrigo Mejía Saldarriaga, S.J. Na amani kote duniani, Kwa wenye mapenzi mema Blood of my Saviour, bathe me in thy tide. Huwa shibisha wenye njaa, Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Soddo Wash me with waters, flowing from his side. Na matajiri huwaacha, Titular Bishop of Vulturia Tunakusifu tunakuheshimu, Waende mikono mitupu tunakuabudu tunakutukuza Strength and protection, may thy passion be. Twakushukuru kwa ajili, ya utukufu wako mkuu Oh blessed Jesus, hear and answer me. Hulilinda taifa lake Deep in thy wounds Lord, hide and shelter me Teule na mtumishi wake, Ewe Mungu ndiye mfalme, wa mbinguni Baba mwenyezi So shall I never, never part from thee. ENTRANCE ‘Kikumbuka huruma yake. Ewe Bwana Yesu Kristu, wapekee mwana wa baba Enter, rejoice, and come in x2 Guard and defend me, from the foe malign. Kama alivyowahidia, Ewe Yesu mwana kondoo, wa Mungu mwana wa Baba In death’s dread moments, make me only thine. Babu zetu kawahidia, Today will be a joyful day; enter, rejoice and come in. Ewe mwenye kuziondoa, dhambi zetu tuhurumie Call me and bid me, come to thee on high. Ibrahim na uzao wake. Where I may praise thee, with thy saints for aye. Lif up your hearts to the Lord… Ewe mwenye kuziondoa, za dunia dhambi za watu Atukuzwe Baba na Mwana, Ewe mwenye rehema nyingi, upokee maombi yetu Naye Roho mtakatifu, Open your hearts to all men… THANKSGIVING Leo kesho hata milele, Uketiye kuume kwake, Mungu Baba tuhurumie Kwa shangwe milele amina. Kwa kuwa ndiwe uliye, peke yako Mtakatifu Moyo Wangu Wamtukuza Bwana Sing alleluia… Bass (Moyo)-Moyo wangu wamtukuza Bwana Peke yako ni wewe Bwana, peke yako Bwana mkuu Bass (Roho)- Roho yangu inafurahi EXIT KYRIE Peke yako ni mkombozi, peke yako Yesu Kristu

Kwa kuwa amemwangalia Holy Virgin by God’s decree, you were called eternally; Bwana Bwana utuhurumie ee Bwana – Naye Roho Mtakatifu, katika utukufu wake Kwa huruma mtumishi wake, That He could give, His Son to our race, Mary we praise Bwana (Bwana) Bwana, Bwana utuhurumie Mungu mmoja anayeishi, na kutawala milele yote. Hivyo tangu sasa watu wote, you hail full of grace Kristu Krsitu utuhurumie eeKrsitu – Wataniita mwenye heri. Kristu (Kristu) Krsitu utuhurumie REFRAIN: ave, ave, ave Maria Bwana Bwana utuhurumie ee Bwana – Kwa sababu Mwenyezi Mungu, Bwana (Bwana) Bwana, Bwana utuhurumie Amenifanyia makuu By our faith and loving accord, Jina lake ni takatifu as the handmaid of the Lord; You undertook God’s plan to embrace, Huruma yake nikwa wote, Mary we thank you hail full of grace Wote wale wanaomcha Kizazi hata na kizazi Refuge for your children so weak so weak, sure protection all can seek; Huyatenda mambo makuu, Problems of life you help us to face, Kwa nguvu za mkono wake Mary we trust you hail full of grace Wenye kiburi huta wanya. To our needy world of today, love and beauty you portray; Showing the path to Christ we must trace, Mary our mother hail full of grace

28 29 FIRST READING The Lord is just in all his ways and holy in all his works. GENERAL INTERCESSION SANCTUS The Lord is near to all who call upon him, to all who call 2 Timothy 4:10-17b upon him in truth. RESPONSE: God our Father hear our prayer, Holy holy holy, Lord God Almighty R: Your friends make known, O Lord, hear us God the Son, The Angels are singing hosanna in the highest x2 Beloved: Demas, enamored of the present world, the glorious splendor of your Kingdom. Holy Spirit hear our prayer, mercy on your people Lord deserted me and went to Thessalonica, Crescens to Heaven and earth – are filled with your glory Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. Luke is the only one with GOSPEL ACCLAMATION OFFERTORY SONG We sing with the Angels hosanna in the highest x2 me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is helpful to me in the ministry. I have sent Tychicus to Ephesus. Praise God alleluia, praise God amen x2 alleluia, Utukuzwe ewe Baba Mungu utukuzwe – alleluia Hosanna in the highest x2 When you come, bring the cloak I lef with Carpus in alleluia, alleluia amen x2 Kwani Yesu mfufuka ametualika – alleluia We sing with the Angels hosanna in the highest x2 Troas, the papyrus rolls, and especially the parchments.

Alexander the coppersmith did me a great deal of harm; Utukuzwe – utukuzwe Blessed is He – who comes in the Lord’s Name the Lord will repay him according to his deeds. You too GOSPEL Baba Muumba ulimwengu – aleluya We sing with the Angels hosanna in the highest x2 be on guard against him, for he has strongly resisted our preaching. At my first defense no one appeared on my Luke 10:1-9 God our father accept this gif of bread – alleluia behalf, but everyone deserted me. Which we ofer as a sign of our love – alleluia PROCLAMATION OF FAITH The Lord Jesus appointed seventy-two disciples May it not be held against them! But the Lord stood by whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town Accept oh Lord – accept oh Lord He is Lord x2 He is risen from the dead he is Lord me and gave me strength, so that through me the and place he intended to visit. This gif of bread and wine – alleluia. Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess proclamation might be completed and all the Gentiles That Jesus Christ is the Lord might hear it. He said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the God our father accept this gif of wine – alleluia laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send Which we ofer as a sign of our love – alleluia out laborers for his harvest. SIGN OF PEACE RESPONSORIAL Tumepokea mkate, mazao ya mashamba - Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs Ndiyo alama kwetu, ya wema wako mkuu – Peace is flowing like a river, flowing out to you and me – Psalm 145 among wolves. Spreading out into the desert, Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals; and greet no RESPONSE: Your friends make known, O Lord, Utukuzwe – utukuzwe Setting all the captives free. one along the way. the glorious splendor of your Kingdom. Baba Muumba ulimwengu – aleluya Love is flowing... Into whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this Grace is flowing... household.’ Let all your works give you thanks, Ni tunda la bidii, ya mkono na ya moyo - O Lord, and let your faithful ones bless you. Jalie iwe kwetu, chakula cha uzima – Amani ya mungu kweli ni ya – ni ya ajabu x2 If a peaceful person lives there, your peace will rest on Let them discourse of the glory of your Kingdom and him; but if not, it will return to you. speak of your might. Zawadi ya divai, kutoka mizabibu - Yaweza kwenda mbele, yaweza kwenda nyuma Stay in the same house and eat and drink what is ofered R: Your friends make known, O Lord, Ndiyo alama kwetu, ya wema wako mkuu – Yaweza kwenda juu, yaweza kwenda chini to you, for the laborer deserves payment. the glorious splendor of your Kingdom. Upande upande kwa mataifa yote Do not move about from one house to another. Whatever Ni tunda la bidii, ya mkono na ya moyo - town you enter and they welcome you, eat what is set Making known to men your might and the glorious splen- Jalie iwe kwetu, kinywaji cha kiroho – Upendo wa Mungu kweli niwa – niwa ajabu before you, cure the sick in it and say to them, ‘The King- dor of your Kingdom. Furaha ya Mungu kweli niya – niya ajabu dom of God is at hand for you.” Your Kingdom is a Kingdom for all ages, Baraka ya Mungu kweli niya – niya ajabu and your dominion endures through all generations. R: Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of your Kingdom.

30 31 LAMB OF GOD Let Your Living Waters Christ Be Beside Me Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer. Christ be beside me, Christ be before me, Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. Let your living water flow over my soul, In his arms he’ll take and shield you; Christ be behind me, King of my heart. Have mercy on us, merciful Lord x2 Let your Holy Spirit come and take control, You will find a solace there. Christ be within me, Christ be below me, have mercy on us x2 of every situation that has troubled my mind, Christ be above me, never to part. All my cares and burdens on to you I roll. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. THANKSGIVING Christ on my right hand, Christ on my lef hand, O grant us peace, merciful Lord x2 Jesus – Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ all around me, shield in the strife. O grant us your peace Abba Father – Father, Father, Father Bwana nakushukuru asante x2 Christ in my sleeping, Christ in my sitting, Holy Spirit – Spirit, Spirit, Spirit Pendo lako kwangu kubwa sana x2 Christ in my rising, light of my heart. COMMUNION SONGS Give your life to Jesus, let Him fill your soul, Umenilisha mwili wako na damu yako Christ be in all hearts thinking about me, Let Him take you in His arms and make you whole, (Bwana) ili ni nipate uzima wa milele Christ be on all tongues telling of me. My God loves me. As you give your life to Him, He’ll set you free, (Ewe) Bwana nakushukuru asante Christ be the vision in eyes that see me, His love will never end. You will live and reign with Him eternally. Nitakulipa nini mimi Mwokozi wangu, He rests within my heart In ears that hear me Christ ever be. kwa mema yote ambayo wanijalia For my God loves me. Come now Holy Spirit and take control, Bwana nakushukuru asante Hold me in your loving arms and make me whole, What A Friend We Have in Jesus His gentle hand Wipe away all doubt and fear and take my pride, Bwana nakushukuru asante x2 He stretches over me. Draw me to your love and keep me by your side. Kwani umenilisha mwilio x2 Though storm-clouds threaten the day What a friend we have in Jesus He will set me free. All our sins and griefs to bear Bwana nakushukuru asante x2 And what a privilege to carry Kwani umeninywesha na damuyo x2 He comes to me Everything to God in prayer In sharing bread and wine. Oh, what peace we ofen forfeit He brings me life that will reach EXIT Past the end of time. Oh, what needless pain we bear All because we do not carry Papal Anthem (DO NOT BE AFRAID) My God loves me, Everything to God in prayer Simama imara katika Imani x2 His faithful love endures. Usiogope, usiogope, usiogope tulia katika maombi And I will live like a child Have we trials and temptations? (do not be afraid x2 do not be afraid Held in love secure. Is there trouble anywhere? Stand strong in faith) We should never be discouraged Watesi wako wanapokuzunguka, The joys of love Take it to the Lord in prayer moyo wako usiwe na hofu As oferings now we bring. Umtumaini Mwokozi Yesu, ewe mteule The pains of love will be lost Can we find a friend so faithful? In the praise we sing. Who will all our sorrows share? Hata shetani abishe kwako mpenzi, Jesus knows our every weakness moyo wako usiwe na hofu Take it to the Lord in prayer Umtumaini Mwokozi Yesu, ewe mteule

Are we weak and heavy laden, Uwapo kwenye giza totoro, moyo wako usiwe na hofu Cumbered with a load of care? Umtumaini Mwokozi Yesu, ewe mteule Precious Savior, still our refuge Take it to the Lord in prayer.

32 33 blessings and departure

October 19, 2016 FIRST READING Give thanks to the LORD, acclaim his name; among make preparations nor act in accord with his will shall the nations make known his deeds, proclaim how be beaten severely; and the servant who was ignorant of Celebrant 1 Ephesians 3:2-12 exalted is his name. his master’s will but acted in a way deserving of a severe R: You will draw water joyfully from the springs beating shall be beaten only lightly. Much will be required Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Lugonzo Brothers and sisters: You have heard of the stewardship of salvation. of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be Secretary General AMECEA of God’s grace that was given to me for your benefit, demanded of the person entrusted with more.” namely, that the mystery was made known to me by Sing praise to the LORD for his glorious achievement; revelation, as I have written briefly earlier. When you read let this be known throughout all the earth. ENTRANCE this you can understand my insight into the mystery of Shout with exultation, O city of Zion, for great in your OFFERTORY Christ, which was not made known to human beings in midst is the Holy One of Israel! What a joyful day other generations as it has now been revealed to his holy R: You will draw water joyfully from the springs All our joys Lord take and bless, What a joyful day – Apostles and prophets by the Spirit, that the Gentiles are of salvation. All our sorrows Lord take and bless, Joyful day what a joyful day, coheirs, members of the same Body, and copartners in All our lives Lord take and bless, We dance to the Lord x2 the promise in Christ Jesus through the Gospel. Of this O Lord come and bless I became a minister by the gif of God’s grace that was ACCLAMATION Before the Father – sing alleluia granted me in accord with the exercise of his power. To Bless the poor Lord, bless the poor, Creator of all – me, the very least of all the holy ones, this grace was Alleluia, alleluia. Heal the sick lord heal the sick, Before the Father – given, to preach to the Gentiles the inscrutable riches of Stay awake! For you do not know on which day Free the sufering Lord free them all, Praising the Father – Christ, and to bring to light for all what is the plan of the your Lord will come. O Lord free them all mystery hidden from ages past in God who created all Alleluia, alleluia. Jesus is with us – things, so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be Feed the hungry Lord feed them all, Mary is with us – made known through the Church to the principalities and Help the lonely Lord help them all, Francis is with us – authorities in the heavens. GOSPEL Feed the hungry Lord feed them all, Clare is with us – This was according to the eternal purpose that he ac- O Lord feed them all complished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have Luke 12:39-48 Angels are with us – boldness of speech and confidence of access through Give us peace Lord give us peace Praising the Father – faith in him. Jesus said to his disciples: “Be sure of this: if the master Teach us love Lord teach us love, The saints are with us – of the house had known the hour when the thief was In your love Lord make us one, Praising the Father – coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. O Lord make us one RESPONSORIAL You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not ex- All creatures of God – pect, the Son of Man will come.” Then Peter said, “Lord, is Sisters and brothers – Psalm Isaiah 12: 2-3 this parable meant for us or for everyone?” And the Lord SANCTUS We people of God – replied, “Who, then, is the faithful and prudent steward Praising the Father – RESPONSE: You will draw water joyfully from the springs whom the master will put in charge of his servants to Gaba mass of salvation. distribute the food allowance at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master on arrival finds doing Holy Holy – Holy Lord God of hosts God indeed is my savior; so. Truly, I say to you, he will put him in charge of all his Heaven and earth – I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my courage property. But if that servant says to himself, ‘My master is Heaven and earth are filled with your glory is the Lord, and he has been my savior. With joy you will delayed in coming,’ and begins to beat the menservants draw water at the fountain of salvation. and the maidservants, to eat and drink and get drunk, Ho-sa-na – Hosa-na x2 in the highest x2 R: You will draw water joyfully from the springs then that servant’s master will come on an unexpected of salvation. day and at an unknown hour and will punish the ser- Blessed is he – vant severely and assign him a place with the unfaithful. Blessed is he who comes in the Lords name That servant who knew his master’s will but did not

34 35 PROCLAMATION OF FAITH Sweet Sacrament divine, COMMISSIONING Afer commissioning: Earth’s light and jubilee, I, the Lord of sea and sky, Keep in mind that Jesus Christ has died for us, In thy far depths doth shine Lighting of candles I have heard My people cry. and is risen from the dead; The Godhead’s majesty; Wake up my people, wake up give a shout All who dwell in dark and sin, He is our saving Lord, He is Lord for all ages Sweet light, so shine on us, we pray Wake up my people know what life’s about and, My hand will save. That earthly joys may fade away: Wake up to the needs of all the ones who sufer sorrow, I who made the stars of night, Sweet Sacrament divine. wake up! I will make their darkness bright. COMMUNION Promise now to do your best to change tomorrow, Who will bear my light to them? Wake up my people, and open every door, wake up! Whom shall I send? Roho yangu Yesu inakutamani njoo kwangu My God loves me Its time now; Love my people ever more Yesu unipe heri x2 Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord? My God loves me. All across the nation people are waiting I have heard you calling in the night. Nakupenda kwani wewe mwema, uniimarishe siku zote His love will never end. Hungry people starving, waiting hopefully I will go Lord, if you lead me. Uje kwangu Yesu nakungoja, kwani wewe u rafiki mkuu He rests within my heart Wake up to my people; share your table with them; I will hold your people in my heart. Maumbo ya mkate na divai, umo ndani kweli nasadiki For my God loves me. As ofen as you do these things, you do the same for me. Na uzidi Yesu kuwa nami, unipe uzima wa milele I, the Lord of snow and rain, His gentle hand Living in our cities, people are waiting I have borne my peoples pain. He stretches over me. People are lonely waiting hopefully I have wept for love of them, they turn away. Sweet sacrament divine Though storm-clouds threaten the day Wake up to my people; listen to their story; I will break their hearts of stone, He will set me free. Sweet Sacrament divine, As ofen as you do these things, you do the same for me. Give them hearts for love alone. Hid in thine earthly home; I will speak My word to them, He comes to me Lo! round thy lowly shrine, Even in our families people are waiting Whom shall I send? In sharing bread and wine. With suppliant hearts we come; Someone might be crying waiting hopefully He brings me life that will reach Jesus, to thee our voice we raise Wake up to my people! dry their tears of sorrow; I, the Lord of wind and flame, Past the end of time. In songs of love and heartfelt praise As ofen as you do these things, you do the same for me. I will tend the poor and lame. Sweet Sacrament divine. I will set a feast for them, My God loves me, My hand will save His faithful love endures. Sweet Sacrament of peace, While holding the candles — before commissioning: Finest bread I will provide, And I will live like a child Dear home of every heart, Till their hearts be satisfied. Held in love secure. Salve, Regina, mater misericordiae: Where restless yearnings cease, I will give My life to them, Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. And sorrows all depart. Whom shall I send? The joys of love Ad te clamamus, exsules, filii Hevae. There in thine ear, all trustfully, As oferings now we bring. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes We tell our tale of misery, The pains of love will be lost in hac lacrimarum valle. Sweet Sacrament of peace. In the praise we sing. Eia ergo, Advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos Sweet Sacrament of rest, ad nos converte. Ark from the ocean’s roar, Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, Within thy shelter blest nobis, post hoc exsilium ostende. Soon may we reach the shore; O clemens: O pia: O dulcis Save us, for still the tempest raves, Virgo Maria. Save, lest we sink beneath the waves: Sweet Sacrament of rest.

36 37 Stand Together How Many Times Stand together for what you believe How many times must my people exist. Work for what must be done Before they know they are one Love each other in all that you do How many times their blood must be shed Till all my people are one Before they know that it’s mine Spread the peace my people, How many times must you break my bread. Spread it everywhere, Before you give me to eat Make the world know right from wrong, Help the world to care The answer my friend, is living in us all The answer is living in us all Cry out the sound of freedom, Make every sound be heard, How many times must the sick look up. People crying painfully, And find there’s no one to care Hear their every work. How many times must I stumble and fall Before you ofer your hand Open your hearts my people, How many times must I reach through these bars. Lend a willing hand, Before you give me the keys Show the lonely and the poor, That God is in our land. How many times a curtain must be drawn Before you know I’m behind Sing out the joy of living, How many times must I wander alone. Sing your song on high, Before you call me a friend The truth of man is that he, Where you are gathered there in my name Was born to live not die I am there in your midst

38 39 Conrad N. Hilton Foundation African Sisters USC Center for Religion Education Collaborative and Civic Culture The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation The mission of ASEC is to facilitate The USC Center for Religion and was created in 1944 by international access to education for women Civic Culture is a research and business pioneer Conrad N. Hilton, religious in Africa that leads to training center that explores how who founded Hilton Hotels and lef enhancement and expansion of religions change and make change his fortune to help the world’s dis- the education, health, economic, in Southern California and across advantaged and vulnerable people. social, environmental and spiritual the globe. Our interdisciplinary The Hilton Foundation currently services they provide. ASEC has four research supports training programs, conducts strategic initiatives in six core programs which empower and evaluation work and strategic priority areas: providing safe water, educate sisters in Africa. The Sisters consulting. Our understanding of ending chronic homelessness, Leadership Development Initiative religious developments allows us preventing substance use, helping (SLDI) enhances sisters’ ability to to help faith groups engage with children afected by HIV and AIDS, confront emerging issues in their the wider society. We also help supporting transition-age youth in countries through technological, academics, civic organizations, foster care, and extending Conrad administrative, and financial train- government foundations and busi- Hilton’s support for the work of ing; Higher Education for Sisters in nesses engage with faith groups. Catholic Sisters. The Catholic Sisters Africa (HESA) provides sisters access Some of our recent and ongoing Strategic Initiative aims to build a to undergraduate and master’s work includes building capacity global sisterhood that advances level education in academic fields in Muslim and African American sustainable human development. relevant to their ministries and and Latino Christian communities, Like Conrad Hilton, the Catholic congregations; Scholarship Program scholarly research on Pentecostalism Sisters Strategic Initiative recognizes provides two-year scholarships for in the global South, bridging sisters as resourceful, eficient and sisters to complete high school or a governmental and congregational powerful agents of social change. college diploma; Service Learning disaster preparedness and response program provides opportunities for programs, and a large study of U.S. college students and sisters to religious (and irreligious) creativity Don Miller travel to countries served by ASEC in Southern California and Seoul. for 2-week spirituality-based immer- sion experiences. PHOTOGRAPHY: Margi Denton Denton Margi DESIGN:

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